#the 'dumped into a garbage can' move haha
ttwt episode 8
“Last time, on Total Takes World Tour: the teens competed in an all-out race from Wales- the place, not the animal, MAL- to England, where they were “rewarded” with a delicious helping of classic British cuisine. Sha-Mod came to terms with his face, and a 35,000 foot drop after he was unanimously eliminated- or was he? Haha. Mystery and drama make a great combination, and we’re serving them to you- right here, right now, on Total Takes: World Tour!”
Michela pokes at her gelatinous helping of eggs from the galley. She moves down the line, dumping a portion of furry oatmeal on her plate before giving up, dropping the whole thing in the garbage and sitting with a cup of warm water. 
“Not hungry?” Albert asks, separating his own oatmeal into bite-size chunks. 
“Not really. I feel really bad about what happened to Sha-Mod,” she sighs. “It had to be Patrick- he tampered with the votes. We all agreed to vote for him.”
Albert looks across the room to where Patrick is leaning against the wall, nodding his head along with whatever music is playing over his Walkman. 
“I’m not mistrusting your judgment, but… him? He’s not exactly the brightest bulb in the bunch,”
“He has a track record,” she says, glaring at him. “And he knew we were going to vote for him.”
Albert shrugs. From across the room, Max squints. 
MAX: “Everyone thinks he’s sooo great, Mr. “I put Chris in jail!”. Well, I’m not falling for that. There’s something off about him. I'm going to figure out what. This is possibly my greatest case yet,” he pulls out a deerstalker cap and puts it on confidently.
Bonnie nudges his shoulder. “Lay off, man. Try not to think about it so much,”
“It’s not that, it’s… never mind,” he sighs. “Let’s just focus on the challenge today. I’m sick of economy.”
The two turn back to their team, who are drifting around nervously. Staci looks exhausted, barely holding her head up over her bacon and eggs. Kelly is at her side, watching over her nervously, and Phillip is sitting under the table. 
“Not looking too good,” Bonnie sighs. “I wish Caesar were here.”
Max shrugs and begins walking back to the group. “That makes one of us,”
BONNIE: “In a way, I really do appreciate Max’s complete apathy towards me and Caesar- sure, it’s rude, and he’s a little prick, but at least he’s not being borderline obsessive over us,”
Bonnie follows shortly after and takes a seat on Staci’s other side. She immediately turns to them. “Bonnie, can I ask for some advice?”
They grumble, and then sigh. “Fine,”
“Well… I’ve read all about leadership, communication, and effective group work, and I still can’t get anyone to listen. What should I do?”
“How should I know?” Bonnie asks, raising an eyebrow. 
“I-I just mean… you seem so confident… I could’ve never done what you did. Confessing your feelings on national TV,”
“International!” Max corrects from across the table. Bonnie glares at him. 
“It’s not like that. That wasn’t me being… brave, or whatever, I was forced to. I hated every second of it!”
“But you still did, and you made it look so cool…” Staci says nervously, twiddling their thumbs and looking down at their lap. 
Bonnie sighs. “Okay, just… try not to think too hard about it. You can’t force yourself to be good at something, right?”
“Disagree,” Max says. Bonnie glares again. 
“Ignore him. Just don’t expect reading to teach you everything,” they shrug, then get up and move to the other side of the table. 
STACI: “Um, I mean, no offense, but reading is kind of my thing. Do you know how many kin guides I’ve written? Reading is a prerequisite to experience, not the other way around! But... if that's what it takes...”
First class is unusually tense this morning. 
Ass and Courtney are both awake, but there’s no bickering, no disagreements, not even any snide comments- rather, they’re both focused on the blonde across the cabin. 
Julia is pacing back and forth murmuring to herself. 
JULIA: “Big surprise, Patrick tampered with the votes. I don’t know why I didn’t see this coming,” she pauses to sigh. “I guess if you want something done, you gotta do it yourself.”
Back in economy, Michela watches as the plane begins landing over a great expanse of green, her eyes wide. “This looks a lot like-”
“That’s right! Welcome to Quebec, Canada!” Chris’ voice blares over the intercom. 
The rest of economy class crowd around Michela and oohs at the trees and rivers beneath them as the plane begins its descent. 
The pink-haired girl takes a seat and buckles in as the altitude decreases. “Hopefully this’ll be easy,”
“Easy?” Albert asks, fidgeting with his seatbelt. 
“My family is French, most of us live in Quebec,” she shrugs. “In Island I was apparently the fan favorite from the province, so maybe Chris’ll throw us a bone.”
“I wouldn’t get your hopes up, honey,” Patrick chuckles. He’s standing in front of the two, hands on his hips. “There are no free handouts in life, I- YEOWWWWWW!”
He screams as the plane nosedives and sends him flying around the cabin. Neither Michela nor Albert look very concerned with helping him. 
Bonnie ducks as Patrick goes flying overhead, smacking against the walls like he’s stuck in a pinball machine. “Hey, watch it!”
“Can you guys PLEASE get him under control!” Staci shouts. Michela shrugs. 
She scoffs and turns to her team. “Well, I’d never do that to you guys. Not even you, Phillip,”
He beams. “You… wouldn’t let me die?”
“Of course not! You’re a part of the team,”
Phillip grins and reaches under his seat for his notebook (just in time for Patrick to go flying over his spot). “I drew these for you,” he says, handing Staci a stack of crude crayon drawings. Most of them are of oddly shaped horses, but one is a self portrait. 
“Aww, that’s so sweet!” they say, rifling through the pages. “And this is a great self-portrait. Is your real name Alejandro?”
He shrugs bashfully. “No, but I really see myself in Alejandro from the original show. He’s literally me,”
Staci’s eyes go wide. “Oh. My. Gosh! You’re a fellow kinnie!”
“A what?”
She squeals and claps her hands. Max looks suicidal. 
“Do you have Tumblr? We should follow each other’s blogs. I’m a Staci kin, but since TTI I’ve also started kinning Topher, Gwen, Brick, Dawn…” she counts off the list on her fingers. “Basically, I’m expanding my kin horizons and I’ve never met a kinnie IRL!”
“This is torture. Kill me, please,” Max says to Bonnie. 
They grunt, putting their hands over their ears. “Let’s make a pact,”
“Bienvenue and welcome to beautiful Quebec!” Chris says as the teens exit the plane. 
Michela raises an eyebrow. “That was just “welcome” twice,”
“Whatever. Your challenge today is a simple two-parter- you’ll start here, in the rolling forests of beautiful Canada, with these,” he holds up three buckets, and three taps, tossing one of each to each team. “Fun fact: Quebec is the number one producer of maple syrup in the entire world. Today, you guys will be continuing that tradition!”
“You seriously expect us to get sap with these?” Courtney holds up the thin metal tap. 
“Uh-huh, not to mention boiling it and filtering it to perfection to get that tasty syrup. Your results will be criticized by Judge Chef,” he jabs his thumb backwards, to where Chef is sitting at a table in the woods. “And then we’ll move on to your next challenge.”
Michela raises a hand. “But… it’s summer,”
“An excellent point from our resident North American Frenchie,” Chris says, pointing a finger in her direction. “Since trees are tapped in late winter, we’ve hidden some special, man-made trees ready for sapping around the woods. You gotta find ‘em.” he chuckles. 
The teens groan. A warm breeze pushes through the trees, and a bird squawks overhead. 
“Enough whining. Now get to it!”
After a beat, the teams start wandering off, walking alongside each other cautiously. Team Yaoi starts off in the lead, heading north. “So… does anyone have any idea how to tap a tree?” Courtney asks. 
“Don’t you just ram it in there and the… stuff comes out?” Ass shrugs. 
“Sap. And don’t make it sound so crude, there has to be some method to it,”
“Sure! It’s called taking the tap, and shoving it into the tree!”
“You are so insufferable!”
Ass and Courtney begin bickering uninterrupted while Julia murmurs to herself, walking ahead of them with Mal shortly behind. “We can’t lose, can’t lose again,”
“Sure thing. Now try telling those idiots that,” Mal says, snorting. “But Assney is trending again, so at least they’re doing something.”
“That means literally nothing to me,” Julia sighs. 
The sun is bright and warm today, making the trek through the woods almost pleasant for Team Friendship- in fact, today is the first day in a long time where the air surrounding the group is actually friendly. 
Bonnie and Max are inadvertently leading the rest, making snide remarks about the other teams (particularly a certain ferocious blonde and an environmentalist). Close behind them, Staci and Phillip are discussing fandom politics. 
Far behind the rest of the group, Kelly trudges along. 
KELLY: “Did I do something wrong? Is there a reason why everyone’s moving on without me? I-I mean, in the literal sense. They’re walking fast. Nothing else!”
“Up there!” Bonnie says, pointing ahead. A large, obviously metallic tree is sticking out of the ground. A bird lands on one of its branches and gets electrocuted. 
“I think we’re the first team to find ours- let’s hurry!” Staci says, running ahead. The team follows behind her as a familiar ding indicates everyone’s fears coming true- song time. 
“We’re heading down to Quebec, those cold eastern woods!” Bonnie sings, tossing the tap to Max. 
He catches it and sets down the bucket. “We’ll take the sap, make it sweet, and boil that syrup good!”
Across the woods, Courtney flicks their team’s tap. “I can’t get a drop to spare, so we better find a plan!”
Ass shoves them out of the way and bounces a rock in their palm. “It’s gotta be deeper, further, in that trunk, so move your little hands,” Courtney jumps out of the way as Ass starts pounding in the tap with a rock. “In! In! In!”
“It’s a sap shanty, and it’s darn catchy!” Julia sings along. “Come on, people, let’s win!”
Further in the woods, Albert screws their tap into a metal tree and a clear liquid begins to pour out of it. Patrick gives him a heavy punch on the shoulder. “Man, you’re a basket case, but you sure can tap a tree!”
Michela shoves a finger in Patrick’s face. “Watch it, man, I’m onto you, you’re not fooling me!” 
He rolls his eyes. 
Back across the woods, liquid finally begins pouring from the metal husk. Team Friendship cheers. “Winning to-day, teamies, first class here we come!”
Back over at Team Yaoi, Julia picks up. “Let’s win this thing, keep singing, I’ll trash that lying scum!”
Albert finishes filling their quota and pulls the tap from the tree, thanks it, then sings. “It’s a sap shanty, and it’s darn catchy!” Michela picks up Team Mojo’s bucketful of sap and begins running back to the plane. “C’est un chanson de sève, et c’est mag-ni-fique!”
All three teams stop at the plane at the same time, panting as the song ends. Michela stands first. “Alright, let’s go!” 
The other groupings follow, finding their supplies already laid out for them and their instructions ready. Staci takes the sheet and squints. “Crap, this is in French,”
“Quebecois French,” Max corrects, setting down their bucket. He takes the pamphlet from them. “I took four years of European French. How much different could it be?”
Michela snorts at him from where Team Mojo is set up. He looks up at her with wide eyes and she salutes him with a smile. “Mets-en!”
Team Friendship turns to Max and he sighs. “Okay, maybe a little different. But this is an instruction manual, surely it's intelligable?”
“We’ll see,” Bonnie mumbles. 
Julia blinks at her team's instructions. “Um… Mal, how long would it take to translate all this?”
“I could just image translate it,” she says, not bothering to look up from her phone. Julia opens her mouth. “-If my camera wasn’t shattered.”
She sighs. Courtney raises an eyebrow. “How do you break a phone camera?”
“Bonnie caught me taking pictures and smashed it with a hammer,” Mal sulks. 
“Great! Just great! Dumb goth,” Julia murmurs. “Whatever, it’s fine. All we need are numbers, right? Temperatures and times or whatever?”
Ass and Courtney look between each other, and then shrug. 
The table Chef is sitting at is far too fancy for the show- covered in a white table cloth, adorned with a porcelain vase full of lilies. Chris sits at the edge of the surface, whistling and picking at his nails. 
“Sooo… you see that new show?” the host asks nonchalantly. 
Chef shakes his head. “Not gonna, it seems confusing. What do you care?”
“Just making conversation, dude. Oh, here we go- Team Mojo!”
Michela, Albert, and Patrick run up with a small vial of warm brown liquid. The pink-haired girl sets it down on the table and then phews, wiping her forehead. 
Chef uncorks the glass and dips his pinkie finger in it, giving it a light taste. The team watches in anticipation as he smacks the flavor around his mouth, then: gives a thumbs up. “10/10,” 
Albert and Michela cheer, and even Patrick cracks a small smile. 
“Mojos, you may move on to the next part of the challenge,” Chris says. “If you’ll continue left, you’ll find a stage waiting for you.”
They high five and run off. Team Friendship runs up next, their syrup more apple juice-like in color and consistency. 
Chef gives the team an odd look, but tastes it anyway. He shrugs. “Edible. 6/10. Move on!”
Team Friendship huffs and keeps running. “Good work, Max!” Staci says. He rolls his eyes and catches up to Bonnie. 
“Is it just me, or is Staci totally kissing my ass today?”
Bonnie shrugs. “She’s looking for guidance. You’re kind of a natural leader,”
“Don’t flatter me,”
“I’m being serious. I couldn’t do half the stuff you do,” they say. “I wish people would go to you instead of me.”
He rolls his eyes. “You know, at some point you’re going to have to accept that people actually like you now,”
They scoff. “Oh, whatever,”
“Look at them,” he whispers harshly. They turn back to the group behind them. “They worship the ground you walk on.”
Bonnie gives him a glare. “Keep dreaming, Pachmann,”
“Your last name is Pachmann?” Phillip asks from ahead of them. “Like the video game guy?”
“Yes! Shut up!” Max shouts, then turns to Bonnie. “I told you that in confidence! How would you feel if I started going around reminding everyone Bonnie is short for-”
Bonnie puts their hands up. “Alright! Point taken! Let's just drop this, okay?” and they speed up.
Last to arrive at the judgment table is Team Yaoi, who are looking exhausted and frazzled. Julia drags Mal behind her, who has a glass vial of something solid stuck to her right shoulder. 
“And if you had been watching the pan, it wouldn’t have over-boiled!” Courtney shouts, pointing in Ass’ face. 
They scoff. “And if you had stopped nitpicking, I could’ve actually paid attention! Backseat driver much?”
Courtney gasps in offense and the two keep bickering. Julia picks up Mal by the scruff and sets her on the table. “Bon. Appetit,” she huffs, stepping back. 
Chef raises an eyebrow, staring at the sticky mess on Mal’s arm, then the crystalized syrup. He shakes his head. “Inedible. 0/10!”
“You guys are lucky we’re on a schedule,” Chris says, tapping his watch. “I was really looking forward to sending you back to the woods for another try. You got lucky- onto the next part of the challenge!”
Julia groans in exasperation and picks Mal up again, dragging her off. 
“Another vibrant part of Quebecois life are the arts- particularly the dance,” Chris explains, pacing a hastily-constructed stage. “Today, you’ll be dancing La Bastringue- a traditional folk dance that you’ll need to work together for- Team Yaoi!” 
Julia rolls her eyes. Chris goes on: “This is both a group and a duo project- which means you’ll be sorting yourselves into pairs,”
Staci raises a hand. “Um, we have an uneven number of players,”
“So do we,” Michela says, crossing her arms. 
“I know,” The host chuckles. “Odd ones out on Team Friendship and Team Mojo will get each other. Good luck, and happy pickings!”
Albert sighs. “So, I guess we’ll-”
“I call the pink one,” Patrick says, grabbing Michela’s arm. 
She scoffs. “As if I’d ever want to-”
“I’m not dancing with him. That's gay,” he stops, pointing towards Albert. “Or any of them. That's even gayer.” he gestures to Team Friendship. “And if you know what’s good for this team, you’ll agree!”
Michela growls, and Albert sighs. “Fine! You win, Patrick,”
Patrick grins widely, and Michela turns to Albert with a mystified expression. He shrugs. 
ALBERT: “Patrick thinks he’s smart. It’s pathetic. But I can’t let him know that he’s not a threat, otherwise he might get worried and do something irrational, like an animal backed into a corner,” he smiles slowly. “He’ll get what’s coming to him.”
Bonnie and Max reluctantly link arms. Kelly turns to Staci. “So, partners?”
“Oh, um, sorry, but I already promised Phillip I’d team with him. We’re having a really fun discussion about kin drama,” Staci giggles. “I’ll get you next time, though!”
Kelly smiles softly. “That’s alright. So I’m with…”
“Me,” Albert says, suddenly appearing right behind them. They jump slightly. “Not a team favorite, huh?”
“Well… I just got unlucky. What about you?” they ask. 
“I volunteered. I’m doing those two a favor, really,” he sighs, jabbing his thumb behind him. “And there's no such thing as luck, by the way.”
Kelly raises an eyebrow, but shakes off the odd remark and returns to the task at hand as Chris calls everyone over. Neither Ass, nor Courtney, wanted to work with Mal, leaving them with each other. 
Chef stands on the stage with a barrage of crude, faceless cardboard cutouts of past players. “The dance is pretty simple. You start off together, holding hands,” Chris says in a scary voice, wiggling his fingers. “Then you break off into your duos, do the usual ballroom dancing nonsense, blah, blah, blah..” he goes on as Chef demonstrates on stage. “Get up here!”
The teens stand in a circle on stage, holding hands and looking at each other uneasily. “How do we win?” Courtney asks, glaring at Ass.
“Last man standing,”
“In a dance competition?” Patrick scoffs. “Are we going to finger-paint and read bedtime stories after?”
“Oh, I wouldn’t be so confident if I were you,” Chris chuckles. “Ready? Set? Dance!”
Every competitor, united by their hands, spins in an uneasy circle around the stage. They raise their wrists up, pulling their hands to the sky and move in and out of the circle in a flowery, delicate movement. 
Michela has to practically yank Patrick along as he stands as stiff as a board. The duos begin to splinter off, hands intertwined and placed firmly on hips and shoulders. They awkwardly spin around each other. 
“Ow! You just stepped on my foot!” Courtney hisses. 
Ass scoffs. “I’m not a dancer, sue me!”
“As if I’d give you the time of the day!”
“Guys, keep it together,” Julia says, passing them by while Mal hums to herself merrily. Courtney and Ass roll their eyes in sync. 
“Is it just me, or lately has she had a massive stick up her a-” 
“Ass!” Courtney chides. “Be civil. She’s trying her best.”
“She’s been really riding on us for not winning, though. What’s her deal?”
Courtney looks both ways as they spin around the circle and leans in. “I heard her in the confessional this morning. Apparently, she tried to get Patrick off Team Mojo, but he messed with the votes and Sha-Mod got kicked off instead. She’s majorly pissed about it,”
“I would be too,” Ass murmurs, looking across the stage to where Michela is dragging Patrick around like his feet are encased in concrete. “Dude’s a total airhead”
“I know. So let’s take it easy on her, okay?”
Ass sighs. “Fine. Whatever you say, Strawberry Shortcake,”
Courtney smiles and squeezes their shoulder, prompting Ass to turn away and look back into the crowd. 
One of the tiles on the wooden floor shoots a burst of electricity up, frying off Mal’s eyebrows. Julia gasps and takes a step back. “Out!” Chris yells. She groans. 
Max and Bonnie move across the floor stiffly and awkwardly, walking more so than dancing. Both shuffle their feet to avoid stepping on each other, and both are looking in different directions. Max is fixed on Michela and Patrick, Bonnie is watching Albert and Kelly cautiously. 
The latter two are moving with some ease, not held back by reluctant partners or bickering like most of the other pairings. Still, though, there’s some sense of discomfort in the air. 
Kelly gazes off towards the rest of their team, watching longingly. 
“I see you still haven’t taken my advice,” Albert says. “Still happy-go-lucky over nothing, right?”
“There’s nothing wrong with positivity,” they respond automatically, as if they’d rehearsed the defense a thousand times. 
“But there is, isn’t there?”
Kelly turns back towards Albert and looks at him. His gaze is somewhat lowered, but very fixed on them. 
“Getting your hopes up over nothing. The universe doesn’t work like that. I would know,”
“What do you mean?” They ask, half-intrigued and half-uneasy. 
He starts speaking, but pauses once the two are forced to rejoin the group for more hand-holding and circle time. Once they split off again, he clears his throat. 
“Okay, think about it this way: the universe is infinite. Correct?”
They shrug, then nod. 
“And we’re one tiny speck, completely alone- and don’t argue with me on this- there’s been no evidence of advanced civilization outside our rock,”
“I guess so,”
“Only 5% of the cosmos contain the necessary ingredients to sustain life. And even then, there are millions of other factors. You’re not religious, are you?”
“Not particularly,”
“I’m not, either. So, how is it that we can live in a world with trees and fish and reality TV and radioactive poison? Why is it just us?” he says, pausing to spin them around. “It’s random. Like a slot machine. There’s no luck, no fate, no higher order that plans these things out. The universe is chaotic and empty, and we just happen to be the poor bastards living in it.”
Kelly shakes their head. “I don’t agree with that. It isn’t meaningless,”
“Did I say it was meaningless?” he says, lowering his eyes again. “No, there’s meaning. Everyone has a purpose. I said it’s chaotic. You might have a meaning, and then a cruel twist of events can take that away from you.” he pauses to gesture towards Staci. Kelly follows his fingers. 
“So, what’s the point of it all to you?” they ask. “We just shouldn’t try to make the world a better place?”
He sighs a little. “You really are a blonde, aren’t you? No. I don’t think we should just give up and lie around eating ice cream all day, but we also shouldn’t waste our time ‘manifesting’ anything. If you want something done,” he says, twirling them around again to face their team. “You have to do it yourself.”
A burst of flames shoots out of the floor and singes Phillip, turning his entire body a sooty black. Kelly raises an eyebrow and turns back to Albert. 
“See? Random,”
Staci helps him off the floor just as everyone’s attention is diverted to Michela, who’s shouting loudly at Patrick now. The two have stopped moving to yell at each other, forcing Chef to grab both of them and toss them off the platform. 
The distraction pulls Kelly and Albert's eyes off the floor just long enough for it to open under them- both falling through a trapdoor and onto the earth below them. 
“Well, there’s my cue,” Albert says, letting go of Kelly’s clammy hands. “Just think about what I said, alright? There’s no use crying over spilled milk.”
And with that, he walks off. 
ALBERT: “I guess I just felt bad for them, if anything. They remind me a lot of my younger self: clueless,”
Courtney and Ass, and Bonnie and Max, remain the only players left on the platform. Neither of them are dancing very well, and both are watching the floor nervously for any surprises. 
Bonnie manages to grab Max and pull him out of the way as another section of the floor disappears beneath his feet. “Ew, your hands are all sweaty,”
“Cool, next time I’ll let you fall!” Bonnie says in a cheerily-sarcastic tone. Max rolls his eyes. 
“One, two, one, two,” Courtney murmurs, guiding their feet around Ass’. 
They wrinkle their nose. “You’re breathing in my face,”
“Sorry, I’m trying to focus,” they say. “Julia staring is making me really nervous.”
Ass looks over to the ground below the platform, where Jules is glaring at the both of them, hands on her hips. They roll their eyes. 
“Just ignore her. She’s gone boy-crazy,” they murmur. “Except instead of kissing boys she wants to kill them.”
“Hah, makes two of us,” Courtney grins. Ass laughs back. There’s a long pause. “What’s your real name, again? I keep forgetting.”
“Natalie,” they shrug. “What’s yours?”
“Courtney isn’t your real name,” they grin. “Can’t be. So what’re you hiding?”
“Oh, nothing, I just… I use my online persona as my name because it’s easier,” Courtney shrugs. “Plus, Mal… I mean, she does too, but I’d hate for her to find any more personal information about me. She’s a little dox-crazy.”
“Every new piece of information I learn about that twit,” Ass sighs, rolling their eyes. “Can’t believe I ever saw anything in her.”
“Me either…” Courtney trails off. “You and her were never…. Right?”
“Oh, God, no. I mean, I guess it might’ve gone in that direction if we’d stayed friends, but that’d have made the reveal even worse,” they say sharply, avoiding eye contact. “Why do you ask?”
“It’s… not important,” 
Ass’ eyes widen. “No. Really?”
“It was a phase! Well, that’s what she thinks of it,” Courtney says. “It was my first real relationship, even if it was online, and it… well… never mind, I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”
“Whatever,” Ass mumbles. “But I get it. Kind of. I can’t believe she managed to fool me into thinking she was someone I could trust.”
“I get the feeling,”
The two smile at each other for a moment before Max’s screams in the background pull their attention back to behind them. Bonnie shouts “STOP DROP AND ROLL!” while trying to smother the flame on his blazer. 
He drops off the platform, into a pile of wet grass and groans. Bonnie winces. 
“Youuuuu’re out!” Chris shouts. “Once again, Team Yaoi have won the challenge!”
Julia sighs, relieved, and Courtney and Ass high-five. 
“It’s about TIME you two started getting along,” the blonde snaps as they step off the platform. Ass rolls their eyes. 
“Team Mojo, since all of your players were out first, you’ll be going back to the elimination hall-”
“WOOOOO!” Julia shouts, pumping her fists. 
“-Is what I would say if this wasn’t a reward challenge!”
Patrick smirks and the smile drops off her face. “Say what now?”
Chris gestures behind him and Chef rolls a large dolly carrying a massive container of maple syrup. “Your winnings for today are this ginormous, 2 meter tall syrup… to share,” he smiles. “Enjoy first class!”
The sky outside is dark and full of stars, the mood inside the plane is cozy and warm, but Julia isn’t enjoying any amenities or beauties from today. 
She sulks in one of the plush first class seats, leaning back as low as she can and kicking her feet up on the chair across from her. Mal is sitting at the mocktail bar, enjoying what she calls a “Mal Special” (one cup of ginger ale and one cup of milk mixed together) while scrolling through her phone, and Ass and Courtney are having a catered dinner together at the fancy first-class dining table. 
JULIA: “One thing- all I ask for- just ONE thing, and that lousy, ungrateful, self-obsessed princess is still sitting on this plane!”
Economy is a little more cheerful tonight. Patrick had gone to sleep at his usual 8 PM sharp (to avoid morning puffiness and dark circles), Albert is reading, and Phillip and Staci have been swapping fanfiction and poetry for the past few hours. 
Michela and Max have cozied themselves up in one corner of the plane, and are currently chatting quietly about the day’s events. 
“He’s such a pain,” she sighs, resting her arm on Max’s shoulder. “I already miss Sha-Mod. I mean, no one even got lost today! I didn’t have a single side quest to complete!”
“And you still lost,” Max shakes his head. Michela shoves him and he falls off the bench, laughing. 
“We both lost, you jerk,” she says, offering him a hand. He takes it and she pulls him back up on the bench with ease. “It was a group effort.”
“At least you tried,” he says, eyes drifting back to his team. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with these people, really. They’re hopeless.”
“Aw, you miss me,” she goes to elbow him and his arm parries hers with expert precision. He elbows her back. 
“Sure, whatever. Maybe I do,”
“Well, I maybe-miss you too,”
Down the bench, Albert rolls his eyes and buries himself deeper in his book. A round of giggles from Phillip and Staci take over the air in the space, but no one besides Kelly pays them much attention. 
They stand and sit next to Bonnie, who stifles a groan. “What now?”
“I just… um, I just wanted to see how you were doing,” Kelly says, almost nervously. 
“Fine. Tired. What’s wrong?”
They shake their head. “Nothing! I just saw you alone tonight and figured you might need some company,”
Bonnie pauses for a good, long moment, then sighs. “Alright. What did you want to talk about?”
Kelly claps their hands and takes a deep breath. “We can talk about anything- have you been keeping up with the Celebrity Manhunt drama? Or- ooh, what’s your sign? What’s your favorite color? Can I paint your nails?”
“Um…” Bonnie thinks for a moment. “No, I don’t know, purple, and… fine, I guess.”
BONNIE: “I guess Max was a little right- people do want to be my friend now. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to feel about that. I mean, I went from having no friends to having one friend, and that was weird enough- now everyone and their grandma wants to get coffee together and gab about the latest gossip? How do I go from 0 to 100 like that!”
KELLY: “See? Albert was wrong. There’s nothing wrong with being a positive, nice person,” they smile, then sigh. “For an environmentalist, you’d think he’d be a little more optimistic. But never mind that- plum is so Bonnie’s color!”
Economy becomes silent again as Max and Michela fall asleep, Staci returns to reading some impossibly heavy book, Phillip goes back to standing in the window to “absorb the moon’s power”, and Bonnie and Kelly talk quietly while the latter paints their nails a warm shade of purple. 
Albert looks up from his book for a moment, then rolls his eyes.
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nilolol30 · 1 year
Endangered: Doc's ending
Ever since B-12 got his own body Doc asked him to have a check in once a week just to make sure everything is working fine and also just for little interviews about humans or stuff only B-12 knows since ya know he's been stuck in the network for so long but now they are pretty much lab partners now.
"Oh human will you be joining me? I'm visiting Doc for another interview" B-12 asked picking some of his notebooks and a small bookbag.
Since Doc didn't tell anyone he was building B-12 an entire body he had no place to stay until his house was built so I offered him my own place I had 2 spare rooms may as well put one into good use.
"Sure why not!" Hopping downstairs I meet B-12 at the door he shook his head.
"You really shouldn't do that you might hurt yourself"
"B-12 I've jumped from building to building, ran around the sewers with zurks chasing me behind and break into house's I don't think jumping down the stairs will do anything to me" I retort closing the door.
"Fair point but it never hurts to be safe" B-12 states patting my head jokingly and started heading to Doc's place he lived near one of the ends of the town near an old garbage dump it was at a decent distance so thankfully it didn't stink.
I think Doc chose this spot for the discarded electronics and other things humans left behind while Seamus wanted to use extra parts to build a playground for the little bots and for Stray and his family apparently from what I've heard one of them are having kits Momo is keeping a close eye on them for me so I can check up on them and help out.
B-12 softly knocked on Doc's door after hearing a few stumbling sounds Seamus opened the door with a smile.
"Oh human B-12 hi! papa is in his lab" Seamus moved to the side to let us in.
"You go have your interview I'll wait" B-12 nodded and walked into the lab Seamus offered me a seat in the living room and we catched up on what was happening me asking about how the playground is going along and him asking about the deliverys.
After talking we sat in an comfortable silence as we watched Tv it was on the news updating everyone on everything on the surface an in the walled city apparently all the sentinels have broken down after being exposed to the sun light it was unknown how but Clementine was pretty happy about it.
"...papa has a crush on you" Seamus spills out of nowhere.
I nearly choked on my own saliva and stared at him waiting for him to say 'haha got you' or 'kidding' or something but I was only met with a blank stare back.
"You're serious?" I laughed nervously.
"I heard him pretending to confess to you in the mirror with some flowers he borrowed from Clementine" Wow Seamus really do be snitching.
"I-I see..." Honestly I'm not sure how to go about this really this is coming out of nowhere.
"I know you like him too everyone does your bad at hiding it papa and is too dumb to figure it out" wow Seamus is also coming after my emotions too.
"Okay thanks for the heads up-" I'm still waiting for Seamus to just start laughing but he is still staring into my soul.
"Want me to tell him?"
"No! No no I can- this sort of thing takes time" I'm not asking Doc's son to confess for me I'd rather face that huge horrifying eye instead.
"Okay" Seamus then turns back to face the Tv again acting like this was just a normal conversation.
Now we sat in awkward silence I was just waiting for B-12 to come out so I can book it through the doors and run for the hills.
This interview is taking forever and Seamus just seems unbothered about the situation.
"Hey guys we're done" B-12 says walking out the lab with Doc waving to greet me but suddenly Seamus pointed at me.
"Papa the Human likes you back!"
This little bit-
"I'll uhh leave you two at it let's go Seamus" B-12 grabs Seamus by the jacket and dragged him out the door Doc understandably has a shocked and nervous look.
"I Really should fix that boys filter" you think?
"So... You practiced a confession?" I couldn't help myself I didn't know how to start and that was the only opening I could think of.
Doc fell to his knees in shame covering his screen with his palms.
"Oh my god he saw that!? I'm so sorry this must be very embarrassing for you" I walk over to Doc crouching down to his level.
"I think you missed the part where Seamus said I liked you honestly I'm kinda glad he told me about your feelings no matter how awkward that was but still" At that Doc looks out from his palms then at me.
"I'm sorta glad too? I'm just mad I didn't get to use my practiced speech" Doc laughed slightly.
"A speech? Well I'm not stopping you" I laughed as Doc nudged me with his elbow.
"Absolutely not I've embarrassed myself enough today I'll do it when we have a date"
"Aww then I can't wait to hear it" standing up I helped pull Doc back up to his feet he tilted his head to the side and looked past me with an unamused look.
Turning around I saw Seamus, B-12 and Kosma looking through the window Kosma quickly running away when spotted Seamus was giving thumbs up to his father.
"Away with all of you! Can't a bot have privacy??" Doc pulled the blinds down while angrily waving his fist as I laughed this poor man can't catch a break.
"Why...why don't we uhhh 'chill out'?" Doc asked signaling to the couch.
"Won't it be dark soon? What about Seamus?" Is he really locking his son outside?
"I'm sure B-12 will keep him company" Doc signed sitting next to me and switching the channel.
"I wish this was a bit more romantic I was planning something better" Doc laughed rubbing the back of his head.
"Hey it's okay at least we have a funny story to share"
"Please don't tell Clementine she'll never let me live it down" I pretended to think for a moment.
"Hmmm maybe... If I get to have two days delivery free" Doc pretend to gasp at my words putting a hand on his chest in fake offence.
"How dare you!" He put the back of his falm on his forehead for the finishing touch.
"Because I'd rather spend those days with you~" I leaned onto Doc's side.
"Oh flattering now? Well you are pulling me by the wires...okay three days off" I laughed and extra day off score! I mean I don't really have to do the deliverys since it's just me offering help but I thought it would be funny.
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sxslave4all · 1 month
Hours later: his current chick loves degrading me when I’m buried in her cunt eating her cum from my owner-that is actually fabulous I love reminders that he fucks others and tells me to wait in other room (second time today I’m awaiting the finish of round 2 and my lunch of cock pussy and cum)until I have to swallow cum. Even women are above me. Mmmmm. I really do enjoy the things I’m reminded I am from her. I mean she’s not wrong only a dumb slut would enjoy her man saying “get out of my site, you best have fingers playing-both hands in/on that cunt and no cumming. until I call for you when I’m ready to cum after making love to this gorgeous woman-you’re only good enough to fuck”. Not many would but damn it always makes me fkn wet.Then her with:: your man’s dick is amazing. And he’s so gentle and loving he made sure to lick every spot and said such sweet things as he stuck that cock in my pussy while you humped your hand. Sweet nice things. Made love to me not fucked little slut hahaha while your dumb ass is playing with your pussy in another room looking at porn I get his hard cock. You get my pussy on it to eat and his cum and my cum cause your licking me until I get off today, all over your face and tits I’ll squirt and he already shot his to your face and clit stupid tramp but you’ll also be sucking him soon. We plan to cover you In cum. No wiping it. Leave it alone sex slave flesh light. That’ll be lunch like this was breakfast so eat my cunt your man made love to after sucking his dick right out of my pussy for you to finish him and then blow ON you like the low THING you are. A human sex toy. Now get me off with that damn useless face I want you buried into my cunt breathing can wait lick my clit you lower than even other women AND hookers. Free use tramp. Lick it, bite, ahh garbage can be useful I guess cause you’re pretty useless every other way. Thats it. Lick a good girl pussy that had your man in it now your fucking face. And hey thing? One hand on your clit and other up your pussy. The whole other hand. Fist your lousy cunt and no cumming hahaha. Good slut. Shove it in you don’t be gentle you don’t deserve that you deserve it to hurt like hell. (Smack on face and hard yank on nips) I said fist inside you fucking now are you to stupid? Here bring your hand and hole here. I slide without leaving her pussy she grabbed my arm said spread your fuckin cunt now (I did still without my tongue leaving her) slam-owww I wanna scream but I don’t. My tongue stopped for that impact though so she grabbed the whip and told me that until I get her off she’ll be whipping everywhere and to move my one hand as ordered so she can crack the clit but that fist stays. You can ride it while you lick. Now fkn finish me off you useless cum dumpster and so fkn stupid good thing you have looks and a body made to fuck cause you’d be screwed bitch as you can’t do anything fkn else right. Next for your dinner of cock pussy and cum I think I’ll have him tie u to the dresser in a painful way with the wand either almost close enough to feel almost or rammed on that clit for an hour. Haha. He’s right everyone should get a cum dump whore it’s fun thinking of shit to do to that body. Ohhhh yes right there I’m about to cover your face so start smacking hard your clit and bouncing fast in and almost out with the fist tramp…..she came all over my face and made me lick around to get every drop off her and the bed. Thats a delicious lunch 🤤🤤🤤. Shes fuckin hot and nice body to boot? Fuck yes demean me. Use me. Beat me. Degrade. Humiliate. Whatever you want as long as I can lick your pussy when you’re done with my man 🖤🩵🖤🩵. Cant wait for lord knows what they are planning with me for Friday night special ho games night. Never know what’s in store. Hopefully I can still walk by then - horny weed they are one or something. ;(they fucked a third time while I typed….in a chair next to the bed with my leash pulled and mouth left wide open so he could blast me with his amazing cum. God they looked so fkn hot fkn each other. 😯😯😯🖤🩵🖤🩵.to be finished
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 01x13
Route 666
🎶he’s been gone a few days🎶
“Some X-Files garbages? What’s gonna happen?” “Of course you get the racists running down the black guy.” “that car does not have ABS brakes” “you dead. Probably” “Isn’t the car possessed? This one is so weird.” This one is important for deanstudies “really? Goddammit”
“Why aren’t they going to Pennsylvania?”
“Do we ever know where they were going before Cassie called?” “So they went out for a couple weeks?” “That’s not very characteristic of Dean to tell girls the family business.” “Why is Sam smiling like that?” “See? Sam normally would make some smartass comment, but I don’t think he did since Cassie is black.” Cassie Robinson <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 “the fuck is that supposed to mean?” “I don’t get what Sam is trying to point out.” “Why the fuck would you say anything about visions to an insurance company?” “They were engaged or some shit, right? They don’t ever really tie this story arc, do they?” “Can’t be datin’ monster-hunters. Fuck. Them bitches crazy.” “Just leanin’ on a pole. Look at that stupid shit. Look at The Lean.” “She dumped him, because she thought that’s what he wanted? That’s so stupid.” “We see more of Dean’s back than we do anything else.” “He looked like a cat trying to rub their pheromones all over Cassie.” During sex scene “Oh yeah. They all killed some guy when they were younger, right?” NIPPLE
“You’re Dean fucking Winchester - you can lie about anything.” Spouse is singing along to the guitar music over the heartfelt conversation between Dean and Cassie. 
“What’s up with the epic guitar solo in the background? I need to replay this twice because I’m too distracted by the music” “Dean says that comment like he does want Cassie in his life when he’s 90” “That’s a belt buckle. That’s a Dean-sized belt buckle. It’s as big as his personality. Mmmmmm” “these hallways are fkn huge man” “that’s totally normal” “I love how sometimes there isn’t any exhaust coming out when they’re revving the engine. For the first scene just now they only added the audio.” “Don’t call 911. Call Dean.” 🎶here’s to you Mrs Robinson🎶
“A tiny church like that and you couldn’t get 8 people out? Without filing the place with gas, idk how the church could have burned that quick.” “They have to dig up the truck and torch it right?” “I think the first time they establish that the thing leaves the item you’re lighting on fire.” “Sam is calling that college life simple?” “thanks for telling the class, Sam.” “Sam is being a boner killer” “It’s completely unrealistic that the truck would have come up that easily out of the swamp with a tractor that size so easily” “Alright - you know you need to torch it, but you ask your brother what he’s getting?” “I guess Dean has the lighter.” “They took it out of the truck and laid it out of the bench. Why? The thought of moving that body is more disgusting that actually moving the body.” 🎶torch the fkn truck🎶
“How am I supposed to burn a truck? Are you serious? I guess it’s waterlogged but still” “I love how Dean narrowly escapes this one but always is doing stupid shit.” “That was fkn helpful. Thanks, Sam.” “the truck is spanking that ass” “Sure.” “As if that odometer is exact. It’s close enough, but he has to factor in the braking distance.” “I guess Dean drove back a little bit so he did factor the braking distance in” “Using Dean for bait? That’s a ballsy move, Sam. Are you really going to sacrifice your brother like that? You literally just saved his life last episode and now you’re using him for bait.” “Sometimes. Maybe. Nice” 🎶you’re a fkn dick🎶 “I would have hung up, too” “Stranger Things. Haha”
0 notes
multiplefandomsblog · 3 years
Hajime x reader x Nagito NSFW and SFW headcanons
request; omg could you please (of course, only if it isn’t a bother) do the polyamorous SFW and NSFW headcanons like you did for kokichi and Shuichi with Hajime and nagito? gn! or fem! reader, please 🛐
Warnings; unedited, minor spoilers, long af, polyamory, anggggsssst, fluff, the timeline is bullshit, voyeurism, praise kink, degradation kink, orgasm denial/edging, cock warming, BDSM, gn!reader, I tried making the reader’s parts gender-neutral, anal, fingering, hair pulling, cum eating, mentions of choking
Note; I feel like I made this more different compared to the Shuichi and kokichi one, but I still hope you enjoyed it nonetheless, thank you for requesting! (i also had so many more things to add, but it was becoming quite long so I had to hold back a bit qwq)
- mod chia
◊ TSUNDERE HAJIME AHHH- I’m so sorry, I just had to.
◊ But yes, Hajime is absolutely the cutest tsundere ever.
◊ It’s especially amusing when you and Nagito both gang up on him, kissing or cuddling him randomly just to see him flustered. You’d both randomly start being super affectionate towards him, turning him red. A thing you and Nagito would do is lean on both sides of his shoulders at the same time, or hug him from the back and front. Maybe some cheek kisses from both sides, he loves those but he won’t tell you that.
◊ I headcanon Hajime to be a protective boyfriend. If he ever found out someone had been rude to you or Nagito, he would throw hands. He is willing to beat up anyone for the two of you, you can’t talk him out of it.
◊ Hajime would get jealous easily, as a result of his insecurity about his talentlessness. If he ever saw an ultimate putting the moves on either of you, he’d probably get uncomfortable and try to pull you away or be extra affectionate.
◊ He gets kind of upset and envious of the ultimates Nagito praises, it makes him wonder if you and Nagito preferred someone else that had talent. So please assure him that he’s everything you both want and more, he needs the confidence and comfort.
◊ If he felt particularly insecure one day, you’d both sandwich him in a cuddle and tell him how important he meant to the both of you. He would refuse at first, saying that he was alright and all, but you two don’t fall for it.
◊ As you two are always there for him, he’s always there for you too.
◊ If he’s ever stressed during a class trial and you or Nagito’s stadium was next to his, he’d instinctually hold hands with either of you, feeling his nerves calm down a bit at the reassuring squeeze. 
◊ He has a sense for when you two are feeling upset, he always knows when something is up because he has a ton of experience himself. So he can recognize all the symptoms because he’s seen them in himself.
◊ Hajime somehow always knows the right thing to say and the best stuff to give to you when you’re feeling down in the dumps. He always reassures you that no matter what, your feelings are valid and that you can always come to him or Nagito when you aren’t feeling like yourself. 
◊ I headcanon that Nagito has some trouble detecting when something is wrong, I feel like he’d be too blinded by how amazing you two were that he’d overlook some symptoms of something wrong, brushing it off. He wouldn’t really think about the fact that you two could have issues in the first place, as a result of him viewing you so highly.
◊ Nagito is a great listener if you ever want to talk, and he will provide the warmest cuddles if you need them. He isn’t great at comforting you or advice, but he will whisper the sweetest things in your ear when you’re feeling insecure. 
◊ Nagito is a pretty thoughtful boyfriend, he remembers everything about the two of you(i.e. Favourite food, flowers, colour, material, etc.) though he can’t even remember to take care of himself. 
◊ He remembers all of the things his loves enjoy, and getting them for you two makes him extremely happy. He spoils you both rotten even though Hajime insists he doesn’t have to, but he does anyway.
◊ Nagito sometimes thinks he intrudes between the relationship with you and Hajime, he has thoughts of leaving the both of you because he thinks your relationship would be better without him. He’d see you two being adorable with each other, and think of how lucky he is to have you two.
◊ Almost too lucky. He worries that his presence in the relationship will somehow harm both of you, he’s convinced that something terrible will happen. So he’s constantly paranoid around the both of you. With everything good that occurs, something terrible follows; That’s his ultimate.
◊ In the early stages of your relationship with him, he’s pretty distant, always trying to edge himself out so you two could be happier together. But you two would notice his behaviour, asking him what was wrong. 
◊ As he explained, your hearts broke from his reason as you both smothered him with love. Hajime would aggressively love him, telling him he shouldn’t think that and that you both would be extremely upset if he had left. 
◊ He’d cry from the affection he’d receive from the two of you, feeling incredibly grateful for the both of you. After that, he’d stop being distant, realizing that he was just being selfish and hurting his loves. He’d realize that he had been doing the opposite of making you guys happy, and all he wants is for you two to be happy.
◊ I headcanon that Hajime and Nagito both have a teensy bit of trouble initiating kisses or contact, you’d have to initiate most of it. Hajime being too awkward and a tad shy, whereas Nagito doesn’t feel worthy of your touch.
◊ Buuuut, Hajime can and will initiate affection if you tease him to the point where he just wants to shut you guys up with his lips. He’d kabedon you guys and everything.
◊ Nagito’s favourite thing to do to you both is cooking and giving gifts. He loves acts of service because it makes him happy to know that he’s making you two happy from what he’s doing. If you let him cook or do anything for you, he’d be extremely happy. All he wants to do is to please the both of you.
◊ It’s cute seeing him dance around in his little apron while he cooks, it leads to one of those rare moments where Hajime initiates a back-hug. You’d join shortly after, not wanting to miss out on the cuddles. Nagito would be pretty surprised, but he’d let you two cling onto him as he kept on cooking with a wide smile on his face.
◊ A thing Hajime unconsciously does is hold your guys’ hands, he doesn’t want you two to wander off and him to lose you. It’s kind of a mom’s instinct.
◊ A thing you like to do is steal both of their clothes, wearing them around the house as if they were yours. The boys love seeing you in their clothes, their hearts just melt from how adorable you look. Hajime would flush and then question you for it,
◊ “Why are you wearing my clothes?” You clenched your hands around his material, bringing it tighter around your body. “Because it smells like you.” Hajime rolled his eyes but didn’t tell you to take it off, “Y-you’re such a perv.” He walked away, “But I’m your perv, right? Right, Hajime??” 
◊ Nagito would question you for it, but for different reasons. “Ah yes, of course, you still look stunning in my garbage hoodie. Speaking of, why are you wearing my trash clothing? I can buy you your own hoodie, you know.” He walked up to you, tugging at the hem of his hoodie you were wearing, “Do you want me to take it off?” You teasingly pouted as Nagito panicked, “N-no! I mean… If you’d like to, it’s your choice. But if you decide to keep it on, I wouldn’t be upset- Hell! I’d never be upse-” You shut him up with a bear hug, “Don’t worry, I’m not even wearing anything underneath this in the first place.” “Oh. Haha, wait wha-”
◊ I think Hajime secretly loves cockwarming but would never suggest it because he’s afraid you two might think it’s weird. During movies where one of you decide to sit on his lap, all he’s thinking of is sinking his dick inside either of you, walls squeezing around him comfortably.
◊ I headcanon Hajime to be a switch, it depends on his mood if he’d rather be a top or bottom. He goes along with you two are more comfortable with.
◊ I can imagine Hajime tied to the bedpost as you sink down on him, Nagito watching you both with his cock in his hand. Nagito joins after a while, Hajime looked so vulnerable, it’s alright if he’s selfish just this once right? He’d slip himself underneath Hajime, his dick sliding in Hajime’s ass as he cried out pleas and moans. 
◊ Hajime’s eyes would be rolling in the back of his head as you both bounced on and thrusted into him, the pleasure mind-numbing. He’d be drooling from the intense pleasure he received from the both of you, Nagito whispering praises on how good he felt around him whilst you lost your mind writhing and grinding against his dick. 
◊ I headcanon that Hajime wouldn’t really enjoy hardcore degradation, maybe some small stuff to make him submit, but any personal degrading turns him off.
◊ Now, I don’t think this is a popular opinion but, I can see Nagito getting off on degradation. You or Hajime could call him a slut, and he’d be cumming from words alone. He doesn’t really think about whether you truly feel that way about him, he goes into that mindset and he kind of forgets all of it, focusing solely on the pleasure he was giving to you two.
◊ Hajime likes being told he’s making you feel good, it reassures him that you’re actually enjoying it and it’ll get him to go harder and faster.
◊ When Hajime tops, I think Hajime wouldn’t really be a soft or hard dom, he’d just be in the sweet middle spot. He’d never go too far but he wouldn’t be too gentle with either of you. Ultimately, it depends on his mood. For example. If you both had provoked him beforehand to the point he was done, he would go feral and hard dom the shit out of you both, not even giving you a chance to breathe.
◊ It’s kind of hot when you see his face turn red and his neck pop a vein, but it’s even better when he starts releasing all that sexual frustration into you both.
◊ He’d have Nagito on his dick while Nagito sucked the life out of you. Nagito wouldn’t even have enough time to protest, Hajime would already have his tip teasing Nagito’s rim with Nagito’s head pushed down in between your thighs.
◊ He wouldn’t stop thrusting until he came, using you both for his pleasure and his pleasure only(kinda hot ngl). Even when he did feel either of you reach your high, he’ll pull away when you could practically taste it.
◊ He loves edging, the distress on your faces when he pulls away at that last moment gets him off in a sadistic way. 
◊ Though, he would never let you two go without an orgasm unless you or Nagito acted bratty even after the many punishments. He punishes the both of you until you two finally break and submit completely to the point where you had no brat left in you.
◊ Nagito’s praise kink is more giving than receiving, though he will never complain if you did praise him. It makes his heart full when you tell him how good he is, he’s glad he’s making you feel good. You two always make Nagito feel good, so he always makes sure to let you know how good you make him feel.
◊ It’s kind of hot when you see his face turn red and his neck pop a vein, but it’s even hotter when he comes back to release his frustrations into the both of you.
◊ Nagito definitely puts the pleasure of his loves first, he always makes sure you two cum before him. 
◊ Nagito wouldn’t insert his dick in either of you unless you begged for it, he doesn’t think he deserves the pleasure, he prioritizes both of your orgasms first.
◊ Nagito as a bottom would always ask before he could cum, he wants to be good for the two of you and never wants to disappoint you. He doesn’t even think he is worthy of an orgasm himself, so if you said yes, he would hysterically thank you as he gasped and whined from the intense pleasure his orgasm brought him.
◊ Nagito is very vocal during sex, and god bless because I think we all know that Nagito has the breathiest, sexiest moans.
◊ I headcanon Nagito to be the softest dom, I cannot imagine this man degrading or hurting you two in any way. He loves you two too much to hurt you, even if it’s for sexual purposes. Though he may sometimes accidentally(?) overstimulate you at times, losing himself in the moment. 
◊ Nagito as a bottom enjoys any humiliation, degradation, choking or pain you put him through, he loves it all. His sexual reactions are definitely the best, he makes the prettiest moans as you or Hajime insert kanye west loves fingers in his ass, drool trailing down his chin as he arched his back. 
◊ Hajime loves pulling hair as much as Nagito loves having his hair pulled. 
◊ Nagito mostly gets off by watching the two of you fuck, pleasuring himself as he watches the both of you with dilated pupils. You two often have to beckon him to join, eventually resorting to ordering him after his many refusals that you didn’t have to.
◊ A thing Nagito does after sex is licking up every single drop of cum you two had given him, not letting a tiny bit go to waste. He thinks your cum is ‘hopeful’ and it’s precious to him, so he doesn’t want to seem unthankful for the cum you gave him. He makes sure to lap you both up clean, maintaining eye contact as his tongue slides up your guys’ skin.
◊ Hajime’s hard dom demeanour changes completely after sex, however tired he may be, he always makes sure the both of you are alright after the rough treatment he had given the both of you before he passes out. 
◊ Nagito would praise the both of you after sex, holding both of you close as he let you doze off in his arms.
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hard--mode · 3 years
Here's the notes for everything that would happen up until the end of the story.... as far as I had it figured out. You'll notice things are a lot less fleshed out the later things go. That's a big reason why this never got finished. the longer I tried to keep the thing running, the more I realized I never had any idea what I wanted to actually DO with this story which made it pretty hard for me to keep up. it's hard to write a story you're trying to take seriously if all you really have are jokes, it turns out.
I haven't reread any of this or edited it at all so who knows what kind of notes I might have written in between things haha
P: so as i was saying about undyne-
C: who’s undyne?
Everyone freezes. Chara just walked right up to papyrus without being noticed. Paps freaks out for a sec before he pulls sans into a huddle. Chara frowns and tries to peek around.
~Montage of papyrus’s excitement and harder puzzles, death montage
~Junior jumble: its sudoku now
Chara’s doing puzzles and sees flowey spying. They shout him over
C: HEY! still following me, loser? Don’t you have anything better to do? (but they smile)
F: somebody’s gotta make sure you don’t get killed too much out here
Flowey pops up closer to them
C: nah, I’m fine! I’ve got that reset power!
F: not for long considering how much you use it (mumbles. Rolls eyes??) (some depiction of chara dying a lot in the bg)
C: by the way…. In the ruins you were telling me to use it… care to tell me more about it since you seem to know so much?
F: I-... uh… well you already know the most of it. It just resets you back to your last SAVE point like nothing happened. Only beings with a powerful SOUL can use it, so monsters with their weak souls can’t.
Chara stops their puzzle work and sits to even the heights: Can flowers?
F: what the heck are you-... oh, no no no. I’m different.
C: so you have the power too.
F: No! I mean-, i used to before you came around. Yeah.
C: so you’ve done resets. (urging him on)
F: yep.
Chara waits a while: ...thats all you have to say?
F: yep
Travel scenes from here on out depict chara and flowey together
Flowey remarks that he doesn't remember a save point being before it. Chara goes along and gets paps’ bit. He does to activate it
C: wait this isn't for real right? U can't be srs!!!
P: yeah I am, this is hard mode!
Just show chara repeatedly spawning at the save and running back in with flowey watching them
Then cut to the end chara on the other side of it panting and exhausted, papyrus shocked but also beaming
P: wow you did it!! I'm so proud of u human! I didn’t think you would actually be able to get through it--- I mean- drat! Foiled again! I'll get u one of these times!
Papyrus runs off and Chara watches him with a look of wonder in their eyes.
F: don’t get too excited. his pride is cheap, he’s proud of everyone and every thing
Chara grumbles and marches forward: whatever. I don’t hear you saying you’re proud of me, so why do I have to listen to what you have to say
F: You know, you’re gonna have to fight him soon. Didn’t sans say so? What are you going to do then, die over and over until you give up or are you going to try to murder him just like you did with Toriel? :)
C: I am not! I’m gonna talk him out of it and go right past him like everyone else. Who knows! Maybe he won’t even fight me because he’s that cool. Even if he does, he’s probably a wimp anyways.
F: I wouldn’t be so sure! I bet you don’t stand a chance.
C: shut up! Quit following me if you’re gonna be this useless.
Paps fight
As papyrus carries their body to the shed to rest. Opens on their vision returning and they see their hands hanging toward the ground.
C: why didn’t you kill me? You’re stronger than everyone else, you could easily do it. Why dont you finish me off so everyone can leave or whatever it is you need me to do? Why did you hold back?
C: you held back…
Chara is too shocked and confused by the sentiment: I don’t… I don’t understand?
He sets them down in the shed on the dog bed.
C: then… does that mean you’re going to let me go?
C: !! I-I don’t know who Undyne is, but I can’t do that. I’m in a hurry to get out of here.
C: No, I have to go.
Cut to chara walking toward waterfall, papyrus calling after them to come back and hang out sometime. They keep walking and mutter to themself: Sorry, but I’ll get out of here before that ever happens.
They see monster kid and side eye sans as they charge in, hurriedly.
Chara keeps flowey around and asks him to read the words for him. FLowey says it’s not important at all to anything they’re doing. It’s just monster history junk that means nothing if chara’s trying to leave. Chara’s like shut up cmon help me out maybe there's clues. FLowey reads some history stuff in waterfall treating it like shit they already know
F: why do you care about all this garbage anyway?
C: I dunno, I guess it just sounds familiar. Like a story I heard a long time ago.
Chara stops suddenly and checks their phone. Flowey asks what’s up
C: i thought it rang… you didn’t hear-
The phone starts ringing. Papyrus is cheerfully on the other end and they walk and talk.
He tells them about how he heard so many horrible things about humans and the surface but chara was much nicer than he ever expected. Chara asks where he heard that and he says a flower told him. Chara covers the receiver and looks around for flowey, suspicions of him raised.
Montage w monster kid and umbrella
Chara falls from undyne’s spear attack and wakes up in the trash with flowey over them.
F: hey, wake up. I can tell you’re not dead so hurry up and get moving.
Chara’s kind of bummed: she killed me four times back there. And it wasn’t even a fight. I couldn’t talk her down or… i couldn’t even talk to her, I could barely see her.
F: what, are you giving up or something? You know she can kill you as much as she wants and you aren’t gonna die.
C: I know that! I know this is just like a game where you can keep on going but… it hurts. And it’s exhausting.
F: what will you do then? Sit here in this trash and do nothing?
C: *sigh* no. I’m just feeling down in the dumps.
They smile and get up.
As they’re walking out, they hear a click and someone to tell them to “hold it”
Mad dummys behind them and she just has a gun. Pointed directly at chara. She starts on her thing about the cousin and then blook saves the day.
Chara meets up with blook again. They go to where the snail races used to be. It’s all busted and unused
C: what’s this supposed to be…?
B: oh…. this used to be a snail farm…. And this was a race course…. For snails…. But a long time ago people started to call the races “insensitive” so we had to close them…. Sorry you can’t have any fun racing snails…
C: why was it insensitive…?
B: ...i’d… rather not talk about it………..
C: hey flowey! What’s up with this place and snails?
F:...i wouldnt know.
After waterfall where undyne says how many souls they have
C: flowey… if they have 6 human souls, that means 6 others fell down and died here, so…
F: what?
C: i just- i mean you were the first one i met-
F: no, no, no, ive never killed anyone. You’re the only human i’ve seen since i woke up
Chara relaxes: ok. So you dont know anything about them.
F: no. i heard some things from toriel, not much. It’s too late to try asking her, but she’s seen all of them. She was there at the beginning even.
C: the beginning?
F: you know…. When humans started falling down here and monsters started killing them.
Chara goes silent in thought: wait… how… long has this been going on? How old is toriel?
F: dunno
Chara after having a rough time: it’s hard, but no matter what happens i can just keep trying. I’ll make it out of this! You believe in me right, flowey?
F: no i think you should give up.
Page/chapter ends there. Next is chara going up to fight undyne.
Open on a riff on the “long ago” cutscene that chara cuts off by saying they already know this story
Undyne screams SHUT UP!!! I’m doing my HEROIC MONOLOGUE!! Whatever, I bet you haven’t heard the part about the King and Queen’s human child who died of illness and their other son who was killed by the humans when he tried to return their body to the surface?!
C: No I think I heard that one too? Why are you telling me all this anyways??
Chara’s getting their ass beat and on low hp: I’ll die in a hit or two. But that’s fine because I’ll just start this over. I’ll start from… where was the last save point…
A vision of them with flowey. Their eyes go red and the flashback cuts in between shots of them running from undyne
F: I think you should give up
Ch: what… give up?? I thought you were on my side with all the telling me to keep going and-and the hanging out with me?!
F: as if you had any other choice but to keep going! We both know you don’t.
C: so you’ve just been following this whole time waiting for me to give up and die, huh?! Why, are you trying to steal my soul just like everybody else?!?
F: it doesn’t matter how hard you try, you’re going to die! And die and die and die! You can reset as much as you want, it won’t change that! So what if I am waiting for you to give up? You’re the last thing keeping monsters trapped down here. If you give up, you’ll give everyone what they want!
C: I thought you wanted to help me?! I thought you were my friend!
F: I would never be friends with a human! You’re all nothing but killing machines!
C: I haven’t killed anyone!
F: You killed Toriel! No number of resets can change what you did! You’re a horrible, disgusting human just like all the others and everyone would be happier if you were dead!
Flowey could say something about dying down here is better than their inevitable death on the surface. Their death would at least be worth something. Mean something
Chara escapes the fight, undyne collapses, and they walk away. they tell themselves they won’t give up. They don’t need help, especially not from that dumb flower. They’ll live to spite him and everyone else who tries to kill them
Chara goes in and meets alphys and overall is p meh abt it bc bad mood. Alphys helping them through the underground makes them talk to themselves about how they dont need flowey, they can do this themself. Friends are no good.
hotland is as normal. probably figure out some indication of things not right. make the game seem broken bc they arent supposed to get so far like this
Chara meets with sans at mtt resort for food reluctantly. Lets him say his piece. After he’s done threatening to kill them chara says to his face that they really don’t like him.
Need some hubbub about them having to kill asgore to get out. Theyll be like yeah I know that (somehow)... oh but I need a plan… how will i come up with a plan..
Flowey finally appears to chara again just before they get to new home and tries to talk them out of leaving. Disparaging the surface and telling them they could live happily down here. Chara says no, it’s too hard because people are constantly hunting them down and being the last soul, no ones going to stop that. He says that he’s sorry for the way he was before
Chara smiles back, and then looks away: What you said before… about.. My inevitable death on the surface…
F: that was… don’t worry about that.
C: are you afraid of it?
F: well- yeah, it’s a dangerous place. Everyone knows that.
C: I’ve died a lot more times down here than I ever did up there.
A beat
C: you go back and forth a lot between talking about how I should stay down here because it’s better… but also if I die down here… everyone gets to go free… to the horrible, awful surface.
F: uh,, did I say all that…? I may have contradicted myself a little… I guess… in the end I just wanted an excuse for you to stay around. I really don’t want you to die.
C: so you did see me as a friend after all?
F: well…you reminded me of someone who was my friend. I wish we could have been friends.
C: Do you think… If I reset back to the beginning and did this again, if I said the right things… we could have been?
F: No… You could be as nice to me or as mean to me as you want. No matter how many times you reset, some things never change.
C: ...Did you ever… have to reset because you killed someone?
F: ……….once… and then I never reset ever again. The power to reset… makes you do bad things. It’s wrong. I had to stop because i knew… I’d make someone really upset if I kept messing around.
C: well, in that case… I guess I’ll just have to get the rest of the way out of here without any resets!
Flowey smiles: I dunno, keep one or two under your belt. You’re a pretty big klutz.
C: Thanks for helping me out of here, flowey. Even if you just did it because you were begged.
Can you imagine a more paranoid flowey who is less interested in attacking you and regaining the reset ability, but is pleased af that you have the reset ability because that means you can't die, and instead he spends the entire game trying to convince you that humanity is hopeless. That there is nothing on the surface world returning to. That it's safer, down here.
he's part of the reason why things are so much harder
he's the one that starts the rumors about the dangers of teh surface world
there's a definite sense of paranoia all across the board
When they approach new home, flowey appears one last time and grabs chara by the hand, telling them not to go. They can live in the underground, they’ve made a lot of friends here. Chara says that they have to go, they’ll find a way to get out without killing asgore. Flowey says that he tried to stop them, this is as far as he’ll go. This is goodbye. They bid their farewells and chara goes along, but flowey secretly follows them, much less detectable than ever before. It’s revealed when he’s hiding with the flowers.
Chara walks up to new home, regarding it as a vaguely familiar sight. They walk down the many halls knowing exactly where to go. The monsters speak as they go through the motions. They find a cookbook in the kitchen with a page for snail pie missing. Chara mumbles about already knowing the story and that they should all shut up. They walk more quickly to stay ahead of them. Then one mentions the snail pie and chara stops dead in their tracks. No that’s not how it happened- they stop, and take back off.
They are stopped by sans in the judgement hall, glaring at him.
S: well I had a whole speech to give ya, but you look like you’re in a hurry. You’re a weird kid, but you’re fine. The king’s up ahead.
OTHER alternative: chara realizes something’s wrong and runs back to get everyone, probably threatening to kill asgore to convince them to come quickly. Sans is avoided due to the mob approaching behind them “I heard the word that you’re on your way to kill the king.” c: are you here to stop me? “Nah. But you’d better have a good plan to back yourself up, kid. King’s up ahead”
They run up to asgore, no nonsense. Some time is taken to progress things. As they leave the throne room, flowey watches from the flowers, chara looks back to confirm he’s there.
Asgore draws up the souls, the fight is about to engage, before he can smash “MERCY” chara yells: ASRIEL. Get the souls.
Everything stops. Flowey is behind them, stunned and confused. Chara turns and asks him what he’s waiting for. Hurry up and take the souls before everyone else gets here. Nearly every last monster is coming, if he can become godlike and absorb them, it will be enough strength to break the barrier.
Flowey is confused, how do they know that? Chara tells him he did it before. Doesn’t he remember? Doesn’t he remember them?
Either flowey does it and something happens, or flowey waits too long and chaos erupts which gets them killed, and then chara and flowey have to meet up and workshop.
Final fight:
He probably says some shit about frisk and how he cant lose frisk again, chara must insist that theyre not frisk. When they say their name is chara, he hesitates for only a moment. Finally, when chara’s pinned and about to seriously die…
C: you remember it now too, don’t you? It took me a while, I couldn’t remember a thing until i started hearing your name around. You’re an all powerful god now, you should be able to remember it all better than me
A: shut up.
C: would frisk want us to fight like this?! Would frisk want you to kill your own sibling?!
A: c-.... You’re… you’re really chara?
He lets them go
They reach the conclusion that frisk messed with everything and put them here with no memories so they could do something frisk could never do. Frisk thinks they deserve to live, no matter how much the two may disagree. They have to play along. Asriel is a god and can use his powers to break the barrier and bring EVERYONE back to life so they can live together happily.
go to final fight and everyones already there, things are very confused, flowey takes the souls and things glitch out (screen phases between bosses) and chara realizes this isnt how things are supposed to be, tells asriel theyre sorry for their baggage but he doesnt understand bc he isnt theirs, and then they gotta find frisk somehow
OR... they realize things in the speech and don't go to fight asgore bc theyre finding flowey... they feign fighting asgore and then suddenly tell flowey to take the souls("Asriel! get the souls!" and thats the first time they call him by name)...? i like that a bit better. they start going on about crazy shit that makes roided out flowey kind of lose it at them which leads to them apologizing to their own asriel but then realizing they need to find frisk
but HOW do they find frisk
The end shows chara asriel and frisk hugging eachother, all alive and well. Then the two are “processing…” and remember that oh, theyve done some dark messed up stuff.
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ratmonky · 3 years
Word Count: 3.6K
Warnings: dub-con, obsession
AO3 Link
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“This week’s movie is…” you paused for the dramatic effect and met each one of your club members’ eyes before pulling out the DVD case from your bag. “Sweet Blossoms!”
Everyone groaned.
“Hey!” you laughed, putting the movie down on the desk. A gorgeous smile tugged at your lips. “It’s my turn so I get to choose!”
“You always choose the worst ones,” your classmate mumbled. “I’m sick of watching romantic comedies. Besides, this is one of the last times we’ll watch a movie in our club.”
Yeah, the graduation was close.
You pouted, giving one person, in particular, the puppy eyes. “Junpei,” you said. “Tell them something, you’re the president.”
Junpei chuckled nervously when you put him on the spot like that. “Haha, I… We made a promise to let one of us choose a movie each week, we should keep our promise.”
“I’m not watching that,” the other club member said. “We’re here to watch movies we appreciate, not whatever dumpster trash you like.”
Although the other two members were being mean, they were right.
“Guys,” Junpei was unsure to say something. He could see how your smile vanished, your shoulders slackened as you flipped the DVD to its back so you wouldn’t need to see the cover title. “It’s her turn to choose.”
“Nevermind,” you uttered, putting the DVD back in your bag. “They’re right. I was being selfish. You can skip my turn.”
“Great! I rented Pulp Fiction yesterday and brought it with me.” Your classmate dove his hand inside his bag to fish out the DVD.
Junpei noticed the way your lower lip trembled and you pressing your lips together to hide it. When your gaze met him, you forced a smile on your face, mouthing that it was alright.
You were just like him.
He got up from his seat to sit next to you as your classmate put the movie in the DVD player. It was nothing unusual, most of you sat together to make small comments during a movie.
You pushed your stuff on the desk to the side so he could have some space to put his bag.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, the movie had already started.
“There’s no reason for you to apologize,” you softly stated, leaning closer to keep your voice down and not disturb the movie. “It was my fault.”
“Still, we gather here to watch movies our members enjoyed. We’re not actual film critics or anything.” He was trying not to lower his gaze to your chest. One of the buttons had come undone on your shirt, he could see your bra. “Next week is my turn, I can rent the movie you wanted to watch so we can watch it. They won’t complain then.”
Your eyes widened and he could swear that he saw them sparkle. A second later, you dropped your gaze to your lap to fidget with your fingers. “Nevermind, it’ll cause trouble. It’s passive-aggressive and I don’t wanna cause trouble for anyone. Nobody wanna watch the movie I chose anyway.”
“I do,” he whispered, cheeks flushing. While you weren’t looking he had gotten a chance to peek inside your shirt.
Lifting your head, you looked up at him with the prettiest and the most genuine smile he had ever seen. “Really?”
He nodded in affirmation, “We can watch it together after school if y-you wanna.”
“Shh!” The oldest club member turned and pointed two fingers at you and then to his eyes. “No flirting in the losers club.”
Both of you got quiet and it took you a long moment before leaning closer to tell Junpei something.
“So, where will we watch the movie?”
That was how he ended up bringing you to his place. You awkwardly sat on his bed and he tried to stop his shaking hands.
“I wish I had a television in my room too,” you said, starting a conversation to ease the mood. “You’re so lucky, Jun!”
Calling him nicknames like that… you were trying to make him delirious. “I-it’s nothing, it’s some old thing I got from second hand.”
He heard a rustling sound. Once he was done with putting the movie in the DVD player, he whipped his head around to check what you were doing.
His breathing almost stopped when he saw you laying on his bed and checking your phone. You were moving your legs up on the air as you scrolled down some social media platform. Your skirt wasn’t long enough to cover the supple flesh of your thighs, they were squished together and because you were laying on your chest, the skirt’s fabric was relaxed on your ass, leaving not much to the imagination.
Junpei gulped audibly and averted his gaze. “The movie.” That was all he managed to say.
You hummed and sat up on his bed as he took a place next to you. He couldn’t understand why you were so careless, didn’t you think of him as a man?
No, you were purely naive. Not at all aware of the real dangers of the world. Not at all aware of what kind of thoughts about you went through his mind every single day.
The movie opened with the female lead who from her first appearance stated that she was the manic pixie dream girl getting some flowers from a secret admirer despite having a boyfriend.
It was simply trash. That was the only way he could describe the storyline or the mood of the movie.  On his own, under any condition, Junpei wouldn’t pick this garbage up and sit through it but since you wanted to watch it… he had to endure it.
You, on the other hand, seemed to enjoy the movie. Hands on your lap, gasping every now and then when the male lead encouraged the female lead to dump her boyfriend with his shitty compliments.
He found it kind of amusing to watch you react to the movie rather than watch it himself. Soon enough his gaze dropped to your lap. Under the skirt were your bare legs and you were sitting on his bed. Your ass was placed on his bed. The thought of your panties touching the sheets of his bed made his thoughts go south. If you got wet right now, you could soak his sheets.
Slowly, you shifted on his bed, getting in a more comfortable position to watch the movie. Unbeknownst to you, he had a better view of your cleavage now, it was only natural that he couldn’t look away. As vulnerable you were, he was still a man and like any other man, Junpei couldn’t stop himself from fantasizing.
What color panties were you wearing? If he lifted your skirt up to check, would you be surprised? You wouldn’t push him away, that was for sure. You came here all on your own after all, laying on his bed like that and looking like this… There was no doubt you were basically inviting him to fuck you.
The credits rolled sooner than he would have wanted.
You stretched your arms over your head and let out a soft groan. “Thank you, Jun.”
“For what?” He got up from his bed to take the DVD out from the player.
“For watching this with me. I’m so lucky to have a friend like you!” A friend, huh? He thought of you more than a friend but you were probably playing hard to get. The two of you were the same, you just had to be embarrassed to admit your feelings for him. Yeah, that had to be it.
“I liked the movie.” Liar. He didn’t watch it.
“I should get going,” you sighed, retrieving your bag and jacket from the floor.
By the time you stood up, Junpei was holding the DVD case towards you. “I hope you had fun.”
“I did.” You smiled, taking it from him. “Thank you again.”
Junpei was languidly nodding, lost in his own thoughts.
As soon as you left his room and apartment, Junpei hurried back to his room. Getting on his knees, he pressed his face into the exact spot you sat on for two full hours. He took a deep inhale, filling his lungs to their limit.
So this was your scent.
Unbuckling his belt, he kept inhaling the smell of your pussy absorbed on his sheets. He was already impossibly hard, if it weren’t for the way he was slouching when you were beside him, you would definitely notice.
His hand wrapped around his cock and he stroked it from the base to the tip, using your smell and his own fantasies about you as his material for today.
Oh, how he wished he could smell you directly.
The next day, he couldn’t look you in the eye during the club meeting to talk about the movie everyone watched yesterday.
While you were debating with the two other members about how although the cinematography and the dialogue were great you didn’t enjoy the excessive amount of cursing.
“You just don’t understand cinema,” one of them grumbled.
“Couldn’t agree more, I mean… Do you even watch anything other than your weird romance movies?” The other one grinned.
“Let’s not take it too far,” Junpei mumbled, his words went unheard.
“I didn’t say anything bad about the movie,” you argued. “It was well written but the dialogue was too vulgar for my taste.”
“And since when do you have taste?”
“Yeah, she’s such a scatterbrained normie.”
“Guys.” Junpei stood up on his seat to stop the hassle.
“At least I’m not a pathetic loser.” It slipped. As if you had been wanting to say it out loud for so long. “You know that this is why nobody likes any of you, right?”
It became silent.
Junpei sat back on his chair and the other two who had been grinning from ear to ear as they were teasing you frowned.
You clapped a hand over your mouth, realizing what you had said but the deed was done.
“Sorry.” Mumbling, you gathered your stuff and left the clubroom.
Getting bullied wasn’t the worst part. It was the way other people treated him because he was getting bullied.
People looked at him with pity, sometimes talked to him because they wanted to include him. They were all doing these things to feel better about themselves. It was never about him.
He could let the cigarette burns, all the times he got beaten and the countless lies others spread about him slip but not the fake kindness.
He hated the fakes.
It was two days after the incident when you finally decided to approach Junpei before he exited the school garden.
“Hey, Jun.”
A shiver rose up his spine and he stopped walking momentarily. “(name), good to see you.” He turned around to face you but you were looking down onto the pavement. You didn’t want to look him in the face.
“Yeah...” You took a deep breath to calm your senses before speaking. “I just wanted to apologize for the other day. I didn’t mean any of the things I said.”
He said nothing.
“I’m really sorry about it, I was being bitter because of the way they talked to me but I shouldn’t have reacted that way.”
He proceeded to stay quiet, though you had a lot to say to him, it was impossible to find the courage or the words to speak when he was being like this. However, you came prepared for anything.
Reaching inside your bag, you pulled out a DVD case with a movie title Junpei had been looking forward to watching. You had heard him talk about it nonstop for months until it got released recently. He couldn’t get his hands on the DVD itself because of how the movie was always rented out but now, you were holding it.
“Wanna watch it together? My treat.”
How could he possibly say no?
Your nerves eased when he put on a smile.
Thankfully, the walk to his place was short. In his room, you took off your jacket and grabbed the DVD case to put it on yourself. “I tipped the cashier a couple of extra bucks to get my hands on this,” you giggled and turned on his television with the remote control, the player lit up instantly.
“You didn’t have to.”
“Well, it’s just my way of apologizing, don’t sweat it!” Pressing the button for the disc slot, you opened the case to grab the CD. “Besides, I wanted to watch this for a long time too.”
He could tell you were lying but he wasn’t sure if you were trying to be nice to him out of pity or not. Gradually, he realized he couldn’t put you in a box. You two were alike. Exactly like him, you didn’t know where you fit in but he started to get an idea about where might fit in just fine.
As you were standing with the remote control in your hands and waiting for the movie title to show up on the screen, a set of hands were placed on your hips, making you flinch.
Junpei couldn’t help but press himself against you, his hands on your hips moved to your stomach, and grabbed the remote control out of your grasp. He threw the device to the side.
“Jun?” you tried calling him again, not realizing he needed a hug this badly. “Are-are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” he replied, you felt him bury his face into your hair and heard him take a sniff. His hands moved in different ways. One slid up to cup your breast over your shirt and the other slid down your stomach.
“Um, if you wanna hug me, I can face you. This position is… weird....” You merely comprehended that he wasn’t hugging you when his hand soothed the fabric of your skirt and went under it to grab you by your pussy.
Your thighs pressed together at the same time a surprised gasp left your lips. His hand was pushing you towards him as he was pressing against you, urging you to feel everything.
“Wait,” you tried to say, but when his hips snapped forward it broke into another gasp. A finger pressed on your slit over the fabric of your panties, he dragged it up while his hand harshly groped your breast.
“W-what are you doing?”
“What do you think?” Junpei nosed some hair out of his way and placed his lips on your nape, grazing his lips on the sensitive skin before moving to kiss your neck. “I thought you were here to spend time with me.” His teeth nibbled on the thin flesh and your legs turned to jelly.
“B-but the movie.”
Hooking a finger under the elastic on the edge of your panties, he pulled them to the side and let his middle finger slip inside.
“We can watch it later.”
“Jun, wait.” You squirmed and tried to move away from his fingers but you were trapped. If you moved backward you were going to press harder against his erection and moving forward meant his finger going deeper inside you. The latter was the worst option, so you moved your hips away from his hand.
What you hadn’t calculated was the way you were rocking back on forth with Junpei as he was grinding his clothed cock against the soft flesh of your ass. When you pressed yourself against him harder, it didn’t leave any more space for you to move away from his fingers.
Thanks to your dumb decision, Junpei had you right where he wanted.
“You’re so cute, always trying to act smarter than you actually are,” he whispered, lips brushing against your neck. “When you left that day after we watched your stupid movie, I jerked off to you.”
His hand on your breast moved between your bodies and placed on the front of his pants. He tugged them down while drawing small circles on your neck with his tongue and two of his fingers thrust inside your slick heat.
“I shoved my nose into the exact spot you sat to inhale your scent.”
The revelation of what he did after you left made you tremble. His hot and wet tongue pressed flat against the side of your neck and his fingers moving in a scissoring motion distracted you from his free hand guiding his cock between your legs.
“From the moment we met, I knew we were made for each other, (name).”
Nevertheless the awkward positioning, he slipped his fingers out of you and moved to grab your leg from the back of your knee. He lifted your leg until his cock had enough space to move and his hips surged forward.
A panicked sound left your lips when his cock moved between your folds rather than going inside like he had planned.
Before you could struggle, he pulled his hips back and thrust forward, angling his hips in the right direction. This time, it was a success.
Both of you moaned in unison.
Junpei buried his face into your neck and groaned loudly to the sensation of your warm cunt. Your gummy walls were sucking him right in. He couldn’t help slamming his hips into your pussy with a little too much force. You shook in his arms, nearly losing your balance “J-Jun,” you breathed, tone faint. “T-the movie.”
“Is that what you really want right now?” he whispered into your ear, thrusting in your cunt agitatedly.
You wanted to say something and shove him away so the two of you could focus on the movie that was playing on the screen instead but his cock stroked a sweet spot inside made you melt in his hold. You moaned instead, giving him the answer he wanted to hear.
He picked up a pace to fuck into you in a smooth motion and roughly pound into your pussy to steal cute little moans out of you. He was too lost in pleasure to be able to think. All he wanted was to feel your pussy clench around his cock.
His kisses on your neck turned into biting and you felt him lift your leg higher, launching both of you forward when you lost your balance. You managed to hold onto the TV stand while Junpei didn’t let the small accident interrupt him.
Letting go of your leg, he placed his hand on your back and pushed until you arched your back.
Now, he could thrust deeper inside you. Almost frantically, he started hammering his cock into your pussy. The impact caused you to place both hands on the furniture in front of you and hold onto it for dear life. Your clenching walls around him felt heavenly, he couldn’t stop moving his hips.
A shaky moan escaped your lips when the tip of his cock kissed your cervix. Your hands gripped the furniture and your toes curled at the sensation. At some point, your attention suddenly averted to Junpei’s wandering hands pulling your back flush against his chest as every thrust of his hips left you shaking and begging for more.
“J-Jun,” you whined.
He knew exactly what it meant. If he couldn’t tell from the neediness in your voice, he could tell it from the way your gummy walls started pulsating around his cock. Instead of picking up his pace and fucking you like an animal in heat like you thought he would do, Junpei tried to thrust deeper, stroking your sensitive spot with his cock until your vision turned white and you started rocking yourself back on Junpei’s cock. Only then his thrusts became harder, almost as if he wanted to claim you as his only.
“Can I do it inside?” Junpei didn’t need an answer but you gave him one anyway.
His pace suddenly slackened, he was close to his own orgasm. He pushed his cock in your pussy down to the base and you felt the slight twitch of his balls on your ass as thick spurts of seed filled your womb.
He lowly grunted, continuing to move his hips and fucking his seed into you with disgustingly wet sounds. Your legs started to shake under you, his hands on your hips were the only things keeping you standing up but once he let go of you, the support disappeared. You dropped on the floor, his cum oozed out of you and stained the carpet.
None of you said anything. Not when you were catching your breaths or when you were fixing your clothes.
It took you a full minute before you asked something so utterly idiotic. “Should I go home?”
At that exact moment, he understood why people enjoyed bullying others who were weaker than them.
“I thought you came here to watch the movie with me.” He dared to say.
You stared at him blankly, your gaze slowly turned to the movie that had been playing the whole time and a faint smile tugged at your lips as you reached for the remote control on the other side of the carpet to restart the movie.
In the next club meeting, Junpei brought the movie you had wanted to watch last week.
Although the other two groaned in unison, they sat through the entire movie once Junpei told them they owed you this.
As for you, watching the movie you had already seen a week ago was boring but the anticipation to watch another new release you had rented with Junpei after school was enough to keep you on the edge.
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“Incorrect Quotes with Haikyuu Boys„
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5 , Part 6 , Part 7 , Part 8 , Part 9 , Part 10
Synopsis : Different Quotes From Brooklyn-Nine-Nine as Haikyuu Characters
Genre : Comedy
Pairing(s) : Goshiki x reader , Atsumu x reader , Tsukishima x reader , Lev x reader
Word Count : 1.07k
Warning(s) : She/her pronouns used , slight violence , slight timeskip spoiler
Masterlist Link : Here
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*Shiratorizawa manager in this*
[Name] : Mm. All right. Haha, C’est la vie (“It’s life.” in French). Let me grab your student ID numbers ‘cause I will be filing an official student complaint with Coach Washijou.
[Name] , Semi , Shirabu : *All laugh the joke off waveringly whilst Semi and Shirabu side glancing each other*.
Coach Washijou : Why did a just receive a student complaint about ya two?
Shirabu : I can answer this. Because our manager is a goblin.
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*Shiratorizawa manager in this*
Coach Washijou : Ye’ll stay after school hours at the gym for extra practice today.
Goshiki : Darn it. I had a belly dancing class today! Today is Egyptian undulation.
[Name] : Ooh!~ Show us some moves!
Goshiki : Sure! *Tries to get on top of the bench*.
Coach Washijou : Dismissed!
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Kyoutani : It’s my birthday. I hate birthdays. If you wish me a happy birthday, I will punch you.
Oikawa : You’re a funny little bird, Mad Dog-Chan. Happy birthday!
*Gets punched in the guts*
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*Inarizaki manager in this*
[Name] : *Holds up two pictures* Here are two pictures. One is your gym locker and the other is a garbage dump in the Philippines. Can you tell which is which?
Atsumu : *Points to the right one*, That one is the dump?
[Name] : They’re both your locker!
Atsumu : Gah! A should’ve guessed that, that’s good!
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*Inarizaki manager in this*
Part 1/3
Atsumu : A can see that yer upset, but let’s just sit down and talk about it.
[Name] : Done talking! *Throws boxing gloves*, Time to dance.
Atsumu : Fine. But a should warn ya. A took three years of tap.
*Inarizaki manager in this*
Part 2/3
Atsumu : Again, [Name], it’s so good to see ya. Just outta curiosity, how did ye find out about this?
[Name] : I’m the club manager at Inarizaki High... Kita-San told me. I know you’re trying to set me up with some guy in class 7 as a joke!
Atsumu : What? That’s crazy! ‘Samu, come in ‘ere and stand in front of ma body and tell ‘er that’s crazy!
*Atsumu gets punched by the manager*
Atsumu : Ow! My lucky face!
[Name] : You gonna talk to me now?
Atsumu : Sure. If ya could be any vacation—
*Gets punched again*
Atsumu : Ow!
*Inarizaki manager in this*
Part 3/3
Atsumu : So we good?
[Name] : We good. And for the record... If I can be any kind of vacation... I’d be lake trip.
Atsumu : Classic!
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*Karasuno manager in this*
Nishinoya : Come on. You’re not even moving. Let’s go.
Asahi : Get your hands off me! I’ve heard about this in the news! You’re cyber-bullying me!
Nishinoya : Shh!
Asahi : I’m getting [Name]! Get the hell away from me!
Nishinoya : No, you’re very misinformed. Please don’t get [Name]—
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*Slight timeskip spoiler*
*Karsuno manager in this*
[Name] : Here’s the plan: We’re gonna go to nationals, you’re gonna enjoy and fall in love with volleyball, you’re gonna want to pursue being a volleyball player as a career. And that’s a [Surname] guarantee.
Tsukishima : Your last [Surname] guarantee you made was that you could dunk a basketball.
[Name] : *In a ladder with a basketball in hand*, I never said I couldn’t use a ladder. [Surname] guarantee achieved! *Tries dunking the basketball but falls off the ladder and misses the shot*.
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*Nekoma manager in this*
Part 1/3
Kuroo : Now, I have been taking notes on points of friction in this gym for three years. *Pulls out a poster that is highly detailed with work flow strategies for Nekoma*, The red areas are places where no work gets done. If we can fix these problems without anyone knowing what we’re doing, we will make progress.
Coach Nekomata : Are you saying you want to secretly perform scientific experiments on your friends and colleagues to increase efficiency?
Kuroo : Yes.
Coach Nekomata : Sounds fun, let’s do it.
*Nekoma manager in this*
Part 2/3
Coach Nekomata : Tell me about the Haiba-[Surname] reaction...
Kuroo : Lev gets cold a lot because of what he calls his—
Lev : Medically diagnosed thin skin.
*Flashback over*
Kuroo : So he goes to the lost and found, and he grabs something that’s usually unflattering... That’s when [Name] usually gets involved.
*Lev walking past [Name] wearing an oddly knitted sweater*
[Name] : *Condescending laughter* Sweet sweater, Lev! You look like you’re starting in an Albanian remake of The Cosby Show.
Lev : ...
[Name] : Dr. Huxtable! Dr. Huxtable!
*Flashback over*
Kuroo : [Name] is completely useless when Lev is wearing lost and found clothes.
Coach Nekomata : Well, I can’t really blame her on this one. Maybe we should just uh... empty lost and found.
Kuroo : Already done, sir.
*Lev walking past them in a white cowboy fringed jacket*
Kuroo : Don’t worry! I had a backup plan. I distracted [Name] with a mirror. She’s like a cockatiel, sir— Fascinated by her own reflection...
*[Name] staring at her reflection*
[Name] : Muah! Hello, sexy!~ How are you?
Lev : *Not glancing up* Right back at ya!
Coach Nekomata : Well done...
*Nekoma manager in this*
Part 3/3
Kuroo : Sir, I’m begging you, please, we have to stop!
Coach Nekomata : The problem is, we didn’t take Yaku into accounts. In our next trial—
*[Name] clears her throat whilst dramatically turning around on the office chair*
[Name] : Hello, boys. Welcome to your own office!~ I hear you’re trying to make the precinct most efficient.
Kuroo : [Name], what are you doing in the coach’s chair?
[Name] : I’ve narrowed the problem down to one location: The Coach-Kuroo vortex. Things would go a lot faster if the two of you did less experimenting and more working... And I’m not the only one who thinks that.
*Double clapping and the whole Nekoma team enters the office*.
Coach Nekomata : Well, I suppose it’s possible we may have been a tad enthusiastic in our pursuit of efficiency—
Kuroo : Really? A tad, Icarus?
Coach Nekomata : Fine, message received. Kuroo and I will get right to work.
[Name] : *Still in Coach’s chair*, Great, that will be all. Thank you.
Coach Nekomata : Get the hell out of my chair.
[Name] : Yeah, All right, I pushed it a little bit on that one. Okay~ Bye!
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Kuroo : Today we face the worst Tokyo has to offer— Fukurodani Academy.
*Kuroo and Bokuto walking in slow motion towards each*
Kuroo : Fukurodani captain, Bokuto, we meet again.
Bokuto : Nekoma captain, Kuroo, your fly’s down— I made you look!
Kuroo : I didn’t look. And I’m wearing shorts, so there is no fly.
Bokuto : That’s not what your mom said.
Kuroo : You make no sense.
Bokuto : And now I’m inside your head.
{Pretend this is a divider pls}
Author’s Note : GAHHAHSA THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 90 NOTES, I can make this a series if you’d like, they’re really fun to make and think of as characters and I just have to write them down as soon as I see them LMAOO
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mimsylost · 3 years
Thoughts about Diluc/Kaeya’s attitudes toward their childhood
Summer events storyline ended and I wanted to sort out my thoughts a bit. It all started when I felt like Diluc and Kaeya both divide their present life from childhood very consciously 🤧
In case of Diluc, it feels like his childhood has been taken away from him. He was subject to his father’s expectations from a very young age, so he had to grow up early (Diluc says you would not have seen his imaginary friend even if he was 15, in the Venti story quest). Plus his father's death and Keia's confession shattered his comfortable worldview, he had to seek justice and belief alone, he became a dark hero, and fatefully said goodbye to his childhood. Above all, he believes that he has already turned his back on his childhood, and tries to move forward without looking back. Besides, Diluc is a person who cares and looks after others rather than looking after himself. (really, he gives off “I’m the eldest” vibe)
But perhaps he is ignoring his own desires and emotions. Kaeya sees through this and seems to be a little worried. Though he was in a teasing tone, he actually remarked that Diluc is only a child inside, and has a lot of repressed emotions.
Anyway Diluc buries his thoughts of childhood like this... so when Kaeya brings out their childhood memories Diluc is like: So you actually remember those things huh 😯
Of course, Diluc himself has not forgotten those memories and seems to have certain nostalgia for his childhood. Plus as I mentioned above, Diluc had to grow up early, so..... When the traveler talks to Diluc after the 4th story of summer event, he says things like: it's been a while since I've been treated like a child, but it's not a bad feeling.
On the other hand, Kaeya openly misses his 'innocent childhood'. When he sees innocent children, he envies them, and says things like living as an adult is hard and wears one out. He envies free and innocent children who do not have to live with the weight of lies, and he wishes he could be like that too. Though he knows it's impossible. More for the reason he keeps obsessing(?) over the memories of childhood shares with Diluc.
This difference in attitude between Kaeya and Diluc seems obvious in Venti story mission. When Diluc tells Kaeya not to get drunk, Kaeya suddenly starts arguing out of nowhere like: ‘So if I get drunk, you’ll sell me off to the garbage dump? You like selling off things, you sold our father's mansion.’
When Diluc says what’s to do with such useless things, Kaeya asks if he sold a certain vase as well. Here Kaeya seems to dislike how Diluc simply sold away the mansion, because it makes him feel like his childhood is easily erased off like that. Plus Kaeya looks like he’s anxious about whether Diluc is going to ignore their shared memories; whether Diluc is trying to cut off their current relationship at any time (mentioning the vase...).
On the other hand, Diluc is like: I can't go back to my innocent childhood anyway, and I have to leave it there for the sake of my beliefs and goals. So I can't understand why Keia is arguing like this. Actually Diluc doesn't seem to have any intention of kicking him out in the first place, so he’s even more unimpressed lol
And Diluc’s still indulgent to everything Kaeya has to say, so. Haha.
All in all it seems Kaeya is more anxious and self-guilty in their relationship, but being reluctant to open up his mind he acts sarcastic and dramatic. Hence he ends up being so extra. Maybe this attitude got Diluc to say he can trust only half of Kaeya’s words. After all Kaeya seldom spoke frankly with others in the story, right? (one case where I felt his tone was serious enough (in CN voice): when Kaeya says he was relieved Diluc had someone on his side, during the Diluc story quest. I felt like this remark baffled Diluc a bit, so he only ended up saying '...hm'. )
Summary: Diluc and Kaeya’s attitudes are different about their childhood but they both seem to remember and miss it. Plus it seems obvious that both of them want to continue this relationship. It’s just that Diluc doesn't even thinks about breaking the ties, so he’s like ‘wtf is he on about’ when Kaeya (anxious and feeling guilty) drops the dramatic sarcasm bomb.
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chokemeanakin · 3 years
Heyyy first wanna say that I love you!! 💜❤️🤎🧡💙🤍💚🖤
Next, I’ve been really sick lately, like haven’t been bail to take down food for a solid week, and in and out of hospital for the last two weeks, so could you please write up an Anakin small fic or head canon or just anything with a really sick reader, but she finds it hard to exsept help? Your fives have been keep me alive I swear haha
YOOO IVE BEEN WANTING TO DO THIS FOR WEEEEEEKKKSSS you literally read my mind !!! 😆😆😆 (also I’m so sorry that you’re terribly sick, I’m sending you all my love and I hope you get better soon. I love you too boo thang ❤️) HERE WE GO:
(Also fun fact whump is my area of expertise so if this gets to be really long I apologize — it’s just hard for me to narrow stuff down, anyway, enjoy)
Anakin x Sick (fem) Reader Headcanons:
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Gif from @swprequels
The minute you get sick, you immediately shut yourself into your room and hide from the world.
You hate people seeing you at your worst, most vulnerable state. So weak, and needy, and messy and in pain. You’ve always been the type to push people away, no matter how sick you get, because you just can’t let them see you like that.
But like.... imagine you’re new to the temple or something. You haven’t been there for very long, and you still don’t really know your way around. And you wake up at night with the worst stomach pains, like writhing around in bed and crying and begging higher powers for any kind of relief sort of pain.
And you somehow manage to wrench yourself onto shaking legs and dig through the bathroom cabinet, only to find that you have no medicine that can help you.
The next logical step is you go to the medbay, but you have no idea where that even is. And so you’re left to drag yourself down the halls to the only other person who you can think of to help you, the only other other person you want to see right now.
Anakin opens the door shirtless, rubbing sleep out of his bleary eyes. You wish you could feel worse for waking him up when he was obviously sleeping, but your stomach is twisting and turning and a layer of cold sweat is forming over you and you need his help. So you swallow your pride and stand there as he asks, “Y/n? What’s wrong, baby?”
He doesn’t hesitate as he gently ushers you into his room, holding you up as he leads you to the bed. You’re glad, because you don’t think your legs can hold you up for very much longer. And he’s kneeling in front of you, taking your face in his hands and wiping away your tears as you clutch at your stomach and tremble beneath him.
“I-I don’t feel good,” is all you can manage before wincing at a particularly painful stab, shuttering as the nausea worsens.
He’s so worried, eyes scanning over every inch of you. He’s less soft now, and more action as protecting you and figuring out what’s wrong is his first priority.
“What hurts?”
Everything hurts, but you settle with the most pressing offender. “My stomach.”
His eyes drop to your arms, which are wound around your middle like you could squeeze the pain away. You’re hunched over, shivering violetently, skin pale in the darkness. Very obviously sick, although now he has to decide whether it’s bad enough where it warrants a visit to the medbay. His heart twists painfully.
“When did it start?”
“A couple hours ago.”
“Did you eat something?”
He’s rubbing his thumb along your cheek, capturing each cold tear as they’re occasionally squeezed out of your eye.
“Not that I know of,” you whisper. “I had the same as everyone else.”
“Okay,” he says after a moment, then stands. He keeps one hand gently cradling your face as he reaches behind you and pulls the blankets back. “You wanna lie down?”
You want to say yes, but suddenly you’re hit with a particularly excruciating twist of the stomach, and you know it wouldn’t be a good idea. If you move even slightly, you’re pretty certain you’ll be spilling your dinner all over the floor. The thought has you moaning slightly, curled even further into yourself, shaking your head. “Can’t.”
“Alright. That’s okay. Do you think you’re gonna be sick?”
A terrible wave of embarrassment washes over you, but you force yourself to nod.
Anakin doesn’t even have to ask to know that you won’t be able to make it the bathroom. He wouldn’t want to subject that to you anyway, knelt on the cold tile floor before the toilet. No, he wants you to be as comfortable as possible.
So he takes his garbage can and makes sure it’s clean before setting it on the floor or in front of you, in case you need it quickly. You’re hanging your head, sweating and shivering and whimpering every so often as the pain builds and builds and washes over you in waves.
“It’s okay,” Anakin sits beside you, hand rubbing your back in grounding circles. “Focus on your breathing. It’ll pass soon.”
You stay there with him like that for a long while. At one point, you’re begging him for some pain meds, or anything that can take the pain away, but he has to refuse because you’re just going to throw them up anyway. He feels awful saying no, because you begin to cry again and lean forward.
He senses it right before it happens. With lightning reflexes, he snatches the bin off the ground and holds it under you just as you begin to get violently sick.
It’s not pretty, and that thought is knocking at the back of your mind as you clutch onto the rim of the bin, emptying your stomach over and over and over, barely able to catch a breath before you’re hit with another round.
Anakin sits right next to you through it all, dragging his fingers along the nape of your neck to gather your hair over one shoulder, rubbing soothing line and circles into your back, hushing you and telling you to let it out, that you’ll feel better once it’s over.
He’s right about that. Throwing up scares you, and you hate it with everything in you, but for the time being you feel a little better. Once your food stops forcing its way back up and you can finally breathe, there’s a moment where the awful stabbing pain in your stomach is quiet and you can open your eyes and lift your head.
“You think you’re done?”
You take a moment to assess your nausea, not wanting to be hit with a surprise attack and make a mess all over the floor. But for the time being, your stomach has settled and now you’re left as a trembling, weak, shell of a human, barely able to sit upright on your own.
You nod and wipe your mouth, disgusted with the contents now on the back of your hand. Your pajamas have been soaked in sweat, and you’re sure you look absolutely disgusting. You’re too weak to care a whole lot, but the shame still bubbles up in your chest.
Somehow he’s got a glass of water, and he’s handing it to you so you can swish and spit. “Small sips, angel.”
Anakin sets the bin down, running his hand over your hair once more before standing. The loss of his warm presence has you shivering violently, teeth clacking together. “You want a bath? Or do you just want to go to bed?”
You don’t think you’d be able to sleep with your clothes stocking to you like this, so you choose the bath. He kisses your forehead once, saying, “I’ll go run it now. Stay here in case you get sick again.”
You nod and he leaves, the sounds of the faucet turning and water splashing into the bath sounding from the bathroom. He comes back to help you up, hands fitting right onto your disgusting sweaty and vomitty body as he half carries you to the bathroom.
And then he helps you get undressed, lowers you carefully into the water, kneels by the side of the tub and holds your hand.
Your eyes are closed and your head is pounding, achey and queasy and tired. You know you have to wash up, but you can’t seem to lift your arms.
So he does it for you 🥺
Squeezing some shampoo into his palm, gently rubbing it into your hair, using his hand to shield your face as he carefully washes it out. Running his hands over your arms and the top of you chest with soap, lathering you up and then rinsing again. And then he’s squeezing water out of a cloth, running the damp material over your face to clean it of sweat and sick.
And when he’s done, he stands and promises to be right back as he takes the bin full of vomit to the communal bathrooms, dumping it out in the toilet and then washing it in the showers. It’s early hours of the morning so no one is there, but he’d do it even if people were looking at him like he was crazy. 🥺
And when he comes back, he helps you out of the bath and bundles you up in a big fluffy towel. Runs it over your skin and dries you up, and helps you stand as you request to brush your teeth.
And then he brings you back into the room and helps you dress in some of his clothes, a pair of his sleep pants that he has to tie the string extra tight so they’ll stay up, and roll the cuffs up to your ankle about 10 times until you can walk without tripping. And he’s also got some sleep shirts that he’s never worn, and you swim in that also so he rolls up the sleeves until you can see your hands.
And now all you want to do is fall back into his pillows and go to sleep, but he asks you to hold on a while longer so that he can get you some meds. And he has you take some pills, encourages you to drink some more water, (“slow, baby”), and then he helps you lie back and get comfortable.
And if you wake up later in the night to get sick again, he’s waking up right along with you, holding you and hushing you and being the sweetest person you could ever ask for.
In instances like this, you can’t help but need and accept his help. And he doesn’t mind giving it, in fact he wants you to come to him. Anything that brings you pain, he’ll destroy.
And he’ll make sure you eat as much as you can, and that you’re drinking water. Constantly asking you how you feel, if there’s anything he can do. Runs a cold cloth over your face to soothe the fever, and massages your aching muscles until you’re all better.
The voice he uses when you’re sick 🥺. He knows that any noise can hurt your head, so he lowers his voice and it’s so smooth and deep and rumbly. So soft and gentle 😭 the sweetest voice bc his baby is in pain and he just wants to take it all away 🥺🥺
In other cases where you’re sick, like you have a cold, you’re more stubborn. You shut yourself away as soon as you get the first symptoms, denying any hint that you might be getting sick, until suddenly he realizes he hasn’t seen you in days and stops by to find you buried under covers, surrounded by tissues, all lights off in your apartment, sleeping fitfully.
And so he’ll sigh a little, clean up your apartment and then sit and watch over you. When you wake up, you’ll groan and burrow deeper into the covers and demand he leave. But he’ll just tell you to be quiet and drink this water.
Demands you tell him the moment you feel sick next time, even though he knows you never will. And then when he gets you some medicine and food, your cheeks are red with embarrassment and fever as you bashfully accept them.
But ofc you’ll get over it soon because Anakin’s here now and you might as well be miserable in his arms. So you push the covers off your overheating body and reach across the bed for him, practically falling into his lap from where he’s sitting on a chair by your bedside.
And he just simply catches you and strokes your hair and hushes you as you bury your wet eyes and flushed cheeks into his chest, sniffling pathetically.
“You’re okay, sweetheart,” he’ll promise, and hold you in his warm arms and rock you until you fall asleep.
Getting sick on Republic Cruisers is the worst. When that happens, you’re either on your way to or back from war. And so usually people are busy and running around, or exhausted and beat up. The ship is cold and everyone has their own problems to worry about, but you feel like ass and you just want to be alone with Anakin.
He feels awful when he sees you, and will order everyone out of the pilot’s room. And then he’ll clear the passenger seat off, urge you to sit down, wrap you up in as many blankets as he can find, and when he can only find a couple, he’ll sacrifice his Jedi robe. And you’ll nuzzle deep down into the cacoon of blankets and inhale the scent of Anakin’s robe, fall in and out of consciousness as you’re lulled to sleep by the soft sounds of the ship.
Anakin wishes there was more he could do for you in these instances, but the food isn’t good and there’s not usually any medicine. So he’ll keep a hand on your knee, or let you hold his hand in your lap as you sleep, and he’ll send a little surge of peace and soothing energy through the force and into you.
Will 100% find an excuse to carry you off the ship when you land, and then spend the rest of the day lying with you and tending to you and trying to make you feel better 🥺
He’s so caring and so protective and sweet. His gentle side really comes out, because his #1 thing is that he needs the people he loves to be safe, so if an illness is hurting you he will do anything he can to take the pain away.
Yes, he can’t take care of himself sometimes. But the minute you’re feeling a little under the weather, suddenly he has a PHD in medical science and he’s nursing you back to health like an expert 🥺
Also he’ll never deny you kisses when you’re sick, even if you warn him he might catch it, he just hushes you and kisses you softly on the lips. Then on the chin, then the nose, then the forehead.
Will always brush off your inability to accept help. If you say “no” or “leave me alone” or “I’m fine go away” he’ll just roll his eyes and plant himself there. Bc no matter how stubborn you can be, he’s even more.
And when you keep apologizing, obviously feeling awful for having him take care of you, he’ll just hush your worries and hold a tissue to your nose and go “blow.”
And then he’ll stay with you and watch over you until you’re all better. And even when you get back into the swing of things, he’ll watch over you like a hawk while you’re recovering 🥺🥺
You might get shy and ashamed and embarrassed when he tries to help you, but he doesn’t mind. You’ll just have to come to accept the fact that he’s always going to be there for you, to help you and hold you and make you all better ❤️
Sweet boy is so good to you 🥺🥺🥰
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xbunnybunz · 3 years
Weak Hero University (2/?) [Reader x Weak Hero]
Summary: I know you assholes are crying now that the first season of Weak Hero is over. But you’ve got other things to focus on, like where the fuck you’re going to live after getting kicked out of your old dorm. Luckily, you’ve found one last open room on the other side of Weak Hero University. What could possibly go wrong?
Genre: Romance, Humor, Slice of Life
Date: 6/1/2021
A brief introduction of everyone later, you haul a suitcase into the room while Ben noisily and clumsily pulls on his shorts, after much persuading from his friends.
“You’re living… Here? In the boys dorms?” Eugene asks, tagging beside carrying your schoolbag. “Isn’t that against the campus policy?”
You park the suitcase beside by your room and sigh, popping your back briefly.
“I’m just as confused as you guys are, but the keys here seem to be for this room here.” You allow a single gold-hued key to dangle from your fingers on a cheap polyester lanyard, Eugene’s eyes follow the menacing stare of the school mascot printed on the side until you pull it out of his sight.
“Let’s see just how fucked up this school is when it comes to money extortion.” You put the key in the door and hear a tell-tale metallic ‘click.’
“Wow.” A voice says from the couches. “Pretty fucked up.”
You sigh, shoulder slumping forward. “Whatever. Let’s just get this over with.”
Most of the items go into your room without much hassle at all. A suitcase full of cute PJs you and your nonexistent best gal roommates could rave over, a plastic box full of face masks you’d probably never be able to use without being made fun of, and a waterlogged ziplock baggie half-full with notes (and corn chips) from last semester.
What? A folder? What the fuck is a folder?
A boy with silver hair passes by and begins to say something to you, but seems to debate better options when he sees the plastic baggie on the floor.
Feeling slighted somehow, you ask Eugene who he is once he’s out of earshot.
Eugene laughs and begins to speak but an arm looping around his neck cuts him off.
A pair of shimmering emerald eyes meet your own, but it’s clouded with a shadow of mischief. “You haven’t heard? That’s the white mamba of E-quad. He’s fearlessly beaten bastards so bloody with belts that we have metal detectors installed at the dining hall entrances now!”
“Stop exaggerating, Alex.” Eugene chokes out, sounding mildly discontented while desperately trying to pry the arm from around his neck.
“Wait, that was because of him?”
Eugene and Alex both freeze, brows furrowed. “Wait, you weren’t kidding?” Eugene asked.
“I was.” Alex says.
They both fix their gazes on you, and you’re suddenly struck with the memories of needing to surrender your lockpicking kit in front of several dozen freshmen behind you, and the hot desire to bury that memory consumes you.
“Haha, me too.”
They don’t seem convinced.
Before the conversation about buckle-assisted homicide can continue, a large shadow descends upon your form and a great arm reaches out from the heavens above. “Here, I grabbed this from the kitchen in case you needed a snack.”
You look up and see Gerard, the tallest and blindest of the group. You accept his gift of a single (1) lunchables capri-sun with much adoration in your heart.
“Thanks Gerard.”
He gives you a smile to remind the audience that he is, simply put, cool as fuck.
“No problem.”
Well, one problem. You eye the last bit of your luggage sitting at the doorway like a heaping pile of hot flaming garbage. It’s an amalgamation of the extraneous bits of your personality you’ve collected over the course of the past semester at Weak Hero University and maybe a forgotten bagel. Despite your previous roommate’s pleads for you to throw some of it out, you’d be damned if you weren’t a treacherous little hoarder. Simply put, it was a huge box of insignificant trinkets that made for a very significant problem. You had gotten lucky to cross paths with a cute but gullible junior earlier, who you immediately marked as prey and flirted with before unceremoniously dumping your crap on him to carry across campus. But now you’d have to pick up the box of crap yourself, which would prove to be a challenge with how little you actually wanted to be responsible for your own items.
The three boys see you eying the box and you perk up immediately, eyes glimmering with the possibility of wooing the fine gentlemen into helping a oh-so-meek lass like yourself.
You twirl a piece of hair between your fingers and bat your eyelashes at nothing at all, pouting your lips and hoping they weren’t too crusty. “Oh, I’m so tired. How am I ever going to move that big and heavy box?”
You stare dismally into an off-corner and attempt to look forlorn, grimacing when you see a weird  construction of a human-sized dorito-chip statue made of empty dorito bags beside the television. This was the moment your main love interest would swoop in and offer his servitude to you, dewey roses blossoming on convenient parts of the screen. Here it was, your very own shoujo moment!
But there’s no offer. In fact, you stare so long at the doritos statue that you begin to get spots in your vision.
When you turn back, the boys are by the box in question, though they are not attempting to move it at all. Instead, they lament over the problem with you as opposed to offering a solution.
“Ah, that thing looks so heavy. Sucks to be you.” Alex laughs.
Euguene shakes his head. “Right? I wouldn’t even be able to get a corner off the ground.”
Gerard places a thoughtful hand on the back of his neck. “You should probably save the capri-sun for after moving everything.”
Just when all hope seemed lost, Ben meanders out of his room. This time, all his articles of clothing are intact.
“Hey, what are you guys staring at?”
Yes! This was your movie-moment after all!
“Oh Ben! Thank god you’re here.” You resume your maiden in distress pose. “I was just so tired from the trip, my feeble heart and body can’t bear to-“
Alex pokes his head up when he hears Ben approaching, waving him over. “Look at all this shit she has. She’s like those people on My Strange Addiction!”
Irritated that he’s cut you off, you try to continue. “I won’t ever be able to lift all that on my own-!”
“Aren’t you talking about Hoarding, Buried Alive?” Gerard asks, clearly already losing interest in the luggage.
“Actually, I think that would be Hoarders, the reality television show that aired a little before My Strange Addiction took flight! It’s actually really interesting how that all started out, if you want to hear about it.”
You scowl at the back of Eugene’s head and stop quickly when Ben shoots a grin at you.
He puffs out his chest in a stupid himbo way and thrusts his thumb into his chest. “I can move this for you! No sweat! Just tell me where you want it!”
Sweet! You were about to resort to desperate begging, but those plans are cancelled!
You clasp your hands together and sigh, envisioning a world where men with muticolored hair fall in love with you.
“Oh, anywhere in here is fine, thank you so much Ben!”
As he goes in to lift it, you can see his muscles straining against the well-fitting fabric of his shirt.
Oh yes, this is definitely worth the dorming fee.
“Ben, you’re so sweet for helping me with this!” He ambles past you while struggling to hold the lid of the box closed. A strained voice comes from beyond the green rim of the bin. “Yep, no problem at all.”
You follow him into your room, tailing him while rambling about how grateful you were.
“You know, there was a junior who I met by the campus square on my way here. He helped me move everything to this building, but he struggled with that box a lot longer than you! I’m actually not sure how you’re even getting it off the ground without a wedge and trolley, but boy am I glad!”
Ben stops at the foot of your bed, barely able to peek over the edge of the bin. “Erm. Is here okay?”
“Hey I mean, as strong as that guy was, you’re definitely cuter than him. I was almost sad to see him go, but that’s the life of a busy woman!”
“As great as all this is, I’m actually really excited to make friends with everyone! Given these strange circumstances that usually only happen to indulge borderline psychotic fans, we should take advantage and-”
Ben drops the box on the floor and you screech, a pain shooting up your leg and pumping adrenaline into your veins.
“-FUCK! Shit!”
Ben freezes and realizes the absolutely fuckery he has just caused, but before he can react, you grab the corner of the box and throw it off your foot in a show of brute gorilla strength, crumpling to the floor in agony.
The boys have their heads poked into the doorway, curious after hearing two cuss words successively. They blanche when they realize the situation.
“Oh fuck. My bad?” Ben wants to comfort you but is frankly quite scared to after seeing your display of power.
“Did she just throw that thing with one hand?” Gerard asks.
Alex stares at the scene before him. “What the hell happened to her foot?”
Eugene titters about nervously, playing with his fingers “Do we have first aid?”
From the kitchen, a deadpan voice is heard. “Where’s my capri sun?”
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Now I wonder, if Justin got to Asgore and Catty and Bratty found their merchandise at the Waterfall garbage dump, how did Justin's objects get there or how they found them if it wasn't at the Waterfall dump?
((Good question! I actually have thought about this one!
So, what I'm thinking is that this all accures after Asgore has contained the 6 human souls. Justin being the last one to fall before Frisk, and him dying to the King...
Probably a few months or so pass after Justin and Asgore's fight...and, since Justin was one of the only 6 who actually got far enough to fight Asgore, I'm sure that...when Asgore killed Justin, it was very difficult for him to get over, or not have it bother him, the same with the other kids, too (though he didnt kill them directly, but their souls were brought to him, and thats gotta sting some how.)
So, its been awhile...and who are the only other monsters we know of that is super close to Asgore? (Other than Toriel)
Undyne, and Alphys.
Though, mainly, Alphys was probably involved somehow, since Undyne was probably still recovering from, yknow, getting her eye shot out.
Anyway. Around this time, Alphys is probably starting her DT experiment. And, to do this experiment, she needs to have access to the human souls. So, shes hanging around Asgore's castle a lot.
And, we know, from the fact that Alphys kept those tapes of Asriel and Chara in the True Lab, that Alphys deffinately snooped around in Asgore's Castle/New Home.
So, I'm thinking that, she was snooping around, and found Justin's Hat and Gun tucked away somewhere, because Asgore probably didn't want to have that laying around for him to see all the time.
And, Alphys, being very interested in human culture, probably recognized that those items aren't monster items, and she most likely asked Asgore where he got them...Which, resulted in Asgore having to explain to Alphys (in a very guilty, upset, and sorrowful way) that he had killed a human child here, in his own garden. And those were the child's belongings.
After hearing this, Alphys, much like with the tapes, decided that Asgore deffinately shouldn't have these items inside his home. She didn't want him to be reminded of such awful, painful memories.
So, she threw them into the garbage dump. Which, seems to be where Alphy's thinks most human things come from. Since there was a bike, a cooler, and a copy of Mew Mew Kissy Cutie there. So, she probably thought that this is where the Hat and Gun belong, too.
And, of course Bratty and Catty came along, looking for wares, and found this TOTALLY shiny gun and totes cute hat (Haha...even though both of Justin's things probably had dust on them, which, more than likely freaked both of them out)
But, what mattered, was that the two items looked totally expensive, and that they could probably sell them for a lot of money. Which, they did...
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Anyway, lol! Thats what I came up with! Its easier to come up with reasons why some of the kids items ended up in shops (Which would only be Matthew's, though one of his gloves can be found in a box, Lucas's, and Justin's items) the rest are scattered about in their respected areas. The scattered items are harder to explain, I feel, since the person would have had to remove/drop them (which is unlikely) or a monster would have had to move them there.
But, yeah! Thats my take on how Justin's items were lost! :)
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
Gale Reacts: Masters of the Universe Revelation: Episode 2
(So I took a deep breath cleared my head of all the criticism and positive takes. and I am just going to focus on the show itself)
Spoilers below
-And they are in a garbage dump. Odd start, I'd almost think it means something.
-Is that STINKOR?
-And Teela has an undercut. Why is that like the go to hair cut when a female character tries to leave their old life.
-Well at least she paid for the damages. You know what. i will give her credit for that. Good on you Teela.
-'No glove no love" Condom joke.
-And they are going "Tech is better than magic" thing because... Of course they are. Also like yes I know they arent middle ages and all... Wait what exactly is the time line/ Tech level? I am very perplexed. Like it did have tech but also...
-So Teela keeps seesawing for me. One moment she says something off putting but then something kind of sweet. Its hard to get a read on her.
-Well this old lady is sus as hell.
-This old person is Evil-lyn. I am calling it now.
-Teela is like "I am leaving everything in my life behind." But now is all for snake mountain. I am very confused.
-oh flashback of He-man. Look how great they were fighting together. You know what would be great? More He-Man
-And now the place is tech-ed out. Well I am kind of not really feeling this whole overhaul.
-So they dig their way through. That is actually kind of clever. Points.
-How long ago did Teela Leave? I am curious on how much time has past.
-Wait is it a tech cult lead by Tri-klops?
-What the s*** is that stuff?
-So it makes them cyborgs?
-So they basically are like, Skellator failed so tech is only salvation. Well it seems he is just replacing one crutch for another, but thats kind of the point.
-So I will say the action is well animated.
-Seeing the minions all tech-ed out is interesting.
-And the little girl is mechanical cause obviously... (I will say that the twists are very predictable this episode.)
-I wish they would actually show the gruesome finishes.
-Haha Kaboom. But it doesnt kill. Yet one minion got a buzzsaw to the face... LOGIC.
-So Andra can use throwing stars.
-So the tech cult is down for now.
-Okay so Teela's little rant just kind of reminded me of the end of episode 1 and it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I am trying to move past this but how can I when they keep rubbing my nose in it? But it just keeps reminding me They killed off He-Man FIRST EPISODE!
-So far I like Andra and she is alright. But no cap, I think Andra deserves better than this version of Teela.
-And Teela will do this for Andra.
-Andra is right, the place is not the same without the skull
-AND EVIL-LYN REVEAL, cause they knew from the start.
-Wait Evil-lyn was doing... good? Now that aint right.
-Oh its just she gets magic, okay.
-So Eternia dies if magic vanishes.
-So the swords split in half and now those swords need to be found. And Andra says that basically they need to go to heaven and hell to fix it. Which means there is a heaven and Hell is a thing in eternia?
-Can we have teela not complain for 5 minutes? Have her fight more goons. It feels like every line outside of her kicking butt or complimenting Andra (which Andra deserves) is her complaining. I am trying to like her! WHY ARE YOU MAKING THIS DIFFICULT!?
-Cringer, you are precious and you are trying so hard to make Teela not sound like an awful person right now. i appreciate you.
-Okay, so will Teela stop complaining now? Cause if she does then maybe this wont be so bad
Okay so I will give this a 4.5 out of 10.
The action scenes were fun and I did enjoy the flashback scene. But it just reminded me, oh right, He-Man isnt here.
I was iffy on the tech stuff.
I am not entirely sold on everything but this ending didnt leave me as bitter as episode 1 and it seems like Teela will stop complaining every 5 minutes so... Also I like Andra.
Teela and Andra seem to be together but I think its too early to tell but it seems when she is complimenting Andra are the only parts where Teela doesnt complain.
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krsnbgirl · 3 years
Fly High! || Kageyama x Fem!Reader || Part 13
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Summary: The girls recap what happened the night before and Kuroo decides to have a talk with Kageyama when he and Bokuto visits your nightly practice with Kageyama.
Pairing: Kageyama Tobio x Fem!Reader
Genre: Rom-Com, Slice of Life, Sports, Fluff
Warnings: None
Word Count: ~3k
Taglist:  @misnmatchedsox​ @monviemoo​ @love-beyond-words​ @bbecc-a​ @live-2-fangirl​ @2busyfangirling​ @ifeelblueming​ @tobiosbbyghorl​ @vanillakylee​ @neokawa​
Author’s Notes: Hey lovelies! Here is part 13 of the series and I hope you guys enjoyed it! Kind of on the shorter side and also a little bit of a filler chapter, haha. Always thankful for all the interactions with the story :) Comments and feedback are highly appreciated. Then lastly like always, this will be cross posted on AO3 as well! Taglist is still open <3
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 5.5 || Part 6 || Part 7 || Part 8 || Part 9 || Part 10 || Part 11 || Part 12 || Part 13 || Part 14 || Masterlist
“Good work today! We’ll see you at dinner!” 
You waved goodbye to the managers as you made your way back to where the boys were practicing with Shimizu and Yachi. You stretched your arms over your head and let out a groan while your friends chuckled at your reaction. 
“You really did overwork yourself yesterday, huh?” Yachi asked while she tied her jacket around her waist.
Slumping over, you yawned and nodded. “Umm yeah, I guess so. I didn’t even realize how much I played till we all talked about it over dinner. Yu-nii wouldn’t let me hear the end of it.” 
Your mind flashed back to the night before when the libero rapidly shook your shoulders. He yelled your ear off while the rest of the team laughed at your relationship. It didn’t help that your face was blank while trying to continue on with your meal. You’ve heard it from him all before but you couldn’t help it when you lost track of time. All you wanted to do was peacefully eat your dinner then knock out for the night and yet Nishinoya made it his job to make sure the entire camp heard how reckless you had been. 
“Well, at least something good came out of it though.” Shimizu laughed with a teasing glint in her eyes. 
Your cheeks grew warm as she referred to Kageyama carrying you into the cafeteria and half of the camp ended up freaking out over it. “Hey! You promised you wouldn’t tease anymore.” 
Shimizu smiled and Yachi laughed out loud and patted your shoulders. “It’s nice to see some progress between you two.” 
“He was just being nice.” you huffed. 
“Kageyama isn’t just nice to anyone, y’know,” Shimizu added.
“I told him that it was okay to just walk side by side though!” 
“And yet he still offered to carry you~” Yachi teased.
“...It was my knee, okay?” you pouted and pointed to the said body part that was wrapped in KT Tape with a brace covering it. To make sure that you listened to his lecture, Nishinoya took it upon himself to wake up earlier than he typically would to give you his stash of Tiger Balm and extra case of KT tape in case you ran out.
“Right, whatever you say(Y/N)-chan.” she chuckled and Shimizu added on, “But please take it easy tonight, Noya-san even said you shouldn’t play again until we get back home.” 
“Ugh, whatever. It’s my body not his, I can do whatever I want.” you waved and rolled your eyes as the three of you arrived at the first gymnasium. As much as you appreciated his worrying, you were finally getting the chances to play and work on your skills again.
“I’ll leave you to it then?” Shimizu asked.
Yachi nodded as you saluted and the older girl waved goodbye before she made her way towards the second gymnasium to check up on the others who were working on the synchronized attack. When you made your way into the gym that you were assigned to help, Yachi split ways with you at the door and sauntered towards the other court to help with the second-year members while you walked towards your side and waved to Coach Ukai and Kageyama. Picking up the ball that rolled away from missing a water bottle, you gave the setter an encouraging smile when he locked eyes with you. 
“Alright, now that (L/N) is here I can properly watch you.” Coach Ukai smirked and nodded for you to take his place.
Every time you tossed the ball, Kageyama continued to miss by being off by a little bit. After a couple more tries, the frustration on his face became more evident. You pursed your lips when you noticed his demeanor become tenser and a small scowl could be seen on his face. He cursed underneath his breath when he missed once more and Coach Ukai finally stepped in with some tips to help him. 
“Kageyama, don’t think of the bottle as a target. Actually, visualize it. As much as you can, visualize a spike.”
You understood where Ukai was coming from: rather than setting at a set point, Kageyama had to remember that his target was moving at different speeds and points of the court. His expression turned thoughtful as Coach Ukai walked back towards the sidelines and stretched his back. 
He suddenly snapped his fingers and pointed at you. “Ah (L/N), before I forget, can you give this to Takeda-sensei? I can take over for a bit until you come back.” 
You walked up to Coach Ukai as he handed you some documents and nodded. Before you took a step towards the door, you couldn’t help but look back at Kageyama who was looking down at the volleyball in his hands. 
 “Don’t worry about Kageyama, he’ll be fine.” He reassured you when he noticed that your gaze followed Kageyama while he walked off to the side to get a quick sip of water.
“Alright if you say so.” You sighed and began to make your way out of the gym. “I’ll be back!” 
“Take care.” “Be safe and hurry back idiot.” 
You laughed at Kageyama’s words and walked your way through the school. Since you had time to yourself, you decided to check on the rest of the team. You peeped in the gym that Shimizu was in to see that she was recording the synchronized attack for the boys to look over after they were done for critiques. On the other side, Nishinoya was practicing his jump with Asahi, and your assumption of where the hyperactive spiker was confirmed. Making your way towards the third gym, you were impressed to see that Tsukishima and Hinata were both very focused on the practice game with Kuroo, Bokuto, and Akaashi. Lev was also added into the mix and your eyes traveled towards the scoreboard and as they finished the first round. You couldn’t control your laughter when your eyes landed on the names of their makeshift teams. All of the heads turned towards your direction and you waved your hands so they wouldn’t pay attention to you. 
“What are you laughing at, (Y/N)-chan?” Bokuto asked. 
You pointed at the names they wrote down and bent over to help catch your breath. “You guys really put your spirit animals as the team names?” 
“Isn’t it cool?” Kuroo smirked as he walked up to you and ruffled your hair. 
“Don’t. Touch. The. Hair. Tetsu.” you groaned and poked him in the stomach as retaliation. 
He laughed and stepped away to give you some space. “Alright, chibi-chan, geeze can’t you let me have some fun?” 
You rolled your eyes and walked over towards Hinata. He smiled at you and laughed when you couldn’t help but ruffle his hair. 
“What are you doing here, (Y/N)-chan?” Hinata asked then gave you a hug.
“I just wanted to check up on you guys.” you shrugged and waved at the others that gathered around. 
“So how’s it been?” 
“It’s been pretty good, these guys are slowly getting better,” Bokuto answered your question as he pointed towards Karasuno and Nekoma’s first years. 
“Um...We are technically opponents as soon as we’re in a match, right?” Tsukishima asked. “Why are you giving us advice?” He continued before wiping his face with his towel. 
Kuroo put on an angelic smile and raised his hand to put it over his heart. “I’ve always been a nice person.” 
You and Tsukishima gave him blank expressions while Hinata just watched him, not knowing how to act. 
“You don’t have to look at me like that.” Kuroo sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “I want to make the Battle at the Garbage Dump a reality. Well, it’s practice for me, as well, so don’t sweat the small things.” 
You snickered at his reaction and went up to pinch his cheeks. “Awww look at cute Lil Tetsu-nii trying to act all cool for his juniors.”
“Get off of me, you brat.” Kuroo groaned and tried to push you away. 
You stuck out your tongue at him and Bokuto slung his arms over the both of them. “Alright now that story time’s over let’s get back to it, yeah?” 
“We’ll catch up after, alright (Y/N)-chan?” 
You nodded in response while the boys gathered on the court and Bokuto gave her a cheeky smile. “I’m looking forward to the ramen this weekend!” 
You gulped and glared at Kuroo who was laughing. “YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO TELL HIM AT THE END YOU IDIOT!”
Flipping your childhood friends off, you rubbed your temples as you stormed out of the gym and shook your head at their antics. ‘They are literally going to make me go broke this weekend with how huge their appetites are.’
“Alright, here’s the next one!” you called out.
Kageyama took in a deep breath and zoned in on his focus. Progress was finally being made after practicing the drills all throughout the week. He was glad that everything was settling into his muscle memory. Trying to imagine where Hinata would appear, Kageyama tossed the ball to the bottle furthest away from him. You gasped while you watched the ball spiral towards the designated bottle and fall right on top of it. With a proud smile, you jumped excitedly and clapped your hands. Ever since you returned back to the gym, Kageyama’s focus was sharper than ever and his progress skyrocketed within the next hour of practicing. He smirked and you noticed the new and fiery look in his eyes.
“Toss me one more!” 
Like previous sessions, you two continued to practice late into the night for him to really get it into his body. It was down to the littlest details and he even asked you try and spike some with Ukai tossing a couple of balls to make the exercise even more effective. For the most part, Kageyama was in his own world to make sure that he got his sets down. When Ukai left you to your own devices, you would give him critiques here and there to make sure that his accuracy remained the same. For extra reassurance, you made it a thing that if he couldn’t get the full line five times in a row, then Kageyama would have to restart until he got it right. You admired his determination and couldn’t wait to see how things played out. 
At some point, Kuroo and Bokuto had stopped by to check up on you after they wrapped up their own practice. You caught up with them during one of your breaks and Kageyama would glance over at you with them every once in a while. Kuroo caught on to his behavior and smirked. While you were complaining about how your dad kept texting how excited he was for you staying over the weekend to Bokuto, Kuroo made his way over to the setter and nodded towards their little setup. 
“So how’s it going with you guys?” he asked and sat next to Kageyama. 
“It’s going good, I almost have it down.” 
“Nah kid, I mean how’s your progress with chibi-chan.”
Kuroo rolled his eyes and nodded his head at you who was being chased around by Bokuto. The squeals and laughter from the two of you echoed through the gym and Kuroo chuckled to the crazy energy Bokuto always managed to rub off on you.
“Based off of last night’s events, one can only assume that you both have a thing for each other.” 
“I do not,” Kageyama grumbled as he looked to the side and aggressively chugged his water. 
Kuroo laughed at the younger boy’s reaction and patted his shoulder. “You make it clear as day, but (Y/N) on the other hand, she’d need you to actually spell it out for her.” 
“We’re not dating and I don’t think she’d go for me anyway,” he replied back. 
“Oh trust me, she’d totally go for you. She looks at you and acts differently when you’re together. I’ve known her long enough with Bokuto and I’m pretty sure Nishinoya can see that she has a crush on you.” 
“You guys are just teasing us.”
“Usually I’d say yes, but for right now, I’m trying to help you out.” 
Kageyama blinked and turned to look at Kuroo who had a soft smile on his face, his eyes locked on you. “Why are you helping me?” 
Without taking his eyes off of you, Kuroo simply said, “Because (Y/N) deserves the world and I’ve never seen her like that. She’s the little sister I’ve always wanted, y’know? It’s the same for Bokuto too. She’s helped us in so many ways and we’ve grown protective over her.” 
Kageyama’s eyes widened and Kuroo looked back with a small smirk. “You’re so easy to read, kid. We just want her to be happy after all that she’s been through. As you can see, (Y/N) is passionate about anything she puts her mind to whether it’s volleyball or friendships. Relationship-wise, she tends to wear her heart on her sleeve which doesn’t always have a happy ending.  Over the years, we’ve seen her during her puppy love phase and it crushed Bokuto and me to see her so dejected when her previous crushes turned her down.”
“Bokuto always says she’s one in a million. I’d have to agree because both of us always wanted to keep her as our little gem.” Kageyama couldn’t help but notice the way that Kuroo’s facial expression softened while they watched you jump onto Bokuto’s back and spun you around. “If you are actually serious about her, I’d say not to wait too long to do something about it though, because you never know who could swoop in and try to whisk her off of her feet,” Kuroo added with a pointed look. 
Kageyama hummed in response as you and Bokuto waved them over. His mind flashed back towards the previous days in the week and the comments that he overheard other players saying about you. Just like how they’ve fawned over Shimizu, now that you and Yachi were about of the team, it was new eye candy for the other volleyball players to admire. He’s seen some try to flirt with you during the dead time at the camp and he couldn’t help the burning sensation in his chest. Every time he came across moments like that, all he wanted to do was take you away so all of your attention was on him. 
Kuroo sighed and pushed himself up before offering his hand to Kageyama. He took it silently and before they walked towards the center of the court, Kuroo tightened his grip on his hand and said, “If you hurt her, you don’t only have to go through Nishinoya and the others on your team. Best believe you’ll find me and Bokuto standing on your doorstep ready to pummel you when you least expect it, got it, King?” 
Kageyama gulped when he saw the dangerous glint in Kuroo’s eyes and nodded. Happy with his response, Kuroo’s demeanor immediately relaxed, and laughed while slinging his arm over his shoulders. 
“Tetsu-nii I swear to Kami if you’re bullying Tobio I’m gonna kill you!” you threatened when you managed to catch a glimpse of Kageyama’s reaction at the end of their conversation.
“Nah we were just bro bonding, chibi-chan.” He responded. 
Kageyama met your gaze that fell upon him and you gave him a helpless smile. “Sorry for that one, he doesn’t know when to stop sometimes.” 
“No worries, he was stating the truth, (Y/N),” Kageyama said. 
“That’s good, I’m glad to see the people that I care about getting along.” you smiled brightly. 
“Don’t worry, Kags and I will have our bro bonding soon too!” Bokuto added and crossed his arms, a deadly smile on his face. 
“Oof, if you thought I was bad, wait until you talk to Bokuto,” Kuroo murmured before brushing past Kageyama and walking towards the entrance. 
Bokuto waved at you two before jogging to keep up with Kuroo who lazily waved goodbye. You only shook your head in amusement at their actions before turning back to Kageyama and patted his shoulder.
Kageyama hummed in agreement as his mind was drifted away with all the new information Kuroo had told him. ‘Was it that obvious to everyone?’ He looked back to you who had walked off to gather some stray volleyballs near the basket. ‘I need to clear my mind, I don’t think I can focus anymore…’ 
He cleared his throat and you whirled around to look at him. “I think we should end here tonight.” 
“Are you sure? I can still go for another thirty minutes or so.” You asked with a raised eyebrow and played with the volleyball in your hands. 
Kageyama nodded and said, “My body is already cooled down and I guess time passed quickly when Bokuto-san and Kuroo-san were here. I feel like I’m at a good place with the sets.” 
He watched as you understandingly nodded and gave him another smile. “Sounds good.” 
“I’ll walk you to the room after.” he simply said as he walked up to you and began to push the volleyball cart towards the storage room.
“You don’t have to Tobio.” you insisted while you walked behind him.
“I don’t want you to get lost, shorty.” 
“I won’t get lost, milk boy. It's literally a short walk past the dining hall then around the faculty building. ” 
“Noya-san would kill me if he found out that I let you walk alone, it’s too dark out.” 
“Are you actually being a gentleman?” you teased as he pushed the cart inside the storage room.
You leaned against the wall while he walked back out and locked its door. He rolled his eyes and walked towards the bench that had both of your belongings.
“Can you just let me be nice to you?” he muttered and wordlessly slung your duffel bag over his shoulder. 
“Nah, it’s fun to tease you.” you laughed and tried to take your bag from him.
Kageyama easily dodged your arm and couldn’t help but flick your forehead in response. 
“...idiot,” he muttered before slipping his hands into his pockets and walked out of the gym. 
“I know.” 
“Are you coming or not? You can just sleep here if you want slowpoke.” Kageyama called out as he looked over his shoulder to see you closing the doors of the gym. 
“Whatever, blueberry,” you responded and stuck your tongue out at him. 
Kageyama rolled his eyes and continued to lead the way towards the building you were staying at. As you slightly lagged behind him, you admired the way that he looked from behind. His back was relaxed rather than tensed as if he carried the whole weight of the team. There was sort of a serene look on his face now that things were working in his favor. It was nice knowing that he trusted you enough to show you this relaxed side of him outside of practice time. He looked a little more vulnerable than usual and it made you happy that he was comfortable with you. Your eyes glanced at your duffle that was hanging from his shoulder with his on the other one. You bit your thumb to stop the smile that was threatening to come out because of the sweet gesture. ‘Can he get any cuter?’ you thought to yourself as you made your way to his side. Kageyama clicked his tongue when you finally walked side by side and you laughed. This was your time together and no one was able to take that away from you two.
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whatudottu · 3 years
Heyo, I’m here to talk about Vulpimancers and Vulpin now, as promised in my last non-reblog post.
So, we’ve already gone into the speculative history of an already rather niche species the Vulpinic Tortugans, but I wanna go over how Vulpimancers adapted to the pitch black.
Already, based on the modern day Vulpimancer, their ancestors probably didn’t have much need for their eyesight, seeming as though they were very much more reliant on their senses and hearing. Why they might not have adapted to have nocturnal based eyes may be due to them not already being nocturnal or, as the wiki says, the planet is completely pitch-black that even if they tried, they wouldn’t have enough light to reflect into their ancient retina.
Therefore, here we have super sensors (definitely a scientific term yes 100%) with dominant scent and sound receptors. But why do Vulpimancers lack defined noses, why do their ears resemble gills. What if somehow these two senses combined?
You know how, if you close your nose and blow your ears burst, and how they’re connected? I have no idea how much of a stretch this is scientifically, but wouldn’t it be neat if that actually happened? Heck, even when sick (at least with the human common cold) their gills seem to gum up and prevent them from sensing anything.
Now how would this work? Well, I don’t know a whole lot about how smelling nor hearing works, but I know at least that smelling accompanies airways and that hearing involves (often times) hair, whether it be hairlike or sensory hair (oh looky, it’s the Vulpinic Tortugans again). And guess what gills are for? That’s right babes! Breathing!
With that said, that does not mean that Vulpimancers spontaneously evolved gills that happened to run down the sides of their neck without ancestral history with something similar. Perhaps Vulpin was always just that little extra deadly before all the garbage being dumped onto it, or maybe it’s got a thicker atmosphere that’s very easy to cloud up with pollution. Thinking that way, maybe the ancestors had already adapted gill-based breathing, but may not have had the same level of sensory receptors that the Vulpimancers had grown to evolve into.
Uh... how do I make a transition. This is how, balantly moving from one topic to the other. I talked a bit about how the Vulpinic Tortugans opened Vulpin to written language and interplanetary interaction. Now, most Vulpimancers couldn’t care less, preferring their lifestyles that their ancestors were used to, even if they have a few more struggles that might not provide an environment with any time to relax, but... a few Vulpimancers may have that curiosity.
Coevolving, the Vulpinic Tortugans and Vulpimancers may understand each other’s spoken language, even Vulpimancers’ have a more suggestive and ‘open to interpretation’ dialect. Wild, if you will. But translating that in a more... structured language would be incredibly difficult because it has to account for inflection. Heck, even speaking it may be difficult because certain noises are exclusive to the Vulpimancer. Vulpinic Tortugans get by with a wilder form of their ancient Tortugan language.
But here’s the thing, Vulpimancers physically can’t form traditional spoken language, having the wrong mouth shape to make the right noises. So, it’s just a two way issue that is barely solved vocally. Vulpimancers may be able to tell what you’re talking about based on your present mood, but then that just leaves them in the dust with nuance. Not a... mega issue (still an issue, but one that’s relatively typical, being a language barrier), this can be ‘solved’ by learning to listen to the language.
Still though, inter-species communication is practically impossible. Practically. See, what if Vulpimancers had sign language?
Sure, they can’t see anything... if it’s printed. You get to see how Vulpimancers ‘sees’, and it’s probably a very sensitive to movement. So, they can probably very visibly see someone talking with their hands. Tortugans may have brought sign language, in some sense, to Vulpin that may have evolved into a complete dialect. Who knows, it may even vaguely resemble the sign language of my previously headcanoned idea of Tortugan colonies (which includes Arburian Pelarotas, even if their language, verbal and sign, may be suffering due to their lower numbers).
The catch? Vulpimancers would have to rely on people knowing sign language, and not only that, but VSL (take a wild guess at what it stands for haha) specifically. The Tortugan colonies have an inherent advantage at learning, it’s a modified version of their own, but... well, even if it’s an accessible language, not many people are taught it. Maybe the colonies are a little more educated on sign language, and I think that Arburia was one of the leading colonies on accessible language (and we all know what happened there) but other planets and systems are just... eh...
Too heavy? I don’t know... maybe I’ve run my mouth (or is it fingers) too long and have let some things slip, but I am partial to Vulpimancers and how they face prejudice... okay maybe that’s way too much and I should stop for a bit and let you breathe.
Would this count as xenophobia?
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Curious Cat pt5
Summary. Shigaraki , feared villain. Has been hit with a quirk that has turned him into a moody mouthy cat. Reader takes him home and he slowly comes around, sort of. But the quirk has worn off now. And after a little quickie hes gone back to the hideout full of regret.
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Shigaraki got home around the time the sun came up. He was tired and moody. No good League, not looking for him. Better have a damn good reason. The door swung open and Shigaraki walked in, arms folded.
Toga and Twice were at the bar making a sundae when he came in. Toga waved with both hands and Twice twitched while he talked.
“Yeah Tomura!” Toga said, dumping ice cream in the bowl.
“Where is Kurogiri.” Shigaraki said trying to scratch at his neck but he still had the collar on making it rather difficult.
Soon enough Kurogiri entered the room from down the hallway with Dabi. Kurogiri immediately went to Shigaraki looking him over and Dabi joined Toga and Twice for the sundae.
“Tomura Shigaraki. Are you alright?”
“Yeah i'm fine thanks for looking for me”
“We did! STUPID BITCH” twice yelled.
“We did look. But no one had seen you, Tomura.” Toga added
“Probably because i got hit with a quirk that turned me into a damn cat”
Dabi was laughing and Toga could not contain her excitement . Immediately she went to Shigaraki tugging his sleeve. “WHAAAAT A KITTY!!! That's amazing!!!”
Shigaraki yanked his hand away, clicking his teeth. “No, actually it wasn't.”
Twice put his hands on his hips . “But you got to be lazy A LAZY PUSSY HAHA!” Dabi laughed louder and Shigaraki went to the couch to look for his Switch. Kurogiri followed, putting his hand on his Leader's arm. “You are sure you are okay.”
“‘M fine..” he snatched up his Switch and headed for his room slamming the door.
Once Dabi calmed down he got up stretching . “What a moody Leader. Did you see his clothes?”
“I think a lady took him in!!!” Toga said jumping .
Kurogiri went to Shigarakis door looking in just a tiny bit to see Shigaraki had taken the hoodie off and was staring at it . He could also see the collar around his neck still. Gently he closed the door , leaving his Leader to calm down from his interesting few weeks.
Shigaraki pulled the sweatpants off, throwing the clothes to the corner of his room, dressed in his clothes and sat down in his computer chair too hook up his switch. The collar jiggled and Shigaraki groaned, ripping it off. “Fuckin collar.” He tossed it over his shoulder and started his game. At some point during the night though, Shigaraki got up to fetch the collar, placing it on his desk.
It was a couple days later at your work and you had been getting orders wrong all day , again. You told your boss you were just a little off your mojo , thank god he liked you. Instead of waitressing you were moved to the counter to serve coffee. You tried to forget about Tomu, but at the same time you were worried sick. Was he eating? Hes very picky about food. Was he sleeping comfortably? He loved to sleep in your shirt. Was he .. alone..? He always had fits when you left for work. You blamed yourself , leaving all the windows open like an idiot. You cupped your face looking out the big window of your diner at the passing people.
Meanwhile Shigaraki was getting back to League business and distracting himself from you. He rarely went to the side of the city where you were . Instead he would send someone else to go. Kurogiri caught on to this and decided to pay extra close attention to his Leader's behaviour whenever that side of the city was brought up. He was more snappy than usual, and outright refused to go .
The only ones at the hideout right now were Shigaraki and Kurogiri. Shigaraki was on the couch playing his Switch and Kurogiri had slipped away to his Leaders room. Messy as always . Games everywhere, consoles, messy desk, clothes. He shook his head and noticed the clothes he had on were still in the corner too. Kurogiri made his way to the messy desk gathering garbage when he found the collar . A pretty blue collar with a fish shaped tag that said Tomu on it along with an address and a woman's name.
“Tomura Shigaraki”
Shigaraki clicked his teeth putting his switch down to go see what Kurogiri needed so badly. He found him in his room holding the object and Shigaraki rushed over snatching it from him.
“Don't touch it.” He spat out .
“Have you expla-“
“No. I was a cat. She took me in. It was whatever. I changed back, fucked her , then I left.”
“Tomura Shigaraki!”
“Was she aware of this? “
“She was asleep. It doesn't matter.”
Kurogiri had to put that conversation to the side for right now and focus on the bigger issue at hand. He calmed himself down and spoke calmly. “This woman thinks her cat has gone missing . Do you know what it's like to have a pet run away?”
“Does it look like i do.” He kicked some clothes away from his feet.
“What did you feel when we lost Magne.”
“Kurogiri” he snapped.
“That's what this woman is feeling. You need to explain the situation to her. Tell her you were the cat. “
“If you don't, I'm taking all the consoles away.”
“Uh huh.”
Kurogiri turned away grabbing the computer and opening up a warp gate.
“FINE! Fine! Fucking CHRIST” he left the room grabbing a hoodie pulling it on , stuffing the collar in the pocket and stomped out of the hideout. Kurogiri put the computer back down and closed the gate, shaking his head.
God damn Kurogiri, making me go see this Human. What for. I pulled out, its fine. I cleaned her up, dressed her. She probably does not even remember me anymore. She is a lazy inconsiderate Human.
Shigaraki had to pull the collar out once he realized he had no idea where to go. He got to the game store and was lost after that. He fiddled the collar around in his hands watching the tag shine in the sun. He clicked his teeth turning the fish over to read the address for a minute then shoved it back in his pocket. You really were on the other side of the city. Making him walk such a way , how dare you, inconsiderate, lousy Human, ill kill…. he shook his head groaning .
Shigaraki came up to a diner looking in for a second then looking away then looking again, stopping this time. That's Human. Of course they are at work. It took him a few minutes to actually go in. A very long few minutes.
He shoved the door open with his shoulder and kept his head down going to the counter to sit and you went over placing a menu down. “Hi there. What can i get you?”
“Just a coffee.” He snapped out.
You blinked and he saw the uneasy look on your face, how tired you looked and the red in your eyes. Why was it bothering him? “A coffee.. please.”
“S-sure.” You went into the kitchen peaking over the window to look at this hooded man again. Shigaraki caught you looking and you jumped, slipping down to make the coffee.
Dumb Human, clearly not getting enough sleep. Probably only eating those easy canned meals still. You returned, setting the coffee down with a shaky hand and Shigaraki grabbed your wrist to steady you, his pinkie up.
“Uh.. sir please..”
“Look at me.” He said. Pulling his Hoodie back a bit. You looked and you felt yourself shake all over . Shigaraki, this was Shigaraki. A villain, the most feared villain in the city. A quiet whimper left your lips and Shigaraki spoke low. “Don't call the cops. Or those stupid Pros. I'm just here to return something to you”
You looked all around tugging against his grip, what could he possibly return to you?!? A clack hit the counter and your wrist was freed. Shigaraki got up fixing his hood and snatched the coffee. “Don't look for me, just stay… “ he looked down . He was hesitating. Fuck fuck. Dust her. Dust.. her.. dust…
“Tomu..?” You said picking up the collar. “My cat? Do you know where!!!-... wait.. that hair.. wait!!!” Fuck, now shes knows its you.
Shigaraki threw the coffee leaving the dinner, you held the collar close jumping the counter running outside. The collar clicked in your grip. He was gone
@bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love @unknownweeabo
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