#the christian cross and the pagan pentagram are equally effective
you know that guy who gets bit by venomous insects on purpose and rates the pain on a numerical scale?
ok so a scientist who gets bitten by a vampire specifically so she can use herself as a test subject to rate cross-cultural religious objects on their effectiveness as anti-vampire deterrents. sure there's anecdotal evidence that crosses probably work, but here is hard scientific data that vampires can also be threatened with menorahs
#also i love describing Justin Orvel Schmidt as 'that guy' as if he's not a well respected entomologist and author#bc he is. but he also happens to be that venomous bug bite guy#well. one of them. it is a growing field#another good vampire post#the christian cross and the pagan pentagram are equally effective#the eye of horus has a surprisingly strong bite given that it should be expired by now#the symbol of mjölnir invokes a migraine AND ear ringing that lasts for days#the star of david cremates the scientist instantly on the spot#her ashes have to be shoved in a jar and sprinkled w/ blood so she can reshape overnight#a discovery which is going to make yom kippur at her grandma's house VERY awkward this year#come to think of it menorahs are also objects you light on fire so it gets double damage points probably#...on a scale of humorous blasphemy (good) to culturally insensitive (bad) where would the concept of a Vampire Hunting Rabbi fall?#i mean all these catholic priests are already clogging the market why not add some religious diversity#....Vampire Hunting Squad composed of a priest a rabbi an imam a bhikkhu and a pandit#it's a Ghostbusters type situation where the whole squad gets called in whenever a vampire's religious affiliation is unknown#a vampire has the right to be/can only be vanquished by a clergy member of their specific religion...#...so a diverse group of religious leaders has to be kept on call to treat vampiric infestations#they run a side business is demonic de-possession bc you never know which ancient language of scripture a demon can actually speak#no point yelling at someone to get the fuck out in latin if they can't fucking understand latin
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tipsycad147 · 3 years
Magickal symbols of protection
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by Michelle Gruben
Protective magick is probably the most basic of all types of spellwork. If you don't feel safe and secure, it's difficult to enjoy any of the pleasures of life. Since the beginning of time, humans have been creating protective signs and symbols to ward off evil and bad luck.Would you like to learn some protective glyphs to use in your spells and amulets? Today, we'll be taking a look at nine powerful protective symbols from the Western magickal tradition. These symbols come from diverse spiritual paths including Wiccan, Norse, Judaeo-Christian, Egyptian, and others.Just as no two words have exactly the same meaning, each magickal symbol has a slightly different energy and function. Read on to find the perfect symbol for your protective workings.
Pentacle (or Pentagram)
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The pentacle, or five-pointed star, is probably best-known as a symbol of the Wiccan religion. This symbol has been passed down to modern Witches through the tradition of ceremonial magick. Wiccans and Pagans wear it as symbol of faith, but it is also used as a protective glyph.The pentacle's protective legacy probably began in medieval times. The five points were said to represent the five wounds of Christ. Early occultists saw the pentacle as a microcosm, or representation of the human being. The pentacle's affinity with the body makes it immensely useful to the human magician. Leonardo da Vinci's "Vitruvian Man" is the most famous representation of a man's shape drawn over the pentagram.To contemporary Pagans, the five points of the pentagram stand for the four elements (Earth, Air, Fire, and Water) and the "fifth element" of Spirit. Placing Spirit at the top is a reminder that Spirit inhabits and presides over all forms of matter. The circle surrounding the star evokes both infinity and the aura or energy field that surrounds the body.The pentacle has diverse magickal uses, including protection. The pentacle is a powerful reminder of a world in balance. Witches draw pentagrams in the air to banish or consecrate sacred space. Pentagram amulets are a popular choice for warding the physical and energetic bodies.
Solar Cross
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The Solar Cross is an equal-armed cross, which may also be surmounted by a circle. It is one of the oldest spiritual symbols in existence, dating back to Stone Age carvings.The Solar Cross represents the light and movement of the sun. The sun was extremely important to early humans, both for its life-giving energy and its predictable cycles of days and seasons. Many subsequent religious symbols (including the Christian cross) are related to this simplest of drawings. Many more mytho-spiritual concepts can be found therein: The Celtic-Pagan Wheel of the Year, the Wheel card of the Tarot, the classical Sun Chariot, and the Native American Four Winds are just a few.As a protective symbol, the Solar Cross evokes the power of the Sun God or All-Father, as well as the guardians of the Four Directions. To meditate on the cross's intersection is a powerful centering exercise.The Solar Cross represents both balance (at its center) and infinity (at its extremities). It it a symbol of eternity that embodies themes of birth, death, and rebirth. Use the Solar Cross as a centering and calming aid when under threat. As a solar symbol, it is used to banish negativity and cast out shadows.
Mars Sign
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Named for the Roman god of war, the planet Mars is big, red, and brutal. Astrologers and alchemists developed the Mars symbol as a shorthand for the planet. In magick, it stands for all things martial: Conflict, personal power, and virility.Mars magick includes protection spells of the more aggressive variety. Mars brings its warrior energy to curses, hexes, banishing, and counter-magick. This is not a glyph for your "white light" or "live and let live" shielding magick. Evoke Mars when you want to stick it to someone who's bothering you (and make sure they think twice about doing it again).
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This hand-shaped amulet is popular throughout the Middle East and Africa. Hamsas are worn as jewelry and hung over walls and windows. With its all-seeing eye in the center of the palm, the Hamsa is said to ward off the Evil Eye. The open right hand represents power and blessings.In the Middle East, the Hamsa tradition is known by Jews and Muslims alike. However, the right hand of protection can be traced as far back as the Mesopotamian cult of Ishtar. Modern Witches sometimes say that the palm stands for protection, while the fingers represent the five blessings: Love, Money, Health, Wisdom, and Power.There are many variations of the Hamsa symbol, from simple line drawings of the five fingers to the very elaborate and stylized versions. It is a very common practice to personalize the amulet with words and symbols of power. A custom Hamsa charm can be as specific as you want it to be. Or, use it as a general charm against ill luck, jealousy, and poverty.
Eye of Horus
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The Eye of Horus (or Eye of Ra) is one of the most enduring protective symbols in history. Featured in ancient Egyptian amulets and artwork, it symbolizes divine power. The All-Seeing Eye is said to protect anything it looks upon. The shapes within the Eye have links to sacred geometry and sacred mathematics.Through the myths of Ra (the Sun God) the Eye represents eternal life and rebirth—hence its use in Egyptian tomb decorations. It is also popular as an amulet against evil-doers and ill-wishers.
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The Triquetra (or Celtic Shield) is sometimes used as a protective symbol by Pagans and Celtic Christians. The three-cornered knot represents the Triple Goddess or Holy Trinity. As it has no beginning and no end, the interwoven knot stand for protection that cannot be broken. The circle is also a symbol of eternity.
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A  bindrune is a sigil composed of one or more archaic letters (runes). The bindrune combines the properties of each rune into a single symbol. Bindrunes may be created for any magickal purpose, but they are commonly used in protective charms. The most effective bindrune is one that you assemble with intention, using your own understanding of and relationship with the runes. The bindrune's exact meaning will be known only to you. Afterward, the bindrune is worn as an amulet or incorporated into sigil magick. The picture is an example of a protective bindrune incorporating the runes Ingwaz (harmony) and Isa (solitude). It is meant to confer a peaceful environment and inner strength upon the wearer. Also hidden within the bindrune are the shapes of Algiz (divine protection) and Othala (birthright), in case the two main runes are not enough for the job!
Hexagram of Solomon
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The six-pointed star is an important esoteric and religious symbol. It is composed of two interlaced or interlocking triangles. Ceremonial magicians know it as the Hexagram of Solomon or Seal of Solomon.Mystical interpretations of the hexagram are many, and depend upon who is viewing it. Western occultists see a fire (upright) triangle superimposed over a water (inverted triangle). This represents the spiritual fire of the aspirant reaching upwards towards heaven, while the fluid grace of God descends simultaneously. The interlocking triangles can be seen as a kind of shorthand for the Hermetic axiom, "As above, so below".The symbol is named for the Biblical king Solomon, who was said to practice spirit evocation with the aid of a signet ring with a hexagram seal. Later, medieval occultists would seek to replicate Solomon's mastery over unruly spirits. The hexagram was said to represent the authority of God and to offer the wearer protection from evil. It is often inscribed with divine names and other symbols and words of power.
Crossed Spears
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Sometimes the best magickal symbols are the simplest. There is no mistaking the meaning of the crossed spears. A simple line drawing easily conveys the message, "Do not pass." This type of sigil is often used within folk magick traditions, where a lack of formal literacy is no obstacle to crafting powerful spells. Drawings of axes, swords, hammers, and shields may also be deployed for power and protection.Variations of the crossed spears motif appear in many cultures and time periods, from British heraldry to the national flag of Kenya. It is also one of the eight Witches' Runes. In divination, it signifies quarrels and conflict. In magick, the Crossed Spears emblem (and its cousins) are used to put up a psychic barrier or block the actions of an adversary.
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Spell Casting in History
'Magic', in its simplest form, has been used by ancient cultures to control the elements, and bend forces of nature to the will of the user. The Prehistoric man was very much in tune with how they were placed in nature, and often felt they must give up sacrifices and offerings to their Gods in order to keep them happy. These rituals are the earliest forms of spellcasting, as their power of giving thanks helped them in their tasks of farming or gathering food.
African and Native American cultures had their wise men and women to perform their spells for similar reasons. They used wands and crystals to aid them in their spell casting, and offered gifts of thanks for the spiritual powers. They focused more on charms and trinkets, or dolls to be carried around, and could perform spells wherever they were needed. Those who performed the spells were highly revered in their society, as they had proved themselves strong enough to handle the power of the spirits.
Egyptian and Greeks were more direct in their spellcasting, with their magics being used to control the will of others, or giving healing spells direct to an individual through their sleep. The performance of the rituals had little change from previous times, as they still believed that their Gods and Goddesses wanted cleanliness from the user, and offerings or gifts in order to say thank you for the use of their powers.
However, the rise of Christianity during Roman times paved the way for other forms of spellcasting, reverting back to the prayers to God, or the use of rosary beads and the cross. While the use of magics began to be outlawed for their pagan roots, the simple spells given by the Romans gave them the peace to actively co-exist with other spellcasters from other cultures for a set time. If the prayers worked, then they would be given permission to enter their version of afterlife and their form of spells worked for them.
During the Middle Ages, the practice of witchcraft was illegal, and many people fell under the governing bodies for the accusation of casting spells upon others. Stories surrounding these times often tell of spells that caused devilish images to appear in the dreams of the victim, or spells that could alter the temperature of the person, or evil sorcery that caused the death of another. Although it was a crime for witchcraft to be used, those who followed the old path were forced underground, and the practice of spells continued. The nature of these spells were the same as their ancestors. Small rituals to give thanks for their goods, prayers to their ancestors, and also the use of herbs to cure illnesses were used in their daily lives until the re-emergence of the pagan religion.
There are many different forms of spell casting. Each depends on the cultural backgrounds of the person asking for assistance. Although the love spell is the most common, the use of spells are extremely helpful in providing the guidance we need in our every day lives.
A prayer, offered to the spirits or to the Gods or Goddesses of your religion is the simplest form of a spell. In asking those of a higher power for assistance and guidance, the follower is using the magical energies of the gods to benefit their lives. However, due to its strict religious connotations, it is rarely classed as a spell, but more a way of giving thanks to your selected deity.
The art of writing words is a relatively new phenomenon, and so written spells were often seen as being more powerful than a spoken one. Words written on different objects were kept as charms and trinkets around the person to ensure the spell continued, or to make sure nothing happened to make the magic stop. The charms and trinkets that are worn can also be blessed with spoken words, or imbued with magical power from the elements around. In addition, rituals can be performed to strengthen these powers and make the charms potent for the user.
Performing spells can be easy, but others require the use of instruments and divination tools that allow the connection between the natural world and the spirit realm. The wand is most often associated with witchcraft, especially if carved from natural wood with an offering of thanks for the use of the tree. The wand acts as a buffer for the magical power, and aids the spells by directing the power in concentrated doses. A ceremonial knife, or athame, can also be used for these purposes. The wand connects the user to the spirit realm, and ensures that thanks are given for their assistance.
Other items that can be used to create a spell include ribbons to wrap up parcels or pouches, much the same as has been passed down through the ages. Wrapping up the spells enables the power to be held tightly inside until enough time has passed for it to return to the natural state from which it came.
A small broom, often made from small twigs tied together, can be used before a ritual to cleanse the space that will be used. Ridding the area of all energies that are unnecessary has been proven to increase the effectiveness of the spell. Throughout history, there have been many rituals involving the use of a broom, most notably the notion of spring cleaning, which is used to bring in good luck for the forthcoming season.
Candles, feathers, clay, oils, incense, water and crystals are used in addition to these. They aid the spell because they represent the elements being used; the candle for fire, feathers for air, clay or soil for earth, and crystals to hold the spirit. These items are all natural substances, and have been used for many years in all cultures to aid in the creation of spells. All the tools that are used in the divination process, even the use of tarot cards, crystal balls, dream catchers and herb pouches, are designed to pass on both elemental powers and spiritual messages from the user to the gods, or to the intended recipient of the spell.
Love: The most powerful emotion a person can feel; the emotion that drives deep into the heart of the soul and causes that person to behave in ways different to their norm. In every culture, there has always been talk of ways to attract love into your life, or to keep a lover, or to improve the love that is shared, or even to end a relationship. One way to do this is through the use of a spell.
Prehistoric or ancient cultures used their shamans to find ways of altering the course of nature, by asking the spirits to bless marriages, or bring love into their lives. Popular cultures have dramatised the rituals of their times in regard to the relationships they have, with the use of omens before the marriage; for example, the weather must be checked, and prayers must be offered to the ancestors for their blessing of the unions. These spells were considered important to the custom of the time. If something bad happened, then it was considered that the spells were not strong enough, and the gods simply weren't pleased by the unions. Since then, these people have often asked to bring the correct love into their live in order to please the spirits.
Other cultures have their own forms of love spells. Binding spells are most common in occult circles, where the object of the spell is bound to the user by the altering of their emotions to believe they feel affection for the spell caster. Performing this spell could have been mainly part of a violent nature with in the user, a latent desire to control the victim. The Ancient Greeks and Egyptians often used these curses to bring physical pleasure, and ease the suffering of the user by inflicting the same upon the victim. These forms of spells are dangerous, as many times the harmful nature of the spell comes back to haunt the user. However, there is still plenty of evidence to suggest that this magic continues.
Throughout the ages, although the use of spells and magic had to be hidden, the love spell continued. Many forms of the love spell could be found; prayers were offered to the spirits, pouches of herbs could be worn by the user, potions could be placed on the pillows of the user to dream of their loved one, and also effigies of the desired one could be carried around so as to bring their desire to them. Although this is not as noted, the wearing of trinkets, or the addition of perfumes that are in use today in order to both feel attractive, and to attract others, are all connected to the charms and spells used by witches from previous times.
After the later parts of the 19th century, and the re-emergence of many paganesque religions that were forced into hiding, many more people turned to the art of spell casting to aid them in their every day lives.
Freemasonry played a large part in the use of spell craft as a natural occurrence. They believed that it was possible to shape their own destiny and control the forces of nature by living as equals under the stars. Although their spell craft was limited, they often had with them a pentagram with a human body in the centre, to represent how grounded they were in their convictions.
African and Native Americans continued with their own voodoo practices, and their lives, while happily co-existed with Christian practices, remained largely unchanged. They used their spells to cure the sick, and to offer prayers of thanks to their ancestors or spirits. They used their dolls and other charms for protection, and completed the cycle of life with other spells and rituals to aid in both birth and death.
From the 1900s, the practice of spell craft took on more natural forms, and there was a clear shift from many spells that were used to cause harm, and more for healing powers, and to attract natural energies in order to change the self. Although spell craft by and large remained unchanged, with similar rituals being carried out, and tools remaining the same, it was clear that the popularity of the witch and the practice of sorcery meant that more people joined together. Covens appeared, and spells began to grow that included a larger number of people participating. These spells could be more powerful, although the elements of earth, air, water, fire and spirit remained the sole energies that were channelled. Charms and trinkets are still worn, and perfumes are still used to attract others and create a positive effect, and more herbs are being used in natural remedies as spells to aid the sick.
After the 1900s, with the rise of the popular media, we began to see positive images of the witch. Spell books were increasing in volume, and more information was passed to others to aid them with their own spells. Works of fiction saw the witches as heroines, or as people who used their spell crafting to aid the hero along their journey, both being invaluable to the stories. Television made a huge leap into the realm of sorcery, and magic was seen to be a powerful use of nature, and spell crafting intrigued many people.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
Magickal symbols of protection
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Posted by Michelle Gruben on Jul 05, 2017
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Protective magick is probably the most basic of all types of spellwork. If you don't feel safe and secure, it's difficult to enjoy any of the pleasures of life. Since the beginning of time, humans have been creating protective signs and symbols to ward off evil and bad luck.Would you like to learn some protective glyphs to use in your spells and amulets? Today, we'll be taking a look at nine powerful protective symbols from the Western magickal tradition. These symbols come from diverse spiritual paths including Wiccan, Norse, Judaeo-Christian, Egyptian, and others.Just as no two words have exactly the same meaning, each magickal symbol has a slightly different energy and function. Read on to find the perfect symbol for your protective workings.Pentacle (or Pentagram)
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The pentacle, or five-pointed star, is probably best-known as a symbol of the Wiccan religion. This symbol has been passed down to modern Witches through the tradition of ceremonial magick. Wiccans and Pagans wear it as symbol of faith, but it is also used as a protective glyph.The pentacle's protective legacy probably began in medieval times. The five points were said to represent the five wounds of Christ. Early occultists saw the pentacle as a microcosm, or representation of the human being. The pentacle's affinity with the body makes it immensely useful to the human magician. Leonardo da Vinci's "Vitruvian Man" is the most famous representation of a man's shape drawn over the pentagram.To contemporary Pagans, the five points of the pentagram stand for the four elements (Earth, Air, Fire, and Water) and the "fifth element" of Spirit. Placing Spirit at the top is a reminder that Spirit inhabits and presides over all forms of matter. The circle surrounding the star evokes both infinity and the aura or energy field that surrounds the body.The pentacle has diverse magickal uses, including protection. The pentacle is a powerful reminder of a world in balance. Witches draw pentagrams in the air to banish or consecrate sacred space. Pentagram amulets are a popular choice for warding the physical and energetic bodies.
Solar Cross
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The Solar Cross is an equal-armed cross, which may also be surmounted by a circle. It is one of the oldest spiritual symbols in existence, dating back to Stone Age carvings.The Solar Cross represents the light and movement of the sun. The sun was extremely important to early humans, both for its life-giving energy and its predictable cycles of days and seasons. Many subsequent religious symbols (including the Christian cross) are related to this simplest of drawings. Many more mytho-spiritual concepts can be found therein: The Celtic-Pagan Wheel of the Year, the Wheel card of the Tarot, the classical Sun Chariot, and the Native American Four Winds are just a few.As a protective symbol, the Solar Cross evokes the power of the Sun God or All-Father, as well as the guardians of the Four Directions. To meditate on the cross's intersection is a powerful centring exercise.The Solar Cross represents both balance (at its centre) and infinity (at its extremities). It it a symbol of eternity that embodies themes of birth, death, and rebirth. Use the Solar Cross as a centring and calming aid when under threat. As a solar symbol, it is used to banish negativity and cast out shadows
.Mars Sign
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Named for the Roman god of war, the planet Mars is big, red, and brutal. Astrologers and alchemists developed the Mars symbol as a shorthand for the planet. In magick, it stands for all things martial: Conflict, personal power, and virility.Mars magick includes protection spells of the more aggressive variety. Mars brings its warrior energy to curses, hexes, banishing, and counter-magick. This is not a glyph for your "white light" or "live and let live" shielding magick. Evoke Mars when you want to stick it to someone who's bothering you (and make sure they think twice about doing it again).
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This hand-shaped amulet is popular throughout the Middle East and Africa. Hamsas are worn as jewellery and hung over walls and windows. With its all-seeing eye in the centre of the palm, the Hamsa is said to ward off the Evil Eye. The open right hand represents power and blessings.In the Middle East, the Hamsa tradition is known by Jews and Muslims alike. However, the right hand of protection can be traced as far back as the Mesopotamian cult of Ishtar. Modern Witches sometimes say that the palm stands for protection, while the fingers represent the five blessings: Love, Money, Health, Wisdom, and Power.There are many variations of the Hamsa symbol, from simple line drawings of the five fingers to the very elaborate and stylised versions. It is a very common practice to personalise the amulet with words and symbols of power. A custom Hamsa charm can be as specific as you want it to be. Or, use it as a general charm against ill luck, jealousy, and poverty.
Eye of Horus
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The Eye of Horus (or Eye of Ra) is one of the most enduring protective symbols in history. Featured in ancient Egyptian amulets and artwork, it symbolises divine power. The All-Seeing Eye is said to protect anything it looks upon. The shapes within the Eye have links to sacred geometry and sacred mathematics.Through the myths of Ra (the Sun God) the Eye represents eternal life and rebirth—hence its use in Egyptian tomb decorations. It is also popular as an amulet against evil-doers and ill-wishers.
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The Triquetra (or Celtic Shield) is sometimes used as a protective symbol by Pagans and Celtic Christians. The three-cornered knot represents the Triple Goddess or Holy Trinity. As it has no beginning and no end, the interwoven knot stand for protection that cannot be broken. The circle is also a symbol of eternity.
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A bindrune is a sigil composed of one or more archaic letters (runes). The bindrune combines the properties of each rune into a single symbol. Bindrunes may be created for any magickal purpose, but they are commonly used in protective charms.The most effective bindrune is one that you assemble with intention, using your own understanding of and relationship with the runes. The bindrune's exact meaning will be known only to you. Afterward, the bindrune is worn as an amulet or incorporated into sigil magick.The picture is an example of a protective bindrune incorporating the runes Ingwaz (harmony) and Isa (solitude). It is meant to confer a peaceful environment and inner strength upon the wearer. Also hidden within the bindrune are the shapes of Algiz (divine protection) and Othala (birthright), in case the two main runes are not enough for the job!
Hexagram of Solomon
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The six-pointed star is an important esoteric and religious symbol. It is composed of two interlaced or interlocking triangles. Ceremonial magicians know it as the Hexagram of Solomon or Seal of Solomon.Mystical interpretations of the hexagram are many, and depend upon who is viewing it. Western occultists see a fire (upright) triangle superimposed over a water (inverted triangle). This represents the spiritual fire of the aspirant reaching upwards towards heaven, while the fluid grace of God descends simultaneously. The interlocking triangles can be seen as a kind of shorthand for the Hermetic axiom, "As above, so below".The symbol is named for the Biblical king Solomon, who was said to practice spirit evocation with the aid of a signet ring with a hexagram seal. Later, medieval occultists would seek to replicate Solomon's mastery over unruly spirits. The hexagram was said to represent the authority of God and to offer the wearer protection from evil. It is often inscribed with divine names and other symbols and words of power.
Crossed Spears
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Sometimes the best magickal symbols are the simplest. There is no mistaking the meaning of the crossed spears. A simple line drawing easily conveys the message, "Do not pass." This type of sigil is often used within folk magick traditions, where a lack of formal literacy is no obstacle to crafting powerful spells. Drawings of axes, swords, hammers, and shields may also be deployed for power and protection.Variations of the crossed spears motif appear in many cultures and time periods, from British heraldry to the national flag of Kenya. It is also one of the eight Witches' Runes. In divination, it signifies quarrels and conflict. In magick, the Crossed Spears emblem (and its cousins) are used to put up a psychic barrier or block the actions of an adversary.
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