#the citadel
laurellerual · 6 months
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Samwell Tarly as the Page of Pentacles
A Tarot of Ice and Fire @toadpeee
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jaztice · 1 month
Put in the tags what your S wizard name would be!
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briarfox13 · 11 months
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Citadel Nights 💜
Featuring Saskia & Garrus
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There's nothing that compares to visiting the Citadel for the first time. Nothing.
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thewizardsarcasm · 4 months
Not even the flu will stop my hyper-fixation!
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A little more definition between the centuries
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Can't stop tweaking things lol find the out of context arc 1 images... nothing is were it's supposed to be!
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Update as of episode 22!
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internetskiff · 6 months
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I'm such a sucker for the Citadel and how it changes over the course of Half Life 2 and it's episodes. I'd argue it's almost like a character going through it's own arc, in a way. The Citadel is (quite literally) a massive organism, a parasite planted into the soil by an unseen force from the skies, spreading it's cords to consolidate it's power over City 17. It's the Combine embodied in a single towering, shrieking and hateful monolith. It's cold and clinical voice decides the fate of entire city blocks. This is the thing that ordered the slaughter of an entire apartment block simply because Freeman happened to go through it. In it's eyes, Freeman is a cancer that must be eradicated as soon as possible.
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And it fails. Time and time again Freeman slips away from the Combine Soldiers - the Citadel's Killer T Cells. And all it can do is ramp up the intensity with which it tries to destroy him, ravaging City 17 first, before eventually resorting to tearing itself apart in the hopes it's final dying shriek will bring the full might of the Combine down onto earth.
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The Combine love to incorporate biology into technology. The massive translucent veins strung about the Citadel's entire structure have already been brought up a lot, but I've never seen anyone bring up the Reactor. It's like the nucleus of a cell. Or a heart, one beating out of control as the body housing it rapidly deteriorates. This isn't something Freeman caused - this is the Combine's attempt at retaliation. This is the Citadel destroying itself in hopes it can bring Freeman down with it. The Citadel is gradually leaking radiation into it's own body as it's reactor slowly breaks down it's own containment - all culminating in one final blast that would hopefully cleanse City 17 and the surrounding environment of all life.
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And even when it's dead, it's carcass charred and splintered open, it still poses a threat to the resistance. The Superportal looms over humanity's head as one final echo of the power the Citadel once held over them. At this point, humanity was as good as dead in the Combine's eyes. The moment the Superportal blossomed open and the first Dropship came through, everyone's fate would be sealed. And even though it's body is dead, it's voice somehow survived, continuing to command the stranded remnants of the Combine's skeleton crew in order to ensure the Superportal could reach maturity. It kept raising the stakes until it completely destroyed itself. It's sort of sad the Citadel basically takes it's leave from the story in Episode 2. Even if a third installment were to happen, the Citadel simply can't play a role anymore - it's arc is finished, leaving behind nothing but a ruined city and chunks of red hot radioactive metal. It really shows how the Combine truly operates - it doesn't give, it only takes, and what it can't take it burns to the ground.
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darth-memes · 7 months
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goodqueenaly · 3 months
Do you know what fields of study that the metals brass, pewter, platinum, red gold, and tin could represent on a maester chain? I think the other metals are more straightforward but I am blanking on what these five could mean.
We may actually have an answer when it comes to red gold, or at least the suggestion of a potential answer. Jon noted to Maester Aemon back in AGOT that “gold [was] for the study of money and accounts”, while Bran told Luwin in ACOK that “gold [was] for sums and numbers”. Neither Jon nor Bran specifies red or yellow gold in their respective statements, meaning that it is nearly impossible to differentiate between the two metals in terms of their respective subjects. Personally, I like to imagine that red gold is for “sums and numbers” while yellow gold is for “money and accounts”, signifying the close connection but important, if subtle, distinctions between the two. However, all of this is only a guess, and red gold could represent virtually anything. 
The question of red gold aside, I do have some thoughts regarding the other metals. As far as we know, there are at least seven metals whose respective areas of study have yet to be revealed: brass, pewter, platinum, tin, electrum, steel, and lead. (Note that there also appear to be at least six other areas of study for which an accompanying link metal is unknown, as there are 21 listed archmaesters in the appendix of AFFC.) When considering the subjects that these metals might represent, I think it is important to remember that the Citadel functions as both a de facto Westerosi university and as a business marketing the services of its scholars. Therefore, while I would expect - and indeed, we have evidence of - maesters studying and writing works on what we might call purely academic subjects, we should also anticipate (and again, I think we have some evidence for) maesters studying more practical, quasi-professional subjects. 
So here’s how I personally envisions the subjects for the known-but-unassociated metals (long, more under the cut):
Brass: shipbuilding, navigation, and generally speaking the study of the ocean. We know that maesters do study subjects along these lines, because Luwin tells Bran that he, Luwin, could teach Bran “the way a sailor steers his ship by the stars”. Because any number of Westerosi families govern port cities and towns or hold seats along major waterways, knowledge of ships and sailing could be a very marketable skill for a maester looking to be placed with an aristocratic family. I specifically decided to assign brass to shipbuilding/naval studies because brass is a metallurgic cousin, so to speak, of bronze (being an alloy of copper and zinc versus an alloy of copper and tin), which felt appropriate for the respective subject matters; as Luwin notes, maritime travel depends, in part, on knowledge the stars to understand one’s position on the sea.
Pewter: agriculture. Again, much of Westeros is an agricultural society, meaning that an understanding of plants, planting cycles, and weather patterns would be potentially invaluable to a maester in an aristocratic Westerosi household. We know, in fact, that maesters act as advisors to lords when it comes to farming and cultivation, because GRRM himself noted that “[t]he maesters try and monitor temperature grand [sic] closely, to advise on when to plant and when to harvest and how much food to store”. Likewise, because we see Maester Luwin discusses harvests, grains, greens, and salted meat during the feast at Winterfell, and because he later tells Bran that he, Luwin, could teach the young Stark prince about herblore, I believe agriculture, farming cycles, and knowledge of various plants would be a key practical area of study for maesters. That said, because pewter is a humble and common material, often used in Westeros for basic cutlery and drinkware, I associated it with agriculture because I can imagine this area of study would be considered unrefined, even vulgar, especially by those maesters looking to spend their lives as Citadel scholars (and, by contrast, might be among the first links for lowborn/smallfolk students to earn, because of their own potential familial background in and knowledge of the agricultural world). 
Platinum: law. Perhaps this is partially (or … more than partially) wish fulfillment on my part (as I, and any number of other folks in the fandom, have been complaining about the lack of clarity on Westeros’ legal system forever), but I certainly believe that maesters can and do study law at the Citadel. After all, think of how many times maesters have been associated with citing, creating, or asserting laws and legal positions: the“[s]ix maesters [who] traveled with him [i.e. Aegon I while on progress], to answer any questions he might have on local law"; the objections of Grand Maesters Gawen and Orwyle to the succession claims of Maegor and Rhaenyra, respectively; and the participation of Grand Maester Benifer on  Jaehaerys I’s legal reform council (to say nothing of maesterly works like, say, Justice and Injustice in the North: Judgments of Three Stark Lords). Because Westerosi law must, I think, be such a huge and complex topic - understanding the laws and precedents of each of the millennia-old pre-Conquest kingdoms and principalities, not to mention all of the laws created after the unification of Westeros (before and after the formal incorporation of Dorne) - I assigned this topic the metal platinum. Platinum is a precious metal, perhaps a fitting reward for those maesters who fully commit themselves to such a deep and complex area of study. 
Tin: geography. I use “geography” as sort of catch-all term to mean the investigation of Terros as a natural world, the creation and analysis of maps for that world, and the study of cultures around the world. We know that maesters study the natural world (think of Arianne, in her second TWOW sample chapter, remembering the debates on the nature of storms held between a septon, a maester, and her father), that maesters create maps (as Robb has Maester Vyman do so to outline his claims to territory as King in the North and King of the Trident), and that maesters study the peoples and cultures of Terros (think of maesterly writings like, say, Songs the Dead Men Sing, or Rubies and Iron, or Horse Tribes, Being a Study of the Nomads of the Eastern Plains of Essos). I like the idea of tin for geography’s associated metal because of tin's connections to the astronomy-linked bronze (that is, pairing the study of the earth with the study of the heavens) and the (so I’ve suggested) agriculture-linked pewter (that is, studying the land to study its cultivation).
Electrum: alchemy. We know that alchemy is a subject studied both generally in Westeros (Yandel refers to Aenys I as a dabbler in alchemy) as well as specifically at the Citadel (Gyldayn notes that Archmaester Vaegon was “devoted to alchemy”, among other subjects). As a subject centered on the transmutation or transformation of elements and matter (and which is popularly associated with the idea of turning “base” metals like lead into “noble” metals like gold) it felt fitting to assign this subject the metal electrum - that is, an alloy of gold and silver. 
Steel: languages. Again, we know that maesters study languages: look at the unfortunate Maester Kedry who accompanied Quentyn Martell on his ill-fated voyage east, or Marwyn who “talked with hairy Ibbenese and pitch-black Summer Islanders in their own tongues”, or Haldon Halfmaester who has educated young Aegon in various languages. It also seems that aristocratic Westerosi children learn High Valyrian, at least as an academic subject, as we see Sam, Tyrion, and Arya reflect on their education in High Valyrian. So I tend to think that maesters probably can and do learn High Valyrian as an initial language, and then can earn addition links through study of other cultures’ tongues. I don’t have a particularly strong reason for making this one steel, other than associating study of High Valyrian with a metallurgic cousin to Valyrian steel.
Lead: architecture. Again, I do think there is some suggestion that maesters study this subject: Luwin suggests that he could teach Bran “how to build a castle”, while Gyldayn notes that “[t]he task of building them [i.e. the walls of King’s Landing] was conferred upon Grand Maester Gawen and Ser Osmund Strong”. While this sort of subject could be folded into, say, warcraft, I think there are enough examples of buildings in Westeros that are not specifically designed for war, as well as enough potential for specialization, that I would separate the study from warcraft. (And honestly, how can the Citadel exist in a city with one of the architectural wonders of the world and not support architecture as its own field of study?) I assigned lead to architecture because of his historical use in construction, especially pipes and roofing. 
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the-sauce-engine · 10 months
angry birds half-life
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gaaaaaahh okay, I just finished rewatching the citadel arc and I have SO MANY FEELINGS?????
like, the amount of clones that died in that arc is like super high??? and like watch it okay, because EVRYTIME a clone dies, either Rex or Cody or Fives or another clone there will look to the fallen brother only for one of the Jedi to go "We must keep going." in their ominous Jedi voice and then the clones faces fall. And no, it didn't only happen with Echo (which is a whole rant in and off itself), it happend every. single. time.
by the end of it two clones fall off a wall, and as they walk past the bodies the Jedi don't even acknowledge them while Rex looks at them and doesn't even attempt to stop anymore because well, dead anyway, right?
and don't even get me started on HOW DEFEATED Fives sounds after Echos death, like he doesn't even have faith anymore that they'll get outta there alive. FIVES. MR. SUNSHINE AND OPTIMISM. MR. BLAST MY WAY OUTTA ANYTHING NO PROBLEM. (cute moment between him and rex though, when rex helps him up after an explosion, I like to think he did it also as a show of emotional support, but sTILL)
and THEN Piell dies and everybody is like "funeral time, we need to take a minute and honour him even though it could cost us the entire mission and our lives" and I'm??????? WHY???? you had to leave all the clones without ONE WORD of acknowledgement and Piell gets a whole funeral just because he's a Jedi? and like, I love Obi-Wan, okay, but he gives this little funeral speech and honours him and all that, but he doesn't even verbally mention the clones sacrifice, even though the clones ARE RIGHT THERE WITH THEM.
like how's that gotta feel for Fives, who just lost his last batch mate and the only thing that was said after his cry out for his brother was "We gotta go!" like, way to make them all feel like second-class citizens
and like, later on Plo does refer to the remaining team as "survivors", which does acknowledge that many lives were lost, which is very in character and I love that, but honestly, it's still like a bandaid on a bandage level wound, yanno? anyway, this was torture, thanks for the experience.
bonus: when tarkin and anakin shake hands in the end of the episode you hear like ONE BEAT of the Imperial March and it chilled me to the bone (a sticker for Obi for saying he doesn't like Tarkin immediately after he left)
bonus bonus: 2/3 of this arc is Anakin bonding with the guy who later tries to slap ahsoka with the death sentence even though she rescued him like three times and I just think that's real cringe bro
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a-shift · 6 months
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2020, inspired by map "Traitors" from Map Labs Companion Piece 2
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meanlikeachild · 5 months
“Alicent was poisoning viserys!!” Yea idk if it’d take two decades for her to poison and murder him. Also, did you not watch the scenes of her bathing (ew) and giving viserys milk of the poppy and tucking him in bed (also ew), the milk of the poppy certainly made him weaker but he always was, so. She literally took care of him whilst his daughter ran off to dragonstone and married her murderous uncle, who viserys literally disinherited and named rhaenyra as heir to keep daemon away from the throne bc it doesn’t take einstein’s iq to know that daemon would be a shit ass ruler. And while we’re on the topic, “The maesters were poisoning the targaryen’s and their dragons!!!” rumor, don’t make me laugh. Again, I don’t think it would’ve took them three hundred years to kill the targaryens off, especially during viserys reign, it would’ve been very easy to, since viserys eliminated Aemma himself, simply trick daemon into a brothel by putting an “underage girls in here” sign on top, rhaenyra would probably be following him so it’d be killing two birds with one stone, with rhaenys she’d obv go back to the capital on corlys’s advice and simply outnumber the velayrons. Personally i don’t think it’d be difficult considering that entire family is full of alcoholics. And poisoning the dragons? Now how the hell would have that had happened if the dragons were guarded by the dragon keepers who main purpose were to look after them 24/7 🤦‍♀️ even if the maesters got some how physically close enough to the dragons, how would they poison them? inserting poison to the hard ass dragon eggs with their non existence syringes? or with their elaborate secret mission impossible spy plan of sneaking into the dragon pit and feeding the dragons poisoned food? and that is if the dragons didn’t notice them and burn them alive.
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why is it so funny to me that Shep commandeered their own ship to go after Saren just for the mass relay on Ilos to bring them right back to the Citadel like they could've just hung out and waited for him and pretended to have beat him there (yes i'm aware Shep didn't actually know it would play out that way but it's still funny in retrospect)
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thewizardsarcasm · 4 months
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If anyone wants to fill in what exactly Suvi did before her namecloak and after her graduation I'd be THRILLED!
Update as of Episode 22!
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marvelstars · 13 days
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t0tentanz · 9 months
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