#the clonewars
clonemedickix · 10 months
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It’s a little weird, looking back, how some of my more simple stuff looks better than what I’m currently working on 🤔.
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nyforceuser · 2 years
A Different Kind of Clone War (2)
This, along with all of the others in A Different Kind of Clone War is a tickle fic, but pure fluff.
(1) (2) (3)
The Rematch
Cody knew.
He knew.
That didn't stop him from trying with everything in his power to keep at least one person between himself and Wolffe, but he knew it would all go to hell shortly and Cody might be slightly panicking.
And what was worse? Rex was starting to notice. The 212th commander could practically hear Wolffe laughing at that fact.
Rex gave him another sideways look of concern when Cody shot a dirty look at Wolffe and shifted away. So Cody finally just hightailed it out of there.
And, much to his annoyance, they both followed.
"Cody, what's wrong?" Rex asked him as soon as they were alone. Except for Wolffe, who slipped in quietly behind them, the bastard.
Cody glared daggers at the commander of the 104th and Rex looked between them, confused.
"Cody just can't handle what he dished out." Wolffe growled.
"Hey, that's not fair!" Cody complained like a battle-hardened soldier. "You started it!"
"Not with you, i didn't. You just decided to betray me completely out of the blue."
"Wolffe! We can.. we can talk about this!" Cody said as the leader of the Wolfpack advanced on him.
Wolffe flashed him a grin that sent chills down his spine before he lunged.
Cody tried to get out of dodge, he really did, but Wolffe was fast. He hooked his feet out from under him and sent him careening sideways and Rex only just managed to dodge Cody's forearm enroute with his nose. Before Cody could roll back up, Wolffe swung himself on top of him, pinning him to the ground.
"You know I don't bode well with betrayal, Kote."
Cody glared up at him, wondering what his odds were. They didn't look good.
"You still started it by attacking Comet! Poor trooper was in tears!"
"He was annoying me!"
Cody knew he wasn't helping his situation in any way by teasing Wolffe. "Well maybe I thought you needed to be knocked down a few pegs. Get beaten at your own game." But Cody also knew he was going to get wrecked either way. May well take advantage of what he could, right?
His answer came when Wolffe purred, "We'll call this a rematch, then, shall we?" And dug his fingers into his sides and lower back.
Cody yelped and thrashed so violently, he almost dislodged Wolffe. Wolffe steadied himself and grinned in triumph as he skittered his fingers up his spine.
This made Cody squeak and arch his back forward, bubbly giggles spilling from his lips.
"What if I- whahat if I said I was Sohorry?" Cody pleaded halfheartedly, trying to flip himself to atleast sheild his sensitive back.
Wolffe chuckled and reached up to ruffle his hair. "Sorry, Cody."
Cody suddenly barked out a laugh in surprise as Wolffe planted his knee on his shoulder blade and clawed into the small of his back with his other hand.
Oh, that was evil.
Cody helplessly shook his head as he kicked and laughed, desperately trying to escape the torture. Wolffe didn't let up in the slightest, prodding and skittering his fingers along Cody's spine. It was driving him mad.
"Rehehex!!" Cody tried. "HELP!"
Rex held up his hands innocently, leaning against the wall. "Oh, no. I'm not going to be pulled into this."
"Wise choice, Captain." Wolffe smiled at him. Rex was completely confused by the entire ordeal, but also genuenly amused. He had never seen Wolffe or Cody let loose like this and it was kind of endearing.
"Yeah?" Wolffe started pushing up Cody's shirt to expose the bare skin of his back.
"Nonononono!" Cody squirmed and flailed, even as Wolffe grabbed his arm to hold him steady.
"No, what? Can't take it?"
"No, I cahan't take it!" Cody complained, trying wrench his arm free.
Wolffe laughed and settled his palm against his back and Cody flinched. He fully expected his hand to turn into a claw and start pinching at the completely exposed skin but what he got instead was so much worse.
Wolffe's palm took on a little bit of his weight as he leaned down and blew a raspberry into the small of his back. Cody may have screamed. He'd never ever admit it, even if Wolffe and Rex had both witnessed it.
After Wolffe regained his balance again, laughing at the reaction he got, he blew another one. Cody cackled and thrashed as they kept coming, kicking his legs or shaking his head helplessly.
Wolffe sat back happily and watched his brother convulse and cackle hysterically while listening to Rex snicker behind them.
Cody laughed himself out and Wolffe decided he'd had enough, getting off of his brother and sitting on the floor next to him. Cody didn't even roll over as Wolffe had expected him to, but stayed flat on his stomach, exhausted. This made Wolffe chuckle and he reached over to rub a hand over Cody's still bare back. Cody tensed up but began to relax as he realized it didn't tickle as Wolffe continued.
"So. mean." Cody complained. Wolffe chuckled again.
Rex shook his head fondly and left the two commanders on the floor together.
I hate this one. I really do. I wrote a draft right after Wolfpack Mayhem and I loved it but I did a stupid and tried adding to my queue but deleted it instead. I was SO pissed off. I had to rewrite it at least 3 times before I just decided i needed to get this over with. I'm sorry it took so long and it's not even that great.
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idiotic21 · 1 year
Wanted, The Bad Batch -> 03 - Stranger Danger
Previous All Stories
Unfortunate events have been a trend lately. The Bad Batch was about to leave Ord Mantell when they received an incoming transmission. Turns out, Cid had some important deal to share with the renegade clones. They were needed to retrieve a head of a tactical droid from a decomissioning centre on Corellia for one of Cid's buyers. Hunter was reluctant to work but the trandoshan had her own methods of persuation. 'You make money, I make money' Ryki specifically remembered. Cid offered to keep an eye on their backs if the Bad Batch worked for her. That's how they found themselves in a messy wild Jawa chase, and it started with two sisters.
Anger surges from the depths of Ryki's heart. She clecnhed her fists tightly and pulled Omega to stand slightly behind her, the mystery worket being held at arrow point by Omega. The worker infront of her sounded very familiar, enough to put Ryki on edge. The worker had already opened her mask and her face, all while her eyes strained almost guiltyly at the mirialan. "You," Ryki growled. 
"Rafa, I've got the target. Where are you?" Ryki recognized Trace's voice over the comm.
Omega threatened her not to pick it up. Ryki snickered sinisterly "You better listen to the girl." 
"Her arms looking a little shaky there, Ryki." The mirialan igroned Rafa's remark, instead arming herself with a blaster;courtesy of Tech, and pointed it to where Rafa stood. "What, no hello for me?" Rafa asked.
Wordlessly, Ryki took another protective step ahead of Omega. Seeing both Omega and Ryki not relenting their weapons, Rafa surrendered. "Why don't you both ease up on your things and we can talk about this?" Ryki was too smart to trust Rafa, not after what she pulled on Coruscant. In that short moment of Omega lowering her weapon, Rafa quickly made a jump at the two. Roughly elbowing Ryki in the stomach then lunging at Omega, restraining both of her hands. Omega began to push back on Rafa's hold, struggling to get a grip on her bow. Ryki recovered from Rafa's jab and jumped on her back, tyring to pry her off Omega. The wrestle caused Omega to accidentaly release a shot, tearing into the decomissioning machinery. The three females watched as steam burst of the hole no doubt already alerting the nearby personell. 
Within moments the security breach alarm went off, and some nerf-herding worker put the whole centre under lockdown. Ryki jumped of Rafa's back and went to Omega's side, checking her over for injuries. "Nice going, kid." Rafa frustratedly accused Omega.
"Her? Your the one who grabbed her bow dimwit!" Ryki angrily defended. More alarms came from an open door, dragging the attention of the ladies. "Great, police droids." Ryki signalled for Omega to stand behind her, she had dropped her bow. Arming herself with her blaster, Rafa prepared for a fight, "Don't just stand there. Grab a weapon." 
Ryki rolled her eyes at Rafa's blindness of the situation and Omega replied tiredly, "I had one." The first few droids began to file in, before the women were about to take a shot the first few droids were taken out by another source of fire, at the same time effectively putting the droids on defense mode. "Get moving!" Wrecker commanded from his survailance. Blaster hots began rain around the three, urging them to run. Rafa abandoned Ryki and Omega to run for cover first. Ducking from several blaster shots, Ryki pushed Omega down and shot back at the droids. "Keep and eye on Rafa and stay low!" she shouted over the shoot out. Meanwhile, Ryki had to make sure Omega was out of blaster range. Her instincts took over and call it luck if you will because Ryki's aim was almost deadly. She effectively shot down several driods and had some narrow missed from the enemies fire. 
She peered down the ladder Omega ran to and joined her soon. "Where's-" 
"Down here!" Ryki and Omega exchanged quick glances before chasing after the new voice. Just ahead, Rafa and already met up with Trace. The sound of incoming footsteps alerted both Martez sisters. Hunter was on Trace's tail so she threw the already accquired tactical droids head to Rafa. Ryki made a mad dash for Rafa and collided with her mid-run. "Give me the head Rafa!", Ryki growled and pulled on Rafa's mask. The latter grunting and trying to push of the mirialan, "Get of me!" In their fight, they didn't realize a police droid waiting for them at the end of the walkway. They could not stop in time and ran right into the droid, the impact knocking off the droids head back into the converbelt below. "YOU NERFHERDER!" Rafa cursed and began to fight Ryki.
The pther two younger females made their race to the head. "Droid!" Ryki warned. Rafa realsed holf on her. The police droid took aim at the two but was effective killed by several shots to the chest from behind them. Huffing, Ryki turned to see Hunter looking questioningly at the two.
"Hope your not expecting gratitude." Hunter tilted his head towards Ryki as if to ask, 'Is she serious?' Ryki grimaced. "Should I have let the droids shoot you?" He asked, sounding stressed already. "Learn some gratitude Rafa. Maybe the next bullet might just hit you." Ryki said as she tried to keep her cool. Rafa's cheeks burned, anger coming to the surface of her skin."Oh come on Ryki! You just met me after soo long and the first thing you do is to wish my death?" 
"Can we finish this argument later?" Hunter grumbled from beneath the helmet but quickly learned not to mess with a girl's fight because Ryki and Rafa had practically scared him senseless when both females shouted "NO!". Hunter raised his hand in surrender.
Before the shouting macth could make a continue, Rafa aimed her gun behind Hunter and shot a police droid. Ryki saw another coming up at her left and swiftly shot that down as well. That seemed to alert more police droids on their location. The trio began to shoot back at the enemy, ducking from near misses of blaster fire. Ryki really wished she had some armour right now. Rafa's patience began to ware out, "Ugh, we need cover!".
"Why don't you jump off. Not much cover on a walkway" The mirialan was irked with Rafa's constant complaints. An incmong blaster bolt made Ryki fall to the walkway, had the shot been two inches to the left it would have gone straight throguh her calf. "Hunter!" 
"I know, I know." The sargent took a quick look around, "Come on!" The girls followed his lead throguh the many walkways. "Watch where your going depla!" Rafa shoved Ryki when the two colided. "Watch you mouth venturi!" Ryki threatened. 
"What? You going to shoot me?" The continued to fight on the run. 
Ryki chuckled grimly, "Test me and find out!" 
Midts of the scrimish they accidentally bumbped into Hunter's back. "Would you guys stop it!" 
"She started it!" Both women pointed fingers at each other. The Sargent comlained untder his breath about women and was lucky neither heard him. "Follow me." He ordered. Together, they took cover at a crossroad on the walkway. 
"Why are you after that tactical droid?" Hunter asked while shooting off some incoming droids.
"That's none of your business clone." Rafa rudely remarked. Ryki sighed, "It is our business today." 
Another blaster bolt fell near her head. She saw two police droids ahead so she crouched beside Hunter then stood up to shoot the droids. Unfortunately a blaster shot almost hit Rafa in the head. This angered Rafa "Are you trying to get me killed, Ry?" 
The mirialan scoffed, "Why should I not! YOU SOLD ME OF FOR A SHINY COIN!" Immediately as the sentence passed, heavy guilt seeped into Rafa's mind, "I had no choice. You hear me." She said in a low tone. "You had choices but you left me for dead Rafa. For dead." More droids approached them and Ryki took them out with her anger. 
"You just needed to bring me along and we would have run off together. Instead you were a coward and left me on Coruscant! YOU ONLY CARE FOR YOURSELF!" 
Despite the heavy gunfire, Hunter could hear the boiling conversation between Ryki and Rafa. "Ryki I-" 
"No Rafa. Save it." 
Trace's voice came through the comlink, informing her to meet at the north exit. The situation didn't seems to lighten up. Hunter, Ryki and Rafa were pinned down under heavy fire as more droids began to pour in. Suddenly, Ryki's aim began to falter. From deep within her she sensed distress and fear. Worry guided her voice. "Hunter, it's Omega." 
"What's wrong? He asked urgently. Fear began to enter Ryki's spine leaving an unpleasant chill behind. Only one thing on her mind, Omega's fear. "Ryki?" He shook her from her trance and began to worry as well when he sensed her pulse racing like crazy.
"Hunter, I'm stuck on the conveyor belt. I need help." Omega's voice made him falter a little when he heard the fear in her voice. It was Ryki's turn to shake him off the shock. "Hey go get her!" 
Hunter nodded and replied through the comm, "I'm on my way." 
Rafa gasped "What are you doing?" Watching as he threw a grapling hook to one of the support beams.
"I'm taking down the support post. Follow me!" Hunter wasted no time to jump onto the conveyor belt below with a tuck and roll in and secured the wire between the belts slots. Ryki jumped of next, using her blaster and support, she zip lined down the wire. Hunter caught her just in time when the whole support post seemed to shake and the conveyor belt was stopped just momentarily, metal creaking and groaning under the intense pull of the wire. Using each other as support, they watched as the whole support came falling apart. Rafa was a little too late with her jump but made it on the conveyor as well. The structure was destroyed along with the police droids on it.
Flinching agressively, Ryki gripped her head and graoned. "Ryki? Ryki, are you alright?" The mirialan gripped tightly on Hunter's shoulder as she focused her thoughts. "Omega! She's in danger." As if on cue, Omega could be heard shouting Hunter's name from a far. The Sargent noticed this for the second time but choose to ask about it later. Gripping on her hand, Hunter pulled her to a sprint, leaving Rafa complaining in the mess of droids parts behind.
More blaster fire began to annoy the mirialan. She pulled put her blaster and began to shot. "I'll cover you. Run!" Taking that as his signal, Hunter ran under the protection of Ryki. While police droids fell on his right and left he finally managed to hear to voices coming from ahead. Ryki watched as Hunter jumped over the conveyor to somewhere in the middle of the decomission centre. Turning around, she found Rafa struggling to get across the many still droids. A police droid was aiming taking aim at Rafa, Ryki called out to warn her giving Rafa enough time to duck for Ryki to make her shot. Rafa was pulled by the arm and the two girls began to run. A small glimmer caught Ryki's emerald eyes. 'Hunter's grapling wire'. "When I tell you to jump, jump." 
"JUMP!" Together the girls leapt of the belt. Ryki managed to reach the rope but Rafa slipped from her grip and unceremoniously fell to the floor. Three heads turned to watch Rafa fumbling on her feet, dusting her clothes. "Oh, I'm fine. Don't worry about me or anything." Obviously she was offended from the lack of worry from Hunter, Omega and Trace. 
"Where's Ryki?" Hunter's query was anwered by a single blaster shot to a police droid that was creeping behind Rafa. "Right here." She waved tiredly. She would have jumped down, but somehow she lost grip of the rope and while falling it had caught around one of her ankles. So there she was hanging upside down and greeted three confused faces, and a helmeted one. "How it going, dark and broody?" 
Ryki could have sworn she heard the Sargent chuckle and offered her own shy chuckle in return. Hunter steadied her once she got on the ground, she was a little woozy from the blood rushing to her head. "Ryki!" Omega ran and crushed the mirialan in a hug. Ryki wore a dopey grin.
"Ryki? As in Ryki Taala?" 
Realeasing herself from Omega's grip, she turned to the new person in the room. She already knew who it was. "Hey there, Trace." Rafa grew tense during the moment, "Well, this has been a real treat, but as you can see, the tactical driod is ours." She informed with a souring from Ryki's and Trace's brief interaction. 
"We can debate this later." Hunter began to usher Ryki and Omega to get running. "If we wanna get out of here, we need to work together." Ryki drew her blaster as shot began to shower on them.
"Fine, but I still don't like you." Rafa bit back. 
Hunter groaned and glanced at Ryki."Could have gone far worse, dark and broody." she said, shrugging her shoulders appologetically and smiled. 
"I'm used to it." he replied.
The quadruple finally regrouped with Echo and Tech, the only one they had to wait for is Wrecker. "Nice of you too join us." Tech greeted Ryki and the newcomer. "Sorry, had our own party to attend to."  
Echo and Tech were watching Hunter's, Ryki's and Rafa's backs as they handled the droids coming in from the right. "Damn it. They have reinforcements." Ryki shouted to Hunter. "Any plans?" 
"Yeah. We survive." He told her. 
Police droids were soon reinforced and the team was severly outnumbered. Any longer in the facility and they'd become droid bait. In her peripherals, she could see Trace, Omega and Tech working on a plan. She predicted that they'd be out of the fire soon enough. 
Rafa, Hunter and Ryki were huddled up in a small area. "Brilliant plan, Trace. Really. On of your best." Rafa always complained but never came up with any brilliant plans on her own. "At least she had brains venturi! Now stop complaining and shoot." 
"We just need a little more time." Trace tried to calm her sister. Ryki spotted a droid approaching Hunter, preparing for an ambush. She quickly pushed his head down and shot the droid. "What the?" He asked in surprise. Ryki grinned and took cover from some enemy fire, "You're welcome." 
"Hunter, we can't hold out much longer!" 
"I know. We need Wrecker right about now." Speak of the devil and the devil arrives. Wrecker suddenly made an epic entrace by leaping down from who knows where and began to reek havoc on the unsuspecting police droids. Wrecker laughed "Yeah! I got tired of you guys having all the fun." 
Invisible weight fell of Ryki's shoudlers. Rafa was impressed, "Now him I like." 
The fight lasted a little longer. Thankfully, Trace and Tech had managed to reprogram the tactical droid to command the other still functioning Separatist droids to attack the factory security personell. Using the droids as cover, Hunter ordered everyone to make a run for it. The diversion was smart as it was effective. With the new and more dangerous targets, all the police droids turned their attention to the Separatist droids. Ryki knew this could very well be the last time these decomissioned droids have their taste in battle. The Martex sisters had their ship waiting outside. The Batchers quickly followed in, planning to return to the Marauder after things had cooled down back on the factory. Ryki waited for Omega to reach her side before both of them ran to safety. 
Trace lost the tactical droids head on the way out too some insanely accurate blaster shots from the remaining security droinds. Omega got her bow back and could now shoot almost perfectly thanks to Echo's training. "Nice shot Omega," Ryki compliemented and Trace agreed. 
"It's all about tuning out distractions." Omega replied, Ryki could feel pride blooming in her chest and rightfully so.
Thankfully, no one was severly hurt. Or that's what they thought. 
Back in the Martez's starship, everyone took a moment to finally breath properly. Ryki sat with Trace, Omega, Tech and Hunter. "Ayy.." The mirialan slid down the ships walls and streatched out her legs. One hand rubbing one her ankle. "Thanks for the help back there. You alright?" Hunter removed his helmet, his eyes held a great deal of exhaustion and some amusement. Ryki was already yawing, Omega came to sit beside Ryki and leaned on her shoulder and Ryki leaned her head on Omega's. "Oh yeah. Super fine. Just met some police droids, nothing to worry about." She exasperated. 
The Sargent chuckled. He noticed her sore ankle and decided he would check on her back at the Havoc Marauder. "Ryki?" A timid voice rose in the silence. The mirialan's piercing green eyes rose to meet Trace's scared and brown ones, "I didn't know you were still alive? How?" Tech and Hunter were now exchanging silent glances, not really sure if they should be here during this conversation, so they opted to keep quiet and not interfere. "It's good to see you too Trace." 
Ryki wanted to avoid the conversation, aware of the other Martez in the ship. Trace scoffed, a little annoyed, "Why didn't you come back to us? Did you know how worried Rafa was?" 
Ryki replied scornfully, " Rafa didn't tell you?". Trace's lips turned into a frown. She had no idea what Ryki was saying. "Clearly, she didn't tell you. Classic Rafa." Ryki reached her own conclusion. It's what she excepted of a traitorous Rafa Martez. Omega quietly searched for Ryki's hand and squeezed it when she sensed her sadness and betrayal. That small gesture was seen by Tech and Hunter, only raising more questions about the mirialan in their head. 
Trace wanted to ask more question but Ryki shook her head, signalling for Trace to stop because the older Martez had walked in. "All that work for nothing." Trace thankfully swithced the subject. "Whoever Cid's buyer is isn't going to be happy." All way quiet until Rafa decided to open her mouth, much to Ryki's dismay. "Let me get this straight. You knew how dangerous the information on the tactical droid is, but you didn't know who you were giving it to?" 
Hunter folded his arms to make his point more serious, "We're being paid to acquire and deliver, not as questions."
"Our contact needed that information to fight back against the empire." Sadness laced traces words. "They're trying to help people and make things better." Ryki simply shook her head. If the Empire is anything like the Republic, they would not fall easily. Their shadow of corruption would always cover the galaxy and wherever they touch.
Rafa then broke the silence, "Why aren't you fighting for the empire? Isn't that what you clones do now?" 
Hunter shook his head, "Not all of us. We're different." 
"Yeah, I've heard that one before." Rafa said lamely and began to walk to the cockpit. 
Ryki however was not ready to realease her. "How ironic to hear that from you, Rafa." Slowly moving Omega, Ryki stood at her full height. For a 5 foot tall woman, she could definitely look intimidating. It irked Rafa to the bone. "Oh yeah, whay do you mean by that, Ryki." Rafa spat with venom, both girls began to glare at each other, the tensions growing. "Did you forget our little promise back on Coruscant." 
Rafa was taken back. She remembered it well. Two teenage girls we're huddled together in a corner. "You can trust us. We won't hurt you, I promise. We're different."  The other girl and her sister promised to protect the young mirialan and that they would stay together, no matter what happened. They'd always have each others backs.
"Rafa, what is she talking about?" Trace snapped Rafa back to reality. Rafa was cornered, and she did what she was good at to get out of sticky situations, talk it out, "It was a long time ago Trace. It's not relevant now." 
Ryki raised her eyebrows questioningly. "I would say it is venturi. How are we to know you're not going to sell us out for some shiny coin?" 
"Why would you think I'm going to do that?" 
By now, the whole crew were watching the two females intently and with worry. "Maybe because that very desicion ruined my life. Maybe because that decision kept me a slave for the remainder of my, VENTURI!" Ryki's anger got the best of her and her secret was out.
"What?" Trace gasped and stepped closer to her sister. "You did what? You told me you guys got separated." Rafa now could only blink her eyes as she remained in silence. Her eyes down casted at her feet. The mirialan scoffec, "That's what I thought." Rafa hung her head low in shame, before her face hardened. "People change Ryki. I changed," Rafa almost begged. Rolling her eyes, Ryki slumped back onto the floor. The conversation was over. The atmospehere was too tense for anyone to speak. 
Back at the factory, a small farewell took place on the Martez's ship ramp. The boys decided it was not their place to judge the apparent drama between Ryki and Rafa. Tech, Echo and Wrecker said their goodbyes and entered the Havoc Marauder. Ryki was the last to come out from the Martez's ship. Trace and Rafa were saying their goodbyes to Omega. Suddenly, Ryki felt embarrsed because she had burst out into anger, infront of a little girl no less. Thannkfully she didn't change Omega's perspective on the Martez sisters, Omega adored them. 
Trace stopped by Ryki as she reentered the ship. "I guess this is it." Ryki forced herself to look at the girl she once considered a sister. Trace's eyes were red, she and Rafa must have fought, "Uh, yeah." Ryki nodded and began to head out, but Trace pulled her into a quick hug. "I'm so happy to see you again." The mirialan was taken back, her hands reached around the younger girl. "It was good to see you too. I'm sorry about-" 
"It's alright. You have the right to be angry." Trace said appologetically. She offered Ryki one last smile then headed into the ship.
Meanwhile, Hunter had been kind enough to pass the data rod containing the information from the tactical droid to Rafa. Ryki would have not been to trusting. Limping down the ramp, she greeted Hunter. "Let's get going Ryki." The mirialan nodded but her steps were hesitant. Both Ryki and Rafa stood side by side in dead silence. Hunter held his breath, slightly worried that they might fight again. "Take care of Trace." It was all Ryki could muster as a goodbye. It was the only thing both of them could agree on. Hunter began to understand why Ryki got along with Omega so well, she loved children. 
Rafa watched silently as Hunter and Ryki walked back to the ship. "I'm sorry, Ryki." She whispered into the wind.
Both transports lifted into the sky and the Bad Batch were going back to Ord Mantell. The Batchers had silently agreed not to bring up the conversation between Ryki and Rafa. Ryki slumped down in the cockpit with the rest of the gang. It was quiet but comfortable. Everyone was well worn out from the events of the day. Soon, Wrecker, Echo and Tech turned in for the night. Hunter, herself and a sleeping Omega were occupying the cockpit. 
"Spit it out Sargent. I know you have questions."
Hunter put the ship in autopilot. "I assume you could sense it?" Ryki hummed. Hunter leaned back on the pilots chair, looking at the speckled expanse of space. "How's your ankle?" 
"Oh, it's nothing to worry about, Hunter." Hunter looked a little unsure of her answer but he decided not to push the mirialan. "Thanks for the help. You're a decent shot." 
Ryki chuckled, "I try Sargent. I try." Silence enveloped the cockpit again. Ryki sighed, "You want to ask about my conversation with Rafa don't you?" Hunter looked away shyly, he didn't want to pry, though he was curious. She took his silence as an answer. "I knew Rafa from when we were younger. We met on Coruscant as teenagers, did some stupid things and got into trouble." 
"Ryki, you don't have too." 
"I appreciate it Hunter, but it's best for you guys to know just how much of a wanted person I could be." Hunter gave a nod of understanding and Ryki took it as her chance to explain herself. 
"Rafa promised to keep me safe when we ran. Somehow; and I don't know how, she sold me out for coin." Ryki clenched her jaw as the feeling of betrayal overwhelmed her. "She sold me out for her freedom, and Trace's of course."
The puzzle began to come together in Hunter's mind. "She sold you to slavery?" 
"I don't think she was aware, but it hurt either way. To be betrayed by someone you called family." 
The sargent's head fell back on the chair and an airy laugh escaped him. "I can relate to that. Though I'm pretty sure I'm the one who did the betraying."
"Crosshair?" Ryki asked carefully. "Crosshair," Hunter confirmed. The mirialan laughed bitterly, "I guess we have something in common then." Hunter chuckled softly, "I hope you don't mind me asking, but earlier I noticed you seem to know about Omega being in danger well before she asked for help."
"Ah, yes." Ryki rolled she shoulders. "It's a gist of my ability." 
"Your persuation and negotiation?" 
"All included." She boasted. Hunter nodded, he didn't understand it entirely but he's sure he saw Omega do the same when they encountered Crosshair on Kamino. "That was part of your job?" 
"Not job." She corrected. "Forced labour. Slavery." She cursed the bitter bile that slowly rose in her throat. 
"I'm sorry." 
The mirialan smiled kindly at the Sargent. "All in the past, Hunter. I'm sorry for keeping this away from you. It's rather important information." Hunter smiled too, "Sorry for doubting you." Ryki huffed, "Appologize one more time, and so help me." She joked. The pair laughed it out quietly, being mindful of the sleeping child. "I should get her to sleep." Ryki offered and was about to stand up when Hunter gently told her not to. "I'll do that, thank you very much." 
Ryki gave him an exaperated glare. Hunter shrugged non-chalantly "Your ankle is hurt, Ryki." 
"Yeah, but I'm not dying." 
Hunter rolled his eyes and sighed. With one hand, he carried Omega from her chair and with the other he gentle pulled Ryki's arm to help her stand from the chair. "Of to bed." Ryki protested and was rather shocked from Hunter actually helping her. "I can walk fine you know." 
"I know." Hunter managed to help her to her temporary room. She was offered Crossahair's room earlier on, but she declined. The name itself was like taboo to them, so they gave her a room in one of their empty spare ones. Hunter stopped at the door and Ryki entered. "Well, thank you for helping me here. I could have walked myself here but-" 
"Just say your thankful, alright." Hunter joked. "Yeah yeah. Whatever helps you sleep at night." 
Ryki reached out to ruffle Omega's hair and muttered a small goodnight to the sleeping girl. Hunter was slowly beginning to trust the new recruit. "Good night Ryki." The Sargent wished quietly. 
Ryki gave him one of the smirks. "Good night, dark and broody." 
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gun-roswell · 1 year
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Cartoon), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Crosshair (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, Hunter (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Tech (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Wrecker (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), CC-5576-39 | Gregor, CT-7567 | Rex, CC-2224 | Cody Additional Tags: Crack! Total Crack!, Ye ole body switcheroo, ancient gadgets, don’t touch that dial!, Plot Devices, poor attempts of humour, totally inaccurate science, you name it, it’s all in here, Missions, Rescue, Missions Gone Awry, The Empire/Rebel Era, Could Be Canon, fun for the Batch, some seriousness too, They discuss things, Somewhat, Dialogue, Crosshair is in the mix Series: Part 16 of Tales in the Bad Batch universe of things, Part 1 of The Crack Tales Summary:
Set somewhere in the Star Wars the Bad Batch and the Clone Wars galaxy of things
(A Multiverse of Star Wars Fan Fiction by Yours Truly)
The Bad Batch get a request for an extraction. 
A simple go get and bring back op. Arriving at the location of an ancient and remote outpost and finding their target only to get electrocuted by a… stony structure? After that, things become a tad awkward.
This is a tale of total crack for sure!
Part of Tales of the Bad Batch universe of things / The Crack Tales series
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si0g0 · 1 year
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She's mother. Did a drawing of Duchess Satine Kryze because I love her very much.
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dinbeskarbaby · 9 months
Sometimes in war...
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It's hard to be the one that survives.
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wolviecat · 3 months
kiss it better
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“It’s nothing, Fox, I swear”, said Vos:”I’ve just…” “Jumped through a closed window and fell two levels, “ Fox cut in. He opened his desk and started rummaging through it , until he found a pack of little bacta patches. “Aren’t they little…childish?” “If you act as a child, you deserve to look like one.”
Foxes @foxquinweek day 5 Tending the injuries
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saltyseaturtle · 1 month
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10 credits say the younglings of the Jedi Temple made up a Rock Paper Scissors like game based off of the Mortis Gods
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ejfivercommander · 1 year
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The Sith Code
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maddywillow · 1 year
I don't need to explain this masterpiece
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grace-nakimura · 6 months
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This is what it's like to be Anakin Skywalker forever.
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clonemedickix · 9 months
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The mural of sad. What can I say, art reflects life.
@freesia-writes @dystopicjumpsuit @the-bad-batch-baroness come get your boys
Always open to requests.
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nyforceuser · 2 years
Fox's Been Obducted?
"What?" Thorn shot Hound a glare. It was a great start to his afternoon, the massiff-obsessed serg-ass screaming in his ear. Not cool.
"Fox was just here. Why?"
"For kriff's sake, I AM RIGHT NEXT TO YOU. I can HEAR you LOUD. AND. CLEAR."
There was a crash behind him as Stone scrambled into the room with a muffled, "What?"
"Oh, yeah, shout a little louder. Maybe Fox'll hear you." Thorn said. Hound looked at him in an almost offended way.
"Fox is gone! Why aren't you sending out, like, missing posters?!"
"For fuck's sake, Hound, I had to go to a karking Senate meeting." Fox growled as he walked in behind Stone, making him and Hound jump. Thorn gave Stone a shit-eating grin before Fox uncerimoniously dropped his helmet down on the desk infront of him and slammed his coffee cup on the coaster.
"Out of my desk."
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wax-birds · 2 months
The 501st to Pong Krell
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momojedi · 7 months
So you were wondering what the 501st is up to when Rex is away?
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si0g0 · 1 year
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oi what if he just got a little silly
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