#the four humours
clairobscur82 · 1 month
ok so obviously neil is melancholic & mike is sanguine... for a moment i thought vyv must be choleric but ofc rick is the one who's choleric & vyv is phlegmatic... am i right y/n
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frmulcahy · 1 year
My humours are FUCKED
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cuties-in-codices · 5 months
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the four temperaments: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic
in an astrological-astronomical miscellany, alemmanic german, c. 1500
source: Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Cod. Guelf. 8.7 Aug. 4º, fol. 125r-126v
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comraderoscoes · 7 days
tokyo drifting p2
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wyrdle · 1 year
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Sliding some TrainerClavell AU doodles here, as discussed with @ameftowriter​ haha.
The TLDR for this AU is that Clavell takes MC’s place, saving Miraidon & Koraidon during the start game where he hands you your pokemon. He travels around Paldea as Clive for Team Star, has an accidental rivalry with Nemona as Clive, and helps Arven out with finding Herba mystica. AU details here.
The opportunity for Clive hilarity in contrast to the devastating angst of meeting AI versions of your once close, now dead, friends. Deliciousss. Clavell has a lot on his plate lol. Lord help me, why can I only make chicken scratch doodles these days sdlkfjngds.
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satans-knitwear · 2 months
I have only had this cold for three days but I have already forgotten what it feels like to be able to breathe through my nose
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ssstrawberryflowers · 7 months
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well this morning as I woke up from a 4 or so hour night of sleep i had the brilliant idea of trying to fight Gabriel in 3-2 on Violent while listening to a youtube video, with no in-game music, relatively low in-game master sound and without having actually beaten him (on Violent) after having spent over three hours and a half exclusively trying to kick his ass a few days ago.
so. uhm. yeah. drew how it felt (while also remaining as vague as i could as to not upset anyone lol)
this was both surprisingly hard but also relatively quick? in a weird sort of way? idk girl
screenshots below if you care lol
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the 3h30 hour attempt proof (i quit at fucking 3 am my wrists were sore as fuck)
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the one successful attempt (was surprisingly quicker than expected)
so uh. yea. laughed really loudly when i did beat him and when he called me an insignificant fuck again. 11/10 will do again.
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" What, my dear Lady Disdain! Are you yet living?" - Much Ado About Nothing
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savimatteo2810 · 2 years
Here you go, random people on tumblr, have some old really low quality alignment charts I dug up from a few months ago lol
Sweet Hylia I have more than I thought i did
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enbysiriusblack · 2 months
literally the biggest thing i've learned so far from university (as a literature and history student) is that food/eating/digesting is the primary tool of love. cooking people food? love. eating other people? love. jesus feeding people his body? love. taking power of countries is easy when you control a food supply (the caesar's reign). "life is sustained by feeding on dead matter", we consume food to live, destroying something in the process. and giving someone food is the ultimate love- keeping them alive and nourished. so yeah,, cannibalism is romantic.
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maryonnaise · 11 months
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Yellow Bile ❤ Black Bile
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5mind · 2 months
"We're pretty SICK and tired of you. Always picking on 'us'..." ♫ Literally. The 'mechanical' squadron's disguises were starting to fall apart to reveal mutated flesh. And they were about to do their own twisted version of Fivemind's roll call: Just for Antares! He was their competition, after all. Not to mention they would have to get past him to destroy Chirptune, on Dodostep's orders so they could take over Tripol and turn the islands into their personal toxic wasteland. "The jig is up! Let's let 'em have it."
Their wretched bodies started on distorted poses...
cont from here
"Well, I mean...it is my job to- "Antares fell silent as the metal plating on the red ranger peeled off and landed on the ground with a clang. The unit in red, and by god was it red, stared right back at him with a bloodshot eye surrounded by veinous flesh.
Heads jolted, limbs snapped into place, voices burbled. The units in red and blue spoke up first, in unison.
"The tearing blade - " A fluorish of the arm shed the metal from a blade of bone and marrow. " The dark pillar of bile- " A spine audibly snapped ramrod straight, rivalling the polearm hoisted upon the units back.
"Bloody One." "Black Bile Two."
The next two spoke in unison as well." Bilious shooter-" This one was much more sluggish than his mechanical counterpart. "Ever growing ~ hunter of flesh~" Something pink and swollen threatened to bulge out from between cracks in her limb plating.
"Yellow Bile Three." "Flesh Four."
The two parted to reveal the last one who had been writing his rolecall in pallid greens and yellow on the ground.
[ Phlegmatic pessimism. Phlegm Five ]
Then all at once -
"[Septic Squadron Gutterbrain!]"
"What the fuck..." Antares spun to look at Chirptune who was now frozen in fear. "What even am I looking at here."
"Chirptune doesn't know! Chirptune doesn't !" For a robot bird who cannot physically cry, Chirptune actually sounded on the verge of tears.
"Then what the hell do you know?" He was on the verge of picking the little bird up and shaking her like a ragdoll. But at the same time it was dawning upon him that he wasn't just talking to some pesky little mascot of a super sentai. He was talking to a kid facing fucked up doppelgangers of her friends.
Before Chirptune could answer the two were surrounded. Antares just felt really really tired.
"Chirptune, right? Chirptune. I don't know if you can fight but...spread them out will ya?"
No reply.
Chirptune nodded.
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aromanticduck · 3 months
Sour is a choleric taste, bitter is melancholic, savoury is phlegmatic, and sweet is, of course, sanguine.
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jones-friend · 8 months
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Im beginning to rouse from my month of COVID fatigue and got 4 new games in today! 3/4 are from Pandasaurus games, which I’ll have some thoughts on later. They’re varying degrees of good!
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One trend I’ve noticed is modern games like to saw two proven games in half and glue them together. Clank! is a dungeon crawler/deck builder. Arnak is a worker placement/deckbuilder. Eschaton is a deckbuilder/risklike. Emerge is if you played Yahtzee to play Carcassone.
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In Emerge we are scientists exploring islands for wildlife for points. The goal is to make multi-tiered islands with lots of wildlife meeples on them. You do so by rolling dice and assigning them to actions on your player mat. There are also 4 goals to keep up with and research tokens you can find by making islands or spending unused dice. After 8 rounds the game is scored and the most VP’s wins. One aspect I enjoyed was the modifier tiles. Once per round you can remove/add/swap tiles around your board, this causes numbers to collect for different resources. Numbers are placed on your mat and can be spent together for different meeples or island tiles. So I could put a crab tile on 4 (as pictured) and spend dice from 2 and 4 to place crab meeples on my island. Islands score for the number of tiers times number of meeples.
Emerge is a bit tougher to recommend than most of my games here. I like it, it has some things I like, but it has some I don’t. I don’t think the tile abilities do enough to negate the variation and luck in rolls. You only get one roll, and granted I probably should have taken on at least one or two more tiles, but I didn’t feel they did enough compared to something like One Deck Dungeon. I feel for an optimization game, optimization enjoyers might get annoyed with bad rolls they get stuck with. There’s also a lack of meaningful player to player interaction. There’s racing for objectives first, obtaining research tokens first, and the four bird tokens that can be moved and stolen. I liked the idea of it, but I wanted more. I also felt the objectives asked a lot of you without offering enough reward for chasing them, I focused objectives while my bud islands, and while I scored all four objectives he still won by some 10+ points.
If you want a laid back dice game and you enjoy the presentation of Emerge I would say pick it up. It looks great and at times feels great to make decisions on your player mat for what goes where. If there’s an invite to a game its worth a play. Im not sure if I’d recommend picking it up unless its something you click with.
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Apes together strong. After Us takes place in the post apocalypse where Apes rule the world and are racing to reach evolved intelligence. After Us is a puzzle-y deck builder. Players drsw four cards from their deck and organize them in any way they wish. You must combine costs with benefits, collects with collects, and solve the “puzzle” of what works best with what to gather resources and score victory points. The game ends when a player reaches 80 points.
Similar to Emerge theres a lot of bits I like and a few I don’t. There is a lot of simultaneous play that keeps turns from being bogged down and I appreciate that. We all assemble our monkeys together and resolve them at once. Its a brisk game that doesn’t overstay its welcome and the presentation/art is fabulous.
Where I have a bone to pick with After Us is in its RNG and player interaction. When you recruit new apes you draw from a facedown deck. You know vaguely what that ape is good at. The four types focus victory points, batteries, exile/trash, and repeat actions. You’re blind drawing from cards that don’t have specific abilities, just costs and benefits that are slightly randomized across the deck. But I ended up drawing lots of battery costs while my opponent did not, the apes I drew had a harder time with resources than my opponent’s draws, who provided and consumed similar resources. And there wasn’t an easy way out since all cards were blind draws.
The game also lacks any meaningful player interaction, its just a race. Theres a mechanic where when buying an ape you get a benefit of that clan and can pay 2 to copy a neighbor’s benefit, but it feels very stapled on last minute. Because its the only non simultaneous moment the only player interaction slows the game down.
After Us is another harder recommend. If you enjoyed Earth you will enjoy After Us. Earth similarly had low player interaction, youre all tuning engines till one pops. If you’re comfortable with that more solitaire play the puzzle of four apes in a line is enjoyable.
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In Aurum players take the role of alchemists making formulas for gold. Aurum is a trick taking game with some higher level mechanics to it that will be hit or miss. There’s 5 “base metal” suits and a gold “trump” suit. Players start with a hand of base metals and one 0 gold. The leading player plays a card. The other players must follow, playing DIFFERENT suits than each other. The highest card wins the trick BUT the lowest card gains a gold card in their “collection” worth victory points. This card may also be used in tricks. At the beginning of the game players choose a number and put down a card from their hand of that number. That is their bid, they want to win exactly that many tricks. Go under and you get nothing. Go over and you score the bid in points. Match the bid and gain double the number in points.
So sometimes you wanna win the trick. Sometimes you want to force someone else to win. Sometimes you want to spend a 6-7 to lose the trick but gain a gold card of that value for points.
For a trick taking game there’s a number of things to consider. Do you want to waste a card that could take a trick on getting gold? Do you want to spend that 1-2 VP gold to ensure you reach your bid?
We played the 3 player variant and I found it to be this interesting standoff. Otherwise it plays 1v1 and 2v2.
If you’re into trick taking games and want something new. In the world of $30 medium pizzas and $10 1lb ground beef Aurum is $15. I recommend picking it up and giving it a try. It won’t work for everyone, but having a 3 player variant was fascinating. Like the other two games fantastic art direction and great quality, great presentation.
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Four Humours is a prisoner’s dilemma game. Players place potions in scenes and once two scenes are full all are resolved in this order of operations how the four humors can “win” in priority order. Winning potions are placed on the board to satisfy objective cards. Whoever satisfies the most wins.
To explain the prisoner’s dilemma if you’re unfamiliar, there’s one scene in Four Humours with only two potion slots. Each can hold Choleric or Sanguine. Choleric wins if there is only one in the scene. 2+ choleric means nobody wins. Sanguine is next in priority. If Choleric doesn’t win, Sanguines all win if there are 2+ in a scene, regardless if they are owned by different players. Your opponent claims they played a Sanguine. Do you trust them? If you play your Sanguine and they played Choleric you lose. If you both played Choleric you both lose. If you both played Sanguine you both win. If you decide to screw your friend over and play Choleric to their Sanguine only you win.
And decisions like that are the core of the game. The 4-5 scene cards and 6 party tiles are all logic puzzles and bluffing/diplomacy minigames. With the mechanics behind the four humours you can goad people into making bad moves or win without actually winning the scene. You can be sneaky and crafty, treacherous or trustworthy.
Truly its mechanics are light, the game is placed between you and your buds rather than on your own playmats. With the nature of this game I wouldn’t recommend playing with less than four people, and it can hold up to six at a time. Its a great game that works off a great dilemma, trying to work around possibilities and promises of different players claiming to place different humours where feels great. Great replay value too, our game went thru about 1/2 the scenes and theres an alt game mode to explore.
I heartily recommend this one, easy pick.
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One last bit before I snooze. Pandasaurus is a game company I own many games for: Brew, Dinosaur World, Wild Space, now Emerge and Aurum. Every game I’ve played from them is 80% of a really fantastic game. Its just missing a little something. The presentation is stellar, the effort is there, the creativity is apparent. I’m not trying to slam their games by any means.
Most end up relying on their theme harder than their mechanics. Games are carried at the thought of what you’re doing than the nuts and bolts behind it. Emerge, without set dressing, is a game of assembling tokens on tiles and adding base tiles to their tiles, rolling dice to do so. Wild Space is a game of playing cards to play more cards. What makes them tick is their stellar theming and A+ presentation with materials and art.
If you see this logo understand this might not be the most mechanically sound game. It also might not have the most player interaction, if any. But its going to look great at the table and each game has something that will make your brain go brrrr like the board game equivalent of a fidget spinner.
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awhitehead17 · 1 year
Faces of the past
Batfam, De-aged Jason, Sibling relationships, Humour, Light Angst, Guilty Dick and Bruce, Sassy Jason.
Summary: The thing that seems to bother Jason the most about the situation is the family members he no longer recognises, he doesn't seem at all concerned by the fact he's been unexplainably reverted back into a teenager with no memory of his adult self. Dick and Bruce, on the other hand, are unprepared for the onslaught of thoughts and emotions of seeing Jason the age he had been when he died.
A/N: This has been done for day four of Batfam Week 2023, the prompt is de-aging. @batfamilyweek
Also on AO3
Enjoy! :D
“We’re going to be late, Jason! Let’s go. What are you doing?” Dick shouts as he thumps his fist against the bedroom door in front of him. He huffs when no response comes and smacks the door again impatiently. “Jason. No matter how old you are Alfred will have your hide.”
This time he could hear shuffling going on inside the room. Dick rolls his eyes, it’s about time, they were supposed to leave the manor ten minutes ago. When Jason didn’t turn up in the foyer at the arranged meeting time Dick got sent up to fetch him, apparently that also meant waking him up.
A few moments pass by and when his brother doesn’t make an appearance Dick raises his fist to knock again but that’s when the door swings open revealing something that had Dick freezing in place and staring.
“What do you want Dickhead? Why are you waking me up at crack ass dawn, I only got back from patrol less than four hours ago.”
Dick blinks. He blinks again and then rubs his eyes when the sight in front of him doesn't change. In front of him stands a gangly teenager, a little too thin but who is slowly growing into his limbs, messy unkept hair, boyish features, higher than usual voice and who is short, the top of his head only reaching Dick’s sternum.
Blinking, Dick opens his mouth however he immediately closes realising he doesn't know what he's going to say. Ignoring the way the kid is glaring at him, with eyes that are all too familiar, Dick presses his way past the kid and into the room. Glancing around the otherwise empty room Dick frowns at the kid, finding him being to be the only person inside.
“Dick this isn’t funny. It’s Saturday. I deserve my lie in. Surely Bruce hasn’t set you up to this.”
Dick has no idea how to respond to that. Everything about the situation is wrong. The last time he saw Jason which happened to be hours ago, he was a six foot grumpy man, not this teenager version of himself. Dick stares at him as realisation strikes him, this Jason is young, he’s the age he was when he… when he died.
A shove from Jason, breaks him out of his thoughts. He stumbles to the side and stares at him as the teenager continues to grumble about being woken up on a Saturday for no apparent reason.
Dick holds up a hand, still unable to form words, and shakes it before deciding to step out of the room. Silently he closes the door and leans against it, trying to get his brain to function. What the fuck? How the hell has Jason reverted back into a teenager? If it’s even Jason, this could be someone else…
“Dick what is taking so long? Bruce is starting to get pissy. Not mention how Alfred’s disapproving frown is starting to make an appearance.”
Tim’s voice echoes down the hallway and Dick turns to him, watching him stride down the corridor to where he’s leaning against the door. At least Tim looks and appears normal. He doesn't know if that’s better or worse, perhaps Dick is dreaming and making up teenage Jason in his head…
When Tim reaches him, his little brother is sending him a judgemental look. Still unable to create words Dick simply moves to the side and gestures at the door. Tim can see for himself. Tim sends him a deadpan look, clearly not impressed, but he opens the door without question and peers inside. Dick knows the moment he spots Jason because his body completely stills.
Jason’s higher pitched voice filters through the opening of the door. “Who are you and what do you want? Is Dick still there?”
“Sorry,” Tim says evenly, “don’t worry about me. We’ll leave you be now…”
Tim slowly shuts the door and turns to Dick wearing a confused frown on his face. Dick puts his hands up placatingly, unable to answer the unspoken questions.
After a moment Tim clears his throat awkwardly. “We should probably tell Bruce to cancel today.”
“So you’re telling me Bruce has a problem in collecting strays? Most people collect stamps, Bruce apparently collects children.”
Jason’s comment is said with a bluntness only a teenager could achieve, he’s sitting at the kitchen island on a stool and is swinging his legs as he rips up a piece of bread and eats it bit by bit. He's looking around the kitchen observing with interest before his gaze moves onto each person separately in the room with him. Which is basically the whole family, minus Damian.
After discovering teenage Jason, Dick and Tim called up Bruce with an emergency and it didn’t take long for Bruce to see what the situation is. After that it was a headache lasting several hours as they tell teenage Jason the truth, some of it, in how he’s somehow been de-aged and how he’s currently in the future where the family has expanded and not everything is the same.
That’s when Alfred approached and offered to fix up breakfast for everyone in the kitchen, Jason included. They were originally going out for food so this worked in everyone’s favour. Serious matters always seemed to be to be discussed over food.
Despite being disoriented with the situation Jason easily agrees and together they head to the kitchen. As Jason settles at the island, Dick saw the moment the older men realised what age Jason currently appears to be, he could see the devastation cross both Bruce and Alfred’s faces, if the others pick up on it they may understand but they wouldn’t be able to relate.
While they caught Jason up and also introducing him to Cass, Tim, Duke, Steph, and Damian when he made a brief appearance before deeming it not an important enough situation for his presence, everyone seemed to have made the same silent and mutual agreement in not mentioning Jason’s death. That’s for the best of course.
Jason waves around a piece of bread before shoving it in his mouth. “I don’t know whether to be insulted or proud there are robins after me. Was that a choice or forced? I’m surprised you allowed it Dick after what we went through.”
On the opposite side of the island Tim flinches at the comment which goes unnoticed by Jason. Tim covers it up well with the action of taking a sip of coffee from his mug but it doesn't go unnoticed by the rest of the family. Dick runs a hand over his face, all those memories, thoughts and feelings from that time are coming to the forefront of his mind.
Admittedly he hadn’t taken to Jason when Bruce brought him home. He knows and regrets how badly he had treated Jason back then but he had been an angry teenager, mostly angry at Bruce and Jason took the brunt of it. It’s one of the reason why he tried hard with Tim when it became clear the kid wasn't going away any time soon.
“Look I’m sorry, even now I still feel guilty about how I treated you.”
Jason snorts and send him a disbelieving look. He then looks over at Tim, “Did he at least treat you any better when Bruce brought you home?”
At being directly spoken to Tim looks like a deer caught in headlights. His mouth opens and closes for several long minutes before he finally comes up with an answer. “He wasn't accepting at first, just like you, but he soon warmed up.”
Somewhat the truth. They have to be careful with what they’re telling teenage Jason, especially regarding Tim’s involvement. The whole reason why Tim even became part of the family is because Jason died, as morbid as that reason may be. They’re going to need to tell Jason some white lies surrounding Tim and his background.
Jason hums and his attention moves onto the others. He munches away as he asks them questions that focus more on Gotham instead of everyone’s backgrounds. He asks what villains are still about, what their relationship with the police is like, how patrols work compared to back then and surely the technology must be better right.
The questions last for a long while and the entire time Dick watches as Bruce stares at Jason bewildered, his pseudo father clearly getting caught up in past memories of when Jason was originally this age before everything changed. The same energetic vibe teenage Jason is giving off, that young innocence he still somehow kept even after living on the streets for as long as he had. This was the kid who was cocky enough to attempt to steal the tires from the batmobile, who almost got away with it too...
Jason’s next enquiring question brings everything back to reality. “So since I’m a teenager out of time, how do I … not be? What do we do?”
“We’ll be looking into it, since nothing out of the ordinary happened to you, adult you yesterday, we’ll need to try and retrace your steps to try and see if anything comes up amiss. Something probably happened on patrol which you didn’t share with us that may be a key to working this out.”
It’s the first time Bruce has spoken up since seeing Jason the way he currently is. His voice sounds strained and as Dick noticed earlier, the man seems to be stuck in the past while looking at his second son the age he had been when he died.
Jason looks contemplative for a moment before piping up, “why wouldn’t I share everything with you, especially something significant? Isn’t that what you drill into us from the very beginning?”
At that comment Dick couldn’t help but snort which earns him a dirty look from the current teenager. Everyone else was snickering though. “Seriously? As if we all tell Bruce everything that happens during patrol. Nothing changes when you get older buddy.”
That’s the truth. Dick’s done it, hidden things, even big things, from Bruce that’s happened during a patrol. He knows for a fact Tim’s done it, the girls and even Damian. It’s typical behaviour, whatever excuses they may come up with but it’s not unusual for someone to hide something. Most of the time everyone is pretty good about reporting back but on occasion some things ‘may be forgotten about’.
Bruce clears his throat pointedly. “Until then, we’ll keep you safe. We may need to refer to you for different things throughout, but until then you stay here.”
Jason dramatically groans and rolls his eyes. “Ugh, fine if I have too.” With that he climbs off the stool and drops his plate off in the sink. “Thanks for breakfast Alfie, perfect as usual, glad to know your culinary skills are still on point.”
“Thank you Master Jason.” Alfred acknowledges with amusement.
“If I have to stay here I’m at least going to go and check out the library. Surely it must have expanded over the years right?”
As he begins to head for the door Cass blocks his path and grabs his wrist. “Let’s spar in gym.”
Caught off guard by her sudden appearance in front of him Jason blinks, “uh sure?” he glances round before looking at her again. “How good are you in combat?”
Steph lets out a barking laugh. “Oh this is something I need to see. She’s by far the best of us.” The blonde leads the way out of the kitchen and Cass drags Jason out with her before he could respond. As they disappear Dick couldn’t help but think that it’s strange seeing Jason almost the same height as Cass. It’s as amusing as it is weird.
“If you need any tech support let me know, otherwise I’m going to go watch Cass beat baby Jason’s ass.” Following his statement Tim leaves the kitchen with a fresh mug of coffee in his hands and follows their siblings.
With only four of them left in the kitchen Duke speaks up. “If you want me to patrol Crime Alley I can see if I can find anything out the ordinary or ask around to who may have seen Jason patrolling last night. I can also ask my own contacts for any information.”
Bruce sighs and runs a hand over his face. “That would be most useful, thanks Duke. Let me know if you hear anything back.”
Duke nods. “I’ll go out a little later and tonight too. For now I’m going to join the others, someone needs to record this…”
In a hurry Duke darts out of the kitchen which leaves only three of them. Alfred begins cleaning up breakfast and Dick stands there staring at Bruce.
“You okay?” He asks the man concerned.
“I’m fine,” comes the unsurprising response. “It’s just…” Bruce waves a hand and lets his sentence trail off but Dick knows exactly what he’s thinking.
“I know.” Dick says quietly, in understanding. “It’s hard seeing him like that. For now we just need to try and work out what happened to him and why. I’ll help where I can so let me know what you need and when.”
Bruce looks at him grateful, probably because Dick isn’t forcing him to share his emotions on the situation. Even if he pushed for answers Dick doubts Bruce would answer. Despite it being years and how they’ve manged to move on from what happened, long conversations and healing with Jason himself playing into that, seeing Jason this young again is bringing up raw emotions and memories.
“Thanks for breakfast Alfred.” Dick says pushing himself up away from the side he had been leaning on the entire time. He smiles at the elderly man as he heads out of the kitchen in pursuit of his younger siblings, the least he can do until Bruce calls him for help is try to keep the rest of them out of trouble. He just hopes they can find a solution to what’s happened sooner rather than later.
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greenishghostey · 2 years
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I’m right.
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