#the honest woodcutter
onlinemittra · 1 year
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slowlyfadingaway5 · 1 year
Okay SO! I'm a fairy tale folklore mythology girlie and this episode of neverafter hits so fucking hard.
BUT when the Sword of Truth was first introduced as gold and gleaming and PIB said that it was used to cut wood, there was a moment after that where it cut to Brennan's face and you know what kind of face he fucking has when the PCs say something off the cuff that has relevance later on or something he never thought of but might work later on. you know the look
And it reminded me of the folk tale/fable of "The Honest Woodcutter" and I fucking know it's an Aesop's fable and the sword is called the Sword of Truth and I feel like I'm grasping at strings here (ha) but in the promo for ep 8 the sword is potentionally a person? So MAYBE just maybe hear me out, the sword is Aesop
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ultimateanthropoll · 5 months
Mae Borowski (cat; Night in the Woods) vs. Woodcutter Bear (bear; Rhythm Heaven)
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"I never finished Night in the Woods but I want nothing but good things for this trash mammal."
"She's just like me fr <3"
Woodcutter bear:
"90% sure this dude was both my furry and gay awakening. He’s crazy hot, he wears pants and overalls but no shirt, he yells masculinely at the top of his lungs while he chops wood in the forest, and he “wears clothes three times his size because his muscles get really big whenever he flexes.” He’s hot in canon too, the wiki says that the cats that he helps are “heavily implied to be attracted to him,” which is why they keep asking him to chop more wood for them. This also means that, at the very least, the cats are gay (they’re called “los gatos” in Spanish instead of “las gatas”), and, let’s be honest, the bear’s probably gay too. Just look at him. They’re just a few steps away from forming a polycule that worships this guy. Actually, they probably already have that without him knowing. Also at the end of the final remix, he chops open a giant peach and a baby comes out. I know this is a reference to a Japanese fairy tale, but I don’t know the specifics, so… it’s possible? Maybe? The mpreg furry polycule is possible? In the cute little rhythm game? Please?"
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cloudberry-sims · 7 months
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The Rosenward family is the 3rd peasant family in Hopebury, consisting of a elderly woodcutter and his two young children, after losing his wife to the magma fever.
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Although not a young man anymore , Quentrell Rosenward has the heart and strength of an ox!
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With ax in hand he is determined to build himself and his children a good and honest life in the small settlement. Although it wont be easy as a single parent.
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Florina , his eldest and only daughter , had a good heart with a tenderness of all life.
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So much so , that when she found a stray kitten in the bushes she begged her father to keep her, which he agreed to. She named the cat Sweuite.
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Robard , who was still very young , had a talent of causing trouble for his father and sister with his clumsy and easy going nature...
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fate-magical-girls · 3 months
What happens to a princess if the fairy tale stops focusing on her?
She never expected to marry a prince. She is a humble woodcutter's daughter who stumbled upon a dangling in midair while gathering mushrooms. He told her he was a prince who had run afoul of the Chorchelle of the ruins, and was now cursed to touch neither sky nor earth until a virgin maiden would "bathe him in her pearls of wisdom". Even as he lamented that this poor peasant girl had no pearls, she spat on him, and the so-called "pearl" of her lips broke his curse.
He thanked her profusely and gave her a ring, promising to return for her. She smiled, nodded, and didn't take him seriously. She didn't expect him to come back. Princes didn't remember woodcutter's daughters.
But he did come back. He met her in that exact spot months later, when she was gathering acorns. This time he asked her name and followed her home. He met her father and gave him three gold coins in thanks for her wisdom. She didn't expect him to come back, not after his debt was repaid.
But he did come back, and he kept coming back. He came bearing expressions of not just gratitude and admiration, but love. He turned her father's little cottage into his personal Arcadia. She and the prince would spend days frolicking together, and all nature seemed to celebrate their happiness. Sometimes, out of sheer curiosity, he would try to help her father with his work. That didn't make the old woodsman's life any easier, but at least the money the prince paid him kept him from complaining.
She never expected to marry the prince. She was satisfied with what she had -- food, money, and two little sons. But then one day he turns up with two rings and a priest in tow. That causes her to blurt out that if he wants to marry her, he should do it publicly, because she's an honest woman who has nothing to be ashamed of.
This gives him pause, and he tells her he would like to do that, but he's already on thin ice with his father due to certain incidents he caused, including that time he let his favorite knight run off with his fiancee, and he doesn't want to turn her into another one of his scandals. So she offers him a foolproof plan.
"When you go back to the palace, lie down on the bed and do not get up. Tell your father that you were out hunting when fatigue struck you, and after you lay down to sleep, you received a divine revelation that you shall never marry, except to a woman who is neither naked nor clothed, neither riding nor walking, and neither speaking nor silent. And that if you cannot obtain that woman, you shall certainly waste away and die. Then until your father agrees to find that woman, neither eat nor speak where he can see it."
It takes three days for the news to spread. By then she is ready outside the royal palace, wearing a fishnet, one foot slung over a donkey so that the other dragged on the ground, and giving loud yawns. The king's messengers take her to the palace, where a wedding is hastily arranged for her and the prince. After the ceremony is done, the old queen privately confides to her that she doesn't believe a word of the "divine revelation", but she can't fault such a cunning plan, and if anything, this keeps her wayward son settled down.
The first few days of being a princess are overwhelming. She has much to learn about running a household, delegating tasks, networking with other nobles, and playing hostess. Still, she learns, and eventually, she excels. She's not rich like her eldest sister-in-law, or graceful like her younger sister-in-law, but she's clever and resourceful and keeps her fief in order even with her husband's romantic bouts of impulsiveness.
She and her husband are rarely at Court, only being summoned for major festivities. It's alright for him and should be alright for her. They love each other for their true selves, and nobody bothers them. But she knows her position is precarious, so she keeps writing appeals for her sons to be taken into the royal household as pages or squires; anything to make their nobility readily apparent. She gets no reply, which turns out to be fortunate when chaos breaks out in the capital with the Crown Prince's assassination.
She immediately drafts a letter pledging her husband's loyalty to the crown and volunteering their forces for the upcoming war. But when she takes it to her husband, he shreds it instead of stamping it with his seal. After all, he says, why should he support any of the family who look upon his wife with such disdain?
"But you're the second prince!" She exclaims, touched but also flabbergasted. "The heir apparent now!"
"So? Don't we love each other for who we are, not what we are?"
"Yes." She says resignedly. "I see you for who you are, but other will only see what you are."
Still, he is the ultimate master of the house. They remain neutral for civil war. It's alright for him and it's alright for her. They love each other for their true selves, and nobody bothers them. Until the foreign merchants of death arrive.
They don't see him for who he is, a loving husband and father, with a great heart but little brain. They only see him for what he is, the heir apparent and only adult prince left standing.
With her husband hovering between life and death and the assassins either dead or escaped, she pens a letter to the king and the royal council, declaring that her eldest son has the right to succeed his father, and that he would be a better successor than the youngest prince, whom everyone knows to be dull-witted.
She never expected to marry a prince, but she did, and now she is a princess and the mother of princes, and she intends to keep it that way.
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enstarsfunniest · 1 year
i know the shinsekai in retaliation context: valk are trapped in virtual reality and they need to complete quests to win. Shu gives mika money to buy a weapon (mika choose the chainsaw, shu hates it) to complete challenges. Well as they're about to leave npc pushes shu into a fountain to do a woodcutter's axe bit (Aesop fable's honest woodcutter) with mika. "is this the shu you lost? or is it this shu?" One shu acts like rinne and the other shu acts like eichi. He refuses to call either of them Shu even tho the npc tells him he just has to choose one of them to leave the game. The eichi-shu makes mika so furious that he murders them both with his chainsaw instead of completing the quest. And then he gets sick because he was in vr too long to kill people <3
!!! you can also find some screenshots of the livetweet translation here, and the story should be coming to engstars in the following months too, so look forward to it!
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the-blue-fairie · 11 months
Tom Thumb (1958) - Fairy Tale Movie Challenge
(TW: discussions of racism/yellowface ahead.)
Since thealmightyemprex is doing a Fairy Tale Month, I'm at last doing my writeups for the Fairy Tale Movie Challenge. I shall start with Tom Thumb, which thealmightyemprex suggested, directed by George Pal.
Now, I associate George Pal with special effects extravaganzas of fantasy and sci-fi from the 50s and 60s, sometimes with a kitschy charm to them. He made Destination Moon, he made When Worlds Collide, he made the 50s War of the Worlds, he made the 60s Time Machine, he made the 7 Faces of Dr. Lao! This film fits right in among these (sometimes not for the best of reasons, but we'll get there.) They're all a similar kind of "wonder movie." They remind me of Harryhausen films, but sometimes with a more American Christian preachy vibe. But I consider his Time Machine and War of the Worlds classics and excellent films in themselves, not just as 50s special effects time capsules.
Tom Thumb (1958) tells the story of a woodcutter and his wife who are blessed by a wood spirit with three wishes. After squandering them in a comedic sequence, she takes pity on them and grants them their wish for a child, the diminutive Tom Thumb, played by Russ Tamblyn of Twin Peaks and The Haunting. It's based on the Grimms' "Thumbling" tale (and there ARE elements of it) but you get the sense it's... essentially Disney's Pinocchio, for better or worse, George Pal style. Tom is duped by a pair of shady schemers a la Honest John and Gideon, has to save his parents to make amends, etc.
Ironically, the opening of the film before the introduction of Tom is one of the strongest things about it. Bernard Miles (oh MY GOSH he was in 1956 Moby Dick! I know the Manxman in a small role in the film, but he gets that monologue about Moby Dick so it's cool! AND he was Joe Gargery for David Lean!) and Jessie Matthews have such a great comedic chemistry and they make roles that, in other hands, could be overly treacly, work and work well. The sausage-nose routine is classic "squandering three wishes" material and it's really fun.
After Tom is introduced, things get a little shakier. It's not that Russ Tamblyn is bad. He's extraordinarily acrobatic and that makes the long dance among the toys a great watch, even if the pacing drags. But since it feels like the film is going for a Disney Pinocchio innocent child vibe to his characterization, he feels too old for the part. I still like him, though! It's just that line delivery can feel clunky in a way that reflects the worst of George Pal-isms.
AND ON THE SUBJECT OF THE WORST OF GEORGE PAL-ISMS, I made a gloomy quip about the use of yellowface in Dr. Lao just seconds before THIS GUY shows up.
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Now, 7 Faces of Dr. Lao was interesting because, although Lao was played by Tony Randall in yellowface and that's awful, at least the character of Dr. Lao wasn't written to be the standard 60s-70s Chinese caricature. Lao was actually able to push back/shoot barbs back at racist white folks in the film. That makes him interesting. Yes, he's still one of those "mystical Chinese characters," but as Arthur Dong pointed out on the Criterion Channel, Lao has more depth and sympathy than most portrayals of the period.
Also, each townsperson's encounter with a different "face" of Dr. Lao is gorgeously written and endlessly interesting.
BUT THIS GUY? He's a toy that serves a bit as Tom's "super-dooper-magical-Chinese-man" to paraphrase Spike Lee. He doesn't have the depth of a character like Lao because he's either Tom's imagination or, if not that, doesn't have a character outside of entertaining/supporting our white lead. Also, his name is the worst thing I've seen since I saw the way that a certain character was credited in the 1925 Larry Semon Wizard of Oz.
Also, they never show the toy in the foreground here up close while looking at it head-on (the one who in this shot has its back facing the camera) but...
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...is that a g*lliwog toy? Because if so, yikes.
The romance between Alan Young's mortal character, Woody, and The Forest Queen is a mixed bag. I found Woody initially bland and irritating, but he grew on me. Whereas I found Queenie so interesting, and possessed of such radiant charisma thanks to June Thorburn's performance, that I felt she could do much better than him. I warmed up to their relationship as the film went on, though. They're sweet.
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The show-stealers, however, are Terry-Thomas and Peter Sellers as the villains (also, if we wanted to talk about Hollywood yellowface and stereotyping, we could teach a whole class on certain Sellers roles and... whatever Blake Edwards' whole deal was, ooof), especially Terry-Thomas. That man is hilarious. They're doing what they do best, stealing gold and stealing the movie!
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Also, the coin-counting routine gave me big "Gandalf tricks the trolls in The Hobbit" vibes and I love that.
Overall, Tom Thumb (1958) gave me what I expected, good and bad - a very late-50s, very George Pal diversion that is not among Pal's best, but which has some fun moments and a lot of charm... as well as some Yikes moments that I was at least bracing myself for, knowing the period and other Pal projects.
@thealmightyemprex @ariel-seagull-wings @princesssarisa @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking
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dwarvendiaries · 6 months
Diary of Dumat Kabalath woodcutter
6th of Limestone
This place doesn't have cups. It's a disgrace. Nor any trees for that matter.
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Morul got fed up of sleeping on the floor. So we removed some pieces from an anti-flooding wall and I got to work. Most of us haven't been that bothered to be honest. But Morul really didn't like sleeping on hard stone every night.
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Morul's really taken the whole leadership thing in her stride. Getting her own office definitely helped.
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Finally, we're sealing over the entrance from unwanted pollutants.
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fantasy-life-fan · 7 months
Do you have a favorite Life? I still can't choose yet after all these years of playing.
Gotta be honest, I can't choose either.
When it comes to the Fighting Lives, I leaned into Magician a lot at the start, but as the game progressed I relied in Mercenary more often whenever I had to clear endgame content I picked one of those two. Hunter is great too but as a range fighter Magician always felt more interesting to younger me. And no matter how hard I tried I could never get the hang of how to use the shield so Paladin was my least favorite.
From the Crafting Lives... Cooking is my favorite, because I get to eat the food to recover HP, and the ingredients tend to be easy to acquire or buy? I also liked Alchemy for similar reasons but I always ended up short on the necessary mats which always soured my plans haha. Tailor has to be my least favorite because of the silly thing about the gender locked clothes.
As for the Gathering Lives... hmm... I do love fishing mechanics in many games, but in this one you can't recover Strength Points, so I'm going to go with either Miner or Woodcutter because you actually can recover SP in those.
As previously mentioned I'm bad at picking favorites oops
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dawdlingsleeper · 1 year
Precure: Land of Lore
Cure Truth & Cure Golden
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Cure Truth
Story Based - The Honest Woodcutter
Themes: trees, gold, & sliver
As Cure Truth, they can see through truths and lies. She can also neutralize liquid to sliver or gold, whenever she wants to. Controlling the shape & sizes of the neutralizer.
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Cure Golden
Story Based - Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Themes: porridge & ribbons
Cure Golden is quite the picky fighter, her attacks constant on strength, if she doesn’t use just the right amount of strength it’s either too weak or too strong. It has to be just right.
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Arata Maho
Maho’s a high schooler, she goes to an elite high school. She’s part of the student council. Maho fights for justice, she is strict, cautious of her surrounding, and supportive. They are in the same dojo with Isumu.
She was the 3rd precure to join the team, she became a precure by fighting back one of the possessed creatures. Her strong sense of justice made her become a precure.
Fortune couldn’t stay at Isamu’s home [Makoto coming over all the time] neither Fumiko’s mansion [pets] forever. So Maho offered Fortune to stay at her house.
[part 1]_[part 2]_[part 3]_[part 4]_[part 5]
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keeganhogan · 3 months
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Kurosawa Akira’s Rashomon is an incredible look into the human psyche and how people lie in order to preserve themselves. I was not expecting the intricacies of storytelling that are present in this film, as well as the incredible performances from the actors, especially that of Tajomaru. Kurosawa’s use of music in this film was similar to that in No Regrets For Our Youth, which reminded me of more typical western uses of music in film. The orchestral backing to a movie set in medieval Japan felt a bit odd, but the pieces themselves served well to heighten and amplify the intensity and emotion throughout the film.
The content of the movie itself was very interesting, hearing the same story told from four different perspectives, all with conflicting outcomes. Each person’s lies and contradicting accounts reflect their individual motivations for lying and how they wish to preserve themselves. Starting with Tajomaru, he had been caught at the time of his recounting, and therefore, as he says, knows that he is at his end. Because of this, he does not try to count himself as innocent in the situation, but instead embellishes the facts to make himself seem like an honorable and strong warrior who gives the samurai a chance to fight for his life, and wins in an intense, well-choreographed sword duel. He even says that he had no intentions of killing the man, but instead it was the wish of the woman for them to fight, which we find out later is somewhat true. It is also true that he and the samurai fought each other, but the honorability of it and the grandeur of the battle were lies.
Then we see from the wife’s perspective, who says that her husband looked upon her with such hatred that she fainted and came to with her dagger in his chest, and then came to away from the scene entirely. She doesn’t include the fact that he and the bandit fought each other because she, in actuality, was the one who encouraged the fight, thinking that her husband would win and save his honor and her. When the bandit wins, she flees and cannot live with the fact that his death could potentially be her fault.
Then, through a medium, we hear from the samurai husband. He lies to preserve his honor, as his life is already forfeit. He must make it clear that his death was a noble one for that of a samurai, and that his wife readily betrayed him. Due to his sorrow, he kills himself, as many samurai do in order to go out with honor. He cannot bear the truth of the pathetic, sheepish fight that took place between himself and the bandit, or that he was ready to abandon his wife without fighting for her. Her insult of both him and the bandit as not real men is what incites the duel, but since she was right, their duel reflects that, as a very amateur scuffle between two men who do not want to die. The samurai’s last words being that he didn’t want to die are precisely why in his account, he willingly took his own life.
Finally, the woodcutter cannot help it any longer and admits that he lied as well about only coming across the body of the samurai. He did not want to become involved and potentially be held culpable for the incident, so he decided to pretend to only have been a passerby discovering the aftermath. Later when he says that he has six children of his own, it makes sense, as well as the traveler’s claim that he stashed the dagger for himself to sell it for food. Even if he has not been honest himself throughout this process, his reasons for doing so are far more morally just than those of the other characters. Then, without any reason to lie further, we see his account which reveals to us the (supposedly) true events, and the reasons for which each person involved lied about what really happened. However, the audience can never know for sure if that’s truly what happened, but like the priest, we choose to believe the woodcutter.
Another thing that stood out to me about the film was the name, Rashomon. When I looked into the name it appeared to be the name of the front gate into Kyoto a very long time ago. This is the name we see on the gate that the three men sit under while escaping the rainstorm. At the end of the movie, the priest has seemingly lost his faith in humanity after even the dead man’s story was a lie, and he realizes that none of these people were good people. Even the woodcutter, who admits he lied to the court to keep himself out of trouble, seems to be evil to the priest. We see this when he attempts to take the baby they find from him, and he immediately assumes the worst intentions from the woodcutter. However, it is revealed that he has six kids of his own and intends to raise the abandoned child. The traveler who had come to the two men in the rain, had left through the other side, still during the rainstorm, fully convinced that all people lie, and all people are evil. The priest asks at one point if this world is just hell. I think that the gate signifies an acceptance of a mindset about mankind. The pessimistic traveler accepts this hell and pushes through on the other side than through which he arrived, into this mindset of mankind. However, the priest and the woodcutter, after the priest discovers that the likely reason behind the woodcutter’s lies and potential theft of the dagger was to care for his large family, leave the way they came, not through the gate and not in the rainstorm. The priest realizes that while all people may lie, not all lies come from a place of evil intent. He realizes that this evil may exist in the world as per the woodcutter’s account of the story, but there are still good people in the world that are trying their best to survive for others, and not solely themselves. So, they choose not to go through the gate into “hell” and instead find the good in mankind.
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tsunflowers · 4 months
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chainsaw mika comes out of NOWHERE with no explanation but I think the fact that he has a chainsaw is also a joke on the honest woodcutter fable
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aeoki · 1 year
SHINSEKAI - Magicians of ES: Chapter 8
Location: Tohoku Town (SHINSEKAI) Characters: Mika, Shuu, Tsumugi & Izumi
TL Note:
Izumi’s first name is the literal meaning for “spring” / “fountain”. 
For those who don’t know, this is based on one of Aesop’s Fables, The Honest Woodcutter.
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Tsumugi: “Anyhow, the mandatory event has already been triggered.”
“The amount of ‘SSG’ you can gain will depend on your actions, so please be mindful of what you say and do, okay?”
Mika: Uuu~ Well, okay. We’ll be able to make a profit either way.
I can’t go after Onii-chan so I’ll do my best to earn some money. There’s no reason for me to refuse.
Tsumugi: “Good answer! Here it goes~ Special Mission: ‘The Goddess of the Spring’!”
Mika: Spring… Izumi[*]? Wasn’t there someone at ES with that name…?
Tsumugi: “This is not related to the real individual or his affiliated groups in any way!”
Goddess of the Spring: “Traveller, did you drop a ‘Dirty Shuu Itsuki’ into the spring[*]?”
Mika: It’s actually him! Is that allowed? Did you get his permission beforehand!?
Wait, Dirty Onii-chan?
Dirty Shuu Itsuki: “Geheheh. Hey there, young man, you’ve got quite a nice face. Wanna come play with me for a li’l bit?”
Mika: Ah, that’s so dirty! I have a feelin’ his speech and actions are based on the dirtiest person in ES! 
Goddess of the Spring: “Or did you drop the ‘Clean Shuu Itsuki’?”
Clean Shuu Itsuki: “Fufu. Come, let us build a utopia for idols together…♪”
Mika: Ah, that’s dirty too! You’re supposed to be a clean Onii-chan! Your words are clean but your heart is based on someone dirty!
Clean Shuu Itsuki: “Fufu. What a sad thing to say, Kagehira-kun.”
Mika: Wait, you used Tenshouin-senpai as reference, didn’t you!? Do you know how awful that is, makin’ Oshi-san act like him!?
Goddess of the Spring: “Yeah, yeah. Keep it down, annoying~ much.”
Mika: Ah, you said it! That’s the actual person’s catchphrase! Are you even allowed to say stuff like that!?
Clean Shuu Itsuki: “Of course. ‘Switch’ is in charge of managing this ‘SHINSEKAI’ and since they’re in the same agency as ‘Knights’, they have a collaborative relationship together.”
“It wouldn’t be strange to provide a variety of materials, no?”
Mika: Nghaaahh~! How annoyin’~! Now that I really think about it, you sound like Onii-chan but your mannerisms are exactly like Tenshouin-senpai’s!
Clean Shuu Itsuki: “Fufu. That makes me happy. Seeing as you understand that, that means you’ve become interested in me.”
Dirty Shuu Itsuki: “I love me some gambling! Money! Women! Cigarettes…!”
Mika: This person’s interpretation of the original is just too sloppy! It completely lacks depth!
I bet the person who put this programme together really doesn’t care about this person over here!
Goddess of the Spring: “Anyway, hurry up and answer. Which was the one you dropped? A ‘Clean Shuu Itsuki’ or a ‘Dirty Shuu Itsuki’?”
Mika: Nghahhh~...?
Tsumugi: “Fufu. This is a bonus question, not a trick question. It follows the exact structure of the fairytale that everyone knows.”
Clean Shuu Itsuki: “The golden axe and the silver axe. Fufu, perhaps that was too big of a hint.”
Mika: Why do you keep saying “fufu”!? Are you a pokemon!? I guess he’s actually like that in real life, but his way of speakin’ has been overused way too much to the point it’s annoyin’!
Dirty Shuu Itsuki: “I love me some gambling!”
Mika: Is that all you can say!?
Goddess of the Spring: “Yeah, yeah. Stop with the fuss and just answer, okay? Which was the one you dropped? The ‘Clean Shuu Itsuki’ or the ‘Dirty Shuu Itsuki’?”
Mika: Oh, he’s repeated the question for me… He’s nicer than his real-life counterpart.
Clean Shuu Itsuki: “Fufu. We’re from the same agency, after all. He’s been modified so his character gives off more of a friendly feeling.”
Dirty Shuu Itsuki: “I love me some Izumi Sena-kun! I like him as much as gambling!”
Mika: Did the original people even know each other that well? They’re just being made to say those things! And they didn’t even bother hidin’ the names of the original individuals!
…Oh, well, nevermind. I’m making Onii-chan wait so I’ll get this over with and hurry back to reality.
He asked me which one I dropped but Tsumu-chan-senpai was the one who did that. It’s not like I can say that, huh.
My answer has already been decided.
My Oshi-san is the greatest artist out there that no one else can recreate. There’s no one else like him and no one can fulfil that role. He’s someone irreplaceable to me.
Clean Shuu Itsuki: “Fufu. Is that your answer?”
Tsumugi: “Ah, you said ‘Oshi-san’ and violated your ‘order’, so you’ll be fined.”
Dirty Shuu Itsuki: “I love me some gambling!”
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Mika: Oh, just shut uppp! I think I’m about to go crazy so can’t you just keep quiet!?
Ngh~! I still don’t understand what this “SHINSEKAI” place is all about, but I’m sick and tired of it…!
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ultimateanthropoll · 6 months
ROUND 2 SIDE B: mlm community vs wlw community part 2-
Woodcutter Bear (bear; Rhythm Heaven) vs. Mother Glory (hyena; Friends at the Table)
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Woodcutter bear:
"90% sure this dude was both my furry and gay awakening. He’s crazy hot, he wears pants and overalls but no shirt, he yells masculinely at the top of his lungs while he chops wood in the forest, and he “wears clothes three times his size because his muscles get really big whenever he flexes.” He’s hot in canon too, the wiki says that the cats that he helps are “heavily implied to be attracted to him,” which is why they keep asking him to chop more wood for them. This also means that, at the very least, the cats are gay (they’re called “los gatos” in Spanish instead of “las gatas”), and, let’s be honest, the bear’s probably gay too. Just look at him. They’re just a few steps away from forming a polycule that worships this guy. Actually, they probably already have that without him knowing. Also at the end of the final remix, he chops open a giant peach and a baby comes out. I know this is a reference to a Japanese fairy tale, but I don’t know the specifics, so… it’s possible? Maybe? The mpreg furry polycule is possible? In the cute little rhythm game? Please?"
Mother Glory:
"god i wish i could get smoked out by a fifteen-feet-tall hyena woman"
Cool art &lt;3
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shiningwizard · 9 months
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Macario (Roberto Gavaldón, 1960)
Fable-like tale of a poor woodcutter who, in a meeting with the devil, god and then death, is limitedly granted the ability to heal the dying, that ability capitalised upon by unscrupulous business men, then cruelly suppressed by the Mexican inquisition. He remaining a vessel of pure, honest and open benevolence throughout (with some moments of selfishness). Nice enough movie, but one that just plays out expectedly. Didn't reach me to any depth to find something remarkable about it. Maybe i'm missing something.
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rosey-84-su · 6 months
Day 19: Tamashina Mina and The honest Woodcutter
The left one I decided to do Leona cause it his event it was a little hard to do his outfit, but I think it turns out pretty well! Leona is a very pretty man! 😊
The right one, the original prompt was Hansel and Gretel, but I didn't want to do that, so I did the honest woodcutter instead, I drew Vil as the water fairy in the story and after someone threw an apple in his lake he came up with a golden apple and ask if the person dropped it.
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