#the human unity project
1-1-s1ay-2-2 · 2 years
Just Help | 2022 #teamslay 💎
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Just Help | Because help isn't just a word, it's an action!
The kind of help people need is help that is fair and just.
Helping someone doesn't require anything in return...just help without expecting anything because true love does that stuff.
When I have attained the righteous prosperity that God has ordained for me, my non-profit JUST HELP is gonna help people...just to be helping. Homelessness, poverty, women, children, and animal welfare...the issues that are important to me, and I plan on just helping. Not because there will be something for me to gain, but because it will strengthen the THUP project for all. Because it will be the energy of love and sharing the message of the good news.
T.H.U.P -- The Human Unity Project
Because we are ONE humanity. One love cures us all from the disease of dread and the plague of hate.
True Love is the universal remedy that sets us all free from the constraints of darkness and depravity.
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apostatextian · 2 years
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xeansicemane · 8 months
I think what's fascinating about this whole Unity debacle is how clear it makes something.
The entire C-suite of every company on earth are idiots.
That's not hyperbole, they are people serially uninterested in becoming informed and constitutionally incapable of hearing they're wrong about something. They build a thick shell of unreality and assure themselves they can direct any human venture even if they know nothing of how the enterprise in question works or how its' customers interact with it.
They had it. They were THE tool for learning to build games and even worked for larger projects. Producers and consumers alike knew Unity as a trusted albeit occasionally teased household name.
And they fucked their institutional trust like a university of Florida fraternity pledge strung out on something called "gator blood" fucks a supermarket turkey.
And it isn't even just Unity - look at Twitter, the smoking ruin of something once synonymous with the digital commons. It isn't just Twitter - look at grocery prices.
Our "business leaders", our "movers and shakers" don't know what they're doing. An MBA is taken as a stand-in for competence and knowledge. Because the neo-feudal overlords can never hear no.
The enshittification continues.
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tikkunolamresistance · 3 months
Zionism has taught Jews that we are ontologically different from the rest of humanity and collective community. Instilled within us that our only claim to safety, the only true way we can be undoubtedly safe, was through the existence of a quasi-Religious, ethno-nationalist state strictly dictated by the Zionist project. That the self-determination of Jews can only, exclusively, be achieved through the establishment of this colony of forced-assimilation. The equation of Zionism equals Judaism, no matter the disastrous consequences of which, has raised millions of Jewish people around the world.
And trust, it has not only been by the hands of Jewish Zionism. For Christian Zionism plays a major, glaring role in this indoctrination. With there being more Christian Zionists than there are Jews in the world (with much of the Republican and Democratic parties being Christian Zionists) the ideology of The Rapture, second coming of Jesus, with establishment of Jerusalem as the World’s new Capital following; Jews and Palestinians are just canon-fodder; pawns to summon Jesus. We implore that you do further reading on this matter and it’s instrumental role in Zionist ideology.
And one can only wonder, one can only assume, that has this not since opened an irrefutable Pandora’s Box of a new kind of capitalist nationalism onto the global Jewish community? To appoint a group as above another is a complexity of supremacy that we’ve seen through history. If we look at Imperialist history, we see what ideology has forced its way through epochs to excuse brutal expansionist policy.
What’s worst, and what’s most enraging, is that Shoah has been weaponised not only from the Holocaust industry— the billions made from displaying Jewish generational trauma and the cinematic brutalisation of our people— to ensure the West can constantly remind us that their role in the war was for Jewish liberation, and certainly not due to fearing Nazi imperial domination as a threat to Western imperial interests… but to merit the Israeli States’ “right to self determination” and “self-defence” against inevitable Native Palestinian uprising.
Zionism is a right-wing, ethnonationalist idology that has been used to control and influence Jewish communities for decades, to justify imperialist expansion. It’s an insult, a disgrace, to Jewish history, identity and peoplehood.
Anti-Zionism is the radical rejection and desire to dismantle the very systems that harm not only us, Jews, but our brothers and sisters in this fight against capitalist regime. We seek unity, liberation, equity, justice. We seek love where there has been unprecedented hatred. We seek grace where there has been insolence. Anti-Zionism is integral in the fight for true global liberation.
There is pain upon the Holy Land, Palestine, and we must admit that we can do something about it.
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bimboficationblues · 5 months
how is "nationalism of the oppressed" mythological
In a dual sense - 1) like all nationalisms, it relies on central myths, and 2) the idea of an innately revolutionary "nationalism of the oppressed" is itself mythical, not a useful analytical or political tool but basically a way of handwaving difficult tactical questions.
All nationalism is in some sense myth-making - it posits an underlying, intangible unity among a group of people with highly diverse and divergent interests and traits. This is part of the reason why nationalists so often talk in the abstract language of "national spirit" - abstraction is kind of the point. This intangible unity doesn't *have* to be ethnicity, it's frequently (for example) the highly nebulous concept of "culture." But the inevitable slide towards ethnicity - and I do think it is inevitable - is unsurprising.
If you identify the unifying force of a people, the thing that makes it a "nation," with something like language/religion/culture, those things are fairly fluid both in space (taking a variety of different forms across different places) and time (changing over time for any number of reasons). This is especially the case because those traits are basically "open," at least theoretically: other people can move in, learn a language, convert to a local religion, and/or learn the techniques and style of local cultural production (and in the process change the character of the culture). So the supposed unity of "culture" is very obviously made up. (It's also worth noting that, insofar as nationalism is coextensive with statecraft, we often see efforts to preserve or create a "national culture" or "national unity" that leaves out or represses certain groups and practices; figuring out what constitutes "the nation" is a highly arbitrary process.)
Ethnicity is also fake - it is a "myth of common descent" - but that quality counterintuitively makes it a more stable foundation for a nationalist political project, because it is 1) derived from something in the past, making it harder to contest or observe, and 2) an immutable trait within the myth's context. You can't identify or convert or learn your way into being a part of the ethnos, you either are or you aren't. This makes for a much more stable boundary line around who is included or prioritized within the polity and who isn't.
As for why "nationalism of the oppressed" is mythological: it is not a meaningful historical category. When people invoke it they are collapsing a bunch of different projects and movements, some of which are conservative and some of which are revolutionary. I also reject the idea that nationalism's goodness is contingent on whether it is practice by an oppressed or oppressor group and nothing else - lest we forget that Zionism was once considered a kind of "nationalism of the oppressed."
For the socialist or the revolutionary, nationalism should be considered a kind of tactic; it is not a good in itself. Any revolutionary or liberatory movement is going to have to make decisions about what they want the movement to look like - its positions, rhetoric, propaganda, goals, etc. Nationalism is a historically popular means for doing things like rallying people to your cause, establishing basic principles for statecraft, cultivating a new political and social culture, etc. This is basically Frantz Fanon's argument in Wretched of the Earth - consistent with his arguments in his previous book, Fanon rejects the notion of a prepolitical national unity. He does not want to wade around in the primordial soup for a "true history" for colonized countries to return to or emulate. But nor does he reject nationalism as a strategy for combating colonialism on the field or in the body. Rather, he wants a class-driven national culture that is emergent from within the process of anti-colonial resistance and that ultimately gives way to an internationalist, universalist humanism once its purposes have been achieved. It's an extremely qualified kind of argument. I don't totally agree with it, but it's an argument that I can wrap my head around and endorse in the broad strokes, because above all it is talking about nationalism as a means towards something.
The kind of people who bastardize Fanon and try and recuperate him into their insipid microwaved politics have this entirely fictional idea of nationalism as an innately revolutionary end, that if you put nationalism in the hands of the right people it will automatically gravitate towards liberation and will not introduce the same kind of problems that the nationalism of colonial powers or capitalist countries has. This is just demonstrably not true (*gestures vaguely at cross-pollination between black nationalisms and black conservatisms, the historical relationship between nationalism and liberal statecraft, the success of right-wing religious or ethnic nationalist movements like Hindutva or Ba’athism in post-colonial countries, etc.*), and is basically just weird, idealist nonsense about how being oppressed makes you morally virtuous.
It also has the effect of obfuscating class politics - ironic, since the people that most frequently utter this line are ML(M)s. There are quite a few "nationalisms of the oppressed" that presume the working-class of a country or a group has more in common with its local bourgeoisie or professional-class counterparts (frequently the spearheads of nationalist movements, if we wanna talk about "class character") rather than the working classes and oppressed groups of other countries.
What the "nationalism of the oppressed" myth does is effectively evade hard strategic questions. Instead of asking "how will this help the cause? what problems might it introduce? does this conflict with long-term goals and are the short-term victories going to be worth it?" it just assumes from the outset that none of those questions are worth asking. It assumes that nationalism is an automatically better foundation for a movement than humanism, or cosmopolitanism, or internationalism.
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cartermagazine · 6 months
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Today In History
On October 16, 1968, African American Olympic sprinters Tommie Smith and John Carlos, who engaged in a silent protest on the medal stand to bring light to the racial discrimination and violence against African Americans in the U.S., were met with hostility by white supporters and the media, and were eventually suspended for their protest.
The 1968 Olympics followed a summer of racial unrest and protest following the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in April.
Mr. Smith and Mr. Carlos placed first and third in the 200-meter dash at the Olympic Games in Mexico City. As the U.S. national anthem played during the medal ceremony, the two men bowed their heads and raised black gloved fists in a protest against racial discrimination in the U.S. Both men wore black socks with no shoes, and Mr. Smith also wore a black scarf around his neck. Mr. Smith raised his right fist to represent Black power, while Mr. Carlos raised his left fist to represent Black unity. Also, in support was the silver medalist Peter Norman from Australia who wore a badge that read: “Olympic Project for Human Rights” – an organization set up a year previously who oppose racism in sport.
The following day, the U.S. Olympic Committee threatened other athletes with stern disciplinary action if they engaged in demonstrations. Acting USOC Director Everett Barnes issued a formal statement to the Olympic International Committee, condemning Mr. Smith and Mr. Carlos, and claiming that the sprinters “made our country look like the devil.”
The USOC suspended Mr. Smith and Mr. Carlos from the U.S. Olympic team following a midnight meeting. In the early hours of the morning on October 18, the Committee ordered both men to vacate the Olympic village in Mexico within 48 hours.
Despite their medal-winning performances, the two athletes faced intense criticism in the media and received death threats upon returning home.
CARTER™️ Magazine
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mysticstronomy · 9 days
Wednesday, April 17th, 2024.
Welcome back,
Why is time controversial? It feels real, always there, inexorably moving forward. Time has flow, runs like a river. Time has direction, always advances. Time has order, one thing after another. Time has duration, a quantifiable period between events. Time has a privileged present, only now is real. Time seems to be the universal background through which all events proceed, such that order can be sequenced and durations measured.
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The question is whether these features are actual realities of the physical world or artificial constructs of human mentality. Time may not be what time seems — this smooth unity without parts, the ever-existing stage on which all happenings happen.
To appreciate time is to feel the fabric of reality. I interview physicists and philosophers on my public television series, "Closer to Truth," and many assert that time is an illusion. What do they mean that time is "not real?"
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Huw Price, professor of philosophy at Cambridge University, claims that the three basic properties of time come not from the physical world but from our mental states: A present moment that is special; some kind of flow or passage; and an absolute direction.
"What physics gives us," Price said, "is the so-called 'block universe,' where time is just part of a four-dimensional space-time … and space-time itself is not fundamental but emerges out of some deeper structure."
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We sense an "arrow" or direction of time, and even of causation, he said, because our minds add a "subjective ingredient" to reality, "so that we are projecting onto the world the temporal perspective that we have as agents
Think of the block universe, which is supported by Einstein's theory of relativity, as a four-dimensional space-time structure where time is like space, in that every event has its own coordinates, or address, in space-time.
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Time is tenseless, all points equally "real," so that future and past are no less real than the present.
So, are we being misled by our human perspectives? Is our sense that time flows, or passes, and has a necessary direction, false? Are we giving false import to the present moment?
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"We can portray our reality as either a three-dimensional place where stuff happens over time," said Massachusetts Institute of Technology physicist Max Tegmark, "or as a four-dimensional place where nothing happens [‘block universe’] — and if it really is the second picture, then change really is an illusion, because there's nothing that's changing; it's all just there — past, present, future.
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"So life is like a movie, and space-time is like the DVD," he added; "there's nothing about the DVD itself that is changing in any way, even though there's all this drama unfolding in the movie. We have the illusion, at any given moment, that the past already happened and the future doesn't yet exist, and that things are changing. But all I'm ever aware of is my brain state right now. The only reason I feel like I have a past is that my brain contains memories.
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"Time is out there," said Andreas Albrecht, a theoretical cosmologist at the University of California, Davis. "It's called an external parameter — the independent parameter in the [classic] equation of motion. So, time — the time we know since we learned to tell time on a clock — seems to disappear when you study physics, until you get to relativity.
Originally published on https://www.space.com
(Saturday, April 20th, 2024)
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visit-new-york · 1 year
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The Queensboro Bridge stands as a significant and iconic landmark in New York City, holding immense significance in terms of transportation, architecture, history, culture, and community connection. As a vital transportation hub, it facilitates the movement of people and goods between Queens and Manhattan, contributing to the economic vitality of the city. Its architectural design and engineering achievements showcase human ingenuity and continue to inspire future projects.
The bridge's historical value, cultural references, and panoramic views have made it an enduring symbol of the city, ingrained in popular culture and attracting tourists from far and wide. It serves as a link between diverse communities, fostering social interactions, economic growth, and cultural exchange.
Moreover, the Queensboro Bridge represents resilience, having withstood the test of time and challenges. It has adapted to evolving needs and continues to serve as a convenient route for commuters, enhancing connectivity and easing traffic congestion.
Furthermore, the bridge has played a significant role in shaping urban development, inspiring the growth of neighborhoods and serving as a navigational landmark for mariners along the East River.
Overall, the Queensboro Bridge's multifaceted significance underscores its profound impact on New York City's fabric, uniting boroughs, providing breathtaking views, and representing the spirit of resilience, unity, and progress. As it continues to stand tall, the bridge serves as a timeless symbol of the city's dynamism and enduring allure.
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1-1-s1ay-2-2 · 1 year
Getting in your Zone! | Explained 🏹
When you zone in on your own focus...everything else zones out. Hence, you don't have to worry anymore about who or what or how or when or why...you just live your truth, and that takes you forward into all the tomorrows you have yet to experience. 💜
You've got this because God does!!!
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lovetei · 9 months
I have an AU and I enjoy sharing so. Gift, from a (semi-?) writer to writer I suppose
but Swapped Obey me Au
where the brothers and side characters are humans- here’s the dynamic simplification;
Humans (Solomon / MC) : Cryptids
Demons (The Brothers / Diavolo / Barbatos) - humans/humanoids
Angels (Luke / Simeon) - Monster hunters
Maybe a modernish Victorian era, with castles and monster stories and that fun stuff + technology. Prince Diavolo starts a school to hopefully make peace between the three tribes of being.
So Solomon the Land siren (maybe a Lamia/Naga?) and MC the Mutt sheep cryptid. Where invited to the human school,
I can go on for hours- but hope this helps with ideas! I’d love to hear ya take. I love the way you write Obey me so yeah!
I'm so sorry this took so long, I need to create a visual in my head first and it takes long to write an AU :')
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Swapped Alternate Universe
Swapped Universe: Introduction
Links: Masterlist
You were just going around the forests beside fields, feeding on whatever there is
But all of a sudden
An entitled prince, randomly sent you a letter saying you're invited into this type of program
But it's suspicious
The incentives favors the participants way too much...
What could possibly be the catch?
ROLES: Cryptids
TYPE: Cryptid (Mutt sheep)
It is rumored that the "Mutt-Sheep" cryptids are a cross between lambs and canines, and are known to be found in areas with dense forests. Some describe them as a cross between a sheep and a dog, with a thick sheep-like coat covering their body, large claws on their paws for digging in the forest floor, and a canine's nose and teeth for hunting small animals. However, the exact origin and nature of the Mutt-Sheep cryptids are still unknown and shrouded in mystery. Despite this, sightings of these creatures have been reported by people who claim to have seen them lurking in the forest.
TYPE: Cryptid (Naga)
They are described as having a human upper body, often with arms and chest, and from the waist down, they have the tail and scales of a snake. The Naga are said to be intelligent and powerful beings, capable of controlling the elements of nature and using their powers to influence the world around them. Many people believe that the Naga possess magical abilities that they use to protect their territory and the creatures that live there.
ROLE: Humans
JOB: President of RLD
The Royal Lab of Diavolo (RLD) is a highly advanced underground research facility with top-notch equipment and state-of-the-art technology. The lab is focused on developing peace between different races, such as humans, humanoid, cryptids, and monster hunters. The primary goal of the lab is to find ways to bridge the gap between the different races, and to create an environment where all beings can live together in harmony. The lab is led by a team of highly skilled scientists and researchers who work tirelessly around the clock to advance their research and find solutions to the world's problems.
JOB: Vice president of RLD
The vice president of the Royal Lab of Diavolo is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the lab, including the management of staff, the supervision of research projects, and the coordination of activities with external partners and stakeholders. The vice president also plays a key role in managing the lab's finances and ensuring that resources are being used effectively and efficiently. Additionally, they may be involved in developing and implementing strategic plans for the lab's long-term growth and success. Therefore, the vice president plays an important role in the lab's success and helps to ensure that its mission of promoting peace and unity among different beings is achieved.
JOB: Chief Fiance Officer (CFO)
The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is a high-level executive position that is responsible for overseeing the financial operations and strategy of an organization. He works for the government and is supporting the current king.
JOB: Actor
He is the most famous actor out there starring in every genre whether it may be romance, comedy, action or adventure. He also stars in his own TV show series that broke multiple records and nominated multiple times on award show as well as receiving hundreds of awards.
JOB: Programmer and Developer
A famous IT that works for the government and helps maintain government systems and Technologies, being one of the most trusted and talented worker in this field he has access to everything that can be found online.
JOB: Proffesor
The youngest and top proffesor of one of the best schools found in the world, being the charming and mysterious proffesor whose world seems to revolve around books and his well known addiction, cats.
JOB: Model
The jewel of the human world, modeling for every possible brands to exist. He's known for his unforgettable face and his unmatched charm that helped him rise to the top of the world of fashion.
JOB: Chef
A world-class chef that cooks for the king, known for his unique skills and for his beautiful physique. A man that made multiple woman swoon because of his looks and cooking skills.
JOB: Doctor
A mysterious Doctor who seems to enjoy cutting things up and inventing antidotes or medicines against viruses and diseases that does not have a cure yet. He seems to be passionate about his job but the reason why he entered this field is still unknown.
ROLE: Hunters
A Rank A monster hunter is one of the best, most skilled and experienced monster hunters out there. They have exceptional abilities and skill in fighting and defeating monsters, as well as an in-depth knowledge of different types of monsters and how to defeat them.
Rank A Monster hunters are highly skilled and experienced in the art of hunting monsters. They are sought after for their exceptional abilities and knowledge. Their skill and experience have earned them a reputation as some of the finest monster hunters in the world.
A Rank C monster hunter is considered an entry-level monster hunter. They are relatively new to the field and are still developing their skills and gaining experience. While they may have some basic knowledge of monster hunting techniques, they lack the advanced abilities and knowledge of higher-ranked Hunters. Nonetheless, they can still be an asset to a team and can perform certain tasks with supervision and guidance.
Overall, Rank C monster hunters are still learning and gaining experience. They are not always ready to handle high-level or dangerous missions, and are often assigned tasks and roles under the supervision and guidance of
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radioisntdead · 7 days
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Maybe one day I could learn to love you..
Alastor x reader, Human au!
Alastor and reader are put in an arranged marriage and, one of them falls and the other doesn't know where he stands.
Murder, death, inaccurate portrayal of the 1920's??, OOC, this was edited but there are probably misspellings around, not beta read [How do I acquire a beta reader??] Me projecting my Aroace vibes onto the reader and Alastor, reader is implied to be afab (is that the right term?) because 1920's but GN, also reader is put in a wedding dress.
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You and Alastor didn't know each other super well, you knew each other well enough to be friends but not super close, the only way the two of you even met was because his mother was a close friend of yours,
The two of you were "getting up there in age." and "should marry soon."
Frankly neither of you wanted to get married but you couldn't exactly express that to your folks, and Alastor couldn't bare to see his mother sad that she wouldn't be able to see her only child start a family.
There was only so many times you could use the "haven't met the right person'' excuse before they decided to set you and Alastor up.
You and Alastor sat at a café to see how things play out and long story short agreed that it would be beneficial for the two of you to wed, a marriage of convenience.
His mother would be satisfied in thinking her son wouldn't be alone when she was gone, and your parents wouldn't nag at you, saying you'd become a spinster.
You sat in a dressing room, in a beautiful white dress, your mother was right outside along with a few family members, you could barely make out their voices saying how excited they were.
You looked into the mirror, your makeup was beautifully done, hair done up like a princess's
Anxiety filled you, you wondered if you would feel like this if you were marrying someone you had romantic feelings for?
You shook your head and took a deep breath, standing up you opened the door, being greeted by smiling faces.
Can we become we,
You walked down the aisle, a painted smile plastered on your face.
No longer known as just you and me
Alastor continually smiled, not breaking it as the two of you exchanged vows.
he gently took your hand and slid the ring onto your finger, taking a moment to lift your hand and kiss it,
You could hear a few folks in attendance cooing at the action, you could already hear the on-coming whispers of how 'in love' the two of you seemed.
Two separate lives now in unity
"You may now kiss the bride."
It was quick, a small peck before turning around to face your loved ones and others that were invited.
Stuck here together but
Unease filled you as the reception came to an end, after the concerning amount of dancing and drinking, it was time for them to bid the two of you farewell for your honeymoon, you hugged your parents goodbye, he did the same with his mother and the two of you stepped into the car and there you went.
Will this always be just an arrangement
You were uneasy as you got ready for bed, silently praying that you wouldn't have to do anything, but preparing yourself for the possibly that you would just have to grin and bare it, lay back and disassociate.
Thankfully nothing happened, Alastor bid you a goodnight and promptly passed out.
And neither of you brought it up, consummating your marriage was never a topic between you, and for that the two of you were secretly relieved.
You were glad you married Alastor out of all people. [Said no one ever]
Can we become more
As time went on you and Alastor became closer, and feelings began to consume you, sneaking in slowly, it started with you noting how Alastor preferred more bitter or savory foods as opposed to sweets, or how he preferred black coffee to tea.
It was the 1920's, you didn't have a term for what you were back then, and so you thought you were just not meant to be in love, that maybe something was wrong with you? Why weren't you wired like your peers were? You thought that maybe you were too young for feelings like that but you realized that wasn't the case as you grew
You remember talking with your friends, and while they were more prone to crushes or saying what they would do to someone based off their appearance, you always felt a little odd, you were reassured by them saying maybe you just had higher standards, or just hadn't met the right person yet,
But that didn't really explain the fact that you didn't look at a person and think that you wanted to bed them
Than half of a union we’re chosen for?
Alastor had a similar experience, although he had been different in other ways, after all he did killed people so that probably had an effect on it (it probably did but not in this case)
His dear mama just told him he hadn't met the right person yet, and he didn't have a reason not to believe his mother.
On his side he was going to avoid it as long as he could, and he did until he was matched up with you, and wedded.
It not only gave him a cover, you were a perfect alibi, it gave his mama peace of mind.
You were a good companion as well, you weren't overly touchy, you were smart and had your wits about, you could keep up with him,
You became a good friend who he just so happened to wed.
Where I am your best half
The romantic feelings you felt you clung onto desperately, afraid that if you let them go you'd never be able to feel them again, after all where would you find someone like Alastor? [In a Prison probably]
Not to mention the two of you were already married so that was already a done deal, this is the best situation to be in, right? Falling in love with a person you were already married to?
And I am yours
Your affections became more obvious by the day, lingering touches, acts of service becoming more frequent, spending more time together.
For Alastor it was becoming harder to hide the Blood stains that would get on his shirts from you.
Stuck here forever and hopefully not ending in estrangement
Alastor's mother absolutely adored you, you were a decent person, loving and caring to her son, not to mention you were such a sweetheart to her, helping her in the kitchen, helping her move around as it got harder to do in her old age.
It’s the step of faith, We have to take sometimes
His Ma sat him down one day while you were out running errands, telling him to cherish you more,
Not wanting to disappoint his ma, he slowly but surely began to return your affections a bit more, not by much but a little bit more.
If I’m, with you, I can take it
The two of you would go dancing at the speakeasy Mimzy worked at, cook together, he'd murder people behind your back, the two of you would spend time together doing projects like puzzles.
But if we are one, What happens to you and I
Alastor's mother started getting sick.
It started with a cough, which she dismissed to you and Alastor as just a cold, that didn't stop the two of you from making her meals and making her rest but it got worse, the cough turned into hacking late at night and struggling to breathe.
If I’m, with you, I will make it
The doctors couldn't do much, only suggesting medicines that would give her relief.
Will this always be just an arrangement? We’ll find out in time if we don’t break it
You were there with her, at one side while Alastor was at her other, Alastor held her hand as she breathed her last breath.
Can mine become yours, combining our dreams
Alastor was a complete and utter mess, after all that was his mother, the person closest to him besides you, gone.
He would never see her again, he would move to call her and tell her good news,
She wasn't there,
He went to call her at noon like he did every day?
She wasn't there, he had to train himself to not automatically go to the phone, if he found himself dialing her telephone he'd hear the phone operator ask who he's trying to call, and he'd have a moment to remember that the person he was trying to call was no longer with them.
Without keeping score
You were a shoulder to cry on, helping him keep sane, the two of you grieved for his mother together, you helped plan a great funeral, sparing no expense she was practically a second mother to you after all.
Always together, but never bored, No choice in the matter but
The world didn't end when his mother died, he was lucky enough to get a few weeks off but Radio waits for no one, and he was needed back.
This will never work without each other
He went to work, you'd listen in on the radio while doing whatever you did, working, vibing, I don't know what you did for a living.
Can we become we, start a new line on this family tree
Things healed, they would never be the same, obviously you can't bring back the dead, but things were okay, the two of you had each other especially after the stock market crash and everything that followed,
Two hearts connected by one beat
You had a special place in Alastor's twisted murdery heart, it was likely that Alastor wouldn't return your affections, but that was alright, you were content staying near him.
Your hand in mine and
The two of you were dancing, he held your hand as he twirled you around, looking into his eyes with your own lovesick ones you smiled
"I could never choose to love another"
It slipped out, it took the two of you a moment to process it, Alastor let out a sigh, a twinge of guilt? Or something else flashed in his eyes
"Maybe one day I can learn to love you, too."
One day would never come through, for your life was cut short before Alastor's, a bad flu had taken you out, folks often forget how deadly the flu can be.
Alastor was by your side as you breathed your last.
The world didn't stop spinning because you died, but he didn't handle it well, first his Ma and now you, two of the most important people in his life gone just like that, both taken out by some type of sickness, was this punishment for murdering people? The two innocent people he cherished perishing?
Alastor would more then likely never see you or his mother again because when he fell below you were safe and sound above.
While Alastor was clawing for power below you were living your best afterlife above, doing whatever hobbies your heart desired, moving forward with new friends, family that included Alastor's mother, and maybe a paramour? Or maybe not, you were okay with or without one.
Unfortunately for Alastor you were embedded in his memory, every once in awhile you would pop in late at night when he was trying to sleep or do something productive, plaguing his mind with what ifs.
On the other side you were blessed with ignorance, after all he couldn't haunt your memories, he couldn't pop into your mind with what ifs, and you couldn't miss Alastor if you didn't remember him.
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Good evening folks! I need to quit killing the reader off, sorry this was delayed!
I was going to go a completely different direction with this but that would've had a happy ending
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sensualnoiree · 1 month
astro notes: jupiter 🪐💫
Jupiter embodies a multifaceted symbolism that is deeply rooted in its associations with growth, expansion, wisdom, and spiritual evolution. Often linked with the metal tin and representing qualities of malleability and resistance to corrosion. This association suggests that Jupiter's influence encourages individuals to be adaptable and resilient in their spiritual journeys, while also remaining steadfast against negative influences.
Associated with the element of air, symbolizing intellect, expansion of consciousness, and the dissemination of knowledge. Air is seen as a purifying element, really suggesting that Jupiter's influence can help clear mental obstacles and facilitate the growth of higher understanding.
Esoterically, Jupiter is seen as a planet of trust, faith, growth, and expansion. It symbolizes adventure and hope, inspiring individuals to embrace new experiences and opportunities for personal and spiritual growth. Jupiter's association with the etheric heart center highlights its role in connecting the individual with the cosmic sphere. It fosters a sense of unity with the universe, allowing human actions to be instilled into the essence of the images of the cosmos. This suggests that Jupiter's influence transcends individuality, contributing to the unfolding and metamorphosis of forms at the heart of evolution.
In Sagittarius, Jupiter's influence is amplified, as this sign resonates deeply with Jupiter's qualities of expansion, growth, and spiritual questing. Sagittarius is associated with the element of fire, representing inspiration, enthusiasm, and the spark of divine creativity. This fiery nature aligns with Jupiter's alchemical association with the metal tin, suggesting a transformative and dynamic energy that propels individuals towards higher understanding and enlightenment.
Sagittarius is also linked to the ninth house in astrology, which is traditionally associated with higher learning, philosophy, and travel. This connection further emphasizes Jupiter's role in broadening one's horizons through intellectual exploration and spiritual expansion. Individuals with strong Sagittarian or Jupiterian influences in their charts are often drawn to philosophical and spiritual pursuits, seeking to understand the deeper meaning of life and their place in the universe.
In Pisces, Jupiter's energy takes on a more mystical and transcendent quality. Pisces is a water sign, symbolizing the depths of the unconscious mind, intuition, and spiritual sensitivity. This watery nature aligns with Jupiter's alchemical association with the process of projection, suggesting a deep-seated urge to merge with the divine and project one's inner transformation onto the world.
Pisces is associated with the twelfth house in astrology, which is traditionally linked to spirituality, introspection, and hidden knowledge. This connection further emphasizes Jupiter's role in guiding individuals towards spiritual enlightenment and self-discovery. People with strong Piscean or Jupiterian influences in their charts are often highly intuitive and empathetic, with a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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one-divides-into-two · 3 months
Though other classes and social sections will be important partners in the historical movement to destroy capitalism (its highest stage of imperialism) they cannot provide leadership. In each instance the issue of liberation is specific – land in the case of landless peasants, caste oppression for Dalits, male chauvinism for women, ethnic oppression for Adivasis, national oppression for oppressed people, religious persecution for minorities and so on. Being specific they are also partial, in the context of the whole revolutionary project. But this is not the situation of the proletariat. Capitalist bondage is different from earlier exploiting systems like caste-feudalism. It imposes no other compulsion on the workers other than the pangs of hunger. And since, in principle, they are free, there can be no specific liberation suiting them. Every form of exploitation and oppression must be ended. Thus the emancipation of the whole of humanity becomes a precondition for the liberation of this class. The leading role of the proletariat derives from this objective social position. It obliges the proletariat to continue the revolution all the way up till realising a world rid of exploitation.
If this Marxist understanding of proletarian leadership is absolutised it would certainly lead to reification. Both the history and present of the international communist movement illustrate how this emerges with mechanical equations, where proletariat = revolution and communist party = vanguard. On the other hand, economist impulses often seen in the upper strata of the proletariat, social passivity engendered by revisionist, reformist politics that strengthen this economism, and changes seen in the nature of labour and work places, have given rise to views that abandon the proletarian leadership concept. Carried away in the tide of identity politics, they believe that, in future, these movements will give leadership to social change.
Thus we have the two. At one end, reification of the proletariat and the communist party, selfishness that hoists this banner to justify fleeting necessities as common interests. At the other, the lethargic plea to reduce our sights to the partial, to abandon the noble task of an exploitation free world since it is a mere myth. Maoism cuts through this vicious circle. The leading role of the proletariat and the vanguard position of its communist party are potentialities contained in historical circumstances. They can only be realised through creative intervention in the historical moment of a specific society. Similar to other phenomena, this too is a unity of opposites
Ajith, On the Maoist Party
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Can we know more about B2 or hunter : >
:holding in a scream rn: you have no idea what you are asking me to do. /vpos
we could start with B2, since she's the protagonist of the story (I don't have an official name for it yet, but I've been calling it "The Other Side" or "Scrapped Souls". u choose which is better)
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B2 "Bee" UNITY android (she/her)
B2 is a high-tech "UNITY" android. She was created, along with other hundreds of androids, to resemble a human as much as possible (both physically and mentally).
Basically, she was part of an experiment. Everything was going well, until the leader of the project demanded that the androids' programming had a "security protocol" of sorts, along with some design changes.
It was later found out that the government financed the project with the intent of using those androids on a war against a rival city, then discard them to not leave any evidences.
B2 attempted to convince her fellow android friends not to fight. She also attempted to talk to the leader of the UNITY project, but he had mysteriously went missing.
B2 attempted to stop the war on her own, but she suffered a concussion and remained deactivated for 3 years after the war. She could not remember much of what happened after it, and the fact that she was considered a threat by the government didn't help either (they were sure all of them were gone).
B2 was often chased by the police and android hunters. She wandered for a while, until she was found by a group of scrapped robots. The leader of the group (guess who!) was Hunter! He invited her to join his team and fight for the equality of humans and robots :] (it doesn't end here though haha)
In regards to her personality, B2 is determined, kind and somewhat stubborn. She might seem naive initially, often thinking people have good intentions, but she's quick to catch on the smallest details.
She enjoys running, doing community services for her new city, and annual celebrations. Her favorite fruit is tangerine.
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sawiyoush · 1 month
Was there a chance or a choice? Loneliness in strength his arrogance pedestal by birth
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I am fascinated by high-quality combat systems, especially when they are rooted in something that nurtures positivity within us, like a core. However, in this story, everything is the opposite: negative emotions prevail, cursed energy abounds, and not everyone can attain the ability. Those influenced by it are capable of absorbing this negativity and transforming it into combat techniques, which is disheartening and does not contribute to enlightened perception, would you agree?
This story about a closed society, full of alienation and devoid of hope, presents an interesting comparison with other plots in the "shonen" genre. The most unpleasant aspect for me lies in the illusion of power in this story. Here, there is no spiritual essence, nothing akin to notions of the soul, but rather a physical embodiment of human emotions, which is quite saddening.
There is no idea of liberation and absolution in this story
It's surprising that, for the first time, I am against the idea of the main character becoming the " strongest " here .This contradicts the true essence of strength—avoiding the descent into madness, a characteristic often seen in other formidable characters who appear dissatisfied and seemingly bound, unable to perceive themselves beyond the 'curse of strength.' The question remains whether they desire this state or are simply incapable of escaping it
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Regarding the moment with Gojo, it's interesting to consider that he, like Sukuna, belongs to a society with different values . Perhaps he is incapable of perceiving himself outside of this context, distorting his understanding. I wonder if he grasped this " proverb "or projected it onto himself, distorting the comprehension, as he is in the "hands of madness" of his "power." It seemed as though he divided himself into a human and "power," emphasizing the "ego" in the "power," placing himself in the center of the " stage " in manga panel.
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and with an equally patronizing gaze from top to bottom
In doing so, he "highlighted " - ego, the heavens, and the earth. He emphasized the separateness of the heavens and the earth, which is fundamentally incorrect. Since there is no boundary where the sky separates from the earth, I'll jest and say that a significant part of our body resides "in the heavens" within our common air. And that's where I'm heading
When Buddha proclaimed, "only I reign supreme / I Alone Am The Honored One," he distinguished himself from others. Few have contemplated that a significant part of our physical existence resides in the realm of the heavens. By embracing this awareness, he positioned himself as the sole individual consciously perceiving himself within the heavens, as there is no discernible boundary marking the beginning of the sky. Consequently, he became part of that vast expanse, akin to a monarch inviting others to join his state of mind.
In this context, Buddha's proclamation transcends specific earthly elements like the earth and sky. Instead, he directs attention to the space where he achieved enlightenment, emphasizing the unity of everything. He asserted that the boundary of the world is not a horizontal division between sky and earth but a vertical one that unites them.
Having attained mental enlightenment, Buddha liberated his perception from mundane categories. He recognized the absence of boundaries and emphasized his presence within the entirety of space as a unified whole. Here, true strength did not lie in physical power or authority but in the awareness of undividedness. This realization serves as a crucial observation, as the characters in our story struggle to escape this understanding.
Buddha's awareness of his exceptional position in the world, existing "in the heavens," signifies his integration into all aspects of that space, including the sky and the earth. This mental enlightenment enabled Buddha to transcend ordinary categorizations and perceive reality as an undivided whole.
Traditional Translation: "(天上天下唯我独尊 - whether it's above heaven, or it's under heaven, only I reign supreme)"
獨- alone 尊 - to honor
My interpretation 天上天下唯我獨尊 - whether it's above heaven, or it's under heaven, only I single honored
honored with freedom . (OF mind)
Compare the Pali aggō hamasmi lōkassa, jeṭṭō hamasmi lōkassa, seṭṭhō hamasmi lōkassa, ayamantimā jāti, natthidāni punabbhavo from the Dīgha Nikāya.
The Pali text emphasizes the concept of "I am the highest in the world, I am the best in the world, I am the supreme in the world; this is the last birth; there is no more becoming."
His " height " it's literally about beyond mind behaviour - without reasoning things, objects . Surpassed the view (judgment) - gained sight- moment (without human mind without future and past ) - world itself. freedom in everything not subject to human perception to meausure , peace
This state of freedom leads to peace, as it transcends the causes of suffering rooted in attachment and ignorance. Liberation from conventional cognitive constraints.
So, Gojo either doesn't want or is unable to accept himself differently because he perceives himself through the lens of "things like power." He doesn't see things without judgments or expectations and he hope , that someone who could be equal to him, understand him, and share his suffering in his "loneliness" on his own level of power. It's like he has reached a peak where his identity is inseparable from this concept of power. he cant sight all things , but only the thing that raised him and shaped him.
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In Japan, the lotus flower symbolizes purity, enlightenment, resilience, and the beauty of life's cycles.
"Proper control over one's emotions is key to channeling cursed energy and every jujutsu sorcerer is trained to do so. This makes it so sorcerers don't waste their power supply even while they're overcome with emotion. While cursed energy leaks outward from non-sorcerers, it flows heavily within sorcerers which keeps it contained. "
(assumption speculation)
It appears that sorcerers harbor a substantial amount of cursed energy, the entire "negativity" that they control, creating constant tension and the risk of madness. Battles serve as a means to release this negative energy, much like how strong emotions are unleashed in ordinary people.
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Did he find pleasure in his madness?
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Yes, he did.
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Their strength is primarily a constant pursuit of struggle, rather than defense
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And in the end, Gojo finally died content, as he had always yearned to unleash his full power, finding true satisfaction in a battle with someone who could share that moment of madness beyond flowers and their purity . Whoever understands him truly
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His smile(smirk) is hidden from everyone. His true feelings... his eyes are not depicted, the truth is hidden even from him.
The cycles of normal human life are not applicable to them , but chaos and decay reign among them
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Both Sukuna and Gojo lack distinct faces;their face is a mask of war, There's no aWAReness here… instead, their visages are veiled by the mask of internal conflict, devoid of any true understanding. Their physical forms simply convey a fleeting sense of dominance, forever marked by the stain of bloodshed.
They carry the heavy burden of being the epitome of their respective eras, but the 1 question... : is this burden a consequence of their choices or merely the result of chance?
Between Sukuna and Gojo, Yuji couldn't care less about strength because it holds no significance in the context of his past and the society that shaped him—a life grounded in human values. He doesn't live in the insane, literally cursed world where people condemn themselves to loneliness in "strength." They are fixated on it, akin to samsara—engaged in constant battles and transforming negative, cursed energy. The "stronger" they become, the more they separate their "human" essence from that "strength"—descending into their own madness. The farther they distance themselves from their "human" core, their sanity erodes, giving way to madness. Their very existence is characterized by perpetual struggles.
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Gojo's opinions of others are often constrained by his judgment of their strength, and he is entirely apathetic toward those he deems weak. This is counterproductive.
I may not agree with it, but I do understand . the power. Being the one who can topple everything with a single push is quite daunting.
Especially when you've been treated that way since birth.
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It's akin to a situation where a highly intelligent person probably wouldn't bother spending time with an ordinary person who can't offer knowledge in exchange. However, unlike this, he doesn't elevate himself and inflict pain, channeling his "knowledge strength" into something productive and not keeping it within himself. His "madness" manifests in inventions that benefit people, rather than creating solitude. It's productive.
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But in this case, he gained the ability to guide others - educate, nurturing the next generation. His mindset isn't focused on protecting the weak, but rather on ensuring that his students become the strongest.
In light of this, it's intriguing to consider the story as a society of alienation, where strength is cursed, and battles are fought with the physical embodiment of human emotions. Such irony creates a sorrowful image, far removed from spiritual teachings. The 2 question... remains open: do the characters wish to break free from the "curse of strength," or are they incapable of doing so? Releasing their ego for the sake of freeing their soul remains a poignant inquiry.
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aspoonofsugar · 11 months
Ironwood and Penny: Atlas and Amity
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Winter: You chose nothing. This...was a gift.
Winter: No, you have sacrificed everyone else!
Winter’s 2 remarks above highlight 2 important themes explored by Ironwood and Penny throughout the Atlas Arc:
Trust - Ironwood wants to control Winter, but Penny trusts her with the Maiden Power
Sacrifice - Ironwood sacrifices others, while Penny sacrifices herself
These ideas are also at the core of 2 settings of volume 7 and 8: Amity and Atlas.
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On the one hand Amity means “friendship” and the arena represents the ideal of unity among Kingdoms (the Vytal Festival, the Amity Project). It is then a place symbolic of trust.
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On the other hand Atlas takes its name from a Titan in Greek mythology, who holds the sky in place. This alludes to Atlas’s role as the Greatest Kingdom, which should support everyone else with its technology and richness. For this reason the Kingdom frames itself as ready to selflessly make sacrifices. In reality, though, it is supported by others’ sacrifices.
How do these 2 places comment Ironwood and Penny’s arcs? And what do these characters have to say on trust and sacrifice? Let’s discover it, by analyzing their parallel and yet opposite arcs.
Ironwood and Penny are introduced in the Beacon arc along 2 opposite creations of Atlas Technology.
Ironwood: There are still many situations that will undoubtedly require... a human touch. So, we are proud to introduce... the Atlesian Paladin!
Penny: Most girls are born, but I was made. I'm the world's first synthetic person capable of generating an Aura.
Ironwood wants to substitude soldiers with robots and presents the Atlesian Paladins. Penny is instead the first synthetic person with aura and she wants to be a normal girl.
This juxtaposition foreshadows 2 things:
1) Ironwood is linked to a technology with no humanity, while Penny embodies technology made with humans in mind
2) Ironwood is a creator, while Penny is a creation
Ruby: You're not like those things we saw back there. You've got a heart, and a soul; I can feel it!
Ruby juxtaposes the Paladins to Penny. They are only puppets, but she is a real girl. This opposition gains more weigh when we remember that:
The Paladins are made by Watts
Penny is made by Pietro
Watts and Pietro are Atlas’s 2 top scientists, but Watts’ creations are cold and logical, while Pietro’s have hearts. And yet, when it comes to choose a project, Ironwood chooses Pietro’s.
Why is that so? There are 2 possible answers.
a) The first one is what Pietro believes:
Ruby: You wanted a protector with a soul. Pietro: I did. And when General Ironwood saw her, he did too. Much to my surprise, the Penny Project was chosen over all the other proposals.
Ironwood used to wish for a protector with a soul, even if he later changes his mind. It is coherent with Ironwood being the Tin Man who loses his heart. His problem is not that he is a bad person.  If anything, several characters aknowledge Ironwood’s heart is in the right place:
Glynda: You're a good person, James. You've always done what you think is best for the people, even against strong protest. It's admirable.
Blake: The General's heart seems to be in the right place, but that doesn't mean we should trust him yet.
Still, he sees it as a weakness and refuses to follow it:
What if it’s true as they say That I don’t have a heart That I'm more a machine than a man? What would that change? Would it matter at all? I've made my plan Hearts and minds may not agree Emotions topple strategy
b) The second one is present in subtext:
Ironwood: For the past few years, Atlas has been studying Aura from a more scientific standpoint; how it works, what's it made of, how it can be used. We've made... significant strides. And we believe we've found a way to capture it.
Isn’t it interesting that Atlas has been experimenting with aura machines while also developing an android able to generate aura?
The aura machine takes and transfers aura, while Pietro gives his aura to Penny to bring her to life. It sounds as if the 2 technologies might be similar, doesn’t it? What if what really intrigues Ironwood about the Penny Project isn’t giving a soul to a robot, but rather controlling a soul? By studying how Pietro gives his aura to Penny, Atlas can learn more about aura itself, how it works and how to artificially manage it.
In the end, we don’t know why ironwood chooses the Penny Project over others, but this ambiguity fits his inner conflict between the heart and the desire of control.
At the same time, Penny ends up objectified in both cases. She is seen as a protector at best and as a puppet, at worst. This ties with the difference between creator and creation (point 2).
2) Ironwood finances new creations, like the Paladins and the Penny Project. In this sense, he is a creator. Penny instead was built by Pietro, so she is a creation. This dychotomy is articulated in 2 ways:
a) Ironwood is active, while Penny is passive
Ironwood: I refuse to believe that a man that I've trusted for so long would act so... passively.
Penny: I want to stay at Beacon. Ruby: Penny, they'll never let you do that. Penny: I know, but I have a plan.
At the beginning of the story Ironwood and Penny are opposite in how Ironwood has much agency, while Penny has none.
Ironwood is basically the ruler of Atlas and everybody in the Kingdom follows his orders. He is so used to have his way with everything that he enters a conflict with Ozpin over exactly this. He claims Ozpin is too passive and uses his influence to take control over the Vytal Tournament.
Penny is a child-soldier whose life has been decided by adults around her. Pietro asks her not to venture too far despite how lonely and curious Penny is. Ironwood controls her schedule to a ridiculous degree to the point she is forbidden to talk with anyone. Even when Penny musters the courage to pursue a personal goal, the narrative kills her off before she can act on her wish.
In the end, Ironwood and Penny’s arcs in Vale are decided by their respective activity and passivity. On the one hand Ironwood is so active he doesn’t trust others’ agency. He wants to control everything and everyone, but this is his downfall, as Cinder and Watts use his own robots against him. On the other hand Penny is so passive her role is reduced to that of a pawn in Cinder’s plan. Her feelings are ignored and dismissed to the point they meta-narratively have no impact on the story.
b) Ironwood is framed as a “second father” to Penny
Ruby: Was your dad that upset? Penny: No, it wasn't my father...
In A Minor Hiccup Penny links Ironwood and Pietro. This is a way to show Ironwood is an authority figure in Penny’s life. He is some kind of metaphorical father to her. Not in the sense their bond is necessarily familiar, like Penny and Pietro’s. Still, Ironwood is the one who finances Penny and is her teacher and mentor. His influence on the girl is as much if not more than Pietro’s. Ironwood is the one who decides Penny is gonna be a Huntress and a Protector. Penny instead loves and trusts him.
In summary, Ironwood starts the story as a controlling father figure, while Penny as a controlled daughter. From this initial point they have opposite progressions.
On the one hand Ironwood loses his 2 daughters (Penny and Winter) and ends up passive:
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Ironwood: So, consider this my last order: step aside. Winter: I've never wavered in fighting the enemies of this Kingdom--And I won't start now.
On the other hand Penny emancipates herself from his 2 fathers (Ironwood and Pietro) and grows more active:
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Pietro: I want the chance to watch you live your life. Penny: But dad… I am trying to.
They do so by adhering to opposite ideals. Ironwood chooses repression and control. Penny chooses expression and trust. Ironwood acts selfishly and loses himself. Penny acts selflessly and finds herself.
Ironwood: It goes without saying that this arena holds a significance to all of us.
Amity is an important place for Ironwood and Penny. On the one hand it is both where Ironwood loses the battle of Beacon and a weapon to use against Salem. On the other hand the arena is where Penny is killed and it gets repaired together with her, after they make it back to Atlas:
Pietro: Died? I guess, in a manner of speaking, she did. But we were able to recover her core from Amity Arena once it had made its way back to Atlas.
At Beacon Ironwood loses both Amity and Penny, but in Atlas they are repaired and enhanced, so that they fit the general’s plans even better. Amity Arena becomes Amity Tower, a giant antenna that can unify all nations against Salem. Penny becomes the Protector of Mantle, a super-hero that fights for the poorest and most defenseless people of the Kingdom. The overlapping between Amity and Penny is highlighted also by their technologies being similar:
Watts: Penny’s blades operate on the same principle as Amity in the launch terminal. In order for her to control them all, they need to communicate with one another.
Ironwood and Penny’s stories are intertwined with Amity, but once again Ironwood gets to be active, while Penny is forced into passivity. Ironwood controls the arena and Penny, while Penny is a super-weapon tasked with the burden to be a symbol of trust.
However, things start to change in Amity itself, where both Ironwood and Penny have a pivotal fight with a dangerous villain:
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Watts and Cinder are strong foils and personal antagonists to both Ironwood and Penny.
On the one hand Watts is a foil to Ironwood. Both are Atlesians’ elites who believe true strength is found in the mind rather than the heart. They are also very ambitious and wanna best and control others. In particular, they wanna control Penny.
On the other hand Cinder is a foil to Penny. Both are girls (maidens) objectified and used by Atlas, who wanna be free. This search for freedom leads them both into a conflict with the elites (Ironwood). However, the way they go at it is different. Penny refuses the mentality of Atlas, but tries to save its people. Cinder can’t escape the Atlesian framework, but wants to destroy the Kingdom.
So, Watts and Cinder are dark mirrors, who are meant to challenge Ironwood and Penny. Are the General and the Protector of Mantle really different from Salem’s servants? And why?
In particular, the 2 villains test Ironwood and Penny on the theme of trust, especially in the 2 Amity Fights. After all, both confrontations happen because of an exhibition of trust:
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Ironwood chooses to trust Robin and to tell Mantle and Atlas the truth. He is open about everything, even the Amity Project, which works as bait for Watts. Penny chooses to trust Ruby and the world with the secret behind Salem. This is why she has to protect Amity Tower at all costs when Cinder arrives.
At the core of both Ironwood and Penny’s plans there is a dangerous bet:
Watts: It wasn't finished... it was bait.
Penny: This does not seem like a very good idea. Pietro: There is a difference between a good idea and our best idea. Sadly, we don’t have time for much else.
Ironwood knows that telling his Kingdom the truth may cause panic. He knows he is putting Amity in danger. Penny knows that Ruby’s message may go ignored and the world might not come for Atlas in time. Similarly, she knows Pietro’s method to have Amity work is dangerous.
They both trust and take a risk:
Weiss: Trust is a risk.
Watts and Cinder appear out of nowhere to weaponize this risk for their own selfish interests:
Watts: Our tin soldier's heart has cost him his mind. We need to keep their attention on Mantle for as long as possible.
Cinder: Salem doesn’t know those children like I do. They wouldn’t just abandon their misguided attempt to save the world.
The main difference is that Watts understimates Ironwood’s feelings, while Cinder takes advantage of Penny’s.
Watts immediately thinks the General has fallen prey of his emotions and has made a misstep. In reality, this is a moment of clarity for Ironwood, where he follows his heart and makes smart choices.
Cinder reads the protagonists’ way of thinking correctly. She understands Ruby and the others would want to try and use Amity to warn the world. She doesn’t ignore their feelings, but makes use of them.
This is why Watts embodies control, while Cinder represents manipulation. Control relies on the repression of feelings. Manipulation is instead the ability to twist emotions, so that a person would act in a certain way. These 2 approaches are present also in the 2 Amity fights.
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Watts uses his rings to control the whole Arena and have it attack Ironwood.
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Cinder uses Penny’s feelings for Pietro and the world to manipulate her.
Still, by the end both Ironwood and Penny win. They defeat their opponents in what is a crowning moment of awesome for both characters. So, is it everything alright? Have they defeated their nemesis and affirmed they are good? Not really, because heroes are really tested not when they win, but when they lose:
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Just after such draining fights, Ironwood and Penny have to immediately deal with another problem. Ironwood is manipulated by Cinder, while Penny is controlled by Watts. They are both victims of the enemies’ schemes. Still, their reaction is different.
Ironwood gives up on trust immediately. This choice is conveyed also through him sacrificing the Amity Project:
Ironwood: We are going to take our plan for Amity Tower and apply it to the city of Atlas.
Penny chooses not to give up on faith. She decides to launch Amity, despite Pietro’s protest:
Pietro: You’re in no condition to do something like this. Even just the temperature out there could-- Penny: It is our only option.
This moment marks who they are going to become. Ironwood freaks out and turns into the antithesis of who he is. Penny is steady and stays loyal to herself. That is because Ironwood and Penny’s value is not measured in them winning a fight, but rather in what they do when they discover their victory solves nothing. Are they ready to push forward with no guarantee they are going to succeed? Ironwood isn’t, while Penny is.
As a result, Ironwood fails to learn the main theme:
Ironwood: You can label me whatever you'd like, but the fact of the matter is I was right! The minute I softened, let my guard down, that's when Salem had her opening.
While Penny comes to embody it:
But our greatest fear will be realized If we fall and lose ourselves to fear We've become what we feared all our lives
The point is not that trusting and following your heart will always lead to victory. In many cases it won’t. Still, if you resign yourself to be cynical, you’ll lose who you are and may end up failing anyway.
This is why from here on out Ironwood and Penny switch when it comes to activity and passivity. Ironwood still has freedom and power, but he ends up tricked and manipulated over and over. Penny isn’t given many options and all of them are bad. Still, she keeps on making her own choices. After his Amity fight Ironwood is left (passive) by Penny. After her Amity fight Penny leaves (active) Pietro.
At the same time, here Ironwood chooses to sacrifice everything, but Atlas:
Ironwood: I will sacrifice... whatever it takes... to stop her. Watts: Oh, I hope you do, James. I hope you do.
Blake: But we're nowhere near finished evacuating everyone! You'd be leaving Mantle to die. Ironwood: Yes… I would.
Differently, Penny chooses to sacrifice herself for everyone and comes to embody what Atlas should be:
Cinder: I don’t serve anyone. And you wouldn’t either, if you weren't built that way. Penny: That is not… I choose to fight for people who care about me.
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This is ironic because deep down Ironwood wants to be a hero:
Take my hand I’m here to protect you Nothing will stop me Understand There’s no sacrifice That I won’t make I’ll risk it all To keep you safe Trust me to be strong I’ll be your hero Just hold on
While Penny just really wants to be a girl:
An answered prayer A chance to Share the world To be a girl Who fin'lly felt alive
And yet, Ironwood becomes a villain, while Penny grows into a hero. Why is that so?
Penny: One day, it will be my job to save the world, but I still have a lot left to learn.
Ironwood’s plan for Penny is to become the first of a new generation of Huntresses and Huntsmen. A new type of heroes that can be fabricated and controlled. Fighters who are smarter and stronger than humans and that can be accessorized with laser beams and other weapons.
Well, Ironwood is right on Penny being one of the best Huntresses, but he is wrong as to why:
Winter: No, Penny. You were always the real Maiden at heart.
What makes Penny a Huntress is not that she has a cannon or can fly. Rather it is that she has a human conscience, which leads her to make the right choice. Even if it is painful and difficult:
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Penny becoming the Winter Maiden is what cuts her life short. At the same time, it is also what saves the people of Mantle. She becomes the real Protector of the City not when she takes down the Goliath, but when she chooses not to leave her people behind. It is this simple decision that makes her a hero. Penny doesn’t need a robotic body for this choice. Nor flying jets. Nor a laser beam. She only needs her human heart. That is the reason why she is a Maiden, a Huntress and a Savior. It is not because she is the special Creation of a genius. It is because she is a simple soul:
A story will be told, and victory is in a simple soul.
This is Ironwood’s mistake. He believes that to defeat Salem and save the world there is a need for special people. The truth is that it is sufficient for many people to make the right choice. Even if it hurts. Even if it is scary. Anybody could have made Penny’s choice not to give up on Mantle. The Ace Ops could have. Winter could have. Ironwood himself could have. And yet, they don’t. Penny instead does. This is why she is a hero, while they aren’t.
In short, Ironwood believes heroism is born by leaving humanity behind. Still, Penny shows that a true hero needs her humanity to succeed. This idea is commented also through Ironwood and Penny’s metallic motif. Both characters are in fact linked to specific metals of alchemy.
Ironwood is associated with iron through his name and to tin through his allusion (the tin man). In alchemy iron is linked to war and is more refined than tin. So, Ironwood’s growth lies in him letting go of his General persona (war) to fully embrace who he is and become gold/silver. And yet, he fails and as a result he regresses into tin. Symbolically, he loses his heart and becomes the Tin Man. A toy soldier for others to move around as they please:
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By the end, all Watts has to do for Ironwood to come in the way of the protagonists is to simply open a door. Ironwood acts like a robot, completely under Watts and Cinder’s control.
Penny is associated with copper through both her name and color. On the one hand pennies are made of copper. On the other hand copper is usually green, just like Penny herself. Copper is more refined than both iron and tin, but it still needs to reach the perfection of gold. This happens when Penny grows up and symbolically becomes a “real girl” (a full self-actualized person):
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In Pinocchio, the protagonist becomes a “real boy” and he discovers that his 30 copper coins are now 30 golden coins. In RWBY, Penny affirms she is a “real girl” through her final choice (giving Winter the Maiden powers) and becomes gold herself (she literally turns into a golden cloud while she disappears).
So, Ironwood gives up his humanity and loses both himself and his heroic ambitions. Penny instead holds on to her humanity and is celebrated as a hero and a wonderful person. This is why symbolically Ironwood transitions to a robot in the same episode Penny receives a human body:
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This progression is shown also through their opposite relationship with Watts and Cinder. On the one hand Ironwood works with Watts, only to be tricked and eventually controlled by him. On the other hand Penny fights Cinder off until the very end and even negates her the Maiden Powers (what Cinder truly wants).
However, even if Ironwood is framed negatively and Penny positively, they both die tragically. Why is that so? What do Ironwood and Penny’s falls have to teach?
I may fall But not like this – it won't be by your hand
Both Ironwood and Penny fall together with Atlas, and yet their final moments are complete opposite:
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Ironwood is alone and makes no decisive choice. He is given one final chance to die heroically by fighting Cinder and Salem, but gives it up. Is that because he realizes all his efforts are useless? Is it because he accepts he is no hero? Or is it because Winter is right and he can only sacrifice others, but not himself? In the end, there is no definitive answer and that is the point. Who is James Ironwood? Nobody. He doesn’t leave back anything and there is no-one with him. Not even the viewers, who are negated his final moments. There is really nothing left to see.
Penny is with 2 friends, who witness her final choice. Jaune accepts her heroic sacrifice and Winter accepts her legacy. They both trust her and she manages to make one final choice which defines who she is. A friend. A real girl. A fully self-actualized person. She is a Creation who becomes a Creator. She is Pinocchio who gives life to the Blue Fairy:
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Penny’s final moments are so meaningful and rich that the viewers are given the chance to follow her shortly after death. They see Penny’s goodbye to Winter and the affirmation of love for her friend.
Penny’s choice is an expression of her destiny:
Pyrrha: When I think of destiny, I don't think of a predetermined fate you can't escape. But rather... some sort of final goal, something you work towards your entire life.
After all, what is Penny’s final goal if not this?
My wish came true The day that you appeared And called me a friend
The thing Penny works towards her entire life is to be a friend. It is to affirm her personhood through her bonds with others and this is exactly what she does in the end. Right or wrong she chooses to be a friend. She goes back to protect RWBY and leaves the Maiden Powers to Winter. Her final decision is tragic, but it is still an affirmation of who Penny is, as a person. This is also why it is the only thing Cinder fails to anticipate:
Cinder: Where did it go?!
Cinder manages to manipulate everyone almost perfectly. She knows how the heroes and villains alike will act and makes use of their wishes and emotions. Penny is no exception and actually the love for her friends is what leads her back into the fight. Still, no matter how skilled Cinder is at manipulation, she can’t take away who Penny is. So, in the end Penny does something unforeseen, which gets in the way of Cinder’s objective. The Winter Maiden powers are kept safe from her and given to Winter.
Winter herself becomes symbolic of Penny’s moral victory over Ironwood. Our Winter Maiden chooses the future of Atlas.
Robyn: What do you think a Kingdom is? The people, or just the chunk of land they live on?
The General embodies an Atlas, who is isolated, cold and controlling. He is obsessed by the land and the resources. This is why he dies with his city. The Protector of Mantle represents an Atlas, who is friendly, warm and trusting. She sees the citizens are what matters. This is why she dies with her people. Eventually Winter chooses Penny and opens up a new path for the Atlesians:
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In synthesis, both Ironwood and Penny die, but the way they fall marks them as different. Ironwood dies passive, isolated and pathetic. Penny dies active, surrounded by love and a hero.
In other words, Ironwood falls like Atlas:
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An empty shell of his former self. A kingdom with no people. A man with no heart.
Penny instead falls like Amity:
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She falls after having brought people together. She falls, but has trust in others and faith in the future. A real Maiden at Heart.
When the protagonists arrive in Atlas, they find a Kingdom which is scared to open up. It is scared of trusting:
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Now that Kingdom is gone and not just physically, but also from the hearts of people:
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Atlas welcomes the protagonists with an army ready to stop any intruder from other Kingdoms. Vacuo welcomes the protagonists with an army made of all the ships from every Kingdom.
Atlas (Ironwood’s mentality) is gone, but Amity (Penny’s mentality) is floating again in the sky.
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