#the kyoshi warriors 😌😌
daechwita · 1 year
OMG are we talking abt atla bts again OK earthbender jimin supremacy i’ll die on this hill
slams hands on desk TEASHOP JIMIN
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redditreceipts · 5 months
Respectfully, I disagree with your gender critical position, but honestly more offended you’re using Suki as your profile pic. My girl would NOT stand for what you’re saying here. :-(
actually she would totally be a radfem:
head of a female-only warrior group
uses make-up to look more badass and intimidating instead of using it to look more appealing to men
teaches useless misogynist men (Sokka) feminism
master in self-defense
costume is not sexualised
short hair because it's practical and she's cool
has no bending powers and still dominates in fights
the entire fucking Kyoshi Warrior Club is a female-only space lmao
Suki is just like me 😌
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boomerangguy · 3 years
Hey Boomi. I was wondering, how do you think Baatar and mommy Suki's relationship would have been? And Suki + her grandbabies?
Thank you so much for the ask, LM! And what a great ask, too! 😄 I loved answering this one…even though it got kinda long and ramble-y.
In my Ultimate Sukka Family Headcanon, which is something I don’t write fics for really (it’s much easier to write just 3-4 OC kids with distinct personalities rather than twice that number), they get married pretty young—like 19ish, right where the comics left off. They just both know they’re it for each other, so what’s the point in waiting? 🥰 But regardless, Sukka goes back to Kyoshi Island not planning on having kids anytime soon—they’re just trying to enjoy being kids themselves and have fun, since the war pretty much stripped them of a normal childhood.
But that’s not quite how things work out, and Sokka and Suki quickly realize that being both spontaneous and frisky is precisely how you end up pregnant. 😬They freak out and panic at first, of course, but then with each passing symptom, the terrifying abstract concept of having a baby starts to feel more like welcoming family member #3, and by the time little Kanna arrives, they’re so hyped to be parents that they make Foaming Mouth Guy look like a stick-in-the-mud. 🤪
Fast forward several years later (almost a decade, maybe?), and they’ve basically created an entire troupe of Kyoshi Warriors—six girls. 👩🏼‍🦰👩🏽👩🏼‍🦰👩🏽👩🏼‍🦰👩🏽Six sassy, sarcastic, carnivorous, little girls (with varying senses of humor) who will just as soon chi-block the shit out of a playground bully as write and recite haikus. They’re a handful, and Sokka and Suki love them. Attempts to pump the baby breaks fail once again (they weren’t really trying that hard anyway) 😏 and Suki finds out she’s pregnant with #7. Everyone predicts a girl, because at this point, who wouldn’t? 🧐 Sokka has stopped joking about the spirit of Avatar Kyoshi cursing him to be forever sonless as punishment for his past sexism because…he just truly doesn’t care about that anymore. He loves his daughters, they love him, and that’s all that matters. 😌
Enter Baatar. 👶🏻 Naturally, the whole Gaang and all Sukka’s family and friends go bananas when they finally have a boy, and everyone (especially the SWT folks) makes a point to congratulate Sokka on having a son. And he’s definitely excited, of course—but it’s Suki who takes one look at her baby boy and just suddenly feels a type of love she never knew before. 😯 She understands now why Sokka is so crazy about their girls—because they remind him of her, and little Baatar looks so much like her husband, her soulmate, that she doesn’t want to ever take her eyes off of him. ☺️
Baatar is the baby of the family, so between his dad and older sisters, he already gets a whole lotta love—but from Suki, it’s different. It’s not in her nature to actually coddle her children, but with Baatar, she comes pretty close—much closer she did with than any of her daughters. She reads to him every day, always helps him lace up his little boots, snuggles with him all through stormy nights, tells him legends and tall tales from Kyoshi Island & the SWT, and even some G-rated versions of her and Sokka’s adventures. But ‘the memory’—the thing they do together that is just between mother and son, that’s so sacred not even Sokka and the girls get to join—is when they go down to the bay at dawn to watch the koi fish jump out of the water and build sandcastles together. 🌅🏰That’s where Baatar begins to love building things—beautiful things. His earliest memory is watching the sky fill with color, sitting next to his mom on the beach and helping her (or so he thinks as a three-year-old) shape the sand into something new and magnificent. 😮
It sticks with Baatar forever, and they go down to the beach, sometimes as a whole family, sometimes just the two of them, pretty regularly until Baatar is a teenager. By then, thanks to his mom, he knows he wants to be an architect…and when it becomes obvious that he needs a real Earthbending teacher—like his aunt in Republic City, whose cute daughter might also have something to do with it 🤨—Suki’s heart breaks. 😞 Their daughters are still on Kyoshi Island or in the SWT, but it still hurts more than anything when she has to stand on the dock and hold back tears while she hugs her baby boy goodbye 😣…because she knows that if she starts crying, Baatar will break down too and want to stay. And as much as she loves him, he belongs out there in the world where he can chase after his dreams and put all his passion and talent to good use. 😔
They exchange letters steadily, but Suki still carries around a dull ache knowing that Toph and Suyin are spending more time with Baatar than she is. There’s a new ceiling to her happiness that’s never been there before, and Sokka takes it upon himself to cheer her up. 🤪 One night when they sneak out of their cottage and camp out on the bluffs, he does such a good job of cheering her up that…well… 😛⛺️😩…I hope you get the picture.
Enter Senna and Varrick (who I’ve started hc’ing as twins, because why not?) 😄 Now preggers at forty years old, Suki remembers that there’s still so much happiness right in front of her (plus two bundles of it right inside her), and her whole family is relieved to see that their matriarch is herself again. 😌 And to top it off? Sokka gets bullied by Aang into going into politics, and after the twins are born, they move to Republic City. It’s hard saying goodbye to most of their daughters (the youngest few come with them), but the eldest are practically young women now, and it feels natural at this point, no matter how much it stings when Sokka bawls like a baby and leaves them each with a hand-painted family portrait, a heartfelt haiku, and a huge barrel of seal jerky. 😖😖😖
In the city, Suki gets to see Baatar become a man while still getting to be a mom to Senna and Varrick (whose birth name is Iknik, he just gives himself a bunch of extra names after making it big). It’s the best of both worlds, and she gets some closure when she eventually joins Baatar and Baatar Jr. down at the beach years later, helping her grandson make his first sandcastle just like she helped his father. (And after Baatar and Varrick join the Earth Empire years later and ultimately come to regret it, Suki takes them both by the ear and reminds them that the namesake of their home island ate Earth Kingdom tyrants for breakfast, possibly the most ironically humiliating part of that whole fiasco for the two boys. 😡😵)
As for the grandbabies? Kanna (oldest child) and her sisters take one look at their parents’ nine children and go, “Ha, amateurs.” Family reunions are absolute madness, because between Sokka, Varrick, Baatar/Suyin and their kids, then the Avatar herself and dozens of little Kyoshi Island munchkins, Suki has a ton of big personalities to deal with. 😜 When she and Sokka finally retire and move back to Kyoshi Island for good, Gran-Gran Suki makes a point to take her children’s children down to the beach to play in the sand and watch the sun color the sky as many mornings as she can. For someone to which community is so important, it’s the perfect way to spend her life. 🥰 (And it’s hardly unexpected, but with so many grandkids running around the world, she gets to meet quite a few itty-bitty babies named after her and her husband—and her favorite miniature Suki is definitely Opal’s daughter.)
How did your simple ask turn into Suki’s bittersweet biography? 😟 I’m sorry, but I just couldn’t help myself. I love Sukka, and I love fluffy family headcanons! And if you can’t tell…once I get going it’s hard for me to stop…and I ended up really getting deep into both Sukka feels and emotional feels. I need to go give my mom a hug. 🥺
@light-miracles thank you so much for the ask! It was a pleasure answering it!
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saw the tags on the reblog of the ficlet prompts, so I humbly ask for prompt #9 with sokka confronting aang abt his feelings for katara,,,,it’s for science. The sweeties and sokka and aang friendship, what’s better than this👀
Nothing is better than that, Anon😌
(I am rusty and crusty, but I hope you enjoy! Thank you for the ask, my friend!!!)
Dialogue prompt #9: “You’re in love with her.”
Words: 1,294
Okay. Okay, you got this. It’s just a few words. Words are just air with sound, and you’re the youngest airbending master on record. It’ll be easy. Yeah. So easy.
Aang took a deep breath. “K...Katara?” he mumbled.
It shouldn’t have been loud enough to get her attention, but the mention of her name stopped Katara from petting Appa.
...Oh Spirits.
She smiled as she turned to face him, and Aang relied on his staff to keep him from becoming a puddle when she took a step closer.
I can’t. I can’t do it. Nope. Nope, nope, nope, nope, NOPE. Can’t do it. Not easy. SO not easy—
“Katara, I need to tell you something.” The words left him before he could abort his mission. A thin bead of sweat slid from his palm and into his shirt, and it was only by some undeserved miracle that his staff hadn’t slipped out of his hands yet. “I-I've been wanting to say it for a long time.”
Katara cocked her head. Neither of them paid mind to the Earth Kingdom soldiers who passed them to join Kuei’s entourage. “What is it, Aang?”
Aang froze up just like he feared he would; he would have blown over and clattered like a metal pole hitting marble if even a breeze came by. “Katara...Katara, I love—”
A familiar weight suddenly slamming into Aang’s side nearly made him jump out of his own skin. “Alriiiiiight!” An arm slung around Aang’s shoulders, and Sokka’s fist ground into Aang’s arrow. “Who's ready to get going on our little men-only man trip?”
Aang sagged, his stomach weighed down with stones, and he laughed only because it was impossible to do anything else when Katara tried to hide her giggle behind her hand.
So much for attempt seventy-four.
His emotional whiplash turned him to mush, and he went through the motions as he gave his thanks to the Earth King and gave his family one last group hug (and overheard something about the Kyoshi Warriors arriving?).
But then, as he was about to climb onto Appa, Katara tugged on Aang’s sleeve.
“Wait. Aang.”
Aang turned to face her, but her lips found his cheek mid-turn and struck him like lightning on a clear day, dancing static under his skin and in his ears until his heart bounced and remembered how to beat. 
The kiss felt like what he wanted to tell her, but Aang couldn’t find the words, yet again. Their meanings were ground into dust and powdered feelings that rode the winds she stirred in him. Her unspoken goodbye was short, chaste, but it filled Aang from bottom to brim with something so warm that it steamed from his cheeks and put his heart in her hands. He had to look away and look down, finding the ground, so he could remember which way was up.
“You see, Aang? A little positive thinking works wonders,” Sokka said a few minutes later from where he laid on Appa’s back. The sky was clear and without any draft to fight them as they flew east; the sun was warm and pooled under Aang’s skin in a way that felt like being hugged. “We got the king on our side, we got Long Feng arrested, and, when we get back, Suki's waiting for me.”
“Yeah,” Aang said dreamily. “Girls are waiting for us.” He smiled, but his voice drifted. The horizon held potential, but his heart was behind him and growing further and further away.
He didn’t know if Katara had spliced together what he was trying to say, before, but the kiss she gave him felt like something that wasn’t quite a goodbye--it was much more than that.
“...Thanks, positive attitude.”
There was a pause, but then Sokka’s voice changed direction like he had turned to face Aang’s back. “Everything is gonna work out perfectly. From now on and forever.”
Aang smiled even wider and shared the gesture with Sokka.
...But then Sokka squinted at him like he was trying to make sense of a mirage.
“What?” Aang asked, confused and feeling for if there was something on his face. 
Sokka squinted for another long minute before he gave his response. “You’re in love with her. Aren’t you.”
Aang blinked twice, remembered that he had to breathe, and tugged his collar. “What? In love? Me? Pffft.” He waved his hand dismissively. “Who would I be in love with? I’m not in love with anyone. Who said I was in love?”
Sokka raised one delicate eyebrow and inclined his head.
Aang sagged. “...Is it that obvious?”
“Obvious? That’s one word for it.” Sokka turned on his side to properly face him. “You blush so much whenever Katara does anything that Yue probably thinks there’s a red star on Earth.”
“Why don’t you just tell her that you love her and get it over with? Watching you two dance around each other was cute in the beginning, but it’s getting really old really fast.”
“I tried to!” Aang didn’t mean to sound as defensive as he did, and he definitely didn’t mean for his voice to crack. “Just before we left I tried to tell her!”
Sokka rolled his eyes. “Oh, yeah? When exactly did that happen? Because we were together the entire time, and I didn’t see anything oogie-worthy coming from your corner.”
Aang turned as red as his belt’s sash. “I-I did try! Right before you butted in, I tried to tell her!”
Sokka made a knowing sound. “Ohhhh, so that’s what you were squirming about. I thought you got caught pranking the Earth King’s guards, or something, and needed a bail-out. Sorry about that.”
Aang sighed. “It’s fine.” He crawled over the dip of Appa’s neck and plopped, spread-eagle, an arm’s-length from where Sokka laid. “It didn’t feel right, anyways.”
“Feel right?” Scooting closer, Sokka tugged bits of shed from Appa’s pelt and sprinkled it on Aang’s face. “How do you mean?”
Aang shrugged. He sneezed from the shed-shower and wiggled his nose, but Sokka didn’t stop layering it on him. “I dunno…,” he said, almost to himself. “It was just a feeling. Not a bad feeling, just...just a feeling. I don’t know how to say it.”
“Well, if you don’t know, then I’d say that you admitting the L-word to her is definitely not in your near future.”
Aang looked away. “Yeah...you’re probably right…”
“That’s not to say that it’s never gonna happen,” Sokka added. He paused, searching for another viable vein of Appa-shed, and sat cross-legged at Aang’s side. He propped his elbow on his knee and rested his head on the hand that wasn’t hunting for furry ammo. “These things take time, and you guys have plenty of that. You still have your whole lives ahead of you. Plus, with the Earth King’s armies behind us, the war will be over before you know it.”
“Do you—?” Aang hesitated. “Nevermind.”
“It’s nothing. Forget I said anything.”
“It isn’t ‘nothing’, apparently. Come on, Aang. Sokka’s love-therapy sessions bear no judgment.”
Aang couldn’t help but laugh a little even as he stared at his twiddling thumbs. “Do you...Do you think that Katara might say it?”
Sokka scratched his cheek and cocked his jaw in thought. “Well, that depends. Are you asking me if I think she might say that she loves you first, or are you asking me if I think she might say that she loves you back?”
Aang stopped fidgeting and shrunk into the pool of his collar.
Sokka sighed and stopped littering him with Appa’s fur. “Aang, listen…” Aang dragged his eyes up to meet Sokka’s, “...Katara isn’t the best with admitting these kinds of things—things with strong emotion, that is. The woman can hold a grudge for a century and an apology for an eternity without batting an eye.”
Aang’s stomach dropped. “You think she’d get mad at me if I tell her?”
“What? No, no, no, no, that’s not it at all. What I’m trying to say is that Katara...Well, how do I put this...She isn’t exactly direct. Remember when Toph first joined and we got chased by Azula and her crazy lady friends? And how Katara started out all nice and dropping hints that Toph needed to help set up camp and stuff?”
“Yeah. I remember.”
“It’s like that. Katara was telling Toph that she needed her to help, but she was telling her without telling her. At least, before the lack of sleep kicked in. Anyways, I don’t know what she and you have been doing when you go off during the full moon for you waterbending-whatever’s—”
“W-We’re just—!”
“Whatever,” Sokka cooly said, his lip curling in the barest smile. “My point is, she’s more likely to show you than to tell you. Or, at the very least, she’ll tell you without telling you.”
Aang laced his fingers and chewed his lip. His thoughts were greased with the memories of his and Katara’s shared small kisses...and of their time in the Cave of Two Lovers when Katara used their survival to justify a real, real kiss.
“Please, don't go Aang,” she had said all those months ago when they were fighting against time to find Roku before the Solstice. “The world can't afford to lose you to the Fire Nation...And neither can I.”
Aang’s smile was small, barely there, and made his insides as soft as the downy shed that Sokka had started raining on his face again.
“...Telling her wouldn’t change anything,” Aang said.
“Exactly. And that—Wait, what?” Sokka backpeddled. “Hold up a second there, sport. I didn’t mean to not say it at all. Communication is key in a relationship, and telling her that you love her is—”
“No, no, not like that. I mean I have to tell her but also not tell her.”
“And how exactly do you plan to do that? Subtly isn’t exactly your specialty. No offense.”
Aang looked at the cloudless sky. The horizon held potential, but the heavens were infinite possibility. “I have to find my panda-lily,” he said.
“You mean that flower from Aunt Wu’s village? The one that only grew in the rim of that one volcano? Sorry to say it, but they’re buried under a few dozen feet of crusted magma.”
“No, not one of those. I mean my panda-lily. I have to find something to show her what I feel. I don’t exactly know if that means getting a flower or making a necklace or…” Aang looked up again. “Whatever it is, I’ll find it. I’ll show her.”
“That you love her?”
Aang shook his head. “No. Not love.”
“Oh?” Sokka rolled onto his stomach but kept one arm free to bury Aang under skybison-shed that didn’t stay on his face for long before being blown away. “Now you don’t love her?”
“No. I don’t.”
“You...You do realize that I meant that as a joke, right?”
“It’s true, though.”
Sokka groaned. “Okay, love-therapy session is officially over. Katara is going to kill me for turning you off from her.”
“But I’m not.”
“You just said that you didn’t love her!”
“I know. I don’t love her.” Aang smiled with closed eyes. “It’s so much more than that.”
“Wow, okay, now that, right there, is top-shelf oogie-worthy crud. Good Spirits, man.” Sokka playfully shoved Aang’s shoulder, and Aang laughed and flicked his wrist to blow a whirlwind at Sokka’s face.
“So, any ideas on what your panda-necklace is, lover boy?”
Aang turned red as if sunburnt, but he smiled like the sun cresting the horizon. “I have no idea.”
“And this makes you...happy?”
Aang pretended to draw shapes out of the nettings of faint clouds that were now above them. “It makes me want to know more about her. She likes flowers, but she doesn’t love them. I have to give her something that she doesn’t know that she loves.”
“Ugh-huh. Well, I’m sure you’ll find your panda-necklace or whatever it is, eventually. Positive attitude, remember? Anything is possible.” Sokka patted his shoulder. “Just try to do it in private, would ya? Nobody needs to see you two showing love if you catch my drift.”
Aang nearly passed out from the blood rushing to his face. “Sokka!”
“I’m just saying,” Sokka said with a smile. “It’s good future sense. I’d rather not need any trauma-therapy sessions.”
Aang pointedly turned away, grumbling and puffing his cheeks with insults and come-backs.
“Ah, ah, ah…,” Sokka clicked his tongue and rolled Aang, still hugging himself and pouting, back over to face him, “...I have to have your word, casanova. Promise me no public oogies?”
Aang grumbled some more and loudly. “...I wouldn’t make it public, anyways...”
“That’s not what a promise sounds like.” Sokka dragged Aang into a headlock and ground his fist into his arrow. “Come on, Avatar. Spit it out. Think of it as payment for your love-therapy session.”
Aang laughed despite himself. “Fine! Fine, I promise!” He squirmed and blew small whirlwinds, but Sokka didn’t let Aang go until he stopped fighting his laughter and pretending to be grumpy.
“I’ll hold you to that,” Sokka said as he extended his hand.
Aang made a show of rolling his eyes before he clasped Sokka’s arm in the way of the tribesmen. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Sokka remembered his and Aang’s conversation like it was yesterday even though a near-death experience and several months’ residence in enemy territory had passed since then.
The music was loud in the candlelit cave, and the Fire Nation gremlins flailed and flopped around like otterpenguins with their rears on fire. At least the drinks were good. And it was a pretty nice sight to behold when the gremlins, one by one, stopped ‘dancing’ to form a human circle.
“Wow, who knew Sugarqueen could dance?” Toph asked as she downed another cup of punch. The crowd of kids gasped again when Aang and Katara broke from their waterbending form and fell in sync with moves that they had never practiced but just knew like they had been waiting their whole lives to perform them.
So much for promising to keep his panda-necklace private.
Well, Aang’s promise wasn’t entirely broken.
The Fire Nation gremlins saw two people sharing a dance, an impressive form of self-expression that no one could ever take from them.
Sokka saw the way his sister’s eyes lit up like when they were young and thought tragedy was a myth that could never touch them. He saw the way Aang let himself grow breathless as he abandoned his birth element to bend some energy that no one else could see.
Sokka felt the aftershocks of the ‘I love you’ that Aang showed Katara when he led her into a spin, and he felt even moreso the aftershocks of the ‘I love you, too’ that Katara showed Aang in return, trusting him to catch her in a fall. 
Aang’s smile shone brighter than even those times when he was dragged into the Avatar State, and Katara’s laugh was a heart without walls or any defense.
She filled him with a strength that could move a mountain, and he gave her a power that she didn’t feel she had to prove.
“They look pretty good together,” Toph said.
Sokka leaned against the wall. The panting laugh Aang and Katara shared at the end of their dance—Aang still holding Katara in a dip with her arms now around his neck—looked like the beginnings of something new.
Well, not quite something new.
It was more like something that had always been there and was finally being let out—like a seed with a vast network of strong roots finally breaking through the soil and discovering how warm the world was.
The way Katara clumsily bumped her head to Aang’s headband looked like a kiss that they wanted the world to witness but that they would only ever share with each other.
“Yeah,” Sokka said, happy and sharing their peace. “They really do look good together.”
...But it was so much more than that.
I will drag Kataango into everything I write, so help me—
Send me a dialogue prompt and any other details ya want!
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hella1975 · 3 years
hella babe that was so iconic,, u just saved 2020. this will bring me serotonin in the dark days (The Chapter) to come,,,, u are a legend an icon a blessing & don't u fucking forget it 🥰😌💅
(this was sent for ch27 yes im dumb and take ages to respond atm pls allow it)
LISTEN it was supposed to be a small little thing like may 1k words of the boys being boys, but then i came up with the kyoshi warriors and fell in love with them and next thing i know i have 5k words of a chapter that is?? literally just OCs??? like why do you guys let me do this
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