#the mccall pack
lithiumseven · 1 year
Stiles: To wszystko twoja wina
Scott, sighing: I know, I know
Allison: I didn’t know you spoke Polish
Scott: I don’t, I just know the phrase “this is all your fault” in every language he speaks
Derek, swinging open the door: Esto es tu culpa
Scott: *puts his head in his hands*
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sweetrole · 8 months
Liam: we all like a bad boy though, don't we?
Mason: Yeah, but not a fucking serial killer, Liam.
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outcastpack · 10 months
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shit-im-bi · 2 years
Liam, on a call with Theo: so how exactly did you end up in jail on double date night?
Theo: So, basically, this six year old pint-sized brat stepped on my foot and-
Mason: He picked a fight with a six year old and sent her crying to her parents, and proceeded to cuss them all out and get us all thrown out of the restaurant?
*Corey cackling in the background*
Theo: She was shoving me because I wasn't walking fast enough and it pissed me off
Liam: I'll be there in a second
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mxflora · 3 months
re-watching teen wolf made me realize that i absolutely adore season 6B. unpopular opinion maybe but its actually so good, like i love the idea of a final war and all that.
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trpiaep19 · 1 year
Unpopular opinion:
What Theo did to the pack was worse than whatever Peter or any other villain did
Hear me out...
A lot of people talk about how Theo didn't deserve going to hell and that the pack forgave Peter and Deucalion (both of them tried to kill them more than once) but never truly forgave Theo and how it is not fair but I think they are forgetting that Theo didn't only try to kill them.
He planned the whole thing. He found every member's weakness and used it. He ripped the pack apart from the inside. He turned them all against each other and tried to take Scott's place as the Alpha. We don't really know what it did to the pack bonds.
Until Theo and even after him the pack could rely on each other. When Peter tried to kill them they had someone watching their backs. When Deucalion came along they could fight him off because they were together.
With Theo pulling the strings...
Theo killed his sister when he was nine years old and then spent a decade with the Dread Doctors, working for them, killing for them, bringing kids to them so they can turn them to chimeras. I think he was looking for the way out and he did so the only way he knew.
In the scene when Theo kills Scott you can see how much he hates the True Alpha. He is everything Theo never got a chance to be. He is a cheap knock-off of the supernatural creature, not even his heart is his own. He is a creature made from hate and rage and with his skills the pack couldn't just let him go. No one knows just how many packs he ruined before coming to Beacon Hills.
Don't get me wrong, I know the hell changed him. When Liam brought him back, it became clear that all he wanted to do was survive.
Scott couldn't save Theo because Theo would never let him. He resent him. In his eyes Scott was a do-gooder that didn't know anything about suffering.
Liam was the one who showed and taught him different ways. The beta with angry issues was one of the few people from the pack that knew how it feels to have the beast crawling at your skin and still chose to be good. So, Theo learnt.
I think that the pack forgave Theo eventually. Maybe it took years after the war or maybe he was forgiven even before Monroe fled Beacon Hills but I don't think they ever truly trusted him again. In their eyes he will always be a wild card. They don't know anything about his time with the Doctors and I think they don't even want to ask. Theo might become a pack ally, maybe even part of the pack, but he will never be truly trusted because what he was capable of doing and probably still is capable of doing and just chooses not to, makes him unreliable.
I hope this makes sense...
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multifan113 · 9 months
Teen Wolf Incorrect Quotes 5
Scott: Stiles! Derek almost got hit by a car in the parking lot!
Stiles: I know, he was faster than I thought
Stiles: Don‘t worry, I’ll get him next time
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mercheswan · 1 year
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Steospooktober - Mirrors
He should I have known. How could he have been so stupid as to trust a witch? He accepted the cursed mirror and he even hung it in his bedroom.
He couldn’t react fast enough. When he saw his own reflection smiling devilishly at him, it was too late. He was pulled inside by the mirror version copy of him. Now he is trapped, and some kind of creature is pretending to be him and going directly to were his pack is. Undoubtedly with the intention of hurting them.
Stiles needs to get out of there immediately.
“You’re late” Lydia says opening the door of his house and letting Stiles in.
“Sorry. I had a last minute mishap. The house is looking great” Stiles comments as he glared around the room, which is perfectly decorated for Halloween.
“Who do you think you’re talking to?” Lydia offers her cheek and Stiles gives it a little kiss before entering to the living room.
“Hey Stiles!” Liam greets him with a big smile.
Stiles returns the smile and searches around the room. He has a mission. A target. And He finds him. The Alpha. He smirks dangerously and moves to greet Scott. Once he eliminates him, he can finally be free.
“Stiles” A voice calls stopping him.
“Theo” Stiles answers facing the Chimera.
“We haven’t had to change to—” As Theo comes closer, he notices something strange. Stiles’ scent is not quite right.
“What?” Stiles asks, a hint of irritation in his voice.
Theo moves closer. He stands right in front of Stiles and meets his eyes.
“What are you doing? Move away! Don’t be creepy, Theo” Stiles clicks his tongue. He turns around, showing his back to the Chimera when suddenly, he is grabbed hardly and shoved violently to the wall.
Stiles hisses in pain. “What the hell..”
“Theo! Theo what are you doing?” Scott asks in an urgent voice.
“Dude, have you lost it?”
“You can’t do that!”
“Theo, let Stiles go” Scott orders, his eyes glowing red.
Theo answers tightening his hold on Stiles’ neck. “This is not Stiles”
The rooms turns heavy. The rest of the members of the pack engage surprised and alarmed looks.
“What are you talking about!? Have you lost it? Scott.. Scott do something” Stiles stares at the Alpha.
“Theo… what are you talking about!”
“Look on his eyes! His scent” Theo argues.
Stiles struggles to get off the Chimera’s hold. Scott moves closer. “You’re right…” He says after sniffing Stiles. “The scent it’s different… how do you…”
“Stiles has a very peculiar scent… that’s not important! What matter now it’s…” Theo’s claws stick into Stiles’ skin. “Where’s the real one… if you have hurt him…”
Stiles expression morphs into a dangerous and evil one. “Oh? What would you do to me?”
The werecreatures of the room responde by glowing their eyes and showing their teeth.
“Who are you and what do you want” Scott questions.
“Let’s just kill him” Malia growls.
“You won’t get Stiles if you kill me” Fake Stiles smirks maliciously.
“We don’t know if they are connected. We can’t risk it” Mason reasons.
“It’s different from the Nogitsune…” Lydia says. “But it’s a perfect clone… almost like a reflection…”
Theo’s eyes widen. “Didn’t Stiles get a mirror from that Witch…”
Fake Stiles’s heart skips a beat, which doesn’t go unnoticed by the Chimera and the True Alpha.
“I think we have a winner” Theo smirks.
Grabbing the faux Stiles, they move to the Stilinski’s household. When they enter the room they see the mirror hung in the wall.
“Stiles, Stiles, Can you hear me!” Lydia calls looking in the mirror. The Banshee can feel his friend’s presence on the other side of the glass, but she can’t see him.
On the other hand, Stiles is able to see his Pack in the room. He keeps banging the glass but they can’t hear him. “Break it! Break the glass!”
Break it! Break the glass!
The voice reaches Theo’s ears like a faint whisper. But he can recognize the it. “Break the glass”
The Pack turns to look at the Chimera.
“We don’t know if we can do that. What if we trap Stiles inside forever” Lydia argues.
“But Stiles is telling us to break it” Theo insists.
“Stiles? Which Stiles?” Liam questions confused.
“You didn’t heard him?” Theo asks surprised.
“What are you talking about!” Malia protests.
“Right now. I could hear Stiles’ voice, he wants us to break the glass” Theo explains.
“Is it true? Will it free our friend?” Scott asks the fake Stiles.
“It could. Or, as the Banshee said, it could trap him in there forever. Then, I could permanently take this form.” Stiles smirks mischievously.
“We can’t risk it” Malia claims.
“We can go to the library, find some information about this, maybe we can discover how to help Stiles” Mason suggests.
“But Stiles…” Theo glares at Scott.
“Theo, I didn’t hear anything. Maybe you’re imagining his voice” Scott tells the Chimera.
No. Break it. Break it! I-I think that if you wait too long… i might not be able to go back!
This time Theo hears the voice more clearly. And more desperate. He knows that he is not imagining it.
Theo shoves the fake Stiles towards Liam, and quickly lives to be mirror, lifting his hand to smash it into pieces.
“Theo no!” “Wait!” “STOP!”
The Chimera’s hand hit the mirror and the glass breaks falling into the floor. Some of the pieces covered in Theo’s blood.
The Pack stays in silent, watching the broken mirror, waiting for Stiles to appear. But, after a few seconds nothing happens.
“This his all your fault!” Malia’s eyes glow in pure fury, she roars loudly, preparing to attack.
“Malia stop!” The door of Stiles’ room opens abruptly, showing Stiles in the other side. “Theo freed me. He did as I asked him to”
“Stiles!” “Oh thank god!” “Where did you come from?”
“My father’s mirror. I don’t know why I came out of that one.” Stiles explains.
“The mirror world is connected. Every mirror can be enchanted” Lydia murmurs.
“Then we can trap this things again, right? We just need another mirror” Liam says.
“Yes I think so.” Lydia nods. “This is a good chance to see if your magic has advanced Stiles” Lydia smirks challenging.
“Hey! I managed to contact to this world from inside the mirror! I would say that a proof of power right there” Stiles scoff as laugh.
“But only Theo was able to hear you. Not even me. How curious that is” Lydia tilts her head teasingly.
“It proves that Chimera’s ears are better that ordinary werewolves ones” Theo huffs.
“Even if you trap me back, you won’t be able to stop her” Faux Stiles glares changeling at the original one.
“It’s Halloween night. Her powers will be stronger than any other day. Even if I didn’t manage to obtain the Alpha spark, you’re no match against her” Mirror Stiles explains. “Your magic powers can’t compete to hers” He says looking at Stiles.
“But he is not alone” Scott responds.
“We need to find a way to get this thing back into the mirror. And prepare to fight a powerful witch. Why did I expect our Halloween night to be a peaceful one?” Mason huffs.
“Yeah, we should learn that that’s never going to happen to us” Liam pats his friend’s back.
“Let’s call Deaton and Argent. To see what they know about this” Lydia glares at Scott.
“All right” Scott nods. “Let’s stay together, so they can make any more mirror copies of us” The Alpha says.
The Pack moves downstairs with their captured mirror creature. But, before Theo exists the room and hand grabs him by the wrist.
“Thank you Theo” Stiles says meeting eyes with the Chimera.
“No problem. Try not to trust gift from supernatural creatures in the future.” Theo smirks teasingly.
Stiles chuckles. “Yeah, it just that… I was very eager to learn about the new powers..” Stiles moved his free hand to create some sparks on it. “I let myself be fooled”
“It could happens to us all”
“You’re an expert in that, right? You did manipulate us before”
Theo smirks. “I didn’t manage to fool you, though. I guess the witch has proven to be better than me”
Stiles huffs a laugh. He notices that he is still grabbing Theo’s wrist. The Chimera’ skin is want to the touch. But he wonders why Theo hasn’t let go.
“Are you nervous?” Raeken asks.
“She took an interest in you Stiles. She trapped you in there. She wants you out of the picture for some reason. As well as Scott’s spark” Theo reasons.
“Now I have actual powers, even if I didn’t know how to use them or they are not as powerful as hers. It feels good to be able to fight too” Stiles confesses.
“Hold that thought. And well, you have the Pack. They won’t let anything happen to you” Theo argues.
“Yeah, I guess. Although, you were the only one who managed to hear my voice tonight” Stiles locked eyes with the Chimera.
Theo grinned widely. “Well, at least you know that I will come to support you if you call again”
Theo’s kind eyes make Stiles feel a great source of power from inside. Instinctively, he tugs the Chimera’s wrist and pulls him towards him. Stiles pushes their lips together in a open mouthed kiss.
Stiles feels powerful. “Yeah, don’t leave my side”. Theo smirks seductively.
They have a witch to get rid of.
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voidchimeras · 2 years
spoilers for the new trailer below cut.
first of, let’s begin with the fact that we are finally seeing the father-son dynamic between derek and eli which just WARMS my soul in a way nothing else could.
eli having scott’s lacrosse number ;-;
AND THEN DEREK IMPLIES THAT ELI HASNT TRANSFORMED YET AND THAT THE FIRST STEP IS HEALING. this literally brings up so many questions for me and i’m lowkey really excited for this topic to be explored in the movie.
then your girl allison just appear out of fucking no where and decides to try to kill eli and of course derek is NOT standing for that.
he starts fighting her but then the instant hesitation when he realizes it’s ali SPEAKS VOLUMES.
someone better help save my man or else i’m gonna have more issues with this movie then i already have.
is anything happens to derek hale im gonna throw a riot. end of conversation. gonna gaslight myself into thinking nothing bad is gonna happen to him.
i have so many question jeff davis, teen wolf, please explain i can’t take this.
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ghost-wolf34 · 9 months
Peter Hale finds a mate
I'm sorry if I keep using the name Shauna or Shadow for my ocs, I just really like both names and want to keep using them. I know though that you readers are probably tired of me using the names, but I really like this names and want to continue using them. If you guys have had enough of those names or want to see me use a different character with a different name that isn't a werewolf also please let me know... 
P.s I also like werewolf stories a lot. Lol 😂 and if you guys would like me to use more gifs on this story let me know,plus I feel like people don’t add gifs enough to stories on here at least more then one. And because I feel like gifs add more depth and detail to the story.
Chapter one. The scent.
Peter was out getting some coffee at the coffee shop like normal, when he had gotten a whiff of a very strong yet addicting scent. He tried not to sniff the air to much, but he couldn't get enough of the scent that he was smelling. "Where is that smell coming from?" He thought as he looked around, not knowing that he had just over looked where the scent was coming from. Which was from a young woman who had a hood up and was sitting at the back of the coffee shop at a table by herself, looking all down and lonely. 
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Peter got a look of frustration and annoyance, when he couldn't find who/ where the scent was coming from. He grabbed his coffee and bagel, before heading over to a table that was open which was a few feet away from the one at the back. He sat down to eat his bagel and smelled the scent again, he sniffled the air without drawing attention to himself as he sat there eating his food. 
His eyes however trained onto the woman who was sitting at a back table by herself, he wondered why she sat there with her hood up looking all lonely. He continued to watch her as he ate his bagel and drank his coffee, he watched as she eventually got up looking around slightly before keeping her head down as she headed towards the front doors. 
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He watched her, before noticing that the scent now had disappeared. He started to wonder if that scent was coming from the young woman who had just up and left. In order to find out, Peter finished his bagel and got up quickly trying to find the woman before she got to far out of his sight. He groaned in annoyance when the scent fully disappeared, he threw his wrapper away and walked out into the street with his coffee in hand. 
Peter looked around as he drank his coffee, before heading towards his car to drive to his nephews place to talk to him. He pulled out his keys and started his car, he opened the driver door and hopped in. He sat down his coffee cup and got buckled up, before driving off to see Derek and his pack. 
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Peter stood there listening to Derek as he spoke to the pack. "Alright, I know we've had a lost going on for the past couple of weeks. But thanks to Jordan for coming into town, things have changed and gotten rather crazy. With finding out he's a hound and that his sisters a werewolf like us, he's letting her join the pack. One for her safety, two her abilities and three help to control her wolf side. 
She's still new to her abilities and still has a lot to learn, we were all there once and with you being a alpha now Scott...I thought that maybe it would be a good time for you to learn how to help someone that's struggling like Liam but a bit differently." Derek said. 
"How is she different from other werewolves, if your all the same?" Kira asked Derek, as she sat next to Scott. "Kira take it easy. She might be like us, but she could also be more like Derek and Peter." Scott told her, before looking at Derek. "That's actually why I brought him here. She suffers from mood swings and anger like he does,  but she can show you what she can do." Derek spoke. 
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"Great someone like my father." Malia mumbled as stiles sat next to her. "I'm sure that she's not completely like your father, but if you can shift into a wolf like them that's actually pretty cool." Stiles said. "Not really helpful stiles." She told him, before rolling her eyes. 
Derek looked over at his uncle then behind him at the darkness behind them both. "It's okay, you can show them". Derek said. 
Peter looked at his nephew, before catching a whiff of the scent that he smelt earlier as he turned around and saw glowing purple eyes through the darkness. He then watched as the blackest yet biggest wolf he had ever seen,
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jumped out of the darkness and right at him knocking him to the ground. Which caused him to narrow his eyes and show his wolf fangs/teeth along with his eyes.
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He looked dead square at the wolf, before watching as they got off him after growling/snarling in his face. 
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Derek stood there smirking amused, as he watched Peter with the newest member of their team.
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"Peter meet Shadow. Shadow meet Peter my annoying yet irritating uncle that nobody likes, who will be helping train you along with Scott." He watched as Shadow and Peter glared at each other, as Peter stood up.
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"Oh no, I'm not helping train them." Peter told his nephew. 
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"First off it's a she and second off, both of you are going to have to get along and work together okay? I can't train her and I'm not letting Scott work with her when she's in wolf form. You know better then anyone what it's like to be full or rage and anger all the time. Your the only one here strong enough to handle her." 
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Peter rolled his eyes at his nephew, as he crossed his arms kept staring at the wolf. "Fine..I'll train her, but I'm not going to go easy on her especially with the training. With a attitude like this someone will get hurt." Peter said,
before growling lowly at the wolf as she growled back.
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"Okay you two enough!” Derek roared as his teeth and fangs came out as his eyes went blue. “Both of you need to either take the this out to the woods, or you both can grow up and get along.”
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You have to work with each other. Especially since we have bigger problems to deal with, like I don't know maybe the Japanese people that are hunting people including us. So both of you two need to get along, before we have to face them alright?" 
"Fine." Peter said, before walking away and going to cool off he was definitely more moodier then normal and it's been ever since he smelled that scent today.
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moonch8ld · 2 months
Stiles: I CAN'T DO IT!
Scott, laughing: I CAN'T EITHER!
Stiles: I appreciate it,
Allison: Stiles-
Lydia: Stiles we gotta-
Stiles: YOU GOTTA LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF AND SAY 'What am I willing to put up with today?'
Stiles, motioning to Derek, in his wolf form, high on wolfsbane: NOT FUCKING THIS
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sweetrole · 8 months
Mason: Why are we doing this, Liam! It's so dangerous!
Liam: My middle name is danger.
Mason: Dude, your middle name is Eugene.
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subpar-celestial · 6 months
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Don't tell me of it's shit I'm tired and this is the first drawing I've completed in ages
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sterekmpreg · 9 months
Stiles and Derek: *accidentally kissing during argument in front of the pack*
Peter and Scott:
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Erica and Isaac:
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Lydia and Allison:
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Boyd and Theo:
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livingdeadvoid · 1 year
Liam: My mom told me to follow my dreams.
Scott: So you followed Theo around?
Theo: I don't know whether I should focus on the fact that I'm Liam's dream or the fact he called Stiles mom.
Mason: Probably the first one.
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haleripley · 6 months
I hate when people (Scott stans) say Derek didn't care about his betas. Um? He literally broke when Boyd and Erica died and he definitely cared about Issac?
This scene? When Stiles comforted him? That's Derek's face looking at Boyd's body. He's about to burst into tears
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And when Derek carried Erica's body?
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He's completely numb with grief. As an Alpha his betas were basically his children, and he lost two of them back to back. He cared about them.
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