#the night court jewelry vault
if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"INNES HAS A HABIT OF LOSING MONEY," Toronto Star. October 1, 1912. Page 3. --- Second Offence of Dropping Employer's Cash Leads to a Long Term. --- CASES IN POLICE COURT --- Two Men With Two Bags of Potatoes, Which They Say Were Given to Them. --- Though there was little force behind the blow which Thomas Petrie directed at Constable Young's face, Magistrate Denison chose to fine the intent rather than the act when the man came up in the Police Court.
"Was taking his name," Young stated, "when he struck me."
Petrie's two fines, for drunkenness and assault, were a dollar and costs. each, or thirty days, with time to pay.
The Sentences Grow. The sentences of Edward Innes have been somewhat disproportionate. This morning before Magistrate Denison, he admitted that while working as a collector for Joseph McQuilian's liquor store in Queen street west he retained $11.80 from the returns, and offered the defence that if he was given time he would refund the money and have it taken out of his wages.
"I lost it," he suggested.
"It's not the first time he's lost money," Crown Attorney Corley. commented. "A year ago when he was given $400 to buy Exhibition tickets he lost that. His term then was sixty days." Now, for the theft of of the much smaller amount, Innes will go to Central for a much longer term, four months.
Two Bags of Potatoes. Once more Charles Beamish, an aged character well known to the police, is charged with theft. Last night he was taken by Constable Ox-land, who saw him walking away with a bag of potatoes on his shoulder. A few paces behind was Lou Parsons, with a like load. The constable, knowing Beamish, went after the stranger first.
"Parsons dropped his load and ran," Oxland stated, "but I caught them both."
The charge is that the potatoes were stolen from a G.T.R. box car.
"Given to me," declared Beamish, confidently.
"Whom by?"
"Don't know his name."
"Where does he live?" "Don't know."
"Who is the kind man, anyway?" Magistrate Denison demanded, a bit impatiently.
Finally Beamish decided it was either the carmen or an officer of the M.O.H. Department. The couple remain in jail a week until they can give more definite information.
After arresting Mrs. Louisa Fifield as she came out of Eaton's. Detective Wickett want to her home at Prescott avenue, West Toronto, and a large quantity of goods, which the woman is charged with stealing.
When arrested with her 12-year-old daughter Queenie, Mrs. Fifield had an umbrella and six shirt waists which could not be accounted for by sales checks which could not be accounted for.
Ivy, another daughter. aged 15. working at Gillies' factory. 121 Prescott avenue, the police say, has admitted the theft of 11 neck scarfs, 197 neckties, 4 spools of silk, and a spool of brass wire.
The bundle of goods that the police recovered includes ribbons of all recovered in sizes, fancy lace bags, six umbrellas, lace, shirt waists, collars, hat plumes, and numerous small decorative articles. More were recovered this morning but none of the articles have yet been identified as coming from the Eaton Store.
When Mrs. Fifield appeared in Police Court, T. C. Robinette, reserved election and did not obtaining a week's adjournment.
Detective Wickett was with woman most of the morning, but she denies stealing the goods. She came to this country about nine months and ago.
Accused of Burglary Wm. J. Bell is being held in connection with the shopbreaking at 280 Church street on the night of September 14, when the warehouse of the John Sloan Company, wholesale grocers, was broken into and burglarized. Entrance was forced through a rear window, several desks were broken open, and the burglar, whether Bell or another, proved so clever that he found the combination of the be vault. About 260 postage stamps, $28.07 in cash, medals, and a quantity of jewelry was stolen.
Bell was placed under arrest on King street by Detective Mitchell in pawnshop, where it is alleged he was attempting to dispose of jewelry which, the police say, corresponded to the stolen articles.
Bell was remanded a week without bail.
A Real Estate Deal. "If you can't do business better than that you had better not do it at all. You've been here before. If you come again I'll know better how to deal with you." Those were the comments of Magistrate Denison to William Campbell, a real estate dealer, charged with the theft of $320 from Adam McMillan. There was a conviction, with a remand till called upon.
McMillan said that he bought a lot in Brandon for $320, and that when was fully paid for Campbell kept putting him off for several weeks and never furnished the deed.
Campbell's defence was that he had purchased a group of lots and that he hadn't fully paid for them to obtain the deeds himself.
"Carrying them on McMillan's money," the magistrate commented. "That is no way to do business. But you'll be remanded till called on." Campbell will now furnish the deed.
Back to Blue Grass Land. Hyde Nelson, colored, declares he will go back to his Kentucky home, and Robert Beatty is short $5. Beatty said that ten days ago he handed the colored man the amount at the Woodbine, to put on a "sure thing" which really won.
"And I never got my winnings," was the complaint.
As Nelson was positive he passed the money along to a third person who misplaced it, the ten days already spent in jail seemed enough, that is, if he keeps nis promise to get town.
Chinese Liquor. "Ing Kopy" was the plain English lettering on a carafe of Chinese wine which was seized upon the the premises of Ing Ding at 192 York street by the police when Inspector Dickson led a search party through the Chinese quarter two weeks ago..The charge was illegal sales and keeping.
"'Ing Kopy' means medicinal wine," explained J. W. Carry, defence counsel. "The proper analysis is printed on the side. That complies with the law."
Not when written in Chinese," Magistrate Denison replied.
Some of the police contended that the while the liquid was labelled "Ing Kopy," it was in reality only whisky colored red. As a test, the magistrate had whiffed a little from a glass, thought it was stronger than rose wise, and demanded an analysis. Ding was accordingly allowed a week's remand.
Lee Dun of 184 York street, was to have sold whitish stuff rice wine, for which his fine was $100 and costs or 3 months.
A Real Estate Deal After several remands, John Hanley, real estate agent, was convicted of false pretences. The complainant was John Bain, who stated he placed Welland and Port McNicol lots in Hanley hands for sale.
"He told me he had a buyer," Bain explained, "so I gave him $35 commission. Then he turned in a $100 check from a bogus buyer, and I couldn't get the money."
The court allowed Hanley three weeks remand to produce this buyer, but when he still failed to do so this morning, he was sent to to jail for 20 days.
John A. Brooker, of 54 Margueretta street, was fined $100 and costs for illegal liquor sales. The case has been on the books since July 20.
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suckerpunchfemale · 1 year
Chapter Forty Four Below!!
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Also on AO3 & Wattpad
Taglist: @andramoreaux
 Aesira's chambers were spacious and grand, with high vaulted ceilings and ornately carved stone walls.
The room was filled with comfortable furnishings, including a large canopied bed with plush velvet curtains and a plush armchair by the fireplace. Aesira's dressing table was adorned with an array of perfumes, makeup, and jewelry, and there was a small sitting area with a table and chairs where she'd spent years studying books on mastering her bo-staff.
Gwyn helped Aesira into a chainmail-grey dress and a leather gorget, while Aesira stood lost in her thoughts, staring at the black cloak draped over the armchair before her hearth. Gwyn had offered more than once to take the cloak to the castle laundress for washing, but Aesira couldn't bring herself to part with it. The cloak was filled with the lingering scent of Aemond, and it reminded her of home.
The night before, Aesira had wept for her uncle, but also for her husband whom she longed to see. The longing for Aemond was a constant burn in her chest, and the sleep she found rarely gave her a reprieve. Each day without him felt like an eternity, and the cloak was a small comfort, the only thing that kept her connected to him. 
As Aesira pushed aside her thoughts and emotions, she made her way through the grand castle passageways towards the room of the Painted Table, taking in the stunning grandeur of the castle. The walls were adorned with beautiful tapestries and intricate paintings, and the floors were made of gleaming marble that shimmered in the light of the flickering torches.
The passageways were well-lit, and the air was filled with the sounds of the castle's inhabitants going about their daily business. The hustle and bustle of the castle was a constant reminder of the importance of her role as a member of the Rhaenyra's court, and the weight of her responsibilities.
As Aesira approached the room of the Painted Table, she prepared herself mentally and emotionally for the challenging task that lay ahead. She knew that she had to find a way to leave Dragonstone without being detected, and she was resolved to do whatever it took to make it happen. She needed to see Aemond.
Aesira descended the stairs, feeling the rough texture of the stone stairs beneath her boots, and heard the sounds of the council members debating their options in the hall. The air was filled with the smell of smoke from the torches and the faint scent of incense.
Aesira took her place beside Luke, her hands clasped in front of her, and noticed that Baela and Rhaena were not present.
Lord Staunton was addressing the council, his voice grave and serious as he spoke. "I have received confirmation that the Hightowers have conscripted the aid of the Triarchy to sail for them," he said. "We cannot mount an attack on King's Landing if we need to be defending our own stronghold here on Dragonstone. And if we move inland for the attack, we risk losing Dragonstone altogether."
Lord Emmon nodded, his forehead creased with worry as he spoke. "If Driftmark remains undeclared, they could be overrun as well, simply for being in the way," he said.
Before anyone could add anything, Ser Erryk stepped forward and announced, "Lord Corlys of House Velaryon."
The council members turned in unison to see Lord Corlys entering the room, leaning heavily on a walking stick, with Rhaenys by his side and their granddaughters behind them. His presence brought a sense of hope and stability to the room. With his battle prowess and sea voyages, it was no secret that his input would be invaluable.
Rhaenyra greeted Lord Corlys warmly, "Lord Corlys, how happy we are to see you hale and healthy again."
"Your Grace, I am grateful for your concern," Lord Corlys replied, bowing his head in respect.
Baela made her way to stand beside Jace, while Aesira made room for Rhaena to stand beside her betrothed, Luke. Aesira knew that, even in times of war, the image was everything, and she saw that more clearly than ever as Lord Corlys looked over and saw his granddaughters standing beside Rhaenyra's sons. It was a statement, a show of unity and solidarity. If not as betrothed, then as his grandchildren.
Aesira could see the understanding in Lord Corlys' eyes as he took in the sight before him, and she knew that this was an important moment for the council and for Dragonstone.
Lord Corlys offered his condolences to Rhaenyra and then asked where Daemon was.
 "The Prince is busy with other matters," Rhaenyra replied, her tone implying that he wasn't needed at every meeting, unlike the Queen.
Lord Corlys then gestured to the Targaryen pieces on the Painted Table and asked, "And are these your declared allies, Your Grace?"
"They are," she replied.
Lord Corlys nodded thoughtfully. "It is a small force," he said. "Too small to win a war."
His words were met with silence. Aesira could see the concern etched on the faces of the council members, and the solemn agreement. Lord Corlys' words were a stark reminder of the challenges they faced, and the council knew that they had to come up with a strategy that would give them an advantage in the war.
Rhaenyra's face was impassive. Lord Corlys' words served as little more than a call to action for the council to come up with a plan that would give them the upper hand in the war.
"I have not received word from the Houses Stark, Arryn, and Baratheon as of yet," Rhaenyra said, her tone calm and measured. "But I hope to have their support should the need for their aid arise."
"Hope is a fool's ally," Lord Corlys reminded her.
"The Houses Arryn and Baratheon share blood with my House. And House Stark can be counted on for their loyalty," Rhaenyra countered, her voice steady and confident. "They all swore an oath to me. I am patient, I will wait for their response before making any hasty decisions."
Rhaenyra's ability to remain calm and composed in the face of adversity was one of her greatest strengths, and Aesira knew that it would serve her well as she navigated the challenges of war.
"The Hightowers also swore an oath to you," Lord Corlys added carefully. "Oaths are just words to some."
Rhaenyra narrowed her eyes, her voice hard as she spoke. "You swore an oath to me as well, Lord Corlys. Are you planning to disavow yourself as well?"
Lord Corlys looked across the table, a pained expression on his face. "Visery's realm was one of justice and honor. I cannot let the treason of the Hightowers stand, not when our houses are bound by blood and common cause." He paused, glancing toward his grandchildren. "For that, I will stand with you, Your Grace."
Rhaenyra's expression softened as Lord Corlys spoke, and Aesira could see the gratitude in her eyes. She knew that Lord Corlys' loyalty was a vital asset in the war and his support was essential for their success. With Lord Corlys standing with them, the council could work together to come up with a strategy that would defeat the Greens.
Lord Corlys declared the support of House Velaryon to Queen Rhaenyra, and while she thanked him, Jace placed a Targaryen Marker on Driftmark. 
"I am deeply grateful for your support, Lord Corlys," Rhaenyra said, her voice filled with emotion. "Your loyalty means more to me than I can express."
"It is my honor to serve Your Grace," Lord Corlys replied, bowing his head in respect.
"I made a promise to my father to hold the realm strong and united," Rhaenyra continued, her voice firm and resolute. "I understand more than anyone at this table that the treason the Hightowers committed cannot go unpunished. But if war is to come, it will not be started by my hand."
Lord Corlys blanched at her words. "Your Grace, how do you plan to respond to the treason if you have no intention of taking action?" he asked, his tone filled with concern.
"Taking caution does not mean standing fast," Rhaenyra replied, her voice steady and confident. "As it stands, I cannot even be certain which of our bannermen on the mainland will hold true to their oaths. I cannot send men I do not have to war, especially now that we must also contend with the Triarchy at our rear."
Rhaenyra's priority was not just to win the war but also to maintain the strength and unity of the realm. 
"But Your Grace, the Hightowers cannot be allowed to get away with this," Lord Corlys said, his voice urgent. "We must do something."
"I agree," Rhaenyra said. "But we must be careful and choose our next steps wisely. We cannot afford to make any mistakes."
"Well, Your Grace, I am glad to report that having survived the battle of the Stepstones, I now control the Narrow Sea," he said, a hint of pride in his voice. "This time, I ensured that they were fully garrisoned. Within days, a total blockade of the shipping lanes into Blackwater Bay will be in effect, if it is not already. The Triarchy will not pass my fleet."
Rhaenyra's eyes narrowed as she considered Lord Corlys' words. "What do you mean, Lord Corlys?" 
"Thanks to my actions, the Narrow Sea now belongs to you, Your Grace," he said, his voice filled with confidence. "If we further monitor the gullet, we can cut off all seaborne travel and trade to King's Landing. The mainland will be isolated."
Aesira watched the exchange between Lord Corlys and Rhaenyra, her heart racing with hope.
Lord Darklyn chimed in, "With the Narrow Sea cut off, we could surround King's Landing and lay siege to the Red Keep. We could force the Hightowers to surrender within days, and end the war before it even begins."
Lord Celtigar nodded in agreement. "To have enough men to surround King's Landing, we must first secure the support of Winterfell, the Eyrie, and Storm's End," he said. "If their ravens of declarations have not arrived by the morrow, Your Grace, you may need to send ravens to them."
Maester Gerardys offered to prepare the ravens should they be needed. But Jace spoke up, drawing his shoulders back and standing taller than Aesira had ever seen her fifteen-year-old cousin.
"Luke and I should bear those messages," Jace said, his voice filled with determination. "Dragons are faster and more convincing than ravens. It would be a powerful display of our strength and commitment to our allies, and it would send a clear message to our enemies."
Lord Corlys nodded, pride on his face. "I agree with Prince Jace. It would be a bold move that would show our determination and strength."
Rhaenyra hesitated, her expression uncertain. "It is a risky move. Sending you and Luke, my sons, to bear these messages could put you in danger."
Jace stood his ground, his voice filled with conviction. "Our uncle calls us Strongs, and claims that we are bastards," he said. "But when the lords see us on dragonback, they will know that for a lie. For only Targaryens ride dragons."
Aesira seemed to be the only one who noticed the frown as Lord Corlys corrected Jace's statement, "Velaryons."
"Very well," Rhaenyra said after a moment, her tone firm. "If no ravens from Winterfell, the Eyrie, or Storm's End arrive by the final hours of the morrow, Jace will fly to the Eyrie, and then Winterfell, and Luke will fly to Storm's End. You will remind those lords of the oaths they swore, and the costs of breaking them."
Rhaenyra surveyed the room and the faces around the table, her sworn allies, her children, and her supporters, and nodded to herself before turning to Maester Gerardys.
"Send a raven to King's Landing," she said, cold, hard, and with the voice of a trueborn Targaryen Queen. "Tell my half-brother that I will have my throne, or I will have his head."
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free-for-all-fics · 8 months
Detective Tim Rockford, The Thief, and Max Phillips Prompts! Most of these are crossover AUs! Pls tag me if you’re inspired by any of these ideas and I’d love to read it! 🕵️‍♂️🩸💎
1. The Usual Suspects AU: An unidentified Thief has been terrorizing the country with their heists for many years, always managing to escape and slip away at the last minute. Nothing is known about this individual; not their name, age, race, gender, nothing. Detective Tim Rockford has been following this ongoing investigation for at least a decade, trying to crack down on and finally apprehend him or her. But every time he thought he had a lead, it only drove him into a dead end. A group of individuals are placed in a police lineup as suspects to a recent jewelry heist that matches the Modus Operandi of the infamous and elusive Thief. They’re all brought in for questioning, suspected of either being an accomplice to or The Thief themselves. While there’s solid evidence that places each suspect at the scene of the crime and can be used against them, nobody will admit to participating in the heist that night.
There are two suspects in particular Detective Rockford focuses his attention on: You, and a school teacher named Ben Moreno. While Tim conducts his interrogation, you and Moreno spend many hours regaling the detective with your accounts of what happened that fateful night. You both describe in great detail the events that led you each to the scene of the jewel theft and all that transpired. It all started when… (What story or stories do you and Moreno tell Rockford? It’s all up to you.)
As your respective stories come to their ends, Moreno and you finally confess who had really been behind everything, but neither of you are willing to testify in court. Yours and Moreno’s bails are posted, and you’re both released. Moments after you leave, Rockford realizes you and Moreno seemingly fabricated your entire stories, improvising on the spot by piecing together details from random items in Rockford’s cluttered office so that your testimonies would match up and you’d both be cleared of suspicion. You and Moreno were using false identities, stringing him along and playing him the entire time. Tim’s information was wrong; there’s not just one thief, there’s two. Fuck! As Rockford pursues The Thieves, a fax arrives at the police station with an artist's facial composite of the culprits. The picture resembles Moreno and you. In actuality, you and The Thief are married and co-conspirators. You’ve been his right-hand woman and the love his life for over a decade. You both enter a car that’s waiting for you, provided by your mutual contact. You and your husband make your escape and leave Detective Rockford in the dust, just moments before agents arrive on the scene. Tim may know your faces, but he still doesn’t know either of your real names. Fuck.
2. A master thief sends a threatening letter to your extremely wealthy and influential parents. "I am coming to take your most valued treasure. Stop me if you can." On the promised date, your parents guard their most valuable pieces in a vault and The Thief never shows. A short time later it’s discovered that what was stolen was not in the vault. He didn’t steal any material objects such as jewelry or artwork. Instead he has kidnapped you, their adult daughter and only child. When you steal something, you spend your whole life fighting to keep it. But if The Thief marries you, he can inherit your family’s business, along with their money, assets, and everything to their name. He would have partial ownership and control over it all, and there’s nothing your parents could do about it because your marriage contract would be legal and binding.
Your parents hire Detective Tim Rockford to find you and bring you home before The Thief forces you to marry him. Time is of the essence. But what if your kidnapping isn’t a kidnapping at all? What if you and The Thief staged this and you’re both in on it? What if this marriage isn’t forced, but an eccentric elopement between lovers who were from different worlds and couldn’t be together otherwise? Maybe this was the only way you could escape from your parents and the life they set out for you since birth. You didn’t want any of it and instead wanted forge your own path, to live your life in a way your parents would never approve of. When Tim finally finds you and The Thief, what will he do?
3. The Thief is an extremely rich man who specializes in jewelry and art theft. So he met up with you, the world’s greatest art thief, to offer you a job. You've never been caught, yet you've sold countless priceless pieces in the black market, all stolen from museums. You’ve then replaced the originals with replicas. The Thief claims he would be very interested in teaming up with you for an upcoming heist, 50/50 profit split. After he proves himself and passes the initiation tests, he’s welcomed into your league of thieves. You show him around, introducing him to various hideout spots and people you love to work with. Over time, your friendship becomes romantic as you pair up for more heists and get to know each other.
Unbeknownst to The Thief, you're not actually an art thief. You're just very good at making replicas and you've been selling counterfeits instead. You’ve never actually stolen from museums, but are contracted by museum curators to paint replicas that can be periodically swapped out with the originals and put on display to minimize the risk of theft.
Unbeknownst to you, The Thief is actually Detective Tim Rockford, and he’s just been buying things or borrowing items from evidence, the vault, etc. as part of his undercover sting operation. He’s spent months training himself to put on this Thief persona and convincingly play the part in order to not blow his cover. But he got so wrapped up into his role and has been living as this character for so long that he accidentally got too close and fell in love with you. Dammit. None of this was supposed to happen. He can’t live in a lie forever. Once this investigation comes to an end and he solves the case, he’ll have to go back to his normal life as Detective Tim Rockford. So what happens next?
4. He’s a highly infamous thief, a professional, a master of his craft. He’s committed countless heists over the decades, and still nobody has ever come close to catching him. Nobody has an inkling as to what his name or age could be, or what he even looks like - except for one person. One night, he breaks into the mansion of an extremely wealthy and influential family to steal their valuables - only to find the vault empty. The current homeowner is already waiting there for him, with a self-satisfied smirk. They taunt the jewel thief; they knew he wouldn’t be able to resist the chance of pulling off a heist of this magnitude and would walk right into their trap. The valuables have been moved and hidden in an undisclosed location. They could be anywhere in the country by now and it’s up to The Thief to find them in time. Who knows, maybe someone else will find them before he does. If he succeeds, he may keep the jewels and do what he wishes with them. If not, well….
The master/mistress of the mansion says, “It’s time to play Hide and Seek. Tick Tock, murderer! Your life’s on the line.” Murder? What mur— The wealthy heir/heiress shoots themself dead before The Thief even has time to react. Jesus Christ! The Thief searches their body and finds a note in their pocket that says, "Tag, you're it." It dawns on The Thief what the heir/heiress has done and the meaning of their last words. They’ve already planted false evidence, written their last will and testament, and gone through the tedious process of creating an airtight case against him that’d frame him for murder and get him locked up, never to see the light of day. Oh god. Fuck, fuck, FUCK! He doesn’t know what else to do so he calls his identical twin brother, Tim Rockford, for help. What happens next?
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5. Unbeknownst to you, The world’s greatest detective was once the world’s greatest thief, and the world’s greatest thief was once the world’s greatest detective. Tim Rockford and his identical twin brother have switched places and pretended to be each other ever since they were in school. Even now, the jewel thief and the detective aren't exactly on the best of terms, but they’ll still occasionally switch places if they feel like it’s necessary for one reason or other. This confuses the absolute hell out of you, since you’re married to one of them and have no idea the twins are doing this. Sometimes you notice very small, almost indiscernible differences in your husband’s behavior. If you hadn’t been his wife for as long as you have, you’d never notice any changes in him at all since they’re so infinitesimal. Even if you can’t pinpoint exactly what’s different about your husband, you still feel like his behavior is just a little bit off. You may not even be aware of the existence of a twin brother because your husband hasn’t told you anything about it. What happens?
6. Birthmarks not only show you who your soulmate is - They also show the wounds that caused you to die in your previous life. Tim Rockford is a detective who specializes in investigating old murders through looking at birthmarks. Thanks to his work, many cold cases have since been solved. He meets you, his soulmate, while he’s leading an ongoing investigation. You’re a suspect and he can’t show bias, so he follows procedure and has you arrested. He treats you the same as the other suspects, keeping you detained in his office as he cross-examines you.
Fortunate for him that his matching soulmate mark is hidden under his clothing and you won’t be able to see it. You’re soulmates, but his top priority is solving this case the right way. He can’t get distracted. The most he can do for you is bring you coffee or a snack from the vending machine. Maybe he can bring you a blanket or pillow since you’ll have to sleep on the couch in an empty interview room overnight for the time being. He can’t rule you out or release you from police custody unless he finds enough evidence that points to someone else as the culprit. Well, dammit. What happens next? What will Tim do if you’re guilty?
7. Considered the world’s greatest thieves, people call this unidentified pair simply, “The Thief and Their Shadow.” No one knows anything about who either of you are; not your genders, your ages, what you look like, nothing. Tim Rockford is a detective whose life goal is to catch the two of you, his mysterious and elusive arch enemies. He’s been trying to unmask you for most of his career, to no avail. Just when he thinks he has a lead, he’s too late and you’ve both slipped through the cracks again and escaped. Whenever he feels like he’s close, The Thief and Their Shadow disappear into thin air, leaving only a note for Tim to find. Always another clue, never any answers. He feels like he’s been taken on a wild goose chase for at least a decade.
He leaves his jacket on his desk while he steps away. He’s only gone for a minute or two but, when he comes back, he finds a note has been slipped into his jacket pocket. That definitely wasn’t there before. Either The Thief or Their Shadow was in his precinct office. They were right here, they got this close to him, and still nobody saw them enter or leave? Their suspicious activity went undetected? How? Yet another mystery for him to solve. For many years, Tim follows this ongoing case of jewel heists. Until his years of hard detective work pay off and the long awaited day finally comes - he’s solved the mystery! He’s uncovered the identities of The Thief and Their Shadow - only to realize it’s been his identical twin brother and you, his teenage niece, the whole time. God fucking dammit. Tim Rockford has never face palmed so hard in his life.
Once upon a time, you were a child burglar who unwittingly broke into the house of the world's greatest thief. You were no more than 7 when he adopted you as his own daughter and raised you to be his apprentice and right hand. He harnessed your potential and taught you everything there was to know about pulling off a successful robbery. As you grew up and gained more experience, he took you on larger and riskier heists only when he felt you were ready - never a moment before! When you and your father weren’t committing theft, you’d go to Uncle Tim’s for holidays, birthdays, and other family gatherings. And he was none the wiser all these years. What happens now?
8. After an infamous jewel thief is found dead in your home, a group of vampires led by Max Phillips show up at your door the next night. They ask if they can come in, and you refuse. "Vampires can't enter any house without being invited!" You exclaim, knowing your rights.
“True, but we have a way around that.” Max says as the shadowy figures of the vampires step aside to let Detective Tim Rockford come forward. He’s holding a search and arrest warrant, both signed by a judge. He looks at you apologetically.
“There’s…my hands are tied here. You’re under arrest for the murder of [The Thief’s first and last name]. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can and will be held against you in the court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney…”
Turns out The Thief was a member of Max’s vampire clan. In accordance with vampire law, you must be turned and inducted into their clan as his replacement - Unless you can find a loophole or prove your innocence. Maybe if you find the real culprit, Max and his vampire clan will leave you be. Tim is very busy and has lots of work to do, other cases demand his attention, etc. - but he still wants to help you any way he can. He bends the rules a little bit and lets you free roam around the station and shows you the evidence board. You’re free to use it, you’re just not allowed to leave the building - you’re still under arrest, after all. So you may need to use the phone to call your friends on the outside for help.
“Listen, I’m just doing my job here, but I don’t see any need to keep you locked up in a cell. If you want to prove your innocence - I’m not going to stand in your way. This is a police station, don’t let me catch you messing with anything. Get me? Don’t let me catch you. One more thing, we’ve got an evidence board in the station we track cases with. If any compelling evidence were to show up regarding your case…I would consider taking a look. This is the case board. Track your case on it. Once you got enough to pin this on someone else, push that button and give me a call.”
What happens next?
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acourtofcouture · 3 years
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The Night Court Jewelry Vault, 13/?
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parksvn · 3 years
my soul chose yours (and a soul just doesn't forget that)
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guard!Jinyoung x assassin!reader x king!Jaebum
wc: 3.6k+
you’re about to get the upper hand on a mission when things go horribly wrong. Jinyoung is there to pick up the pieces, but Jaebum always gets to be the hero that swoops in to save the day.
a/n: this could become a series, but idk. if it does become a series, the next parts may end up being shorter depending on how the storyline progresses.
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The ground is cold and hard, pebbles press against your cheek and your skin burns as blood hisses against the concrete beneath your body.
You’d laugh but your core felt like a searing knife had been left in it, pulsating forceful energy through your blood, curdling every area into sap. The pain was excruciating and sent angry sparks down your spine. 
Since your face was contorted in a wicked display of agony, you settled on a smirk and tried to roll away from the boot you knew was coming for your back.
You weren’t fast enough, of course, but it was worth a shot.
Your body swung to the other side and a groan escaped your lips as you huddled into a fetal position, attempting to protect your broken body from the next attack. It wouldn’t matter, you knew that much, but trying was better than just accepting death.
“I’ve asked you once and I’ll ask you again,” your assailant spat, words colliding harshly with your sore ears. “Where is his vault? Who’s assassins were sent after me?”
You scoffed. As if you would ever indulge him in such royal secrets. You were directly connected to the king, his weapon and blade, his bullet whenever he decided to pull the trigger, but to this man, you were just an advisor. Just as to everyone else concerned with your “dealings with the court.”
You knew he was following you for a while before he made his move, crashing his car into yours and dragging you into a conveniently waiting van before dumping you on the side of the road. Of course, he wanted to know all of the king’s secrets; this man was the king’s prime target. He’s stolen more than his fair share of gold and jewels from everyday citizens.
His death was already coming. As of right now, he’s just running from destiny. 
And who’s to say that destiny wasn’t already staring him in the face, in the form of your oh so frail and weak body laying so helplessly on the ground.
“Oh, Marcus,” You grinned, teeth gleaming like fangs against the moonlight, face bloody and dirty like a warrior emerging victorious from battle. “You already know.”
His ferocity dialed down a moment as he registered the calm now taking over your features, how the pain originally displayed suddenly vanished into vapor, how your performance changed like shadows of the moon.
Then he jumped feet away from you, scrambling to rectify his mistake. 
You’d be gracious, as gracious as you could muster at the moment with a split lip, bruised jaw, three broken ribs, a slash across the back, and a knife in the thigh. It’d take a saint to forgive all of that and you weren’t necessarily the saint type, but exceptions can be made.
If the king still wanted him alive then you would leave him still breathing at least. No promises on his continued condition of life.
You slipped a dagger from your shoe, your torso sore in the process. As the flat of the blade pressed against your palm, hidden from his frightened eyes, you laid on the ground and waited, waited for him to start the babble in which he would try to bargain for his life.
It started with a few pleases, a few apologies, him saying how much his life was worth in gold or jewelry or cars or houses, how he’ll become a changed man, on how he would return everything and never steal again.
At this point, you sighed, not necessarily from his boring speech—you’d tuned that out minutes ago—but from the exertion you knew was coming. Getting off the ground was going to be…painful. Blood still seeped out of that knife wound in your thigh and if you took it out the bleeding would become a waterfall.
And besides the very obvious piece of metal shooting out of your black pants, your face began to throb and taking breaths began to hurt more than it did a few minutes ago. The adrenaline was beginning to fade along with the endorphins that took the edge off the pain.
Getting to Marcus, hurting him, even fighting him, was going to cause a lot of discomfort. It was going to suck and that’s why, as much as you had no problem maiming him, you were reluctant to get off the ground.
You put your fist, knuckle down, onto the ground, keeping the hand with the blade positioned behind you. On your good knee, you braced your weight, struggling to stand while keeping your injured leg as straight as possible to avoid more tears.
Wetness bloomed near your eyes but you fought it, holding onto the spikes of stabbing suffering shooting through your body. It was a rock to hold on to and a great motivator as you made it to your feet, making sure your mouth stayed clamped shut. 
No whimpers, no pain, no fear.
Marcus backed up, taking more steps until he was fully pressed against his car. The van that had originally dumped you there was long gone. 
It was just you and him now. 
You let the dagger fly, hitting him in the exact same spot that your own injury occurred. He cried out as he hit the ground, his hands shaking around where the dagger stuck out from his leg. “If you think that’s bad,” you pulled another knife from the back of your pants, “you should see what a broken rib feels like.” 
He whimpered against the car, “please, please.” In all honesty, the second blade was just for show. You weren’t going to do anything with it and you had already lost interest in beating him senseless as you were getting off the ground. Anything you really wanted to do required too much movement for the injuries you sustained. Keeping your voice steady through the pain was already a challenge.
You gritted your teeth as you hobbled closer, your stomach pulsating pain and your leg felt like fire and stone, hot and heavy. 
You stopped a few steps in front of him and looked down. “You will be found. No one will come to save you because everyone who could is already gone. Run all you want, hide all you want, but the crown already knows every move you will ever make, and, just when you think you’ve found freedom, you will be thrown in a cage.”
He cowered away from you, tilting his head downward, tears slipping down his cheeks. Marcus was weak. You always knew that even when you tailed him. 
You threw the dagger into his car door, so hard it stuck into the metal, so near his head that it almost took off some of his hair. He cried out.
You didn’t wait to see what he might say. You simply turned around and hobbled away as best you could, walking down the highway until you could find a car that could take you far away from here and as close to the palace as you could get. 
Your breaths were beginning to become harsh, angry spits of air and pain that could be heard within a few feet. They weren’t quiet; people would begin to understand how hard you were fighting for your life. 
It became pretty obvious that if you didn’t find a doctor or somebody soon, you would collapse into nothing, a heap on the ground withering in pain and waiting for the crows to circle in. 
Your teeth ground together as your determination kicked in. 
You wouldn’t die out here. 
In hindsight, you could have taken the man’s car, but you wanted him to be terrified of freedom, to feel like as much as he felt in control, he was just as much out of it.
You wanted the feeling to linger. Pain is only a motivator till it fades away, but fear follows everyone everywhere. There’s no safety in fear.
You started to move, willing your leg forward, just a little bit further and further and further until you would find someone who’d be willing to help you. Then it would all be over. Then you could rest.
Then you could finally feel— 
You only heard an echo of a shot before you felt it rip through your stomach. 
You paused.
Then, you collapsed onto the ground. 
Your stomach started burning, a little fire crawling through your abdomen, beginning to radiate outwards. You didn’t have to put your hands near your stomach to know that there would be blood, that it would slowly seep through your clothing and onto the ground before you died. 
Your cheek felt cold again, just as it did when you were beaten to the ground earlier.
How fitting.
How simply fitting that this would be how it all ended, exactly like it began.
You weren’t sorry, remorseful, or bitter. You did things your way, you’d lived the life that you wanted to live. You wouldn’t change a thing.
You lay there, gasping a little when the blood seeped through your lungs and into your windpipe, as you tasted iron on your tongue while you bit your cheek to stop from screaming. Someone would find the shooter eventually, but you wouldn’t be there to see it. 
You laughed as your vision began to blur and as the world slowly slipped away.
Jinyoung found you after about two minutes. 
To say that he froze would be an understatement. He was in complete shock. It took him about another thirty seconds to get out of the car and run to you, the medical response team was already underway, flipping you over, trying to get a look at the injuries and damage.
He was still stuck. 
You didn’t look right. Everything about this was wrong. He’d just seen you, a couple of hours ago, chatting up the ambassador of France, looking glowing, radiant even.
In fact, Jinyoung was having trouble keeping his eyes off of you all night. Then again, that wasn’t out of the ordinary.
But to see you broken, unresponsive, bloody beyond all measure, that terrified him. His heart started beating again once he began to move and he only remembered to breathe after his throat began to burn.
But the burning intensified as he fought to keep everything at bay.
You knew this was going to happen, you’d phoned him telling him to start tracking your device, a small ring on your pinky finger, but he hadn’t realized that you were in this much trouble.
You’d never been this hurt, not in a million years. And as Jinyoung raced over to you, his anger began to rise along with an instinctive urge to never let you out of his sight again.
He dropped to his knees near your head, gently reaching out to cradle your neck in his hands, your hair fanning out over his thighs as he propped you up against him. He saw the swelling, the cuts, the scrapes on your cheek and then spared a glance to your body and saw silver emerging out of your clothes.
His anger rose, but also fear. He knew these injuries were serious and when he saw the vermillion color of blood staining your white shirt and dark-colored blazer, he wanted to cradle you closer, press his nose against your skin and transfer his energy to you.
He would accept losing you. Never.
“How bad?” He gritted through his teeth, trying to keep everything steady, everything locked in place. 
The nurse looked down, still trying to find the bullet with gloves and her tool. “Very bad.” She kept her tone neutral but he could see how hard she was fighting against her emotions too. You were always good to everyone you met and it made sense to see her upset. It made Jinyoung’s emotions magnify.
He swallowed the ball in his throat down, brushing the hair out of your face, taking a moment to be selfish with you. It was the only moment he allowed himself, before focusing back on the team. 
He took a sharp breath. They needed to move you, get you somewhere safe where real medical treatment could happen.
“I know what you want to ask, and the answer is shortly. We need to stop the bleeding and start a transfusion.” The nurse breathed out, the bullet caught between the metal of her tools. She turned and dropped it into a tray, exchanging the forceps for gauze. “Here.”
Jinyoung took the end of the gauze as she pulled and began to wrap it around your torso. “Mr. Park, would you lift, please?” She turned to her colleagues. “Moving.”
He grasped your shoulders, moving his palms to your back as pulled you upward, being as gentle as possible. Your face stopped near his chest, your nose pressed against his neck. 
He tried his best to ignore his desire to pull you even closer. 
The nurse began to wrap the gauze all around, pulling it taunt. You stirred, a moan escaping your mouth as your features contorted in discomfort. Jinyoung held you slightly tighter as he put a hand to your cheek. “(name)?”
You didn’t respond.
“(name)? We’re getting you somewhere safe. Just hold on, okay?” He only noticed how soft and pleading his voice was when the nurse turned to look at him with something like sympathy and understanding in her eyes.
She looked away and nodded. “We’re ready to move, Mr. Park.”
He nodded numbly as his hands held onto your shoulders. “Ready.”
The nurse began the count down and they picked you up, carrying you back to the car. 
He dimly remembers volunteering to sit with you in the back, too distracted with his fear of you slipping away before he gets to tell you everything. Your face is tilted up the sky and Jinyoung has his arm wrapped around your body, a hand stroking your hair as your head rests across his lap.
“Hold on,” He whispers. “Hold on.”
Jaebum shoved every bit of paper he could find off of his desk.
He was distraught. Fire coursed through his veins at the thought of someone hurting you, someone getting that close to killing you, and he couldn’t be there.
He couldn’t get to you, couldn’t protect you, couldn’t get anywhere close to saving you because of his damn meeting. And now you were barely holding onto life, being driven to the palace to be placed under intensive care.
He felt like a failure. He’d failed you. 
All because of his duty to the throne.
He crumpled to the floor, holding his head in his hands.
Indeed, heavy is the head that wears the crown.
“My king.” The servant bowed to Jaebum as he strode through the doors of the medical center, searching for you, needed to see you still breathing to calm himself down again. He’d tried to keep his pace steady but he didn’t care. It was you. It was you. “How may I be of service?”
“Where is Ambassador (last name)?” His eyes burned bright and he did his best to keep his emotions in check, a bit of irritation jumping out of his control.
The servant looked it up. “Room A5, I’ll escort you.”
Jaebum could only nod. He knew the escort wouldn’t be fast enough, but he agreed. It was better to appear as though everything was fine rather than alter the whole palace that something was amiss.
He tried to keep his breathing under control, his steps and gait contained to his normal stride. It was difficult and he fought every urge to sprint. Crescent-shaped imprints would linger on his palms.
“Here we are, your majesty.” He bowed before motioning him inside. 
It was chaos, absolute chaos. A flurry of bodies moved around and people were barking orders at each other. It took Jaebum several minutes before he found you and his knees nearly gave out at the sight of you.
You were attached to an oxygen tank, an IV, and a machine for blood transfer. Your face was maimed with cuts, swelling, injuries, and your clothes, your clothes. All of the blood. 
Jaebum almost ran over to you. Almost.
The only reason he didn’t was that there were too many witnesses, too many opportunities for gossip and rumors. He didn’t want that. Not for you, not right now.
He spotted his captain in the corner, eyes dead-looking, completely glazed over. Jaebum made his way over to his corner.
“Where?” He growled and Jinyoung took a moment to look up at his king before answering.
“Somewhere ten minutes from the mountains, along a twisted highway.” His voice sounded dead and his eyes were red. Jaebum studied him for a moment longer before watching you and your heartbeat. The rise and fall of your chest calming him down moment by moment. 
“Thank you.” Jaebum worked out without a hint of anger or sadness, just relief. 
Jinyoung’s eyes slid to his, alive with emotion for the first time since he walked into the room. His eyebrows scrunched with confusion. 
“For being there when I couldn’t.” Jinyoung’s gaze softened for a second before locking up, walls coming down. 
He could only nod before dissociating again. 
Jaebum sat there, standing by his friend, watching you fight for your life. 
A mantra, simple but heavy weighed on his mind, itching to shoot out to you.
Stay. Stay. Stay.
Your whole body hurt. The only that was safe to move without the desire to scream in pain was your neck as you assessed the state of your body.
It was quiet and the lights were dimmed. You took a breath, wincing. Those bruised ribs and bullet wound would make the next few weeks difficult, but you’d live to fight another day. 
You paused for a moment. How’d they find me? You thought back to the moment you’d fallen, trying to stretch into the future, waiting to find a few moments after. But there was nothing but black.
Sitting up was not an option in your condition, so you angled your neck to the side, opting to see something new, but someone was there.
You looked down, his face was pressed against your bed, his arms folded underneath his cheek.
You coughed lightly, hoping to gently stir them out of their sleep. When their eyes popped to yours, you knew immediately who it was.
You froze for a moment. “Your majesty.” You breathed.
“(name).” His eyes were just as wide as yours as he came out of his own slumber. “You’re awake. You’re okay.”
“Yeah.” You looked away from his direct stare, a jolt of heat jumping down your spine. “It takes a bit more than that to kill me.” You said it like you hadn’t considered your own death however long it was ago.
He looked sad. You were confused. Why was he even here in the first place. Did he have other duties to attend to than be here with you?
“I’m sorry.” He reached for your hand and held it within his own. Your breathing slowed down. “I failed you.”
“What do you mean?” You looked to find him hanging his head in sorrow, like a wounded puppy.
“I should have never have sent you there.” His eyes were on fire, rooting you into place, stopping your breathing so as not to stir the embers even more. “I never should have let you go by yourself.”
“We didn’t know. It’s okay.” You willed the fire to go away, hoping that your soothing tone would calm him down. “If I’d have known there were other operatives, I would have suggested another method. We made a mistake. It’s alright.”
He was quiet for several seconds. “You almost died. I almost lost you.” He brought your hand to his forehead. “I almost lost everything.”
Your free hand reached out to stroke his hair, your abdomen screaming at you. “I’m still here.”
Your heard his sniffles and your heart grew, a soft warmth moved through your chest. “Come here.” He looked to you with his bloodshot eyes and began moving, slipping off his boots, and slowly arranging himself on the bed next to you, placing his head atop yours, pulling you into him.
“Never again.” His voice was low and steady like he was speaking a vow that could never be broken.
You smirk, resting his chest against his beating heart, calming yourself down as you drifted off to sleep.
Jinyoung felt like he was stabbed through his chest.
He saw you two together. The king and his dagger. How perfect you fit together, how protectively he held you.
Maybe you liked the power, maybe there was a bond you two shared, but Jinyoung couldn’t help but believe that should have been him. It should have been you and him.
You both knew what it was like to be fashioned by steel, a weapon at someone else’s disposal. You’d confided in each other, trusted each other.
But you chose him and Jaebum knew it too. That’s why he hovered, always watching, always making sure you never got too close to him.
Always in the way.
His heart shattered, even more, when he saw the look of bliss as your face was buried into Jaebum’s chest, right near his neck, right where you were propped against him not six hours ago.
If only he’d waited in your room longer, if only he hadn’t traded with the king. Maybe, just maybe….
Jinyoung turned around and stalked away, too tired to pour over what-ifs, too tired to really care. If you wanted to fall for the king, who was he to stop you? 
He just wouldn’t watch you fall in love with someone that wasn’t him.
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luxmaeastra · 2 years
@an-endless-saga continued from here.
Rhysand shrugged and finally decided to pull up a chair next to Feyre.
"In my defense I haven't had time to do a deep clean anyway. Besides if it's not spoiled why throw it away?"
He snapped a glass of wine for himself and took a sip of it.
"What are we discussing anyway?"
Unah shook her head and grinned at Feyre.
"With Amren's influence let's hope Rhysand doesn't begin hoarding things."
He stuck his tongue at Unah and rolled his eyes.
"If I was going to hoard anything I'd put it in my vault not my kitchen cupboards."
Unah bit her lip to ask if Feyre had seen the vault, if she'd seen the Night Diamond. It wasn't her place and she forced herself to change the subject.
Rhysand rose an eyebrow at her.
"What Unah? You look like you want to ask something."
Unah sighed and looked to Feyre.
"Did you get a tour of the vault yet? I need to make Keir give you a tour of his vault at some point. You took the Oruborous but there so many other exciting things there."
"I have her pick whatever jewelry she wants when we go to Hewn. Why was there something - oh! You're talking about The Night Diamond."
He snapped his fingers letting it rest in his hands. The diamond was black as the nightsky. Unah watched the lights go out and the diamond began to give off a faint silvery glow - like Starlight.
Rhysand passed it to Feyre.
"As High King Fionn line was being destroyed he gave each of his 8 advisors an object of power. To show he was passing the seat of power to the courts from himself. This is Night's. What's Hewn's again?"
Candlelight flickered again. Unah titled her head humming.
"The Amythest Geode, the whole in the mountain symbolism. How do you forget Keir's favorite story?"
Rhysand shrugged.
"I tune out 90% of what Keir says on any given visit."
Unah looked to Feyre.
"The geode symbolizes Dusk's whole motif that on the outside we look like nothing special - but on the inside we are beautiful and priceless."
"Didn't he say on the inside you are royal blooded?"
Unah waved Rhysand off.
She looked to the Night Diamond in Feyre's fingers. The memory didn't hurt as much now - of Rhysand showing it to her and whispering at all the jewelry he'd make for her using it.
"You'll glow like a living star Unah, you'll outshine the sun, moon, and stars."
Rhysand and Unah met each other's eyes and Unah gave a small smile and drained her tea. Judging by his answering one he was remembering the same one. But this smile wasn't a painful one, it was happy, warm one for how far they'd both come. They were happy, and in love with other people. Keir clearly was just being purposefully difficult if he claimed he didn't see it.
She looked to the gathering dark.
"I should really go."
She sighed and set her cup down on the coaster and began to gather her things.
"You don't really seem like you want to go Unah."
Rhysand commented leaning back in his chair, fingers running up and down Feyre's arm. Unah shrugged.
"Keir is being more of an asshole with Iris's trip extended. I told him he could just go to her if he's so morose and he nearly bit my head off. Edan is busy with some inter-camp dispute. He would usually left a letter for me detailing everything so I could pass the information but he's been gone since last night. Mikhail had to tell me and I don't particularly like staying in that palace without him."
She wrapped a scarf around herself.
"I'm tempted to winnow to Vallhan see Mor and Mabon. Did you know he has a child now?"
Rhysand hummed and looked to Feyre.
"Mabon was one of my court friends growing up. He is an asshole I'm still surprised Vallhan allowed him to marry their Crown Princess. Nemain right, that's the girl's name?"
Unah nodded.
"From the way I understand it he won a contest to court her. Maeve chose him and they've been happy - or so the reports say. I have no idea if they actually are."
Rhysand stretched and closed his eyes.
"We should probably do a tour of the other fae Territories but that means I have to play politics and I rather bash my head into a wall."
Unah chuckled and shook her head.
"So dramatic, I'm sure you'll be fine."
Rhysand shrugged and suddenly leaned toward her before he looked to Feyre.
"Did you want to look at the Night Diamond some more? Did you want me to make you anything with it? Fion did say we can do whatever we wish with the objects. So if you want me to commission something let me know."
His claws were gentle on her walls.
You'd look so radiant, like a blooming star.
He smiled at her adoring before he looked to Unah who had grabbed her coat now.
"Speaking of politics I'm nearly afraid to ask about Hybern."
She sighed and leaned back against the wall.
"It's - it's bad. Tarvo wants revenge on everyone - and I've been trying to get him to calm down but how do you move past something like that?"
Rhysand hummed and sipped at his wine. He bit his lip and sighed - no secrets right? Besides she deserved to know.
"The twins you killed were the heirs to Hybern and Unah's neice and nephew. I take it Yilva is trying to make herself queen?"
Unah nodded and rubbed her temples.
"Before you say anything I don't blame you Feyre. It was war and you did what you had to - they shouldn't have attacked those humans not to mention the faebane. It just...overly complicates things. They shouldn't have even been sent out to do Lorcan's bidding."
"So why did he?"
"Tarvo claims it was supposed to be an easy assignment - grab Feyre and keep Jurian under control. His powers were locked away so what in the world could he even do to them? They needed real world experience anyway at 300 or no general would have taken them seriously. Neice or nephew to the king or not."
Rhysand hummed and drummed his fingers on his knee.
"We could give their bodies back? Will that help?"
"I mean it'll help. But you remember how Tarvo is like."
She looked to Feyre.
"My younger brother doesn't understand how to regulate his emotions. He is hot headed, but he hates politics. He used to run from Hewn to the mountains whenever he could. So he is only doing any of this out of grief or because Yilva is pushing him too."
"Yes but Yilva doesn't like politics either. So this is really grief motivated. I suppose this means we have to reach out doesn't it?"
Unah shrugged and played with her scarf.
"Maybe? I don't know honestly. I'm getting all of this from letters. I don't have the mental energy to deal with my brother right now. I probably should but he did say he doesn't want another war. I think he's just as tired of them as everyone else is."
Rhsyand tapped his index finger on the arm of his chair. It was a peace keeping, and they'd need to be delicate about all of it.
"What about the Witches? Can't they deliberate any of it?"
The Witches like Jurian and Aleksander Morozov kept the balance. He'd told Feyre that, with the warning that if she found Jurian difficult - his twin Anastasiya was whole other beast. They interceded to usually mitigate things like this. They should have been doing that during Hybern's attacks but they'd been embroiled in their own drama.
"Maybe? I mean Anastasiya and Aleksander are back. We could invite them to a dinner at the palace? They're probably coming to see Maven and Genya anyway. You can broach the topic then? Tarvo helped them build their witch haven so I'm sure he'd listen to them?"
She threw up her hands and looked to Feyre.
"I love my brother but most days he makes everything exceedingly more difficult than they need to be."
Rhysand stood and kissed Feyre's temple.
"I guess I should begin drafting an invitation. Maybe they'll be okay staying in The House of Wind."
He went to grab some paper and ink. Unah looked back at Feyre.
"Seriously I - the twins weren't set up for success regardless what you did. They - I don't honestly think their lives could have ended any other way."
“Well, maybe it is good to know what is hidden away so it doesn’t get forgotten.” Feyre rolled her eyes, her teasing smile clear upon her face. This was probably the most relaxed she had felt in a while, her body at ease as she didn’t have the floating pressure of what was happening around her weighing on her – or even Nesta going on a downward. She noticed the looks being shared between the pair of them after a few moments, watching as they seemed to have some unspoken conversation, she was sure she was soon going to be let in on.
“I am sure there are many things I have yet to tour, though I am sure I will get to them eventually.” She answered. However, when Rhysand finally brought up the Night Diamon she tilted her head, question as clear in her face until he snaped his fingers and the diamond appeared in his hands. The surprise on her face was as real as it ever could be, her hands reached out as he passed it to her. The weight of it was the only grounding thing that made her realize how real it was. So many beautiful wonders this court hid, this one she couldn’t help but compare to the eyes of her mate – sparkling starlight in the dark blue night sky.
Feyre looked back to them, listening to their banter and she laughed. “I will make sure to listen to Keir on your behalf.” She responded, only half serious – she would listen though, she was sure there would be some information he would share with her. There again, she was sure that information would be unwillingly shared, or one to show his place and power.
“Maybe Keir has too much time on his hands?” She suggested after a beat. If he had enough time to be more of an asshole than he was before, then maybe they needed to look into giving him some more things to do? Within reason that was, without the giving him too much power from the duties provided to him. She leaned into Rhysand’s touch, listening as they explained the new names they were bringing him. There were so many things about this world she was still learning, the differences between the world she knew and this one was something that still fascinated her.
She snorted when Rhysand pretty much turned down the idea of a tour of other fae territories. “I don’t know, I think it would be interesting to see the other territories,” she countered. “It might be fun, and we don’t have to worry about anything be upset that I somehow stole their powers.” Which was something that hindered them previously, the fear of retaliation if someone found out, but that cat was definitely out of the bag at this point.
A subtle blush crossed her cheeks as she heard his compliment echoing within her mind, her own mental touch reaching out to his. You are too full of compliments. Carefully she handed back the diamond.  “I think for now we should keep this safe; you have spoiled me enough for a little while.” She turned to face Unah, the new information catching her attention as the guilt hit home. Feyre was never proud of those actions, despite the fact she was doing it to save herself, Lucien and repay them for what they had done.
“Your brother sounds like Nesta.” Emotions were sometimes the one thing that pushed people to do something they shouldn’t. Hearing more about where the twins had come from made her understand a bit more why they were the way they were, why they did not regard life beyond their own. She also felt she was really not in the place to make a comment, she was the one who killed them. As much as she would want to give a grieving parent back the bodies of their children, she was still new and learning the delicate relationships of each court.
She smiled when he kissed her temple, watching as he left before she looked to Unah. “As much as we have done and gone through, the losses we have all experienced, learning what happened after an action you had done…It sometimes hits you hard.” She admitted. “I was filled with so much hate, pain and desire to taken down the Spring Court back then, I am sorry the twins got caught in the crossfire but I believe you are right…”
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altomath42 · 3 years
High 11 Vacationer Points Of Interest In Azerbaijan
According to 2012, about 285 thousand individuals stay within the metropolis, many of which work in the industrial sector. Gradually, the chemical industry was not the main business of the town; In Sumgait, at present there are massive machine builders, meals processing companies, in addition to the main centers that produce the constructing supplies. During your trip, you should definitely combine your favorite entertainments with visiting outlets and markets of Azerbaijan. Here, you can buy luxurious silk of the local manufacturing, beautiful ceramic objects and local craftsmen’s masterpieces. One of the largest craft markets of the country is positioned in the historic district of Baku. In the suburban district of the capital, there is the Carpet Center. Working alongside the native operators from around the world, we curate travel content material, products and services, ensuring our clients are properly knowledgeable and simply ready to decide on the proper experience for them. We deliver solely one of the best to our prospects, with all TES Tour products handpicked by our skilled travel staff. All nights in carefully-selected, high quality assured campsites and hotels including distinctive, independently-owned boutiques. Traditional Azerbaijani tea is served with nationwide sweets and jam. The tea table is embellished with a plate of colourful jams, nuts, honey, and pastry. Park Visagov provides you with a straightforward and easy system to obtain it thanks to our simplified utility kind for Azerbaijan e-Visa that takes you solely about 5 minuts to finish. The e-Visa allows you to visit Azerbaijan for up to 30 days utilizing solely on-line application as an alternative of visiting the embassy. Many of the world’s largest and most recognizable lodge chains have a presence in Baku. This is good information for guests who fancy the familiar in relation to trip accommodations. This is in part due to the curiosity known as Yanar Dag, or Fire Mountain. At the bottom of this quite modest hill, natural gas flames burn constantly. It's a landmark garden-park in the heart of old Baku with an artwork fountain and cafe, about 2 blocks from the Caspian Sea, masking a 2 acre city block. Azerbaijan can be identified for its mud volcanoes – nearly 400 of them concentrated in a comparatively small region outdoors the capital and near the Caspian Sea. These pure wonders are brought on by tectonic movement that enables subterranean gases to leak to the surface. The metropolis heart features examples of Soviet classicist buildings, just like the City Hall , alongside historic mosques and hammams, as nicely as 19th century red-brick structures. The Gizilaghaj Nature Reserve, situated in the Lankaran District alongside the southeast Caspian coast, is the most important protected area in the entire nation. Encompassing greater than 300 sq. miles, it's house to some 270 species of birds, together with swans, pelicans, geese, herons, ibises, spoonbills, geese, and flamingos. Ateshgah Fire Temple Close To Baku Azerbaijan Inventory Photograph Because of this, the earth was losing resources; the lights of the temple started to weaken progressively. We decided that this could be a curse of heaven and progressively left Atashgah. In 1880, the final Hindu, who lived in Ateshgah, went to India, and in 1902 the previous fire went out. 1850 – the start line of the model new historical past of the village, when Surakhan touched the oil boom and oilmen from all round the Empire started to collect here. Over time, earthquakes have altered the format of the three,000 caves and corridors that existed in Tamara’s time. Frescoes in the caves that remain represent the top of the Golden Age of Georgian portray; amongst them are portraits of King Giorgi and Queen Tamara. In the villages, homes are backed up against each other with one household's roof serving as another's terrace, and so on up the hill. This part of Georgia historically suffered from international invasions, and the structure allowed defenders to retreat via the maze of interconnected houses if necessary. Enjoy dinner this evening with conventional Azeri musical leisure. 居家 -known kind is mugham, a fusion of Persian and Turkic traditions honored as a World Cultural Masterpiece by UNESCO. Government-linked Azerbaijani scholars formally argue that Armenians didn't even seem within the territory of recent Azerbaijan until the 19th century, regardless of the presence of 1000's of sacred Christian and pagan Armenian sites. Azerbaijani politicians have relabeled the latter, which encompass largely churches and cross-stones, as “Caucasian Albanian,” in reference to a now extinct nation that's identified predominantly by way of Armenian historical past texts. In 1925, a Zoroastrian priest and academic Jivanji Jamshedji Modi traveled to Baku to determine if the temple had indeed been as quickly as a Zoroastrian place of worship. Toronto, Ontario BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir Toronto This Hindu temple is an architectural marvel designed and constructed in accordance with ancient Indian ideas. German traveler Lerch who visited the temple in 1733, wrote that here there are 12 Guebres or ancient Persian fireplace worshipers». Samuel Gottlieb Gmelin's Reise durch Russland is cited in Karl Eduard von Eichwald's Reise in den Caucasus the place the naturalist Gmelin is claimed to have noticed Yogi austerities being carried out by devotees. Geologist Eichwald restricts himself to a point out of the worship of Rama, Krishna, Hanuman and Agni. Japanese Public Bathhouses Deny Entry To Tourists With Tattoos Experience the most effective Chinese tea house tradition in Chengdu if you go to the Old Tea House in Pengzhen. Our adopted dog, Ginger, came to see us off on the bus cease after we left for KaşPamukkale is one of the primary tourist sights in Turkey and is nicely connected to different cities within the nation. The nearest airport is Denizli Çardak within the city of Denizli, which is about 20 km away. Ali, the proprietor, always provided us a Turkish espresso or tea on the home after our meals. Like virtually anyplace else in Turkey you’ll find a cat patiently ready for scraps whenever you look beneath your desk. You really ought to go and expertise the food and atmosphere at the White House. Vestiges of Roman bathing types could be seen within the manifestation of the three-room structure, which was widespread through the Roman/Byzantine period. Room at the Baños del Almirante, a historic Andalusi bathhouse in Valencia, Spain (c. Hammam complexes typically contain separate quarters for women and men; or men and women are admitted at separate occasions. On many occasions they became locations of leisure (such as dancing and food, especially in the girls's quarters) and ceremonies, similar to before weddings, high-holidays, celebrating newborns, magnificence trips. Historic underground bathhouse complex, dating from the 17th century, in the Icheri Sheher old city of Baku.Baku, Azerbaijan – July 4, 2020. Historic underground bathhouse complex, dating from the seventeenth century, within the Icheri Sheher old town of Baku. Next, head via the door to the washing space and straight to the showers. Take a seat on one of many tiny stools and wash your whole physique. Most places have shampoo and body wash available, in any other case be at liberty to soak up your own. Be sure to rinse off all of the cleaning soap and shampoo – you shouldn’t get any in the baths. However, as time goes by, the spring turns into weaker and weaker. There is a one-hour kora route in Tirthapuri which is fascinating to follow. Although far fewer in quantity than in earlier centuries, many Turkish hammams are nonetheless operating today and proceed to be relevant to each locals and vacationers. Some have been lately restored or modernized with various levels of historic authenticity. Other hammam buildings have ceased functioning as public baths but have been carefully repurposed as markets or cultural venues, as for instance the Tahtakale Hamam in Istanbul and the Orhan Bey Hamam in Bursa. In some instances hammam buildings have been repurposed as storage depots or factories, though this has often led to neglect and damage to their historic cloth. Azerbaijan Art Work to collect exhibits and gadgets began in 1967, and in 1972 the first visitors might see the rare displays collected within the museum. It is a posh the place, along with the palace itself, can be found a courtyard of the Diwankhana, the courthouse, the Shirvanshahs’ burial vault, the palace mosque of 1441 with its minaret, the bathhouse and the mausoleum of the court scholar, Sayid Yahya Bakuvi. Its origins date again to the 1830s when it began as a small area of fruit timber which steadily expanded with ever more exotic plants and trees until by the top of the century it had developed into a fully fledged city park. Today it is nonetheless one of the nice spots within the city to go for a stroll. Baku is the capital and largest metropolis of Azerbaijan, in addition to the most important city on the Caspian Sea and of the Caucasus region. Baku is situated 28 metres under sea degree, which makes it the bottom lying nationwide capital on the earth and in addition the biggest metropolis on the earth located below sea level. It's transformed to museum and the old utensils, jewelry and other art is on show. Education The A. Azimzade State College of Fine Arts, Baku and the State University of Arts, Baku. Exhibitions Involved in a quantity of international art exhibitions and symposiums. Collections In high demand by private collectors in Europe and UAE, where his art is having fun with growing recognition; Active since 1987. 6 Awesome Outdoor Activities In Baku The tallest of the three is a 39-story residential luxury house building. I would undoubtedly advocate you to go there at sunrise or sundown as you’ll have a unbelievable view of the harbor and the Caspian Sea. It’s a fairly comfortable climb up the steps however you can even get there by taking the funicular. Baku actually is a metropolis the place old meets new – historical fortified buildings standing subsequent to Russian imperial-style squares and ultra-modern architectural wonders. Your adventure begins with a welcome meeting at 6 pm within the night, where you will meet your native leader and fellow travellers joining you for this adventure. Relax and revel in a restful evening, with your welcome dinner scheduled for tomorrow night to permit all travellers to attend. Your next destination will be the place, which is important for nature lovers – Nohur Lake. Around this fascinating nature, the lake reflects the Greater Caucasus Mountains in its green-blue waters. After having full day's impressions on the end of the day, you'll return to Baku. Popular pure attractions close by embrace the Nohur Lake and the Seven Beuaties waterfall. With doors to workshops open to the road and old stone homes, the over 1,000-year-old Lahic is sort of a residing open-air museum. My favorite thing in the space was visiting Kish, a little hamlet just north of Sheki and easily reachable by a 20-minute bus experience. It’s residence to the Kish Albanian Church , the oldest Christian church in Azerbaijan , and surrounded by many a mystery. Now the charming church is an interesting site to go to and has a small tri-lingual museum. Perhaps essentially the most unique tourist web site in the metropolis is the Bottle House – a home that’s construct out of forty eight,000 glass bottles. The heartbreakingly lovely backstory to this unique constructing is that it serves as a memorial to its creators brother wh went lacking in the course of the Second World War. Getting Enjoyable In Azerbaijan Famous Festivals, Celebrations And Cultural Events On June sixteen in the complicated My Beach Novkhani throughout the framework of the We Color Festival there will be a colourful leisure program, contests, an evening disco and a salute. You are waiting for 2 unforgettable summer season days on the island of KHAZAR ISLANDS. Tons of colorful powder, 1000's of joyful faces, leisure for each taste. Old friends and new acquaintances, brilliant feelings and pleasant memories, favourite music and sizzling dances is not going to let you down this summer season in Baku. Any other use of these supplies without prior written authorization isn't very good and violates the copyright. This article about national fests and celebrations of Azerbaijan is protected by the copyright law. You can re-use the content, but only beneath the situation of placement of an active link to By utilizing the mobile software of the Festival it will be possible to find out details about the events taking place within its framework. Information on events at Nasimi Festival in Azerbaijan available via mobile software. Shusha metropolis was occupied by Armenian Armed Forces in 1992 and liberated from Armenian occupation in the Second Karabakh warfare. International advocacy groups often rate Azerbaijan as essentially the most inhospitable place in Europe for queer people, and the scenario has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 lockdown. Generally there shall be massive dinners with conventional meals corresponding to Plov, however essentially the most notable tradition for Nowruz in Azerbaijan is the pastries. The Czech program of the competition was put together by Miroslava Janičatová, who is also included in the International Festival Jury. Meanwhile, greater than 20 live shows are scheduled to happen in multiple venues across the capital metropolis, with most of them held within the Rotunda Jazz Club. She has been taught by many well-known musicians and teachers corresponding to Faig Zohrabov. Aygun is now a beloved Azerbaijani singer in Toronto, the place she has had quite a few performances. Arta is a grade 10 high school scholar and the youngest member of TAMDE’s music group. He has been playing the piano since 2009 and the saxophone since 2013. Arta has also been a member of Aurora High School’s symphonic band as a saxophone player for 2 years. Azerbaijan Frustrated at not having the power to discover any items that truly reflected Azerbaijani tradition and traditions, we decided to make our own. We use solely the highest high quality supplies and our artists are commissioned by us to create their own distinctive interpretation of Azerbaijani motifs. We need both our customers and suppliers to be satisfied. Each set has it’s personal story to share; and each story will assist you to study Azerbaijani individuals, their habits, folklore and traditions. Our ardour is to produce stunning gadgets which you will proceed to enjoy for months and years. This article about buying in Azerbaijan is protected by the copyright regulation. An exclusive assortment of world-famous stores within the heart of downtown Charleston. From Godiva to Gucci, the ultimate purchasing experience & the finest selections within the city. A visit to this speciality shop is a must should you want to buy the very greatest quality edible stuff from Azerbaijan. AIRBORNE MIKEFORCE VIETNAM Military Veteran US ARMY Hat Pin P14723 EE. Barack Obama Autographed Repro PHOTO First Pitch Washington Nationals Signed Pic. Halloween Inflatable Blow in Pumpkin Up Outdoor Yard Halloween LED Lights Decor. ALIEN at the cafe coffee store artwork tile coaster gift presents. Classic Matte Black Bullet Pen with Clip Fisher Space Pen # 400BCL. Local Eating Places & Price Range Cafes In Downtown Baku But it turned out to be quite onerous to search out locations that have been open on weekend mornings. We did discover a few and managed to benefit from the conventional Azeri breakfast very much. Some of the most typical Azeri dishes like kebab or tea can be discovered elsewhere however in Azerbaijan they appeared to style better. Do not leave the nation without attempting some of the following dishes and then some extra fascinating and fascinating information about Azerbaijan for somewhat aspect of tradition with your meal. Expect to enjoy it with saffron and cinnamon plus a lot of dried fruits like apricot or even dates and chestnuts. Rice will usually be served with meat, mostly mutton or lamb that are the favorite combinations. However, the inside of this Azerbaijani restaurant is homey. Built out of heavy wood beams, the broad room is set with sturdy picnic tables designed for crowds. Try the smoked eggplant salad chock full of peppers.Servers are matter-of-fact, especially in the event that they assume you’ve ordered too much food. Azerbaijani pilaf ($13.50, below) was extremely beneficial to us by the server, and was quite totally different from another versions from Central Asia. Instead of a mixture, the non-rice components are plated next to the rice, and embrace a hearty helping of dried plums, cherries, and apricots with the tender lamb. Cis & Cee Capital Markets Conference 2018 Taking under consideration the worldwide expertise, a draft Law on Electricity has been ready. The government plans to permit Independent mills to enter the sector and purchase present power vegetation or construct new ones. The potential privatisation of strategic assets could not adversely have an result on power sustainability and safety. In the meantime, both countries have accused one another of shelling civilian targets. Azerbaijan claims that Armenian forces in Nagorno-Karabakh have been shelling Ganja to disrupt the flow of oil and gasoline. From 2007 to 2020, the common annual progress price of worth to Russia amounted to -X%. Being a detailed partner of Bilesim International Research & Consultancy, ERA continually complied with the codes and guidelines of ESOMAR â The World Association of Research Professionals. In additiond to this, ERA Marketing Center obtained license for manufacturing and sales of TGI project in Azerbaijan. TGI is a fast-growing, global community of single-source market research surveys performed in 60 nations of the world across 6 continents since Sixties. News, consulting firms, tasks, analysis and developments within the consultancy industry of Azerbaijan. By late 2010, FIRST consultants prepared and introduced a complete capital market assessment report and Capital Market Development Strategic Plan. Sunday the twenty seventh of September 2020, fighting flared up again within the South Caucasus between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The most recent war has displaced tens of 1000's of citizens in primarily Nagorno-Karabakh and tons of of troopers have misplaced their lives. While the human prices are super, Europe’s energy safety is also in danger. Azerbaijan Family Travel Whether you’re in search of mountains or sea, cities or countryside, you’ll discover plenty to explore in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan was such an amazing, fantastic, stunning, and pleasant place. In tiny villages, older men with canes sat in town squares gazing at passersby. To get to Alinja Castle, I advocate you ask your lodging to rent a taxi driver for a half-day journey to Alinja Castle in addition to Ashab-I Kehf Cave, our subsequent destination. It ought to value no greater than 60 AZN for a roundtrip ride to Alinja Castle in addition to Ashab-I Kehf Cave. Sheki CityFound to the west of Baku, that is famed as one of the oldest human settlements in all the Caucasus and is said so far again 2500 years. Sheki City was a stop off on the Silk Road and was well-known for beautiful silks and different textiles. Azerbaijan, within the Caucuses area, is a rustic that straddles each Eastern Europe and Western Asia, so anticipate a conflict of east meets west and you can see a lot to enjoy right here. Located on the Caspian Sea, there are quaint subtropical seaside resorts, or you presumably can embrace Azerbaijan’s name because the Land of Fire with a visit to a flaming mountain or a mud volcano. Part of the Silk Road magical trail that took traders to its booming capital Baku on the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan keeps you in your toes. Despite seeing themselves as Muslims, Azeri males typically drink alcoholic drinks, and this is broadly accepted, most likely due to the Russian and Soviet legacy . Unrest in Iran, Iraq and Syria in the 21st century has made the government very strict about non secular clothing and symbols and prompted higher secularization and stricter management of the southern borders. Any spiritual signs, flags, slogans in public and proselytizing for any faith are prohibited by regulation. Any violation will lead to fines, imprisonment, and in case of foreigners, deportation from the country. Don't assume that anyone you have no idea believes in God or has a passion for Islam or in other faiths. Investigations into folks's religion is largely unwelcome, and outdoors places of worship, displays of your religion ought to be kept personal. Hotels might provide this service for their visitors, however travellers are strongly advised to ensure the registration has been accomplished indeed as resorts are more than typically skip doing it. A visa just isn't required for stays of ninety days or less for citizens of Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. — A beautiful metropolis within the forested Caucasus Mountains with heaps to see and do. It has one of many largest densities of cultural assets and monuments that span 2,seven-hundred years of Azerbaijani historical past. — Azerbaijan's second largest city has an extended history, some necessary sites and an attention-grabbing and manifold structure. Just just like the culture represents a singular mixture of traditions of neighboring international locations, national delicacies can additionally be an interesting mix of dishes. You will discover acquainted tastes in Azerbaijani cuisine with exotic names. 11 Things You Should Know About Azerbaijani Tradition But with a new and easy three-day visa service, reasonable costs and unbeatable hospitality, travelers that make it to the "Land of Fire" are often very pleasantly surprised. Straddling East and West, it blends dramatic landscapes with a folks and culture that replicate its fascinating location on the crossroads of Turkey, Russia and Iran. Most suppose it's possible to be a devout Muslim and still live in a contemporary society, and many additionally dismiss the concept that there may be an inherent antagonism between faith and science. While Huseynov was in limbo, Aliyev took his place as the chairman of the IRFS. He kept the operation going during its most difficult moments, shuttling between Azerbaijan and neighboring Georgia, where the outfit established new financial institution accounts. Finally, in June 2015, Huseynov escaped his residence nation, flying out with a Swiss authorities delegation that had attended the opening ceremony of the European Games. In divided Cyprus, a joint cultural-heritage fee of Greek and Turkish Cypriots was created in 2012 to take care of endangered monuments on either side of the island. Development Program, the fee has been embraced by each communities for restoring church buildings as well as mosques and hamams, and ancient aqueducts and fortifications. Following recent arson attacks on mosques in Greek Cypriot territory, the Greek Orthodox neighborhood was quick to sentence the assailants. But in all of these cases, the United Nations, the United States and its European allies have remained largely mute. UNESCO, which is dependent upon lots of the offending governments for funding and support, has shown little interest in intervening. Azerbaijan Nightlife Baku Railway Station is the terminus for nationwide and worldwide rail links to the town. The Kars–Tbilisi–Baku railway, which directly connects Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan, started to be constructed in 2007 and opened in 2017. Given that they are located in an iconic Baku landmark, it’s no surprise that Fairmont Baku takes our top spot for luxury motels in the metropolis. They have great on-site amenities, together with a restaurant, massive spa space and even a nightclub! If you really wish to splash the money, look on further than Fairmont Baku. Our Clubs and Bars in Azerbaijan for guests from Vietnam contains suggestions on where to search out the most effective bars and clubs within the Azerbaijanis capital. Known for its high-end themed events Enerji Club offers a tasty menu, and spontaneous and unique exhibits. The ambiance here is vibrant with unbelievable DJ music only including to the atmosphere. The outdoors terrace through the summer season season is the perfect place to have a sundowner after work or chill with friends at the weekend.
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Shadowed Hearts/Winter Souls (Chapter Twenty-Four)
Spring swept through Chioggia in a wash of floral scents and vibrant colors, the gardens bursting into bloom, the trees blossoming, the sea warming where it splashed against the rocks. The wind was gentle as it came through open windows, the sun shining stronger every day and as the weeks passed and life settled, the shadows that lingered over the little family’s shoulders seemed to lift bit by bit.
The servants were dismissed after a few weeks once Wanda and Natalia were comfortable cooking in the beautiful kitchen and organizing their own pantry and linens. Jarvis arranged for a laundry service to come by once a week and for the more perishable groceries to be delivered from the nearby market, but at Tony’s urging, even Jarvis returned to Brescia and his wife, leaving them alone in the house.
Wanda wanted to stay close to her brother, so she moved her belongings from the room across the hall to the one that connected to Pietro’s by way of an adjoining door. Natalia didn’t go so far as to ask if she could stay in Tony’s room, but more and more of her clothing filled his wardrobe, her favorite bath soap found it’s way into Tony’s bathroom and eventually, she even had a favorite pillow on Tony’s bed. 
It was fine, it was fine.
Tony stepped into his role of patriarch and provider of their family with a sort of grace that no one-- not even he-- expected. He swallowed his panic to focus on helping Pietro every day, pushed aside his heart break so he could be strong when the pregnancy made Natalia emotional and fragile. Tony worked through his despair and made sure Wanda smiled as much as possible and every day he ignored the loneliness that lingered and focused instead on how much better life was in Italy. 
There were no soldiers hunting them down here, no reason to glance furtively over their shoulders as they went to shop, no need to over stock a pantry to ensure they survived a winter, no need to worry about hauling water when the pipes froze through, or trying to do hours and hours worth of chores.
Instead, Natalia and Wanda spent their days in the garden admiring the already planted and thriving blooms, and coaxing new ones to grow. Natalia took endless delight in the rose bushes while Wanda preferred the vines that crept up the walls and every day there were freshly clipped flowers in various vases scattered throughout the house.
By force of habit and maybe just to keep the loneliness away, everyone still gathered in the downstairs parlor at the end of the day. Wanda spent hours poring over the library upstairs before selecting a pile of novels to read aloud, and Natalia sat in her rocking chair and knitted blankets for the coming baby. Pietro still needed help changing bandages, so Tony would kneel at his side to unwrap the coverings and put ointment on the worst of the lingering burn damage as they listened to Wanda’s reading.
Sometimes Tony would work on James’s gun, taking advantage of being home in Italy again to order specific parts, even to fashion what he needed in the workshop down the hill from the house. The rifle was in better working condition now than it had ever been, beautifully polished, the intricate scroll work on the barrel repaired to perfection. Tony had reinforced the stock, shaved down the butt and replaced it with a softer, easier material that wouldn’t recoil so hard into James’s shoulder.
It was a masterpiece of a rifle and the only bit of James Tony had left. He had snatched it from the vault beneath the Falconers lodge along with their coin and pieces of Natalia’s jewelry, and left a note in its stead. The note was a reassurance that he and Natalia and the twins were all safe, and then coordinates and directions to the house in Chioggia just in case... 
...just in case.
Refusing to dwell on the past for any longer than it took to clean James’s rifle in the evening, Tony turned his focus to the future-- to their future.
He had more than enough money to be sure Natalia and the twins never worried for anything in their life. A few strong worded letters to the proper officials had ensured the marriage certificate from a year ago was correctly filed so there would be no question Natalia was his legal wife. Tony had also included provisions for any children conceived in their marriage to be heirs in part to his portion of the Carbonell Stark fortune. Unless Samuel and Ronin somehow made it home again, this baby would be the only child, but Tony put the provisions in anyway. 
Just in case. 
Next was paperwork concerning Wanda and Pietro, and that had taken several letters, nearly two months of waiting, and even a quick trip to Venice for Tony to press the issue in person but just this morning a messenger had come to the house with a packet of official documents. Tony read through them quickly and then locked him in his safe with a satisfied smile.
They would be alright. 
Things weren’t perfect and it hadn’t been anywhere close to enough time for their hearts to heal, but Tony was trying to take care of his family in every way he knew how and now--now they would be alright.
“Come along, beauty.” Wanda helped Natalia up from her chair at the lunch table to coax her outside for a few minutes. “The sun is beautiful today and the apple trees have blossomed. You need some fresh air and a little walk to lift your spirits. You’ve been quiet today and I don’t like it.”
“I am less worried about lifting my spirits than I am about getting freckles.” Natalia said dryly. “My skin cannot take all this sunshine.” 
And then as she smoothed her hand over the burgeoning swell beneath her dress-- “And hefting this around. I’m starting to resemble a bear in the fall. Round and cranky--” Wanda burst into laughter and Natalia jabbed at her. “--and covered in hair! My hair is so thick lately I can’t hardly wash it!”
“I will help you wash your hair.” Wanda muffled another bit of laughter and wound her arm around Natalia’s waist. “And you do not look like a bear, not in the least. You are beautiful and if Samuel and Ronin were here they would--”
Wanda stopped mid sentence, and Natalia’s steps faltered, her eyes dimming in sadness. “--well, they would say the same thing. So come along. Outside to get a few more freckles and if your feet swell, I will even rub them for you.”
Natalia did breathe a sigh of relief when they stepped out into the sunshine, her full mouth curving into a smile. “Oh, it is lovely here. But you should be having more fun than escorting me around and offering to rub my feet. I heard Antonio offer to take you to Venezia again last night, why won’t you go?”
“Because I am needed here.” came the simple answer. “The gardens need tending and now that Antonio has let the other servants go, I am cooking for our family again. You will only need more help as the summer goes on and Pietro is doing much better this last month, but he is a long way from healed. And besides, what would I do for the Season in Venezia?”
“Wear beautiful gowns and hold entire harems of guileless young noblemen in your thrall.” Tony came out from the house behind them, bussing a kiss to Wanda’s cheek and smoothly extricating Natalia from the girl's grasp so he could hold her. “Lounge around the town home while flowers are delivered and various Ladies of the Court beg for an invitation to tea. Wanda, you are a Carbonell Stark now. Italian society will be frothing at the bit to discover who you are.”
“Frothing at the bit?” Natalia echoed, turning her cheek for a kiss from Tony as well and leaning into his side. “Surely there’s a more polite way to describe the wealthy.”
“There really isn’t.” Tony directed the women towards one of the benches in the gardens. “You remember the Russian nobility, Natalia. Italians are every bit as wild. All the silk and lace and manners in the world cannot disguise the absolute rabid-ness that comes along with being wealthy. The rich are practically feral, but Wanda will take the Season by storm and be engaged and stolen away from us by next Spring all the same.”
“Heaven forbid.” Wanda snorted. “How can you describe the wealthy as rabid and feral and then in the next breath tell me I’ll be engaged?”
“Love works in mysterious ways, love.” Tony winked at her. “And if not love, money certainly does.”
“Hush.” Natalia smacked at Tony’s shoulder and adjusted her dress as she sat. “Don’t you dare encourage Wanda to marry for money. That is terrible advice. Wealthy men are barely leashed animals who would see Wanda as fresh meat and try to destroy her.”
“You are entirely correct, and I would never let her marry for money.” Tony said mildly. “Neither would I let anyone destroy her. The Carbonell Starks have far too much influence for anyone to risk our anger by being careless with Wanda. I might have been out of my element in Sokovia, but here in Italy there are very few people who won’t move aside when we walk into a room, do you understand? You have nothing to worry about.”
“I see.” Wanda reached for Natalia’s hand and squeezed it tight, chewing at her lip before asking timidly. “Antonio, does this mean we are officially family then? Pietro and I?”
“Yes, love.” Tony sat himself right next to Natalia and planted a soft kiss at her temple, smoothing away her hair. “Wanda and Pietro, Natalia and the little one. In every way that matters, you are la mia famiglia and are entitled to everything my name provides. Money, security, safety, all of it.”
“And your parents?” Wanda pressed. “How do they feel about it?”
“I don’t know.” Tony flattened his hand to the small of Natalia’s back and rubbed in slow circles. “I haven’t spoken to them since coming to Chioggia, and they have made no attempt to reach out to me. It doesn’t matter, though. I came into most of my wealth when I turned twenty five and will inherit everything from my Mama’s side in a few years when I am thirty. We will want for nothing, even if my Papa decides he is unhappy with my choices and withdraws the Stark wealth from our name.”
“But both Mama and Papa will be thrilled.” Tony interrupted, waving off Wanda’s question. “I am home again, I have brought a wife to eliminate any lingering scandal. At the very least, adopting two Russian children will seem like an act of philanthropy and mio dio do the rich love to seem as if they are generous, and when they learn of their nipote--” he patted feather light at Natalia’s stomach. “--everyone is swayed by the thought of a new baby.”
“A nipote.” Natalia repeated, turning the word over in her head and searching her limited Italian knowledge for the definition. “Nipote-- grandchild? Antonio, you would lead your parents to assume the child is yours?”
“Ours.” Tony corrected, and Natalia’s eyes filled with relieved tears. “The bambina is ours, and no one will ever say different.”
“And if she looks like Samuel?” Wanda pointed out. “What then?”
“We will say she spends lots of time in the sunshine.” Tony said dryly, and Wanda snorted at his terrible attempt at a joke. “It won’t matter which of her father’s she takes after. She will have my name anyway.”
“You are a good man, Antonio.” Natalia sighed shakily. “Thank you.”
“I’m going to find Pietro and tell him the news.” Tony politely looked away as Natalia cried again, and when Wanda wrapped her in a hug, he slid off the bench to leave them in peace. “I’ll see you both at dinner.”
He set off out of the garden and towards the very edges of the property, walking along the path that followed the line of the cliffs. 
Tony and his Mama had planted a flowering ash tree out here for his tenth birthday and a few summers later, Tony had made a beautifully carved wooden bench that sat beneath the wide stretched branches. It was a place of reflection and meditation and peace, and since coming to Chioggia, Pietro had claimed the spot as his own. 
Pietro walked to the isolated spot every morning and spent the hours staring out at the water. He could see the sails of the fishing boats dipping in the waves and just barely catch the larger merchant ships pulling into the port of Venice on the far end of the protected waters at the coast. It was peaceful and it was quiet, the sunshine gentle on his still healing skin and even though the family worried about Pietro, no one interrupted his routine or suggested that he spend more time at home.
At least the ocean made him smile. 
Wanda came with lunch every day and then again to call him for supper and on the days Natalia was feeling up to it, she walked the wide path to sit and carefully hold his hand.  
Pietro’s healing had been slow, painful, heartbreaking in a million different ways. The burns had almost ruined both vision and hearing on the left side of his face, traveling down his arm to render it almost useless so Pietro wore a sling and an eye patch every single day, full sleeves and trousers, and a hat tipped over his face to protect from the elements.
His voice was permanently hoarse, deeper than it had ever been because of the trauma to his throat and vocal cords, the sparkle gone from his eyes and his smile a rare sight. But he was alive, and every day he moved a little easier, spoke a little clearer and after two months in the ocean air and gentle sunshine, a full diet and plenty of sleep, it finally seemed that Pietro was making some progress.
Still. Tony would give almost anything to hear the boy laugh, really laugh, just once. Just one more time.
“Pietro.” Tony sat on the boy’s good side and patted him on the knee gently. “How are you today?”
“Th’same as always, I suppose.” Pietro said slowly. “How are you?”
“Same as always.” Tony propped his elbows on his knees, clasped his hands beneath his chin. “I have good news though. I received the documents this morning that declare you and Wanda as my legal responsibility. Of course Natalia is already my wife, but I drew up documents for her child as well making sure you are all entitled to a share of my wealth.”
“Your legal responsibility.” Pietro stated. “Not your children.”
“You and your sister are less than ten years younger than I am.” Tony pointed out with a smile. “Which would make for some awkward questions, don’t you think? Italians are known for their virility, but that is too much, hm?”
Pietro didn’t answer and Tony cleared his throat, “And I-- I didn’t want you to feel as if I was taking your name. You and Wanda are Maximoffs first, and Romanov’s second, and I won’t erase those to tack on my own moniker. It is easy for me to come home to Italy and forget most of Sokovia, but Sokovia was your entire world and you don’t have to--”
He blew out a breath, searching for the right words. “I’m saying this badly, so let me just tell you that your official name is Pietro Maximoff, dalla casa di Carbonell Stark. You are Pietro Maximoff, of the house Carbonell-Stark. That is how you will be introduced, how you will be accepted into society, and the name that will ensure you have the coin to do whatever it is you wish, as well as to provide for a family of your own.”
“A family of my own.” Pietro’s mouth twisted into a faint, bitter, resemblance of his old smile. “I do not think you have to worry about that, Tony.”
“If or when the day comes.” Tony maintained. “You and those you love will be provided for.”
“The ones I love are here in Italia.” Pietro said flatly. “Everyone else is dust in Sokovia.”
Tony didn’t know what to say to that, didn’t know how to comfort the boy when he felt much the same way. He never wanted to think James and Samuel and Ronin were gone but he couldn’t hope they were still alive without sacrificing his mental health, his emotional stability. Their family was hurt and ripped in half, the manor in ashes and their loved ones torn away, but Tony couldn’t think about it.
He had to be strong or Talia, for the new baby, for Wanda who had taken over so many responsibilities with a warm smile and willing spirit, and for Pietro who seemed fragile enough for a sea breeze to carry him away.
Tony had to be strong, so when Pietro went quiet again, he simply sat next to the young man and watched the sun move across the water.
“You…” The words came with difficulty, Pietro sounding close to tears when he spoke again. “You are different now. A year ago you didn’t care what happened to us. Now you are giving us your name?”
“A year ago we weren’t family.” Tony pointed out gently. “And now we are. It’s as simple as that, Pietro. If giving you my name means you and Wanda and Talia will always be taken care of, then that’s what I will do. We’re going to be alright, kiddo. I promise.”
Pietro flexed his damaged fingers and shook his head. “You are better at hiding your anger and your fear and your heartbreak now, but it is still obvious. We are never going to be alright again. And nothing--nothing is simple. Or people as smart as ourselves would have figured out a way for life to not hurt as much.
“Ronin and Samuel always said I had to grow up sometime.” Pietro closed his good eye, a solitary tear slipping down his cheek. “I suppose now is as good a time as any.”
“How is Pietro?” Natalia tipped her head forward so Tony could get to the buttons at the back of her neck, breathing out a sigh of relief as the dress loosened around her frame. “You were out there for a long time today.”
“I didn’t want to leave him alone.” Tony pushed the gown to the floor and helped Natalia step out of it, glancing away while she got into her robe. “I told him about the documents I had drawn up, told him that everything would be alright and he-- he doesn’t really believe it.”
“I don’t think any of us believe it, not truly.” Natalia pulled the pins from her hair and grimaced when the red bulk fell in a tangled clump to her shoulders. “Antonio, I am chopping my hair off tomorrow, I am tired of this mess. In fact, hand me my shears and I’ll cut it off tonight. I would be beautiful with short hair.”
“You would be beautiful with short hair.” Tony pushed the scissors out of her reach with a patient smile. “But why don’t you let me try to comb it before you take it away, alright?”
Natalia muttered something Russian that was definitely a curse, but obediently sat when Tony pulled the chair from the vanity for her. “You have become quite the ladies maid, Antonio. Brushing my hair, helping Wanda in the kitchen, changing the linens for Pietro. Perhaps you were meant to be--”
“--that’s quite enough out of you.” Tony huffed and Natalia laughed at him. “Hold still, love. It has been a very long time since I combed anyone’s hair but my own and I don’t want to hurt you.”
“No of course you don’t, you have been wonderful these past few months.” Natalia was prone to melancholy more and more these days, a hand resting listlessly on her belly and gaze far away. “I thought I was done mourning, you know. I’ve lost so much in my life, I thought losing James was inevitable, I thought losing Samuel and Ronin would be something I would survive. I had no idea how much more my heart could break. I had no idea I could mourn from my very soul. When does that go away?"
Tony’s hands stilled a moment as the all familiar anguish threatened to choke him, but he cleared his throat and went back to combing again before comforting, “Natalia. It has only been a few months. Time will heal us.”
“You’ve said that at least a thousand times since we came to Chioggia.” Natalia smiled wearily. “Time will heal us, the sunshine will chase our shadows away. Not so long ago you were practically furious because we teased you about being in love with James, now you are placating us with empty words. You are pretending again that you don’t love him, that you care for nothing in this world, that you aren’t hurting.”
“I’m pretending no such thing.” Tony said evenly. “But now I have a family to take care of, a wife to support and the twins to protect and a little one on the way. You were strong for me when I was on the verge of collapse, Natalia. Wanda and Pietro pushed past all of my irritability to make me laugh and to draw me into conversation. It’s my turn to be strong for you, to make Wanda smile and to encourage Pietro to talk.”
“I--” Tony swallowed, blinking back tears. “I miss James more than I thought I could miss anyone in my life. I miss him in a way that makes how I felt for Ty seem trite in comparison. Ty broke my heart and I left the country, but losing James--” he swallowed again. “I would wage war by myself to bring him home, to bring Samuel and Ronin back to your side. I would drag Brock Rumlow to the middle of a field and set him on fire if I thought it would help anything at all. And I would--”
“I did it.” Natalia blurted, and when Tony’s brow furrowed in confusion, she explained in halting words, “I did it. I--I killed Brock. I sent a message to have him brought the manor house and then I--”
“I killed him.” she finished in a whisper. “I poured kerosene over him and set him on fire. Stood there until he stopped screaming and it wasn’t half what that man deserved. It smelled awful and it took so so long and I didn’t leave until it was done.” Natalia clenched her fists until her knuckles were blood white, her eyes wide and empty in the mirror. “Ashes to ashes.”
“Dust to dust.” Tony rested his forehead against Natalia’s hair, hiding the horror in his expression. “Oh, Talia.”
“I’m not sorry.” she whispered. “And I don’t have nightmares about it. Tell me Antonio, is that awful? Am I wicked? My child will not have her father’s but neither will she grow up in a world where their murderer walks free. I cannot be sorry for that, does that make me wicked?”
Natalia sat with tears slipping down her face, and Tony didn’t know what to say, so he just kept combing her hair.
Everything would be alright.
Somehow... everything would be alright.
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furymint · 5 years
FFXIV Write: Prompt #29
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wc: 1,408 | header | full of refs to my personal setting, oops
Wind swept across the clear surface of the lake. Elliot bristled from the sudden chill and hung over the side of the small boat. He set his wrists against the rail and balanced his knees in the curved hull, unfazed by Nolanel’s brisk warning to stay still, please.
“’Tis my saint’s day. I think that permits me to rock the boat a little.”
Nolanel tugged the rope bracelet digging into his leg a bit looser. “Do as you like, but I ain’t saying so except for you. Compared to my balance, yours is like a toddlers’.”
“Wrong. Compared to anyone’s balance, mine is like a toddlers’.” Elliot leaned further towards the water to feather his fingertips atop the water. Silver and gray stones shifted in the low current. Just above them, light enough to be carried, a crowd of golden hoop earrings tumbled by.
Nolanel rubbed his ear clip and said, “There’s so many observances. The other feast days aren’t like this.”
They already tied strings above their left knees, at the same place St. Nikolas’ leg was severed by heretics; they skipped dinner last night and ate ripe plums in the morning; the boat they rowed together into the lake was launched facing the Holy Vault. The thousands of rings in the lake were testaments of pilgrims the ages buried but never forgot: their offering of one of the earrings the church bestowed upon them turned their devotions into a collective eternity.
Elliot sat upright, licked his lips, and unclipped his right earring. “No, but today, like love and like courting, has many steps. ‘Tis a nice shift of responsibility to keep track of them instead of--I don't know--but it's nice.”
Nolanel reached under the seat to pull free a parcel of desserts. Unwrapping a dense bar of cake, he asked, “Was I ever courted?”
Elliot squinted.
“You used my given name from the first, gave me jewelry before candy, and threatened to blackmail my mother if she tried to interfere with us going to breakfast.”
Spinning the earring around his fingers, Elliot said, “All right, I failed all those steps. But I’m going to get these correct.”
Nolanel stretched his legs out afore him and poked Elliot with the toe of his boot. “I failed ‘em all too, but I guess we turned out all right.”
The wind blew again, sending ripples through the water. The pair went silent, Nolanel listening to the laughter of other worshipers along the shore and in identical boats; Elliot heard his own heartbeat.
He looked away to the cliff behind him--there lay the furthest reach of Ishgardian territory afore Dravania, sourcing the river which torrented in a waterfall to fill this holy basin, and which stirred its waters to a bubbling, restless pitch every sun of the year but for this week. Without that deafening waterfall, the lake calmed to clarity, revealing the offerings of the faithful and the object of their worship: a submerged statue of St. Nikolas, patron of love.
Elliot sunk against the boat and hung his arm over the side again. The cool water stung his hand until it numbed. Releasing a breath, he dropped his earring into the invisible current. It sunk, flashing white in farewell, and flew beneath the boat to vanish. His heart wrung. How long he waited to be here, to sacrifice that bit of gold to the azure, to promise with it that his life was in service to love, ever growing, swift and light, radiant in the depths--and it ended in seconds.
He withdrew his hand and cradled it against his chest for warmth, thinking over again how Nolanel pledged his earring to the sacred forge to be worked into his identification tag. Reason argued: Nolanel never sought love like he did vengeance, and his worship always turned toward the martial, but he devoted his fortnight to this, studied maps and observed the weather, argued coin and blood with tavern stops or inns, and bartered a day's ride with a caravan by relieving a merchant's chocobo with Marcasite. Nolanel never complained; there was silver in his laugh; he caught side glances and echoed touches; he sang on empty roads, kept vigilant on crowded ones. Drunk on warmth and the rhythm of breath, he held Elliot as he slept and woke with a quiet smile.
It ached somewhere in him that he treasured all that came before over than this moment. He could blame time, the waiting--no, not the waiting, he never felt so empty as this when Nolanel returned--himself, then, but that was no solace. His faith did not change, and neither did his need for it, but his reliance shifted: he felt stronger with Nolanel’s hand on his shoulder than under any angel’s gaze; even if not in words, Nolanel always answered his questions. If life was forever, and life was love and feeling and passion, why did he only feel it in other people? He felt life in others but peace in the church--but peace was a type of emptiness.
Elliot drew himself back into his seat and flicked the last drops of water from his hand. "Ser," he said.
Across from him, Nolanel responded only with "Mm."
"You traveled five days from the city with me."
"I remember."
"To take me to the church of my patron saint on his feast day."
"And we're here."
"And you haven't kissed me."
Nolanel dragged the back of his hand across his mouth, wiping icing away. He spoke with his mouth full, voice piqued in insult: "I'm eating cake!"
“Then put it down!” Elliot scrambled across the yalm’s distance between them, unsettling the weight in the boat, and toppled into Nolanel with a shriek. A paddle jostled free of its pin and slipped into the lake.
Nolanel leaned back for balance. His ankles pressed against the flanks of the inner hull for grip, and his body sunk into the gap between the seat and aft. One arm leaned into the rim, and the other circled around Elliot’s waist to hold him flat against him. His head hung over the water and he laughed, in love with the sound of the water around them and with Elliot’s surprise. “Don’t move now,” he said, drawing his hand up across Elliot’s back and hair, bringing their faces together. “The boat’ll tip if you start.”
Elliot opened his mouth to retort, but Nolanel took his lower lip between his teeth and pulled him into a kiss.
The boat’s bow jolted free of the water. Beneath him, Nolanel's body shifted to steady their balance. The boat clapped back down.
For now, in exalting clarity, they were forgiven for life. They forgot the dead, abandoned worry in acceptance, loved sweetness, loved each other, delighted in ecstasy and knew it an ascension without gods.
Unknown voices blurred from an endless distance; there was none between them. Wind flew over the surface of the lake and spun beyond their sense. The numbness of the city melted away, and the brace of the mountains and heights of the skies seemed like nothing. None of it mattered compared to this.
Elliot shivered as Nolanel's free hand brushed across his unadorned ear.
He parted from the kiss with unwanted tears. He fumbled to the opposite end of the boat to hide them, knowing what they confirmed, and fearing them.
He cared nothing of the loves he would never know or share or meet. He desired only this one. If tenderness never existed outside Nolanel's arms, if the world went silent except for Nolanel's voice, and if all of life stiffened in abiding repose, let it be so. He needed only this love. Whatever love existed in the heavens and in the church, it was unnecessary.
Nolanel leaned his head back towards the water, wetting several curls of his hair. His eyes shut against the sun, and he hummed, amused. “How sacrilegious is it to fall in?” he asked.
Elliot looked into the water, where the statue's presence stirred no awe in him. “Don’t talk of sacrilege right now.”
Sensing Elliot’s severity, Nolanel grunted in and carefully raised himself from the boat’s shallow aft.  After a time, he hesitantly said, "Did we fail a step?"
"No." Elliot reached into the water to retrieve the bobbing paddle. He set its length against his knees, unheeding of the cold water that dripped to his feet. "We did everything correctly. Thank you."
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Springfield, Miles From Ordinary
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The town of Springfield was established in 1798 with a plan of 50 acres to use for a public square. This square included 10 streets and 66 lots that were sold to the public for just $8 each. The first Courthouse was made of hand-hewn logs. 
This public square is still flourishing today with many locally owned businesses that reside in renovated buildings dating back to the 19th century. The restored court house sits in the middle of this downtown commercial district with a bell that still chimes at every hour. 
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 This charming town is just a 30 minute drive from Nashville and a true breath of fresh air. There is no lack of friendly faces, hand crafted shops and artisan foods. Not to mention the scenic tobacco farms and greenways. You can spend a day, two or lifetime in this town and never get bored. 
I have spent the last two years living and falling in love with this small, quirky town. From the people to the places I feel at home here. I am excited to share my love for this place in my very first blog post by highlighting some of my favorite places to go and things to do. I hope you enjoy reading it and decide to come visit! 
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My first stop on the square is always Historic Perk. This coffee shop welcomes you with the delightful smell and delicious taste of their in house brewed coffee. The is my favorite rainy day spot; the friendly, cozy atmosphere is perfect to get lost in your work or a good book.  https://www.historicperk.com/
Maybe coffee isn’t your thing? Don’t worry the square has something for you. Burdett’s Tea Shop is not even a block away and if granny chic is a thing this place would be it. From the decor to the delicious varieties of tea and comforting food; you really feel as if you are at grandma’s for lunch.  http://www.burdettsteashop.com/
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After your caffeine fix now it’s time to do some shopping. Most of the boutiques and shops are stocked with handmade locally sourced items. Shopping small businesses is always a plus; especially when you are getting one of a kind treasures.
 Wild Hearts Trading Company is one of my favorites; you can find a variety of local products from plants and decor to bath and body products. Their speciality is custom made shirts with adorable designs. They even take special orders!  https://www.wildheartstrading.com/
If you like unique boutique clothing you have to check out Hey Belle. They offer a variety of different styles from casual to formal. If you are tired of trying to find something that stands out at these department stores; this is the place to go. You’ll be able to get some special pieces to add to your wardrobe or that perfect dress for any occasion! http://www.heybelletn.com/
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Main Street Boutique is another place you can find boutique clothing, jewelry,  home decor, and a variety of uniquely designed kitchen ware. There is even a section in the store dedicated to children, with clothing, toys, and other necessities.  https://www.facebook.com/mainstreetboutiquespringfield/
Speaking of children, just up from Main Street Boutique is Pretty Opossum; a children’s boutique! There are always some really cute choices here; not only for children but for the expecting mother as well. I highly suggest stopping here first for all of your baby shower gifts; you can’t go wrong with anything they have to offer; trust me.  https://www.theprettyopossum.com/
The owner is also an artist; she has many of her creations for purchase inside the store such as stamp prints, mugs, and candles. She had made stamps for many of the local farms and businesses around town! The majority of her creations can be found in her online store; Dusty Rose Block Press. https://dustyroseblockpress.bigcartel.com/
If you are wanting some natural, local foods and remedies for you and your pets I suggest you check out Our Serenity Shop. They have a multitude of products including essential oils, CBD products, organic and local foods, and so much more.The pet section is my absolute favorite. I’ve found products for my cat’s skin irritation and  nervous behavior; both have worked wonders in my fur baby’s life.  https://www.ourserenityshop.com/
Among all these shops there are a couple of places you have to go into just because! Maker Table is a metal fabrication shop and these guys are a hoot. They have created many things around town such as the dog park sign, bike racks, and the newest addition to the square the Jail Alley gate. The alley was once used to take prisoners over to the court house. Maker Table offer custom pieces you can take home as well. https://makertable.com/
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Another creator’s shop is Caleb Woodard Furniture Co. There is a workshop in the back of this place where these guys create one of a kind pieces of furniture. From tables, to cutting boards you can appreciate the craftsmanship of everything in this place. https://www.calebwoodardfurniture.com/
If you are wanting to explore your own creative side I suggest stopping by Willow Oak Center for Arts and Learning. This is a space that host numerous art centered events not only in the center but around the community. You can take music lessons, a cuisine class, attend a painting party or just admire some amazing art work at one of their gallery events. Check out their website to see the upcoming activities! http://www.willowoakarts.org/
After a day of exploring the town it’s probably time to get your grub on again. There are some one of a kind dinner choices around the square with chef created menus. You will be in for some outstanding dining experiences that your taste buds will surely thank you for. 
The Depot Bar and Grill located right next to the train tracks offers a full menu as well as daily specials. This is probably the only place that you will be able to find Smoked Duck Breast Quesadillas and Texas Tails on the menu. There is a full service bar and a specific menu for wines and dessert. From the delicious food to the friendly staff, I think you will find yourself wanting to come back again and again! http://www.thedepotbarandgrill.com/
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If you are looking for a place that offers vegan options The Copper Vault is the place to go. They offer a vegan specific menu with some unique options including their impossible burger and kimchi sweet potato fries. There is a cafe inside as well if you are looking for a day time place to catch a bite and do some work. The dinner room is beautifully staged and makes for the perfect date night atmosphere. Their traveling chef brings back things to incorporate into the dishes so I suggest you keep up with them on social media so you don’t miss out on some delicious meal options!  https://www.coppervault.co/
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📸: @coppervault on Facebook
Public House is another great place to grab some drinks and some tasty food. They just launched a brand new menu and I am excited to try it all. Though my favorite at the moment is the Pimento Cheese BLT.  You can dine in this cozy place or you can have them cater any of your events. They have some really nice dinnerware options and the food is exceptional! https://m.facebook.com/PublicHouseTN
Though I think this town is absolute perfection already it keeps expanding. There are a few places in the works to open up this year that are just going to add to the overall Springfield experience, making it even more exceptional. Born and Raised Market is one that I am most excited about! They have been hard at work remodeling the little white building to bring us a deli and general store where you can grab lunch.  https://www.bornandraisedmarket.com/
BS Brew Works has been bringing a building back to life to bring their brew out of the kitchen and into a place for us all to enjoy. I know that this brewery and taproom is going to be a fantastic place to socialize and enjoy some cold ones!  https://www.bsbrewers.com/
Though an opening date has yet to be set on the old movie theater on the square it has recently been purchased and a dumpster has been filling up from the start of their renovation process. The plan is for the space to be used for ongoing events including live music, shows and movies. 
Before you head back home I suggest you take a sunset cruise down some back roads. Those breathtaking views and sweet country air really do the soul good. Springfield is truly a gem, far from Ordinary. 
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📸: @imagoluxphotography on Instagram 
Find me on other social sites: @jessicasellsnashville
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vintagewoe · 6 years
Sanctify—Chapter Four
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Pairing: Bill Weasley x MC, Charlie Weasley x  MC
Summary: During your fifth year at Hogwarts, you and your friends seek out the next Cursed Vault. You struggle with nightmares of flame and Jacob's laughter, and you haven't been sleeping much. You dreams beg you to be honest with yourself and your feelings, but how can you do that when you're not sure how you feel? Slytherin Female MC
Warnings: All the characters are underage, plus there’s gonna be a whole lot of angst.
Chapter Links: One Two Three Four Five Six
Chapter Four: Empty
How the hell did Penny drag you into this mess? You’re in the Hufflepuff dormitory while the peppy girl charms the life out of your hair. One of her spells finally takes, and your hair adapts to form loose curls. “This is ridiculous,” you groan into your reflection. “I don’t understand why we’re even doing this.” Your friends had decided to attend this year’s ball as a group, yet Penny insisted on getting the girls together beforehand to primp and preen beyond recognition. You’ve been seeing Charlie for about a month now, however; no one besides Barnaby knows. They both think that tonight would be a good time to tell the group, but you hoped to warn Bill in advance. You’re not sure why, but it feels like the right thing to do. His avoidance of you had increased over the last few weeks though, which left you with no time to talk. Tonight will have to be as good as any other. “Quiet, Y/N. You’ve never looked this pretty in your life, so why don’t you stick to curse-breaking and let me handle all of the real work.” You continue to grumble, but let her mangle your appearance. Rowan giggles and continues their reading. They’re dressed in a simple pair of black dress robes, and you think they look sleek and handsome. Tonks and Tulip had stopped by earlier but left immediately after getting dressed to plan out their night. You worry a little about what they’ll do but assume that at least no one will get hurt. Penny, of course, looks radiant. Her usual braids are pinned up into a bouquet shape with one pink rose in the center. She’s wearing a blush-colored chiffon dress that cuts off at the knees and delicate, floral jewelry. You know that Barnaby will be floored when he sees her. Watching her float around the dormitory brings you back a few weeks earlier. You had just come home from a date with Charlie, Pygmy Puff in hand. Sadly, you hear cries as soon as you enter the common room. You run over to your best friend. His eyes are red and brimming with tears, so you wipe them away with your sleeves and take his hands in yours. “Barney,” you beg. “I know how hard you try to act tough around everyone else, but this is me. Please tell me what’s been bothering you.” Normally, he’d try to talk his way out of it, but he had hit his limit. He musters up as much of a smile as he is capable of and nods. “I’ve been writing to my mum in Azkaban the last few weeks,” he starts, avoiding eye contact. “She’s…not great, but she’s my mum. She and my dad got a new lawyer, so they’ve been trying to get out.” “What do they want from you?” You thought that your words would come across far more gently, but you find it difficult to conceal your distaste for the couple. Your heart breaks for the boy in front of you. His relationship with his parents is complicated—they constantly push him to be someone that he’s not and tear him down for the person that he is, but he still loves them. “Well, at first, she wanted me to testify on their behalf,” Barnaby sighs. “You know, tell the court that they’ve always been good parents and that I need them around.” Lies. “But apparently, they wouldn’t even give them a public hearing no matter what their lawyer tried. After that, she spent some time letting me know everything she wants me to do to try and fix the family’s reputation. She wants me to focus on becoming an Auror and finding a pure-blood witch to marry.” You gasp involuntarily. “Barnaby, you’re fifteen. They can’t control your life like that.” “I’ve actually been working up the courage to turn her down. I know I’m not very smart, but I’ve been thinking that I really want to be a Magizoologist after graduation.” You remember the small creature you have for him and smile; he would be wonderful at caring for and studying magical creatures. “And I know it’s not exactly marriage, but there’s a girl I really like, and I don’t wanna mess that up for someone else’s mistakes.” You try to find the words to express just how proud of him you are, but his tone quickly changes. “After today, none of that matters though.” “What is that?” You ask cautiously, and he sighs again. “My mum wrote again today. Dad went kinda crazy after finding out that their lawyer was a muggleborn—let’s just say that they’re not getting out of there any time soon.” As much as you think they deserve it, you know that’s not what he wants to hear. “I’m sorry. I can’t imagine what you’re going through, but you’re the greatest person I’ve ever met. At least with them far away from you, we can focus on what you want to do and what makes you happy.” You pause and reach for the carrier on the ground. “On that note, I actually have something for you that I think will help. Close your eyes and hold out your hands.” He does as you say, so you pull out the small creature and place it gently in his palms. Barnaby’s eyes immediately shoot open and widen as far as they can. “What is this?” He asks in awe, petting the small critter gently with one of his hands. You smile and tell him everything you know, though it isn’t much. The Pygmy Puff keeps Barnaby distracted and happy for hours while he interrogates you about your day—focusing very heavily on the Charlie of it all. You open up to him about your mixed feelings, which in turn prompts him to admit his feelings for a certain Hufflepuff.
Penny quite literally slaps you back into focus to receive praise for her work. You look into the mirror and can’t even recognize the person staring back at you. You’re wearing a plain column gown with a sweetheart neckline, but in a striking crimson that contrasts starkly against your pale skin. The charms that Penny cast on your hair keep the blonde locks in loose ringlets that pool across your shoulders, and it’s accessorized by a simple golden flower crown. She brushed a small amount of bronze shadow to bring out the blue in your eyes and a sheer red over your lips. You can barely believe how different you look. “Wow, Penny. Thank you; I love it,” you admit earnestly. “Even though you painted me into a goddamn Gryffindor.” She winks back at you. “I knew it would appeal to a certain Weasley boy.” Penny pulls you and Rowan to the Great Hall, and you wonder how she’d guessed about Charlie. “I see our boys now.” Charlie spots your trio at the top of the staircase first; his mouth nearly falls open. Barnaby and Ben gape up as well, but Charlie has to whack Bill’s head to make him turn. His eyes lock with yours, and time feels slower. You take a deep breath to steady yourself and head down the stairs. “See,” Penny whispers. “Bill can’t take his eyes off of you.”
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 8 months
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"ARREST OF three men today has led to a clean-up in the Royce Ave. bank robbery of 10 days ago, police claim. Hector LeBlanc (left) was picked up in an Toronto house while William Lake (right) and Stanley Scarfield were captured at Bartonville, a Hamilton suburb, wearing air force uniforms.
SMALL-SIZED arsenal was confiscated in the seizure of the men, including a Sten gun and a double-barrelled shotgun. Cash of $9,000 was also seized. Toronto bank was robbed of $12,549.
MAKES ARREST ON LAST DAY Detective John McArthur, serving his last day on the city police force before retiring on pension after 30 years' service, arrested Hector LeBlanc, one of the three men charged with robbing the Bank of Montreal branch on Royce Ave." - from the Toronto Star. September 11, 1943. Page 2.
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"BANDIT GUNS confronted Elta McClellan (left) and Kathleen McLean when they arrived at the Royal Bank in Wheatley yesterday for work. The guns were held by five men who took $34,000 from the vault.
AT GUN-POINT, Miss Jean Tait, accountant, was prodded into opening the vault.
BANK MANAGER William Forshee, held captive with his wife throughout the night, stands at the door of the vault.
ROY HOPPER, 13, was one of the two boys who saw the men enter the bank manager's apartment.
HIS COMPANION was Ken Julien. 12. They never did sound a warning because they thought it was a "false alarm." - from the Toronto Star. September 11, 1943. Page 25.
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"CHARGE THREE MEN WITH A ROYCE AVE. BANK ROBBERY," Toronto Star. September 11, 1943. Page 25. --- Two Are Nabbed in Bartonville and One in Toronto --- PAIR WORE WINGS ---- Arrests of three men at the point of drawn guns and the seizure of a Sten machine-gun, loaded revolvers and almost $9,000 in cash, was announced today at police headquarters. The three men are charged with machine-gun robbery of the Royce Ave., branch of the Bank of Montreal 10 days ago, when $12,549 was stolen.
Inspector of Detectives M. M. Mulholland announced that the men held and charged with the armed robbery are: William Lake, alias Dell Harris, 25. Toronto; Hector Le Blanc, alias John Rivers, 25, of Montreal, and Stanley Scrafield, 22, of Long Branch.
Scrafield and Lake were arrested at Bartonville, a Hamilton suburb. when visiting a friend, police said. Le Blanc was arrested in a house on Bartlett Ave., Toronto, by Detective John McArthur, who is serving his last day on the city force after 30 years service. McArthur is retiring on pension.
When arrested, Lake and Le Blanc were wearing air force uniforms. Lake had a D.F.M. ribbon on his tunic. Both tunics also carried wings. In the Bartonville house, police said they found $3,600 in cash in a club bag and a loaded revolver, also a large quantity of jewelry.
Hamilton detectives and Dets. Nimmo and Tong went to a Hamilton hotel and searched a room. In a suit case, police say, they found $2,073 and a loaded revolver, which was identified as the one stolen from the Bank of Montreal, Royce Ave. on the day of the hold-up.
Lake and Le Blanc are also charged with armed robbery of the People's Watch Co., Dundas St. W.. last month when jewelry and $10 were stolen. Scrafield and Wm. Bennett, 22 of Lake Shore Rd., Lakeview, and Harry Franklin, 24, Bartle Ave., are charged with receiving the stolen jewelry. Franklin was under arrest two days ago and Bennett was arrested yesterday.
Lake, Scrafield, Bennett and Le Blanc are also charged with shooting with intent. Police state H. D. Smith of Kingston surprised four men attempting to steal his automobile on Aug. 11 and in a chase was fired on.
Lake, Serafield, Bennett and Le Blanc are also charged with the armed robbery of a taxi cab driver in Montreal in August. Police say the driver was thrown out of his machine on the highway outside of Montreal after being robbed of $20. This car, recovered today at London, Ont., was used in the Bank of Montreal hold-up in Toronto, Inspector of Detectives Mulholland stated.
In "A" police court before Magistrate Browne today Scrafield, Le Blanc and Lake were remanded until Sept. 17. No bail was set. The trio are also charged with shooting with intent to maim R. Purton, manager of the bank.
Officers working on the case were Inspector Arthur Levitt, Det- Sergt. Hector Barber and Det. Lister Sullivan. Det-Sergt. Maxwell Richardson worked in co-operation with Hamilton police.
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Counting On Season 6 Episode 4: Joy and Austin’s Camping Trip
Here is the recap of lat week’s counting on! 
no counting on live blog- but luckily it’s fall break so I should be able to recap the episode tomorrow morning! 
flashpoll going up later on this evening! thank you all for your understanding! i am feeling so much better this week! 
-Admin T 
The episode opens 2 ½ weeks out to Joy’s wedding. Joy and Kendra are going to the salon to try hairstyles for the wedding. Kendra is one of Joy’s bridemaids and also a potential future sister in law. Two months into their courtship, Joe and Kendra are very happy being together.  It is 16 days from the wedding. Joy says they met around 15 years ago and Joy liked him from the beginning and he became interested a little more than a year ago. The hairstylist asks about their first date; Joy says it was in August 2016.  Kendra tells her hairstylist about Joe. Joy’s hairstylist asks about the dress and Joy reminds us about the shopping experience last week. Joy says she isn’t sure if she will do an updo but wants to try one out. Kendra says she hasn’t had her hair done in a salon like this before and enjoys it. Kendra says its special to spend time together now that they’re both busy in relationships. They add the forehead band and I really like it. Joy looks really nice and unique in this style- I wish she had chosen it for her wedding style!
Jodi ( this is how I’m spelling it, it’s probably wrong) comes and does their makeup. He puts lashes on Joy. She says she thinks Austin will think it’s a little too much so she will wear less on her wedding day, she thinks.  With Kendra, he does a bolder lip color and Kendra agrees to try it, even though it’s a new thing. Jodi: “It’s kinda good to get outside the box!” Kendra: “yeah, I’m pretty much an in the box kind of person so this is good for me.” They try new things and I think that is good. Both have fun and have better ideas about what they might do for the wedding.
In Cnetral America, Israel is running around. Jill says Israel adapts easily and remembers his old bedroom. There’s an amazing scene where he has made a “cave” aka a blanket fort which is adorable. He plays on the playground and he is so excited to see cows around. They play on the basketball court. Jill says Israel’s favorite part of the day is anything that involves food. They make banana bread for their friends together. Jill and Derick hope all this adaption will help when Samuel arrives.
At Joy and Austin’s house, it is day 6 of construction. They’re putting up rafters for the vaulted ceilings in the master bedroom. Jed is helping and Joy arrives to see how it is coming along. They are finishing up the makeshift wall holding the lam beam up in order to put the beam up and have a symmetrical ceiling. Joy is nervous that this might not go well. While Austin says it likely won’t be done in 2 weeks, but he hopes to have a kitchen, bathroom and bedroom done. Jeremy says they would not have handled that situation as well because Jeremy is not a “fixer upper” kind of guy, whereas this is Austin’s expertise. Jessa says their house was renovated before their wedding but because it’s a rental it wasn’t their job. Jessa said this must be pretty stressful. If it doesn’t get done, they will stay in a camper or an apartment or one of the finished rooms.
Joy is rallying the Duggars to pack for the camping trip for the bachelor(ette) weekend. They're going to kayak and raft, cook out and sleep in tents and hammocks. Almost 20 people are coming along for the trip. Joy says they can't bring their RVs. Joy has never actually been camping but Austin talks about legitimate (no RVs, not in the back yard) camping all the time and Joy wants to try it. Jessa and Ben aren't going and they say they're sad but they totally are not sad because they have two children. Jinger and Jeremy are not the camping type. Joy keeps telling them not to cheat- no makeup, no electricity. In Laredo, Jeremy and Jinger are shopping for platters for Joy’s rehearsal dinner. She is serving fajitas. 80-100 people will be at the dinner which is pretty small for the rehearsal dinner. Jinger thinks adding some bright and colorful dishes will add some flair to the rehearsal dinner. Jeremy says on the actual night Joy won’t even notice the dishes, she’ll be too infatuated with Austin. Jinger is worried while shopping that Jeremy will break dishes because he is not being super gentle. But he is an athlete and “really quick with his hands.”  They get bowls for ice cream, 8 medium dishes for fajita ingredients, 3 large chip bowls and two platters for tortillas. Jinger thinks that Joy will love the dishes and be able to use them in the future. The finish up and head off.
It is morning, and Joy is preparing for the camping trip. They have breakfast and prepare. The Caldwells arrive- Pastor, Kendra and Lauren- and Kendra says she really enjoys outdoorsy stuff like camping. They go get Austin and then they will head to the campsite. At the Forsyths, Austin unpacks his truck and loads up camping gear. Austin is worried about temperature. Austin: "It's gonna be cold. I hope that I don't flip, but I think someone will and I get to watch.” We get flashbacks to all previous Bachelor/Bachelorette parties: Jessa & Ben’s football game & cookout, Jeremy’s golf outing and Jinger’s jewelry making. Joy: "Most people go do drinking and dancing, or whatever else, I don't even know." The Duggars don’t really do that, in case you didn’t know.
They arrive at the kayak rental place. Austin has been to this river before and is comfortable going down it in a kayak. They have a few minutes of instruction from the rental place. Everyone is worried about falling into the cold water. They launch and will take turns switching between kayaks and rafts. They head down the river and this looks pretty fun.  Austin flips on the first rapid and says the water is really cool. Joy is worried at first but he’s fine. When Joy gets in the Kayak, she picks it up really quick. She flips while hanging near a raft and ends up deciding to get in the raft. Despite the cold, some brave friends jump from the rope swing into the water. They try to convince Jana to do it, but she gracefully declines. Joy and a friend both jump in. Kendra doesn’t do the rope swing; Joe says he fell in earlier so he was good. Austin says this trip was special and they’ll remember it forever.
Jessa and Ben go shopping with Jackson and Tyler to find something for Spurgeon and Henry to wear to Joy’s wedding. Tyler, Jessa explains, is their cousin. His mom was in a bit of a tough situation, he needed a place to go, and so the Duggars have legal guardianship of him. They’re at a thrift shop to save money. Spurgeon is a little fussy and rambunctious during the shopping trip. Jessa comes across stick horses and gets really sweetly excited and nostalgic about her childhood games with her siblings. Ben is worried the stick horses won’t fit in the van and he is worried about how clean they are. Ben informs us that when there’s disagreement, you should be patient and pick your battles. They get the stick horses and rocking horses as well.
Back at the camping trip, they start setting up to sleep that evening. Joe and Kendra set up a tent together for the girls to sleep in (this totally seems like one of those “couple things to do before marriage” like in my family we often joke about assembling ikea furniture together because if you can survive that, you can survive anything.) Laura D and Jana set up their tent and see a giant spider.  “At least it’s not a bear” says sassy Jana. They can’t set the hammocks up on certain trees because they have a lot of poision ivy. They end up use the tucks to hook onto. Joy: “In a couple weeks it’s cool to think that we won’t have to sleep in separate hammocks.”  They light a campfire and gather around to hang out. Jana says she is happy for Joy but sad to lose Joy. It’s gonna be hard to let her go.
Laura D, the wedding coordinator, has a game prepared for Joy & Austin. It is the shoe game, which I think is relatively common because I’ve seen it played before. They take of their shoes and exchange one so they end up with one of their own shoes and one of their partners. Then Laura asks questions and they raise the shoe of the person they think best answers the question. Austin is older, Joy has more siblings. These are the warmups. Who was the most diligent student? Joy, they agree. Austin says Joy is the smartest, Joy says Austin is. Joy is more likely to run late, they agree. Both say the other for who's better looking. Joy said I love you first, in front of her parents. He cried and said I love you too. Austin wears the pants, they agree. Joy says they'll both cook, Austin says Joy will. Austin is the most likely to wake up grumpy, they agree. Joy has the smelliest feet, they agree. They conclude saying they love each other more than everyone in the world. The next morning, no one is well rested. It was cold and uncomfortable, Austin says. Austin goes to Joy’s hammock where she is waking up and says her feet are ice cold. Austin touches her feet and says “How did you sleep like that?” They make breakfast. Jana says there were five girls in the tent and they were cold. They pack up camp and everyone agrees that this camping trip was a great idea. They’re closer to the big day, Austin says, and it’s a relief to be getting closer.   Next episode will be all about Joy and show the siblings making her gifts.
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acourtofcouture · 3 years
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The Night Court Jewelry Vault, 12/?
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lyccris · 7 years
A Curse for You, forever true
Palamecia has a history of cruel rulers and bloody violence. One might learn a lesson from the gifts left behind by such monarchs.
“Is that..?” Lady Grimault paused in her walk, leaving the servant to trail on ahead for a few steps before he turned to look back in her direction. Her gaze remained on a display of lustrous pearls strung delicately into a rope that lay in a bed of black velvet. Above the necklace were a pair of earrings, their stones of equal quality to the ones of the necklace itself seeming to glow in the light of the treasury. “I was not aware that our empress had a fondness for pearls.”
The servant’s face twisted faintly, though the lady herself did not see it. “She does not, my Lady. Those are, I believe, a relic of a previous ruler’s time.”
“Pity that.” Lady Grimault slowly tore her eyes away from the jewelry, blinking as she looked at the young man as though seeing him for the first time. “Is that why they are here? Such fine work.. It would be a shame if they were to gather dust alone.”
Bowing his head, arms folding behind his back, the servant tried to keep his tone level when he spoke. “It is not my place to say, Lady. The vaults are... dotted with such heirlooms as these. Forgive me, but I cannot think of the person’s name who commissioned the one you speak of.”
“Of course.” Settling her stole around her shoulders, Lady Grimault quirked one corner of her mouth at the top of his head. “Lead on then. It would not do to keep Her Excellency waiting.”
“As you wish, my Lady.” He deferred mildly, extending one arm to indicate the path ahead. “If you would.”
They walked in silence past the desks of treasurers and their assistants alike, sounds of rustling paper and footsteps their chief companions until the last row of aged wooden chairs was cleared. Another desk sat apart, occupied by a woman pointing out a set of figures to the empress. Both of them wore contemplative expressions until the young man cleared his throat hesitantly. The woman next to the empress frowned, eyes flicking between Lady Grimault and her companion with mistrust. Anima regarded them curiously, any trace of surprise or misgiving smoothed away.
“Lady Grimault,” she inclined her head faintly. “I was unaware that you were set to return so soon. All is well, I trust?”
“Indeed, Your Excellency.” The older woman bent her knees in the show of a curtsey, head low for the briefest moment before she rose of her own accord. “The winds granted a swift return from Kashaun, though the journey might best be described as boring.” She spread her mouth in a smile, rogue a dark compliment against her skin. “Yet it is with fortunate news that I return, Your Grace. If you have a moment?”
A bat of thick eyelashes masked a glance at the woman beside Anima as thinly as thread of silk, Lady Grimault’s smile turning somewhat pinched as the two considered one another. The head treasurer’s eyes narrowed faintly at the corners, mouth turning faintly downwards as she set the papers having been discussed face down so no guess at their contents could be made.
Though no one looked at him, the servant boy’s shoulders hunched faintly as a beat passed before Anima rose from her seat.
“A moment.” She repeated, briefly settling a hand on the head treasurer’s shoulder before pulling it back. “To allow good news a chance to stale and wallow would be a poor decision indeed.” Her mouth quirked, but the movement did not give way to a smile. “Shall we take this conversation somewhere with a more pleasant atmosphere, then? Though you return early, your journey has been long.”
“The gardens.” Lady Grimault suggested with delighted relish, drawing herself up with a sweet sigh. “There can be no match for the loveliness cultivated from such harsh climes.”
“Indeed.” Anima stepped around the table to join her, turning her regard to the servant boy only long enough to relieve him of his current duty. “A fresh well of ink for the Treasurer, if you would.”
Bowing low from the waist, he left.
Anima watched him give the lady he’d escorted as wide a berth as was socially polite before looking at Lady Grimault herself, tipping her head towards the exit. “Will your husband be joining the court this evening? He did return with you, did he not?”
“He did.” The simper left Lady Grimault’s voice, but her smile remained affixed to her mouth. “With the same blessing that saw our swift return, I do believe he may gather the strength to be present tonight.”
“Excellent.” Anima led the way as they began to walk, leaving the head of the treasury to her work. “It must come as a comfort that the trip allowed the two of you your privacy.”
As they passed the opened box of black velvet Lady Grimault’s hand moved as though to tidy a fold of her clothes, her tone growing warm as her smoothed over whatever perceived flaw had snared her attention.
“Yes indeed, Your Grace.” Her lashes fluttered. “It was a much needed reprieve.”
Tilting the mirror for a better angle Lady Grimault studied herself in its polished reflection. Much to her delight the softer luminescence from the lamps enhanced the natural glow of the pearls she’d glimpsed in the treasury. The rope settled three times around her neck after she’d found the clasp and put them on, masking the faint wrinkles of age and giving her a look of elegance none of her other jewels had ever achieved.
Turning her head, she examined the earrings as well and allowed herself a radiant smile. They sat perfectly, drawing the eye as pleasingly as the necklace itself did.
“Pearls?” Her husband’s tired, curious voice shattered her reverie with its musing. She looked at him through the mirror, tilting it just so that she could see his face over her bared shoulder. His brows furrowed as he studied her, not seeming to notice her indifference of him. “Where in the world did you happen upon those?”
Bringing the mirror up so that her reflection took up the whole of the glass once more, Lady Grimault soothed her soured mood by gently adjusting the fall of her hair. “They were a gift, darling. A hard earned and much deserved recompense for my work to the Crown.”
He shifted on the bed, another thoughtful sound escaping him past the sigh of effort the movement cost. “It went well with the Empress, then? The news from Kashaun?”
“As if I could tell what the milk-bred little tart is thinking.” Lady Grimault snapped, setting the mirror down with just slightly too great a force. The silver connected sharply with the wood of her vanity, rattling the glass set inside. Ignoring her husband’s wince she flicked her wrist in sharply dismissive gesture. “Her Grace only made mention that it pleased her to know our ties with Kashaun have improved. As if such were so easily accomplished in these months for so little in return!”
She made an ugly sound in the back of her throat, features twisting with a sneer. “Why, if it were her father on the throne still - “
“Janice.” Her husband entreated, sounding weary and faintly agitated. “Please. The pearls look lovely. Won’t you take them off and come to bed?”
His words brought a derisive twist to her mouth, the roll of her head on her neck to loosen the tension in it drawing her gaze back to the jewels. They clinked gently against one another as she moved and she repeated the motion to hear the noise again. Perfectly round and flawless, each pearl held the light of the lamp’s tiny flame and returned it with a faint glow of its own. She reveled in the fact that they no longer felt so cold against her skin, now sitting against it as though they belonged.
Allowing herself a smile, Lady Grimault turned her head at last to look at her husband. Seeing less his worried stare and more the vision of satisfaction and beauty she had built for herself in the mirror she hummed under her breath. “They are, are they not?”
Pushing herself to stand at a leisurely pace, Lady Grimault reached for the pins in her hair and lightly tugged. Coils of brown hair lightly threaded with pale gray tumbled down around her shoulders, whispering over her back. Tossing the pins for the maid to reclaim in the morning, she sunk down onto the bed to lie on her side so that her back was to her husband. One of her hands rose, trailing enraptured fingers over the necklace as she sighed in pleasure.
“Good night, Isley.” She offhandedly remarked, shutting her eyes. Behind her, her husband slowly shifted to lie down again. Lady Grimault paid him no mind, continuing to trace the loop of pearls as she drifted off to sleep.
Uncomfortable pressure woke her, accompanied by a thin rattle that beat against the walls of her throat as she tried to draw breath. Struggling, Lady Grimault reached for the source of the tightness in order to loosen it. Her fingers touched warm, smooth spheres and she distantly remembered the rope of pearls she had fallen asleep in after reveling in their beauty. Rocking, opening her mouth wider to better draw air into protesting lungs, she tugged at the necklace once.
Pain flared around her neck, quick and sharp in counterpoint to the throbbing just behind her ears. Tugging again brought much the same result as she forgot to worry about scratching the pearls with her nails, the need for unrestricted breath winning out over concern for the jewels. Her fingers could not find purchase over the stones, nor under them. They fit as though a part of her skin, nearly seamless except for their natural shape.
Lurching to her feet, uncaring if the motion woke her husband, Lady Grimault tottered to the vanity and its mirror. Looking at herself, a scream became lodged in her throat - unable to pass the constricted path of her airways. Dark smudges marred her skin above and below the ropes of pearls, in scant spaces where the little spheres parted to show flesh. She tore at them once more with both hands, panic rising as each attempt did little more than pepper her neck with tiny nicks from her nails.
In the mirror her double struggled just as much as she, an identical cast of panic contorting its features. Ceasing when the repeated attempts to yank the necklace free brought forth a fresh, new wave of pain Lady Grimault stared as something hot and wet trickled down her neck. Red seeped slowly between the pearls, meandering downwards from the torn patch of skin.
Slowly, subtle enough that she might not have caught it if otherwise occupied, the ropes of pearls shifted in the mirror’s reflection. She felt it only as the faintest tightening, a slow crushing that further dampened her efforts to breathe.
The guards’ faces lost their color at the mere sight of her. Men in armor and bearing weapons that could easily cut down a single woman stepped back hurriedly as she staggered past them, a hand pressed ineffectually against the pearls as though to slow their careful strangling. One of them regained himself enough to reach for her extended arm - though whether to stop her from tumbling into the empress’ private garden or not she neither cared nor thought of it.
Lady Grumault’s balance failed her as she entered the room and she fell heavily onto the mosaic tiles. Her entrance caused a clamor from the empress’ table - Anima coming to her feet with alarm written clear over her face. Her glance towards the guards uncertainly lingering by the door confirmed only that they were as off guard as she was, looks of horror dawning on their faces as the bedraggled woman struggled to rise.
“Lady Grimault,” forcing past the shock, Anima slowly moved to help the older woman get to her feet. “What happened to - “ She froze, hand outstretched to offer support as Lady Grimault managed to come up to her knees. Blood stained the front of the noblewoman’s gown, dried towards the bust and collar and fresh at the base of her throat. Scratches across her skin were apparent, some of them more akin to tears where gore-soaked pearls pressed with unnatural harshness against her neck.
The Lady’s eyes begged for help, bloodshot and huge in their sockets. Lady Grimault tottered forward, reaching for her with desperately clawed fingers crusted in blood.
Anima drew back, throat tightening of its own accord as disgust, dawning anger, and pity churned her insides.
“Shall we call a healer, Your Grace?” One of the guards asked plaintively, eyeing the lurching grab Lady Grimault made for her hand with repulsed discomfort. His hand lingered over the pommel of his weapon, but did not draw it.
“There is no need.” Anima remarked softly, unable to entirely hide her flinch as Lady Grimault overreached and tumbled to her hands and knees, tugging once more at the pearls around her neck. “She is beyond their help.” Lifting her eyes from the wheezing woman, she smoothed out her expression and hardened her voice. “Get out. If either of you breathe a word of this you may well look forward to the same fate.”
They left with poorly disguised shudders, armor clinking against itself as they moved to close the doors after them. Anima waited, deliberately not looking at the fading woman now laying on her side as she gathered herself. Slowly, she knelt just out of Lady Grimault’s reach and forced all expression from her face as she studied the woman.
“Peculiar that I was informed of a theft this morning.” She began slowly, hands folded in her lap. Those reeling eyes settled on her and Anima steeled herself against the look in them. “Someone,” she continued cooly, “purloined the pearls of Emperor Galvinus, first of his name.” Her stare sharpened, losing what pity she had allowed herself to feel. “Fortunate news you bring to me again, Lady. Thief, pearls and all, unknowing what the cost would be if you wore them.”
She ignored the hand weakly reaching for her own, subtly digging her fingers into her lap to retain composure.
“They were always meant for a woman, Lady Grimault, but not, I think, for you.” Anima pushed her shoulders back, habitually straightening her posture. “Emperor Galvinus desired the hand of a duchess of Altair - but when she refused him he commissioned those pearls and the earrings that go with them. He sent them to her as a gift for her name day, along with his sincerest condolences that he could not be in attendance.” Glancing at the jewels themselves, her expression tightened.
“She was found the next morning in much the state you are in now. The pearls sought to merge with her flesh, crushing her throat in the process by means of the Emperor’s enchantment. The earrings, it was said, supplied only enough healing magic to keep her alive until the sun rose.”
Color stained the pattern of tiles beneath them, warming the sky as the light around them grew pale and faintly rosy. A rattle left Lady Grimault’s mouth as her hand ceased its struggle, beleaguered form going limp. Anima watched her as it happened, deliberately expressionless until the sun cast her shadow over the floor.
She reached to push back bloodstained hair slowly, undoing the clasp of the necklace and easing the earrings free while keeping as little contact between the pearls and her own skin as possible. The jewels gleamed as the necklace swung daintily between her fingers, unmarred by the attempts to wrest them from previously struggling flesh.
“I shall not hold this against your husband, lady. Consider your crime paid in full.” 
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handeaux · 7 years
Your Guide To Buried Treasure In Cincinnati
If you read enough vintage Cincinnati newspapers, you’re forgiven if you suspect that buried treasure lurks beneath any vacant lot or inside any creaky old house. To recall just a few examples:
Workmen excavating the new YMCA building on Central Parkway in 1917 found a pottery crock spilling $2000 in gold coins when shattered by a pick.
A smaller stash – only $90 in gold pieces – was discovered in 1905 by workmen excavating for the Cincinnati Southern Railway below Third Street in the West End. [Cincinnati Post 22 June 1905]
Workers digging up a foundation next-door to the Betz Hotel on Monmouth Street in Newport discovered of “a box of old coin and shinplasters that bore dates of 1812 to 1830.” [Post 10 August 1908]
A young man in Industry, Ohio (now a part of Sayler Park), was building a fire when he poked a stick into a hollow log and a gold coin rolled out. He poked some more and found $1,200 in five-, ten-, and twenty-dollar coins. [Commercial Gazette 23 January 1884]
Paul Sampson, who owned a farm near Cheviot, tore down an old barn in 1916. While he cleared away the rubble, he found an old iron kettle and it rattled when he pulled it out of the dirt. The kettle was filled with coins, all dating to about 1840, according to the Cincinnati Enquirer [7 November 1916]:
“There was a total of $1,500 in United States money. Among the coins were 400 large pennies, 200 white pennies and gold and silver coins of various denominations. Besides the United States money, there were several Mexican, Canadian and French coins.”
A good many of these buried hoards came about because people did not trust the banks operating in the days before federal deposit insurance.
Among the skeptical was the reclusive Louise Laralde. When she died, Probate Judge William Luedders, accompanied by attorneys Milton Sayler and Frank Suire, searched her “squalid” house and found $500 in gold pieces along with gold watches, jewelry, ivory carvings and other valuables hidden in wall panels and under floorboards. [Post 23 November 1914]
And there was Ferdinand Schertz, who ran a barrelhouse on Court Street back in 1885, selling whisky by the drink, by the gallon or in bulk. Success seemed to elude him. But just before he died he slipped an envelope to his brother, Louis, containing instructions on where to find his estate. Between the privy, fake bedroom molding and a third-floor brick moonshine still, Louis found more than $65,000. Although Louis may have missed a few coins, there is no record of any treasure being discovered when the building was demolished. (It’s now a parking lot.) [Post 20 June 1885]
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All of this good fortune inspired a lot of rumors about treasure buried all over this area. In West Covington, City Marshal Herman Barkhau complained that prospectors had dug hundreds of holes all over his town for 30 years or more. An old rumor claimed that robbers had stolen $50,000 from a Cincinnati bank during the Civil War and hid it – just before they were captured – on the Kentucky side of the river. On their release from prison they found that nature had erased all of their landmarks and they never recovered the loot. [Post 5 October 1899]
A man on Poplar Street dreamed that a buried treasure lay under the stump of a tree at the western end of his street near the Millcreek. With a friend, he went looking and found a stump much like the one in his dream. The two dug all night, but found nothing, according to the Enquirer [17 Aug 1870], and were still digging without any luck weeks later.
Sometimes the rumors were documented. A workman named John Devine was digging a trench near the Elsinore water tower on Gilbert Avenue when he found a tin box filled with mildewed papers that, according to the Commercial Gazette [8 June 1889] laid out directions, in code, to a treasure buried just 10 feet away in Eden Park. Maybe he misread the code, for Mr. Devine never found the gold.
And there is some buried treasure you would not want to dig up. The Cincinnati Enquirer [21 December 1877] describes how two police detectives chased two known crooks down an alley off Fifth Street. The cops caught the robbers, but their pockets were empty. The detectives deduced that the thieves had dumped their pelf into the vault of an outhouse. They took the suspects to jail and planned to examine the vault the next day. (Yuck!)
Of course, not all that glitters is golden. The Cincinnati Gazette reported [23 May 1877] the “treasure” found by a group of ball-playing boys under the Main Street canal bridge. The ball rolled under the bridge and one of the boys chased it down the embankment, where he found it nestled among hundreds of half-dollar coins. To the dismay of the boys, all the coins turned out to be counterfeit.
Today, there are still rumors of hidden treasures in the Cincinnati region.
Four different hoards are allegedly buried somewhere on the hill below Carmel Manor in Fort Thomas, Kentucky. One was left by the paymaster for Fort Washington when he was attacked by Indians in the early 1800s, the second by the crew of a burning riverboat in 1860, and the third by Eli Kinney, a rich banker whose mansion is now part of Carmel Manor. [Enquirer 27 January 1958]
The fourth cache purportedly hidden on the Carmel Manor property was buried there by Carl Henry Johnson, an embezzler who stole $614,851.50 from Chicago’s Albany Park Bank. Johnson buried part of his ill-gotten funds in Chicago and San Diego, but he said $55,000 is buried somewhere in Cincinnati. [Enquirer 27 September 1985]
Although some think Johnson’s $55,000 is in Fort Thomas, others think it might be buried in one of our local parks. Some people think it’s buried in Price Hill, where he once rented an apartment.
We’ll never know. Johnson, four FBI agents, and a retired Chicago police officer, died 16 December 1982 when their two-engine airplane crashed into a bookstore in Montgomery, Ohio.
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