#the parenthesis and bold letters mean internal diologue
Sessions (AKA I really suck at titles)
To say that Jason wanted to curl up in a corner and fade into nothingness would be an understatement.
It was a whole month since what went down with  Ms. Kiebeth, Jason had been sure that a fantasy was going to come true, but then, a rush of logic, or really, a rush of self-awareness had stopped them from making a huge mistake.
Luckily Alfred had come to pick him up that day so he didn’t ruin it further with his words. After that, it was all a series of awkward glances around the hall, some blushing whenever he was in her class, and a very uncomfortable silence whenever they had their tutoring sessions, his eyes were glued to the books, not saying anything that wasn’t related to her class.
Today was no different, Alfred dropped him off at her apartment building, his eyes looking up to where her apartment would be, his heart beating a little fast as he gulped down, the routine whenever they had sessions. He walked into the building and took the elevator to her floor, he waited by her door as he checked his watch, 2:58 p.m, he waited until it was exactly three o’clock to knock on the door.
(Another day, another time I want the ground to eat me alive)
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