#the perpetuation of harm to Louis
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 months
Pre season 2 rant - heavy on sarcasm!
This is the... well by now somewhat meditated on rant I promised a while ago. It has a lot of cussing, so be warned.
It is a… summary comment about some views I‘ve seen around, from “bad writing“ to the “abuse“ and other things. Oh, and it's about the "lying" subject. With receipts!
I‘m getting this out of my system before season 2 hits, and before more of the press leading up to it is released, because cast, crew and writers as well as the show have given us all of it already and, tbh, if I‘m going to see anyone scream “bad writing“ or “Louis being made a liar or the memories revisited/changed is racism“ when the changes will hit I‘m just gonna block you.
Fair warning.
This is long… so under the cut.
This show has made color-conscious choices. Brilliantly so. They also have an astonishing meta level.
And what we saw was not the truth.
Jacob has said at the TCA panel that Louis is trying to regain his true memories.
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Here is a reminder of some key statements by cast and crew:
Here are interviews and statements by Assad and Jacob and Sam and Rolin and the writers & producers that what we have seen was not the (whole) truth, that Louis’ tale has been “tinkered” with, influenced.
I'm heroically refraining from adding the gifs of Rolin and his statement again. Which are from the episode insider… and remember when that aired?! Yeah… 😒
But I've seen things recently that make me want to pull my hair out, to be frank. For example this, behind the link:
...Like, not making him a whole flat ass liar is actually the point, guys. And no it does not undermine the story....
As the writers said:
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I mean, I get it to an extent. It's becoming clearer and clearer that the show some people made up in their heads is not the one they'll be getting. (We've been trying to tell them, but hey.)
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Yeah.... That.
Unfortunately @blackgirlasis has blocked me, (and I have returned the favor now that I noticed), we only discussed something recently, but I think the reason might have been after I posted that video, in which it is literally said that "not everything Louis says is a lie", which, given her statements here might speak for itself, especially this part of that statement:
"It is actually ACTIVELY harmful to perpetuate the idea that the Black characters aren't to be trusted with the narrative and that we need Lestat to come through with the honest accounting."
You know, I would actually agree! Which is also why I always emphasized that we did not get the WHOLE truth. I also kept more than hinting at the fact that Armand is, well Armand.
BUT - and here it gets interesting - why is JACOB's - a BLACK man's - statement discarded? Why do they do not want to hear it that Louis does, in fact, lie? And, just to be clear - I do not NEED Louis to lie, nor be proven a liar, and I think the show will do its damndest to explain via the "tinkering" that Armand did. They will give some of the blame to Armand.
But to flip one's shit over argumentation that the MAIN CHARACTER, a BLACK MAN has already stated... that is what I find interesting.
Like, why do you* (*generally spoken, not her especially) accuse people of racism over this, when HE has already said that Louis does, indeed, lie. Why is he not actually listened to? I don't get that. Why is agency taken away from a living, breathing person to give it to a fictional character? Why is his statement that "not all representation needs to be healthy representation" not kept in mind?
Louis is Louis. Louis being color-consciously handled didn't "change the character an awful lot".
JACOB said that. Here. Interestingly enough in a comment about the racial consideration the show does(!).
Louis is NOT a whole other character despite the changes, and the twists that will happen in season 2 were always set to come, as the friggin' video of BEFORE the show aired is proof of. They talked about all that. They know it didn't all happen as shown. They knew Louis did lie. But NOT about everything.
They also knew that some of the scenes did not happen (at least as shown). And now... "it’s clear that Louis is somebody hugely angry with a man he loved deeply and now presents them as a monster…" Also Jacob Anderson.
Presents. Them. As. A. Monster.
Bailey Bass said in the SDCC interview, that it is not clear who is the "villain here" in various scenes, interestingly enough, because the dynamic keeps changing. Which of course was after they shot a myriad of scenes that would not make it into the final s1 cut. Again: why is she not listened to? Why do you take her agency away to give it to a fictional character?
And I'm not even starting on the others. Sam. Rolin. The writers.
Also, re the abuse and scenes being revisited. Again, screenshot as example:
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There is nothing simple about this show. Especially that scene.
BUT the show knows what it‘s doing! I'm not going to rehash all that here now, here are links on that.
A revisit and a change of that scene will not be bad writing. (Or tasteless.) They already DID so in the last episode of season 1, continuing that will simply fall into line with what we have already been given. That's not bad writing. That's just the show, and there's people who just did not want to examine that.
Because it will be echoed, and it will serve a purpose.
I know the show did the meta level of patriarchal domestic abuse, but for fuck‘s sake, the story itself is about vampires struggling, and Louis is struggling.
The show has a meta level of abuse, and patriarchy, and recognizing is valid and the meta discussions are too.
But Louis is not chained to his coffin guys, he could have left, and a fight which shows off power discrepancies within the show story line is not automatically domestic abuse.
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*slow clap*
No-one wants this to happen for the sake of "redeeming" Lestat. Because he does not need that redemption. They're all murderers and monsters.
They kill. For a living. LITERALLY.
THEY ARE VAMPIRES It's not about vampires trying to find their humanity.
It's about vampires trying to find a way to live with themselves, because they are, indeed, monsters.
Doubting the narrative which was TORN APART WITHIN THE SHOW is not the same as bad writing or racism FFS, nor is actually looking at what we're given - and knowing the fucking, 50 year old books. And recognizing the hints and parallels.
I have also seen the take that Lestat isolated Louis... and like, did we watch the same show? You know, even with the vampirism (which, of course™, could not free Louis as promised)...
Months of flirting openly in NOLA, public wooing. DECADES LIVING IN NOLA. Operas. Restaurants. Family dinners. (And Louis stopping Lestat there, AS a mortal...) Cleaning the cribs, years of "human entanglement" because Louis wanted it.... Banjo barbecues, political influence, wakes... Everybody knew.
(Like, I could pull up gifs here.)
"Isolation". Right. It has nothing, at all, to do with the Rite of Passage, or Louis' depression.
Of course not.
I mean, Jacob says that Louis is very depressed during the time leading up to the fight, and his and Sam's discussion here is interesting as well, but hey, I mean, why listen to the actual black actor, right.
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As a last thing.
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Yeah. Tell me you know nothing about the books without telling me you know nothing about the books.
And, as a note, context is important if you pull up other scenes from the VC.
Welcome to the fucking Vampire Chronicles.
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Anyone expecting big bad patriarchal abuser Lestat is not going to have a good time.
And honestly, to those: don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Good riddance - and BON VOYAGE
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smokiedokie · 1 year
I think with the casting change for Claudia the writers are going lean into the “odyssey of memory” (as they should because it fits the themes of the show & they HAVE to address the recast somehow). I’ve seen a lot of people hypothesize that they’re going to go the route that Louis is forgetting what Claudia even looks like, which I think works very well thematically and would be heartbreaking to watch. I think that’s the most likely scenario for the show. But I do think they could possibly take it another route.
Daniel mentions in the finale how Claudia’s tone towards Louis after Lestat’s “murder” changes completely in her diaries. I think this could open up the possibility of Louis viewing the post-murder night Claudia as an entirely different person. Louis is despondent after leaving New Orleans & with no Lestat around to be the recipient of Claudia’s disdain, all of that rage and malcontent for how her life has been permanently altered has to go somewhere and that’s to Louis. Because killing Lestat doesn’t change the source of Claudia’s rage: she’s doomed to a life of perpetual dissatisfaction- a life she had no choice in being a part of- because Lestat AND Louis decided to make her their “band-aid for a shitty marriage” as Daniel put it. And just like how bringing Claudia into their lives didn’t change Louis & Lestat’s fundamental problems, getting rid of Lestat is not going to solve the fundamental problems between Claudia & Louis (especially when Louis immediately rebounds to a Armand the second he lays eyes on him).
Perhaps the “odyssey of memory” will not be Louis forgetting Claudia’s face but actively subconsciously (I know that doesn’t really make sense) altering her appearance altogether because he can’t face the fact that the Claudia of Europe- a Claudia that harbors such resentment & anger towards him, a Claudia that he let slip out of his fingers into the sunlight- is the same person he shared so much love & light with in New Orleans- safe from those that would harm her. He separates the two versions of her so he doesn’t have to address his own failure in turning her and his failure in protecting her. He can tell himself that the Claudia in Europe was different, a person a didn’t even recognize. A new Claudia entirely.
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January 27, 2024
On January 27, 1838, Abraham Lincoln rose before the Young Men’s Lyceum in Springfield, Illinois, to make a speech. Just 28 years old, Lincoln had begun to practice law and had political ambitions. But he was worried that his generation might not preserve the republic that the founders had handed to it for transmission to yet another generation. He took as his topic for that January evening, “The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions.”
Lincoln saw trouble coming, but not from a foreign power, as other countries feared. The destruction of the United States, he warned, could come only from within. “If destruction be our lot,” he said, “we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.”
The trouble Lincoln perceived stemmed from the growing lawlessness in the country as men ignored the rule of law and acted on their passions, imposing their will on their neighbors through violence. He pointed specifically to two recent events: the 1836 lynching of free Black man Francis McIntosh in St. Louis, Missouri, and the 1837 murder of white abolitionist editor Elijah P. Lovejoy by a proslavery mob in Alton, Illinois. 
But the problem of lawlessness was not limited to individual instances, he said. A public practice of ignoring the law eventually broke down all the guardrails designed to protect individuals, while lawbreakers, going unpunished, became convinced they were entitled to act without restraint. “Having ever regarded Government as their deadliest bane,” Lincoln said, “they make a jubilee of the suspension of its operations; and pray for nothing so much as its total annihilation.”
The only way to guard against such destruction, LIncoln said, was to protect the rule of law on which the country was founded. “As the patriots of seventy-six did to the support of the Declaration of Independence, so to the support of the Constitution and Laws, let every American pledge his life, his property, and his sacred honor…. Let reverence for the laws…become the political religion of the nation; and let the old and the young, the rich and the poor, the grave and the gay, of all sexes and tongues, and colors and conditions, sacrifice unceasingly upon its altars.” 
Lincoln was quick to clarify that he was not saying all laws were good. Indeed, he said, bad laws should be challenged and repealed. But the underlying structure of the rule of law, based in the Constitution, could not be abandoned without losing democracy. 
Lincoln didn’t stop there. He warned that the very success of the American republic threatened its continuation. “[M]en of ambition and talents” could no longer make their name by building the nation—that glory had already been won. Their ambition could not be served simply by preserving what those before them had created, so they would achieve distinction through destruction. 
For such a man, Lincoln said, “Distinction will be his paramount object, and although he would as willingly, perhaps more so, acquire it by doing good as harm; yet, that opportunity being past, and nothing left to be done in the way of building up, he would set boldly to the task of pulling down.” With no dangerous foreign power to turn people’s passions against, people would turn from the project of “establishing and maintaining civil and religious liberty” and would instead turn against each other. 
Lincoln reminded his audience that the torch of American democracy had been passed to them. The Founders had used their passions to create a system of laws, but the time for passion had passed, lest it tear the nation apart. The next generation must support democracy through “sober reason,” he said. He called for Americans to exercise “general intelligence, sound morality, and in particular, a reverence for the constitution and laws.”
“Upon these let the proud fabric of freedom rest, as the rock of its basis; and as truly as has been said of the only greater institution, ‘the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’”
What became known as the Lyceum Address is one of the earliest speeches of Lincoln’s to have been preserved, and at the time it established him as a rising politician and political thinker. But his recognition, in a time of religious fervor and moral crusades, that the law must prevail over individual passions reverberates far beyond the specific crises of the 1830s.
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Sea you probably don’t even know about this yet but Harry is back to playing to the Larries wearing clothes that Larries have made a huge deal out of for no reason (Umbro shirt) your answer was so on point even without this context. He keeps playing everyone for a fool like clockwork and they keep jumping up and down for all of his antics. The world treats him, Taylor Swift and the Kardashians as deities. What a depressing and sad state of affairs.
After 13 years, it’s worthwhile objectively to see how “Larry Stylinson” has moved the needle.
It’s made two privileged celebrities incredibly wealthy, one disproportionately so.
It’s probably harmed their mental health in deeply fundamental ways that they don’t even realize.
Has “Larry” made the landscape more friendly or safer for LGBT artists? It has not.
Some artists have spoken out on how fan speculation about their sexuality made them feel violated and even suicidal. “Larry” has worsened the entitlement of fans. This cult belief has increased the degree of fandom stalking, invasive speculation, probing into details of personal lives, the lives of family and friends.
Fans justify how making explicit fanfiction is “helping” Larry or the LGBT cause. Now the fandom’s obsession on gay male porn, and the blurring of reality and fiction, has found the most explicit expression in AI deep fakes with AI-generated music, photos, and videos.
How does any of this behavior help real life LGBT people?
Have Harry and Louis spoken out against the anti-trans movement in the UK or USA, their biggest markets? They have not.
Besides flag-waving and bland statements about women “not letting others make decisions about their bodies,” has Harry actually, publicly condemned the restrictions on abortion? The soundbites written for him all seem like the equivalent of “All Lives Matter,” just like his TPWK platitude. It is incredibly painful to see his fans scream TPWK when their actions are often the opposite.
Larries perpetuate harmful stereotypes of gay men and gay male fantasies. They see real people as puppets to manipulate, and their attitude extends to other celebrities as well. How does this help LGBT celebrities or common, every day people?
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ellistheelephant · 1 year
I’ve seen a few posts about the Elounor break up that I find quite disturbing.
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Presenting violence against women as a funny joke is quite harmful, actually.
I know people can get carried away with meme-ing but please think about what you are posting. I saw another post with a photoshopped picture of Louis standing by Harry and kicking Eleanor out of the way ( I looked but I can’t remember where I saw it). People may not be doing it on purpose but when you post things like this you are perpetuating the idea that it is fine to be violent towards women if you don’t like them or if they do something you don’t want them to. There are likely women in your life who have experienced violence by their male partner, and there are definitely women in this fandom reading your post who have. Stop perpetuating sexism and misogyny, please.
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thenightling · 2 years
Interview with the vampire episode 5 review:
No wonder I don’t like this version of Claudia. They merged her with Baby Jenks. And I always found Baby Jenks a bit insulting.  That character actually was fourteen-years-old and very vapid.  When I first read the novel Queen of the Damned I was fourteen and characters like Baby Jenks in The Queen of The Damned and Mona Mayfair in the Lives of the Mayfair Witches both insulted me.
  Now we have Bruce AKA Killer with his motorcycle and talking about The Fang Gang.  I never expected Claudia to be merged with Baby Jenks. 
Claudia’s questioning of if she’ll always be a virgin because she heals down there is right out of True Blood. This isn’t Claudia.  It’s Jessica from True Blood merged with Baby Jenks.  
Louis somehow psychically triggered a serious Parkinson’s tremor in Daniel and got a well-deserved slap for it. Claudia is being abused by Bruce.  There’s no elegance in this.  It’s cynical and rather mean spirited and that’s saying something when it’s a vampire story.  There’s no charm, no Gothic poetry.  It’s so... shallow. They even off-handedly tell you Lestat’s not a reader. That he reads the first ten or eleven pages of books to seem “cultured.”  Lestat loved to read in the novels.
 Yet again all the characters say that Claudia’s emotional state is the result of perpetual puberty so it’s dismissive. Lestat nearly killed Louis because he was going to leave him.  WTF?!  That is literally the opposite of his character in the books!    This version of Lestat behaves more like Armand, it’s insane. Having Claudia want to kill Lestat because he’s physically abusive to Louis really, really bothers me. They amplified Lestat’s abandonment issues to make him a violent and self-absorbed asshole.   
Even hearing the audio preview for the next episode with Daniel mockingly saying “He only beat me the one time, officer.” really bothers me.  It’s cynical and dismissive of cycles of abuse for the sake of plot drama that wasn’t even in the book! 
This show runner is awful.   He’s just an awful human being.   His commentary on the behind the scenes video of episode 5 shows his nature.  This is a terrible person running this show.  He trivializes and even seems to mock domestic violence and abuse.   The fact that they added physical and sexual abuse really rubs me the wrong way.  How are we ever supposed to potentially sympathize with Lestat later when he’s portrayed like this?   He would never, ever, ever have harmed Louis in the books, no matter what he did. Something that bugs me is the showrunner actually behaves as if Claudia being raped by Bruce / Killer was some sort of righteous punishment to make her realize her homelife isn’t that bad.  It’s victim blaming for any vulnerable person, especially runaway, or homeless, child who gets sexually assaulted.  And it really rubs me the wrong way.  It’s like the guy hates teenagers, especially girls.  It’s agist and misogynistic and I’m saying this as a forty-year-old woman.   This show is cynical, mean-spirited, unsubtle, in-your-face, blatant, exploitive, and crass. This episode in particular, with its blatant use of modern domestic abuse, and implied sexual abuse, is just mean spirited and it feels exploitive.  I went from disliking this show to starting to feel disgusted by it. 
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sofipitch · 2 years
Amc fandom seems to be falling into top/bottom discourse and it's so silly because i see them as switches.
Most see louis as completely top because he is a person who needs to be in control to feel safe. But I can't ignore how Louis melted into Lestat's arms during their first sexual encounter and for the first time fully surrendered to desire, even as Lestat took control, Louis felt free.
I don't know, I think both parts are necessary for Louis to be able to fully enjoy his sexuality, once he gets over his internalized homophobia.
Hmm yeah I REALLY hate top/bottom discourse. I have 0 skin in this game, I write them as switches for the simply reason it gives me more scenarios to work with in fic and I enjoy all fanfic as a result. I'll sometimes see ppl say they can't enjoy a fanfic that puts one of the characters in a sex position they don't like and, lame honestly :/
While ppl IRL will have preferences, and for some ppl those preferences will be rigid, Louis and Lestat aren't real and so far have never expressed a preference in anything. So a lot of people arguing for certain preferences are often rooted in stereotypes of "top= male, bottom = female". Additionally arguing one way or the other with the race relations intact also isn't great, there are "bad connotations" for arguing either way. Someone could say Lestat topping is a white man dominating a black man (which top =/= dominant) or arguing Louis has to be a top could be applying increased masculinity to Louis because he is black (which again, top =/= masculine). I don't agree with either of these thoughts but I also think ppl might argue based on this. So by creating this discussion in the first place ppl might be perpetuating stereotypes.
I often think back to something Chris Rice said on an "ask me anything" on his ig stories. someone asked his position, and he answered with how for years he had been assumed and semi forced into one category based on his presentation and personality and the stereotypes that come with that and it made him very uncomfortable and started to develop bad feelings over sex. He said he finally felt better when he allowed himself to choose without the restriction of expectations and just do what felt good. That ig story was a good example of how stereotypes can harm actual ppl
Bc honestly that is what determines anyone's preference, what feels good to them, not personality. Sex is about pleasure. Like you said anon, if you watch the character's movements and if Louis melted in Lestat's arms when he took control, that was about pleasure, and that's subjective to everyone. If ppl want to write Louis or Lestat in one position or the other, jut say it's what you like (bc let's be honest, lot's of these arguments are ppl just revealing a lot about themselves) or imagine, when personality gets brought in to these discussions I'm pulling out the flyswatter.
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It’s very odd that you need to be told explicitly not to talk at length about a child you don’t know on the internet. Harry and Louis are not paragons of good and righteous behavior,,, they’re pop stars. Just because neither of them have left the kid alone doesn’t mean you or anyone else have the right to keep dissecting Freddie’s life like you have since he was days old.
“If it’s not true he’ll laugh it off”
If I found hundreds of posts insulting me from the time I was an infant, posts saying I shouldn’t technically be alive because of the circumstances of my conception, screenshots of zoomed in photos of my face and body attempting to prove deep faking or photoshopping, I wouldn’t laugh I would be deeply disturbed likely to the point of feeling unsafe.
I know this won’t change your mind because you’re pretty deep in some cognitive dissonance trying to defend it but behavior towards that little boy has ranged from uncomfortable to predatory. Believe it or not just cause your favorite celebrity does it (as you claim) doesn’t mean you have the right to perpetuate the same harmful destructive behavior towards a child.
If this was so insulting, Louis would have said something.
If Louis and Harry didn't want us discussing it, they wouldn't shade it like they do.
It's that simple. I already said this. That's my view. Stop sending me asks about the same damn thing.
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hazzabeeforlou · 1 year
No one believes that kid is his and now he has to perfect opportunity to get it officially in a documentary that will live forever. Why wouldn’t he take that opportunity. He wants us to think the kid is his now so I’m not at all surprised.
Idk man. I tire of this nonsense. People say it’s ridiculous to question this stuff but like? I SAW the photoshop. I SAW the changing bellies. And the relatives commenting that he was Austin’s brother. Just on and on and on. I can only think that his image clause/his team thinks this is the better option than the fall out from revealing the stunt as such. At this point it’s only us suffering. The kid has passed the point of non-remembrance (when we all first thought it would end) and now, Louis is in his life, in whatever capacity he understands. This isn’t BAD for the kid. Louis is an amazing person, rich, influential, talented. The kid’s family… well god they don’t align with any of my values. So being connected to Louis at this point is only good for him. And maybe Louis likes him. I’m sure just like any relationship he forms there’s a level of caring, and kid is cute and charming, and entirely innocent of this shit. Only those of us incensed at the PAST are pissed about this. About the principles of lying to a fanbase, of media manipulation, of corporate closeting for profits. But you know maybe none of that has changed for Louis. Those fucking xfactor image clauses are *in perpetuity*. Maybe Louis thinks this is his best option and we have to deal with that. I’m salty, all us ‘old’ people are salty because we’ve seen this shit, the bad the ugly the ridiculous, play out in real time. (The altered b and w photos?? The baby size changing? The framed hanging photos in the C house of F with Austin and his “grandparents” alone? B’s magically disappearing nine month bump, that was immediately deleted once fandom found it?) idk man. At this point we’ve passed the initial harm of this imploding. Now we’re stuck til his 18th birthday, or whenever Me Too comes for Simon Cowell.
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fucklestat · 1 year
How do you see Loustat working out in the future? Will it be an equally open relationship where jealousy and control are no longer a thing, cause it seems like whatever Louis has with Armand is at least kind of open at least in the 70s (maybe living longer as a vampire makes you realize you can't be stuck with one person always)? Or will Lestat still maintain he doesn't ever wanna share Louis?
my first thought is: what does working out even mean for loustat? these two are never going to be healthy or stable in any capacity, and part of the tragedy (for louis in particular) is that they still love each other despite that. but unhealthy and unstable are on a different level than abusive, and if the series becomes about louis remaining for perpetuity in an abusive relationship it would be too bleak for me (and, i suspect, most of the audience) to handle, even for a show as dark as this one. so from a writing perspective, i think louis needs to either ditch lestat for good or lestat needs to undergo some serious change. not necessarily "redemption" but changing so as to make their relationship some semblance of equal. i suspect that he'll come back from the dump significantly weaker than he was, which could reduce some of the power imbalance between them--although, of course, the imbalances between them are way deeper than physical. on that note, for me to get behind loustat getting back together in a way that's not intended to be horrific, lestat needs to realize that his abuse of louis wasn't just physical. like i think he feels genuine shame for assaulting and dropping louis, but 1) he never actually apologizes or meaningfully changes his behavior so whatever he feels is useless to anyone but himself and 2) he falsely sequesters the physical violence in his mind as a one-off mistake rather than acknowledging all the other ways he's harmed louis. his "death" could be the wake-up call that makes him realize the myriad of other ways he fucked up. and maybe he'll realize that if he wants louis in his life he has to learn to take at least one other person's needs and experiences into consideration. that could include actually committing to monogamy if that's what louis wants, or only opening their relationship under very specific pre-negotiated circumstances. whether or not he's actually capable of that... we'll see.
with louis and armand: there are still SO many open questions about their relationship, which i trust and hope season 2 will get into. like was louis actually planning to have sex with daniel before the interview came up, or was he just going to eat him? i lean toward the former but that's not confirmed. and yeah they had their sexy exhibitionist blood-drinking session in front of daniel in the present, but with how closed-off their lives are from the outside world i don't see their relationship as being open at that point. but maybe hopefully daniel will change that.
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eyesoverinfinity · 1 year
Vampire!Ellis au
fanfic 2: turning the tides
"Hello down there!"
"Oh thank god! I thought I was the last women on earth."
"Yeah, I know the feeling."
Francis turned around, surprised. There where other people!
After everything that had happed, he forgot there likely other unlucky bastards who CEDA and the military screwed over.
He walked over to the edge of the rail. There where four people below them.
The first one was a pale, dark haired, grumpy man with a once expensive white suit. He was skinny, muttering under his breath and Francis had add an urge to shoot him where he stood.
The next person was the person he heard. She was dark skinned, with a pink shirt, jeans and earrings (from what he could see being quite high up.). She was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.
The third person was only a little less pale then the last man, He had a blue hat and jeans, yellow shirt and joy in his step. He was looking up at Zoey like she was an angel.
The last one was a large man with dark skin and what looked to be a sports teacher get up. He looked quite strong, but was noticeably putting his weight more on one side of his body than the other, like what Bill used to do when his leg acted up.
The lost of Bill still stung in Francis's heart, as well as Zoey and Louis's. Zoey had taken a 'look out for your own' mind set and stepped up as leader in Bill's place, Francis almost didn't recognise her.
Louis was still injured and had become really quiet. Francis had joked about hating Louis's good feelings, but god he didn't want him to stop feeling altogether.
The worst part was that they knew Bill was at peace with his fate, he had done this for them. So why did they all feel so empty? At least he was in a better place, but it pained him that he couldn't tell the other two that the afterlife was real.
His old life was a lot more then what his team likely thought it was, that was his intention. He had used to belong to a clan of monster hunters.
Now, monster had become a far too generic term in the modern day. 'Monster' was anything that wasn't 'normal' nowadays, people threw it around everywhere. The only thing about this reckless use that was correct was that a human could be a monster.
A monster was a sentient creature that actively chose to do harm to others, many supernatural creatures where people, just like humans. The only exception that he knew of was vampires.
Vampirism was an interesting curse. You could drink animal blood and you wouldn't suffer for it, you'd even be able to live in human civilisation. But if you wanted the powers and immortality that you see in legends you'd have to kill people.
A lot of people.
But the more powerful you got the more weaknesses began to show.
The problem was the vampires that could recognized as vampires where the ones that were already mass murderers. The biggest problem was that powerful vampires could control those they turned, creating a thrall.
Thralls had no will for the first hundred or so year that they exist and are kept alive by their controller. But once they break free they remember EVERYTHING they were forced to do.
Most turn evil as well, the madness taking the place of the mental cage they were in, some kill their turner, but those who do usually end themselves as well. Thus perpetuating the cycle of evil vampires.
Francis caught himself on this train of thought and stopped, he had to focus on his current situation. Thought he had to admit, any supernatural creature in the county was in just as much trouble as the remaining humans where.
He looked back down, the newcomers were going to restart the generator in order to lower the bridge. As he saw the newcomers leave, he made eye contact with the one in the blue hat and suddenly got a bad feeling. Where his eyes.... Silver?
He tried to shake it off. But something didn't sit right with him.
"Trust your instincts little warrior." His Grandma used to tell him. "Because whether given by God or nature, it's there to keep you alive."
"Yeah Francis?"
"Keep an eye on that blue hat guy."
"You mean Ellis? He seems nice, at least next to the asshole in the suit."
"Yeah... There's just something that rubs me the wrong way."
"What, are they a werewolf or something?"
'Unfortunately you may not be far off.' Francis thought to himself.
Despite how often they were compared in media, werewolves were a lot different to vampires. The only real similarity is the fact the state of being was a curse. But werewolves themselves rarely dangerous in civilisations due to have access to food at any time. Nowadays maybe a challenge but he doubted that there if there was a werewolf in that group they'd actually do anything to harm anyone.
"Nah, Werewolves are way hairier." He had to force himself not to cringe at the stereotype. "But... just be careful?" He suggested.
Zoey looked confused, but thankfully nodded and didn't push for details.
He waited on the other side, praying that he was wrong about his hunch and that nothing would happen.
Ellis had just fucked up. Big time.
Granted at the time he didn't know how badly he fucked up, but he certainly knew that he had. He'd just been so hungry.
After the testing of his powers he had gotten hungrier than he had ever been before, he'd eaten 6 mice now and while it had helped he was still hungry.
He was glad that there was no urge to attack his friends. He didn't know what he'd do with himself if he hurt one of them.
But that relief didn't make him feel full. He was sure that he just needed more mice... right?
They had made it to the other side of the bridge, (he had eaten five more mice along the way), where they had found that the new people on the bridge had lost someone.
He had been so hungry, and the body was already dead right? it didn't need the blood anymore....
Ellis drank the blood from the body. Saying to the universe that he was willing to pay the price so long as his friends didn't get hurt.
The blood tasted of tar and adrenaline. It didn't taste like death, though how he knew that was lost to him. Despite that he felt more powerful as he drank, he was tempted to keep going, but his heart told him he was already pushing it. He took what he needed and stopped.
"I'm sorry for that... rest in peace man."
The body began to twitch.
Ellis got up and backed away as the body began to writhe around, the 10 seconds that it did that for felt like forever. But once it stopped Ellis realised what he'd done.
"Who the hell are you?" asked the reanimated body / new vampire.
'Oh fuck' was all Ellis could think.
Bill was very confused. He had died, hadn't he?
Yes, he had! He remembered very clearly being beaten to death by three on-fire tanks!
So what gives?
He was looking at this new kid, couldn't of been much older then Zoey. Staring at him and looking like he was about have a panic attack.
"Who the hell are you?" Bill asked, came off a but more blunt than he intended but he wasn't the most charismatic person out there.
"Oh fuck." was all the boy said.
'Not what I asked but ok.' Bill thought to himself.
"Hey Ellis, we're about to start the- OH LORD." A large black man came into the room. He seemed more started then the boy.
"I'm sorry, I'm SO sorry!" The boy, Ellis, began to apologise, but Bill couldn't tell who to.
Bill stood up, his body tried to protest but he was good at ignoring it. Was he... Paler then before?
"O God what have I done, didn't mean to... I"M SO SORRY!"
The two men where freaking out, when a third came in and joined in as well.
"ELLIS HOW?.... WHY?!?"
A women came in after that, rushing in like she thought the other three where dying. With all the yelling Bill didn't blame her.
She took one look at Bill and realised what was going on. Then shot two shots in the air to get their attention.
'If she isn't the leader she's clearly the brains of the group.' Bill thought to himself.
"Boys, we currently have three people on the bridge who think that you were dying and now we have a reanimated person on our hands. We need to figure out how we're going to break this to them. No apologising,"
The women pointed to Ellis.
"No blaming," She pointed to the man in the suit.
"No freaking out." She pointed to the man in the purple and yellow shirt.
She turned to him.
"Are you ok?"
"I'll live." He said, though that got a guilty look for the boy.
"What just happened?" He asked, "Because last I remember I was being beaten to death by three tanks."
This got looks of shock and respect from the whole group. The boy in the hat stepped forward.
"Ok... Well, ya see." The boy turned into a bat in front of Bill's eyes and then turned back.
"I'm a vampire.... and now you are too?"
Bill was silent. His was trying to comprehend what just happened in front of him, but his brain refused to cooperate. The only thing that came out was:
"heh, wait till Francis hears about this."
Was this a sick joke from the universe? Why did it refuse to let him die? Not that he was complaining, but at this point the lengths the universe had gone to keep him 'alive' was utterly-....
Wait, they were talking about people on the bridge, That was his group! Why where they still here!?
"Wait, is he still up there?!"
"Yeah, Zoey and Louis are too." answered the lady.
Bill headed for the door, he needed to see them. He needed to see them ok. He was blocked by Ellis.
"Hey, hey! I know you want to see your friends. but you can't just-'
"And you think you can stop me?"
"I don't wanna! I just need to figure out how to explian this!'
"Just tell them that you bit me, drank my blood while i was dead and turn me into..." Bill stopped to listen to his own words.
"well shit."
"That's what I was thinking." Ellis said.
"Ok, fine. but once you do I'm leavening."
Ellis nodded and began talking nervously to the others.
Bill hated the fact that he had to stay in the room where he died for ant longer. But he supposed that it was common curtesy to help the person who brought you back to life not get shot.
He just hoped that his team would take his new form well. Francis would be the most difficult but it's not like he'd actually shoot.
To be continued
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heir-less · 1 year
I genuinely don’t understand how y’all can recognize that Camilla is shitty for all the conniving and petty PR shit she does, but celebrate Kate for the same things. Like, she also deployed these tactics *against* Meghan so why back either of these women willingly upholding a system and perpetuating behaviors that bring self-respecting women to the brink of suicide. Bc Kate’s conventionally attractive and has shiny hair? Thin enough to pull off most clothing? I hope they both end up in PR hell and bless any women George or Louis bring around.
Relax, no one is celebrating that and I don’t think a day goes by where I’m not blue in the face talking about the double standards and how awful Kate treated Meghan for most of her time. No one is celebrating her, I’m pointing out her PR and why I think it’s clever. I also do like Kate pushing against the narratives C&C pump out because they directly impact her and are super harmful. it’s I also talked about how this type of game is harmful.
But I do have to laugh at the idea that Kate is just as bad as Camilla. Kate did not get involved with a married man and then wage a media campaign against the children and deceased first wife. Kate has done very bad things, but what Camilla is doing would be like if Meghan died in a car accident and then Kate still continued to wear her clothes, leaked stories about Lili and Archie while they’re still young, and then had an affair with Harry for good measure. We never talk about it but Camilla’s actions are, like, almost comically evil.
But you bring up Louis and George and let me just say: I don’t have very high hopes for their future spouses. It’s getting so toxic that I feel that it will be more of the same toxic competition bs.
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28whitepeonies · 2 years
Louis said the n-word, the word g*psy, has worked with zero women or PoC on his music, but you just had to bring up Harry as someone who perpetuates "everyday racism" like he's the same as Louis huh? Harry works with black and brown people on his creative projects, and has had women in his band since the beginning. Oh, but Louis is secretly a radical, so it's ok that Louis is discriminatory in life. Anything to keep stanning a boring white man 🙄
My original discussion was about Harry, some anons asked about Louis in that context so that is how I framed the answer. If it was at all unclear I think Louis makes choices that perpetuate every day racism too.
The problem I have with these asks is you do not like it when I discuss Harry alongside Louis but then you write asks like this comparing them? We can’t pretend like Harry hasn’t done or said things that are really harmful to Black people and people of colour, and that those actions don’t form a pattern of behaviour. We shouldn’t also act as if racism is of limited quantity, me talking about Harry doesn’t make reduce the points I’m making about Louis.
I am sorry if my answer was unclear, but I do also see a real difference between having a band and crew that looks diverse and making decisions that give women and Black and minority ethnic people either power or financial security, especially when those decisions are made by someone who has also acted in a manner that causes harm to those same communities.
In terms of the video that you reference, I want to be very clear that I think he could have said it. I find it really difficult to be confident about what Louis says though and always have, in part because the video quality and in part because of the point in time when that video was taken and the amount of media training he’d had by then. And if he did it’s entirely unacceptable.
I don’t think that just listing the bad things famous people do is overly useful, my point when I bring these up is that they’re examples of who Louis and Harry are, the choices they make and their worldview. I’m not friends with them, there’s no relationship where I could address any of this like you would with a friend so I’m not sure there is anything more beyond looking at this and discussing what these choices tell us about them as people.
I assume your comment about Louis being a secret radical is because I said I often like to think of him as being more radical than he likely is or we can ever know and that I try to be practical about that - I was being honest when I said that, and I do try quite hard to not let that skewer my responses, which is why I spend so much time analysing shit in responses, but I am in fact just a person with opinions and maybe I’m not the blog for you.
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licncourt · 1 year
hi, I mean no harm in this, I just want to say as someone who works in the domestic violence field, some of the fandom discourse about show Louis strikes me as perpetuating victim blaming stereotypes. For example, saying that book Louis would never accept that type of treatment-- as if it simply takes strength of character to not be abused. That comes off as a character judgment on abuse victims. Book Louis never dealt with the same level of physical abuse as show Louis. I think the show is giving a very accurate and honest portrayal of an abusive relationship and the emotional struggle that comes with it, especially when you still love your abusive partner. basically, I just wish everyone would stop implying show Louis is a significantly weaker character. Think how that may come across to a victim or survivor reading these posts. That is all, and I enjoy your blog and your analysis of every episode, I just wanted to get that off my chest
I saw this ask so I went to look at what exactly I'd said in that vein, and I'm very sorry about that. I should've phrased it differently because I can definitely see that I didn't word my thoughts well.
The point I intended to make/my thought process was that I don't like that they included domestic violence in the manner and capacity they did in the first place, so in my mind, that strong departure from the book's core storyline paired with portraying Louis in such a "subservient" position felt very jarring. The whole thing felt wrong because that's so incredibly different from what the essence of Louis' story is, beyond just being a tweak to fit an adaptation. "Book Louis would never allow this" because this entire scenario is totally out of place. The situations are not equivalent, but in this case, I think they should have been for a lot of reasons, from racial sensitivity to preserving the backbone of the story.
Again, I'm very sorry for putting it so poorly on my end, I should've been specific about what I meant because you're absolutely correct. I'll be more careful in the future!
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superwholockian93 · 2 years
hii! this pi-erd :D
i've read your addition on my analysis and now that you'd explained it from the novel side, im even more convinced that all this chaos was commenced from the production team's planning instead of thua as a character. and maybe it's indeed that ayan was just there as a catalyst, not a group leader.
it's a relief tbh and disappointing at the same time cus as you said, the change they made in the series didn't do thua justice. instead, he looked more antagonistic rather than, idk, "heroic"? from your description abt novel-thua, he's generally more objective, but colder. more "merciless" than what louis projected in the series. it made more sense that thua became more radical at the end, as his patience reached the limit. like he's the guy walking safely between the student prefect and the rebel (this is from louis' interpretation in maya tv interview). but, damn, his portrayal of thua made him softer and like, more submissive and indecisive? so, it seems like we're seriously getting clowned by his innocent facade and then became greatly devastated when he became so extreme and seemed unapologetic and hypocrite.
i think, the series might've downplayed the tension in the book, so they could end it in 12 episodes. series-thua was absolutely more adorable and, despite not being so taken with kan, he def looked like he's more into this relationship with kan.
Oh hi! :D
To start of, it's nice that you like art and wish to analyse it. You don't need to have a degree for that! And art, as they say, is open to interpretation~
That said, sorry if I confused you but Thua isn't heroic in the novel. He's the "hero of the story". As in he's the one who uses the facts that are presented in front of him, applies logic, connects the dots and AGAINST HIS NATURE decides to fight/stands up for the people - the juniors - even though he did none of that for himself! That's what I mean by a hero. His character arc is of growth. There's a journey. In comparison, look at Ayan's. His priorities/morals sort of fly out of the window right when he's involved with Akk. The novel doesn't focus on romance that much actually so it's all character building.
Louis plays Thua really well. He's a muscular guy with baby like features who is very robotic because he's repressed and "shy" cuz he's been burned by the people around him for being different. He's on the sidelines and prefers to remain there because he's comfortable. Don't attract attention. Don't cause troubles. He's fine like that but he realises there are people - his classmate - who are actively feeding into the conspiracy and causing genuine harm. That disturbs him. That's what first raises his alarm. Then Ayan comes in who is so vocal about the school's oppression and for the first time it clicks to him Oh, not only what they're doing *is* wrong but one such as him *can* protest (At least, us Asian kids know how difficult that could be even when you're not part of the marginalised sections) against the school authorities. That's what triggers him and then his step dad he doesn't gel with also tells him how he was mistreated and wrongfully accused of things he hadn't committed. Thua notices the pattern with the juniors and realises now that the system will and has been perpetuating bullshit to suppress kids and they could harm the kids if so required.
That's what drives him to Do Something™ about it. He still doesn't do anything drastic. He puts little stuff into action - they differ in the series & the novel. Like, he manipulates Kan to burn the stuff while in the series he steals the diary.
And, he thinks Ayan will go on to help him when he discovers the truth except Ayan finds out and does nothing about it and helps Akk dodge it. Also, he uses him and Kan getting close as a means to keep an eye on Kan's friends. He does grow attached (& he maybe he had a little bit of feelings from the start but from what I had read I didn't feel that way; to me it had read like Thua only likes him later due to Kan's persistence) but he's willing to let go of it. He's acting in greater good. The thing I love the most is as he demands Akk to confess, Thua considers his own actions and wonders to achieve an end for the Greater Good if whatever means is required and if deviating from the path is required, if it is still justifiable. The difference is unlike Akk he was fully conscious of his actions and independently made them and was completely prepared for the consequences of his actions.
You get all of his POV only in the penultimate chapter so it comes as a complete shock to everyone and is an amazing moment to read.
He does get back with Kan later after a few days when they talk it out and Kan understands his POV.
The mistake the series does is A) they sensationalised the reveal by their choice of editing and shooting or whatever
B) They made Thua out the leads instead of using anonymous/background actors or the ones mentioned in the novel - people lose their objective right there instead of focusing on/listening to what is being said or shown; viewers, especially, International ones seem to be more interested in debating whether that was morally correct or not
3. They took away Wat's plot and turned it 180 on its head and make him the one who suggests the Bl movie and even then the progression/continuation in these scenes are laughable
4. There's also no consequence of the impending fight between Kan and Thua - they could have used what Kan told Akk in the novel to show US how they resolved the matters
*Now* it's weird because Thua was always bullied and he wanted to stand up except he has helped orchestrate all this AND out his bf 's best friend who also lied to his bf but this bf doesn't really care about any of that?
They undercut it so quick.
5. Like I once said before, 10 weeks of build up was resolved in 10 minutes with no actual consequence
6. They made Ayan call him the villain while simultaneously the show ended up framing him as one
It was such a thin line. Actions can easily be twisted and misconstrued. They had one job and they fucked it up. Most people I know who have read the novel applaud the author for Thua's character but the show's focus on romance is sometimes so much that it stumbles on the key message of the story.
Look, I know this is a bl and the team with the poorest budget and anti monarchy sentiments didn't hope to have any popularity or possibility of s2 but some resonance with the local audience n interest of the GMMTV/bl audience. So they wrapped it up with the most forced happy ending for Kanthua. I know they want to show queer characters who get a good ending but a good ending isn't always a happy ending. That too in a story so grounded in reality. Especially, one that comes at the cost of story telling.
Also, good ending is possible - it happens in the novel itself but with a slight change in their actions and the way they were framed I don't see how Kan and Thua could work in the series' universe.
I'm aware books and television series are different media and adaptations can vary a lot from the source material but if you read the novel and think 2 minutes on it you can tell they thought they were doing something impressive but the landing is just -
I love those scenes in the series because I love Louis's acting in those moments so I'll probably Rewatch them a lot but the series successfully, killed off my interest in series kanthua 😂
And, it also managed to bungle it so hard that most people are failing to see the point of the episode was that the corrupted, oppressive system is the villain and perpetuates its crime again and again and will continue to target people they can control and who will succumb to their web.
There's so much to write on that alone but here we are talking about why Thua is or isn't the villain when it should have been obvious to most if not everyone that that isn't the point of the story :)
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