#the sequel is a dick's run by agent washington
simpin-for-simmons · 3 years
where's the psa where the reds and blues visit a texas steakhouse run by freelancer agent texas
49 notes · View notes
wordsysayswords · 7 years
sooooooooo if you're still taking fluff week prompts, remember that fic you did of Tucker high on good meds and Wash having to deal with it? How about the reverse of that, Wash getting the good stuff and Tucker getting the joy (or horror) of seeing a Freelancer high on pain meds
I had a blast with this prompt - thank you!  Originally, I struggled to turn it into a fluff piece, given angst is my default setting. But the appearance of loopy Washington in season 15 got the ball rolling, and it was tons of fun.
The Better Stuff
Sequel to The Good Stuff
“He doesn’t need to stay here so long as someone’s watching him, right? We already share a room–he can go if I keep an eye on him, right?”Grey flips through her notes. “Given this is one of Agent Washington’s less dramatic visits to my infirmary, I think that can be arranged.”
Or, the tables have turned and Tucker finds himself looking after a very loopy Wash for the evening.
Read on Ao3
Tucker feels like the designated driver at a house party.
“Wash, I swear to God.”
The Freelancer is laid up in a hospital bed wearing only his undersuit. Bandages peek out from the collar and Tucker’s willing to bet they continue down to wrap around his chest. The asshole takes broken ribs like a paper cut. Tucker’s got an arm spread over the Freelancer’s shoulders, unsure how to best pin him to the bed without fucking up his ribs any further.
“I don’t need to be here,” Wash insists. His voice is clipped, clearly forcing himself to articulate each word. Anyone else with the amount of drugs Wash has in his system would be slurring and struggling to form a complete thought.
“Yeah, you keep saying that,” Tucker grumbles, trying to avoid tangling Wash’s IV line while the man struggles to sit up. “But you can’t even fucking walk –that was not an invitation to try.”
Wash manages to swing his legs over the side of the bed and is halfway to his feet when he suddenly lists sideways. Tucker lunges, grabbing for the man’s waist. Somehow, he keeps them both from crashing to the floor.
“Seriously, dude–”
Wash furrows his brow. “Don’t need to be here,” he says, but this time it’s a little less sure.
“Yeah, sure,” Tucker huffs, lowering the Freelancer until they’re both sitting on the edge of the bed. “Whatever you say, Wash.”
“Agent Washington,” Grey’s sing-songy voice has both men looking up. She’s standing in the door, hand on one hip and in the other a clipboard. Smiling, she cocks her head. “What are you doing out of bed?”
Moments like these: faced with her too cheery smile and a voice that says she already knows the answer to the question she’s asking but is daring you to lie; make Tucker think back to the time they’d had her ‘negotiate’ with a captured pirate.
“I’m fine,” Wash tells her with an air of authority, but the effect is lost since he’s glaring somewhere high over her head.
Grey taps the clipboard. “Your charts would disagree, silly.”
She sets the materials aside to check the bandages on Wash’s neck. Tucker doesn’t miss the way she keeps her hands in the Freelancer’s line of sight as she reaches for him. How she waits several long moments for his eyes to focus on her before she touches him. Wash’s movements are stiff and his entire body tense as he turns his head, exposing his neck to Grey. Tucker’s sitting close enough to hear the way the man’s breathing hitches when her hands travel too close to the back of his neck.
“Well,” Grey chirps as she replaces the gauze. “Everything does appear in to be in order. Though, I would prefer to keep you under observation for the evening.”
Wash is already shaking his head. “I…I’m fine,” he struggles to form the words, dropping his head to his hands. “I just…back to my room…”
“Agent Washington, observation typically requires someone to do the observing.”
The Freelancer doesn’t look up, just runs his hands through his hair until it’s sticking every which direction. “Can’t be here,” Wash maintains.
Grey and Tucker share a look. The doctor leans down closer to Washington.
“Wash,” Grey prods, voice gentle, “you say you can’t be in the infirmary?”
Again, Wash shakes his head. His hands become fists in his hair as he mumbles.
“What was that, Wash?”
The Freelancer groans. “Ng…don’t. I don’t want to be here. It’s too…clean? Or-or…sharp? I don’…I don’ kno…” He trails off into unintelligible murmurs.
And just like that the room is suffocating under the weight everything unsaid: the reasons Wash can’t handle hospitals or hovering medical staff. But Tucker knows. And Grey knows. And Wash knows that they know.
“I’ll watch him,” Tucker says all at once because his mouth can outpace his brain any day of the week.
Grey’s eyes flick towards him. “I can have a chair brought in. Or a cot.”
“No, I mean,” Tucker drags a hand down his face and glances over at Wash who hasn’t moved from his hunched position. “He doesn’t need to stay here so long as someone’s watching him, right? We already share a room–he can go if I keep an eye on him, right?”
Grey flips through her notes. “Given this is one of Agent Washington’s less dramatic visits to my infirmary, I think that can be arranged.”
Tucker’s getting serious flashbacks to college. Or the idealized version of college he’s seen on TV, given being at war with an alien race throws a serious wrench in day to day life. It’s hard to enjoy beer pong and wet t-shirt contests with the threat of the planet being blasted out of the sky constantly hanging over your head.
So far, Tucker thinks, dealing with a heavily medicated person isn’t much different than dealing with a drunk one. Grey pulls him aside to discuss the details of watching Wash, most of which boil down to don’t let him do anything stupid. In this case, though, there’s more concern about him wandering into the training room and pushing himself until he punctures a fucking lung than there is about him falling asleep in public and getting dicks drawn on his face.
“That’s a high dose he’s on,” Grey tells Tucker as he shuffles out the door with a steadying grip on Wash’s arm. “He’ll fall asleep soon.”
The sim trooper nods. Wash is too fascinated by the light fixtures to add anything.
Just like putting a sleepy, drunk person to bed, Tucker thinks. Piece of cake.
The barracks are a lot farther from the infirmary than Tucker remembers. The fact that he’s basically dragging a jacked sack of potatoes doesn’t help.
Wash relaxes almost immediately after leaving the medical ward, which is a good thing because that means he’s no longer tensed to punch anyone who touches him without warning. Unfortunately, that also means Wash’s shaky grip on coherency is gone.
“’was the name…of–of the conste–constellation,” Wash slurs, waving his hand vaguely.
“Wash, we are inside and that is an exit sign.” Tucker grips the Freelancer’s waist and bicep, keeping Wash at his side even as the man lists back and forth. The halls are deserted, which is a blessing because that means they don’t have an audience. Wash would probably use Tucker as target practice for fucking grenades if anyone got a video of the Freelancer stoned out of his mind. But no onlookers also means no one to offer assistance. Tucker regrets not calling Caboose to carry the agent.
Wash flaps a hand that nearly swats Tucker across the face. “Bu’ ‘was it called.”
Tucker sucks in a breath through his nose and lets it out. “The exit.”
“Oh,” Wash says with genuine surprise. “tha–tha’s…neat…” He trails off and Tucker gets the distinct sense Wash doesn’t remember what he was even talking about.
“Super neat,” Tucker agrees, deadpan. “Come on, we’re close–”
Before Tucker can finish the thought, the Freelancer wobbles and Tucker finds himself dragged sideways.
“Shit, shit, shit, fuck, Wash!” Tucker’s heart catches in his throat as they stumble because the last thing Washington needs to another head injury. Wash collapses against the wall with his shoulder but stays standing. Tucker is immediately in front of him, tentative hands fluttering before Wash’s bowed head.
“Wash? Wash, what’s wrong?”
The Freelancer rolls his head up until he’s pressing his temple against the cool cement. He squints at Tucker accusingly. “Tell tha floor ta… quit moving.”
A laugh bubbles up Tucker’s throat in relief. He fights a smile. “I’ll get right on that. But first, you think you can walk to the room? We’re like two doors down the hall.”
“Yesss,” Wash says with all the authority he can muster, which isn’t much considering he’s slurring like he just downed the contents of an entire bar. “Ye…ah, I can walk.”
He straightens up, pushes off the wall, and topples head first into Tucker’s arms.
“Whoa, okay, shit,” Tucker wraps his arms around Wash’s chest, somehow managing to support the Freelancer sagging against him.
Wash mumbles something from where his face is buried in Tucker’s shoulder.
“Yeah, yeah, okay buddy,” Tucker murmurs back mindlessly against the man’s hair. “Here, Wash. Can you get your arm–like this?”
It’s slow going but Tucker gets Wash’s arm over one shoulder. The Freelancer’s head flops against his own shoulder, bleary gaze turned to Tucker.
“’orry,” the Freelancer sighs.
“Don’t worry about it. Grey’s got you on the good stuff. Heck, maybe even better stuff than she gave me that one time.”
Wash stares at the floor and doesn’t respond. Tucker feels his shirt tighten and looks over to find Wash fisting the material of his t-shirt where the man’s arm is slung over Tucker’s shoulder. A glance down reveals Wash’s other hand wound up in the edge of his shirt and it doesn’t look like he’ll be letting go anytime soon.
Wash murmurs indistinctly.
Tucker leans in closer. “What’d you say?”
“…don’t,” Wash lets his head droop. “Don’ wanta go ta infur-mary.”
“What–no, no, no, we’re not–Wash, look at me.” It takes several long seconds but Wash’s cloudy eyes find Tucker’s. “We are not going to the infirmary. We are going back to our room and going to bed. No infirmary. Okay? You hear me?”
Wash nods.
With a bit of prodding, Tucker gets Wash moving again. They’ve barely made it a dozen steps when,
“…ther’ yet?”
Tucker rolls his eyes. “Geez, everyone’s always rushing to get into bed with me.”
Wash lets out a wheeze and Tucker stops dead in his tracks, grip on the Freelancer tightening before it hits him that Wash is snickering. Actually snickering. It’s not a dry laugh. There’s no rolling eyes. He’s really laughing at Tucker’s joke.
Tucker’s face lights up.
“What, you don’t believe me?” Tucker scoffs. “I’m highly valued commodity. Or is it come-odity?”
Wash rolls back his head and laughs like Tucker’s weak pun is the funniest thing he’s ever heard, and Tucker almost walks straight into their door. A giggle of surprise escapes him as he stares wide-eyed at Wash. Wash looks over at him and starts laughing all over again. Just like that, they’re both cackling like idiots, laughter bouncing up and down the hallway.
As Tucker gasps for breath, he hears a door open.
“Do you cock bites know what time it is?”
The blue soldier looks up to find an unhappy Grif standing in a doorway just up the hall, arms folded across his chest.
Simmons’ head pops out behind him. “Grif, it’s only like 7 pm – Jesus, are you two okay?”
Tucker’s still got Wash slumped against him, and the Freelancer’s not doing a great job of supporting his own body weight. Wash’s head hangs as he wheezes around quiet giggles.
Tucker nods, voice still breathless. “Oh. Yeah, yeah. We’re fine.”
“M’lungs broke,” Wash says helpfully.
“No, Wash.” Tucker looks back to the Reds. “Broken ribs,” he explains, pawing for the doorknob.
Wash notices the two soldiers for the first time. He waves and gives them a grin so stupid Tucker wishes he had a camera. “Heeey.”
Simmons’ eyebrows edge towards his hairline, while Grif’s jaw drops.
“Is he drunk?” Grif gaps.
“Yes, pleas’,” slurs Wash, as he slumps further against Tucker.
“Nah,” Tucker grunts, trying to hip check the door. “Just high off his ass on painkillers.”
Tucker fumbles for the knob again, but it’s impossible to get the door open with the weight of a Freelancer pinning him to the door frame. Goddamnit, he doesn’t want to sit Wash down. The man’s so far gone it’s going to suck getting him back on his feet.
“Here, I got it.”
Tucker looks up to find Grif standing in front of him. Without waiting for a response, the orange soldier swings the door wide open for them.
“Oh,” Tucker blinks, “thanks–”
Suddenly, Simmons is there, ducking his head under Wash’s free arm and taking the literal weight off Tucker’s shoulders. With his help, Tucker hauls Wash inside.
“Which bed’s his?” Simmons asks.
Tucker kicks some laundry under the nearest bed, taking a tangle of unmade sheets with it. “You get three guesses.”
Simmons just huffs and heads for the neatly made cot in the corner of the room. There they carefully lower Wash to sit. The Freelancer wilts like a puppet with its strings cut.
Simmons stands back. Behind him, Tucker sees Grif leaning against the door. The maroon soldier rubs at his arm. “Do you guys need anything?”
Tucker glances back at Wash who’s staring at his shoes, doing a pretty good impression of a zombie.
“I think we’re okay,” Tucker tells them, scratching the back of his neck. “Uh, thanks.”
Simmons nods and Grif rolls his eyes. The reds leave, and Tucker thinks he hears the orange soldier make a comment about ‘how the tables have turned’ before the door closes.
Tucker turns his attention back to Wash and leans down toward him.
“You still with me?”
Wash starts, lifting his head and blinking. “Wha–what?” He manages to look alarmed even with his eyes drooping.
Tucker chuckles and waves a hand to get the Freelancer’s attention. “It’s okay, it’s okay,” he puts a light hand on Wash’s shoulder. “Just checking you were awake.”
“Awake,” Wash echoes, nodding. “I can stay ‘wake.”
“Not really the point of the happy drugs, but at least we can get you changed.”
Luckily, Wash is still coherent enough to lose the undersuit and put on some sweatpants and a t-shirt. Tucker keeps him upright and prods him along whenever he starts to stare off into space. Finally, Wash sinks onto the bed and flops back with a sigh.
Tucker snorts. “Sorry, dude, gotta check your bandages. Grey’s orders. In case you pulled something on the way here.”
Wash makes a disgruntled noise, digging the heels of his palms into his eyes. With a sigh, he tries to sit up. Tries being the optimal word. The Freelancer doesn’t even make it off the mattress. Smirking, Tucker sits down beside him, presses a hand to his back, and helps him the rest of the way.
“Alright, real quick,” Tucker reassures, lifting the hem of the man’s shirt to check the bandages wrapping around the side of his chest. He probably should have thought to do this when Wash had his shirt off, but too late now. Satisfied, Tucker moves on to the man’s neck and shoulder. He tugs gently at the collar of Wash’s shirt. “Okay, now, Wash, can you turn your–”
Before Tucker even finishes speaking, Wash tilts his head.
The teal soldier doesn’t move. He’s too awestruck at the sight of Wash freely exposing his neck to him without flinching, without even tensing.
Tucker realizes his mouth is hanging open. Snapping it shut, he swallows and tries to speak around the tight feeling in his chest. “Ah, y-yeah. Okay. Yeah, like that.”
The teal soldier checks the bandages with feather light touches, waiting for Wash to react to hands so close to his implants. Instead, when Tucker brushes his chest against the man’s shoulder, Wash leans into the contact. Tucker’s hands stutter.
“Who are you and what have you done with Wash?” Tucker mutters as he finishes with the bandages.
Wash looks up at him, blinking hard in a desperate attempt to keep his eyes open.
“What? Wha–I’m ‘wake.” He says a bit too quickly.
Tucker snorts with laughter. “Yeah, dude, that’s the problem. You should be sleeping this off.”
He’s not sure what compels him to do it, but Tucker tussles the Freelancer’s hair. He’s also not sure what he expects to happen, but he certainly didn’t expect Wash to press into his hand. Slumping further into Tucker, Wash drops his head, burying his face in Tucker’s shoulder.
The teal soldier goes stone still. For several long moments, there’s no sound but the brush of Wash’s breath against the fabric of Tucker’s shirt. Tucker swallows, hardly daring to breathe himself and break the spell.
Tucker’s long since grown used to giving Wash space in moments of weakness (hover just close enough to help if he asks, but he doesn’t). Wash pulls away from offered hands, help. Tucker hasn’t yet decided if the man’s trying to prove something or punishing himself. So, he’s entranced by the way Wash leans into him, openly drinking in the support in a way Tucker’s never seen.
What’s he supposed to do? Hug him? Or will feeling restrained freak him out? Tucker tests the waters, running a lagged hand through Wash’s hair. It earns him a sigh and, if it’s possible, Wash relaxes even further into him.
Dropping his head to the Freelancer’s ear, Tucker whispers, “Alright, Wash. We’re gonna lie down now, can you do that?”
The only response is an indistinct hum, but Wash goes obediently as Tucker guides him down.
Once there, Wash curls up, buries his face in a pillow and doesn’t move.
Tucker stands up and pulls at the blanket underneath the Freelancer. “Come on, buddy. Otherwise, you’ll be freezing your ass off later.”
Wash shifts a bit, though his movements are slow and uncoordinated. Tucker maneuvers the blanket out and spreads it over him. Wash remains boneless, his face still hidden in his pillow.
Tucker smiles to himself. Ready to settle into a few hours of Freelancer babysitting duty, he turns, reaching for a nearby desk chair.
There’s a tug of resistance as he takes a step away from the bed. Tucker looks back down to find Wash has flung an arm out from the bed and managed to hook Tucker’s belt loop, his aim accurate as ever despite his drugged-up state.
“Don’ leave,” the agent slurs, his half-lidded eyes peering out over the edge of the pillow.
Tucker puts on a smile and ignores the tightening in his chest. “I’m not leaving–I’m just getting a chair.”
Wash shakes his head and squeezes his eyes shut tight.
“Don’ leave,” he says again, voice trailing off, “pleas…don’ leave.”
Heart in his throat, Tucker sits back down on the edge of the bed, beside Wash’s pillow.
“Wash,” he says, waiting until the Freelancer’s unfocused gaze is back on him before continuing, “I’m not leaving. I swear, I’m not leaving.”
Wash rolls his head, bumping his forehead lightly to Tucker’s hip.
“Warm,” Wash says.
Tucker raises an eyebrow. “What?”
“You’re warm.” It’s the most coherent he’s sounded in hours. “Don’ leave.”
This whole evening has been one big display of trust from Wash to him, so Tucker’s not exactly jumping to crawl into bed with the Freelancer drugged out of his mind–even with the most innocent intentions. So, he does what he does best: distracts with humor.
Tucker flashes a cheeky grin. “I know, right? I’m one hot piece of ass.”
And just like that, the stoic leader of blue team is giggling like a child. Fucking giggling.
“Oh, come on.” Tucker teases, giving the man a shove. “I am!”
Wash snickers behind a hand, smiling as he closes his eyes.
“Yeah.” He says. “I know.”
“It’s like, a scientifically proven fact–whatthefuck. Did you just agree with me?”
Eyes still closed, the Freelancer sighs as he presses back into the pillow.
“Oh, no you don’t,” Tucker says, leaning in closer. “You don’t get to drop shit like that then fall asleep on me. Wash, you fuck, get back here.”
Wash’s eyes flutter open and he lifts his head. “What? What? I’m here. I’m ‘wake.”
Tucker snorts. “Yeah, I believe you were just saying something about how hot I am?”
Wash curls a bit closer to where Tucker is seated on the edge of the bed.
“You’re warm,” he tells Tucker, closing his eyes again.
Tucker rolls his eyes. “So I hear.”
When Wash doesn’t respond for several long moments, Tucker goes to stand. And again, he’s tugged back by the agent, who this time has a fistful of the teal soldier’s t-shirt.
“Don’ leave,” he groans.
“Jesus, you’re clingy when you’re high. Alright, here.”
Tucker takes a seat at the head of the bed, reclining back against the metal railing (his back is going to hate him tomorrow). He stretches his legs out atop the blankets and scoots in as far as he dares. He’s teetering on the edge, doing his best to give the Freelancer a bit of personal space. Not that that’s an option on the tiny cot. Wash doesn’t seem to mind though. He leans into the sim trooper, apparently content to leech off the heat even with the layers of blankets between them.
“Happy now?” Tucker asks, looking down at the man. But Wash doesn’t answer, just nudges his head against the teal soldier’s side. Eyes closed and breathing even–Tucker doubts he even heard him, until,
“Yea…” the Freelancer breathes, so soft Tucker almost misses it. “’anks, Tuc-ker.”
The bars at the head of the bed dig into his spine and there’s nowhere to rest his head. But even with Wash finally sleeping soundly, Tucker doesn’t move to get up. Instead, he stares down at the top of the agent’s head where his hair is already sticking a thousand different directions. And with a hesitant hand, he runs his fingers through the mess of locks. He thinks he hears Wash’s breathing change, but he can’t be sure.
Tucker’s got several long hours ahead of him, but he isn’t thinking of that. He’s wondering about the morning. Wash likely won’t remember tonight. Tucker’s wondering if he should slip away before Wash wakes up, letting his friend continue unaware that the teal soldier knows just how deep the Freelancer’s trust in him runs. Or Tucker could stay, wait for Wash to open his eyes and for his shields to come back up.
And maybe, just maybe, those walls won’t be so high this time around.
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cbilluminati · 7 years
So many great titles – debuts AND ongoing – from The Dub this week, and we have your looks. Here’s the IDW Publishing Previews for 4-26-2017.
24: Legacy—Rules of Engagement #1
Writer: Christopher Farnsworth Artist: Antonio Fuso Cover Artist: Georges Jeanty
The clock has been reset with 24: Legacy, and this limited series will explore the past of its new leading character, Eric Carter, who led the elite squad responsible for killing an infamous terrorist leader and, consequently, forced into hiding. But before he was a national hero and a wanted man, Carter learned the Rules of Engagement in the streets of Iraq and Washington, D.C. hoods.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points: 
Based on the new hit iteration of the 24 franchise!
Executive produced by Manny Coto and Evan Katz, writers of the show!
Covers by Georges Jeanty (Serenity)!
Each issue will have a photo cover featuring the cast of the show!
Ask your retailer about the Antonio Fuso (Drive) variant cover!
Written by Christopher Farnsworth, journalist, screenwriter and the author of The President’s Vampire series.
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Archangel #4
Writer: William Gibson Artist: Butch Guice Cover Artist: Tula Lotay
Time is running out. Corrupt, otherworldly political powers threaten to hijack our reality, and they have the nuclear capabilities needed to alter the course of our history forever. One lone pilot and those who dare to trust him are all that stand in the way of a radioactive future.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet Points:
William Gibson, author of Neuromancer and one of the most influential science fiction writers of the last 30 years, makes his comic book debut with this all-new, original story!
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Airboy Archives, Vol. 5
Writer: Chuck Dixon Artists: Stan Woch, Ernie Colón, Alberto Maldonado, Brent Anderson, Enrique Villagran, Jim Longstreth, Mark Johnson, Andy Kubert Cover Artist: Timothy Truman
Volume 5 concludes the complete run of the Eclipse Comics Airboy series! Collects issues #41–50, the second three-issue mini-series featuring Valkyrie, the one-shot Airboy vs the Air Maidens, and a never-before-printed 8-page Skywolf backup story.
TPB • FC • $29.99 • 336 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-810-6
Bullet points: 
Five volume set collects the whole series!
Advance solicited for March release!
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Comic Book History of Comics #6
Writer: Fred Van Lente Artist: Ryan Dunlavey Cover Artist: Ryan Dunlavey
The inspiring, infuriating, and utterly insane story of comics, graphic novels, and manga continues in four-color glory! This issue, the award-winning Action Philosophers team of Fred Van Lente and Ryan Dunlavey FEED YOUR HEAD with POP and THE TEXAS MAFIA!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
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D4VEocracy #3
Writer: Ryan Ferrier Artist: Valentin Ramon Cover Artist: Valentin Ramon
Robotic civil war! Assassins! Anarchy! A nefarious tech-guru-turned-political-puppeteer comes closer to crushing D4VE, while the internet finally internets too hard, taking all of robot-kind with it.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points: 
From the acclaimed creative team of D4VE, D4VE2, and HOT DAMN!
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Dirk Gently: The Salmon of Doubt #7
Writer: Arvind Ethan David Artist: Ilias Kyriazis Cover Artist: Ilias Kyriazis
Sally begins to pierce the mysteries of the Black Wing, as we follow the exploits of not one, not two, but three Dirks! Featuring favorite characters from the original books as well as the cast from the TV series, including Samuel Barnett and Elijah Wood!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points: 
The star of two (almost three) beloved Douglas Adams novels!
Written by executive producer of the TV series Arvind Ethan David!
Executive produced by Max Landis (Chronicle and Superman: American Alien), the writer of the BBC America TV series!
Each issue will have a photo cover featuring the cast of the show!
Variant cover by Robert Hack!
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G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #239
Writer: Larry Hama Artist: S L Gallant Cover Artist: S L Gallant
Cobra makes preparations for their next plot… one that even G.I. Joe may not be equipped to stop!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
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Her Bark & Her Bite
Writer: James Albion Artist: James Albion Cover Artist: James Albion
Soon after young artist Rebecca arrives in the big city, she stumbles headlong into the arms of the charismatic Victor. When they fall madly in love, she’s thrown into his socialite world of glamorous parties, devoted fans, and layabout debutantes. The people, the art, and the acclaim are exhilarating — until Victor’s affections start to wander to his new pug, Princess. With her new boyfriend slipping away before her eyes, Rebecca’s jealousy and fear threaten to upend everything. Can she hold onto the man she loves? Does she even really want to?
TPB • FC • $9.99 • 80 pages • ISBN: 978-1-60309-407-8
Bullet points: 
Advance solicited for April release!
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Jem: The Misfits #4
Writer: Kelly Thompson Artist: Jenn St. Onge Cover Artist: M. Victoria Robado
OUR SONGS ARE BETTER Part Four! The Misfits Reality Show is invading the band’s lives in ways that’s making them all miserable, but none more than Roxanne Pelligrini. Roxy has been living in fear that the world will learn she’s functionally illiterate…has that time finally come?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points: 
Will Roxy finally be forced to come clean or will she blow up her life just to continue hiding?
And WHO has known Roxy’s secret all along?
Misfit’s first ever series of their own!
Variant cover by Meredith McClaren!
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Judge Dredd: Blessed Earth #1
Writers: Ulises Fariñas & Erick Freitas Artist: Dan McDaid Cover Artist: Ulises Fariñas
It has been 10 years since the events of Mega-City Zero, and Judge Dredd continues his mission to restore order to a lawless land. The mystery of The Blessed Earth begins to unfold here!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 
Bullet points: 
The sequel to the critically acclaimed Mega-City Zero storyline begins here!
Variant cover by Duncan Fegredo (Hellboy)!
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Kill Shakespeare – Past is Prologue: Juliet #2
Writer: Conor McCreery Artist: Corin Howell Cover Artist: Corin Howell
Juliet’s quest for vengeance leads her to the most dangerous tavern in Verona. But the cut-throats that make up the Centaur’s clientele may be the least of her worries – as her mother’s murderer is watching her every move. Can Juliet find the ally she needs to stay alive amongst a den of vipers?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 
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LOAC Essentials, Vol. 10: Dan Dunn, Secret Operative 48
Writer: Norman Marsh Artist: Norman Marsh Cover Artist: Norman Marsh
Considered the first comic book with original material ever produced, 1933’s Detective Dan, Secret Op. 48 was a landmark. It only lasted one issue before morphing into the Dan Dunn newspaper strip. A blatant copy of Chester Gould’s Dick Tracy (Norman Marsh had been an art assistant to Gould), Dan Dunn was a rough and tumble Secret Service agent who exacted violent retribution on any criminal who dared cross his path. This book reprints the entire first year of daily comics.
HC • B&W • $29.99 • 344 pages • 12” x 4.25” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-855-7
Bullet points: 
The Library of American Comics has become the GOLD STANDARD for archival comic strip reprints.” — Scoop
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Micronauts: Wrath of Karza #1 (of 5)
Writers: Cullen Bunn & Jimmy Johnston Artist: Andrew Griffith Cover Artist: Alex Ronald
As one universe dies, another is invaded! Microspace — the home of the Micronauts — is collapsing. But Baron Karza has discovered a new universe in which the people of Microspace would thrive, a universe in which he would rule! The first world to be conquered is Earth, and the first enemies to be targeted are the TRANSFORMERS, G.I. JOE, M.A.S.K., and ROM!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points: 
Baron Karza invades Earth and the Micronauts will never, ever be the same!
Variant cover by Valentina Pinto, Paul Pope, and Michael Golden!
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Night Owl Society #1 (of 3)
Writer: James Venhaus Artist: Pius Bak Cover Artist: Pius Bak
When David’s only friend at school is killed by the local mob boss, David and his misfit friends take matters into their own hands by sneaking out at night to fight crime and take down the mob without getting killed . . . or grounded.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points: 
An original and exciting new creator-owned series!
Variant cover by Joe Eisma!
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Optimus Prime #6
Writer: John Barber Artist: Kei Zama Cover Artist: Kei Zama
“NEW CYBERTRON”—CONCLUSION! As the Junkions reveal their ultimate plan, Optimus Prime makes a decision that will define the relationship between Earth and Cybertron for all time… but will Arcee be able to live with the fallout?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points: 
  Variant cover by Jin Kim!
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Orphan Black: Deviations #2
Writer: Heli Kennedy Artist: Wayne Nichols Cover Artist: Cat Staggs
In a world… where Sarah managed to save Beth from taking her own life! With this single twist of fate, the Clone Club comes together in a completely different manner and the mystery of Project LEDA unfolds in new, exiting ways! See all your favorite characters return in an all-new light!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points: 
Find out what happens in a world… where Sarah saved Beth!
Ask your retailer about the papercraft covers!
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Real Science Adventures #1
Writer: Brian Clevinger Artist: Lo Baker Cover Artist: Scott Wegener
A group of Women Airforce Service Pilots banded together after World War II and became the daring “Flying She-Devils.” Food and fuel are in short supply, but the She-Devils have a plan: take it from Mad Jack, the pirate king of the Pacific. What could go wrong? Also a never-before-seen short featuring THE SPARROW!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 
Bullet points: 
From the pages of Atomic Robo, the Flying She-Devils embark on a new daring adventure!
The spinoff story to the online sensation—in print for the first time!
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Satellite Falling #4
Writer: Steve Horton Artist: Stephen Thompson Cover Artist: Stephen Thompson
After recovering from the shock of the police cruiser with the chief exploding, Lilly and her crew infiltrate the ship, each with a specific task to perform to reach Eva and bring the ship down. Lilly makes it to the bridge and confronts Eva, and learns about Eva’s plan to infect everyone on Satellite to commit genocide on their home worlds. She tries to shoot Lilly, but Lilly’s a hologram! Lilly knows about the plan already and is already working to stop it.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet Points:
By Amala’s Blade writer Steve Horton and Star Wars artist Stephen Thompson!
For fans of space opera, crime fiction and lots of things exploding!
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Star Hawks, Vol. 1
Writer: Ron Goulart Artist: Gil Kane Cover Artist: Gil Kane
The classic 1970s science fiction newspaper strip created by Ron Goulart and Gil Kane is coming back in a big way. The only comic strip to be produced in a two-tier format, the Library of American Comics’ edition will reproduce each strip on its own page so readers can relish Kane’s incredible achievement. Nearly 40 years after its debut, Star Hawks still looks fresh and exciting. This first of three volumes reprints more than 300 double-sized strips and includes an introduction by Ron Goulart.
HC • B&W • $49.99 • 320 pages • 9.25” x 6.5” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-397-2
Bullet points: 
“It was the most imaginative innovation in the newspaper strip since adventure stories invaded the funnies. Goulart furnished fast-moving stories, crisp and economical scripting, and more than an occasional flash of humor… But Star Hawk’s toehold near the pinnacle of noteworthy comic strips is best secured by its graphic treatment.” –The Art of the Comic Book: An Aesthetic History
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe #9
Writers: Sophie Campbell, Bobby Curnow & Brahm Revel Artists: Pablo Tunica, Brahm Revel Cover Artist: Freddie Williams II
“Toad Baron’s Ball,” Part 1! Alopex and Nobody are looking for a little rest and relaxation but get more than they ask for when they become the unwilling guests of a never-ending party thrown by the hedonistic Toad Baron!
FC • 32 pages • $4.99
Bullet points: 
An important lead-in to a future TMNT ongoing story!
Variant cover by Sophie Campbell!
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The X-Files, Vol. 2: Came Back Haunted
Writer: Joe Harris Artist: Matthew Dow Smith Cover Artist: Menton3
For years, FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully toiled in the X-Files Unit, a one-office division of the Bureau dealing with cases deemed unsolvable and related to unexplained phenomena. Eventually, both agents left the FBI and began new lives in peaceful anonymity. However, recent events prompted them to return to the Bureau and the X-Files. In “Came Back Haunted,” a thwarted attack puts a community of refugees at risk, but when a connection to a recent mall shooting is found, Mulder and Scully must determine the cause of the violent outbreaks, why the government is covering it up, and just what the connection to old secrets they’d believed dead and buried really is. Collects issues #6-9.
TPB • FC • $17.99 • 100 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-862-5
Bullet points: 
Advance solicited for April release
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via IDW Publishing
24: LEGACY and NIGHT OWL SOCIETY Debut in the IDW Publishing Previews for 4-26-2017
So many great titles – debuts AND ongoing – from The Dub this week, and we have your looks.
24: LEGACY and NIGHT OWL SOCIETY Debut in the IDW Publishing Previews for 4-26-2017 So many great titles - debuts AND ongoing - from The Dub this week, and we have your looks.
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outright-geekery · 7 years
So many great titles – debuts AND ongoing – from The Dub this week, and we have your looks. Here’s the IDW Publishing Previews for 4-26-2017.
24: Legacy—Rules of Engagement #1
Writer: Christopher Farnsworth Artist: Antonio Fuso Cover Artist: Georges Jeanty
The clock has been reset with 24: Legacy, and this limited series will explore the past of its new leading character, Eric Carter, who led the elite squad responsible for killing an infamous terrorist leader and, consequently, forced into hiding. But before he was a national hero and a wanted man, Carter learned the Rules of Engagement in the streets of Iraq and Washington, D.C. hoods.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points: 
Based on the new hit iteration of the 24 franchise!
Executive produced by Manny Coto and Evan Katz, writers of the show!
Covers by Georges Jeanty (Serenity)!
Each issue will have a photo cover featuring the cast of the show!
Ask your retailer about the Antonio Fuso (Drive) variant cover!
Written by Christopher Farnsworth, journalist, screenwriter and the author of The President’s Vampire series.
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Archangel #4
Writer: William Gibson Artist: Butch Guice Cover Artist: Tula Lotay
Time is running out. Corrupt, otherworldly political powers threaten to hijack our reality, and they have the nuclear capabilities needed to alter the course of our history forever. One lone pilot and those who dare to trust him are all that stand in the way of a radioactive future.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet Points:
William Gibson, author of Neuromancer and one of the most influential science fiction writers of the last 30 years, makes his comic book debut with this all-new, original story!
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Airboy Archives, Vol. 5
Writer: Chuck Dixon Artists: Stan Woch, Ernie Colón, Alberto Maldonado, Brent Anderson, Enrique Villagran, Jim Longstreth, Mark Johnson, Andy Kubert Cover Artist: Timothy Truman
Volume 5 concludes the complete run of the Eclipse Comics Airboy series! Collects issues #41–50, the second three-issue mini-series featuring Valkyrie, the one-shot Airboy vs the Air Maidens, and a never-before-printed 8-page Skywolf backup story.
TPB • FC • $29.99 • 336 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-810-6
Bullet points: 
Five volume set collects the whole series!
Advance solicited for March release!
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Comic Book History of Comics #6
Writer: Fred Van Lente Artist: Ryan Dunlavey Cover Artist: Ryan Dunlavey
The inspiring, infuriating, and utterly insane story of comics, graphic novels, and manga continues in four-color glory! This issue, the award-winning Action Philosophers team of Fred Van Lente and Ryan Dunlavey FEED YOUR HEAD with POP and THE TEXAS MAFIA!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
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D4VEocracy #3
Writer: Ryan Ferrier Artist: Valentin Ramon Cover Artist: Valentin Ramon
Robotic civil war! Assassins! Anarchy! A nefarious tech-guru-turned-political-puppeteer comes closer to crushing D4VE, while the internet finally internets too hard, taking all of robot-kind with it.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points: 
From the acclaimed creative team of D4VE, D4VE2, and HOT DAMN!
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Dirk Gently: The Salmon of Doubt #7
Writer: Arvind Ethan David Artist: Ilias Kyriazis Cover Artist: Ilias Kyriazis
Sally begins to pierce the mysteries of the Black Wing, as we follow the exploits of not one, not two, but three Dirks! Featuring favorite characters from the original books as well as the cast from the TV series, including Samuel Barnett and Elijah Wood!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points: 
The star of two (almost three) beloved Douglas Adams novels!
Written by executive producer of the TV series Arvind Ethan David!
Executive produced by Max Landis (Chronicle and Superman: American Alien), the writer of the BBC America TV series!
Each issue will have a photo cover featuring the cast of the show!
Variant cover by Robert Hack!
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G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #239
Writer: Larry Hama Artist: S L Gallant Cover Artist: S L Gallant
Cobra makes preparations for their next plot… one that even G.I. Joe may not be equipped to stop!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
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Her Bark & Her Bite
Writer: James Albion Artist: James Albion Cover Artist: James Albion
Soon after young artist Rebecca arrives in the big city, she stumbles headlong into the arms of the charismatic Victor. When they fall madly in love, she’s thrown into his socialite world of glamorous parties, devoted fans, and layabout debutantes. The people, the art, and the acclaim are exhilarating — until Victor’s affections start to wander to his new pug, Princess. With her new boyfriend slipping away before her eyes, Rebecca’s jealousy and fear threaten to upend everything. Can she hold onto the man she loves? Does she even really want to?
TPB • FC • $9.99 • 80 pages • ISBN: 978-1-60309-407-8
Bullet points: 
Advance solicited for April release!
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Jem: The Misfits #4
Writer: Kelly Thompson Artist: Jenn St. Onge Cover Artist: M. Victoria Robado
OUR SONGS ARE BETTER Part Four! The Misfits Reality Show is invading the band’s lives in ways that’s making them all miserable, but none more than Roxanne Pelligrini. Roxy has been living in fear that the world will learn she’s functionally illiterate…has that time finally come?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points: 
Will Roxy finally be forced to come clean or will she blow up her life just to continue hiding?
And WHO has known Roxy’s secret all along?
Misfit’s first ever series of their own!
Variant cover by Meredith McClaren!
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Judge Dredd: Blessed Earth #1
Writers: Ulises Fariñas & Erick Freitas Artist: Dan McDaid Cover Artist: Ulises Fariñas
It has been 10 years since the events of Mega-City Zero, and Judge Dredd continues his mission to restore order to a lawless land. The mystery of The Blessed Earth begins to unfold here!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 
Bullet points: 
The sequel to the critically acclaimed Mega-City Zero storyline begins here!
Variant cover by Duncan Fegredo (Hellboy)!
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Kill Shakespeare – Past is Prologue: Juliet #2
Writer: Conor McCreery Artist: Corin Howell Cover Artist: Corin Howell
Juliet’s quest for vengeance leads her to the most dangerous tavern in Verona. But the cut-throats that make up the Centaur’s clientele may be the least of her worries – as her mother’s murderer is watching her every move. Can Juliet find the ally she needs to stay alive amongst a den of vipers?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 
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LOAC Essentials, Vol. 10: Dan Dunn, Secret Operative 48
Writer: Norman Marsh Artist: Norman Marsh Cover Artist: Norman Marsh
Considered the first comic book with original material ever produced, 1933’s Detective Dan, Secret Op. 48 was a landmark. It only lasted one issue before morphing into the Dan Dunn newspaper strip. A blatant copy of Chester Gould’s Dick Tracy (Norman Marsh had been an art assistant to Gould), Dan Dunn was a rough and tumble Secret Service agent who exacted violent retribution on any criminal who dared cross his path. This book reprints the entire first year of daily comics.
HC • B&W • $29.99 • 344 pages • 12” x 4.25” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-855-7
Bullet points: 
The Library of American Comics has become the GOLD STANDARD for archival comic strip reprints.” — Scoop
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Micronauts: Wrath of Karza #1 (of 5)
Writers: Cullen Bunn & Jimmy Johnston Artist: Andrew Griffith Cover Artist: Alex Ronald
As one universe dies, another is invaded! Microspace — the home of the Micronauts — is collapsing. But Baron Karza has discovered a new universe in which the people of Microspace would thrive, a universe in which he would rule! The first world to be conquered is Earth, and the first enemies to be targeted are the TRANSFORMERS, G.I. JOE, M.A.S.K., and ROM!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points: 
Baron Karza invades Earth and the Micronauts will never, ever be the same!
Variant cover by Valentina Pinto, Paul Pope, and Michael Golden!
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Night Owl Society #1 (of 3)
Writer: James Venhaus Artist: Pius Bak Cover Artist: Pius Bak
When David’s only friend at school is killed by the local mob boss, David and his misfit friends take matters into their own hands by sneaking out at night to fight crime and take down the mob without getting killed . . . or grounded.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points: 
An original and exciting new creator-owned series!
Variant cover by Joe Eisma!
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Optimus Prime #6
Writer: John Barber Artist: Kei Zama Cover Artist: Kei Zama
“NEW CYBERTRON”—CONCLUSION! As the Junkions reveal their ultimate plan, Optimus Prime makes a decision that will define the relationship between Earth and Cybertron for all time… but will Arcee be able to live with the fallout?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points: 
  Variant cover by Jin Kim!
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Orphan Black: Deviations #2
Writer: Heli Kennedy Artist: Wayne Nichols Cover Artist: Cat Staggs
In a world… where Sarah managed to save Beth from taking her own life! With this single twist of fate, the Clone Club comes together in a completely different manner and the mystery of Project LEDA unfolds in new, exiting ways! See all your favorite characters return in an all-new light!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points: 
Find out what happens in a world… where Sarah saved Beth!
Ask your retailer about the papercraft covers!
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Real Science Adventures #1
Writer: Brian Clevinger Artist: Lo Baker Cover Artist: Scott Wegener
A group of Women Airforce Service Pilots banded together after World War II and became the daring “Flying She-Devils.” Food and fuel are in short supply, but the She-Devils have a plan: take it from Mad Jack, the pirate king of the Pacific. What could go wrong? Also a never-before-seen short featuring THE SPARROW!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 
Bullet points: 
From the pages of Atomic Robo, the Flying She-Devils embark on a new daring adventure!
The spinoff story to the online sensation—in print for the first time!
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Satellite Falling #4
Writer: Steve Horton Artist: Stephen Thompson Cover Artist: Stephen Thompson
After recovering from the shock of the police cruiser with the chief exploding, Lilly and her crew infiltrate the ship, each with a specific task to perform to reach Eva and bring the ship down. Lilly makes it to the bridge and confronts Eva, and learns about Eva’s plan to infect everyone on Satellite to commit genocide on their home worlds. She tries to shoot Lilly, but Lilly’s a hologram! Lilly knows about the plan already and is already working to stop it.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet Points:
By Amala’s Blade writer Steve Horton and Star Wars artist Stephen Thompson!
For fans of space opera, crime fiction and lots of things exploding!
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Star Hawks, Vol. 1
Writer: Ron Goulart Artist: Gil Kane Cover Artist: Gil Kane
The classic 1970s science fiction newspaper strip created by Ron Goulart and Gil Kane is coming back in a big way. The only comic strip to be produced in a two-tier format, the Library of American Comics’ edition will reproduce each strip on its own page so readers can relish Kane’s incredible achievement. Nearly 40 years after its debut, Star Hawks still looks fresh and exciting. This first of three volumes reprints more than 300 double-sized strips and includes an introduction by Ron Goulart.
HC • B&W • $49.99 • 320 pages • 9.25” x 6.5” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-397-2
Bullet points: 
“It was the most imaginative innovation in the newspaper strip since adventure stories invaded the funnies. Goulart furnished fast-moving stories, crisp and economical scripting, and more than an occasional flash of humor… But Star Hawk’s toehold near the pinnacle of noteworthy comic strips is best secured by its graphic treatment.” –The Art of the Comic Book: An Aesthetic History
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe #9
Writers: Sophie Campbell, Bobby Curnow & Brahm Revel Artists: Pablo Tunica, Brahm Revel Cover Artist: Freddie Williams II
“Toad Baron’s Ball,” Part 1! Alopex and Nobody are looking for a little rest and relaxation but get more than they ask for when they become the unwilling guests of a never-ending party thrown by the hedonistic Toad Baron!
FC • 32 pages • $4.99
Bullet points: 
An important lead-in to a future TMNT ongoing story!
Variant cover by Sophie Campbell!
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The X-Files, Vol. 2: Came Back Haunted
Writer: Joe Harris Artist: Matthew Dow Smith Cover Artist: Menton3
For years, FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully toiled in the X-Files Unit, a one-office division of the Bureau dealing with cases deemed unsolvable and related to unexplained phenomena. Eventually, both agents left the FBI and began new lives in peaceful anonymity. However, recent events prompted them to return to the Bureau and the X-Files. In “Came Back Haunted,” a thwarted attack puts a community of refugees at risk, but when a connection to a recent mall shooting is found, Mulder and Scully must determine the cause of the violent outbreaks, why the government is covering it up, and just what the connection to old secrets they’d believed dead and buried really is. Collects issues #6-9.
TPB • FC • $17.99 • 100 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-862-5
Bullet points: 
Advance solicited for April release
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via IDW Publishing
24: LEGACY and NIGHT OWL SOCIETY Debut in the IDW Publishing Previews for 4-26-2017 So many great titles - debuts AND ongoing - from The Dub this week, and we have your looks.
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