#the witcher genetics
dreamofbecoming · 2 years
this isn’t ready for ao3 yet bc i have more planned and i don’t want to make it chaptered, but i’m actually quite pleased with how this turned out, so please enjoy this first taste of my banshee/siren hybrid jaskier story!
part 2
minor warning for gore
wc 745
now on ao3
Jaskier knows the taste of death.
He tastes it more often than he’d like (which is to say, at all); every few towns or so, whenever he makes eye contact with the wrong person. An old woman putting out her washing, a young man in a tavern, puffed up and boasting while his fellows egg him on to show off, a girl with bruises on her arms and her eyes downcast, walking in the shadow of her husband. The sickly taste of rot will coat the back of his tongue and he’ll feel a Song rising in his throat.
He never Sings it.
He’s tasted the deaths of a hundred strangers, and while his heart breaks a little every time, he fights down the Song and swallows the rotten bile and turns away, knowing he has no power here. There is nothing he can do for them, now.
This time is different.
This time, the Song he can feel building in his chest isn’t for a stranger.
It’s for Geralt.
Something— breaks, inside him. The Song, which has always before felt like a living thing unto itself, separate from the man who hosts it, just waiting to be unleashed, expands to fill his lungs. For a moment, Jaskier chokes on the sudden absence of air, before his world narrows down to a single thought: No.
He feels the moment when the magic inside him changes, when the Song becomes a part of him instead of simply a parasite. For the first time since his failed training as a child, he lets it loose.
The first to fall is the bowman in the treeline, the one Jaskier saw but Geralt didn’t. Jaskier is too far away to see his face when his hands turn the crossbow on himself, but he can taste the moment when his body falls from his perch, leaving his fellows without cover.
Geralt has felled four of the remaining bandits, but three still encircle him, and Jaskier can see him slowing.
“A single thread
hangs limply down,
and I breathe,
‘Not now,
not now,’”
All three men pull back from their attack on Geralt in an instant. The witcher doesn’t stay his strike and cuts down the one immediately in front of him before whirling to stare at Jaskier in shock, but Jaskier can’t stop now. The Song isn’t finished. Geralt isn’t safe.
“And I find you all
trying desperately
to sew,”
The two bandits left take jerky steps towards each other, swords raised, eyes wild and terrified. The leader makes a low, despairing sound as his friend’s innards spill beneath his blade.
“And I know the kindest thing
is to leave you
As the last man drags his own dagger across his throat, his eyes never leave Jaskier’s.
The magic cuts off abruptly, the Song finished with the death fulfilled. Not Geralt’s death, somehow, not anymore. He’s done what he swore he never would, he’s outed himself as a monster, but Geralt is still warm and breathing behind him, so it was worth it. Whatever fate he meets at his witcher’s hands, it was worth it.
Jaskier can taste nothing but decay and blood, and he doubles over, his stomach heaving painfully as he expels his breakfast.
He’s still hunched over the ground, coughing on the lingering taste of death while spots dance in his vision, when he hears Geralt come up behind him. His footsteps are more tentative than Jaskier is used to. Understandably cautious around an unknown threat, Jaskier thinks bitterly. He’d known it was coming, it’s what he expected, but it still chafes. Most of all, he just wishes he had more time. More time with Geralt, but just more time in general.
Still, he won’t die crouched in a puddle of his own vomit like some beast. Whatever his parentage, he has more dignity than that. He’ll meet Geralt’s silver sword standing tall, and it will still be a better death than he could have met if he’d stayed at home, like his sire had expected. Love doesn’t need to be spoken to be worth dying for, after all.
Except, the spots in his vision don’t fade when he stands, like he’d expected; in fact, they grow. He sways on his feet as the world tilts alarmingly. The last thing he sees before the world goes totally black is Geralt, hands empty of silver or steel, lunging to catch him, his eyes wide with concern.
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melonsap · 6 days
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Look just hear me out
The very very first elves lived in the Feywild, and supposedly came around from Corellon's spilled blood in his battle with Gruumsh, the god of orcs. Back then, they could shapeshift and were extremely powerful. His favorites went on to become his pantheon, not-yet-Lolth included.
Stands to reason that since they literally came from the blood of a god, they should be something analogous to aasimar. Further proof of this: the Avariels were winged elves from way back in history.
Along came a band of Aen Elle. Notoriously world-hoppy and power-hungry, they intermingled with Corellon's blood kids in an effort to get some of their power. Corellon's bloodline loses its ability to shapeshift and become the Eladrin, not quite fey anymore (save for the ones that didn't migrate to Toril because they got steeped in the Feywild for 30k more years after that, but they're not important here).
Also notoriously xenophobic and seeing other non-elf races as beneath them, the Aen Elle back home get appalled by this and cut the elves that intermingled off. The Eladrin are disowned and disinherited by the Aen Elle.
-30k DR. The first elves come to Toril. More elves eventually settle. Etc etc, all of elven history, we now have Moon, Sun, Wood, Wild, and Drow.
Back in Witcher-world (forever mad that the planet/continent doesn't have a name) 2k years pre-Conjunction, some Aen Elle split off from the whole and eventually become the Aen Sidhe. Also post-Conjunction, Lara Dorren happens. All of Continental history here, etc etc.
ANYWAYS. The reason elves look like elves between worlds is because it's the Aen Elle's fault.
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fresh-shoes · 8 months
Just watched blood origins and it was not great HOWEVER we’re not gonna acknowledge that the very first Witcher was in love with a bard? And not only was he in love with her - the entire reason he became a Witcher was to protect her?
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revoevokukil · 2 years
Tir ná Lia’s Biotechnological Progress
In mythology, Otherworlds were frequently places where mortals witnessed immense wealth & abundance – from food to wine to fabrics to medicine to artefacts to art to species in flora and fauna to, well, anything you can conceive of people lacking in the early history of man. How come? Magic, naturally, was the answer.
Let’s pull out our Arthur C. Clarke: Any sufficiently advanced technology or knowledge comes off as indistinguishable from magic.
The Witcher frequently takes a realist point of view on mystical matters. The Continent itself is on the verge of Scientific Revolution by the number of technologies & scientific concepts in the employment of its elites. In the World of the Alder Folk - an Otherworld in its own right - everything exists in abundance and nothing is short of the very best in quality. Where does it all come for though, for a race that has ever since the Conjunction of the Spheres been more or less trapped in their sphere?
Generally, in fantasy, humanity walks the path of technological progress at the expense of nature, while elves find more ecological ways of co-existing and utilising the natural forces. Genetic engineering, for example, is one very peculiar branch of knowledge the Aen Elle possess. For beings who live for centuries and have been sphere-hopping nomads before the Conjunction, why should genetic engineering stop at the mythical Elder Blood programme, when they have previously visited – as travellers, traders, warriors – many-many worlds with many different kinds of life forms?
It seems reasonable to assume that what is going on in the laboratories of Tir na Lia is not just the selective breeding of elves, but the genetic engineering of the wealth & abundance that surrounds them.
The study of new species of plant, critter, and animal: who are then bred to perfection in their purpose. Birds that sing the most beautiful songs only; crops on trees and bushes that yield multiple times a year and are abundant, tastiest, healthiest; alternatives for ordinary food that come from different creatures found from the Spiral, but taste like the best cheese or wine or mushroom ever; silk that is so fine you will not believe it because its producers do not exist in your reality.
Auberon says the Aen Elle were prone to choosing worlds each more curious than the last. The world they reside in with the unicorns is not free of dangers – death is still said to lurk in the wilds beyond their barriers. Yet, they have found ways in which to create a virtual paradise in the parts that they inhabit. It seems possible the Aen Elle have sought out the best nature has to offer in different worlds so as to create, through science and ingenuity of elven engineering, a garden of paradise in their own.
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elderbloodcarrier · 2 years
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                                                 “Oh, I'm free at last.”
Lara Dorren (Elder Blood) + Genetic Emancipation by Repo the Genetic Opera 
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commanderantilles · 1 year
Before I started watching the Witcher the only thing I knew about it was that Burn Butcher Burn sounded like a really dramatic breakup song so I fully expected going into the show for them to be gay. Imagine my surprise when there was some hardcore found family instead.
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lycheedr3ams · 6 months
an idea came to me today: witcher!könig
more below the cut
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if you're not familiar with the world of the witcher, click here to learn about the game and world. but in short, it's a dark fantasy set in medieval times where monsters, sorceresses, and witchers exist. witchers are monster hunters. witchers train from childhood to fight monsters, and undergo genetic mutations once they have passed all the trials. because of this genetic mutation, they're seen as freaks. remind you of anyone? (konig is not a freak, but many people in-game think he is)
there are a few different witcher schools (think of them as factions, they're not actual schools), and each school's pupils tend to have similar characteristics that define that school. witcher!könig is definitely from the school of the bear. I decided this not only because they do their training in harsh mountain regions, but also because of this quote i found from the wiki:
Witchers of the Bear School, unlike the Wolves or Griffins, tend to be loners and do not forge strong bonds with their brethren, and so them meeting on the Path can even lead to bloodshed. This is because of the philosophy of the school's founder, who believed that witchers should focus only on the job aspect of their profession. He thought that any code or knightly virtues were just inflated nonsense to feed the ego, and thus favored autonomy above all else.
I think this suits könig so much. i can just see him being this gruff, quiet loner witcher. i think he'd prefer to camp outside or live in the countryside eventually rather than in the major cities. also, witchers cannot reproduce but tend to be very horny, so i can also see him sleeping around A LOT lmao. overall, witchers are absolute fucking badasses, but they're spurned by most of society because of their more-than-humanness from the genetic mutations, along with religious propaganda that preaches against them
would you guys be interested in possibly a witcher!königxfem!reader? I'm undecided on if the reader should be a sorceress, or a village girl that witcher!könig meets, maybe does a contract for her, and falls in love with her obviously
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variations of bear school armor on Geralt
i was going to say that witcher!könig had been cursed with lycanthropy and had to hide this from other witchers, but then i did some research on the lore and apparently, witchers cannot become werewolves. so scratch that lol
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kenobihater · 8 months
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be drunk - charles baudelaire / the drunkards (1883) - james ensor / dialogue from the witcher 3 / the third hour of the night - frank bidart / dialogue from the witcher 3 / genetics and alcoholism: is alcoholism genetic or hereditary? - americanaddictioncenters.org / dialogue from the witcher 3 / the drunks (1907) - josé malhoa / be drunk - charles baudelaire
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thedemonofcat · 9 months
First time trying to come up with an idea in the Omegaverse.
Jaskier is considered rare among Omega for several reasons, which sets him apart from the norm. Firstly, he is a male Omega, a rarity in itself, as male Omegas are not very common. Due to their scarcity, male Omegas have often been treated as precious gems, valued for their uniqueness. Jaskier's gender alone makes him stand out among his peers.
Moreover, Jaskier possesses qualities that deviate from the stereotypical traits associated with Omega individuals. He is known for being headstrong and exceptionally talkative, which contrasts with the expected demeanor of a docile and reserved Omega
Interestingly, all the qualities that make Jaskier different from other Omegas are the very reasons why Geralt is deeply enamored with him. As an alpha, Geralt is often seen as the epitome of Alpha characteristics, except for the fact that he is a Witcher. The Witcher mutations have bestowed upon Geralt the genetic traits of an alpha, making him a unique blend of both human and monster.
Despite their individual oddities, Geralt and Jaskier have formed a remarkable bond as mates
One day, Jaskier woke up feeling unwell, experiencing bouts of morning sickness. Concerned for his mate's well-being, Geralt decided to take Jaskier to see Yennefer. Little did they know, Yennefer had a surprising revelation waiting for them—by some miraculous twist of fate, Jaskier was pregnant.
Given that witchers were believed to be sterile, Geralt never anticipated the possibility of Jaskier becoming pregnant. Nevertheless, Jaskier was content with the idea, considering his life as a traveling bard made it challenging to raise a child. However, Yennefer believed that destiny had played a hand in this situation, decreeing that Geralt and Jaskier should embrace their roles as parents.
Geralt and Jaskier experienced a mixture of nerves and excitement at the prospect of becoming parents. However, their joy was short-lived as they soon discovered the alarming truth—numerous individuals were relentlessly pursuing their unborn baby
In this unprecedented occurrence of a witcher baby, the belief spread that the child would possess unparalleled power, surpassing any known beings. A group with nefarious intentions devised a plan to kidnap Jaskier, intending to hold him captive until the baby was born and subsequently raise the child as their new leader. They were even prepared to eliminate Jaskier if he refused to comply with their demands after the baby's birth.
Before assuming the name Jaskier, he was known as Julian Alfred Pankratz, Viscount de Lettenhove. Jaskier had fled his home to escape the clutches of his controlling parents, who, despite hearing about Jaskier's pregnancy, adamantly refused to recognize Geralt as his mate. Jaskier's parents harbored intentions of arranging a marriage between him and a wealthy Alpha Lord, solely for the sake of social status and riches.
Moreover, the kingdom of Nilfgaard, in their ongoing efforts to coerce Ciri, Geralt's child surprise , into their grasp, recognized Jaskier as a potential bargaining chip. Consequently, their interest in capturing Jaskier intensified, surpassing their previous pursuits.
Now on the run, desperate to ensure the safety of their unborn child, Geralt is willing to go to any lengths to protect his beloved Jaskier. Together, they make their way towards Kaer Morhen, seeking refuge and the support of the other witchers.
However, the magical nature of the baby begins to pose problems. Jaskier's pregnancy progresses at an astonishing rate, with his belly growing larger by the day, making their arduous journey even more challenging. Walking becomes a struggle with Jaskier's prominent pregnant belly, and the fact that he is a male omega further complicates their ability to hide and remain inconspicuous.
To add to their concerns, it is discovered that the baby carries witcher mutations in its genes. As Jaskier's health deteriorates, Geralt's fears intensify, dreading the possibility that Jaskier may not survive the process of giving birth to a witcher child
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vesemirsexual · 5 months
one of the real tragedies of the Witcher for me is when there is a division made between “human and Witcher”. this occurs when people both in and outside text draw that division, and when Witchers view it that way themselves
the thing is: Witchers are not a different species than the rest of humanity. they are born human, have human gametes, human DNA. their differences lie in being experimentally/medically modified at a critical development age. even more extreme mutations, even unexpected mutations, even absolutely wild mutations don’t make them not human. they are genetically modified humans.
the thing is that even the definition of what a Witcher actually is has quite a bit of wiggle room. sure, we might say the characteristic cat eyes and advanced abilities, assuming of course that everyone was targeting exactly the same genes to mutate, and that every single outcome was to the same standard. we could say that it’s their knowledge, learned skillsets, combat styles - again assuming that each school was teaching the same skills at the same level. we could say it’s their belief system, except that we know that while there might be a common line (pursuing coin, destroying monsters) that each Witcher really does appear to have highly individualistic morals and goals, often heavily influenced by their experiences.
Witchers are ultimately humans, albeit ones that possess additional or alternative traits that aren’t found naturally/are purposefully induced. outside of that, their separation from humanity is a social construct.
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To tide y’all over until the bracket is finished, here’s a list of every fandom in the tournament! Sorted by when each got its first submission.
It takes time to make the bracket cuz I gotta arrange all of these to be at least semi-equal in popularity to each other, and then make all the edited photos. I’ve been rather busy lately, but it should be up by tomorrow night :)
Minecraft Diaries
The Outsiders
God of War
Ace Attorney
Bungou Stray Dogs
Murdoch Mysteries
The Raven Cycle
Lego Star Wars
Sanders Sides
Kamen Rider
Castle Swimmer
The Magnus Archives
Lego Ninjago
Half Life VR But The AI Is Self-Aware
DC Comics
Critical Role
Romeo & Juliet
Witch Hat Atelier
Final Fantasy
One Piece
Warrior Cats
Chicory: A Colorful Tale
Trigun Stampede
The Owl House
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
Fallout: New Vegas
Tokyo Ghoul
Total Drama Island
The Cable Guy
Marble Hornets
Marvel Comics
The Umbrella Academy
Life Series SMP
Fire Emblem
Julie and the Phantoms
Persona 5
Star Wars
Young Justice
Fullmetal Alchemist
The Shadowhunter Chronicles
The Young and the Restless
The Untamed // Mo Dao Zu Shi
Cooking Companions
Demon Slayer
John Wick
Pit People
Battleblock Theater
Star Trek
LittleBigPlanet 2
Midnight Museum
The Witcher
Teen Wolf
Beast Wars: Transformers
The Stormlight Archive
The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System
The Arcana
Jujutsu Kaisen
Ultraman Nexus
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Edward Scissorhands
The Mechanisms
91 Days
Assassination Classroom
Death Note
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger
Battle for Dream Island
Twisted Wonderland
The Iliad
Call of Duty
Tangled: The Series
Team Fortress 2
The Goes Wrong Universe
Harry Potter
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Live A Live
Real Life
Stranger Things
Red Dead Redemption 2
Ib (2012)
Spies Are Forever
Madoka Magica
Magia Record
My Hero Academia
Ravenous (1999)
Lifesteal SMP S4
Outsiders SMP
Phineas and Ferb
Empires SMP
Ruse of the TMNT
Origins SMP
The Otterverse RP
Witch’s Heart
Project Sekai
The Silmarillion
The Lord of the Rings
Helluva Boss
Greek Myth
Percy Jackson
Limbus Company
Rain World
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Mob Psycho 100
Lord of the Flies
Good Omens
Word of Honor
Just Roll With It
Witchcraft SMP
Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun
Realm of the Underlings
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
Rats SMP
Steven Universe
The Hunger Games
Fate Grand Order
Welcome to Dreamworld
The Dolls of New Albion
Pact Web Series
Brandon Rogers
Ghost Quartet
The Dragon Prince
Steam-Powered Giraffe
Six of Crows
Bojack Horseman
Epithet Erased
Tale of the Nine Tailed
Cookie Run
Purple Hyacinth
The Wicked + The Divine
Outer Wilds
Miraculous Ladybug
Transformers Comics
Legend of Zelda
Breaking Bad
Devil May Cry
Dragon Age
The Locked Tomb
Mystic Messenger
Black Butler
Interview With a Vampire
Death By Dying
Higurashi When They Cry
Transformers Animated
Pirates SMP
All The Bright Places
Ride the Cyclone
Grey’s Anatomy
Empire of Exiles
Octopath Traveler 2
Hello from the Hallowoods
The Burning Sands of Ma’ssob RP
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iztarshi · 2 years
It feels like there are three layers to The Witcher and I'm not entirely sure whether they're meta or in universe or both.
A gritty low fantasy setting that's mildly anachronistic but mostly holds together as a plausible place. Sometimes its grittiness is unpleasantly grim (there is so much rape - never graphic or even described but so much) sometimes it's pleasantly grounding (Geralt is often motivated by wanting food and somewhere to sleep which is entirely relateable).
Myth and magic. Not just people doing magic, but the way feelings have real power. A curse or a promise can change the world, even from someone without magic powers. Love is necessary to find someone by magic (which is why Yennefer is kidnapped to find Ciri). Destiny exists. Geralt really resists this layer to begin with - despite dealing with fairytale situations - but moves into it by the end becoming a myth himself.
Science fiction-ish. The humans are from Earth post-extinction event although they don’t remember that. Educated people know genetics and this is a whole plot point. There is some mad scientist mage stuff going on which loops back around to how Witchers were created.
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lesbianshadowheart · 6 months
Alright ill make a pinned post
Hiiiiiii my name is Emily and I figured I'd make a pinned post w some info since that's the way we do things now. so
If you've been following me for a while and don't know who I am my url before was vriskalesbian and before that it was rootisgay
my main is an artblog at araneapeixes
any pronouns fine. my feelings on gender are complicated but basically im dyke
undiagnosed autism swag
im soso nice and i love it so much when people send me asks about literally anything<33 all of u are my friend im forming a parasocial relationship right now
This is a sideblog and my main is my artblog at araneapeixes
i love queer i love faggot i love dyke<3
This is a safe space for trans and genderqueer people
I may be an ex-academic but I still love a chat about biology, genetics etc. if I stayed in it id work with RNA. currently i aspire to be a tattoo artist
number one Shadowheart fan. my everything my silly rabbit
Things u can get me going crazy insane autism hot take infodump about: Horizon Zero Dawn, The Witcher Books, BTVS, Janelle Monae discography, Dishonored, the logic of time travel in stories
I like Homestuck
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mask131 · 9 months
Why, oh why must each big or successful fantasy series or work be overtaken by the extreme-right, racist nationalist, and other prejudiced fascists? 
You have Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, the ur-work for all the fantasy works that the extreme-right and other massively-prejudiced people heralded as their emblem and banner. A supposedly “purely European (White) work” truly depicting the “evil of Arabs and Jews and Black people” and where no good character should be of color, and where all non-white-European coded characters are inhuman or subhuman... 
... Which becomes really sadly funny when you know that Tolkien was a fervent enemy of the Nazis and their ideology, as much on the battleground that in terms of scholar work ; that while he did embrace the oversimplification typical of old Norse saga and Greek epics, he was sincerely bothered - as a Christian who believed in the natural goodness in every mortal and the possibility of redemption and free will for everyone - that people could interpret his work as “Some species are born bad and evil and that’s just their nature” ; and that while he did depict the only characters of true “color” being killed as nameless hordes of enemy at the end, he also explicitely placed scenes where they are humanized, taken pity on, and where he clearly highlights that these scenes are meant to depict the horror and tragedy of war, of conflict between humans torn apart by absurd and evil reasons, instead of any “racial attack”. (No need to tell you these scenes tend to be rolled under the carpet by the neo-Nazi supporters of Tolkien’s work - because yes, there ARE neo-Nazi fans of the Lord of the Rings, which is an anti-Nazi work written by a famous enemy of the Nazis!)
You have Terry Pratchett’s Discworld, and the recent attempt after his death by transphobes to take over his books and claim sir Pratchett would have been against transgenders...
... When Terry Pratchett literaly wrote dozens of books highlighting through subtle, clever and humoristic metaphors (and, as time went by, less subtle and more obvious and blunt plot points), how queerness and transness was something that existed, that was natural, and that needed to be embraced and supported. 
You have the Witcher, that is being praised by nasty people as being a purely Polish work, exclusively about Polish people and Polish culture, and that thus should only be for white people and about white people ; the same people that love how it “embraces” and “supports” the traditional, old-time values, and use a lot of “pure” in their speech. 
... When in fact The Witcher is a work that purposefully blurs time eras and various cultures (including non-European works) because Sapkowski’s intentions were never to make a “purely Polish work” ; and it is also a work where the author subtly (or not so subtly) criticizes the political right-movement, conservative groups and so called “supporters of the Slavic culture” (who mostly are just fantasizing a supposed “old Slavic society and culture” that never truly existed beyond minds that clearly did not read actual history books). I won’t even mention how Sapkowski is not a fan at all of “historical realism” in magical and fantasy worlds, and openly rejects this logic by purposefully having anachronisms or having modern scientific notions (like genetic mutation) be widespread and well-known in his “medieval” setting. 
The list could go on and on. I’ll just keep however these three most highlighted examples, because they are very telling. 
It is almost as if the racist fans of the early 20th century fantasy pulps - those of Lovecraft and Conan the Barbarian and the like - had survived throughout the decades, gaining an unnaturaly long life clinging to the outdated and badly-aging tropes, stereotyped plots and cultural references, and acted today like some sort of perverted racist, transphobes, homophobes liches, only here to soil and corrupt everything they touch with their blind, prejudiced, hateful and idiotic poison... 
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0dde11eth · 6 months
Does witcher cum technically count as genetically modified because of their mutagens? Or is it organically produced? Asking for a friend
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