thegreatstrongbow · 3 years
[ neck kiss ] for @thefrogmaiden Caboriel misses Beleg and Mablung
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Beleg hummed softly, purring as Caboriel kissed him, always eager to for her attentions. He tugged on her hand, pulling her down and close to him.
"Good morning, my dear warrior. How are you?"
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askrossiel · 3 years
"Now what's a little wolf doing so far from home?" Caboriel mused, her bright green eyes watching the little wolf. She knew the animals that lived within her forest home and this one was not among them. "Are you hungry?" She remained crouched over the deer she had chased and hunted down, cautious and waiting to see what the wolf will do. (for my sideblog @thefrogmaiden have a tol ancient sinda for wolf Rossiel?)
The wolf tilted her head and made a slight whistling whine, a vocal shrug of sorts. A nice supper would certainly agree with her, and she was used to getting tidbits from time to time when she trailed along with the hunters, but at her core she was still polite little Rossiel, and she knew the value of waiting her turn. With a yawn, she flopped lazily onto her side.
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gxldenfinwe · 3 years
“Don’t cry. I promise I will love you and protect you to the best of my ability, til death do we part.” (arranged marriage au prompts for Arvo and Caboriel?)
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Her words were not comforting. There was something close to war between their people and the last thing Arvo wanted was to be dragged in both directions. It would be easier if she was unkind.
He reached out across his bond for Eärwen, but it was empty and cold. She had spurned him, and rightfully so. Arvo turned to his bride with cold, watery eyes.
“I do not seek love.”
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The Trespasser | General and Tamara
The angels bustled around, laughing and calling to one another. Some of them were singing, their sweet voices mingling with the music that surrounded them. Warm lights bathed the twirling whirling dancers on the dancefloor and those gathered at the tables and the bar sat with their heads close together, talking and murmuring to each other. Everyone appeared to be having a good time, except the lovely angels sitting beneath the arms of a certain someone that not even the General cared for.
The General stood off to the side, surveying the room like he normally did. There was nothing off from the usual, no interruption in the nightly party. This repetition and routine was comforting, kept his busy mind at ease and took a little bit of stress off of his shoulders. The smoother things were, the happier that the Big Guy was.
Ever since what's his face wound up in God's workshop from his sentence in Hell, things had been rough on all of the upper echelon. They'd been working tirelessly to keep the general population completely oblivious to the fact that Lucifer had been sending up trains of the condemned, that every day more and more of those sent "downstairs" were redeeming themselves. If the regular population knew what was going on, who knew what would happen?
There was a slight tap on his shoulder, causing the General to turn and look. He found himself looking at a younger angel, one who didn't look as confident as many who tapped him on the shoulder. He shuffled closer to so that he could speak in his superior's ear. "Sir, they found another one from...from down there. She was just wandering around."
The General sighed, motioning for the young angel to lead him away. He was soon at the door in the interrogation room, pausing to straighten up his jacket. He headed in, expression unreadable, as he approached the single table.
"Hello, sinner," he murmured. "Now tell me, little one, how did you find your way here?"
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thegreatstrongbow · 3 years
"Don't push her this evening, Bel." Mablung strode into their chambers, heading to their wardrobe to change into sleeping clothes. Beleg nodded from where he sat stitching an old shirt, on the floor by the hearth.
"When do I ever do that?" he teased, but his face dropped when Caboriel entered. It was clear that Mablung was right. She looked like was in no mood to deal with his shit.
"Wine, your grace?"
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thegreatstrongbow · 2 years
“Look into my eyes” for Caboriel and Rainamo
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I see:
Absolute Conviction | Aggression | Ambition | Anger | Anxiety | Apathy | Arrogance | Bloodthirst | Bravery | Compassion | Confidence | Conflict | Courage | Darkness | Defeat | Denial | Desire | Despair | Determination | Devotion | Disappointment | Distrust | Dominance | Emptiness | an Enemy | Enlightenment | Envy | Excitement | Exhaustion | Elitism | Experience | Fear | a Friend | a Future | Gentleness | Greed | Grief | Guilt | Honesty | Honor | Hope | Hostility | Ignorance | an Illness | Insecurity | Integrity | Intoxication | Kindness | Lies | Loneliness | Longing | Loss | a Lover | Loyalty | Malicious Intent | Mania | Melancholy | Misery | Negativity | Overcompensation | Pain | Paranoia | Passion | Perseverance | Pettiness | Pity | Positivity | Pressure | Pride | a Purpose | Racism | Regret | Resentment | Resignation | Resolve | Sadness | Self-Hatred | Sexism | Shattered Remains | a Shining Light | Something Familiar | Spite | Stress | Stupidity | Submission | Tranquility | Trauma | Trust | Vengeance | Warmth | Wisdom | Wrath | a Cry for Help | Something Eating Your Mind | the Years have Changed You You’re: Animalistic | Approachable | Broken | Closed-Off | Cold | Crafty | Crazy | Defensive | Devious | Difficult | Disheartened | Emotionally Detached | Frightened | Frightening | Genuine | Guarded | Headstrong | Heartless | Human | Immature | Impatient | Inhuman | Insane | Intuitive | Lost | Mature | Noble | Patient | Pitiful | Primitive | Pure | Reliable | Remorseless | Reserved | Resourceful | Short-Tempered | Simplistic | Sly | Soft-Hearted | Struggling | a Threat | Trapped | a Troublemaker | Trusting | Understanding | Unique | Unpredictable | Unwavering | a Victim | Wicked | Feeling Vindictive | Guilty of Something | Hiding Something | Lost in Thought | Planning Something | Scared of Me | Scaring Me | Someone I can Trust | Someone I Can’t Recognize Anymore | Someone to Fear | Someone Worthy of Respect | Weak to Manipulation | Weighed by Something You: Aren’t Being Yourself | Belittle Yourself | Don’t Want to Hurt Me | Don’t Want to Leave Me | Drown Yourself in Something | Feel Alone | Feel Empowered | Have a Plan that Involves Me | Have No One Else to Turn to | Have Nowhere Else to Go | Have Seen Some Things | Haven’t Been Sleeping | Lie to Yourself | Lost Faith/Trust in Me | Lost Something/Someone Important | Need Me/my Help | No Longer Believe Me | See Me as a Thing | See Me as Someone Else | Seek to Hurt/Harm | Seek to Manipulate | Think Highly of Yourself | Think I’m Hiding Something | Think Little of Yourself | Think You Know Best | Want to Hurt Me | Want to Protect Me | Want to Sleep with Me | Want to Use Me
I see:
Absolute Conviction | Aggression | Ambition | Anger | Anxiety | Apathy | Arrogance | Bloodthirst | Bravery | Compassion | Confidence | Conflict | Courage | Darkness | Defeat | Denial | Desire | Despair | Determination | Devotion | Disappointment | Distrust | Dominance | Emptiness | an Enemy | Enlightenment | Envy | Excitement | Exhaustion | Elitism | Experience | Fear | a Friend | a Future | Gentleness | Greed | Grief | Guilt | Honesty | Honor | Hope | Hostility | Ignorance | an Illness | Insecurity | Integrity | Intoxication | Kindness | Lies | Loneliness | Longing | Loss | a Lover | Loyalty | Malicious Intent | Mania | Melancholy | Misery | Negativity | Overcompensation | Pain | Paranoia | Passion | Perseverance | Pettiness | Pity | Positivity | Pressure | Pride | a Purpose | Racism | Regret | Resentment | Resignation | Resolve | Sadness | Self-Hatred | Sexism | Shattered Remains | a Shining Light | Something Familiar | Spite | Stress | Stupidity | Submission | Tranquility | Trauma | Trust | Vengeance | Warmth | Wisdom | Wrath | a Cry for Help | Something Eating Your Mind | the Years have Changed You
Animalistic | Approachable | Broken | Closed-Off | Cold | Crafty | Crazy | Defensive | Devious | Difficult | Disheartened | Emotionally Detached | Frightened | Frightening | Genuine | Guarded | Headstrong | Heartless | Human | Immature | Impatient | Inhuman | Insane | Intuitive | Lost | Mature | Noble | Patient | Pitiful | Primitive | Pure | Reliable | Remorseless | Reserved | Resourceful | Short-Tempered | Simplistic | Sly | Soft-Hearted | Struggling | a Threat | Trapped | a Troublemaker | Trusting | Understanding | Unique | Unpredictable | Unwavering | a Victim | Wicked | Feeling Vindictive | Guilty of Something | Hiding Something | Lost in Thought | Planning Something | Scared of Me | Scaring Me | Someone I can Trust | Someone I Can’t Recognize Anymore | Someone to Fear | Someone Worthy of Respect | Weak to Manipulation | Weighed by Something
Aren’t Being Yourself | Belittle Yourself | Don’t Want to Hurt Me | Don’t Want to Leave Me | Drown Yourself in Something | Feel Alone | Feel Empowered | Have a Plan that Involves Me | Have No One Else to Turn to | Have Nowhere Else to Go | Have Seen Some Things | Haven’t Been Sleeping | Lie to Yourself | Lost Faith/Trust in Me | Lost Something/Someone Important | Need Me/my Help | No Longer Believe Me | See Me as a Thing | See Me as Someone Else | Seek to Hurt/Harm | Seek to Manipulate | Think Highly of Yourself | Think I’m Hiding Something | Think Little of Yourself | Think You Know Best | Want to Hurt Me | Want to Protect Me | Want to Sleep with Me | Want to Use Me
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thegreatstrongbow · 3 years
Send ✵ and my muse will answer the following. (For Caboriel?)
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Their first impression of your muse: Another warrior! That's good!
Current impression: He loves her. His warrior gf and partner in chaos.
Are they attracted to your muse?: Yes
Something they find frightening about your muse: She would be scary if she ever turned on him.
Something they find adorable about your muse: Her love of frogs. It's cute to him.
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?: Yes
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic: Yes, both.
One word my muse would use to describe yours: Bold
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: Not unless she told him to.
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: Yes
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thegreatstrongbow · 3 years
There had been silence from the previous patrol, and they hadn't checked in. Investigation found that Caboriel and her patrol partner had wandered too far from the girdle, her head had been cut off and pierced onto the pointed end of her spear, and her patrol partner was in no better condition but the rest of their bodies couldn't be found. The fear and horror of her death was frozen onto Caboriel's face, green eyes wide but dull in death. (i'm so sorry mablung and beleg don't deserve this)
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He had not believed it when they told him. He had insisted on proof, on seeing for himself, but he regretted that now.
The world spun and shrank in front of his eyes, dizzying, and he sank to his knees in the earth. No, no,no, this couldn't be happening. This couldn't be real. How was he going to tell Mablung?
His wails echoed through the forest.
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thegreatstrongbow · 3 years
What flower are you?
You are bright and colourful, with a chaotic and unpredictable streak. While you love simplicity, you are not by any means simple. You have a beauty that radiates and are likely the most charismatic of your friends. You have never been too interested in romantic love, instead finding love within your friends, family, and most importantly yourself. You've always dreamt of making an impact, being remembered and adored. You fear that those you love, could never love you the same. But stop and look around love, you have the aura to command attention, and entire countries declare you theirs. You are already, inherently important and cherished. 
Tagged by @nykrose Tagging: @thefrogmaiden @emptygoldthrone @wellformed @findaratothegolden
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thegreatstrongbow · 3 years
(vampire Caboriel for the Sinday meme) "Our blood painting your skin as I ride you would be magnificent, don't you agree?"
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Conflicting emotions battled inside him. On one hand, it was certainly a tempting image, and since that first night she had not hurt him, so why would it change now? On the other hand, he still did not trust her. Beleg swallowed thickly and blushed, heart pounding.
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