#then ofc comes Bitter Reunions and hes like 'hahah glad i didn't kill you that time when you were 7 and I pushed you out of a tree lmao'
redrobin-detective · 3 years
Danny Phantom headcanon that Vlad had considered killing Danny Fenton long before he met him. Vald resented Jack and Maddie marrying and he especially resented them having children together. When Jasmine was born, he was not only too busy building his ill-gotten empire but also likened her enough to Maddie that he largely ignored her. Vlad, however, took an immediate dislike to Danny.
His first attempt was not long after Danny was born, late at night from within his crib in Jack and Maddie’s bedroom. Vlad hated seeing the love of his enemy and his college crush given form. Infant Death Syndrome was common for babies, little Danny with Jack’s dark hair and blue eyes would be just another statistic. Perhaps he could induce a heart attack in Jack while he was at it, kill two nuisances with one stone. Danny waking up to cry from hunger and Jack blearily getting up to feed him is all that saved him that night.
Another came years later when Danny was just starting school, his big sister dutifully walking him there and back every day. Only one day she was home sick leaving Danny forced to walk alone. Vlad, who’d been spying on the Fenton’s when he heard Maddie and her daughter had fallen ill and spied the son alone and vulnerable. While waiting at the crosswalk like Jazzy had taught him, Danny was pushed violently into the street out of nowhere. Only another kid hauling him back by the strap of his loose backpack prevented him from being runover. Sammy Manson nagged at him for his clumsiness and agreed to walk him home from school that day to make sure it didn’t happen again.
The last attempt was made when he heard the Fentons were building another ghost portal, a bigger version than the one that had ruined his life. He was furious, had they really forgotten what had happened the last time? Had they forgotten about him? He decided that he would take something from them that they wouldn’t soon forget, their 13 year old son. Vlad had planned on killing the boy painfully and violently, a home invasion gone wrong. So he waited to get Danny alone. Jack, Maddie and Jazz bustled around the house, the former caught entirely in their work and the latter alternating between complaining and fixing up the house after them. Danny, amid it all, was unable to get a word in edgewise. It struck Vlad that the preteen was being ignored within his own house. Vlad let the boy live that night, saying that his distracted parents wouldn’t be punished enough by his death. A smaller part might have twinged with shared sympathy over the quiet one overrun by Jack and Maddie’s extroverted enthusiasm. 
By the time Vlad had finally decided to act on his plans to kill Jack as revenge not only for stealing Maddie but for rebuilding the portal (which was completed and mysteriously started working a few days later), highschool freshman Danny Fenton was nothing more than a passing thought in his mind. When he confronted Danny Phantom, only to realize that his old friends had let the same accident irreparably alter their son, he could only laugh. The boy he thought was worthless, who reminded him too much of the friend he’d once adored and the woman who abandoned him, was suddenly the only one in either world who could understand his position. Vlad had smirked to himself, deciding that it was fate that kept the boy alive until their destinies could become intertwined. 
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