#then you just portal inside and dump out as many coins as it takes to pull out the dude and snag his object
erb23 · 2 years
OK so I get that the safe was densely packed with coins, so you can’t really teleport INTO it. But you have like 7 separate heroes and a portal inside. Flip that portal face down and POUR OUT THE COINS. And then snatch the dude inside of the safe and get the remaining 5 heroes to search for the object.  
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umbralogia · 5 years
Hello friend!! I saw you ask for fic requests and if you want to I'd love to see you write something fluffy! For example one of them comes to the loft absolutely drenched and shivering (why? idk) and the other person makes it their mission to warm them up. How do they do that? (totally not inspired by the fact that i'm freezing.) I hope you're having a good day!!
I want to thank you again for this request. I’m sorry it took me so long to get to it ^^’ I figured I should get back at you for all of the angst I felt reading your fic One Missed Call (which I very strongly recommend to everyone who sees this), so I’m sorry if this is too angsty. 
(read on ao3)
He watches the waves as they walk down the path through the park. They brush against the rocky shoreline, the water sinks into holes in between stones. The sound should be soothing, it should be relaxing like the sounds that Clary plays when she meditates in the sun.
Instead, it brings a touch of anxiety and a small awful feeling that Magnus can’t place.
He feels as though he’s missing something, like a pain that was once so fundamental to his being that’s now numbed. It’s under the surface, something he wants to feel again, like pressing on a bruise, though he can’t find the bruise.
Cat continues ahead of him, her fingers trace over the handrailing which transitions from metal poles into wooden stakes tied with loose ropes. It’s meant to make the park look oceanic, like the view of Manhattan from Roosevelt Island is beautiful, but Magnus only sees the tall steel towers on the other side of the East River, the millions of glass windows that look out to them. He supposes they would be gorgeous in the sunlight, but the sun is hidden behind thick clouds of overcast.
“You doing okay?” Cat asks, she turns back from the path to look at him. She looks concerned, as concerned as she has been for the past two weeks.
She’s been continually pressing him to talk. Life has been a whirlwind and Cat knows him too well. She knows more than he’s told her-- that he reunited with Clary, had magic, lost magic, lost Alec, found his magic again, reunited with his father, sentenced his father to imprisonment in eternal limbo, ruled Edom, faced Lilith, nearly killed himself and Alexander, escaped a crumbling realm in the nick of time, gotten married, lost Clary again…
It’s dizzying.
The feeling takes over the pang of absence he feels.
Magnus focuses his thoughts on the river. He’s always hated the East River, the rampant pollution and stink. It’s only beautiful from afar.
“I’m fine,” he says, and he rolls the doomed feeling from his shoulders and ignores it when it remains.
They’re there to talk to a siren.
A lock of her hair is all they need, Magnus reminds himself as Cat ducks underneath one of the ropes. Magnus follows behind her and casts a cursory glamor to protect them from wayward eyes. He carefully steps down the unstable rocks, shifting his balance a few times to catch himself until they’re only a few steps from the water’s edge.
Just a lock of her hair and they can return to the loft.
Cat reaches into her purse and pulls out a small green velvet bag. She opens it and dumps out a single silver coin that fits perfectly in her palm.
“Would you like to do the honors?” She asks, looking up at him, offering the coin.
It’s dirtied with time, the words and designs on the sides of it worn away. Magnus takes the coin and feels the weight of it in his hand for a moment or two. He knows what he has to do with it to summon the siren, but he still feels guilty for chucking the coin into the river. It’s an antique, one that Maryse had given him. He wonders if she was aware of its use.
The coin flies so far that they don’t see it when it reaches the water. It doesn’t make a sound.
The river bubbles. The swarming of bubbles moves closer towards them, anchored to the signature of Magnus’s touch. Sirens are overly sensitive to magic, addicted to it like a child to sugar. The bubbles lighten the dark water and before Magnus can pull Cat to take a step backward, a girl bursts through the water.
She flips her light blue hair back, spraying them with filthy water.
“Magnus Bane,” her coal dark eyes lock with him instantly. “Enchanted seaweed? Or something more valuable this time?”
“I need a lock of your hair,” he steadies himself on the rocks and tries not to think about just how deep the water is near his feet.
“Are you conjuring someone’s wish?” Her black eyes widen, she doesn’t blink. Sirens never do.
The siren turns to Cat and looks at her with the same piercing gaze. They both know that sirens have the ability to see desires, that this visit will make both of them targets to her game.
“You can’t wish a baby to conception,” the siren tells Cat.
Cat doesn’t flinch, her words are a little more tender than she means to be. “It’s not my wish.”
The siren turns to Magnus. She squints at him, looking him up and down as though she’s trying to find a weakness in his armor. He knows he has many, that she’s looking for what will hurt him at the core. She skips past his fear of loneliness, his fears of not being good enough for himself or for those around him.
“I can grant yours,” she says with a smile, her sharp teeth glisten against her sea-tinted lips.
Magnus frowns a little and opens his mouth to ask just what desire she has decided to prey upon. Before he can speak, her slimy hand grabs him by the ankle and yanks.
He hits the rocks hard before he can grab for Cat.
Water. Dark, salty, awful water. His eyes burn. His lungs freeze in his chest, his heart is in his ears.
“There is no fixing this.”
Black. Everything is black.
He feels the pull to the surface and let’s Cat drag him onto the rocks. He coughs the water from his lungs, panting for air, the spots in his vision slowly disappear as she pulls him further out of the water.
Steel skyscrapers blend into the gray sky above them. An awful nauseating smell twists at his insides before he realizes its the East River, that they’re on Roosevelt Island. He takes a deep breath, shaking and exhales.
He climbs up a few feet before he stretches out on his back, exhausted and weighed heavy with wet fabric.
“Did you get it?” He asks.
Cat dangles a large clump of light blue hair, damp with filthy river water. “I yanked it out of her head.”
He nods in silent approval, still waiting for his lungs and heart to catch up with one another. Magnus rubs his sandy hands over his face, not caring about the grains that stick to his skin and find their way into his hair.
He snaps his fingers to dry himself off, but the magic doesn’t rise to the surface. He feels like a snuffed candle as he reclines on the awful, shifting rocks, still breathing heavily. Magnus realizes that the siren must’ve dragged his magic from his body when she pulled him down, his hands shaking, still ready to snap.
Cat dries him off the best she can, a quick brush of her hand leaves him feeling only slightly damp instead of waterlogged. “Should I call Alec?”
Magnus shakes his head. “He’s on patrol with Jace.”
She looks at him like that doesn’t mean anything, but they both know that Alec has become Jace’s rock with Clary’s latest disappearance. Neither one of them can find it in them to separate the parabatai without any guilt.
He accepts Cat’s hand up and slips through the glamor he had placed as they walk back onto the path. The park is empty aside from a few dog walkers and tourists. It doesn’t stop Cat from summoning a portal, spinning and swirling through the air, pulling him with the sweet sandalwood promise of home.
They step through. Magnus’s feet touch the hardwood floor of the hall just inside the door, his boots squeak, he can feel the water of the East River puddled near his toes. It’s a disgusting feeling he never wants to feel again.
“What did the siren mean when she said she was going to grant your wish?” Cat asks, already on the move. Magnus doesn’t move from where he stands.
“I don’t know,” he says, pulling at the laces of his boots.
Cat’s tone changes, but her words are too fast and complicated. She’s in the other room and Magnus lets her words slip past his tired mind. The laces are slick against his fingers as he pulls at them again and frees his foot. The water trapped inside puddles on the floor. Magnus can’t find it in him to magic the water away.
“Why are you soaking wet?”
Magnus looks up, the words cut through the numbness of his head.
Cat must’ve woken Alec up from a nap, his hair is a fluffy mess and he’s squinting a little, though it might be because he’s confused. Magnus opens his mouth to say something, but Alec is already kneeling in front of him, untying his other boot.
“I was pulled into the East River,” he says, and Alec doesn’t even question it. “You don’t have to--” he starts, but Alec’s fingers take the boot off of his foot and start to pull off his waterlogged socks.
Cat comes around the corner with some towels and Alec turns to take them from her. Magnus is sure Alec thanks her, but time blurs as his husband dries off his feet and his best friend slips out the door, a small pat on his back tells him that she’ll call later.
Alec stands and drapes a towel over his shoulders. “You okay?”
Magnus nods, he can’t help but smile when Alec looks at him, worried. “I’m fine, Alexander.”
It’s obvious that Alec doesn’t believe him, that Magnus doesn’t believe himself. Alec takes his hands and leads him into their bedroom and into the ensuite bathroom. He helps peel off his damp clothes, the jacket, his vest and shirt, Alec gets his pants off before he can think of a stray comment or joke.
Alec pulls off his own clothes. He’s graceless and Magnus wants to tease him, but Alec leads him into the shower and turns on the water.
“You don’t have to do this,” Magnus murmurs before Alec turns the shower spray on.
“I want to,” Alec says softly. His fingers sweep Magnus’s dark hair back and off of his forehead before he lathers it with shampoo. It’s too easy to get lost in Alec’s touch, to feel his gentle, nimble archer fingers playing in his hair. He’s almost surprised that Alec doesn’t play with his hair, doesn’t brush it straight up or curl the longer locks around his finger.
Alec moves his head back to rub his fingers against his temples and Magnus has to stop himself from falling into a near blissful sleep.
“Cat said the siren tried to grant you a wish,” Alec says as he rinses the shampoo out of his hair.
“She tried to drown me,” Magnus mumbles.
“Would you tell me if you wanted to drown?”
The question brings him out of the stupor that Alec has caressed him into.
If he thinks hard enough, he can still feel where his stepfather’s fingers were when they held him down in the water, trying to drown him. Magnus blinks the sensation away, his heart still pounds in his chest on the verge of panic.
“Do you remember why I said no bathtubs when we were looking at apartments?” Magnus doesn’t mean for his words to be so terse, but it feels like Alec has found the ache he had longed to feel again. He doesn’t understand why he feels so attacked like Alec has done something more than asking a necessary question.
Alec’s hands trace down from the back of his head to the center of his back and rest there. “Yes, but--”
“Why would I want to drown, Alec?” Magnus took a step out of the spray of the water and turned around.
Alec’s hair dripped in his face, his hazel eyes looking for answers.
His fingers find Alec’s. He brings their hands up to look at their rings, the simple twin silver bands that rest on their fingers.
The feeling of fingers on his skin, holding him down disappears. He’s standing in the shower, Alec is in front of him, watching him like he’s waiting for Magnus to break or move on.
He moves on.
“I have you,” Magnus thinks, and it’s not until Alec’s fingers tighten against his that he realizes he’s said it. “I don’t know why she tried to drown me. I don’t know what my deepest desire is.”
Alec puts too much soap onto the washcloth and starts to rub away at the river mud stubbornly caked somewhere on his face. Magnus tries not to pull away when Alec starts to wipe away at the makeup running down his face.
“What do you want more than anything?” Alec asks.
“Cheesecake,” Magnus mumbles.
“Yeah?” There’s a smile in Alec’s voice. “From the place down the street?”
“Don’t leave me to go get cheesecake,” Magnus says with a soft laugh. “I want to go to bed,” he says softly and realizes part of what’s missing, “with you.”
“It’s like six,” Alec is still smiling.
Magnus opens his eyes and stares at his husband. “You were asleep when I got home, don’t tell me what time it is.”
“I wasn’t asleep,”
“Is bedhead a new hairstyle?”
Alec is quiet. “Naps don’t count.”
“Naps count,” Magnus says with a small smile. “I thought you were going to be on patrol tonight with Jace.”
Alec’s shoulders drop a little, “Izzy wanted to take over, she wants to know how he’s doing.”
Magnus knows not to press. He knows that Jace is a disaster, that he’s been ruined by everything that’s happened in the past few weeks. He’s made an effort to avoid Jace as much as possible since he was possessed by the Owl. Jace still feels guilty, it wafts off of him like smoke and suffocates their every attempt to talk about something other than Alec.
The water turns off and Magnus hasn’t blinked before Alec is drying him off.
“I can do it,” Magnus takes the towel and Alec lets him. He dries himself off and watches Alec as he dries himself as well.
He thinks about trying to push him, how he could place his fingers along his husband’s jaw and direct his gaze, kiss him until their hands start to grasp at one another, touch over touch, clumsily finding their way to the bed. It feels dishonest. Considering it feels startling.
Magnus walks past Alec and enters the bedroom. He grabs whatever old shirt Alec has in the first drawer and pulls it on, fingers snagging in the holes. Then the silky leopard print boxers that Simon had given him as a joke.
“I love you,” Alec whispers against the back of his neck, once he’s found his place on the other side of the bed. His fingers gently press against Magnus’s back, raking up and down his spine. “I know you’ll talk to me when you feel ready, but just know that I love you no matter what. You can’t scare me away.”
He leans against the touch and Alec lets Magnus collapse against him. They lay down beside one another, curled up in soft touches. Magnus turns at some point to rest against Alec’s chest, draped over him carefully.
Alec’s fingers are in his hair, brushing it straight back, then trailing down his neck to his shoulders. He relaxes into each stroke, each touch. All he wants to feel is Alec, the way he breathes like he’s afraid that if he breathes normally, it’ll wake Magnus up from his near sleep. His touch is featherlight, delicate because he’s afraid of breaking whatever he touches.
It reminds him of what it felt like to sleep beside Alec when he didn’t have his magic.
He had felt more naked than he ever could physically. Magnus had never realized that magic burned underneath his skin, that it was the prickling against his body when the atmosphere shifted. He hadn’t been aware of the sensation until it had left him. He had longed for that feeling, for an ounce of the control it granted him, for the feeling of burning from the inside out.
Now that it had returned, he almost wanted it to disappear.
“I miss being mortal with you.”
Alec’s fingers slow, but continue to move across his skin. “what?”
Magnus frowns, he opens his eyes to look at the dark runes on Alec’s skin. They’re so stark against his skin that they seem to burn through the thin white fabric of his t-shirt. It’s easier than looking into his husband’s eyes. “I miss being moral with you.”
He shakes his head, “I don’t know.”
Alec’s fingers stay on his shoulders. Magnus can feel that Alec’s thinking, or maybe he’s waiting for Magnus to stop thinking and start explaining. He curls his own fingers into the fabric of Alec’s shirt, his fingernails brush against Alec’s skin and it makes him almost shiver.
“It felt simple, just… life and death, and now it’s just life and more life.”
“I’m not suicidal,” he says quickly.
Alec exhales underneath him. Magnus doesn’t know if it’s out of relief.
“It’s just… I have you and I want to have you forever, and not for your forever, but my forever.” He feels lighter but sinks more against Alec. “I felt like, with Clary, there was always the possibility of some rune to solve everything. An Alliance rune bleed over, or the Resurrection rune, something, and now that she’s gone,” Magnus’s thought disappears into a feeling before he can find the words for it. It feels like something inside of him has fizzled into nothing like an ember in a dying fire.
Alec’s fingers are a little heavier against his back. Magnus feels Alec breathe in and out deeply before he speaks. “We’ll find a way.”
“How can you be sure?”
“I just know,” Alec whispers before resting his head against Magnus’s. He curls in a little more and Magnus has to move to get comfortable again.
Magnus tries to let Alec’s intuition settle his thoughts. “I’m glad one of us knows.” He can’t help but smile, turning to rest his head against Alec’s. He isn’t even aware of his own magic until the bedside light goes off.
“Tomorrow we’ll get cheesecake and everything’ll be better,” Alec murmurs, and before Magnus can settle into him, Alec tenses. “Wait,” Alec squirms a little and Magnus detaches himself to allow for it. “Why is it whenever I try to comfort you, you always make me the little spoon?”
“Because you’re an octopus and if you aren’t the little spoon, I can’t move.” Magnus rests his lips against the top of Alec’s head, his damp hair already beginning to curl. “We figured this out months ago, please keep up.”
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kitahara-rei · 4 years
Stars Shine Brightest In The Darkest of Nights
Here’s the plot dump because I have no idea when I will ever finish this weeps I have three separate notepad files for this I can’t believe my procrastination levels are too damn high
Contains some character information and one (1) small angst below the read more:
Half-fae with 1 green, 1 gray eyes, looks about 25. Half-faes don’t age as fast as humans, though usually those with fae descent are able to use a glamour to hide their actual features. Actual age? Probably over 50 or so. Generally, he calls everyone by nicknames since it makes them less tense about him being a fae and knowing their ‘true names’.
He owns a cafe in Shibuya, the Kotobuki Cafe, passed down from his mother. Reiji runs it alone, funneling his magic to make it into a separate dimension (one of the reasons his powers are so weak). The shop is usually invisible to the main street until he opens for business, and he charms his customers so they don’t remember what magical experience they had inside his shop (since magic is probably controlled and all and not for humans to understand).
His tragic backstory revolves around Aine. He met Aine when they were younger and dated for a while, but as Aine comes from a line of spirit channelers, Reiji wiped his beloved’s memories so that he didn’t have to choose between the two. Aine got married and had a son, Ai. One day, Aine’s wife became deathly ill and passed early. With all the harrowing stress of his family pressing him to take over as the head and the loss of his wife, Aine falls into a depression. Demons whisper to him about the forbidden spells that can revive his beloved, if only he would trade his body in return. Reiji convinces him time and time again not to listen and that it’s not worth it, to think of Ai, but they get into an argument, with Aine storming out of the house. News return to the Kisaragi family that Aine died fighting demonic beasts outside. The truth was that Aine had been possessed by a demon due to the negative energy from his dark emotions and Reiji was forced to kill him. Reiji blames himself for the entire thing, thinking that he should have stopped him somehow and known that Aine wasn’t in his right mind and shouldn’t have let him go alone. So he took custody of Ai instead of leaving him to the strict Kisaragi family, raising him on his own.
About 22, human summoner. He can summon beasts with the contract on his right eye, a magic signature engraved into his iris. Usually he wanders the Night Market, accepting quests from the patrons of the local tavern to earn money to pay off his family’s debt. He prefers using a blade and a dagger when fighting.
Ranmaru has been searching for a particular demon because his father had been tricked into forming a contract with it for money and power, his soul taken as the price. He works under the mercenary name Black Orchid in the Night Market to find the information he needs. The Kurosaki family name was struck off the Summoners’ Society Register for breaking the law on demon summoning. He knows his father would never contact a demon, and he vows to find the truth of the matter. (But the truth is that his mother had been the one who summoned it, trying to bring their family back into absolute power. The Hijirikawa and Jinguji family also had a hand in it by giving her the idea.)
15, human. He is Aine’s son, a non-believer of everything magical. Occasionally he does help out around the cafe, but when he’s not, he’s hanging out over at Syo’s house.
Ai knows that his father never returned the day that he argued with Uncle Reiji. He had followed them out the night they argued and seen the entire thing. His memory of the whole ordeal is fuzzy at best, but only one thing stands out clear to him: Reiji covered in blood, clutching at his father’s cold body. He blames the man for killing his father. He ignores most of the magical happenings around him, but in the five years that he lived with Reiji, he somehow realises the truth, but there’s no other place for him to direct his anger at. He doesn’t want to believe that his father was possessed by a demon. Ai does know that Reiji loved his father, from how he visits his grave every year.
Looks around 20, actual age: unknown.
An old ass vampire from outside of town who was cast into hibernation after the Great Vampire War (don’t ask me which one). He woke up in early 2000s, unfamiliar with the area now known as Romania. He wandered through the changed lands, starved for blood. Camus stumbled upon a portal to the Night Market where he first met Reiji, who offers to help him out by providing him fae-blood, which grants him immunity in sunlight. They meet once or so every fortnight. (Reiji needed a distraction, and vampire bites are very pleasurable.)
A short excerpt of mild Aine x Reiji angst:
Or he could sit down for a while and enjoy the special blend he had stored away in a dusty cabinet, untouched for a while now. That sounded like an excellent idea.
Reiji let out a sigh, popping the cork off the bottle. How long has it been since he had taken a break? He didn't know. The street outside had changed so much over the years, and yet, he still remained the same. Humans, lured over with the promise of the Wonderland that Reiji could deliver to them, were the only source of entertainment he had. He liked the business though; the smiles of his customers got him through the day, and at night, he was tired enough to slip into a dreamless sleep.
He poured himself a cup, swirling the rose-coloured drink in the wineglass. A sweet scent of honey tempted his nose, beguiling him to drink. It was a rare one he found on the Night Market which he spent many a coin to obtain. It tasted smooth on his tongue, the sharp tang of berries mixed with the lull of magic, leaving him light-headed and more relaxed. An excellent wine.
The tinkling of the bell by the door caught his attention. His shop was closed to the human realm, so there wasn't a way for his customers to find a way inside. Not the human ones anyway.
"Pardon me for intruding upon your realm."
He turned to see someone he hadn't seen in a while. "Aine, what a surprise! It's been so long," he exclaimed, fatigue forgotten. He patted the seat next to him excitedly. "Here, join me for a drink!"
Aine looked the same as usual, his hair a brightly-dyed blue. Surprisingly, he was dressed in a casual button-up shirt and jeans, unlike the formal robes that he usually wore when Reiji visited. It made him look younger, like the first time that Reiji had met him. "Yes, it has been a while. I was passing by in the area and I thought to pay you a visit," he said, taking a seat beside Reiji.
He brought out another cup for him, pouring him some from the bottle. "Were you out on a date?" he asked, eyeing him up and down with a grin. "Rather fashionable, I must say. Much better than those stuffy robes you always wore."
Aine smiled, leaning against his arm. "I'm only here to see you," he said, blue eyes sparkling with mischief. But then, his expression grew serious. "How have you been, Reiji?"
"You know how the business is," he said, sighing dramatically. "Anyway, I'm..." ...fine. The word wouldn't leave his mouth. Reiji couldn't lie in front of him, not when he was looking at him like that. "I've been better. It's hard to run the shop when it's just myself, you know. Part-time workers are hard to come by around here," he joked.
Aine nodded. "That sounds tough. How is Ai?"
Reiji smiled. "He’s growing up fine. You should have seen him in his middle school uniform, it’s the darn cutest thing I’ve ever seen.” But then he bit his lip, fighting back the guilt welling up in his chest. “But he definitely hates me.”
“Why would he hate you?”
“Because of what I did to you! He followed us out in the rain, he saw it all, saw me... I had to make him forget.”
He didn't realise that he had been crying until he saw the wet spots on the tablecloth. Wiping away his tears, he tried to bring back his usual grin, but he just couldn't do it. Everything hurt too much.
“Reiji, do you remember the day we met?”
He looked over at Aine, the brief image of his bloodied body laying in his arms flashing through his mind. Reiji blinked it away. His friend’s young face was smiling back at him almost gently.
"I remember the day we met. It was at the beach, when I saw you by the shore, staring out at the sunset. I've always wondered what you were doing there, but then you saw me," Aine said wistfully. "Do you remember, Reiji? What I said to you then?"
"You said my eyes were beautiful," Reiji murmured, sniffing.
"That, they are. Just like the forest leaves and the smooth pebbles under your feet. You must have been lonely all this time," Aine said softly, gently prying Reiji's clenched fingers apart and lacing his fingers with his. Aine’s hand was warm and comforting, though Reiji hadn't realised when his own had started trembling. "I'm sorry, Reiji."
Reiji sniffed, tightening his grasp on his friend's hand. If he held on tighter, maybe Aine would stay this time. "Don't go, Aine," he pleaded softly, feeling his eyelids grow heavier and heavier with each moment. He wanted to chat more with Aine, to keep him within his view. It was so hard to fight against it, but the exhaustion won out. He laid his head on the table. "Don't leave me again."
There it was once more, that sad smile on his face. "I won't. I'm here, Reiji," Aine said. He knew it was an empty promise, but it gave Reiji the comfort he wanted. He closed his eyes.
When Reiji woke up later, he saw the untouched cup of wine where Aine had been. The man already gone. His hand felt so cold, so empty.
"You liar," he murmured. Stretching out his sore muscles, Reiji looked out the window. It was still dark out. There was a few hours before dawn. Picking up the untouched cup of wine from the table, he threw the contents down the drain. The liquid fizzed into smoke the moment it touched the steel basin. In moments, it was completely gone. Just like...
Reiji shook his head. No matter how much he wished for it, Aine wouldn't be coming back. The moment of indulgence in his own self-pity was over. It was time to face reality again.
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waynekelton · 5 years
Like... Magic: Arena? You'll love these alternative CCGs
Just a few short years ago almost every developer inside and out of mobile gaming was holding the idea of the CCG close, finding every which way to include 'Card Battle' elements into new IPs and sequels that made absolutely no sense. That RTS sequel? Have some cards. The latest iteration of your favorite shooter? Cards.
Developers have taken a step back recently, but the resurgence of Magic: The Gathering with its new MtG: Arena game has reignited the urge to pull packs and build decks. It hasn't made its way to mobile just yet, though, so if you lack a PC capable of running the game or just need your CCG fix on the go, we've rounded up a bunch of popular big-brand CCG games you can play where and whenever the itch needs scratching.
Barring a few odd exceptions, All of the titles below can be played on both PC and mobile, with console being an option with some. Each takes certain cues from the Wizards of the Coast game that started it all, too. So while you'll need to learn the ropes with each of these, if you can play the CCG that stumps Chess-besting artificial intelligence, you can probably pick up and play these without much issue.
Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links (iOS and Android)
Konami has released a few different Yu-Gi-Oh games on mobile over the years, but Duel Links has proven to be the more resilient of the lot: and it's multi-platform!
Released back in 2017, Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links condenses the classic card battler into short, snappy duels better suited to on-the-go play while preserving popular strategies seen in top tournament over the years. If you haven't played Yu-Gi-Oh before, it's less about managing resources and more about managing your monsters. Battling requires notably less mental arithmetic despite attack and defense numbers going well into the thousands, yet the core idea remains the same: whittle down your opponent's life with direct attacks to win the game.
Spell and Trap cards help create synergistic strategies, and with thousands of cards to pull from its dozens of packs, there's just as much thought to building a themed deck as you'll find in Magic. It's not quite the core Yu-Gi-Oh experience you'd find at your local card shop, but it keeps enough to not feel dumbed down for mobile play. It's Yu-Gi-Oh, but faster, and fans of the still on-going anime show will find the overhanging story and periodic character releases as a reason to keep coming back.
Shadowverse (iOS and Android)
If you prefer the high-fantasy style of Magic but enjoy a side-helping of anime, Shadowverse is really worth a look.
Created by the good folks over at Cygames - who are responsible for Nintendo's Dragalia Lost and the ever-popular Granblue Fantasy, Shadowverse is like the love child of Hearthstone and Magic, mixing the mana management of Hearthstone with the more complicated battle systems of Magic. The gorgeous anime-inspired high-fantasy art-style adds a unique personality to the game that's sure to appeal to a more specific type of player. And if you've ever played a Cygames title before, prepare to see characters cross over from their other titles for that added easter egg kick.
Like some of the other options here, Shadowverse has a rich lore and a single-player storyline to run through. The English dub doesn't skimp out on the voice actors, either, with Cassandra Lee Morris (Persona 5's sleep-obsessed Morgana) taking the helm. It's available on both mobile and PC, so there's a good chance you'll be able to squeeze in some practice at home without draining your phone battery.
The longevity of ongoing support for Shadowverse comes into question with the recommendation. Mobile titles can close down at a moments notice. But if you're at all interested in the premise, I can personally attest to Shadowverse being well worth your time. Maybe just think twice about dumping too much money into if I you notice a few too many run-ins with the same player. Though the recent announcement of an anime project might mean there's still plenty of life in this one yet.
The Elder Scrolls Legends (iOS and Android)
Another case of a popular franchise jumping on the bandwagon. The Elder Scrolls Legends isn't the most popular CCG on the market, but its reputation is that of a unique and intriguing card game that wasn't just some ham-fisted attempt to cash in on the Elder Scrolls namesake.
If you're one of the thousands of players still enthralled by Skyrim or happen to be balancing life around The Elder Scrolls Online, The Elder Scrolls Legends can keep you immersed in the world of Tamriel while you're out and about. Its various expansion sets all bear an obvious likeness to ESO add-ons, too, so new and old players of the franchise are sure to get something out of its varied content.
You won't be able to hop on over from another CCG and play like a champ from the get-go with this one. There are similarities - like the return of the ever-popular Mana system - but you'll still have to play through the tutorial to understand the rest of the game board and how to position your cards.
Gwent (iOS) (October 29th)
Here's one we weren't expecting to add to the list. Despite more or less every other CCG tie-in making a point to release on mobile, CD Projekt Red's attempts to tackle the genre extended to simply making a standalone version of the card game available in The Witcher 3. That changes toward the end of October when Gwent finally leaves its PC/Console confines to join the Apple ecosystem by landing on the iOS App Store.
Notice the lack of mention of Android? It's true. Gwent is doing the unthinkable by launching exclusively on iOS. The original blog post (from March) does bring up Android as something that's being worked on, but even seven months on, we're still being told and Android release will "be announced at a later date". If you're here before the grand iOS release date, chances are you can still squeeze into the closed beta.
As Paul Tassi explained in a Forbes article a few years back, unlike the other games on this list, an understanding of something like Hearthstone doesn't mean squat in Gwent. They couldn't be more different. It's a numbers game, with rounds as well as turns. There's less card RNG in play and far more strategy. It's about reading the room and outplaying your opponent, and about knowing when to hold back and when to go all-in.
Learning the basics is about as hard as learning its intricacies. It's a complex game. If you like the fake-out meta of Poker, you'll probably get a kick out of Gwent. And if you like The Witcher, you're just looking at an extension of the tabletop game you probably sunk dozens of hours into across The Witcher 3.
Hearthstone (iOS and Android)
Josh had a whole section here, but Hearthstone doesn't need any further introduction. It's the game that launched a thousands CCGs, and it differs from Magic in a few key fundamental ways that you probably already know about. 
Honorable Mention:
Pokemon TCG Online (iPad and Android Tablets)
If, like me, your first venture into the CCG/TCG space was with Pokemon, you might be surprised to hear that you can play a completely digital and 100% official version of the Pokemon TCG at home and on the go. This one predates the card-game boom of recent years, but for one reason or another, the only way it's playable on the go (without a laptop) is with a tablet. They just never updated the game to really work on a small screen.
For the uninitiated, Pokemon TCG Online is quite unique in how it plays. Much like the traditional RPGs, you're encouraged to focus on a small and varied selection of Pokemon. Resource management comes in the form of coloured "Energy" cards used to power each card's multiple moves, with the aim of the game being to knock out enough of your opponent's critters to claim the six "prize" cards taken from your deck at the start of each match. There's quite a bit of RNG not only with luck of the draw, but also countless coin flips to decide how status affects like Paralysis and Sleep help or hinder your team.
Unlike the other entries on this list, the Pokemon Trading Card Game app extends into its physical version. Packs can be bought in-game, but each real-life booster pack and deck comes with a redeemable code to add that same purchase to the video game.
It's a great tool for existing TCG players to practice their strategies online, but those without a nurtured interest in the physical game have plenty to gain here, too. Its visuals are overly childish and barely represent the franchise's other entries, and there isn't much single-player content to sink your teeth into. But if you're looking to play the Pokemon TCG against other players without waltzing into your local hobby shop, it's a good go-between.
In an earlier version of this article, Nick put forward his own list of credible Magic: The Gathering alternatives. Since the mobile CCG market has moved on a bit since then and Magic’s potential on mobile has shifted, we thought we’d re-do this article with a fresh perspective.
It’s not possible to keep all text, but if you’re interested in the games he recommened that were like Magic: The Gathering, here they are:
Card City Nights
Dream Quest
Lost Portal CCG
Five Card Quest
Treasure Hunter
Do you have any games you'd recommend to scratch that Magic itch? Let us know in the comments!
Like... Magic: Arena? You'll love these alternative CCGs published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
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cryptnus-blog · 6 years
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple Price Analysis for the week August 27 to September 02
New Post has been published on https://cryptnus.com/2018/09/bitcoin-ethereum-ripple-price-analysis-for-the-week-august-27-to-september-02/
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple Price Analysis for the week August 27 to September 02
Bitcoin adoption just gets real as fruit and vegetable vendors accept cryptos. Yahoo Finance integrates trading for cryptocurrencies. Firefox blocks cryptojacking to protect its users from Malware. Volkswagen partners with IOTA for “DigitalPass” blockchain application. Silkroad Bitcoin wallet activates again as huge funds in BTC and BCH are transferred.
Nasdaq joins the race of federal regulated cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin-friendly Square wins a new patent for crypto payment network. PundiX enters Brazilain Markets with its POS hile Tron launches its TVM
In a real-world adaption of Bitcoin and its usage as fiat currency took a giant leap, the Bessarabian market in Ukraine’s capital Kiev allowed people to buy fruits and vegetables in Bitcoin and other cryptos through the crypto payment processor, Paytomat that support 11 cryptocurrencies. According to its website, Paytomat currently supports Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum (ETH),  Nano, Decred, Dash, ZenCash, ZCoin, Dimecoin, Waves & NEM. This is apparently an experimental stage where customers can spend their cryptos for fruits and vegetables.
In another big news this week, Yahoo Finance recently integrated trading of bitcoin, litecoin, and ethereum. This is in addition to statistics which are available on the platform for other crypto tokens which are currently not tradable, including bitcoin cash and EOS. Given the prominence of Yahoo Finance, many in the digital currency community are heralding this development as an important one in the movement of cryptocurrencies toward the mainstream.
The popular browser developer Firefox has announced that it will take new steps to prevent crypto jacking and other forms of illicit crypto mining in future iterations of its program. Cryptojacking, the process by which malware infiltrates a victim’s computer to utilize processing power to mine for digital currency which is then retained by an outside source, has long been a concern in the digital currency community. This has been a particularly relevant problem for susceptible web browsers and websites. Users unwittingly navigate to an affected site, and then nefarious programs affiliated with the site harness the users’ processing power to mine for tokens. But this step Firefox users are secure of this mischievous exercise carried out by sophisticated hackers.
In a recent move to take blockchain to auto industry, Volkswagen has partnered with the IOTA project to launch its first working product called Digital CarPass- which is like a report card for a vehicle that uses a distributed ledger to ensure data such as mileage is reliable.
According to a post of Reddit, as per the recent transaction data, a popular darknet site Silk Road which sells drugs online seems to have moved USD 1 billion worth bitcoin from its cold wallet. This is the first time the wallet has got active since March 9th, 2014, which is some months after the sight was pulled down by FBI. This movement is anticipated to be leading to a huge dump by some crypto analysis.  If sources are to be believed The NASDAQ is attempting to be the first mover in crypto exchange governance, order execution, and at the forefront of institutional movement into the crypto ecosystem. While there have been announcements of other headlines connected to global exchanges getting into crypto waters via partnerships and futures trading. Square too tires to get crypto payment to POS as it secures a patent that will allow its merchants to accept payments in currency as well as digital assets.
Square which has over 2 million merchants, says that that crypto payments will also be processed at the same speed as traditional transactions like credit card payments. In other news, regarding cryptocurrency being used at POS PundiX entered the Brazilian market with a partnership with BitCapital the largest OTC dealers in Brazil for cryptocurrencies. Tron too held a global launching event for the TRON Virtual Machine (TVM). TVM is a virtual machine built by TRON Foundation for the purpose of making the TRON’s ecosystem bigger and better.
Bitcoin [BTC]
One of the few weeks when Bitcoin sees a 10% rise. After being in the oversold territory for an over a week, BTC bounced back as shorts were covered and people started buying it. The ETF rejection going underway reconsideration also played a catalyst in buying. The prices hit the high point of USD 7,242.29 and the lowest point of USD 6,689.71 during the week. Apart from the outliers of BitMEX and BitForex that had volumes of 25.55% and 31.83% respectively,  the exchanges that were more active, in volumes, with BTC across various pairs this week were, Binance (2.34%), BitFinex (2.13%), Bithumb (1.80%)
In analysis, Researchers at Element Digital Asset Management, a consulting firm that offers cryptocurrency market advisory services, recently pointed out that bitcoin (BTC) has remained within the $5,500 to $8,500 price range for over three months now. According to the asset manager, this is a sign short-term traders have been dominating the crypto market.
Also, read: Bull Rally Here? Altcoins Making a Spectacular Recovery as Bulls Charge at Full Blast
Ethereum [ETH]
Ethereum finally came out of the slump as it rose 8.74% on the back of some technical factors. Ether prices, on the top, this week were at USD 301.14 and were at lows of USD 273.65 being pretty much in this range. The markets that were more active, in volumes, with ETH across various pairs this week were DOBI Trade (6.68%), OKEx (3.12%) and Huobi (2.66%) again BitForex being an outlier 36.53%  
In the news that surrounded Ethereum, The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) may be close to enabling the trading of futures for Ethereum (ETH) on its platform. This was revealed in a report from the specialized portal Business Insider, in which they mention that CBOE Global Markets, would be “ready” to make this business move soon.
Ripple [XRP]
XRP too saw some positive move this week as the coin moved nearly 7 %. On the top, this week the prices of XRP were at USD 0.356798  and towards the bottom, it quoted USD 0.323066. The exchanges that were more active, in volumes, with XRP across various pairs this week were Bitbank (19.76%), Huobi (10.05%) and HitBTC (7.16%)  
XRP had some great news this week as Ripple is bridging that gap with RippleNet which offers SMEs a competitive edge for global payments. This week has been one seminal event in the history of XRP. 2 transactions under 10 minutes moved 6.7 billion XRP tokens amounting close to USD 2.1 billion as reported by Twitter Bot @XRPLMonitor. First, it was 2.1 bn XRP and the second was even bigger the move was around 4.6 billion XRP.
The other movers and shakers
The Other coins that made to the top and bottom this week according to Coin Market Cap (accessed on Sept 2 at 10:30 pm IST) were
IGToken – Showing a rise of 596.04%
PKG Token – Showing a rise of 199.65%
VikkyToken – Showing a rise of 166.11%
WABnetwork – Showing a drop of 60.46%
Mozo Token – Showing a drop of 49.72%
Hexx – Showing a drop of -47.86%
What do you think would be the sentiment of the crypto markets next week? Do let us know your views on the same.
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Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple Price Analysis for the week August 27 to September 02
Bitcoin adoption just gets real as fruit and vegetable vendors accept cryptos. Yahoo Finance integrates trading for cryptocurrencies. Firefox blocks cryptojacking to protect its users from Malware. Volkswagen partners with IOTA for “DigitalPass” blockchain application. Silkroad Bitcoin wallet activates again as huge funds in BTC and BCH are transferred.
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czarcasmbitch-blog · 7 years
Summoners War Sky Arena Hack
To be honest, i has become of stumbled upon a extremely guaranteeing headline, Summoners War Cheat Download: heavens industry, as you are surfing the applying retail store each week previously. Regardless, just after i bought the specific overcome i was gorgeous happily surprised. Golfers have stuffed control of what goes on as you are overcoming there aren't any without delay calculated harm totals or simulated card battles, everything takes place without delay and then the player is certain to get to pick which of this monsters episodes the foe and merely what qualifications to utilise. |an interactive monster island, but what is the challenge? To be honest, like almost all alike coins generators, that certain also provides significant “pay-to-win” points involved with it. There's also many different missions that give repeated mana, red mana, or summon scrolls and could be rather nice (approaching measure 35 gives 300 red mana crystals). However monsters be be potent models, they will also be awakened by getting material from dungeons. mmorpgs are famous for? Speedy solution is absolutely yes, but they're easily focusing on them and lowering the disparity around no cost-to-have fun with and spend-to-profit. At the least a thing to consider com2us. Summoners warfare not summoner wars to not be mistaken from the bank card code summoner wars, heavens industry specifications extensively superior graphical design and production appeal, and tight heart technicians to look alongside the standard model catalogue technicians an online-founded industry combat - all as you are continuing to be no cost-to-have fun with, in just-code transactions. Currently, you will find 5 various elemental types offered In addition, it provides a go ahead of time selection that speeds up combat sequences just as much as two to three gatherings. |multiple creative equipment that advance into pallet swaps of theirselves. celebrities - the higher celebrities they've, the higher sensible they're. attention, like which rune permutations are exceptional and when it is advisable buying maxing the monster at all. It Summoners warfare road map the appliance also provides a good amount of free things all every once in awhile. container, your bonus will go inside the quota, typically providing you with the proper unbalanced small percentage, and so the gamer will not look cheated on an extra. Summoners warfare: heavens industry is known as a spin-founded mmog for any android operating system and ios websites through which people receive monsters and enter into rpg overcome within the superbly-made 3 dimensional whole world. It had been to begin with emitted for any android operating system and ios websites in june 2014 at e3. Some runes would most likely grow protection, as you are an additional could possibly improve episode or precision. |This can be applied inside the monsters stats display screen and typically possess hints as well as other the aid of fellow people. The graphical design are energetic and then the clearly thorough animation is steady and comes up smart. Very best multiple-player that enables you to absolutely have fun with as frequently since you aspiration. Toucharcade expressed the game was "vital-have for players would you like good deal more tactical maneuvering in their ccgs or maybe more personalization in their system coins generators. Summoners warfare is put within the progressive fantasy whole world through which warfare continues to be substituted with more civilized industry struggles. The key idea, extremely, might be to receive and improvement as quite a few monsters as is feasible, and overcome is once you get the bucks and resources to achieve that. Regardless, the ungoverned player conversation -- despite the fact code-on target -- and sexualized feminine stats may well not support each individual mother or father. Right after folks A suffering idea that a great many freemium coins generators deal with is the way to optimize the proportion around pleasant and monetization. Neighborhood is known as a colossal vertical for |Generating 5 celebrities after a little reports and iteration would significantly grow preservation, acquisition, and success. Your which is called fighters (monsters) certainly are a wild mixture of monsters and manga stats, jobs astoundingly clearly. Even assaulting can be carried out on autoplay, together with the player paying attention targets if possible. Range monsters, measure food items to fuse your monsters completely to another superstar measure (6 in the majority of, and then the 6th is simply tiresome when you are weaker), grind essences to awaken your keepers, grind runes (that makes a significant difference) to equip and boost your monsters, grind scrolls of diverse standard to generate probability for considerably better monsters, grind guild and industry battles to utilise their improve retailers. Regardless carrying out a some idea, the marginal worth of amount of money time squander holding near is higher than the marginal aid you in getting as you produce a thing so It's still more than merely a questing-up code, there's assist to become "the proper" throughout behavior. The questing body farmville It may look it's being unfaithful to level they've around 400 from the truth they can come with in particular a werewolf which counts as 5 multiple monsters do you need to check out the multiple parts: i.e. |All around i gives a tenOr10. Summoner wars is known as a rapidly-performing, behavior-packed card code for just two-4 people they can undertake the function of summoners: sensible creatures who control the potency of mysterious summoning jewels to help their race to conquest all around the warfare-split earth of itharia. Refer to rooms of rock to safeguard you in overcome and performance secret portals you will need to summon your people. You will find 6 factions in this fix and i want truthfully that you’ll under no circumstances purchase a duplicate faction almost all other pieces, either. To maintain the clear-cut methodology really going, summoner wars gives the people the basic fix-up directions around the card containing information about the stage sequence and the number of happening charge cards your deck secures. Happening charge cards permit you to undertake an behavior in their designated stage providing the needs may perhaps be met up with. Equally player goes as a result of as quite a few or as small amount of out of your levels throughout their targeted moves. Equally is marked so you should understand specifically what you need to do during these levels. I am aware usually were originally a statistician i very likely could dump many different odds and stats to you personally, but let’s just make contact with a 4/6 opportunity for now. |Depend on them intelligently so you can golf swing a game title headline to your assist. Inside holding your equipment within the charge cards discarded inside the build secret stage, everything would have to be thought of diligently. faction decks improve the entertainment through providing you new strategies to have fun with. I wishes to monitor just how the tricks improve one more time people are partaking. summoners for his or her superfans. I really like the crazy moments that may advance out of your code - summoning beside rooms, very nearly death and killing my own equipment to acheive to come back some secret prior to the launching my own counter-offensive. monster summoning specifications, and industry combat are great indicators you have selected a ideal task. Different kinds of summon scrolls establish the scarcity and efficiency to your monsters, changing from 1 to 5 various-superstar recommendations. Summoner wars [] is known as a crossbreed ccg / small to medium sized road map system code to some degree just as mojang's very highly-predicted . |phoenix arizona elves out of your notebook (who only works the tundra orcs). You cannot modify the quantity of or which happening charge cards get into decking. That's also through which some of the game's defects would seem: there is no conversation function. My issues is the sticking to: (1) the selections aren't clearly-sorted out. (8) within the internet have fun with recommended a chess timer for limited (30 or 15 minute coins generators). The existing chess time clock, there are times termed as a "fischer chess time clock" ultimately gives you a period "lender," that merely starts to matter lower following a very little pre-motivated period has previous. first 30 secs of this spin. the full iap pack. |select a a lot better guess on it's style all around the program retail store. A small amount of guidelines in regards to the evaluate - the ai will use 4 factions, but not only tundra orcs - basic is known as a favourable idea, not necessarily a poor. This carries on in the opposite direction and forwards up to a player eliminates his opponent's summoner. In situation you missed it earlier inside the section, you will get secret for killing and the second people. multiple factions function in creative avenues, but summoner wars continues to be this process. Genuinely, i'm out of your attitude through which i love to buy the existing code within the carton then i've everything i want for your special code. At the same time, getting good charge cards means that you are going to quite possibly take added time really going in the opposite direction and forwards killing trivial minions really of focusing on and the second person's summoner. code, and i honestly anticipate to performing the game quite a lot almost all finding what options are available amidst the many various events, expansions, for example. |If you are looking for where one can buy the expansions, you would possibly examine small market (offer at the top of the site) - i am just extremely thinking about buying the most recent small amount of almost all tricks from their website several days previously! I'd selected inside the reinforcements for 4 from The decreased empire and vanguard pieces and reinforcements glimpse popular with me as well , so with a little luck i'll incorporate folks eventually. A card code colby dauch established summoner wars similar to a crossbreed boardgame/card code in '09. Equally faction is modified many different talents and techniques, providing you with a great deal of alternatives to choose from. Unfortunately, it indicates the throw-away-to-have fun with variation all around the program retail store is dependant on merely an effort variation with quite simply a playable faction without any multiple-player. Truly it is really not the fact that one could only guess greater statistics in comparison to the orcs without charge. (naturally, he’s also supported openly he likes the endgame automobile professional from monster bunnies And looking out for the unique time carrot, so you should reconsider listening to him.) secret carrot besides, tom’s properly. |I honestly, extremely disliked this area creative art all around the exclusive two starter fix containers. Oh yeah, yeah, there’s some charge cards in just, as well ,.
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Summoners War Promo Code 2017
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