#there are SO SO many petty comments i want to say to people because mentally in my head i am Petty(tm) and Passive-Agressive(tm)
frownyalfred · 9 months
I was sorry to see you dealing with so many critical comments in Borderline recently, mostly because I love that fic and I love seeing characters in complex situations making bad choices sometimes. But I ALSO wanted to say that the way you're handling it is very classy. I have been dealing with some terrible comments on my own fics lately, and I find myself going to your page to learn how to handle it in a way that's fair, without being overly reactive or targeting anyone. Sometimes I can't tell whether to delete a comment or not, or whether to respond to a criticism or not, especially when my own hurt feelings get in the way. It really helps to see how someone else deals with it in a wise and experienced fashion. So thank you for that. If you have any further tips, too, I'd love to hear them!
Thank you so much anon! And I'm really, truly sorry that you're also dealing with hurtful comments. Nobody deserves that, especially authors working for free to put content out there.
I appreciate this ask a lot since there have been many times in the last few months where I have blown up privately, been upset, considered nuking everything, and generally reacted very poorly to negative, condescending, backhanded, or downright abusive comments. I was not handling it well! I was feeling hurt, and definitely not wise!
I have some wise, wise writing friends though. And generally, after venting (quite understandably) I think most authors know, in their gut, how they want to respond to these kinds of comments.
My advice is as follows, and it's been what I've pieced together from friends and my own experiences in the last few weeks:
Stand by your fic and your choices. It's great to slightly alter your plot when people respond really positively to a character, for example, but don't let a crowd of angry commenters force your hand on any decision, whether it's small or large. Would you have removed that character if there hadn't been three comments about it?
Try to be the adult in the room. Even if you're not older than your commenters or readers, the rule still stands. Try not to sink to their level (barring some necessary cases) and get in the mud. You're the author and you have all the power! Mute them, block them, lock down your comments -- the only power they have is through commenting, and getting into your head. That's power you can give them, or take away from them.
Be honest about how the comments make you feel. A lot of times, I think authors layer their hurt in other, more acceptable reasons. It's okay to be hurt by a backhanded, but well-intentioned comment. Saying "I appreciate this comment but the way you phrased it hurt me for x reason" is a totally mature and realistic way to respond to comments like that. Or telling readers something like "Please don't yell at each other/the characters in my comments, it stresses me out and makes me feel like you're upset with the story and/or me" is what I ended up doing.
Don't get caught in the weeds. Delete the comments that make you upset. Really. You don't need to respond to every comment (I have several rants about this already) and if you do, you definitely don't need to respond to ones that make you sad, upset, etc. If deleting that weird comment or skipping over a reply will make you feel better, do it! I'm sure your readers would prefer you skip a response over you getting hung up on a mean comment and not writing.
Know when to walk away. I took a break from writing borderline because it was stressing me out. Like, my already-high blood pressure was getting higher. I took a month off and wrote other things, and when I was ready to put up a new chapter, the words came really quickly and I was inspired again <3 It's also 100% okay if you never come back to that fic or series again -- your mental health is always -- always -- more important.
6. (bonus) sometimes saying "fuck you" is better than anything else. Sometimes, the pettiness wins, and you're not the adult in the room. I get it. I've ranted a lot on here and posted a lot about (anonymized) comments I've received. So yeah, fuck you, random assholes commenting awful things to me about sexual assault -- one day I hope to find a way to block my fics from ever being read by you again.
Sorry this was a bit of a rant. If you ever want to talk, anon, my inbox/DMs are always open. I'm sorry again that you're receiving hateful comments -- you don't deserve it, and your work deserves to flourish on its own. I hope you keep repeating that to yourself <3
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halfagone · 6 months
I gotta confess. I just...I gotta. I had a really, really popular fanfic that I posted. I was updating it a lot. I took a break for mental health. So many people bugged me about "lol fics dead" and "update nowwwwwww omggggg" that I straightup abandoned the fic. Now none of you get to know how it was gonna end. Confession over fanfic writers are some of the pettiest bitches we don't get paid for this shit so we do what we want.
You are not alone on that, sadly. I had a friend recently say that they felt bad for writing an update for a fic because people kept demanding a new chapter. All those impatient commentors and readers literally made the author not want to write it anymore. And it's not because they were being petty, it's because those readers couldn't appreciate what they had and just demanded something they had no right to.
If you think about IRL work: if you manager keeps demanding more and more things from you, things way beyond your paycheck or your position in the company, you'd either demand adequate pay for all the work you do or you'd quit. And guess what? We don't get paid. So the obvious answer is that we quit.
I am sorry to hear about all the rude comments you received. It sucks more so when you have an entire fic planned out but don't have the motivation to finish it because of the people you wanted to share it with. We don't have to publish fics. We could just write it and enjoy it for ourselves and maybe a select group of friends. But we post it because we want to share that joy with other people. And when they're entitled or rude or disrespectful, then we don't have to share it with them at all.
I hate to say all this too, because it shouldn't have to be this way. I've written over 600k+ words already this year alone. It's not like I'm not making content. It's not like I'm not doing anything. But that will never be enough for some people, so I won't bother trying for those who won't appreciate it.
You were absolutely right to take a break for your mental health, and I'm sorry to hear people couldn't respect it. Writing is meant to bring us joy, not compile stress. And maybe it seems petty, maybe it feels petty, but we just have to do what's best for ourselves. Because not everyone has our best interest at heart.
Fanfic authors are some of the pettiest bitches. But I'd rather be a petty bitch than a straight-up asshole.
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sabrinasland · 1 month
a quick retrospective on sabrina's career 💭
hiya! some of you might have seen this video already but if not, i highly recommend it:
two pop culture commentators, Nicky and Coco talk about the slow rise of sabrina's career. they discuss how sabrina's gotten to where she is now, and why a "slow burn," is often times better than an overnight rise to fame.
i wanted to share this video as a jumping off point. i am so tired of certain people invalidating sabrina's career. i want to clear up some misconceptions and ignorant talking points that people make up regarding sabrina's career. more under the cut. ♥️
she is not an "industry plant."
industry plant definition: a pejorative used to describe musicians who ostensibly become popular through nepotism, inheritance, wealth, or their connections in the music industry rather than on their own merits.
list of bullshit haters say:
"sabrina is only famous because of the driver's license drama.."
personally, i cannot stand when people say this. it completely disregards the fact that this drama was very harmful to sabrina's mental and emotional health, as well as her career. you can say that any press is good press but there are people who will forever diminish her as just "the blonde girl." people need to stop acting as if sabrina was done a favor. a favor does not include death threats and a lifetimes worth of hate that she still receives to this day.
2. "taylor (swift) only chose her as an opening act to get back at olivia (rodrigo)" / "sabrina is only opening for taylor because she needed the help and olivia didn't."
pettiness is available to all ages. however, taylor alison swift is a 34 year old woman. she is a well-experienced musician who takes many younger people in the industry under her wing. this statement recycles the bullshit narratives that the media has created about taylor, that she's vindictive and immature. this statement also mischaracterizes sabrina and taylor's relationship. it is not new.
taylor has mentioned sabrina as far back as jingle ball 2017! in 2020, sabrina was sent a cardigan during the release of folklore. later taylor would go on to send sabrina red tv merch. the narrative that taylor suddenly befriended sabrina after cutting ties with olivia rodrigo some point after 2021 is absolute... nonsense (sorry). *and i'm pretty sure there is not even any real conflict between taylor and olivia but i don't follow olivia and ultimately don't care.
so why is sabrina suddenly blowing up? because nonsense is indeed a pop hit! sabrina having a new nonsense outro every night of the emails i can't send tour blew up on tiktok. olivia rodrigo had nothing to do with that. taylor had nothing to do with that. that was all sabrina. feather was a great follow up.
sabrina has been in the music/entertainment industry for ten years now. before emails i can't send, sabrina had already released 4 albums and headlined 3 tours. this means that she had already grown a strong base of fans that has been with her for years, long before emails. has taylor given her a major platform? has she become a mentor to sabrina? absolutely. sabrina has loved her for as long as a lot of us have - since we were young children. that doesn't mean she or anyone else should get credit for the years of hard work that sabrina has put in.
charting does not equal talent. people love to mock sabrina's career by saying she is unable to chart. there are an endless amount of talented musicians that don't get mass radio play or win awards because their record label - if they even have one, is lacking. for years, carpenters railed against hollywood records and wished for sabrina to move to a different label. finally in january of 2021, sabrina signed to island records. so far, they have given her more opportunities. sabrina released a major album with emails i can't send, she has been opening for taylor swift, shes like.. the coolest girl ever. people need to stop trying to invalidate her career and talent.
i know i may be “preaching to the choir” but ty for reading! 。・゚゚・ again, i recommend the lovely video above.
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marcodiazisatransgirl · 4 months
this is a response to a post made by a troll a while ago. they decided to call me mentally unwell when I finally snapped at their harassment. If you go back in my blog, you'll be able to find the original post.
Hey so I actually have no idea if this person is still on tumblr, I just wanted to address their points because I'm petty and don't want to leave them with the last word. I vaguely remember there being some sort of drama around this but can't remember specifics. If this sort of discourse upsets you, I'm sorry to bring negativity back to your dash.
Also if you're OP and in a bad place, just don't read this. Fucking block me, pal.
First, Breastforce claimed that their entire interest in this started from Marco in a dress from St. O's. The person asking about Marco in a dress was trying to bait Adam into saying something about the theory.
I addressed this in the original reply. Breastforce is a trans woman who identified with something she saw as potentially trans coded. It was what made her first notice things in star versus. Noticing something insignificant then connecting it to other things is how fan theories are formed. People who are intelligent notice things and make connections to other things. Like how one might notice that ships dip below the horizon instead of disappearing into dots, then use that to extrapolate that the Earth is round.
And yes, they wanted him to address the fan theory, in the same way you baited Daron Nefcy without actually telling her what you were asking about.
Most people who repeat the theory do it because of the dress, not the "dysphoria" (which is actually body dysmorphic, involving obsessive focus on a perceived flaw in appearance.)
Actually, since you weren't around when the theory was big, you have no idea why most people liked the theory. A lot of people joined because of the dress, others joined because Marco didn't like to see her body in the mirror, wore a towel in a traditionally feminine way, prefers to pee sitting down (something that is difficult and messy, I'm told), freaked out when she started to grow facial hair, started using feminine pronouns in certain situations, kept dressing as turdina when she didn't have to, etc. etc. etc. I've actrually already told you this in another post, here, but you ignored that.
I know that you're not going to believe any of this. It's upsetting to see you misgender anything
You can't misgender a fictional character. Literally you can't. There might be problematic and transphobic aspects of continuing on your way claiming a character is cis when they are confirmed not to be, but that's being transphobic, not misgendering. (I'm not accusing you of doing this just to clear that up)
especially when I've been misgendered so many times in the last 6 years.
I don't care. You don't get to use your own experiences to bully others for existing. Instead of projecting your shit onto others on the internet take some accountability, babes. You disliking something because of your own shit doesn't give you the right to harass people. Your options were block the tag and move on or harass and bully people obsessively for weeks. You chose to be a bad person.
Also your comments about my physical state don't help, making a joke out of it is cruel which is how I interpreted it.
I actually have no idea what you're talking about here. Sorry I upset you unknowingly (actually I don't give a shit about you or how you feel as we've established), but how you interpret my words is firmly your own problem. I have already addressed that I neither know, nor care about your physical state. Trying to emotionally manipulate me into feeling sorry for you is immature and petty, and I stand by that.
And being transphobic is another jump to conclusion that doesn't make either of us look.good. I'm not transphobic. I'm transgender and have had years of reflection on iit. Calling me transphobic is like a punch in the gut.
Good. As I've previously highlighted your behavior here is abso-fucking-lutely transphobic. You are being transphobic. You being transgender does not excuse you from being transphobic. Hope this helps. Since you spent weeks bullying my friends, I don't actually care about your feelings.
As far as Daron, all she said was that she always intended Marco to be the type of guy who wasn't hung up on doing some things that are typically feminine without any concerns for his masculinity. It seems from an experience she had when she was young with her best friend who was male. When I asked her if Marco was going to grow up and be a good male role model, she said yes. Twice she did.
Cool? Characters change in the making? Characters are up for interpretation? Ever heard of death of the author? Also what sort of question is "will marco grow p to be a good male rolemodel?" what was she going to respond? "No, actually, she's going to grow up to kill people and be a terrible parent." You asked her a childish question and she gave you a stock response. That means nothing?
Also, and here's the kicker - if Daron Nefcy came up to me tomorrow and said to me "Marco is a cis male" I would say to her "I don't care" and keep headcanoning her as trans, harming no one in doing so. She's trans because I say she is. She's trans because there is a lot of contextual clues that means she can be interpreted as trans very easily. Fuck she's probably my most heavily subtextually trans, trans headcanon. Some characters I headcanon as trans just because of vibes. I don't go into Marco Diaz main tags saying that Marco is trans and everyone is transphobic for having a different interpretation of her character. That would be stupid, hurtful, mean, wrong, nasty... exactly what you did.
I have come to the conclusion that you really haven't been around queer fandom long. The thing is, we don't get stories like this. We don't get to see main characters in disney shows turn out to be trans. We don't get to see ourselves in fiction at all until quite recently, certainly more recently than this fandom originated. Often, the only way we can have trans characters in the things we love is through piecing together subtext clues, often put in by creators throwing us a bone, or being queer themselves and unable to express anything more than tidbits. It's how we function, how we've always funtioned, and being so aggressively and vehemently against that is transphobic. If that's something that upsets you, than you need to educate yourself on queer theory and queer fandom spaces. I recommend starting with Jessie Gender or Philosophytube on youtube.
I won't deny I love the character a lot. I won't deny that some of the crew liked that some people saw themselves in Marco. But even if you look at the storyboard that everyone points to, it was a doll of a persona Marco already distanced himself from except for a royalty payment of $650. It was a capitalist business deal and nothing more. That's all the merch was ever about. A way to give Marco spending money during adventures. It wasn't about some secret "he's going as a she" behind everyone's back. It was all about the money. If Marco really cared about it on the level you theorize, he wouldn't have taken money out of the profits and would have done it in the best interests of the girls.
That's your point of view. You say it was about money and only money, but you can't tell me Marco wasn't emotional when she gave it up. You can't tell me that my icon isn't Marco showing real attachment and emotion towards the Princess Turdina persona. And when she finally gave that persona up, when she felt guilty about "lying", why did that come back after? Why wasn't that the last we saw of Turdina?
It's up to interpretation, which is something you have willfully ignored the whole way along. You might come back with the argument Marco likes drag, and she's just a feminine boy. But that's just one interpretation.
In conclusion I see this is misgendering. While it is a fictional character, some of the ways you've interacted with me have also been along the same lines, about me being transphobic and making light of my physical problems which is hitting below the belt.
No, it's not. It's the only way that queers could see themselves in fiction for years. Also you're projecting the rest. I didn't even know you were trans or had a disability until you brought it up.
At the end of the day, you never addressed my points: feminine men in western cartoons are a dime a dozen, trans women are nearly non-existent. We are harming no one by enjoying a theory that does have evidence to back it up. You, meanwhile, harassed and attacked people for weeks. Not just theorists like me, but people who were just posting fanart. Then, when people got fed up with you, you turned around and announced that I had mental problems.
I hope in the time since this initial drama you've grown up a bit. I hope I'm writing to a ghostblog, the owner of which is vaguely embarrassed about their actions. I hope you've found other characters to relate to, and that you've learned a bit about queer fandom. I hope you have found a canonically cis female character to interpret as a trans guy. I hope you've found real queer rep, since it's become more available. I hope you're doing well, and that you're no longer an internet bully.
Also I'm Australian, mate, swearing is part of my culture.
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hidden-snow · 2 months
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Just wanted to put this out there for anyone who might think otherwise; I will not apologize for who I am.
I have been accused so many times by people I thought I could trust. I've been taken advantage of, spit on, and treated like shit all my life. So if I come back with a nasty bite, just know its because I'm not a fucking dog. I've not been raised to lay down and roll over to expose my belly to motherfuckers who think they can dictate my life.
I don't give a shit whose feelings I hurt. Because you obviously didn't give a shit when you trampled over mine. So let's get one thing fucking straight right here and now:
Hello people.
I'm the one and only Hidden Snow. I had a writing account before with over 400 followers. I was in an amazing discord server. I loved the people in it. I was happy and I'd just started to grow comfortable with the people around me.
And then one day? I talked about my obsession over Hazbin Hotel. Yes. That show that a certain creator had made.
One of the server members made a comment that they hoped the creator would lose the show. And I responded. I stated that I hoped Vivziepop wouldn't lose the show. ONLY because I knew different people would change it. They'd change the characters, the plot line, everything. I didn't want the show to be changed.
And then, somehow, I got accused of supporting Vivziepop and genocide, despite me simply wanting the show to stay the same. Then, my amazing lovely @strongheartneteyam got accused of being racist when she attempted to stop the fighting and to control the situation so things would become peaceful again. The accuser claimed that they were going to go on Tumblr and accuse her publicly. So of course, to support my lovely pookie, I went on Tumblr and warned the people so that they'd be prepared for it.
In response, the accuser posted a "call out" post, claiming that I'd bullied them and that I was racist and "scared of them" because they were black. I CANNOT express how many times this same person, during the argument in the server, showed blatant racism against white women in particular.
To top it off, I never spoke to this person. Not a single time. I was mainly a lurker in the server, but the people I interacted with, I was familiar with them. This person, I didn't even know existed until they popped into the argument. And by that point? I had left the discussion to keep from saying something I might've regretted.
So tell me. Tell me how I was a bully and a racist when I never interacted with that person. Not even once. I have no idea why but I guess a lot of people nowadays only listen to half the story and then judge.
I lost many mutuals. I felt lost and alone, shunned by my "friends" despite me not actually having done anything wrong. I got tired. So I deleted my account. I took a week for my mental health. And I got angry. So fucking angry.
So here I am. And I will tell the truth, blatant or not. You can see it as bullying. You can see it as me being a horrible asshole. But I don't care anymore. Because I'm not going to let some petty big shots attempt to ruin my fight anymore. I'm not going to let them turn off my voice, just because it makes them upset or uncomfortable.
I'm done being a doormat, appealing to the bigger accounts in an attempt to win their hearts over. If you want to try and ruin me, fucking do it. Do your best. Because whether I lose followers or gain followers, whether I receive death threats or not, I'm still going to stand by my word and the truth of what I'm saying.
When I needed a shoulder to lean on? When I needed someone to hear out my side of the story so that I could clear my name, they shunned me instead. They ignored me and chose sides by ignoring my pleas for the truth to be revealed. They say they were "remaining neutral" in the matter, but when you listen to one side claiming something and then turn a blind eye to the other side, you're not staying neutral. You're picking sides. So yeah.
That's all I have to say on the matter. If you've found me through some of the bigger accounts complaining about me? Congratulations. You've found the asshole speaking their side of everything that has happened.
Because of these people, I wanted to end it all. Not just my career on Tumblr, but my life as well. I've never had my name drug through the mud unjustly before and I had no idea how to react. But now, I'm reacting. And I'm going to come back with a vengeance. I'm going to fight tooth and nail to show the sides of these accounts that have been shown to me. The sides that are hidden from their followers.
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terrence-silver · 10 months
Does Terry teases beloved about the height difference between them? I’m sure almost everyone he knows is shorter than him cause, you know, men is a walking tree, but if beloved and him was a big height difference cause beloved is short in general, does Terry teases her about not being able to reach certain things that are on higher shelves and how he’s so huge compare to her? 
I can see him being amused seeing beloved getting mad with the jokes he does about her height 
I think it is quite the opposite.
Of course Terry relishes being tall. Statuesque. Fit, for lack of a better word. Of course he internally beams with delight whenever someone is but an inch shorter than him and he makes a petty, self-apprising, triumphant mental note of it, taking delight each and every time he's the biggest man in the room all while casually flaunting it, making it pretty impossible to ignore even when he doesn't, feeling it is a personal victory of his, simply because it is just another silent power move, another way to have the upper hand, because it feeds his ego among a great many other things and because it is a way to be the apparent alpha and a way to control the environment, but controversial opinion, he's smarter than to be awfully brash, cocky and open about it, even when he actually is, deep down.
Terry Silver's long con is that he always appears humble. About everything. We all know he isn't, far from, but the people he deals with do not (for the most part?) because Terry ensures that is the case. Remains the case, if he can help it and he always can, one way or another. Because he's a chameleon. Because he doesn't really wear his actual opinions on his sleeve like that. He is seemingly humble about his accomplishments, his wealth, his connections and yes, even all the way down to things such as height.
In fact, rather than teasing anyone outright about anything, beloved or not, he might just appear the noble guru and he'd go as far as encourage them concerning their shortness, whoever this 'they' might be --- could be anyone ranging from a student, to a friend, to a loved one, to an enemy. It doesn't exactly matter. Whether it is done in an environment such as a dojo; where he could easily say any body has the potential to be a deadly weapon if honed properly --- and both mean it and not, depending how foul or fair his end goals are. Whether it is between business associates, at some corporate, say, cocktail, or wherever the rich mingle, where Terry Silver seems downright egalitarian for show praising all these body types which aren't quite like his, and the whole room coos at just how kindly Mr. Silver is (not realizing how easy it is to act all-inclusive when you're on top where ableness is concerned), or if he is oddly enough, encouraging an enemy he wants to do more harm to than good that yes, going up against a foe twice one's height without preparation totally won't decimate them in combat and have them beaten up. All's possible if you only believe. Just go for it! Honesty, compassion and fairplay! It will be just like the story of David and Goliath.
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Often, Terry Silver's intentions are utterly dishonest. Sweet-sounding and fake.
Neatly packed as good intentions (paving the road to high hell).
And very rarely, they're genuine, with the right people.
But, regardless, seldom are his tendencies to tease, mock and prod that apparent or crudely transparent. They're hidden. Beneath layers of meaning, double entandres, posturing, wordplay and good publicity. Even if Terry Silver did make fun of someone's height, the jab (both malicious and benevolent alike) would be so slickly and well concealed that it would almost seem like an uplifting comment initially. A couple of years later, once the charm offensive wears off, one realizes Terry Silver's been making fun of them and hitting them with backhanded remarks the whole time.
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shiningstardan · 4 months
2023 AO3 wrapped
How many words have you written this year? According to my obsidian plug-in, my wip word count is on 26671 (8 wips total)
How many works did you publish this year? No new wips ended up being published, I really gotta finish my current wips
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? From my current published works I think that I cannot stress how much I want people to read A Drop Is Not Enough. And from my wips I really want to finish Peculiar Considerations for atonement (wips) so everybody can read it!
What work of yours has the most hits? A Drop Is Not Enough
What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?Just the two of us
Favorite title you used My wip: Particular considerations for atonement although I may reuse another wip title called Prowess and Persistance
If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most? Lana del Rey - SOOOOOOOOO original I know
Pairing you wrote the most for this year? NejiHina, although I haven't published any of my new works, I have started like 6+ wips up to this point
Favorite pairing you wrote for this year? NejiHina xD
What work was the quickest to write? I haven't finished anything that I want to publish lol
What work took you the longest to write? Peculiar Considerations was started on September (2023) so, that's the one I have worked more consistently on
How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year? Too many for my own mental health
What’s your longest work of the year? Peculiar Considerations
What’s your shortest work of the year? Can't say, all of them are current wips, can't assess how long they will be at the end
What WIP are you taking into next year with you? All of them xD
What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag? I wanna use funnier tags, so far I have: No beta, we die like Kishimoto's ideas for the Hyuga Clan, as well as, No beta we die like Kishimoto's effor for expanding Hyuuga lore, because I'm that petty.
Your favorite character to write this year? Both Neji and Hinata, I find Hinata more challenging since she's so bland in canon
The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year? So far, Hinata. I always feel I am writter her out of character
What’s one pairing you want to explore next year? More Neji and Hinata xD
Which work of yours have you reread the most? A drop... so many rewrites and edits were done even after publishing the newest version
How many kudos in total did you get this year? Honestly... idk xD
Which work has the most comments? Just the two of us
Did you do any collaborative works this year? Nop, and I can't say I ever will with my current life
Did you write any gifts this year? No, but I want to
Did you receive any gifts this year? Gosh, you guys, I got 2 gifted fics by @shikabootay and one NejiHina on my Ask
What’s your most common category? I'm really aiming for Explicit most of the time, but depends on the fic itself, they command where they go
What do you listen to while writing? I want to implement Ambient Chaos more
Favorite work you wrote this year? Peculiar considerations
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? Uff, from Subversive Ordinance (another wip) but I cant say yet becuse that'd be an spoiler
Biggest surprise while writing this year? Apparently I have been styling my works in spanish while writing in english, so I have to relearn punctuation symbols and spacing since I thought it was ok but nooo - Evidence of confusion and mental breakdown here
See you next year!
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theflagscene · 5 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by @tazzy-ace ☺️
1 - How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 37 works, 7 of those are part of series.
2 - What’s your total AO3 word count?
3 - What fandoms do you write for?
I’ll write for any fandom, if I know enough about it at least. But the fandoms I have fics on AO3 are; The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, Supernatural, Not Me, The Eclipse, Semantic Error, Between Us and Never Let Me Go.
4 - What are your top 5 fics by Kudos?
Do I Ever Cross Your Mind? / E / (Not Me/The Eclipse)
There Is No Normal / E / (Supernatural)
Want A Do Over? / T / (The Eclipse)
In The Light Of The Morning / M / (The Eclipse)
When The Darkness Comes / T / (The Eclipse)
5 - Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes and no, it depends on the comment and how I’m feeling. I know I seem like a loud mouth on here, but I’m actually extremely shy and have generalized anxiety disorder, so interacting with people - even online - can cause me a lot of anxiety so it can be difficult to reply to ever comment.
6 - What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm, I don’t know. I don’t think any of my fics actually end with angst, start with it, run with it or just are angsty in general but I typically try and make endings at the very least hopeful.
7 - What’s a fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
There Is No Normal, I would say that one is the happiest ending for sure. It ends with a proposal and a happily ever after, domestic bliss with a dog and a kid and a happy group of friends and family.
8 - Do you get hate on fics?
Nah, I legit have the best readers on the planet. The sweetest people, who I love to interact with. The closest thing I got to hate would be one little complaint during a Big Bang I was in because I alluded to a character being a switch instead of a strict top, someone saw that and went to the mods to complain instead of coming directly to me. So I absolutely did not change it, because screw their petty ass lol.
9 - Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
All kinds, I’ll write all types of smut featuring all types of genders and sexualities. I’m also willing to try to write any kink (within reason) but that doesn’t mean I’ll write it well lol, I make no promises, I might be total shit at writing a type of smut I’ve never written before.
10 - Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
Yes, I do write crossovers. I think the craziest is actually an unpublished fic that is a crossover of Supernatural and The Void, which is a Canadian made Lovecraftian horror movie from 2016.
11 - Have you ever had a fic stolen?
If so, its not come to my attention.
12 - Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yep, I’m always happy to link to any translations of my works on the original fic, so I always remind translators to drop me a line with a link so I can post it.
13 - Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, I have a co-author that I’ve worked with for like a decade now. I trust them with so much, we work together amazingly well.
14 - What’s your all time favourite ship?
Bro, I’m supposed to have one!? Impossible to answer, no way, next question lol.
15 - What’s a WIP that you want to finish, doubt you ever will?
I’m not really sure, I wanna think that all my WIPs will eventually get done. Because of how my mental health fluctuates, I tend to not to like posting chaptered WIPs because I don’t like leaving people waiting. Which is probably why I only have a couple posted, those ones will absolutely get done. As for non-posted WIPs, well… since they’re not posted there will be no proof of them not getting done. 😈😈
16 - What are your writing strengths?
I have no idea, so I’ll go with what I’ve been told. Characterization, emotional atmosphere and general ambiance. Also smut, I’m your neighbourhood smut peddler for a reason lol.
17 - What are your writing weaknesses?
Spelling and grammar in general, I have dyslexia and mild aphasia due to a TBI that I suffered in my early twenties. Even though I go over my fics dozens of times before they get posted and typically they go to a beta, not always, I’ll admit I am impatient lol. There are still some fuck ups in my fics, even after posting.
18 - Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Unless I speak it at least somewhat fluently, I don’t do it. If I wanna suggest that the person is speaking in a different language than what’s being written, I just slap it in italics.
19 - First fandom you wrote for?
Pretty sure it was Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Ginger Snaps, I can’t remember tbh.
20 - Favourite fic you’ve written?
One of my faves is actually not even on AO3, it was back in my LiveJournal days. It’s a Torchwood fic, it’s basically a Torchwood version of Alice Through the Looking Glass just way more violent and gory. I might actually go over that old thing one day and eventually put it up on AO3, it was one of my first big fics and it’s still one of my favourite plots.
Tagging - I honestly forget who I follow that writes, who draws and who’s a gif maker lol. I don’t wanna tag the wrong type of creator, so if you see this and wanna take part, then consider yourself tagged! Make sure to tag me back so I can read your answers 🤗🤗
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hel-phoenyx · 3 months
Okay, I am in the mood to rant about myself so let's go (or one of the many many reasons Hel needs therapy)
I was a child prodigy. By that I mean learnt to read at 3/4, knew how to count early on, first word was a sentence child prodigy. Not a genius per say, but I was in advance from many of my peers. Something my school noticed early on and allowed me to thrive. I was a bratty child, but a happy child, only drama related to notes was me being caught cheating once in elementary school (4th grade french equivalent) because I couldn't bear not having perfect answers, but the teachers quickly got that out of me and soon I had other petty problems.
My real problems started in middle school with the ranking system and the increased importance of notations. I had 17/20 in average all middle school, and held the yearly first place all this time. My parents were encouraging that, probably thinking nothing of it, but the repeated questions for my rank and little comments like "what grade did the others get ?" when I had a slightly bad one started gnawing at my very soul.
They said only my best was wanted, but those little things accumulating sounded like my best was nothing less than the other's best. I am sure they meant well, they went through a hard af major in college that was rank-based with limited admissions (and I wanted to do the same thing), but sometimes well-meaning is not well-doing, and, like many child prodigies, when my peers started to catch up and my grades started to fall because big brain did not allow me to learn any working method, I was heavily distressed.
I'm slowly starting to let go of the idea that grades rule my very life. In fact, I am quite chill about school since I failed medecine, a lesson learned harshly but neccessary. Problem is that mentality to be the very best poisoned a lot of my hobbies, and how I view my relationships.
Now if I pick up a hobby, no matter what hobby, that involves skill and especially creative skill, I have to be the very best. Or at the very least, better. If I enter in a relationship and I see people don't need me, spend more time with others or even share more with others, I feel like they don't need me.
So when people praise others around me as the best, I always feel like I'm shit at this. Other kind of compliments don't give that effect, I'm not that poisoned in the mind, but it's always comparisons like this that hurt, because there can be only one best, and if it's not me, I failed.
Because if I'm not the best, if I'm not the first, I am not good enough.
0 notes
Okay, this is the second time you reblog my post with takes I vehemently disagree with. The first time you did it, I sent you a message that you refused to reply to, you probably won't answer this one either. If you refuse to talk to me, but keep on reblogging my posts to criticize them, than I will block you. I understand people will and should disagree with me, I am open to discussions always, but the way you do it, is simply petty.
You have completely missed the point of what I was trying to say, you have twisted my words and my meaning, talking about things I didn't even mention. I wasn't "making Redbull the victims", I was actually questioning why Sky treats them the way it does, when no other team gets treated this harshly. I listen to Ted often unfortunately that's why I know that he was being incredibly underhanded and sarcastic with his remarks. I also in my years of listening to Sky don't remember them talking about Mercedes and Lewis like this when they were the ones dominating and winning, nor were they constantly bringing up other teams as their rivals. It was Redbull's launch, there was no reason to talk about Mercedes or who someone's best friend is, he could've talked about this man's achievement instead of his friendship with Lewis. There is no expectation of Redbull to talk about any team in particular, they are launching their car and talking about their new sponsors and partners.
All of your criticisms of my post are from what I can see based on the notion I am talking about fans, I am talking about international broadcasters, who have shown worrying levels of bias in how they conduct themselves when it comes to Redbull.
To be honest with you, I didn't refuse to answer, I simply forgot because of my exams and me just being me + the flood of notifications I got. I wanted to get back but it has just not been a priority of mine.
Please block me, I don't mind at all. In fact, if my opinion annoys you that much I encourage it. After all, the experience we have an Tumblr is whatever we want it to be and if that negativity is bothering you, then don't let it be part of that! This is not meant to sound patronising and I hope it doesn't come across that way. I have lost followers before, probably been blocked by many too for my opinions and that's complelty fine. I realise that not all negativity is tolerable and that it can be exhausting. He'll, I even had some mutuals I adored unfollow me because I was in such a rant about a driver that they deeply adored. I regret that since I have realised my hatred was mostly stupid but I understand them and I would probably have done the same.
Glad we both agree that words were twisted. If you didn't think you were making RedBull the viticim or that wasn't your intention that is one thing. However by singling out or making it seem like RedBull is the only team that has been affected by commentary bias you kind of fell into the easy mentality that I have seen many teams on F1blr where the victim mentality is so prominent.
I honestly think any other team would get the same treatment where they an actual threat to Mercedes. I think it has been easy on Ferrari this year since it was clear they were no threat even with the great car as they kept fucking up strategy etc.
I think it's normal that especially after 2021 it the focus will lie more on RedBull. I get that they are very borderline and out of the line with their comments sometimes but I don't think this is one of those times at all and I would argue that it has definitely been better this season.
I disagree about Ted but I guess people interpret tones of voices differently and without any specific comment or explicit mention whatever he might have been trying to do, we are both as wrong as we are right.
Oh no, I think there's a definite bias from the British media towards any threat to British drivers. Seb was literally so hated and still is quiet often by commentators such as Brundle.
I mean, the season is approaching, reporters want to stir up drama. It's literally what they do. They will keep digging about Mercedes and RedBull, it's their job. I agree that it's dismissive towards this man's accomplishments but any opportunity will be picked up.
Oh no, RedBull don't have to talk about anything but also, the not mentioning Mercedes bit might be mind games which teams are all great at playing.
I still think my point stands and I still think that a certain bias is normal. Commentators are also just human and will prefer one driver to another. They're human. And while I agree that there's borderline times, sometimes going into unprofessional but I still don't see this here or think it applies in this case
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millionsfags · 3 years
Online Safety Relevant to the Current State of the Internet
On twitter I made a tweet about how online safety lessons in school can be very out of touch but that the advice of people who are familiar with the current internet shouldn't be disregarded. So here's my informal collection of online safety tips
Sources: unrestricted internet access since elementary school (not recommended), being a formerly involuntarily home bound person for several years that amassed way too much online experience
This could possibly hold upsetting reminders to people who had bad experiences online including mentions of grooming and emotional manipulation so please proceed with caution!
Information Sharing
Make an online pseudonym for public profiles and websites.
Don’t feel like you have to list everything about you for the world to see.
Sometimes it’s not a question of “can this information be used to locate and identify me irl?”, but simply “do I want this information publicly available and linked to my online persona?”
Unlike offline, being online leaves a constant trail of who you were accessible at all times. People are constantly growing and changing. Try to limit the information you share so you can ditch that trail and start over if need be.
Sharing information with people you make friends with and trust is a judgement call on your part, but always be on the safe side and be protective of your information.
Start as cautious as possible with online safety. Any risks or judgement calls can come later when you are 1. aware of the risks, 2. ready to address them if they occur, and 3. have gathered plenty of information instead of doing something blindly and hoping for the best.
Do not share your triggers publicly, they can very easily be used against you. Instead use websites with a large amount of filtering options to curate your online experience. If you are going to share them, only do it privately with people you trust.
Importance of Boundaries
It doesn’t matter how mature you are, don’t enter age limited spaces you don’t qualify for. It’s disrespectful to the boundaries of the people who made that space. Boundaries like this exist for the comfort of both sides involved.
Just because you can “handle it” doesn’t mean it’s good for you. Desensitization is not something to brag about.
Venting or making r18 posts as a minor on a public account is VERY dangerous. Intense emotional vulnerability is something manipulators will look for as a way to get to you. The same with sexual jokes to develop your comfort talking about those topics casually and eventually escalating the situation. If you are going to talk about such things please keep that in private conversations with people you trust in your age group.
Note the difference between public and private online space. Tweeting something on a public account is not the same as having a conversation in the cafeteria with your friends.
If an adult tries talking to you about r18, run the other way. Doesn’t matter how cool you are, it says something weird about THEM if they’re willing to talk to a minor about that stuff.
If someone( like 3+ years, honestly depends on how old you are) older than you wouldn't be comfortable saying what they're saying to you in front of other people (like a teacher or guardian), that's suspicious as hell. Run in the other direction.
The younger you are, the more age gaps matter. There's a bigger difference in development between a 13 year old and a 17 year old than there is between a 20 year old and a 24 year old. It helps to try to contextualize it with real people instead of numbers. Instead of thinking "oh just 4 years? that's not that weird" consider "oh. that would be like a freshman (13/14) dating a senior (17/18). yikes."
Be just as wary of people your own age talking about things that make you uncomfortable. Just like irl, sometimes you’ll meet people your age that are hurtful.
Friends complain to each other and talk about their issues, that alone is fine. But when people are doing it without permission, draw a line. When people are making it feel like you’re responsible for maintaining their mental health, you need to draw a line. When it starts to effect your mental health, PLEASE DRAW A LINE! I know it feels like your responsibility sometimes, but it’s not. You cannot be there for others if you’re not taking care of yourself first and foremost.
Don’t be afraid to block people. Even for petty reasons. It’s good to block people. Don’t force yourself to see stuff you don’t want to see.
Being Constantly Online
The 24 hour news cycle is not a good thing to follow 24/7. Taking social responsibility is a good thing, but your brain is NOT built to worry about every issue in the world at once. One strategy I use for staying sane is I try to only check the news once a day, and if something needs more attention to set aside an amount of time I’m going to focus on it before I need to take time to step back.
Touch grass. Not literally, unless you can in which case I highly suggest it, sometimes it’s just good to lay in a field. What I mean is you need to dedicate a good portion of your time to being offline (sleep does not count). What your offline time looks like is going to differ depending on your level of ability, but even if you are house bound it’s important to build some hobbies that don’t rely on the internet. Talking to people offline is also a good goal if possible, even just to your housemates.
Social etiquette greatly differs online and offline and sometimes the reminder that were all just Some People gets lost behind the numbers and the fabricated personas. Keep in mind the difference in how information is shared without forgetting that the fact we are all people remains the same.
Be generous with your etiquette. You will avoid a lot of stress if you conduct yourself with the same politeness you would have in an offline interaction. Master the art of "minding your own business" for your own sake.
Arguments and Competition
As soon as you can, you need to internalize the fact that leaving an argument is not losing.
It is inevitable you will be exposed to many people who disagree with you. Some people only want to argue to rile you up. Sometimes that’s not their intention, but it’s what they’re doing. You do not have to remain in conversation with people, especially if they’re not interested in actually coming to an understanding. Even if they are interested, sometimes they just suck!! Leave!! You can leave!!
On that note, sometimes you are going to get valid criticism and it’s going to hurt. That is part of learning. If someone says you messed up and did something hurtful, take a second to step back from your defensiveness and consider: intent ≠ effect. Apologize, repair what you can, and move forward with the ability to do better in the future. You’re going to mess up every once in awhile, it’s inevitable.
To summarize the past two points: don't waste your time on unnecessary hostility but don't close yourself into an echo chamber either. Debates should be about learning.
Sometimes people are not going to like you. This happens offline too but people tend to be a lot more blunt online. Sometimes people dislike you for no reason or for really petty reasons. That’s not your problem, move on.
Don’t actively seek out people you don’t like or who don’t like you to argue with. Whether or not your side is the “right side” doesn’t matter, it’s going to cause you so much unnecessary stress. Feel free to keep posting your opinions on your own profile but don’t seek out unnecessary conflict.
This is a different type of competition than previously mentioned, but be aware of the danger of comparing yourself to other people. Especially if you’re a creative or student, DO NOT GET SWEPT UP IN THE GRIND CULTURE. It’s more subtle in some places than others, but anytime you see the notion that you should be working yourself to the bone be VERY critical. Also be critical of any online cultures (such as gaming and art communities) that brag about unhealthy habits or act like it’s ~part of the culture~ (ex: all nighters, not taking breaks, getting hurt. Any activity that neglects health to work toward a goal).
Not just grind culture, any community of subculture that shares anti recovery sentiments is a huge red flag. Even if they're joking, it's not worth the risk of internalizing those statements.
Everyone’s social media presence is to some degree doctored because it’s a purposefully selected collection of what they allow you to see. It’s fine to like the persona you see being displayed, but never forget that it is not reflective of the entire person. Everyone online is JUST SOME PERSON. Do not forget that and start holding yourself to a standard you can’t even see every side of.
By posting online you are opening yourself to criticism. Whether or not it’s justified can vary, but either way it’s going to happen. Mute stuff, go private, disable comments, etc if you need to.
Misc Tidbits
these are technically just general info that is also good for offline but I have seen things that make me think people online need the extra reminder.
Learn what cults are, how they recruit, and what they do to their members. I'm not kidding. This is particularly relevant at the moment because of current societal unrest and widespread loneliness. No one is immune to cult propaganda, and not every cult is based on pre established religion or family. Many exist ONLINE and are able to manipulate people without ever meeting face to face. (learn more: Loneliness as a Pandemic: The Dangers of Online Cult
Familiarize yourself with the concept of pseudoscience. Please familiarize yourself with the concept of pseudoscience and then learn how to identify pseudoscience. (learn more: Karl Popper, Science, & Pseudoscience: Crash Course Philosophy #8)
Q. How do I know if a source is reliable?
Final Thoughts
It's important people of ALL ages learn these lessons, because the internet is constantly changing and we are all vulnerable when in the presence of other people.
Be cautious and stay safe
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lolaecheve · 2 years
Seeing comments on the Webtoon now that we're at the beginning of the end along the lines of "I'm remembering all the reasons I hate Mike" and "Mike's asshole arc begins"
And man, I'm gonna have to be the weirdo to defend Mike. But, like, only the beginning of his arc.
Thing is, I was sympathetic to Mike when this whole arc began. I understood what his problem with Lucy was. Lucy treated him badly - a lot. Sure, she also had moments to show she cared about him. But she also, again, treated him badly a lot.
And as a kid, when I first started reading the comic, I took it as face value standard tsundere stuff. Oh, Lucy is mean and rude to Mike, these two are competitive and rivals with each other, they argue a lot, but they have sweet and genuine moments together, so obviously by the laws of anime, they are totally super best friends who will fall in love.
Interestingly, reading the earlier chapters again via the Webtoon after all these years, those sweet and genuine moments... Don't feel as pronounced anymore. It could be cause I know how this goes. It could be cause of retcon tweaks for the redone version. Maybe it's because I'm an adult and know what toxic behavior is now. But, reading these chapters again, sure we have moments like Confrontation and Hot Pursuit, which are pivotal moments for Lucy and Mike... But there's just so many petty little exchanges between the two, most often instigated by Lucy, that it feels like those moments don't make up for it on the second go around. I don't have a feeling of "Oh man, it's so sad to see them so happy together only to know how badly it ends," I only have a feeling of, "Oh, so things were shitty from the start, man I totally forgot."
But anyway, moving on from the comic then vs now, we get to Mike finally getting fed up with Lucy's behavior. And I understood that back then. I was a Mike to a Lucy. I had a friend who was possessive and clingy over me, and treated me badly, and basically used be as a security blanket to feel better when no one else wanted to put up with her bad attitude. I eventually spent most of my time walking on eggshells around her and closing myself off from her.
So, when Mike started to distance himself from Lucy and became, just... done with her by the time December happened, I got it. Lucy did make her efforts to make things better or at least back to the way things used to be while working on their essay. Was she doing well at that? Would that have meant anything? People have a tendency to fall back into their old habits and not actually change when they say they will, so we can't be sure. But hey, in that moment, she understood things weren't okay, so maybe that could have been a start.
But it was too late for Mike. The relationship was beyond repair for him. You can argue that he took misguided advice from Sandy. She only knew some girl was hurting her boyfriend, and Mike idolized her to the point of letting that warp his view of Lucy. But, like... She literally gave him a bloody nose. She gave him injuries. That's not acceptable behavior, and if Mike wanted to break things off, he was 100% allowed for his own mental health. You're not obligated to be anyone's caretaker. Especially when you're a kid.
I mentioned being the Mike to a Lucy. Actually, two of them, one was less of an outright asshole but was still toxic in his own way. (No points for guessing they came from the same social circle.) When I broke things off with each of them, I kept things quick, matter of fact, and straightforward without going any attempt to make any hurtful actions. I explained to each of them why I didn't want to be friends with them anymore, why their actions had hurt me, and then I cut contact and left it at that. Blunt maybe, but I didn't do anything intentionally meant to be hurtful.
So, when Mike began to explain to Lucy all the ways she hurt him, I completely understood. But, uh...
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You know. Then that part happened. And suddenly I wasn't so sympathetic to Mike anymore. Mike knew. Mike KNEW Lucy's insecurities and actively used them to HURT HER. Does that make him just as bad as Lucy or worse? Lucy genuinely seemed oblivious that what she was doing was harmful, Mike had no reason to say this except to dig a knife into her insecurities. Both are bad, I'm not excusing Lucy's behavior, but this just feels so much more planned and malicious, like Mike's pent up hatred drove him down to Lucy's level and below.
And then pretty much everything after that is Mike's own fault. He's exceedingly unsympathetic in how he's had SO MANY chances to learn from his mistakes and from the reactions of people around him to his actions, and he just hasn't. Even when he know it's a problem, and he just keeps giving in to that cycle. Sure, it's not an easy cycle for him to break out of, but it IS his responsibility to fix, and he has only taken steps backward so far.
So, in summary: Mike is still an asshole, but I felt the need to point out that him being an asshole at the very start was really just him finally getting tired of toxic behavior. The problem was him becoming toxic in turn and thus far failing to do anything about it.
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arhvste · 3 years
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❝ my assumptions based on your fav hq character ❞
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these are all in good fun and not serious at all, please don’t get upset by them, my opinion doesn’t mean shit bby :,)
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-> a soft bitch with a big heart. you want others to do well and you love positive attention. you do however, get overworked by emotion and sometimes get played because of how nice you are. judge people a little harsher and don’t be shy to put a bitch back in their place, you got this
-> we get it youre a bad bitch but sometimes it comes across like you’re still going through your angsty teen phase. stop that, you’ll get permenant wrinkles if you keep it up. let yourself live a little freely and don’t be shy to leave your comfort zone more often. and stop getting sad over the smallest things okay?
-> horrible taste in men and you have a degradation kink. you wanna be called a little slut in the bedroom but would cry if you were called it anywhere else. you’re very kind people but you’re constantly putting yourself down and thinking you deserve shit over nothing. be kinder to yourself
-> you’re the supportive friend people go to when they need a pick-me-up however, you let yourself get walked over from time to time and it’s not fair on you. don’t be shy to kick a bitch and show them who’s can be the alpha >:) you’re a bad bitch with a big heart and you’re academically stable
-> shush, indoor voices please! it’s okay! we know you’re here you don’t need to shout! you’re probably between 4’0-5’3 and preach personality over looks which is fine because as everyone should. you’re insecure around others and feel the need to have a bigger presence to feel more confident. it’s okay though, i think you’re really hot and you should let yourself feel more comfortable with people you actually like more often.
-> loyal as fuck and dependable. you’re the bitch people know they can come to should they ever need it. you’re popular and you own every hallway you strut through. you let the feeling of dejection get to you though and worry about how you’re perceived by the people you’re surrounded by especially if there’s a potential love interest in your orbit. calm down and be yourself more, it’s their loss if they don’t fall for you anyway.
-> stop letting people talk over you! you’re that bitch so why the hell do you let people overpower you? you’re hot and you know you’re capable but you wallow up in self doubt and get upset over nothing. remind yourself that you’re hot, loved and talented more often because you need it.
-> you’re deceptive and it’s not always a bad thing. you’re good at switching up your personality and probably act fake to certain people which is fair enough. you can be a bit of a bitch sometimes but you’re hot and funny so you get away with it. learn to break down your barriers a little more though because when people start seeing your act they’ll become untrusting around you.
-> OKAY daddy issues pack it up now. no i’m kidding but you’re attracted to mentally stable people with good morals. someone that will take care of you and be there for you. try to be more self reliant and independent though.
-> we know you’re hot okay? you don’t need to post thrist traps on snapchat at 2AM every night we get it! you’re a little whiny and bratty but that’s a given. you’re a burnt out gifted child and you were probably in top classes or top league for a sport between ages 8-14 before you started becoming more average. that’s fine too though, just remember you have talents that lie elsewhere you just have to find them.
-> daddy issues 0.2. you’re bossy and demanding but fair. you judge others accordingly and have a good sense of who’s a good person and who’s not. you need to be more open with people and let more people in though. you’re protective of yourself and don’t let your walls down so easily. soften them and let others in more.
-> you’re just here for a good time and a good railing that’s all i have to say.
-> you’re the bitch that has to listen to the mattsun stans last hook up. you’re hot too, go have a good time.
-> you’re extremely hot and i would absolutely make out with you right here right now. no i’m kidding. i’m not but anyways, you have mommy issues and you need to get over it. you also need to stop being so analytical of people because some people don’t like being read and you step over peoples boundaries sometimes. control yourself you feral thing.
-> ah yes. everyone’s favourite ‘i have issues but i don’t want to deal with them, so i’ll be a whore online instead’. that’s a half joke but seriously, you’re doing fine bby you don’t even need to worry. nobodies judging you and even if they are they’re way uglier and dumber than you. even still you should be friendlier to those around you and let your guard down a little more.
-> you’re like a little dog. yappy and lively. you’re also very trustworthy and i would tell you my deepest and darkest secrets and feel safe about it. you’re strong willed and put others in their place at ease. you do however, need to be a little more selfish and put yourself first at times. selflessness is great but it’s okay to put yourself first sometimes and you need to do that more often.
-> you’re literally so hot and i’d be begging for your attention. you’re also slightly oblivious and have probably had several people crush on you at once but you’ve ignored them all unintentionally. you need to believe in yourself more and remind yourself that you’re that bitch. you’re capable of amazing things you just need to realise it yourself a little more
-> okay mx mood swings you need to stop acting out over nothing. you’re gorgeous don’t get me wrong but dropping your slice of bread on the floor isn’t the end of the world. get over smaller things quicker and become more aware of your surroundings. you have a really good set of close friends and you’re friendly to everyone around you. you’re very very loved but you need to stop getting caught up over pointless things.
-> you’ve probably been called ‘boring’ before but that’s far from the truth. you make snide comments and you’re witty. you’re one of the most mentally stable people and you don’t get upset over petty argument or fights. you do howver nit pick at situations and get too critical. stop that because you only annoy yourself more and put yourself in a bad mood.
-> you scare the shit out of me but in a good way. i’d be scared to talk to you because you’re so perfect? you do tend to come across as unapproachable though but that’s not your fault. smile a little more and don’t be afraid to laugh a little louder. your laugh is so pretty anyway so don’t be shy to let yourself loose a little more
-> you’re the type of person people think about for weeks after seeing you at the airport you’re that hot. you’re reliable and loved by many. you’ve got a good spirit and you’re mentally balanced. you need to stop overworking yourself though and stop getting too worried for other people in their place. you’ve already got enough on your plate so stop taking other peoples problems when you already have your own.
-> you’re a bitch. no i have more to say. you’re misunderstood. you come across as a shitty person but that’s just because you’re passionate and hard at communicating in a way that’s not so blunt. you’re petty and dislikable at first but after a couple of conversations, people find out there’s so much more to you. you’re funny, hot and talented. just remember to work on holding back on the blunt statements a little more.
-> 2nd best kinda vibes. you ARE the pretty best friend but people always ignore that because you’re kinda overshadowed by others around you. you’re like a diamond in the rough and valuable to those lucky enough to find you and get to know you. don’t put yourself down so much and show others you can be independent and unique because that’s exactly what you are
-> you’re hot and that’s it. you’re probably the type of person to not show up to classes but still manage to pass every exam with ease. you’re almost too cool to approach and people probably think you’re bitching about them when they see you on your phone. what they don’t know is that you’re really looking at pictures of cows that have been washed and blowdried. you probably own a pink princess cowboy hat and your instagram is probably everyone’s pinterest board. just stop slacking off though because you can achieve so much more.
-> you’re powerful and elegant. you’re very level headed and go about problems the efficient way. you hate time wasters and don’t let people make you their bitch. you probably have a slight god complex but that’s okay because when you’re as hot as you are, it’s understandable. stop being so uptight and sensitive about things though. be kinder to your mind and let go of the things not worth holding a grudge against.
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general taglist → @atsumuwoah @bloody-bella @bbymilkbread @miracleboy420 @doggonudez @tsumue @peteunderoos @tsukkisbean @saturnfarie @dear-kozume @zumisace @boosyboo9206 @totorosleaff @27kei @dai-tsukki-desu @angrylittleriri @dearestmegumi @kuxredere @warakou @iss6s @lovinnoya @sophiashortcake @wompwomphq @waitforitillwritemywayout @webworld @brokeasshoee @sunasbabie @rowley-with-ackerman @mjoork @trifliz @curiouslilbeast @ineedsomefoodpls @hp-hogwartsexpress
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Ordinarily I do not indulge in callout posts, unless a person's mental health might be in serious danger - and it's not a petty lie somebody made up, providing no screenshots, or simple ones taken out of context.
I have received multiple messages now, proving to me that the Hellsing Discord server 'The Hellsing Fanserver' lead by 'Artillery' is unfortunately a place people need to be warned about.
While everyone could assure me they do offer good scans of the Hellsing manga, the members of the server indulged in:
- Purposefully misgendering people
- Making fun of triggers, trans people and people with severe mental illnesses
- Purposefully using triggers against other server members
- Manipulating other people to use the triggers against the person they concern and shifting the blame on them afterwards
- Bringing explicit sexual themes to a server with minors
Afterwards they would celebrate their 'success', making fun of the people they hurt.
The so called 'trolling' (though I wouldn't dare to call such a hurtful behaviour this) was encouraged on the server, so I would deem it an unsafe environment for everyone whose mental health might be affected by such things.
Please be careful if these things concern you and please do not encourage such behaviour.
It's not only hurtful, it is downright cruel.
The invitations, though the links are expired.
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Here you see some of the accounts that were directly involved.
Please be careful.
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Discord Accounts
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I can only assume alts mean something like alternative accounts he and his friends created in order to do these things, engaging others on the server to do the same.
He then proceeds to share the success of the hurtful behaviour on before mentioned Discord server, commenting such:
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^ The “he” they are referring to is a demi girl. And yes, on the other server the pronouns are clearly stated and everyone is asked to respect them.
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He is downright admitting openly to have his friends manipulated other people to use the triggers against another person.
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(For context: A server members triggers were ‘Borderlands” and ‘Kingdom Hearts’.
He stated this trigger a few hours before and unfortunately the mod, after a sleepless night, was unable to memorise it during that time so ‘Abd’ took advantage of it.
Another mod quickly drew attention to her mistake and of course she apologised to the person she triggered and was forgiven.)
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Unfortunately many screenshots - involving the sexual advances and the 'making fun of transgenders' are missing due to the default ban option of the server, but several eye witnesses were able to confirm them.
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There was a person pretending to be a transwoman to make fun of transpeople (The person was introducing themselves like: ‘Hello, I am a man, my pronouns are he/him, but I wish to be a woman’ It didn’t sound very genuine to the trans people on the server), people making up all sorts of triggers to make fun of people who have triggers, a person pretending to be a kin, and people, who were trying to spread paedophilic messages with spreading the news that ‘age is just a number’.
And in case people still believe it was an accident:
They deliberately threaten people and plan to hurt them, while making fun of their triggers.
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I’m truly lost for words…
For everyone who didn’t know: It is not your place to judge triggers and for the love of God, please don’t make fun of them.
You don’t know the history behind them. It’s good if you have none yourself, it really is, but it shouldn’t make you blind to another person’s suffering.
And you certainly shouldn’t encourage other people to “hunt” people with triggers “down” and “go to war” against them.
Also the owner of server is openly hostility against lgbtq + people - especially trans people - , PoC and antisemitic jokes are the norm there.
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They too use nationalist-socialist symbols as emojis in their servers, so people who are triggered by such symbols should be careful.
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“Jew Alert”
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Blaming one group for the action of singular people should us remind too much of darker parts in history.
I know people with the same experience, that doesnt mean they should actively seek out ot destroy the mental health of all trans people, because one of them hurt them.
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Let the submitted texts speak for themselves.
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And just in case if anybody believes those are fake:
As soon as Satan saw them, he pmed another person:
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Those screenshots are real. They are not fake, like he claims they are and he admits that making fun of trigger and trans people was part of his “troll introductions”.
And just in case anybody is wondering if there are truly toxic trolls on this server? This is a submission I got:
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When the original is:
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Im sorry.
What they did should speak for itself, but don't try to add lies here. Lies that are obviously having their origin in the server itself.
If you still believe the attacks on this blog didn't come from the server:
This is what Artillery posted as soon as he found this post.
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After this the attacks started [as you can see here], so don't tell me your server is not responsible and keep your NSFW implications out of a server with minors and away from this blog!
Also you being an immigrant has nothing to do with the fact, that your server is not safe for minors, lgtbq+ people - especially transpeople - people with trauma and poc.
Even if you claims are real - your and your friends prejudices against the other groups remain.
Satan apologised openly and promised to take better care of people mental health.
The emojis however will remain, though we have been told they have specific channels for offensive jokes.
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“In our discussions with the tumblr group, we realized that the situation was far more complicated than we realized. There is a a third party, not associated with us or the tumblr group, who is deliberately spreading false information with the presumed agenda of causing drama and conflict between us. With this in mind, we've agreed the best course of action is to mutually end the escalation of conflict and apologize for what occured. Following that, I want to again make clear that nobody should be going after the tumblr group, their discord server, or anywhere other online spaces. We don't know where the tumblr trolls came from, but we do not support them. Their statements were racist, antisemitic, and violent. What we did in their server was wrong and a mistake. 
I want to personally apologize to a few specific people for what happened. Their server got raided, and during all of it we did not take their mental health into account, causing a lot of people to have panic attacks. Their triggers were invalidated, and people were manipulated. There were also a lot of innapropriate and offensive statements involved. While many things happened without my knowledge, it spiraled out of control because of the initial server raid, and I want to offer my sincerest apologies for that, and for everything else.”
He lied. He doesn’t regret anything.
Do you remember how he claimed he never ordered an attack on anybody?
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Yes.... that was a lie.
He did plan to attack, though one member - the one they would later throw out of the admin team stopped him from attacking more people.
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It should have given us red flags they would ban the only member from the team who was actively against the bullying.
And as we see here they did attack the second time as soon as the opportunity arouse when Artillery were sending people after us after saying we should suck his d*.
So he didnt learn a thing. Please survivors stay save.
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tetsuwhore · 4 years
𝐀𝐫𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 (𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐨, 𝐎𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚, 𝐓𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚)
Description: Argument headcanons + how the boys react when you get especially upset during a fight
Pairings: Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader, Oikawa Tooru x Reader, Tsukishima Kei x Reader
Warning: arguments, yelling, mentions of insecurities
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when it comes to helping people, Kuroo’s method of encouragement can sometimes be a little…  aggressive. his approach is to agitate them, making them question their motivations and regroup their strategy to whatever problem they’re facing
(an example being his comment that irked Tsukishima during the Tokyo training arc)
while Kuroo is good at weaseling out a person’s motivators and insecurities, and then using that information to push them into doing better, he sometimes neglects considering that some people may not respond well to being provoked into action
this could potentially lead to arguments if this approach doesn’t work for you
irritated anger - Kuroo tries to remain calm and keep his voice steady. however, if the argument goes on for too long, he may start to feel like you two are running in circles. this is when he gets frustrated and snappy
when he realizes the extent of just how upset you are by his words, it’s like a wake up call. he never wants to be the reason you’re hurting, and will immediately shift to ‘comforting boyfriend’ mode
“is it okay if i hold you?”
always asks for permission before touching you. he realizes that some people don’t respond well to physical touch when upset, so he’ll understand if you decline his offer
if you accept, he’ll scoop you up and hold you in his arms for as long as you’ll allow him. he’ll whisper sweet nothings in your ear while gently caressing your hair and planting soft kisses on your forehead
putting aside who was at fault in the context of the actual argument, he will still 100% apologize for upsetting you with his words
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Oikawa has many, many insecurities that often cloud his mind, and as they built up over time, they led to him developing a persistent feeling of inferiority
like the incident with Kageyama, this can lead to him lashing out at people who have no true fault in the matter. this includes people closest to him, such as his s/o
explosive anger - he’s one to bottle his feelings up and wait until he’s on the brink of mental exhaustion to finally let them out. this means that his frustration bubbles rapidly, and it leads to him becoming quite loud during fights
even if you’re calm, he’ll end up raising his voice because in the heat of the moment, he justifies it as a valid way to get his point across 
if the argument turns sour enough that you start getting upset, it’ll likely take him a minute to process that he needs to cut the shit and regain composure for your sake
but if you cry? this boy will 100% start crying with you
unlike the other two, all thoughts about personal space fly out the window. he’ll immediately pull you into a warm hug and cling to you for hours afterward
when you two go to sleep, his hold on you will be tighter than usual - he needs reassurance that he hasn’t driven you away, and keeping you close does just that
“please, don’t let me push you away. i need you.”
Oikawa’s stubborn streak means that he has a hard time apologizing right away. still, the guilt will eat at him the longer he waits, and eventually, he’ll just suck it up and ask for your forgiveness
because ultimately, his relationship with you will take priority over his pride
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of course, with this salt boy, his comments can be a little grating and may lead to small fights if they happen to agitate some of your insecurities
but a common argument that likely to show up is when it comes to you offering him advice or attempting to help him with his problems
Tsukishima appears to be someone who upholds the philosophy that his problems are his own to deal with. therefore, he may not be very appreciative of interference from other people, even if he realizes that it’s coming from a good place
cold anger - he’ll spit out something about how you’re being a tad bit ‘presumptuous’ of his situation and ‘nagging’ him with advice that he didn’t ask for. his voice will be low, but the viciousness behind it can be very hurtful
if you start getting antsy, or worse, teary-eyed, he’ll know it’s time to cool down. Tsukishima won’t forget that he’s still annoyed with you, but he’ll realize that your mental-wellbeing takes priority over winning a petty argument
after fights, he usually prefers keeping a distance for a while so you two have some time to cool off. that way, you’ll be able to hold a more rational discussion about the issue when you guys have had the chance to calm down
but if he knows you’re already very upset, he’ll choose to remain close to you
“i’m not going anywhere. i’m here.”
Tsukishima won’t try to initiate any kind of immediate physical affection. instead, he’ll simply sit next to you, leaving enough space but still reassuring you that he’s there to listen
will quietly allow you to talk about what he said that upset you. he probably won’t apologize, at least not immediately. however, he will make a mental note of what you say and keep it in mind so he can avoid repeats of such incidents
after all has been said, you two will sit together in silence, reveling in the quiet comfort of each other’s presence
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mlm-mod-taka · 3 years
Can I have Byakuya jealousy hc x gn reader (why tf did I write it like I'm ordering food)
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JEALOUSY HCS • byakuya x gn reader
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haha, its alright! straight to the point asks are always good to receive /gen. i hope i did this okay, enjoy!
tws/cws: mentions of yandere and manipulation. (not towards you.)
|| -> mod taka <3
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he doesnt show it that much, but he does get jealous very easily. since its expected of him to be more calm and collected, he rarely expresses it.
there are times where you can tell that he's on his last nerve, its not obvious unless you know him well. but there are certain signs that will show if he's annoyed.
if he says more mean and witty remarks than usual, also glaring at the person with disgust in his eyes, then hes probably jealous. he can get away with being more mean since he's usually like that, but because youre with him it sticks out to you.
doesnt really try to find a reason to drag you away from them. he's byakuya togami, he can and will command you to come with him to the library while youre in the middle of a conversation with the other person.
if they even think about arguing back to him taking you away, think again. he'll immediately shoot down that idea in their head by insulting something that is very personal to them. while theyre trying to think of a response to his comment, he'll quickly rush you to the library.
would definitely run a background check on the person, he has the sources and connections for it, so why not? its partly because he wants to go confirm that theyre not dangerous to be around, and so he has some more material to belittle them with.
straight up just tells you to stop hanging out with them. if you refuse, then he'll be really salty. byakuya doesnt love it when people he cares for go against what he thinks is better for them, so he looks for a different solution. he doesnt want to force you to do something you dont like, so he'll do it for you.
will talk to the person in private, and "lightly" implies that he'll ban them from any establishment that the togamis have a share in, which is almost every big company in the world.
if they still wont back down, then he'll just stick to you until they get intimidated enough to keep their distance and know their place. byakuya will be by your side more than usual, and stare whenever they try to talk to you.
he doesnt want to be too controlling, so he lets you talk to them for a little, before scoffing and dragging you away when his patience for their flirtatiousness wears thinner.
knows how to manipulate people into giving in, he doesnt use this on you, of course, but he does use it on the people that are actively trying to take you away from him.
that sounds very yandere-ish, but he doesnt do so to people youre genuinely close with, only to those who think that they have the power to steal you.
will tell the person that they know something that could ruin their future, whether it be something as small as petty theft, or much larger, he knows all their secrets, and are ready to exploit them if they dont leave you alone.
actually does go through with the ban, so its really a snap to reality when they cant go to the big malls anymore because byakuya informed the staff of your appearance.
with byakuya constantly insulting them, the fact that they cant go to many of the big establishments anymore, and the pressure of him knowing their big secret, they will give up and distance themself from both of you.
when you notice and ask byakuya if he did anything to scare them off, he'll reject the idea and say that they mightve been too mentally weak when interacting with someone like him. while you do know that thats probably not the case, you ignore it, knowing that he wont budge.
he smiles to himself as he realizes his plan worked, and they werent bothering you at all anymore. he felt the relief of knowing that no one is trying to steal you from him, which made him feel great.
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