#there are other more important issues in the world
AITA for asking my friend to stop saying 'me too' whenever I'm talking about my problems?
My friend is someone I'm relatively close with and I know has anxiety that she struggles with, so I'm not saying she doesn't understand pain or issues. But every time I muster the courage to mention the trust issues that I have because my mom passed away when I was 10 and I just have this permanent fear of losing everyone, she's just like 'I know right, like I literally don't trust anyone. It's like a problem' And then proceeds to spill her guts to me for like an hour. Which is perfectly fine, I'm glad she trusts me, but she also does this whenever I'm talking about how I don't like to talk about my own emotions. Another trauma response honestly, since the last thing my parents needed when I was a kid was my stupid emotions and none of the other 2nd graders wanted hear about my dying mom so I learned not to talk about it. But she just treats it almost as a joke, an offhand remark about how much her life sucks. Like she talks about how she never sleeps and science homework is the worst thing in the world. I don't want to sound like I feel superior, but I feel like our world views are just different. It's rare that things bother me, since I feel like I just understand that there are more important things, and the way she compares her important things to mine just feels unnecessary. And all this really rubs me the wrong way. I find it very hard to be anyone but myself, and I don't want to ruin our friendship, but I also can't go on just pretending her actions don't bother me and make me clam up even more. So would I be the asshole if I tried to bring up my concerns with her?
(Btw, I only brought up the personal reasons behind my issues to give more context as to why I felt offended she was acting like our situations were one in the same, not to try and get you to pity me or anything. Please don't take that into account. I just know she talks to me about almost everything in her life, and none of it truly seems like it would cause many of the issues she claims to have but never really showcases. She could still have these issues, obviously, but she just really doesn't seem to and never brings it up unless I do first and then cuts me off to mention herself)
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fernlessbastard · 2 days
im the psychotic wilbur anon (forgot to note im paranoid schitzo and i see myself so much in him ANYWAYS) BUT CWILBUR BPD FOR THE WORLD. (< ALSO BPD.) hottest take is that him and quackity are bpd4bpd and a huge part of their relationship is a learning curve figuring out how to navigate communication with each other and each others splits and such. i also think that wilbur tends to black split on HIMSELF more often, and quackity tends to black split on OTHERS more often. i also think that wilbur white splitting on quackity would be a whole nother thing they have to deal with, with wilbur suddenly being like "you are literally god to me and the only person who loves and cares about and understands me you are the greatest human being alive please let me worship you i love you so much" and quackity just being like "woag dude" LIKE. also im so so so for real wilbur has so much paranoid schitzo swag i dont know how to explain that this man is fucking TEXTBOOK paranoia and he has so many paranoid anxiety habits that make me feel insane. i think he always makes sure to lock the door and check the lock like six times when he comes home and he cant sleep at night if hes alone in the house so he barely slept in paradise and didnt sleep right until he moved in with quackity, i think he has really severe paranoia about imposters and intruders and also barely slept and was constantly on high alert in pogtopia and he could only really sleep when quackity visited or if tommy or technoblade shared a mat with him, i think he also has delusions of grandeur that he has to deal with a lot and reality checking him can be really dangerous especially coupled with his bpd because he then SNAPS to black splitting on himself so hard he makes himself sick, ohhhh cwilbur my sickly man i adore you so sorry for being insane in your inbox
The first ask in question
(Ok so as a disclaimer obviously headcanons are personal and there's no wrong ones and you're valid for reading it this way)
With Wilbur I very much agree, but I don't see bpd in Quackity tbh. It more so looks like ADHD alongside shit like abandonment issues, being invalidated his entire life, being generally overworked and having no healthy outlet for his feelings, having trouble identifying said feelings in the first place, etc - all of which are very common in/characteristic of ADHD. I don't remember him ever splitting. His shitty love life makes sense with ADHD too - deficiency of dopamine makes it very easy to mistake the dopamine boost from "new person to talk to" for a crush (believe me). Hypersexuality is also common in ADHD, as well as emotional dysregulation, alexithymia (difficulty/inability to identify one's own emotions), overstimulation, shutdowns, etc, which can occasionally resemble splitting, but is very different, and works through exhaustion and frustration rather than delusions. Various types of paranoia as well as heightened irritability are also very common, especially when your senses are clouded by sensory/information/emotional overstimulation. And especially the splitting outwards part just doesn't sit right with me - maybe i missed a stream or sth but I haven't seen anything like that in him. Furthermore I'd actually say he generally points negative feelings/breakdowns etc inwards for the most part - and when ADHD is being pointed inwards it usually leads exactly to developing/heightening shit like paranoia, rejection sensitivity, hypersexuality, emotional dysregulation, alexithymia, etc. He can snap and isolate himself, but it's very different to splitting. ALSO - very important part - Quackity doesn't exhibit mania episodes. He occasionally exhibits the type of hyperactivity and excitement representative of ADHD, but it's never this state of delirium with feelings of grandeur, delusions, etc. Wilbur does exhibit mania episodes - pretty heavily at that - and the contrast makes it pretty apparent that Quackity's case is different.
THAT BEING SAID I don't have bpd, so for a perspective from someone who does, here's a rant from @octobre-ackedia: <<On so many levels, Quackity doesn't show bpd symptoms. Not all abandonment issues are borderline personality disorder. I don't think I need to say it, but bpd takes over the entire life of a person, it's not just trauma. And I don't really have much to elaborate on with the ask, mostly showing Wilbur's bpd traits but that's for an entirely different rant, and I need to chill out. Quackity doesn't black split on others. It was not shown a single time. He slowly loses trust in people, he builds walls, but that's not splitting. He doesn't start to irrationally hate everyone around himself, think that people are just cruel and bad, and more importantly don't care about him, suddenly becoming aggressive towards them. He backs off a little bit more with each disappointment in people around him, ending up not so much hating, as avoiding human relationships. And he doesn't have a favourite person, not even Slime who was just so perfectly there to be an example of that. Quackity learnt how to trust the guy, building a friendship, but never became truly "obsessed" with him. He grieved his death, tried to save him, but FFS, that's not a favourite person, that's how human relationships work (or more so, hybrid relationships haha). He doesn't get manic. You could say he becomes strongly confident, hypersexual or overworking himself, but the important part in it is the reasoning. He doesn't start believing he is some sort of a saviour for the world and can build a perfect country, or that he doesn't need anyone for that. He starts a project and might go overboard with it, but it's never this... aggressive as with bpd. With the 9 most visible symptoms, he has maybe 3 of them, which are all clear reactions to specific situations. Unstable relationships? Schlatt became an abuser, Karl and Sapnap abandoned him, he never really influenced any of that happening. The abandonment issues and feeling of emptiness are simple reactions to that trauma. His moves are calculated, he doesn't really show any mood swings, he has a quite clear image of himself, he doesn't experience any suicide ideation or shows extreme examples of self harm/putting himself in danger. And what about the part of splitting when he pushes people away after getting scared of becoming too close? He always stays, in the end. Even when he tried so hard not to get attached to Slime. Where's the white splitting? Where's anything, really. I still stand with the headcanon of them having to navigate a hard relationship, with both of them experiencing severe mental issues, but it's not bpd4bpd. Q is my depressed ADHD bitch, who struggles with trauma.>>
Also I'd say Wilbur's heavily autism coded too - as a bonus it does frequently "strengthen" bpd cause of the type of trauma autistic people experience. Q I see as very much ADHD but I also low-key hc him as somewhere on the spectrum too, though I'm not as heavily set on that
Tldr while Wilbur absolutely clearly has some severe mental issues, Quackity's seem (to me at least) to be more easily and consistently explainable by a combination of ADHD (maybe low support needs autism) and some (pretty damn severe (canonically - looking mainly at all the abandonment + sa hints)) trauma
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Ok I have a bit of a specific question about pacing. When Im writing, the story flows naturally enough but when im rereading it, it feels too choppy (?) Like, the scenes feel like they’re happening too fast one after the other, the sentences feel too disjointed. Ik i shouldn’t be too harsh on my first drafts, but I’m not entirely sure how to edit it either. Thanks so much, you’re blog is super helpful btw!! <33
(Not me rereading this ask to see if it’s badly paced XD)
Struggling with 1st Draft Pacing
Scenes happen one after the other... that's how scenes work. :) So, that in and of itself isn't an issue. But if you find every single one of your scenes are consistently long, short, or otherwise the same length, it might be an issue.
Ultimately, all that matters is that each scene does the work it needs to do. Scenes are sort of like mini stories. They should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. They should create or advance conflict/story elements, develop characters or setting/world, deliver important information such as back story or off-page events, or some combination of the above.
So, looking at each of your scenes, ask yourself the following questions:
-- What is the character trying to accomplish in this scene, and how does that move the story forward or give the reader critical information?
-- What is my goal for this scene as a writer? What do I want the reader to take away from this scene as they head into the next scene?
-- What is the central conflict of this scene? Or in other words, what are the opposing elements that create a question for the reader? (For example, which belief will the character choose to stick with? Who will win the argument or fight? Will the character get the thing they're after? What will the character do since a thing is being denied to them?)
-- What would happen if you removed this scene from the story? Would the plot still work? Would the reader still know what they need to know in order to understand the story?
Your answers to these questions will help you better understand whether or not the scene could be doing more, what more it could be doing, and maybe even whether or not the scene can be cut.
Once you make sure you're writing strong, necessary scenes that pull their weight in the story, you should find that your pacing improves. You may still end up needing to tweak the pacing (see: Exposition, Action, and Dialogue, and How to Pace Your Story; Slowing the Pace within a Chapter, and Pacing Feels Too Fast for more help.)
Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
♦ Questions that violate my ask policies will be deleted! ♦ Please see my master list of top posts before asking ♦ Learn more about WQA here
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ezekiel-krishna · 3 days
The Mysterious Realm of Saturn Dasha : Unlocking the Spiritual Lessons of Life 💎⛏️
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Based On Vedic Astrology Certified Astrologer
Greetings, fellow truth-seekers and explorers of self-discovery! 🙏 Today, I will be diving into a fascinating journey into the mystical realm of Saturn Dasha in Vedic astrology. This celestial cycle possesses the extraordinary power to revolutionize our lives in unimaginable ways, but only if we are willing to embrace its profound spiritual teachings. 🌠
Saturn, the mighty ruler of discipline and karma, takes center stage during this Dasha period. It is a time of trials, refinement, and spiritual evolution, where we confront challenges that push us beyond our limits. But fear not, my dear reader! Hidden within these trials are the seeds of our greatest victories. 🌱
The Saturn Dasha acts as a transformative fire, purging the impurities of our ego and our attachment to the material world. It is an opportunity to release the past, let go of our attachments, and fully embrace the present moment. By doing so, we open ourselves to the infinite possibilities that the universe holds. 🌌
Throughout this Dasha, we may encounter obstacles and setbacks, but they are not meant to discourage us. Instead, they serve as catalysts for growth, learning, and inner strength. Picture it as a spiritual bootcamp, pushing us to our limits so that we may emerge stronger and more resilient. 💪
Moreover, the Saturn Dasha confronts us with our deepest fears and insecurities. Yet, as we face these shadowy aspects of ourselves, we have the power to transform them into sources of strength and gain a profound understanding of both ourselves and the world around us. It is a time for introspection, self-reflection, and spiritual expansion. 🔮
One of the most remarkable aspects of the Saturn Dasha is its ability to awaken our spiritual potential. By relinquishing attachments and embracing the present moment, we open ourselves to the divine. In these moments, we may experience profound insights, heightened intuition, and a profound connection to the vast universe. 🌟
Now let's explore the areas you will be purifying during it's Dasha based on where your Saturn is placed in.
First House: You may lead to a serious and disciplined approach to life, yet it could also result in delays and obstacles when pursuing goals. This placement suggests a strong sense of responsibility and duty, along with a tendency to be overly critical of oneself and others.
Second House: There might bring limitations and challenges related to finances and material possessions. It could point towards the need to work diligently to build wealth and resources, as well as a tendency to be overly cautious with money.
Third House: Here there could be challenges in communication and relationships with siblings and neighbors. This placement may indicate a tendency to be overly critical and disciplined in these areas, while also highlighting a strong sense of responsibility and duty.
Fourth House: Obstacles in the realm of home and family life. It could suggest a need to address emotional issues and family dynamics, as well as a tendency to be overly critical of oneself and others in these aspects.
Fifth House: Difficulties in terms of creativity, romance, and self-expression. This placement may indicate a need to enhance creative skills and self-confidence, along with a tendency to be overly critical of oneself and others in these areas.
Sixth House: Problems in day to day areas of work and health issues. It could suggest the importance of hard work and discipline in one's career, as well as a tendency to be overly critical of oneself and others in these domains.
Seventh House: Challenges in relationships and partnerships. This placement may indicate the need to focus on communication and compromise in relationships, as well as a tendency to be overly critical of oneself and others in these areas.
Eighth House: Difficulties in transformation and spiritual growth. This placement suggests a need to confront fears and insecurities, while also being mindful of being overly critical towards oneself and others in these areas.
Ninth House: Challenges in the domain of expansion and higher education. It signifies the importance of working on one's beliefs and values, while also being cautious of being overly critical towards oneself and others in these aspects.
Tenth House: Challenges in the realm of career and public reputation. It emphasizes the need for hard work and discipline in one's professional life, while also reminding us to avoid being overly critical towards ourselves and others in these areas.
Eleventh House: Challenges in the realm of friendships and group affiliations. This placement highlights the significance of building strong and meaningful relationships with others, while also reminding us to be mindful of being overly critical towards ourselves and others in these aspects. Additionally, also bring limitations and challenges in the pursuit of aspirations and goals, urging us to be more realistic and practical in our expectations.
Twelfth House: Challenges in the realm of spiritual growth and self-undoing. It signifies the need to confront our own shadow and unconscious patterns, while also reminding us to avoid being overly critical towards ourselves and others in these areas. Furthermore, also bring limitations and challenges in the realm of isolation and secrecy, urging us to be more open and honest with ourselves and others, while being mindful of being overly critical.
Here are some valuable tips to help you along the way:
1️⃣ Embrace the power of now and release the grip of the past. The Saturn Dasha encourages us to live in the present moment, so let go of any attachments to the past and focus on the here and now.
2️⃣ Open your heart and mind to spiritual growth and transformation. The Saturn Dasha is a time of awakening, so be open to new experiences and perspectives that can enrich your spiritual journey.
3️⃣ Confront your fears and insecurities head-on. During the Saturn Dasha, it's important to take a deep dive into self-reflection and introspection. Don't shy away from facing your shadow aspects and embracing personal growth.
4️⃣ Cultivate discipline and self-control. The Saturn Dasha invites us to refine our minds and bodies, so practice self-discipline and control to harness its transformative energy.
5️⃣ Seek guidance from a knowledgeable Vedic astrologer. They can offer personalized advice and support to help you navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities that the Saturn Dasha presents.
Again, it's important to note that the effects of Saturn in different houses can vary depending on the individual's birth chart and life circumstances. Only through Personalized Insights and Guidance based on the individual's Specific Chart and Situation can the effects can be known particularly. For Paid Personalized Analysis & Reviews ➤ Check Here Masterlist ➤ Check Here
In conclusion, the Saturn Dasha is a profound and life-altering period. It offers us a chance for spiritual growth, self-discovery, and transformation. By embracing its challenges and opportunities, we can emerge stronger, wiser, and more spiritually awakened.
So, my dear readers, let us embark on this mysterious journey of the Saturn Dasha with an open heart, an open mind, and a thirst for knowledge. The universe holds countless secrets, and the Saturn Dasha is just one of the many keys that can unlock its wisdom.
Remember, Saturn Dasha is not something to fear, but rather an opportunity to let go of attachments, transcend our ego, and embrace the present moment. It's a time to connect with the divine, discover our true purpose, and live a life filled with meaning, joy, and fulfillment.
So, let us embrace the Saturn Dasha with open arms, and let us see where this journey takes us. For within the mysterious realm of the Saturn Dasha, we may just find the answers to all of our deepest questions and desires. 🌠💖
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d3adlyromb3ar · 1 day
✰ sinking lily pads
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— synopsis. he thrived in the sorcerer world, she was forced into it. how could two people that strayed so differently from each other become so close?
— pairing. gojo x oc!fem!reader (main), toji fushiguro x oc!fem!reader
— word count. 4k
— contents. heavy child abuse, torture, neglect, abandonment, angsty asf, injuries, blood/gore, depressing thoughts, suicidal ideation, dissociation, ptsd, mentions of death, jjk violence/fighting
— notes. italics are flashbacks 🤍
series masterlist | previous chapter
✰ chapter three. no point in forgetting
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June 10th, 1999
The wood traced her exposed back, the end trailing down her spine. Her hands gripped the bars tightly in front of her— palms squeezing the cold metal so tightly it threatened to burst.
I know it’s in there somewhere.
The bad man had said. Tsking in disappointment as she had failed yet again in perfecting her rising technique.
She had just discovered the mere sensation and instincts of something new— yet the bad man had demanded she perfected the ability. It seemed unfair, but she also knew that she failed.
Again and again the bad man forced her to focus and tried desperately to pull the technique out of her. Unbeknownst to him, it just didn’t work that way.
Quit holding back, it’s only gonna make things worse for you girl.
The bad man would taunt, every threat causing goosebumps to cover her flesh.
It didn’t matter. No amount of screaming, training or torture would bring it out. But in the man’s eyes, she failed— and she deserved to be punished.
The wood leaving her skin brought her back to reality, remembering her position and how badly she wished to escape from this situation.
“How many hours of failure today?” The bad man spit, his eyes glaring into the untouched skin of her back.
She forced her lip to stop quivering, needing herself to answer strongly.
“14.” She whispered, voice still weak.
The man leaned down and swept her hair off her neck, his lips dangerously close to her ear as he hissed his next words.
“Then that’s how many you’ll get.”
The words were enough to bring tears to her eyes, shivering in disgust as his voice almost sounded excited to inflict such damage. She couldn’t find it in herself to be ashamed of her state, she wailed and screamed— but not once did she let go of the bars. Staying completely still.
She felt his presence leave her, and knew that the little shuffling sounds indicated he was pulling back the stake. Her body could only tense up as she prepared herself for hell.
“I’m very disappointed in you Miss Dair.”
✩ ‧₊˚ ✩。✩ ‧₊˚ ✩。✩ ‧₊˚ ✩。✩ ‧₊˚ ✩。
“I’m very disappointed in you Miss Dair.”
Yaga’s voice boomed. Although he was speaking at a normal frequency— she couldn’t help but wince as the words rolled out.
“I thought I could count on you to be honest with me. With your classmates…” He paused and looked at her more intensely, “With your friends.”
Moon narrowed her gaze slightly at him, knowing he was trying to get some kind of reaction— but she had none. She knew he had the right to be upset, as she was upset with herself just as equally.
“It’s important you inform me of details so severe as your life. You do realize not to take your 9 lives for granted, yes?” He questioned, more like interrogated.
Moon’s eye twitched.
“Yes sir, I understand.” She replied almost robotically.
Yaga wasn’t have any of it though.
“No, you don’t understand. That’s the issue I’ve realized,” He stated bluntly, “You don’t value your life, and it saddens me.”
Moon’s jaw dropped and she went silent for a few moments. Watching Yaga lean back in his seat and cross his arms.
It was her turn to lean forward.
“Principal Yaga, I do value my lif—”
“We can cut the bullshit.” He interrupted harshly. “Really Miss Dair? Do I look like someone you should lie to right now?”
Moon clenched her jaw, her nose burning with a familiar sensation that tears were threatening to come.
“With all due respect sir, I didn’t intend on dying. It was a mistake and it won’t happen again.” She voiced lowly, not even believing herself.
Yaga scoffed and shook his head, but he wasn’t trying to seem rude. He was worried deep down and extremely disappointed in this change in his student.
His silence gave Moon time to overthink, and she couldn’t stop herself from speaking.
“Do you… do you think I meant to die?” She asked, wondering just what it was he was thinking.
Yaga adjusted his glasses, before leaning his elbows on his knees.
“I don’t think you did, I just think you don’t care that you did.” He told her.
She found herself stuck in a tough spot. Her body wanted to escape, to run away and hide from the truth that was being spat at her. Another part of her realized just how right Principal Yaga was.
The principal watched as Moon was left speechless, fiddling with her fingers in her lap anxiously— as she couldn’t come up with anything.
It only saddened him more. A part of him wishing that it wasn’t the case.
“What’s going on?” He asked her, his voice softer than earlier.
Moon didn’t know why she felt like she could talk openly with him. It wasn’t like her to express herself— at least not anymore. Although, it was hard to forget what Yaga had done for her, and maybe that’s what forced her to talk to him.
Yaga had saved her from the horrid clutches of the Zenin Clan, to which now she felt like she owed it to Yaga to at the very least— talk with him. He deserved that, and of course so much more.
Moon took a deep breath, tucking a fallen strand of hair behind her ear.
“I never asked for this life.” She whispered, just barely loud enough for him to hear.
But he did.
“I know you didn’t.” He agreed gently.
“So you understand.” She assumed.
“Understand what? That getting yourself killed is supposed to be okay?” He spoke, voice rising but still trying to remain calm.
Moon sighed, throwing her hands up in frustration.
“No— I…” She trailed off, “You know what… forget it.” She had more words to say but held herself back from voicing them.
Yaga narrowed his eyes.
“Moon,” The principal started, grabbing her attention seeing as he rarely called her by her first name. “I know you’ve been through a lot, and whether or not you ever fully open up to me about what exactly they did to you. I know they hurt you. In ways I’ll probably never understand.”
The burning sensation within her nose grew stronger from his words.
“But everything they did to you, everything that happened— you deserve to live a happy life.” He told her, wishing so badly that she could believe the words he said tonight.
“You’ve told me this before.” She whispered, her gaze focused on the floor.
“Because it’s true, and I need you to believe it.” He pushed, his voice softer again.
She shook her head, her vision blurry with tears— but she’d be damned to let them fall.
“Life has been cruel to you, but it doesn’t have to be anymore.” He told her, “I want you to live and be happy, because it’s what you deserve.”
She stood up from her spot and turned away from him, not walking away— but she couldn’t allow him to see the tear that managed to slip down her cheek. She wiped it away, before facing him again. This time she stayed standing.
“It’s difficult to live a happy life when I’m stuck doing something I don’t want to do.” She spoke carefully, turning defensive from his kind words.
“You’ve never been forced to do anything here.” He stated calmly.
“Then let me leave.” She argued.
“No ones stopping you.”
She felt her tongue become led in her mouth, swallowing as yet again— she was left speechless. It was cruel in a way that Yaga was always right, and he was.
Not once was Moon ever forced to go to school here. Not once was she forced to fight, to spar, to train. Not once was she forced to exorcize curses— it was all her choice. Yaga made sure of that.
He also knew that deep down under that facade of the girl she presented, the one who wishes to run away— to hide. He knew she was still a good person, someone who couldn’t walk away from the opportunity to help people. To save people.
He knew she was more at a battle with herself than anyone else.
“If that’s all sir, I’d like to be excused.” She muttered quietly, clearly finished with the conversation.
He let out a breath, knowing it wouldn’t be that easy to convince her of all he said today.
“One more thing and then you may leave.” He stated and she looked up to him, “There is an upcoming mission, one where you will work with your classmates. It’s important and I suggest you screw your head on straight before you take it on.”
She nodded in understanding.
“More information about said mission will be provided tomorrow. I suggest you relax today, get lots of rest.” He recommended sternly.
Something about his words made it sound like she was going to need her rest for this mission. At that, she became intrigued with what this mission was exactly. Time would tell.
“You can leave now.” He said lastly, his attention back in front of him.
Moon bowed her head lazily, making her way out of the room. She had a lot of thinking to do— a lot of reflecting. Yaga’s words weren’t said to deaf ears, and now they swirled around her mind.
I want you to live and be happy, because it’s what you deserve.
Those words specifically echoed throughout her head, the kind sentence causing her to scoff.
What did I deserve?
She wondered bitterly.
The school grounds were quiet and calm today. Usually the ambience of people wandering about, the different conversations being held— it was comforting. But the silence wasn’t unwelcome, and it seemed rather peaceful.
The dark haired girl made her way down the steps of the school, when a familiar voice caught her attention.
“Well well, look who it is.” The white haired sorcerer acknowledged from his spot under a tree— relaxing in the shade.
Moon glanced at Shoko and Geto to his right before meeting his eyes through his glasses.
“Hope we weren’t missing out on important information about our upcoming mission just now.” Geto teased.
Moon wished to of gone back to her room to rest, but couldn’t think of an excuse to leave them now that they spotted her. Plus, she wanted to see them.
She shook her head, walking over to the trio.
“Nah, just Yaga being… well… himself.” She mumbled.
Geto snorted, always finding Moon and the Principal’s relationship silly. He knew that Yaga had taken you in when you were young, but he didn’t know any further than that.
“Don’t disrespect the man.” Gojo commented.
Moon turned towards him, giving him a glare. Shoko chuckled at her reaction, her cigarette resting in between her fingers as she observed her friends.
“C’mon Satoru, be nice.” Shoko warned.
Gojo looked around dramatically, lifting his hands up in the air. The whole act only causing Moon to roll her eyes, even though deep down her lips threatened to curve.
“I didn’t even do anything!” He whined before locking eyes with Moon. “Right Nines, y’know I was just joking if anything.”
Even though she told him not to use that nickname anymore, she couldn’t find it in herself to care at the moment.
“It’s fine.” She shrugged, taking a seat next to Geto.
Furthest away from Gojo, causing him to pout slightly. Unnoticed by everyone.
“So what do you think this big mission Yaga keeps mentioning is about?” Geto wondered.
Gojo sighed loudly, gaining everyone’s attention. Typical.
“Who knows, probably a small job.” He assumed.
“You think so?” Geto asked, and only received a shrug back.
Moon let her classmates voices turn into background noise as she got lost in her thoughts. She knew better than to be hanging around them, trying to steer clear of getting close with anyone. But every interaction, even the tiny ones that led up to this point— she clenched her jaw in defeat. Whether or not she wanted to believe it or not— she had already created bonds with these people.
She only felt one thing for herself: disappointment.
“…right Moon?” Geto’s voice suddenly registered.
She glanced to the three who were now staring at her, clearly waiting for her answer. It was evident that she hadn’t heard a thing they said.
“What’d you say?” She asked, a little embarrassed.
“I said given the choice pairing up with me or Satoru for the mission, you’d pick me right?” He asked again, a grin on his face.
Despite his concerns for his friends behavior.
Moon scoffed but had a playful grin.
“Oh yeah, no question.” She played along.
Gojo pushed his glasses back up to cover his eyes completely, rolling his eyes behind the black lenses.
Moon smiled wider at his reaction, lowering her gaze to the grass. Missing the way Gojo was staring at her lips.
It was easier to pretend nothing was wrong sometimes, these lighthearted moments almost convincing her to quit her efforts to keep them away completely.
Your friends worry about you. Yaga’s words from a previous conversation, echoed through her head.
It wouldn’t be wise to head into a mission with everyone’s heads in the wrong spot. Maybe she needed to do her part, and reassure the ones she was surrounded by. It wouldn’t matter if she didn’t believe any of the words she said— she just needed them to believe it.
“Hey,” She nudged Gojo’s leg with her foot, “Take a walk with me?”
His head had leaned forward again, allowing his blue eyes to peak over the tops of his shades. He studied your expression, making out one thing quickly— genuine.
“Sure Nines.”
The two promised to come back to Shoko and Geto.
As soon as they made it far enough, where soon it was just them two secluded— Gojo was the first to speak.
“Gotta say I’m a little surprised.”
Moon turned her head towards him, confusion washing over her features.
“Surprised?” She asked.
“Well yeah, you’re actually talking to me. Correction— you’re talking to me first. Without me starting the conversation, like I always do.”
“Okay, I get it.” She stopped him, the corners of her mouth turning up.
“So what’s with the sudden change— ya know not that I’m complaining or anything. Just curious.”
Moon walked with even steps, keeping up with his larger strides as they traveled deeper into the woods.
“Well, I needed to apologize to you.” She uttered quietly.
Gojo tilted his head slightly, confusion washing over his features this time. He kept his gaze on his feet in front of him.
“Apologize for what?”
Moon swallowed, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear nervously. Or was it guilt?
“I’ve come to realize that I’ve been making you… unfocused.” She was careful with her wording. “I’m sorry for any stress I’ve been causing you, as for the others as well.”
Gojo stopped walking, causing her to stop and turn towards him as well. He didn’t know why her apology was ticking him off. Mainly because he didn’t see a good reason why she was apologizing in the first place.
“Making me unfocused?” He asked carefully, making sure he heard that right.
She nodded shamefully, the action making Gojo’s cheekbone twitch in irritation.
“Nines, you do realize that you shouldn’t be apologizing to me right now.” He surprised her.
“Wha— why not?”
“Because you just shouldn’t be.” He argued.
She was silent for a moment, gazing deeply into his shades— desperate to see his eyes. Knowing that it was the only way to depict how he was truly feeling.
“You have been so stressed out lately.”
“Yeah but that has nothing to do with you.” He lied.
Yes he was stressed, and yes maybe you were in a way the cause of it— but only because he worried about you too much.
“Listen Nines,” He took his glasses off, looking down to lock eyes with hers. “Anything that’s going on with me, isn’t your fault. So don’t start beating yourself up.”
“How can I not? With the mission coming up, I don’t need you to be distracted— and getting hurt because of it.”
He smirked slightly, unable to control himself.
“Weird, for a second there— it kinda sounded like you cared about me.”
Moon rolled her eyes.
“I’m serious Gojo.”
“And I’m serious Moon, you shouldn’t be apologizing.” He tried to convince her. “Plus, I’m not unfocused… if it’s anything, I’m just worried about you.”
She knew he was, but it was completely different hearing himself say those words.
“You don’t need to be worried about me, I’m fine.”
“That’s just the thing you don’t understand Nines,” He trailed off, taking a few steps closer to her. “I’m always gonna worry about you.”
His words had her shuttering, her chest warm with an unfamiliar sensation. She couldn’t confirm whether she enjoyed the feeling or felt indifferent about it.
He stepped closer again, and had to think of his words for a moment as the view from his perspective of her— distracted him. Her eyes were round and slightly glossy as she gazed up at him.
“Why wouldn’t I? You’re important to me.”
She felt her chest tighten slightly, one of her hands lying over her heart. This wasn’t what she was hoping would come of this conversation. But she also knew that these talks were almost inevitable.
“Don’t seem so shocked. You know that I care about you.” He added, her silence irritating him.
She swallowed, needing a moment to clear her head.
“You shouldn’t. You need to focus on the mission.” Was all she came up with.
“I can do both. I’m a great multitasker.”
She huffed and let her eyes drop to the grass, focusing on the grass blades instead of his intense blue eyes— she found it hard to focus when she gazed into them.
“This is pointless…” She muttered under her breath, which Gojo didn’t miss.
“I’m serious, this isn’t some kind of game—”
“I am serious Moon,” He repeated himself, growing agitated, “God, why is it so hard for you to understand that people care about you?”
She could only stare at him, coming up with nothing to say. She really found it hard to believe people cared about her. 
“I know I’m not the best at expressing emotions, but fuck— I hope that at least my friends can see that I care.” He huffed, turning away from her. 
She felt bad for making him frustrated, that wasn’t her intention— it never was. It seemed she was always causing him to be though. 
“You’re fine Gojo, I’m sorry. I don— I didn’t mean to make it sound like that.”
He turned back towards her, gazing into her eyes and taking in her shameful expression. 
“Why is it so hard for you to understand that people care about you?” He asked again.
She swayed in her spot and debated whether she should cloak and run away— it was always the first thing that came to mind when she was put in these situations. Although, she couldn’t bring herself to leave him. Not when he sported this kicked puppy look— it had her feeling all that more guilty. 
“Moon.” He got her attention again, watching as she spaced out. He walked closer to her until there was a little space in between them. It had her craning her neck up to meet his eyes bravely. “Why?”
“I don’t know…” She whispered, her eyes dancing just below his eyes to watch the muscle in his cheek flex. “There’s something wrong with me.”
His gaze softened as he found her telling the truth. 
“There’s nothing wrong with you Nines.” He started and thought about the line he was dancing on, “You just need to be nicer to yourself.”
She scoffed and lowered her head, her stare on his shoes. 
“It’s not that I… I just feel like I don’t work right. Like… I don’t know.” She tried to explain, but grew frustrated when she couldn’t voice what she wanted. 
She felt slender fingers grab her chin gently, and tilted her head up so that she was looking back into his eyes. She couldn’t ignore the flipping sensation in her stomach from the gesture. 
“You’re not broken like some toy, Moon.” He tried to tell her.
“Maybe not physically but, it just feels like that. Like everything I went through with the Zenin Clan…” She rambled on, catching herself before she could say anymore. 
Gojo knew she was saved from the Zenin’s clutches— but he didn’t know of the details. Nobody did. The only person who knew a little more was Yaga, but even then he didn’t know everything. She had never uttered a word to anyone of her experience. 
“It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me.” He reassured her, noticing her nervous look. “But you can if you want.” 
She gazed into his eyes and found herself reliving the same exact sensation she got the very first time Gojo tried to… kiss her. She didn’t know why she felt it— especially when he wasn’t showing any signs of leaning closer to her. It was after a couple seconds stuck in her thoughts, when she realized she was the one who was moving towards him. 
She stopped herself instantly, swallowing harshly when she still felt his fingers on her chin. 
“I know deep down that people care about me. It’s just hard to truly understand that.” She answered his question, not going into her past. 
He let go of her chin, letting his hand slide down her arm as he grabbed her hand. 
When was he this touchy? She wondered. 
She didn’t stop him, or pull away as she let herself enjoy the comfort his touch brought. She’d usually stand a little farther away than necessary— keep her distance. But she was starved and let herself have this moment— this sliver of affection. If that’s what it was. 
“So deep down, you understand that I care about you right?” He asked, his eyes glancing back from one to the other. 
She’d never seen him look so— desperate. 
The question circled within her. Yes, she knew he cared. But no matter how much convincing to herself— she’d always have that doubt in the back of her mind. The one the Zenin’s damaged to a pulp. 
“Yeah, I do.” She told him, the words feeling bitter coming off her tongue. 
She watched his shoulders sag with a huge breath he had been holding in, and she didn’t know why the little act had her heart hurting. The fact that even in this gentle moment— she was still causing him pain. 
“Good.” Was all he found himself saying. 
He wasn’t sure if this version of his Moon would stick around— whether or not she would revert back to her isolated self. But he would appreciate her in any form she presented herself in— he was learning quickly that his sorcerer friend was right. 
Our Moon is very much there.
Geto’s words finally made sense as he realized that maybe things wouldn’t go back to the way they were— but he still had her. That was enough for him, and he’d stick by her until the end. Now only if he could voice those words to her. One day. 
He smiled at her and let go of her hand, despite him not wanting to— he didn’t want to overstep. 
“Come on, let's head back.” He told her, starting to walk back to Shoko and Geto.
Moon followed after him, her shoulders feeling a bit lighter— her mind feeling a little more at ease. She wondered why the sudden change in how she was feeling— but couldn’t care enough to complain. Her feet moved quickly, keeping up with his long strides. All while there was a small smile on her lips. 
Maybe things weren’t so bad after all. 
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— ending notes. pls lmk what you think of this series so far, feedback always appreciated 🤍
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cazzyf1 · 2 days
Peter Collins Lore ✨️
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Thought Peter's dad ran a garage that allowed Peter access into motorsports, and supported him with him, Peter would not get along with his dad often. Peter's dad was known to be quite rude and did not approve of Peter's marriage to Louise Collins.
Peter and Louise met once at a gathering but didn't think much of it. A few years later Stirling Moss invited Peter to a party where Louise Collins was going to be and when they saw each other it was love at first sight. A week later they were married.
Louise felt like she had to be at every one of Peter's races because she worried if she was not at one he could get hurt.
Peter loved the sea and swimming, and him and Louise brought a boat called "Mipooka" which they would travel to different GP's on, other drivers like Mike Hawthorn would join them on their travels.
Peter Collins became very close to Enzo Ferrari's dying son, Dino Ferrari, and he works often visit Dino in hospital. Dino woule get Peter to go to the cinema and watch films so he could come back and recount the film to Dino.
When Dino passed away, the next race in France Peter wore a black arm band in honour of Dino. He won that race.
After Dino's death Enzo Ferrari saw Peter Collins like a son, because he appreciated Peter's friendship with Dino. He insisted Peter move into an apartment near Enzo's house and Peter would wake up at times to find Enzo in the apartment folding his clothes and making him breakfast.
It's believed that Enzo did not like it when Peter married Louise as he felt that Louise was a distraction and that Peter spent more time away from the apartment. Louise insisted this was never the case though and Enzo and his wife were always very nice.
One time Enzo got very mad at Peter when during a race he felt that Peter purposely crashed a car to not race and get home early with Mike Hawthorn. So next race Enzo took away his f1 seat and demoted him to f2. Mike Hawthorn said he would not drive if Peter couldn't drive and when Peter did extremely well in f2 to prove a point he was given his seat back again.
In 1956 Peters teammate was Fangio. Peter was in the running to become world champion that year, Brittan's first, however when he came into the pit and found that Fangio's car was broken he jumped out and gave his car to Fangio, insisting that he had more years to win the championship and it was only right for Fangio to have the car.
In 1957 when Fangio left Ferrari, Peter Collins would have been #1 driver for the team but instead he went and told Mike Hawthorn who needed a drive to contact Ferrari as there was going to be a free seat, and because Mike was more experienced he became #1 driver (though Enzo always said that there was never rankings)
In the Ferrari film, Peter Collins is featured a lot and they even recreate a famous photo of Enzo and Peter within the film.
Peter loved solving puzzles and Mike wrote in his book the day he died Peter was really happy to have solved a metal puzzle he was working on.
A woman claimed that Peter had promised to marry her when he suddenly married Louise Collins but he insisted that was not the case.
He lived in France for a while to avoid the conscription for the British army. Though Mike Hawthorn was critisied heavily for not doing it (though he had a valid reason) people seemed to forget about Peter Collins.
Peter knew about Mike Hawthorn's kidney issue and knew that Mike would not be able to race another season in F1 as he was becoming too ill, so he was likely determined to try and help Mike win the world championship even though he could have won in 1958 as well.
Peter and Louise brought a house right before he passed away, it was likely he was thinking of retiring from F1 soon.
While racing Mike and Peter would have fun constantly letting the other one pass, it was like a game to them.
He was the governor of a local school and very involved with it. Even though he didn't like school himself he felt it important to encourage children to do well.
Enzo Ferrari said he would go with Louise to the next GP race, breaking his rule of never going to the actual races. However while she went, he never turned up.
Post on lore about Mike Hawthorn and Peter Collins friendship coming soon
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moongothic · 3 months
So I'm confused about something. There was a cover story about Ms Goldenweek and other Baroque works agents breaking Crocodile out of prison but he just. Told them no? And stayed there with Mr 1 and Mr 2? I don't get why he wanted to go to Impel Down just to break out when he had the chance
I can't tell you 100% why Crocodile chose to stay in prison and go to Impel Down, but my best guess really is that he was just...
Taking the L with grace
More specifically. Crocodile had lost everything. I think deep inside he might've been literally too depressed to want to go free again.
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Like he does literally say that. He gave up.
He had been building his reputation as "the Hero of Alabasta" for at least 10 years at this point. He had built not just a criminal organization that he had been running for four years, but also he had been running legal business stuff (like his casino) for probably longer than that. A decade's worth of work and effort to take over a country, and most importantly, get away with it. The reason he had orchestrated that whole rebellion was so that the rebels and the royal family could "take each other out", leaving the country wide open for a World Government Official such as himself to take up. The reason Baroque Works was doing this all in secret was so that the WG never found out, otherwise they wouldn't have let him have Alabasta.
But indeed, his plans were foiled by a kid in flipflops in less than 24 hours, just at the final moment before Crocodile would win. He lost everything. And the World Government found out about what he had been planning.
So even if he escaped from that prison with his former agents, what was he going to do?
He wouldn't be able to take over Alabasta anymore because he did not have manpower (as he had lost all his goons), and having lost his financial empire he wouldn't be able to build a new army any time soon. And even if he did, now that they knew what he had done the people of Alabasta would not accept him as their new king, even if he personally assasinated Cobra and the entire family. Not to mention, the WG finding out about his plans meant that they had every fucking reason to try and stop Crocodile if he did as much as set foot on that island again. By which I mean, they could launch a Buster Call on his ass. Send all the fucking Admirals after him. And so, even if Crocodile still believed Pluton was somewhere in Alabasta and that he just had to comb through the entire desert to find it... Between the Alabastan people and the WG in the way, finding Pluton would not be easy. Especially when Robin wouldn't even be there to just point him directly to it. It could take years, if not decades, while fighting off the WG by himself. And that's while assuming Pluton was somewhere in Alabasta. Like WE the readers now know Pluton is in Wano, but since Robin didn't tell him that. All Robin said was that the Poneglyph "didn't mention the weapon", and Cobra's reaction to the name merely proved the weapon's existence in Crocodile's mind. But surely, because Crocodile is a smart young man, he'd understand there was a risk that Pluton could exist, but just not be in Alabasta, right? Like that would be a possibility too, right?
I think this is why Crocodile has given up on Alabasta. He had one opportunity at seizing the country, and he failed. And without Robin, he could spend the rest of his life combing through a haystack for a needle when there's no needle, and he'd have no idea. I think is why he explicitly says in Impel Down he no longer has "interest in that country". He won't be able to pull off another stunt like this, ever.
And that leads us back to "why not escape earlier and avoid going to Impel Down to begin with". Thanks to his status as a Shichibukai, Crocodile hasn't been on the run from the WG for like two decades. And the past 10 or so years he has seemingly lived a life of luxury in his funny little casino. But now, having lost everything, he'd be back on the run. And because he's a world famous former "hero of the people", there would be nowhere he'd be able to go where people would not recognize him and send the marines after him. So he'd be on the run, for the rest of his life or until he'd get capture again. And mind you, the guy does not trust anyone, so he'd be on the run alone. Without any purpose or goal.
And you might be thinking, "Daz and the rest of BW was still there!", yeah, arguably true. But at this point Crocodile had no reason to trust any of them. Like personally, I think the reason Crocodile ended up taking a liking to Daz was BECAUSE he chose to follow him to Impel Down when he really did not have to. Like Daz showed an unusual level of loyalty to Crocodile, and I think Crocodile recognized that. That's why Daz is still with Croc, post-timeskip. But Miss Goldenweek and co? Crocodile had no reason to believe they wouldn't betray him if given a chance and a reason. And if the WG would come chasing his ass, they'd have plenty of reason to try and betray Croc (handing Crocodile over to spare their own lives). Not to mention, when they come release their former boss from jail, what did Miss Goldenweek say?
"Let's do Baroque Works again"
As I've already explained in detail, I think we might know why Crocodile wasn't interested in being Baroque Works' "boss" again.
So. Yeah. If in Crocodile's mind he'd be on the run from the Government for the first time in two decades all alone, in a situation where rebuilding what he had before would be bloody hard if not downright impossible, and he wouldn't be able to obtain what he had spent the last decade working for regardless...
Taking the L and just going to prison might've been the easier option
#Moon posting#Asks#OP Meta#Sir Crocodile#Long post#Mind you Crocodile only *left* jail because he saw AN AMAZING OPPORTUNITY for petty revenge#Like had it not been for that war bringing Whitebeard out he probably would not have bothered to try and fight WB again#Otherwise he could've just escaped prison with Goldenweek and co and travelled to the New World to fight the old man right away#((Also theoretically Crocodile might've been slightly suicidal with the ''taking WB's head'' thing))#Also worth noting that Crocodile choosing to stay in prison could've had two other purposes re:the former agents#It could've been a test of loyalty (to see if anyone would stay with him or would they all abandon him)#Which could be important to Mr Trust Issues (and to be fair he did find at least one loyal subordinate in Daz)#((Like if they had all told Croc they'd stay with him...... Who knows. Maybe he might've chosen to escape after all?))#Other option: Crocodile escaping with them would mean the agents would be in much more danger than they'd be without him#Like the WG wouldn't send tons of marines after the individual agents if they all scattered to the winds#But if they all stuck together they'd become a bigger target. And even more so if Crocodile was there to lead them#And like. IDK if Crocodile was willing to leave out Goldenweek from the assassination order and spare her... Maybe this was the same#Maybe he wanted to spare Goldenweek (and the rest?) from being put into danger by going with them?#I dunno man this reptile has far too many layers to him I can't tell what's going on in his head
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BBC Merlin is a tragedy in that Merlin's choices that were all to save Arthur's life led to Arthur's death, but that doesn't mean it was all for nothing!! The events across their 10 years together led to a new world order which eventually brought about everything they had worked towards!! PLUS THEIR RELATIONSHIP BROUGHT JOY AND MEANING TO BOTH OF THEIR LIVES!! That means something!! GUYS!! listen guys that MEANS SOMETHING!!
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quaranmine · 29 days
random firewatch au detail that has basically no impact on the story unless you want to psychoanalyze fw!grian even further than i did as the author, but it's very intentional that i always refer to both of mumbo's parents but only grian's mom. did i give him daddy issues? i guess so, but not in a way where i really deeply examined the implications as meaningful to the story. it was just a detail i stuck with from the beginning as a way to keep fleshing out the story's background subtly. the idea behind grian's dual citizenship was always that he was born in america to an american dad and british mom, and that his mom moved back to the UK when he was very young since she wanted to be closer to her family. perhaps his dad didn't go with them? or perhaps his dad did, and then later they split and he went back to america? whatever the cause, grian never even mentions his dad in the story, and it wasn't because i intended him to be dead (because that would have come up in a story about grief) if you get me
#i have no idea why but i normally HATE thinking about cubitos' parents in like. normal mcyt settings sjlfjslkfjs#if i'm writing a hermitcraft-setting fic i'd rather have them all just spawn into the world fully formed than dealing with their parents LO#but in a real-world au it made more sense for the characters to mention their parents occasionally#i just similarly didn't spend TOO much time worrying about it because it was not really the focus#everybody's relationships with their family is a bit less important here than their relationships with their Friends here you know?#i also think that ivi inspired this a little because somewhere early in the fic she was like hey what Made grian react to things like this?#like what experiences in his life primed him to react like This to the story events?#i was like. oh yeah.#cause i normally approach writing grian from the perspective of watcher!grian#but normally him on hermitcraft or life series AFTER he escaped them and it's more of an old trauma that informs his present actions#with firewatch au there is like....none of that pretext. there's no context that he might have had other trauma in life?#but i WAS writing him like that. out of habit. and i'm not saying he DID have prexisting trauma in firewatch au#that's very much something i haven't bothered to flesh out because it's in the zone of things where my time was better spent elsewhere#but i will say i think i only starting doing the one parent detail AFTER ivi mentioned this lmao#i mean. if the guy's got abandonment issues it probably explains a lotttt of his fear of giving up on Mumbo. just sayin'#hc_firewatch_au
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j-esbian · 16 days
(one of) the most frustrating parts about the portrayal of drow society is that it wants to create Reverse Sexism without uncoupling itself from some. pretty foundational patriarchal ideas. it ascribes to the (tired, essentialist) notion that men are inherently good at certain things, and women are inherently suited for different things
but rather than the basic subversion of “women are warriors and men are the homemakers” or even early feminist thought experiments like “traditionally ‘women’s priorities’ are given importance over ‘men’s’ (ie things are governed by council, importance is placed on childrearing, etc)”, menzoberranzan is “this society still holds to patriarchal values and women are not as good at these things which is why it’s demonstrably worse”.
the biggest tell is that they have to control the male population to maintain female dominance, the implication being that in a fair fight, men would easily overpower them. it assumes the misogynist ideas as fact that “women are inherently weaker” and also “women are duplicitous” so the drow fighting style is based on stealth and sabotage rather than “”honorable”” face- to-face combat (letting lie also the assumption that the only avenue for ambition is through military violence, and therefore still making it so that they are reliant on men, even as disposable shock troops, for their success).
the only things that keep women in charge are by stacking the numbers on a systematic level, and through sexual domination on the individual level (because clearly the only real power a woman can have over men is her sexuality).
it is a society where “men act like men” but women don’t act like women; it is evil because an act of god created an aberration against the “natural order” of things, and there is no one to tend the hearth (because if the women won’t do it, no one will)
#there’s just. so much to unpack#call me old fashioned but i think. if you’re trying to subvert something you should first understand how it actually works#now this is also mostly based off of what i read from the first couple drizzt novels and old lore on the wiki so like#it’s possible that they’ve tried to do a spit-polish retcon in 5e#but every time they’ve tried to do that with other things i feel like they also misunderstood the real issue so#either way i don’t have a lot of faith that this would have fundamentally changed#it’s probably just something like ‘yep we acknowledge it’s problematic but that’s bc lolth is eeeeevil so it’s supposed to be bad’#like i’m gonna be honest. i roll my eyes whenever Any fantasy society spends time codifying gender roles in this kind of way#there’s plenty of other races that are like ‘men are warriors and women are homemakers but both are equally important so it’s not sexist!!!#like they’re not just reinventing the wheel of victorian Separate Spheres#but what gets me about this one is how clear it feels that no one thought deeply about it#‘a matriarchy is when women act like men’#i have no source for this but it FEELS like it originated as a reactionary response to second wave feminism#‘women can do the same things men can do?? we should let them in positions of power??#this is what that looks like. checkmate feminists’#honestly i have learned a lot more about the way men think about women from fantasy bc#it rly shows their asses when you’re ostensibly removed from the world we live in#and the things they place importance on#mine#dnd
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So earlier today I introduced some of my WIPs to some new people, and I realised that many people might not be familiar with those two WIPs.
Kriya Petri: fantasy (with body horror & dystopian elements). Setting: A country called Fillor on a planet called Thuluke. In Fillor, to bind yourself to the one you love, you require a trinamate potion to seal the bond. 'Trinamate' is marriage (though that is a rather crude translation of the word). But to get a trinamate potion legally, the couple needs to be… acceptable. A man and a woman who plan to have at least one child. Yes, it's been 1000 years since the global apocalypse, but 'sufficient reproduction' is still a concern among the Filore people (plus it's a moral virtue for the Divine Monarchy, who reside on the cloudlands, with an iron grip on the institutes of Fillor). A potioneer wants to elope with their lover, but the pair is, let's just say, not acceptable. So what are they to do? The potioneer brews a trinamate potion on their own, finding the closely guarded methods & ingredients for the potion through who-knows-who, bunch of shady people. The potion explodes. The potioneer knows the punishment for something like this. They'll be condemned to Kaewoe (so will their lover, if anyone finds out), a realm so deep below the ground that it's close to the core of the planet. Kaewoe, where the mind & body are destroyed by the horribly high concentration of magic. Kaewoe, the names & lives & loves of all who enter it, all slowly turned to unknowledge. Good thing stealing identities is absurdly easy in Fillor! The potioneer wipes all memory of their crimes & love (or else the Thought magicians would know), flees to the city of Naebo. Their name is now Kriya Petri,
Welcome To The Real World: scifi, fantasy, surrealism, horror, tragedy
This one's in very early stages Inspired by Frankenstein Setting: The Great South Asian Rip in Reality, where physics (time & space both) is just completely twisted. The year is sometime in the 2070s. Sometimes it's the 2040s outside the Rip. Depends when/where you step out. Moh-maya, reality's very fabric & everything that keeps up the illusions that comprise reality, are very malleable in here. Main character: Kabir aka Moksh. A closeted Indian trans man who lives a double life, perhaps even a triple life. One in which he's a cis woman & a regular bright STEM student (STEM studies also include study of moh-maya). Another in which he's just some guy with good friends (the most authentic of his lives), where he goes by the name Kabir & uses moh-maya to present as his true self. If only temporarily. (it's painful, mentally & physically, whenever he has to revert to the female form). The third is some mad scientist bullshit, he's going by the name of Moksh among his fellow mad scientists & his main project is a moh-maya Frankenstein's monster that others can share their consciousness with, such that they can experience shape-shifting more easily & go where they physically aren't, do things they physically can't. Let's simply call it the 'entity'. Due to many reasons, creating this entity is pretty illegal. Hence the new name & collaboration with fellow shady people. the plot, put shortly: he starts doing vigilante justice w/the entity & then goes far & gets more & more consumed w/work & things go verrrrrrryyyyyy wrong despite starting with (dubious but) good intentions.
in this second one i neglected to mention the fact that you, as the reader, get front row tickets to the main character's spiral into madness & justifying murders thru the entity + the entity is a whole person & has opinions + a whole lot of other stuff, I DID mention that this WIP is in very early stages but holy fuck i could go on & on about it (just not in a way that can be packaged in a structured & sensible introduction)
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talentforlying · 2 months
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CAFUNÉ. cafuné means running your fingers through someone's- perhaps a lover, hair. it's such an intimate, affectionate way of showing love. if you got this result, you're a romantic at heart; very sweet, delicate, precious wandering soul. aren't you scared of your heart being too big for your body? somehow, you remind me of that pretty coral pink that bleeds into a soft indigo when the sun is slowly setting.
what i'd like to tell you is that we can't save everyone, and that's okay. you're doing your best, and it's enough.
tagged by: @danversiism!! <3 tagging: you!!
#there's literally a post at the top of my drafts Right Now talking about how much of a romantic he actually is#under all the sarcasm and bullshit he's a genuine fucking softie. he Craves love. he gives it away freely.#cafuné specifically makes me think of when he first got back together with kit ryan#and one of the first things they did as a couple was stay in bed together for 3 days. didn't leave the flat#just had nothing more important in the world than being with each other and that's how he is in MOST relationships motherfuckers!!!#justice league dark's womanizing dickhead has rotted people's brains!! commitment issues my ass this man WANTS to settle down!!!!#anyway. VERY passionate about this if you can't already tell#( character study. ) A WALKING PLAGUE OF A MAN.#( dash games. ) ALRIGHT YOU OVERGROWN LARPERS! HERE!#idk it's always 'wrecked-looking husk of a man' THIS and 'wall-licking little cryptid' THAT and 'where's that gif of matt ryan in leather'#NAH MAN. bring me the guy who spent almost a full fucking day at the shops trying to find kit the perfect christmas present!!#bring me the guy who took a depressed god out to share a coffee bc the god just looked Too Fucking Sad to leave alone!!#bring me the guy who started singing the beatles in the bar & got everyone else to join in just bc someone seemed to need a leg up!!#where is the man who took abby arcane out dancing!! tucked her in!! bought her breakfast in the morning!! all because she seemed lonely!!#that's this motherfucker!!!!!!#and yeah he is ALSO a wrecked-looking husk of a cryptid who ROCKS a bit of leather but that other guy is still in there too!!!!!#idk. IDK. i feel many things about constantine's softness always being cut away by the sharp edges of his tongue and his suffering#40th birthday party constantine lives rent-free in my skull forever and you can never take him away from me
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terresdebrume · 3 months
Every time there's a post about racism in France there's always a bunch of people gleefully going "That's the French for you" and like
My guys
Racism isn't a French exclusivity
We are not genetically predisposed to it
And your insistence to pretend like we are may be funny to you but it's also
Unhelpful in the discussion of how to deal with said racism in France
Frankly begging the question of what the point of fighting racism in France is since you seem convinced it's just How The French Are, aka inevitable, aka doomed to remain the same ig
And obviously this is particularly annoying to me bc I'm French but also like, come on
We can all do better than that
ETA: also like. You are aware that France has a significant black and middle eastern population right? And that it's been the case since before we invented slavery? And that they're French too and if you imply we're just going to be hopelessly racist by default forever that also includes them?
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curetapwater · 1 year
Now that I think about it.. Barry actually isn't the first canon they/them in sth, but I'm pretty sure they are the first canon they/them character who isn't an alien or from a sexless species. Holding the title of the first canon nonbinary that you can't "well actually" away with speculative fiction tropes is still very cool!
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anyway i think that one thing that bugs me so much about the way johnny/peanut is usually portrayed in the fandom - which extends to other mlm ships with johnny btw - is how the narratives are put in a way that doesn't require johnny to challenge the misogyny he regularly displays in game which is what really damaged the relationship with lola on his part and one of his flaws as a character
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pulsar-1919 · 1 year
Have college work to be doing but I'm having feelings about Carol Ferris
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