#there are some great Tony Hawk not being recognized quotes
fabelgis4680 · 7 years
Module 9
Module 9
Molecular Red – Final thoughts – Science and Utopia touches on property, materialism, commodity, and how it is owned, appropriated, and disposed. Explaining how Marx compared capitol to vampire, sucking life out of labor. But then Haraway shows how metaphors work in real life then explains fetishism of man with a hammer. Fetishized labor. – to Biology.  I think this is an important and very clear quote to recognize, “Most Western Marxists thought ideology in its negative aspect, its misrecognition; Bogdanov  was  more interested  in  its affi rmative aspect,  in  the way  an  ideology overcomes  resistance  to a  given form of social labor.37 From that point of view what matters in this exchange is the form” Tektology is reappeared to remind that, “It communicates  between labor  processes poetically  and  qualitatively.  It is  a  training of  the metaphoric  wiliness of  language  toward particular  applications which correspond to and with advances in labor technique.”
Interview with Kim Stanley Robinson in The Molecular Red Reader – The liberation movements liberated only carbon – the carbon liberation front – Humans being the dominant influence on climate change and the environment. “The Carbon Liberation Front seeks out all of past life that took the form of fossilized carbon, unearths it and burns it to release its energy.” Such as oil? Powerful interests still deny this. “Addressing the Anthropocene is not something to leave in the hands of those in charge, given just how badly the ruling class of our time has mishandled this end of prehistory” true, it needs a new system. This read is very good with clarifying, such “What the Carbon Liberation Front calls us to create in its molecular shadow is not yet another philosophy, but a poetics and technics for the organization of knowledge. As it turns out, that’s exactly what Alexander Bogdanov tried to create”.
two CA Conrad poems – Coping Skills Lost in the Flood – I enjoy CA Conrads style, I am trying to find the objectives or meanings in this poem. The ending closes with a suggestion of unrequited love for a generation of progress when that generation used bombs for progress? It prior mentions “not a happier location for war” while the beginning mentions a broken teenage phone. I think this is delving into the parallel of the colonizer and the colonized, one is experiencing war and one is experiencing a broken phone. Under water libraries, coping skills lost in the flood, perhaps coping skills are lost from knowledge being under water? Mars.1 – anti-war objectives are clear with the lines, “the soldier board the plane, shot in head three days late, why are you angry you said, why are you not I said” The silos, corn, and wheat, lacking from war? Lack of resources when money is being spent on soldiers dying is what I am interpreting.
Juliana Spahr poem – I believe there is a theme of following. Starting with the brent geese following where to fly from their older generations and / culture, rather than genetics. Then it goes to comparing that to music, following the flow / repeating. The movement of police, following one another as a system of one. It tells this story of police clearing a park again for the construction of a building.  Also touches on oil wars. It is a very good story telling kind of poem and is going back and forth on these comparisons and relationships of interconnected such as the geese, the oil company, the building, the police, and the song on loss. Lack of sustainability and the shadows is a great ending.
Radical Punk Music Playlist – I really like the Paul Robeson song, something about it reminding me of Chicago, the lyrics and performances are very presentational and take you back to thinking while listening. The spoken word qualities remind me of Mewithoutyou especially with that specific microphone. I love the variety of instruments. Anti-Fascist Cabaret sounds carnival esq, I believe there are some theatrical influences (Don’t hate me but comparable to early Panic at the Disco) obviously by influence not by content because this content is anti-fascist radical punk. I love the Saxophone. I like Bad Religion. Black Flag was definitely on one of the old Tony Hawk Pro Skater PS2 game soundtracks. Crass is inspiring. I feel like the knowledge of radical ideas and important truths need a platform of music to be heard and followed to inspire change and hold accountability.
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