#there was a hyuuga in shina's team
somnipax09 · 6 months
Sakura Haruno Multiship Fanfic's
Today, I will show you a recommendation of my favorite Goddess Sakura fanfics with different characters. This is part No. 1 because there are many.
Most of them contain 18+ scenes, so if you don't like that type of content don't read any of these.
Depending on how the description is written, you will know if it is in Spanish or English.
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The Way of the Wind By: just enough
ANBU Captain Uchiha Itachi had things well planned out, until a medic-nin with ridiculous hair went and made herself interesting. Sakura insisted she was just doing her job, but Itachi didn't quite see it that way. Non-massacre AU.
House Calls By: Spoiled Sweet
Always the Team Mom, Sakura opens up her home as a clinic for the hospital-phobic ninja of Konoha. At the same time, her relationship with Kakashi begins to evolve in a way she never expected. M for swearing and later content.
Blind By: ObsidianSickle
It was almost time, Orochimaru was going to take his body as a vessel. He hated being used...he refused to be used. With that thought, he took the kunai in his hand and slashed across his eyes.
Things you just don't talk about By: Enodia
"Do you enjoy sex?" Shikamaru asked bluntly. I just can't believe I'm talking about this, and with Shikamaru, of all people, Sakura thought." Sakura is in for a surprise. Or, rather, a series of surprises.
Exilio By: Elade-chan
Sasuke está consumido por el odio después de saber la verdad sobre su hermano,cuando más oscuro es su corazón se encuentra con sus antiguos compañeros casi moribundos -¿quién os persigue,Sakura?- Konoha- contestó desmayandose.
Of Broken Hallelujah's and Healing Hearts By: sasuke-glamour
Tsunade interrumpió, —Sólo dime qué demonios quieres, Uchiha, antes de sacarte de la maldita aldea—. Sin ningún rastro de emoción, Sasuke dijo, —Haruno Sakura.
The Planning Of A Matriarch By: ChronicallyChill
Uchiha Mikoto just wanted a daughter to pamper and adore. Who knew that could lead to a misunderstanding, an arranged marriage, and Itachi dodging fireballs.
Lives at stake: Uchiha Haruno By: Shina Uchiha
—La sangre Uchiha es sagrada y no se debe combinar. Quien sea que esté esperando ese Uchiha de sangre impura, morirá antes de dar a Luz. —¡¿No lo entiendes teme?, tú hijo está matando a Sakura-chan, le absorbe el chakra poco a poco!
Unmei: Uchiha to Haruno By: Atori-chan
Los Uchiha somos orgullosos y arrogantes, pero también seguimos un destino que transcurre de generación en generación. Tú Sasuke también has caído, aunque te empeñes en negar lo evidente. Esas fueron las palabras de Uchiha Madara. 
El Blanco Invierno By: Holofernes
Sintiéndose apartada de Sasuke y Naruto, Sakura hallará la amistad de Hinata y acabará desarrollando una inevitable fascinación por el distante Neji y por la misteriosa familia Hyuuga.
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narusakueremika · 4 years
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Team Shikamaru?? Touma and Yuuko by @aaliyah-draws XXX
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pumiih · 7 years
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MY VERSION SHINACHIKU TEAM Risu Uchiha Fighting weapon metal wires accompanied electric element. She is a firstborn of Sasuke and Karin. Even though the age gap between Shinachiku and her is 2 1/3 years. She was transfered to academy the same year as him because of her skills that she gained in her travels with Sasuke. She always looks composed and respectful amongst her parents and important people but when it comes to others her behavior changes She is quite a show of. Her ego is truly enormous. Just because of it as a child she forced Shina to spar just to prove being a better shinobi. Her pride also makes it hard for her to acknowledge other’s strengths. Other then that she is quite protective of her family and her two baby brothers Karasu and Susumu. Kisho Hyuuga Fighting weapon a staff Kisho born in the secondary Hyuuga branch. After big reforms in the Hyuuga house he is the first generation that doesn’t have a seal. Kisho is quite calm and care free. He always speaks his mind no matter if the situation requires it or not and is oblivious about the wrong situations (or pretends to be) His skills involves finding enemies weak spots from their physiognomy not just looking at their chakra flow through byakugou. Even though Kisho is quite good at hand to hand combat he dislikes a too close range that’s why he started using a staff. He has quite a silly fighting style which involves lots of dodging and running. As Shinachiku is quite tolerative person these two are able to drive him mad. It took a while for them to make a functional team let alone become friends.
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shinachikusuniverse · 7 years
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Charui (チャーイ - Tea)
Prideful and mysterious to Shinachiku, Charui has a strong sense of teamwork and vows to win the chuunin exams in order to prove to her Raikage that her sensei (Omoi) is helping her team progress.
Coming from Kumogakure, Shinachiku is distrustful of her suspicious interactions with his team mate (who is a Hyuuga).
Her relationship with Shina is the she is one of his opponents in the chuunin exams. 
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