#there's so much angst rn as we edge closer to december 15 so i just wanted to do something nice :)
cupiiid ยท 2 years
some HAPPY anderperry headcanons (which is really more of a short story) because im sad and want to do something nice :')
-it was todd who made the first move
-after the play (which mr perry never found out about), back in their dorm, todd kissed neil and then told him how much he meant to him (in that order)
-neil just had this surprised look on his face, like he couldn't believe it was happening ('you like me??' 'yeah?? why'd you think i kissed you??')
-neil is over the moon
-they take things slow because it's their first relationship and it has to be a secret of course because it's the 1950s but they couldn't be more happy
-its charlie who works it out first, being neil's best friend and all
-charlies known about neil's feelings for todd for ages. hell, he was the first person neil ever came out to as well as his first kiss and he is awfully perceptive, more than the poets ever give him credit for. he noticed the small changes in neil's demeanor as well as todd's
-one day, neil and todd are making out in their dorm. they were too caught up in each other to lock the door so all of a sudden, charlie bursts in
-they break apart quickly but charlie's already seen them kissing ('aha! i knew it!!' 'charlie, please don't tell anyone')
-charlie promises to keep their secret but soon meeks starts to look at them suspiciously and they decide (after much input from charlie) to tell their friends they're together
-even though they're all close as hell, it's still a massive risk that scares them to death. cameron is their biggest worry but charlie assures them he'll do everything to protect them if something goes wrong
-one dps meeting, they're in the cave and it just feels right, so neil looks at todd and it's like they're thinking the exact same thing so neil just comes out with it and tells them they're together
-they're mostly met with confused looks ('oh..?' 'oh?' 'we kind of already knew' 'what??') turns out neil and todd weren't as slick as they thought. meeks and pitts put it together ages ago, cameron had his suspicions and knox... knox had no idea
-meeks and pitts are supportive of the relationship obviously. surprisingly, knox is the one who takes a little while to convince. he's not against it per se, just confused. ('wait, neil, i though you were into ginny danburry??' 'w h a t')
-everyone waits for cameron's opinion. he's stiff and a little uncomfortable but doesn't really care that much ('oh okay' '...that's it? that's all you have to say?' 'yep') however, neil and todd don't miss the way cameron's eyes wander over to charlie every now and again, looking awfully like they used to look at each other before they got together
-todd makes a mental note to talk to cameron about it at some point
-neil and todd are still scared about the future especially as two gay people in the 1950s but they know they'll always have their friends and each other for support
-in the end, all is well and no one dies :)
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