#theres not a lot of ethical creation either
Y'know what? Fuck it. What organizations would the protags and antags be in?
ALRIGHT so it's important to first remember due to being Japanese they would likely fall under Japanese groups of interests with some exceptions for more worldwide groups. For instance the stated before Serpent's Hand has access to many different parts of the world through the Library.
Makoto is DEFINITELY in the Serpent's Hand I can picture it so goddamn cleanly in my mind. He's having a normal day and then he just fucking TRIPS into one of the ways, or he ends up in the middle of a rescue mission before the SCP Foundation can get there and he ends up being dragged along. Either way he's so goddamn shocked and angry about how anomalies are treated he immediately joins up. Doesn't think he can help a lot but determined to try.
Komaru probably isn't apart of any group, however, if she was I could see her as stumbling onto the Projects Agency for the Marriage With Anime Characters forums and discussions and just not realize they're serious and think its all some funny forum roleplay
Hajime we talked about before as likely being a victim of The Japan Organisms Improvement and Creation Laboratory or potentially Dreaming Technology due to his connection to Izuru. The JOICL is known for mad science with no regards with ethics creating anomalous creatures and objects which fits with the creation of Izuru while Dreaming Technology is a group that sells the ability to grant wishes and dreams with the cost of erasing something important to the wisher like memories. Really he could go either way depending on if you want to lean more into "fucked up science" or "hajimes shitty sense of self"
Shuichi is a bit trickier, he very well might be a member of the foundation as a junior researcher or investigator. However, I could also see him as the newest recruit of the Special Affairs Division, Public Security Bureau of Metropolitan Police Department which is an investigation and criminal case unit based around anomalous crime. However I will say if he only gets involved in this kind of stuff after his character growth then I could see him in the Koigarezaki Simbun which reports on news about the anomalous and will often leak documents to the public especially foundation documents.
Togami is unlikely to be actual officially part of a group and more likely just helps fund and profit from a different group while staying overall uninvolved, maybe the Tou-Hei Heavy Industries which produces anomalous goods?
Komaeda is an anomaly he just is Makoto's luck can slide under the radar but this mans luck made a meteor hit a plane jacking he's going to get noticed. However, due to his luck I don't think he's been contained, I think attempts were MADE they just all failed. Due to how many disasters he's involved with he might have contacts with the Hyper Electric Rescue Organization which specialize in using anomalies to help save people and helping in disaster sites.
Kokichi's absolutely a wild card because theres no way in hell he's joining UNDERNEATH someone, which means he's either got his own bullshit going on or he loosely falls under one of the more lax decentralized groups like AWCY or GAW. Actually I think he's a descendant of the Kamikase Clan. An old group that mediated conflict and is known for the ability of "talking" which let them talk to basically anything. The group splintered ages ago but there's still a few descendants running around I could see Kokichi as one of them.
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stickandthorn · 2 years
Holding indie artists who have released hundreds, maybe even thousands of hours of free content to much higher standards than you hold anything or anyone else to is stupid. Yes this is about Critical Role and Amazon. Now, to be clear, I fucking despise Amazon. If you don’t want to watch the show or support it because it’s on Amazon, I understand completely. Personally, I’m going to be using a family member’s account to watch, and if they didn’t already have one I could use, I wouldn’t be paying any money to Amazon to get one myself. So I do get it. 
But the claims of the cast now being horrible people because they’re working with Amazon is really dumb in my opinion. Because guess what, Critical Role started on Geek and Sundry. Which is a company, owned by larger parent company Legendary Digital Networks, owned by even larger parent company Wanda Group. It was only after they broke off to form their own company that they were truly “indie” if you’re a purest about it, but I don’t see anyone who criticizes them for this.All the cast members have been in the industry for years. I’m sure they’ve all worked with companies you and I would rather see dead before.  Let’s look at it from a different angle. Avatar the Last Airbender? The darling show of every single cartoon or animation lover? Made by large company Nickelodeon, which is owned by Viacom. Encanto, an absolutely amazing story about Colombian families and generational trauma and just an overall amazing story with such good… everything? A huge Disney property. Amazing pieces of art I see very few people criticize come from huge corporations. So many of them, especially animation. And do you know why?
Because animation is so. Fucking. Expensive. A good quality animated show costs so much fucking money. From what I know, and I certainly don’t know a lot, a single episode of most well known or decent quality cartoons/animated shows easily costs 1-2 million dollars. A single fucking episode. Critical Role got a huge amount of money from that Kickstarter, but in the grand scheme of an animated show they didn’t get a lot. Especially if you pay everyone fairly. If they made the show free, they’d probably end up in the red. 
You might say, “well they could put it up on YouTube and get money that way, while still keeping it free.” Do you know how hard it is to keep something monetized on YouTube? Extremely hard. Demonetization is extremely common, so do you know how they make money? Sponsors. But do you really wanna see a fucking NordVPN or Function of Beauty sponsor before every episode? No. And those are corporations too. And I still doubt they’d make any profit, even if they did.
Well what about Twitch? I don’t know a lot about how twitch works with monetization, but I do know that it’s… drumroll please… a subsidiary of  Amazon! Yep! Even on twitch, you still work with a huge, awful company. You could say an artist or artists shouldn’t have any connection to big companies or industries. But if an artist does that, 90% of the time they cannot survive and make any money from their art. Yes, indie creators, stand alone creators, devoid of any larger company can make it. But the fraction who do are completely overshadowed by the millions of artists who don’t. And so if they want to work in the arts, do their passion, they will probably have to “sell their soul” to a big company. And would you really want someone to starve rather than be blemished by a company?
In fact, if you want a personal anecdote, I have a very good friend who I have known for years. She is an amazing artist who worked her ass off making her own films. She came from the ground up, she made her own movie with her own sweat blood and tears (I remember how long it took her and how much work she put in), for not a lot of money, and guess what? That movie is now going on Netflix. That was an indie creation from her soul, but in order for her to survive, to make a profit, to get her name out there, to even get her movie seen - it needed to be distributed on Netflix. Is her character ruined now? Is she morally bankrupt? Is her art worthless? I don’t think so. 
Capitalism is a vicious cycle. The “purity” of art often doesn’t exist. Even an amazing show like Squid Game that does such a wonderful critique of inescapable debt and capitalism and what it’s like to be poor specifically in South Korea, is hosted on the huge company media conglomerate that is Netflix. Creators should try to be ethical, that is a given, but there is almost no way to do that completely and still survive off your art. And what really gets to me, is that when a show is blatantly produced and made by a big company, almost no one comes after the artists who made it as being sinful and complicit in, I don’t know, Amazon’s union busting or whatever. But when indie creators who have worked their asses off on their own and already given so much free content, work with a large company? That’s when they become Evil Capitalistic Monopoly Men. It’s unfair to hold them to standards like this when the creation of all animated TV shows almost always stems from a large company. Almost all well known art does. Good art does. Because of how the world works.
I’ve been rambling for way too long at this point and tbh this is kind of incoherent, so I’ll shut up now, but these are my Hot Takes™️ for the day.
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nirnrave · 4 years
why i take issue with sanguine, and a proposal for a better and more interesting god
going off of this and this post, a few things first:
1. the tesverse is written from a very christian, white, cisheteronormative place and that informs everything, but ESPECIALLY the gods
2. theres that one phrase that comes up with reference to the daedra, that they are "beyond good and evil/mortal morality" and while in concept thats cool a lot of the time all its used for is just. gratuitous meanness. if they're not human and don't have to hold themselves to human notions of what's right or wrong then why are they literally always fucking assholes? always? literally all the time? bro? how come literally None of the daedric princes are just. chill? like why are the only “nice” et’ada the ones that participated in creation when that is literally the only difference between the aedra and daedra? (and like- even some of the aedra are like, just straight fuckin assholes. not to vague stendarr and akatosh on main but.) like “coincidentally”, they are all Nasty Edgelords and that’s fine, that’s realistic... huh???
3. there are two main sources of insp for sanguine and that's the (christian view of the) greek god dionysus and the devil, which are basically like ooOOooOooOoooo sex and drinking are scAAaAaAry and SIiIIiiInful and altered states are ALSO scary and sinful and dAaaAaAngerOuus and, when it comes to dionysus, this is an at best, stupid and at worst malicious simplification/misrepresentation (at least of dionysus). like we get it! the devil is real and if we do not watch ourselves we will succumb to sin and degeneracy debauchery blah blah blahhhhhhhhhhhh . like, is substance abuse a real danger that people have to keep in mind when they partake? absolutely! does that mean we should make a god that encourages substance abuse and addiction? No!!!
so with all that in mind, here is a proposal for a better definition of sanguine’s domain
ethical hedonism. aristippus is chilling out in the myriad realms somewhere, drinking margaritas with those tiny paper umbrellas in them.
represents the desire for pleasure and play. where other et’ada like mora might represent the desire for knowledge, or auri-el the desire for control, sanguine just wants to Enjoy Himself (and wants others to enjoy themselves)- with a stipulation, which is that:
sanguine does nothing and doesn’t support anything without informed consent or malicious or harmful intent. if it’s either of those things it doesn’t feed into his sphere. (an aside: this does not include bdsm as long as there’s proper aftercare.)
that's right folks! this motherfucker supports a recovery and healthy habits! (there’s something i’ve seen with some fanon characterizations of sanguine, where it’s like. they want to have sanguine both Healthy Recovery Coping Mechanisms and like, Enabling Addiction and Unhealthy Habits? and like.. bro you can’t have both. ..)
but wait! there’s more! as long as we’re taking a page from dionysus’ book, let’s also add into his sphere altered states, because those are always fun and sexy and they’re thematically relevant here.
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hyunjinssmile · 4 years
STUCK; h.hj || Jurassic Park AU PART TWO
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PART TWO : LIES includes: Adventure, Angst, Fluff, Science Mumbo-Jumbo, DINOSAURS, lots of references to the original movies (Obviously changed situations and twists), Death, a sprinkle of scary stuff, maybe some smut ( I mean, I am a smut blog after all) Really slow burn romance. Chapter: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Word count: 3201
‘They’re alive?’ ‘There- theres no way-‘ It was silent on the plane as everyone took in the sight of the magnificent creatures below, thoughts swirling inside your heads as you tried to process the situation. It was beautiful, but it defied every bone of scientific integrity within your body. The first person to speak up, was Seungmin. ‘This is insane. You brought them back, 65 million years later? How is that even possible? Ethical even?’ He was right, how on earth was it right to bring back these naturally extinct creatures. ‘Come on now, that’s not the reaction I was hoping for, is it not wonderful to observe them in their natural state?’ Hammond chuckled, his face pale, and you could have sworn you saw a bead of sweat slide down his temple. ‘I’m sorry to break it to you Mr. Hammond, but this is completely unethical, as much as we adore these creatures- they had their time on this planet already, bringing them back is just- it’s not right, not natural at all’ You raised your voice, continuing for Seungmin, as you stated all the facts. Hammond went silent, his face becoming blank as he pulled out his phone, dialing and waiting. ‘it appears, that they don’t like our creations.’ His mannerisms and words did not sit right with you, his eyes dark as he lost the spark he had previously. You became nervous as soon as the man hung up the phone, his expressions didn’t change as he looked out the window of the plane. ‘It’s a shame, really. I was looking forward to working on this with you all, at least happily...’ ‘What does that mean?’ Hyunjin spoke up, his eyes flashing dark in panic, noticing the way in which the man had changed. “Oh nothing at all young man. I’m going to try to persuade you, though. Let’s discuss it over dinner, shall we?’ There wasn’t much else you could do but agree, it was an isolated island and this man was incharge of where you slept, the food you ate, everything. You cursed yourself for allowing your team to be in this situation. ‘Okay. We will discuss it over dinner. But please respect our decision, no matter what it will be.’ You had a bad feeling, but with a nod of Hammonds head, you sat back down into your seat and watched the plane as it got closer and closer to the land below. Jeongin who was still easy to read, like an open book, was still visibly excited. You smiled at that, but your nerves still sent your mind into a spiral. ‘hey’ you felt an arm wrap around you, instantly melting into the caring embrace. Hyunjin. ‘It’s going to be okay’ he put his head on your shoulder, looking up at you before sighing. ‘We are all here together, a team. We can do anything.’ He was right. You smiled down at him, and when he looked into your eyes you couldn’t help but blush, turning and looking out the window again, missing the way Hyunjins face broke into a bashful smile, appreciating your warmth in these moments he got to be close with you. The impact of the planes wheels on the runway was enough to jolt you awake, you couldn’t remember falling asleep, but it must have only been for a few minutes, as Hyunjins eyes were wide open still. ‘Looks like we are here.’ You looked out the plane window once again to see a beautifully crafted resort - looking area, trees so tall you couldnt see the top, dense shrubbery and forrest surrounding the area, enough to make anyone with a passion for nature swoon. Okay, he did well with the place.  --- After being shown to your rooms, you sat at the end of your bed, looking down at your journal, notes scribbled everywhere, including a new one saying ‘new discoveries!!’. You smiled sadly as you said to yourself, ‘as much as it is all new discoveries, I refuse to add anything unethical to this journal.’ ‘And that’s one of the reasons im glad we became friends’ His voice scared you, you didn’t know when  he opened your door, but he was looking down at you from the door frame. ‘hey’ Hyunjin smiled, ‘Hey’ you replied, moving over and patting the bed beside you, making the taller male shut the door and walk over to you. ‘It will all be okay, you know that right?’ His voice was soft as he talked to you, arm wrapping around you again as he pulled you closer to him. He’s just your friend. He is comforting you. You mentally slap yourself as you felt your cheeks turn hot. ‘Are you okay? Do you have a fever-?’ he went to place his palm on your forehead but you stood up quickly, becoming embarrassed by your blush. ‘y/n- Come back here, I need to make sure youre not sick-‘ he stood up after you, but you were in a panic, you couldn’t like him. It would risk the team, everything- you just cant. You stepped away from him, but he followed, trying to catch you. ‘I- I’m fine-‘ you mumbled, moving to the other side of the bed, but he was quick and pushed you down onto the bed. You were a mumbling mess as you tried to move around, not wanting him to see your face, but he pinned your arms above your head, bending over you, one knee beside your hip as he held both your wrists with one hand, the other coming up to feel your forehead. ‘hmm I don’t think you have a fever, maybe its just dehydration-?’ He trailed off, his hand moving from your forehead to your cheek slowly, he seemed zoned out. He didn’t seem to be bothered at all by the position, but your heart was beating out of your chest, eyes wide as he looked down at your figure. It’s like it slowly hit him, the position you were both in, your flustered face below him, his hands holding you down so easily, A blush quickly found its way to his cheeks, one to match your own, but before he could move off of you, there was a knock at the door, both of you jumped at the sound, Hyunjin moving off of you, coughing and saying a small ‘sorry’ before running his hands through his hair. ‘its okay’ you said softly, your cheeks still pink as you sat up, ‘c-come in’ you said quickly, causing for the door to open as Seungmin, Jeongin and Minho piled into your room. ‘YOO whats popping?’ Minho immediately recognized the blushes on both of your cheeks, he wasn’t dumb. It was pretty obvious in his eyes. ‘oh- uh, I thought  y/n had a fever but shes okay.’ Hyunjin said softly, making you giggle, a smile finding his own face at the sound. ‘Okay, well, we are all ready for dinner, Mr. Hammond said we should be out there by 7, and its 6:30 so.. you guys are ready?’ Seungmin looked at you both judgingly, making you laugh at his antics. ‘cargo pants and my normal work clothes are fancy enough!’ you argued, making Seungmin scoff. ‘youre joking, and you Mr. My pants have stains but its fine- what are you wearing?’ ‘this..?’ You could feel the disappointment radiating from the younger boy, making everyone laugh, ‘okay, okay, go out and I will get ready, Hyunjin go and get changed too-‘ you smiled, watching them all leave out the door. ‘y/n- about before-‘ ‘thankyou for caring about my health, Hyunjin’ you smiled before shooing him out the door, ‘Now go get cleaned up.’ He smiled and nodded, before you closed the door, he sighed, pressing his forehead to the back of said door. --- A knock on your door made you turn away from the mirror, the material of your dress shining softly under the dull hotel light. ‘coming!’ You opened the door to see Hyunjin in a black suit, his eyes softening immediately apon seeing you, his mouth opening as he became speechless. ‘WOW’ the words came from someone else, Jeongin to be exact, as he swooped in and pulled you away from the older male, it was unfair really, how even though he was so young, he was pretty tall. You remember when you first met him, he was barely up to your chest, but now he was definitely a young man. ‘Y/n you look great!’ He said with a toothy smile, linking his arm with you as he pulled you to the others, you turned to Hyunjin, seeing him smile and follow. He didn’t clean up so bad either, you thought. Seungmin and Minho were waiting at the end of the hall, both smiling and complimenting your dress, making you laugh at the young men. ‘okay, lets do this. If anyone feels uncomfortable, just give a signal, and ill get us out of there somehow’ you reassured them, fixing all of their ties one by one, ending up on Hyunjins, making him have to bend down slightly to accommodate. ‘and, perfect’ you whispered moreso to yourself than anyone, but Hyunjin couldn’t help but smile. You all walked into the dining room, the long table filled with exotic looking foods, making anyone's mouth water. ‘Ah yes, my distinguished guests!’ Hammond sat at the head of the table, his cane to the side of him as he smiled at your team. ‘Do sit down, please, we can eat first and discuss later.’ It was slightly relieving to hear that, having something to eat definitely was going to ease nerves, plus you could see the hungry looks on the boys faces. --- You had all gorged yourselves on the amazing foods, enjoying every last bite, as you talked to John, who didn’t seem to be as bad as you came to think. He was genuinely passionate about spreading scientific knowledge for everyone, and he made sure to spare no expense. It got closer to the end of the night, and he suddenly stopped laughing, becoming more serious. ‘I would love for you all to at least meet one of these creatures, to observe them, please. I completely understand if you want to leave afterward, I will ready the plane for you tomorrow evening if I must, but that is my only request of you and your team.’ You looked across the table, looking at each of your teammates, before your eyes landed on Jeongin’s, full of a brightness, excited, ready- ‘okay’ you said. Watching Jeongin’s face light up. All the boys turned toward you. ‘Just for tomorrow. Then we will head home, Mr. Hammond.’
---- The sound of your buzzing alarm woke you up, 8am, you hummed, yawning and stretching as you sat up in the soft sheets of the hotel room bed. Memories of the night before came flooding back, Mr. Hammond talked so fondly of spreading these creatures with everyone, improving our understanding of the magnificent animals. But it still made you uneasy, it was unethical, that’s certain. you sighed, getting up. ‘Just for today.’ A knock on your door frightens you as youre brushing your teeth, but the door quickly opens and closes, and you hear a flop, You look out the side of the bathroom door to see Minho lying across your bed, staring up at the ceiling. you threw your toothpaste tube at him, causing for him to jump and yelp in surprise. ‘good-morning to you too- jesus y/n-‘ ‘Well, since you invited yourself in here, I thought id say hello in my own way too.’ Minho was like an older brother to you, your whole team like a family of sorts, but Minho was always protective of you. ‘Hyunjins got heart eyes for you, you know that right?’ he smiled up at you, making you freeze. ‘don’t be silly’ you tried to stop your heart from beating so fast, ‘You also like him so whats the problem??’ he smirked, patting the spot behind him. ‘Its unprofessional, Minho, I cant risk our team- our friendship- the thought alone stresses me out, you know this!’ Minho puts his hands up defensively, ‘alright, alright, just know its going to give me a headache watching you two faun over each-other without doing anything. It might be worth a shot, y/n.’ ‘okay, okay, after we get off this island ill talk to him about it, okay?’ ‘fine, just make sure you do’ he smiled and ruffled your hair, causing you to whine as you shooed him out of your room, getting ready for the day in the science lab and out on the field. --- As a group, you made your way to the designated meeting spot for the day, noticing a worried look on Seungmins face. ‘Whats wrong?’ you asked him, causing for him to take a deep breath, ‘Jeongin ran off,  I swear he may be an adult now but hes still a little kid-‘ “I’m sure he is fine, Minnie, you know how he is.’ Seungmin visibly relaxed a bit, but kept his guard up, as per usual. You looked around, trying to spot the tall kid, and you did. A small dinosaur, maybe reaching just below your knee, it was green, Jeongin had bent down to look at it, the creature looking back, both observing eachother. ‘oh my god it’s a-‘ ‘Compsognathus’ Hyunjins voice was behind you, his hand on your shoulder as he smiled. You both watched Jeongin interact with the small creature, before watching him get up and walk back, scratching the back of his neck bashfully when noticing you both watching. ‘I couldn’t help myself, it was so cute..’ Jeongin smiled before he heard yelling behind him, the small green dinosaur running away as men suddenly appeared, chasing it. His smile faded at the crack of an electric weapon, his attention fully on the men as they shocked the creature, the little dinosaur crying out in pain as it ran away, the men following it. ‘wha-‘ Jeongin’s feet moved before he could think, sprinting toward the men, pushing one away from the dinosaurs path, letting it jump through the fence and away into the long grass. ‘whats your problem, kid?’ one yelled, the other trying to get up off of the floor. The other lunged at Jeongin, an angered expression on his face, but you and Hyunjin were there too quickly, the man stopping as he almost hit you instead of the boy. ‘what is going on here?’ Hammond's voice boomed, causing everyone to turn around. ‘they hurt it- they hurt the dinosaur!’ Jeongin yelled, livid. Hammond turned to the men, noting the weapons. ‘who authorized the use of those?! Get rid of them!’ Hammond's face was red, anger seething from every part of him. ‘Do not harm this animals! You imbeciles!’
‘yes sir.’ And off they went. ---
After the incident, you made sure Jeongin was beside you at all times, Seungmin made three jokes about putting the kid on a leash, ‘We should put you on a kiddie-leash Innie, they're made for kids!’ okay, four.
But Jeongin was not really reciprocating the jokes.
Hammond had shown you around the labs, but it seemed like Hyunjin was on-edge, you pulled them both to the side as Hammond explained the jeep ride through the park. ‘Is everything okay, Innie? Hyunjin?’ you asked them, wanting them to be honest with you. ‘I don’t like that they hurt that dinosaur.. it just put me in a bad mood..’ Jeongin sighed, resting his head on your shoulder as you pulled him for a hug. You looked at Hyunjin next, wanting to know what was on his mind. ‘It’s nothing. I just have a bad feeling about this, that’s all.’ you nod, gesturing for him to join the group hug, and he does, you note the feeling of his arms around you, his chin ontop of your head, you cant help but nuzzle into it, making hyunjin smile. ‘and then-oh, nice of you all to join us, is everything alright?’ You nodded, jeongin and Hyunjin doing the same. ‘okay, so where was I, oh yes, please ensure you do not get out of the vehicle, no matter what happens. Its for your safety, okay?’ Everyone agrees as we moved toward the jeeps, the shiny new paint making it seem like it was more so for a children’s ride, not something travelling through 65 million years’ worth of walking , dangerous history. ‘There will be a tour guide voice-over, by none-other than yours truly’ Hammond smiled as he waved you all off, everyone getting into two different cars. You got in the car with Minho and Jeongin, Seungmin and Hyunjin going in the car with Hammond, Minho sighed and lent up against the window, then again, most of you did. As much as it was interesting, seeing these creatures is living proof that science is losing its moral ground. It wasn’t necessarily a happy moment.
The tour was going as planned- well that is, aside from the lack of dinosaurs.
It was almost as if they were afraid of the jeeps, each enclosure empty as you made your way through the park.
‘Not to be a buzzkill, Hammond, but isn’t this a dinosaur park?’ Seungmin chuckled, Hyunjin smiling softly while looking through the front windscreen,
‘y’know, shes safe in that car, Hyunjin’
Hyunjins face turned red as Hammond spoke up.
‘I’ve seen the way you both look at each-other. You’d make a great duo’
‘Don’t be silly’ Hyunjin mumbled, ‘We are a team.’
Hammond chuckled and turned back to face the front of the car, before Seungmin suddenly shushed everyone.
‘did you hear that?’
Another loud crack of a noise rang through the air, it sounded like a gunshot, as birds flew away from the sounds direction.
‘What in the light of day was that!?’ Yelled Hammond onto his radio, to which he got no reply.
Hyunjin watching as you made your way out of the car, spotting instantly what you ran toward, a little dinosaur limping as it ran through the field.
You didn’t care what happened, you needed to see what happened.
As you made your way over to it, you heard heavy footsteps behind you, Hyunjin and the others were chasing after you at top speed to ensure your safety.
‘It’s been shot!?’ you said softly, watching the poor creature collapse.
‘Who would do this?’ Jeongin whined softly, his eyes tearing up.
‘Hello? Is anyone on the other end of this goddamn machine??’ Hammond threw his radio on the ground in frustration, walking over to the creature slowly.
‘I am so, sorry, young fellow’ he said softly, moving away from it as it slowly breathed.
You heard the sound of vehicles whirring, motorcycles and cars, gunshots shooting out in every direction, and before you knew it, in the field, the group was surrounded, men in dark clothing, camouflage and dark paint filled your vision, Johns face white as he stumbled on his words.
‘Who are you and why are you on this island’ Hammond was the first to speak up, ignoring the gun barrel aimed directly at his head.
‘We could say the same to you, old man. We were told we could come here and hunt to our hearts content, told that these were pests, needed taken care of’
‘Who on earth would say that?’
‘Murray? Goddamn that awful man!’ ---- WORDS USED:  ‘Compsognathus’  SO!! if you have seen the movies, this is the little green dino that runs around!! This lil guy: and they are known to be one of the smallest dinosaurs!
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Dino fact!! There are roughly 700 known species of extinct dinos!! However that doesn't rule out many more discoveries in the future!!!
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agl03 · 7 years
So new spoiler room by Natalie Abrams (sp?) is out. Not very positive, and I saw a lot of freaking out on twitter. Figured I help you try and get ahead of the swarm on tumblr. The big thing to remember is that everything the author said is her interpretation, historically Nat is like the biggest troll for us, she makes Everest out of a grain of salt, so relax a little about the 'rough patch'. Are FS gonna be perfect, no, is there gonna be some blame on Fitz, likely and likely self blame, 1/2
Its not gonna be the end of Fitzsimmons or anything. If anything the rough patch is going to be getting Fitz to remember or Jemma misinterpreting his regret. Also pretty sure that quote from Mo is from back when Aida was still a secret. Remember AoS isnt on the CW theres not going to be some, this is suddenly our issue even though its always been a part of who you are break up Its not our shows style. So just breathe and remember Abrams loves to make us freak out over whats usually nothing 2/2
Hi Anon!
Thanks so much!  Lovely points!  
Yes, absolutely ZERO reason for us to be panicking here,  It actually helps with a few of the theories and where Fitz might be at/like when we see him again.  Honestly I would be worried at this point if we had happy Fitzsimmons in the Framework…remember we are going to have to suffer for that engagement!
So here is the quote:
Anything Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on FitzSimmons or Jemma or Fitz? — Eva
Well, seeing as Fitz is basically to blame for the Framework, and therefore at fault for everyone ending up in this prison, I would say the FitzSimmons relationship will hit a rough patch should they all make it out alive. “That’s a point we’ve hit quite a few times in their emotional spats together,” EP Maurissa Tancharoen says. “It is something that we are going to explore even further.”
1. While Fitz did help with the Framework we’ve discussed that pretty much everyone has a hand in the current situation.  Going back to Mace/Coulson not trusting each other in 5/6 and leading the boys to the hell dimension, which led to May giving the book to AIDA/Radcliffe to read to get them back.  And you are right that is 100% the authors opinion, the only from the show said its his fault is Mack.
2.   We know Fitz already had guilt about all of this even before it all really hit the fan.   Things like the book on his desk and his behavior in 14 showed us that he was already grappling with it.   In that, he was blaming himself and there Jemma brought him back to her and they ended up vowing to fix it together. 
The only two people we’ve seen blame Fitz for this are Mack and himself.  
Oh and Robo May with ‘herself’ in using the Darkhold.
3.  I am pretty sure that was a lot of Foreshadowing for what Framework Fitz is going to be like.  A BIG thing they have had this season, the past few eps especially are:
Fitz creates things to HELP people and out of the goodness of his HEART (remember how I said Jemma wanting him for his heart and not his mind will be a key here).  
Way back in Season 1 they said Fitz was a lot like Donnie.  A cautionary tale.  In the Framework we’re going to see if someone like Radcliffe got to him first.  If someone like Radcliffe, not Jemma was influencing him.
Many of Fitz’s creations were made in order to protect JEMMA.  So what happens in a world where they never met?
Mack said that Fitz was sounding a lot like Radcliffe.
Radcliffe saw himself in Fitz.
So I think in the Framework we are going to see a Fitz that is a lot like Radcliffe.  Where he is more into the discovery and results rather than the ramifications of what he creates.   Especially if he’s had someone like Radcliffe guiding him for years.  
“That’s a point we’ve hit quite a few times in their emotional spats together,” EP Maurissa Tancharoen says. “It is something that we are going to explore even further.”
I do think the quote is new, but its WAY too soon for them to be talking ANYTHING post Framework.  They have just started filming 20 and my gut is the girls are going for the hostages now, they are out and going to get them.  So no way Mo is talking that far ahead.  
I’m not going to lie. Fitzsimmons in the Framework is going to suck, its going to be a kick in the feels like no other.  Either Fitz not ever knowing Jemma and a Darker Fitz are going to be tough.  Even worse for Jemma is seeing the man she fell in love with buried under AIDA”s reprogramming.  That he has been taken from her in EVERY way possible.  She and us are going to see what FItz is truly capable of without that moral compass.  IE things used to capture/contain Inhumans will not be pretty, weapons, tech.  We are going to see just how much damage Fitz can do when he wants to or when he doesn’t care.
Fun theory time.  Jemma is undercover or with Hydra (under a different name) but she is working side by side with Fitz.  And they are creating just terrible things.  Jemma has to be careful not to give herself away since she is in the belly of the beast while at the same time it keeps her close enough to start to work on Fitz.  We don’t just get a dark Fitz…we get a Dark Fitzsimmons.  Remember Radcliffe, “Put the two of them together and you have a younger me.”
The ‘spats’ Fitzsimmons have had this season were mostly centered around AIDA.  First in hiding her, the time it took away from each other, they ethics, and then when Fitz kept working on her.  The “you put us all at risk,”.  It was the ethics of it all.  They are probably going to be in conflict with each other because Framework!Fitz is making tech for Hydra and not caring how they’re used. Jemma will be horrified because we already know that she KNOWS that Fitz would never make anything without the noblest of intentions, so the Framework version of him is a complete perversion of who he is. She’ll probably argue with him about it.  A bit of “You have Fitz’s mind, why are you doing this?”
One of the big things we are going to get with this arc is a different take on the characters.  For Fitz, this is a way of giving us a dark Fitz without messing with him too much in the Real World.  
At this point in the season we do want conflict, sorry folks but we do.  You know me, I panic when we get “Oh he’s going to take one look at Jemma and remember her with True Love’s Kiss and they will work hand in hand to get out,”  That kind of quote means the terrible awful hits after….so terrible awful happening in the Framework.  Seeing them struggle there before Jemma can get through to him means that we’ll see a engagement kind of thing when they get out.  
This is a Woman on Fire arc for Jemma, its not going to be easy.  Jemma is going to have to fight to get him back in multiple ways.  Not only physically but emotionally, his memories….she has to get to his heart again.  Override AIDA’s reprogramming and help him remember who he really is.  Possibly have to work with someone she doesn’t recognize (but in him working with her it helps him come back).
Finally it makes sense that Fitz will be one of the most difficult to get back.  IE in a video game, you don’t get the thing that will beat the game in the first 5 minutes.  You have to work for it, fight for it, help it grow.  As he is one who can help them take out the Framework from the inside AIDA will have built safeguards around him.  Plus Radcliffe in the mix wanting to preserve his own life and he’s going to be happy as a lark with Fitz as his son.
Sorry this got a little long but you are absolutely right Anon.  Its NEVER as bad as they make it sound like its going to be (and Mo said nothing about a rough patch, she said emotional spats which I’m totally expecting).  I can pull meta after meta on this in how a quote totally freaked everyone out but when it hit, what we imagined is so much worse.
Will there be conflict for Fitzsimmons in the Framework?  Yeap
Is it going to hurt?  Yeap
Will it be hard for us and Jemma to see Fitz like that? Oh yes.
Is Jemma going to fight like hell to get her man back? You bet!
Is it a deal breaker for Fitzsimmons? Heck no!
Will Jemma get him back?  No question, possibly even in the Framework towards the end.
Will they come out stronger from this? Absolutely 
Keep our eyes on the big sparkly prize guys!  Framework is only going to last 4/5 episodes at most, then they will be back together strong than ever.
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gay-robot · 3 years
but anyway yeah i just finished the mass effect remasters and. god looking back on it now that im a bit older is just jesus fucking christ what the fuck. stopping the creation of a cure to a disease that threatens to wipe out an entire species in the FIRST TWO GAMES is presented as an ethically ok thing to do until me3 where they finally let you actually cure it. one of the dlcs regardless of the choices you make ends with you blowing up an entire fucking solar system and killing hundreds of thousands of people and then everyone just goes ‘meh ok’ and theres maybe a few extra lines but nothing changes. not only can you not choose to join cerberus but in a lot of situations the only dialogue choices you have are defending them either way just in different tones. you cant have a conversation with kaiden ashley or liara in the first game without flirting there are literally no options not to if you talk to them more than once or twice. i hate this series so much
good things about mass effect: edi :) bad things about mass effect: everything else
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