#these are the top 4 I can remember joining that I've bore witness to jfjfjf
condorclaw · 2 years
There is a CC, LOOSE on Tumblr.
I think eventually everyone’s going to be used to it happening, but I have no idea what’s going to come from this. And neither do any of you, and neither do your mutuals, because there’s a CC loose on Tumblr. It’s happened before, yet no one knows what could come next, least of all the CC. They don't understand this broken site, they're as confused as you are.
There’s no experts. They try to find experts on the news. They’re like, “we’re joined now by a user that once saw a CC on Twitter.” Get out of here with that shit, we’ve all seen a CC on Twitter. This is a CC loose on tumblr.
When a CC is loose on tumblr, you got to stay updated. So all day long you walk around, “What did the CC do?” The updates, they’re not always a blow to the structural integrity of mcytblr's dignity. Sometimes they’re just odd. It’ll be like, “The CC reblogged content about an inside joke?” I didn’t know they knew how to find those.
The most concerning days are when you don’t hear from the CC at all. You’re in your discord severs like, “Has anyone heard about–” *notification noise*
Those are those quiet days when people are like, “It looks like the CC has finally been indoctrinated into tumblr's oddities.” And then ten seconds later the CC is like, “I've found the maid fanart and I'm going to reblog it." That’s what I thought you’d say, you terrifying human being.
And then you hang out in a late-night discord call with people and they’re like, “There shouldn’t be a CC on tumblr.” And it’s like, “We’re well past that.”
And then, for a second, it seemed like maybe we could survive the CC, and then, caused by linked posts, another CC was like, “I'm going to join tumblr too." And before we could say anything, the first CC was like, “Tumblr's a very enjoyable place, I'm leaving the door right open so other CCs can find how crazy this platform is." “You think you’re the only one doing that, I joined because of you. I'm breaking down the door entirely.”
And then, for a second, we were like, “Maybe the CCs will leave us in peace.” And then the CCs are like, “I'm directly displaying tumblr posts on stream."
They can do that?
I don't remember containment breaches being a part of the tumblr terms and services. /c
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