#these are ugly but oh well it was simply a low quality video ok!!
elizabetholsens · 3 years
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ELIZABETH OLSEN at the 2021 Emmy Awards
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chrysocomae · 4 years
Please share this essay from a healthcare worker from r/CoronavirusUS
What to expect when you get critically ill from COVID-19. A healthcare worker’s perspective.
"I am a healthcare worker who has volunteered to be a part of the COVID ICU “proning team” at the hospital where I work. I am writing this because my colleagues and I had a long discussion today about how disconnected the public is when it comes to the harsh reality of this virus and what it does to people. I will describe in as much detail as possible what you should expect to “experience” when you get critically ill from COVID-19.
By the time I meet you in the hospital, you’re already intubated in the ICU. This means that you likely started feeling terrible enough to get yourself to a hospital and then got admitted into said hospital. Your condition worsened to the point that the medical team determined that your best chance of survival would be to place you in a medically-induced coma and hook you up to a ventilator that literally breathes for you. The process that leads up to this point is traumatic, terrifying, and lonely. You are allowed zero visitors and your only interactions are with strangers that come into your room unannounced, wearing what look to you like hazmat suits. The hospital you’re staying in isn’t equipped with enough “negative-pressure” rooms to contain the virus and keep it from spreading to the hallway so there will be a giant window unit that pumps all the air from your room out the window vs allowing it back into the hospital. This window unit is LOUD (similar to a generator) and it will drive you absolutely insane because it MUST be running 24/7. So, you’re just going to have to accept that. As terrible as all this external hell feels, it’s nothing compared to what’s going on internally. Your body is deteriorating. Every breath is a gasp. Turning over to face the door when you hear a knock is impossible because you are literally THAT exhausted. Your oxygen levels continue to drop, even though you are being pumped MASSIVE amounts of pure oxygen through your nose (which is now bleeding constantly because it is completely dried out). The oxygen levels drop so low that the only course of action is to make you comatose, give you a paralyzing agent so you don’t thrash, and place you on a ventilator. Ok, so NOW let’s get to the bad part.
You’re laying on a bed, on your back. Unconscious, naked, Foley catheter in your urethra, and maybe (if your nurse is lucky) a FlexiSeal in your anus to collect all your diarrhea (look it up if you have questions). A ventilator is placed down your throat, somewhere between 20-28centimeters down. It will probably move around if it’s not tethered, which is a no-no, so it will be taped to your head/face. We’ll come back to this later, because that tape will eventually mess up your face, maybe permanently. A feeding tube goes down your nose because comatose people can’t eat, obviously. So your diet is now a nutrient-packed yellow mushy soup. Yum! Ok this is the basic setup.
Even with all this medically-engineered hoopla, you continue to deteriorate. The ventilator is running 100% oxygen down your throat, into your lungs but still not enough is getting into your blood. This is where organ failure starts to happen. Kidney failure, brain damage, etc. And this is where me and my “proning team” show up at your door.
Prone = laying on your stomach.
Supine = laying on your back.
Proning = turning you from your stomach onto your back.
Why do we do this? Well, to simplify it, the back of your lungs are bigger and better at oxygenating your blood. But when you’re laying on your back, all the fluid (LOTS of fluid) in your lungs accumulates and fills the back of your lungs - thus drowning them and making them much less effective. Flipping you onto your stomach causes that fluid to move to the front of your lungs (because gravity), freeing up the back of your lungs to do their better job. Honestly, it’s pretty amazing to see how quickly you will go from 79% oxygen (SpO2) to 93% as soon as we turn you onto your stomach. It’s very satisfying for us. Makes us feel proud. We’ll pat you on the back, literally, and give you kudos for this oxygen accomplishment.
We will plan to leave you in this prone position for somewhere between 12 to 18 hours. Your head is turned to the side, otherwise the ventilator tube would be rammed through the back of your mouth. Don’t worry, we will position this for you, you’re paralyzed, remember?
Once those 12 - 18 hours are up, the prone team comes back in to flip you back over to supine. This is where things can get ugly. Being paralyzed and on your stomach leads to A LOT of swelling/edema. Especially in your face. Your tongue has swelled up to ~5x it’s normal size and it doesn’t fit in your mouth anymore. Lips swell x5 times, too. Your eyelids have been taped shut but they’re swollen too. It looks like you have golf balls under your eyelids. Now, remember that tape that holds the ventilator tube in place? Well, it’s still holding tight. And with all the face/mouth swelling, I should emphasize the word TIGHT. You’ll be in this condition for a while. Maybe a week, maybe two, maybe three. That tape will get replaced daily but it will do some damage to your skin, especially your lips and ears. And since your blood isn’t getting proper oxygen, your body isn’t great at healing wounds. So, expect your face to look a little different for a LONG time, if you make it out alive. I now can say that I have seen a living person’s cheekbones. Not the form of the cheekbones, but the ACTUAL bones, because their wounds on their cheeks got so bad that the flesh necrotized and sloughed off during the friction involved with a head turn.
Where were we? Oh yes, we just flipped you back to supine. The 5 of us will be doing some routine care on you: wiping you down with Chlorhexidine Gluconate (CHG) wipes, putting Venelex cream and Mepilex patches your bed sores (think bony prominences - knees, clavicles, sternum, shoulders, nipples, shins, cheeks, etc.), using a suction device to suck up all the secretions from your mouth and nose, cleaning up your diarrhea from EVERYWHERE and changing that pesky face tape. Don’t worry, we’ll be gentle.
Now, it’s been maybe 10-15 minutes on your back. We stand back and assess how you’re doing. If you’re a champ, your oxygen levels stay in the low/mid 90s and we can leave you like this for 1 to 8 hours before you start deteriorating again, at which point it’s back onto your stomach.
The idea is that each time we put you back in supine, you’ll be able to maintain longer and longer periods of time before your oxygen drops to the 80s or 70s (or 60s, 50s, 40s, you get it).
The longer you’re in this ICU situation, the worse it gets. Eventually, we have to start doing all the routine care from the side-lying position, because putting you on your back could literally kill you. The supine position becomes intolerable - your blood pressure starts to plummet, your heart skips beats or shoots up to the 200s (or just stops) and your oxygen level drops immediately. So, unfortunately, you go back onto your stomach. More swelling, yay! Repeat this process daily and hope for better results each time. The more often we have to repeat, the less likely you are to survive, because it’s an indicator of how poorly your lungs are recovering.
Now, this is the point where someone might ask, “why are you keeping this person alive? Isn’t it inhumane to prolong this person’s suffering? What quality of life will they have when/if they survive?” Unfortunately, that’s not our choice. Even more unfortunately, it’s likely not even YOUR choice. Who’s choice is it? Your Medical Power of Attorney (MPOA), which 9 times out of 10, is a family member. Now, remember, there are zero visitors allowed for COVID-19 patients. That means that your family is getting ALL the information about your condition from a phone call or texts messages from someone on the healthcare team. Your family can’t see you and they can’t talk to you. Thus, they simply cannot appreciate just how much you are suffering. How could they? It’s not their fault. They love you. They’re praying for you. They’re wondering if they are making the right choice but they are doing so without all the information, because a phone call from a doctor or case manager can only go so far.
Above all, they are holding on to hope. Hope that you’ll come back from this. That you’ll be that patient in that next news video that gets the standing ovation as they’re wheeled out of the hospital because YOU MADE IT. And I hope you do, too. We all do. We care about you. If you make it out of that ICU, you’ve got months of rehab ahead of you. Your fight for life has JUST started. The success story is that, against all odds, you didn’t die.
Or, maybe you did. As I write this, 170,000 people have died from COVID-19 in the US alone. Each one of those people had a story, a life, a family, dreams, goals and a future. So many of them suffered tremendously through their last days, with strangers. Now they’re gone, forever. And that ICU bed is ready for the next one. I hope it’s not you. I hope it’s not your mom, dad, grandpa, aunt, sister, child or neighbor. But if it is, you can count on me and my coworkers to be gentle with you and treat you with dignity and respect. We will do everything in our power to get you home. This virus doesn’t care about your political affiliations, your plans, your freedoms. It doesn’t care about you at all. So we will.
Now, if I may.....please wear your damn mask.
Edit: The title says “when you get critically ill.” Emphasis on the “critically ill.” This is NOT what the average person should expect when they test positive. Most people DONT get critically ill. The VAST majority of people will never even see a regular hospital room, much less the ICU - I tested positive and I recovered at home with no medical intervention. Most will have mild symptoms and then recover. That being said, this post reflects a real possibility and a current reality for many people. I want people to understand the harsh reality of COVID-19. It affects everyone differently and taking small, practical precautions can keep you from ever having to wonder “is this going to happen to me?” or “did I get grandma sick because I didn’t take this seriously?” I apologize that this came off as fear mongering. The post reflects my experience as a healthcare worker and I feel that the public hasn’t had enough of that experience other than “we are overworked and tired.”
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scottmapess · 4 years
Buy Bitcoin & Short Oil?? PetroDollar Will COLLAPSE!
Egg yolk. What is going on? Viewers of the tube, if you’re just getting introduced to the channel? Well, let me say sup. My name is Tyler and you just entered the Krypto Channel. That will always enjoy mom’s cooking no matter what. How is? Looks so it looks like you’re enjoying yourself. Oh, yeah. Alex, think your injury. OK. You know how we keep it down. It’s time for Chico Crypto. Well, things are looking pretty sweet, special and ripe for the markets all around pulling out what we talked about the most, bitcoin and its price since Sunday. A bullish all-around week pushing back through six K past six point two K, then six point six K. And as of yesterday morning, we smashed through seven K. But BTC isn’t the only asset pushing up. Stocks have been doing great to the stock rally began on the 24th of March, pushing up from the 18k point lows and rallied up to the 22K points. But as we can see, it has been a big test of that level for the entire week. And by April Fool’s Day, it fell back under, although as of yesterday, a big push up began. So what was leading this end of the week? Push for all assets? Do you really want to know? Well, let’s just look at this chart. The asset that pumped the most yesterday, rocket gearing up by nearly 25 percent in a single candle going from under twenty-two dollars to over twenty-six. That asset is a commodity and it’s called crude oil. Remember, as I said, this comes down to one thing and one thing only as most conflicts have in the modern years. It’s a supply and demand for the thing they call black gold. So if you haven’t watched two of the videos we have recently produced regarding this oil price war, I highly recommend you check them out as it gives a solid prelude into what is going on. Both of those videos are in the description. If you want to check them out. So America, it’s backed into a frickin corner regarding their ultimate supreme power of the petrodollar. If you don’t know what this is, a quick summary. All transactions in oil done across the globe must be denominated in the US dollar. Basically, the U.S. dollar is a middle man for oil purchases from OPEC nations. Foreign currency of a nation is converted into U.S. dollar greenbacks. Then the nations can import oil. What do you think that has done since the industrialization of nations went to global overdrive? It created a massive demand for U.S. dollars. And you know what system we were on before this? The Bretton Woods system where a nation’s currency wasn’t pegged to any type of physical asset anymore. It was pegged to U.S. dollars. The agreed-upon reserve currency and U.S. dollars were pegged to gold. So after the post-war turmoil, World War 2, it created a massive demand for U.S. dollars and put most of the gold in u.s.’s hands as the economies across the globe expanded. By 1950, over 80 percent of the world’s gold was sitting in U.S. vaults as nations demanded the USD. But eventually, those countries wanted their gold back and the U.S. printed when they shouldn’t have and didn’t have the reserves to fulfil a gold run. So Nixon broke the gold standard in 1971 with the Nixon shock. And within two years. By 1973, Nixon, the Saudis struck deals for the creation of the petrodollar. So how do you understand why oil is so damn important? So let’s fast forward to today. Our president now is the Trump stuff. And like I mentioned, his administration is backed into a corner regarding this oil price war. But he had some things to say which obviously got the markets feeling good enough for a twenty-five percent pump. Let’s listen in. So I think that Saudi Arabia, Russia, they’re negotiating. They’re talking. And I think they’ll come up with something. I’m going to meet with the oil companies on Friday. I’m going to meet with independent oil producers also on Friday or Saturday, maybe Sunday. But we’re having a lot of meetings. And I think I know what to do to solve it. Yes. So he said the Saudis and Russia are talking and negotiating as they are the two biggest players besides the U.S. in this. And regarding the US, we don’t seem to be in these negotiations with the Saudis and Russia as Trump has plans to speak with U.S. oil-producing companies today and over the weekend, not the Saudis and Russia. So to me, it sounds like we have two players right now. Two very important ones. Russia and Saudi Arabia. And if they are able to come to an agreement which satisfies the U.S., Trump is going to do something. Let’s finish what he said. If they’re unable to solve it, then I think I know what to do. So I think that Russia and Saudi Arabia, at some point you’re going to make a deal in the not too distant future because it’s very bad for Russia. It’s very bad for Saudi Arabia. And it’s very bad. I mean, it’s bad for both. So I think they’re going to make a deal. You know, the free market is a wonderful thing. It’s amazing how it can work. But I think they’re going to make a deal. Yeah. Down to these two agreeing to cut their production and thus the prices go back up. Is that going to happen? While Trump said he thinks so as they must. It’s so bad for them. Not the US in our industries. Dude, it’s all about the US and the fracking company debt-ridden house of Cards of what’s the U.S. bet big time on when George W.. Junior signed the Energy Policy Act of 2005. We went long on oil and it was a bad decision then. But once Trump got elected, we decided to once again go long on the frack. And this time we did it with max leverage and debt. So what is going to happen? Will the US come out on top? Or is this the beginning of the collapse of the petrodollar? Well, Russia’s energy minister, Alexander Novak, said yesterday this when asked about resuming talks with the Saudis. This is one of our options and we do not rule this out. Well, this is Option Novak, as even Trump knows it. It comes down to an agreement for you guys to both cut production. Are the talks happening while Trump tweeted this, just spoke to my friend, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, who spoke with President Putin of Russia? And I expect and hope that they will be cutting back approximately 10 million barrels and may be substantially more, which, if it happens, will be great for the oil and gas industry. However, Russia responded with Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov, saying to reporters yesterday that talks have not begun and are not planned. He continued. So far, no one has started talking about any specific or even abstract deals in exchange for OPEC. Plus, no one is happy with this situation. So from Trump, that was B.S. from the BSA. So yeah, be asked. Yes, sir. Good for you. I hope you feel good about yourself. God damn it. Gosh, darn you. Trump those markets fell for it. But I will tell you right now, this is not going to go well because of the global situation where nothing is frickin moving. Supply of oil is shooting through the roof while demand is plummeting. So the future is murky. And Russia has previously mentioned their future plans. Alexander Novak, who said they would be open to talks with the Saudis, previously said this to the Russian oil industry, has a high-quality resource base and a sufficient margin of financial strength to remain competitive at any forecast price level as well as maintain its market share. This is not false. They have some of the world’s lowest production costs, a flexible tax system and a free-floating ruble. Russian companies can keep pumping even in an extremely bearish price scenario. And they have and they can keep it lower and still be profitable. Production costs of some of the top producers in Russia under twelve dollars a barrel of crude. So they can hit 15 dollars and they think they can hit it for a good while still expanding and even taking more market share from you while the Saudis can do oil the cheapest. So not from them. It has to be from the US, right? You are correct. And we are already starting to see the domino fall of shale producers in the US. A major player in North Dakota’s oil industry has filed for bankruptcy. Witting petroleum. And just look at the stock price since January, collapsing quicker than a shit going from over eight dollars and 70 cents to 31 cents as of yesterday. A loss of ninety-six percent. That is why I predict things could get ugly and ugly real quick. Witting couldn’t sustain their operations for a couple of months at these low prices. It’s impossible for the others who are gasping for breath before this to continue for that much longer. That is why energy analysis John Driskell of J. TDE Energy Services said this about the collapse of the wedding. I don’t want to be a doomsayer, but I think winning is just simply the first domino that’s going to fall. Yes, the domino of debt-ridden leveraged shale companies. U.S. shale patch bears some of the highest production costs in the world, requiring a break, even price of between 50 and fifty-five dollars per barrel. So do you see the similarities between this commodity, crude oil and the commodity Bitcoin? They both are produced. They both have a price market based on supply and demand. But BTC production remains the same for about four years. No matter what the price, while the production of oil and other commodities, their production is a function of the price and the demand for bitcoin is only going to increase while that production gets cut in half every four years. And we are once again coming right up on that. The demand for oil, it’s only going to decrease while the supplies won’t ever stop by bitcoin and shore oil. Thus the USD. You know how we end it. Oh, hell yes. Cheers. I’ll see you next time.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/buy-bitcoin-short-oil-petrodollar-will-collapse/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/04/buy-bitcoin-short-oil-petrodollar-will.html
0 notes
heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
Buy Bitcoin & Short Oil?? PetroDollar Will COLLAPSE!
Egg yolk. What is going on? Viewers of the tube, if you’re just getting introduced to the channel? Well, let me say sup. My name is Tyler and you just entered the Krypto Channel. That will always enjoy mom’s cooking no matter what. How is? Looks so it looks like you’re enjoying yourself. Oh, yeah. Alex, think your injury. OK. You know how we keep it down. It’s time for Chico Crypto. Well, things are looking pretty sweet, special and ripe for the markets all around pulling out what we talked about the most, bitcoin and its price since Sunday. A bullish all-around week pushing back through six K past six point two K, then six point six K. And as of yesterday morning, we smashed through seven K. But BTC isn’t the only asset pushing up. Stocks have been doing great to the stock rally began on the 24th of March, pushing up from the 18k point lows and rallied up to the 22K points. But as we can see, it has been a big test of that level for the entire week. And by April Fool’s Day, it fell back under, although as of yesterday, a big push up began. So what was leading this end of the week? Push for all assets? Do you really want to know? Well, let’s just look at this chart. The asset that pumped the most yesterday, rocket gearing up by nearly 25 percent in a single candle going from under twenty-two dollars to over twenty-six. That asset is a commodity and it’s called crude oil. Remember, as I said, this comes down to one thing and one thing only as most conflicts have in the modern years. It’s a supply and demand for the thing they call black gold. So if you haven’t watched two of the videos we have recently produced regarding this oil price war, I highly recommend you check them out as it gives a solid prelude into what is going on. Both of those videos are in the description. If you want to check them out. So America, it’s backed into a frickin corner regarding their ultimate supreme power of the petrodollar. If you don’t know what this is, a quick summary. All transactions in oil done across the globe must be denominated in the US dollar. Basically, the U.S. dollar is a middle man for oil purchases from OPEC nations. Foreign currency of a nation is converted into U.S. dollar greenbacks. Then the nations can import oil. What do you think that has done since the industrialization of nations went to global overdrive? It created a massive demand for U.S. dollars. And you know what system we were on before this? The Bretton Woods system where a nation’s currency wasn’t pegged to any type of physical asset anymore. It was pegged to U.S. dollars. The agreed-upon reserve currency and U.S. dollars were pegged to gold. So after the post-war turmoil, World War 2, it created a massive demand for U.S. dollars and put most of the gold in u.s.’s hands as the economies across the globe expanded. By 1950, over 80 percent of the world’s gold was sitting in U.S. vaults as nations demanded the USD. But eventually, those countries wanted their gold back and the U.S. printed when they shouldn’t have and didn’t have the reserves to fulfil a gold run. So Nixon broke the gold standard in 1971 with the Nixon shock. And within two years. By 1973, Nixon, the Saudis struck deals for the creation of the petrodollar. So how do you understand why oil is so damn important? So let’s fast forward to today. Our president now is the Trump stuff. And like I mentioned, his administration is backed into a corner regarding this oil price war. But he had some things to say which obviously got the markets feeling good enough for a twenty-five percent pump. Let’s listen in. So I think that Saudi Arabia, Russia, they’re negotiating. They’re talking. And I think they’ll come up with something. I’m going to meet with the oil companies on Friday. I’m going to meet with independent oil producers also on Friday or Saturday, maybe Sunday. But we’re having a lot of meetings. And I think I know what to do to solve it. Yes. So he said the Saudis and Russia are talking and negotiating as they are the two biggest players besides the U.S. in this. And regarding the US, we don’t seem to be in these negotiations with the Saudis and Russia as Trump has plans to speak with U.S. oil-producing companies today and over the weekend, not the Saudis and Russia. So to me, it sounds like we have two players right now. Two very important ones. Russia and Saudi Arabia. And if they are able to come to an agreement which satisfies the U.S., Trump is going to do something. Let’s finish what he said. If they’re unable to solve it, then I think I know what to do. So I think that Russia and Saudi Arabia, at some point you’re going to make a deal in the not too distant future because it’s very bad for Russia. It’s very bad for Saudi Arabia. And it’s very bad. I mean, it’s bad for both. So I think they’re going to make a deal. You know, the free market is a wonderful thing. It’s amazing how it can work. But I think they’re going to make a deal. Yeah. Down to these two agreeing to cut their production and thus the prices go back up. Is that going to happen? While Trump said he thinks so as they must. It’s so bad for them. Not the US in our industries. Dude, it’s all about the US and the fracking company debt-ridden house of Cards of what’s the U.S. bet big time on when George W.. Junior signed the Energy Policy Act of 2005. We went long on oil and it was a bad decision then. But once Trump got elected, we decided to once again go long on the frack. And this time we did it with max leverage and debt. So what is going to happen? Will the US come out on top? Or is this the beginning of the collapse of the petrodollar? Well, Russia’s energy minister, Alexander Novak, said yesterday this when asked about resuming talks with the Saudis. This is one of our options and we do not rule this out. Well, this is Option Novak, as even Trump knows it. It comes down to an agreement for you guys to both cut production. Are the talks happening while Trump tweeted this, just spoke to my friend, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, who spoke with President Putin of Russia? And I expect and hope that they will be cutting back approximately 10 million barrels and may be substantially more, which, if it happens, will be great for the oil and gas industry. However, Russia responded with Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov, saying to reporters yesterday that talks have not begun and are not planned. He continued. So far, no one has started talking about any specific or even abstract deals in exchange for OPEC. Plus, no one is happy with this situation. So from Trump, that was B.S. from the BSA. So yeah, be asked. Yes, sir. Good for you. I hope you feel good about yourself. God damn it. Gosh, darn you. Trump those markets fell for it. But I will tell you right now, this is not going to go well because of the global situation where nothing is frickin moving. Supply of oil is shooting through the roof while demand is plummeting. So the future is murky. And Russia has previously mentioned their future plans. Alexander Novak, who said they would be open to talks with the Saudis, previously said this to the Russian oil industry, has a high-quality resource base and a sufficient margin of financial strength to remain competitive at any forecast price level as well as maintain its market share. This is not false. They have some of the world’s lowest production costs, a flexible tax system and a free-floating ruble. Russian companies can keep pumping even in an extremely bearish price scenario. And they have and they can keep it lower and still be profitable. Production costs of some of the top producers in Russia under twelve dollars a barrel of crude. So they can hit 15 dollars and they think they can hit it for a good while still expanding and even taking more market share from you while the Saudis can do oil the cheapest. So not from them. It has to be from the US, right? You are correct. And we are already starting to see the domino fall of shale producers in the US. A major player in North Dakota’s oil industry has filed for bankruptcy. Witting petroleum. And just look at the stock price since January, collapsing quicker than a shit going from over eight dollars and 70 cents to 31 cents as of yesterday. A loss of ninety-six percent. That is why I predict things could get ugly and ugly real quick. Witting couldn’t sustain their operations for a couple of months at these low prices. It’s impossible for the others who are gasping for breath before this to continue for that much longer. That is why energy analysis John Driskell of J. TDE Energy Services said this about the collapse of the wedding. I don’t want to be a doomsayer, but I think winning is just simply the first domino that’s going to fall. Yes, the domino of debt-ridden leveraged shale companies. U.S. shale patch bears some of the highest production costs in the world, requiring a break, even price of between 50 and fifty-five dollars per barrel. So do you see the similarities between this commodity, crude oil and the commodity Bitcoin? They both are produced. They both have a price market based on supply and demand. But BTC production remains the same for about four years. No matter what the price, while the production of oil and other commodities, their production is a function of the price and the demand for bitcoin is only going to increase while that production gets cut in half every four years. And we are once again coming right up on that. The demand for oil, it’s only going to decrease while the supplies won’t ever stop by bitcoin and shore oil. Thus the USD. You know how we end it. Oh, hell yes. Cheers. I’ll see you next time.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/buy-bitcoin-short-oil-petrodollar-will-collapse/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/buy-bitcoin-short-oil-petrodollar-will-collapse
0 notes
jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
Buy Bitcoin & Short Oil?? PetroDollar Will COLLAPSE!
Egg yolk. What is going on? Viewers of the tube, if you’re just getting introduced to the channel? Well, let me say sup. My name is Tyler and you just entered the Krypto Channel. That will always enjoy mom’s cooking no matter what. How is? Looks so it looks like you’re enjoying yourself. Oh, yeah. Alex, think your injury. OK. You know how we keep it down. It’s time for Chico Crypto. Well, things are looking pretty sweet, special and ripe for the markets all around pulling out what we talked about the most, bitcoin and its price since Sunday. A bullish all-around week pushing back through six K past six point two K, then six point six K. And as of yesterday morning, we smashed through seven K. But BTC isn’t the only asset pushing up. Stocks have been doing great to the stock rally began on the 24th of March, pushing up from the 18k point lows and rallied up to the 22K points. But as we can see, it has been a big test of that level for the entire week. And by April Fool’s Day, it fell back under, although as of yesterday, a big push up began. So what was leading this end of the week? Push for all assets? Do you really want to know? Well, let’s just look at this chart. The asset that pumped the most yesterday, rocket gearing up by nearly 25 percent in a single candle going from under twenty-two dollars to over twenty-six. That asset is a commodity and it’s called crude oil. Remember, as I said, this comes down to one thing and one thing only as most conflicts have in the modern years. It’s a supply and demand for the thing they call black gold. So if you haven’t watched two of the videos we have recently produced regarding this oil price war, I highly recommend you check them out as it gives a solid prelude into what is going on. Both of those videos are in the description. If you want to check them out. So America, it’s backed into a frickin corner regarding their ultimate supreme power of the petrodollar. If you don’t know what this is, a quick summary. All transactions in oil done across the globe must be denominated in the US dollar. Basically, the U.S. dollar is a middle man for oil purchases from OPEC nations. Foreign currency of a nation is converted into U.S. dollar greenbacks. Then the nations can import oil. What do you think that has done since the industrialization of nations went to global overdrive? It created a massive demand for U.S. dollars. And you know what system we were on before this? The Bretton Woods system where a nation’s currency wasn’t pegged to any type of physical asset anymore. It was pegged to U.S. dollars. The agreed-upon reserve currency and U.S. dollars were pegged to gold. So after the post-war turmoil, World War 2, it created a massive demand for U.S. dollars and put most of the gold in u.s.’s hands as the economies across the globe expanded. By 1950, over 80 percent of the world’s gold was sitting in U.S. vaults as nations demanded the USD. But eventually, those countries wanted their gold back and the U.S. printed when they shouldn’t have and didn’t have the reserves to fulfil a gold run. So Nixon broke the gold standard in 1971 with the Nixon shock. And within two years. By 1973, Nixon, the Saudis struck deals for the creation of the petrodollar. So how do you understand why oil is so damn important? So let’s fast forward to today. Our president now is the Trump stuff. And like I mentioned, his administration is backed into a corner regarding this oil price war. But he had some things to say which obviously got the markets feeling good enough for a twenty-five percent pump. Let’s listen in. So I think that Saudi Arabia, Russia, they’re negotiating. They’re talking. And I think they’ll come up with something. I’m going to meet with the oil companies on Friday. I’m going to meet with independent oil producers also on Friday or Saturday, maybe Sunday. But we’re having a lot of meetings. And I think I know what to do to solve it. Yes. So he said the Saudis and Russia are talking and negotiating as they are the two biggest players besides the U.S. in this. And regarding the US, we don’t seem to be in these negotiations with the Saudis and Russia as Trump has plans to speak with U.S. oil-producing companies today and over the weekend, not the Saudis and Russia. So to me, it sounds like we have two players right now. Two very important ones. Russia and Saudi Arabia. And if they are able to come to an agreement which satisfies the U.S., Trump is going to do something. Let’s finish what he said. If they’re unable to solve it, then I think I know what to do. So I think that Russia and Saudi Arabia, at some point you’re going to make a deal in the not too distant future because it’s very bad for Russia. It’s very bad for Saudi Arabia. And it’s very bad. I mean, it’s bad for both. So I think they’re going to make a deal. You know, the free market is a wonderful thing. It’s amazing how it can work. But I think they’re going to make a deal. Yeah. Down to these two agreeing to cut their production and thus the prices go back up. Is that going to happen? While Trump said he thinks so as they must. It’s so bad for them. Not the US in our industries. Dude, it’s all about the US and the fracking company debt-ridden house of Cards of what’s the U.S. bet big time on when George W.. Junior signed the Energy Policy Act of 2005. We went long on oil and it was a bad decision then. But once Trump got elected, we decided to once again go long on the frack. And this time we did it with max leverage and debt. So what is going to happen? Will the US come out on top? Or is this the beginning of the collapse of the petrodollar? Well, Russia’s energy minister, Alexander Novak, said yesterday this when asked about resuming talks with the Saudis. This is one of our options and we do not rule this out. Well, this is Option Novak, as even Trump knows it. It comes down to an agreement for you guys to both cut production. Are the talks happening while Trump tweeted this, just spoke to my friend, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, who spoke with President Putin of Russia? And I expect and hope that they will be cutting back approximately 10 million barrels and may be substantially more, which, if it happens, will be great for the oil and gas industry. However, Russia responded with Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov, saying to reporters yesterday that talks have not begun and are not planned. He continued. So far, no one has started talking about any specific or even abstract deals in exchange for OPEC. Plus, no one is happy with this situation. So from Trump, that was B.S. from the BSA. So yeah, be asked. Yes, sir. Good for you. I hope you feel good about yourself. God damn it. Gosh, darn you. Trump those markets fell for it. But I will tell you right now, this is not going to go well because of the global situation where nothing is frickin moving. Supply of oil is shooting through the roof while demand is plummeting. So the future is murky. And Russia has previously mentioned their future plans. Alexander Novak, who said they would be open to talks with the Saudis, previously said this to the Russian oil industry, has a high-quality resource base and a sufficient margin of financial strength to remain competitive at any forecast price level as well as maintain its market share. This is not false. They have some of the world’s lowest production costs, a flexible tax system and a free-floating ruble. Russian companies can keep pumping even in an extremely bearish price scenario. And they have and they can keep it lower and still be profitable. Production costs of some of the top producers in Russia under twelve dollars a barrel of crude. So they can hit 15 dollars and they think they can hit it for a good while still expanding and even taking more market share from you while the Saudis can do oil the cheapest. So not from them. It has to be from the US, right? You are correct. And we are already starting to see the domino fall of shale producers in the US. A major player in North Dakota’s oil industry has filed for bankruptcy. Witting petroleum. And just look at the stock price since January, collapsing quicker than a shit going from over eight dollars and 70 cents to 31 cents as of yesterday. A loss of ninety-six percent. That is why I predict things could get ugly and ugly real quick. Witting couldn’t sustain their operations for a couple of months at these low prices. It’s impossible for the others who are gasping for breath before this to continue for that much longer. That is why energy analysis John Driskell of J. TDE Energy Services said this about the collapse of the wedding. I don’t want to be a doomsayer, but I think winning is just simply the first domino that’s going to fall. Yes, the domino of debt-ridden leveraged shale companies. U.S. shale patch bears some of the highest production costs in the world, requiring a break, even price of between 50 and fifty-five dollars per barrel. So do you see the similarities between this commodity, crude oil and the commodity Bitcoin? They both are produced. They both have a price market based on supply and demand. But BTC production remains the same for about four years. No matter what the price, while the production of oil and other commodities, their production is a function of the price and the demand for bitcoin is only going to increase while that production gets cut in half every four years. And we are once again coming right up on that. The demand for oil, it’s only going to decrease while the supplies won’t ever stop by bitcoin and shore oil. Thus the USD. You know how we end it. Oh, hell yes. Cheers. I’ll see you next time.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/buy-bitcoin-short-oil-petrodollar-will-collapse/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/614622263539580928
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cryptosharks1 · 4 years
Buy Bitcoin & Short Oil?? PetroDollar Will COLLAPSE!
Egg yolk. What is going on? Viewers of the tube, if you’re just getting introduced to the channel? Well, let me say sup. My name is Tyler and you just entered the Krypto Channel. That will always enjoy mom’s cooking no matter what. How is? Looks so it looks like you’re enjoying yourself. Oh, yeah. Alex, think your injury. OK. You know how we keep it down. It’s time for Chico Crypto. Well, things are looking pretty sweet, special and ripe for the markets all around pulling out what we talked about the most, bitcoin and its price since Sunday. A bullish all-around week pushing back through six K past six point two K, then six point six K. And as of yesterday morning, we smashed through seven K. But BTC isn’t the only asset pushing up. Stocks have been doing great to the stock rally began on the 24th of March, pushing up from the 18k point lows and rallied up to the 22K points. But as we can see, it has been a big test of that level for the entire week. And by April Fool’s Day, it fell back under, although as of yesterday, a big push up began. So what was leading this end of the week? Push for all assets? Do you really want to know? Well, let’s just look at this chart. The asset that pumped the most yesterday, rocket gearing up by nearly 25 percent in a single candle going from under twenty-two dollars to over twenty-six. That asset is a commodity and it’s called crude oil. Remember, as I said, this comes down to one thing and one thing only as most conflicts have in the modern years. It’s a supply and demand for the thing they call black gold. So if you haven’t watched two of the videos we have recently produced regarding this oil price war, I highly recommend you check them out as it gives a solid prelude into what is going on. Both of those videos are in the description. If you want to check them out. So America, it’s backed into a frickin corner regarding their ultimate supreme power of the petrodollar. If you don’t know what this is, a quick summary. All transactions in oil done across the globe must be denominated in the US dollar. Basically, the U.S. dollar is a middle man for oil purchases from OPEC nations. Foreign currency of a nation is converted into U.S. dollar greenbacks. Then the nations can import oil. What do you think that has done since the industrialization of nations went to global overdrive? It created a massive demand for U.S. dollars. And you know what system we were on before this? The Bretton Woods system where a nation’s currency wasn’t pegged to any type of physical asset anymore. It was pegged to U.S. dollars. The agreed-upon reserve currency and U.S. dollars were pegged to gold. So after the post-war turmoil, World War 2, it created a massive demand for U.S. dollars and put most of the gold in u.s.’s hands as the economies across the globe expanded. By 1950, over 80 percent of the world’s gold was sitting in U.S. vaults as nations demanded the USD. But eventually, those countries wanted their gold back and the U.S. printed when they shouldn’t have and didn’t have the reserves to fulfil a gold run. So Nixon broke the gold standard in 1971 with the Nixon shock. And within two years. By 1973, Nixon, the Saudis struck deals for the creation of the petrodollar. So how do you understand why oil is so damn important? So let’s fast forward to today. Our president now is the Trump stuff. And like I mentioned, his administration is backed into a corner regarding this oil price war. But he had some things to say which obviously got the markets feeling good enough for a twenty-five percent pump. Let’s listen in. So I think that Saudi Arabia, Russia, they’re negotiating. They’re talking. And I think they’ll come up with something. I’m going to meet with the oil companies on Friday. I’m going to meet with independent oil producers also on Friday or Saturday, maybe Sunday. But we’re having a lot of meetings. And I think I know what to do to solve it. Yes. So he said the Saudis and Russia are talking and negotiating as they are the two biggest players besides the U.S. in this. And regarding the US, we don’t seem to be in these negotiations with the Saudis and Russia as Trump has plans to speak with U.S. oil-producing companies today and over the weekend, not the Saudis and Russia. So to me, it sounds like we have two players right now. Two very important ones. Russia and Saudi Arabia. And if they are able to come to an agreement which satisfies the U.S., Trump is going to do something. Let’s finish what he said. If they’re unable to solve it, then I think I know what to do. So I think that Russia and Saudi Arabia, at some point you’re going to make a deal in the not too distant future because it’s very bad for Russia. It’s very bad for Saudi Arabia. And it’s very bad. I mean, it’s bad for both. So I think they’re going to make a deal. You know, the free market is a wonderful thing. It’s amazing how it can work. But I think they’re going to make a deal. Yeah. Down to these two agreeing to cut their production and thus the prices go back up. Is that going to happen? While Trump said he thinks so as they must. It’s so bad for them. Not the US in our industries. Dude, it’s all about the US and the fracking company debt-ridden house of Cards of what’s the U.S. bet big time on when George W.. Junior signed the Energy Policy Act of 2005. We went long on oil and it was a bad decision then. But once Trump got elected, we decided to once again go long on the frack. And this time we did it with max leverage and debt. So what is going to happen? Will the US come out on top? Or is this the beginning of the collapse of the petrodollar? Well, Russia’s energy minister, Alexander Novak, said yesterday this when asked about resuming talks with the Saudis. This is one of our options and we do not rule this out. Well, this is Option Novak, as even Trump knows it. It comes down to an agreement for you guys to both cut production. Are the talks happening while Trump tweeted this, just spoke to my friend, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, who spoke with President Putin of Russia? And I expect and hope that they will be cutting back approximately 10 million barrels and may be substantially more, which, if it happens, will be great for the oil and gas industry. However, Russia responded with Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov, saying to reporters yesterday that talks have not begun and are not planned. He continued. So far, no one has started talking about any specific or even abstract deals in exchange for OPEC. Plus, no one is happy with this situation. So from Trump, that was B.S. from the BSA. So yeah, be asked. Yes, sir. Good for you. I hope you feel good about yourself. God damn it. Gosh, darn you. Trump those markets fell for it. But I will tell you right now, this is not going to go well because of the global situation where nothing is frickin moving. Supply of oil is shooting through the roof while demand is plummeting. So the future is murky. And Russia has previously mentioned their future plans. Alexander Novak, who said they would be open to talks with the Saudis, previously said this to the Russian oil industry, has a high-quality resource base and a sufficient margin of financial strength to remain competitive at any forecast price level as well as maintain its market share. This is not false. They have some of the world’s lowest production costs, a flexible tax system and a free-floating ruble. Russian companies can keep pumping even in an extremely bearish price scenario. And they have and they can keep it lower and still be profitable. Production costs of some of the top producers in Russia under twelve dollars a barrel of crude. So they can hit 15 dollars and they think they can hit it for a good while still expanding and even taking more market share from you while the Saudis can do oil the cheapest. So not from them. It has to be from the US, right? You are correct. And we are already starting to see the domino fall of shale producers in the US. A major player in North Dakota’s oil industry has filed for bankruptcy. Witting petroleum. And just look at the stock price since January, collapsing quicker than a shit going from over eight dollars and 70 cents to 31 cents as of yesterday. A loss of ninety-six percent. That is why I predict things could get ugly and ugly real quick. Witting couldn’t sustain their operations for a couple of months at these low prices. It’s impossible for the others who are gasping for breath before this to continue for that much longer. That is why energy analysis John Driskell of J. TDE Energy Services said this about the collapse of the wedding. I don’t want to be a doomsayer, but I think winning is just simply the first domino that’s going to fall. Yes, the domino of debt-ridden leveraged shale companies. U.S. shale patch bears some of the highest production costs in the world, requiring a break, even price of between 50 and fifty-five dollars per barrel. So do you see the similarities between this commodity, crude oil and the commodity Bitcoin? They both are produced. They both have a price market based on supply and demand. But BTC production remains the same for about four years. No matter what the price, while the production of oil and other commodities, their production is a function of the price and the demand for bitcoin is only going to increase while that production gets cut in half every four years. And we are once again coming right up on that. The demand for oil, it’s only going to decrease while the supplies won’t ever stop by bitcoin and shore oil. Thus the USD. You know how we end it. Oh, hell yes. Cheers. I’ll see you next time.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/buy-bitcoin-short-oil-petrodollar-will-collapse/
0 notes