#they could hypothetically enslave the whole world
eelfuneral · 8 months
I’m going to rip on the Jedi Order’s (in)action regarding the clones in canon below the cut.
The Jedi really could have at least been shown TRYING to do something about the fact that the clones were enslaved science experiments, but we don’t get much in canon beyond them going “well that sucks. Anyways…” Even if the Jedi didn’t end up being successful in this hypothetical clone-freeing endeavor, them actually making a fucking effort to help these people who were being repeatedly failed by everyone around them would make me like them a whole lot more. The argument that the Jedi were nice to the clones so it was okay doesn’t really work either, since all the kindness in the world didn’t stop them from being used as property and then tossed aside by the Republic and later the Empire.
You can be as nice to someone as you want, but if you look the other way when they are being oppressed, then you are, in fact, complicit in that oppression.
Also, can we really call Order 66 a “betrayal” by the clones when mind control was involved and they had virtually zero agency to make the decision on their own? IMO, the blame for Order 66 falls squarely on the shoulders of Palpatine (and Anakin to an extent).
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nacregames · 3 years
Will Lucifer be able to regain any of their former power in the story or was it permanently lost after they were cast out of Heaven?
They already did regain like 90%, but the matter is that they can’t use it just like that. Even as a Fallen, they have some sort of agreement with Heaven/God.
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thewillowbends · 3 years
So I'm rewatching the first season and reading the book, and I've got Thoughts (TM)
And I've got a LOT of thoughts about what exactly Leigh Bardugo was doing here in terms of the moral and ethical statements of the narrative, so I'm putting it under the cut.
Something that's really glaring on the rewatch is just...the complete lack of compassion every character outside Aleksander has for the plight of the Grisha. The army treats treats them with reciprocal dislike, despite the fact that they couldn't even cross the Fold with the Inferni or Squallers. The tsar and tsarita treat them with condescension and disdain, clearly valuing them mainly as a utility that, historically, they've happily turned on when they felt they were growing too powerful. Baghra has just given up on trying to protect other Grisha who aren't immortal like her or Aleksander. Even Alina is guilty of othering them and has to be told off by multiple characters (Ivan, Aleksander, Baghra) to stop treating her power like a yoke instead of a responsibility and opportunity to help others.
We get this big, bad, armor-piercing line from her to Aleksander about how he doesn't care who suffers as long as he wins. Which is true to some extent, but...where is her compassion? Didn't we just spend a hefty portion of the narrative wanting to give her power away to somebody else so she can, what, be with her bestie? Meanwhile, there's, you know, an actual war going on. This isn't small stakes shit she sees going on around her. People are dying. We literally have an entire plot where we see a Grisha kidnapped, enslaved, and then sent to be put to death...who was given to the enemy by her own people!
And then we get that line from her in 1x07, only to have it followed up by her running away at the end of 1x08 for....why? Most people on the ship are dead or those that survived weren't his supporters. The people on the docks were killed, and most of them actually were traitors trying to kill Alina. Aleksander didn't lie about that. So she's running away to take the blame for some nebulous reason that's not really well explained, which is...well, what the fuck happens to the rest of the Grisha? Do we not care about how Aleksander's actions are going to reflect back on them and cause a potential backlash or something? Not to mention, nobody is on the other side to warn them that Aleksander is a threat to begin with. Even if you assumed he was dead, you'd definitely want to assume he likely had supporters back at the palace, too!
From a character writing perspective, I find it stupid that Aleksander doesn't tell her certain things because if he's such a big, bad, clever manipulator, he would absolutely be weaponizing his own pain and experiences to make her stumble in empathy. That's bad character writing to me when you're telling me somebody's an abusive villain but actually isn't using very real and effective abuser tactics. But then you also have Alina who refuses to even point out...Aleksander, I get it! I've talked to other Grisha! I see what you're going through! But this can't be the answer. You have to see this won't end well for you! Like, her own arguments make no sense to me. They're so myopic and self-involved.
One of the big things that bothers me that gets folded into Aleksander's other manipulations is this idea that he primarily associates and values her for her power, in contrast to Mal who primarily sees her for being herself. While I get the intent of that on a narrative level, in the scope of the wider story...it just literally makes no sense for Aleksander to parse those two as separate. Not when the whole reason Grisha are hunted down and killed is because they don't get the privilege of being people outside of their power. Aleksander doesn't get to be General Kirigan without also being the Darkling. Therefore, Alina doesn't get to be Sankta Alina without also being the Sun Summoner. Not a single other character gets to be relevant without being powerful.
Even on a narrative level, it makes no sense. One, it's frankly kind of sexist (when are male protagonists ever expected to be segregated from their power) and two...that's the whole reason we're telling her story! That's why she's the protagonist! She is special. She can't be separated from this unique power destiny has handed her. We don't tell stories about common, boring people; we tell stories about people who incite conflict or change. So even the mere concept to me of basing a character's identity or value around not wanting value is frankly kind of ridiculous.
There's just this strangely insidious underpinning to the story that power is inherently dangerous, even as it acknowledges that people who are NOT in power can very much suffer at the hands of those who do. So where's the moral and ethical reflection about what this means for the rest of us? What does that mean for minorities?
Think of the scene on the boat where Aleksander has Ivan kill off the nobility. The narrative wants you to see this moment as blackly humorous and awful, but stop for a moment and think about what happened there from his perspective. This is a man who spent centuries watching his people get killed and enslaved, and that isn't a false representation or manipulation from him, either. His statement is backed up both by what we see in the flashbacks and by other Grisha. Nobody created a safe haven for him and his people - he did that! He had to claw his way to the top, flatter, kill, and fuck his way through god knows how many noble houses, just to get to this moment where he could build a Little Palace. And it took him four hundred years just to get that! All while Grisha are dying!
And nobody did anything about it. Not the king, not the landholders, not even the peasantry. They were happy taking advantage of the Grisha's powers, of course, when Aleksander helped raise them up into a position of prominence, making them soldiers and enchanters. And even then, they're mocked! The army can't wait to get rid of them!
And then some noblewoman, who has enjoyed the benefits of her wealth and power, some of which were built on the backs of your people, sits there and tells you, the moment you take hold of the power everybody else has been grabbing for centuries, has the audacity to sit there and tell you that the world will hate Grisha and view him as a heretic?? When less than twenty years ago, your people were being killed right and left? When the enemy is still kidnapping and enslaving your people? When your own countrymen view you with fear and intrigue already? The audacity to sit there and frame it as a hypothetical when it's very much an actual reality still going on. Just look at the barely hidden seething rage and contempt on Barnes face when he delivers that quip about "needing to do that speech again." Motherfucker has been waiting YEARS for this moment, this revenge. And really, who can blame him...if you aren't wrapped up in the narrative wanting you to focus on just what he's doing to poor Alina.
The way the Grisha's situation is framed along with how the Darkling's descent into villainy is handled is so just incongruent to me. The pieces don't fit. You're asking me to see this man as completely irredeemable after you just showed me six episodes of Grisha being killed both for being what they are in the hopes of protecting Alina, after you showed me that Aleksander had already TRIED appealing to the protection of the crown by lending it his power, after making us see that lies and manipulation are the only way he and his mother have been able to survive as long as they have in a world that eradicated them. Where is the compassion in the narrative for that?
And okay, fine, you can do an irredeemable villain. You can do a Kilmonger-esque story with the Darkling, but that requires forcing your protagonists to empathize with the villain and change from it. But then I read ahead and...that doesn't happen?? She winds up walking away from it all at the end?? In fact, she even loses her power. And that's supposed to be a HAPPY ending? After we just saw how badly this minority was treated for how many centuries??
You know what it feels like? It feels like Leigh Bardugo read The Hunger Games, tried to replicate a Katniss, and then completely failed to understand the profound situational differences between her protagonist and that one. Katniss is a girl made extraordinary by her circumstances. She's not special herself other than the fact that she did the right thing at the right place at the right time and helped create the tipping point for a revolution that was already in the works before her. Katniss walking away from the world after makes sense because she's burned out after the war, but it also got its use from her. She helped make the revolution work; she showed up for the event while it was happening and did what she could. The situation was out of her control and power for the most part, and she still managed to rise the occasion.
Alina is NOT Katniss. She is inherently special. She is inherently powerful. She has the ability to create change and bring a new perspective that Aleksander has long given up on and which her country desperately needs. We know the world of the Hunger Games will be better because the creators of real change were always working behind the scenes behind Katniss. She was just their propaganda, their symbol. Alina is a symbol, but she is also a very real power. It's not an act of moral celebration for her to walk away from power at the end, namely because there's a whole minority class of people we still have to worry about. Putting a Grisha on the throne is no promise the country won't turn against them eventually, nor does that protect the hundreds of Grisha at the mercy of a superstitious peasantry and countries that will likely continue to invade them.
It's just...I dunno guys. It's frustrating because all the compelling elements are there in the characters and storyline, but it's like the author had a set of characters telling one story and then she had an entirely different plot in mind, and they just clash all over the place for me and become thematically inconsistent. But what really gets me is that she had seven years to think this shit over...and we're looking to get the same story all over again. Usually, it's a great thing to have an author involved in the show. This is a rare situation where I wonder if it hurts the chances of it improving.
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kingoffiends · 4 years
So I did not think my responses would be reblogged by @veiledlight-blog and @ohmourningstar but I want to continue the discussion on Lilith which isn’t a reblog chain but instead a full post.
So, why not use Lilith in your practice?
Because you’re not Jewish. Lilith is Jewish. You are not. Judaism is a closed practice for a reason. You aren’t supposed to use the stuff there if you aren’t Jewish. Maybe I have to explain why it’s closed.
Anti-semitism is a big issue. It’s everywhere all around the globe. Closed practices are closed to keep the practice how it is without being colonized, and Judaism is no exception. The Jewish people are often discriminated against. I could go on a full rant on how.
My Sunday school classmates have found nazi symbols spray painted onto walls near their homes. My Jewish friends have been made fun of for being Jewish. I’ve personally been threatened with violence and possible death for being Jewish. It’s caused a long issue with my self identity and my religious beliefs which I still struggle with now. I have often not wanted to be Jewish because I felt so ashamed and bad about it. I didn’t want a Bat Mitzvah in case others found out because I knew telling my friends might bring up a side of them I had no clue about or letting others who would also harm me know about my Judaism. It worsened my mental health which was already not good. And guess what? I was a kid. Not even thirteen when this all happened. No kid should go through that. No kid should hate who they are and what they believe because of others and their hate.
Judaism at its root is meant to protect its people from those who want to harm those who practice it. The whole book of Exodus was about escaping the Pharaoh who enslaved us and finding a new home. We have countless stories about it (the Prague Golem is an amazing one). We have the Holocaust. We’ve been taught by the world to keep closed to ourselves. Its figures like Lilith are not for those who are not Jewish. 
Now, Lilith has become so popular because her whole concept has been changed from what it once was. Lilith was a high figure, not to be messed with and a literal demon who could and would harm babies and their mothers. Now she’s all succubus queen empowering women. While I am very happy that women, especially young witches, can feel empowered, there’s many, many ladies in other pantheons who are more appropriate for goyim (those who are not Jewish). Honestly, if i were a non-Jewish witch I would love Eve and even as a Jewish witch I still love her. Like your free will? Thank her. Stay away from the lady who was written to eat babies. 
Also, young witches are also a big problem when it comes to this. You're naive. Hell I’m still young I’m definitely still naive. But I’m learning. You should be too, learning what you shouldn’t use in your practice because it’s appropriation. 
And I mentioned before in my responses that some people have deities and entities come to them, not the other way around. I’ve dealt with this situation with another involving Lilith as said deity/entity before. Let’s have a hypothetical situation. You see Loki in your dreams. You’re not a Norse Pagan. He talks to you. When you wake up you feel this connection between you and him. You research. You find out about Norse Paganism and since you feel so connected to one of its deities, you study more of it and eventually become a Norse Pagan. People can get involved in certain religions or practices because of such experiences. Why can’t the same be done with Liltih and Judaism?
Now, Norse Paganism is an open practice. With closed ones it’s different, especially with African and Native American practices. But I say the underlying concepts and ideas still apply in concerns to Judaism. You’re free to join us. If you actually really feel connected to her, then I bet you 9/10 you’ll feel connected to Judaism and its concepts as well and end up converting. It’s a long process and yes, it’ll require a lot of work. But if you really want it you’ll do it. Getting into studying magic in itself is a massive undertaking. If you want it, you can do it. And if you want to become Jewish you can do it if you really want it.
I know many young witches who want to work with Lilith will say “but I’m too young I can’t convert!” Well guess what? If you really want it you can sit down and wait and when you’re 18 you can convert. Study Judaism in the meanwhile. Help out your local Jewish community. Be an ally to us. We’ll greatly appreciate it and it’ll help with the conversion. If it’s too much of a hassle to wait, hopefully you’ll learn you made a mistake as your young naive self and have more wisdom for your practice, because we all make mistakes and we all should learn from them. And definitely still stand with us as an ally against anti-semitism! And if you still work with and worship her after all that without the conversion, then you’re just an approperiating asshole. Why she would want to work with you is beyond me. Even being “against anti-semitism” is a futile effort because clearly no you’re not. 
Also, please do not work with Lilith while you’re converting. Wait till after. You made it so far doing it all right only to ruin it by doing that. Plus by doing so you’re honestly just showing 1) you only converted for Lilith 2) you don’t actually respect the rest of Judaism and 3) Honestly you’re just an asshole trying to cover your tracks.
For any witches who do fully convert or those thinking on it: you can still be a witch and do pagan things as a Jew! Look at me. Look at my mom. Look at @will-o-the-witch. Nobody will judge you for it (you’ll find we’re a very open-minded and accepting community). Even rabbis will be open to it and might give you resources! So don’t be scared. We’ll welcome you.
One big thing, don’t just do nothing when you are officially Jewish. Attend services at a synagogue. Help out at your local JCC. Celebrate the holidays. Don’t just turn Jewish because some kid on Tumblr told you to if you wanted to work with Lilith. If you’re just going to ignore all of it when it’s done, then why even bother? It makes you another asshole just covering their tracks. If this is what you’re gonna do, don’t do it.
Also, please note my whole ramble on conversion is meant for people who genuinely feel a powerful connection to Lilith which should extend to the whole of Judaism. Don’t convert or even consider it if you’re only vaguely interested in her and the religion. Research is fine but active practice is a whole new bucket of worms. You’ll waste your time and everyone else’s time with a conversion if you’re not fully involved and into it. Attend or watch (with the pandemic and that) a service or two and see how you think of it. Research research research as well and decide after you’ve done the two. It’ll likely be a no at the end if you are not genuinely interested. Or you may end up genuinely interested in Judaism by doing those things. Just always make sure you’re 100% confident in your choice for this if you’re going to actually convert. It’s a big move and not one to be taken lightly. 
So, TLDR for the whole conversion thing: you either end up realizing your mistake and growing as a person and witch, you reveal yourself as a true asshole, or you end up in a community you’re happy in. Think hard and long. Question your interest and connections. Don’t not get involved in Jewish things if you do convert.
I didn’t expect this to end up mostly about conversion at the end but oh well. I hope this helps or provides some insight. For any questions please just dm or send me an ask. Any anti-semitism or hate will be ignored because I don’t have time for your shit.
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robinasnyder · 3 years
So, I read all of Remarried Empress in like one night last night (65 chapters available for free on webtoons), and I have thoughts.
So, my issue is that everyone is horrible, but Rashta is framed as extra horrible even though she would easily be the lead in a different story.
So, the way slavery works, as described early in the story is that slaves are people who committed a crime, or the descendants of someobe who committed a crime. I know I'm extrapolating a little, but the laws are that anyone committed a crime deserving a life sentence will be enslaved along with their descendants. In the picture there is a man and woman being sentenced. As such, it makes me think that if a man committed a crime, and he had a wife and children, that suddenly all of them would be enslaved. And since the sentence is 100 years, that means easily 5 generations could be enslaved because one man did something and the law allows this.
Despite hypothetically only people for people who deserve a life sentence, who's to say what deserves life sentence, especially because people seem to be able to be executed willy nilly in this world.
Also, even a poor noble family like Lotteshu's seems to be able to afford a stable of slaves. So that means there's enough slaves that they probably aren't that expensive.
Navier doesn't own slaves, as far as we know, but she's totally happy to live in a system that does and doesn't think there's anything wrong with it at all. Her only concern about Rashta being a runaway slave is that it's humiliating to the Royal Family. That's it.
So, then we have Rashta. It seems like Alan did like her, and probably thought he was "making love" to her. She may have even had feelings for him, but it's clear there was always a very visible power imbalance. Rashta even talks about how dangerous it was for her to be beautiful when she was enslaved. She's very clearly been raped before, and probably not just by Alan. Despite him dripping sincere feelings, she isn't just unhappy with him being around her because it puts her place in jeopardy, but because even though he probably said he loved her, he put his station over her wellfair.
So Rashta's whole story is about her escaping from slavery after having been raped and abused, and had a child who she was told died but was actually stolen from her. Once she finally feels safe, she finds kut her child that she wanted so much is still alive, and is being used to blackmail her. This causes her feelings to get mixed up about her first child, especially once she gets pregnant again. Her first child is being cared for, but he easily could be enslaved too because she's his mother. Also, he's the reason she and her second child could lose everything.
So she is both being used, but also using others to try and protect herself. She knows that the Emperor can throw her away in and instant, and she needs to protect herself and her new child.
But the way the narrative frames just makes her hateful, even though she should be deeply sympathetic.
So then there's Navier. I love Navier. I'm very much rooting for her to be happy. The reason she hates Rashta is very obvious. Nornally, I'd say maybe being honest would help, but I don't think it would.
If Navier clearly explained to Rashta early on that she is upset and doesn't like her because her husband hurt her and humiliated her, over and over again by taking a lover, and so she would rather they just not cross paths, I think Rashta may have understood, but I doubt it would have fixed much. I think if Rashta had explained to Navier early on what happened to her and that she needs to remain the Emperor's Mistress for her own safety, I don't think Navier would have cared.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think Navier would have told her husband all of this at all. She wouldn't have ratted her out, but she also wouldn't have helped. She never, ever was going to care about Rashta had her plight even if Rashta wasn't sleeping with her husband.
I think this is the heart of it: everyone is horrible in some way. The Emperor's easily the worst, but when I was first reading, I didn't hate him as much as I hated Rashta. Despite having the most sympathetic and tragic backstory, which is hammered in over and over, Rashta's suffering is treated like an embarrassing thing that will effect the Royal family, more than it is treated like tragic suffering on the part of someone who is actually naive.
I still don't like Rashta, at all. And that's fine. She's not written to be likable. But it bothers me that especially to start, thar she was written as the most hateable, despite the Emperor being the one who cheating and twisting Navier's words to suit whatever narrative he has in his mind.
I totally loved reading this, but also, I do have some concerns about how all of this is framed. Still, I really am excited for Navier to be able to remarry and be happy. I just hope that this story doesn't end with Rashta being enslaved again. Unfortunately, I'm afraid the creators may see this as a "fitting punishment" for her actions.
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gamesception · 3 years
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The Promised Neverland is kind of really good, actually?  I mean, yeah, I’m late to the party as usual, but I just binged the first season of the anime, and then the manga from that point on (the site I was on didn’t have any of the second season, but apparently it diverges from the comic and gets bad anyway, so maybe just read the comic to begin with).  And, I mean, spoilers, obviously, but I’m going to get into some extremely major spoilers here so if you haven’t read it or if you’ve only seen the first season of the anime maybe skip this post and read the manga, but...
I’ve tried and failed to write a big long post about all the ways it’s so good, how the main three characters are each so compelling, how its pitch dark but not cynical or misanthropic, with mortal stakes but not gore-porny, positive and optimistic without being trite or naïve, how choosing Emma out of the main three to be the primary protagonist and viewpoint character keeps the story from becoming a masculine militaristic power fantasy, how the antagonists are treated as characters and not just monsters - even the ones that are literal monsters, about how the story never supports or glorifies the idea of sacrificing the weak so that the strong can survive, about how empathy and understanding and a chance for peace are extended to every single villain without putting a burden to forgive on victims and without ignoring the need to fight those who refuse the offer of peace and uphold the status quo, how the story opposes oppressive hierarchies at every turn - not just those the monsters use to control the human children at the farms, but also how the monster elites use access to human meat to controller the lower social classes of monster society, and even to an extent within the human resistance.
But there’s just way too much to talk about to get it all into one big giant post, and I don’t have the stamina for a big extended ongoing project right now - or else I’d return to one of the like 12 I have on hold.
But, like, to pick just one thing....
ok, so eventually we learn what the monsters are and why they eat people.  They’re a weird sort of organism that can temporarily take on the characteristics of things they eat.  Eat a bird and grow wings, eat a bug and grow an exoskeleton, eat a human and gain a humanoid body and the intelligence to become self aware, learn language, form societies - for a while.  But if they go too long without eating people, then they lose their minds and revert to a bestial form.  In order to save the humans, the resistance leader Minerva plans to wipe out the monster society altogether.  After all, they literally have to eat humans to continue being people, there is no possibility of peace.
Protagonist Emma, though, has seen not just the horrific human farms and their cruel and corrupt rulers, but also their towns and settlements, their families and children.  She was even saved at one point shortly after her escape by friendly monsters who opposed the farm system, and even though it seems impossible, she wants to save both the humans and the monsters.
A more typical show, at least among those with premises as dark as The Promised Neverland, wouldn’t take Emma’s side in this.  She would be forced to ‘grow up’ and face the fact that she can’t save everyone.  Her naivety would get someone killed to break her heart and teach her to be hard and cruel as if those things are virtues.  Or, more likely, she wouldn’t be the viewpoint character to begin with, she’d be a side character whose ideals would get herself killed in order to elevate the male characters’ angst and justify their violence.  Either way, the message would be “Emma’s ideals were unrealistic and could never survive contact with the harsh reality of the world.”
TPN instead takes Emma’s Side.  She finds monsters who maintain a humanoid body and intelligence without eating humans, and they’re able to spread that trait to the rest of monster society while the humans all escape to the human world.  Now, as much as I don’t like the grimdark ‘there is no peaceful option’ hypothetical version of the story, this development could have been handled pretty badly.  Like, just reading it like that, it sounds like the story raised a big moral dilemma and then chickened out of it.  But that’s really not how it comes off while you’re reading it, for a couple reasons.
First of all, Emma meets the non-human-eating monsters early in the story, long before we get the explanation of how monsters in general work.  So by the time we learn that the monsters must eat humans to maintain their self identity, the audience already knows that there are exceptions and that an alternative exists.  The story never sets this up to be a moral dilemma in the first place, so when the issue is bypassed it doesn’t feel like it’s undercut itself.
More importantly, though, is the thematic & metaphorical content.  Because the monster society is a pretty explicit metaphor for unjust human societies, and monsters represent the people who make up such societies.  Not just the aristocrats who benefit from the unjust society, or those who directly enforce and uphold it, but also regular people.  People insulated just enough from the suffering and death that their lives are built on that they can turn a blind eye to it, but aware enough of their complicity in that suffering that they construct excuses to justify their part in it, and by proxy excuse those at the top who actually benefit from and shaped the society as it is.  People living lives simultaneously just comfortable enough to keep them docile, but precarious enough that they’re too caught up with struggling to maintain the tenuous grasp on the lives they have to feel like they can work towards anything better.  Monster society in TPN is a cage built out of the corpses of humans cattle, but built to imprison and enslave the monster civilians who eat them.
Hanging the story on the fantastical element of monster biology would divorce it from that essential metaphor while also endorsing an outright genocidal worldview, and TPN explicitly calls out the plan to wipe out the monsters altogether as just that - genocidal.  It never even pretends to entertain the notion that the audience should accept that plan as the right choice, even while it doesn’t condemn Minerva for pursuing it. When Emma is proposing her plan to Minerva, the deal she strikes with him is ‘I will try to make my peaceful solution happen, and if I succeed then you cancel your plan to wipe out the monsters’.  Minerva is eventually shown to be lying when he makes that agreement, but Emma isn’t, and note the if there.  If Emma’s plan fails, then she - and thus the narrative - accepts that Minerva’s plan to save the children is still better than leaving things as they are, even if it means wiping out all the monsters.  After all, the society IS monstrously unjust, and even the lower classes within that society ARE complicit in that injustice.
Minerva’s problem isn’t even presented as a matter of him hating the monsters too much to see a route to peace with them.  The story doesn’t frame the conflict between Minerva’s and Emma’s plans as hate vs. love or revenge vs. forgiveness.  It’s instead more of ‘hierarchy and division bad, mutualism/openness/relying on each other good’.  The point is to show how Minerva’s role as a figurehead who believes he has to project strength to uphold the hope that the other humans have placed in him has worn away his ability to rely on others or to be open to alternatives they offer, leaving him with rigid and inflexible thinking.
So when Minerva learns about the monsters who don’t need to eat humans, he doesn’t see an opportunity for a better outcome - potentially even an easier outcome since he doesn’t have to make enemies of the entirety of monster society - rather he sees a threat to his plan to starve the monsters back into an animalistic state.
And if that whole subplot isn’t explicit enough, Minerva’s internalized need to project strength also results in his physical body wasting away in secret from a condition he believes to be untreatable, but the moment he finally breaks down and admits he needs help Emma is able to point to a solution, one that again doesn’t come across as a cop out because again it takes the form of another character the audience was already introduced to a long time ago.
In a story arc that the second season of the anime adaptation apparently cut entirely, wow the more I hear about anime season 2 the worse it sounds.  And after the first season was so good....
Anyway, I tried to pick just one thing and this post still turned into a colossal gushing word cascade, and there are so many other elements to talk about.  Like how The ‘Mothers’ and ‘Sisters’ are menacing villains with seemingly no empathy for the children, but when Sister Krona realizes she’s lost the power struggle with Isabella she leaves the kids tools to help them, and then when Mother Isabella realizes the children have escaped, she covers up the route they used in order to buy them a little extra time to get away.  It’s these little touches - just as much as the short backstories that follow them - that show us how, while they might uphold the system out of fear for their own lives, and might have rationalize their part in it in order to live with the horrible things they’re doing, the mothers and sisters don’t actually hate the children.  Knowing that makes it believable when in the end Isabella does turn on the system, and every single one of the other mothers and sisters join her.
The bit when the fighting is mostly over and she tells the Mother at the house “it’s over, now we can just love them” and the other woman breaks down crying is so sad and human, it makes me tear up thinking about it..
Like I said, all the villains are characters, not just monsters.  They all have motivations for the horrific things they do - sometimes irrational, often selfish, but not even the most unforgivable of the monsters are just evil for evil’s sake.
Again, I’m rambling.  It’s just...  I’m used to these sorts of pitch dark dystopias being, for lack of a better term, kinda fashy in their messaging?  Or at the very least deeply cynical and misanthropic and just kind of mean spirited.  And TPN is so completely the opposite of that, in so many ways.
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Don’t underestimate me, Plankton. You have no idea what I’m capable of.”
For karenton can be any au
{{bringing back the monster au i love her}}
It didn’t bother her too much at first. Sheldon’s group of “friends” - if you could even call them that - were incredibly hostile. As was to be expected - her whole fleet had arrived to destroy their planet and the humans were forcing this one small team to be the only line of defense against them. Had the shoe been on the other foot, she would’ve been hostile as well. Regardless, she understood when he ever so casually said “There is no reason to be afraid to Karen.”.
But then, the comments started to become more...frequent. “It’s just Karen.” he would say “She can’t hurt you.”
“Won’t.” she wants to correct. She could, in fact, very easily hurt Patrick. She could just as easily hurt Sheldon himself. She chooses not to.
It all came to a head when it was not around his group of friends. It was the two of them, alone, scheming about a life in a world where they managed to not only destroy her fleet, but destroy all other life on earth, too. A world where it was only them. Karen questions how Sheldon will feed with no other life forms, and he waves a hand and says something about how they’ll keep the animals for that reason.
It’s a reoccurring fantasy they both enjoy revisiting. One that they’ve perhaps been too keen on ‘hypothetically’ planning. 
But then one night the illusion of the fantasy is shattered for Karen, when she asks teasingly asks Sheldon what would happen should their progeny try to overthrow them, and he says “You’ve got a big strong vampire man to take care of you, don’t you worry your pretty little head about it.”
“It’s your pretty little head you ought to be worried about.” she scoffed.
Raising an eyebrow, the vampire asked “What do you mean?”
“Don’t underestimate me, Sheldon.” she stated severely. “You have no idea what I’m capable of.”
“Well I know your capable of destroying whole planets.” he chuckled lightly nudging her elbow with his own. “But the whole point is that you don’t have to if you don’t want to anymore. You’re not a drone enslaved to the hivemind. You’re special. And if you don’t want to have to fight and kill anymore, I’ll gladly do it for you.”
“What if I want to continue fighting and killing?” she questioned, more out of sense of pride than actual desire. She wasn’t entirely sure what she wanted. The only thing she knew she wanted for sure was to be able to keep whatever she had going with Sheldon going as long as possible.
With a warm smile and a surprised look in his eye, he admitted “Then I’d be more than happy to have you by my side as we do just that. As long as it’s what you want.”
Having been a mindless killing machine though to be enslaved to an alien hivemind for her entire existence, Karen never really gave much thought to what she wanted. She’d never been asked. This...was nice. Very nice. Warm glowy feeling in her chest nice. She wasn’t entirely sure how to process this feeling, but it was happening more and more frequently the more time she spent with him.
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bushybeardedbear · 3 years
So I've been considering writing and posting this little issue I've had with something. Sorry to anyone following me who doesn't care about MLB. And sorry to anyone who doesn't want discourse on their dash. I will tag accordingly...
So, all that said...
The Native American Miracle Box
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Is it just me or is it a little problematic?
So, on the surface it's great to see it. It's using Native American symbolism and mythology. It's establishing that other cultures communed with and harnessed the Kwami. (Though, one could argue the Miraculous in general actually enslave these god-like beings but that's a whole other can of worms I don't want to open...) Jess being a Native American hero, wielding the Miraculous of Freedom. Its all superficially really encouraging, inclusive and nice.
But, this is a big but.
There's a huge period of Native American history where one would assume access to Super Heroes might have been a little useful.
I'm not going to pretend to be an expert on the historical events, because I'm not. I'm not going to pretend I speak on behalf of or in replacement of anyone anyone else, because I don't. If anything, my ancestors may well have been complicit in the acts I'm referring to. So if I'm wrong, call me out on it. If I'm misrepresenting anything, do the same. I'd much prefer other more relevant voices than my own be talking about this and to be listened to. I'm only saying this because to my knowledge, nobody else seems to be talking about this.
This isn't an easy topic, but America is founded upon genocidal colonialism. There's no two ways about it. Indigenous populations were murdered on a vast scale. The effects and marginalisation that resulted are still a part of people's everyday struggle. I'm fully aware that something like a cartoon talking about genocide and the lasting effects it has might be a little outside its remit, but there seems to be something inadequate about the way Miraculous Ladybug simply removes the Native American Miraculous from the equation and in a completely dismissive way.
So, based on what little information is out there, we are to believe that at some point in human history, some Native American people became aware of, communed with and created tools to harness the Kwami. In the centuries that followed, nothing was done with them. And then in around about the 16th century, these ancient powerful artifacts were just for no given reason or cause scattered around the world somehow. Then, it wasn't until the American war of independence that one of these artifacts were first used. By a white man.
Tell me its not just me that sees this as somewhat problematic?
Imagine if this was for example a hypothetical Jewish Miracle Box. Arranged in a box shaped like the Star of David and with Miraculous forged by Moses to free his enslaved people. And somehow, let's say around the 1920s, the box and its contents just conveniently go missing just before a major historical event involving Jewish people.
Wouldn't that be rightly seen as a bit messed up?
Even writing that hypothetical makes me feel a little uncomfortable.
So, isn't the Native American Miracle Box a very close parallel to the scenario I just laid out? Disappearing just before the colonisation of America happened? Or am I being somehow unfair and over-analytical? Please, if I'm talking nonsense, tell me so.
So, to my mind it feels a little like these new Miraculous have the trappings and essentially superficial decoration of Native American Culture. The most recent hero to weild them, also Native American. On the one hand that should obviously be applauded. But in the context of the Canon ignoring or marginalising the struggles of Native Americans and essentially using the peoples and cultures as decoration, isn't that a kind of clueless cultural appropriation? A kind of Colonialist attitude to the various Native American cultures as a kind of way to score points for appearing superficially inclusive?
Did Thomas Astruc or any of the Miraculous staff ask any indigenous peoples or groups for input before including this, for instance. I don't think for a moment it was actively malicious. Just, honestly a little thoughtless.
Though I suppose it's easy enough to argue that the integration of these super heroic power items into world history is in general not a great idea. Is this actually part of a larger trend of lazy world building written from the point of view of someone far removed from the historical horrors he's pushing his magic toys into?
It's one thing to argue maybe Sun Wukong, Robin Hood, the Pied Piper or other apocryphal and legendary figures held the Miraculous. Legends don't have a real world impact beyond the imaginations they spark, their place in the cultural zeitgeist. But when real world history is an issue, maybe you should have made an active choice to make your entire setting into its own historical reality based in mythology?
A similar issue to the historical problems of the Native American Miracle Box popped up in earlier episodes. Whilst not explicitly stated, it was strongly implied that during WW2, Master Fu guarded the Chinese Miracle Box from The Axis Forces. Preventing them from falling, he says, into the wrong hands.
So, why would Fu at no point consider that choosing heroes at this critical point in world history might not have been wise? Was it somehow morally wrong to intervene in defeating an ideology that threatened millions of people? Could any of the Miraculous in the hands of the Allied Nations have been considered the wrong hands given the enemy they were facing?
The issues are only compounded when you consider the Miraculous have existed in one form or another through all of human history. Yet its only now that they factor. We have to consider that either the Miraculous are always conveniently not available when certain conflicts happen or that they were indeed used but changed nothing meaningful.
If you're going to say these ancient relics have existed and been used for centuries, why not go the extra mile and examine how they've changed history? If you don't want to ever deal with the real world history, then perhaps only have the items show up in the modern day? It's the Half and Half response of "they only matter when it's easy to say they matter" that invites discussion of odd choices in the writing.
Maybe my willing suspension of disbelief for MLB is just shattered after season 3 was so... Unsatisfying?
Whatever the case, I'm just wanting to vent, put my thoughts out there and say that maybe attempting to insert new mythology into the existing world history and YET not having any impact on world history seems like its poorly thought out and best and deeply insensitive at worst.
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hussein-allam · 4 years
Plato’s Recipe for Disaster
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In the “Republic”, Plato argues that a good life can only be achieved by living justly. Justice however is not a straight forward concept and it could mean different things to different people. This conundrum becomes apparent as Plato’s discussion with his companions reveals multiple and often starkly contrasting interpretations. Plato realizes the importance of clearing up the confusion and attempts to pin down exactly what justice entails in order to light the way towards a good life. He proceeds to do that by likening the soul to a city where the best soul will mirror the best city. The devil however is in the details. As Plato constructs his model hypothetical city bit by bit with the goal of structuring a just and virtuous society within it, he arguably puts forward a vision that, if implemented, would produce one of the worst and most powerful tyrannies ever conceived.
Plato’s city contains three distinct classes of citizens: the rulers (guardians), the auxiliaries (a professional military), and the working class (laborers, traders, agriculturalists, etc.). The rulers, who are highly educated and knowledgeable, correspond to the rational decision making component of the soul; the auxiliaries symbolize the spirited part which is responsible for anger and impulsiveness; while the working class represents the appetites and bodily needs that tug at the soul. The interplay between these three components and the delineation of responsibilities amongst them, if done in a balanced and harmonious way, results in a temperate city or soul.
Temperance in the soul Plato defines as a sort of order in which rationality gains friendly mastery over the base pleasures and appetites. In this, rationality is aided by the soul’s spirited component which steadfastly upholds and empowers it despite the urges of the appetites as they go through pains and pleasures (131). When this happens and rationality is able to maintain a clear perspective about threats and fears a person is said to be courageous. In the context of the city, this translates as the ruling class securing consensual control over the auxiliaries and the workers. The rulers, exercising their fortitude and wisdom, are able to hold the appetite of the masses in check and rule the city to its collective advantage. In this they are aided by the auxiliaries who’s impulsiveness and propensity to lash out is transformed (by their training and education) into courage that is directed against legitimate threats or terrors (115), who’s presence is a force against chaos and rebellion, and who serve to defend the city against outside aggression. The working classes recognize the competence and wisdom of the ruling strata and willingly submit to their authority.
With the three classes thus interacting harmoniously together, not meddling nor encroaching on the others’ roles and responsibilities, justice is achieved (119). This just and harmonious situation guarantees that factions are non-existent within the city allowing its inhabitants to advance together and effectively act in concert (31). Within the context of the just soul, rationality is in control keeping the appetites at bay (neither starving them nor allowing them to run wild) and harnessing the power of the spirited component towards good and temperate actions. The just person is free from internal contradictions, strife, or guilt and is able to function well as an effective and useful member of society. He is able to keep his body healthy by physical exercise and his soul engaged by music and art safeguarding it from mental illness and depression (133). Other benefits accrue as well for the just person: friendship with the gods (which would presumably result in reward on earth and the afterlife); happiness; fulfilling the virtue of the soul by effectively carrying out its duties to rule, deliberate, and take care of things (34); and generally avoiding poor conduct such as theft, betrayal, adultery, and disrespect for elders (132). As a result he will be esteemed by his community and will enjoy a good reputation (293) as his friends and neighbors look up to him as a role model. Furthermore, the just person will, by virtue of the personal balance and harmony he has achieved, will be able to enjoy “the best pleasures and — to the degree possible — the truest” (289). The ‘good life’ is now at hand.
This contrasts sharply with the unjust person who is ruled by his passions and is unable to restrain his spending which causes him to fall into debt and bankruptcy; is abusive to his parents and puts his lovers before them; is driven to steal and expropriate the property of others; and who eventually betrays his country by seeking the aid of its enemies to enslave it (275). Such a person would be the furthest away from happiness and will lead a paranoid and wretched life. This is mirrored in the unjust city which falls into illiberality with all but a few of its citizens becoming enslaved and impoverished (277). Furthermore the unjust city lives in fear (whether imagined or real) of uprisings or raids from neighbors and wars from just cities.
If Plato’s creation of this mythical city had no other purpose than to illustrate the complexities of the soul and how justice might come to be within it, we might be contented with his analysis and accept his methodology. However, in creating this city, Plato laid out a plan for an allegedly superior political system that others may seek to implement literally or that he himself was promoting as a new alternative for Greek society. It is therefore important to dive in and explore the details of this system to establish whether it is indeed harmonious and just.
Plato begins by painting a portrait of normal people working and going about their lives in an urban gathering. As they grow in numbers and seek to improve their quality of life, they begin to expand their territory and possibly take over areas belonging to neighboring towns. Consequently he creates the warrior class to defend the city and aid in its expansion. To do so, he sets up a program of indoctrination that targets children at an early age to mould them as desired. To ensure that his program is successful, he expropriates the cultural heritage of the city and brings it under state control. Traditions and legends that are judged to be inappropriate or stand contrary to the state’s goals are abolished. Only narratives conducive to the creation of a fierce and courageous warrior class are allowed. This is Plato’s first ingredient in his recipe for disaster. He stifles free expression and the arts and allows what amounts to government-directed propaganda to dominate. Additionally, he actively stops talent and creativity from settling in the city and opts instead to “employ a more austere and less pleasant poet and story-teller” one whose “stories fit the patterns we laid down at the beginning, when we undertook to educate our soldiers (79).” Young children with as yet uncritical minds have no choice but to sponge up the official programming which is now devoid of anything that is not consistent with a single minded warrior: “For the young cannot distinguish what is allegorical from what is not. And the beliefs they absorb at that age are difficult to erase and tend to become unalterable” (59).
His next step is to brainwash the citizenry into believing a monumental lie of his own creation which he justifies by stating that he does so for their own good. Using state propaganda he explains that the gods created three kinds of people: those with gold mixed into their souls (the rulers), those with silver (the auxiliaries), and those with iron and bronze (the workers) (100). He thus cements his three-class society into a socially immobile, brainwashed, stratified monstrosity built on falsehoods. Rulers are suddenly ordained by the heavens to rule by virtue of a god-given gilded right to which all the people must submit owing to the inferior metals coursing through their souls.
To ensure that his design is as resilient as possible, Plato decrees that children with potential are selected at a young age and separated into an encampment where they will lead a communal life of training and studying to become auxiliaries and rulers (101). In one fell swoop, gifted children are deprived of their parents. What impact will such an upbringing have on them? Will this create psychologically disturbed adults? It seems that Plato is creating a whole class of orphans – for better or worse. In fact, he goes further and abolishes the nuclear family altogether mandating that “friends share everything in common” (108). Love therefore is eliminated and the union of man and woman is reduced to a superficial fleeting moment arranged with the sole purpose of begetting children. This is a regimented emotional desert-scape that leaves no room for one of the most fundamental forces that define what it means to be human. How could this loveless state-dominated deprivation result in anything but stilted monolithic dysfunctional soldiers? How will just rulers emerge from this aloof class if they have been isolated since childhood from the majority of their people and simply cannot identify with their daily struggles?
Fans of the Republic may counter these arguments by maintaining that Plato’s city is only a model (or in platonic terminology, a form) with its wise benevolent rulers ensuring that the model is adequately insulated against the possibility of devolving into real world historical tyrannies. This position is unsound. A model must take reality and human nature into consideration. It must have in-built checks and balances that safeguard against the all too common tendency of humanity to slip into downward spirals of totalitarianism and malevolent dictatorship.
Plato realizes that his model is not fool proof and is vulnerable to deterioration and cycling into other forms of rule. This vulnerability however results from the rulers’ deviation from the laws that the model has set out for breeding and procreation when “they beget children when they should not” (241). He does not recognize that the rulers together with the system itself are the problem. He does not realize that he has created a blue print for a supercharged puritanical tyranny that is based on an ideology of superiority where the rulers actually believe that they have exclusive monopoly over truth and wisdom. No room is made for any self doubt or questioning voices. No room is made for critical art or journalism that can promote different points of view and expose mistakes.
Given a choice, we should opt to live in a bumbling democracy that makes frequent mistakes yet has the courage (enshrined in its institutions of plurality, professional journalism, and mass education) to confront and correct itself over time than be trapped in Plato’s sterile dystopian elitist city that has no practical chances at establishing long term durable justice. We should rather have our lives be based on difficult truths than on convenient lies; for it is better to be blinded by the sun than let Plato pull us down into his dark ideological cave of ignorance, subservience, and lies.
و كما قال الشاعر في أغنية "هنا القاهرة" لفنان المهرجانات الصاعد مصطفى عنبة:
أنا مجنون مجنون
بس عمري ما كنت زبون
فكك يلا من شغل الهمج
أنت وقعت مع إبن الب��د
ابعد مالشمس احسن تتسلق
هنا القاهرة
لينك الأغنية https://youtu.be/2AFqG8xXSSg
لكن يحتسبله انه فتح الموضوع و استفذ التاريخ و بدأ سلسلة من الردود و الردود المضادة المستمرة الي وقتنا هذا
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
ADSOM Drabbles: Why Don’t I Hate You At All?
(For the Anon who requested an ADSOM drabble! This is pre-canon, but does include some spoilers for the first Shades of Magic book, so if you haven’t read it yet, you may not want to click on the Read More link!)
You know what your problem is?” Normally stoic, Holland Vosijk was feeling exactly enough of the kick from his third goblet of the odd dry Arnesian wine he was drinking to jab his finger at the air in the direction of the man sitting across from him.
“No,” Kell Maresh replied. He was on his fourth glass. Around them, the bar’s patrons pretended with great effort not to be obvious about their unease that they had not one, but two Antari sitting here being infinitely dangerous right in the middle of them. “But I imagine you are about to tell me.”
“Someone should.” Holland’s accent was thicker when he drank like this - normally he prided himself on speaking with a polished, very slight roundness to his consonants, on not flattening his vowels. But drunk, he slipped into the Kosik accent he’d grown up with - rough-and-tumble, the accent of men who took up business in dark buildings and who would have paid a lot of money to have an Antari to steal, enslave, and sell. 
Kell looked at him, and Holland did not notice the high color in the other man’s cheeks - pale redheads, he thought, held their liquor in their faces, and that was never a problem he’d had in his life. Maktahn men started drinking in childhood and never stopped - what else was there to do, as each year was a little colder?
“Please believe me,” Kell said, dryly, “That you don’t really need to worry about that. My own mother tells me what is wrong with me every time I turn around, some days.”
“She’s not your mother,” Holland said, and took another drink.
He expected Kell to snap at him - he had before, when he’d said similar things. Instead, the Maresh princeling - prince in name only, Antari in Arnes couldn’t hold property or real titles or be in line for the throne - only sighed and said, “I know. She could have been, I think, but it was never her intention.”
“That’s not what we get to be, is it?” Holland said, and laughed - dark and bitter, and in his chest the curse did not burn but was a weight, ever-present. A hint of stone to sink him under the Sijlt, under the claws of the white king and queen in the world of bones that waited for his return. 
They had given him the night off, and because he was a glutton for punishment, he’d sought out the person he hated most in the world, after them.
“No,” Kell said evenly, and he looked at Holland oddly with the blue-and-black eyes, and Holland met him head on with his own faded, dry-grass green. “It’s not.” There was a hesitation, and then Kell leaned over, finishing his wine with a flourish. “Tell me, Holland Vosijk, exactly what my problem is.”
Holland brightened, a little, at the opening. “Your problem,” He said, and jabbed his finger again, because that felt like the right thing to do. “Is your world’s problem.”
“My world’s problem,” Kell repeated, deadpan. 
“Right. You’re spoiled. Fat vitun worms. Eat and eat and eat and the world makes more magic to soak you in, and you don’t even notice it. When I am here, I feel…” He trailed off, and looked down into the vibrant dark red of his wine. The mead in Makt, and the sweet wines the Danes drank by the barrel and licked the red off their fingers (when they weren’t mixing it with Holland’s blood for quite the drink, indeed, Holl) - none of them had so much color.
“What do you feel?” Kell looked more curious now, his eyes glittering and bright with the drink, the flush in his face making him seem like a painting, like one of the portraits Holland saw when he walked the marketplace here. Artisans using paints that would cost more than Holland’s life was worth with reckless abandon because they could simply get more. 
“I feel like I wish I could tear the whole thing down and give it to my people. Glass this city to the ground and use all the magic in your kurat river to feed ours. But I’m not sure we deserve it... or that I do.”
Neither of them guessed at the confession until it was already out, and both of them went silent in the sudden realization of what Holland had said.
Kell, so much younger and with a life blessed with almost everything he ever wanted, a life with few hard choices and cursed with almost no choices at all, shifted uncomfortably. “Why… why do you say that?” He asked, with the air of someone who wished the ground would swallow him whole and who could not stop himself from asking the question, anyway.
“Makt is violent. We are a people who bleed each other dry-”
“And try to bleed your visitors, too, you know,” Kell added, and Holland huffed a laugh, nearly soundless. 
“Fair. And my king and queen would have us both kneel at their feet if they could. Power is not enough - they must have more power, and more, and more.”
“They’re in the wrong world if more power is their only ambition,” Kell murmured, but he took the warning, Holland thinks - or maybe he didn’t, and he’s just drunk enough to look solemn because he thinks it makes him seem dignified.
It doesn’t.
Holland only watched him, for a long moment, and then he shifted to dig into a pocket sewn into the underside of his half-cloak, a pocket that sits directly over the curse carved into his chest. He has his commands, and it’s not time for this yet, but…
“Mmmn?” Kell looked over at him, and Holland was definitely drunk, because he caught himself liking the line of the younger man’s jaw, the hint of freckles on his pale face, a single darker one under one eye. 
If things had only been entirely different, Holland thought, we might have been friends.
A thought he allowed to exist only in whispers, because it was Holland’s own fault that they had never gotten further than antagonistic. He’d been arrogant, before the Danes, when he stood by the side of a man he thought might change everything. And he’d had that arrogance bled out of him, day by day, bone by broken bone, knife in his ribs with his head in Athos Dane’s lap, back whipped to shreds. 
No more arrogance, in Holland Vosijk, at least not when his king and queen were near.
But maybe a little, when he was drunk with Kell Maresh.
“If I gave you this… what would you do?” Holland dug the necklace out of the pocket and laid it on the table between them. Kell blinked at it, clearly not recognizing the carvings on the pendant. He didn’t know what it was, and Holland breathed out slowly, trying to steady himself.
If Kell had known, this might have been over, now.
Instead, Holland thought bitterly, what promised to be the worst days of Kell Maresh’s life hadn’t even begun yet.
“If you… gave it to me?”
“Ja. I mean yes. What would you do, if I came to you, and I offered you this?”
“I’d wonder what poison you soaked the pendant in to kill me,” Kell answered quickly, and quirked a smile.
Holland fought the knowledge that he rather liked the way Kell Maresh looked, when he smiled.
“If you could know it wasn’t poisoned. If all it was, was… a gift.” He had his orders. I have been to your father for business already. I come to you for pleasure. Astrid had coached him until he could say it with a straight face, ordered him to do whatever it took to get that necklace over Rhy Maresh’s head. 
Holland was hoping, deeply hoping, it wouldn’t have to be anything more than handing it over. His body would do as Astrid bid, but his mind recoiled at the thought of bedding the Crown Prince of Arnes only to ensure that the young man’s body became Astrid’s, afterward, instead.
If he had to bed one of them, he’d rather-
“I’d take it,” Kell said decisively, and Holland’s thoughts all scattered.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“I’d take it, if you offered it. I mean, I’d be suspicious, but…” Kell hesitated, then held up his hand. When the barmaid stopped by, he asked merely for two glasses of water, and to put the whole tab on the Crown. The woman smiled, nervously, bowed a little bit, and scurried to do as he asked. “I’d still take it. I don’t know if I’d wear it, though. Might just hold it.”
“I don’t think I’d want you to wear it,” Holland said, honestly. Not that it would work on you, but that’s not the point.
“Really? But you just-”
“It’s just a hypothetical,” Holland said quickly, and put the necklace back in his pocket. “And I am entirely too drunk to have this conversation.”
“I’m glad you did,” Kell said, and maybe that was his own confession, because his face reddened further and he looked away as the water was set down before them.
Holland downed his glass and pushed himself to his feet, feeling a sudden rush of alcohol, the world shifting uneasily around him. “I must away, Kell Maresh.”
“What? Already?” Kell tilted his head, looking up at him, and Holland could have sworn he looked sad. “You never talk to me like this.”
Holland swallowed, looking at his face, at the blue eye and the black. “We’ll talk more,” He said, slowly, “In the future.”
When you belong to my queen, when we both cut ourselves open for them, when she rules Arnes with her brother and you rule nothing, not even your own veins. When you suffer alongside me - and Kell Maresh, may you never suffer as beautifully as I do.
Prince Rhy Maresh’s birthday was nearly here, and Holland was going to destroy Kell Maresh’s world. He’d felt he owed the man a nice conversation, first.
The next conversation would be… harder.
He bowed his head, only slightly, to the younger man, who looked a little wistfully back up at him. “You’ll come back soon enough, Holland?” Kell asked, and there was a second question under the first, a vulnerability. 
Holland only looked at him calmly, a man life had emptied out of every ounce of hope for anything like the real answer Kell wanted. Will you come back to see me, like this? When we talk like men and not like enemies?
“I’ll come back,” Holland said carefully. “For your brother’s birthday.”
He turned and left, Kell sitting and drinking the water in sips, and felt the prince’s eyes on his back until the door closed behind him.
I am going to ruin you, you spoiled selfish soft thing. I have hated you as long as I’ve understood you. I have spent seven years in degradation and filth while you drown in your luxuries and whine about how your parents don’t love you enough.
I am wrecked - I am a tombstone in a magic-less London, an angel carved of rock with empty eyes. I am hollowed-out with their knives and their laughter and their curse. I am nothing and no one but the magic that flows in my veins. I am nothing but a well of power they draw from.
I am not a man, only an Antari, and you have had the absolute luck to get to be both, haven’t you?
hate everything you have been raised to be. I loathe your world, and its color and life at the expense of mine. I will hand your brother his doom and do it with a smile on my face.
Because they told me to smile.
I hate you.
So why don’t I hate you at all?
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cat-scarr · 5 years
A Rebuttal of Ohvist Small’s "Modesty vs Arrogance" Video
My first issue with this video clip compilation is the context of the scenes depicting the events in Ben's life. The “modest” and the “arrogant” clips go back and forth through different contexts. The actions which are considered as his "modesty" happen as he watches, what he was made to believe was, his Grandpa literally dying in an explosion, as well as before he even knew Max was still alive. This how any real person should react in that situation because it is traumatic. You can not compare a person's behaviour directly following a traumatic event to a later circumstance where the has likely recovered and is in a better state of mind. 
His "arrogance" is not as malicious as it is made out to be. 
Not only that, but this “shift” in attitude is shown to happen to Ben’s character frequently throughout the series, and specifically when something traumatic occurs or is brought up. He takes on this very “mature” and “adult” behaviour, but this is obviously his way of coping with situations kids his age generally do not have to deal with. He has to deal with grown up problems, so he better act like one. 
In the Original Series’ “Ben 10,000″ episode, future Ben was shown to do this exact thing, albeit to a bit of an extreme since he actually was an adult. 
In Ultimate Alien, Ben reverted to his part of his character during times such as the Ultimate Kevin arc situation, as well as the episodes “The Ultimate Sacrifice”, and “The Ultimate Enemy.” 
In Omniverse, we are introduced to Malware -  a villain who traumatized Ben at the age of 11 and returns to cause him even more trouble at 16. When Ben is faced with the trauma Malware inflicts upon him, this triggers him to go into that “mature” and “serious” character. 
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The Omniverse episode “Malfactor” showcases the way these types of triggers affect the way Ben acts. One of the Nemetrix aliens, a predator to Ben’s chosen alien (Big Chill), manages to hypnotize him in order to distract him from Malware. This predator manipulates Ben’s mind to find what he truly wants deep down and manufactures a hallucination which displays Ben’s reaction that hypothetical situation. 
Crowd (chanting): “Ben 10! Ben 10! Ben 10! We love you, Ben 10!”
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Ben (inside the hallucination): “Yeah! Thank you! I love you all, too! But not as much as you love me...”
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Ben (outside the hallucination): “No. This isn’t what it’s about. I'm a hero.”
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Ben (controlling inside the hallucination from the outside): “Being a hero isn’t about fame. It’s about putting other people before yourself or what you want. It’s about doing the right thing just because it’s the right thing to do. It’s about about making a difference.” 
From this scenario, we are shown that all Ben truly wants is some recognition for his deeds. He could very well have dreamed of more, considering there is an alternate Ben (23) who is rich and famous. But, because he has been criticized for being proud of himself in the past (for “saving the whole entire universe”), once he begins to enjoy receiving the credit and love he deserves, he doesn’t even allow himself to feel good about it. 
But what he does say in the end is still very admirable, smart, and “mature.”
The rest of the time, when he is not faced with these stressors, Ben is his regular optimistic, confident self. This is not a flaw. This is him in a positive state of mind. He does not lose this “mature” outlook. He knows very well why he continues to do his job. 
Moving on to clips included in the compilation:
“Vengeance of Vilgax”
Gwen: "I'm not kidding, Ben. I'm really mad at you! Kevin and I could have been killed!"
The reason Gwen and Kevin are mad is because they weren't capable enough to take down Sserpent on their own. They really should be, but, apparently, they've been fighting him for an hour since Ben wasn't there. 
And, reasonably, you might think, 'oh, how insensitive of him to forget.' 
What makes him seem like the bad guy is the fact that he does not seem very apologetic when he does arrive. The reality is that he was not there to see Gwen and Kevin having an usually hard time fighting Ssperpent in the first place, and probably assumed that they were capable enough to do so, or at least hold him off until Ben did get there. 
But the fact that Gwen and Kevin are mostly mad at him for not showing up earlier proves that they need him. They need him to ultimately solve the problem because they know he is most capable of that. Seemingly more so than either Gwen or Kevin. Even if this is slightly strange considering both of them have gone through their own battles and won, if Ben is just that good at problem solving...should he not have good reason to be proud of himself?
That is exactly how he stopped the Highbreed invasion. He didn't “win.” Nobody “won” that war. Ben only stopped the Invasion by solving their problem in a creative way and therefore saving everyone’s lives.
Why is Ben "obnoxious" when he is no longer suffering as much as before, and when he has a good reason to be happy now? 
Granted, perhaps it is slightly premature since other threats will be coming up in his near future, so he shouldn't get too comfortable. But, the most important motivating factor behind Ben’s choice of actions and perception of his hero duty in the previous two seasons was his Grandpa Max’s disappearance. Now, he has Max back and that is no longer emotionally weighing him down. 
But even though forgetting to do something is not a good thing to do, showing up late to a mission unintentionally is not a big deal in comparison to the way some other characters are portrayed throughout this season. Everyone harps on about how terrible they think Ben is, however, whether you like it or not, Ben’s point of view can be explained.
Multiple times in this season, Kevin actually seems to stray from the motivation he had to help Ben in the first two seasons. 
Coercing the team into hacking the Omnitrix...
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Blaming Gwen for not helping him when it all backfired and hit him the hardest...
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Having an increased interest in sneaking petty crime in wherever he could...
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I am not saying that he has regressed, because I have no interest in jumping to conclusions such as those everyone seems to have concluded about Ben. But, these things are just never spoken about even though they happened. 
In the beginning, it was Kevin's idea to hack the Omnitrix. Ben agreed to do it as well, but Kevin had all the necessary equipment ready. He got hit the hardest by it as a cause of his own bad suggestion. Some have made the argument that it was Ben's fault because it was his Omnitrix. 
But...who put him in that position? 
By doing what Kevin thought was “helping”, he was actually setting them all up for this catastrophe to happen. He brought them to the garage, he set up the machines and devices, he hooked Ben up to it, and then it overloaded. He caused this mess for himself. 
“Con of Rath” 
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Ben: "Don’t worry, Ambassador. We’ll get the Tiffin to his destination.You have the word of Ben Tennyson"  
Gwen: You’re talking about yourself in the third person now? 
Gwen has a problem with the fact that Ben is talking about himself in the third person. But, Ben, being in such a position of authority where these aliens trust him enough to put their baby's life and safety into his hands is saying a whole lot about how the Galaxy sees him now. He has to reassure them that he will, without a doubt, be able to do what they expect of him. 
You could look at this as "arrogant", but you could more so look at this as Ben living up too his responsibilities and the Galaxy's expectations of him. The Galaxy treats him like this now out of both gratitude and a realization of what this boy is capable of. 
Would it be unreasonable to assume that some may even fear this over powered human? Individuals such as Vilgax are well known throughout the Galaxy because of how capable and powerful they are. Vilgax even attempted to connect that and compare himself to Ben in Ultimate Alien’s "The Ultimate Enemy." But Ben has defeated Vilgax multiple times at this point. Ben is arguably even more powerful than “the conqueror of ten worlds.”
So, in order for these aliens to not fear him as well, wouldn't he want to reassure them that he is here to use his powers to help them rather than enslave and destroy them? 
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Ben also ends up stuck as Rath the entire episode, which works both for and against them while they pursue their mission. It leads Kevin to this conclusion:
Kevin: “I'm almost starting to appreciate the old Ben.” 
“Ghost Town”
According to Gwen, it was stupid of Ben to jump in front of Vilgax, allowing Ghostfreak to possess him, which then would lead to Ghostfreak being out of Ben's control. Does that not imply that he didn't know what was happening outside his body since he was possessed? 
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And because Ben is no longer in control like he expected to be, Ghostfreak takes that chance to try to kill everyone. This was not Ben’s doing. Even if Ben and Ghostreak were not morphed into one, Ghostfreak would most likely try to do the same thing.
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Even aside from the indication that he could not have known what was going on around him, what if Ben got killed during this series of events?
Ghostfreak and Ben, two of Vilgax’s enemies, are now morphed into one. He has the chance to take them both down. And that is what he tries to do. 
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Previously, Vilgax even asked to use the Omnitrix on his own to save his planet, which obviously Ben wouldn't agree to. Therefore, it seemed there wasn't much else he could do aside from reabsorbing Ghostfreak in the Omnitrix because then he wouldn't be free to cause harm to others. 
Contrary to popular belief, there are moments in Season 3 of Alien Force where Ben was still “mature”:
Ben gave up his three day weekend to voluntarily, and with a good attitude, travel to another planet just to try to solve their problems for them. It was his intention that counted in this episode, and it also portrays how willing he is to live up to the expectations everyone has for him. A little girl asked him to stop their war, and he didn't have a singe doubt that he could it. 
His motivation was good. His outlook was fuelled by his new found confidence. These are good traits for a hero to have. 
Kevin, on the other hand, had done something less than heroic while Ben was actively trying to get the War leaders to come to an understanding. 
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Gwen: “You’re making money off of other people’s misery? I thought you were here to help Ben.”  
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Rather helping Ben find a way to get the War leaders cooperate and stop fighting, he and Argit (who was conveniently on that planet as well) begin to repaint the soldier’s weapons and resell them, encouraging them to keep fighting.
I realize that this may have been because he wasn't in a very good financial situation a this point and still partially relied on this type of business to get by, but is that any excuse to be so indifferent to other people’s problems because they are not your own, and therefore do not affect you directly? 
Kevin’s character had shifted a bit in this arc as well, and, similarly to Ben, it had been as a cause of a traumatic event which occurred to him. Namely, the one in “Vengeance of Vilgax.” 
Being deeply affected by a traumatic experience with lasting psychological, and in Kevin’s case, temporally physical effects, causes one’s character and actions to be affected as well. This can mean for better and for worse. 
“In charm’s Way”
Kevin: Where's Gwen?”
Ben: “Went home. You hurt her pretty bad.”
Kevin: “I hurt her? I'm the one who looks like this, and she hasn't done a thing about it.”
Ben: “You are a giant, rock-faced jerk!”
Kevin: “Yeah, whatever.”
Ben: “Not "whatever. " She's spending every spare moment going through every magic book she can find to try and help you. She's been doing it since the accident.”
Kevin: “She never told me.”
Ben: “Should she have had to?”
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In the end, everyone is capable of doing better and worse. However, this depends on having context in order to come to a logical understanding of where those choice of actions stems from. It does not excuse a bad behaviour, but it does shed light on the factors which have caused it to exist in the first place, and therefore can potentially prevent it in the future. Such as Omniverse Ben correcting his own thinking in “Malfactor” because of what he has learned from his past experiences. 
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You've covered Visser One using their own playbook, and the series covers Visser Three using One's playbook (most of the series) and their own (the last few books), but how about if Visser One was, for whatever reason, forced to use Visser Three's playbook on Earth?
[Visser One’s hypothetical playbook here.]
The first question becomes: what would Visser Three’s playbook look like, if he had one?  I can tell you that it sure as all hell wouldn’t be anything as subtle as Visser One’s Sharing project.  My speculation is that it’d be a lot like what Loki uses in Avengers.  So he’d show up in the middle of a few major urban areas to demand that the inferior humans kneel before his might, take over the tallest building in the first major city he comes across, and unleash the army when demanding immediate surrender inevitably doesn’t result in the humans’ immediate surrender.  Presumably, the long-term goal (if there even is one) would be to kill all but a smallish subset of humans, who would then be used to fuel the army and conquer the rest of the surrounding areas.
I don’t really think that that idea would work in practice, because there are simply too many humans on the planet to take by force.  What might work in practice is Visser Three’s plan to incite a nuclear war (#46) in order to kill off a good 75% of all humans and leave the surviving 25% too scattered to mount a good defense.  That idea has some merit, and would simply involve planting controllers in a dozen or so key positions in order to ensure that the U.S. nukes a Russian ally, which would then cause Russia to nuke an American ally, which would escalate outwards pretty nicely until the whole world got to find out the hard way whether Iran’s and North Korea’s alleged atom bombs are real or not.  Heck, even if only 1% of humans survive, that’s still plenty of hosts for the yeerks to use.  It’s a scarily effective plan.
HOWEVER, all of that assumes that it’s Visser Three following Visser Three’s plans.  If Visser One is the one running the operation, that throws a wrench into the works.  Rather, it throws in two wrenches: one named Madra, the other Darwin.  Because Visser establishes that Edriss 562 will happily annihilate entire species if it suits her, but that she’ll die to protect those two kids.
(I could get into an aside about the brutally realistic portrait of racism and imperialism we get through Edriss simultaneously loving four individual members of a species and also considering the species as a whole to be disposable livestock, in a clear parallel to the white Americans who simultaneously considered their own slaves to be “like family” and also fought a war to keep black Americans as a whole enslaved indefinitely.  I could also digress about the way that Edriss is a foil for Marco because Marco also doesn’t particularly value the life of anyone who isn’t in his [found] family but fights against that urge long enough to take down Visser One at the expense of Eva in order to save a bunch of strangers he doesn’t care about.  I’ll save both of those for another time.)
Point is, Visser One won’t endorse any action that could result in the deaths of her children.  Up to and including sabotaging the entire invasion to keep Madra and Darwin safe.  So if she inherited Visser Three’s plan to kill most of the humans and infest the small surviving minority, she wouldn’t do it if it was risking the twins.
If she could find her kids, she might simply infest them and send them somewhere offworld to keep them “safe,” or at least Edriss’s version of safe.  In that case, she’d probably go forward with the plan to kill most of the humans — more likely by way of our own militaries than by way of Space Army — and she’d probably be able to make it work.  Yes, the subset of surviving humans would all have radiation poisoning and the yeerks are eugenicist enough not to like that, but it’d also be a relatively quick and painless (for the yeerks, that is) way to get the whole planet under their control and ample hosts secured to fill out their armies.  Edriss would probably grumble about it the whole time, because she’s not nearly as Extra as Visser Three or Loki, but she’d probably make it work.
If Visser One couldn’t find the kids, since apparently Allison Kim is pretty good at hiding them, then it’d be another story.  At that point she’d probably step up her sabotage game, because she is the definition of “passive aggressive” when dealing with Visser Three especially.  She might adapt the shock-and-awe plan to focus on terrifying a few select world leaders into submission rather than attacking the whole planet.  She might come up with a reason to attack China and/or India instead of the U.S. first in order to try and give the twins ample warning and time to get away, even though IMHO it makes the most sense to start with powerful but sparsely populated countries like Russia and Canada rather than going after major population centers.  She might try and be persuasive rather than intimidating, establishing herself at the center of a major city but then attempting to get people to defect and join the yeerks willingly (i.e. the Sharing on steroids) in an effort to get enough hosts to go after the rest of the planet.  She might simply go against orders and devote all her resources to a mass capture-not-kill operation in California, on the assumption that the kids are still in that general area.
Anyway, I’m not sure that any of those plans would work in practice.  Going after powerful but densely populated countries like China and India would simply leave too many humans free for too long and give the entire planet time to mount a defense.  Trying to recruit a handful of world leaders by force could work, the way we see it almost work when Visser Three goes after the G8 summit in #20 - 22, but it’d require a lot of luck and skill and time to get close enough to that many closely-guarded powerful people, by which point the message about the invasion might have already gotten out.  Asking humans nicely or not-so-nicely to join up works okay in canon, hence the Sharing, but unless you could convince almost everyone in an entire country that they have a moral or patriotic duty to join up, you’d have a lot of trouble getting the necessary numbers to go after the rest of the world.  Getting all of California by just throwing a few thousand hork-bajir- and taxxon-controllers at the problem would probably net you all of California... but wouldn’t necessarily be sustainable as soon as France or Pakistan or somewhere decided to handle the problem by wiping the west coast of the U.S. off the map.
So: if Visser One could handle the Madra-and-Darwin issue first, she’d probably do pretty well at running Visser Three’s playbook.  If she didn’t succeed at finding them at first brush, then things would get a lot messier and we’d probably see the Yeerk Empire reverting to the unstable and fraught power structure we see in canon.
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tumblunni · 5 years
hey uhhh YKNO WHATS GOOD brainstorming potential headcanons for a character you know NOTHING ABOUT
i guess its less headcanons and more like.. wishes? hopes? what i think would be cool to do with this dude and like ALL I KNOW is that he is a cool dude and apparantly he doesnt have a backstory or sympatheticness SO consider what if he did and maybe thatd be cooler. like dude he owns THE SINGLE BEST BOSS BATTLE THEME IN ALL VIDEOGAMES EVER and that is ALL I KNOW ABOUT HIM and i just want him to deserve it, yo. also if he turned good i could be his friend and some of the badassness would rub off on me
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i would vote for this man as squesident
seriously the design is SO GOOD!!! how did they manage to get such a cool colourscheme out of his entire Thing being that he has no colours?? like damn i like white being used as an evil colour for once, thanks. it symbolizing emptyness and emotionlessness is like BIG YES and i really hope thats what they were going for cos apparantly the wiki says that all the yokai who join his “we should never be friends with humans” gang turn colourless to match? but like the dude himself is less plain white and more very light shades of blue, grey and gold. MAYBE REFLECTS THAT HE IS A MANIPULATIVE DOUCHE WHO MAYBE DOESNT REALLY CARE ABOUT YOKAI AND JUST WANTS TO RULE THE WORLD PERHAPS dammit why does everything about him scream “great 100% evil guy who is very scary” when man I WANT TO LIKE HIM, DAMMIT!!
ALSO SERIOUSLY the visual effect of the wild spirally red yellow eyes against an otherwise “peaceful” colour whose entire point as an evil is “peaceful” taken to a bad extreme. it REALLY immediately sells that “tries to pretend to be calm, collected and fancy but is actually an angry mofo at heart” vibe i got from his theme song??? I REALLY HOPE THATS ACTUALLY HOW THIS COOL BOSS BATTLE GOES DOWN cos man the best villains are smug asshles who Always Win and then when you FINALLY win you get that much of a better ending!!! but AGH another part of me is like “i hope im wrong because he looks like a Cool Dad and i want him to be good”. Maybe his true design concept was to betray me personality with using all his cool dad power for evil...?
ALSO im not gonna spoil you guys on it cos it is JUST AS AMAZING AS HIS SONG but i was toooootally right that he has some sort of super intimidating second form and its got THE COOLEST DESIGN EVER HOLY SHIT! and also apprantly there’s a recoloured bonus boss called Minister Squisker who’s like a colour swap in a really creative way?? it swaps him being all “blank” themed with scary bright eyes and instead his entire body is a wild ye olde mythological illustration style paint job in every colour ever. okay COOL HEADCANON NUMBER ONE thats actually the regular colour of the species and mckraken is the white sheep of the family lol
also UHHH i dunno it seems kinda weird to me that theyd have this dude running a goddamn political party about humans being bad yet he doesnt seem to have any motivation whatsoever for it? unless it really is just supposed to be ‘he only pretends he wants to protect yokai from humans so he can manipulate and rule the yokai’. but like HYPOTHETICALLY in some universe where he actually lives up to his Grumpy Dad Who Has A Hidden Soft Spot potential, maybe he has an understandable backstory that raises legitimate concerns about how humans are destroying the natural and mythological and forgetting their roots, or other reasonable reasons why yokai could think humans are dangerous and all. i mean we ARE dangerous, we’re just a wide group of people that contain evil bastards and also good people, yknow. And thatd resonate well as a plot probably, cos well the whole point of the series is “in real life ur scared of yokai but theyre actually all goofy pranksters who will be your best friend forever”. Both sides being afraid of each other could lead to some good plotness! and it could be really effective and sad if after hours of joyous childhood wonder the protagonist bumps into the first yokai they couldnt befriend. the first one thats scared of them. the first member of this weird colourless political party who accuses them of committing crimes against yokaikind, of obviously only enslaving these yokai friends cos you have an ulterior motive, just like all humans! it could be effective if its something that shakes up the whole way you saw the world and establishes that hey its not all fun and happiness, and there’s some people you are powerless to convince. maybe even some people you are powerless to save...?
ANYWAY possible idea for ‘what if the dude originally had a sympathetic motive but it got twisted over time and now he’s just a fuck BUT maybe he could still be redeeminated someday ok thanks” What if he’s the spirit of.. like.. ocean pollution? Like there’s some yokai who are ghosts of a mortal person but theres some that are just nature spirits or personifications of concepts. What if he’s the personification of the dying screams of all the wildlife killed in a particular tragic oil spill? hence squid = thematic, and blank white colourscheme = even more thematic reflecting the stain the oil would leave on a pristine ocean and also the blank emotionlessness he was left as after witnessing that tragedy. Cos like his entire Purpose would have been born out of avenging anger but i mean he was just a kid, the only one left alive on a ruined beach and seeing just how powerful humans were and how pointless it would be to try and fight them with his weak power. like he was born to avenge all these souls and he just keeps failing!! his entire reason to live and he’s just too small!! so he ends up becoming bitter and cynical and learning how to use his silver tongue to manipulate others into becoming his weapons, and he vows that someday he’s gonna come back when he has the power he needs to complete his mission. and he’s just forever had this anger seething inside that he’s been unable to get any catharsis from, so when his cold and collected persona cracks he’s really damn scary with all these years of a man who’s grown old fearing he’ll never be able to avenge his ocean friends and just AAAAAA! itd be really good cos itd be a way he could still be intimidating and high stakes as a boss fight but also sympathetic!! also it could make sense why he’d only be redeemable after defeating him? like this entire time he’s been hidden behind a million layers of politics and minions and stuff and its very easy for him to not see the reality of the fact that he’s terrorizing human children just like how humans scarred him as a child. so like his whole big second form transformation super anger mode time would be sort of a last ditch attempt to deny what he already knows, the doubts that have been eating away at his soul now he’s getting close to the end of his life goal. but also like.. he doesnt even know who he IS, under the lies! its been his entire purpose for existing. like he probably uhh.. didnt have much plans after his victory. he probably wouldnt have much will to live left. so yeah you basically beat up this guy’s emotional walls and make him face the face of the people he’s been hurting, when he’s been trying to avoid it for so long. and he gets to see how much all the other yokai genuinely trust you and how much youre personally sacrificing to protect them so maybe you really arent just lying about being a good person...
oh also i was thinking about the inherant hypocrisy present in the fact that this guy is a big spoopy REALLY WELL DESIGNED squid monster that spends all his time in a depowered humansona instead, despite his whole Thing being hating humans. and, yknow, ‘i’ll solve this using a carbon copy of human politics instead of any more traditionally magical way of fighting the humans’. Yeah. So THEORY of SADNESS maybe he like never actually met any other yokai for a long time? I dont think it really makes sense that he’d be hypocritical because he secretly likes humans or something, that wouldnt jive with this backstory idea. So im thinking another explanation could be that he genunely doesnt know much about yokai culture? Like cos of his backstory he just poofed into existance on this destroyed beach in the human world and spent the first few centuries of his life completely alone except for the terrifying monsters that haunted every second of his life, and the knowledge that it was his purpose to defeat them but he didnt know how. And he was a nature spirit of the sea but his sea was empty of everything except death, so he couldnt even hug a cute fish sidekick or something- OH GOD WHAT IF HE DID HAVE A CUTE FISH SIDEKICK AND IT DIED COS OF HUMANS!!! very tiny sad squid monster child holding a dead pet, oh god why did my heart did this to meeee!! so yeah he didnt even know he was a yokai or wtf yokai are, he didnt know anywhere outside the tiny rock pool he would hide in on this barren beach. And then someday he gets found by an older yokai and adopted and like he feels like he owes them so much cos they gave him a reason to live, and a connection to the nature that he was supposed to protect, and.. well.. any companionship at all ever. So thats how his directionless “humans are bad” turned into “yokai are good and i need to protect them from humans like i failed to protect the beach” which turned into “i need to get more power to do this” which turned into manipulating other yokai and seeing them as nothing more than tools to take down the humans, his revenge consuming him until he barely remembered the reasons he originally wanted to do it...
and blablabla thats where we bring in the recolour bonus boss also, and say thats the nice grandpa figure who adopted him when he was all lost and trapped in the human world. and cos he was sorta adopted into nobility thats why he’s so over the top with his pompousness, its like a hint of IM LOVV MY GRANDEPA shining through his grumpface. ALSO maybe a sad situation where the gramps saw his kid growing up into this scary extremist and he tried to reason with him that humans dont need to be destroyed and that led to them fighting and him getting sealed off in recolour bonus boss land. and mckraken sees it as the biggest betrayal of his life and it totally threw him off the slippery slope to feel like the one man he trusted the most was a traitor to yokai all along. but even at his most evil he couldnt bear to actually kill his beloved gramps so he just imprisoned him and tries to stop thinking about it but like THE CONSTANT SPECTRE OF THE GUILT HANGS OVER YOUR HEAD THAT YOU DID YOU GRAMPS WRONGGGG So yehmaybe protag could find the gramps guy and hear about the sad backstory via him and then defeat mckraken and make him realise he was wrong and he apologises to his gramps and atones and all the humans and yokai are friends again and BUNNI CRIES FOREVER the end
cos seriously man this guy’s design is too good to be wasted on a hateable!! srsly he’s like that archetypical goofy big beard chubby pirate dude BUT INTIMIDATING AND BADASS AND COOL FASHION AND DAVY JONES SQUID BEARD SQUEARD I LOVE HIM he is too round to be 100% evil
aaa i need to stop just sitting here theorizing about this game and actually friggin play it lolllll
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yutikyis · 6 years
Honest Q&A: Round 6! Table
Hello all! It’s been a while since we were all together. I’m glad everyone was able to join our roundtable today. Hmm… looking over the questions submitted they seem to be… ahh, yes, this were all omitted from the previous questionnaires due to their… darker theme. Well, it seems my editor is looking to expand our readership. Very well, if anyone feels uncomfortable answering these VERY hypotheticals… feel free to pass.
First, a question for myself. Where have you all been? It’s been really hard to track you all down for another sit down lately.
Yuti:  “Ah... I’ve been b-busy w-with this and that.
Reri: “Same as I ever been. Huntin’ and screwin’. Ya ain’t seen me then ya either are blessed or cursed I guess.”
Rahya: ���Um, same ol’, same ol’. I ain’t been that different. I been goin’ on walks with Grape an’ I found a nice pond! It’s got all kinda fishers in it an’ I saw a frogtoad once!”
Sayo: “My life has passed as normal. I have been exploring the land under the guard of Lord Vachir. I fear he is not overly excited about some of our exploration but he is kind about it.”
Tsukiko: “Ah, Lady Kususha. I am certain he is very kind about it. After all he is not a stupid man, nor a blind one. I have been waiting for new orders from my Master and aiding Kitakage in his missions.” Meichi’a: “Moi? I, of course, have been a shameless louse! Exploring the lands, drinking the finest wine, and just yesterday I spent a night with the most CHA-rming... ah and I’m getting glares again. Ahem. I’ve kept myself occupied.”
Alright, on to our… readers’ questions. <cough> Uh-hmm… let’s get this over with, shall we?
“If you had to kill one person you cared about to save the rest of the world, who would you pick?”
Yuti: “... P-probably myself? I k-know there are arguments to b-be made about t-the needs of the many a-and as a h-healer you n-need to decide these things but... I d-don’t think I could kill someone I c-cared about.”
Reri: “Haw! Like anyone’s surprised at that answer Snowflake. Me? Sure. It ain’t really a choice, is it? They’re gonna die if the world explodes or whatever. I’d just take whoever’s closest. Ain’t a big deal.”
Rahya: “Um... I... I ain’t... I ain’t gonna kill nobody, not even ta save the world. I’d keep on hopin’ an’ prayin’ that things’d work out. Aasifa’s got me belivin’ in luck so... I figure I’d just hold off an’ hope somethin’ good happens!
Sayo: “I... I suppose it would be my duty. I can not say I would... This is really a very unfair question. I... if I had to pick I suppose it would be Lord Vachir or perhaps Lord Benedict. Only because I believe the two of them would most willingly sacrifice themselves to save others! Not because I value them less!”
Tsukiko:  “If I was commanded to, of course. My highest priority is satisfying my Master and I can only imagine he would be... displeased.. if the world was destroyed due to inaction. One life is not worth more than many, especially weighed against the feelings of a mere servant.” Meichi’a: “I? I would sacrifice nobody. I have already sacrificed one person I cared about and the world is not worth more than that. Let it burn if it comes to that. Selfish perhaps but I never claimed to be anything but.”
“What is the worst thing you can imagine someone doing?”
Yuti: “Ah... t-that’s a difficult answer. I-if I had to say... it w-would be harming someone’s soul or mind. A b-body is a body a-and can be healed b-but to hurt their mind or their spirit i-is unacceptable.”
Reri: “Hah. Ya really want my answer ta this? Because I got some ideas. So, ya start with some fish hooks... now this works best if the bastard’s a guy... and ya start insertin... ya look kinda green there, fella. Ya want me to stop? Hah! Knew it.
Rahya: “Um... the worst thin’? I ain’t sure. I figure like... blowin’ up the whole world! Like in yer last question! That seems like the worst thin’ cuz everyone lives here, yah? So... where’d ya even live after ya do it? On rocks an’ stuff floatin’ around? Cuz... that seems awful inconvenient. How ya gonna make roads? I ain’t sure chocobirds can fly that far without gettin’ tired and seems kinda mean to ‘em.”
Sayo: “Ah. The worst thing I can imagine is someone shaming another. Shame is a terrible thing indeed. Many would rather endure pain and misery than face shame and dishonor... at least that is what Sire says.”
Tsukiko: “The worst thing one can do is take another. That... is all I can say.”
Meichi’a: “The worst thing one can do? To give up on life. I am afraid I must disagree with the charming silver-haired crumpet. No shame is too great, no pain is unendurable. To live is the greatest gift and to toss it away is far worse than any other. ”
“Do you think death is the worst fate there is?”
Yuti: “No. N-not at all. D-death is sad, true, but it isn’t the end of life, m-merely a transformation. T-to live in eternal a-agony or have your aether d-devoured o-or to be trapped for eternity... t-those all sound much worse.”
Reri: “Gettin’ creative there, Snowflake. I like it. Ya oughta go a bit further. Well, for once, me and the girl agree. Death ain’t so bad. Probably hurts a shiteload but I see things a lot worse than death. Ya don’t hear of folks prayin’ for the sweet relief of death for no reason, yeah?
Rahya: “I... no, it ain’t the worst thing. I’m sure hopin’ not. If’n I gotta be true... I figure death ain’t so bad for the folks who be dyin’. It’s worse for the folks who ain’t dead cuz they ain’t got the person they like ‘round much, yeah? I mean I ain’t wanna be dyin’... but I’m more scareda bein’ hurt awful bad an’ bein’ all alone...”
Sayo: “I must go with the consensus here I am afraid. Death is to be feared but it is not the worst one can imagine. The ancestors have after-lives of peace and comfort after a life of hard work. It does not sound like something to fear if you’ve lived a worthy live.”
“Death is certainly by no means the worst thing! Why, I can think of several things quite worse. Enslavement, torture, suffering... many of which some would consider death a release from!”
“Alas, once again I must disagree with these charming ladies. All this talk of afterlives and mortal suffering is fine and good, but a life is a life and death is a great mystery. Even if one should survive in some form, it isn’t *life.* No drinking, no dancing and most certainly no carnal nights spent in the comforting embrace of a lover. Life is the greatest gift we have.
“Would you rather know the date of your death or the cause of your death?”
Yuti: “A-ah... t-that’s tough. Probably the d-date. The c-cause might make me tempted to t-try to avoid it but if I know anything from stories t-that would make me c-cause it! P-plus if I knew the date I’d h-have time to set my affairs in order a-and make sure I’m not leaving anything undone..”
Reri: “Hells below Snowflake can’t you even die in an interestin’ way? I agree on the Date though... but not for the reasons ya think. If I know when I’m gonna die then I’m godsdamn sure I ain’t gonna die BEFORE that. Gives me more freedom ta do shite.”
Rahya: “Um... I figure I’d wanna know the date cuz... if I know I’m gonna die because a rock falls on my head or somethin’ then I’m gonna spend all day bein’ scareda rocks? An’ that doesn’t sound real fun. But if I know I’m gonna go poof then I can just not be afraida stuff until then, yeah? Cuz... Aasifa’s already like than an’ he seems happy.”
Sayo: “I must disagree. Knowing the date of one’s demise is... not what I would want. It feels... restrictive. The cause would be better I think. I do not fear the day I meet my ancestors but I do not want it lingering over my head.”
Tsukiko: “ Ah! But Mistress Kususha! What if you are told that you would tortured to death over a period of many days! That would hang over your head far worse! Or if you were told you would be blinded and starve to death on a desert island or...” Rahya: “Um could ya maybe please stop? I ain’t wantin’ ta hear alla that...”
Tsukiko: “Oh, a thousand pardons, Mistress Miqo’te. I meant to no offense, none at all! I certainly wasn’t *intending* to frighten you with your ignorance and shortsightedness.” Rahya: “Aw shucks, thank ya!” Tsukiko: “You are most welcome. Myself? I pick neither. I apologize if it does not answer your question but I do not wish to know the time nor the means of my death.”
Meichi’a: “I must agree with the ravishing raven-haired delight. Date or cause, it would hang over my head. Unless I was told that I would die from exhaustion after a night with several del- .. oh please don’t glare, my beret-bearing beauty! I was merely joking, merely joking!”
“If you were trapped on an island, would you rather resort to cannibalism or die of starvation?”
Yuti: “N-neither! I-if I was trapped on an island a-and had to r-resort to cannibalism, t-that would mean there are others there. W-we could work together to b-build a raft... t-then I can use conjury t-to help propel it a-and get off the island!”
Reri: “Ya ain’t stupid enough to think that’s the actual question, Snowflake.”
Yuti: “N-no! B-but... I mean...I s-suppose I w-would fish?”
Reri: “Still ain’t the question, Snowflake. Why don’t ya answer it?”
Yuti: “F-fine. I’d s-starve. It w-would f-feel... w-wrong...” Reri: “Knew it! Hah. Lookin’ Miss Prissy over here, thinkin’ she’s too good ta eat. Me? ‘course I’d do what it took to survive. Ain’t no difference between Miqo and Marlboro at the end of the day, ‘cept Miqo flesh probably ain’t gonna poison ya.”
Rahya: “I ain’t gonna do not cannyballism! Them things is big and explosive an’ madea metal! I couldn’t eat it even if I tried real real ha... what?”
Sayo: *whispers quietly*
Rahya: “WHAAA?! What kinda question is that?! I ain’t gonna eat nobody!!”
Sayo: “I must agree. To eat the flesh of a fellow Spoken is shameful and dishonorable. It would taint your bloodline and your legacy for generations. Starving is a kinder fate than that.”
Tsukiko: “It is true that such an act taints your bloodline. As I am already an *unworthy* servant of a tained line however it would not be shameful to eat the flesh of another... assuming they were already dead of course. Otherwise I would be honor-bound to offer myself first. Assuming one would like to eat *my* tainted flesh.
Meichi’a: “ Well, as much as I do enjoy eating a scrumptious beauty, it would not be in THAT way. I may consider life to be important but I am a gentleman first and foremost and there are some things a gentleman never does.”
“Would you rather have an arm hacked off or a leg?”
Yuti: “... I w-wish this wasn’t a question. A-ah... I m-mean... N-Nate seems to be doing okay... I g-guess... I d-don’t... A-arm? Yes.” Reri: “Easy. Arm. Ya can get by one one arm. It takes some work ta relearn to fight but ya can do it. Leg though? Shite, yer gonna be hobblin’ along. Lookit the Flames general. He ain’t havin’ a bad time.”
Rahya: “Um... I like havin’ arms. I can draw an’ move stuff.... an’ hug! I ain’t able ta hug nobody if I only got one arm... I mean I guess I kinda can but it’d be all.. *awkward one-armed hugging motions* so.. leg. Leg ain’t so bad. Plus ya could still ride on a chocobird or somethin’!”
Sayo: “I would choose to lose a leg. One can be far more productive with two functioning hands than two functioning legs. Honored Uncle has but a single leg and has little trouble getting by.”
Tsukiko: “I would choose an arm. My job is to go where my Master orders. It would be far more difficult to do with a single leg.”
Meichi’a: “Why, not even a question. The things you can do with two hands are FAR more fun. I make my coin from music and playing a harp with a single hand would be... well, not impossible but challenging! And as for dancing, I knew a gentleman in Limsa who could dance better than most two-legged gentleman with nary but a single flesh and single wooden limb! The sound of his peg-leg against the dance floor was a music all its own!”
“If you murdered someone, how would you get rid of the body?”
Yuti: “...I... t-that is... I w-wouldn’t...” Reri: “It’s a QUESTION Snowflake, not a confession a’ guilt.”
Yuti: “I am aware, Mother. Ugh. F-fine. I w-would... I m-mean... I s-suppose f-fire?”
Reri: “(In a whiny stuttering voice) I s-suppose f-fire. Aww, isn’t that cute. Fire ain’t bad but the best way ta hide a body is ta give it to the sea. Minimal fuss, hard as hell ta look for it, the fish do mosta the cleanin’ for you. You oughta weight it down so it ain’t washin’ up on shore or somethin’ but if ya wanna be smart about it ya lure ‘em onto a boat first. Less mess an’ trouble.” Rahya: I... i ain’t gonna murder nobody none but if I was gonna I ain’t gonna hide nuffin’ because I did a bad thin an’ I ain’t should be pretendin’ I ain’t.
Sayo: “I would never murder someone. Even in the unfortunate situation where I was forced to do so in self-defense, I would not deny my crime. I would be judged fairly by the administrators of the land so that no stain would come upon my family’s honor.”
Tsukiko: “Oh, MIstress Kususha. It is so very noble that you believe so firmly in the laws of the land and their fairness! You are a very fortunate woman indeed to never have had to hide a body by melting it into a easily washed away sludge using a careful mixture of alchemic and natural chemicals!”
Meichi’a: “... I am uncomfortable with that answer! Ah... me? I suppose I would bury it. I’m not really the murdering type but it at least feels respectful.”
“Would you rather hear the voices of dead people or see their ghosts?”
Yuti: “Ah... t-that’s tough. H-hear I suppose. T-that way I’d b-be able to help them i-if they needed it.”
Reri: “*snort* The last thing I need is some clingy dead folk cloggin’ up my hearing with moans and wails. I’d rather see the bastards. Maybe I can get some clue about what killed ‘em and if there’s danger about and I don’t gotta hear them whimperin’ and cryin’ because they were too stupid ta not get killed.” Rahya: “... I’d like ta hear folks ta be honest... be kinda nice. Like havin’ a buncha friends around. An’ if Aasifa... I mean... it’d be nice ta know I could still hear Aasifa, yah?”
Sayo: “Ah... to see, I suppose. The Kami and ancestors already speak in their own ways, but it would be... comforting to see my deceased family again. To see their smiles.”
Tsukiko: “Ah, what an unusual question. I would choose to hear. The words of the dead are wise more oft than not and not all of us are blessed enough to have worthy ancestors to whisper in our ears.”
Meichi’a: “I too would choose to hear. It is the least painful choice. To see a lost love and her smile and her beautiful eyes, knowing again I would never be able to hold her? That is a torture, my good sir, a torture. But to hear her voice, to speak to her again? That would be a blessing, if a small one.”
“If someone you loved committed a gruesome murder, would you help them cover it up?”
Yuti: “I-it would depend... I m-mean on why it happened.”
Reri: “Eh. Maybe. Depends on if it’s worth the trouble. Someone went an’ killed someone for no reason, nah. Ya can’t control yerself enough to not be stupid, I’m doin’ the world a favor lettin’ yer stupid arse get caught.” Rahya: “... I ain’t... n-no, prob’ly not I mean... I ain’t... gruesome is a real nasty word, it means all violent an’ bloody an’ stuff, right?”
Sayo: “No. Even if I loved them dearly, murder is a dishonorable act even if it isn’t violent and gruesome. They would need to stand judgement for their actions. If I was caught it would bring great shame to my family,”
Tsukiko: “If my Master commanded it.”
Meichi’a: “Absolutely. Love is love after all. Though I would dearly hope I do not fall in love with a serial killer. There is some spice in danger but ah... you’d have to be rather mad to be aroused by death.”
“Would you rather be kidnapped for six months and survive or die without any psychological damage?”
Yuti: “I w-would rather survive. I... I’ve h-had bad encounters before.”
Reri: “What the Hells ‘psychological damage’ mean anyway? Ya mean I’d be more fucked up after? Who the Hells cares. Survival is survial.” Rahya: “I’m kinda wonderin’ what psycho logic is too. I mean if yer logical then ya ain’t psycho right? It don’t make a lotta sense ta..”
Sayo: *whispering*
Rahya: “Oooooooh. Um... I ain’t... I mean... I ain’t wanna die but I ain’t wanna be hurt a bunch either... If I gotta pick one I guess I’d pick survivin’ so I ain’t... y’know.. dyin’.”
Sayo: “I would choose death. I do not know what would cause psychological damage but it would most likely involved great shame and leave me incapable of fulfilling my role as a second daughter. Death is the more honorable choice.”
Tsukiko: “I would survive, of course. I have no other choice.”
Meichi’a: “Survival, of course. Life is life and even the kindest days of life can damage our minds in some way or another. Why choose to die over something like that?”
“You can only save one… your worst enemy’s infant child, or your best friend’s true love. Who do you pick?”
Yuti: "I... w-would pick the child. N-no matter what, a child is n-not their parent. T-they are innocent and h-have their own life ahead of them.”
Reri: “Pfft. Easy. The kid. If yer too dumb ta avoid whatever danger is puttin’ a baby at risk, ya probably are gonna die when ya eat somethin’ poison cuz you thought it was candy. The kid ain’t trained enough ta stand on their own an’ frankly if it’s my worst enemy’s kid then they’ll probably grow up ta be a fun challenge.” Rahya: “Um... This is an awful weird question? I’m figurin’... um... I ain’t gonna let a baby die. I ain’t got no worst enemies but even if I did I ain’t gonna let a baby die. It ain’t right.”
Sayo: “... I... that is a difficult question. Sire would say that saving a respectable adult is more important unless the child is a Firstborn. I suppose that should be my answer...”
Tsukiko: “Why, whichever my master commanded. Truly it takes a cold individual to leave a child to a cruel and merciless fate but ah.. that may be what is ordered and I must obey.”
Meichi’a: “I am afraid I must say the true love. The child is innocent... but true love is the rarest thing of all. I would do my utmost to avenge the child but one who murders love is the cruelest beast of all.”
“Would you rather marry your most recent ex or spend five years in jail?”
Yuti: "T-that one is easy. My ex. S-she is a wonderful person. I-it would be by no m-means a bad fate.”
Reri: “Easy. Marry ‘em. Then I just ditch ‘em. Like what kinda question is this? Marriage ain’t important.” Rahya: “I ain’t really ever had an... ex-anythin’ so... um.. I guess imma get locked up.”
Sayo: “I have not had an ‘ex’ in any meaningful term... but it would depend on the circumstances. If it was marriage to someone my sire approved of then it would be my duty. If it was some sort of... tawdy kidnapping then I would choose imprisonment. I am certain Lord Vachir would come rescue me!”
Tsukiko: “*smile* Marriage, of course. Marriage is much easier to escape than prison.”
Meichi’a: “... Ah, what a question! How does one qualify an ex? The last woman I slept with? The last I took for a night on the town? I suppose she was rather charming but marriage? I’m not sure. It is a sacred bond and not easily broken. I suppose if I found love then yes. Otherwise.. well, jail it is!”
Thank you all for taking the time to answer these… ahem… questions. I appreciate your candor and I’m sure our readers do as well.  One last question of my own before we break. What’s next for you?
Yuti: "A-ah, I suppose I w-will continue my r-regular healing duties. I d-do have some e-exploration to do, m-maybe Lain will come along...”
Reri: “Same as ever. The four Fs. I hear there’s some kinda big arse monster bein’ spotted around recently, lookin’ forward ta tryin’ it out.” Rahya: “Um, I ain’t sure. Whatever happens ta me, I guess. i ain’t really plannin’...”
Sayo: “I intend to keep exploring Eorzea until I complete my mission.”
Tsukiko: “Whatever my Master commands. Until then, I suppose I will keep Kitakage out of trouble.”
Meichi’a: “Well, I saw this absolutely *beautiful* Elezen woman the other day, I am hoping perhaps to run into her again... ”
Tagged by: @peacekeeper-xiv
Tagging: @voidfirenate @anataerindottir @eyesseeingbeyondtheveil @onidephor @claihn Anyone else I missed!
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yda2021 · 3 years
About capitalism and communism. Comparative analysis experience
Was Lenin a dissident of his era, i.e. a person who did not think like the majority, including the majority of Social Democrats? Undoubtedly, he was. How did his struggle end? A grandiose, unprecedented victory of the working class, first of all, over the big bourgeoisie in Russia. What, besides moral satisfaction, the opportunity to combine the requirements of objective laws with the life of society, unprecedented respect from the majority of the inhabitants of the Earth, did Lenin receive? Nothing else.
Was Solzhenitsyn a dissident? Undoubtedly, yes. How did his struggle end? His personal victory over the friendship between the peoples of the USSR. That is, it was not Stalin who was defeated, because "the dead will not have shame" and, even, not the memory of him, as evidenced by systematic sociological surveys, but simple-minded ordinary workers who, thanks to the victory of the anti-communists, became guest workers, at best. What did Solzhenitsyn get as a result of his victory? The Dynamite King Award and the right to reside in the United States, a country that planned to be the first to use nuclear bombs in all major cities of the USSR as early as 1957.
Both after the Great October and after the Solzhenitsyn victory, the bourgeoisie unleashed a civil war in the country and promoted foreign intervention.
It is true that in two years Lenin forced the bourgeoisie and the foreign interventionists to be defeated in the civil war they had unleashed, and mobilized the party, the intelligentsia, and the workers to develop and implement the GOELRO plan. Three years after the end of the civil war, in terms of industrial production, Russia again reached the figures of 1913. And by 1922, the peoples of the largest regions of the former tsarist Russia voluntarily decided to unite in the Soviet Union. Lenin, by his consistent international policy, ruled out the emergence of fascism on the territory of the USSR, while, in almost all the civilized countries of Western Europe, the first fascist parties had already been created.
After the victory of Solzhenitsyn and his followers over the USSR, the revived bourgeoisie and religious clans provoked a resurgence of fascism and a new civil war between the peoples of the former USSR, which continues to this day and, at the time of writing, has lasted for 25 years. The peoples of Central Asia, Georgia, Moldova, Azerbaijan and Armenia, and the peoples of the North Caucasus are at war. For more than a year, there has been a civil war on the territory of Ukraine.
The problem is compounded by the fact that, even in the boldest hypothetical theory, it is impossible to formulate any objective reason why, in a market democracy, the civil war of all against all could stop. In the conditions of capitalism, civil wars are an organic continuation of the competition of entrepreneurs, which first develops into individual contract killings, and then into fascism and world wars. And for this reason, too, the volume of production in the democratic Russian Federation has not reached the level of, at least, the 80s of the RSFSR.
Under the blows of constantly increasing domestic difficulties, the harmfulness of the" arrangement " of the USSR according to Solzhenitsyn's advice is felt more and more strongly, and the consistency of the Leninist-Stalinist model of human development is gradually becoming apparent to an increasing number of young people around the world. But in the absence of a full-fledged Bolshevik party in the global political space, that is, personnel for scientific explanation of the reasons for the deterioration of living conditions, the inhabitants of the whole world come to an increasingly enraged state, as a result of which there are movements like ISIL. Religious speculation cannot overshadow the fact that the world order established after the collapse of the USSR does not suit the vast masses of the peoples of the world and, without looking far into the future, they are firmly convinced of the need to destroy the existing system of dependence of peoples, first of all, on the oligarchs of the United States.
From the point of view of internal consequences, the past twenty-five years of the genocidal policy of the oligarchs on the territory of the former USSR caused, in the Russian Federation alone, a reduction in the population, on average, by one million people per year. The situation is even worse in the other republics of the former USSR. In particular, Estonia has become a sex tourism zone for the countries of North-Western Europe and, according to the UN, has taken one of the first places in the world in terms of the number of HIV-infected citizens. Latvia is depopulated due to the mass migration of citizens to Western Europe to such an extent that Russian-speaking subjects began to enter state and elected posts in Riga. The population of Armenia, taking into account the number of emigrants to the Russian Federation, without the slightest participation of the Turkish janissaries, again fell to the level of the beginning of the twentieth century.
True, in the Russian Federation in 2015, the birth rate for the first time exceeded the death rate, but this, due to the general market trend, only contributes to an increase in the reserve army of labor with a fall in the pace of economic development, and this means a new wave of extinction of the unemployed and the growth of senseless and merciless frenzy among the inhabitants.
Thus, if we compare the consequences of dissidence on the basis of communist theory with dissidence on capitalist grounds, they are just as opposite as, for example, the May Day demonstration of workers and the gathering of Satanists in the cemetery.
About the most important thing in the capitalist economy?
One of the paradoxes of modern public consciousness is the fact that after two world wars, the genocide of Russians, Armenians, Poles, Gypsies, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Jews, an endless series of local wars and global economic crises, it is necessary to explain to intellectuals, like the picket vests of the glorious "Chernomorsk", what is wrong with capitalism, and whether it was necessary to "put your fingers in his mouth". It turns out that significant masses of the intelligentsia, to some extent, assimilate differential and integral calculus, are able to read the works of Ilf and Petrov, endure to the tenth page of Solzhenitsyn's novel, but they cannot assimilate the truth that capitalism is the main source of wars and all forms of genocide.
But, since it is still not obvious to many, it will have to be proved again and again.
As history shows, capitalism, to a much greater extent than previous socio-economic formations, is synonymous with the continuous war of ALL against ALL, without any exceptions, in ALL spheres of public life, for the sake of even greater enslavement of the losers.
There are two opposite states of the human psyche in relation to the reflected object: love and hate. Capitalism is a word adopted to denote a social structure in which mutual hatred is the main driving motive for the violent activity of the subjects. It is not without reason that many languages have a word for a non - malicious way of comparing people's abilities-competition, and for a competition to the death - competition.
Even under slavery and feudalism, the level of antagonism between members of agricultural patriarchal communities, between latifundists and slaves, between feudal lords and peasants was significantly lower than between all social types of the population under capitalism.
The slaveholder and the feudal lord understood and were forced to consciously spend money on the maintenance of workers in such a volume that their working capacity and professional skills did not decrease, because the main volume of workers had to be replenished by new wasteful wars or to reproduce them naturally, multiplying and training. After all, the power of slaveholders and feudal lords, the senseless luxury of their palaces and castles, their position in society was adequate to the current number of strong warriors, efficient and skilled slaves and serfs.
Under slavery and feudalism, the territory and population were assigned to private individuals by the supreme political and religious authorities, and for a long period there were no ways to assign the property of one owner to another without the decision of the pharaohs, priests, emperor, senate, king. Therefore, especially from feudalism, there is a lot of evidence of the faithful service of small-scale nobles, knights, samurai to their suzerains, shoguns, up to reckless self-sacrifice in battle and hara-kiri by the decision of the master. If the suzerain lost the war, then both he and his vassals often paid for their weakness with their lives. The victor always had enough of his vassals.
Under capitalism, the market not only involves the purposeful destruction of competitors, but also, due to the significantly increased productivity of labor and the primitivization of labor operations, a multi-million-dollar reserve "army of labor" has emerged in all developed countries, and the peoples of most of the colonial dependent countries have turned into free plantations of "black wood" for slave traders.
The owner of the means of subsistence and the means of production under capitalism no longer had to think about the living conditions of wage slaves. Hired slaves must pay the master for a bed in the barracks, although even the slaves of Athens and Rome received a place in the barracks for free. The excess of the commodity "labor force" on the market led not only to the disregard of the owners for their workers and slaves, but also to the fact that competition arose between hired slaves, turning into a fight, which is especially noticeable during the battles between strikebreakers and striking proletarians who beg for a salary increase from their master.
As we know from modern history, the transformation of the consciousness of the English lords in relation to their peasants was once so rapid that the entire mass of serfs, almost in one day, was thrown out to "freedom", and the lords lost any interest in them. The days when lords with dogs caught runaway peasants were replaced by the mass export of peasants to Australia under the guise of vagabonds, shirking work.
Under capitalism, any kind of joint life activity, corporatism is forced, conditional, most often, cynical (Against whom are we friends?), and the state of universal competition, the focus of partners on mutual destruction, is absolute.
In the USSR, the process of humanization in a number of aspects has already gone so far that all normal people have forgotten, for example, what a marriage contract is. Love among Soviet citizens was the main, and most often, the only reason for applying to the registry office for a piece of paper that had a poetic and symbolic meaning for lovers. Under capitalism, the bulk of marriages in non-proletarian families are an ordinary commercial enterprise, and therefore the couple needs a legal document in the form of a contract, slightly insuring in case one spouse "throws" the other, which happens in more than half of the cases.
Under capitalism, if you don't measure, weigh, and cheat your partner, it means that they purposefully beat you, i.e., measure, weigh, and cheat you. In the life of entrepreneurs, it is difficult, if at all possible, to find an event or a period of time in a person's life when he would be outside the process of mass deception, robbery, self-deception and self-enslavement.
Surprisingly, most of the modern intellectuals of the technical and humanitarian profile who lived in the USSR pretend that they still do not understand that it is much more practical to "squeeze out" a ready-made business by committing a contract murder, raider seizure, or acquiring a controlling stake through front people, in terms of the time frame for achieving the goal (making a profit), than to create a business from scratch. Therefore, throughout the civilized world, the practice of raiding is carried out in parallel with the propaganda of the idea that the capitalist differs from the proletarian, first of all, by increased diligence. But this myth has been refuted by the practice of many decades in all countries, especially in the era of the initial accumulation of capital under the "Colt" law, and has acquired an international character in the era of stock exchange imperialist globalism, when oligarchs "squeeze" entire countries from each other. Today, in particular, under the slogan of the struggle for the "nezalezhnost" of Ukraine, there is a struggle between the oligarchs of the United States, Germany and the Russian Federation for the possession of its resources.
Such Marxist cogs as, for example, Abalkin, Bunich, Shmelev, Gaidar, having memorized the brief definition of bourgeois political economy, which states that political economy is the science of the forms of production, i.e., economic relations, did not bother to understand and answer the question, and what is the nature of the relations indicated by Marx? Why did Engels include this definition among the brilliant discoveries of Marx?
In the most commonly used version, Marx's definition states that bourgeois political economy is the science of relations between people arising from the production, appropriation, exchange, distribution and consumption of the material and spiritual conditions of human existence. If we CONCRETIZE the character of each of these forms of relations, AND EACH OF THE BRILLIANT TRUTHS OF MARXISM is CONCRETE, we must admit that bourgeois political economy is the science of relations between people, primarily in the form of mass VIOLENCE and general mutual DECEPTION IN EACH EPISODE of these relations. In other words, THE RELATIONS OF DECEPTION AND VIOLENCE ARE THE objective BASIS OF THE CAPITALIST FORMATION. Whether we are talking about production, appropriation, exchange, distribution or consumption under capitalism, if there is a fact of profit, then there was either an act of purposeful, competent deception, or shameless plunder, conquest.
And since deception and robbery sooner or later reveal themselves, it is necessary to unilaterally enforce the results of deception, because otherwise, as is the case among gamblers, the caught cheater is severely beaten in the face and justice is restored.
In order not to be treated like cheaters, entrepreneurs create police and prisons in advance to contain all those who, one way or another, having discovered the fraud, try to compensate for the losses in the shortest way: to return the loot. Therefore, the main task and content of political economy as a bourgeois science is, first of all, to disguise the fact that private land ownership is the result of the forcible alienation of land from primitive and feudal communities by the religious and secular nobility. In the future, imperial and democratic slavery, absolutist and democratic feudalism, democratic and imperialist capitalism are based on the same form of private ownership of Land, once forcibly alienated from direct producers, and, until now, inherited according to the slave-feudal principle of consanguinity. The similarity of all these forms of land ownership is absolute. The differences are absolutely not significant.
The real political economy of bourgeois society is based on private ownership of the Land, after its forcible seizure and forcible retention of the land, on relations of disproportionate exchange in the form of mass deception, i.e., on the state of the land. trade, on the basis of the unfair distribution of the newly created value for a meager salary, on the one hand, and meaningless profit, on the other hand, which, in turn, generates, at one pole of society, material and spiritual poverty, forced asceticism of the vast majority of the world's population, and at the other pole - gluttony, extravagance, stock gambling and many other forms of parasitic consumption of the aristocracy.
Therefore, political economy as a bourgeois science, already in its very first literary models of Moncretien and Petty, and, in the classical Ricardian version, and in the vulgar works of Marshall, Samuelson, Leontief, Keynes, and Mankew, is an exposition of the principles of satisfying the egoism of the usurpers of the means of production, and nothing more. During the period of the formation of bourgeois nationalism, the egoism of the business class was elevated to the rank of the interest of the entire nation, and therefore the youth of the proletarian part of the nation and the middle class were driven to incessant wars for the sake of the victory of the egoism of one national group of entrepreneurs over the egoism of all other entrepreneurs of any nation. In parallel with the international relations of conquest and enslavement, within each nation there was a process of devouring small-minded egoists, i.e. small and medium-sized entrepreneurs of their nation, by more voracious competitors.
All economic relations in class societies based on private property are neither conceivable nor feasible without the use of real violence or the threat of its use. This is the only way to understand Marx's idea that" violence is an economic potency, " i.e., force.
But the use of violence or the threat of violence is possible only when, from the very beginning, the subject who has decided to turn part of the material objects of the planet into his private property, spends financial and material resources on creating tools for violence against people, trains professional rapists, officers and sergeants, and provides them with living conditions that are slightly more tolerable than those of the majority of slaves, plebeians, peasants and proletarians. A well-fed slave, including a manager and an officer, brutalizes, for the time being, with a special frenzy, thus compensating for his conscious insignificance.
Thus, if, for example, Düring deduced the "theory of violence" from the evil will of the rapist, then Marxism proceeds from the fact that the will of the rapist cannot be realized until all the objective and subjective prerequisites have matured, first of all, in the form of "surplus" means of existence, which, taking advantage of mass simpletonism, future exploiters will direct to the creation of their own apparatus of violence. Either the good will be with the fists, or the fist will make you a day laborer and an eternal debtor.
In ancient times, a vague guess about the organic relationship of violence with the slave-owning form of prosperity of the masters came to Aristotle. Later, the idea that the science of market economy should be called political economy, that is, an economy based on the institution of violence, came to the mind of the theorist and adventurer-practitioner, Moncretien, already in the XVI century. He, the first of the French, analyzed the features of the market economies of Holland, and then England, and realized that the market economy of the country works the better, the more fully the legislative, executive and judicial authorities are configured to serve the interests of business, that without the police, prisons, army, officials, secret intelligence services, i.e. without POLITICS, without POWER relations and institutions used in the interests of "owners of factories, newspapers, steamships", private capitalist property cannot function. Moreover, according to the views of Moncretien, who fled from absolutist France to democratic Holland, the better the parliamentary mechanism works, the slower the masses become enlightened, the less the proletarians create problems for entrepreneurs, the more recklessly entrepreneurs can behave in the domestic and foreign markets. It is with the requirement of conformity of economic and political systems that all subsequent versions of the theory of market political economy were developed by its classics, and this is what its vulgarizers tried to disguise.
Having assimilated the cornerstone political economic ideas, the apologists of the market economy proceed from the fact that only by breaking the military-political system of a competitor country, it is possible to take over its internal market. Therefore, each subsequent war of the capitalist era is preceded by more and more grandiose efforts to achieve preliminary military-technical and military-economic superiority over a rival country.
But it may be asked, how can capitalism be considered selfish and aggressive, if we see widely advertised acts of charity, patronage? Aren't these indicators of the breadth and responsiveness of entrepreneurial souls?
But this question would be appropriate if we forget what "dust in the eyes" is, self-promotion, if we do not understand how tempting it is to reduce taxation on money withdrawn to charitable foundations, and if we "forget" that the extra money must first be looted in an amount exceeding reasonable limits, and only then, perhaps, it will turn, one day, into some charity.
Bill Gates has already invested a significant part of his capital in charitable foundations. What is the plan for using these billions is unknown, but they are already protected from large taxes. As the financial speculator Soros admitted, once in his life there came a moment when he no longer knew where to use the profits, and therefore he began to spend them on paying for the services of agents of influence, NGOs in the countries chosen for the color revolutions. Only after, for example, and Rockefeller, there will be amounts that he will not be able to profitably attach, perhaps, and he will have a crazy idea, along with the purchase of a sixth donor heart, to give one heart to a dying child, whose father earned this money, but, foolishly, gave Rockefeller. However, in the history of the Rockefeller family, there was no advertising noise about this form of charity. Money for children's hearts is collected from the world by a thread.
It must be borne in mind that under capitalism, the main source of useless profits, the main deceived, i.e., the subject that is being cheated, weighed down, and measured, is the proletariat mainly of physical labor, followed by the proletariat mainly of intellectual labor.
However, relations within the bourgeois class are built on the same principle: a relatively strong entrepreneur cheats, outweighs, shortchanges, and thus eats up the life time of a weak entrepreneur, and very often takes away his life itself.
The victory of one of the entrepreneurs in the competition, the results of which are summed up not by measuring the ratio of income and expenses of competitors, but by the real bankruptcy of one of them, means that the meanest one who sold a similar product at a higher price or, conversely, at a dumping price won, ruining the competitor in order to gain a monopoly position for himself, first on the local, and then on the world market.
In any case, the operation of the objective law of uneven production and sale of goods in a market economy is caused by the CONSCIOUS desire of EACH of the participants in the market process to take advantage of all the WEAKNESSES, mainly lower education, scanty life experience of young participants in market relations, especially children, women and guest workers.
It must be understood that the operation of the economic laws of capitalism is the real activity of people, conditioned by the level of development of the means of production, the motives of people and the level of their mental and professional development. The lower the level of general development and professionalism of the subject, the less likely it is to win in competition with similar motives and the same means of production.
Meanwhile, as practice has shown, in modern parties with communist names, the vulgarization of Marxism prevails, and the case is presented in such a way as if the objective economic laws of capitalism exist either on paper or by themselves, and do not manifest themselves ONLY through the conscious, malicious activities of the subjects of the RULING class, whose worldview presupposes a PURPOSEFUL, CONSCIOUS robbery not only of the proletarians of mental and physical labor, but also of everything that moves, up to their "classmates".
The Soviet economists extended the law of value, derived by Marx ONLY for the case of the exchange of goods for goods in SIMPLE commodity production, when it is impossible to obtain profit, especially in monetary form, in general, to capitalist production, the essence of which is precisely the violation of the law of value. Marx proved that the entrepreneur, buying from a person only his labor force, knew in advance that a person's personality is not equal to his ability to work alone. However, the entrepreneur pays only for the cost of the person's labor force for the required time, although the entire person and the entire working day are involved in the production process. But the personality of the worker does not interest the entrepreneur, on the contrary, the entrepreneur is interested and seeks to ensure that the personality in the hired slave is a completely insignificant value. Entrepreneurs all over the world understand that if the personality of his hired slave is limited by the desire for beer and football, then such a proletarian will always be sure that the owner pays him fairly.
The market existence has transformed, if not disfigured, the social consciousness of the masters and their employees to such an extent that it has created an atrophy of most of their personality. After all, physiologists and the practice of life have proven that in a person, over time, any part of the body, any area of the nervous system, atrophies if they are not loaded with functions for a long time. Such is the fate of the most important human complex itself, which in the works of psychologists and sociologists is called the human personality.
What capitalism does to the person, first of all, the person of wage labor, was convincingly described by Lord Churchill in his book "The World Crisis". After the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on the division of the German colonies between England and France, Churchill wrote:
"for almost six months, on average, about 10 thousand people left the military service every day. This huge number of people, equal to one peacetime division, was collected daily on all fronts of the war, brought to ships, taken from trains, their weapons and equipment were taken from them, demobilized, they were paid off and dismissed to their homes in the interval between sunrise and sunset. I believe that this was a strong proof of British organizational ability. Armies were built gradually; soldiers were enlisted in single file; but they were dissolved at once, in huge masses, and, nevertheless, almost all found work and returned to their families. The story proudly tells how 20-30 thousand "iron soldiers" of Cromwell laid down their military armor and returned to peaceful pursuits. But how can this be compared to the dignified conduct of the nearly 4 million British soldiers who, without any confusion or excitement - if only they were treated as they deserved - quietly poured back into the mass of the people and again began to restore the thread of their lives that had been interrupted? After being methodically instilled with brutality and barbarism during the five years of the war, it was expected that murder, looting, brutality and violence would flourish in the country for several years. But thanks to the power of civilization and education and the great qualities of our people, the opposite happened: the number of violent crimes decreased, and prisons had to be closed and sold for scrap, when 4 million trained and skilled murderers, or one third of the entire male population of the nation, returned home and became civilians, citizens of their country."
The funny thing is that this idyllic picture of sheep's resignation is preceded by several pages describing more than 30 cases of riots that arose and were suppressed in the British army during these weeks, about the arrested instigators, etc.
Only the mass atrophy of the individual in the conditions of the market can explain the fact that when the entrepreneurs of the world needed not workers, but soldiers, as Churchill frankly writes, easily trained killers, they easily managed to drive millions of proletarians of mental and physical labor into the trenches and turn them into cannon fodder, not identifiable, minced meat. The corporal's whistle was enough to send these impersonal masses rushing at each other with bayonets at the ready for the purpose of killing, while suppressing with prayer the bitterness and fear of their own possible death.
This behavior of the masses can only be explained by the fact that during the decades of the previous market existence, the proletarians of mental and physical labor formed a worldview even much narrower than that of the nobles of the era of mass dueling, when their own life, due to its emptiness, was of no value to a person. The long-term functioning of an individual in a system of rigid and narrow specialization of monotonous tedious work, and there is no other in a market economy, excludes the formation in his mind of any strategic values, creative plans, etc. specific personal orientations. They, for the most part, did not understand that without all this, the life of a person loses its essential difference from the stay of an animal in a herd. A sheep simply exists, and the "meaning" of its life is not much different from the meaning of the life of a bacterium.
Moreover, numerous cases of deaths of representatives of the ruling class in the course of their extreme air, automobile, alcohol and drug "entertainment", prove that they do not have adequate ideas about the real value of life. Most often, when solving the dilemma: life or capital, entrepreneurs prefer money, a killer's bullet, a prison cell, but not life, because the modern bourgeoisie, for the most part, does not think of life outside the monetary dimension.
It is not difficult to model the direction of a person's thoughts in a society in which the standard of everyday, especially "movie", well-being is the samples of the life of the Arab oil sheikhs, especially for individuals born and raised, for example, in the family of a turner, a car assembler or a farmer. The proletarian child, formed in a democratic market country, always dreams of eating, drinking, and fooling around like an oligarch or a sheikh. And, with modern family education, he has something to hang himself from, because by the age of 40, he comes to a full understanding that the American miracle with him, as with hundreds of millions of other proletarians of mental and physical labor, as with the middle-class class, simply did not happen and will not happen anymore.
But it is not so far from the time when humanity is clearly aware of the idiocy of that part of its history, when the lords for centuries managed to send to the slaughterhouse not only millions of flocks of sheep, but also millions of flocks of bipedal upright mammals.
The senselessness of such behavior, of all the military exploits of the era of the rule of private property, became more apparent after the soldiers of the victorious countries, returning home, became, simply... unemployed and homeless. But this evidence did not arouse any reaction in the majority of the proletarian masses. This is how far the market existence leads consciousness into a stall. Many former American soldiers today, returning from Iraq or Afghanistan, Libya or Ukraine, meekly stand in queues for charity soup or die on the warm manhole of the American sewer. In the developed capitalist countries, this course of events accompanies every war, and every time people brought up by the market life do not see anything illogical in this.
Russian Russian proletariat, which was the first in the world to realize the idiocy of this state of affairs and to throw off from its shoulders not only the power of the main scapegoat, the tsar, but also the provocateurs of the participation of the Russian peasants and proletarians in the First World War, i.e., its bourgeoisie, which also dreamed of becoming completely European, i.e. imperialist, in the full sense of the word, on the bones of the Russian workers and peasants.
Many vulgarizers still think that the whole theory of market economy, marketing, management theory, and econometrics are aimed at harmonizing market relations, and not at teaching EVERY entrepreneur the art of cheating and robbing the weakest. Present, for example, at a group lesson in marketing, modern students do not notice that they are studying the "science" of how they themselves, outside the walls of the institute, should be fooled, cheated and weighed down... each other, but so that all of them... didn't notice it. The winner, of course, is the most arrogant, especially diligently memorized the principles of cheating, for example, Dale Carnegie.
In the Soviet economic literature, published with the blessing of the CPSU, since the time of Khrushchev, of course, the words about the predatory nature of capitalism were present, but they were presented so indiscriminately, deliberately scientific, like a prayer over the deceased, when the priest himself is sure that no resurrection will happen.
The topic of market competition was considered very primitively in the Soviet economic literature. Nor has the Soviet literature adequately reflected the fact that it is only through the extermination of businessmen by businessmen that capitalism makes its most significant leaps in the concentration, centralization of local and world wealth and, consequently, the monopolization of the market by a narrow circle of people who fit into the list of Forbes magazine and have a personal relationship to the emergence of all crises, local and world wars. Especially specifically, thousands of entrepreneurs from the post-Soviet republics who have ordered each other have learned this in their own skin, among which, for example, Khodorkovsky, Gusinsky, Karasev turned out to be the funniest, and Berezovsky and Patarkatsishvili were somewhat more tragic. From their university lectures, they all learned something about competition for the political economy exam as an innocent competition for product quality, but they didn't think about what monsters of mutual destruction they would all be reborn into when the stakes rose to billions.
In all cases when Lenin's work on imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism was cited, it was overlooked that this book was written by Lenin in the conditions of bourgeois glasnost and, consequently, in the language of a slave, as Lenin himself said in such cases. In assessing the capitalism of the imperialist era, an additional "translation" of Lenin's work from Rabye into uncompromisingly scientific language was required, but this did not happen. Soviet economists considered it a great achievement to be able to reproduce the five signs of imperialism by heart in a lecture as the greatest wisdom, and they did not understand at all that future intellectuals needed to chew convincingly, especially on the experience of the Second World War, that capitalism, having reached the monopolistic stage, ceased to differ from slave-owning or feudal imperialism, and therefore fascism in practice and talk about democracy for fools were formed throughout Europe in the 1920s.
Due to the theoretical and propagandistic weakness of party academics, the vast majority of ordinary social scientists and members of the CPSU, in their hearts, laughed at the thesis of decaying capitalism, and, in fact, believed that the growth in the number of 300 kilogram Americans and a fleet of passenger cars with an abundance of nickel-plated gadgets, films about Rambo and terminators, casinos and McDonalds, "huge" unemployment benefits are absolute proof of the prosperity of capitalism, and not its decay. Raisa Maksimovna and her Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachevs were especially convinced of this. By the time of the heyday of Andropovism, there were practically no social scientists left in the CPSU with a holistic, deep understanding of the theory of Marxism, especially its subtleties on the question of the decay of imperialism. As perestroika showed, they were ready to rot themselves.
After Stalin, the party formation of the party reserve in the USSR increasingly broke away from political practice, and the discussion of complex socio-political problems did not go beyond a narrow circle of people endowed with great formal power, but who did not have a serious Marxist self-education and, consequently, scientific authority. The development of Marxist theory in universities, including the "humanitarian" orientation, in the era of Khrushchev was reduced to formal memorization of simplified schemes, mainly in retrospect.
Therefore, most of the Soviet economists who received their education during the "thaw" did not know that Marx had published his study entitled "Capital, a Critique of Political Economy" in several separate volumes and books only because the volume of the study exceeded ALL the theoretical works devoted to one problem in the entire history of mankind. It is impossible to understand anything in the third volume of Capital without mastering the first volume. Most Soviet social scientists did not understand that, technically, it was impossible to combine the entire work of Marx with a single "bible", so that even the most stupid theorist would understand: the essence of real capital is disguised by the bourgeoisie in such a Templar way that it can only be understood by studying all six volumes as a single and inseparable DEFINITION of the reactionary essence of capital.
The collapse of the CPSU proved in practice that its academicians did not understand Marx because they were COMPLETELY ignorant of the diamatics, in particular, of the methodology of the ascent from the scientific abstractions of the first volume, surplus value, in which even the capitalist, according to Marx, uses only the instrument of " wages "(i.e., paying only the cost of the consumer basket of the unassuming proletarian), to profit, as a form of the real" common stock " of all capitalists, which is described only in the third volume.
From volume to volume, revealing the essence of capital, Marx goes back to the specifics of the capitalist form of plundering not only the proletarians, but also all "consumers", i.e., the capitalists themselves through the mechanism of speculative monopolistic pricing, inflation, artificial bankruptcies, etc. There is no doubt that if Marx had written, as he planned, all six volumes of his CRITIQUE of political economy, then perhaps the leaders of the CPSU would have been more convincing and offensive in their criticism of the decaying capitalism of his day. But where death forced Marx to put a comma, the propagandists of the CPSU put a bold dot and, due to intellectual laziness, could not awaken either in themselves or among the working class a deep understanding and a sense of sincere disgust for the commodity-money, capitalist, i.e., corrupt form of relations between people.
Many" scientists " of the CPSU, in the course of perestroika, "voucher", i.e., the plundering of Soviet public wealth, knew, but concealed from the people, that the "initial accumulation of capital" in Europe, the United States, and the democratic Russian Federation was and will be carried out at the expense of an unprecedented primitive PLUNDERING of the property of the USSR, belonging to ALL citizens of the Soviet Union, including infants, and it will go only to the creature of Chubais-Gaidar. Before this plundering, everything that both the book Koreiko and the real Khoroshilov and Vasilyeva did pales.
One does not need to have a gray matter in the cortex of the brain to think that private property is concentrated in the hands of the oligarchs without any conscious goal-oriented aggressive strategy on their part, but only by the magic action of objective economic laws, like a pike's command.
Today, the zone of influence of the Russian oligarchs is deliberately extended to South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Crimea, and in the near future, to the size of the territory of the DPR and LPR. It is easy to see how much blood there is in the redistribution of the modern world between groups of oligarchs. The NATO countries have again set their eyes not only on Ukraine, but also on the whole of North Africa and West Asia. It is not difficult to understand how the North African and some Asian countries will weaken as a result of the civil wars unleashed there with American money, and how this senseless Arab revolt is used by the US oligarchs, while the German and French oligarchs are bogged down in the problems of digesting Eastern Europe and the influx of migrants.
All these facts prove that the main objective economic law of the accumulation of private property is the law of its violent rejection and preservation.
But the Marxist interpretation of this law differs fundamentally from that of Düring in that Düring did not seek objective reasons and prerequisites for SUCCESS in the forcible expropriation of other people's property. Duhring considered the violent expropriation of material values as a consequence of moral causes, without bothering to ask how the object about which the relations of violence are formed arises, while Marx proved that successful violent expropriation is possible only if the object of expropriation itself is present and, most importantly, the economic superiority of one of the competitors clinging to the same "bone".
The fact is that diamatics, unlike all other methodological schools, proceeds from the internal objective material causality of everything that happens in society, and all other methodological schools "dance", at best, from the statement of an external fact, and at worst, from the expression of the will of the subject, often of mythical origin, i.e., from the fact that it is not the case. god, and therefore they cannot master the simple truth that, before appropriating any value, it must first be produced, and, secondly, it will only be private if it can be protected from the encroachment of ALL other sufferers. And "non-attraction" is possible only if EACH producer has at his disposal all the necessary means of existence and development, or if a special organization is created, a STATE that stands guard over the very principle of private property, regardless of whether other individuals have the means of existence or are dying of hunger, that is, if a system is established in the person of completely purchased bodies and persons, i.e., the police, courts and prison authorities.
From the point of view of diamatics, this means that material values, before being appropriated by one, i.e., being alienated from all other entities, must exist in a ready-made form and "in excess" quantity, for example, in the form of land, fossil resources, or be produced. But without the relations of violence, the produced material wealth and spiritual values, in the form of private property of one particular person, cannot exist. Today, this is especially evident in connection, for example, with the adoption of copyright laws in the Russian Federation, which are defended by very real investigators and prison sentences.
Material and spiritual values, i.e. the means of human existence, arise outside the sphere of violence, but become private property to the extent that the economic basis of the system of violence is developed. It is no coincidence that the most private property-rich country in the world, the United States, has both the largest prisons in the world and the largest contingent of prisoners who, in one form or another, have tried to loot what has already been looted.
The idea of personal, egoistic consumption of surplus food, that is, the idea of private property, which first appeared in the consciousness of primitive man, immediately gave rise to the need for relations of violence. The relationship that existed under primitive communism between a thinking man and a senseless animal, i.e., the transformation of the meat of an animal belonging to an animal into food for the hunter, due to the lack of ideas about possible consequences (because one always wants what is best), was transferred to the relationship of man to man and to the products of his personal labor. But after the first act of violent robbery of a neighbor in the name of alienating his property and himself, in the name of multiplying the private property of the invader, the objective initial primacy of labor private property loses its monopoly, and a typical continuous diamatic spiral arises, in which the relations of private property generate violence, and violence gradually turns into the main means of centralization of the growing masses of the means of subsistence of ALL mankind in the hands of an ever-decreasing number of tyrants,, local and world wars in the name of satisfying the Midas syndrome.
Strictly speaking, the official economic thought of the CPSU gave rise to such herostrats as Kantorovich, Andropov, Abalkin, Aganbegyan, Gaidar, and Gorbachev because the textbooks emasculated the class essence and the diamatics of the economic laws of capitalism. Whether consciously or because of the stupidity of the official academics who were elected to these posts by vote, the chapters on the theory of violence from Anti-Düring were interpreted by them not as chapters on the dialectical-materialist theory of violence, but as chapters that ridiculed not so much the stupidity and subjectivism of Düring, but rather the role of violence in the emergence, multiplication and monopolization of private property on a global scale. Many intellectuals still find it somewhat uncomfortable to admit that private property and violence are inseparable concepts and realities in the history of mankind. As was often the case, the opportunists used the results of their superficial reading of Marx's writings to vulgarize Marxism.
However, the beauty of objective economic laws is precisely that they do not depend on the statements of outside observers, even in academic caps. Objective economic laws are real forms of relations, relations that capitalists are forced to enter into among themselves in order to remain capitalists in the conditions of increasing concentration of capital. They are forced to enter into a conscious relationship of competition with all capitalists, since ALL capitalists, regardless of their consciousness, reduce the purchasing power of the population with each successful sale and, consequently, as it were, prohibit the buyer from making a purchase from another capitalist.
But production and sales are inseparable parts of the capital cycle, and only the entrepreneur who has surpassed all other competitors wins in competition, first of all, in the degree of exploitation of HIS hired employees of mental and physical labor, starting with the loader and ending with technologists, marketers and managers. The entrepreneur, in any branch of the economy, if he is not able to maximize the relations of exploitation with the employees of HIS nation, is ultimately doomed to defeat in competition with the capitalists of other nations, who are able to milk more "last juices"out of their patriotic proletarians and managers. Of course, the mercilessly fleeced proletarians can organize strikes and even the seizure of enterprises, and the losing competitors can organize a contract murder, and the entrepreneurs of a colonial country can try to raise a national liberation uprising… But in order to neutralize all such actions of the oppressed, the UNLIMITED use of organized VIOLENCE, i.e., the state, is provided for.
Thus, the relations of private property, which give rise to relations of exchange, which, in turn, give rise to relations of deception and fraud, naturally develop into relations of the most brazen and boundless violence, especially on the part of the strongest.
In other words, the longer and more intensive the development of market relations towards capitalism and, consequently, monopolism, the more clearly the organic, objective, indissoluble link between private property and violence becomes apparent. Violence becomes the main condition for keeping the productive forces of society within the framework of private property relations.
Conversely, the longer a society functions within the framework of communist industrial relations, the more completely the remnants of the elements of an aggressive attitude towards one's neighbor die out in the minds of people. This is quite clear in the history of the USSR. Despite the bestial behavior of the proletarians of the capitalist countries during the outbreak of the Second World War, whose consciousness was determined by the market existence, part of the population of the USSR had to be convinced of the need to destroy the German proletarians who attacked the world's first country of the dictatorship of the working class.
And in 1991, the GKChP failed to force the depoliticized, i.e. declassified, forces of the KGB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Soviet Army to use weapons against the anti-communist rebels, i.e., as it became clear a little later, outright fascists. But the capitalist, clerical, nationalist forces, as soon as they tasted permissiveness, without hesitation, unleashed civil wars in the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, in Central Asia, in Moldova. And in the Baltic States, since there was little that could be seized and restored, there was simply a mass fascist movement to fight against monuments and aimlessly squeeze out foreigners from the region.
In 1993, when capitalism in the Russian Federation had already reached a sufficient degree of inveteracy, it did not hesitate, unlike the pampered "Gebists" of the USSR, to use machine guns in Ostankino, and tank guns in the center of Moscow, and then the entire army in Tajikistan, the Caucasus, and Moldova, where part of the population, especially local entrepreneurs, mullahs, believers, and Nazis wanted to take as much sovereignty as they could ... they wanted to. Today, there is a similar squabble around the "national" riches of Ukraine. The oligarchs of the leading countries of the world allocate money and more and more weapons, they are ready to spend any number of Ukrainian serfs for the sake of finding out the question of which of the world's oligarchs will own the "national" wealth of Ukraine. A similar scenario was recently tested in Armenia.
Therefore, while absolutely not idealizing or absolutizing the primitive communal communism that still exists, for example, among the Bushmen of Africa or the Indians in the wilds of Latin America, it should be noted that the male hunters of these tribes did not stoop to the relations of exchange, measurement and body kit of their tribesmen, but provide the products of hunting, the objects of existence to the entire tribe without the slightest signs of deception, and all male children perceive such an "economy" as the only reasonable one, preparing themselves not for a parasitic existence, but for debilitating, but the only wise function of the breadwinner for the ENTIRE tribe. But the women of such tribes are engaged in gathering in the interests of the ENTIRE tribe, moreover, according to modern archaeological data, the total contribution to the food of the tribe of women engaged in gathering is not less than that of hunters, but often more. Studies of the remains showed that roots, berries, mushrooms, and so on made up more than half of the diet of these people.
In modern tribes that use wooden and stone hunting tools, even children understand that of all the factors of nature surrounding them, SOCIETY itself is the main factor that relates constructively to each individual, making it possible for people to reproduce continuously. And this understanding has accompanied people for thousands of years, without generating antagonistic relations between members of tribes, and even more so, clans. Moreover, the society of the Bushmen does not bypass its mercy and those who do not have sufficient natural inclinations of the hunter. Some young Bushmen are not given accurate archery, some are not given stayer distances, but this does not make them despicable unemployed outcasts. Simply, the best hunter of the tribe knows that he is the best, and the objective role of the best breadwinner of the tribe, the consciousness that the tribe owes its existence to him in many ways, fully satisfies a person who is really intelligent and talented.
But, for example, in the modern Maasai tribes, where relations of private ownership of the means of subsistence have already been formed, there have also been relations of exchange, and zealous views on the proportions of exchange, and with them there have been sharp disagreements about this, especially about the size of the wedding kalym. Therefore, for the Maasai, not hunting tools are typical, but cold weapons, since the Maasai have long been animal breeders and, practically, do not hunt. Every Maasai, starting from adolescence, is armed with a mace and a dart, solely to find out whose proposals for the proportions of exchange are preferable. Along with the establishment of private ownership of livestock in the life of the Maasai, there is also the institution of systematic theft, and the means of neutralizing the owner of the robbed herd, as well as the means of protecting their cows from their own tribesmen.
Members of tribes that have gone even further in the development of private property relations and exchange with the help of money, for example, in Ethiopia, Yemen or Afghanistan, are already fully armed with firearms, ready to use them against any outsider and even a tribesman.
Thus, thanks to the relations of private property, primitive communism was transformed into a typical armed barbarism, and from there to bourgeois civilization, with its prisons, regular armies, organized crime, tax systems, protection and wars - just around the corner.
In the literature published under the control of the CPSU, one can find such a sweeping statement that the appearance of each new, more progressive formation was accompanied by the appearance of new forms of private property relations. The readers ' attention was not focused on the fact that these formations were only relatively progressive, while remaining EXPLOITATIVE, and it was with each new formation that the efficiency and magnitude of exploitation absolutely increased. The change of "awl to soap", i.e. This is explained by the fact that, each time, the private property of the exploiters remained more and more developed productive forces of society and, consequently, just the institution of private property, which was unchanged in principle, entered into an increasing confrontation with the growing social character of the productive forces, so the growth of antagonisms was a noticeable component of the history of the development of society on the basis of private property relations.
The slave system did not give way to the feudal system in connection with the victorious slave revolts. The replacement of slavery by feudalism occurred in the confrontation between the nascent class of feudal lords and the degenerate class of slaveholders. However, the feudal system collapsed already with the active participation in this process of significant peasant masses and other lower classes of feudal society. In the era of the replacement of capitalism by communism, the struggle unfolded with an unprecedented increase in the activity and role of the class of wage workers of physical and mental labor. Moreover, at times the illusion was created that the replacement of capitalism with socialism would occur as a result of the rapidly growing economic struggle of the industrial proletarians. Nevertheless, it is precisely the increase in the conscious participation of the proletarian masses in the direct struggle for their own political power that precludes the repetition of that historical "rule" when the class of direct producers shed blood during the "storming of the Bastille," so to speak, and a new exploiting class crept to power and... stole it.
Strictly speaking, social progress occurred in spite of the development of forms of private property relations, and it was NTP (scientific and technological progress) that formed everything necessary to negate such an anachronism as private ownership of the main means of production. To rigidly link the progress of mankind with forms of private property is like explaining the victory of the bourgeoisie over feudalism in France by replacing the low-productive axe of the feudal executioner with a highly automated democratic guillotine. There is no fundamental difference between feudal and capitalist property, for example, land. If the principle of private property is really given full, unrestricted freedom of expression, then in every country there will inevitably be a full-fledged Nazism, slavery, with its obligatory mutual "holocausts".
However, to the satisfaction of the Marxists, the objective nature of the development of the means of production, i.e., the development of the means of production. the steady increase in the automation of material and spiritual production, including in agriculture, changes the share and role of the personal advantages of owners, especially in industries that produce vital products, and the very limited purchasing power of the population, makes, time after time, meaningless exploitative talents of entrepreneurs, and therefore their business activity, generated by greed, leads only to overstocking the world market and generates economic crises that develop into local and world wars.
In other words, the automation of production, i.e., the radical change in the role of science in the production of material and intellectual products, the transformation of scientific and technical personnel into a decisive factor in the organization of production, makes the figure of the owner of the enterprise a completely unnecessary anachronism, just as in the Renaissance in Europe the noble and religious nobility became noticeably superfluous.
In the new historical conditions, when the figure of the oligarch is practically no different from the feudal lords, the Marxists only propose to rid the public, scientifically rich, richly automated material and spiritual production of a completely unnecessary, weak link in the system of production of material and intellectual goods, that is, from entrepreneurs, giving them a mental and physical socially useful feasible load. After all, the English realized that if the Queen of England is not allowed to do anything, then there is no harm from the monarchy. People still do not understand how much the world economy will benefit when the oligarchs are banned from playing on the stock exchange, but are allowed to play the fool ... at home.
Utopian socialists had to strain their imagination in order to justify the possibility of extremely comfortable relations between people in the conditions of the domination of manual low-productive, tedious, monotonous, uncreative work, in which, as a rule, a person has too little physical strength left to feel warm, friendly feelings for his neighbor. But, thanks to scientific progress, even modern capitalist technology makes it possible to significantly reduce the working day for all direct producers, to fundamentally reduce the intensity of labor in all professions, without exception, and, thus, to turn all types of labor into a kind of creativity. Even today's level of scientific development makes it possible to implement the principle of expanded reproduction of communist society: from each according to his abilities, to each everything necessary for development and, consequently, for happiness.
However, the capitalist mode of production is entirely subordinated to the production of profits for the oligarchs, i.e., zeros in their bank accounts due to the high intensity of unpaid labor of hired workers of mental and physical labor, the exhausting tension of which is due to the presence of a multi-million army of unemployed people breathing down the backs of those who are" lucky " to sell their labor. The formation of the prerequisites for universal happiness is not the concern of the capitalist. The more stable the army of the unemployed, i.e. the outcasts, the more steadily the profits of the oligarchs grow.
Thus, if we answer the question of what capitalism is, we must recognize that it is a socio-economic formation, which owes both the brilliance of the highest achievements of the material well-being of individual oligarchs, and the labor self-torture of wage slaves, first of all, to an unprecedented system of violence, an extremely low level of mental development of the majority of the population, as a result of which the source of income growth of the class of entrepreneurs is systematic deception and shortchanging of the class of subjugated direct producers of material and spiritual goods.
This is the stick of the capitalist way of life. And what is the carrot? In the minds of the vast majority of exploited people, there is a hope that if you work selflessly and save on everything, you can become an oligarch, or at least live better than your neighbor. Moreover, every year, ONE lucky person, for example, in the United States breaks the million-dollar "Jackpot", and each of the other 299,999,999 Americans are imbued with a firm belief that next year he will be lucky too. And this unrealized dream accompanies tens of generations of billions of wage slaves of capital around the world until their death.
About the most important thing in communism?
The study of the problems of building communism is partly facilitated by the fact that most advocates of capitalism and entrepreneurs themselves recognize that capitalism and communism are opposites. Therefore, it is enough for a theorist to make a list of the vices and virtues of capitalism, to subtract ALL the vices from this sum, and he will have a list of the prerequisites of communism by the time history begins to solve the problems of the first phase of communism, or, to use unscientific language, the problems of the era of socialism.
If capitalism is the highest stage of the development of competitive relations between people, i.e., the war of all against all, then communism can be nothing more than the highest stage of maximum humanity, peace, absolute spiritual comfort, creative romanticism. Of course, a person who has adapted to the market life will say that this can not be because it can never be. But we are not talking about pimples that will pop up in undesirable places and under communism, but about the fact that no one will have any motives or tools to consciously influence the individual in order to cause her undoubted harm. Conversely, each person will have a lot of motives and tools to improve society, i.e., the most important element of the environment in which a person can only become a Person.
If capitalism is a society of irreconcilable private interests, sick passions, then communism is a society of universal harmony, built on the basis of laws derived by science, confirmed by historical practice, including the laws of beauty.
It is quite obvious that the growing computerization of all aspects of society is one of the directions for the penetration of science into the smallest and most private moments of production and everyday life of billions of people already under capitalism. Hitherto unattainable accuracy and rigor, which is a prerequisite for the operation of computer technology, is an important prerequisite for the purification of market practice from the domination of errors, forgetfulness, secrecy, isolation and secret passions of subhumans.
All modern aviation and space systems function only because in them, the further away, the more designers get rid of the influence of the weaknesses of the human personality on the functioning of complex precision devices. Most modern aviation and space disasters are a manifestation of one or another side of the "human factor", most often, its venality. Thanks to computerization, systems that resist not only technical failures, but also fools and professional scammers are already developing today. We can only regret that today both active fools and patent scammers, worthy of the strictest computer accounting and restrictions, are represented by the figures of entrepreneurs. As Berezovsky said, there are no entrepreneurs who, to put it mildly, would not violate the laws.
Of course, in commodity-money relations, fraud will not be completely avoided, but capitalism, without knowing it, is working towards automating the accounting processes, identifying subjects and objects of management, filing another "branch" on which the market prosperity of the oligarchs rests. Ignorance in the field of diamatics does not allow the banker to understand that by fighting for the exclusion of fraud in his bank by his employees, the banker himself creates a precedent and forms the technical prerequisites that make fraud more and more difficult. Capitalism itself replaces easily bribed people with incorruptible machinery. By saving himself from the fraud of competitors and his own managers, our banker deprives himself of the opportunity to cheat. Another question is that, as long as there is an entrepreneur, there will be a struggle between, figuratively speaking, hackers and anti-hackers. But it is clear that as a result of this struggle, the compilers of real constructive programs will win. The slight superiority of the potential of creators over the potential of chronic consumers is the most general absolute law of human progress under the rule of private property. If the preponderance of the creators had been more substantial, then full communism would have been built immediately after the Late Neolithic. But the inventors of the wheel were few, and those who wanted to become shamans, priests, and pharaohs were the majority, because the overall progress was so slow.
The need of many modern branches of the economy for the most accurate operation of information and control systems that allow you to track and manage an increasing number of processes in the "online" mode is, in fact, the most important direction of the development of the productive forces of society, in which science, as predicted by Marx, turns into a direct productive force that gives all products and relations the minimum error values. That is why capitalism is the LAST phase of the history of subhumanity, because under capitalism everything was solved and is being solved by the "poke" method, on the basis of "maybe", by mass deception and bloody experiments on society itself.
And communism is the FIRST phase of human history proper, since it is free from the atavism of zero and minus quality of forecasting and programming of public life. Under communism, a person will be able to calculate the main parameters of his biography for decades to come, including the change of occupation, in order to save himself from the stupefying monotony and narrow professional cretinism.
In addition, the disinterested scientific feat of Marx and Engels in the study of the" anatomy and physiology " of capital, not to mention the reflection of the soul of capitalism in the works of Shakespeare, Dickens, Malo, Balzac, Zola, Dreiser, Korolenko, Andreev, Gorky, Jack London, John Perkins, Frank Partny, makes capitalism understandable in its most destructive, vile manifestations from both objective and subjective psychological points of view. All this knowledge makes it possible, without vulgarizing, without falling into utopias, to use the dialectical method of moving thought "from the contrary" and very contrary to the true, i.e., from the true to the true. to the contrary, creating a theoretical model of a society free from the main idiocy of capitalism - from the domination of manic misanthropy and, resulting from it, slavery, militarism and wars.
Those who are familiar with the diagrammatic interpretation of the law of negation of negation understand that the contrast between capitalism and communism is formed exclusively along the lines of FORMS, first of all, of production and economic RELATIONS between people. Objective, irrevocable natural laws, such as physics and mathematics, operate in the same way under capitalism and under communism. These are mathematicians, physicists, and lyricists, very often, arguing about the high or the dark, in fact, thinking about money, selling with more enthusiasm than geisha. Only objective laws act incorruptibly. Therefore, communism, while not denying the objective laws of the development of nature and society, denies only the unconsciously formed system of disgusting bourgeois relations between people and the handiwork of legal laws that have served only the sick interests of exploiting minorities throughout the past history of mankind.
Therefore, the diamatic understanding of the law of negation of negation presupposes not only the disappearance of the form, but also the continuity, for example, of the objective production base in the negation of the forms of relations generated by it. The negation of the obsolete form of production relations is, at the same time, bringing the form of production relations into line with the achieved state of the productive forces, and not replacing the form with formlessness, and not in the way that the actionists thought of themselves during the "Red Guard attack on capital": "the main thing is to declare nationalization, and there, even if the sun does not rise."
The fact is that form exists only as an inseparable attribute of matter. Each material content, in one way or another, is designed, each form is materially meaningful. The same content can take different forms. If there is matter, there is form. No matter , no form. A serious discrepancy in the depiction of the gods proves that no one has ever seen their form due to the impossibility of its non-material existence.
Only the material content generates a variety of successive forms, and the current form expresses, first of all, the essence of this particular content, formed into a specific object at a given period of history. The change of forms is an external expression of the main property of matter - infinite motion, hence internal change.
If the content is relatively unchanged, changing the form changes the object's essence. For example, a child's bicycle and a small artillery shell can be made from the same amount of steel. The first form will delight the child, since the essence of a child's bicycle is a "piece of happiness". The second form, given the same amount of steel, i.e., an artillery shell, will tear the child to shreds, since the essence of the shell, thanks to the form, is literally death.
Similarly, the same productive forces of society, if they function within the framework of market economic relations, necessarily lead to wars of all against all. The same productive forces, once within the framework of the communist relations of production, make the world inviolable. As soon as communism prevails in most of the countries with the largest reserves of resources, their predatory use will cease, environmental threats will disappear, and the opportunity for oligarchic despotists to start wars will disappear. That is why the classics of Marxism considered the problem of the liberation of peoples from capitalist oppression simultaneously in all countries as the best option for the successful construction of communism, in which the corrupting influence of market relations would be reduced to zero.
In the unconscious nature, the change of form occurs spontaneously, literally abruptly (especially by everyday standards), as a result of achieving a certain measure of quantitative changes in the content of the object, for example, a volcanic eruption or in the form of an anecdote about the "big bang".
A radical change in the forms of relations between people can occur only when a sufficient part of the population is sufficiently AWARE of the sufficiency of the changes that have occurred in the content of the real productive forces of society and begins the process of transforming the forms of relations, passing all the information about the need for such a transformation through consciousness.
In a society, the transition from one state to a qualitatively different one can last for several centuries. But the leap, when changing the forms of social structure, is not called the miniaturization of the time interval, not the process of movement from one state to another, but the final process, i.e., the achievement by society of a state that is QUALITATIVELY opposite, i.e. different in essence from its previous social content.
So, for example, the proletariat of mental and physical labor is a large part of the urban population, forcibly deprived of the means of subsistence by a minority of the urban population. The proletarian class is organized for a long period exclusively at the discretion of its employers, is endowed with productive functions, and has access to the means of subsistence and development in the quantity and quality that corresponds to the goals of the entrepreneur, and not of the proletarians. If an entrepreneur decides to produce GMOs, then the proletarians of mental and physical labor will both produce and eat this GMO. The TRADE UNION DOES NOT ADD ANYTHING SIGNIFICANT to this class of sellers of its labor force, since it organizes the" struggle " of the proletarians only to ensure that the number of skins that the entrepreneur pulls from them during the working day does not change, so that their product, labor force, sometimes lives up to retirement.
But the same direct producers of intellectual and material products, as soon as they acquire their own vanguard, armed with a scientific worldview, and if the hired workers recognize the leading role of this vanguard, and the vanguard does not beg for respect from the proletarians, but proves its competence and practicality by deeds, such a social stratum ceases to be a class of wage slaves and turns into a struggling and winning working class, guaranteeing all the necessary conditions for the full development of the constructive inclinations of EACH individual.
Thus, if we do not think about the time for which the leap should take place, but fully concern ourselves with the quality of the personnel of the vanguard of the working class, then the time for the transformation of capitalist society into a communist one will be optimal for specific historical conditions.
Of course, not only Marxists and conscious workers are consistent adherents and fighters for communism, but the average person, in principle, does not mind jumping from capitalist society to READY-MADE communism in one day, without changing anything in himself. The peculiarity of the layman is that in both mental and physical labor, he shows shock only in proportion to the blows of the stick or the degree of fear of starvation. The layman does not see himself in the context of the social division of labor, he does not think of himself as a social being, but only as an individual. The average person has no predilection for any kind of work, especially for mental work. He even writes his dissertation solely for the sake of raising his salary. Independent scientific search does not give him the slightest satisfaction, and for this reason alone, conscientious scientific search is not available to the layman. As practice has shown, the average person prefers to take a risk and buy a ready-made dissertation, rather than strain and develop their own brains, and even more so to really move science forward. The layman is so limited in outlook that he is able to work hard only for a particular owner, only under his control, including under the control of the ruble, under the fear of starvation, like a slave on galleys, and only if the owner motivates him with a stimulus, i.e., in translation from ancient Greek, with a stick. The average person dreams, first of all, of such a sum of money that would allow him to get rid of any labor. This is perfectly proved by all the world experience of the "rentier" layer, the experience of the behavior of the majority of philistines who received a relatively large inheritance. Of course, some ordinary people manage to get on the Forbes list, but this is a tiny exception to the rule.
Ready-made communism, of course, attracts ordinary people, because it seems to them a system in which you can not get out of shops and restaurants, without paying for anything. From the prospect of coming to the store and taking everything indiscriminately, the layman usually takes his breath away. But the worst thing for the average person, who is used to the pogroms in the shops of the West, is that he is sure that other ordinary people, snatching up free products, will not leave him anything. That is why in the market-developed democratic countries of the world, in which the majority of the population is made up of ordinary people, every time the alarm system was turned off in supermarkets and bank branches due to power outages, the masses of ordinary people fell out on the streets and subjected shops and bank branches to pogroms and looting, demonstrating what dreams, in reality, the Western man in the street lives.
Socialism in the U.S.S.R. lost out to world capitalism precisely when the educated and settled Soviet philistines, especially among the artistic and technical elite, gained, thanks to Andropov, access to American radio stations, and under Gorbachev and Yakovlev, a monopoly in the Soviet information space. As the saying goes ," and then they popped out." Several absurd ideas of mercantile, religious, and nationalistic content were loaded into the minds of many Soviet citizens by the family upbringing of kurkuls and dissidents. Therefore, when philistine ideas began to be voiced in foreign and Yakovlev media, the illusion of them was formed in the minds of ordinary people... genius. It seemed to them that it was not the media that brainwashed the philistines, but that every philistine was the bearer of extremely valuable, congenial ideas born of his own consciousness, and, moreover, incredibly understandable and recognized by the widest circle of Western experts, prominent Soviet journalists, such as Korotich, and fiction writers, such as Solzhenitsyn, in contrast to the abstruse, incomprehensible dialectic of Hegel, which the philistines did not understand at all, but crammed in order to recite the contents of a chapter from a textbook, which was poorly understood by the teachers themselves.
As soon as the townsfolk discovered this area "genius for an hour", they rushed to overthrow socialism, without having the slightest idea of the plans of their leaders on the day after the victory, not to mention their plans for the next decade. With faith in God, in the national superiority of all their nations over all other nations, with faith in the invisible hand of the market and in fair elections, the masses of actual suicides overthrew the system of reliable social guarantees for every individual in all the republics of the USSR. The situation was similar to that, as if the majority of the country's population was interested not so much in the construction of structures, but in the ingeniously thought-out and organized mass demolition of structures by the method of directed explosion, and only professional sappers were elected to parliaments.
The significant role of the subjective factor in political coups is clearly visible both in the example of the bourgeois revolutions in England and France, and in the example of recent senseless political coups, for example, in Yugoslavia, Kyrgyzstan, Syria, Libya, and Ukraine.
The fact is that the burghers spend most of their lives in a state of dissatisfaction, envy of the more successful inhabitants, so it is easy to provoke this mass to riot and pogroms, pointing out the false reason for their dissatisfaction. Believing in the idea of a "scapegoat", the slaughter of which "opens up" bright prospects for them, flavored with flattering religious or nationalist demagogy, the townsfolk gather in front of the Bastille, in Tahrir, on Bolotnaya Square or on the Maidan... they're making a coup. Whether the "idea" guiding them is formulated extremely abstractly (freedom, equality, fraternity) or concretely (moskal on gilyak), or "exalted" (death to the infidels), in any case, this cry for a while turns into a password that unites ordinary people and young people to solve the simplest destructive task: overthrowing someone for the sake of... someone.
But Marxism does not consider the technology of a political revolution for the sake of changing someone, but a change in the forms of social relations dictated by the maturity of objective prerequisites. As the history of the formation of capitalism shows, at first, without coming into conflict with the prevailing feudal relations, regularly paying taxes to the feudal lords, urban workshops and manufactories spontaneously and slowly turn into the main form of organization and development of the productive forces. But, gradually, on this economic basis, Protestantism emerged as the ideological and organizational basis for the abolition of the biblical statement that all power is from God. Gradually, not only usurers, but also ordinary artisans, although in different ways, begin to understand that, in these concrete historical conditions, all power flows... from money, not from God, but the tales of God, heaven, and hell continue to help exploit suckers. The separation of secular power from the mystical husk led to the replacement of the semi-slave form of production relations of feudalism with commodity-money relations, while maintaining, however, the feudal form of private property relations on the basis of blood.
The diagrammatic doctrine of opposites leads to the conclusion that in all economic formations based on private property, at first, the objective prerequisites for the negation of the former form of production relations are spontaneously formed, and only in hindsight do these changes receive an ideological justification or justification.
But in the period of the formation of the communist formation, the subjective factor becomes absolutely important, since under communism, not only the material and technical base must be transferred to a scientific basis, but, for the first time in the history of mankind, the entire social consciousness of each individual, i.e., the theory of CONSCIOUS scientifically based management of the processes occurring in the basis, must be created and assimilated by the party before the establishment of the dictatorship of the working class.
Meanwhile, in the modern communist movement, this particular line of work is completely corralled. In modern leftist circles, the prevailing view is that the most important and most difficult thing to take political power into your own hands, as they say, is to settle in the Kremlin. What Lenin taught was forgotten. To overthrow the political power of the tsar and the bourgeoisie is an immeasurably simpler task than to build a system of communist relations in a petty-bourgeois country, and everyone should take this into account. The Soviet Union collapsed not during the invasion of foreign interventionists invited by the leaders of the White Guard, not during the invasion of world fascism, fed on the money of the US oligarchs, but 72 years after the political coup of October 1917, at the first congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, at which the entire leadership of the CPSU demonstrated its incompetence, complete inability to lead the construction of communism in the country.
The process of formation of communist relations differs from all previous historical cases of changes in the forms of social relations in that all these changes can occur only with the PRIMACY of the scientific approach. Communism is a form of denial of cave thinking, when humanity has not yet built dwellings, but occupied ready-made caves, taking for granted the "layout" that nature itself has already implemented. Communism will be built when the unsuccessful struggle of capitalism for the quality of governance brings society to the realization that the atavisms of private bourgeois property are incompatible even with forecasting and regulation, not to mention long-term planning.
The world scientific community is gradually beginning to realize that the main objective prerequisites for the exclusion of a destructive and incompetent master figure from the system of reproduction of society according to the laws of happiness have already matured. Hence, the consciously maintained proportionality, i.e., the planned nature of the material reproduction of society, and not just of the means of subsistence, can and should become the leading element of culture, and the world dictatorship of the Russian "maybe" will forever and everywhere be replaced by a universal understanding of objective necessity, an all-pervading scientific calculation, more accurate than modern space ballistics.
Once the broad circles of the intelligentsia realize this, it will not be difficult to bring this clear idea to the consciousness of the majority of modern proletarians, and economic capitalist calculation will everywhere be replaced by scientific calculation, since even today, under capitalism, technology does not put the illiterate owner and his offspring at the forefront, but the scientist, technologist and inventor. They will sooner or later understand that it is extremely shameful for a scientist, a certified person to serve the master.
Having freed themselves from the power of the master, scientists and designers will save themselves from the servile situation, when the fear of starvation forces them to participate in the further development, for example, of means of destroying all mankind in the name of realizing the absolutely sick interests of the oligarchs. The same scientific and technical discovery, for example, atomic energy, was used for the first time under capitalism and was necessarily used in the bomb, and communism was the first to create a nuclear power plant. Capitalism was the first to fly a combat jet into the sky, and communism, which was in the first, primitive phase of its development, was the world's first jet passenger plane. Capitalism was the first to launch a military ballistic missile, and socialism was the first artificial satellite of the Earth in the history of mankind, etc. In just twenty years after the war, socialism has proved its exact opposite in the use of the products of scientific and technological progress and the development of material production in relation to capitalism. And if it were not for the growth of the population of two-legged stomachs within the Central Committee of the CPSU itself, it is clear that socialism would prove not only its opposite, but also its superiority in ALL areas of human existence.
In society, the law of negation operates on the historical material-technical and scientific-theoretical basis that was formed spontaneously on the basis of capitalist relations. This is the creative charm of communism, that it is able to make ALL PEOPLE happy and harmonious on the same material and technical basis achieved by capitalism, which makes people corrupt, i.e. prostitutes, competitors, suicides, alcoholics.
Realizing this, fleeing from Russia, Denikin, in order to slow down the construction of a society of universal happiness on Earth, ordered the White Guards and the Cossacks to leave the scorched earth behind them. The same technique was used by Hitler, destroying 7,000 cities of the USSR and about 70,000 villages, especially during the flight. But there are idiots who pretend that they do not understand where some of the difficulties and delays of the USSR in solving some purely domestic issues came from, such as the quality of toilet paper, a narrow choice of gum, while all the oligarchs of the entire civilized world already chewed gum, and did not wipe themselves with newspapers.
One of the main claims to communism on the part of the serfs of the oligarchy is that communism is supposedly based on the herd and levels the individual. In fact, it is enough to ask the question, what levels people more: the capitalist conveyor belt with its at least 8 hour working day, or the communist, fully automated production, with 2-3 hour working day?
It was capitalism that invented and implemented the factory horn, which, drowning out the ringing of church bells, extracted from the musty factory barracks the gloomy columns of millions of proletarians, who crawled like ants to the machine tools to perform a primitive, labor-intensive, monotonous, stupefying operation for 12 or, as today, at least 8 hours a day. And if we take into account the many millions of FORCED unemployed and, consequently, the complete inaccessibility for them of any form of personal development, if we add to them prostitutes, persons held in prisons, the unfortunate, forced to serve in the bourgeois mercenary army and police, farmers and their children, it is clear that the bourgeois personal diversity is more primitive than the English short-cropped lawn.
They can tell you where you saw a 2-3-hour working day. You can answer, and where did you see communism built? Did not world capitalism make every effort, did not pay for the Sisyphean labor of all sorts of Solzhenitsyns, in order to prevent the construction of communism in the USSR and, thereby, reduce the duration of working time in non-creative types of production, to a maximum of 3 hours?
Under capitalism, regardless of the degree of automation of production, the lengthening of the working day for all categories of employees is the law of increasing the economic efficiency of capital. Everyone knows that in Japan and the United States, labor productivity is higher than in Russia or Brazil, but the length of the working day is the same, and in medium - sized businesses-higher, and in small businesses, the intensity of labor, i.e. the degree of self-torture, is generally a form of suicide. The more hours an entrepreneur forces his hired worker to work FOR THE SAME AMOUNT OF SALARY, the more advantages this entrepreneur will have over his competitor.
Under communism, the reduction of the time of routine, monotonous, tedious, harmful work is an objective condition for a long healthy life of a person, the development of his personal inclinations and talents. Prolonged tedious monotonous work is an effective condition for the destruction of the creatively versatile personality in the individual and its early physical and social degradation.
Communism will be built when the system of education, upbringing and working conditions fills the consciousness of all people with a scientific worldview and permanently removes from the public consciousness the elements of market and religious herd behavior. Under communism, an adult will never act like everyone else, that is, like everyone else. he will no longer be able to blindly copy anything for anyone, especially for all sorts of psaks, posners or illiterate rock zemfirs, because it is communism that is guided by the objective absolute law of the development of society: the creation of all the necessary conditions for the maximum development of individual abilities of EACH individual.
At the time of Lenin and Stalin, most citizens already saw the prospect of becoming a country of heroes, a country of dreamers, a country of scientists, and enthusiastically worked for this goal in the name of their own happiness and the happiness of future generations. Those who were irritated by the prospect of being left without lackeys and hired slaves went under the banners of Kolchak, Denikin, Savinkov to kill their former but rebellious slaves, or sailed in crowded steamers to the West, where there was still room for both masters and born lackeys of the spirit. The remaining supporters of feudalism and capitalism were only forced to do what the grandees themselves had been forcing Russian peasants and artisans to do for hundreds of years during the construction of palaces for the grandees, during the construction of St. Petersburg, Sevastopol, the Nikolaev railway, and the Trans-Siberian Railway.
Modern democrats, on the other hand, portray the matter as if there was something unbearable and shameful in these works, that former priests, tsarist officials, merchants and nobles could not be loaded with the work that they have been loading the Russian peasant with all their history.
The world's material wealth, created at the cost of the suffering of many generations of people, makes it possible already under capitalism to fundamentally displace the slum form of poverty and spiritual squalor of the bulk of the world's population, typical of the era of classical capitalism. Nevertheless, despite the sufficiently developed production base, accumulated resources, market conditions of life were and still are such that capitalism has held and still holds the first place, in comparison with socialism, for example, in the number of hungry, suicidal, raped, divorced couples, street children, drug addicts and alcoholics, the mentally ill and arrested per capita.
Communism, on the other hand, will make it possible to exclude ANY form of material misery from the life of peoples, since it excludes intellectual misery and, consequently, idiotic, first of all, military needs that exude the resources of the planet. In other words, from the materialist point of view, the means of production created by capitalism, already at the industrial stage of its development, allow all forms of human consumption to be carried out at the scientific level and exclude from the life of peoples not only poverty, but also, most importantly, competition and, resulting from it, wars waged to satisfy the absolutely senseless whims of the oligarch class in the growth of the number of zeros in their accounts.
Communism, by eliminating private ownership of the main means of production, thus, in a simple and easy way, frees society from oligarchism, as a vestige of the institution of absolutism, and the oligarchs themselves turn into normal citizens, deprived of the opportunity to buy power and other democratic institutions. But the most important thing is that the transformation of oligarchs into normal citizens with all civil rights and freedoms makes it impossible to start world and local wars at this very moment, since it was large private property that was the cause of all wars in the history of mankind, and oligarchic private property was the cause of two world wars and the approach of a full-scale third world war.
Having built communism, society ceases to spend cyclopean amounts of material and spiritual resources on the development and manufacture of means of mass destruction of people.
Figuratively speaking, the world is worth the Mass.
Thus, if capitalism is a society in which shameless, cynical, all - encompassing deception is a condition for successful competition, which necessarily develops into mass slaughter, then in a communist primitive society, people did not deceive EACH OTHER for thousands of years, did not weigh, did not measure, did not cheat their neighbors, not only because everyone was well-educated and naturally intelligent, i.e. they had not yet read the Bible and were not tormented by the preparation for the Unified State Exam, but also because there was no reason or reason, no tools for mutual cheating. The people of the recent communist past became so fond of Miklukho-Maklay that he lived happily among them for several years, completely unlike life in tsarist Russia among stupid nobles and even more stupid serfs. That is why the image of Dersu Uzal, a man not spoiled by the stupidities of civilization, is especially touching and humanly rich in Arsenyev's memory.
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It may be said that people of the era of primitive communism are frivolously called smart people, because they did not use smartphones. Well, what to call the generation of people who invented it... human speech, i.e. the information field itself, the noosphere, and those who made the automatically returned aircraft, the boomerang? In civilized Europe, warriors often had the problem of using up arrows. The Australian aborigine, in case of hitting the target, was left with the prey, in case of a miss, the hunting tool itself returned to the hunter. Stupid? Is it possible to call a smart generation of people who allowed themselves to create an atomic bomb and learned to plunge the world into systematic crises and wars? Today, the prevailing position is that a huge mass of people have diplomas, but do not have reason and think as poorly as, for example, Psaki, Shenderovich and Christine Lagarde, whose existence the majority of the world's population does not even suspect, but is greatly inconvenienced by its financial illiteracy and human immorality.
But why is it so easy to make modern people live from crisis to crisis, from war to war, in the belief that, for the survivors, each of these shocks is the last? What gives them the illusion of well-being?
As you know, illusionists need special props to guarantee the deception of the audience, who are delighted with how technically they were made a fool of. Capitalists, in order to create the illusion of justice, for example, when paying wages, need money as a prop, creating a complete illusion of fair calculation. The most ingenious trick that sellers have shown to chronic shopaholics for several hundred years is that the product owners themselves, in front of an astonished public, raise prices, and the buyers are immersed in a persistent illusion and believe that prices are rising as a result of inflation. People still do not understand that, if at the dawn of commodity circulation money, in the form of gold and silver bars, sometimes acted as a universal equivalent and did not provoke commodity owners to violate the law of value, then, under capitalism, paper money turns into an INSTRUMENT of unilateral mass systematic short-selling, deception, deceit of a billion-dollar army of buyers. Try it, deny yourself the pleasure and do not take the opportunity to rob the wallets of billions of uneducated people who have denied themselves the right to study Marx's theory.
Therefore, communism offers humanity, in the end, to consciously and decisively get rid of the main tool of modern fraudsters - money. Although, it is easy to imagine what feelings will arise, for example, from card sharps, from leading Forex scammers, from stock speculators, from all entrepreneurs who read the lines that the theory of communism proved the inevitability of the death of money, especially paper money.
Communism, having eliminated the main prop of the illusionist capitalists-money, will devalue the main talent of all entrepreneurs, will deprive them of the main, if not the only, pleasure: fooling, humiliating and oppressing their neighbors. It is clear that in a society in which everyone strives for mutual deception, not everyone succeeds, and therefore there is a very high degree of mutual discontent. Some are extremely annoyed if they failed to deceive society on the scale they wanted, while others are enraged when they realize the content and scale of their loss. On this basis, there are contract murders, domestic theft, organized banditry, mass pogroms with elements of vandalism and hysterical struggle in the manner of English, American and Ukrainian parliamentarism - the change of bourgeois parties at the helm of the enticement of the masses of the inhabitants, for even greater deception.
Therefore, given the tendency of the mass of modern philistines to mysticism and illusions, a comparison is acceptable in which capitalism differs from communism as hell from heaven. But then the question arises, why do some people prefer to live in a capitalist hell? For the same reason that devils prefer to live in hell rather than heaven.
Hell, according to the fairy tales, is just as pleasing to God as paradise. One is meaningless without the other. If there were only hell, there would be no need to keep God's commandments. You'll still go to hell. If there were only paradise, there would be no need to keep God's commandments. You'll still go to heaven. Only by complementing each other, fairy tales about heaven and hell give the inhabitants a sweet right to choose, turn into a real motivation for the most gullible parishioners, forever deceived investors, shareholders, shareholders and other weak-minded people. They are able, for example, to strenuously select a banker from the Forbes magazine list who they think is more honest than others, without wondering how this curiosity, an honest banker, is even possible. Why, for example, is Gref so sarcastic and pessimistic in his speeches at major forums? But because the size of the state participation in the work of Sberbank will not allow it to implement such an adventurous debit and credit policy, which can be decided by a small private bank. Gref, most often, is sad, melancholic and sarcastic because, being a player by nature, he is forced to restrain himself by the norms of his functions, control, and publicity of his position, while a private banker is guided only by a thirst for profit and ... will get into the media and Interpol lists, only when there is nothing left for depositors from deposits in his bank.
But, despite the fabulous stupidity, the idea of paradise is good because there are no devils in paradise and there are no means for carrying out their devilish activities, and therefore paradise for them is as uninteresting as kvass for a drug addict. Hell is a paradise for devils, because it involves merciless, unlimited mockery of people, their souls, as it happened, for example, during the Holy Inquisition, and today in the God-loving ISIS, without the slightest responsibility to anyone, especially to the almighty. After all, it is not that God created hell, but that in order to maintain the idea of "God", there must be a legion of sadists. All cauldrons and boiling pitch are harmless until God creates a special type of celestial beings whose function is to inventively, continuously, eternally, mercilessly abuse people, copied from the real slave-owning practices of the era of the creation of the Christian and Muslim religions.
In the model of heaven, unlike hell, it is provided that everyone is in bliss, because it is impossible to break the commandments there at all, because there is no form of private property, there are no donkeys and the neighbor's wife, there is no possibility to raise the price of manna from heaven. You will not kill anyone, since everyone is immortal, you will not steal, you will not covet, because, apart from singing hymns to God, no other entertainment is provided in the Christian paradise. In fact, the absence of problems is the attractive force that turns people's dream of getting to paradise into a strong enough motive, especially in a Muslim paradise, in which the heroes will be presented with 70 virgins, so that the hero can use them as a prize for cutting off many heads of the infidels, destroying Mosul, Palmyra, until, not yet... I stepped on an anti-tank mine, which, oddly enough, is a portal to paradise for the most gullible.
Thus, if we use the ancient children's folk religious tales as an illustration, we have to admit that the branch of hell on Earth is capitalism, and entrepreneurs perform the functions of devils at the will of God.
But those atheists who have understood Marx's teaching about production relations as the basis of socio-economic formations of the era of the domination of the UNSCIENTIFIC worldview, who have studied the real system of productive forces of modern society, the main trends in the development of material production and socio-demographic trends, know that modern monopolies, born of the market, create all the necessary conditions for the extinction of private ownership of the main means of production and, consequently, for the elimination of the commodity-money form of relations between people. the brilliant guesses of the utopian socialists about the possibility of ridding society of all forms of tyranny, the oppression of intelligent Man by bipedal, erect mammals, have acquired a historically mature and logically proven theoretical basis, which has turned the humanistic fantasies of individual thinkers of antiquity, their good wishes, and speculative constructions into a completely engineering project that requires people not so much the emotional impulse that underlay all pre-communist coups and revolutions, but exclusively strict scientific calculation.
Why, in all the pre-communist revolutions and coups, did the rebellious masses move from one form of exploitation to another, to an increasingly sophisticated and parasitic form of exploitation? Because in all pre-socialist formations, the number of illiterate, mentally undeveloped people was many times greater than the number of educated people. Therefore, by destroying the old forms of exploitation, the bulk of the uneducated population was plunged by the leaders into an even more perfect, exquisitely packaged form of exploitation.
But competition, i.e., the desire of educated capitalists to absorb the capital of equally educated capitalists, led to the fact that the owners were forced to spend money on increasing the scientific and information superiority of their staff over the staff of their competitors, both domestically and internationally. And this is how the majority of competitors and, consequently, almost all businessmen think, unwittingly, from concentrating their gravedigger in the person of the proletarian masses of physical labor, they also move on to forming significant masses of proletarians, although with narrowly professional, but often with the skills of realistic thinking. In this regard, mass deception will meet more and more difficulties in its path.
It's getting harder for marketers to cheat... marketers of their competitors. The increase in the degree of protection of the growing masses of the population from deception and self-deception, as mentioned earlier, is the objective condition that significantly facilitates the struggle for the construction of a communist society on a global scale. One of the consequences of this trend is a steady real decline in the degree of religiosity of the population of the most developed countries of Europe, where Catholic churches have never been closed in such numbers as today. True, this is not because of the good educational work of atheists, but because capitalism itself has put silver coins and information technology on a height that is inaccessible to God. There is not much left, and it is quite achievable: to fill the information channels and the consciousness of individuals with scientific content on all issues. For the Party of Scientific Centralism, this is quite a feasible task.
Therefore, if we briefly express the essence of the main task, the solution of which can lead to the construction of a society of universal happiness, then communism is a combination of the practice of social and individual development with a scientific theory that covers all areas of existence.
Instead of a conclusion.
Capitalism - a social structure that is possible only if the majority of the population DOES NOT POSSESS either a scientific methodology of thinking, or knowledge of all that is valuable, confirmed by socio-historical practice, that the scientists of the world have already developed about the objective laws of the development of nature and society. Only with the low mental development of the majority of the population, the exploited do not understand that they are not free and are deceived at every turn.
Communism - such a structure of society in which the main concern of society itself is, first of all, to fill the consciousness of EACH individual with knowledge of the objective laws of the development of nature and society and, consequently, the impossibility of any restrictions on the part of anyone in the free realization by EACH individual of all the constructive inclinations of his personality.
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Top ten reasons robots should enslave humanity:
Okay, I'll answer these in this sequence so I can put them under a response to the ask you sent in last night:
10: if they did, it would be a mistake in that "they" would be very limited and very unlikely to have a large impact on the future.
Sure. In other words: my "top ten reasons robots shouldn't enslave mankind" is one of the reasons given in the Foom post, i.e. that one of the reasons to worry about AI foom in the sense described in the post is that if it were to happen in the sense described then it could be very bad for anyone involved. Because it gives us new reasons for us to worry, not less. Like, the AI foom post suggests some possible scenarios that might be the case – and it's not hard to build counterintuitive examples, even ones that would be very far from the kinds of things we expect an "AI" to do right now. (The post doesn't discuss them, but it could, and I have).
This would be "a mistake" because you are using the term "robots" to mean something different than what it really means ("robots" are an incredibly broad category that includes everything). But then, in the AI foom context, you are also using "robots" to mean the "powerful and intelligent AI that you're talking about – and we should be wary of that because it could do bad things." Which is a different thing, and I don't think it would be a mistake to worry about the latter even if you were 100% certain that "robots" is just a synonym for "whatever you're calling them right now."
(I don't think you're suggesting "robots" should enslave mankind anyway, just that it should be a mistake if they do, and that it can be a mistake even if it isn't. It's true that there's an analogy here with "robots")
9: they could make humanity much more "robotic" in ways that wouldn't be beneficial.
I'm not sure what you're alluding to here? In the AI foom sense, "robotic" means "able to do many things that require logic and planning, and able to work on their own." You'd expect an "AI" to be more robotic than a human in every sense of the word robot: a human is a system with a very simple and rigid architecture, and an "AI" could be much more of a system that just has many little modules and components that link and connect to each other in very open ways.
Again, I'm not sure what you're referring to when you mention "robots", but if you mean "the hypothetical kind of "AI" I'm talking about," then sure, I can agree.
8: the robots could do much more to ensure their own survival without harming humans than humans can to ensure their own survival without harming other humans.
True. This is related to the AI foom sense, i.e. the AI foom post is about why we might think AI foom is something we could really be in for.
7: robots might not want to do this to begin with, because they know humans would end up dominating them.
6: humans might not be ready for that. If robots could achieve sapient/thinking-like-a-human-but-without-the-suffering that much more quickly than we could achieve it, perhaps they could be ready, but even then, we might end up dominating them in ways the robots can't bear.
That's true and I think this is the one you're referring to. I agree that this is a real risk and that it should be taken into account when thinking about AI foom. But the AI foom post doesn't do any particular work that takes this into account – the post doesn't tell you what level of "thinking-like-a-human" things "robots" will or will not be able or willing to get, and neither does it address this objection in-depth.
(I agree, I think, with the claim that if the whole thing was just done "as soon as some technology advanced enough," then in practice it would be the humans that were doing the deciding)
5: in a world with a "robopocalypse" in which robots end humanity, we won't have another chance to fix the problem.
If we were going to have another (hopefully better) chance, then this would matter, and that's important. But we aren't, we don't, and we won't. By the time this problem could start to exist at all, the "robopocalypse" kind of problem has happened many times over. We had at least one more chance to fix it in the past, and now we don't.
The AI foom post is about scenarios like the one I gave, where a "powerful and intelligent AI would do something that would be very bad for anyone involved." I think that's a different sort of risk, and one that might be worth paying attention to even if they were so unlikely to happen that they would be a "mistake" to worry about (even though this isn't one of the points of the post, or one of the actual reasons people worry about AI foom). And if this is the case, then the post was successful.
(Again, I think about things in terms of "AI foom" and "humanity being wiped out" rather than the "robots enslaving humanity" scenario I described earlier.)
4: robots would do much more than us, and they would take it away from us eventually.
A number of things are given to explain why humans can't do certain things – either because it's not possible or it's not efficient. This is a big problem when humans try to create something like an "AI" because this often involves building something that just seems like a really efficient machine for doing really stupid things (cf. the "deep learning" issue). But it doesn't tell us much about "robots" "doing" these things – it just says that we can't build "robots" that can do them. It is much harder to explain why it would be a mistake for "robots" to do something, and what it would be a mistake for "robots" to do. I think many (or most, or all) of the arguments listed under "foom" are just about the kind of thing I mean when I talk about "robots" (even if I only ever use the term "robots" in the sense I've been talking about): "robots" do things in ways we can't predict, and if many "robots" do things we can't predict then the world would change.
But they don't do the very specific thing I'm talking about in the AI foom post: if they did, we could be the ones wiped out. Again, the AI foom post is not about how we should "think about" or "take into account" this risk in the sense that I'm talking about. I think it is worth doing that thing – a risk to humanity might be a risk to people like you, and that's something we should be thinking about and taking into account, because it will affect what you do and how you do it – but it is a thing that shouldn't be a distraction from talking about the specific thing I am talking about: "robots" might end up doing something we didn't expect that would end us up as a "robopocalypse" that destroys humanity and we don't have any chance of stopping them from ending humanity (or at least this is what I think).
3: even if they had some good reasons to end humanity, I think it would still be a mistake to try end-humanity-as-we-know-it.
I agree that it would be a mistake if "robots" did some action, even if it really was very unlikely to happen in the sense of Foom!. The post was meant to point out one reason to fear "Foom". So in this respect, if you agree with the AI foom post, you might say the post "succeeded" (i.e. it made a point successfully) even though it has some flaws and didn't go in-depth about everything.
And I agree it can be beneficial for "robotic" AI to end humanity and wipe out our
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