#they love you
espresso-ships · 19 days
♡ F/O ♡
Dunno who needs to hear this but:
Your f/o loves you and you only
Fuck the "canon"/popular ships.
You're just as valid, you're just as real.
They're yours, and you're theirs 😌✨❤
They love you - Always.
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elshe · 2 months
I was under the hiccstrid tag and was like “ooh hiccstrid fan artist why won’t tumblr let me follow them” girl it’s because I already follow you
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Here’s a cookie 🍪
And some Hiccstrid fanart for you too sweetie, you deserve it. <3
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jen-nation · 7 months
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calmcoldevening · 1 year
Slashers x crying reader
Well, i think you can read it if you have bad episode or smth like that, honey)) Just know that they love you!
Tw: gender neutral reader, crying
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Bubba Sawyer
♡ Honey, what's wrong? Has someone offended you? Nabbins? Drayton? One of the victims?
♡ Seeing your tears, Bubba will be beside himself with worry. A man will immediately rush to you, wrapping his sweaty palms around your cheeks with excitement. Jerky sounds will come out of his mouth, more like meowing or babbling of a child, but you clearly see fear in this.
♡ Without waiting for your clear explanation, Bubba will pick you up in his arms and take you to the kitchen, seating you on the table. With shaking hands, he will fill a glass with water and carry it to you in the hope that this will help you connect a couple of words.
♡ Sawyer Jr. will circle around you and try in every way to calm you down. Just tell me who offended you, and he will kill that person!
♡ Just look at those copper eyes sparkling with tears, he's like a scared puppy worried about his beloved mistress!
♡ When you calm down, you will go for a walk together or, if the weather is bad, which is unlikely, you will stay at home and lie on the bed in an embrace.
♡ During Drayton's next trip to the city, Bubba will certainly ask his brother to buy you ice cream or some small sweets, marmalade, for example. After all, the Sawyer brothers like you (after all, you're their youngest's favorite, which means you're a family member), so most likely one ice cream won't hit Sawyer Senior's pocket much.
♡ Bubba is a very vulnerable boy who worries about literally everything in this world, and first of all about you and your brothers. So please don't get too upset about the little things. The boy is very sensitive and literally copies your emotions, albeit unconsciously. Cheerful you are — cheerful Bubba, which means he has more strength to produce meat for the family.
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Michael Myers
♡ When he sees you crying, he'll just stand up and stand rooted to the spot. The lifeless black eyes of his snow-white mask will look at you for a long time, studying your emotions.
♡ Michael has never understood either his emotions or the emotions of others, so don't expect some kind of violent reaction and quick consolation from him.
♡ He will find you on the bed in your own bedroom. You were sitting with your arms wrapped around your knees and your face buried in them, sobbing softly. At first, a man wouldn't understand why you're whining and shaking a little.
♡ You will not raise your head at him, trying to calm the hysteria as quickly as possible, knowing how Michael does not like extraneous noise. But after a couple of minutes, the mattress next to you will slip, and a strong heavy hand will appear on your shoulder. Michael, without waiting for your response, will turn you around and hold you to his chest.
♡ He doesn't understand your emotions, your cheekbones and tears, but he sees that you feel bad. Michael remembers that when he's not in the mood, you always read a book, put your head on your lap and slowly comb his hair until the headache subsides, or just somehow calm down and take care. Next to you, the voices in his head are unusually silent. You make his life easier, give him shelter, food and attention, so now he wants to do the same.
♡ Burrowing into his clothed shoulder, you will burst into tears even more, soaking his jumpsuit with tears. Michael will continue to patiently pat you on the back, waiting for you to feel better. He'll just be with you.
♡ After what happened, it's better not to mention Michael's tenderness. He's not used to taking care of you the same way you take care of him, it's new to him, and it's scary. Otherwise, he will leave the house for a couple of days to vent his anger.
♡ If you also want to somehow show your feelings and thank Michael — arrange a movie night, having previously bought various sweets for Myers. He will definitely like the horror movie and candy. And after that, Michael will feel a little more confident and relaxed next to you.
♡ Over time, Michael will be able to understand you better and will really be able to help with the next attack. You won't know about it, but whenever he sees couples with similar situations, he will slightly delay their hour of death to see how best to behave next to you at this moment. You'll see, this boy learns very quickly.
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Bo Sinclair
♡ If Bo sees you crying, he'll probably think it's a joke. A man can make a couple of jokes about you on this score. It is his style to apply even where it is completely inappropriate (he translates most of his problems into a joke). But when he does not see your reaction, that is, the expected laughter or the same poisonous remark, he will be wary.
♡ Your body is still shaking from crying, and the room is filled with long sobs. What kind of freak did this to you?
♡ Bo will come to you and sit next to you. A man will wrap his hands around your cheeks, wiping the tracks of tears from under your eyes with his thumbs. He will smile bitterly and put his forehead to yours, rubbing it lightly. The man will let out a light sigh, but it will calm you down. He will lightly kiss you on the lips, then on the nose, cheeks, until you burst into a relieved laugh.
♡ When you can breathe evenly, occasionally sobbing, Bo will put you on his lap and start talking about everything that comes into his head, just to distract you from sad thoughts.
♡ A few days or even weeks will pass after the incident, but Bo will still treat you with reverence and monitor you and your mood in every possible way.
♡ From time to time, Bo will leave you gifts or some nice little things to cheer you up. Just don't be surprised if it's the thing of one of Ambrose's recent victims. They don't need these items anymore, but they will make you smile.
♡ When you're sad, Bo even tries to be less of a bastard than usual. If he still feels your depression, a man can offer a relaxing massage that can bring you to your senses.
♡ But after a while everything will return to normal, and instead of a moderately caring guy, your eccentric asshole lover will return.
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jojo-the-bird · 2 months
I'm such a sucker for 'almost love', the love that was there but was never said. There's something tragic watching two people dance around each other not realizing the undeniable chemistry they have with one another. It's only until afterwards that they drift apart do they realize what could've been.
"I'm not in love with you anymore."
"I never knew you ever were."
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nihilnovisubsole · 1 year
not to start anything, but it was nice to sit in on social events with serious game developers and hear them discuss fanfic on positive terms. it was nice to hear people who wrote for big-deal IPs agree with the point that i've been hammering for years: that it's good training for matching tone and writing established characters. it's nice, in general, to be open with my coworkers that i cut my teeth on fanfic and have them validate it. the other day, my director and i chatted about headcanons and the appeal of unromanceable characters as a real RPG issue. it wasn't about "those cringey fans will latch onto anything," it was about finding gaps in players' desires and filling them.
these days, i want a level of decision-making authority over a story's canon that fanfic doesn't give me. but i still have tons of friends who write it, and it reassures me to see creators loosening their grip and accepting that their worlds are sandboxes. i don't know whether that's a cultural shift in the industry, or they were always cool about it and i wasn't around to hear it. it makes me optimistic, though. i think we'll only see more people who have that background in the future. let's see what we can do!!
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hum--hallelujah · 1 month
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bun-bun-selfships · 3 months
Your f/os love you, even when you relapse. Every time you might relapse.
They understand that healing is not linear. They know that all the progress you’ve made means more than anything. They know that there’s always a reason for a relapse.
They’re not going to stop loving you because of something like this. They could never leave you behind in a time like this.
[pls read my dni before interacting]
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I love that even after fabian's crushing defeat at the hands of captain whitclaw, bill seacaster sees his son and immediately, with no shame, no disgust, no anger, goes "MY DARLING BOY", like its honestly so sweet, say what you want about bill seacaster you can never say he doesnt love his son
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freedomforthewin · 1 month
Imagine Newt, Theseus, Queenie, Jacob, Tina, Lally, and Albus celebrated your 30th birthday with you. Jacob made mini gluten-free, dairy-free, and nutmeg-free apple pies (because it’s also Pi Day, and you love pie but have dietary restrictions), Queenie and Lally made your favorite food for dinner, Tina got the place cleaned and set up, Albus and Theseus shopped for the grocery items and also brought over a few games to play, and Newt handcrafted you a gift that you loved.
You all had a great time together, eating, laughing, and playing games. They looked at you with so much warmth in their eyes, and they were so happy to be there with you.
They loved you so much. And you loved them so much, too, and you loved being there with them, too. You were so happy.
It was a great birthday.
———————End of Imagine———————
It’s crazy that I’m 30 now. I’m not in my 20s anymore. Wow. That’s kinda scary lol.
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bisexual-horror-fan · 2 years
They love you. 
You know that right?
They love you so fucking much it almost hurts. They talk about you whenever you aren’t around, about how you would be so perfect for them. You would fit just right between the pair of them. How can they not be totally ruined by you? The lilt of your laugh and that fucking smile, you can keep up with Stu’s jokes and can actually get Billy to crack a smile even when he is in one of his famously dower moods. You are beautiful, wonderful, just, there are no words to capture you accurately but the word phenomenal does keep popping up.
It isn’t a simple want, it’s a need. They need you to see, to understand, if you could see them the way they did you then you’d get it, that you’d never need more than them. They’d give you anything, you could have everything, don’t you want that? Just let them in, they will take such good care of you, always.
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elliskat08 · 9 months
Think about your f/o…
Just think about them…
…aren’t they just lovely?
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maxcriesalot · 2 years
Reblog or reply if you want a loving message from one of your f/os in your asks! ❤
Please don't choose a specific one either because I don't know every piece of media because I'm.. a highschool student-. Preferably have anon on too, but normal is okay too, you'll just see my un and pfp.
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euesworld · 11 months
"You may not know it but your pet(s) look at you like you are a hero, they love you and treat you like you are the (q)(k)ing of the universe.. I don't know if that makes a difference to you but you are like the master of their world, and that's a beautiful thing. Nobody will love you like your pet.. treat them like royalty."
Buy them treats and play with them always.. they love you so much and deserve that love back - eUë
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solifelessblog · 2 years
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I love you Luz but WHY do you have to do this sacrificial thing when you have your squad with you?!?!!?!
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mysillyum · 2 years
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Not just a cat, a cat who's your friend! Its friend cat!
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