#they never made comedy about ''hard truths'' it was always just edgy white guy humor
wretcheddoll · 3 years
So I was watching Lindsey Ellis’ new video on transphobic media and it made me really mad (not her video just the media itself), so I’m gonna post a comment I made.
“God why did cis men think puking at the sight of a trans women's body was the peak of comedy? I literally cringed so hard every single time it happened. And it's funny how South Park gets praised for being so ‘subversive’ and ‘not afraid to talk about hard truths, and be edgy’ when they were literally doing the same stupid safe unfunny jokes about trans women and intersex women that had been going on for years. Kinda infuriating actually... 🙄🙄🙄” 
Like maybe cis men just shouldn’t be allowed to write comedy about people they don’t understand cause it always sucks... 
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