#they will probably think it's a good idea to create these things
Vivzepop will always be the biggest issue with her own show if she doesn't change. And i'm not saying that because I desperately want to shit on her but rather because it's so clear that her attitude is what made Hazbin Hotel be so dissapointing after the long wait. The pilot released four years ago and Viv had these characters for much longer than that. One could assume that with this much time on her hands she would have a concise plan for how a series of her story would play out (I can imagine that having an own show is a dream for lots of creative people out there). And I get that that plan might get screwed up by a shorter episode count then expected, but she should be the one who knows her story best and who should know what stuff could also be cut out. The first season of Hazbin Hotel is so incredibly overstuffed with characters and plot that it completely looses the main premise the show was originally pitched with (the idea of a hotel were sinners are redeemed. As it is now the hotel is really not important at all). People have talked endlessly about how Viv can't handle criticism and it really sucks because criticism is one of the best ways to improve your writing, drawings, music etc. Without criticism you won't refine the thing you're working on in a meaningful way. Of course it feels bad when you put something out there you wanted to share and then people critique it, but that's part of pretty much every creative journey, or atleast it should be and Vivzepop shouldn't get a pass from this just because she doesn't like it. And there are great shows, movies or books that are rarely or almost never criticised. But the artists behind these works probably went trough years of honing what they do by being criticised for the stuff they put out. And I don't want to say that Vivzepop didn't work hard to make Hazbin Hotel, but it is hard to claim that she improves in her craft, when everytime someone says they don't like her show she throws a hissy fit. She wants the same reactions that these other amazing pieces of media get without ever listening to criticism. Which she sees as a personal attack rather than a tool that could help her to achieve the same level of writing prowess the creators behind media like that have. She believes she is already on the same level as them, just because she basically shuts anyone out who disagrees with her. There's this clip at the end of a Drew Gooden Video which I think sums up the situation with Viv pretty good (the Video is called "Leaving the YouTube Bubble"). He is talking about Lily Singh and her talk show but I feel like a lot of the stuff he says about handling criticism applies to Vivzepop as well.
(you might have to turn up the audio).
Unprofessional behaviour like that might be excusable when the creator is pretty young or they are interacting with publicity for the first time really. But neither of that applies to Viv. And Hazbin Hotel isn't just an indie animation pilot on youtube anymore. It's now a fully realized show created with a pretty prominent studio on a major streaming network and it should be held to the same standards as other shows or movies alike (not saying indie animation or animation on youtube doesn't have a standard but with more budget and support, there's obviously going to be different expectations for the show now). There have been issues in Helluva Boss and the Hazbin Hotel pilot ever since their release which could've been handled with more time and the new show. But Vivzepop shows time and time again that she isn't willing to listen to people who criticise her, which could actually lead to her show getting better. I don't like Viv or her work a lot. I think she is incredibly unprofessional and she has done her fair share of questionable or problematic stuff, which often leads to issues in her shows. There have been some characters I like, some songs or scenes that were pretty well done, very cool animation and an actually interesting premise on paper in HH and HB. There are things that make me come back to these shows to watch the next episode. And i'm obviously passionate enough about these shows to make whole posts about what I think was done badly and what could be changed. But for the aspects of HH or HB I enjoy, there are soo many more problems I have with it. Problems that won't go away unless Viv stops seeing every criticism as a personal attack. Because if Vivzepop doesn't stop acting like her writing is some unreachable stuff that needs no changes I don't really see a point in assuming that these shows will ever get better.
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five-rivers · 3 days
Cracked Clay Cup Chapter 11
“So,” said Danny, leaning over the back of the couch.  After Frostbite, he somehow had more energy.  Maybe it was part of his core being active?
“So?” echoed Clockwork, an eyebrow raised.  
Danny blushed.  He’d derailed his own train of thought quite thoroughly.  “Frostbite taught me how to do some things.”
“As did Vladimir, presumably?” asked Clockwork.  “And Jasmine?”
“Well, sure,” said Danny.  “But, like.  More specifically, he showed me how to make things.  With ice.”
“If you are asking for permission to use your powers, you may.”
“Even though I’m inside?”
“You could hardly use them elsewhere,” said Clockwork.  “In any case, this place was created for your benefit.  I only ask that you keep the kitchen and the workshop in order.”
“And your room, right?” 
Clockwork shrugged, and slotted the book he’d been perusing back onto the shelf. “I am not particularly attached to it.”
“You do sleep, though, right?  I know you said that you only sleep once in a while, but staying awake all the time like that can’t be healthy.”
“I am a ghost, Daniel,” said Clockwork.  
“Frostbite slept,” argued Danny.  “He’s a ghost.”
Clockwork sighed.  “If it will give you peace of mind, I can take a nap.”
Danny squinted at Clockwork.  He felt as if this conversation had diverged wildly from his initial aim.  “I… think it would?”
“You sound uncertain.”
“It would,” said Danny, trying to sound more confident.  
Clockwork patted him on the head as he flew past, towards the short hallway that contained the way to both Clockwork’s room and the workshop.  “I will be awake in time to make you dinner.”
Danny wondered if he could, possibly, preempt Clockwork and cook dinner for them himself, but dismissed the idea.  Anything that relied on beating Clockwork in a matter of timing was doomed to fail.  He had other things he wanted to try out, anyway. 
He dropped himself onto the couch and gathered cold in his hands.  Frostbite had shown him how to make rough shapes out of ice.  Simple things like crystals, spheres, cubes.  
He was going to try something a little bit more complicated this time, though.  He had the time, since he was, once again, wracked with indecision about which of his potential guardians he should choose.  Now that he’d seen Frostbite, he had visited all the odd-numbered entries.  He should probably just decide on a method of choosing the next people, and then stick with that for the next three.  Then, he’d be able to move through them faster.  
If faster was what he wanted.  That was a big if.  
Maybe he should just go from the top.  He’d already run into the Observants, aka the only people he definitely wasn’t going to choose, and he’d gone very much out of order already, so that was unlikely to trigger any unpleasant traps.  Although, then, he’d be going from older candidates to younger ones…  Did that really matter, though?  Well, as long as they were all older than Jazz, and at least, like, adults…
He was so involved and occupied by his work and his thoughts that he didn’t realize that Clockwork had returned.  
“What would you like for dinner?” asked Clockwork.  
Danny startled, and the object he’d been shaping shot out of his hands and buried itself in the wall opposite the couch.  “Oops,” he said.  “Sorry.”
“Accidents happen,” said Clockwork, pulling the object out of the wall and turning it over in his hands.  “A gear?”
Danny shrugged.  “I wasn’t able to make it even, but I thought it would be good practice?  And it could be, like, a decoration or something.  A paperweight.  Since you, um, like gears.”
“Hm,” said Clockwork.  He flew over to the kitchen.  Danny bounced up off the couch and followed him.  
Once in the kitchen, Clockwork went to the fridge.  Danny watched with interest and confusion as Clockwork held the slightly malformed gear up against the fridge door and stuck it there.  They looked at it together, Danny trying to figure out exactly how Clockwork had done that.  
“Yes,” said Clockwork, “that’s very nice, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” said Danny, still feeling confused.  There was something… off about this.  Not wrong, or bad, but… off.  He blinked and shook his head.  “For dinner… something hot, I think.  Warm and spicy.”
“Certainly,” said Clockwork.  “Burritos it is.”
“I think I know who I’ll see next,” said Danny, shaping a lump of ice between his hands as if it was clay.  He didn’t know what it’d be, but it was calming.  
Clockwork hummed, indicating he was listening even as he flipped the french toast he was preparing for breakfast over in the pan.  
“I think I’ll see Pandora.”
“Ah, and why have you chosen her?”
“Because she is a her,” said Danny.  “Like, I don’t think I’ve actually seen a girl since Jazz.  I…  Don’t think the Observants really have genders, do they?”
“Not precisely as you would understand it.  However, most of them go by either ‘it’ or ‘he,’ for future reference.”
“Right.  But Vlad and the Dairy King were both guys.  Frostbite was a guy.  It’s kind of hard to tell whether or not the other two groups have any girls in them, but I’m pretty sure someone named Pandora is going to be a girl.  Especially since her little profile mentions being a queen.”  He wrinkled his nose.  “Unless this is, like, a drag queen thing.  That’d still be something different, though.”
Clockwork slid some french toast onto Danny’s plate and Danny immediately slathered it in maple syrup and butter.  French toast was Danny’s favorite type of toast because you could make it smooth.  All other kinds of toast he knew of could burn.  Figuratively and literally.  
“Anyway, I’ve been kind of wondering…”
“Yes?” prompted Clockwork, when Danny didn’t continue.  
“I’ve been wondering, what’s going on that so many people, you know, want me?”  He made a face.  “I didn’t phrase that very well.  There’s just, like, um…  Okay.  So, the Observants are important, right?”
“Moderately so.”
“Right.  And Frostbite.  Frostbite has to be important.  He told me about a bunch of stuff his tribe takes care of and what else they do.  Then, there’s Vlad and the Dairy King.  Well, Vlad, mostly, I don’t know what the Dairy King’s status is in the Zone, but Vlad’s super rich, and his house was in the human world.  Add that in to this Pandora…  These people are important.  Why are so many of them fighting over me?”
“Didn’t Vladimir and Chief Frostbite both tell you about your exploits defeating Pariah Dark?”
“Yeah, sort of, but that seems like it was mostly down to some enchanted armor or tech.  And convincing other people to do stuff.  Which, I don’t know, that sounds like something anyone could have done.  In retrospect.”  In the moment, when he’d been hearing the story, he’d been very proud of himself, but, once he’d sat down and thought about it, he’d… rethought that.  
Clockwork gave him a look.  
“And Vladimir shared the story of your defeat of Vortex?”
“Frostbite mentioned your victory over Undergrowth.”
“I don’t get where you’re going with this.”
Clockwork sighed.  
“What?” asked Danny, aware he was whining.  
“Don’t you think that these accomplishments are significant?  Perhaps significant enough to draw the attention of, as you said, important people?”
“I guess,” said Danny.  “Hey, was Vlad lying about knowing my parents, then?  If he was interested in me for a different reason?”  
“I cannot tell you that, Daniel,” said Clockwork, obviously exasperated.  
“Not even a little?  Not even with, like, a nod or a wink?”
“No,” said Clockwork.  
Danny grumbled and turned his attention back to his breakfast.  
When the light of the portal cleared from his eyes, Danny was unsurprised to find himself among tall, Greek-style pillars.  The pillars weren’t the only tall things around, though.  He craned his head up to look at the face of the tall, blue-skinned, four-armed ghost waiting for him on a large throne.  She wore bronze and black armor over long robe-like clothing.  
“Phantom,” she said, warmly, gesturing broadly with one of her hands.  “Welcome to my home.”
“Thank you, um, Queen Pandora.”
She chuckled.  “I know I mentioned that on those silly little papers the Observants had me fill out, but there’s no need for formality between us.  Not when you have done me so much good.”
“Um.  Okay,” said Danny.  He looked around a bit more.  He knew that there was a specific name for those columns and the carvings on the walls, but he couldn’t, for the half-life of him, remember.  He returned his gaze to Pandora.  “What did I do?”
“You helped me regain my box when it was stolen from me.”
“Was it a special box?” asked Danny.  He decided to fly up to perch on one of the large statues, so he didn’t have to lean back so far.  “If it was that important to you.”
“It was,” said Pandora.  “I have set myself the task of cleansing the Infinite Realms of evil.  My box is my latest prison for evil creatures and forces.  The one who took it attempted to release those things upon both the Realms and the Earth.”
“Oh,” said Danny.  “That sounds hard.  Cleansing the Realms of evil.  How do you even tell if something is evil?”  He bit his lower lip.  “You don’t have any people in there, do you?”
Pandora laughed.  “No, I am well aware of those pitfalls.  I speak of mindless spirits born from negative energies.  They range from pests like snakes and ghost fires, to wyverns and unicorns, to even greater, darker things.”
“Unicorns?” asked Danny, skeptically.  
“There are good unicorns as well, but I don’t have much to do with those.”  
“And unicorns are dangerous?”
“They are large herbivores with a spear on their forehead.”
Danny guessed that did make sense.  “And I helped you catch them again?”
Pandora nodded.  “Some might say that you were only following your Obsession, but as I set myself my task in pursuit of my own Obsession, why should that prevent me from showing my gratitude?  Indeed, a ghost’s Obsession reveals much about their character.  Should a ghost not be rewarded for what they are and what they have chosen to be?”
Danny nodded and assayed a question.  “What’s an Obsession?”
Pandora, who had, until then, been lounging, sat up straight, her red eyes wide.  “Pardon?”
Danny cleared his throat.  “What’s an Obsession?”
“So,” said Danny, shifting slightly to get his body better aligned on the Greek-style couch he’d somehow wound up on, “an Obsession is, like, the purpose of your life– Um.  Afterlife.”
Pandora nodded.  “Mine is the battle against evil, the exaltation of the good.  We never spoke explicitly of yours, but I must assume it was something similar.  Did no one speak to you of this beforehand?”
“No.”  Danny felt the need to pout.  “Not even Clockwork.”
“What an incredible oversight,” said Pandora.  She shook her head.  “And no one has been giving you any outlet for your Obsession?  Any way to pursue your purpose?”
Danny shook his head again.  “I didn’t know I had a purpose.”
“Leaving it for so long… Well, it will not kill you, obviously, but it will leave you feeling awfully unfulfilled.”
“Yeah,” said Danny, thinking back over the last few weeks.  “Yeah, I guess I could feel that, maybe.”  He hadn’t felt that way the whole time, but looking back…  “I’m not sure how I can defeat evil or whatever while I’m doing this, though.  It’s kind of designed so that I don’t run into any evil, isn’t it?”“Perhaps so, but there is more than one way to follow one’s purpose, including by honing yourself for it,” said Pandora.  She stood up from her own couch, setting aside her wine cup and platter of food.  “Come, young warrior.  Allow me to show you how I battle evil.”
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jubileemon · 3 days
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While Blitzo was paid to be Stolas' playmate and was manipulated by his sleazy father into being a thief, Stolas was genuinely happy to have a friend his own age in childhood, which probably saved his sanity from Paimon's less than competent parenting.
When Blitzo explains his dream of running his own circus business, Stolas is incredibly supportive, if somewhat amused at a circus having an office. When the prospect of Blitzo hiring him comes up later, Stolas says he hopes he'll qualify and that Blitzo will make a good boss. While the start of their playdate had Blitzo being bored and clearly not thinking much of Stolas, and even if it comes after Blitzo tricking Stolas in helping him rob the palace, by the end they are laughing together and happily discussing their futures with mutual interest.
During the anniversary party, Stolas was so desperate for emotional connection that, when he met Blitzo again, he convinced himself that the imp was sneaking into his room to seduce him. Blitzo, who hadn't seen him in 25 years and was only after the book, took advantage of this not realizing Stolas was after a genuine connection and leading to the collapse we saw in "OZZIE'S".
It also turns that Blitzo was planning on just tying up Stolas so he didn't see him steal the book...then changed his mind and decided to give Stolas a fun night after discovering just how empty Stolas' life was, looking genuinely guilty upon realizing what kind of emotional damage that abandoning someone in makeshift BDSM would do to him. Especially someone who, in that bondage, called Blitzo his “first ever friend”. "OZZIE'S" has made it very clear that Blitzo might put on a front for everyone else, but I.M.P is his attempt at creating a family "circus", and he doesn't actually have very many friends of his own, having pushed his old friends away years ago (Fizzarolli, Verosika and even kept Stolas at arm's length as a child), and continuing the pattern with Moxxie and Stolas.
Stolas and Blitzo's relationship seem to have been very much headed for doom from the beginning, and it's clear that both Blitzo and Stolas has never had a healthy and meaningful relationship with anyone except maybe Octavia for Stolas and M&M and Loona for Blitzo, and even those relationships are fraught. It probably isn't a coincidence that both Blitzo and Stolas seem to be trying to make up for their horrible fathers by being better father figures to the people in their care. Stolas has been so deprived of love and affection for his whole life, other than Octavia, that he has no idea how real, non-transactional relationships work even though he desperately wants one.
Blitzo's the same, though he's spent more time hiding that, which is understandable given that he's a trained clown that has to hide his emotions. Just like Stolas, Blitzo desperately craves intimacy and a relationship of his own, but he doesn't understand intimacy without some non-love motive behind it, and he pushes others away to the point of resentment because his upbringing/mistakes with relationships in the past have led him to see himself as a failure and horrible person who doesn’t deserve love, despite being terrified of dying alone as a “wrinkly, old, withered waste”. Not to mention that Stolas, being a very sheltered member of the Goetia family, has a very poor understanding of power dynamics and as such, his "kinky fantasy" of “favors for favors” has real implications that he failed to consider, which may have permanently impacted his relationship with Blitzo. Only time will tell if they can make things right.
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cripplecharacters · 2 days
Hello! I have a OC with dwarfism and I‘ve been thinking about ways to make this a bigger part of their character/story and wondering if you maybe have some ideas?
For context: they are about 1.10 meters big and have a BFF that‘s about 2.5 meters (this is a setting where characters this tall aren‘t super uncommon). They also are from a culture where having a ton of cyborg-parts is very common, so they have too. They are very comfortable with their size, even finding it practical for their job a archeologist/explorer as they can fit into smaller spaces, and other characters treat them with a lot of respect due to their knowledge and high rank. They also travel the galaxy in search of ancient technology and are quite old.
I hope you all have a wonderfull day!
Hello lovely asker!
I really like this it's sounds so fun! One thing I'm curious about is in this setting you said someone whose 8'3 isn't uncommon so I wonder if that extends to your other OC too? If so, how does the world change around them? What I mean is in a world where something is deemed "Normal" then the world would be built around them and accustomed to them for easy use.
Other than that, I think one of the first steps is deciding what type of dwarfism your OC has, that is if you haven't already decided. There are hundreds and hundreds of different types of dwarfism, all that come with their own unique characteristics.
You already have a height set for the character so I would do research around that and see what type of dwarfism would fit and you want your character to have. It doesn't have to be stated what type they have, especially if this is in a sorta sci-fi setting, but you knowing what type will give you a better idea of their body build and more characteristics to include in this character. For instance, starting with do you want them to have a Proportionate or Disproportionate type of dwarfism might be a good starting point of research too.
Depending on what type of dwarfism you choose, like I said, there's going to be other characteristics and what I mean by that is there is often health complications that come along with almost every type of dwarfism I can think of. Bone structures change, hormone deficiencies and such, breathing/respiratory issues, chronic pain, research will very much be your friend here.
Mobility aids along with other aids are also something to consider. Someone with OI (Osteogenesis Imperfecta) might use crutches, walkers, wheelchairs/power wheelchairs, all depending on what type of OI they have. Crutches, forearm crutches, wheelchair, power wheelchair, walker, canes, rollators, you name it. Magic aids are also an option if it applies for the universe this is set in, or even making up your own aids. I think the only thing to watch out with these is making sure the created aids/magic aids don't erase their disabilities. (You also mentioned that this character is older too so mobility aids would be an option their too.)
I also want to say this should all extend to the other character who is very tall as well. Do they have Gigantism? Marfans syndrome? Sotos syndrome? Again, it doesn't need to be stated what condition these characters have (in our terms) but doing research so you know the characteristics helps builds the characters better.
Also interactions depending how comfortable they are around each other should be fluid. By this is mean the taller probably wouldn't pick up the shorter one (especially if one or both of them are using a mobility aid). If there are things out of view/out of reach but rather bring it down to their height, and vice versa also. If it's a situation where they can't bring things to each others height, they might assist each other in other ways. The taller finding a path or stacking stable items that shorter can navigate/climb up on to see what the other is seeing, the shorter oc clearing a path so that the taller can lean down comfortably to see something or perhaps finding something/somewhere they can sit down on.
That's all I can think of for now but I hope this helps some. Have a lovely day and good luck writing!
~ Mod Virus 🌸
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crispylilworm · 21 hours
last i’m posting about this xoxo sorry about the watcher spam recently but i feel the need to put my 2 cents in since my opinion on this doesn’t align with the vocal majority on this site
gotta admit my first youtuber drama experience was a 0/10 not because of what the creators did but solely because of the insanity of the fandom. because…wow. i have never seen a group of people throw around demands and accusations of betrayal in such a dramatic way lol. maybe i’m in the minority here but i felt the majority of responses and criticism just were any lacking basis at all.
my first thoughts with the announcement were literally “oh good for them new streaming service, i won’t be going for it, but maybe after a few months i’ll consider paying for a 1-time sub to catch up on everything”. sure some disappointment i wouldn’t get regular updates but overall excited for the new content this pay structure would give them the flexibility to create.
maybe because i didn’t get into youtubers until the pandemic when watcher was already it’s own independent thing i don’t have that same (*cough cough* parasocial) level of connection, just really enjoy the videos they put out. maybe because i go through subscription-of-the-month stints of paying for a patreon or twitch or other creator channel and rotate what i watch, this didn’t feel outrageous to me. i hate the subscription world we live in so i go out of my way to never pay more than a strict budget limit per month because that’s my ability and that’s my mentality on this. i thought at best maybe i’d consider rotating this in when they put out more.
don’t like the idea of it? you don’t have to pay for it. can’t afford it? i understand the disappointment from this aspect but creators don’t actually owe you anything for free - even if it was free in the past. overall and for whatever reasoning you have: it wasn’t that deep.
if anything i am in a way thankful that they rescinded on their decision because that means me & others will continue to enjoy videos for free. but overall i’m disappointed that this means they’re sacrificing their own creative wants and financial needs of whatever they had planned. we won’t actually know the extent of what, if anything, this prevents them from creating because y’all wouldn’t even let them attempt to try this next phase out.
fans saying “well we don’t want high-budget content” well maybe they want to explore more than what they’re currently able to do? maybe they want to create more beyond their buzzfeed-format videos they know will rack in views from the nostalgia-obsessed side of the fans? i, too, personally love their humor and would just enjoy them chatting and being silly, but i do also think this holds them back. remember those hilarious self-made commercials from their most recent videos? that's probably just a glimpse of what new flavors of content they’re able to think up.
this whole fan response was just disappointing (and pretty scary ngl) to me, and i know saying that is like kicking a hornets nest but i really think if they continued with the plans from their original announcement it would have been ok. i actually think it would have been more than ok! but the response imploded so hard i’m sure we’ll never see them try something new again lol.
my personal thoughts are that if your opinion in any way revolved around something they “owe” to fans, feelings of “betrayal”, thinking they’re “sell outs” for wanting to transition to paid content - i think you really need to take a step back and reflect, and i mean that with zero malice. watcher is a business, not your friends, not “the boys”, not your guaranteed source of a specific type of content either. ultimately they made a business decision that they thought would help them grow that would have either succeeded or failed, that's it. for better or worse, we wont get to watch that play out.
i will continue my quiet enjoyment of their videos, and happily move on past what i frankly think was the most unnecessary internet drama i’ve seen in a minute lol. the takes overall were dumb but tame, i only blocked a handful of accounts for posting things i thought were totally out of line that i won't get into but i'm sure you've either seen or heard people discussing.
i didn't even get in to my hot takes lol like how this plays into the dangerous trend of the expectation of art to be free....and the overall devaluing of creatives and why AI is thriving in these areas...but ill defend that thesis another day lol. y'all aren't ready for that.
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lexirosewrites · 2 days
Oh, well, since you proposed it~
So. Slick Sunday.
One idea that's always bothered me about abo is when they say things like "he smelled like —insert baked good of some sort—" and my brain immediately latches onto that like.
Have people always smelled like elaborate food? Did the innate scents evolve as humans discovered cooking? Or did people invent cooking/perfumery just so they could re-create the scent of a beloved?
I would LOVE to hear your thoughts about it!!!
I wrote out a whole thing and tumblr deleted it so now I’m fucking sad. Let’s try again from memory I guess😭
I think the comparison of scents to food is probably more coincidental than intentional. Common undertones in spices and natural scents just happens and they’re the best approximation for descriptions.
Perfumery and cologne, however!! Teen girls walking around smelling like Princess Di in an effort to win their own alpha prince or princess? More likely than you might think.
When rich alphas and omegas come of age, they go to a professional scenter to have their scents officially documented for family records as well as helping them find the best neutralizer for their scents. It can’t be one size fits all, right?
This also leads to a data breach at some point and celebrities have their scents leaked to the public for replication. They typically wear neutralizers in public to avoid this, so it’s utter chaos and lawsuits galore!
Now for the… sadder side of things. Your alpha mate is overseas for an extended period of time and you use a replicated spray for when his highly cuddled shirt stops smelling like him. When your nest stops smelling like love and starts smelling empty and sad... It helps comfort mates in times of need, especially more vulnerable omegas.
When it comes to small pups, they might need synthetic sprays for separation from their parents, if they’re orphaned, or need artificial comfort for additional help during crisis.
Even a couple going through a breakup might use replica perfumes of each others scent to lessen rejection sickness. They slowly taper off the scent over time instead of going cold turkey. Maybe they can’t quite bring themselves to ever throw the bottle away afterwards, in hopes that they’ll get together again in the future…
The possibilities are endless!!
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hamilvette · 2 days
Now, because I don't want y'all to think I see Magnífico as some kind of awful parent-monster
Reasons I think Magnífico would be thrilled of having a child
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I'll try to make this less of a ramble and more organised this time around. So I'll go by stages.
Before the arrival of the child
Pregnancy; if his significant other and himself can have a child this way:
Even if at first he can be joyful of the idea or having an heir if their partner also wants that too, it would probably be such a far away concept, but the moment he sees the bump he'll be amazed.
I can imagine him being with his partner like: wow, you're actually creating something magic can't ever compete with: a life. That's amazing, and your body does it by itself!
And the first time he gets to talk to the bump and the baby responds with movement, Magnífico would be absolutely ecstatic. He wouldn't cease to talk or sing to his partner's belly just to feel or see movement, much to his partner's amusement or tiredness. But he can't help but get a heavy sense of pride in watching their baby react to his voice more than to anyone else's.
He would spend days and nights coming to his partner with suggestions for names until they settle in one they like. I'm thinking he wouldn't want to call a son "Magnífico II" cuz he likes being special, and would want his son to be special too, haha.
If his partner and himself decide to adopt a child:
Magnífico would probably just do it if he feels like it's right. Maybe he gets to know a child that has lost its parents and can't help himself but empathize with them, so he would want to help them to have a better life and decide to take them under his wing and guidance. Depending on their age, the bond would develop either slowly or quickly.
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Now, when a baby arrives:
The first time he holds the baby into his arms, he will probably cry. He'll be amazed at how tiny a baby is, and would swear to protect them at all costs 🩵.
He will always be proud of having a baby. Like: this is my child, and everyone must adore him as much as I do, but no one will ever love him as much as I and my partner do. I can picture him holding the baby to introduce them to his kingdom like Rafiki held Simba in the Lion King, LOL.
Magnífico may feel like this is his second chance at having a family like the one he lost, and even if it's not the same, he'd still cherish the opportunity of having a new family.
As much as he and his partner might be stressed about constant crying and both terrified of hurting their baby, they would like whenever the baby cuddles with them, or when the baby gives soft cooes of happiness. Those memories Magnífico will forever cherish.
He would probably try to make a baby mobile for their crib by himself. Not with his bare hands, but with the aid of magic. He'll do something like a modern mobile, but in those years? Absolute magic: maybe a stars and roses themed, or a planet and stars themed, with music and faint lights.
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Having a toddler:
Magnífico will absolutely adore seeing a big eyed toddler looking up at him like he's the center of the world. His ego and love will grow so big it might hurt, but he adores talking to an attentive toddler that babbles back in interest of what he's rambling about.
He would feel so good of hearing laughter from his child, so he would be willing to amuse them with magic tricks, feeling prideful like a peacock whenever the child claps at anything they find amusing
Even if he's occupied being king of Rosas, whenever he has time, he'll like to take his child with him and teach him how "important daddy is."
Magnífico would probably read a lot of books to the child. I consider Magnífico to be a bookworm himself, so he would like to teach his kid the same passion for knowledge. Probably would start with fairytales and things to explore and expand the baby's imagination, but then it won't be such a surprise to find him reading out loud books of alchemy, of basic magic or astrology.
Magnífico would find amusing whenever the child is trying to say a complicated word. Like, he knows and can see the baby is trying, but it's just a baby and finds it hilarious to try to replicate a long word only to come up with gibberish.
He would also find it amusing when the child learns to walk. Seeing such a little thing trying to follow his steps as he walks around in his studio will always make him chuckle.
Magnífico loves his child's laughter, and dreads their cries. Whenever he hears them cry, his heart breaks a little and comes in overprotective mode. He would have such a hard time accepting that he can't just protect his child from everything they find scary.
However, I don't think he's good at consolations/reassurance. He would rather distract the attention of the child than just hold them while they cry.
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With a child:
Magnífico will like playing around. Like: magic tricks everywhere, playing hide and seek in the gardens. A lot of joyful shrieks and laughter might be heard as Magnífico decides to "terrorise" his child with a wild chase around the castle.
Magnífico will be THRILLED when his child asks him to teach them how to do magic. He wants to have the attention and as well teach his child how to wield magic.
He'll bond a lot with his child by teaching them magic. However, he might be a little impatient if his child doesn't take it seriously. He needs them to understand that magic is both a blessing and a curse, not only to do fairy lights.
His patience might wear too thin in magic related things, but will always try to make amends if he ever crosses a line. Magnífico might not apologise per se cuz he's narcissistic and prideful, but would try to make things right.
He would probably grow fond of pillow fights and tea parties, even if with his partner he tries to act as he's just obliged to comply.
Magnífico doesn't like being questioned, however, understanding that a child doesn't know everything beforehand, he'll do his best to satiate curiosity without ever giving away too many details.
And I'm not going to put how it'll be with a teenager cuz in that stage his relationship with his child would probably become weary.
So that's it. I might come around with some other nonsense, but this is my hot take on Magnífico as a parent.
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Wish Granted AU: Magnifico, Amaya and Sabor 🌟
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I've been itching to get to these guys for a while! They're probably going to be the most fun to write! Of course, this version is based off the evil Disney villain couple we deserved. (ROBBED) The vibe I want to give here is Team Rocket meets Gomez and Mortica Addams: Elegant, evil yet SO entertaining to watch!
For Magnifico, I actually got inspiration from the Wish movie itself. One aspect that was underused was his tendency to put on a performance during the Wish granting ceremonies, and when he "turned evil" in the third act. Especially when he's a DISNEY villain performing a DISNEY like ceremony! I adore villains that put on a show when they're fighting the hero. Broadcasting the battle, the evil monologue, maniacal laughing while thinking they've won. LOVE that, but they didn't go all the way with him being a hammy villain. So whenever its time for a ceremony, its a big deal. With his wife and loyal lynx, they put on a show worth watching. Plus the way they work together basically splits up watching the kingdom and keeping their cover.
Maginifico is the frontman and keeps the people's wishes in his tower. He promises them a free and happy life in Rosas in exchange for their wishes and dreams. However, the price is that they no longer have a driving force in their life. They're complacent living there and serving the king, but they don't experience pure joy anymore. They're just merely existing and going through life always feeling something's missing in their lives. His apprentice Flazino is supposed to be learning from the king and assisting him by getting the ingredients needed for potions and spells. Magnifico actually has no intention of passing on his vast knowledge to a peasant or even considers giving him the ability to do magic, but he's at least a good errand boy. (Though Mag doesn't know he's a double agent)
Magnifico uses the wishes to gain power for himself, as its his greatest desire, but that desire is never truly satisfied. He takes more and more and its never enough, no matter how many wishes he eats. He once heard from a philosopher named Tomas that the stars themselves are the most powerful things on Earth, and this sparks the idea to pull a star from the sky itself to achieve that undying thirst. Magnifico fails many times, but once he senses that someone else has managed to do the impossible, he knows he must have that star. (Magnifico's voiced by Antonio Banderas in this, because HE WOULD'VE BEEN AWESOME, MAN)
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Amaya here works her magic behind the scenes. Like her concept counterpart, she creates the potions and spells for Magnifico. However, she actually taught him about magic back when they first met. Mags became so enamored by it that he wanted to start performing it himself, and the two of them actually grew stronger in their abilities by using magic together. They even created a way to take wishes directly from people's hearts, as the couple discovered they could use the joy from people's wishes to fuel their own desires.
While her husband takes care of keeping the citizens attention on him mostly, Amaya personally goes down to the people of Rosas keep an eye on the people. Ever since the amount of traitors escaped from them. She puts on a warm smile for them, but like a wolf in sheep's clothing, she's looking for any hint of disloyalty in them. If she does, their wish is gone, permanently.
One of her strengths is that if she can't manipulate people with magic, she can do it psychologically. Speaking in half truths and turning the tables on her enemy, Amaya could change the mind if just about anyone if she dug deep enough. So when she does meet Star in a brief one on one fight, she knows exactly where to hit the Starboy where it hurts: his heart. (Amaya is voiced by Salma Hayek in this because yes I must have that same chemistry as The Last Wish, they're so good together)
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Lasty, Sabor the Lynx! While he's a ridiculously pampered wild cat raised by Amaya, she still taught him to be cunning and eliminate any enemy at all costs. Sabor casually checks far into the woods surrounding the castle. Sometimes for fresh air and catch a few mice (Scar atyle), but he also works as sort of a watchdog for Amaya. Sabor watches for any suspicions people coming or going and unbeknownst to the citizens and sniff out anyone that doesn't belong. He's mostly the opposite of Valentino in every aspect, aside from their loyalty to their owners. (Expect for Magnifico, he's not so crazy about him) (As for voice, if I didn't use regular Lynx sound effects, I'd go with Dee Bradley Baker, or Alan Tudyk. That makes way more sense than voicing a three week old goat)
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The last ones to feature are the 7 Teens, which will take some time, then I'll get to the first chapter to see how it goes. Please tell me to your thoughts, I'd love to hear them! (Plus I....just want to talk to you guys, it feels more fun when you're around. Its sappy I know 😅)
@signed-sapphire @oh-shtars @annymation @spectator-zee @kstarsarts @chillwildwave @flicklikesstuff @uva124 @tumblingdownthefoxden
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thegayhimbo · 3 days
Ranking The Stranger Things Tie-Ins:
Now that I've finished the reviews (for the time being), I wanted to do a ranking of all the tie-in comics, graphic novels, and books. Originally, I was just going to do a Top 5 Best and Worst List, but I figured it would be more fun to make a complete list of all the tie-ins while also giving my brief thoughts on each one (especially for those who don't want to read my lengthy reviews). Please note this is all in good fun and just my personal opinion, which can be subjected to change.
Also, this list will NOT include any of the show's episodes, video games, tabletop games, children's tie-in books, the Choose Your Own Adventure book, the Stranger Things Experience, or the stage play The First Shadow.
With that out of the way, let's begin in order from Worst to Best:
#26: Stranger Things Summer Special (See Review Here)
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I never cared for Powell and Callahan as characters. They barely have anything to do with the show's main arc, they're NOT funny, and the "bumbling cop" trope is something I've grown tired of in recent years.
The premise of this short, where both of them are conveniently present at key events during season 3 in their lousy pursuit of being "good cops," all the while having constant near-misses with the Upside Down, the Flayed, and the Meat Flayer, is a repetitive joke that quickly grows old. That's not even getting into the huge continuity errors plaguing the short and creating a bunch of plot-holes. Completely unnecessary. Hard pass.
#25: Stranger Things The Bully (See Review Here)
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This only ranks slightly higher than Summer Special because I like the artwork better, and it doesn't mess up the show's continuity like the previous comic did. However, that's all this really has going for it.
For whatever reason, they decided to make an entire graphic novel focusing on Troy and James (the bullies from season 1), and all I could think about while reading it is "This is a huge waste of time." I already didn't like Troy to begin with, this comic does NOTHING to improve my opinion of him, and considering that neither James nor Troy have appeared on the show since (and probably aren't coming back for season 5), I don't see what the point of this story was. This paragraph from my review sums it up best:
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#24: Stranger Things x TMNT Crossover (See Review Here)
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I'm sure there are fans who enjoyed this bizarre trip while embracing its absurdness and surrealism, but I am not one of them. I like TMNT and I like Stranger Things, but I draw the line at saying both properties exist in the same universe. That's not even getting into the haphazard attempts by the writers to make this comic canon with the show. Knowing the Duffer Brothers, that's likely not going to happen.
#23: Stranger Things Tales From Hawkins (See Review Here)
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The idea of doing an anthology comic focusing on Hawkins residents was intriguing, but the end result was disappointing. They should have broadened their horizons regarding which characters to focus on, and not just set the stories exclusively in the first 2 seasons.
Murray's story (Issue #2) and the Pumpkin Patch Rivalry (Issue #4) are arguably the best ones. The rest are either forgettable or derivative.
#22: Stranger Things Six (See Review Here)
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My first venture into Stranger Things comics. I've come a long way since then! :)
I remember looking forward to this particular comic to learn more about Hawkins Lab, Dr. Brenner, Project MKUltra, and the special kids............only to feel underwhelmed when I actually read it. I wanted to like Francine/Six, but I didn't find her interesting or compelling as a character, and the attempts to include other aspects of the show's lore (i.e. The Upside Down, Terry Ives, El and Kali, etc) felt shoehorned. Combined with the direction season 4 went, and it's a safe bet to say this comic is NOT canon (if it ever was).
#21: Stranger Things Suspicious Minds (See Review Here)
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Suspicious Minds ranks slightly higher that Six for doing a better job fleshing out the experiments that were taking place at Hawkins Lab, as well as giving more details about Kali, Terry Ives, the test subjects, and El's biological father Andrew. It helps that Brenner is a threatening presence in this book, and that the narrative excels in maintaining suspense.
However, similar to Six, the events of season 4 render most of this book non-canon. That's not even getting into a major continuity error regarding El's date of birth that sticks out like a sore thumb.
Suspicious Minds serves as a cautionary reminder that if you're a creator and you've planned out a major twist for your show, then you either need to have a direct hands-on approach to how tie-ins are written and approved, or you need to be willing to share that twist with those you've hired to write tie-ins for the universe you're managing.
In any case, it is PAINFULLY CLEAR the Duffer Brothers didn't share information about Henry/One/Vecna with Gwenda Bond when she worte this book (or Paul Dichter for that matter when he helped oversee its development), and boy does it show in the final product. 😖
#20: Stranger Things Kamchatka (See Review Here)
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Another example of a comic where the premise sounds intriguing, but they squander it on characters who aren't going to play a role on the show while also giving very little (and in some cases, contradictory) information about the show's lore.
While I liked the darker tone, the Cold War setting, and the spy thriller aspects, the characters didn't do much to impress me, and I was also frustrated by the lack of canon characters (Hopper, Dmitiri, Yuri, etc) who could have been in this comic and weren't. It's not bad, but it is mediocre when it didn't need to be.
#19: Stranger Things Into The Fire (See Review Here)
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A sequel that improves on its predecessor (Stranger Things Six). While the comic likely isn't canon for the same reasons Six isn't, I appreciated the personal stakes this time around, I loved the creepy gothic aesthetic they did with Jamie/Nine's hallucinations, and it was nice to see Kali utilized in this story in a meaningful way. Here's hoping the Duffer Brothers wise up and bring Kali back for season 5 because she deserves so much better!
#18: Stranger Things Creature Feature (See Review Here)
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One aspect of Season 4 that was disappointing was how little we got to see of the family dynamic with El and the Byers once they moved. It's hinted at, but not explored deeply. Creature Feature dives a little more into that, as well as El's struggles with PTSD, and gives a nice heartwarming scene between El, Jonathan, and Will towards the end that makes the short stand out.
However, the one-shot comic is sadly brief, and it may leave people frustrated about why they didn't go for a longer comic/graphic novel about El and the Byers adjusting to life in Lenora. I would've been interested in seeing that!
#17: Stranger Things The Game Master (See Review Here)
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A one-shot comic where we get to see Steve and Nancy back together after the events of season 1 while also getting a surprisingly sweet interaction between Steve and Mike that isn't them griping with one another. I don't care much for Steve and Nancy's relationship, but I did like their attempts to help Mike feel better after El's apparent death. That was enough to elevate this short.
#16: Stranger Things Erica's Quest (See Review Here)
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Not a fan of the artwork, but I was happy to witness the Scoop's Troop back together again. I also love how this short confirms Steve has played D&D before, which gives context to that scene in S4 when Dustin calls Steve asking him to be a substitute player in Eddie's D&D campaign.
#15: Stranger Things The Voyage (See Review Here)
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Major improvement on Stranger Things Kamchatka. It's highly doubtful the show will include any mention of this comic (though if the Duffer Brothers decide to bring back the Russian arc for S5, I hope they incorporate Dr. Karine as the main antagonist), but the story is scary, suspenseful, and has the kind of gruesomeness you'd expect from an R-Rated horror film.
#14: Stranger Things Darkness On The Edge Of Town (See Reviews Here)
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Having grown up reading a lot of murder mysteries, I have a soft spot for the genre. Hearing that Hopper's backstory involved him tracking down a deranged serial killer in New York City back in the 70s while also dealing with a dangerous cult was enough to get me on board with this book.
This novel isn't perfect, but it makes up for its shortcomings in creative ways. Hopper's backstory with the NYPD is fascinating, the story's focus on issues related to poverty, crime, mental health, law enforcement, and societal woes works well (even if they drop the ball towards the end), Hopper's interactions with El in the present are a highlight, and the narrative is effective in keeping the reader invested.
#13: Stranger Things Erica The Great (See Review Here)
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A light-hearted graphic novel that bridges Erica's arc between seasons 3 and 4 while expanding on her growth as a character and development as a D&D play. It was cool seeing Erica's friends get their day in the limelight (one of whom might be making an appearance in S5), and the story has enough funny moments to keep the reader entertained.
#12: Stranger Things Flight Of Icarus (See Review Here)
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I know fan reaction towards this book was cold when it was first announced, and I'll admit parts of it were hard to read given we all know how Eddie's story ends. I'm not a fan of media that teases false hope to the audience, only to cruelly yank it away.
That being said, I will go to bat for this book: It's well-written, and does a good job expanding on Eddie's character and his relationships with others (Wayne, Al Munson, Jason, etc). I also appreciate the book's themes regarding "forced conformity," and its scathing criticisms towards individuals and institutions (school teachers, law enforcement, students, residents, etc) who scapegoat and punish people like Eddie for existing while allowing (or in some cases, enabling) truly vile people to get away with being vicious and cruel towards "acceptable targets."
Considering how certain individuals on Tumblr and varying social media platforms have been treating others for the past few months, this book couldn't have come during a more relevant time.
#11: Stranger Things Halloween Special (See Review Here)
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A delightful Halloween comic taking place before season 1 which centers around the Party telling an urban legend about the Child Eater of Hawkins, which coincidentally has eerie parallels to Vecna. Creepy artwork, an unsettling atmosphere, and a fun twist at the end! :)
#10: Stranger Things Hawkins Horrors (See Review Here)
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Same deal as the Halloween Special, except it takes place between Seasons 3 and 4, and features multiple horror stories told by Steve, Robin, Nancy, Max, Lucas, Erica, Dustin, and Mike while they're all trapped in the Video Store during a power outage. The stories are scary and reminiscent of horror anthologies like Tales from the Crypt and Goosebumps, and some of them even cheekily foreshadow certain events that occur in season 4.
#9: Stranger Things Runaway Max (See Reviews Here)
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Like Flight of Icarus, this book is hard to read, albeit for a different reason: I don't enjoy stories with characters trapped in abusive situations, and this book does not pull its punches in depicting the utter hell Max suffered through living with both Neil and Billy.
That being said, I grew to have a new appreciation for Max's character because of this book, and I liked seeing her backstory, her perspective on the events of season 2, and her thoughts about the characters she interacts with. I loved seeing her relationship with Lucas develop, I liked her brief interactions with Steve, and there was a satisfying payoff in her standing up to Billy and finally regaining some control over her life. If you love Max's character, this book is for you!
#8: Stranger Things Winter Special (See Review Here)
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The closest Stranger Things will ever have for a Christmas Special (not counting the endings of the first two season finales). So many little details (i.e. the way the Party explains different Christmas stories to El and how she visualizes them, the revelation about what happened to the demodog in Joyce's fridge, etc) that make this an enjoyable read.
#7: Stranger Things Lucas On The Line (See Review Here)
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One thing I will say for the tie-ins is that I appreciate how they expand the perspectives of characters from the show. Such is the case with Lucas on the Line. It takes place between seasons 3 and 4, and explores Lucas's attempts to come to terms with his trauma, the growing rift between himself and Max, his attempts to balance his strained relationships with his friends and his desire to play basketball and break out of the "nerd" stereotype, and it gives a very brutal but effective portrait of what it's like for Lucas to be one of the few black kids in Hawkins constantly surrounded by people who are either outwardly racist or project their biases and prejudices in truly insidious ways.
There are two reasons I'm not ranking this novel as highly even though it's a fan-favorite: 1.) There are continuity errors that took me out of certain moments while reading it, and 2.) The third act (which is when S4 begins) does a clumsy job tying in with the rest of the book and its themes. I really wish the book had continued with Lucas's story up to the end of S4 instead of stopping halfway through.
#6: Stranger Things The Other Side (See Review Here)
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I always wanted to know what was going on with Will in season 1 when he was taken to the Upside Down. This comic thankfully elaborates on that and doesn't disappoint. Will's journey to survive is both intense and terrifying, and the way the comic seamlessly connects itself with the events of season 1 is to be applauded.
I have no clue what the Duffer Brothers plan to reveal in season 5 about the Upside Down and why time froze in 1983 when Will was taken, but considering they talked with the writers and artists for this comic and gave their stamp of approval, I'm hopeful the events of The Other Side won't be retconned.
#5: Stranger Things Science Camp (See Review Here)
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Who knew that when Dustin went to Science Camp, he walked right into a Friday the 13th movie? 😂
Don't want to spoil too much about this one, but I had a blast reading it. Dustin's perspective is always entertaining, the comic works as a brilliant introduction for Suzie, and the mystery plaguing the camp is genuinely interesting and has a good twist. High recommendation.
#4: Stranger Things Zombie Boys (See Review Here)
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I'm still bitter that the character of Joey Kim never made an appearance on the show despite the camaraderie he had with the Party, as well as how he gave the boys some catharsis from all the shit they were put through in season 1.
Nevertheless, I enjoyed the premise of the Party making a zombie movie, and I appreciated how it handled the characters' trauma without being patronizing. The artwork was also impressive and beautiful to look at. Here's hoping we get more comics and graphic novels like this in the future!
#3: Stranger Things Tomb Of Ybwen (See Review Here)
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At its core, the comic manages to explore an aspect that wasn't given much coverage on the show: Will's reaction to Bob's death and his attempts to come to terms with it. All of which culminates in a quest Will undertakes when he finds a map from Bob that (allegedly) leads to an ancient Viking treasure buried in Hawkins.
I don't want to give too much away in terms of spoilers, but the story is both emotional, sad, and heartwarming, and it does an excellent job reinforcing the friendship between all 4 boys while also demonstrating the impact Bob had on Will's life.
#2: Stranger Things and Dungeons and Dragons (See Review Here)
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Speaking as someone who's occasionally crafted various fantasy scenarios in my head to cope with the stresses of life, this comic was deeply relatable. The show never shied away from emphasizing the importance of D&D to these characters, and this comic expands on that by illustrating why they became interested in D&D in the first place, how they've used D&D to cope with living in Hawkins, how the events of the first 3 seasons factor into how they play D&D, and how the game evolved with them as they continued to get older. It's like the piece of media from your childhood that stays with you as an adult. Arguably the best comic in the series (so far).
#1: Stranger Things Rebel Robin (See Reviews Here)
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My favorite book and tie-in of the series. Speaking as someone who's gay, this story spoke to me on a personal level, and there were a lot of parallels I was drawing between Robin's experiences in high school and my own: The fear of being outed and ostracized. The desire to break free and explore the world. Recognizing the injustices that exist in society and wishing you could do something about them. Getting a nasty dose of reality that people you thought you could trust aren't reliable, and may even be more awful than you anticipated. Been there, done that, still dealing with some aspects of it.
It's funny because even if you take out the plot elements relating to the Upside Down, you still get a great coming-of-age story, and one that speaks to many people, LGBT+ or otherwise.
That concludes the ranking and reviews for right now! Thank you again for those who've been reading them! :)
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elftwink · 8 months
to preface this post i am anti-advertising i think we should explode the entire industry but it's sooo funny when you people make posts like "and they don't even work!!" like. sorry to be the bearer of bad news but yes they do. that's why we have to put up with so many despite everyone hating them and thinking its annoying. because they actually work really well and make a shit load of money
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opens-up-4-nobody · 7 months
#aaaand that's 2 doctors that think i have bipolar ii 🙃#so the conceptualize rn would b that my mood is fucked but im using ocd to keep myself contained withing sorta normal parameters#which. i mean. that does kinda fit with observationally. i would create rules around: u arent allowed to get excited abt things u arent#allowed to enjoy things bc u cant handle it. u cant b normal abt how u enjoy things. or bc when i go to enjoy a thing#my mood is caped at being lightly miserable so its like well fuck being around ppl it makes me feel nothing#bc my focus and energy swing around like the light on a lighthouse. and in between that im miserable or feel nothing#and if its true that i am bipolar the reason i never noticed would b bc i very rarely experience euphoria. mostly i have high energy and#dont feel good. just fucking out of control. so mixed episodes i guess. but like idk. i guess i just think of bipolar as being extremely#destructive. and i mean r my mood issues a problem? yes. sometimes a really big problem. but idk. im still resistant to thr idea#lots of ppl get misdiagnosed as bipolar even tho the presentation is so specific. i guess i just doesn't wanna accept it and then have to#have been wrong if i was misdiagnosed. but i mean 2 doctors independently listened to me and thought hm sounds like bipolar so maybe im#just being stubborn. also no one else in my family thst i kno of is bipolar. ive got 2 uncles with adhd but not bipolar relatives#i dunno. i guess it doesn't matter so long as i can get it under control. im good at control. destructively good at control#unrelated#i guess its more that ive never done anything life ruining bc of my moods#mostly i just dont sleep much and make myself crazy. so ill probably die an early death or whatever lack og sleep causes rio#i meant rip lol
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scribesynnox · 2 years
Fun idea for The Greatest Estste Developer: I haven’t read the Google translated novel so I don’t know if this has already happened, but like, people HAVE to assume that Lloyd can see the future at this point, right? Like, that’s what this is all building up to. And its not even a lie anymore, Lloyd literally CAN have a vision at least once a month.
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im-still-a-robot · 5 days
Got so excited about a concept for my dnd character that it made me nauseous
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nonuggetshere · 9 months
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So they didn't become void, they were "born" that way
In FaaF there are different species and kinds of higher beings (still a MASSIVE work in progress tbh, trying to figure out how these cunts work, but for now I'm thinking they're extremely rare species with far greater abilities and lifespans than a normal bug's that have a chance to ascend to true godhood (but even if they don't ascend that doesn't stop mortals from worshipping them as they're already very god-like from a normal bug's perspective)), "pale beings" being one of these kinds/mutations.
Well, there was also a different kind once, "void beings", but they all went extinct a very long time ago by the beginning of the story. Shade Lord was one, and last, of them and it lost its life in a fight with Radiance - the same fight that drove her to make her permanent residence in the dream realm out of her new-found fear of death (which backfired spectacularly ngl). Its body was buried in the Abyss, where it broke apart and decayed, or decayed as much as a non-living thing can, before it was unearthed many ages later by the pale wyrm.
Not much is known about them since they've been gone for so long, and the vessels are the only void beings remaining, but since they're not "pure" void beings it'd be foolish of anyone to assume that the ancient extinct species behaved the same way as these ones do. But they were generally greatly feared thanks to the void's freaky, dangerous properties, which partly lead to their extinction as some of the other higher beings purposefully attacked and killed them whenever they stumbled across one out of fear. Now the only thing remaining of them are the rare void sources, where their former bodies still refuse to fully die.
Shade Lord does get accidentally resurrected in the story bc of all the tomfoolery happening with its body before almost immediately getting killed again by Ghost who inherits its title and reign. Don't ask me how that works, haven't figured that out yet. Magic god shit or something idk LMAO
#thylacines can talk#faaf au#I read somewhere once that if we close mammoths they wouldn't be true mammoths but more like a mammoth elephant hybrid? Idk how accurate#that is but that's essentially what the vessels are. A hybrid species that behaves and looks a lot like the extinct one yet the differences#are significial enough that they're technically not the same thing. And since nobody knows how void beings were like its anyone's guess#which of their traits originated from Shade Lord. You know they could have probably asked it if it didn't want to violently take over#and kill all other gods in rage filled revenge. And then tried to kill its so called children when they didn't want to participate in that.#PK 🤝 SL 🤝 WL parent of the year award#The vessels can't have even ONE good parent sorry#Well SL is less of a parent and more of a...DNA donor? Its kidneys got stolen and turned into babies#Currently in FaaF Norel and PK we're the only ones who studied void so a lot of its properties and origins are a huge mystery. And PK#slowly stopped after the vessel plan began. After Flower/Pure Vessel was taken into the palace the extent of his studies revolved around#them and their health. He only created new moulds when the old ones got destroyed. Guilt played a big part in his reasons for that.#Norel would know a bit more simply because PK's source sample was limited while Norel travelled across wasteland looking for void and#experimented with different sources. And he was considerably more...unethical about them. So he probably knows what void does to a mortal's#body while PK doesn't know much about that bc he was careful to not give any of his citizens and staff void poisoning after he realised it#was dangerous. Also thinking about Norel once having a mole in the White Palace which is how he found out about Floeer and the origins of#vessels. And maybe said mole broke into PK's workshop and wrote down some things before leaving Hallownest 👀 Bc it does feel a little#weird for Norel to know more than PK just like that. And he's a little snake who WOULD steal other people's work.#Like I mentioned previously Norel makes his own constructs which is something I wanted dabble in. Maybe he stole that idea from PK? His#ones are far worse and fewer than PK's but they serve their purpose and he's just starting dabbling in that. By the time he shows his ugly#mug again to terrorise Flower's kids and grandkid he'd probably be MUCH better at that 👀#I love my fucked up little moth#My one true talent is getting wildly off topic whenever sh asks me about my as#Aus*
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dirtbra1n · 1 year
okay I NEED to write a post that’s not just me taking the piss out of my mind palace and I need to write it like RIGHT NOW because I WANT to admit that there are things I’ve said that I think could be better or more accurate. there ARE bits and pieces I’ve neglected . and there are things that I haven’t articulated yet that I want other people to KNOW ABOUT!!!!
like with things other than himself masato’s poker face kind of sucks. with his older brother he’s way more open about how he feels, but he’s still not saying some critical SOMETHING. masato and tashiro, sometimes, occasionally, (frequently) just talk very easily. their dynamic is like astonishingly….. nuanced? like some days it’s taaaaashiiiiiiiiroooooo-kuuuuunnn and other days it’s
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and some days, in my mind, masato is sitting very quiet and still watching tashiro do nothing in particular, and he’s torn between wanting to run away and stay right where he is until he stops breathing, or at least until his heart stops beating so damn hard.
and I definitely haven’t highlighted enough how legitimately functional and . well. “normal” . masato is externally despite his nights being plagued by dreams. or how so much of his angst is because, despite everything, he’s still just as young at heart as his friends are. in the space of his family, he’s still just a kid. he’s not unflappable he gets flustered and caught off guard he’s silly and expressive but he’s hard as hell to read sometimes. he lurks around corners. he’ll oscillate wildly between reflective and flippant. he’s PETTY.
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he’s someone younger brother, and he’d rather be at his death bed than admit whatever fundamental something it is that he’s avoiding so hard.
like it’s. meaningful, that’s something I haven’t really gotten to. it’s meaningful that masato is always a few steps away from death, or half a dozen steps past it. he can even wear a detectives hat—it might be the only way he would ever, EVER open up. like. I’m going to loosely quote sunnnfish’s textbook but You can do things to a dead body that you can’t do to a living one.
but I also think that if I went back and altered the. dirtbrain hanzashiro canon, I guess. I’d make it easier to remember that masato isn’t 100% steeped in miseries. because I definitely think that I make it sound like that. like I should say that I don’t revel in his misery. not because it’s true necessarily but because I put so much of myself in front of and also into him that it reflects badly on me if I don’t. but anyway he still has his fun his distractions work it’s just that he’s plagued by dreams. the river is the metaphor for his burdens. that’s the bottom line. so it’s not that he’s being plagued by feeling nervous AND the river. they’re the same. the river is a prominent image in his mind, as it is in mine, but when he thinks of it he’s not thinking of it as the physical manifestation of his burdens, he’s not tying them to the river. they’re distinct in his mind, because he refuses self reflection.
also I’d play into the crime scene thing more. I like masato I want him to have fun and I think he deserves to wear a detective’s hat and dance around dgs holmes style. even if he does still have that massive puncture wound in his chest. even if he is still bleeding all over. like masato’s a weirdo but he’s not in isolation, is what I mean. not practically. he isolates HIMSELF but that’s because he’s ashamed of his vulnerability, not because of any external rejection. he has fun, still, but when he grows quiet, when his eyes open, when his expression is, ironically, even harder than usual to read, he’s being burdened by himself. but otherwise it is out of sight out of mind and hanzawa masato does so enjoy being silly and weird.
the thing, though, is that tashiro, from his outside perspective, DOES think of the river as it’s own entity. how could he not. he hasn’t been filled in yet on the things masato’s been putting up with in that freaky head of his, so he thinks of a river washing hanzawa senpai up like any regular corpse and it’s.. scary! if he could, masato would dance around his own corpse, investigating the lividity and wound in his chest with detached enough vigor, but tashiro isn’t like that. tashiro CAN’T be like that. tashiro had been surrounded by red lighting, flickering, buzzing, and saw the body in the water, and decided that he was here to do something, and he went and pulled him out and bandaged him up. which is a scene I’ve been struggling to write. and obviously “decided” is a bit misleading, because there was nothing else to do. like what sort of demon would tashiro have to be to see someone floating down a river in a scary environment like this and just LEAVE them there?
it’s like as far as chronology goes tashiro’s interactions with the river are complicated. because in MY chronology like as in the order they were written by me. in my capacity as writer. tashiro’s in reality first, only seeing trace unrealisms following masato around (the lanterns in the hallway, the blue hour, etc.) but in THEIR chronology. tashiro, who’s unacquainted with dreams mostly, suddenly is viscerally aware that he’s in one, and there’s a river in it. and while I haven’t gotten to saying so explicitly yet, like with a lot of things, the closest tashiro gets to being in the river is a dangled foot over the side of the pavement, skimming it. not taking a proper step into that world, but getting a feel for it. and then he takes hold of masato’s wrist, then hand, and pulls him out of the murk. bandages him up. mapping intimacy, hands brushing against masato’s ribcage.
and it’s obvious for me to say, I live in my brain and all of these details click together in ways that are mostly going unnoticed, this is before any realizations are fulfilled on tashiro’s part. he’s doing this because he found hanzawa senpai basically Dead in a river and he could help. he’s doing this because he’s himself. he’s doing this because he has no idea why else he would be here.
it’s just like. dirtbrain’s hanzawa to tashiro is a struggle between my capacity as a writer and my understanding that I could tell the story I want to tell so much better in a visual medium that I don’t have access to. so basically while I work out my own shortcomings everyone join hands with me so we can send harusono sensei psychic pleas for news on hanzawa to tashiro. or at least the over 10000 words on hanzawa masato. etc.
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