#they're (community) aren't bad or anything I'm just nervous
aceofshitposts · 2 years
hi I’m too nervous to ask this without anon on so here it goes: I was wondering if your fanfics you’ve posted have affected your ability to get a job or get into a college, etc? such as when they to background checks and see that romance stories are associated with you. I’d like to start posting some fics and possibly some more spicy ones, but I’m afraid that if I do it will mess up my chances at the career I’m pursuing. thoughts/knowledge?? I really appreciate this, thank you! 💓
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Oh, dear sweet anon. I can tell you with a good amount of confidence that people who are not terminally online in fandom circles generally don't care. Most people don't even, for example, even know there were multiple Robins let alone this whole bat family thing.
But to answer your question, no it hasn't affected my ability to get a job or go to school because I've worked the same job for the past nine years and nine years ago I didn't have any fanfiction posted lol I did have some semi spicy cosplay photos on my FB page but I don't think my boss ever looked me up beyond our interview.
But here's a secret anon, you don't have to post under your real name. You don't have to be findable. That FB page I mentioned was always posted under an incorrect spelling of my name specifically so I couldn't be looked up unless I gave it to you and that wasn't because I was worried about potential fandom drama that was just a healthy amount of internet paranoia lol
Shipping jaytim has affected nothing except the occasional nasty internet comment which I'm more than well adjusted enough to handle. I know I'm not doing anything wrong and anyone who feels the need to comment nasty things to a stranger has their own problems and they're trying to enact control over something they feel is an easy target.
Overall the jaytim community has been one of the nicest communities I've been a part of so I really think the positives outweigh the negatives. But like, I'm sure you know but, there will always be someone who hates your stuff no matter what it is. I've gotten shit over batquinn, stony, sterek, peter/gwen etc there's always gonna be someone who lashes out.
Anyway. Honestly i don't know what kind of searching employers or schools might do nowadays, my info is over ten years out of date, but making yourself hard to find with a pseudonym is never a bad idea. But also remember most people aren't terminally online and probably won't even know the context if they're not already deeply entrenched in batman (or whatever) trivia lol
Also, tbh, if someone has a problem with you enjoying or writing romance genre I wouldn't want to work for them anyway. (I also wouldn't want to work for someone who goes snooping into my personal life that doesn't affect my work but. We sure do live in a society :T)
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hey makenzie, i've got a bit of a situation here. i'm 25, never had sex before, and never paid attention during those safe sex psas bc i was sure i was ace and never wanted to have sex, due to a number of reasons - i'm autistic and very particular about things touching my body, especially food or fluids (i need to wash that shit off *immediately* or else i will combust) and probably also not eating enough but i digress. i matched with an amazing guy and now i think i want to do it but (1/?)
(2/2) i honestly don't really know where to start here. i know the risks and so i want to buy condoms but for some reason i get nervous about people seeing me buy condoms. i also haven't ever looked into getting PrEP or monkeypox vaccine bc i didn't plan on suddenly becoming a horndog. idk i guess i'm just looking for general advice for a 25yo male having sex for the first time and what i should expect/how should i prepare. like idk what douching is and at this point i'm afraid to ask lol
oh yeah, one more thing i wanted to add - while i'm not nervous about going into this bc this guy is seriously great and understanding as hell, i worry about my roommates hearing us and idk how to approach that. i probably worry too much as they seem to be fine with the noise level here (and me making protein shakes at 1am) but like. i still do. should i play music? put a sock on the door? i don't want them to hate me. ps: i love your blog and hope you have a good day
jesus christ I'm about to fit so much sex ed into one post
1.) start wherever you want; sex is whatever you and your partner(s) want it to be. only way to do it wrong is to do with without consent and communication.
2.) here are two fun facts about being an adult. the first one is that no one actually gives a shit about you buying condoms. no one gives a shit about you buying anything. your fellow customers aren't scrutinizing your purchases they're too busy worrying about you scrutinizing your purchases. the cashier definitely doesn't care, the cashier is contemplating killing everyone in the store and then themself. just buy the condoms.
the second fun fact is actually a house rule of mine, which is that if you're too squirrelly to acquire safer sex supplies yourself you don't get to have sex. the good news on that front is that ordering condoms online from places like Condom Depot is, like, really easy.
3.) PrEP is great to know about but only necessary if your intended partner is at risk of transmitting HIV to you during sex, which is a conversation y'all should have if you haven't already.
getting the monkeypox vaccine is always a solid move if you're in a high risk area, although I do need to emphasize again that it's worth talking to your partner about whether or not they're a considerable risk for transmitting monkeypox (if they haven't had any other partners in the last two weeks, or none of their other partners have tested positive in the last two weeks, they're probably good). regardless, you can easily find somewhere to get vaccinated here.
4.) re: first time having sex, if you've spent literally any time following me you know the best advice I can give you is that you should literally just Talk To This Guy about what you both want to do and feel comfortable with, but watching this video from incomparable sexologist Lindsey Doe isn't a bad place to begin. I'm a big fan of how much she emphasizes lube!
5.) douching is the practice of washing out a bodily cavity with fluids. many people like to do it before anal sex to lower their risk of defecating on a partner by accident, but it's totally optional and not a requisite for anyone. if you're interested, you can find a good introduction here:
it's worth noting that douching presumes anal sex will be taking place, which is something to discuss. anal sex can absolutely rule but it also requires care; I'd recommend this other Lindsey Doe video for some hot tips on how to start exploring that:
if anal penetration isn't your cup of tea but eating ass may be, check out dental dams - even a clean anus runs the risk of harboring fecal matter and baby you do NOT want that in your mouth! in a pinch, a dental dam can be made in a hurry by cutting a condom open down one side and laying it flat.
6.) similarly to sexual partners, the best way to learn what roommates are okay with is to ask. do the courtesy of giving your roommates a heads up that a guest is coming over and that sex is on the agenda; let them decide if they want to clear out, put on headphones, or what.
why are you making protein shakes at 1 AM. what's happening there.
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Frank, you're really fucking cool. Would love to hear you talk about anything you're currently interested in or thinking about.
Thanks, Frank.
I'm interested in a lot of different things right now, and it's hard to describe where I'm interested in them.
I think the most basic thing is "social relations," though I also care about the kinds of things that affect social relations and "have" a social impact, including e.g. social justice and science. Social relations in general (but also "all" social relations specifically) are interesting to me for reasons that may be familiar to the rationalists – for instance, they're like games, but with more of an underlying meaning to them. I like the fact that social networks tend to be (sometimes extremely) intricate and interconnected, and I like the fact that social networks can have really important properties that no computer program or abstract entity ever will.
This is probably obvious to most people who have read a lot about this stuff. (Though maybe "liking complexity" and "liking social structures" aren't the right concepts, I dunno.) I don't like things with very few interconnections – like I don't mind a very "isolated" object (e.g. a sphere) so long as everything is happening in different "pockets" like an isolated object is supposed to. (But my interest doesn't stop there – I also don't like a "unified" object without lots of different things going on inside it, like a homogeneous material, or a monotone, uniform, or "all-of-the-way" emotion. I don't mind a monotone material so long as it isn't a material of that type or a material with lots of lots of different parts.)
There's a lot of stuff that's fun because you're a social animal with social connections. I'm not so much into the more "objective" stuff (I mean stuff that doesn't have the "social" in "social" – you know what I'm talking about – it isn't quite like … "music" in that way, but it's like "biology" that way. I can feel the same way about "biology" even though it's kind of "objective" … ) but I'm into a lot of stuff that's fun for social reasons (e.g. making connections between things, finding relationships or patterns in things). (I mean in addition to what I just said about "things that matter," which is part of why I like things that have lots of interconnections – I think a lot of the things I like have lots of interconnections, so it's like I'm connecting the dots between them in a way other people don't have to.) I'm really into stuff that's about "lots of people with lots of connections to lots of other things," e.g. "the network of interconnected things" in the sense that I said about the social networks.
I'm a member of a community of people who spend a lot of time reading a book (The Big Five Delusion) and looking at related articles (which we can find through a website), talking and thinking about the book on Facebook, and then talking about all this on an audio blog. It's the only community I'm in. I'm not really happy about all this, but it's too late to leave – I made friends through it.
I have an (irrational) "fear" of social interaction, and it's really annoying. But I think the only way to cure it is to engage in the kind of stuff I just described (and other stuff that cures it). So I don't really feel like I'm doing anything wrong by doing this stuff. (Even though I'm pretty nervous around other people!)
In fact, I think I'm interested in more people than other people are interested in. I'm a nerd, I'm interested in (and am very good at) talking about interesting things, and I'm very interested in what others are interested in. Sometimes this interest can feel "awkward" or "lacking" or "bad at communicating," but mostly it seems natural – I'm trying to talk about things other people are interested in, and things that I'm interested in are things others are interested in, and so on, it seems like that's normal.
I'm also kind of a huge nerd. I want to do all the things that nerds do. I love computers, and I'm a little bit obsessed with computers. I think about computers a lot. This might have some kind of consequences. I like science fiction, and it seems like I spend a lot of time talking about the future, so I kind of feel like people think I'm into science fiction, when I'm not. I'm just like that. I feel like this is the kind of thing people wouldn't notice unless I talked about it … or talked about it in ways that make me "look" different from other people.
When I was a kid, I spent a lot of time imagining myself as the smartest, coolest, sexiest, and best kid around. I wanted a lot of things I couldn't have, so I wanted to be like the other cool kids, who had cool things. I had lots of imaginary friends, and imaginary enemies. I had a cool friend with cool parents, and a cool enemy who hated everything about me. A lot of my stuff was pretty cool and a lot of it was pretty un-cool, and so I wanted to be a mix of both … sort of like a cool, sexy person that everyone thought was a nerd, except that I had some cool, sexy traits. This made me interested in what other people thought, and it made me feel like an outsider to "normie" life – which I wanted, because I was kind of an outsider to every other kind of thing. This is the kind of nerd stuff I talk about sometimes (though I do kind of feel like I've kind of lost my way and become a lot less cool lately).
As a result, I was kind of an outsider in a bunch of high school social networks. The people who weren't outsiders wanted to be like the people who were outsiders … but those people were the "cool" kids, the ones who were so cool that they were an "overtly" un-cool "nerd" … like what I said about me when I was a kid … and I was trying to play the same role as the "cool" people I admired … which made it hard for me to fit in. I was the outsider who was "neotenous" (I thought the word was "neotenous"), which I understood as someone who was too young to be "cool" and yet who wanted to be "cool" in the same way as the coolest people in high school. And that made it hard for me to relate to my classmates, and made my classmates think I was either a creepy weirdo or an attention-seeking creep – or a creep who was trying to do both. I was a guy with a very high IQ and I was kind of obsessed with this stuff, so there were a lot of things about myself that felt hard to relate to other people. Even though my interests are "pretty" in some ways, it all seemed like "weird nerd stuff."
(I was obsessed with programming … I'm still pretty obsessed with programming, but when I was in high school and college that became "programming," I was "cool" because I was "an engineer," but "weird nerd stuff" because I was into "programming," and other people "saw through" that my interest in programming wasn't "nerdy" and just thought I was a nerd, or wanted to think I was a nerd, and I don't really know how to deal with that stuff – like I said about the "friendship" stuff … and I think the problem is worse at some things than others. Even though I'm interested in lots of different things, maybe I just happen to be really interested in "nerd stuff," which isn't like "nerdy" in the way they "do" nerd stuff. When I'm "cool," I can talk about computers a lot and it kind of makes me look like a nerdy geek, and it makes it hard to talk to people who don't understand computers or who don't like computers as much as I do.
I think I'm pretty boring to be around. The nerd stuff I talk about here is more "cool" than anything I do now, and probably is also "boring." And I always used to feel like it would be "boring" to listen to a conversation about computers, or a conversation about "biology" – I felt like I was supposed to be really into computers or really into biology. I have a high IQ and I can program computers really well, so maybe I'm just better than the people who know how to program, but if it's the same thing, it's still kind of boring … although "talking about computers" is always a bit boring. Maybe that is the "boringness" of nerd stuff – I always sort of felt like "nerd stuff" is what I'm supposed to like when I'm around other people – but I feel like I'm not supposed to like it, because other people don't get "what it's all about," even if they are really interested in what I like – I think that "cool
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metal-caregiver · 1 year
Any advice on how to look after system regressers
Our host regresses quite a lot, and me being co-host I'm the one who looks after them the most. I don't mind this, but I can't really do it "properly". Yknow the being in the same body part, I cant touch them or anything. The most I can do is get things they like and watch them to see if they're okay. Sometimes we talk over text or writing, but most of the time they're just to young to do that. Our host will not/refuse to leave front, so I can't look after them outside of front either.
Any advice on how to help them more and actually like connect with them?
I have this same problem !! Im also part of a system (and have had 2 alters respond to this. One a caregiver, one a non-caregiver) for their input on how they handle fronting with a little alter.  If any of us feels that he's starting to front we try to make things a bit “nicer” for him. Like cleaning our room, getting out his favorite toys or putting on his favorite show. And when I'm fronting with him I do the same as any caregiver would. Ill put on our weighted blanket or pet our hand, sometimes hold it if i'm free when he's nervous. Ill talk to us out loud or “inside my head”,,small things like “dont forget to put on a clean shirt for school,,you did a great job (name), (mom) would be proud”,,,Its easy when we’re co-fronting to sort of “take over” for a bit to do things he cant like cooking, crowds, etc. For the most part my brother can do anything on his own. I’ve taught him to drive and he fills out our tax reports. If he wants to boil water on the stove to make pasta who am I to tell him no? Sometimes he has accidents and a harder time forming words, he gets overwhelmed very easily and is prone to “melt downs” (we’re autistic and I avoid using tantrum with him because its most often than not a mental health thing than him being a brat) - Alek  He's usually only a brat when he wants something we wont let him have. But its not like he wants toys, or candy or a 1am bedtime. He wants to watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre marathons. anywho- the rest of us really just make sure he doesnt accidentally run us off a cliff. The only times the rest of us really coddle him is when he has accidents. All of us have incontinence issues cause of our autism but he really struggles the most. Its a mix of his young age and just us having really bad body ques. Thats when the rest of us bust out the “lets get you cleaned up” and “good boy (name), I know you feel messy but theres nothing wrong”. All of us kinda do that to each other in a way when that happens. We always try to reassure each other that its something we cant really control and its just part of our disabilities - Corey long story short,,, - You can do anything a regular caregiver can! You just need to get a bit created. - Try to work a bit on communication and ways of doing it (talking out loud, AAC, communication cards, internal communication).  - Have things on hand that they feel safe with. A favorite stuffie, favorite show, coloring activity, outfit, smell, food, etc - Reassure them and make sure they’re safe even if you aren't talking. 
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smalls-words · 2 years
Please I am just obsessed you both are just so sweet and cute :) I’m sorry for asking so many questions theres not many agere safe blogs within the marvel fandom that I’ve found that openly talk like this :’)
- Do they have a favorite show or movie to watch when regressed?
- How did you become a platonic cg with your little?
It's okay! We don't mind the questions, but they're a little spotlight shy so I'm not mentioning them by name in each of these posts (but if you have a look around my blog it's pretty easy to figure out who it is)
Not so much favourite shows, they like most shows, but movies are their favourite!! We Bought A Zoo, the Jurassic movies and anything with their favourite actresses are definitely high on the list! They're so cute, they like to make noises with the dinos (apparently they've been practicing with their stego, Spike) We Bought A Zoo is good for them to be little, and is also very comforting when they have a bad day 🥺🥺
Well we actually met here, on Tumblr, and we talked a looooot. Like, I can't even remember how our conversation started. They showed me their little side quite early on and they were delighted that I accepted them (people are assholes sometimes). We kept talking and now we talk mainly on Discord because Tumblr has been somewhat unkind to them in the recent times 😢😢😢 I was so happy when they asked if it was okay for me to be their caregiver, and I'll admit, I was nervous. I was quite new at it all and scared I would do something wrong, but like most relationships either plationic or romantic, you learn about each other and become atune to one another. I check up on them via Discord and Tumblr whenever I can, and when we haven't spoken in a bit or they're feeling down on their blog, we talk and sort through our feelings together 🥰🥰🥰 There's always one thing that is consistent with every little I've met: nicknames (i have a few from my littles) and reassurance.
Regressing, psychologically, is a defense mechanism and a trauma response (at least, for my little that is the case sometimes). It's a way to escape this shitty world in any way shape or form from whatever trigger that's there. Reassurance that they aren't annoying, or that they aren't clingy is the key to keeping them and yourself happy. If you want space, it should be communicated in a fashion that doesn't make a little anxious, because littles should feel safe and protected. I sometimes ask for space, and that's okay for us. Work sometimes gets in the way, but we always tell each other when we have work and that we can talk after. Driving whilst talking is a no-no, so wishes of driving safely are always exchanged 🥰🥰🥰
They are quite possibly one of my favourite people to talk to, and my entire day is made when we talk.
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slimeywooper · 4 months
Labmas AU - Unintended Consequences
Chapter 14 Part 2 - Revelation
Though you appreciate his offer, you inform him, "Well, honestly, I didn't actually do anything. After reaching the wash room, I decided not to do any work, and just played games on my phone. Now, normally I wouldn't do that, but I was in a really bad mood and I didn't want to reward someone for being cruel. Kudari wasn't with me, so he couldn't be blamed for the work not getting done."
Chuckling, he responds, "I see. In that case, if you aren't busy, would you be interested in coming over to my room?"
"To your room? Yeah, of course! I'd love to!" He actually invited you over! You can't screw this up! Don't be weird, don't ask any stupid questions, just hang out like friends do. Because that's definitely all this is, a friendly get-together.
Your heart is racing and you hope he can't tell how nervous you are. In a flash, the both of you arrive at his door. He must not have bothered to lock it, as it opens from him simply turning the knob. Upon entering his room, you notice how bare it is. A bed, nightstand, desk, two bookcases and a dresser. Unlike Kudari's room, there is not much that would strongly suggest any interests or memories of the person that lives here.
Walking further into the room to get a better look, you see that the nightstand by his bed has the drawer open. There are various rings, necklaces and bracelets strewn about inside, all with different stones decorating them. "Wow, you have a lot of jewelry. How come you never wear any?" you ask, curiously.
Approaching from your left, he tells you, "Oh, these are just trinkets I've collected over the years. I usually find something when I leave Plasma headquarters." Closing the drawer, his attention is back on you. "Sorry, I know it's not much, but do make yourself at home."
He doesn't have many places to sit. Eyeing his bed, you point at it and ask timidly, "May I sit down?" unsure if this is the correct course of action.
"You may," he says, and nods in approval.
Taking the few steps more necessary to get near the bed, you sit, trying not to feel awkward or self-conscious. Thinking of a topic that may help put you at ease, you begin, "So… you can talk to Empyrea?"
Smiling he affirms your question, "Yes, we can communicate." Grabbing the chair by his desk, he pulls it closer, positioning it across from you. The scene resembles the time you woke up in the personal suite, after meeting Kudari. He continues, "Though, the noises I make do not come from my mouth, but somewhere in my throat. Not from my vocal chords, specifically. Dr. Colress has tried to pinpoint the exact location the sounds come from, but he has yet to find where. It upsets him greatly whenever he makes an attempt. According to him, I shouldn't be able to produce them."
"I can imagine it does upset him. He's such a control freak, it probably irritates him that he doesn't know everything." Nobori seems to have a deep connection with Empyrea, so you ask the next question, "Since you've known the Subway Bosses from when you were a child, does that mean you met Empyrea around the same time?"
"Kudari and I met their Pokemon on the same day we were introduced to them. They only visit every few years. Every time they leave, it's Empyrea I'm most sad to see go. Kudari feels more of an affinity for Joltik than Galvantula, as when Joltik evolve, they go their own way, to start their own families. They're very territorial creatures, but they never stop caring for the young of any cluster they happen upon. He feels an intrinsic need to nurture them. The Galvantula we keep, on the other hand, he does not hold any affection for. I suppose Spindly gets a pass because he's known her since he was young. When it comes to kinship, the opposite is true for me. The Litwik are nice, but I feel no emotional connection to them. Not like I do Empyrea. There are never any Chandelure kept in the lab, so she is the only one I have ever been able to bond with. That's not to say I dislike Litwik or Lampent, but it's not the same as something that's like yourself…" Without you saying anything, he looks to you and apologizes, "I'm sorry, my rambling is making you feel terrible."
"Please don't stop," you request. "Some things you say are sad, yes, but If it's important enough for you to talk about, I want to be there to listen. That's what friends are for."
Nobori doesn't respond, but gives you a grateful look.
"Could you tell me about Kudari when he was younger? Was he really different from how he is now?" You make the suggestion with the desire of lightening the mood. As long as he talks about the times before they became teenagers, there hopefully won't be any more bad vibes.
"No, not really. I suppose the biggest difference now is his size and temper. But before that, he was more or less the same. Always fond of playing games and being creative. In hindsight, there seemed to be so much more hope back then." He starts his signature goatee twirling. "I was told by some previous employees that Dr. Colress actually took great care of Kudari when he was a baby. Similar to how babies cannot hold up their own heads, Kudari could not hold up his upper torso, he would hang limply if he was left sitting on his galvantula half. This would cause him great discomfort throughout the day, and when he was attempting to sleep, as there was no position he could lay in that would accommodate his human half together with his Galvantula half. They informed me Dr. Colress would carry him around most of the time, holding Kudari so that his head and torso laid on him, while his legs were able to hang freely. He did this every day, until eventually, Kudari was able to gain enough core strength to hold himself upright."
This information about Colress is quite endearing, though hard to believe. Remembering the time you saw Kudari shirtless, you announce quietly, "So that's how he became so muscular…"
"I… suppose so…" he trails off with a bewildered look on his face, lowering his hand.
Feeling embarrassed by what you had said, you try to move on, "What about you? Did Colress take care of you, as well?"
"Me? Well, I'm sure he held me and cared for me also, but I wasn't as… how can I word this… pitiful as Kudari. I don't mean that in a negative way, but for all intents and purposes, I was an average baby, aside from my color and eyes. Growing up, I was much more content to spend time by myself, though I suppose I was never truly alone. There were always spirits coming and going. Some of my free time was spent reading or playing games with Kudari." You're hanging on his every word, enjoying the look into the hybrids youths. "That's something that has followed me into adulthood. I still read when I have the time, though I don't have the space to keep the books. These bookcases only have my absolute favorite novels. Everything else is read on a tablet."
"I didn't know you had an interest in literature! Have you ever written anything?" you inquire, wanting to know more personal details about him.
He seems surprised by your question. "No, absolutely not. I wouldn't even know where to begin. No, I'm much more content just reading."
"Well, if you ever do deicide to try, I'd love to read it. I'm not what you would consider a 'reader,' but I dabble sometimes." You give him a smile. "Hey, you could even write a story about Kudari! Since he doesn't get to leave here, you could write him having adventures somewhere fun! It doesn't have to be realistic, nor do you actually have to show him, but it could give you some practice."
Nobori returns your smile, saying, "Maybe I will someday. Though, if I ever did show him, he might take offence to it."
"In that case, just tell him I was your editor. Then he'll be mad at the both of us." Shifting gears, you ask, "When you were a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?"
Shrugging his shoulders, he answers, "Honestly, I never had any aspirations of my own, strange as it may seem. There was always the feeling of expectation that I would just do what was needed of me. Now, Kudari, he wanted to be a scientist like Dr. Colress. He enjoyed following him around and attempting to help with the experiments he was conducting. His hair was even styled the same way as Dr. Colress' in an act of affectionate mimicry. But around the time he was eleven or twelve, as if overnight, he stopped, and was much more content with being in his own head. The anger he began to feel only accumulated from there. That's when Dr. Colress started to really come down on him." With a melancholy expression on his face, he mentions, "I think it broke his heart to see Kudari decline so much over the years. Not that he would ever admit such a thing. Perhaps that's why he can be so cruel… it's some kind of twisted form of revenge for his own heartache."
In a second, the whole aura of the room plummets. That was something you never thought of. Colress, being anything other than an asshole. If he was truly fond of Kudari when he was a child, the change in him when he started getting older must have been devastating. He did mention Kudari having temper tantrums when he was young, but surely Colress could have never predicted just how much puberty would change his temperament. Not that it erases the horrible things he now says and does to him. Maybe if Kudari had been able to keep his childhood disposition, they would be closer to a family, as opposed to whatever it is they have now.
Getting up from the bed, you lay a hand on his shoulder. He follows your lead, standing up as well, wearing an expression you can't quite read.
Nobori is silent, pondering something, before admitting, "I won't take your negative emotions if you don't wish me to, but know that I can sense them." He moves closer to you, your heart beating faster in response. Perceiving this, he asks, "Am I making you nervous? It is not my intention."
Your face reddens. The sadness you were feeling is quickly replaced by mortification. This isn't something you had realized was a possibility. He always seems to know when you feel bad, but this is confirmation that there is no hope of you hiding any 'off' emotions from him. Since first meeting him, he's known exactly what you were feeling, and when. Trying to defend your physical reaction, you stutter "N-no! Well, yes. But it's not a bad nervous! It's…" You grow quiet, not wanting to admit what you are feeling to him, much less yourself.
"Would it be presumptuous of me to state that I believe we are both experiencing the same sensation?" he asks, before closing the space that was left between you, placing his lips on yours. After a brief moment, he breaks away. You both stare at each other, that giddy nervousness returning. "Well, as much as I have enjoyed having you over, I believe it would be beneficial if I were to get some rest. I'm leaving tomorrow night on another job," he informs you.
It is sudden, but you are too overwhelmed from the kiss to protest. "Yeah, okay. That sounds like a plan." Starting to get your bearings again, you become aware of how hard you are clamping down on the cupcake container. Loosening your grip on it, you tell him, "Sure… I'll see you around." Making your way to the door, he follows closely behind.
Touching your shoulder, he turns you to face him again. "Thank you for coming over. I know I don't have much tact when it comes to personal affairs, but I'm glad we got to spend some time together."
"Yes, it was… nice. Maybe when you get back, we can talk some more about… everything," you suggest, wishing you could stay for longer.
Opening the door for you, he says, "Yes, absolutely. I'll be looking forward to seeing you again, (Y/N). Have a good afternoon."
"Have a good afternoon," you echo, exiting his room.
The rest of the day is spent in a dreamlike state. After leaving Nobori's room, you went straight to your dorm, not bothering to even try doing laundry like Colress had wanted you to. Ordering food to be delivered from a local restaurant, you ate by yourself. Once finished, you started on the cupcake. Kudari forgive you, but you ate the whole thing yourself. It was delicious. Colress must have ordered it from some high-end bakery. Thinking over the days events, only the latter half is getting replayed in your mind. What are you going to do? What can you do? Nobori is gorgeous, and he is so sweet and kind. It would be for the best if you didn't dive headlong into being smitten, if such a thing could be controlled. But for almost as long as you've been working in the lab, you've been feeling things for him. And he just admitted to feeling that same way. If you're careful, you two can be together without Colress or Kudari being any the wiser. Your blossoming relationship is something for only you and Nobori to share. When he comes back, you can discuss exactly what being his partner will entail, and how to go about it secretly.
0 notes
ram-de · 9 months
I'm happy.
That's it. That's the post. I wrote it first before I forget and before my mind is overtaken by other thoughts like worries and nervousness. I'm happy.
Met few of my high school friends who attended the same uni as mine. One of them finished defending his thesis, so... He's the first of the four of us! I think he's the coolest tbh. Cool. Very. We used to share a class in middle high. And even back then I thought of him as a very cool person. Smart and all. And now he's about to graduate...
Time is funny. With just how fast it seemed is. Until now, we haven't really talked or stayed in touch. Not me, but the other three probably do. I was a worrywart, an anxiety disaster and I stopped using Instagram since I'm too sad to see everything. I felt like I'm left behind. Coz I am. I felt small, and an afterthought. So I don't bother, though now I am indeed left behind. So, basically it's my fault I shut myself out.
But putting that aside. I'm happy. I was less anxious since I made sure to think of no expectations. I wished I could talk more, and be funny and like be someone who could be present in conversation. And I can spend hours wishing how I wanted not to be so awkward as a person. But at the end of the day, I think I walked a step. And I'm happy about that.
Maybe it's true that I'm so harsh on myself. Coz most of the time, people are kind. If there's one thing, I kind of want to attach a note and maybe just write something. I'm more confident pouring my thoughts and feelings over written text than verbal communication. I stutter and got shy a lot. But alas. Hopefully I could do some bouquets when they graduate? Would they... Would they want that? And am I allowed to do that? Coz I don't talk often through the years and it could be awkward...
That's for me to worry later. For now, I just wish I could. And if by then I grew a tree of courage that bore fruit for me to pick, then... Hopefully I'm brave enough to reach that.
It's just. Damn. What am I saying... I'm just grateful, I don't know what to say but it's warm and tingly and though I'm distant. Meeting them is a reminder that I used to spend some time with them. I look up to them. I adore them, ish, kinda. Maybe in a different timeline I could be more livelier, and maybe I could talk more. But I am what I am, and I'm here, aren't I?
I am getting sentimental. See? I went pass this. And the day isn't that bad with me around people. I missed being able to talk to people. Just about anything.
And now I'm at a park in the city. Hey.
Everything written below is all after I attended *The thing*
There's no expectations to be anyone but me. No expectations at all. So, face it, self. It's fine. It's going to be fine. They're good people. There's no expectation, just show up...
Grhhh.... Me and my reading comprehension and my assumption and ALL... Here is me, panicking. Fuck it I'll keysmash my nervousness HDHSBDBXUDBJEJSNSJSJS SJS+ZUEVEHHZJSJSJ VHGVSBSBSHAJKAHSHSHS
*** 10 minutes after ***
Okay. I think time heals all, including nervousness. Except this time, it's not healing but rather postponement! Because the other peeps are late. And here's the anxious me thinking they're probably talking on their own and discussing the new time and all. I don't know. Remember.
No expectations. What I'm doing is nothing, so it's okay. It's just gesture, that's all. Nothing important. Nothing... But what if I'm truly the one being left out from the convo? Or maybe they're already met up somewhere and they... Felt awkward around me so they don't want to spend time waiting with me to talk or stuff. Ugh... I'm reaching.
No expectations. Just breathe.
*** 20 minutes later ***
Fuck it's getting real. Ugh... Just walk... Just walk.... Whatever happens, no expectations. Don't. Don't run away. It's going to be okay.
I don't know that, but I know time passes and although it may seem like forever, it's not.
Even so, I felt so nervous and anxious and my heart beats. But it's fine. I promise. It's going to be. Ok.
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fictaverum · 2 years
Fictaverum & Systems
I am a system, and I have been for as long as I can remember. But I can't recall hearing about the concept of systems (outside of like, bad horror movies) before a few years ago. And since then there's been a MASSIVE explosion of systems. I don't interact with the plural community very often because it's a lot of words I don't understand and a lot of people fighting over which people can use which words and what words make people valid and what words mean you aren't actually a system and other dumb shit like that. Braindead arguing. I don't care.
But I've spoken to a few dozen systems just by coincidence, and I've noticed a lot of things. One thing is that a lot of these systems weren't naturally made. They purposefully willed themselves into making headmates. Or they started out as maladaptive daydream characters, or original characters, or just fictional characters they enjoyed and thought about a lot. They wanted them to be real, so they willed them to be real. That's fictaverum.
Those people are now, basically, god. They gave life to these people. Because any people, who have names and thoughts and feelings and opinions, are real people. They can think and feel and express themselves. Even if they were shaped by another person, they still exist.
I don't know how my system came to be. I confused it for maladaptive daydreaming for a few years, so maybe they came from that. Maybe as a very very young child I just willed them into becoming real and then I developed an independent system that could create new people without my input.
I don't listen to system discourse at all. I don't want to. But in passing I've seen a lot of people trying to dictate what is and what isn't a valid system. Here's my opinion:
If your headmates can do things that make you upset, it's a system.
Whenever I get nervous and think "Hey, maybe I'm somehow faking my system. Maybe I've just been pretending my entire life and just didn't notice" (which is a dumb thought lol), I always think back to every time I've lost my temper with a headmate over something they've done. Stuff I would never subject myself to on purpose. That means they're independent, and that means I'm a "real system".
My opinions on anything are never static, though. If something comes up that changes my mind, I'll update this. But for now, that's my personal rule for it.
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apompkwrites · 3 years
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love in their own way || albedo, childe, xiao, zhongli
masterlist characters: albedo, childe, xiao, zhongli genre: fluff summary: in which their s/o's aren't as forward about their emotions, but still manage to have their little tells that express their love. notes: i hope this meets the request! i had a lot of fun writing this! i just want the boys to be happy :)
albedo -
i like to think albedo is secretly clingy but doesn't allow himself to show it to anyone.
naturally, it's just because he's always holed up with his work.
when he consciously does it... it's because he's nervous.
remember the end of his quest when he's talking to himself at dragonspine?
that's why he's nervous.
he's not too bothered by the fact that you're more reserved.
he has a lot of work so he can't really dwell on the idea for too long.
just you being there when he's working is good enough for him :D
as we all know, this boy is very into experimentation and learning.
so trying to decipher your minuscule facial changes is actually really interesting to him!
he has a bunch of notes just on the little details he can find about you.
and since he's so observant, it doesn't take him long to realize that there are certain signs that only appear around him.
he'll notice them when he's painting you.
whenever he's waiting for results, he'll use the time to draw you <3
because he's done this, he practically has you memorized.
so imagine his surprise when he sees your expression change whenever he leaves your sight.
it takes him a while to actually be able to see this, but i'm sure it's because of timaeus and sucrose.
after all, they're around you a lot whenever albedo is busy.
they probably take a picture to show him something they did while he was gone and that's when he notices.
he doesn't even have to look at a different picture of you.
he can just tell you look different.
the little crinkle next to your eyes was gone.
your lips were more pursed than usual.
you now had a crease in between your brows you didn't have before.
the next time he sees you, he'll hold up the picture next to your face to confirm they're different.
he wants to ask why there's a "clear" difference in your appearance but he already knows why.
he'll ask you just to be sure, though--
your cheeks get a tiny tiny bit darker when you answer wholeheartedly.
it does make him chuckle when he hears that you're so smitten for him in your monotonous voice.
the picture sucrose and timaeus took isn't his favorite of you, so he ends up taking a new one when you two are both exploring dragonspine.
it's a reminder of how much you really love him <3
childe -
out of the four boys here, he's definitely (in my opinion) the most affectionate.
like, this boy will take whatever he can get to just hold you for a second.
especially if you're also from snezhnaya but came all the way to liyue to keep him company.
he's very family-oriented as we've seen, so he treasures these relationships.
now, with an unaffectionate s/o?
honestly, i don't think he'd be too upset about it.
like i said, he really treasures these familial relationships.
because of this, it's his top priority to make sure you feel comfortable in the relationship.
he won't necessarily keep his distance, but he won't be too clingy either.
he'll stand right beside you, enough to where you can almost feel his skin touching yours.
as for your expressionlessness...
it'll take him a bit to really understand how you're feeling.
it's a lot of communication because he doesn't want to mess anything up.
near the beginning of the relationship, he'd ask how you're feeling and if there's anything bothering you.
but once he finally notices the subtle differences in your face, such as a slight eyebrow raise or a tilt of the head, he'll be able to read you easier.
nothing too complex, but just enough for him to tell your emotions.
there is one subtle change that he always looks for, however.
he's realized, with the help of zhongli of course, that there is a specific characteristic that only happens when he's in your line of sight.
your lips are normally pressed in a fine line.
however, around him, the corners lift up ever-so-slightly.
the only reason he's able to see it is that he'll catch himself staring at your lips because he wants a kiss :)
once he sees that, he starts noticing your little quirks whenever you're around him.
you'll lean closer to him as you're walking through liyue harbor.
your eyes start to soften as he talks on and on about his day (and complains about scaramouche--).
he loves the idea that all of these little details about you only happen around him,
it makes him feel... important.
and loved.
even if he holds back from touching you, he'll settle for seeing your cold exterior melt around him.
xiao -
he's not too well versed in affection...
i mean, he's the vigilant yaksha that is known for being stoic just like you are.
you two are basically carbon copies of each other.
no affection and no clear expressions of love.
people (who know both you and xiao) often forget that you two are actually together.
like, they just think you two sit in silence when you're both tired of dealing with people.
they... aren't necessarily wrong.
the two of you are often found sitting at the balcony looking over liyue.
sometimes you bring him almond tofu to share :)
it's very rare for the two of you to actively show your love for each other, mainly because you both know your feelings.
although... xiao does have those moments.
it's not like he's completely oblivious to the whispers about you two.
and on the days where his karma acts up, he gets insecure.
he's... really scared that one day you'll leave just like the others.
it doesn't matter if you're a mortal or an adeptus, he's scared that one day he'll wake up and you'll be gone.
and if that ever comes, he's scared you'll pass on either doubting your feelings or his.
it doesn't help when he notices the difference in your attitude and appearance when he's around.
his first instinct is that he's doing something bad.
either you're angry or upset at his mere existence...
verr goldet's the one who has to explain why you seem different.
she's quite observant on her own, especially because you're the first person that xiao actively enjoys being around.
she'll be the one to tell him that it isn't because you're mad at him.
you have minuscule changes because that's how xiao makes you feel.
you're so soft around him and she can tell just from the small interactions she's seen of you.
for example, when you're talking to the chef downstairs, you have the same expression that xiao has when he's talking to people.
you're annoyed but you know how to handle it.
but when you're around xiao, it's like everything that bothers you disappears.
it's like you're in your own domain whenever he's around.
nothing else matters except for him.
and even if she's relying on small observations and pure intuition, she can tell that the changes are good.
your eyes that seem to look anywhere besides the person you are talking to are completely different from the ones that seem to only focus on xiao.
your normally stiff body relaxes every time you summon xiao at the balcony.
the tiny smile that graces your lips when you disappear to the top of the inn for hours on end.
verr goldet's explanation calms his heart.
his worries seem to disappear and the next time he sees you...
this is the one thing his karma can't take away. he'll be sure of it.
zhongli -
zhongli is also another person who isn't well versed in relationships.
although he isn't as inexperienced as xiao, it'll take some time for him to figure it out.
he's not someone who craves affection like it's the only thing keeping him alive.
he definitely would appreciate it but he completely understands that it isn't something you tend to give.
so instead, he'll show his love in the smaller things.
such as telling you stories, sharing tea, going out on walks, etc.
he's another person who is very observant, especially in people close to him.
his storytelling friends often ask him about your relationship with one another.
they try to bring it to his attention that you may not be as interested as he thinks you are.
of course, he'll simply laugh them off and tell them that they should listen to the person who knows you best.
he'll turn those questions into a big story and explain how they're mistaken about you.
he's never actively told anyone this, save for hu tao who tries to bug him into telling her, but he'll tell them about all of the tiny details that tell him your feelings.
when you're feeling upset, you puff out your cheeks a small bit.
when you're angry, your glare hardens at whatever is making you mad.
when you're happy, your lips part slightly.
when you're in love... well, that's a detail he'll keep for himself.
he's quick to say goodbye to his peers, practically rushing back to your shared home.
he's greeted by you as soon as he opens the door.
your stoic expressions... would be exactly the same to anyone else.
but to him, it's like you've lit up like a small puppy seeing their human parents come home after years.
you don't run up to him, but you turn to look at him and away from the book on the table.
he'll greet you with a quiet nod, pulling out the chair and sitting next to you.
he'll take the book from you, taking in your appearance for a moment.
your shoulders relax by a hair and you move your chair an inch closer to his.
you don't lean your head on his shoulder but you lean towards him as if you were about to.
it's these moments that make everything worth it to zhongli.
here, in your home and in your life, he's simply zhongli.
the man you fell in love with and allowed your reserved self to open up to.
and he would trade anything just to have these moments with you.
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songmingisthighs · 3 years
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
ch. lxiv - cowards
<< previous | masterlist | next >>
??? × reader, ateez × reader
A freshman hookup rekindled into something new. With an incentive, of course. But what would happen if your 'relationship' led you somewhere you never thought would happen to you ?
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After sending the last text, Mingi and Jongho didn't waste time and immediately rush to (Y/N)'s room. When they arrived, the door was ajar with Seonghwa standing inside. He was staring blankly around, seemingly confused.
"Hyung, have you been here?" Jongho asked, breaking Seonghwa's trance.
"Y-yeah, I did- she left? Just like that ??" Seonghwa asked, still not believing anything that just happened.
Maybe it was Seonghwa's guilt. The fact that his last interaction with you was him accusing you of being a whore didn't sit right with him. There was a lump in his throat and a heavy feeling on his chest. It felt like he was suffocating.
The three of them stood silently, not knowing what to answer.
As they stood silently, the other boys walked in one by one. Wooyoung walked in first with San in tow, they both immediately took note of the silence and just stared at each other with guilt.
One by one everyone else filled the room, staring blankly at the emptiness and letting sorrow and regret fill them.
"S-so that's it? She left us yet AGAIN after having just came back last night?" Hongjoong asked in disbelief. There was no malice in his tone, there were no ill intentions. He was shocked, surprised at the sudden tension.
Mingi turned to look at the eldest with much disdain, "After what happened to her last night, could you really give her blame?"
inking that Hongjoong felt wronged, as he thought his assumption was justified. To be singled out as such was a little bit too much. "Are you trying to be a hero here?" he asked the taller guy. Mingi scoffed at him, "Hero? You think I have some sort of a complex?" "I don't know, do you? I don't think it's a hero complex, but there must be some sort of a messed up complex in you. Because you've been all over the place and overreacting, acting like a mess when you can't find (Y/N) and yet not saying anything when she was here, letting Yeosang ran his mouth at her, driving her off,"
At the mention of his name, Yeosang spoke up from the corner of the room. "I drove her off? Are you fucking serious?" to which San, who was by his side scoffed, "Weren't you the one who verbally attacked her last night? Calling her out on leaving without any explanation was one thing, but to call her a wandering tramp?" "Okay, I was looking out for all of us. YOU especially, San! You don't know how much it affected me seeing you all broken down and you even fell into depression! As your friend, I was fucking worried!" Yeosang defended himself.
Wooyoung chimed in, scoffing at his long-time friend, "Looking out for us? From what? From who? The woman we love? If you wanna go off on her, that's one hundred percent your choice, but don't use us as your excuse. That's just pathetic, man," he told Yeosang whilst glaring at him.
Seonghwa got in between the two, preventing them both from going at it even further. "Okay, enough with you two, you both can't be fighting during this time. Yeosang might've said some... unnecessary things to (Y/N) last night, but things aren't completely his fault," he reasoned.
Surprisingly, Yunho chimed in, smirking at the older man, "You got that right," he muttered. Yunho's voice was intentionally loud enough for everyone to hear, but still low enough for it to seem snarky.
At his chime, Seonghwa furrowed his eyebrows at Yunho, "what's that supposed to mean?" Yunho stepped to Seonghwa while tilting his head as if challenging him, "Don't play dumb, hyung, I heard you last night. Here, you mentioned Yeosang calling (Y/N) names when you basically called her the same thing,"
Whilst the others were left confused, Seonghwa visibly froze. His demeanour changed to a nervous one.
"Yunho, what the fuck are you talking about?" Hongjoong asked.
Yunho looked to the side at Hongjoong casually, "I walked by when I was about to get water last night when I heard yelling from inside her room. Whatever they were talking about, I heard Seonghwa hyung yelling something about (Y/N) staying with guys other than her cousin. The implication was bad, I even heard (Y/N) crying,"
All eyes suddenly shifted to Seonghwa. "Hyung, you made her cry?" San asked, not able to completely believe that Seonghwa was capable of doing that to (Y/N).
Tension rose in the room and suddenly everyone was arguing with each other. All but Jongho who stayed by the sideline, watching the whole thing unfold between his older friends with disappointment in his eyes.
"What happened?" you asked him, appearing by his side out of nowhere.
Jongho sighed before crossing his arms, "They're blaming each other because you left again," he muttered. You frowned and furrowed your eyebrows, "But, I haven't left yet?"
At that, Jongho finally looked at you properly. His eyes widened as wide as they could go, "Oh, hey! You're still here!" He exclaimed loudly, capturing the attention of everyone who was bickering inside.
You stared at them weirdly, "Yeah? Why is that so surprising?"
Mingi stepped out towards you slowly, his hands reached out to grab yours in his softly, "W-we thought you had really left again," he told you, his voice broke from how glad he was.
But that relieved feeling was soon crushed when he heard your answer.
"Well, now I am. I was making sure of something and waiting for Haknyeon to come to pick me up. Since he's here now, I'm... Gonna go," you smiled at them gently. Despite that, there were clear indications that the smile you wore was one of a broken heart.
Seonghwa couldn't help but let his words slip without thinking properly, "You're going back with him and his friends?" to which Yunho immediately nudged him hard on his stomach.
You turn to look at Seonghwa directly. You shook your head at him before answering, "No, I'm not going back to his apartment. Wouldn't be right for me and wouldn't be fair to him. He's just escorting me to my old dorm where I will be staying," you told him. Seonghwa immediately gulped after hearing your answer. He felt bad for jumping to that conclusion, especially after you told him where you were going.
At this point, San had tears brimming in his eyes, blurring his vision, "Wh-why are you going again, (Y/N)? You just got back," he asked as he walked closer to you.
Seeing his tears, you couldn't help but get emotional as well. you let one hand off of Mingi's grasp to cup San's cheek, rubbing it gently with your thumb, "I just have to, Sannie, I'm sorry. I... Just came back up here to tell Mingi and Jongho directly that I'm gonna go now,"
Wooyoung pushed people away to charge directly at you, "Only Mingi and Jongho? That's it? The rest of us didn't even deserve your goodbyes?" there was no resentment in his voice, you noticed. His eyes, however, showed much sorrow.
You sighed and shrugged at him, "With how things went last night, I don't even know if you all wanted to see me again, that's why I tried making my escape as quickly and silently as possible,"
Hongjoong suddenly spoke up, "See, I don't think you wanna leave at all, because if you do, you wouldn't tell us at all and just leave,"
The way he said it set something off in you. Your previous calm demeanour switched within mere milliseconds as you answered Hongjoong bitterly, "of course I don't wanna leave. You think this is easy on me?"
Without realizing it, you slipped your hands off of Mingi's grasp and San's cheek. The others who were in the way moved to the side to let you face Hongjoong directly, slightly afraid of you, "You really think that I came back here just to leave the next day? If so, then not only that you're dead wrong, but you're also an asshole. Every single one of you is acting like I've only been playing around with you all, going back and forth as I please because I don't know what I want. You don't even know why I left. Maybe most of it was because I didn't tell you guys, but part of it was because neither of you even gave me the chance to even explain last night. All of you just turned your backs on me and walked away," you laughed bitterly.
Your words struck them deep. Because they were all true. You might have been the one who started the fight, but they were the ones who delivered the final blow. Not to mention they're male adults who should've been able to communicate and made better decisions. Lastly, there were eight of them and one of you, how was that fair?
The silence and the expression on their faces said a lot, you realized if you were to tell them everything, that was your chance.
So you took a deep breath and spilt everything to them.
You told them about the threat Sunhee gave you, the proof they had, and how they planned on ruining their futures. You told them about how you felt like you didn't have any choice and how you didn't want to make things worse so you just listen to them until you were able to think of something, you wanted to protect them. You also told them how paranoid they made you and how you almost went crazy from worrying over them whilst having to be worried over what those crazy bitches might do.
When you finished talking, you realized that the boys had had tears streaming down their faces. You could see their resolves wilting away and being replaced by regret and shame.
Without even saying anything, Wooyoung pulled you into his arms tightly. He cried, saying how sorry he was for how he acted last night and how he should've trusted you more. Yunho and San wrapped their arms around you too, despite the tears streaming down, they managed to utter how sorry they were for not doing anything. Soon, Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Mingi, and Jongho attached themselves to the growing group hug as well, wordlessly showing their remorse. Despite their lack of words, you understood them just fine.
At that moment, you felt safe, you felt relieved that you were finally able to tell them everything. Things finally seem like they will go back to normal.
Maybe except for one thing.
You lifted your face from where it was nestled in the crook of Wooyoung's neck to meet eyes with the one person who was still rooted in his position.
Yeosang immediately looked away, an attempt you assume was to cover up his own tears.
Though heartbroken that he seemed to still resent you, you took the current win and let yourself bask in the warmth the guys were giving you.
You promised yourself then and there that you wouldn't act so carelessly anymore.
At least not without letting them know.
taglist :
@raysanshine @peachy-maia @xuxiable @90s-belladonna @theclawofaraven @sanraes @sungiehan @felix-kithes @nycol-ie @superstarw99 @skkrtnawrskkrt @viv-atiny @the7thcrow @stfu-xeena @laurademaury @multihoe-net @daisyhwa @scoupshushushu @whyisquill @bikiniholic @yunhorights @exfolitae @simplewonderland @verycooldog2 @perfectlysane24 @hannahdinse8 @tannie13 @aka-minhyuk-kun @phebeedee @em0yunho @marsophilia @donghyuckanti27 @se-onghwa @malewife-supremacy @hyunsukream @elijahbabyb @taejichafe @alliecoady98 @rdiamondbts2727 @hakuna-matata-ya @ohmy-fandoms @ateezminonspace @stray-bi-kids @imaaroy @fashi0nablee @rindomo @violetwinters @nabihwa @linhyyboo12 @mirror-juliet @bestboiericsohn @hwahwaseong
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turnaboutspoiler · 2 years
Okay I still have some time till pt5 release, sooo let's talk about managers!
So the fact that they showed us managers in the trailer itself says that they're gonna play an important role in pt5. And personally I'm so excited about that! Maybe we'll even have their stories. I mean we've seen only Banri's one for now and I would like to know more about the others.
P. S. It's really unfortunate they don't have an assembled photo(
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"They understand eavh other like a family; I love everyone from IDOLISH7"
Banri's loving his kids. Well, nothing new actually.
To be honest, I haven't got a lot to say about him since as I mentioned before we already know his story, so I don’t think we're gonna get something new about him. But I said it in my Re:vale post and I say it now that I don't want more "Re:vale and Ban-San" topic.
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"TRIGGER will create an era!"
You know, I like Kaoru a lot since she's the eldest manager we have (at least judging on her appearance). And I also like how she cares about her boys. Remember that moment, when she left YaotomePro just to continue to work with Trigger and help them? The best girl ever.
And that's why I think she can do something of the sort in pt5, because I said I think Trigger will have a big arc. And since the very first pv was with Trigger, I think I guessed it right. Mark my words: we're gonna have a new wave of mother Kaoru.
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"As always, they think of their kouhai; quite reliable, aren't they?"
Just like with Banri I don't have much to say about Rinto. But since we had that super surprize named Rintaro I guess we will see more of OkazakiPro and Okazaki brothers, which I like! I really want to know more about their relationships. I know we saw a part of it in Re:member, but it was a long time ago and who knows how this is going now.
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"I'm thankful, from the bottom of my heart, that I'm able to leave things to someone that I can trust"
Here comes the storm. You know, very rarely I have characters which I do not like. I mean they can be protagonists or antagonists but they don't give me bad emotions. But Shiro... he does. I don't know why, but I feel really nervous and suspicious about him. When I first saw him in NY story I felt like "Wow, we have a new antagonist now".
I also don't like his way of communicating with the others. He's too kind, too friendly, and not like Ryu but like he wants to suck up to everyone. And don’t forget he was a friend of Ryo's. So I feel like it's just a mask and I'm really scared to know why he wears it.
Also I'm pretty scared for Minami who was the only person being suspicious about Shiro. And I don't think this will lead to anything good. So as I said in my Zool post I think Minami can also be one of the main characters in pt5 and that is the reason.
I also remember the theory about Shiro's being Zero and honestly I really want it to be true. Like I really want to see Shiro's interaction with Takamasa.
And as for his phrase I think it can possibly be Ryo's quote. I just don't know who Shiro can "leave the things" to. But maybe it's one of Zool members?
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"We have to be attentive and always be on our guard, so that no more dark clouds will gather in this show biz world"
Now that was a surprize, WOW! I already said that I want to see more of Okazaki brothers interaction, but firstly goes the question: why Rintaro is here in the first place? I just wondering what possibly can happen that Rintaro himself had to come to the stage, when he always was somewhere on the background. And the thought he can actually be an old acquaintance of Shiro's scares me...
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kaderp · 3 years
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BASICALLY this is gonna be a collection of bullshit me and @blackfliesinbluesugar have come up with and drawn
It starts with Goldie still living in Ireland at 17-19 and Scrooge from ages 18-20 staying in Scotland. And long story short they're dumbasses as teens. Cliche forbidden romance type stuff. Goldie's dad has shot people in the foot for trying to mess around with Goldie or just even talk to her for too long. So the only logical explanation they have is make Scrooge hide in the barn when he visits.
Basically Scrooge chills in the barn for a while cause Goldie's the only one that ever really goes in there because she's in charge of all the chores there. Which is where the context of this post is from
After the first time they fooled around Goldie was like 'oh crap what if I got pregnant D:' and told her mom she's going through a phase of flowey/big dresses when in reality she's trying to hide a potential baby bump. Now her mom doesn't care because she's too caught up in the fact that Goldie is finally 'acting like a lady.'
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So eventually because they never put together that 'hey, if we keeping doing this we're gonna end up with a baby', Goldie does end up pregnant. And because her dad is a dick and a 'I catch you with my daughter then you die' type of shotgun dad, Goldie is freaking tf out.
About a month after she finds out she's pregnant, the O'Gilt's (well mostly just Goldie and her mom lol) get invited to a fancy dinner and Scrooge is really wanting to see Goldie again. So what better way to see her than to travel to Ireland, steal a uniform, and sneak into said dinner party as a busboy. Problem is he can't risk Goldie's dad seeing him again so he tries to slick back his whiskers
But while Scrooge is running around, he eventually spots Goldie across the room. Now he's never seen her in anything fancy, usually just the flannel and green work skirt. And he just about dies 😭
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By now she has a bit of a baby bump she's had to hide so she normally goes for high waisted dresses that immediately flow out.
Anyways, as Scrooge is putting on the uniform he realizes he has absolutely no idea how to actually be a busboy. He doesn't know the first thing about dining and stuff so he's just like AAAAAAA
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As they both see each other, Scrooge gives a dorky grin and Goldie smiles before realizing he snuck in. Right when Scrooge goes to see her he gets dumped with a bunch of dishes he has to set. Goldie sees him struggling to figure out how to set a table and he just gives her a nervous grin while she's like 'oh you beautiful dumbass -_-'
She's turning red cause she's trying so hard not to burst out in laughter as Scrooge slips and a bunch of silverware falls on him
He's getting yelled at by the director but he's just giving Goldie a goofy grin from across the room.
Her parents: remember to be calm and not make a scene no matter wh-
Goldie watching Scrooge trip on the tablecloth: BWAHAHA
But as the dinner progresses, Goldie remembers Scrooge doesn't even know she's pregnant. So she keeps trying to tell him but they both constantly get pulled away to do other things.
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Towards the end of dinner Scrooge gets a free moment and realizes then that 'holy shit I actually like really love her!' So he darts to wherever she is and is struggling to get it out cause he doesn't know how much time he has left. He eventually spits it out and tells Goldie he loves her and is immediately called away. Scrooge takes her hands and quickly kisses her cheek before running to wherever the director is calling him from.
Goldie is shocked and stays still for a moment but by the time the shock wears off she realizes Scrooge is already long gone and they don't see each other again. And now Goldie's like 'crap crap crap, he said he loves me and I didn't even tell him I'm pregnant.'
They aren't able to communicate for a while cause Goldie's so focused on trying to keep her family pleased while still hiding her baby bump, and Scrooge keeps getting sidetracked and forgetting to write. (You can't tell me that isn't something he'd do because he kept getting distracted in the life and times when coming back home). He has her address, and he has started a letter, and even his family knows about her. 3ish months pass of no communications until one night Goldie starts contractions.
She darts to the barn after the first contraction and realizes she has to do this alone. A letter takes a day to get to Scrooge and going to Scotland herself would take closer to 7 hours. At that point it would be safer to not move.
It's like 3am by the time she lays and the egg ends up being pretty small. The entire time Goldie was just getting sicker and sicker. She ends up too weak to even hide the egg and has a high fever. She seriously thinks she's not gonna make it for the first night she can barely stay conscious.
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The next morning she has just enough strength to lazily hide the egg in the hay and sluggishly make her way back to the main house. Her parents are already up and she explains she started feeling iffy while doing chores and collapses.
Because her parents aren't completely heartless and she still is their daughter, her parents' main focus shifts to trying to nurse her back to health. They assume she fell with a bad flu and don't know she had spent all night laying an egg.
During this time she writes to Scrooge telling him to get over here asap, it's an emergency.
Goldie's parents take over her chores in the barn and the moment they said that Goldie went into panic mode again. During a lunch break she climbs through her window and runs to the barn to hide the egg better. She does, and she successfully makes it back to her room but collapses again and sleeps until the next day.
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Scrooge arrives 3 days after she lays and now she's really panicking. She's still weak and sick, and her parents are coming closer and closer to finding the egg. Scrooge when he sees her is genuinely freaking out. Not only for the future and that he now has an egg, but because Goldie did it by herself in a dirty barn. She's still a little loopy even though it's been a few days and Scrooge just feels heart broken that he wasn't there to help. He starts going on a tangent about how she could have died but Goldie just kisses him to get him to stop blabbering.
Scrooge helps her clean up a bit cause even with her parents looking after her, she's still a mess. But as he's washing her and the egg up, they hear fighting from the main house. Her parents realized she wasn't in her bed. She starts crying and tells Scrooge he needs to run home asap because if her dad finds out he'll most definitely kill him and/or the baby.
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(This was the first doodle for the au before deciding on an exact age/place/look so don't mind the sloppiness)
Scrooge escapes right as her dad comes in. She pulls the excuse of she thought she felt well enough to do chores.
Scrooge rn is running like a madman back to Scotland. He went from chilling with his family to being a father who's child needs to be kept secret within a day.
By the time Scrooge gets back home it's the middle of the night and is ngl feeling pretty overwhelmed. He tells Downy that he messed up and she's just like ??? So Scrooge holds up the egg and Downy just purses her lips like 'ah'
The next morning Scrooge explains to his family what happened and doesn't leave out any detail. Fergus and Downy obviously have mixed feelings. Scrooge is barely 19 yet he already has a kid??? But in the end they realize they can't change what's happened and focus on helping Scrooge protect this child.
Once the baby hatched, all mixed feelings from Downy erased and she just went into 'this is my grandbaby and no one will touch her' mood.
Scrooge and Goldie kept in contact from the moment Goldie gave away the egg. Because of the little incident of Goldie 'trying to do chores while sick,' she was put under close monitoring for the next few months and couldn't visit each other. After constant writing back and forth, they find a date to meet up half way between Scotland and Ireland so Goldie can meet her baby. They try to decide on baby names through the letter but they can't agree on anything. Goldie finds out that Scrooge moved out of his small Glasgow home and into McDuck Castle. He gives her the new location on the map as well.
The first time Scrooge tries to sneak out with the baby Fergus is just standing right outside with his brow arched and Scrooge starts freaking out.
Before Scrooge can apologize for trying to sneak out, Fergus just asks if Scrooge would like him to go with.
Scrooge is a little shocked but can't talk with the frog in his throat and just nods. Along the way Scrooge explains how he and Goldie have been trying to find the right time to sneak out for weeks because it was so hard for Goldie to get free time. She was sent to go across country to get supplies and uses that opportunity to go meet up with Scrooge and the baby again.
Fergus just nods and continues.
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When they do see Goldie, she almost breaks down at the sight that the baby survived and is being raised in a good house hold and can't stop holding her. The baby is about 3 months old by now. They finally agreed on a name and she ended up being named Maryanne. (Yes Jelly and I chose that because it means Star of the Sea)
She has to give the baby back to Scrooge cause stupid teenage and still getting over pregnancy hormones are getting the better of her and she starts full on sobbing as she sits on the ground. Scrooge freezes cause he's like aaaaaa what do I dooooo while still holding the baby.
But Fergus crouches down to her and asks if she wants a hug. All Goldie can say is 'uh huh' and he just wraps himself around her. She hugs back and Fergus rocks back and forth until Goldie's calmed down.
'I'm sorry I pulled your son into the mess. I-I was just so scared that my papa w-would kill one of us that I didn't know what else to do.'
Fergus pulls her away so he can actually look at her. And part of him feels that tinge of fear and sadness that the two teens had experienced. He grabs onto her shoulders which causes Goldie to look up at him.
'While I dinnae agree what you two did was right. Ah'm proud of you. Because what you did, finding the will to give up a child for their own safety, took a lotta strength there, lass.' And before she can react, Fergus pulls her in again and let's it sink in.
Scrooge is still holding the baby but now he's sitting down and bouncing the cooing baby on his knee while watching the scene unfold.
Over the course of the next few months, Goldie visits as much as possible and she grows closer to the family and Scrooge every time. On the times she can't visit, Fergus accompanies Scrooge in order to protect them from Goldie's dad. She's had a few close calls with her dad, but nothing too serious
After those events, Goldie practically moves in with the McDucks and they work on raising Maryanne. However like in the Rosa series, they're still experiencing tax trouble and Scrooge says he's gonna have to go to South Africa. The baby is about 2 by now and Scrooge is almost 21, while Goldie is about 19 and a half.
(This next section was an accident but basically it started as jotting down ideas but turned into a fic after I said it would take 20 seconds to write but turned into 2 hours fjdbfndn)
Scrooge is torn between whether or not to go until Goldie says she'll go with him. And because she's stubborn, no one objects. So the three travel across the world together. Maryanne practically grows up on the sea and all of those adventures where Goldie is present in the DT17 Rewriting History book happen.
On adventures they trade off tying the baby to their backs until she's old enough to not need to anymore. Although for the more dangerous ones, one of them stays behind.
But because they weren't married and had a kid in their teens, they were generally looked down upon. It got to the point where they just started saying they were married in order to avoid conflict with others. And after a while they actually forgot they weren't in fact married
'Huh, I forgot we're not actually married.' 'WAIT WE'RE NOT???'
'We're married' 'Oh ok, can i see your marriage records?' '... oh right'
But some old lady or old guy either way starts criticizing Goldie for being a young mother and they just deck the shit outta them and run. Or Goldie fighting someone with baby tied to her back.
Maryanne grows up to be an ocean cartographer and leads sailing expeditions and that's all we have for her. Also she has super blue eyes lol
That's basically almost all of the things we have for this au lol
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vickyvicarious · 3 years
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Parker: "Teach me to like stuff."
Okay, so. I have some thoughts about The French Connection Job's Parker+Eliot subplot. And I think I wanna approach it separately, scene by scene from each of their perspectives, because we have a couple different things going on here. It's still a little more of a Parker meta than an Eliot meta, but I have enough to talk about on both sides, and they're connected enough not to be in separate metas, that I am going to do it this way.
Also going to put this under a cut because it gets long.
This whole subplot comes on the heels of the last episode, in which there was a lot of banter throughout about Hardison and Parker's dates, and him wanting to branch out into other things than just bungee jumping or whatever. We have seen hints of this throughout S5 so far, even though we're only a few episodes in at this point. They went on a world tour that was pretty much just jumping off of stuff, Hardison said something about them figuring things out. We saw a cute domestic scene of the aftermath of them watching a movie together, except Parker 'fell asleep again' and missed most of it, and Hardison eventually went off to work on his laptop. Parker tried to comfort him last episode about dust mites and ended up freaking him out instead. She talked about how she liked fire and Hardison complained she was missing the point of his offer for a candlelit picnic. They did end on a very romantic note with her still making the effort to make it happen but getting rained out, and him recognizing her effort and listening to him, and projecting the stars around the dark room then having the picnic inside. They are clearly very happy together and both making the effort to meet in the middle, but there are still some disconnects. Which makes sense this early on anyway, but it's not out of place for Parker to start getting worried about her limited interests here given the context of them contrasting Hardison's more widespread interests.
Starting right off the bat - there's a picture limit so I can't show these early moments, but throughout the first part of the episode we see Parker looking visibly upset/pensive. Hardison notices and asks her what's wrong, but is immediately distracted by his package arriving, and then the team gets into the briefing and he doesn't get to talk to her again. (Sidenote that this is pretty OOC for Hardison, and I have to assume he would at the very least come back to her later, but they were clearly trying to get Parker talking with someone else this episode and apparently couldn't come up with a better way to do it. His writing outside of the kitchen stuff was kinda off this whole episode anyway, what with the whole tip thing.) She was about to open up to him, however, which is important. There's also a scene shortly afterwards where she confides in Nate, again after he notices her being upset and asks what's bothering her. She claims everyone but her has 'a thing', and names a few of them. He asks her what she thinks when she sees Michelangelo's David, and when her answer is an immediate assessment of how it's guarded and what she'd have to do to steal it, he kind of hesitates and then goes right back to running the con. He basically gives up on helping her with this once it becomes clear that a quick sentence or two isn't gonna cut it.
So after those brief, unhelpful conversations, that's when she makes a move. She was responding to others before, but this time she comes up to Eliot, clearly nervous. And she asks him to help her feel something.
(I find it very interesting that she doesn't ask Sophie. Sophie is the person who she would usually go to for something like this, after all. But, aside from this being an Eliot-centric episode and just like them sidelining Hardison's possible assistance earlier the writers want Parker to talk with Eliot not Sophie, I think there are maybe a couple reasons why she might go to him here. First, just distance. Eliot is right downstairs, meanwhile at the moment Sophie is however far across town at her theater. Certainly not saying she wouldn't go to Sophie eventually, but maybe that's why not first. Second, she and Eliot have an understanding, one that's been explicitly acknowledged since the start of S4. They are similar in a way entirely unlike the rest of the crew. So while Sophie may understand emotions best, Eliot is the one most likely to know what Parker is talking about when she says she just isn't feeling anything. Which by the way I'm gonna get more into later on. Thirdly they're in love but that's not actually relevant here since all of the team love one another.)
On Eliot's side, she approaches him when he's busy in the kitchen. This whole job is stirring up a lot of old feelings in him right from the start. Toby was someone who 'kept him from falling all the way down', and Eliot is deeply concerned for him. At the same time, the way they are running this con is allowing Eliot to take on the role of teacher. Even though his students aren't anything like the eager students Toby has just had taken away from him, Eliot wants so badly to take advantage of this opportunity to teach them - maybe even all the more because they're resistant. He's being given a very rare opportunity to indulge his belief that food is life and to share it on a larger scale. To use the knife to create, not just destroy. Leverage often walks a line between doing both (taking down the bad guys and helping people) but Eliot doesn't often just straight up get to just do the 'creating' part. (I mean, he loves the destruction too, he genuinely loves beating people up and taking down bad guys, but this is a rarer pleasure.) So he's pretty preoccupied with that at first, and initially dismisses Parker just like the other two guys did.
But when she just looks quietly disappointed at his response, he goes still and watches her. We cut away from them here so we don't see his actual response, but it's immediately clear that he's realizing this is actually something deeply important to Parker, and well worth his time.
On to the next part of this scene below.
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[Eliot sets a dish down in front of Parker]
Parker: "...It's just food."
Eliot: "It's not just food! Alright, some people could look at it and just see food, but not me. I see art. When I'm in the kitchen I'm, I'm creating something outta nothing, you know what I mean? And sometimes I crush it, sometimes it's crap, but either way - it makes me feel something."
Parker: "Feel what?"
Eliot: "Just... feel."
Parker: [murmuring] "Feel... okay." [looks down at the food and hesitates]
Eliot: "You know, I didn't feel anything for a long time. Then Toby taught me how to cook, and after he did, I started to feel stuff again. That's why I share it through my food - this is my art. This is my art, Parker." [Parker nods, looking worried] "It's like lettin' a stranger in your head, just for a second. And you allow them to feel what you're feeling." [pause] "Look again." [he pushes the plate a little closer to her. Parker takes a deep breath and slowly sets her elbows down on the counter as she stares down at the plate. Eliot watches her closely.]
At this point I want to talk a little about what Parker means when she says "feel something" and talks about "having a thing." Because we've seen her have interests outside of straightforward thievery before. Sure, most of her hobbies revolves around stealing - casing local banks for fun, for example. But she clearly has a deep love for Christmas and for chocolate. So why doesn't she count those kinds of things as 'feeling something'?
I think it comes down to what Eliot's talking about here. It's a sense of art. Not even necessarily making it yourself, although that certainly applies. Parker likes sweet things like chocolate and donuts, but although she really really likes them they don't make her feel any truly deep emotion. It's more tactile than anything else, just a pleasant flavor. Her love of Christmas isn't the same either in her eyes because it's not uniquely hers. It's something she loves to celebrate but she can't do so all year round, and plenty of other people like Christmas too. This one comes a lot closer, because it definitely seems to be tied up more in community and family for her than something like enjoying chocolate and piñatas, but it still doesn't belong to her in the same way that cooking does to Eliot or theater does to Sophie. And while theoretically her love of base jumping and so on could maybe count, it is still so tied up in her thieving that it doesn't feel separate. She's really good at drawing but only thinks of it as a useful skill, not a creative outlet - this is similar to that.
She has been branching out into a lot of new experiences and emotions lately, and while she's struck out deep into uncharted waters with her relationship with Hardison, once there she's only seeing more and more things that she just... doesn't get. She loves spending time with him, and enjoys what they do together, but she doesn't understand all of those things. Not on a deeper level. She wants to feel that sense of connection to something, wants to feel deeply emotionally moved by something.
And honestly? I think she's way up in her head about it. I'm not trying to dismiss her struggle here at all, but I do think she is stressing herself out about having something uniquely her own. About having a huge interest that speaks so strongly to her personally. And those are amazing to have, but it's really not necessary. She doesn't need a strong secondary passion so much as she needs to let go of trying so hard to force herself into something.
And what's happening in this scene in particular is that Parker is trying so so hard to force herself to feel something. It's evident in her face throughout the whole scene, in her body language. And she is so terrified that it's not going to work that honestly, I'm not surprised at all that it doesn't.
On Eliot's side of this scene, he feels like he recognizes where Parker is. This entire job has him remembering how it was to feel nothing. Her phrasing got to him deeply. He wants to reach out and teach her to see something more, just like Toby taught him.
He knew a bit about how to cook before Toby. But it was only seeing Toby's passion that struck something in him, that awoke a part of himself he might've never known before. For Eliot specifically, cooking being an art isn't just something he likes. It's something that brings him hope.
Eliot doesn't believe in redemption. But he believes in actions. And what Toby did, by teaching him to cook, was to teach him that his actions can be good. That he can create, not just destroy. That all is not lost - not 'for' him necessarily, so much as 'in' him. There is a deep empty place inside himself that he can enter so so easily. The difficulty is crawling back out again. Cooking was his rope out of there. He still finds it difficult to express his emotions very often, particularly verbally, but when he makes someone a meal he puts a part of himself into it. And yet doing so doesn't take anything from him, it just adds more.
This is all very vague and figurative and may make no sense, but the takeaway I want to have is that Eliot is opening up to Parker on a very deep level here. He feels like he recognizes what she's talking about, and it was a very bad place for him. (Again, I don't think she is quite that badly off at this point in canon, but I digress.) And while making food allows him to feel that he is demonstrating his love for someone, that he is sharing a part of himself with them, he recognizes that she isn't receiving that. What she's getting, is just a plate of food. Tasty food maybe, but nothing more than that. And so Eliot verbalizes everything to her in a way he rarely does.
And then he keeps trying. This scene obviously doesn't end up making her feel something, and we don't get to see the immediate aftermath of that, but we can glean a little about how they feel based on their reactions. And Eliot is deeply determined to help Parker feel something from his food. He insists that she play the food critic; even speaks directly to her and reminds her to consider what they talked about.
In the restaurant, we start out with Parker dutifully playing her role but feeling nothing much beyond just the role. Eliot checks in with Parker, she acknowledges that the food is good but doesn't make her feel anything, and he makes improvements based on her feedback. Then something abruptly changes.
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Parker: "I can taste garlic, and mushrooms... and something else that makes me feel different."
Hardison: "Wait, was that for me, cause I-I don't get it."
Parker: "No, it's the food. I get it." [smiles] "I feel something."
Parker: "Mmm! These black noodles are amazing!
Eliot: "Parker, it's tagliolini nero con gamberi."
Parker: "Mmm." [eats a huge forkful] "Mmm. Mmmm. These are really good."
What just happened here? Last we saw from Parker, she'd failed to feel something from the meal Eliot made especially for her in the brewpub, and she was clearly disheartened. She felt it as a failure, very much in the sense of a disappointment. She didn't want to try again, didn't think it would work, and tried to protest when Eliot said she would be the food critic. Even once she got to the restaurant, nothing was happening for her.
The difference wasn't in the flavor of the food. The moment Parker started to feel something was right after she said she felt nothing and Eliot, instead of being disappointed or giving up, took it as a challenge. He changed his recipe, he improved it specifically to better reach out to her. He kept trying.
And yeah, maybe the bone broth helped it taste better. But that wasn't the point, not really. The point is that Parker had gotten herself stuck in a hole, trapped herself in this cycle of not understanding how things make you feel and then believing that she just couldn't. She wanted something of her own and she didn't have it and she didn't immediately get anyone else's thing either, and that was it. She just wasn't capable. She was other. This is an old old fear of Parkers, dating back to Archie or even before. Something in her just isn't capable of being like other people. She wasn't worthy of being in Archie's real family, and she's not able to feel passion for anything outside of stealing. (Setting aside the fact that she loves her team, that all she needed was the right family. That you don't have to be a creator to feel passion, and you don't need to be passionate about any particular thing in order to feel deeply and find beauty in the world.) Parker has empathized deeply with people, has felt so intensely before and is constantly trying to learn more and new ways to be. But because she is noticing her teams' passions now, she has this ideal that she wants to reach, and none of that is good enough for her. She doesn't even know exactly what her ideal involves, but she can't get to it.
But when Eliot doesn't give up, that gets to her. If he views his food as sharing himself with others, Parker finally gets what he's been trying to give all along. It's all about him trying again and again, changing his approach to match her better. That's what she feels, that's what she enjoys.
And once she starts, the floodgates open. She loves the black noodles. She is so happy, she is relieved. There was this huge resistance that she couldn't get past before, but Eliot persisting helped her to break past that and now that she is out of her head about it she can enjoy the food in a way she never has before. Because she feels his love for her in it.
Eliot is trying so hard to connect to Parker. It's not really different from what I said in the last Eliot section, and basically the same as what I just said in that Parker section, but I want to emphasize a little more just how much this is about love on his end.
Eliot loves Parker. He loves her, and he wants so much to help her. It doesn't honestly matter that he does this with food, except for the fact that food is what matters so deeply to Eliot himself. He can't reach out to her in the same way through any other medium. And we don't get to see his reaction to Parker's moment of realization. But I think it would be such a deep sense of joy. This is as fulfilling for Eliot as it is for Parker. It's exactly what Eliot has been hoping for this whole episode, to teach someone else to see food in the same way he does. It doesn't matter if it only lasts for a moment or a single meal. That's enough. He has been the support Parker needed through this time of self-doubt. And it is all the more meaningful to him because this isn't just a random student, this is Parker.
He told her he loves her through his food, again and again, and she eventually felt it. She understood. That must mean so much to him.
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I wanna end with one more brief note on Parker. Does she get her own "thing" this episode? No. No she does not, and this scene shows us that. Parker is not suddenly interested in food or cooking. The importance of that meal was purely derived from Eliot on the other end of it, focused on her and trying his best to reach out to her.
And I don't think this is something only Eliot could have done for her either, not really. The difference between him and the others this episode is mostly in persistence. However, it's also about her mentality. Hardison has built/done things for Parker before and she felt them just as deeply - but the context was different. She wasn't looking for a sense of beauty or art in the world at large then, and so even though she felt the love in the gift just as much, it didn't make her feel like she could find that kind of emotion in other things. She just wasn't looking for it. Also, it was made easier for Eliot to reach out because there's that connection Parker has with him, that understanding that they are on the same level somehow. She doesn't feel that with Hardison - and she loves him all the more for him being different from her, but he also I think can intimidate her with how good and open he is, with how much he can feel in so many different directions. It's part of why she got so worried about herself not being able to do so this episode.
Like, the team has scolded Nate for not having a life or interests of his own outside the job not too terribly long ago! And Parker has had her own joys before! But she isn't seeing that this episode, too caught up in this fear about not having her own 'thing', not feeling anything that way. So while anyone could have helped her through this, it was easiest for her to let Eliot do so + for him to understand what she needed from him. (Hardison in particular was rudely robbed the opportunity, but they all love and support her and could have reached her. Not to detract from Eliot doing so, but also I don't wanna sound like no other method of reaching out would've worked.)
But as soon as she feels something once with Eliot's help, that relaxes those fears. And then Parker is free to look in other places. She remembers Nate's comment about art, and maybe even tells him what she plans based on him knowing where she is at the end of the episode. And then she goes to visit this statue. In her own way which means breaking in, but without any goal of taking it. She just goes to look at the art. And she feels something again.
Parker doesn't gain some big passion at the end of this episode. She doesn't need to. She never did. She just learns how to let herself relax from that restrictive frame of mind. To simply be in the moment and enjoy things for the sake of what they are. To feel - not really in any way she was incapable of before, but intentionally now. It's a quiet victory, in the end. It doesn't mean she's going to get a new hobby or change her lifestyle at all really. But she's let go of a fear and is now intentionally seeking out new connections with the world beyond her once-limited parameters.
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karasunoloomer · 3 years
only shallow (haikyuu!! band au)
chapter 1: first impressions wc: 1.5k synopsis: yachi hitoka joins a band. envy and tinnitus ensues. masterlist an: literally just a passion project of mine i'm working on to pass the time. a lot of call outs to my favourite bands will come sooner or later. self indulgent? entirely so. do i care? yes but pretend i don't
read under the cut!
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This was it. She could hear the band from the outside of the house; a consistent, yet disorganised stream of music thumping against her ears, growing louder as she steps closer to the front door.
"Yachi, you can do this!" The blonde girl tells herself. The cocoons of nervousness in her stomach kept at bay for the past week, had finally emerged as butterflies. She'd never met these people in real life, spare talking to the drummer on the phone, and a million possibilities swan through her mind.
Would they like her? Will she be good enough for them? Was this a ruse for a money laundering scheme, or worse a sight for a potential kidnapping? She had work in just under half an hour, and being kidnapped was not factored in to her schedule.
Trying to shake the intrusive thoughts off her mind she knocks on the door. The music continued. Okay. They just didn't hear her. She takes a deep breath, and knocks again, louder this time.
"Oh shit I think that's her!" a voice behind the wall exclaims and the music stops. Thirty seconds later and the door opens with a boy just taller than her popping his head through. "Yachi?"
She nods as he unlocks the screen door in front of her, "Come on through, we usuallly practice in Tsuki's garage. It's just down the hallway!"
His eagerness and enthusiasm prompts Yachi to recognise him as the one who had taken her call. To be honest, she still didn't know what had come over her when she decided to answer the ad. It was just so happened that one night, while she was on the closing shift, she spotted it. It was hand written, stuck on the community notice board snuggled in a spot beneath the lost pets and above the second hand cars.
Looking for a bandmate to jam with :) Musical experience is preferred. We're looking to make it big, so commitment is key. If you're interested call the number below:
Yachi did have musical experience, although it was more polished than the DIY vibes she got from the advertisement. Learning piano, at the request of her mother, for twelve years did come in handy on rare occasions. She hadn't played in front of an audience since her first year in high school, so she didn't have the performance skills for a live band. But on the other hand, she thought, the years of lessons and sore fingers had to account for something, even if it was just playing chords on a keyboard. This wasn't like the proper, school recitals. This was a band. Where she'd have creative freedom and make friends and jam out.
Her life was at a stalemate at this point in time, the hope of university was still there, although Yachi had to first endure the drudgery of work. Joining a band would bring some flavour to her routine, and encourage her to get out and talk to people; people who weren't her co workers or entitled customers. With this in mind, Yachi pulled one of the numbers off and placed it in the pocket of her apron.
Which led her here. In someone's garage, staring at a bunch of boys she'd never met in her life. The butterflies were going crazy by now, and she was trying her very best to stop the word vomit from coming up.
"Everyone, this is Yachi, she answered the ad," the ginger announces, the enthusiasm in his voice ever present. "I'll introduce you to the guys first! The one who looks really scary is Kageyama, he plays guitar and is a super genius."
Yachi spots a black haired boy with a stern look on his face and her knees nearly give way.
"...The tall guy is Tsukishima and he plays bass. Don't worry if he's mean, he's like that with everybody."
Tsukki nods at Yachi.
The ginger boy then points to the person checking cables, "That's Tadashi, he's our vocalist and sometimes plays tambourine."
Tadashi pauses his work to wave at Yachi. She meekly waves back.
"And the best for last," he gestures to himself. "I'm Hinata and I'm the drummer!"
Yachi gulps. They looked so sophisticated, and so scary, something she couldn't pull off in a million years. "Hi everyone," she murmurs softly, failing to meet anyone's eyes.
"What instrument do you play?" Kageyama asks, failing to recognise her nervous demeanour.
"Oh um, I used to play piano, and I know that piano players aren't really needed in bands a lot but I figured I could play keyboards or help out with musical composition." The word vomit had started, she knew it wouldn't help her case but she continued anyway, "You guys don't have to let me be in your band if you think I'm too bad at it or anything..."
Kageyama cuts her off, "You play piano?"
Yachi nods.
He looks at Hinata, a pissed off expression on his face. "Hinata, we needed another guitarist."
"S-s-sorry Kageyama I forgot to put that on the ad."
"Shoegaze bands don't need pianists. The guitars are the most important part. Does she even know what shoegaze is?"
She didn't. Yachi's heart sinks, the nervousness replaced with the sting of disappointment. As Kageyama and Hinata bicker, the two trying to pin the blame on eachother. Yachi decides to make her way out of the house before the tears well up. Figuring there was no point sticking around if she wasn't wanted.
A voice perks up. "You know, Yachi was the only person who answered the ad. If we dismiss her abilities entirely we could be missing out on a chance to strengthen our instrumentation."
The two are silenced. Yachi stops, turning her head back in surprise, to see Tsukki with arms folded.
He continues, "Going the purist route like Kageyama here will only make us run of the mill copycats. If we don't somehow innovate the sound we'll be forgettable. I think someone classically trained could be an asset and could push our music in a different different."
"See Kageyama?" Hinata exclaims. "She'll be great! What do you think Tadashi?"
The brown haired boy- was that a tint of green?- shrugs. "I can fill in as a second guitarist if Kageyama really wants it. I don't see why Yachi shouldn't be in the band."
He turns to Kageyama, who has been quiet since Tsukki initially spoke up. He stares at Yachi directly, his unreadable gaze making her tremble. He breaks it and addresses Tsukki, "You're right." More silence. "We'll trial her, and if she fits she can join us permanently. We can't guarantee she'll mesh well with our sound just yet."
A sigh of relief escapes her. She was in! Well, not in just yet, but they were willing to give her a shot! "Thank you so very much you guys for letting me join. I'll try my best, I promise. Thank you thank you thank you!"
Hinata pats on her the back. "That's totally alright Yachi! It'll be awesome with you around, I'm sure you'll do great. Right guys?"
Tadashi gives a thumbs up, Kageyama's face remains unchanged and Tsuki shrugs.
"Once again thanks," Yachi smiles, her shoulders loosening up and breathing a small smile of relief. She turns to walk out the door, calling behind her, "Please text me when you guys are practicing next!"
"Are you leaving already?" Hinata pouts. "We can't hear you play."
"Oh I'm super sorry!" Yachi says, flustered once more. "I just have work. Next time I promise I'll bring my keyboard and jam out with you guys. I swear!....Ahhh!"
Kageyama's hand is on her shoulder. He hands her a torn piece of paper, covered with his handwritten scrawl. "I made a list of shoegaze albums. Listen to these. They're important."
"Uhh.. thank you." She pockets the piece of paper and then turns around to wave at her newly found band mates, "See you guys!"
Finally out of the garage, and making her way towards the store, she reads the list Kageyama has given her. Yachi could almost admire his passion for the genre; quite a few albums were listed with hasty notes detailing the important aspects she should look out for, but the stench of elitism he exuded kept her from fully acknowledging his prowess.
She had no idea how she'd find the time to listen to the extensive list of music he'd given her before their next rehearsal. She spent the majority of her time working and her manager barely let her play her own music in the store, instead subjecting her to repeated listens of Green Day. Regardless, Yachi thinks to herself, she needs to listen to this. It was essential to keeping her on Kageyama's good side, improving her chances to be included in the band as a worthy musician.
Her eyes glance at the album listed first. It is circled, and the title written over at least five times to give the impression it's bolded. Beside it: "MOST IMPORTANT- IF YOUR (Yachi cringes slightly) GOING TO LISTEN TO ONLY ONE, PICK THIS ONE!!!!"
"Loveless," she whispers the title to herself, grabbing her phone to look up the album. "Let's go."
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Mind Readers
Harry Hook x reader
Soulmate au
Based on: this request
Requested by: @descendantofthesparrow
Summary: Soulmates can read each other's minds, so you and your soulmate communicate with each other, no matter how far apart you two are.
Warning: some angst (lots of fluff tho)
Word Count: 6305
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Everyone has a soulmate, one that's always connected with you by mind. When you have a soulmate, you are able to read each other's thoughts. And that's what you did all your life.
Being the daughter of Moana felt a bit lonely. You would always voyage everywhere, so it would make sense for you to be connected with your people, but you weren't. You felt like the odd one out, especially when you announced that your soulmate is from the Isle.
You tried talking to your mom, but she was always busy. She would get even more distant with you when you'd ask about your father. She said that she loved him, but they couldn't stay together. She wanted to continue voyaging, and he wanted to stay.
So all you had left was the sea, Pua's children, and your soulmate. If felt better to talk with a person than a bunch of pigs though. It started off when the two of you were kids.
Hey again.
Hiya. You could hear the Scottish accent.
I wish I could see you, so I could give a big hug.
I've never gotten a hug before.
It's okay, because once you and I are together, I'll always give you hugs whenever you ask for them.
I don't think we can, y/n. I'm a villain, and yer a hero.
That's not true! It'll happen, promise.
You grew up talking to him through your mind. You also felt connected with him by the sea. You dreamed about going on a ship with him, sailing the sea together and enjoying the ocean. The ocean was a friend of yours.
One day your mother told you that you won't be voyaging anymore, and instead going to school in Auradon. This was your chance. You had tried talking to people about the Isle of the Lost, tried to convince that maybe the children shouldn't be in there. But no one listened. They saw you as a freak, and made jokes of you being a villain. All you had was Harry, and you were fine with that.
But someone finally did listen. Ben talked to you about it, and agreed. He said that when he would be crowned king in about a year, he'll have some children of villains to attend school with us to show others that they aren't the bad ones.
You were ecstatic.
Why ye thinkin so loud, princess?
So I just made my first human friend, apart from you of course, and he said that he agrees with me. His name is Ben, and he's the King's son.
Ben, hm? Is he as good looking as I?
I don't know how you look like, but you're probably more handsome than anybody I know. But sh, listen! He's going to be king in about a year, and he said that he's going to bring some VK's to Auradon to show that they can be good!
I have to wait a whole year?! I want to see ye now princess.
We just have to be patient. We'll be together, Harry. Don't give up hope. Please, for me?
Fine. But when I get there I'm showing em how a pirate can truly be.
He heard your amazing laugh ring through his head. You got yourself a deal, pirate. But just not too much, okay? I want to stay with you once I got you.
Like a fish on hook, eh? You could practically hear the smile from that.
Exactly. I gotta focus on homework now. Talk to you later hookie.
Bye fishy.
"Harry!" The angry voice of Uma snapped him out of his conversation with you. "You wanna cut the daydreaming and get to work?"
This would happen a lot. Harry would be talking to you when he was supposed to be doing stuff. He didn't really care, as long as he got to hear your voice. Usually when you weren't talking to one another he would just block out what you were thinking.
You're the reason that he's usually so cheerful, although in a bit of a crazy way. You always talked him out of his fits of rage, reassuring him that he'll always have you.
He'd make the excuse that his dad had the same levels of anger, but you told him that he was better than his father. That's why he listened to you. Everybody on the isle tried to live up to their parents, but here you were saying that his dad could live up to him. That's how he knew that you were worth waiting for.
As he was occupied with his crew, you had made your first friend, Ben. It was nice having someone to physically talk to, at least until Audrey showed up. She didn't like you, and you didn't like her.
"You know what y/n, I'm sure you wouldn't want to be sitting here with us." She said cheerfully one day at lunch. "You'd probably rather be talking to your soulmate, since that's really your only friend, right?"
You looked at Ben, who didn't say anything. "Um, okay."
When you left, he decided to speak up. "I don't see what the problem is with her sitting with us."
"Ben, she has been filling your head with crazy talk of villain kids being good. You've heard, right? That her soulmate is a villain?"
"Yeah, and I don't see a problem with that. As long as they love each other, it shouldn't matter."
She annoyedly shook her head. "Let's just eat, kay?"
Meanwhile, you went to your unshared room and began to tear up. You just didn't understand why nobody liked you. Although you didn't realize it, you were thinking about how horrible Audrey was.
What's wrong princess? Those are a lot of nasty thoughts about this Audrey girl.
Sorry Harry. It's nothing.
Hard to believe that when ye were sayin some not so nice things.
I know, and I shouldn't be thinking that way about anyone! Ugh, I must be a bad person for thinking this way about people.
Bad person? You heard laughter. Las, you're my hero. It's okay to be thinkin those things about people. Nobody but me will hear ye.
Tears silently fell as you sat on your bed crying. You didn't have to pretend to be anything around him. I just lost my only physical, human friend. All because of his horrid girlfriend who loves to comment on how amazing she is. She isn't even his soulmate.
Well I guess I don't have any more competition for ye now.
You never did hooky. You know you're the greatest thing in my life, but it was nice to have company. I just hope that she doesn't fill his head with dumb stuff about villain kids being bad.
It'll be okay princess. Some day we'll be together, remember?
Yeah. Thanks for listening Harry. You're the best, as always.
Ye welcome love.
A few months later, Ben had been trying very hard to talk to you. You didn't know why, especially now, but you didn't care. If he wanted to leave a loyal friend for some bully, then he wasn't worth your time. At least that's what Harry told you.
Until he followed you to room without you noticing. Before you closed the door, he ran up to your room and stopped you from closing it. "Y/n please. I want to talk."
"Talk to your girlfriend." You tried to close the door again, but he wouldn't budge.
"Audrey wouldn't understand." He looked a little sad, but dating her was his choice.
"Ben, you're a prince. You could talk to all of your other friends, since you probably have so much."
"No, I really don't have that many friends."
You fake smiled. "Gee, I wonder what that's like. Bye now!"
"Y/n please, it won't be more than ten minutes." He said. He sounded desperate. "Please."
You said nothing, but opened the door wider and gestured for him to come in. He came in, pacing back and forth until he noticed you just staring at him. He then stopped but still antsy. "Uh, take a seat."
"No, it's okay. I'm okay. Sorry, I'm just nervous-"
"Ben sit. What's wrong?"
He took a seat at your chair where your desk is. "I'll be king in two months, and I have no idea what to do or how to lead. A king should be able to know what decisions to make and how to help his people."
You sat at the edge of your bed. "Well, what do you think would be good for the people?"
"The Isle. The people there will also be my people too, and it's not fair to the children on evil people to be stuck there. When you talked to me about that for the very first time, I was already thinking about it. For my first proclamation I need a citizen to agree with what I propose."
"And what are you going to propose?" You were praying for what you think he's going to say.
"For some of the villain kids to be brought to Auradon. I want you to be my citizen-"
You ran up to him and gave him a hug. "I'll do it. I'lldoitI'lldoitI'lldoit!"
He laughed. "That's great news. We'll finally get to meet our soulmates."
You were out of breathe for some reason. "Yeah!" Then you thought again about what he said. "Wait, what do you mean we?"
You both talked some more, and you understood why he saw what you saw. His soulmate was a VK. He didn't know which VK, since she tried blocking out her thoughts when discovering that he was the son of the king. You told him that you'd talk to Harry about it to see if he knows anything.
Harry pulled a few strings, but found out that her name was Mal, the daughter of Maleficent. Ben was ecstatic, saying that he would have her be one of the people who come, and will slowly get to know her so she would realize that they're soulmates.
"Go ahead and pick your three people, and those three, along with Mal, will be the ones that I choose." You quickly chose the daughter of Ursula, son of Gaston, and most importantly, the son of Hook.
You were so excited to be able to hold Harry and look into his eyes and kiss him whenever you wanted. You waited for two months, time going by slower that you could ever think. Finally the day had come, and you were in the room when Ben announced his first proclamation to his parents. They were unsure, but allowed it. Everything was going to be written and delivered for the limo to get them, until Audrey showed up.
"I'm sorry, but I found these notes regaurding Ben's first proclamation, and I don't think this is a good idea!"
"They already agreed. The deal can't be undone or else they will be dishonest and untrustworthy about their word." You argued.
They told her that you were right, but she was ready for that. "If you can't undo this, then I have a better way to rearrange this."
She proceeded to talk about how the daughter of Maleficent didn't get along with the other three from what an anonymous source told her. She said that it was most important to gain the trust of the daughter of the evilest villain, so the three VKs would have to be changed. To Mal's three friends.
Bell and her husband agreed. You ran out of the room, Ben running after you. You made it outside before you began to breathe hard, finding it harder and harder to maintain breathing. Ben rushed to your aid and calmed you down as you had a panic attack.
Meanwhile, Harry didn't take the news too well either. He was heartbroken. He was angry, but more importantly devastated. He shoved his way to his small room on the ship and went inside, laying down and crying his heart out. He wanted to be with you, feel you, love you with all his might. But good things didn't happen to villains.
Once you were okay Ben made you another deal. If the four VKs coming so good with their stay at Auradon, then it'll be easy for him to bring others once he's king. You nodded.
When the four of the villain kids came, Ben had asked you to be there as well. You found them fun and easier to be around than the fake, royal students at Auradon Prep. As you showed Mal and Evie to their dorm, you joked with them about Auradon and Audrey.
"You know, you're not like other princesses here." Mal said.
"Oh, I'm not a princess. I'm the daughter of the village chief, and it's not like I have my own castle or anything. We're voyagers, so we go where the ocean takes us."
"Eh, must be tiring to always travel with your people. But whatever, you here are all probably full of friends wherever. You just enjoy yourself anywhere you are with your buds."
You let out a laugh. "Hardly. The only friends I have are pigs, chicken, the ocean and Ben. Nobody likes to be around me after they found out about my soulmate." It just slipped out of your mouth. You didn't know why you were nervous since they're villain kids, but you still felt that people wouldn't like you for it.
"Who's your soulmate?" Evie asked.
"Um, the son of a villain." You said nervously.
Both stopped you. "Your room should be right there." You pointed.
"Back up a second, your soulmate is one of us?" Mal asked. You nodded. "Is it Jay or Carlos?"
"What? No, it's someone else. He was originally supposed to come, but Audrey, being the home wrecker that she is, changed that."
"Come on, we need to talk about this is private." Evie said, the two of them dragging you to the room. They pushed you inside that closed the door.
"So, who is it?"
"Um, Harry Hook."
They looked at each other. "Harry Hook?" Mal asked. "As in Uma's little henchman?"
"I think he's think of cute." Evie said.
Your ears perked. "Is he?! It's not like I've ever seen him, so I was just wondering." You said very fast, voice full of hope.
"He's no prince, but he's nice to look at." Evie said, taking your hands. You smiled and went back to your room to talk to Harry. He had rarely left his room.
Hey Harry.
So today I heard that you were handsome. I guess I hit the jackpot. Kind, funny, and attractive. Who would've known?
That doesn't matter.
I know, it's just a bonus. The sound of your giggles filled his head. He weakly smiled.
How are ye so hopeful?
Because if I give up, then I won't be able to have you in my arms. You're my soulmate, which means that we're perfect for each other. I don't wanna give up on my perfect match.
He felt better. He felt special. Somebody cared for him that much. I like ye.
I like you too.
Over the course of a few months a lot happened. The four VKs, who you befriended, decided to be good, Ben was made king, and Mal was going to be a lady of the court. Until she decided to run away. That's when everything went downhill, and Ben ended up captured.
You were walking to your dorm and passed by Carlos and Jay's room. Their door was open, and they were talking to Chad. "Look, Ben's been captured." You stopped in your tracks to listen. "And if we tell anyone he's dead meat, so we don't have time for your weirdness." With that you took off to grab swords from the supplies closet and waited outside.
When you saw the two outside you stepped out of hiding. "I'm coming."
They both jumped and turned around to see you with swords in a bag. "What are you talking about?" Jay asked. "We're going...to the... Waffle House."
"Nice try. You guys are going to the Isle to save Ben. I'm coming, period." You stared them down, and they reluctantly agreed. You excitedly walked to the limo. "Let's go!"
As you focused on preparing yourself for a fight, your mind slipped off of the fact that you were going to the place that your soulmate was. When you got there you gave Mal and Evie a hug. "Y/n, there's something you should know," Evie said.
"There's no time, E, we gotta go." Mal said.
You smiled at her. "You can tell me after."
You then all went to where Ben was being held captive. A pirate ship. You looked at the others. Jay spoke up, looking down. "We didn't know how to tell you."
You were taking bigger breathes now, not knowing how to handle this. "Let's just, let's just get Ben."
They nodded. Carlos side hugged you, and you side hugged back. He was always the sweet one. You then started to focus on Harry's thoughts. They were about Ben, and Mal, and the wand. He was thinking about being with you when they get the wand.
What are ye doin up so late princess?
I know about everything your doing right now.
Harry this isn't the way to do things.
Love, I'm tired of waiting. We'll be together y/n. Don't ya want that?
Of course I do, but not like this.
It'll be fine, I'll have them go easy on yer friends.
Harry you know I'd protect my friends. One of them being Ben.
I'll talk with ye later. And with that he blocked you out. You huffed. He's always been so one track minded.
You all got there. Mal and Uma were arguing, and soon she took notice of you. "I see you brought one of your little princess friends. Hope none of us villains smudged your tiara."
"I'm not a princess." You said, voice sturdy. "I'm a Voyager."
Harry's smile that he had on quickly fell. "Is that..."
Ben heard his mumble. "Yes, it is. That's y/n, your soulmate."
Before he knew it, Uma called out for him. He snapped out of his thoughts, tugging a tied up Ben with him. Uma had him cut the ties, and gave them the wand. In a blink of an eye there was a sword fight. The wand was a fake, and they couldn't let the heroes go. They were villains after all.
Harry's mind went off of you as he fought, and he was at his overly bubbly self. That was, until he made his way to you. Immediately he put down his sword.
"Y/n." He said. You looked at him confused, until you looked down and saw that he was holding a hook. You looked up at him. "Princess, it's me."
You drop the sword and run up to him, immediately wrapping your arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around your waist in return. "You don't know how badly I've wanted you." He said lowly in your ear.
"Do you trust me?" You asked. He looked at you, confused. Please say yes.
"Of course I'll say yes, las." He smiled as he looked down at you.
"Good." You slip out of his arms and grab his hand, jumping off the dock and into the water, taking him with you. Harry expected to crash into the sea, but the water went up, gently putting you in the ocean.
As you both floated in the sea under the docks, Harry pulled your waist and brought you in for a kiss. You put your hands on his face as he tilted to deepen the kiss. You pulled back for breath, putting your hands on his shoulders. "I've waited all my life for that." You said as both your foreheads were pressed against each others. "I figured we shouldn't be seen."
"How do you plan on gettin back up las?"
"The ocean's a friend of mine." You gestured to the water that was moving up on its own, waving at the two of you. Harry smiled in awe and hesitantly waved.
"I don't want to let ye go princess." His blue eyes gazed down at you.
"It'll be okay Harry. I'll ask Ben to bring you with me. Now that he's seen the island he'll sympathize."
He looked away from you. "Are ye sure? I may have threatened him a bit." He pressed his lips together.
You brought your hand to his cheek, having him look back at you. "Yes, I'm sure. He forgave the other four for trying to steal fairy godmother's wand, so I'm sure he'll forgive you."
"What if he won't let me there?" He looked like he was in pain. Soulmates are supposed to be together, having them apart puts an emotional strain on each other.
"Then I'll come back and stay here."
"Princess-" you cut him off with a kiss on the corner of his mouth. You knew he wouldn't want you staying here. But you didn't care.
"I want to be together. I don't care where I live." You heard Evie calling your name. "Dip your head under the water to make it look like you fell."
You both did so, the ocean gently bringing you both back up. He grabbed your hand. "So beautiful."
You gently squeezed his hand. "Bye hooky."
"Bye fishy." You then went back to your friends. You looked back, the smudged eyeliner on him making his bright eyes even more piercing.
As you went back to Auradon in the limo, you sat in the front with Jay, looking out the window as silent tears fell down your face. Evie wanted to make you feel better, and designed a dress for you to go to cottilion. Although you didn't want to go, she was convinced that this would make you happier.
As you were in a white and peach dress at cotillion, you stared out at the sea, wandering what it would be like if Harry was there with you. If he took your hand to dance with him. If you were in his arms. If he leaned down to kiss you.
Harry heard all these thoughts, and was so excited to finally be with you. He shut out his thoughts from you temporarily, and got ready. He put on red leather pants with his red long sleeved jacket. Underneath he had a white button up with ruffles and a loose red tie, as well as fingerless gloves.
Meanwhile, you sucked up your sadness and out on a smile as you saw Mal come down. A moment later Ben came down, and, to the horror of everyone present, Uma as well.
As you questioned her, she dropped a surprise on you. "I figured that you deserve happiness too, y/n, so I didn't come alone."
Everybody watched as Harry stepped out, walking straight up to you, bowing and kissing your hand. He smiled as he came up. You hesitated, not knowing if this was a dream or not, then brought him into a big hug. He hugged back, feeling complete.
"Harry, what's going on?" You said as you pulled back.
"I can be with ye now, princess." He smiled, putting his hands on your waist.
You put your hands on his face gently. "You know that's not what I mean. What's going on with Uma? Is she planning something?" He looked away from you. The only ones who were next to you were Mal and Evie. Harry!
You tried to read his mind, but couldn't. He blocked his thoughts from you. "I can't betray Uma."
"Hooky," you said quietly. "Look at me." His sad eyes looked into yours. "Please. Do Uma and Ben really love each other?" He didn't say anything, and that was all you needed. You understood, that was his friend who was probably just as loyal to his as he was to her. You then faced Mal. "Does she know how to use love spells?"
It seemed like something clicked inside Mal's head. "My spell book! I left it on the island. She must have gotten it."
After Mal confronted Uma and Ben, she and him kissed, breaking the spell. True love's kiss. Uma and Mal were about to fight after turning into an octopus and a dragon, but Ben stopped them. Uma left, feeling bad and leaving Harry.
After the Cotillion, you talked with Ben about bringing more VKs to Auradon, with Harry right behind you. He was trying his best to behave himself, in fear of losing you again. Ben agreed and even allowed Uma and Gil to come as well.
After this, Harry didn't let you out of his sight. Everybody seemed to be afraid of the impulsive pirate, but you didn't care. You were always on your own, you didn't care what the others thought. As long as you were with your soulmate, you didn't care.
He had two periods with you, sitting next to you in both since everyone was afraid of him. About a week later, the new VKs arrived. Gil greeted Harry with a hug, while Uma looked around. Her eyes then landed on you. "You don't seem like much, princess."
This took you by surprise. How were you supposed to respond to that. "Sorry?" You squeaked.
Harry walked behind you, grabbing your waist and putting his head on your shoulder. "Oh, but she is Uma. So much." He gently squeezed you, igniting a giggle from you for being ticklish. You smiled and put a hand on his cheek.
As it turned out, Ben arranged for you to share your room with Uma. You put on a weak smile and thanked him. He was just trying to be a good friend, but something told you that Uma wasn't going to be the kindest to you.
Day after day, she tried everything to push your buttons. She wanted you to get angry. There was no particular reason why, she just wanted to see it. She's never met someone so shy and nice before, it got on her nerves.
She would never pick up, use your stuff, 'accidentally' break things, leave wet towels on the floor, and laughed you off every time you kindly asked her to please stop.
But that wasn't the worst thing. Worst of all, she never let you sleep. She would make noice or leave the light on. Sometimes she would train at night.
This took a big toll on you. Everyone noticed, but you brushed it off. Of course, nobody believed you. Harry confronted you about it, especially because you too tired to block your mind from the thoughts of what Uma was doing.
When he did confront you, you were so out of it that you just hugged him, snuggling into his chest and taking in his warmth. "You're so warm Hooky."
His flustered mind didn't know what to do, so he just hugged back. When you pulled away you kissed his cheek, caressing the other with your hand. "What can I do to help ya, princess?"
You shook your head with tired eyes and a gentle smile on your face. "Nothing. It's okay though, I'm fine. I have to get to class."
After you took off Harry went over to Uma. He opened the door to your dorm room to see a mess everywhere. But it was all Uma's stuff. "Bit of a mess we got here, isn't it?"
She looked up from her tv. "Harry, hey. Just living life in Boradon with your girl."
"Why is she so tired Uma?"
Uma laughed. "Right, that. That's because I want to see how long until I break her. She's always little miss perfect shy princess, but everyone's got their bad side. I just want to see hers."
"Uma let the las be. Ye know she means a lot to me."
"Don't worry Harry, I'm just having a little fun."
Harry huffed, not knowing what to do. He exited the room as he thought over the situation. He went to class, not really paying attention to what the teacher was saying, but more on you.
When he returned to his room after class he was in for a pleasant surprise. He found you curled up on his bed, sound asleep. This then happened frequently, not that Harry or Gil minded. Harry found your sleeping form cute, and you and Gil had become good friends.
There was one particular night where you had it with Uma, and you spoke up. "Turn the music off Uma, I'm trying to sleep."
She looked up from her phone that blasted out music. "Oh, I'm sorry princess. Did I mess with your beauty sleep?" Her smile made you angrier than ever.
"What the hell is problem with me? What did I ever do to you?" This made her sit up.
"Oh princess, you've done nothing wrong. I'm just simply evil, in case your royalty brain forgot that."
You stood up from your bed and put on your normal clothing. You couldn't stay here, not when Uma was trying to drive you crazy. "You don't have the right to call me that!" You said as you put on your shoes. "I'm not a princess, and I'm not royalty!"
She scoffed. "I was wondering when that whole nice girl act would wear off."
"It's not an act, it's called a personality Uma! You should try to get one."
She then stood, anger coming to the surface. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me! Every VK here is happy here. Just because your parents are villains doesn't mean that your a villain too. The four original VKs are living honest lives that they love, Gil finally doesn't have to try to be tough since he could never hurt a fly, and Harry is the sweetest person I've ever met. They're all so happy to live their lives here. But not you Uma. You just want to make others miserable to satisfy yourself! Let me give you some advice, people will like you more if you stop messing with their lives and start living one of your own!"
And with that you slammed the door, leaving a speechless Uma. You stomped over to a certain dorm and knocked, being greeted by Gil. "Oh hey y/n. Everything okay?"
Harry stood from his bed. He heard your fast and frustrated thoughts running through his mind. "Yeah, yeah I'm good. Um, is it okay if I sleep here? Please?"
Gil immediately understood. "If you want I could sleep in your room and you could take my bed."
You hugged him. "You're awesome Gil. Thank you." He smiled and headed to your room. Harry stared at you the whole time. "Did you hear everything?" You said quietly with your head down.
He nodded, walking toward you and wrapping his arms around you. It was then you fully realized that he was shirtless. The warmth of his skin made you feel safe and able to talk. "Maybe I shouldn't have said those things." You didn't look at him.
You couldn't help but feel bad about what you said. You barely had any friends, and you felt self-conscious about your personality. Maybe this was the reason why people stay away from you.
"Fishy, look at me." You looked up at him with sad eyes. "It's not a bad thing for ye to stick up for yourself. Don't feel bad for it. I'm proud of ye."
You smiled and kissed his cheek. "I think you're rubbing off on me Harry."
He then pecked your lips. "I think you don't have anything to wear to sleep y/n." He was right. You had put on your normal clothing to go to the dorms. "Don't worry princess, I'll let ye borrow some of mine."
So there you were, coming out of the bathroom, feeling extremely shy as Harry sat up from his bed to stare at the huge shirt on your short figure. You felt your face burn up as he didn't take his eyes off of you for a second. "What?" You laughed nervously.
He got up and took your hands in his. "You look beautiful las. So beautiful."
He then walked backwards and lead you to the bed. "Wait, Harry-" Do ye trust me? You smiled. "Of course I'll say yes."
"Don't worry princess, I just want to hold ye." He smiled at you as you both laid down on the bed. He didn't need to tell you that he was touch starved, you knew. He buried his face in your neck as you ran your fingers through his hair, both of you dozing off.
When you woke up you let out a content sigh as you kissed the top of his head. Mornin' las.
You smiled. Morning Harry.
I'm a bit hungry. How about we have ourselves a little breakfast date, hm?
"Sounds like a plan." You felt him smile against your neck and hug you, rolling you over and causing you to giggle. You got up, putting on your clothes but leaving his shirt on, which he loved.
As you two were enjoying yourselves by the docks eating your plates of breakfast, Audrey came stomping by. "Sorry to bother your little low budget date, but King Ben wants to see you both."
You both came into his office with Audrey leading the two of you, head held high. Uma and Gil were standing inside as well. "Ben, what's this about?" You asked.
Audrey spoke up instead. "There's a chance that these pirates could be getting sent back to the isle."
"What?" You all exclaimed.
"Now, hang on a minute." Ben said, standing up from his chair. "Let's not act too rashly about this Audrey."
She chose to ignore this. "It's against the rules for any males to be sleeping in the female dorms, and the same goes for girls in the boys dorms. I saw with my own eyes Gil go into your dorm room last night, and people have seen you frequently go into their room." She crossed her arms. "Care to explain yourselves?"
"We're sorry, we didn't know that it was against the rules." You said. "There wasn't any harm done anyway."
"Aren't you two weirdos soulmates? Who's to say that you two aren't doing anything gross when you sleep in his room? And is that his shirt you're wearing?"
"First of all, asking what we do at night is the creepiest thing ever Audrey." She gave you a look. "Which is, for the record, nothing. People say that their going to sleep somewhere to sleep." You then pointed at her. "You're disgusting."
"Hey, guys let's be civil." Ben meekly said, offering an awkward smile.
"She was never civil with me. I'm done trying to be nice to someone who only cares about herself."
"You dare speak to me like that? I am a princess. You are some traveler who never stays in one place for long. You've lived on a boat." She then scoffed. "No wonder why you're friends with pirates."
"Excuse me?" Uma was now offended.
You put a hand on Uma's arm, giving her a smile. "It's okay Uma, I know how to deal with girls that have a silver spoon up her ass." Audrey gasped. You then turned to her. "Gee Audrey, it's so weird that you're trying to insult us, when we're all happy with our lives. You, on the hand, find it necessary to try to make yourself happy by having others below you." You put a hand to your heart. "It makes me sad that you can't just go on with your own life. I mean, it must get boring to do nothing but sit and judge people all day in your palaces. I encourage you to get a hobby, but, trust me, involving yourselves in other's lives isn't the right one."
She looked at you angrily before running out of the room. Sweet innocent Gil spoke up. "Um, can we go now?"
"Unfortunately, no." Ben said. "A rule was still broken and action must be given. Why were you sleeping in each other's dorms?"
Uma looked at you, ready for you to speak up and cause her to be punished. But you didn't. You were silent. Gil cleared his throat. "Um, so Uma-"
"It's my fault." You said, your expression blank. "The full story doesn't matter. It was my idea, and accept all responsibility."
"Are, are you sure?" Ben asked. "Honestly the only one who could be punished is Uma. I've seen how tired you've been." Uma looked at you, a tiny bit of fear in her eyes. She didn't want to go back.
"Uma didn't do anything. Like I said, I accept full responsibility." You smiled at him, and he nodded his head.
You ended up getting a three day suspension. You silently thanked the Gods that your mother was busy at sea to know this. As you were going to walk back to your room, Uma grabbed your wrist. "Hey. I just wanted to say thank you. I went too far."
"It's fine." You smiled at her, and she smiled back.
"Well las," Harry said. "You have three days off. What are we gonna do?"
You put your hands on his cheeks. "You have class."
"Eh, I got my soulmate right here. That's all I need." He wrapped his arms around your waist.
"You are positively evil, Harry Hook, and I love you for it."
"And you, my wee little princess, are the love of my life. I love you too." He then kissed you, with ever ounce of love and devotion in it. It felt right. He was your soulmate, after all.
Author Note: So I just watched Descendants 3 and this kinda contradicts it, but this is set kinda between 2 and 3
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Saint & Leilani
Saint: So, how many people with my surname have found their way into your inbox today? Leilani: few Saint: I hope those few have behaved and not been too taxing on your typing fingers or your patience Leilani: you're making it sound more fun & scandalous than it came close to Saint: That would be an odd but not unentirely precedented way to welcome you for us Saint: I'm just more than aware how...much, shall we be polite and say, some of them can be, even at the best of times Leilani: 😅 Leilani: are you forgetting which one of you I live with? Saint: 😅 Saint: I am in no way doubting your ability to cope with it, or previous experience doing so, just apologizing for the times you don't feel like being so gracious about their...persistence Leilani: thanks, I think? Leilani: the sentence was a mouthful to digest but I detected some sweetness in it Saint: I'm happy to apologize for my taste as well Saint: and will try to be more palatable Leilani: coming thick & fast but still smooth with it, that's impressive Saint: I'll accept that I'm potentially being much of a muchness with some of the more well-meaning but over-the-top members of my family, if that's what you're saying Saint: but admittedly, I'll struggle to hear I'm on par with certain ones who best remain nameless until I get more of a gage for your tolerance of their particular brand of care 😅 Leilani: I'm not saying much, personally, until I work out how much of this welcome wagon is genuinely what you'd like to say vs what you feel like you must Leilani: to make up for the rest or walk on eggshells in case I crack up Saint: Well, I haven't been instructed to talk to you, if that's what you mean Saint: and without a doubt, I have no idea how I would ideally like to broach this subject, because I have literally no firsthand experience Saint: I imagine that must be frustrating, is it? Leilani: it can be coming from you but not coming from you, if you know what I mean Leilani: deep in there, maybe you've got a whole other convo you'd love to be having Saint: I'm receptive to any conversation you'd like to have Saint: well, almost any, I'm sure Leilani: you & everybody else Leilani: the talk about me is non-stop Saint: We wouldn't have to talk about you Saint: I don't have any particular bias towards the subject of you, though it would be bad manners to ask you no questions about yourself, I can refrain if you have, like I said and assumed, had enough for a while Leilani: it's good manners if I'm in no mood to answer questions about me Leilani: but it'd be my bad to tell you to shush & end this convo just like that Saint: As you've saved me from the mortal sin of impoliteness with your rhetoric there, I'll save you from having to do so and can leave it there Leilani: take a turn in the hot seat, see how you feel about it Leilani: prep if I haven't saved you from 👿🔥 Saint: I'm not inclined to believe the creator would be that unforgiving, but that's what Catholicism will do for your morals, I suppose Saint: Fire away, as it were 🔥 Leilani: you're a catholic? Saint: Culturally, definitely Saint: I'm not sure my commitment to the church is such I can claim myself as fully saved, yet Leilani: mine goes as far as loving the 1st Eid for its treats & ignoring the sacrifices of the 2nd, can't call it commitment Saint: I don't think you're alone in that philosophy and approach Saint: but I don't necessarily think that's terrible at all, as long as you're finding some joy and fulfilment from religion- that is certainly a huge tenant of all the ones I've heard of, so it can only be a positive Leilani: how my friends celebrate 🎄🎁🎅 shows me I'm not Leilani: party > church Saint: Precisely, commercialism argument aside Saint: any promotion of togetherness, community and goodwill, what could be the issue? Leilani: the issue is in the confusion Leilani: people thinking it's something its not Saint: There's plenty issue around 🎄🎁🎅 but no more than most anything in our society today Leilani: if you're trying to take issue with something on any level, you'll find a way Saint: Don't you think problems should be solved? Leilani: if it can Leilani: big if Saint: Of course Saint: I think the if only makes the pursuit of more vital, I don't find it to be invalidating Leilani: sure but some questions aren't if or but ones Saint: Such as? Leilani: if I said, you're the fittest member of this family, let's go out, your answer would be no, becos you are a member of this family, it doesn't matter if you add I would if I wasn't Leilani: the answer's still no Saint: No, my answer would be that there's truly only one absolute in this life Saint: that I know of Saint: there are laws, ethics, morality and codes of conduct in all societies, sure Saint: but nothing is certain Leilani: birth & death are certain Leilani: one brought you here, the other me Saint: I was thinking about death Saint: birth is luck, usually, it's a little different Leilani: 🤔 Leilani: accepted Saint: We can differ on perspectives there, it's fine 😃 Saint: in fact, the father would probably want to put forth an argument for the opposite, now I think about it Saint: worse Catholic than I thought Leilani: I was thinking that 🤰 = birth, the certainty part being you don't get to stay in but you know Saint: I see what you mean Saint: anyone that is here is a certainty Saint: think we're going into Schroedinger territory there, I respect it Leilani: 🙀📦 Saint: 👍 Saint: who am I to say that whatever people are before and after they're people here can't debate philosophy Leilani: these are bigger questions than I expected Saint: And I wasn't meant to even ask how you were Saint: 🤐 Saint: go on Leilani: I've got a headache now 😅 Saint: Oh dear Saint: That's the first time that's happened, I would assure you but that sounds like a losing battle and another knock for my ego Leilani: your ego wants to take it as brush off, retro as hell Leilani: but I don't get questions that deep posed around me is all Saint: Retro...God, just don't take my 'deep' questions as a sign of pretension or I'm getting more tragic by the second! Leilani: it's okay I'm not a downtrodden wifey from back in the day, we're in an era where I can just tell you no Saint: and we're all the better for it Saint: though I don't think I've asked you any question where you'd be directly answerable to me 🤔 Saint: giving me a little too much credit for the universe and it's many questions there Leilani: I don't want your ego to end this convo black & blue Saint: That's very kind of you Saint: but my ability to take criticism could be compared to your ability to cope with Grace, just so we're clear Leilani: Grace isn't hard to cope with Leilani: I like her Saint: I'm glad to hear that, it would be really hard if you didn't Saint: harder, than it is, of course Saint: don't think I'm bashing her really, as I said, they all mean well, I can just imagine that relentless good intentions and meaningful conversations to be had would get very exhausting very fast Leilani: everything's happened fast Leilani: they're all playing catch up to the unexpected Saint: But you're the important one here Saint: most, although I was adding that to try and take the pressure off but clearly that's easier said than done Leilani: this is where I add something about pressure creating 💎 Saint: I don't loathe the sentiment but does it make you feel any better? Leilani: no Saint: then I wouldn't worry Saint: and I doubt there's anything hugely meaningful I can do to make you feel better in an impactful, big way Saint: but if you think of anything on a smaller scale that you would like Saint: don't hesistate to ask Leilani: will you introduce me to everyone in a retro way? Leilani: 🗨  & 🤝 Saint: That I can do Saint: The upsides to this family being as large as it is is that you're never short of functions to hijack for whatever purpose you may need Saint: and you won't have to worry about being centre of attention unless it's your birth, wedding or death Saint: even then, people have their own agendas Leilani: no pressure or as close as Leilani: when's the next? Saint: Exactly Saint: [literally whatever and whenever we want, offer a selection to show your point lol] Leilani: [picks the one where she can serve the best lewk because gotta make an impression regardless especially when you're nervous] Leilani: it's a date Saint: That it is Saint: if you'd rather show up with another kid, I'm happy to come pick you up from Grace's Saint: up to you, of course Leilani: pick me up 🚗 Leilani: I have no idea how Grace is allowed on the road Saint: 😅 Saint: I suppose they reckon the amount of potholes, we're all playing a dangerous game at the mercy of the council Leilani: 🙏 by god's grace like Saint: Seems that's all that's left in the budget 🙄 Leilani: 😅😅 Saint: I think you're in my sister's year Saint: Venus, that is Leilani: what should I think about it? Saint: You know you hypothesized that I was the fittest member of this family? Leilani: it's too late to drop the bomb that I should've asked her to pick me up Saint: She'll need a lift as much as you Saint: but meaning, she'd have taken DEEP offence to that assertion Saint: the headache would be realer Leilani: oops Leilani: & yikes Saint: again, not here on a smear campaign Saint: but I'd be doing you a disservice if I pretended she's universally easy to get on with Saint: perhaps you'll take to each other though Leilani: I'm not easy to get on with atm Leilani: but I do get a free pass Saint: You're doing fine Saint: unless this is your attempt at belligerence, in which case, sorry 😬 Leilani: attempting nothing but no pressure face to face intros Leilani: how could you forget already? Saint: 🤦 forgive me? Leilani: 💅 Leilani: hold on, I'll ask myself what my god would do Leilani: ... Leilani: yeah sure Saint: 😅 Saint: I was hoping distraction only fell under bad manners, not sin Leilani: it depends how you're distracting me Saint: What I offered would depend on how 😇/😈 you preferred your distractions Leilani: if I don't have both on offer how can I possibly choose? Saint: That's completely fair, actually Leilani: I know Leilani: so don't be unfair Saint: Wouldn't dream of it Leilani: is there anyone else you'd like to warn me about, while you're being fair? Leilani: or anyone I should run into the arms of like 🤗🤗? Saint: Warn would be extreme Saint: I don't think anyone is that bad Saint: I would have to know you better personally to say who I think you'd really click with, but there's plenty of us, I'm sure you will with someone Leilani: indulge me in the drama of it, St Leilani: 🤦😅 Saint: Oh, right Saint: you want the gossip of it all so you also have prior information on them coming into the conversations Saint: let me think then Leilani: I miss when my friends wanted to talk about that stuff Leilani: instead of me & my feelings Saint: That makes sense Saint: maybe you and Vee will get on then Saint: there's just a lot of drama to get into Saint: your head and inbox would be rocked Leilani: I've got time Leilani: & my head's already a mess Saint: Okay then Saint: bear with me if my typing speed gets retro Leilani: 😄 Saint: [just methodically go through all that is messed up with the fam nbd] Leilani: holy hell Leilani: I know I asked for that but did I though? Leilani: where have I come to live Leilani: 👋🚕 Saint: Yes Saint: sorry Leilani: hold on I need to just ✈️ Leilani: I thought my mum's relationship history was crazy Saint: It is what it is Saint: we all still manage fine Leilani: by the grace of god again, or whatever other means necessary Saint: Maybe Saint: I don't think it's all that dire now Leilani: maybe when I've come though all the stages of grief I'll be able to let you know what I think Saint: Look forward to it Leilani: I did make it sound really hot Saint: 😏 Saint: we're not all messed up, thank you Leilani: I'm used to being that half of the convo Leilani: you do you Saint: How are you messed up then? Leilani: other than having no parents now? Saint: Yeah Leilani: I'm not doing this right Leilani: any of it Saint: What aren't you doing right? Leilani: I miss her but like she's gone on holiday or a work course Leilani: not like she's never coming back Saint: Well, what's the first stage of grieving Saint: you feel like you aren't missing her hard enough, but if you were out of denial already, you'd actually be taking it way too fast Saint: be rude, right? Saint: Think of it like that Leilani: my rudeness is worse, wanting to hang out with my friends how I did before Leilani: care about 👗👠💄 Saint: Your entire world has been turned upside down Saint: of course you're craving normality Saint: I'm not just saying all this to appease you Saint: you're a kid that just lost her mum Saint: I literally do not believe there's any way you could get through this that would be wrong, or would reflect poorly on you Leilani: she needs to walk back in & badmouth all her worst clients Leilani: she can't be lost Saint: I'm so sorry Saint: that it's so unfair Leilani: unfair was when my dad stopped sending money & letters after going back home for what he said would be a few months Leilani: this is Leilani: I don't even know Saint: How old were you? Leilani: does it make a difference? Saint: Did it? Leilani: I'd just started school, so financially, yeah Saint: Do you know what he's doing now, like, where he is? Leilani: no Leilani: my mum said he had another family there Leilani: someone he was actually married to Saint: Right Saint: that was a cowardly thing for him to do Saint: the minimum would've been financial support Leilani: sadly I can't get it backdated Leilani: imagine Leilani: 👗👠💄 Saint: I'd have to look into it Saint: but probably not Saint: very hard to enforce at any rate Leilani: & taking food out of his other children's mouths, assuming he has some others Saint: Yeah Saint: but you can't be held responsible for his life choices Leilani: neither can they then Saint: I meant it'd be his problem to worry about and solve Saint: but I can understand not wanting to literally steal candy from a baby, as it were Leilani: I haven't been his problem for years, I'm Grace's now Leilani: this family's with all their existing crazy Saint: Okay, getting in contact with your dad for reparations isn't the first step Leilani: it's a mis-step Leilani: he fell off the earth, I'm not following him Saint: Okay Saint: so, what would you be doing with your friends today, if things were normal? Leilani: 🛍 Saint: So, I'll give you both options Saint: I can drive you to your friends, or whatever 🛍 you go to with them Saint: or you can come 🛍 with me Leilani: you can take me Leilani: they don't know how to act now that I'm 💣💥 Saint: they probably think they're giving you time Saint: but really, they're asking for it Saint: at least, that's how I see it Saint: maybe next weekend, or the next Saint: but we can go for now Leilani: it's okay, I wouldn't deal any better if the roles were reversed Leilani: it's not their bad that there's nothing to say or do Saint: You're very fair Saint: not to detract from how much of a 💣💥 you feel Leilani: you're flattering me like I'm not a 💣💥 Leilani: I don't know what that says about you Saint: It's honesty, not flattery Saint: The situation is a 💣💥 Saint: I've seen people handle significantly worse, that's all Leilani: it feels nice, honesty doesn't usually Saint: that's a resounding endorsement Saint: probably a bit too smug to put on a poster or LinkedIn but still, I appreciate it Leilani: you know what I mean, honesty is usually like that 💅 isn't the one or you need braces, child Saint: I think people purposefully conflate being honest with being rude Saint: but you can weaponize anything if you're that sort of person Leilani: yeah ☕ Saint: There's plenty of that sort at church Leilani: & the salon Saint: I've spent less time there myself but I imagine they're much of a muchness Saint: 👵 they all love me, obviously but father is a perfect case study for diplomacy Leilani: it's a type of church for some people Leilani: they take it as serious as a religion Saint: Hair and beauty has always been important Leilani: they just like being able to see results, there's no guarantee when you pray Saint: I'd argue there's no guarantee you get the result you wanted Saint: perhaps even less than 🙏 Saint: maybe you get what you need, not what you want Leilani: 😅😅 Leilani: maybe not for 👵 if they're trying to look 👩 Saint: it highlights the limitations of communication Saint: you think you've asked concisely for one thing, and you end up with something that's nothing like that at all Leilani: I swear I did see my mum work some genuine miracles, that said Saint: It is without a doubt impressive what can be achieved Leilani: what do you want to be? Saint: I want to work for the government Leilani: we haven't been talking that long but that has come through Saint: Is there any particular way you'd like me to take that honesty? Leilani: as a compliment? Leilani: I think Saint: 😅 I think I can manage that then Leilani: I'll tell you what I used to want to be when I was a child, that's weirder Saint: Not admitting it's weird, but go on Saint: I'm intrigued Leilani: clues: Leilani: 🦷💉🥛😁 Leilani: 🚫🍬🍭🍫 Saint: Okay, question, just the one Saint: did you want to be rich or did you just really care about oral hygiene? Leilani: I wanted to make people pretty like my mum, I suppose was the thought process Leilani: & 😁 = happy Saint: So it's even more adorable than I first thought Saint: you don't want to be a dentist anymore? Leilani: the reality is way more gory than I knew then Saint: That's enough to give me a headache Leilani: I need a job with no blood or pus Leilani: even typing that made me feel weird Saint: 😖 Saint: Subject change Saint: are you going to buy anything today? Leilani: do I need to dress to impress your family or just myself? Saint: do you want me to invite my family out shopping with us? Leilani: you do have a lot of sisters Leilani: but you know I meant do I need a new outfit for this meet & greet you're taking me to of the entire extended clan Saint: Oh, gotcha Saint: dress for yourself, of course Saint: unless dressing to impress makes you feel more at ease, in which case, go for that and you won't be alone Leilani: it can't hurt Saint: No, there we go then 😊 Saint: though you can still do the aimless browsing I know 🛍 trips are really about, of course Leilani: are you looking to dress up too? Saint: I like to look presentable Leilani: oh good becos if it was just me, Grace & your sister that'd be a statement Saint: 😅 Saint: don't worry, it won't be Leilani: I'll do my happy dentist 😁 then Leilani: as I'm thrilled Saint: I'm just as 😁 to hear that Leilani: I'll try not to turn it into a frown with excessive browsing Leilani: no promises Saint: I've got a lot of sisters, as you said Saint: I'm sure I'll cope Leilani: which one's your favourite? Saint: which sister? 😂 Saint: I'm not sure there's a diplomatic way to answer that Leilani: answer it honestly, I can promise not to slide in to share the news Saint: Well, Jay is older and we didn't meet her until she was a kid so that combined with her personality makes her the most chilled out now Saint: Vee is younger but still close enough that we were kids together, so that makes her prime annoying younger sister category Saint: then the twins are that much younger that they get to be removed from that, and I have more of that protective older brother in me Leilani: Okay so Jay's your fave Leilani: what's your brother like? Saint: No, I didn't say that Saint: but she wasn't here in the beginning and she's grown up and gone now, it's easy to have less negatives to say about her Leilani: how old were you when you met? Saint: I was about 3 when we found out about her Saint: but the process took a while because she had a dad that raised her and still wanted to even though she wasn't his like he thought Saint: I think I was about 8 when she moved in and spent most of her time with us Leilani: that must have been such a weird time Saint: it was Saint: Vee was born around the time we found out about her so Saint: that was a trial too Leilani: your parents have had a LOT going on Saint: Yes, it seems to be their forte Leilani: your brother then Saint: he's younger too, so again, protective Saint: probably because we're outnumbered too Leilani: an if question Leilani: if you had to give me one of them, as an only child, which one would you give me? Saint: 😂 an odd request but okay, let me 🤔 Saint: Probably Sekh Saint: from the short conversation we've had, you have things in common, that would work well 🛍👠💄👗 Leilani: you're gonna separate the twins? very disney channel Saint: It was either lump them in together there and offend them, or separate and acknowledge that they're separate people Saint: they'll understand 😅 Leilani: 😅 Leilani: safer if I ask Grace for a pet instead Saint: Sure that she'd be down for that Saint: 🐰🐹🐱🐶🐠? Leilani: 🤔 Saint: That is a big decision Saint: best to take your time, decide how much effort you wanna put in to day to day care Leilani: 🐱 or 🏠🐰 Saint: Cute Saint: got any names or do you need to see it before assigning one Leilani: it feels fairer to meet them 1st Saint: 👍 Saint: we can go to the nearest pet shop/shelter if you'd like Leilani: adopt don't shop, St Leilani: or else 👿🔥 Saint: Indeed 😏 Saint: but you know most shops rescue their animals now anyway Saint: except fish...but I don't know how we're morally meant to feel about breeding fish? Leilani: we won't buy any, be on the safe & 😇 side Saint: It's your day Saint: I wouldn't try to bring you down to 👿🔥 levels Leilani: thanks, I have only just moved in Saint: Definitely not my intention with this conversation, or any going forward Leilani: that comes through too Saint: Is that a compliment? Leilani: I don't know if you're 😁 or not to be a good & polite boy Saint: Why would I want to be anything less 😇? Leilani: becos of your name maybe Saint: Subverting expectations Saint: I'd argue people expect the opposite from me though, regardless of my first name Leilani: in your case pressure makes 😇 Saint: 🤞 I hope so Leilani: I'll subvert expectations for us both Saint: Is that your new plan? Leilani: I don't really have one Leilani: other than the 🛍 Saint: Well, you have time Leilani: yeah, it's the keyword that's getting thrown around most atm Saint: It's not provably true but it's most likely the case Leilani: & it'll fill an awkward silence Saint: I can clearly talk enough for the both of us Saint: it doesn't need to be awkward Leilani: this isn't, but remember how we ref-ed that you weren't the only McKenna in my 💬📱 Saint: Right Saint: is there anything you'd like me to do, beyond the formal introductions Saint: politely suggest some people give it some time, perhaps? Leilani: use the time thing against them, I like it 😅 Saint: Only fair 🙂 Saint: consider it done Leilani: we're back into retro hubby & wifey territory Saint: You think? Leilani: it's very defence squad but I'm not 😤 Saint: I'm not helping you because you're a girl and I'm a boy Saint: just because I have the ability to Leilani: I know, you're coming across capable Saint: I'd like to think so Saint: but bragging about it would not be 😇 nor helpful Leilani: I've got your back in hyping you up a 😇 amount Saint: That's sweet Saint: I promise my ego is not that fragile that I need you to but it's still nice Leilani: I'd like to think I am Leilani: that it's not all doom & gloom in me, but maybe time will have to tell, annoyingly Saint: It shows Saint: honestly Saint: you aren't what's happened to you, even if that is all you can think about right now, or feel it's all you're meant to, or are allowed to, whatever Leilani: whether or not I'm her death, I was her life Leilani: there's credit for how she raised me, I mean Saint: Definitely Saint: I don't know you yet, but I would like to get to know you, from what I've seen Saint: I won't throw out proud for her but, you know Saint: I would be in her position Leilani: I don't know what to say Leilani: that feels above nice to hear Saint: I'm almost certain she would want you to know that, at the very least Leilani: yeah, she would Leilani: she wasn't too humble for a brag Saint: 😅 Saint: you should continue that tradition then Leilani: you'll regret saying that when I make you take 10000000000000s of pictures of me posing in different 👗 Saint: 😏 I'll have to buy myself something expensive to cope, I'm sure Leilani: ⌚️ so you can keep an eye on the time Saint: I have an uncharacteristically free day today Saint: my time is yours Leilani: what are we waiting for? come get me Saint: That's what I was waiting for Saint: I'll be with you shortly Leilani: consent given Saint: 👍
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