barren-heart · 5 months
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innacurateundertale · 9 months
flowey doesnt want to be seen as asriel because he wants to keep that last piece of his old life untainted. when everything went wrong, like chara dying, his parents seperating, him dying, thats when asriel ended. asriel represented everything good, so if things weren’t good, he couldn’t exist.
and since flowey isnt good, and the things around him aren’t good, he can’t be asriel. flowey feels different to asriel because he wants to protect his past, protect himself from truly realizing everything he once knew was really gone.
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starry-stan-blog · 9 months
Thinkpiece 2 : Mo Ran
ok so i'm new to 2ha (still reading it rn) but the flip in mr's personality gave me whiplash. like i understand why he changes his ways but this man goes from "i am going to destroy the world because i have crippling depression and no friends" to "i am going to destroy my shizun's ass"
baffling (?)
but anyway
i love how devoted he becomes. it's really... *clenches fist* such a good trope. he's willing to do anything for cwn. and i'm obsessed. yes. destroy your shizun's ass. but do it lovingly, PLEASE.
i need them to get married and have a little house together and make congee in the morning and eat lotus pastries every day PLEASEEE
especially the part where mr is lying on the bed crying himself to sleep because of his shizun... oh that HURT to read. fr. sobbed, actually. i need them to have a happily ever after pls i neED IT
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kaemugiss · 4 months
a disorganized analysis/thinkpiece on danganronpa v3's ending
also known as: why drv3's ending was not the shitshow people think it is and what we can learn from its implications. spoilers under the cut (obviously).
i really do think that v3 was the best place to end the series on. to me it feels like some very poignant commentary on seasonal rot, fan reception, and the role of creatives in pop culture. like... in-game, danganronpa was in its 53rd iteration. there's no doubt that plenty of plot points were repeated over and over and over again— namely the continual reappearance of junko. "it's always junko enoshima", tsumugi says. and she's right. the shadow of junko enoshima looms over the entire franchise. she's omnipresent, seeping through every writing choice and plot beat for her brand recognition. i can only imagine that the writers behind the show in-game (and perhaps irl) were growing tired of having to do the same thing every single time.
the truth is, you can't keep a franchise going without it eventually growing stale in some way. all things must end eventually, no matter how great they are. and truthfully, so much of our media landscape is permeated by the same exact franchises, the same exact games, the same exact shows and movies. think for a moment about, say, games like final fantasy xiv and genshin impact (both of which i adore, to be clear). both games will eventually reach a natural end point, but i must admit that i fear the inevitable prolonging of both because they're popular and profitable. games such as MMOs and live service gachas are not sustainable forever. you can't expect creatives to seriously want to keep working on the exact same story their entire life. that's not even mentioning, say, the marvel cinematic universe or supernatural, with both franchises reaching a good place to end and then just... not.
that's the kind of thing that drv3 was trying to comment on. and frankly, the fan reception to that callout only further proved its point. i've been in the dr fandom since 2013 and was around for v3's initial release. people were furious at the ending— downright spiteful, i might add! after all, they weren't happy that the series they loved was so cynically turned on them! and while i can't blame anyone for being upset at that, i can blame those who did not critically look at themselves and the series, and only demanded more and more of the franchise. frankly, if dr had continued past v3, i don't think it would have been all that interesting or well-written. kodaka's already moved onto new projects, so why can't we? because we're so attached to fiction in the same way that tsumugi is, clinging to what's familiar and never branching out? valuing what isn't real over our own lives and well-being?
the truth of the matter is, everything ends. stories, events, good times, bad times, life itself. but the end to anything can be the beginning of another. and shouldn't life be full of wonderful, varied experiences?
and if we have to keep junko twelve feet under to do so, then i think it's worth it.
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clonepa · 1 year
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clearlakeve · 1 year
I think I have spent most of my life falling in love with feelings. 
My first relationship was with a boy who made me feel normal, a boy who snuck me library books beneath the plastic-wooden desks of a dull painted classroom. When he whispered to me fragments of stories in alcoves of knotted blue and dirty wooden chairs, I thought “this must be what love is like”, because what else could it be?
When I was nineteen, a girl kissed me at center-stage, in the fleeting moments between the close of the curtain and the heady rush off-stage. When she pulled away, the air between us was thick with excitement and exhilaration of a performance well done, and for a moment I was flying, unmoored and unbothered, wondering, “is this what love is?”
I am not much older now than I was back then, but somehow, I cannot help but think that there must be something more to all of this. Do I love because of the way I feel? Or do I feel because I love? 
In the end, does it even matter? We love, because we love, because we love. We run around in circles to escape our emotions, to run towards them, but they come for us in their own time all the same. I suspect we are incapable of anything less than what it is that love entails, simply because we are. So in the end, is it only love that matters?
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enchantingmirage · 1 year
The Rainbow Divas Deserve Better (A Rant)
Check out my newest post here. Your comments/criticism are welcome. #rainbowhigh #rainbowdivas #rant #thinkpiece
I have always loved dolls when I was younger. I even had a couple of them growing up and still have to this day- even if they’re still in the box. Damaged boxes, mind you due to them getting moved around a lot. Those poor girls… Unfortunately, I missed out on a lot of lines that came out around the 2010s, such as G1 of Monster High, Ever After High, La Dee Da, etc. So, I have to thank the…
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niminniie · 9 months
I’m kind of passionate about tagging and it pisses me of to no end when ppl don’t get it.
The tags are there to block them, so for gods sake don’t censor tags. Also pls tag your stuff truthfully and exhaustively. Stuff that u put in key smashes and sentences can very rarely be filtered.
And once again stop censoring stuff unless there’s a good reason. E.g.: It makes sense to censor Jaemins name on sites where we can assume he’s an active user, when writing about stuff that might disturb him.
And even then. It’s the internet you’re not going to hell for not censoring Jaemins name, you are, however, kind of going to hell for censoring triggers.
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FYI to everyone out there in the world:
Belief is The Sixth Sense
I am beginning to believe that Belief itself is a sense similar to the other 5 because we use it to perceive our world which is a function similar to the other 5 senses.
You want proof? Here is your proof:
Observable Effects of Belief:
Mental - People make actual decisions based on what they perceive through their beliefs. Beliefs are acting like any other sense that we actively respond to (We smell good food, we move toward it; we see a barrier in front of us, we move to avoid it; we believe the world is going to end because of global warming, we seek to become more environmentally friendly; etc.)
Emotional - Anxiety and Depression can manifest in one's emotions EVEN WHEN THERE IS NO TRIGGER FOR THESE EMOTIONS THAT CAN BE PERCEIVED THROUGH THE OTHER 5 SENSES. Because one BELIEVES a thing to be true, our emotions Naturally respond; They respond without our conscious effort. (If we believe that something will inevitably kill us with no hope of our survival, two natural responses are panic and despair in order to unconsciously either fight or submit to the perceived threat in hopes of survival and comfort respectively).
Physical - THE PLACEBO EFFECT IS REAL. That is because our physical bodies are reacting to what it is sensing in its beliefs.
Linguistic - Listen to what "believers" say: "I can 'feel' Him here", "I sense that He is in the room with us right now." Even though we don't see, taste, touch, smell, or hear anything out of the ordinary, human beings can still feel/sense some kind of presence in their surroundings. What is this sense then that we're using to perceive whatever it is we are perceiving? The answer is our belief.
Although we as a 21st century culture do not contemporarily agree that the concept of believing is in fact a form of metaphysical sense, like observing a black hole, this phenomenon exists in observable effects on the physical world. Through my use of logic and reasoning, I have come to the conclusion that the concept of believing should be considered as a Sixth Sense.
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stephemcd · 2 years
Let's talk about Aki Ross from Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within for a moment.
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Yes, the movie she was in is a complete and utter financial failure.
Yes, the story and characters are unremarkable despite how visual stunning it is.
Yes, it BARELY did anything with the Final Fantasy name and everything that usually came with it like magic, summons, chocobos, moogles, Gilgamesh, belts and zippers, etc.
Yes, Square shouldn't have made the movie to begin and should've just stuck to making games at the time, then they still would've had enough to make more games that didn't have the FF brand.
Yes, I'm aware that bringing this up will have comments about how bad the movie is or at least everything around it.
I don't want to talk about any of that... but what if Aki Ross herself knew all that?
Pretend there's a Dissidia RPG (maybe it's in Opera Omnia or a whole new console game) and there's a scene where the protagonist (an OC or any of your favourite FF characters) woke up in an apartment and meets Aki Ross, voiced by Ming-na Wen after over 20 years, asks if the protagonist was alright, who then asks what's happening and who she is.
“I don’t know who I am anymore. All I know is that I was created a digital actress, for a movie that was critically mauled by film-buffs and gamers so hard and was an utter financial failure, the very corporations that hyped me up as the next big thing were happy to bury me to be forgotten to the sands of time, only every acknowledging the movie I was in with the occasional VOD and streaming releases. Have you any idea of what it’s like to realize that the world you live in and the people around you never mattered? That everything you worked for were all for nothing. That your dreams, your beliefs and your fantasies were all fake? That your very life was a complete lie?”
Aki Ross stares aimlessly outside the window and she ponders.
“If it’s meant to be this way, why can’t I least be with the rest of you? I want to be a part of your adventures. To see the moogles and chocobos, getting to summon larger than life monsters and gods at your whims, struggling between harmony and discord, hoping between dimensions like Gilgamesh and Omega…”
In anger, she violently bangs her fist on a wall and shouts “WHY CAN’T I BE PART OF ALL OF THAT!!!?” before utter silence, with the only sound coming from the ambience in her apartment, everything outside it and her tears falling on the floor before whispering “Even my emotions are fabricated and scripted. But nothing more than a fantasy, my final… fantasy.”
Your player character has the option to say “At least you’re not an NFT or on the blockchain and she begins to laugh, almost taking a sadistic delight to the fact Squaresoft/Square-Enix routinely make worse financial decisions than her movie before the screen fades to white and your player characters ends up back to where they were before, as if nothing happened but does ponder about Aki Ross, even if it was just a dream.
We all know it won’t happen but it’s a something I just suddenly wanted to write about. It’s the very least I can do for Aki Ross.
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masked-rat · 26 days
Y'know, I'd have voted to acquit Bankman-Fried.
Crypto, as an asset class, was created for tax fraud. Seriously. It's meant to be untraceable and thus untaxable. Standard big- L Libertarian bullshit.
So by convicting him, the government is sending the wrong message.
We need to tell crypto- bros that no, the government will *not* be there to save them when someone scams them out of millions or even billions of dollars. Sorry, nope, you want to exist without the government using assets designed to evade government taxation, then maybe the government needs to stop protecting you.
Exit Libertarians, pursued by bears.
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bythepen98 · 1 year
The more I see those spoilers and snippets of past chapters about the war with all of them fighting in mha, the more I think about how Izuku and the gang are literally still just kids doing their best to fight overpowered villains and dealing with all types of stress they weren't expecting for this early. Sure they have powers and have been trained for it (even though for most of them, its only been months to a yr?) but like....I look at actual normal 15-16 yr old kids today and try to imagine them in Class 1A's shoes fighting the big bad. Crazy to think about and shifts my world view little by little.
I also don't know why I'm surprised-pikachu-face at the concept bc teenagers power scaling and fighting ppl that even powered adults couldn't handle is a staple in shonen.
Team 7 and co were actually out here fighting an alien goddess but I didn't bat much of an eye at them going ham in their war. Probably has something to do with them being magic ninjas who were trained to kill at a young age while mha, despite the quirk business, feels more grounded(???not sure about the word. Basically it parallels the /real/ world more than Naruto's -obviously- so I feel the surrealness more clearly) bc it's a modern world where kids generally get to stay as kids, barring any unforseen incidents, until they enter a hero school.
Makes it all the more impressive that all the students in mha fighting have progressed so well with their abilities considering their youth and especially when they, to my current knowledge, don't have the kind of plot armor power scaling Deku and the villains (and maybe a select few other characters) do.
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poemsbymonster · 1 year
I am 21 years old and I love taking baths.  I lay in the bath, bubbles around me Breathing air scented from the things  I’ve put in the water.
Oils, bath salts, bubble bath, soap.  I lay in the concoction  And submerge myself under.
I don’t open my eyes I let the water flow into my ears My hair floating around me like A halo
And I am taken back To little me. She drowns under the water Trying to diminish the sounds.
Drowns and drowns And thinks to herself, “This must be how my mom feels, When she’s dead on the couch”
And 21 year old me thinks to herself, “This must be how my mom feels, When imagining herself without  Kids.”
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mizandria · 9 days
people make fun of the "oh you only hate her because she's a WOMAN" crazy feminist mentality but yeah actually you guys do only hate her because she's a woman a lot of times. for every hated female tv character there's ten male tv characters who are a million times worse and still given at least the "intriguing morally grey character" treatment if not straight up praise. for every hated female celebrity in real life there's one hundred famous men who have done worse and don't get half the hate she does. for every hated female politician, for every hated female historical figure, for the women you know in real life and on and on.
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fvneral-m00n · 1 year
it wasnt for havin companionship. Friends that make make you laugh, go on adventures with. Explore new things together and bond knowing you will know each other a longbtime. Knowing you got supportive people with hearts full of love who u can call all hours to ponder ifes meaning or just 2 ask for help because the intensity of living can get to much to bare but please please do because its worth it. People to errand hang and gossip n laugh. . If it wasnt for fiery sexual passion and sweet innocent love, the little glow worm butterflies you get in your stomach when you realise you've fallen for someone. And your lover or lovers the people to share it with. The people I will protect with my whole mind body and soul cuz they r more precious than any Ruby or precious metal. And we do need to protect the ones we love unfortunately because if it wasnt for suffering to put all the beauty and colourful precious life in to context. Life would b empty. Meaninglessness. Because a moment of joy feels so much more beautiful when you have endured a eternity of pain. We need the people in our lives. We come together to bring each other joy.
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Siento comodidad y paz cuando estoy contigo, pero cuando te marchas me tapo con las sábanas llenas de dudas. Eso me mata y me confunde. Sinceramente, el silencio habla más que cualquier voz.
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