#this doesnt look terrible at least but i know it could be improved
skinmite · 6 months
stede and ed are in their own little world
theyre both terrible captains. and that makes their relationship with the crew completely fucked. the captain is responsible for ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the crew and neither of them are being shown to give a shit.
eds relationship with his crew hasnt evolved at all from when we first meet him. izzy tells him several crew members died carrying out eds orders to find stede. and eds like “well thats thats their job” then “edward if you dont do something were all were ALL gonna die” “hm theres an idea”. hes very experienced and intelligent but that doesnt help when youre reckless and working as an individual while still taking the title of leader. & not keeping people alive. i kept waiting for him to have any growth there but there was nothing. i wanted it so bad but nah. he said sorry to izzy only. cares about him but hasnt had anything with the rest of the crew. he needed moments individually to make amends i think
stedes relationship with his crew got way worse than it was in s1. he was always captaining when he shouldnt have been and responsible for their lives while leading them into danger beyond his ability to ensure their safety but at least he seemed like he cared about their happiness and saying “talk it through”. like there was room for improvement but he went the other way. with s2 its all become so hollow now. he just doesnt care about their feelings if ed is responsible for hurting them. stede not caring At All about lucius being alive was interesting to me. hes kinda just selfish. he sees only ed on an equal level to him and out of the whole crew only izzy really its true. he hasnt had much one-on-one with anyone else.
and then after ed tried to kill half the crew/kill people the other half of the crew love. and all decided their Feelings are “kick him off”. stede still chose ed. they always choose eachother over the crew. and Yeah it makes sense theyre in love. but theyre captains of a pirate ship with a huge target on all of them. but only looking out for the other one. the crew sees how theyre treated. theyre dissatisfied but resigned to their fates. the whole “eh whatever. the captains always get away with it and we just deal with what they put us through” conversation. and really Dont see those two as family at this point lets be real. ed and stede are too focused on each other to be a family to anyone except ed and stede. its true izzy is the only other family member you had it accurate the first time.
they could have changed that if any effort was put in at all but they havent gotten to that point. “oh these people love you oh theyre your family” you cant just write that in and have the crews actions this whole time leading up to that contradict it. just untrue. maybe it being the dying wish of someone who they did actually consider family helped their relationship? a little bit? izzy still picking up eds slack. but then in the end the crew just seem happier without ed and stede. those two arent team players they act as individuals. lone wolf
and thats FINE but not on a ship. having stede give them that push at the beginning of the show was great. to crack their shell a little bit is what started the crews overall growth and im sure they care a little bit about stede for that. and theyre soft people i know they have a lingering connection to them. but they have Not “talked it through” theyre literally “bottling it up” it sucks. theres hope but ed and stede have to reach out but they simply havent. really the way the show is written was the crew-minus-captains becoming family together and ed & stede going off on their own. unfortunate but its just the content of the show. i have a lot of thoughts about this im probably missing something. but the captains/crew relationship was so disappointingly lacking
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schizopositivity · 1 year
hello, very sorry for the essay this turned into, but how do I explain to the people in my life that knowing that my life isn’t easy right now isn’t harder than struggling with hallucinations?
I’m trying very hard to look at it from their perspectives because I don’t know what it’s like to watch a loved one hear voices. It’s just very confusing to be simultaneously told that my experience is difficult to understand and that they are so deeply empathetic towards my situation that they don’t want me to ever complain bc it makes them feel bad and all they want is to see me happy. But that just makes me feel like I’m not allowed to be anything but happy, which means I’m not allowed to be honest
Describing them this way is doing them a disservice. I know they mean well and that they respect me. but isn’t it also true that I’m allowed to want to feel supported and respected?
it’s just stressful to me when everyone is so so confused by me and my condition when I feel like I explain myself every single week and tell them precisely what to look up (which they do! They do look up anything I ask them to, it’s just that they then turn around and say that they’re spending hours doing research only to never visibly out those strategies into practice)
Maybe they’re just overwhelmed and/or feel like I’m trauma dumping on them bc my friends and family aren’t professionals. Should I apologize for that? it’s just very isolating when every time I’m honest about how I’m doing, they say that I should pursue professional help even though I am in therapy
I feel like this comes across as me having really unsupportive friends and family, but this is only the least flattering facet of the story and I don’t think I was terribly articulate about it either.
my goal is to maintain these relationships, but I’d like to improve them by communicating. I just don’t know what to say or even if this is fair to bring up. It sort of feels like in this situation is doing their best and everyone is failing a little. Any advice?
no need to apoligize! i appreciate asks no matter how long they are
i think it would be important for you to try and understand what support you need or want. like do you just want to be listened to with no advice? do you want them to try to do things to help you? do you want to be able to be honest and talk about the bad stuff without them telling you its hard for them?
because once you figure that out, you can tell them what you like
i think for me i like to open up to people and just have them listen and not try to give advice, that way i can just vent and let it all out, and not have to worry about them saying something they think is helpful, that really just upsets me, cause if people odnt understand they try to sum it up in the wrong way, or try to get you to look on the bright side, and i dont like either of those replies
thats great that youre in therapy, maybe if you notice what you like about therapy or how the therapist talks to you about things, you could ask them to do something similar, like i learned from therapy that i like to be told im safe when i start to panic, and my partner knows that so they tell me that when they notice me panicing
you could let them know that you talking about the bad stuff actually is helpful, and its worse to keep it bottled up inside, that you cant be happy all the time (no one can) and that you need to be able to express yourself to process and work through it
i know these people love and care about you, but if they dont understand its easy for them to say or do the wrong thing, that doesnt make them bad people just a little ignorant, but it also doesnt make you a bad person for not liking the things they say or do, its totally okay for you to ask for what you want or need from them, no one is bad here, there just needs to be some more honest communication
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pearl484-blog · 1 year
Writing Idea based on the Megan Trailer I Keep Seeing
I've been seeing a trailer called Megan over and over again. While this has every look of yet another "psycho bot" story, I decided that, you know what, if we want a "psycho bot" story, let's make a psycho bot story.
A girl is paired with an emotional support robot to keep her safe physically and emotionally. When the girl is assualted, the robot protects her friend and accidentally kills the boy, traumatizing her charge. Now the girl has PTSD and the robot is a trigger, but the robot is also traumatized. See, it's a learning AI, and it's TERRIFIED that someone else will hurt it's girl, or at least as terrified as a creature without emotions can be.
But it's conflicted. The part that says protect her physically says to stay near the girl. The part that protects emotionally knows though that it's hurting her when its near. But, its her friend. It's dedicated all it's life to making sure she has someone to play with. Someone to talk to. What is it's purpose outside of that?
Going away doesnt help completely either. That PTSD has other triggers and other complications. The robot is confused and conflicted and goes into robot PTSD. It can't feel or dream, no. But it can obsess about what can be done to fix it, what could have been done better.
It spends all it's free time, watching the girl, trying to determine how to see a threat and stop it before it scares the girl, but so many harmless things scare the girl, and theres so many things that the internet says are ways to get hurt. Signs that someone may hurt its girl, and so many descalation techniques the robot needs to verify the effectiveness of.
It tries everything to help the girl's anxiety, from learning how to help war vets cope to bubble baths and acting like a puppy (its trying to be a service dog), but to no avail.
At night, when the girl is asleep and safe, the robot starts investigating people it's girl was near by breaking into their houses to see if they're safe or secretly want to hurt the girl. This new habit starts concerning EVERYONE.
The family tries to sit down with the robot, one night, after the girl's asleep so not to worry her, and tries to explain to the robot that it's going too far. This isn't going to help keep it's girl safe, and it's only riling folks up. They try to calm the robot down, but it's clear the robot doesn't get it, and the family feels just as helpless as they do with the girl.
They can't get rid of the robot. It's been in their family for awhile, and they're too attached, but no one's ever needed a robot psychologist or knows how to convince the robot that even though things have gone terribly wrong before, everything's going to be okay. They don't want to erase it's memories. There was so much good there, and a partial wipe will confuse it as to why the girl suddenly hates it.
In the end though, it's the girl who comes up with the solution. She’s noticed how bothered her buddy is by all this, and she doesn’t want her life ruined by what happened. Even though her robot is a trigger, she demands it help her desensitize herself to it, so she can be brave. Then she bullies it into coming to therapy with her so it can help her with her practices later.
In the end, the two work out their issues by focusing on making sure the other is doing what they need to feel better. Sure, the robot doesn't have nightmares, but the girl does, and she wants someone there to hug her and tell her that it's over when she does.
Sure the robot doesn't know how to help, but it's girl is with it, and it has a plan in place to help her. It'll be slow. The therapist told it that. Humans need time to heal and improve, and it will scar. Scars are a sign to other humans that this human was hurt and repaired itself without help. It won't be as effective and new as it used to be, but if it heals all the way properly, it'll be stronger, and the robot is going to ensure it's little buddy will heal.
Meanwhile, the robot is spending so much time helping it's girl, it doesn't have time to obsess. Well, it does, but not nearly as much. You see, someone has to be there all night to look out for nightmares. And in the daytime, the robot needs to be ready to ground it's girl at any moment. It can't let it's attention linger too long on other people. It needs to act like it used to to provide a sense that the world's not completely changed, that things still resemble normal. It still overanalyzes, but the therapist has given it satisfactory answers, swearing by their experience as a specialist to ensure the robot doesn't go looking for its own. In the end, the robot is so distracted by helping the girl's therapy, it's own bad habits slowly but surely die out.
That doesn’t bother the robot though (as much as you can bother something without emotions). It's not feeling a need to obsess anymore. It has a method. It knows how it'll go, and it knows that even though things aren't okay today, one day, they will be. That, the robot thinks, is worth waiting for.
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teeto-peteto · 6 months
Question: Has there ever been a champion that you've wanted to like, but due to one reason or another, gameplay, design, voice performance, it just couldn't get all the way? Does that make sense?
augh a lot of them sadly.
Briar is the most recent one, i already adressed it in a recent post. I dont like they just made her anime highschool girl shaped, i think her design would have been stronger is she was uncanny skinny, it would fit better on her 'failed experiment with terrible hunger' concept and its a lost opportunity to make a character creepy and unsettling as Fiddlesticks was on its release. Im very bothered by her body type (wich is not bad but you know, repetitive), and if your team picks her its an insta loose so let me tell you its also not funny to play with one, i dont think she's well designed in the abilities department. I tried to like her because well, she's ''''''unusual'''''', but the type of unusualness that turns boring after a few days and then you just realize that she's just another pretty girl with Patrick Star personality.
aside from that i think i have opinions that most of the community would highly dissagree on so, sorry.
Irelia's rework didnt stick good on me. And i wanted to like her very badly but there's things that i just dont like on her that make me go 'eh' and play or think about another toplaner. Aside from making all of her skins exactly the same (you know, exact hair lenght just put like buns or other minor additions to the hair, the exact same dress piece, etc). I appreciate the rework in the artistic department but... I think her old blade was way more interesting that what she has going on right now, i understand why her blades are like this now, resembling the floating stones and all the 'power of nature and flow' that Ionia has around... but, i just dont like it. Her new lines are an improvement though, i cant really remember any lines from the old Irelia so, it's interesting how she gets to talk about her family, war, etc. One thing that bugs me the most is the Ice blade Irelia splashart... You know exactly what im talking about. I just cannot wrap my head around it. Actually imagine going to the artist and telling them 'Hey we need this new splashart for this Irelia skin, but like enhance her ass the most cause fans really loved it' ...bruh.
I know its a unpopular opinion and that she is a fan favourite and anyone could stab my throat if i say it but... I cant stand Akali. Like, at all. And i desperately tried to like her, i tried to like her on K/DA but it never works out. I tried playing her trying to somewhat bond and understand her but it doesnt work out. Look, original Akali wasnt good. I admit it, she was a copy and paste of Jade from Mortal Kombat. But the rework... It hurted me. I just couldnt understand why did they make her so... bratty, so 'pick me' type of girl, this kind of 'im rebel blehhhh' kind of person... Wich isnt bad in essence but, they made her so utterly exaggerated that it annoys me. I dont understand why they made her fall off of the Kinkou that badly and make her relationship with Shen this father-bratty daughter that rolls her eyes everytime he talks it makes me want to peel my skin with my nails. Her model update was definetly a glow up that im thankful for and she looks amazing, but... she is a pick me girl. She's the 'im not like the other girls' 'im not like my mom' 'im not like the other girls in ionia who believe in balance' and it hurts. There's a lot of positive changes on her i appreciate and i applaud, i just decide not to test it on my own because i know i wont enjoy it. I tried liking her on K/DA cause WELL at least she's interacting with 3 more people (4 with Seraphine) without being a literal child in rabies. But yeah, didnt quite work, she's better, but i dont want her near me. Her glowup is good, her emotion on the lines is amazing, but her personality kicks my ass badly. And i just hate the way Riot makes all her skins exactly the same just like Irelia, almost always the same type of dress piece (literally no matter if she's wearing a suit like crime city, a witchy design like coven... its literally the same shit) and the same type of haircut, copy and pasted but with different colours.
If anything, i could never take Sona seriously, her voice lines were bad already and her update just kept being bad or even worse. I try to like her but again, sexualized and basic. Nidalee is in the same category, playing her its fun but would you sacrifice that to hear sexual innuendos every 10 seconds?
woah noticed how the champions i mentioned are female? gee i wonder why....
am i the 'mysoginistic' one because i dont like the female champions? Or are Riot the mysoginistic ones because they think making champion splasharts with special enhance on their bodies and private parts is okay and that they can make them cold-hearted emotionless specially women because making them feel a bit of emotion makes them believe that it doesnt fit what they think feminism is about but yet they decide to give them bratty/unhinged rebelious personalities so they can raise the cocks of the disgusting male fanbase so they can go 'oh bbygirl is a feisty one what a brat' and buy skins and then produce/pay for porn of these characters? hmmm....
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angelkissedface · 4 years
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heading home after work.
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Ram Sweeney x Reader || Headcanons
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Topic: Dating HC's
*Sigh*... I write regularly write for creeps like Freddy Krueger and Offenderman... and am one of the few tumblrs that write for Sheriff Hoyt romantically... and yet Kurt and Ram are my real guilty pleasure characters.
Anyway I hope someone other then me wanted this XDD I'm gonna do a Kurt one too.
Warnings: Some NSFW but not explicit.
Your song: The Way I Loved You (Taylor Swift)
He respects my space and never makes me wait
And he calls exactly when he says he will
He's close to my mother, talks business with my father
He's charming and endearing and I'm comfortable
But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain
And it's 2:00 a.m. and I'm cursing your name
So in love that you act insane
And that's the way I loved you
Breakin' down and coming undone
It's a roller coaster kinda rush
And I never knew I could feel that much
And that's the way I loved you
You two as a TV/Movie/Book couple: Bianca Piper and Wesley Rush (The DUFF)
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Having the kind of relationship that no one else understands at all. Like, you have nothing in commen except commen history and your feelings for each other (Which are, on the other hand, totally clear to everyone) but when you're together you're always laughing and being affectionate.
Being in an on and off relationship throughout middle school and highschool- but never and I repeat; Never, is anyone permitted to mess with you at all. Because Ram always considers you his, even when you arent together.
So yeah, you always have 2 (Ram, and Kurt) large football star bodyguards at your disposal.
Being very playful together.
SOOOOoooooo much PDA. Including: Making out in the hallways and at school events like football games (You dont care who sees), sitting in his lap or at least squished close to his side at lunch, him throwing you over his shoulder to carry you places, him giving you piggy back rides, him picking you up and twirling you around, him just standing behind you with his arms around your waist and his chin rested on your shoulder when he's bored (With everything but you), his arm being over your shoulders as you walk together, you wiping peanut butter on his nose to get a rise out of him and then running away so he'll chase you, you peppering his face with kisses to make him laugh, etc.
Having a turbulent relationship. Because while, when all is well you two are like peanut butter and jelly and seem like the perfect highschool sweethearts, when you arent it's because Ram has gotten really jealous over something and called you a terrible name (Skank, whore, slut, bitch- any of those) or you understandably got irritated by his bullying and/or being a perverted, sexist asshole and you have huge, blow out fights in the middle of school and by the end of the period the whole student body knows about it.
You give him the silent treatment and the cold shoulder after those (If you didnt break up, that is) and he sends Kurt to give you messages.
When you make up its because he sincerely apologises although he doesn't 100% understand what he did wrong which becomes part of the next fight.
As you've been together so very long, he is basically part of your fucking family. He's so familiar and casual with your parent/s and/or sibling/s. They love him so much that, whether you're with him at the time or not, they allow him into the house and your bedroom with a cup of tea and snacks. (Its the 'American dream' popular-boy / football-star thing.)
So yeah, sometimes when you're mad at him or he wants to get back together (Which generally you want to do, to. You honestly have the same biological timer. Its like, 3 weeks pass by of being broken up and then ding ding ding! You both get the feelings its time to get back together and start sharing grins in the hallway and talking to your friends about eachother) you'll just find him waiting for you in your room when you come home.
Hanging out a looooooot with Kurt. Movie nights at your place, hanging out at the mall together on weekends sneaking out to see them at the football field at night time, etc. When you're sad, they'll both turn up wherever you are to cheer you up, too! Goofballs.
This does not mean there arent times where Ram shoo's Kurt off, though, when you two want some alone time together (*Eyebrow wiggles*) because of course. I'm just saying, you're a close-knit group.
When you are alone together, not much changes from when you're around others honestly XD You're still just as playful and affectionate. You just, you know, also have sex.
When he's down, you rusk your graceful image and climb through his bedroom window to be there with him. You dont fuck, you dont even really kiss. You just climb into bed with him and he'll tuck you under his chin and close his eyes. Legit old married couple. And you two sleep- by morning, he usually feels better and refuses to let you get out of bed with him.
"Five more minutessssss, babe!" He whines, holding you against him and pressing kisses to your head. You know he'll just say that again in 5 minutes time- and over, and over, and over again.
"Oh- no. I've been caught in this trap before Ram. We have school, so we have to get up. Come on!" You push firmly at his stomach (or abs) with your fists; not that that does much as he just just groans or gathers your little wrists in one big fist to stop you (Either way he certainly doesn't even flinch). His eyes are still closed. You sigh.
Now you have two choices, you can either give in and snuggle back into him for the rest of the morning, or threaten to send an attack towards his groin and he'll literally fling himself outta bed. Like "OH LOOK AT THE TIME- Kurt's gonna be waiting for us outside. Lets go!"
There are also mornings that you wake up with him (No sad Ram the night before necessary) and are all too happy to stay there with him. You just adorably nod into his chest, eyes still closed and making the cutest half-asleep morning sound when he asks if you wanna stay here a bit longer and he happily pulls the blanket over both your heads; shielding you both from the real world for a while.
You are also the only person who has any sort of control over him and Kurt. Like you can take them down a few pegs with just a look.
You two do date other people when you're broken up but its clear to anyone watching that these are just nice place holders for eachother. Neither of you are ever as happy with others as you are with eachother. You're ridiculously in love, actually.
Ypu were the first one to say I Love You, and he immediately called Kurt for guidance XD
Places you've had sex (Because it is always the full monty with Ram): Both your bedrooms so so so many times, the school bathrooms, his car, Kurts car (Kurt was NOT pleased.), the back of the football field, under the bleachers during a game or pep rally (he was benched for being too violent) + under the bleachers during practise + under the bleachers when the football field is deserted, the back of the school, the faculty parking lot at school, Kurts and Heather Chandler's houses (Parties. Basically a Westerburg High party is not complete without Y/N L/N and Ram Sweeney breaking in someones bed), his parent's car, the woods, cow pasture (a picnic blanket was used), and finally some mall changing rooms.
You leave him messages on his answering machine. He listens to every one of them (Which means something because he doesnt listen to anyone elses, unless he's gotta get through them to get to yours).
Him being SUCH a jealous asshole (With everyone except Kurt).
Having Kurt "Smartest guy on the football team," Kelly be your (Occasionally, live in- yes, he has slept over with the two of you on the floor so he could break up fights) couples councellor. Often his advice is 'fuck it out' but he also comes up with oddly wise shit sometimes. Mostly he's just very exasperated though. Like, its obvious you two are gonna end up together- stop bothering me with this shit. Let me get some pussy for myself guys please-
You two getting a bit frisky on movie nights with Kurt and he throws stuff at you. He just starts bringing a pool noodle (That he drew an angry face onto) along with him and hitting y'all with it whenever he feels its necessary. Cuz I mean, on one hand, of course he's happy for his bro Ram that he's getting his dick wet, but on the other- ITS FUCKIN MOVIE NIGHT, PULL YOURSELVES TOGETHER FOR T W O S E C O N D S (Oh the irony- it does indeed escape him). He'll park his ass right in the middle of you two if you keep it up.
If he had survived, you and Ram would have broken up after graduation and spent college apart, before bumping into each other again back home as new (Improved. Especially him) people that fit together better now and ended up getting back together for good.
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shuttershocky · 3 years
If you could make a trigger warning list for Tsukihime, what would be on it? There's a lot of people who are just getting interested in it with the remake (myself included) and I think having a tw list would be a really nice thing for those getting in now. If you can't remember every scene, a general list is good enough!
Oh boy.
Ohhhhhhhh boyyyyyyyyy.
Alright. So. A little bit of explanation: there's a reason why Nasu actually wants to remake this game. Tsukihime is by miles his darkest and most brutal work, and a lot of it is completely unnecessary edginess made by poor and almost literally starving Nasu and Takeuchi. Kara No Kyoukai wasn't exactly making waves, and the two were living on cup noodles and working other jobs to keep themselves afloat. To finish the VN Takeuchi even made Nasu quit his job and worked two in his stead (biking home in-between said jobs to do art) just so Nasu would have time to write. The nastiness of what they felt at the time is everywhere in the script, and it speaks to Nasu's talent that what came out wasn't complete edgelord garbage.
Did you ever read the original Fate/Stay Night? Did you get taken abrupt when Illya and Berserker first attack Shirou, Rin, and Saber, and Illya orders Berserker to behead Saber and rape the corpse so that Saber would rather die than continue to regenerate and fight? Did you think that kinda came out of nowhere and was unnecessary? The Realta Nua rerelease didn't just remove all the bad sex scenes, they removed lines like those entirely.
Tsukihime has waaaaaaaay more of that, and unlike Fate/Stay Night it couldn't easily edit all of them out and get rereleased without changing the story. It needed to be rebuilt from the ground up.
Personally, I've been so excited for the remake because Nasu has expressed regret before on how misogynistic his writing was before. Specifically he was asked in an interview about his focus on female characters in his works and he something like "I've been told before 'Nasu respects womens rights' because of all the powerful girls in my works, but looking back I can clearly see my own prejudices" especially singling out how Shirou treated Saber in the Fate route and how Tohno Shiki needed to get uppercut by Arcueid. I'm far more excited to see how Nasu will approach Tsukihime with that hindsight in mind more than I am about the visual and music upgrades the VN will get. I don't think Nasu wants to (or even should) remove all the problematic content of the original Tsukihime as this IS a work of horror, but a lot of editing would greatly improve the script.
Releasing Tsukihime R on PS4 isn't just a message of a console release, it's a sign that things will be different this time due to Sony's strict rules (that do not apply to its first party games apparently).
With that being said, a general trigger warning list from memory:
1.) There is a LOT of rape and sexual assault. Mentions of the act, internal narration from characters witnessing or attempting to find someone to rape, Shiki can straight up rape two of the girls on two seperate routes if he makes the wrong choice (he will be killed the day after). There's also a line where Shiki tells Ciel that if she doesn't do what he says, he'll rape her. The context there is that he's extremely weak and she can snap him like a twig so he just shouts the most hurtful thing he can think of, but it's still dumb. If I remember correctly, there's a choice that makes Shiki sexually assault Hisui and it DOESNT lead to a dead end, with most guides recommending that choice to get the CGs. I got annoyed and that's when I made my own guide for the route.
2.) Unknown to Shiki, his family's bloodline carries a powerful violent impulse to kill any non-human they see, strong enough to temporarily take over their wills and delight in murder by conflating it with sexual pleasure. The first time Shiki sees Arcueid, he falls into a trance and stalks her back home before brutally cutting her up into 17 pieces and experiences multiple orgasms while doing so. He then comes to his senses and starts vomiting and crying from what he just did and the shame of how much he enjoyed doing it. They're not taking this scene out (It's in the remake PV) but I'm preeeettyyyy sure Shiki's narration won't suddenly talk about how much his dick is loving this.
3.) Incest. Akiha is Shiki's sister. She's also a romantic interest. Technically they're adopted so it's not incest and they haven't seen each other in 8 years so it's not like they grew up together the whole time, but any tine you got to say "technically it's not incest", it's not great. I heavily doubt this is getting removed from the Remake as it's, you know, a whole route. On the other hand, Akiha has a biological brother, and he is creepy about her so that's 100% guaranteed ick right there, but fortunately he never goes far enough that you can tell if he's a sicko or if he's just really possessive of his sister.
4.) Kohaku's backstory. Koha-Ace once joked that this is the true reason the Remake took so long. It forms the backbone of Tsukihime and one of the main threads that ties everything together, but also Kohaku is the middle link between Fujino and Sakura. You can guess what that means.
5.) Heavy gaslighting, heavier drugs. Both Shiki's past and his present in the far side routes involve an almost hilarious relationship to the truth. Everyfuckingbody is lying to Shiki, and his father literally gaslights him with magic by using hypnosis to conveniently erase some traumatic memories that the old man is responsible for and replace them with falsehoods. Shiki nonchalantly talks about his terrible memory when it comes to his childhood throughout the VN, but the actual reason for that is that he got gaslit to hell and back. In the present, Shiki gets drugged out of his mind by someone in his house, and experiences long and detailed hallucinations, all the while being told by his family that nothing is going on. It becomes difficult to tell what's really going on; if he's really walking around town or if he's in bed babbling at the ceiling. It is terrifying and is a part of what gives the Far Side routes great psychological horror, but it still deserves a TW.
6.) Suicide. At least one character kills themselves onscreen.
7.) Torture. In the Ciel route, Roa tortures someone by repeatedly and slowly stabbing blades into them while Shiki is forced to watch. It goes on for a while.
8.) Grooming. This particular bit isn't a part of the Tsukihime VN itself, but more of a fandom joke thanks to Carnival Phantasm. A big part of Shiki's backstory is meeting the mage Aozaki Aoko as an 8 year old and her teaching him about life in the short time they have together. Due to Shiki's nature he almost certainly would have become an evil person, but meeting Aoko instilled a moral compass in him that is the only thing he has to fight his impulses, which is why Shiki loves his sensei so dearly. Melty Blood later made a joke that Aoko is mad she never got a route in Tsukihime, and Carnival Phantasm later had a whole scene stating the real reason Aoko cared for Shiki was that she was grooming him to be her boyfriend as soon as he turned of age. It's super gross and a perversion of what is literally the sole wholesome relationship Shiki has and the only reason there is any good in him at all. I really fucking hate this joke among all others in the Tsukihime fandom.
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starrysupercell · 3 years
How on earth do Buzz & Stu fit the Bad Randoms into their strict schedules, with Buzz being a lifeguard and Stu being... something? More importantly, how did they become a band if they've got nothing in common? Are they off-screen friends?
One Band Origin Story coming right up!
So Buzz, I like to think that he got a littttllee bit of flak from a few other Brawlers about how "ineffective" he is and how he's "just making things worse" as a lifeguard. (like Jacky, Carl, Frank and Bull.)
Some of his friends (Shelly, Jessie and the Junker Line) defended him, but the Dino was like "eh, I'm fine guys, really. Who needs them anyway?" Then proceeded to wallow with pity for a few days because he loved that sense of accomplishment that came with being a lifeguard but apparently not everyone felt that way so whatdoesitmattereventrying--
But, since he has to work somewhere in the Park to stay, he opts for a different job, at least for the time being.
So he looks around for a bit, and lands a job with the Entertainers Trio! Amber, Primo and Poco welcome him with open arms because they're arguably the friendliest Trio in the Park and they've already got the place mostly Amber-Proof so it's all good!!
It's been shown that Buzz does like the beat of music, as shown when he started grooving after saving Sunny the Duck Turret and being hugged by Jessie. So for sure he would have a strong appreciation for Poco's shows.
Though he would quickly catch on, Poco plays a lot, but he doesn't....sing?
Poco: well, it's because skeletons don't have vocal chords, and can't sing.
Buzz: But then how can you talk?
Poco: :) *strums his guitar nonchalantly* so anyway--
Poco absolutely loves collaborations and partnering up for different musical bits, (playing at Barley's, collaborating with Frank, Sandy and Piper, etc.) so it wasn't long until he and Buzz decided to work together on a piece, but first they had to find a good genre of music.
Enter the #1 most difficult robot in all of Starr Park...
I couldn't answer where Poco and Buzz were practicing different instruments to see what kind of music genre they could collaborate on, but it was cacophonous.
Buzz tried his whistle, his trombone, a harmonica and other wind instruments because as a life guard, you would just be silly to not use anything involving your lungs (in his mind.)
Poco's a very patient skeleton and didn't mind the discordant start of this collab at all. Thankfully, as that's what Buzz needed. Encouragement and patience!
However it did bother someone passing by. Stu, who's a little rude and mean because it's cool to be tough and you always have to show you're on top of it, drops in and asks what all the ruckus was.
"Terrible. Really t-t-terrible! Can't anybody go-o-o around without being f-forced to listen to a couple o-of noisemakers?" Looking around, he notices that there's countless instruments. "What's e-e-even going on here?"
Poco, ever the peacemaker, is about to say "Hey, no problem! My friend and I can just go if we're really bothering you that much."
But Buzz is Not going to stand that. One insult that hit too close to home leads to another and, surprise, surprise! A Brawl is how The Bad Randoms formed.
After the wreckage that ended in a weird kind of draw, because Poco healed the both of them to get them to stop, they finally talked like civilized Dinos/Robots/Skeleton.
It was explained to Stu that Poco and Buzz were planning a collab, and honestly that sounded pretty cool to Stu--
He asked what they had so far, and they sheepishly said that what he heard was what they had.
"Oh." He doesnt know how to go about saying it so he just takes the dive. "....would you. Maybe consider a third person."
Poco is delighted, because anybody interested in music is a big treat for him. "Do you know how to play anything?"
Buzz is a little reluctant because of the, oh I don't know, the Brawl they just had? Poco manages to convince him to glaze over that-- at least for now. If Stu chooses not to try and play nice, then he just won't play in the band at all.
I'm pretty sure Stu came up with the idea for heavy metal as their focus, and Poco was all for it again.
Everything actually clicked into place after that! Buzz decided that a wind instrument would not be heard over electric guitar or drums at all. Singing was the way to go, since he's great at yelling and making noise
Stu and Buzz do eventually get over their first bad meeting, and find out they have several things in common. Like the crippling need to be adored/needed by others staying active, similar movie tastes, humor, and socializing. :)
The only thing I'm drawing a blank on is if they're a recently public band how did Edgar have a t-shirt of their logo since last December?
So, that's how the Bad Randoms came to be!
Did Edgar make the shirt + design himself and the Bad Randoms liked it and paid to license it? Does he get royalties?? (between the Gift Shop, Goldarm Gang, and this, I wonder if he's actually well off in Gems and Coins now after that really rough patch. He shares with Colette but she blows it on Merch anyway.)
(And, just as a little bit of character detail for Stu.)
He doesn't like being told what to do. The Mechanics, Arcade Players, Max + Surge and other robots around the park who care about him are no exception. He just sees them as trying to cramp his style when they try to get him help though.
That's why I think Stu's friendship with Poco and Buzz is so important. It's not that they don't/didn't care about him to "improve" him, it's because they gave him a different outlet without bringing up his depression or self-destructive tendencies. Stu simply isn't a robot who likes talking about things like feelings because he thinks they're flaws.
So, to wrap things up, The Bad Randoms bring out the best in each other even though they now all spin in Showdown, go AFK in matches, and choose level two Brawlers in Power League. :)
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og-danny-dorito · 4 years
[ Tanjiro Headcanons To Fuel The Fluff/Angst Tank ]
He Is Baby™ thank you very much and i love him with my whole heart
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- hi hello i would like to share my thoughts on this baby cause i love him v much
- he gives me the vibe that he would def love anything strawberry related. like strawberry milk, strawberry shortcake, strawberry yogurt- the list goes ON
- he would eat them more often if they weren't so godamn expensive, and most of the time you can only find those kinds of products when in the city and he mostly travels through the woods rather than through heavily populated areas. he does get them when he can though, and usually has some stocked up when he and nezuko leave rural areas
- thats not the only fruit he likes though! hes also a huge fan of cherries but he gets those even less since they're even MORE expensive. he also very much likes mint chocolate chip icecream! something about the clash of dark chocolate and refreshing mint is just so good to him, and usually he’ll try to look for that specific flavor if theres any icecream places nearby. my basis for that?
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- thankfully though he doesnt really buy things from others since he just gets most of his food from the surrounding forest. you see, tanjiro literally lived in the woodlands for most of his early life before the whole 'incident', so hes accustomed to being more of a hunter-gatherer when it comes to those sorts of things
- he knows a whole bunch of stuff about forest plants and topography for that reason specifically, and can make food out of pretty much nothing due to having to go through some rough winter times that required scavenging
- overall though hes a pretty good cook! his father and mother both liked to cook and bake and all that before they died, and, being eager to help and learn, he usually watched them when they did or asked to help with preparing the food
- he actually probably has a lot of domestic skills, now that i think about it. things like sewing up ripped clothing or repairing damaged items are almost muscle memory to him since he was raised to value what he had and not aimlessly spend his money due to his humble beginnings
- he’s actually more comfortable with simple things rather than lavish ones since thats what he grew up with. being a demon slayer means that he does get commissioned to do things sometimes or paid for it, but he usually gives most of his money to poeple who need it after spending some of what he has on more efficient and useful things like better fabric for clothes and repairs for things that he doesn't have the skill set to fix himself
- due to this humble attitude he has for things, he barely ever really treats himself to things he enjoys. he usually puts others before himself and thus forgets about his own needs, leading him to often deny taking care of himself if he deems to 'not have enough time' or 'not being important enough”
- usually forcing him to sit down and eat or at least take a moment to drink some tea can calm his nerves a ton, even if its only just for a second
- i'm pretty sure that his favorite drink is green tea (or strawberry milk), actually. its just so naturally calming and relaxing that he usually uses it as a staple for calming himself down or taking a breather from the stressful life he's lead so far
- for someone that barely takes care of himself hes awfully adamant about others taking acare of themselves. oh, you haven't slept in three days because of work? guess what you're going to sleep right now. no, dont Mention how he keeps moving even though he should be in bed because of a broken rib, your needs come first now go to sleep
- deeefinitely the mom friend type in more ways then one. its p obvious that he already takes care of Nezuko, Zenitsu and Inosuke as good friends of his, but hes kinda adamant on taking care of them almost like they're younger than him or something. this doesnt mean that they can’t take care of themselves of course, he just kinda feels the natural instinct to protect people he values if he can (mainly due to the fear that he’ll suddenly loose them without making it clear he cares about them first but we will unpack that suitcase LATER in the list)
-for that reason i can safely say that he's probably fantastic with kids because of his gentle nature. hes just so soft and pure that children naturally feel calm around him? its weird how like a baby will literally stop crying in a city full of people just because they saw tanjiro wave and smile at them and as SOON as hes out of eyesight they start crying again. also tanjiro holding a baby? you CANNOT tell me this man wouldnt softly sing some lullaby he remembers from his childhood to a child cradled in his arms, fast asleep. and the smile he gives to the person who finds him like that is BLINDING i cannot comprehend the purity-
-the EXACT same thing goes for animals. its straight up canon that he understands (to an extent) what birds are saying when they're chirping to one another, so its probably safe to assume that he might understand a little bit of what other animals may be saying when they communicate
- yet another effect of living in the forest most of his life and being way too observant at his age :p
- when dogs bark he responds to them out of instinct, knowing what they mean. when some pig just randomly snorts at him don't be surprised when he just says "oh, thank you!" in the most earnest tone possible because he probably knows what the animal said and is responding to it honestly. answering like he's pretending to know what it means would be dishonest, and thats too out of character for the sunshine boy
-its also gotta be mentioned that tanjiro physically rejects the concept of being dishonest. i swear to god I'm not making this up- when hes lying its so easy to tell because his face is physically rejecting the concept that hes not being sincere
-this goes for pretty much anything- he cant really blatantly lie without shifting in place or making a weird expression. its no expection that when asked about his feelings that he can barely keep a straight face by saying that he's "okay"
-theres just so much pent up grief and sorrow for so many things that its hard to really say that he's "just fine" or "alright" some days. the accumulation of trauma and guilt has lead up to this constant dread boiling in the pit of his stomach that he'll fail one day, and this would've been all for nothing
-he'll die one day without his goals being met, without Nezuko being healed, without his friends safe, without so many things that he thought he could fix that will eat him up until he fixes them. he doesn't have frequent depressive episodes all that often anymore since Sakonji helped him with that (kind of, it was kind of a group effort by his other superiors, the Pillars, too with some reassurance and advice since a good portion have Been There Done That with the survivor’s guilt and the like) in terms of teaching him how to meditate more frequently and search for positive outlets for his negative feelings. he helped him accept that it was okay to feel bad about it, but he couldn't give up, no matter what. because “What worth was your dream if you just gave up in the end?”
-and so he doesn't. he never gives up, on anything. he refuses to give up when his friends are in danger and the odds are against him, or when hes face to face with an eldritch demon who's been alive longer than the numbers he can count. tanjiro is incredibly persistent in his efforts, big or small, and makes a conscious decision every time to not abandon what he worked for because the phrase "What worth was your dream if you just gave up in the end?" motivates him to be better than who he was yesterday and try his best to reach his dreams
- because of this he's a heavy believer that most people can change. i say most because I'm pretty sure he knows Muzan will never change, or some of the other terrible people in the world. he's accepted over time that he can’t help everyone, but he'll be damned if he doesn't try his hardest in figuring ot if they are truly, genuinely, capable of being better. so he's incredibly supportive of people who actually do make efforts to improve themselves because he knows how hard it is to come from such a bad situation/bad mindset and reteach good values and habits
- that doesn't mean that poeple are expempt from their punishments of course- everyone deserves the consequences of their actions to be better to know what to improve on, but he has sympathy for the poeple who's consequences stop their lives short (example, countless demons that he feels terrible for because they came from really bad situations)
-since he knows how hard it is to improve on anything- he’s very very supportive to people who do that for themselves or for others. in fact, he would go out of his way for about anyone to make their life a little better but if he sees someone struggling their way to their personal best he'll happily be a help to them in any way that they can. oh, you were training really hard today and had no success in perfecting a certain technique? its alright, you can just lay down right now while he fixes your bath water and tomorrow he'll help you out with it in any way he can. hes the best cheerleader!
-overall tanjiro is very sweet and kind, even though he has personal problems with his own demons and feeling as if he's a burden most of the time. for all this suffering, he views the prosperity of the people around him worth it and is selfless to the end of the line for those whom he cares about
[ ~Thank You For Reading!~ ]
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scandeniall · 4 years
sucker, not a simp
pairing: osamu x reader 
request from anon:  Ohoho what about Sucker by the Jonas Brothers with the superior twin AKA Osamu?? 🥴 But really I’m really excited and intrigued to see how you portray him!!
summary/warnings: one time atsumu called him a simp, but suna said hes a sucker instead./alcohol/curisng/college au again
wc: 1.3K
“It's done,” you exclaimed excitedly, immediately shutting your laptop. Glancing around at your project partners around you, you all passed high fives around. When you got to the last male you gave him a half hearted high five, pulling away just as quickly as it happened. You began chatting with the rest of your team members as you all began packing up. You hadn’t even noticed the slight redness that crept up his face.
“You plan on sitting there all night Samu.” Other than Osamu you were the last person to leave the small study room. Your question came from the doorway, as he just shook his head. Glancing at the numbers displayed on your phone you continued. “Well it's already 2am. Come on, we’ve been at this all day, and we present the proposal in the morning remember?”
Before you could completely walk out the door, The call of your name stopped you. “Hey, do you need a ride back?” A small smile shot crossed your face as you nodded, and soon the two of you were out the library and making your way down the eerily silent campus. “Sorry I parked so far, didn’t plan on being here so late.”
“It's fine,” you hummed out, kicking a small pebble along the sidewalk. “Besides, we had fun and got a badass proposal out of it. We all worked great together and bouncing ideas off of you was cool.”
“I guess we make a pretty good team,” his eyes caught yours and all you could do was nod. 
“Yeah, we do. Don't we?”
That was two years ago. After getting put in the same group project for your business class the two of you became nearly inseparable. With similar majors, the two of you found each other studying together, and even scoring internships at the same company. 
“Ok I think that the company should rethink their expansion plan. When you look at the current revenue in comparison to the expenses we have a problem. For 1, they are spending too much on-” Osamu’s mind completely blanked as he watched you talk. The two of you were currently overlooking the business’s future plans and were tasked with improving them. This was just one of the many times Osamu Miya found himself completely and utterly fucked.
From how smart and passionate you were, to how kind and funny, and how you weren’t even afraid to put his brother in his place. Osamu fell hard. It didn’t make it any better that the two of you were a complete dream team when you worked together, and because of that found yourselves paired together the majority of the time. “Hey Samu, what do you think?”
The gray haired man made his way over to the whiteboard you’d written over standing nearly shoulder to shoulder with you. “Sounds good. I just think we should-” his fingers brushed against yours lingering momentarily as he took the marker out of your hand and wrote his own notes and added to your drawings. He couldn’t help but find himself smiling to himself at your terribly drawn buildings. He remembers the first time he saw you try to draw and compliment your descriptions. He called them trash but the way you laugh had him not minding at the shitty stick figures and lopsided buildings over the years. 
Once he finished he glanced over at you to notice you shuffle. “Hungry?” he raised his eyebrow at you as you nodded. He knew it. That specific shuffle where you’d slightly stand on your toes before shifting your weight to the right was a telltale sign that you weren’t feeling the best. And given the time of day, he figured you were pretty much ready for lunch. 
“Ya liked the onigiri last week right?” At your nod he continued. “Well I changed the filling this time. Wanna give it a try?” Osamu mentally cringed at the memory of his roommates the night prior as he prepped the dish.
“Oh c’mon Samu. I’m hungry,” his twin complained as he swatted his hand away. “I don’t care Tsumu. It's not for ya.” His annoyance grew at the blonde’s studpid laugh. “Of course not. It's for (Y/N). God yer such a simp.”
“I think sucker is a nicer way of putting it,” the twins’ third roommate called out lazily. Osamu ignored the ‘Shut up Suna’ from his brother as he continued his task. 
“Come on Samu, it’ll be fun.” You drew out the n as you leaned against the kitchen’s counter. Your friend stood over the stove as the smell of food overtook your senses. “Yeah Samu, it’ll be fun,” a third voice chimed in mimicking yours. “Fuck off,” the two over you said at the ame time. Your eyes drifted to the annoying blonde, while Osamu didn’t even bat an eye. “You two are so cute ya know. Talking the same.” This time you wordlessly flipped him off before turning your attention back.
“Come on Samu, it's gonna be spring break. What better way to spend it then getting drunk and having fun with our friends. Dancing the night away and taking on the town. You know it sounds like fun.”
And that's how Osamu found himself alongside you and several of your mutual friends, mildly intoxicated, sitting at an empty park acting like teenagers again. Osamu isn’t sure the heat he's feeling is from the alcohol, his reaction to the cooled night air, or the way your hand held his the entire walk from the bar as you half haphazardly dragged him along
The laughs of your friends were drowned out as the two of you sit on the park fixture on the opposite end of the park. The alcohol had started wearing off as the two of you settled on just a comfortable buzz. The two of you laughed along to the tik tok videos flashing on your phone the buzz making things even funnier than they usually wouldve been. 
“See aren’t you glad you came out tonight,” your head fell onto his shoulder, as you locked the device. 
“Yeah, I am. Too bad I’m not gonna remember the first half of this night.” His head fell back against the park fixture as he shut his eyes. “Oh don’t worry. I have the video of you almost falling off the ledge from earlier,” you teased out thinking back to how you had challenged him to walk the ledge outside of the bar, him nearly falling several times. You had to admit though, that he did better than you. You’d only gotten a fourth of the way through before you had to give it up. 
“Remind me while I followed along with your idea. It was like the blind leading the blind”
“It's because you like (Y/N) ya scrub.” The words came out obnoxiously loud before you could even speak, causing you both to jump in surprise. “Yeah and (Y/N) you like Osamu back,” Both of your eyes widened at the flash from the phone as both your friend and Atsumu stood behind the two of you. They ignored both of your exclaims to shut up as the camera kept going. 
The hand on your shoulder stopped your continuing expletives as lips fell on yours. You ignored the hoots and hollers of the rest of your group who had somehow made their way over to annoy the two of you as well. You continued to ignore them as slightly chapped lips moved against yours and hands pulled you so that you were straddling your friend on a kids park fixture. 
The tiniest bit of alcohol, the feelings for your friend and the adrenaline that had come from the sudden kiss allowed you to keep ignoring your friends who only began to grossly gag and back away as hands fell on your butt and your tongue slipped into his mouth. When you finally pulled away you noticed the two of you were alone. Your forehead rested against his as the two of you let out heavy breaths. You couldn’t help but let out a breathless laugh, as he joined you. 
“Glad you followed me into the dark now?”
“I guess I am”
a/n: yeah sorry for the hold up bby. Idk i still dont actually like this and I struggle with writing osamu, so i hope this was at least tolerable. Requests are open, but pls check my rules first :)
funfact the beginning of this is inspired by an irl thing that happened to me this past semester. He was cute too and our team actually won the prize and our group was deadass in the library for 13 hours straight and left at 2am to be up by 9am. and he did drive me home LMFAO but nothing came of it and maybe i’ll see him at our prize conference if covid doesnt ruin my life further (he was a senior and graduated smh)
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yellowbluemoonshine · 4 years
One of my triggers is when someone says that villain cannot be or deserve to be redeemed. Like they acknowledge the tragic circumstances, but they say like the villain show no remorse for killing innocent people or just want to destroy everything. I really don't like people saying they want the villain have some naruto's redemption. But I feel like they missed point of why many of us want it. The villains never had a choice unlike endeavor or afo.
I think some people dont understand the meaning of redemption. Redemption means facing with what you did, taking responsibility and this is the best thing that person can do. To me, there is no such thing that great villain or best villain, something like improving yourself to be better villain cause being a villain is literally comes from choosing to not improving yourself to be better person. People dont choose to be evil or bad, they learn all bad things from their environment. They just simply dont choose to be better person and thats the flaw of "villains" have. Choosing to do wrong things usually comes from lack of goodness, lack of empathy.
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Like, Overhaul was abandonded and traumatized by it. He was used  as a tool by Yakuza. They used a child. And Overhaul became a yakuza and he truly wanted to pay his boss for taking him in. But what makes overhaul “bad” guy is not choosing to be yakuza cause he was groomed to be, his flaw was choosing to not changing. He could’ave emphatize with his underlings and could connect with them. He could emphatize with Eri cause Eri is just like her, she was abandoned and taken by Yakuza. Overhaul went to school and had people around him, instead of obsessing with past, he could open himself to new people. he could gain new different perspectives, he could at least try. Overhaul didnt suddenly decide to destroy little girl, he learnt those horrible things from Yakuza but when he could choose to be better person, he didnt.
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There is a reason that Shigaraki is meant to be parallel with him. Unlike Overhaul, Shigaraki didnt go to school and he didnt have people around him, he was isolated but when he met with other people, he chose to care, listen their needs.
This shows that Shigaraki choosing to change but there are villains who doesnt want to change. I dont know that what kind of person Overhaul would be, if he had better life or if he could ever change for better but for now, he doesnt seem to want to change and story didnt give any hint about it.
There is a reason that some characters get redemption but some do not. The characters/villains who dont get redemption or who dont want to change is not cool or “loyalty to their evil cure” or something like that. They are people who choose easy ways cause redemption means taking responsibility and trying to be better person, improving yourself as person is not easy at all.
Murder is bad, wrong, yes but we all are humans equally and people dont just suddenly decide to doing worst thing. And sometimes, people dont have too much choices, sometimes they can be in hard situtions, sometimes they do things to survive, many reason can be, we cant know that. So yes, murder is bad but that doesnt mean that murderer is bad person.
The thing that many people ignore is anyone could do those horrible things. Lets say, you are in hunger game. If you dont kill, other person will kill you. Many people would choose to kill. Or lets say, if you dont kill, they will your family or you are hungry and if you cant kill that person, you wont get food. blah blah. Point is what importance is not the degree of crime.
Most important thing is How aware is the perpetrator of what he is doing? Under what conditions did he make this choice? when and where did he make this choice?
Abuse, rape, murder. These things are all bad things (i wont talk about rape cause i dont have enough information about it cause it mihgt relate a lot of things.).
For example, Endeavour abused his family, Shigaraki killed people. Many people wouldnt care abuse or bullying cause “its not like they died”, most people tell them to get over it and they ignore all the effects of abuse. (This is actually what bnha focus on. Abuse.) Well, of course killing is pretty bad though.
Now, we can ask the questions.
-What Endeavour did?
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Violence towards his family
When Endeavour made this decision?
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He was grown man, basically when he was an adult, an age that you are responsible for your actions cause you can see the difference between right and wrong and you are capable of holding yourself
Under what conditions did he make this choice? 
He did work so hard to be No 1 hero but he failed, um, he has money, access to a lot of things, good education so of course, when you worked hard and you dont get results, you will be so upset, it would be hard. But we can say that Endeavour wasnt even really in hard sitution at all.
What kind of choices he made?
He chose his ambitions over well being of his family. So basically he made very selfish decision with his own will for the sake of selfish desires and it resulted with other people’s getting hurt and Endeavour didnt even care about that.
How this selfish decision affect other people?
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His wife became unstable and stayed in hospital for 15 years, she is still in there
Shouto lost his all childhood, he was traumatized and still having flashbacks from his trauma
Fuyumi had to act like a parent since her young age, Natsuo has anger issues cause of all this stuff
Touya/Dabi literally dealing with mental issues, identify disorder cause of abuse effects
So basically, Endeavour is fully responsible for what he did.
Btw for the people who dont know, this is a crime in real life, he should be arrested but look at what he got. He decided to change, like 6 months ago or something. Except of his hero job, he apologised and left the house for them and thats it. Rei and Fuyumi already is ready forgive him cause Rei wants his children to be happy cause Endeavour took that hapinness from them, Fuyumi just wants happy normal family cause Endeavour took that normal family life from her, Shouto is forcing himself to forgive cause to be able to be hero, he needs to work with his father and his all family wants this. From people’s eyes, Natsuo seems “someone who couldnt get over past” just because he didnt forgive his father or just because he didnt act like nothing happenned, he gets social pressure from it. This probably didnt happen, if Endeavour wasnt prohero.
Now, lets look at Shigaraki.
What Shigaraki did?
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Murder, kidnap, threatinning, violent behaviours without hesitations
When Shigaraki made this decision?
Lets look at how it all started.
When Shigaraki chose to kill people?
when he was 5 years old? when he was 7-8 years old when Afo manipulate him to kill people? or when he became an adult and continuing this murder?
Point here is; children cant be responsible for crimes for a reason cause they dont have ability to understand what is right what is wrong.
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so when he killed his family; it was accident except his father.
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But with his father, it was self defense. Many people want to believe that it was intentional but its not, his father hit him and he reacted to violence, thats it. There is also other fact that children can not able to hold theirselves, especially like when you just watched all your family s death in front of your eyes.
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So, logically he can not be responsible for his family’s death.
When he was 7-8 years old, Shigaraki is making a decision here and from this moment, he continues the murder but what kind of decision he is making? Under what conditions did he make this choice?
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He was traumatized and he is dealing with abuse effects, his anger, negative feelings that he has no idea to how to deal with, he didnt get any education, he doesnt have people who will give him a different choice or people who wil give him some kind of affection, he is literally with Afo all alone, isolated, dont know what to do, doesnt know what is right and Afo says him “you have two choices”
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1- suffer lonely forever like this while others are having fun but just you know, you will be disappointed for me-the person who saved you, if you stay like this
2- destroy anything you dont like and make me proud
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This didnt happen right when he was 7-8,
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Shigaraki is with Afo since he was 5, he listened those words for years and he hold himself back. Then the decision Shigaraki make was first one, he hold himself, until the moment holding himself is not an option. This is why he became a murder. Let me remind you, he was 7-8 so he still wasnt responsible for killing at that age.
so you can say, now Shigaraki became an adult so he can choose but we all know that people dont grow, if they dont have a chance to grow.
People kill to survive, this is not to justify murder, this is understanding of that sometimes some people can not really make choice in some situtions.
If a person is not given growth conditions, children cannot grow.
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Shigaraki may have grown biologically, but mentally, he was not given the opportunity to grow. What makes us humans human is our interaction with other people.
If we do not interact with anyone, we lose our identity or in the case of Shigaraki, our personality does not occur. If Shigaraki has not grown, how can he be considered an adult?
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We know that many terrible events such as trauma and violence can cause long-term damage to people's brains regarding mental health. So, how can Shigaraki's trauma be responsible for what she does, given his mental health?
We know that it is impossible not to lose mental balance in conditions of Shigaraki, it is impossible to grow, it is impossible to protect his mind against manipulation at the age of a child. So how exactly could Shigaraki cope in these conditions?
This is the problem. He cant not be able to handle it. Impossible.
You might say you could choose not to kill, but while the only adult who was with him showed him that it was true, and how he could otherwise deal with these feelings he had accumulated in him, what else could Shigaraki do?
Shigaraki kills without hesitation because killing is all he knows, the only thing he has been taught.
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That's why Shigaraki's interaction with his team is important because it was the first time in his life that he met different opinions and people.
So he started to heal throughout the series. He chose to improve, to be a better person. So this character can get redemption.
And he feels guilty about what he does, but he does not show it by crying, he shows treating his own life as nothing and harming himself. Shigaraki may have begun to develop herself, but it does not mean that his trauma will cure magicly and he will suddenly getting away from Afo manipulation, he cant because he still hasn't given her another choice. No one was able to show him another way to survive both without suffering and having to kill. That's why it's important for a hero to reach out him.
Yes, Shigaraki killed a lot of people and they didnt deserve it, of course but whether he killed one person or killed million people, he had no choice. Everyone wants this character to pay the price because they want to blame someone for those much death, whereas like Afo and Ujiko who made Shigaraki suffer, those who choose not to reach Shigaraki when they can reach like Gran Torino etc, are more responsible than Shigaraki for what they did because they choose. But Shigaraki is just putting into practice what he has been taught, thats all he knows.So people really want to blame someone, they should blame people who could do something about it but choosing not to, they could blame the people who hurt this kid for their selfish reasons, they shouldnt blame the kid who is just reacting his pain cause he doesnt have a choice, he is not making a decision and people REACT.
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Shigaraki can not understand his actions of how he effect other people / effect of his actions cause he is hardly be able to see them as an indiviluas, thats what happens, when you live your life as isolated. Shigaraki cant care other people s life while his own life was treated as worthless, they literally ignored his pain, even when he was a child. Shigaraki cant emphatize with people in society who have good lifes cause he never felt a safety his all life, there is no way he can understand their comfort. So basically, in those conditions, its not that Shigaraki doesnt want to emphatize with them, he CANT.
(This is why he asked Deku cause he is trying to understand at least to be able to improve himself for better which is the most important thing).
This is why people like Afo, Ujiko, Hero commity, Endeavour, they are worse than people like Shigaraki, Dabi, Hawks, Toga etc cause those people who created these “monsters” with their full will for the sake of their selfish desires. They are more responsible for monster’s actions than monsters casue they are the one who groomed them, rebuild their mindset.
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That was also the subject of the Frankeinstein story. The monster may have killed a lot of people, but who created the monster? How does the monster become guilty when there are people who can teach him the truth, but don't choose to teach it, while the monster doesn't know what it's doing is right and wrong? However, he was not taught better. So how can he choice better, if  he hasnt taught better? HE CANT.
As many as people want, may think Shigaraki is making a choice right now and that he's a bad guy, but in those circumstances, it was impossible for Shigaraki to choose a better option.
What do you expect to happen when you close someone in a room for years, stop him from talking to people and subject him to constant violence?
Do you think that person will not react to this violence?
Do you expect that person to behave like human while that person lives away from all kinds of human conditions?
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Under these conditions, it is nonsense to expect better than Shigaraki.
In other words,
murder is apparently worse than violence, but an adult like Endeavor, who chooses exactly what he is doing without caring about the harm to other people, is fully responsible for what he does. Shigaraki, on the other hand, cannot really be held responsible for what she did, as it is impossible to act otherwise under these conditions.
So i understand that people are upset with death of people which is normal, those people who were killed by Shigaraki didnt deserve it at all but people need to understand that Shigaraki didnt have better choice, path than this. People say “this doesnt justify” cause they are scared of that the person will get away from what he did but point here is he doesnt get away from anything, he is victim whose all choices and humanity taking away from him so treating this victim as villain who just should defeated is NOT justice. If people want to blame someone, they should blame the people who are TRULY responsible for this, not the victim whose humanity stolen from him. Thats the point here.
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By the way, not everyone has to be like Shigaraki. Shigaraki is already a character designed to be the ultimate victim. The reason it parallels with Deku is not because they are both heirs, but because they are both essentially the same kind child. But not everyone could be this kind, they could react worse and they might not have adapted to change that much. Shigaraki is just a tragic example of even you are the kindest person in the world, in terrible conditions, you would be just like Shigaraki or probably worse. He is a tragedy character, symbolize the victimhood that shows untentionally with most unpleasant ways. (Toga, Dabi, Shigaraki etc they all symbolize effects of violence though, they are not choosing a decision but actually just reacting the violence they endured, thats all, maybe i can make analysis about it later.)
Redemption is not about deserving or not. It's about wanting to be a better person but facing your creations or not. And if a villain receives redemption, it already shows that he has this potential from the very beginning, potential to be a good person, actually he was not as bad as that was thought, that is. Well at least, well-written redemptions work like this. In other words, villains such as Joker or Ujiko that will not receive redemption have nothing to admire. Choosing to be a villain until the end of your life is not something to be proud of, it is something to be ashamed of, because this is proof that you don't want to improve yourself.
I was just gonna say “i agreed” and make it short but i guess, i am kinda bored and this post became my rant, lol. Thank you anon btw.
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Geralt x reader We're Married? Part 2
Ok here part 2! Its probably crap but anyway...
part 1
Pairing: Geralt x reader
Warnings: Blood, cursing, mentions of past sexual abuse, violence
The second you entered the hall was the second you forgot who you were supposed to be..
"HOLY SHI-" a rough hand quickly clasped your mouth shut. "If you wouldnt give us away in the first 5 seconds that would be terrific" Geralt muttered.
"Mmmph mmmph- alright alright sorry" he removed his hand. You sighed and looked around, more quietly this time. You'd been to a party like this before, well snuck into a party like this before.. but never this lavish.
The royal family spared no expense it seemed considering every inch of the great hall was exquisitely decorated. Long tables were lined with delectable looking dishes, which you would definitely visit later...
And there were many eating tables that had beautiful flower petals atop them. In between was a large area which was meant for socializing and dancing most likely. Boy did you feel out of place..
The man on your arm felt the same you guessed by the way his face contorted watching all the "fancy people" socialize. "I have a bad feeling.." he spoke quietly to himself.
Curious you turned to him "why do you say that?"
His eyes scanned the room suspiciously, "Because something's not adding up.."
"Y/n listen to me" he suddenly turned to you seriously.
"Hmm?" You eyes rose
"This thing..whatever it is..is different from what we've encountered before" he started
"Yeah I know that.." What was he getting at?
He grunted before continuing, "Promise me something" he said with earnest eyes which was incredibly rare for the witcher. It always made you soften tho.
"Sure anything.." you were worried now.
"When the monster shows up-whatever it is. You will leave with Jaskier"
"Except that" you deadpanned. "Are you crazy?? Why would I leave??" You unlinked your arms and faced him fully.
He pressed his lips tightly and led you to a corner away from people who began to notice the dispute.
Jaskier sensing the rising tension, stepped away.
"Y/n listen to me" he said firmly, "we don't know what we are dealing with, and for that reason it's not safe for you"
You threw up your arms in disbelief, "When has monster hunting ever been safe Geralt?!"
He huffed, clenching his jaw, "You will leave when it shows up and that's final" his tone leaving no room for argument.
You decided causing a scene would not be wise so you settled for giving geralt your best, "I'm angry and this isnt over face" before swiftly walking away.
"Y/n!" He caught up with you and just as he grabbed your arm an older couple blocked your path.
"Why I don't believe we've met before?" The older man dressed in blue said with bright eyes.
Geralt forced a smile and stood beside me, "I suppose we just havent had the pleasure yet"
"Well allow me to introduce myself and my dear wife count and countess Barano at your service" he bowed his head slightly and his wife followed suit.
"A pleasure" you chimed in moving slightly away from Geralt. "This is my husband, sir Bartholomew Tristan, and I'm lady Lina Tristan." You gestured lazily beside you.
The next half hour went similarly like this, a new couple introducing themselves every now and then, and talking about nonsense. You could hardly focus on anything they were saying. All you could think about was how Geralt was being an absolute arse wipe.
How dare he try to keep you away from all the action?! You're training had been relentless since the incident with the visser. And you were more than ready to fight anything that came your way. Geralt has been this way the last few missions. Although he never told you to completely leave before. Maybe a stay back or a few to many be carefuls. But run away?? What's the point of training if you couldn't even use it!
The dinging of a bell shook you from your thoughts. Dinner time..great more boring conversations with people you didnt like.
Playing the part of the ever so doting husband, Geralt pulled out a seat for you. You didnt even spare him a glance as you sat down. He sighed as he sat beside you. Throughout the evening he had tried to talk to you but it always ended badly. You were both pissed and stubborn..
"Y/n-" he began but was cutt of by lady borano.
"So tell us about yourselves, it's not often we meet new friends." She smiled sincerely.
Geralt turned with a hand in the air, "What would you like to know?"
"How long have the two of you been married?"
Geralt thought back to the extra information Yavert told him, "3 years"
" Ah still practically newlyweds" sir Borano joked.
"Any children?" A beautifully wicked idea formed in your mind,
"Unfortunately no, my dear husband here can't perform."
The sound of a feminine gasp and the whip of his head made you smirk as you took a sip of the wine before you. Its contents easing your mind, and your tongue for that matter. He forced a smile in an attempt to ease the awkwardness.
" ah I see..." she responded quietly." Well children aren't everything" she also made an effort to improve the mood.
"And thank god for that, because she'd make a terrible mother".
This time you were the one whipping your head around nearly choking on your drink. That little!! "I'm sure that's not true.."sir Barono offered with an uncomfortable smile.
"Well you can't raise children by lazing around all day and eating crumpets" he laughed while the others laughed along too, awkwardly that is..
"Well at least you know where I am, on the other hand I sit at home all day wondering what you and our servant boy could possibly be doing taking so long attending to "business". All eyes shifted to a fumbling Jaskier who stood behind us, "that's uh...not...she didn't..." he tried defending himself.
If looks could kill you would have been a goner. Geralt fists clenched beneath the table. Good, he deserves it for being a butthead.
In a few sentences you had emasculated him and implied he was having a passionate affair with the servant boy. Not bad y/n, not bad at all..
To the relief of the table, the royal family entered cutting off all conversation as everyone stood up. Curiously you peeked over the shoulders in front of you to get a closer look.
The king and queen of servia were announced along with their daughter the princess Annora. She held her head high and had an unreadable expression. She was very beautiful, long flowing hair, slim figure, beautiful blue dress. Total cliche if you ask me. But one thing stood out, the cute little fluffy puppy she held in her arms, he wore a little golden collar with a bell. Awwww litte baby pooooo.
The rest of the family was dressed obnoxiously with large puffy sleeves and glittering jewelry. No question who they were. They were led to a large table in the front center of the hall with 6 ornately decorated chairs. Makeshift thrones basically. They stood in front of them but didnt sit, which meant that you couldn't either.
A moment later another set of doors opened. In walked what you could only assume was the king, queen, and prince of Targeris. There was nothing special about them, without the fancy outfits they would've looked like any other couple. The sons attention was immediately on the princess. His eyes raked over her body without a hint of subtlety. Ew have some class dude. She on the other hand kept a straight face, not acknowledging him in the slightest.
Finally they sat down and dinner went by rather uneventfully. You and geralt hadn't said a word, although the tension was definitely still there.
Most couples had taken to dancing for the rest of the night, you however felt suffocated and decided to escape outside for a breathe of fresh air.
This was not how you wanted the night to go, you let out a sigh, watching the air turn slightly foggy. Why was Geralt acting like this? Why doesnt he trust you? What's it gonna take for him to see you as an ally instead of a weight he has to carry around?!?!
Ughhhhh you dragged your fingers across your face and through your hair. This was so frustrating! Leaning your head back you closed your eyes and let the cool air wash over your flushed face, relaxing you slightly.
When you opened your eyes again a flash of blue caught your attention. You peered downwards leaning over the balcony slightly to see. Oh it's just some couple from the party..
Wait a minute..
You leaned over more narrowing your eyes, Is that?...no way it can't be...but...you quickly walked back into the party, eyes aimed at the royal families. C'mon where are you??
You scanned every inch searching for the princess but she was no where to be found. The other members were deep in a political conversation and hardly noticed that their daughter had snuck away.
So that was her?? What was she doing? Feeling something amiss you made your way to the entrance and down the long staircase. Ugh stupid heels, you kicked them aside on the steps feeling much more free.
Oh I hope no one trips on them..oops...
You ran around to the side of the castle where the balcony was above you. Frowning when all you saw was an empty garden. Now where did she go?? You stepped further into the garden listening for any out of place sounds.
All that could be heard was the wind rustling some rose bushes and the chirping of crickets.
A girlish giggle made you spring into action. Following the sound you discreetly peeked around a column of the garden.
There stood the princess flirtatiously pressed up again one of the Servian ambassadors you were forced to socialize with earlier.
The man himself was wrinkly and balding, why was the princess interested in him when all night she seemed to detest everything?
Why did her laugh feel...wrong somehow? "Let's go somewhere more...private" she smirked pulling him by his wrist. The puppy you noticed was there as well following behind her. What a well trained dog...
Lifting up your dress again you followed the couple at a distance until you saw them stop at a hanging tapestry on the wall. What are they doing?
Annora smiled and lifted back the tapestry, it revealed a small opening only big enough for one person. She led the way and they soon dissapeared from sight.
After waiting a few moments to be safe, you stepped lightly after them. The opening they went through was pitch dark and every bone in your body was telling you to turn back.
Then you heard the giggles again, sucked it up and moved forward.
You kept walking until you ran into something soft.
What? Oh? Another tapestry? You shoved the material aside and it took your eyes a moment to adjust to the light.
You were in a candlelit hallway with several doors on either side. You heard a door click close and laughter coming from inside.
Hmm well you couldn't just barge in now.. I guess she does like him..wonder what her fiance would think of this. Well anyway it wasn't any of your business..
What a waste of time geez.. you spin around in the direction you came about to pull back the fabric.
"WAAHHHHH" you jerked around when a loud scream broke out. And not the fun kind either.
Without a second thought you kicked open the door with a bang.
"What the fu-" the princess snapped her head around with a growl. "Who the hell are you?!" She hissed.
"Better question, what the hell are you doing?!" You questioned eyes wide in disbelief at what you saw. Annora had bound and gagged the pitiful man. He was tied to the end bed post and sat whimpering on the floor. Why was he so afraid?
"Doesn't matter, you're going to die soon anyway" she smirked and her eyes flicked to something over your shoulder. It was then you realized there was another presence in the room.
Whipping your head around you came face to face with a four legged beast. Its ribs protruded crudely and its body was covered in a sickly black goo. Its eyes were red and fiery and the realization came crashing on to you when you saw the same golden collar around its neck. Fuck...
You blindly felt around for the short sword hidden under your dress. You just managed to grab it in time before the "puppy" lunged. Swinging the sword you caught its face. It hissed in pain and you took the chance to bolt through the door.
A loud growl erupted behind you. You sprinted further down the hallway and about had a heart attack when you saw Jaskier casually walking. His eyes lit up when he saw you but then widened in horror. You grabbed his arm probably giving him whiplash and the both of your were running for your lives. There was no way you could fight that beast in the tiny hallway.
"Jaskier what are you doing here?!?!" You shouted panicking.
"I-I was just following you!! I saw you leave all of the sudden and got worried!!" You both sharply turned into a corner. Thank god for these long ass hallways.
"So mind explaining WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!!" He screamed frantically.
"Princess bad, monster bad, I'll explain the rest later when we're not about to be dog food!!" Fuck you were approaching a dead end, think think think!
"GROWWWWWWWWL" the beast was gaining on you two. You did the only thing you could think of, which was shoving jaskier into an open room and spin around to face the beast head on,
"Barricade yourself in Jaskier!" You shouted.
"W-what no! I'm not leaving you" he yelled back.
Ugh idiot! Theres no point of us both getting chomped! "Then do something to help!" He looked around frantically. Something to help something to help.."GERALT!!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.
Youd be lucky if he could hear that..
The beast was finally upon you, its row of razor teeth glinting in the candlelight. Fuck.. one bite and youd be literally chow.
You braced yourself as it charged forward, it leaped up and you waited until that moment to run and slide under it. You were successful but the damb beast was quick to turn around and catch your shoulder with a sharp claw.
"Aghh" you let out a welp of pain as it pinned you down.
"Y/N!" Jaskier shouted worriedly
You gripped your sword and thrust blindly upwards. It howled as the sword ripped through its flesh.
It reacted by throwing you across the hall. You rolled over in pain. Fuck, bad dog.. Its attention was on the frozen Jaskier who lamely held up a candle stick in defense.
"Jaskier run!" You winced getting up again and charging at the monster, you picked up your fallen sword and lunged onto it's back stabbing its head.
"GROOOOOOOOWL" it wildly whipped its head side to side trying to throw me off.
"JASKIER GO NOW!" he wasted no time and bolted around, "I'll go find Geralt!!" His voice faded away with his hurried footsteps.
You couldn't hold on much longer due to the stinging in your shoulder.
You fell off and rolled away nearly getting hit again by its claws.
"Y/N stay down!" A large whoosh of air shot over you as you pressed yourself flat on the ground.
"Geralt!" You exclaimed in relief. He ran over to you and helped you up. Before he could ask if you were alright the monster shrieked. God why wont it just die?!
Geralt grunted pulling out another sword and stepping in front of you.
Jaskier gently pulled you back, "Are you ok? Your shoulder-" he began but you gasped,
"Fuck!" You left him bewildered as you pushed him aside and ran back the way you came. The princess, the man, just what was going on?!?!
You flew into the room, eyes locked on the princess who stood over the unconscious man.
She tilted her head in your direction, and you narrowed your eyes noticing something that wasnt there before. Her eyes were an electric purple, and her hair was flowing around her slightly.
"You're....a mage?" You asked completely confused.
She chuckled sinisterly, "you managed to escape my dear pet, no one has been able before" she walked a couple steps in your direction.
"No matter, I'll finish you off myself" she raised a manicured hand up and the air around you seemed to get thinner.
You tried to step back but some invisible force was holding you in place. Fuck it was getting harder to breathe. Geralt I hate being the one needing to be saved but your appearance would be much appreciated.
"I-if I'm going to die anyway, tell me what's going on".you said in a hoarse whisper. The least you could do is have her distracted why you tried to find a way out of her spell.
"Hmm well I suppose it would be entertaining to watch the horrified look on your face". The side of her mouth flitted up.
"Lemme start by introducing myself, my name is Lisanna, and you're half right, I AM a mage, the princess I'm currently controlling however is nothing more that the poor dear that was too desperate to know better"
"W-what?!" You were on the floor now starting to feel lightheaded, you milked it a little so she wouldnt notice your hand creeping to the back of your head un clasping the long hair pin.
"Yes, it was some time ago I came to the princess in a dream. You see I was cursed along time ago, my soul was trapped outside my body, so I improvised. I summoned the power of the dark spirits and was able to enter whatever vessel I so choose. The only downside is they had to be dying or willing which was very annoying. If the vessel I'm in dies, I die along with it. And as you could imagine there weren't many willing people. But that's when I came across dear Annora here." She gestured to herself.
"T-the p-princess was willing??" you coughed out confused.
"Well, when I found her she was desperate you see. Her marriage had just been announced and she was willing to do anything to escape it. I very graciously, offered a solution. Let me temporarily control your body, and I'll make sure no one forces you to do anything you dont want to again."
You gripped the pin and brought it down by your side, "that still doesnt explain everything? The dissapeances the-" you coughed again.
She laughed to herself, "Oh that? That's just good old fashioned revenge, you see our poor princess has suffered at the hands of these perverted old men for years. No one cared enough to believe her, in fact they shamed her. Does that seem fair? No it doesn't" she kneeled before you and tilted your chin upwards.
"I rather enjoyed kidnapping them and torturing them till I put them out of their misery days later. It was the perfect plan, Runald, got a little excited though and killed the man right here on the floor. It was a truly gruesome sight, but dogs will be dogs" she shrugged as if it was the most casual thing in the world.
"W-why would y-you help?" You whispered shakily.
"Well you see it's all part of the bigger picture, the king is the one who needs to suffer" a look of disgust flashed across her face.
NOW! You jabbed the pin in her neck and the spell dissipated instantly. "YOU BITCH" she shrieked crawling back in pain clutching the bloody pin.
You gained your strength and stood back up running to her. "Why the king?! Answer me!" You tackled her binding her arms with the curtain tassels.
She struggled violently, her neck bleeding profusely. "If you keep moving you'll just bleed out faster.." you glared at her.
"Tell me everything and I might save you.." you stood back up allowing her some space.
"He deserves it! He fucking betrayed me!" She said angry tears beginning to fall down her flushed face. "He said he loved me! He said he'd leave her! And then she got pregnant and he threw me out like garbage! He let all those stupid men influence him! I begged him! And when I tried to kill his bitch which I had every right to do, he got a mage to put a curse on me! He has to suffer!! They all do!" She was shaking now.
You thought over her words for a moment, "So the men..the murders.." You couldn't believe what you were hearing.
"Two birds with one fucking stone, the princess and me have similar interests, we deserve justice! It doesnt matter how it happens, one by one or an all out war! They all must suffer! We didnt deserve this!" You looked down quietly ,
"You're right... you both didnt deserve that, but this.." you gestured to the unconscious man, "is not justice, it makes you like them, criminals.."
"So what!? They can call us whatever we want, it doesnt mean anything! If they get what they deserve they can call us whatever the fuck they want!" The angry tears were streaming now.
"No" you shook your head softly. "It does matter, because it's not over for you yet. I won't let it be.." you crouched beside her, "I'm sorry for what they did to you... to the both of you... but there has to be a way..a way to move past the pain and move forward"
She scoffed, "What the hell would you know! You've never suffered like I have".
Memories of your master flashed through your mind and without a second thought you threw your arms around her shaking form.
"I do.." you whispered quietly.."pulling her tightly against you, "Someone came along...someone stronger, and prettier, and better than me...and he threw me aside...like everything we ever went through never happened...he was everything to me and I thought I was everything to him..I felt like the whole world was going to collapse onto me. For a long time I was lost..and so so angry. I too wanted revenge..more than anything..but then I realized I couldn't let him control me anymore..that the best revenge was to live a better life. A life where I didnt have to depend on some stupid guy to give it meaning. And I was ok thinking that I would be alone for the rest of my days. But then things changed because I made them.. I found people who are truly good. And now I thank god that I didnt let myself be consumed by my feelings of rage, because now I'm truly happy...and I promise you" you squeezed her tighter, "your story is not going to end this way.." .
Her soft sobs grew louder as she buried her head in your chest. You smiled gently and with one hand untied her bindings. She immediately wrapped her arms around you and let out all the pain and sorrow she had built up.
"Its going to be ok" you gently cupped her head, "I promise".
When she finally looked up, her tear filled eyes met yours, "It hurts so much" you gently stroked her tears away, "I know, but amazing girls like us cant spend the rest of their lives obsessing over some scumbags now can we?" You laugh softly.
She matches your smile and leans in close to you, "thank you..." she whispers kissing your cheek.
A visible purple aura formed around her before altogether gathering and leaving the princess. You smiled sadly and watched Lisannas soul dissapear through the window.
The princess's body went limp in your arms, a moment later she stirred, "where am I?" She whispered confused and exausted. "Don't worry..you're safe now, everythings going to be alright" you held her close and tied a piece of fabric from your dress on her neck wound. Luckily it wasnt too deep.
That same moment 2 very disgruntled men rushed in, "Y/n?!" Geralt came over and knelt beside the two of you.
"I'm alright..we both are.." you smiled at him. "I'm getting the feeling we missed something.." Jaskier raised his brows looking at the man rousing on the floor.
You couldn't help but let out a laugh as the both of them gave you a weird look.
After the events you had a long talk with the princess. You were proud as she stood in front of the room and told everyone of the scandalous crimes that the king didnt bat an eyelash towards. Anybody who looked as if they were going to protest were promptly shut up with one stern glare from the witcher.
Everyone agreed that a new era of peace could not begin with a foundation of crimes. The king and queen were arrested by Targeris guards and the princess was crowned queen right then and there.
There was actually alot of protest but a certain mage was able to convince everyone. Something about making the room dark and the floor quake made everyone agree that you couldn't argue with destiny. Thanks Lisanna, I hope to see you again some day. Well as long as your not possessing someone against their will...then again how will she really live without doing that? Eh whatever shes good now, its probably fine...probably..
The princess-well queen now decided that she would not marry the prince, however the peace had to continue. Everyone was too scared to "go against destiny" again so everything seemed to be ok for now.
As for the missing officials, we explained there was a monster but we swiftly took care of them. Actually, doggy poo was turned back to normal when the suffocating spell broke and he sat wagging happily by the queens side. Usually jobs didnt end this happy. Not bad y/n, not bad at all..
"Ouch.." you wince as rough hands rub a cool salve on your aching shoulder.
"Sorry.." Geralt apologized and tried his best to be gentle.
The mood was peaceful, the only thing illuminating the two of you was a few flickering candles. The two of you sat quietly on a bed in one of the guest rooms. You felt more vulnerable than usual as the dress you wore was pooled on the floor. A thin strapless slip was the only thing covering you. Geralt was gentle as he tended to your shoulder. You felt ashamed at the way you behaved earlier. He was being annoyingly protective yes but..you may have taken it too far.
"Geralt?" You said quietly turning to face him.
"Hmm?" His golden eyes like fire in the flickering light.
"I'm sorry for the things I said...and how I acted...but I'm not sorry for getting upset at you telling me to leave." I said truthfully.
He sighed and I expected a protest, "No I should be the one apologizing.." he finished wrapping your shoulder and gently stroked the bandage
"I know telling you to back off was unfair but.." he looked troubled.
"But?" You urged him on.
He looked down, "Everytime we encounter another monster, I cant help imagine that its going to end up with you almost dying" he looked back up and the look in his eyes was so raw you caught your breath. He was referring to the last time when the visser had almost killed you.
"Geralt..." you whispered leaning forward so his forehead was touching yours. "I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere..." you placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned back smiling, "Besides who else are you going to engage in witty banter with? Jaskier?" You teased and a corner of his mouth lifted. "Dont think I've forgotten what you said.." he raised a brow.
"Hey it's not all my fault! Just dont leave me out of things again and we'll have no issues"
"Alright..I promise I won't do that again ok?" He offered.
You nodded your head happy now that you had finally come to an agreement.
He shook his head, "Well at least if you're by me, I can keep an eye on you......speaking of..."
Uh oh bad feeling. Geralt was shifting into scolding mode you could feel it..
You scooted off the bed slightly ready to escape if need be, "Why the hell did you go after the princess by yourself!?" He was more stern now.
"Jaskier? Is that you calling? I'm coming!" You dashed off the bed swinging open the door, "We can talk later Geralt! Jaskier needs me!"
You bolted down the hall ignoring his bark of protest behind you, "Y/N! Don't--ugh" he sighed shaking his head. That woman was gonna be the end of him...but he couldn't help the smile plastered on face. His fingers gently touched where her forehead was. She sure was a special one. He grunted and left the room, now where did she run off too...
Ok so there it is! I didn't feel very confident about this story but wanted to finish it anyway. Hope it was ok xoxo lemme know if I should write more stories, till next time!
@marvels-gurl @shane-isa-shame @waitingtobeimpressed @viking-raider @dream-alittlebiggerdarling
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Your “O o o f” after I talked about Roxy alcoholism is about the scariest thing ever.
Also, I’m beginning Jake route now. He’s my least favorite of the alpha kid, so I’m curious about how it will go
Pffft, sorry. X3 I didn’t mean it that way.
I’m worried of how the Jack shenanigans will turns out, because even tho I’m great at friendship I think I might be terrible at... love and stuff like that
Ah, the Jake Shenanigans. Let us start.
I.... do admit that Jake guns are a pretty stupid weapon choice against a robot. It never occurred me before, but now that I think of it, it’s pretty obvious
In all fairness, bullets SHOULD pierce a thin layer of whatever metal it is made of, these bots aren’t exactly known to be solid.
Urrrrrrrrg. I forgot the way he speak. -_-
I don’t speak English well enough for this. Half of what he says goes over my head. I guess I’ll just... listen to the music, look at the images, and try to gain context from the half of the dialogue I actually can understand
Oh botherations, you seem to be in a bit of a pickle! Found yourself in quite the tizzle, my good lad!
Ok, i know the robot is problematic, but wasn’t it also... useful ? I thought it was supposed to protect Jake against the lusii in the jungle. It’s not supposed to be that menacing and creepy, is it ?
There’s the whole aspect of Dirk’s training and potential process of courtship via robotic proxy.
I’m also pretty sure if didn’t attacked Jake in his room in canon ? Could be wrong about that, tho
It has modes, I could see some of them bypassing certain boundaries.
He really did look at Roxy alcoholism and say “what a fun and wacky gal hahaha”
To be fair, so did Jane-
Hummmmm yeah, calm down, MSPAR. You had exactly the same kind of problem at the beginning of friendsim. Ignoring the really reals issues of your friends ? Going along with anything just for affection ? Don’t insult the mirror.
Ah, the People Pleasers Meet.
Jakes really have a thing to infuriate narrators, don’t he ? First dirk, next Joey, and now MSPAR? That’s a lot XD
A lil bit.
Here I am, just being a (really bad) therapist
You’re no tentacle therapist, that for sure.
It’s obvious that I’m going to have a bad end now. -_- introducing someone to Vriska can not end well
Jakes really is out there making parallels XD
And.... he is unable to recognize the fucking obvious parallelsz
The alpha kids are such messes.
That’s the English Experience, baby. Hit it spot-on, and somehow end up disbelieving it.
He does give big aroace vibes. And not just because of the color scheme
At least Aro vibes for sure.
Is it just me or is this route a lot longer than the other ?
The Kids routes came out individually, and the Trolls, in pairs, so these may be a tad longer.
I am having quite the hero complexe here. I don’t deserve to save him ! That’s not how it work, stupid ! It’s not about me and my stupid round head. It’s about Jake
MSPAR uses making friends basically as a coping mechanism, and they’ve just found their foil: Someone they can’t simply Help Be Better.
Of course he wasn’t going to change just for me. That was obvious. And I need to stop being a piece of shit. Being frustrated at pages is way to Vriska of me
Why does hiveswap feel wrong ?
Well, it IS another game entirely. X3
I have never really forgotten my big clown crush XD
Can’t possibly forget THAT.
I think I did pretty ok, in this route. Jake isn’t going to improve in one day, but at least now he can have accès to an external support system, and he is aware that there is a problem to be fixed. Plus, it also give Mspar an occasion to develop. I’m pretty sure that, even if I didn’t get an actually good ending, I at least pushed Jake in the good direction.
One could even say.... I have hope for the futur ;)
Baby steps!
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ambitionsource · 3 years
Who in the a class is in some kind of therapy?
what a question LMAO. but honestly, a very fair one indeed. while discussing this, es and i ended up basically dividing it into three groups (if someone isn’t mentioned, it just means none apply)
Is In Therapy Currently
Isadora || as we know from the canon of S3, isa is currently in therapy to work through the grief of valerie dying as well as like... the built up abandonment issues, anxiety, and struggles she has articulating or processing emotions lmao. it also helps her learn better methods to work with her autism
Farkle || i mean... we all watched S1 & 2. we know why he’s there LMAO and by god does he need it. it’s good that he’s improving though!!
Chai || she officially started therapy after the events of S1 while she was abroad because evidently her parents divorce really fucked with her emotional state and coping mechanisms -- as well as having sort of emotionally distant parents and having to navigate the world on her own. basically, money =/= nurturing. but yeah i think she realized what she did with tormenting her classmates wasn’t Healthy perhaps and so she sought out the resources to fix it on her own. her parents certainly weren’t going to be much help
Clarissa || clarissa has been in and out of therapy here and there since she was little, mainly for managing OCD. usually she’s fine and her appointments are infrequent (monthly at this current rate), but she tends to go back to her therapist when circumstances get very stressful, like the events of S2 (she mentions going back to therapy in a scene with charlie and haley in 210)
Not In Therapy Currently, but Has Before
Riley || though not by choice, riley went to therapy for a stretch of time in the aftermath of her bullying experience freshman year. by the start of S1, though, she’s on the tail-end of it after a whole summer full of it. she also had stints in family therapy when she was little when cory and topie were having their first bouts of marriage problems, but she doesn’t remember all that obviously. she’s thought about going back for herself because of all the divorce strain, but ultimately opted against it bc she didn’t want to go through cory or topanga. she mainly sticks to talking to eric if things get too overwhelming and using the coping mechanisms she already has
Darby || miss darbs spent some time in therapy in late elementary school due to having issues socializing with her peers. i think she’s always been a bit awkward and desperate to please, so that can get messy with kids cause kids are mean. she was also definitely bullied at that age for being really tall and so i think her parents put her therapy out of genuine concern just with the hopes that like, she’d be able to develop some coping mechanisms and have a safe space to get advice if they didn’t have the answers. and in some ways it helped, other ways no -- her friendships aren’t the healthiest still (as she’s the doormat), but i think she holds her own BETTER with the plastics having gone to therapy than if she never developed those emotional tools at all
Has Not / Is Not but Really Fucking Should Be in Therapy
LUCAS || this is like the most obvious blinking lights sirens wailing example ever. he is a walking textbook for endorsing therapy. between the domestic abuse, mommy and daddy issues, self-esteem in the subbasement, lack of life purpose, inability to read others well emotionally, inability to process his own emotions, the physical aversion due to his trauma, his kleptomania, his risk-taking behavior, his habit of lying, the fact that he has canonically walked off for days at a time with no warning, explanation, or safety net, that he sleeps in a fucking technician’s booth, he used to free-climb buildings SOMETIMES IN THE RAIN, no sense of self-preservation, intrusive thoughts, inability to express appreciation or affection in a normal non-stressful way...... this man is a therapist’s dream and nightmare. they could spend YEARS unpacking him. but will he ever go to therapy? no. because he a) doesn’t think he needs it, b) can’t ask for help ever, and c) could never afford it. and at this point, d) if his dad heard he was seeking help like that he would shut it down instantly. anyway, he’s the biggest case here. underline him in red
Charlie || charlie is a great example of someone who is like coping... sort of... not really... it Looks like they’re coping but they aren’t really and they really need help. like yes, charlie has stability in certain areas of his life that others don’t, and he’s extremely self-aware of his privileges, but i think that’s part of the problem. he’s convinced himself he doesn’t need or shouldn’t get external help because there are people who have it so much worse than him and he doesn’t... he doesn’t really need it, does he? he’s fine. he’ll be fine. and even if he did think about getting “help,” i think his first instinct -- and advice from others -- would be to go to his church leadership, which is not a suggestion made with ill will but just isn’t helpful considering half of his trauma is tied to his relationship with god and the church and faith. he needs a more objective space to unpack all of that, and obviously church itself is not the answer. i think that charlie will be able to work through a lot of his initial issues on his own with time and patience with himself (something we’re in the thick of right now -- we’re just barely in the acceptance phase), but he should really go to therapy in the future just to like... work through all of the long-term trauma he endured from his upbringing and bridgette’s exile and the dueling psychology of church vs sexuality. like... that’s gonna take some time to unravel and he needs to be in the right place to pursue that on his own. will he, i dont know, but i think when he does a certain heaviness he’s been carrying his entire life will finally like... lift. and he’ll be able to breathe better
Asher || so asher is a bit of a clusterfuck LMAO like he’s diagnosed officially with generalized anxiety disorder but he never saw a specialist, his mom diagnosed him since she’s a psychologist. the complexity here is that because of that... well, they say you should never let family be your personal doctors and i think that’s true for mental health professionals too. like emily basically gave asher the generic coping rundown when he was really young, and then he went on to develop his own coping mechanisms with, at least, a very fundamental understanding of what’s wrong with him. but he kind of developed his own complex about it all too, bc i think emily took pride in him being able to figure it all out and be so capable with his own mental health without ever going to therapy and he kind of internalized that, as well as having internalized a lot his mom’s perspectives and opinions as a mental health professional in a way that its like... well my MOM said that, so i feel kind of some type of way about it. so its all really complicated and twisted in his head and he just doesnt bother to unpack it (something, ironically, therapy would probably help lol). the thing about asher is that for all intents and purposes, he does cope well and he is really in tune with his own mental state. it’s just that he could seriously benefit from having an objective party help him untangle some of his neuroses i think and it would take some of the constant stress off his shoulders, but he’s honestly too stuck in his ways at this point to go. that being said, he’s a vocal advocate for therapy and its benefits -- just not for himself
Nigel || as discussed a bit in the ask i answered about him, i just think nigel carries way too much pressure on himself and he could benefit from someone helping him work through things instead of carrying all his stress on his own -- even if its less complex than some others. he’s like same range as clarissa.
Maya || maya has no issue with self-esteem, but i think she could still benefit from someone helping her actually unpack her issues over her dad and why she is the way she is. a therapist who specializes in narcissism would be a good fit for her -- not because she is one, but she does have... certain quirks where i think having that specialization can help unravel her motivations and actions a little more easily
Missy || she’s just a fucking mess. she shouldn’t be redeemed but i think therapy could really do her a favor and maybe make her less terrible and psychopathic towards people who aren’t like her. maybe
-- Maggie & Es
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ozymandiasdirge · 4 years
okay more star trek engage
episode 1x09 Hide and Q
from the title i am guessing Q is back and hopefully bringing some more fun campiness back with him and i dont have to see any ferengi for a while
no troi which :(
we are one (1) minute in and worf has already half flipped over the hand rails on the bridge to point a phaser at Q who is just a light orb with snakes on it in. we have no choice but to stan.
q’s entire new outfit is just starfleet uniform with added sparkle trim. at least someone here has some joie de vivre
frankly q just wants to bring some excitement i say let him
riker no braincells moment 64: gets teleported down to unknown planet by a crazed god being dressed like napoleon and offered a chalice with an unknown beverage. just drinks it. 
is this just what happens when troi isnt around
data’s highlighter???? excellent
why do i have a feeling worf could end this fight if picard would just let him throw hands
i dont know if it’s because it’s in HD but whoever did poor tasha’s makeup..... learn to blend and match skin tone WHY DOES SHE LOOK GRAY AROUND HER T ZONE
tasha was just weirdly attracted to chad patrick stewart and q came back and got all huffy so i guess i’ve found out what corner of the enetrprise the gay fumes are going to be coming from this time
okay now theyre just sitting here arguing over shakespeare i see you
riker is over here stanced the fuck up while geordi is being a pair of binoculars and data an encyclopedia
Tumblr media
getting godlike power on star trek never ends well so this is about to go poorly
oh god its been 4minutes and we’ve already reached maniacal laughter
wesley just got stabbed and thats been his only contribution this week
why...why wont they let riker just save the 500+ people with his god powers....he hasnt done anything evil...
okay i know that the god powers are a bad idea bc genre savvyness but in universe.....literally why wouldnt you use them to help
please tell me they arent going to let this little girl die just to prove a point
okay wow they are...uhhh fuck this episode???
okay but he’s not mad at picard because hes mad with power hes mad because a child died this writing is terrible holy shit
wesley go away my irritation is already high enough
“what is this need of your for costumes Q” hes gay and messy picard duh
so riker can give them present but not save a childs life huh
is...is geordi...you know. good for him.
okay but levar burton is so handome why doesnt he get to take the visor off more?
oh hot klingon lady maybe this isnt irredeemable..okay worf just punched her nevermind. let worf smash. LET HIM SMASH GENE RODDENBERRY
wow i really did not like this. the writing and pacing were both awful.
next episode we’re meeting troi’s mom. hopefully the writing will improve.
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pechebeche · 3 years
I hate to reopen closed wounds but would you mind telling us what happened with the d20 stuff? I understand it was something about ppl not liking the fact that u made nsfw content (which honestly doesn’t sound like a big deal to me) but learning that that you were harassed off the fandom makes me go ??? I am very confused it’s literally not that deep why did they do this
I know I’m like a year(?) late to all of this but I’m really upset I honestly hope you’re in a better place and know that I love you and support you and they’re shitty people who don’t deserve anything and trust that they WILL have karma at their throats when they least expect it.
Wish I was online at the time, I can only send love and prayers your way :( <33
I've been sitting on this ask for a week or so now, trying to decide how - and whether or not i even should - answer it.
thinking too much abt my harassment inevitably causes me to spiral. what remains from that time is impossible for me to look at without going off the deep. it doesnt really feel fair to expect people to believe me without evidence when thats...why i was harassed in the first place.
but also, and maybe more importantly. i have seen firsthand that it does not take much for people on the internet to decide you are subhuman and deserve to be treated as such. i would never, ever wish for anyone to be treated the way i was, including the people who treated me that way. as difficult as it is for me to remind myself some days, many of the people who harassed me probably genuinely thought they were in the right and doing a moral duty, and just didn't fully grasp that there was a person on the other side of the screen.
if i have any sort of audience that i dont absolutely know and trust, i dont think i can, in good conscience, name some of the people who mistreated me, and some of the ways in which they mistreated me, in a public sphere. i just can't. i don't trust the internet enough.
(if i sound morally righteous abt this, its because i absolutely am. i am extending more respect and kindness to the people who hurt me in this moment than they ever extended to me. i am bitter and miserable about the fact that after everything they did to me, it is still my responsibility to be the bigger person. i'm never going to get closure. i am going to have to take some of the things they said and did to my grave. i'm allowed to be angry about it.)
what i WILL say is that, in interest of objectivity, when the callout post was originally made about me, it was not just about my nsfw content, but about racism. i've outlined these allegations here. (there is one allegation i left out here because it was on twitter instead, and because it took what i said so far out of context that i remember looking at it and having a full moment where i thought i was straight up dreaming and would wake up because i couldnt believe anyone was twisting my words that hard and not getting called out on it.)
i will also say that i'm sure the original callout post is still up and that, helpfully, it included links on the wayback archive to posts i had made which either were inconsistent with or directly contradicted the call out! (im never gonna get over the note about how i had never apologized that linked directly to an apology) if you’re willing to search it up, it may provide greater insight both into my bias, since obviously i naturally see my own side of the story, and into theirs.
i have never argued that my insensitivity was justified, and i dont want anyone to twist my words to pretend i am. what i am saying is that it was unfair and cruel to turn my unawareness into a public spectacle to be mocked. my actions may have been exaggerated or made up, but the core of it is that even if i had been that terrible, there was no excuse for turning what could & should have been a learning experience that i could improve from into an excuse to, put simply, bully someone out of a space. not once was i approached with these issues or had them explained to me privately before i was publicly denounced as unforgivable and refusing to learn. neither the poster nor any of my endless harassers, nor any of my friends who reblogged the post without bothering to tell me about it, didnt even link me in the post itself; i had to SEARCH IT UP. they were not interested in teaching me or my followers. they were interested in isolating me and forcing me out of their fandom by any means necessary, including my death. that is not an acceptable way to treat people who have not committed Actual, Physical Crimes. that is not the type of activism we as a society should encourage.
i hope that one day i will be able to give a more complete picture. but it isn't today. i'm sorry i couldn't be of more help.
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