#this elevates me to bicon status
olderthannetfic · 3 years
For me the most frustrating thing about SX and Lindsay is how *close* they are to getting it. They just... don’t. They will even say the dang thing but not apply it. Or consider how different things connect together. The second most frustrating thing is how much they get held up, particularly among young LGBT+ participants in fandom, as being correct about everything always and beacons of woke. The fact checking in their videos is usually fine, unless it’s outside their wheelhouse.
Yup. “Bicons”, they are not.
SZ should be ashamed of her take on the pink triangle. Ugh.
I’m a huge fan of Lindsay, but she’s infuriatingly wrong on certain topics. I blame a lot of this on the environment around youtube cultural commentators in general, however.
In Lindsay’s rant video, you get this really clear sense of how she started as a rando expressing her opinions online and got accidentally elevated to a status of authority she didn’t really aspire to and struggles to live up to. I’m sure some people see that as pretentious humblebragging or something, but it sounded very honest to me. I see it with all kinds of bloggers.
Our news media of the past (when it was better) also didn’t always live up to these standards, but randos who’ve accidentally gained a larger platform than they expected and who never claimed to be upholding any specific code definitely don’t.
People even do it to me a bit on here. Not to the same degree because I’m many orders of magnitude less popular, but I do come in for a bit of the “I thought we were friends, and now you’ve let me down!” parasocial relationship stuff.
(And this is hilarious because I do routinely make new fandom friends who are actual friends. I’m not anything like that inaccessible. I’m just oblivious and busy, so unless we chat regularly one-on-one or you @ me for my input a lot, I probably don’t have much sense of you as an individual rather than part of a sea of fandom commentary. I get a lot of anons for all of the obvious reasons having to do with fandom culture, and that’s why I leave anon asks on... but guys... you know I’m not going to remember you specifically or feel like your friend when you’re anon, right? I have a hard enough time remembering anyone I haven’t met in person even when they have a distinctive screenname!)
And more than that, I get taken to task for not living up to the standards of an academic or reporter... two things I am not, least of all on my personal tumblr of fannish squee.
We’d all be a lot healthier if we were able to enjoy the ramblings of individual blogger types without getting too wedded to the idea that they’re anything but personal opinions.
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campgender · 6 years
tagged by an absolute bicon @veganparmesan
Relationship status: i have 3 amazing partners whom i love with my entire being
Favorite colors: my fav is green but i also like blue and black
Lipstick or chapstick: i like lipstick more but i wear chapstick more
3 favorite foods: pesto pizza with tomatoes and mozzarella, tofu pad Thai, mushroom ravioli 
Song stuck in my head: “Make You Better” by The Decemberists 
Last song I listened to: "Remedy” by State Champs
Last movie I watched: i’m pretty sure it was Alex Strangelove (don’t watch it. lots of transphobic and biphobic comments. i was disappointed but at least antonio marziale is cute.)
Book(s) I’m currently reading: Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris, Crip Theory: Cultural Signs of Queerness and Disability by Robert McRuer, rereading Maurice by E. M. Forster is a way of life i’m always reading some portion of it
Last thing I googled: “wooden cane with blue floral handle” because i saw a really gorgeous cane on a moodboard and i’m trying to find it. i need a cane i can take to events with a business dress code because my formerly plain black cane is now covered in stickers and my other canes are flashy & flamboyant lol
Time: 11:13 pm
How many blankets do you sleep with: just a comforter lately since the air in my current apartment won’t go lower than 70 degrees but usually 2 blankets and a comforter
Dream trip: a lot of the places i want to go are inaccessible af and/or too cold for my arthritic knees but i’d love to go back to the area of the Dominican Republic i went to earlier this summer and do more research etc
Anything you want: a heating pad with a timer. a weighted blanket. a room in a building with a fucking elevator.
i’m tagging @brightclam and @sparkly-angell but no pressure if you don’t want to, and anyone who wants to do it, feel free to say i tagged you!
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