#this is a joke please don't get mad at me
hd-junglebook · 1 day
Its Always Been You
Part 2 - Word Count 4932
A.N - Don't hate me for how long this is OR that it's just arguing. I needed thing to move along sue me. And if you are mad, that's why y/n got her feelings hurt. sucks to suck.
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Y/N stared out the window, watching the city lights blur past as Jack navigated the busy Newark streets. The silence seemed to stretch on endlessly, broken only by the soft hum of the engine and the distant sounds of traffic, each second feeling heavier than the last. Y/N had not made a peep, her thoughts racing like a freight train through her mind.
Her mind raced with questions, each one more painful than the last. How could Jack have kept something like this from her? How long had he been seeing Daphne, and why had he never mentioned her before?
Y/N had always thought that she and Jack shared everything, that their bond was unbreakable. But now, she couldn't help but wonder if she had been fooling herself all along.
The thought that Jack might have known about her feelings for him made Y/N's stomach twist with humiliation. Had she been too obvious in her affection, too transparent in her longing?
The idea that he might have been pitying her all this time, or worse, laughing at her behind her back, made her want to curl up and disappear.
Y/N's eyes burned with unshed tears, but she blinked them back, refusing to let them fall.
Instead, she focused on keeping her breathing steady, on maintaining the fragile composure that was all that was keeping her from falling apart. The streetlights flickered past in a blur, casting fleeting shadows that danced across the car's interior.
The glow from the dashboard illuminated Jack's profile, his jaw clenched and his eyes focused on the road ahead, but she could feel the tension radiating off him in waves.
Beside her, Jack gripped the steering wheel, his knuckles white with tension. Y/N could feel the weight of his gaze on her, but she couldn't bring herself to meet his eyes. She didn't trust herself not to break down if she did, to unleash the torrent of emotions that were swirling inside her like a hurricane.
The silence was now feeling unbearable, a thick fog that clouded her thoughts and stifled her words. Her hands fidgeted in her lap, her fingers twisting and turning in a nervous dance. Her heart felt like it was caught in a vice grip, each beat echoing loudly in her ears.
But still, she said nothing, the words lodged in her throat like shards of glass. What could she say, really? What words could possibly encompass the depth of her pain, the magnitude of her unrequited love?
“Can you please talk to me, Y/N? I don’t get what's the big deal," Jack pleaded.
She risked a glance in his direction. He looked as uncomfortable as she felt, and for a moment, Y/N felt a flicker of hope. Maybe this was all just a misunderstanding, a terrible joke that they could laugh about later.
But then she remembered the way Daphne had looked at Jack, the possessive gleam in her eye and the casual intimacy of her touch. There was no denying the truth of their relationship, no matter how much Y/N wished she could.
As they came to a stop, the soft purr of the engine died down, leaving a heavy silence in its wake. Jack pulled into the garage of the apartment building, navigating the narrow road with ease due to the sparse traffic of the late hour, making the drive up seem even longer.
“It’s nothing, Jack. I was just shocked. You never even mentioned her to me,” Y/N began, her voice shaky. Her eyes darted to his, searching for understanding as she bit her lower lip nervously. “We’re supposed to tell each other everything, and you hid a girlfriend from me,” she continued.
 "Why didn't you tell me?"
Jack's hands tightened on the wheel, his jaw clenching. "Y/N, I..."
Jack's hand shot out, his fingers wrapping around her wrist. "Y/N," he said, his voice hoarse. "I'm sorry. Just let me explain somehow.”
Y/N swallowed hard, blinking back the tears that threatened to fall. "Okay. Let’s just get upstairs first."
With that, Y/N pulled her wrist from his grasp, she opened the car door and stepped out into the cool night air, her legs shaking beneath her. She couldn't bear to hear whatever explanation Jack might offer, couldn't stand the thought of listening to him speak of daphne.
They made their way up the steps to their apartment, Y/N's heart felt like it was breaking with every step. She had always thought that loving Jack was the one constant in her life, the one thing she could count on no matter what.
As they reached their floor, Y/N fumbled with her keys, her hands shaking so badly that she nearly dropped them. She could feel Jack's eyes on her, could sense his hesitation, but she refused to meet his gaze. She didn't trust herself not to break down completely if she did.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Y/N managed to unlock the door. She stepped inside, the familiar scent of their apartment washing over her.
Behind her, Jack closed the door softly, the click of the latch sounding like a gunshot in the heavy silence. Y/N could hear him take a deep breath, could sense him searching for the right words to say.
"Y/N," Jack said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. He took a step towards her, his hand outstretched. "It's not really what you think. Daphne and I... it's complicated."
Y/N laughed, the sound harsh and bitter. "Complicated? Is that what you call it when you have a girlfriend you never told your supposed best friend about?" She spun around to face him.
"Did you think I wouldn't find out eventually? Did you think you could just keep living this double life and I would never know?"
“I can't lose you, Y/N. You're my best friend, the most important person in my life. I know I screwed up, but I'll do whatever it takes to make it right. I'll spend every day proving to you that you can trust me, that I'll never keep anything from you again."
Y/N's eyes searched his face, looking for any sign of deception or insincerity. But all she saw was honesty and fear, a desperate need for her to believe him. She could feel the tension between them, thick and heavy.
"I know Jack," she answered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I’m sorry, it’s just been a long night. Let’s just let it go. I mean, for Christ’s sake you’re not even dating."
“Can we just watch a movie or something. Forget about her for tonight.” He suggested.
“Maybe tomorrow jack, I’m just really tired.” Jack looked disappointed but he nodded anyway, sitting himself on the couch as y/n walked to her room.
As she pushed open her door and stepped inside, Y/N finally allowed herself to break, the tears she had been holding back spilling down her cheeks in hot, salty tracks.
She sank to the floor, her back pressed against the door, and let the sobs wrack her body, mourning the loss of a love she had never truly had.
Y/N groaned as the shrill sound of her alarm pierced through the fog of sleep, dragging her back to consciousness. She blinked blearily, her eyes adjusting to the soft light filtering through her curtains.
For a moment, she couldn't remember how she had gotten into bed the night before, her memories hazy and fragmented.
The events of the previous evening came rushing back, hitting her like a tidal wave. Daphne’s appearance, the breakdown she had. Y/N threw her hands over her face, huffing out a string of unintelligible words as she tried to process the whirlwind of emotions that swirled inside her.
With a heavy sigh, she pushed off the blanket and swung her legs over the side of the bed. The apartment was eerily quiet, the only sound the soft hum of the city traffic outside her window. Y/N wondered if Jack was still asleep, or if he had already left for practice.
She padded softly to the bathroom, her bare feet cold against the hardwood floor. The thought of a hot shower to soothe her aching head and wash away the remnants of last night's tears sounded like heaven. Y/N turned the water to its highest temperature, steam filling the small room as she stepped inside.
The scalding water cascaded over her skin, turning it pink and raw. Y/N tilted her head back, letting the spray hit her face and wash away the smudged mascara that had dried on her cheeks. She closed her eyes.
A nagging voice in the back of her mind that whispered that she would never be enough, that Jack would always choose someone else over her.
Y/N shook her head, trying to dispel the negative thoughts. She couldn't let herself go down that rabbit hole, couldn't let the pain and insecurity consume her. She needed to be strong, to focus on herself and her own needs, even if that meant putting some distance between herself and Jack.
She was just about to step out when she heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Curious, she peeked through the sheer curtain, the gauzy material allowing her a glimpse into the hallway beyond, to see Jack standing in the doorway, his hair mussed from sleep and his eyes still heavy with exhaustion.
There, standing in the doorway, was Jack, looking like he had just rolled out of bed. His dark hair was mussed from sleep, sticking up in endearing tufts that made Y/N's fingers itch to smooth them down. His eyes were still heavy with exhaustion.
For a moment, they simply stared at each other, the tension from the night before still hanging heavy in the air between them.
The early morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over Jack's features and making his blue eyes appear even more vivid than usual. Y/N's heart skipped a beat as she drank in the sight of him, her gaze roaming over the strong lines of his jaw and the curve of his lips.
Even disgruntled he still looked beautiful.
Jack caught sight of himself in the mirror. His eyes widened as he took in his disheveled appearance.
Unable to resist, Y/N couldn't help but laugh at the sight of him, her shoulders shaking with mirth as she watched him pout at his reflection. The sound seemed to startle him, and he turned to face her, his lower lip jutting out in an exaggerated frown.
Even as he tried to look offended, Y/N could see the twinkle of amusement in his eyes, the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
"Oh, you think this is funny, do you?" he asked, his voice still rough with sleep. The sound sent a shiver down Y/N's spine.
Y/N nodded, her laughter growing louder as Jack's pout deepened. She grinned at him, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "I'm sorry," she said tucking herself behind the curtain, not sounding sorry at all.
"But you should see yourself right now. You look like a grumpy puppy who got woken up from a nap."
Jack's eyes narrowed, but the smile he had been trying to suppress finally broke through, lighting up his face and making Y/N's breath catch in her throat. "A puppy, huh?" he said, taking a step towards her. "I'll show you a puppy."
Jack's eyes sparked with mischief as he lunged towards Y/N, his hands outstretched as if to grab her from the shower. Y/N let out a yelp of surprise, her laughter echoing off the tiled walls as she quickly tucked herself behind the shower curtain, the flimsy material serving as a makeshift barrier between them.
"Jack, wait!" she pleaded, her voice breathless with laughter. "You can't hit a guy with glasses!"
Jack paused, his hands still hovering in the air as he raised an eyebrow at her. "You're not wearing glasses," he pointed out, his lips twitching with amusement.
Y/N peeked out from behind the curtain, her eyes wide with mock innocence. "Well, no, but I could be. You never know."
Jack shook his head, a chuckle escaping his lips as he stepped back from the shower, his hands raised in a sign of peace. "Alright, alright, you win. I surrender."
Y/N emerged from behind the curtain, her hair damp and her cheeks flushed from the steam. She was suddenly acutely aware of how close they were standing, the small bathroom feeling even more cramped with Jack's tall frame taking up space. She could feel the heat radiating off his body, could smell the faint scent of his cologne mixed with the clean scent of soap.
For a moment, the world seemed to fall away, and all Y/N could focus on was the intensity of Jack's gaze and the way his eyes seemed to darken as they roamed over her face. Her heart raced in her chest, her skin tingling with a sudden, electric awareness of his presence.
But then, the events of the previous night came rushing back, hitting her like a splash of cold water. The hurt, the betrayal, the overwhelming sense of confusion and uncertainty - it all came flooding back, making her throat tighten and her chest ache.
Y/N felt her smile fade, the laughter dying in her throat as she took a small step back, putting some distance between them.
She averted her gaze, suddenly finding the pattern of the shower curtain incredibly interesting as she tried to gather her thoughts.
The sound of the water hitting the tiles seemed to grow louder in the silence, the steady rhythm a stark contrast to the pounding of her heart. Y/N swallowed hard, her mouth suddenly dry as she struggled to find the right words.
"I'll be out in a minute, then it's all yours," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. She couldn't bring herself to look at him, couldn't bear to see the hurt or confusion in his eyes.
Jack's hands fell to his sides, his expression growing serious. "Are you still mad at me?” he said softly. “I meant what I said last night, Y/N. I'll do whatever it takes to make things right between us."
Y/N nodded; her throat tight with emotion. "I know you will, Jack. I’m not mad at you, I’m just not feeling good right now.”
Jack was quiet for a moment. Y/N could hear him shift his weight, could sense the way he was searching for something to say. But in the end, he simply nodded, his shoulders slumping slightly as he took a step back.
"Okay," he said softly, his voice rough with an emotion Y/N couldn't quite place. "I'll just... I'll wait in the living room." And with that, he turned and walked out of the bathroom, the sound of his footsteps fading as he made his way down the hall.
She knew that they couldn't go on like this forever, that they would have to face the hard truths and difficult conversations sooner or later.
But for now, she simply wanted to lose herself in the warmth of the shower, to let the water wash away the pain and confusion and leave her feeling clean and new.
After their last awkward encounter, y/n had decided to find someone to talk to. Y/N lay sprawled on her stomach, her feet swinging lazily behind her as she cradled her phone in her hands.
The soft glow of the screen illuminated her face, casting shadows across her features as she poured her heart out to her best friend, Jenn.
"I just don't know what to do," Y/N confessed, her voice tinged with a mix of frustration and despair. "I mean, I always knew that Jack and I were just friends, but I guess a part of me always hoped that maybe, someday, he would see me as something more."
Jenn’s face filled the screen, her brows furrowed in sympathy as she listened to Y/N's tale of woe. "Oh, honey," she said softly, her voice tinny through the phone's speakers. "I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine how you must be feeling right now."
Y/N sighed, burying her face in her pillow for a moment before lifting her head to look back at the screen. "It's just... I feel so stupid, you know? Like, how could I not have seen this coming? I really thought moving all this way together would open his eyes."
Jenn shook her head, her expression fierce. "You're not stupid, Y/N. You're human. And sometimes, when we're in love, we see what we want to see, even if it's not really there."
Y/N felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes, and she blinked them back furiously. "I just don't know what to do now," she said, her voice small and lost.
"I mean, Jack is my best friend, but how can I be around him knowing that he's with someone else? Knowing that he'll never see me the way I see him?"
They were quiet for a moment, Jenn/s face was pensive as she mulled over Y/N's words. "Maybe," she said slowly, her tone cautious. "Maybe it's time for you to start thinking about yourself for a change."
Y/N frowned, not quite wanting to get into her plan. "Not this again, we’re not playing matchmaker."
She leaned forward, her expression earnest. “whatever, but maybe it's time for you to put yourself out there, to start meeting new people and exploring new possibilities. You've been so focused on Jack for so long, but there's a whole world out there waiting for you, Y/N."
Y/N bit her lip, her heart racing at the thought. "I don't know, J. I'm not really the dating type. And besides, who would want to go out with me?"
She could feel the eye roll through the screen. "Are you kidding me? Y/N, you're gorgeous, smart, funny, and kind. Any guy would be lucky to have you." Y/N felt a blush creep up her cheeks at Sarah's words, a small spark of hope igniting in her chest.
Jenn nodded emphatically. “Why don't you download one of those dating apps, like Tinder or Bumble? Just to see what's out there, you know? No pressure, no expectations, just a chance to meet some new people and have some fun."
Y/N let out a surprised laugh, the sound bursting from her lips before she could stop it. "A dating app? Seriously?" The idea both thrilling and terrifying at the same time. She had never been one for casual dating, had always been more of a relationship kind of girl. But maybe Jenn was right.
Maybe it was time for her to step outside her comfort zone, to take a chance on something new. “It could be fun! And who knows, maybe you'll meet someone amazing who will make you forget all about Jack and his stupid secrets."                                
"Okay," she said slowly, her smile growing wider. "I'll do it. I'll download a dating app and see what happens."
The soft beat of y/ns favorite song played softly in the background as she stood in front of her mirror, taking one last look at her reflection, she debated between two pairs of heels when she heard the front door open, and the sound of familiar voices filled the apartment.
Her heart skipped a beat as she realized that Jack was home, and he wasn't alone. She took a deep breath before stepping out of her room.
The black mini dress hugged her curves in all the right places, and the smokey eye makeup gave her a sultry, mysterious air. She had spent the better part of an hour getting ready, determined to make a good impression on her date.
"Hi John," Y/N said, her voice soft and slightly breathless as she caught sight of Jack's teammate standing beside him. She couldn't help but notice the way John's eyes widened as he took in her appearance, his gaze traveling up and down her body appreciatively.
"Wow, Y/N," John said, a slow smile spreading across his face. "You look amazing. Got a hot date tonight?"
Y/N felt a blush creep up her cheeks, but she forced herself to maintain eye contact, a coy smile playing on her lips. "Maybe," she said, her voice teasing. "Guess you'll have to wait and see."
Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Jack stiffen, his jaw clenching as he watched the exchange. She tried to ignore the way her heart raced at the sight of him, the way her skin tingled with awareness of his presence.
"Well, whoever the lucky guy is, he's in for a treat," John said, his gaze lingering on her a moment longer before he turned to Jack, a knowing look in his eye. "Don't you think, Jack?" Jack's expression was unreadable, but Y/N could see the tension in his shoulders, the way his hands clenched at his sides.
"Yeah," he said, his voice tight. "Y/N always looks great."
Y/N felt a thrill of satisfaction at the barely concealed jealousy in his tone, but she forced herself to keep her focus on John. "Thanks, John," she said, her voice warm. "You're too sweet." She took a step closer to him, her heels clicking on the hardwood floor.
"You know, I've been meaning to ask you something," she said, her voice low and conspiratorial. "Why don’t you come over more often? It would be nice to see you more.”
John's eyes lit up, a grin spreading across his face. "Well jack here is trying to keep you to himself. Just say the word and I'll clear my schedule."
Y/N laughed, the sound light and flirtatious. "I might just take you up on that," she said, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
She could feel Jack's gaze burning into her back, could sense the tension radiating off him in waves. But she refused to let herself be swayed. "Well, I should probably get going," she said, glancing at her watch. "Don't want to keep my date waiting."
She brushed past John, her arm grazing against his as she made her way towards the door. "It was great seeing you, John," she called over her shoulder, her voice sweet.
"Don't be a stranger, okay?" And with that, she was gone, the sound of her heels echoing down the hallway as she made her way out of the apartment. She could feel Jack's eyes on her until the very last moment.
Y/N felt Jack's hand close around her arm, his grip firm but gentle. Before she could protest, he pulled her towards him, spinning her around until she was facing him, her body pressed against his chest.
Her breath caught in her throat as she looked up at him, their faces mere inches apart. “Supposed to tell each other everything, remember? Guess that doesn’t apply to dates or girlfriends,” he snapped, tone dripping with sarcasm. His gaze was icy, challenging him to respond. 
They both stood in the dark hallway, a silent standoff. The pale blue moonlight filtered through the narrow window, casting an eerie glow on their faces. y/n finally broke the silence, his voice as cold as the icy blue of a frozen lake. "If you're going to be like this, maybe I should find somewhere else to stay tonight."
Jack's eyes narrowed, his lips pressed into a thin line. The once vibrant blue of his eyes had dulled to a stormy gray, reflecting the turmoil within.
"I broke up with her three months ago, okay? You've been avoiding me for a week straight," he shot back, his words tinged with frustration and a hint of desperation.
"I..." He searched for the right words, but they eluded his grasp, slipping through his fingers like grains of sand in an hourglass. The silence stretched between them, as vast and empty as a cloudless blue sky. Jack didn't know what she wanted him to say.
In fact, all he could see was her eyes, two deep pools of blue that threatened to drown him in their depths. He was at a complete loss for words, his mind as blank as a fresh canvas.
"I know you have feelings for me. I never brought it up because if I was wrong then you'd be mad at me, but I've known for years," he finally confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. The words hung in the air, heavy and suffocating, like a thick blanket of blue smoke.
She felt a lump form in her throat as she listened to his words, each syllable carving a deeper wound in her already battered soul. The revelation was like a bolt of lightning, striking her heart with a searing pain.
She knew. Jack had known all along, yet he had chosen to remain silent, to spare her the pain of rejection. The realization settled over her like a heavy fog, obscuring her thoughts and feelings, leaving her lost and alone in a world devoid of color.
Her hand remained clasped in his, a bittersweet reminder of what could have been. She wanted to hold on, to cling to his warmth and the fleeting hope it offered, like a drowning sailor grasping at a lifeline in the vast ocean of despair.
Her fingers trembled, the icy blue of her veins visible beneath her skin, as if the color had been drained from her very being. And then, like a dagger to the heart, came his final confession.
"And I wish things were different, but there's no good way to say this. I don't like you in that way, but I really hope you find someone that does.
His voice was soft, barely audible above the deafening silence that engulfed them, but he didn't let go of her hand. It stayed there, a lifeline that tethered her to the harsh reality of the moment.
Y/N felt as if the air had been sucked from her lungs, her heart shattering into a million pieces at his words. She had always known, deep down, that Jack didn't feel the same way about her, but hearing him say it out loud was like a knife to the chest, the blade twisting with every syllable.
Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision until all she could see was a hazy blue mist. She blinked them away, unwilling to let them fall in front of him, to show him just how deeply his words had cut her.
Her free hand clenched into a fist at her side, nails digging into her palm, the pain a welcome distraction from the agony that consumed her heart.
She wanted to scream, to cry, to beg him to reconsider, but the words lodged in her throat, as heavy and immovable as a boulder. Instead, she simply nodded, a jerky, mechanical motion that belied the turmoil within.
She forced herself to meet his gaze, her eyes a dull, lifeless blue, like the sky before a storm, void of the sparkle and warmth they once held.
The tears pooled in her eyes, threatening to spill over and reveal the depth of her anguish. "How long have you known?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, a fragile wisp of sound that hung in the air between them.
Jack sighed, his shoulders slumping as he released her wrist, his hand falling limply to his side. The warmth of his touch lingered on her skin, a cruel reminder of the connection they once shared.
"A while," he admitted, his voice heavy with guilt. "I didn't know how to bring it up without hurting you, so I just... didn't."
Y/N nodded, her throat tight with emotion, the lump growing larger with each passing second. She swallowed hard, trying to dislodge the knot of pain that threatened to choke her.
"I see," she said, her voice flat, devoid of the vibrant emotion that once colored her words. "Well, I guess I should thank you for finally being honest with me, even if it is a little late."
She turned to go, her heart heavy with the weight of his rejection, each step a monumental effort as if she were wading through quicksand.
Before she could take more than a few steps, she heard Jack's voice, soft and sad, calling after her, a desperate plea for understanding.
"Y/N, I'm sorry," he said, his voice cracking with emotion, the raw honesty of his words cutting through the suffocating silence. "I never meant to hurt you. You're my best friend."
She walked away, her heels clicking on the tiled floor as she made her way to the elevator. Jack's words echoed in her mind like a cruel, endless loop, a haunting melody that played on repeat, taunting her with the knowledge of what could never be.
She had always known that loving him would end in heartbreak, the inevitable conclusion to a story that was doomed from the start.
But somehow, that knowledge did nothing to dull the pain that threatened to consume her, body and soul, leaving her hollow and empty, a mere shell of the person she once was.
As the elevator doors closed behind her, she leaned against the wall, her shoulders shaking with silent sobs, the tears she had fought so hard to contain now flowing freely down her cheeks. The fluorescent lights cast a harsh glow on her face, illuminating the tracks of her tears.
She closed her eyes, willing the pain to subside, but it only seemed to grow stronger.
the next chapter is going to be put off for a while since I want to get until dawn started. Also do y'all not fw Until Dawn I really think Jack could eat us up in a fic that isn't revolved around hockey. there's only so many variations. But do you guys even want until dawn, please let me know.
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The Taming of Man: chapter eight - Dragon Shifting!Katsuki Bakugou x F!reader
Hey, so I know this took a little longer, but I hit a wall, lol. Hope you enjoy this chapter, let me know your thoughts!
Words: 2,753
This is incredibly based on the song The Willow Maid by Erutan, I highly recommend giving it a listen for the best experience.
Warnings: Cursing, reader is She/Her and will be AFAB in later chapters, angst, reader faces verbal/emotional abuse from her mother, Mitsuki is kind of ooc
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"So...Uh, what is this about," you asked, trying to keep your tone nonchalant, your back turned to your mother, the queen of the Faerie people. She had requested to play with your hair, like she used to do when you were a little girl, a serene smile on her face as she began to give you an English braid.
"Well, I have some news for you," she said sweetly. You let out a silent sigh of relief, you were worried she found out about your adventures outside, with a Dragonborne no less. She began to hum mindlessly to herself, that same song you had heard so many times over.
"What...is it," you gently prompted, to which she perked up a little. "Ah, right...well, as you know, I've gone and visited each and every duke you met all those weeks ago, quite a large task mind you, and you won't believe what happened!"
Judging from her tone, you knew what she was going to say. It made your insides feel hollow, the anxiety and anticipation for her next words. "Do tell," you said cheerily. She wouldn't like it if you sounded nervous.
"The duke of Silverstone has offered an enormous dowry for your hand! You'll be married in less than a month, dear!"
Your heart sank. No, no this can't happen...You knew you'd be getting married soon, you were turning twenty in a couple weeks, but you didn't think it'd be so soon! It was tradition, once the heir turned twenty and married they'd take the throne, and taking the throne...you wouldn't be able to leave again. To see Katsuki.
Your hands were shaking, your lips quivering. You were glad she couldn't see your face right now. You can't let this happen, you have to do something you haven't done in a very, very, very long time. Maybe she's changed after all these years.
"Um, M-mom?"
"Yes, (y/n)?" She gently undid the braid she just made, running her long nails through your hair.
"W...what if I, uh, I didn't want to marry him..."
She stopped, freezing in place. You didn't want to turn around and see her face. Your hands gripped the fabric of your dress, scrunching the lace in your fingers.
"I...I feel so foolish..." she began, her voice calm and quiet.
Please don't do it, please be reasonable.
She shakily stands up, looking at you as if you were a ghost.
"After all the things I've done for you, after everything you've put me through, I thought maybe you would be able to do something for me," she whispers, her eyes glossy with tears.
"M-mom, That's not what I-"
"And to think, your father died for a daughter like you! If he could see you now he'd certainly regret it," she shouts, standing over you with a look of pure disgust.
"Mother, please-"
"No! I understand! I must be a terrible mother! How could a good one raise someone so utterly selfish and-"
"I was just kidding, Ok? It was just a joke, 'm sorry, please don't be mad," you shouted, squeezing your eyes shut and shrinking back.
slowly, you opened your eyes back up, peaking at your mother's shocked face.
"Well..." she sighed, delicately sitting back down next to you. "That wasn't a very funny joke, now was it," she giggled, conjuring up a couple blooms of baby's breath and braiding it into the front of your hair.
"The dressmaker will see you tomorrow morning, to help you pick out the style you'd like," she said kindly, a soft and gentle smile on her face.
"Yes, Mother."
When Katsuki walked into the palace he knew so well, practically stumbling with emotional exhaustion, the last thing he expected was to hear his mom was looking for him. "Hah? What does that old hag want with me," he asked Kirishima, who was already dragging him to the throne room. "Dunno, she just said she wanted to see you," he shrugged.
When they arrived, Queen Mitsuki of the Dragonborne was sitting upon her great throne, looking down at her son with a regal expression. She wore a wine red dress, the color complimenting those ruby eyes passed down generation after generation. Her horns, like that of an antelope, started with an ivory white at the base of her head and became a deep shade of crimson at the tips. Finally, her long, thick, spiked red tail was lazily lying beside her seat.
"Katsuki," she started, her voice firm. To anyone else, she might sound mad, But Katsuki knew better than anyone that wasn't the case. He stepped closer, Joining his mother and standing right in front of her.
"Be honest with me."
"Spit it out already!"
"Don't talk to your mother that way," she scoffed, smacking him upside the head. Katsuki yelped and glowered, but didn't try to interrupt her again.
"Now, Tell me..." she looked him deep in the eyes, her nostrils flaring slightly. She was smelling the air around him closely.
"Have you found a mate?"
Katsuki immediately turned about as red as his mother's dress, giving him away. "Aha! I knew it! My boy is finally becoming a man!"
"Ma," Katsuki shouted, his mother standing straight up to give him a tight hug. "Get off of me, who said I found anyone," he shouted, pushing away his mother with all his strength, and yet to no avail. If Kiri blabbed, He's a dead man.
"You don't think I know when my son's trying to get a mate? Look at yourself," she scoffed, grabbing his half-scaled arm and holding it up as evidence. "I mean, you absolutely reek of pheromones," she supplemented, gesturing to him vaguely. All Katsuki could do was stand there and try to think of a response. "Well...that's...you..."
"Enough, I already know, So go ahead and tell me who this person is," she said, grabbing his face in her hands with a wide smile.
"...you won't believe me." He didn't know how his mother would react...fae were largely regarded as myth.
"Try me."
"She's...she's not a dragonborne," he muttered, testing the waters.
"So? she could be mermaid for all I care, as long as you make me some grandbabies!"
Mitsuki rolled her eyes, giving him an unamused frown. "What? You're not a hatchling anymore, you're twenty-three! It's about time!"
"Well, she's...she's a faerie." No point in beating around the bush.
"A faerie...?" His mother seemed utterly confused, blinking a couple times and composing herself.
"And...you've managed to court her?"
"What's that s'pposed to mean," Katsuki huffed, crossing his arms.
"Answer me."
"Yeah, What about it..."
"Well that's...that's wonderful! Thank God you've found yourself someone who can put up with your bullshit, I mean really I was getting worried-"
"Hey! I'm fuckin' delightful!" Katsuki barked, tensing and glaring at his mother.
"Yeah yeah, We just have to go see the oracle, to find a good mating date of course," She said, waving him off and giving him a toothy smile as she dragged him to the oracle room.
"I just started dating her! We're not mating yet!"
"Not with that attitude, How do you expect her to stay if you don't commit?!"
You learned this morning that every dress the dressmaker offered to you was preapproved by your mother, because why wouldn't they be, and while you were able to keep a smile on your face during the meeting, you were absolutely crumbling inside. You and Katsuki just started dating, and now you were to be married some guy you met once last month? What could you possibly do to stop this...
two hours of mindless chatting with the dressmaker later, you had a solution. Or, rather, a way to help you cope a little. You'd spend the next couple weeks enjoying your time with Katsuki, making the most of it, say goodbye, and live the life you were destined to live. Yeah, that was good, right? A win-win for you and your mother...right?
You'd go and see Katsuki around noon again, but this time he has something to ask of you. Or, rather, tell of you.
"Come and eat lunch at the palace," he says, cupping your face in his hands and scowling down at you. "Right now," you asked with a bit of a giggle, your hands meeting his. It was surprising how touchy you both got so soon, but something just felt so...comfortable to you. Both of you.
He didn't really want to admit it, but if you'd let him he'd have his hands on you constantly. He couldn't say it so much with words yet, but he did care about you, so to show it he wanted to be touching you always. He felt like he earned it, after working so hard to court you.
"When else?" He scanned your face, looking for clues as to how you felt. "I mean...sure," you shrugged, smiling up at him. "But, wait, what about your family? Won't they see me...?"
"well no shit...my mom wants to meet with you."
You had no idea he even told his mother about you, and you immediately looked down at yourself. "T-today? But, I'm not even dressed," you said, clearly nervous. You needed to be dressed far more formally than this to meet not only your boyfriend's mom, but also the Queen of the Dragonborne.
"Don't worry about it, you look g-good," he responds, his voice catching on "good" because he was still getting used to speaking so fondly of someone. It's what he felt, though, and he was no liar, so he'd tell you what he thought. Of course, he wouldn't look at you when he said it.
"Well...do you think she'll like me?" You pouted up at him, nervously tugging at your clothes.
"I wouldn't take you if I didn't think she'd like you." He released your face, instead putting his hands on your forearms. "If we're going, we gotta go now," he added, his voice a little quieter.
"Yeah...yeah, ok," you said, trying to hype yourself up. One long walk later, and you were at the front of the palace. It felt odd, not sneaking around. You felt like everyone was staring at you, even though you were sure no one but the armed guards were. You both were allowed clearance, your hand clutching Katsuki's muscled arm, and you finally got to see the inside of his Castle.
The ceilings were extremely high up, so high you had to crane your neck to se them, and they all came to a point. The incredibly deep red of the stone walls, accompanied by the flames of chandeliers and torches lined up in the hallways, made for a dark, almost sultry ambiance. It was warm, but not as warm as it was outside, and as you walked through the palace you could feel the gaze of the armed guards locked on you. It was unsettling, the look in their eyes almost inhumanly defensive.
A man with spikey red hair, about as spikey as the Stalagmite shaped palace you were within, walked up to the both of you excitedly. "Hey! You must be Katsuki's girlfriend! It's great to finally meet you for real, I mean I've heard so much about you-"
"Shut up," Katsuki barked, clearly embarrassed about the fact that he talked about you to Kiri so often.
This man was highly energetic, his voice and smile warm and friendly. It put you at ease, knowing at least one person besides Katsuki was ok with you being here. "I-I'm (y/n,)" you said quickly, holding out your hand for him to shake. He took it, giving your hand a gentle but firm shake up and down, a toothy grin on his face. "Name's Ejiro Kirishima, but you can call me Kiri. The Queen is waiting for you two!"
You nodded with a smile, hands fiddling with the fabric of your dress as you and Katsuki followed Kirishima to the dining room. "Are you sure she'll like me," you whisper. Katsuki sighs and pats your back a bit. "Relax, she will...And if she doesn't, who cares?"
"I care," you mutter, watching as guards open the double doors leading to the dining room. Katsuki's mom was already standing there, an excited smile on her face. "Hi! You must be (y/n)!" she immediately takes your hands in hers, eyes darting all across your face. "H-hi! You must be Katsuki's mom," you say, trying to match her energy. "Come with me, I have so much to talk to you about," she says, pulling you away from Katsuki and to the large table.
You, Mistuki, and Katsuki spent the entire afternoon sitting around, eating at nearly every national dish, as the Queen wanted you to be able to eat in case you disliked anything.
The conversation was lead by Mitsuki at first, but as you got more comfortable, it became a lot easier to talk, especially with her detailed (and rather embarrassing) stories about Katsuki as a child.
I mean, who would have guessed he accidentally melted his toys when he was sick, and cried about it for a week? He got particularly red hearing that story again.
Watching their dynamic was particularly interesting, seeing as while the two of them yelled at each other, they didn't seem to particularly dislike each other. It was the complete opposite of your relationship with your own mom.
Your mother was quiet, a sinister energy following her even when she seemed perfectly happy. Katsuki's mother was loud, but her energy was bright and intense, like Katsuki himself.
After an hour of great conversation and great food, It was time for you to go, if you stayed any longer you wouldn't make it home in time. Leaving the palace, giving Mitsuki a hug as if you were old friends, you were nothing but smiles. It went nothing like how you thought it would! Katsuki was walking out with you, his hand in yours to tug you along.
"So, how come your mom has horns but you don't? Is it like a sexual dimorphism?" You had so much to ask about.
"Nah, It's just somethin' that happens to everyone when you mate," he replies, walking confidently through the entrance to Böse. He only started to hold onto you near the start of Eisen, he knew his way around this section.
"Really? Aren't we mated," you ask, almost a little nervous to bring it up.
"No, not yet. We're just dating."
"Oh...but, haven't you said we're mated? Didn't you go through a whole ritual for it?"
"That's to court you. Right now, It's like...we're seeing if we want to mate."
"So, it's like a marriage?"
"...sure." Katsuki didn't have the patience to explain the nuances of mating to you.
after a beat of silence, you started talking again, wanting to drum up conversation.
"Your mom is great," you complimented. "She's alright," he grumbled, his eyes sliding over to look at you. "She seems like a truly kind person," you remark, your voice just a little quieter as you looked to the flowers growing in the brush.
"She's not any different from other moms," he countered, picking up a pyre pine twig and dragging it through the dirt. "She is! She's different from my mom," you say, balancing on acrimony roots. "You're mom's not nice," he asks mockingly, not taking you too seriously.
"No, she's nice...but I said your mom was kind. My mom isn't kind." You look to the ground, your smile remaining but having a certain emptiness to it. Katsuki stared at you for a moment, realizing what you were getting at. After another few seconds he muttered, "'m sorry." He was quiet, staring at the ground as he walked just as you did.
"N-no It's ok! I'm ok," you laughed quickly, trying to play it off. The less he knew, the better. "I should meet your dad next time," you follow up, trying desperately to change the subject.
"You can't. He's not around anymore," he says bluntly, his eyes remaining on the dirt.
"oh, s-sorry," you mumble, looking away in a ton of embarrassment. After some silence, you spoke up again. "Uh...my dad isn't around either," you mention, hoping to give him some comfort.
"Yeah," he asks, looking at you now. He was intrigued.
"Uh huh," you say, gaining a bit of confidence. "He was...well, it's a long story."
"We got time," he grumbles, getting just a little closer as the two of you walk.
"Well...ok, uh...where do I start..."
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You guys, I feel like the plot is moving too quickly...what are your thoughts on that? Leave a comment letting me know, I read and respond to all of them (or try my best to)!
Taglist: @sky-angel101 @the-galaxy-fiend @chixkadee @ssplague @sappho-the-kitten-tamer @andysdrafts @daria-rona @tanjirofan63 @aizawaslut09 @tsukiiomii @me1297
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egophiliac · 7 months
so on the subject of the "Crowley is secretly Revaan/Laverne/Levin/please Twst give us his name" theory, I think my feelings are best summed up as "I don't really buy it, but it's funny". like, in all seriousness, I'm not opposed to it; I have enjoyed the writing in Twst so far and I'm willing to trust that whatever happens will, you know, make sense and not be terrible. but I'm just not really convinced by the current evidence! maybe that'll change once we learn more, we'll see!
with that said, may I propose a few alternate theories about the possible Crowley/Revaan connection:
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#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#on this installment of things nobody asked but i'm going to talk about anyway#disclaimer that this is mostly a joke please don't get mad at me#(legit no shade to anyone) (speculation is one of the fun things about an ongoing fandom and you never know what'll turn out to be true!)#more seriously i do think there may be some connection that just isn't clear yet#but the more little breadcrumbs we get about what revaan was like the more i think crowley just doesn't act like him#i adore crowley don't get me wrong#(yes he's a dipshit. this is a feature not a bug.)#but like.#not to harp on the scene about lilia's nrc invitation (i am absolutely going to harp on it)#i do not believe that crowley would go through the trash to fish out the pieces and put them back together and save them#just because it was lilia's. just because lilia might want it again someday.#crowley can ✨yasashii✨ all he wants but we know what he's like#and i REALLY do not believe that lilia wouldn't recognize him. i didn't believe it before and i extra don't believe it now.#then again i do tend to be incredibly off about speculation so! who knows! i will trust the writing for now!#i do 100% believe that meleanor would fall in love with the world's biggest dumbass and then double down super hard. that part tracks.#that said i have decided that ambrose being revaan is actually the funnier option just because it would make crowley SO mad#it wouldn't make sense for him to be mad about it and that would just make him madder
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ephemerasnape · 13 days
The sight that greeted Victor Rookwood as he exited the Hog's Head that fateful evening would be forever ingrained in his memory.
The street was dark and eerily quiet, and the dapper wizard had just taken a few steps outside the seedy pub before he realized something was amiss, causing him to stop abruptly and survey his surroundings.
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Continued below...
At first, Victor was more disoriented than anything - unsure that he could trust what he was seeing with his own eyes. The dark wizard blinked a few times in confusion before, slowly, he began to make sense of the gruesome display before him.
Heaps of... dirty rags? Someone has made rather a mess, it seems. . .
No. That's blood.
Blood and worse.
Before him was a scene of utter carnage the likes of which he'd never seen. A slaughter. The lifeless bodies of several young witches were splayed out in the middle of Spire Alley, a spectacle so macabre that even the dark wizard, well-accustomed to death, felt his stomach lurch at the sight.
A ginger witch lay eviscerated. Another's golden hair fanned around her angelic face like a halo. A brunette was positioned face down in a pool of her own blood. A strange-looking witch with odd-coloured hair... Victor shuddered as he recalled that one. He remembered her as having been particularly annoying.
And yet more still.
Sisters in death. Some he recognized outright, a vague familiarity to the rest. Their faces - doubtless once beautiful, now befouled by their own blood. Twisted limbs at grotesque angles. Internal organs now decidedly external.
And in the center a... survivor? Victor tentatively stepped forward, perhaps even to offer a helping hand, as the pale witch clad in black gazed up at him adoringly.
"Victor.. I did it for you. For us."
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Rookwood watched, horrified comprehension dawning on his face as the witch released a bloodied dagger she'd been holding. He barely registered the sound of the steel clattering to the cobblestone over the pounding of his heart.
"I love you, Victor."
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r0achlezbian · 2 months
i will forgive all of larian's sins both past and present if we get a quest to kill mizora btw
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ashes2caches · 9 months
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t4t vibes
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gengarghast · 9 months
Wdym "#art of the not mine variety" just reblog the post
(I am an ex Twitter user)
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shopcat · 1 year
i genuinely do take it so personally when people are against st/eddie Only because it's popular but will like every other god awful crackship rarepair bullshittery or just. every other couple possible basically like they would rather ship eddie and tommy h or soemthing IT DRIVES ME CRAZYYYYYYYYYY YOU ARE NOT COOL OR INDIVIDUAL U HAVE A COLD BLACK HEART like literally get over it i'm SORRY. they're so nothing they're literally so nonoffensive like i Get it i Get it but on the principle alone no i don't get it your soul is full of evil + happiness evades you
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izupie · 1 year
also for the love of god don't be self deprecating over and over and over about your own writing as a joke
it's not funny ! it's not cute !
sure we all like to joke haha my writing is garbage but if you do it constantly it can be so so bad for you. you won't even realise when it stops being a joke inside your own head. if you're always criticising the way you write, even for the funnies, it can take all the joy out of it before you've even noticed. plus everyone around you will stop finding it funny very quickly, even if they don't say it out loud. trust me.
if you tell me you don't like your fic or the way you write, why will I decide I do??
if you're addicted to the validation of someone going 'nooo your writing is amazing!' then you need to address that because that's going to be a problem and you need to find a way out of that hole because it's not. good. for. you.
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fantabulisticity · 2 months
Internet drama and illiteracy/willful ignorance ahead, scroll if you don't want to read it
So my friend sent me this video of a guy reacting to and acting out a fictional reaction from the roommate of someone who made the original vid about "splicing together" spider and caterpillar genes and releasing a ton of them into the wild. The original video is a joke and pictures naturally-occurring, non-modified species that already exist. Several others and I went into the comments to reassure people who were freaking out that this video was a joke. One of those reassurers (lovely_vonnie) was being kind of an asshole about it to a bunch of people. And on one of those threads, this happened:
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How dare you suggest we piss on the poor?!
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arielmagicesi · 1 year
OK so after finishing BBC Ghosts, I started watching CBS Ghosts, and at first I was underwhelmed because it felt like literally an exact copy of the BBC one and also with worse acting and special effects. But then I kept watching and it’s charming in its way, like a Disney Channel AU of the BBC version, and there’s heartwarming moments and decent jokes, plus original ideas like the idea of every ghost having a “ghost power” and Sam going to see her mom’s ghost. That said, I did think it would have been more interesting if instead of doing a nearly one-to-one copy of the ghost ensemble in the BBC version (friendly arrow guy from the 80s, corrupt rich douche with no pants, proper lady of the manor, oldest guy who wears furs and is rough and tough, gay soldier guy, flighty naive girl... and then instead of Thomas and Mary they do have Sass and Alberta, that IS some originality) they could’ve just come up with entirely new American ghosts. I would’ve loved to see some more originality. I actually had been hoping they would include a Jewish ghost, like an immigrant making his way as a peddler in the Hudson Valley somehow idk. And uh, turns out they do have a Jewish ghost, cause in episode 16 it becomes obvious that the corrupt rich douche with no pants is Jewish, and every person he worked with in his corrupt finance firm was Jewish, and also he was friends with Bernie Madoff. So that’s fun
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evilkitten3 · 2 years
multiple people have been complaining about my takes on luz's mom... like ok first of all i never disliked her, not once. believe me, when i don't like a character, i'll say so.
but to get to the point, camila's role in the story is complicated. and you aren't supposed to automatically know exactly what she's thinking. the show opens with the concept of "local middle school weird girl is being sent to bore-ification camp by her mom who wants her to be less weird". that's a scenario that a lot of neurodivergent people can relate to, yours truly included.
a lot of the time irl talks about autism focus on how difficult it can be for the parents, to the point where for a lot of us it's exhausting just to hear someone bring it up. bc we know it's tough on the parents, but it's tough on us too. but in camila's case, it's handled really well. whether luz is autistic or adhd or both or neither, we're not shown a mom who hates her daughter for being true to herself, we're shown one who's concerned about her child's future and just wants what's best for her. you never get the impression that there's anything but love between them. and this show doesn't exactly skimp on the mommy issues.
that said, the story follows luz. so when she's being sent off to camp, you see how upset she is by it, how she feels that who she is is being rejected. as an adult, it's easy for me to understand where camila is coming from. but when i was 14? no way in hell.
luz's mom is probably one of the best fictional moms i've seen in a long time, kids' show or otherwise. her relationship with luz is a lot like mine with my own mom (except unlike luz i do not speak spanish fluently, and my spanish is limited to what little bits my mom drops in here and there). my mom has also sent me off to places for my own good (not sure how many of y'all were here when i got shipped off to wilderness therapy, but... that was A Time), has also had difficulties with accepting me for who i am, and sometimes needs to take a step back and let me explain where i'm coming from.
camila is a flawed person and an imperfect mother. this is actually extremely normal. she has made mistakes and bad decisions. this is also normal. acknowledgement of this, be it in meta or jokes i make while watching the show, is not an attempt to demonize her, to give off the impression that i personally dislike her, or even to imply that she's a bad mom. i have, and this is true, been making jokes about all of the characters this entire time.
but all that aside, for the majority of s1 and a good chunk of s2, we don't see camila. she's spent most of her time as a character so far as more of an idea, as a goal for luz to reach - getting back home to her mom. to be clear, before she pops back up in s2e10, all we've seen from her is her sending her kid off to sad camp and her not realizing that there's a fake luz (which i'd say is justified bc like. why the fuck would she have any reason to think the girl who looked and sounded exactly like her daughter was anyone other than her daughter???). that isn't really a lot to go on.
tldr: i am watching this show for the first time after avoiding as many spoilers as i could. i do not have prior knowledge of these characters. let me consume the story at my own pace and stop expecting me to know things that haven't happened for me yet.
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You know guys since i'm reading the entire pjo saga for the first time i don't know the things the fandom came up with to justify the nonsense Rick Riordan wrote so how do you explain the whole dna thing?? cause it doen't make any sense Gods shouldn't share genetics with their kids. Listen to me if i'm related to a God cause they're my parent and that God is canonically related to other Gods then in a way i'm related to them too so consequentially i'm related to their kids. I mean if a God is my uncle/aunt then their kids are my cousins
At one point Percy says no one would ever date someone from their own cabin cause they are siblings...then all the kids from the other cabins are cousins by the same logic. At this point NO ONE should be related not even kids from the same cabin step siblings shouldn't exist cause he even says the god side of your family doesn't count so why he says Zeus is his uncle?
. At this point i'm gonna believe people of the same cabin aren't siblings they just said that to Percy cause they wanted to fool him since he was a freshman then the joke went on for too long and they didn't know how to tell him it was a joke anymore
. The genetics?? The gods like to change hair/eyes colour of their kids cause they have main character disease and want their kids to look as much as them as possible
. Percy keeps saying Zeus is his uncle? He has main character disease as well, his father (in the books) is the most powerful of Gods since everyone was fighting against Typhon for days (weeks??) and Poseidon defeted him pretty much all by himself (or at least he did the most) but Percy is a bit of attention wh*re so it's not enough and he wants to be related to king of all gods as well
End of the story or idk you tell me the headcanon you guys came up with to cover up the bullshit
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womantichrist · 2 years
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untitled-byler-blog · 2 years
*spends what could have been the last day of my life passionately working on a byler analysis that no one cares about 🤡* /lh
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nadacwriter · 9 months
If Hifi Rush had a switch port I would play the shit out of it, it looks right up my alley.
Though I do sometimes wonder if it would be better with a song by Nurse with Wound.
You could make a rhythm game out of the Bottom Feeder I think
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