#this is actually a redraw of a really old picture of mine
genopaint · 1 month
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This should be Week 9 of Daily Dragons! Apologies for the delay on updating this but I've been incredibly busy and stressed due to moving. And while things haven't settled down per say I am no longer on a time limit to move out so hopefully I can have the ball rolling on the daily dragon challenge a little better!
As always you can follow me on twitter where they’re posted daily
And read more info on each of them below the cut
Daily Dragon #56 - Fygar
Another cute, arcade dragon! Fygar was always one I was gonna do eventually, and I didn't have a huge oomph to draw tonight so I figured this was a perfect opportunity for a simple one! Tried to do a new take on it inspired by a few different designs :)
i know ive been posting these all so late into the evening, apologies, im all over the place lately lmao also, am i nuts or didn't there used to be grey fygar? i couldn't find ANY sprites of them so I guess I made it up. Oh well
Daily Dragon #57 - Percipitar
A mollusc-like dragon that swims through rivers and ponds, slurping up water to bulk up its pouches, then turns that water into clouds for fighting and hunting! Their shell is very hard, but the yellow flesh is VERY soft and gooey.
Since the last few were all redraws / fanart, I really wanted to make a brand new one today! Originally this was gonna be a poison mist spewing dragon, but I couldn't decide on a color/effect for the poison. And I eventually thought just regular water and mist powers were a little more interesting because we've already had a few poisonous dragons or dragons that spew stuff that has effects on enemies. Note to self, stop making dragons that produce some kind of toxic or mist???
Just for fun and some background because I have it here, this is the unfinished version of the picture when I was making it poisonous instead. I changed it at the last possible moment lol
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Daily Dragon #58 - Mega Charizard Z
"Its head splits into 3 to become a menacing Hydra. While its brain power is divided in this form, its fire power becomes multiplied!" Not sure what type I'd make it? Maybe Fire/Fairy or Fire/Electric or something idk
Also I already have ideas on how I would maybe tackle this design a little differently so, maybe we'll see Mega Charizard Z 2 in the future
Daily Dragon #59 - Feral Cave Dragon
My brother found some ANCIENT art of mine in an old book tonight, so of course I had to redraw all the characters on it!
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This is, as I'm sure you can tell, an old bookmark! From back when I used to read... Horrifying times! My brother said he found it in a book I was reading around 2011 or so?
Daily Dragon #60 - Dragon Girl Green
This fun little dragon is February's most popular dragon as decided by vote!! That means she gets new art! Soaring through the sky and flying by some migrating birds! Seems like she's having a magical day~
My personal favorite from February? There were a LOT of dragons I actually really liked. But ultimately I'm just really smitten with Percipitar! Been a rough month! March is gonna be rough too but we will get through it! Thank you all so much for your continued support!
That means there's like... 305 days left? 306 cause of leap year??? Roughly 300
In case you're curious about the votes:
Dragon Girl Green - 6 votes Three Frilled Clovradon - 1 vote Percipitar - 2 votes Howl Gravwyrm - 1 vote Shellizard - 2 votes Succubusaur - 1 vote Shelldrogon - 1 vote Dragostein - 1 vote Floofizard - 1 vote Neck Lizard - 1 vote
Daily Dragon #61 - Rawrnosaur
A large, feral dragon with some odd properties. It has chameleon-like eyes, salamander-like skin, gecko-like tail, and a long lizard-like tongue. They're often found in places with more humid climates and eat tons of food constantly!
This is yet another redraw of an INCREDIBLY old monster of mine! This one is even older than the Feral Cave Dragon (which I found out is from 2011-ish) as this would've probably been before I was even in Kindergarten. Crazy stuff!
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The original was found while we were helping my grandma clean her house, which is cute. Some things never change, I've been a reptile fan for life! I'm actually SO happy with how this redesign came out. I might have to go through and color it in later!
Daily Dragon #62 - Mountain Dragon
This dragon lives high on mountain tops, where it makes its lair. It rarely comes down to ground level, only occasionally to find shiny things to add to its horde or when food on the mountain becomes scarce. As such, they're a bit rare.
Been having a stressful week, so I haven't been having a lot of original ideas for dragons. So this is another redraw. This dragon from 2023 was just called "random dragon" in my files. So there wasn't much to work with aha
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mimithealpaca · 9 months
watercolor practice, part 1
i've been practicing watercolors as of late! i use koi watercolors, 12-color pocket field version (was a gift from a dear friend.) the paper is soho 301 maruman which... TBH, i don't really recommend (but it could be that i'm not taping down the paper, hence the warping... or my technique).
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these are actually redraws of old designs of future versions of some old OCs of mine (and technically my friend's too.) the original pictures were done in MSPaint... so like, by old, i mean ancient.
left was my OC, amy belldandy, and was the younger sister to my friend's OC, who is the one on the right, named courtney belldandy.
i'll show their revamped versions one of these days!
and yes, their last names were derived from belldandy from ah! my goddess, which is derived from verdandi lol
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hibiscus-candy · 2 years
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@cryosphe​ Man.. good questions.. (i hope you don’t mind me answering in a seperate post)
- What got you into wordgirl/the fandom?
It was actually very gradual, someone I follow on twitter posted wordgirl fanart a few times. Then a few months followed where I didn’t think about it. Saw a few clips on youtube. Once again forgot about it. More clips, more fanart, and soon enough i was just bored with myself and decided to watch a few random episodes. (it was like being hit by a truck with nostaliga) Instantly in love. I knew right then I was being thrown into the thick of it. Speaking of the episodes, I watched them totally out of order lol.
- I notice that whenever it comes to drawing Steven/DTB you give him features that are typically attributed to those who are older. Any reasons as to why specifically? I mean I love it, but I’m just so intrigued…
To be totally honest with you... its a mix of just really having an appreciation for old people, and also a bit of an inspiration from how my father looked. My Dad started greying in High school (and so did I) and it always drew more attention to his fine lines, overall older appearance... also its just fun adding crows feet and all. But also! I Hc him in his early to mid 40s, he olde...
- When first drawing him (DTB) for the first time, did you experiment a little with the design? If so, what did you change/add? How is it different compared to the way you draw him now?
Idk dude I just started drawing, whatever comes out is what comes out. I still wasn’t posting back when i started drawing him so it was truly an unfiltered, unpolished time. I do mostly screenshot redraws when im figuring out a character. You’ve seen most of it before but heres the full first ever page:
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Right before posting that grilled cheese comic, I was playing around with the idea of him recovering (obviously), and came to the conclusion that his experience with Squeaky should have aged him noticeably. So I added crows feet, and salt and pepper hair (even though you can’t really tell in the comic) And at the end of it, I was like, you know what, I really like the crows feet. So i decided to keep them. And at first I gave him crazy hair, then tried out a neater style, then i kinda forget about it untill I flipped back through randomly and thought to myself:
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- I want more lore on his family 👹👹👹
OH MY GOD HIS FAMILY. I absolutely cannot create deep lore for the life of me 🙇 But heres what i’ve been thinking
-Amelia is the oldest and Stephanie the youngest. 
-Amelia has a few kids of her own and is PERFECTLY balancing a job on top of it. 
-Amelia is trying her best with Steven and is absolutely FILLED with guilt over how she unintentionally treats him.
-Stephanie is the closest with Steven
-Steven moved away from home to pursue higher education.
-Steven’s family love him very much, even now.
-Mami- the taller- rightmost mother, is indigenous. She was based off how my grandmother would always be described as ‘A tall, Indian woman’ by my cousins. However, thats about it. She doesn’t look like my grandma, and mine was far too mysterious to base a character off of anyways.
- Nah, but I’m curious about the family that you gave him. What’s the thought process behind that? Is there a reason for the two mothers or did you just do it cuz you wanted to?
Oh! So originally I thought a lot about him being from a picture perfect nuclear family (angst!) And it was cool and all. But one day I thought to base it off of some of the dynamics in MY extended family. And boy did it click! I come from a very women-dominated extended fam. With even a few all-women families in the mix. Its a very sweet and comfortable atmosphere, and when thinking of my brother and the men in this women-dominated family, I think it fits just right.
Once again there are a few all-women families in my circle. One of those is, yes, two old lesbians with some kids. I want it to be a little representation of the fact that there have always been queer families, even before legal recognition. And of the elder queers who thrived in their lives.
Oh man of course not! They got along as kids! Amelia is his older sister and wants whats best for him but she cannot wrap her head around what hes going through. She is very neurotypical, and Steven is very neurodivergent, and almost all of their friction comes from a lack of mutual understanding.
- Why can’t you draw Huggy❓❓❓ 👿👿👿
Animal drawing brain don’t work
- DTB is a dilf 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
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spotlightstudios · 2 years
I love looking back at old art of mine. I tried do hard to make it just right and took an obnoxiously long time for every drawing. However, I'm much happier with my art now, with a simpler style and more opportunity for me to actually enjoy it rather than staring at it for so long that I hate it by the time I'm done. (aka art rant time, since I can do that here!!)
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These four drawings are from within a span of at least two years. To explain, the top two are drawings of Catacombtale!Grillby (or Chance). The one on the left was my first version (an entry to a contest to draw Grillbys), the one on the right I redrew later on. The bottom left is something I drew for a crossover contest last year sometime, involving Dream and Nightmare (Jokublog). Lastly, bottom right is another contest drawing for the concept of an X-Tale oc (I used Ec-4o.Nightmare).
The first drawing of Chance is easily a good example of an attempt to make the drawing look fun and inviting. I've got a decently fund pose, the colors are warm, and there's a simple background. However, I did this Lineless. Why? I don't know, but I don't like it. Plain and simple, this is my least favorite of the drawings pictured because I took so long to meticulously shade and color and it still wasn't worth it. Served it's purpose for the time, but that's it.
The second one of Chance is overall better. I used cooler colors, and by now I kinda understood how to put deoth into backgrounds. The style I used for him is fine too. Here, I hate the posing. His composition in comparison to everything else makes him look like he's about to fall off his stool. His second set of arms look stupid too, since I recall I either forgot them or didn't want to draw more hands, so I just folded them unnaturally. Better, but not my favorite.
The Fnaf/UTAU crossover drawing is my favorite in concept. It's not the best drawing style, not the worst. I'd redo the designs slightly if given the chance. However, the composition and background I'd keep almost identical. I really liked how the background came out for this one (minus the doorway) because I started to paint my backgrounds around this time. The character poses, I like Night's more, but Dream's is good enough for it's purpose. The execution of using two characters with brand new designs works well enough here, but as I said, I took too much time with minimal effort for this to be too good. (Also completely skipped shading in favor of darker colored gaussian blur.)
The bottom right, X-Night, is my favorite of these specific four. The body proportions are clearly more rounded and small, the style of lineart and colors are very simple and bold, and most of the real charm cones from the lighting and after affects rather than meticulous shading or complex backgrounds. There were still things I'd change if given the chance, but this is a perfect example of my mindset at the time too. The other three drawings here were fun, but I drew them with other people's expectations in mind. For this piece? I drew what I wanted to, since it was my (relatively speaking) design and my art. I'm not as active or social on the app I drew these for anymore. So, I'm much less inclined to please the overlords that might've gotten it more popular had I drawn it in a more realistic or engaging style.
Don't get me wrong, I loved being on that site and drawing so much. I like all of the pieces I posted on too. However, this is a good chance to reflect on what exactly I've been doing all this time in the UT Fandom and how it helped me improve my art over the course of just barely 3 or 4 years.
More looks back on this, a continuation, will be coming soon. This is gonna be a long rant I'll probably revisit often just to catalog ideas for redraws, as well as notes for myself. (Not all of it is degrading, because I plan my next one to be about what things I have enjoyed drawing and why, followed by a completely redraw-cebtric post!
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afterhourswjay · 1 year
I heard you have OCs and I’m curious now, I want to know about them, tell me about them 
Ooo, ok!! So, some of these ocs are old and because I haven't seen/drawn them in ages, Idr what they were originally like or planned to be like. I'll make some stuff up as I go sjnfjfjd xD I'll try and note who made the artwork if I didn't draw them myself :3
So, first up is my 'persona', Jay. This one was drawn by SeaEagle on a pet site called FlightRising (lotsa tallented artists hangin' out on there)
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He's the most 'me' any of my characters get, while also being his own lil guy. Or, big. He's tall, like, somewhere between 6'5 and 6'7. As seen in the picture, he's really into cars. He's also got a motorcycle, and some horses. Living my dream of being a mechanic and horse trainer. Don't ask me how, both require a lot of time and effort to do, but he manages to find the time to stay great at both
The next oc of mine is BlueJay, as an anthro and feral.
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He's actually the original version of my persona, Jay. In his anthro form, he likes much the same things that Jay does. However, he takes semi-regular camping trips and shifts to a feral form (kinda like a werewolf transformation, but he's not a were slfjs). Not much to say about him other than I look forward to expanding upon his personality, and making him a distinct character apart from the human Jay
Next up is Jiemu.
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I still have to redraw him at some point, but he's supposed to be sky blue, black, and a neon blue. I honestly don't remember much about him other than he's a 'computer program' to kinda fit into one of my friends universes. He can technically shapeshift, but the markings will always give him away no matter his form
Next up is Pup. I commissioned @meatygutsy to draw him! (I hope you don't mind the ping ^^;)
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I made a post about him here, but essentially, he's a big boy who's an experiment :3 He's pretty big, and I'm still deciding whether he originally had a head and the experiment was taking his head to see what happened, or if the scientists took his head and gave him wings during the middle of his incubation period (since he's a clone) :D
Then theres Twy. Literally just a duo coloured cat lskdf
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I'm thinking that she's some form of chimera, but I'm not sure xD
I also have some ocs that are in the works, and are still being worked on, so I won't be adding them here. Perhaps I can make a part 2 when I do get around to commissioning someone to draw them & finish up what I want them to be like :3
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