#this is entirely inspired by my friends using picrews and reference images for their characters before drawing them
minisculegemstone · 3 years
I find it fucking hilarious that irl I'm terrible with faces, but when it comes to drawing characters I got no problem going directly from brain to image.
Just slap some funky eyes and a few inhuman features on there and you got something recognisable
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princessofstardrops · 3 years
BNHA OC Profile: Hikaru Midoriya
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Picrew used: HERE
Warning:  This characters  “Scars” and"History” sections  contains or has mention of child abuse, please be careful. 
General Information
Name: Hikaru Midoriya 
Nicknames: Hika, Ruru, Hi-chan, Hime, 
Alias/Hero name: Orihime 
Age: 16
Birth date: July 15 (She  and Izuku both decided to share a birthday as she genuinely doesn’t know which day she was born) 
Astrological sign: Cancer
Nationality: Japanese
Affiliation: UA/Heroes
Class: 1-A 
Hair color: A mixture of blonde and brown. 
Her hair isn’t actually highlighted or dyed it literally just seems to grow from her head in the two separate colors all over in specific places or patches. However she always does her best to keep the long bangs at the front of her face blonde.  She tries this as well  with her usual space buns hairstyle too but doesn’t always succeed. They can often end up mixed in colour.
Hair style:  Hair that reaches to below the middle of her back, usually has some amount of it styled up into space buns or sometimes braids. Can be known to have lazy days though where she leaves it utterly wild too. . Her bangs are completely and utterly inspired by her father and she wants to keep them looking close/similar to his. She’s kept them like that since she was quite little. 
 Eye color: Hikaru has heterochromia. Inherited from her birth mother.  Each eye is a different colour. One is blue while the other is green. 
Height: 5″8 (She often likes to tease her brother about how she might have been the one to inherit their fathers height) 
Handedness: Though she mostly tries to stick to using her right hand, she is actually ambidextrous. She often subconsciously switches which hand she’s using in the middle of an action or job if she’s not paying attention or as part of a tic while nervous or anxious. 
Movement: A childhood that was eventually allowed to fill with dance classes, archery and even some ballet, has made Hikaru actually quite delicate and precise. She is still prone to moments of clumsiness and tripping over her own feet however, due to having her head in the clouds and daydreams more often than not. 
●     Civilian clothes: 
The closest thing I can give as Hikaru’s style would be comfy sweater/hoodie outfits. With a focus on pastel colours and skirts. Oversized soft cardigans, lacey dresses and tiered skirts
She is madly in love with pastel pinks and blues. But any pastel shade will suffice to be honest. 
Hikaru usually prefers to wear anything soft, Something she can snuggle into if she gets anxious, rough textures get under her skin pretty quick. 
Hikaru prefers long sleeved sweaters or shirts to cover her arms and the scars there. If these aren’t available she will cover her arms with things like ribbons or multiple bracelets to try and keep the scars hidden. (She’s always afraid of the reaction or questions she will receive about them) She does also like hoodies, particularly if they have a cute theme like cat ears or tails attached. 
Anything cute themed is immediately up Hikaru’s alley, lots of shirts with cute slogans, patterns or characters on it. 
She’s more of a skirts or dresses type of girl than a jeans/trousers person but will wear them if its too
 ●     Hero costume:
Magical girl! Full on magical girl, crystal/glass shoes, tiara and all.  
A  pale blue dress with white bows, white/silver accents and details, leading down to a  multi layered fluffy ruffled mini skirt, with a transparent slightly longer at the back outer skirt speckled with glitter and stars to create the impression of a longer skirt/ball gown type of image. (However a pair of shorts is always worn under these skirts so she won’t risk being exposed) 
Star themed or shaped accessories and accents to relate not only to her quirk but also her chosen hero name. White gloves (later replaced with a pair of white archery gloves)  and shoes made to look like a certain princesses’ glass slippers. Stars and pearls woven into the buns in her hair. 
(TBH The best way I can describe the idea in my head istake and combine Cure Flora from Go! Princess Precure and Bronya’s Herscherr of Reason form from Honkai Impact 3rd) , add an entire star theming and glass/crystal accessories and especially the glass slippers/Cinderella references and you got it)
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Hikaru has quite visible but thankfully healed patches of burn scars, both on the back of her neck, and on both of her wrists. These are from the repeated electrical shocks she received through the electrodes placed on those areas.
She also has large branching scars arching down a large portion of her back and over both of her forearms, again these are form the elecricity that was passed through her as part of her ‘therapy’
Though her neck is often covered by her long hair she often tries to hide or at least mask her wrists and arms with multiple bracelets or by wearing long sleeved shirts or other clothing items, at least around those she isn’t comfortable with yet. 
She’s always afraid someone will notice the scars and stare or comment. She never knows how to deal with those situations comfortably. 
Strengths: Good at thinking positive and encouraging others, determined, imaginative, always willing to smile and do her best.  
Weaknesses: Can crack under pressure when alone, prone to overworking herself despite knowing the damage it does to her.  
Quick to anger when friends or family are threatened leading to self destructive behaviors. 
Can be a little too willing to go with the flow, unwilling to stand up for her own opinions on occasions. Has developed an overwhelming NEED to be liked and accepted by those she cares about or is close to, Often leading to her going along with situations or ideas she may not be 100% comfortable with out of fear of being tossed aside. 
Likes: Sweet treats (especially Konpeito), fairy tales, tea, manga, romance.
Dislikes: Bugs, rooms with less visible exits, silence, 
Fears: Electricity or Electric type quirks. Thunderstorms, being forgotten, losing her family,  All for One. 
Hobbies: Dancing, singing, playing video games, 
Quirk and Abilities
Quirk- “Star Drops”
Explanation of Quirk:
Hikaru’s quirk is the ability to create (or summon depending on your definition) living beings she calls “Star Drops” often nicknamed “Droplets” they seem to be living star like creatures, about the size of a football, incredibly chubby, soft and cuddly with big eyes. They often use their ‘points’ as limbs to grasp or hold things. And can seem to create mouths on their bodies to inhale and ‘swallow’ things or fire out things depending on the situation.  (Please imagine the Lumas from the Mario series combined with the abilities of Kirby.) 
They can contain and carry items inside their forms to be spat out at a later time for convenience, but if they swallow too much or keep something inside too long they may end up “vomiting” all the items out. 
Hikaru is able to summon anywhere between 1-10 of the drops at any time Though creating and controlling 10 all at once is taxing on her as they often at that point resist her instructions and drain her own physical energy.  Due to this she will often try to limit the summoned number to about 6-7 max.
The droplets while they seem to have consciousness and a degree of free will of their own, most often follow Hikaru’s desires and instructions as it seems their main priority is to keep Hikaru safe, protected and happy.
Due to their star-like nature. They have abilities related to stars. They are capable of producing heat, light, ect. In terms of how this can be used for hero work, the drops can turn their own internal energy into lasers to fire at attackers, blind them with their light or even fire gas curtains and such to keep Hikaru safe. (MUCH Later on when Hikaru realises just how much like actual Stars her droplets are, some fun gravity warping/altering shenanigans come into play) 
When Hikaru finally realizes her drops don’t HAVE to have a physical form, that it was her loneliness as a child that willed them to that shape, she realizes she can revert her drops literally back to their basic light energy type form. 
Using this energy is how she eventually comes to add her archery skills to her repertoire. Using the drops light energy instead of real arrows to damage villains without causing too much immense damage.  
However in their physical forms the droplets do not like to move to far away from Hikaru. They will move a certain range away from her but after that even if Hikaru tries to push them further they will often refuse to listen to her requests and return to her side. Despite her protests.
They like to use long range attack strategies or abilities that keep Hikaru’s actual physical body as far as possible, away from the possibility of damage.  
Power:  B
 Speed:  B
Technique:  C
 Intelligence: B
Cooperativeness: A++
Though initially without much extra equipment, eventually Hikaru adds shin/leg guards and wrist guards to her outfit to help her guard and block attacks for when villains do get too close to her. These are made to look like crystals or at least glass like so they still flow with her outfit and her cinderella-esque glass shoes.
She does also eventually get a specially crafted bow from the specialists at U.A.  A bow that won’t snap or burn under the pressure and heat of her drops energy. It folds for easy storage and carrying but is made to look crystalline, star themed and extra to fit her magical theme-ing.
Her initial lace gloves are replaces with a pair of archery gloves to protect her fingers from being burned by her own quirk or injured from releasing one of her own ‘arrows’ 
Ages 0-5:
Hikaru didn’t have the best start in life. She was only born as the result of a rather twisted experiment ordered by All for One. 
Created from DNA obtained from the current One for All user All Might (how this was obtained even Hikaru herself isn’t sure and hasn’t worked up the nervw to find out) and born from the woman Hikaru would eventually grow to know as “Teacher”.
AFO ordered an experiment run, to test the limits of One for All. Despite knowing One for All is a quirk not passed down through blood, he wished to test if it truly had no connection to those blood related to the current user. Was it truly still unconnected?? Had it evolved? 
If it wasn’t fully unconnected if the quirk did even have the faintest connection to blood relations, the faintest echoes of a normal quirk’s purpose, could it be manipulated into a reaction?  All for One already knew the answer was negative, but after all it was no skin off his nose to experiment with it.
And this was the question that was the root cause of Hikaru’s creation.  
Hikaru was raised in relative isolation, in an underground laboratory, surrounded only by a small group of mostly unfeeling and uncaring doctors and her “teacher” who was supposed to guard her and prevent her escape. 
Her days only filled with tests and her so called “Therapy”. Based on the outdated (and outlawed) idea*  that placing a child in repeated situation of stress or danger would cause a quirk to develop faster or come in stronger she was subjected to multiple sessions of electroshock therapy to observe the effect on her quirks, reaction and development. (*Known as Quirk Acceleration Therapy) 
However seemingly going against her orders, seeing the child’s suffering,  Hikarus’ ‘Teacher’ did her best to give the lonely and hurting girl as much love and praise as she could and raise Hikaru as much like an ordinary girl as she could.And she in secret did her best to teach the child as much about the outside world as she could, despite the fact Hikaru had never seen it.   
So Hikaru’s days continued like this….until the time when her quirk finally surfaced.  The tests continue but as more time passes and it becomes evident Hikaru has no connection at all to One For All….
At the moment that All for One seemingly loses interest in continuing the experiment, there appears to be a dtat breach, someone makes an attempt to reach the outside world and expose AFO’s doings.  Therefore AFO orders all evidence and “participants” be erased.  However despite this order Hikaru (with the help of her Teacher) manages to escape the laboratory where she spent the first few years of her life. However it’s with a great cost to herself.
She escapes utterly alone and traumatized, before she’s finally discovered wandering and picked up by but kind souls by the side of a road. 
Ages 5-8:
After her rescue, her blood relation to her father is of course eventually uncovered. Which of course comes as a major shock to the Midoriya family, however it is eventually decided and comes to pass that she is taken in and ‘adopted’ by the Midoriyas. 
Initially Hikarus’ trauma has caused her to develop a fear of almost everyone and everything, nothing is familiar and everything is terrifying.  Combined with her struggling to communicate, her trauma making her initially mute, making it difficult to navigate her new life.  As well as her general lack of knowledge of how to live outside the laboratory, her most commonly written notes to communicate are “I don’t know” and “Teacher never taught me about that”  
However with the love and support of her new family, her ‘big brother’ Izuku (despite them being the same age) doing his best to protect her, help her and teach her about the outside world and the adoration and kindness of her parents, (plus also receiving the professional help she needs)  she slowly regains her voice and begins to walk the path of recovery. 
Hikaru does her best to return all the kindness and love she receives from her family either onto others or back into her family doing her best to support those around her in return too. She is helped through this process by the large family and support network she slowly seems to gather to her as the time passes. 
Hikaru and her brother eventually become so close, so inseparable people genuinely begin thinking of them and calling them as the “Midoriya twins” despite the fact in reality they’re only half siblings.
None of the Midoriyas bother to correct anyone about it though. 
Ages 9-Present
As Hikaru continues to grow and heal as the years go by, she and Izuku agree to work hard and work together to make their dreams of becoming heroes true. 
But Hikaru still struggles. 
She has her loving family, her brother and even managed to make a few friends before coming to UA but…
The nightmares often still keep her awake, the guilt sometimes feels like it’s devouring her alive….the need to become a hero to ‘atone’ for her perceived failures, a need for answers about those responsible for her treatment as child and a longing for justice for it
And, as they’ve grown older and older, as Hikaru comes to understand the truth and scope behind what really happened to her in her childhood, she continues to see the differences, the gap between herself and her brother. 
She loves Izuku to death, would take a bullet for him. But at the same time every time she sees he brother she gets a growing anxiety, a feeling of being left behind. 
And a slowly emerging dark feelings she DESPERATELY doesn’t want to put a name to. 
And then there are she sometimes is scared to look her father in the eye,  on her darkest days, as those horrible voices in her head scream at her that her dad doesn’t ACTUALLY love her and only cared for her and took her in because it was the ‘right thing to do’  “it’s what a hero should do” 
She’s trying her best, but she can’t fully shake those horrid thoughts that linger with her. 
She can’t forget. So she just does her best to smile and keep moving forward.
 Songs I associate with the character: 
Blooming in the mud - Wolpis Carter
Rubia - Zhou Shen 
Once upon a me- Deco*27 (Miku Hatsune?) 
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