#this is exactly what i meant with head empty only richter
meii-jasmine · 3 years
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Richter Belmont in cherry blossoms 🌸
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masterofmagnetism · 3 years
they put me in the ground (but i’m back from the dead)
They took my life but it isn't the end They put me in the ground but I'm back from the dead
Oh, I'm the World Ender baby and I'm coming for you
WHO: Erik Lehnsherr, Scott Summers @firstxman, Jean Grey-Summers @jeaniegreysummers, Bruce Banner @hulkout. Mention of @mistressxfmagnetism  WHERE: Stark Tower’s CRADLE lab. WHEN: February 21, 2021 WHAT: Jean and Scott get Bruce’s help resurrecting Erik. Erik comes back and is Not Happy. WARNINGS: Reference to past major character death, abuse, murder, assorted mental health issues, grief, ptsd. WORDS: 11k
JEAN: Erik crossed a line. No matter how she cried over his body, no matter how empty she felt when he was lowered into that grave (and she felt it, the shift in the earth, felt the ripple of emotion that came from the funeral even as she curled up in the rain under a tree in the park, even as she flicked through annotated poetry anthologies, a German dictionary propped open beside her), she knew they’d made the right decision. The only decision. Because Genosha was meant to be a place of safety, of respite, somewhere to escape from centuries of persecution and war. They’d already declared their strength with the siege. Anything after that was nothing more than malicious.
More than malicious. Genocidal.
Jean tried to tell herself it was the Phoenix. She told herself that if she could wake up in the morning with moon dust on her knees and blood under her nails and not remember any of it, that maybe the same thing was happening to Erik. Maybe he was overcome like she was on that lawn. But Erik didn’t ask for help. Erik didn’t hesitate, didn’t have a moment of outward remorse, didn’t let her into his head to see if there was an instance of it even internally.
Didn’t trust her, at the end of the day, despite his promises, despite his love. Despite everything they’d been to each other for all these years, Jean still wasn’t enough to break through. Her other father made that same mistake, out on that beach all those years ago. He made the same mistake every time he sent children to fight an old friend he wasn’t entirely sure would pull his punches
But that still didn’t give her the right to kill him.
After all, it was Jean who put the Phoenix into him. It was Jean who split the Raft, Jean who helped orchestrate the siege, Jean who encouraged the alliance between Erik and Scott. It was Jean who was fundamental in the unlocking of Lorna’s memories, Jean who indirectly led to the assault on Julio Richter.
Jean at the epicentre, as always, for once a driving force in her own narrative and hating every goddamn minute.
She killed Erik Lehnsherr, and it was the right thing to do, but him staying dead was a decision she couldn’t swallow. Asking the Phoenix for help was impossible. There were forces at play there she could never understand. Science was the only way forward, and there was something there when they exhumed the grave (Lorna would kill her, if this didn’t work. Jean would let her). Erik didn’t feel dead. He didn’t feel gone. He felt like he was … frozen. Waiting.
Stasis. A pause, rather than a full stop.
Jean chewed at the inside of her cheek, arms folded against the white of her lab coat. “We’ve run the preliminary tests more times than I can count,” she said. Scott would recommend, no doubt, that she slept before they tried this -- but she hadn’t slept properly in weeks. She couldn’t, until this was resolved. “We don’t know what frame of mind he might be in when he comes out, so we need to be prepared for anything.” Including killing him again, if necessary. This time, it would be her dealing the final blow. Marriage was all about equality.
SCOTT: When Scott was a child, his father was a retreating back. He always seemed to walk out of the door more often than he walked in it, always seemed happier leaving than staying. Scott remembered carrying a child’s anger in tiny fists, remembered a heart pounding against a ribcage in a way he wasn’t yet familiar with, remembered asking his mother on the days when she felt well enough to leave her bedroom why his father never seemed to want to stay. ’This is supposed to be his home,’ he’d said, ’and people are supposed to want to be home.’ And his mother went quiet, looked down at her hands, tried to think of something to say, some way to explain away anger too big to fit inside a body so small. ’People do things sometimes,’ she told him, ’Not because they want to. Because they have to. Because some things need doing. Your father does important work, Scotty. He does what he has to do.’
He learned to hate that phrase over the years. He does what he has to do. Even after his father died doing what he had to do, even after he took Scott’s mother with him, the phrase lingered. It was one Sinister used in that basement lab, one he hummed as he poked needles into veins and pulled memories from an already fractured mind. It was one Winters sneered when he kicked Scott in the ribs so hard he heard something crack. It was one Erik clung to with missiles pointed at a city full of people Scott loved.
And it was one Scott used when he took off his glasses and painted the whole world red.
Erik wasn’t very different from the rest of the fathers who’d let him down over the years. Scott knew that now. He wasn’t entirely separate from Christopher Summers, from Nathaniel Essex, from Jack Winters. They all clung to the same excuse, all hurt people and offered themselves an easy out in the process. Erik wasn’t very different from them at all. But neither was Scott.
If he voiced the concern to her, Jean would reassure him. Scott was sure of as much. She’d tell him that he’d saved lives doing what he did, remind him that Erik hadn’t offered much of a choice. She’d tell him everything he needed to hear, and she’d make him feel better in the process. That was exactly why Scott hadn’t told her his thoughts aloud. Jean would comfort him, and Scott wasn’t sure he deserved comfort. He wasn’t sure he deserved forgiveness. And redemption, he knew, wasn’t an option at all. You couldn’t be redeemed from a thing like this. Once that blood was on your hands, it stayed there. You could never get it out from beneath your nails.
But… Jean was offering him a chance to come as close to fixing things as was possible. Bringing Erik back sans Phoenix wouldn’t undo the damage that had been done. Scott knew from experience that raising the dead didn’t heal the wounds they’d left behind, but it was something. And god, he couldn’t keep doing nothing. Anything was better than that.
So he was here. In a lab he felt fundamentally uncomfortable in, with a man he hardly knew, planning on doing the impossible for someone he’d killed himself. His palms itched and his chest ached and his eyes were heavy with all the sleep he’d missed since Erik’s death, but he was here. And he hoped that could count for something.
“Can you restrain him, if necessary?” He looked to Jean, nervous energy flittering in his chest. “He may need time to… calm down.” There was every chance he’d be angry, when he came back. Scott certainly had been, and there was a letter in the Bugle to prove it. And Erik…
Erik had always done anger better than anyone.
BRUCE: Assumptions disappointed and killed more people than anything else in the world. When Bruce was young, he thought it was because disappointed weighed you down like boulders tied to your ankles in quicksand, but as the scientist had aged, he found that it wasn’t because the feeling was so heavy - it was because assumptions were akin to hope. Hope spread like a disease: clogged your arteries, confused the mind, and chased happiness down like catfish in a barrel.
Hope, on its own, could save lives. Could bring a dead man back to life under the skilled hands of a mutant and a man who belonged nowhere - could salvage what little tenderness resided in a heart made of stone. And in the very next second, it could slit the wrists of the person wielding it. It starts as a small trickle of blood that eventually bleeds you dry without you knowing, Bruce thought, large hands pulling open a gaudy blue menu, full of numbers and operations that, with hope, man could understand.
Bruce didn’t know the X-Men very well. Knew Logan from the few times they were forced to cross paths in laboratories just like this one, but not much else. Knew what he’d read in the papers and knew how Erik Lehnsherr should probably stay dead.
In his apparent all-mighty knowing (that he’d likely adapted from Tony), he also knew what assumptions did to good people who were just in the wrong place, at the wrong time, doing the wrong things for the right reasons.
While he hadn’t seen Scott and Jean very often, Bruce couldn’t imagine they looked this exhausted all of the time. While hero-ing and saving and destroying often took a toll on your mental and physical health, the look that they carried said ‘I’m pleading for hope, and this is the last place I have left to look.’ Bruce thought, for just a moment as he booted up the core CRADLE systems, that he’d probably worn that look too many times in his life too. Half-naked in the streets of Harlem, showing up in the rain on Tony Stark’s doorstep, visiting his mother’s grave with a clenched fist and flowers she would never get to see, or on the faces of the other monks at the Phuktal monastery in Zanskar when they finally learned of his story, who Bruce Banner really was.
Yet, he continued to hope that somehow things would change. That someone would bandage his wrists and tell him he could stop bleeding for the sins of others - do the right things because they felt right, sleep at night because it was OK if he stopped to rest, eat because it was alright to have something in his stomach other than regret.
People always assumed Bruce Banner was always battling for control, hoped that he wouldn’t let go of himself. Bruce always wondered if tomorrow would finally be the day he wouldn’t wake up again.
Staring down at Erik’s lifeless, bio-illuminated face inside of the CRADLE vault, Bruce wanted Erik to wake up. Whether it was for the right reasons or not, he wanted Erik to wake up. Licking his lips, Bruce gave Scott a somewhat sad smile, brows furrowed, “I think if things get out of control, I’ve got it covered.” We have it covered, his ridiculously sardonic brain reminded him unhelpfully. Even his mind and body were not his own - out of his control.
The stillness within the lab seemed almost clinical, if it weren’t for the fact that they were about to scientifically reconstitute living cells in an organically preserved carcass of someone they all considered a friend. “To be fair to Erik, I’d probably be pretty -“ Happy, “- mad if someone I trusted off’d me too.” The joke fell flat between them, and the chemical hiss of the CRADLE as it began to pre-register every input that he had settled into the machine filled in the silence for him. “I would say ‘ready when you are’ but I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready, so. It’s more ‘ready when you go because I have to be ready,’ haha.”
JEAN: Everything about this was a bad idea. Jean had fought between her head and her heart for as long as she could remember, and right now her stomach was squirming and her mind was screaming at her to stop, to leave well enough alone, to leave because Banner was a master scientist, but he needed their energy levels to make this work. She wrung her hands together as she looked down at the CRADLE and thought about that night, the couple of minutes that changed their lives completely. Erik stood there, argued with them that genocide could be an option. He turned into the very monster he’d been fighting since he was a child, and he saw nothing wrong with it.
Some people may say that was just Magneto. Jean knew better -- she had to know better. If she loved that man as much as she had, if she trusted him, then that meant there was something good in him, something worth protecting. That meant it was the Phoenix that caused him to stand there, thumb hovering over the metaphorical trigger. It was the Phoenix that almost had him killing her friends, her former students, even mutants who still resided on the other side of the bay.
He wasn’t thinking straight. He wasn’t thinking like himself. And when he came back, just as when she came back from Zatanna taking her out on the lawn of her childhood home, he would understand that. He would thank them, for doing what was necessary -- because he was the one who taught her how to do that.
Sentimentality had no place in war, Jean knew that, but she did what she did for him. She wouldn’t have his legacy tarnished by one final decision made in the heat of a cosmic flame.
“I can hold him,” she said. She was confident in that much. There was a reason why she wasn’t taking the risk of using the Phoenix, even if it was a tried and true method. She would stop it from fracturing into him again -- or anyone again -- if she could help it at all. “No,” Jean countered, turning around to Bruce. Softening her voice, she repeated, “No. You’re here as a scientist -- to help. If he’s going to lash out at anyone, it’ll be us.” Me, she thought to herself. If anyone touched a hair on Scott’s head, she’d never forgive herself … and chances were it would go a lot more south than she intended when she was trying to repair bridges.
She touched against the top of the CRADLE, ran her eyes quickly over the calculations flying across the screen. “There’s a reason I asked you, you know,” she said to Bruce. “Because I knew you’d understand it was more than just offing someone who was inconvenient. It was…” Mercy? The word itself seemed like an insult. “I thought of all people,” she continued, “you’d understand why we needed a Plan B.”
It wasn’t a personal secret. It had been broadcast over the TV, radio, newspapers. The self loathing that followed after Banner and the Hulk was comparable to that of Scott and Jean themselves. They’d never had pride in what they were unless they were trained to -- conditioned to. And from what Jean read in Stark’s mind, she knew Banner had contingency plans. The Hulkbuster armor, a series of arrows, certain poisons that would at least slow him down if not kill him if push came to shove.
“Erik didn’t know what she was doing,” Jean said, and her voice was far firmer on account of looking at Scott when she said it than she thought herself capable. “He doesn’t deserve to die for someone else’s mistakes.” A beat passed, a breath taken, and Jean nodded. “Start the process.”
SCOTT: Even without the Phoenix, paranoia ate at Scott’s gut like a disease. He’d never been a trusting man, not after a childhood wracked by grief and betrayal, and after everything that had happened since… Without a little doubt clinging to his fractured mind, he wouldn’t have made it as long as he had. He wouldn’t be alive now if not for his healthy dose of uncertainty.
(But was he alive at all? Did this count as living? He was clay and bone, an inanimate thing Jean had breathed life into, a body the Phoenix had claimed. Was living the proper word for what he was doing, or was it one assigned to him because no one knew any better term? How many times could a dead thing die? Maybe they were about to find out.)
This paranoia made him tense at Banner’s presence, made him uncertain and uneasy, made him shift and tighten at the reminder that the room was not occupied by his family alone. It was Scott, it was Jean, it was the empty shell of the man they had loved and killed, and it was Banner. It was them, and it was an Avenger. And they needed him, Scott knew. They needed him to ensure that this wasn’t a repeat of Jean standing over Scott’s grave on Valentine’s Day, needed an outside influence to ensure they wouldn’t repeat the same mistakes and call it a solution, but Scott was uneasy all the same. .
Banner swore he could handle it if Erik got out of control… but Scott looked to Jean anyways, didn’t relax until she confirmed that she would be able to hold him if she had to. The ease of tension didn’t last long before Banner spoke again and Scott tightened all over, wound tighter than a spring ready to take off. “If you’d rather have let him kill eight million people…” His voice was tight and sharp and unnecessary. It had been a joke, Scott knew, a poorly timed one, perhaps a tasteless one, but still a joke. But Scott Summers wasn’t known for his sense of humor.
(Scott Summers wasn’t known for anything decent at all. He hadn’t been for a long time now, and he was aware that it was a perception that predated the Phoenix’s reign of his body. He’d never been a good person. The things the Phoenix talked him in to doing only cemented a fact everyone else had always already known.)
Glancing to Jean, Scott let his lungs deflate, let the breath that was caught there escape in a quiet sigh. Erik didn’t know what he was doing. She sounded so sure of it, so positive, but… Scott had known what he was doing, with the bird ravaging his mind. He had known every step he took, been aware of every word he said. And maybe he wouldn’t have said them without the firebird insisting they needed to be said, but he would have thought them all the same. Maybe he wouldn’t have written a letter to the Bugle or killed police officers who stood in his way or participated in an insurrection against the government of a country he’d only ever wanted to belong to, but he wasn’t sure he would have thought those things were wrong, either.
It wasn’t entirely fair to say that Erik hadn’t been himself, but Scott wouldn’t argue it, either. He wouldn’t tell Jean that he wasn’t sure the bird absolved Erik of his sins, wouldn’t admit that he didn’t believe it absolved him of his, because doing so would mean saying that Jean wasn’t free of hers, either. And Scott loved her far too much to breathe that sentence to life, even if it might have been true.
“He deserves a second chance,” he said, because he believed that, if nothing else. Erik deserved a second chance because everyone did, because Scott had gotten more than his fair share and this was what he’d done with them, because Erik had suffered so much and worked so hard and he’d deserved a better end than the one Scott gave him. “So let’s give him one.”
BRUCE: It took a lot, for someone like Bruce to keep their comments to themselves. Even with the thought of his father barreling him down with a glass whiskey bottle, Bruce still piped up when it was not his place. He’d watched plenty of curses take the lives of people who didn’t necessarily deserve it - but Bruce knew from personal experience, just like the other people in that room, that Erik knew what he was doing. Likely deserved to pay some sort of penance for his actions. But Bruce also thought, calibrating the machine, that maybe knowing what kind of monster lurked beneath the skin was enough of a punishment in itself.
“I won’t say I understand,” The scientist started, initiating launch sequence, a loud hiss coming from the chamber beside them, hearing an echo of Tony’s voice in his head. Yeah, buddy. I’ll strike you down in cold blood if need be. Tony waving him off a moment later to talk about some sport neither of them gave a damn about. How hard had it been for Jean and Scott to make the decision to put Erik down? “But I get it. How much you want it, I mean.” How much you want the monster to be imaginary, he thought.
The hissing grew louder, echoing off of the metal room within the lab, numbers flying across Bruce’s panel and a loading bar appearing for the sequence duration. The ominous glowing green had Bruce shutting his eyes tightly for a moment, remembering the day the bomb went off. The gamma seeping into every fibre of his being - the excruciating pain he felt the first time Hulk entered his mind. Bruce wondered if maybe a piece of Erik would be missing too, when it was all over. If the Phoenix would gauge a hole in him that nothing could ever fill again.
“Go, Jean.”
ERIK: He’d been fifteen when Shaw had conducted the experiment that changed his life. Strapped to a table in the middle of the man’s lab in Auschwitz, leather strap between his teeth, Erik had been terrified by the manic look in the doctor’s eyes as he readied a syringe. The other doctor had been there, too, the one everyone in the camp knew only as Nosferatu, the one who never had his subjects come back to their bunks. Erik was scared of Shaw, but that one had his adrenaline pounding extra hard, noxious fear making his mind spin as he struggled to watch the two men out of the corner of his eyes.
He hadn’t realized he’d been shaking the metal table beneath him until Shaw turned to him and clicked his tongue, and Erik made a concerted effort to rein his powers back in—from the table, from the needle, from everything, because the last time he’d lost control, Shaw had pinned him down and broken his arm in two places.
Shaw finished his prep work and rolled over to the side of the table, the other man at his shoulder, watching with a detached gaze that made Erik feel like a butterfly pinned to a board. Shaw had brushed his hand through Erik’s hair as if he were trying to calm a spooked horse, shushing him as he readied the needle.
“This is my gift to you, Max,” he’d smiled. ”So you can be like me. Like us.” And then he’d slid the needle into his arm and pressed the plunger, and everything felt like it was on fire. He’d discovered later what the man meant, what ‘gift’ he’d bestowed on him in those labs.
Life. Too much of it. He’d been 93 years old, facing off against his children in the silo, and he’d scarcely looked into his forties. His cells aged slowly the way Shaw’s had, and he’d hated it, hated that the man couldn’t simply be relegated to memory.
When Scott had flipped the visor, Erik had died. But his cells hadn’t quite done the same—had sat in stasis through his burial, through his exhumation, through his settling into the Cradle and the tests that led up to the flood of energy that finally sparked his neurons back to life.
His heart beat once. Twice. His chest heaved as he dragged air into his lungs for the first time since the silo.
They tell you that your life flashes before your eyes when you die. They don’t tell you that it does the same thing when you come back.
Over the years, Erik had carefully constructed mental walls to keep unwanted memories at bay. Charles had once remarked that his mind was one of the most organized he’d ever been in, neatly linear and uncluttered by anything except The Goal and The Plan.
You wouldn’t know it, now.
The first thing he was aware of was that his mind felt empty, somehow, like he was missing a limb. He’d had a cosmic force that devoured worlds tucked in alongside his own consciousness for so long that its absence was jarring. Almost as jarring as the realization that all those walls were so much rubble.
Erik opened his eyes, saw a lab, and those memories of Shaw that should’ve been locked away assaulted him all at once. Terror, not helped by the realization that he was contained.
Get out get out get out get out.
The top of the Cradle slammed open, and Erik sat up, powers already stretching around the room, wrapping around whatever metal was in reach. Natural, unbidden, just reaching, leaving pens and tools hovering in the air above where they’d been resting. Defensive instincts long-honed seizing on anything that could be a weapon before he could even identify the threat.
And then he saw them.
“I love you, but I can’t love this.” Jean’s face, stone cold.
“You’ll be grateful I stopped you, later.” Scott’s fingers, perfectly steady on his glasses.
Betrayal from two of the people he loved and trusted most. ( But he should have expected that, shouldn’t he? Shaw’s voice, warning him that “sentiment will be the death of you if you let it, my boy.” Magda running away, Charles turning on him, sending an army of children after him—He should have known, always, and yet. )
Fury reared its head, as it always did, and Erik felt the beginning brushes of Jean’s mind against his and realized that those walls were gone, too, and no. No, no, no, no no.
<<Get OUT.>>
The sentiment was punctuated by the hovering metal around the room all flying toward the couple at once as Erik hauled himself out of the Cradle.
Jean didn’t even need to interfere, because the second his feet his the floor, a wall of exhaustion slammed into him. The Phoenix had been able to keep him going through almost no sleep for months, but without its energy in his mind, all that time putting off his body’s needs crashed into him at once.
His legs gave out from under him, and the airborne metal hit the floor at the same time he did.
Someone else was at his side, moving to help, and Erik snarled before he even realized who it was. “Don’t touch me.” Banner—it was Banner, and he was safe-ish, wasn’t he? Erik didn’t know if anyone was, couldn’t relax—stopped, hand halfway to his shoulder, and Erik curled his fists and shook his head as he tried to get the flood of memories clamoring for attention to settle.
“Make them leave. Get them out.” He was in no condition to be dealing with them—mind too loud, powers too weak. Maybe once, that wouldn’t have been a problem.
But he didn’t trust either of them. Not. One. Bit.
JEAN: Bruce wasn’t going to forgive them. He could say he understood a part of it, while distancing himself from the darkest aspects of what they had done -- the darkest aspects of the forces they were playing with now. The Phoenix remained silent in the back of her mind, though it was never true silence. That would imply some degree of calm, and Jean hadn’t known what that felt like since … God, since she was ten years old, maybe before. The Phoenix’s absence from this occasion said all it needed to about her stance. She thought Jean should’ve asked her. She thought they could’ve worked together, that Jean would turn to her and beg, that she’d regret what she’d done.
Regret that Erik was dead, perhaps. Regret over the actions she had taken to prevent something worse … not exactly. Charles drummed into her since she was fourteen years old that to be truly useful in this world, you needed to protect the downtrodden. To be truly good, you had to defend those who couldn’t defend themselves, defend those who would never forgive you for making yourself bleed on their behalf. The city of New York had done nothing for Jean Grey but rip her apart and refuse to put her back together again. The people hated her, splashed her husband’s face in graffiti, treated her father like a lunatic in the press.
But that didn’t mean she’d let them die. It was the same principle she extended here, standing over the CRADLE, watching the mechanisms begin to shift. (Did Stark know they were here, she wondered? He trusted Banner, she’d picked up on that much -- but from what she understood of Iron Man, he was a pragmatist. A logistician, at his core. He would say this was a terrible idea. Jean understood where that impression could come from.)
Everyone deserved forgiveness. The Phoenix had hurt, had ripped them apart, made them commit so many atrocities -- but this was the first step in giving a second chance, in piecing together the things Jean had broken.
But, again, that didn’t mean Jean was blindly trusting. Her intelligence wasn’t the first thing people thought of, when they thought of her (and she knew, of course, courtesy of hearing every goddamn ‘compliment’ that went through every person’s head), but it was something that only grew with experience. The CRADLE burst open, and Jean already had protective shields formed around Scott, around Bruce, and a split second later, around herself.
The metal dropped, though. The invisible shields remained in place, even if she knew Erik would assume their presence. The CRADLE hissed, smoke still rising from the chamber. The lights flickered, the walls shook, electricity in the air made her hair go static—
And Erik was standing in front of her. Erik was standing in front of her, eyebrows furrowed, jaw clenched, hands curled into fists by his side. Chest moving, breaths heaving. He was angry, always angry, angrier than she’d ever seen him -- but he was alive.
(Was that all that mattered? Rictor said, once, she over-simplified it. Breathing alone wasn’t enough to keep a person alive, but it was the first step. It was the foundations. Jean always had faith that could lead to something else.)
There was a beat of relief, a wash that went through her chest and relieved the tension that had curled into it (she could tell Lorna she brought her dad back), and then a moment where she realised it wasn’t dad she thought when she looked at this man. It was something else, something foreign, like looking at a stranger.
She’d mourned him, Jean reminded herself. She’d sat, curled in his seat, looking around at the books in his office. She’d taken a blanket from his home during the funeral, tried to find his smell under whiskey and cigar smoke. She’d mourned him, she’d loved him, and the first words that left his mouth…
Well, she had expected it. She had expected it, but there was a part of Jean that hoped, against all odds, just as there had always been.
“Last time we left,” she replied, coolly, keeping her hands stiff by her sides and her feet firmly on the ground, “you almost caused the Third World War. I’d like to make sure that’s not going to happen again.” If that meant Bruce and Scott remained wrapped in a telekinetic shield, if it meant she took the brunt of the flames, so be it.
Jean was used to the fire.
SCOTT: The process, once it happened, wasn’t a slow one. It was strange, watching it play out. Scott had never been present for this part before. He’d watched people he loved die so many times that the images were etched on the back of his eyelids, playing out like a movie projected on a sheet. He could rewind, pause, fast forward, take it from the top. Those moments were a part of him. And he’d had people come back to him, too, of course. Jean walking up to the Institute doors with her hands clasped together so tightly her knuckles were white, like a prayer and an answer all at once. Illyana showing up again years after she’d died, breathing and wild-eyed. He watched people die and saw them lowered into their graves, watched them walk back through the door after the dirt had settled, but this? The only resurrection Scott had ever been present for was his own, and there had been nothing miraculous about that. Nothing good, nothing incredible.
This was different. This wasn’t the Phoenix, wasn’t a cosmic force that described a curse as a blessing. This was some hodgepodge mix of science and telepathy that Scott doubted he’d ever entirely understand. Part of him hadn’t expected it to work at all, had thought the most they’d do was desecrate the corpse of a man who’d more than earned his right to rest, but he’d gone along anyway because Jean had asked him to and Scott had been bad at saying no to her since she took his hand on that park bench decades ago and asked him to stay. The Phoenix was like playing with fire, but this? This was more akin to trying to shape water into something tangible. Scott’s expectations hadn’t been high.
But they should have been. He should have understood that Jean Grey (Jean Summers) never failed at something she’d put her mind and heart into, should have remembered that she was the same girl who’d convinced a sullen, quiet boy that he was a thing worth loving, should have understood that she would move heaven and earth for the people she loved and that Erik, for all his faults, was one of them.
The Cradle slammed open. The metal in the room began to hum, hovering free of gravity. A familiar shield engulfed him, invisible and protective. And Erik Lehnsherr was revived the same way he had died --- suddenly, violently, and with a love so great that there was room for little else besides it.
There was a moment where the world stood still. Everything hung motionless. Scott held his breath, swore that his heart stopped beating for an instant, swore that the blood stopped pumping through his veins as the world waited to right itself again. And then it did, and everything came crashing back down in an instant. The anger slammed into the room like a train obliterating everything left on the tracks, like a car crash of rage and betrayal and grief and defeat. Erik was alive, and he was angry. Scott couldn’t blame him for that, couldn’t fault it. If not for Jean, he would have accepted whatever punishment felt necessary, would have let himself be skewered for his sins.
(“You don’t have to be a martyr,” Warren told him once. ”You don’t have to shoulder every mistake. You’re allowed to forgive yourself, Scott. You’re allowed to move on.” And he might have tried that if anyone had ever told him how. He might have done it if it hadn’t seemed so impossible, so unreal. How could you get out from under something that stretched the length of the whole sky above you? How could you get away from something that was a part of you? It only sounded easy if you’d never felt it before.)
But Jean was there, was shielding him, was protecting him no matter how little he deserved it. The metal dropped to the ground, and the shields stayed up. The anger remained. And with it, the guilt. The grief. The betrayal.
Scott stayed quiet, eyes darting away from Erik and back to Jean. She was hurt. He could feel it through the bond, see it in her posture. She wasn’t surprised, but she was hurt, and he ached with her. He’d wanted a happier resolution to this, a better end, but it had been a fool’s dream. Jean forgave Zatanna when she took the Phoenix down, just as Scott forgave Logan when he ended his suffering on that grassy knoll in Central Park. There were people, he knew that were easy to forgive. There were people good enough, decent enough, that forgiving them came as simply as breathing, as blinking, as turning your head. There were people who were easy to forgive because they were easy to love, because you wanted them in your life no matter the cost.
Scott had never been one of them.
BRUCE: Bruce wasn’t sure what he had been expecting. If there was one well-known thing about Erik Lehnsherr, at least to the public, it was that he was very focused. For good, for bad, he had the insight of an owl and the determination of a bull. Apparently, even in death, in exhaustion, he was equally so. He wondered if he would ever get to feel death. If it would always elude him like many other things in life; happiness, a home, a family, somewhere he felt safe.
He thought, for a moment, maybe he had been a little jealous of Erik. That Jean didn’t have the right to take that away from him, no matter how much he would be missed.
Jean’s protective barrier didn’t seem to move him. Emotionally of course, because her raw power was enough to match Erik’s, and he could take the static in the air like the Kansas plains right before a tornado came through. How many people would he stand beside who were more convicted than him? What kind of hurts did they hold, and why did they hurt enough to bring Erik back? ( Why did he bring Erik back? )
“Hey, buddy - it’s — hey. Let’s not do anything drastic,” Like accidentally murder someone else, haha — “I know you’re angry. Totally get it,” Bruce slowly approached with scuffed dress shoes, each click of their rubber soles sounding like a gunshot in the suddenly too-quiet room. He couldn’t imagine having that kind of power - to make everyone notice when he was there and also when he wasn’t. “But you’re going to be really dehydrated in a hot minute if you don’t let me help you up, okay?”
Bruce spared a look for his two companions, and maybe Jean was right. Maybe he was someone who could understand what they’d been through. That if someone had to save Bruce from himself, he would at least want it to be someone he cared about. Clint, Tony, Steve. He would never ask Nat to do it - she’d been made enough times to be a stone-hearted killer, Bruce wouldn’t add to that.
Although he didn’t really know either of them well enough, he could tell when somebody cared enough to still be there after you’d disappointed them. Jean thought Erik would be disappointed, stayed anyway. Would anyone care enough to stick around for him too?
Gently, as if approaching a spooked animal, Bruce placed calloused fingers on an expensive funeral suit, surprised when he electricity in the room didn’t shock him on contact. The ever-present scientist in him placed that interesting tidbit of knowledge in a file for future examination. Maybe because Hulk’s skin was like reinforced rubber? Was he a grounding material? Could that be something helpful in the future, like making schools safer during storms, or for severe weather shelters for the homeless—
“If you want them to leave, they’ll leave,” Bruce promised, not looking back at the couple again. He supposed the situation really wasn’t about them.
ERIK: Everything was too much. His mind felt like it had been ransacked, left in tatters as his previous cohabitant had rifled through memories and motivations alike to trim down only to what was useful. Tweaking perceptions, ramping up the paranoia.
Not paranoid enough, some part of him noted wryly.
Bruce's fingers wrapped gently around his shoulder, tone and stance reminiscent of the way they used to handle shell-shocked soldiers. He stiffened under the touch, knuckles going white against the floor, but he didn't shake him off. Reached up and dragged himself to his feet again, even if he swayed, even if the room spun a bit around him and wavered black at the edges. He needed food, he needed water, he needed sleep.
More importantly, he needed to get out of the presence of the two people who had murdered him before he lost control entirely. Scott was standing there in silence, expression torn between surprise and guilt, and there was none of Erik that had the capacity to feel anything but disgust for the man right now. It didn't take a genius to put together who had led the charge in the silo, who'd been calling the shots. Scott was a good little soldier. A good little husband. "Bird got your tongue?" Scott didn't have the Phoenix anymore, that much was clear--guilt wouldn't be anywhere in his face if it was. But the point stood regardless, and Erik didn't care that Jean always got tetchy when he so much as breathed a negative word in Scott's direction.
(Somewhat hysterically, he wondered if he'd make her mad enough to kill him again. Maybe he should--the time between his death and now was rapidly flitting away from his mind, but he remembered warmth, remembered family, and part of him wanted to claw it back.)
Jean's words had him choking on a laugh, and Erik nearly snarled at her across the Cradle, fingers pressing dents into the metal. "If that's what you're worried about, why am I back?" he hissed. And oh, there were other questions that came crashing on him, then.
"FRIDAY," he said, because he wasn't sure he could trust anyone in this room except the machine he could feel thrumming in the walls around them. "What's today's date?"
"February 21, 2021, Mr. Lehnsherr."
February. Two months. Two months.
Scott Summers had been resurrected a week to the day from his death. Jean had been so grief-stricken, so heartbroken, that she had moved heaven and earth and death itself to bring him back after just a week without him.
Two months. He hated that there was a part of him that was wounded by that fact almost more than the murder itself. There had always been two reasons that he was kept around, two reasons that people kept him close: love or use. She hadn't brought him back because she missed him or because Lorna did, which meant she must need him to do something—
The world constricted once again, because Lorna wasn't here. Her father was being resurrected, and she wasn't here. Erik knew his powers could scarcely reach across the room let alone the bay, but g-d if he didn't try anyway, breath caught in his throat. He felt the room tip at the exertion before he stopped, kept upright only by the tight grip on the Cradle and Bruce's hand at his back.
"Where is Lorna? Where is my daughter?!"
If she was dead, and they'd brought him back to a world without her, he would drag them all back to the grave with him.
JEAN: She’d never been the kind of woman who lived on an island. Her mind was tattered, splintered into pieces that could cut intruders like knives, ever since the Phoenix rushed into her body so many years ago and refused to leave. Jean never made sense, she knew, to the people around her. She burned too bright or not at all. She went hot or far too cold. She was capable of almost pathological compartmentalisation, or she saw everything at once so the picture was too damn big for anyone else to understand. She loved and loathed in equal measure, and she was, above all else, not the kind of woman who was easy to digest. Easy to adore, perhaps, but so many people desired to get close to the fire before they truly knew what it meant to be burned. There were so few who saw the worst of her and stayed.
Scott was one of them. If anyone touched a hair on his head -- even someone she considered family, someone who was more blood than anyone else on the planet -- she would rip them into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the wind without hesitation, without guilt, without grief. But there was another person who looked at her in all her chaos, in her fear, in her self hatred and mania, and who said, this girl is worth trusting. There was another person who approached her in the wreckage of other people’s lives and said it wasn’t her fault, that she held a great gift inside of her, and the only way to control it was to refuse to control it, to embrace it instead.
Erik had been that person. Erik knelt down in front of a child and he reached to her even when the rest of the world was pulling back. He gave her a safe place to rest, gave her logic, pragmatism, gave her a path that she followed long after he was gone. And then he was on the other side of a battlefield, throwing buses at her friends and threatening everything the X-Men were fighting for, and she was told to defeat him at any cost.
Perhaps this was inevitable. Perhaps there could only ever be Jean alive or Erik. Maybe having them both here at once, occupying the same space, defied some kind of cosic deity -- defied the Phoenix. Because as Jean looked at Erik, her chest tightening and her throat burning, the Phoenix was conspicuously silent. Conspicuously void of opinion, for one of the first times in living history.
Then Bruce opened his mouth, and the bird came back to life. We could kill him next, she offered.
“We’re not killing anyone.” It took a breath, just a second, for Jean to realise she said those words out loud, that she’d turned her head to the side as if a friend was standing right there -- as if Maddie was beside her (why was she thinking of Maddie, now, as if she was a shadow? As if she was someone lingering, constantly, even when she wasn’t here physically? Was it because they’d done it together, the three of them, and so it made sense to picture her now?) Jean collected herself, levelled a look at Erik as her eyes burned, too.
She wouldn’t cry. She refused to. But God, it would be so easy to let those tears spill, to fall to her knees, to run towards him like she was an eleven year old girl who’d lost everything that mattered to her in the world and he had all the answers.
But he was insulting her husband. He’d threatened the safety, the peace, of their entire people. He messed with Kara’s head, threatened Rictor, almost started another World War. She couldn’t forget that.
“I didn’t want you dead, Erik,” she said, as simply as she could. There were a hundred other things she could say. She could tell him how she knew the Phoenix felt in him, how it twisted everything, how it made things so simple and so complicated all at the same time. She could vindicate him, could say this wasn’t his fault -- but the way he was looking at her now…
(Maybe there was always meant to be one, in the end.)
She knew where his mind went, when he asked for the date. “I didn’t want to use her,” she said, because he deserved something of an explanation. “I couldn’t.”
You could have. Haven’t I helped you before? Haven’t I made things so beautiful—
“We needed you back,” Jean said, “not someone else. I found another way. It took some time, but …” It worked, clearly. It worked so far as there was breath in his lungs now and color in his cheeks. If that was the definition of life, they’d succeeded -- but Jean knew it was far more complicated than that. “Lorna’s alive,” she continued. “She’s safe, and she knows we’re here. I wanted to make sure we were … that she stayed that way.”
The Erik she knew would’ve wanted her paranoid, if it came to Lorna. He would’ve wanted her to take every precaution when dealing with something as unpredictable as life and death. Yet, as she stood there looking at someone who felt as much like a stranger as he had on that very first day they faced off in the middle of New York City, she wasn’t entirely sure he would see it like that now.
SCOTT: Banner’s voice was like radio static, something there-and-not-there in a way Scott had grown accustomed to as a teenager when the world became like a television with no static and he began to understand why his mother locked herself in her room for days at a time, why she spent so many afternoons in bed. It shut out the world sometimes, made him his thoughts and nothing else. Banner was there. Erik was there. Jean was there. And Scott wasn’t. Scott was in a silo, in a hospital waiting room, in a grave. Banner was promising he’d leave as if he knew how, Jean was throwing a shield around him as if there was something left to protect, Erik was---
---Erik was speaking to him. The realization dawned slowly, like a wave lapping your feet on a beach, covering them with sand slowly and quickly all at once in a way you didn’t realize until the pressure was there cementing you to the ground. It took Scott’s mind a moment to catch up with his ears, a moment for the words to register. It always did, when he got like this. When the world was radio static and his mind hopped from one place to the next like Kurt’s teleportation, like a superpower that took him to every place he’d never wanted to be.
Bird got your tongue? The words came to him, slow and deliberate, and for a moment he felt like he was twelve years old, like he was standing in Essex’s lab with his arms stiff at his side and his eyes locked to his feet, like fingers would come in at any moment to grip his chin and force it upwards, force eye contact. (Essex was the last person he’d looked in the eyes before the world went red and a pair of lenses separated him from everything he saw. He thought of that sometimes, what it meant. What it said.) For a moment, there was an echo of another man’s voice, decades ago but just as cold, just as disgusted. Come on, Scott. You’re so much prettier when you smile.
He flinched. He didn’t mean to, but he did. And it wasn’t fair, he knew. Scott was not a victim here. (And maybe he hadn’t been a victim back then, either. Maybe Essex had never done anything he didn’t have coming. Maybe if he were better, smarter, easier to love, things could have been different. Maybe - ) Scott had killed Erik, had opened his eyes and turned the whole world red, and maybe Erik was angry now but he had a right to be. Scott Summers was not Zatanna Zatara. He was not Logan. He was not a person who had done a favor for a friend, not someone who was only doing what his would-be victim asked him to do. What he did was his choice, his decision. No one forced him. No one made him. And maybe he’d only damned himself to save Erik from the same fate, but that didn’t make him any less damned. Did it?
Scott stayed silent, and the world kept moving around him. Time went slower, he’d found, without the Phoenix coloring it. The loss of immortality made every moment a mountain, every second a marathon. He watched realization dawn in Erik’s eyes in slow motion, watched anger turn to grief turn to fear. And Jean spoke, but it wasn’t---
It wasn’t to Erik. It wasn’t to Banner, it wasn’t to Scott. It was to someone else. Scott could almost feel her in the room, like a phantom limb. The Phoenix. Had Jean ever spoken to her aloud before? (He had, towards the end. He remembered it. Pacing in his room, muttering to himself. It was one of the things that made him realize the line had been crossed, one of the things that made him realize he was going, going, gone. His heart dropped into his stomach and his chest felt tight. Jean had a handle on this. She had to. She had to.)
He tuned back in to the conversation, listened as Jean insisted that they’d done what they’d done to ensure they resurrected Erik and not something else. A strangled sound escaped from the back of Scott’s throat at that, and he cursed himself for drawing the attention back to him. Given the opportunity, Scott had always preferred to exist in the peripheral. To be seen and not heard, the way he’d been taught by his father, Essex, Winters. “If we’d taken shortcuts,” he said, because the attention was on him and if he didn’t make it seem like he had something to say then it might stay that way, “we wouldn’t have solved any problems. Take it from me, that isn’t… It’s not how you want to come back.” An apologetic glance to Jean, the echo of a statement he didn’t dare repeat. Maybe we were better off dead. “Lorna’s safe. You’re safe. Genosha, New York… It’s all safe. We just wanted to keep it that way. That’s all.”
BRUCE: Every word Scott breathed made Bruce’s chest feel tighter and tighter. Safe, like Erik wasn’t capable of controlling himself. Safe, as if something really got out of control, they couldn’t handle it. Couldn’t handle him.
If Erik had needed to be put down because he was a danger to society and he hadn’t even hurt anyone yet, then what did that make Bruce?
Unbeknownst to him, lost in his thoughts, Bruce’s skin under his lab-coat began to turn an eerie shade of green, spiderwebbing out from under his sleeve and onto the fist that gripped Erik’s suit, holding the man up like he was Bruce’s lifeline. “Don’t talk to him like that.” The words sounded echo-y and far-away, like someone had smashed pots and pans together beside his ears and just let them ring. His throat felt full, like he’d been drooling for days and had forgotten to swallow. If they loved him so much, then they wouldn’t have killed him when it became inconvenient.
Would they have?
Hulk roared in the pit of his stomach, startling him into a barely noticeable jump. Gripping Erik tighter, green creeping into the corners of his vision, Bruce managed a not-so-controlled, “I’ve got it from here. You guys’ve done enough, right?” He hated, how much like his father he sounded when his ridiculous Dayton-Ohio-accent came out with his words.
Hated feeling like a monster, in front of judgmental eyes. Bruce may not have known Jean or Scott very well, but he couldn’t trust them any farther than he could throw them. As Banner, anyway. “I’ll make sure he ‘stays out of trouble.’” The words dripped with poorly hidden malice, maybe some misguided hurt, and he couldn’t hold eye contact with either of them anymore. Instead, he focused on Erik. Fed off of his exhaustion and hoped that maybe they could trade places. That maybe the next person that came knocking could put him down instead.
“FRIDAY? Can you make sure my floor is set to 75 degrees? He’s probably going to be a little cold, as tired as he is.” Licking his lips, Bruce cocked an eyebrow, still staring at the ground as if to say ‘Anything else?’
ERIK: Lorna's alive. It was buried in their responses, between excuses and explanations and lies he didn't care to hear, but it was there, nonetheless. Lorna was alive, and some of the panic that had filled his lungs like cement dissipated. Lorna was alive.
With that assurance, it was easier to focus on the rest of what they said. Safe, safe, safe, safe, safe....
(Alles ist gut, alles ist gut--)
And that was funny, wasn't it--absolutely hysterical, and the laughter bubbled up out of his chest before he realized it was coming.
We needed you back. Not someone else. (And it was needed, wasn't it, not wanted--)
It's not how you want to come back. The metal groaned under his fingers, lights flickering for as his voice rose. "What made you think that I wanted to come back?" he snapped, voice cracking for a moment. Just a moment.
Get it together. He cleared his throat, shook off the edges of black tinting his vision, marshalled his focus into staying on his feet. Don't show weakness. (Too late, too late, too late--)
"It doesn't really matter, does it? Because you needed me. And here. I. Am. My life was a problem. My death was a problem. How long do I get the floor this time, Jean?"
He stared across the Cradle at Scott, expression stuck in a strange space between anger and pity. "It was all for keeping everyone safe, hm? Is that what she told you to help you sleep at night, Scott? That you were making the world safe? No, no, no. You stopped me to keep everyone safe--fair enough. Can't begrudge you that. But that's not why you killed me. You killed me because you were angry. Because your chest was burning over Ric, over Kara, over Lorna, over all the failures of your fathers, and because you could take something in recompense. And because she told you to. Good soldier, good husband."
And then, for a moment, some of that anger edged back, some more of the pity filtering in, because Erik knew what it was like to love someone enough to do anything. "Did you realize you said almost the same thing she did, just now, hm? Did she notice?" A brief glance at Jean, before he looked back at Scott. They'd been sharing minds for years. Might be doing so now, even, and that had been the reason he'd never quite let Charles do the same--the fear of not knowing where your thoughts ended and theirs began.
"You and I both held the Phoenix, Scott. You know what it does, what it's like. How long has she been talking to it out loud? Do you feel safe, right now?" His head was starting to swim, the room growing more distant through the tunnel that was starting to settle in front of his vision, and Erik reflected absently that perhaps it wasn't the wisest of choices to be using so much oxygen on talking when his legs were barely keeping under him.
(You don't know when to quit-- oh, he owed Ric so much...)
He felt Banner's shift starting behind him, felt the radiation in the room spike, even through the dim grip he had on his powers at the moment. The man's voice, when it came, was strained, his grip tightening at Erik's back, and he would be lying if he didn't say it wasn't more than a little vindicating to hear the disdain with which the Avenger spoke to Jean and Scott.
He didn't quite get to express that, before the black won out.
JEAN: Jean had been angry her entire life. She’d been angry at what she wasn’t allowed to do, what she was, how she could go against the natural order of things and nothing ever seemed to come of it -- not until later, at least -- not until the sum of all her mistakes came crashing down in one fell swoop and she was left drowning at the deep end. But there was always someone who dove in, whether it was a backyard pool or the ocean during a raging storm, and that was Scott. Scott, who changed the world for her. Scott, who she changed the world for. Scott who killed a man when Jean asked him to, who would live and die for her, who promised to spend his life by her side regardless of whether she was beside him at the breakfast table or six foot under in a cemetery.
“Don’t speak to my husband like that,” Jean said, taking a step in front of Scott when Bruce shot him a glare. She didn’t come to the other scientist to be judged. She didn’t come here to be treated as the villain when she knew, deeply and instinctively, what the Phoenix was capable of -- how it changed people, twisted them up inside, changed them. She came here for one reason and one reason only, and he was standing in front of her now.
He was standing in front of her angry, but Jean knew him far too well to expect anything else, even if there was still a sickening disappointment swirling in her gut. “Because I always did,” she said, her voice quiet. Because she always would want to come back, regardless of what horrors were awaiting her the second air filled her lungs once more. Life would forever, constantly, be preferable to the lingering emptiness on the other side. “Because I thought--”
You didn’t deserve this. She wasn’t sure if he would hear it, if she was broadcasting it, if the feelings were leaking out of her like water from a cracked dam. “Because I’ve always needed you.”
Because it was her fault. The Phoenix wouldn’t be a part of their lives if it wasn’t for her decision on the shuttle at eighteen years old, a stupid child playing at being a god, a woman so desperate for approval from anywhere that she’d take sycophancy whispering in her head and preach it like gospel. “It wasn’t you, Erik. It wasn’t you any more than it was me on that lawn.”
He didn’t see that now. Maybe he never would. But Jean knew there was no other option, no other choice. Erik would admit himself there was nothing that could stop him from accomplishing his mission unless it was death. He was a man forged by soldiers’ cruelty, but he shared their pragmatism, their single-minded focus.
And then he kept talking, and the Phoenix roared to life in her mind -- almost laughing. Yes, it was laughing. It was bitter and cruel, but it was laughter, genuine amusement.
Oh look, she whispered, you brought him back insane.
“We were angry,” Jean said. “Of course we were angry. You violated the very principles we founded Genosha on when you threatened one of our own in a public place, for all to see. We were meant to be peaceful, a sanctuary. We were meant to be safety, and you turned it into your own personal battleground where you were judge, jury and executioner. You ripped apart the sanctity of a woman’s mind who is good and kind and honest in more ways than we could ever be, and you pointed a gun at the head of every citizen in New York and tried to justify it in a way that didn’t make you sound like Shaw.”
Because yes, that was in the notes she’d collected. Yes, that was in the memories he’d shared with her. Yes, she knew all about it -- and she knew that, if it came down to it, Erik would never become the monster that had ripped him apart and put him back together different than was ever intended. He wouldn’t wanted her to stop him. Her father would’ve wanted that.
Maybe this man wasn’t her father.
Bruce spoke again, and this time Jean let out a bitter huff of almost laughter. “Right,” she said, “because the Avengers are such a safe place for mutants, always have been. Remind me of all you did for our kind while you were parading the streets after your great victories and we were still hiding in backalleys, getting murdered for how we were born.”
(Jean never had a personal problem with the Avengers. She never understood why Scott burned with resentment towards what they represented, even if the people themselves weren’t to blame. She did now. Bruce stood there, on a pedestal despite his mistakes, looking down on them as if they were to pity. Like they were the monsters.)
“Erik, you belong at home. You belong in the place you helped to build. You belong in your own paradise. Come home, and we can be there or we can leave, but don’t--”
Don’t push us away. Not just Scott and Jean, which was inevitable, but the entirety of mutantkind that resided in the streets he’d pieced together. Everything he’d worked for, everything he’d sacrificed, and the Phoenix had torn it apart.
And then Erik hit the ground, and Jean was beside him in an instant, fingers going to the pulse on his neck as her other hand squeezed his arm.
Breathing? the Phoenix enquired. Jean nodded. How unfortunate. I thought we’d get to work together, again.
Jean looked back up at Bruce, at Scott, and slowly rose to her feet. Reluctant to leave him when the experiment was so new, so uncertain, and reluctant to leave him because everything within her screamed that was her family hurting, on the floor, aching.
“Take care of him,” Jean said to Bruce, reaching for Scott’s hand to intertwine their fingers together. Flames flickered, orange and purple at the tips, and formed a circle -- a circle she could see through, right back to their sofa and fireplace back in Genosha, right back to home where Rachel would no doubt be making cocoa in the kitchen. She’d never done that before.
Cosmic travel? Of course we have. You just forget. The human mind can only bend so far.
Jean squeezed Scott’s hand once more, knuckles white, and past the burning in her chest and throat she took a step into the portal, unsure whether she’d just healed a wound or created a new one.
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dweetwise · 4 years
day 16: bad day
prompt from: whumptober (tho i misread the title and can’t post to the challenge but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i still like it) pairing: felix x ace notes: felix’s day goes from bad to neutral to Nice (tm). also everyone except david is a shitty person in this lmao. warnings: implied emotional abuse, implied cheating, threat of violence word count: 2900
It was official; this was the worst day of Felix’s life.
It shouldn’t have been. He should have been happy, maybe a little shocked and nervous, but definitely excited. Not anxious, scared and downright spiteful like he felt right now.
His girlfriend was pregnant. They hadn’t been trying, but she was excited to tell him regardless, already thinking of baby names and giving Felix no room to voice any of his doubts. He knew this was what he claimed he’d always wanted, what he knew his parents wanted for him, to continue the family name since he was the last of his line.
He took another swig of the foul-tasting beer and wondered if she’d done it on purpose. She’d been not-so-subtly hinting at marriage for months, and Felix had always brushed her off. Maybe this was her taking matters into her own hands, forcing Felix to commit to her or drag down both his family name and professional image for having a child out of wedlock.
He didn’t want to marry her because she always seemed way more fond of his money than Felix himself, and he didn’t want to have kids because…
Well. He hated children.
He probably should have brought up that particular piece of information sooner, but he wasn’t sure it would have even made a difference. Not to his parents, not to his girlfriend, and certainly not to the ungodly amount of distant relatives and business associates who kept bugging him about settling down and starting a family.
Because, for some reason, dedicating the last twenty years of his life to doing what other people wanted him to do wasn’t enough.
He’d stupidly believed it would get better. That the twelve-hour work days and countless all-nighters on uninspiring projects would eventually pay off, when in reality all it had lead to were more boring projects. He’d thought buying his girlfriend expensive gifts and taking her on weekly dates followed by the obligatory weekly sex would make them fall in love, but instead she was pushing him into commitments he wasn’t ready for.
He downed the rest of the beer and tried to numb out the suffocating feeling of being trapped. He was doomed to keep living his shitty life exactly the way others dictated, and there was nothing he could do to change his fate.
Maybe that’s why he’d chosen this bar. It wasn’t the usual high-end, after-hour cocktail bar next to his office where everyone would recognize him. It was a shitty sports bar owned and frequented by foreigners, where nobody would approach him to congratulate him on the “good news” after his girlfriend e-mailed his entire contacts list in her excitement.
He debated getting another beer, maybe finally being able to pick one that didn’t taste like piss. God, how sad was his life that the biggest act of rebellion he could come up with was getting drunk on cheap beer in a bad part of town?
Felix clutched the glass tighter in his hand, frustrated at his life but also at himself, how he was unable to do anything but play right into everyone else’s plans. Fuck, he needed to do something different, something he’d never even considered would be in the realm of possibilities for him. But what?
He looked around the bar, seeing a group of backpackers animatedly chatting in what sounded like Spanish. He could go travelling, but that wouldn’t accomplish much except buy him a little bit of time. Not to mention his girlfriend would guilt him until he let her come along.
He could always get blackout drunk and puke his guts out in the bathroom. Maybe get into a bar fight. Try to get his hands on some drugs. Hire a prostitute.
Unfortunately none of those things seemed even remotely more thrilling than the bland beer he’d been drinking the entire night.
Felix sighed and buried his face into his hands. For forty years, he’d kept telling himself he wasn’t like everyone else, that he’d do something meaningful in his life, that he was a risk taker and not a conformer.
And he still would; he just didn’t know what. If he only got a sign—
The door to the bar slammed open and Felix snapped his head up from the noise, his table rattling from the impact of the door hitting the wall.
There was a man, his grey hair and cheap suit both wet from the autumn rain, clutching something under his arm while panting like he’d just run a half marathon. He hurried to close the door, and Felix didn’t mean to stare, but it was the most exciting thing to happen all night.
The man caught Felix’s eye and gave a quick grin.
“You saw nothing,” he offered before running up to the bar.
“Don’t tell me ya fuckin’—” the bartender started, clear annoyance on his features.
“Oops, gotta run, I was never here!” the man offered good-naturedly before hopping over the bar and disappearing into the back.
“Ace for fuck’s sake!” the bartender cursed, yelling at the doorway to what had to be a back room or kitchen. Still, he made no move to follow him, instead sighing in agitation and aggressively started cleaning a couple of pint glasses.
Felix realized three things at once; one, the new customer screamed trouble. Two, he clearly knew the bartender. And three, Felix was intrigued.
He made his way to the bar with his empty glass, placing a ten euro bill on the worn wood that earned him a fresh glass of beer in only a couple of seconds. He appreciated that the bartender hadn’t tried to make small talk during the entire evening, and lamented the fact that he had to break the silence.
“Who is your friend?” Felix asked, trying to ignore the self-consciousness that always surfaced when he had to subject the world to his extremely obvious German accent.
“'Friend' is a strong word,” the bartender huffed in annoyance, though it seemed to be directed at the person they were talking about and not Felix. “'A pest who keeps comin' back like a boomerang no matter how many times I kick 'im out' sounds more fitting.”
Felix hummed in acknowledgement and sipped at his beer, deciding to sit down at the bar instead of returning to his table.
“He seems interesting,” Felix mused, trying to fish more information about the man.
Instead of humoring him, the bartender stopped cleaning the glasses and gave him an incredulous stare.
“You've gotta be fucking kidding me,” he deadpanned. “The hell's a guy like you see in a rat like 'im?”
“That wasn't what I meant,” Felix insisted, staring at his glass in embarrassment. He was just curious, he wasn't… interested, at least not that way. God, why could he never communicate properly? This is why he never tried anything new.
He heard the bartender sigh long and loud, like this wasn't the first time he'd had to put up with a similar situation.
“Look mate, whatever yer thinkin', don't,” he offered, like that was supposed to help Felix at all. “Guy's way more trouble than 'es worth, an' he sure as hell ain't here to make friends.”
Felix didn't have time to reply, not that he even knew what he would have said, before the door slammed open once again and heavy footsteps stomped into the bar.
“Oi!” the bartender shouted in annoyance. “Don't go draggin' mud into my bar!"
“Where is he?” one of the new patrons demanded in German, and his voice was threatening enough to make Felix glance over his shoulder at the new arrivals.
He saw a group of four men that looked like bad news, their cheap clothing and poorly made tattoos making Felix think of some lowly local gang.
“Read the sign, mate,” the bartender scoffed, pointing at a metal plaque in the style of a road sign that said ‘Service in English only’.
“What a fucking moron,” one of the thugs commented, not even attempting to switch languages.
“We know he's here!” the man at the front barked out and proceeded to slam a fist against the bar.
“I got no bloody clue what yer talkin' about!” the bartender claimed. “But if yer gonna come to my bar an' start a fight, so help me—”
"Let's just beat him up!” one of the men was getting impatient.
“For the last time, where is he!?” one of the thugs surged forward and grabbed the bartender by his collar.
“You've got the fuckin' wrong place, I dun know shit about what ya even want!” the bartender, to his credit, didn't even bat an eye. Then again, it looked like he could easily hold his own in a fight.
Felix heard a gasp and noticed one of the Spanish kids cower closer to the corner they were sitting in, observing the scene with fear in her eyes.
The tension in the air seemed like it was about to snap, and instead of making Felix want to bolt into the safety of his mansion, it made his adrenaline start pumping.
This was what he needed. A thrill.
“You heard the man,” Felix raised his voice, finally turning to address the group. “You're in the wrong place.”
“Shut the fuck up, this doesn't involve you!” one of them eloquently responded.
“It started involving me when you barged in and ruined my night,” Felix explained calmly despite feeling his palms start sweating from nervousness, years of faking an unphased persona finally coming to use.
“Okay, the fuck's your problem!?” the guy who seemed to be the leader demanded, finally letting go of the bartender in favor of looming over Felix threateningly.
“I said,” he emphasized, slowly lifting his pint glass to take a sip of his drink and flash his ring with the family insignia. “You've got the wrong place.”
There was a moment of silence when all Felix heard was his own heart beating in his ears, keeping his expression neutral and looking at the thugs like they were nothing more than a fleck of dirt on his expensive suit. Hopefully, they'd recognize the symbol, even if the Richters hadn’t been involved in the local underworld for years, not after the disappearance of his parents.
“The fuck is he on about?” one of the men, who looked to be the youngest, demanded. “Let's just beat them both up and—”
“Shut up,” the leader barked, glancing at Felix fleetingly. “We seem to have gotten lost on the way.”
Felix couldn’t help the smug smile.
“Happens to the best of us,” he said.
The group slowly started slinking out of the bar without further complaints, with Felix's eyes following them the entire time as if daring them to protest.
“Sorry for bother,” one of them even offered to the bartender in questionable English before the door closed after them.
“I'll be damned,” the bartender huffed and crossed his arms, giving Felix a look that could generously be described as somewhat impressed. Felix offered a shaky smile in return before he focused all his attention on staring at the surface of the bar and trying not to tremble from fear as the adrenaline left his body. He hoped it wasn’t obvious he was taking unnecessarily deep breaths and that cold sweat was running down his back under the suit.
That had been the most idiotic thing he had ever done. It was stupid, it was dangerous, and unnecessary and—
And he'd never felt such a rush of absolute victory before.
There was a thud as a beer was placed in front of him, and he glanced up to see the bartender smirking at him.
“It's on the house,” he said in a heavily accented but otherwise fluent German.
Well. It seemed this night was just full of surprises.
Soon after, Felix found himself sitting in a corner booth nursing his two beers. For the first time in what felt like forever, he felt good, and it wasn’t just from the alcohol buzzing in his system.
He’d proved to himself that he had balls. He was one wrong move away from ending up in a bar fight, and even that thought didn't make him cower in fear like it would have before. Despite never being in a fight before, his confidence was soaring, and he liked to imagine him and the bartender could have easily taken the four thugs.
And then his night only got better as a handsome stranger slid down into the opposite side of the booth.
“So, King told me you saved my ass just now,” the man said with a charming smile, casually leaning closer and propping his chin up on his elbow like they were old friends catching up.
It took Felix longer than he'd like to recognize the man as the one that caught his attention earlier. Without the baseball cap, sunglasses and cheap suit jacket, he cleaned up rather well, dressed in a simple light pink button-up and jeans. Slightly messy, silver hair was a stark contrast to the mischievous brown eyes and almost youthful, cocky smirk on his face.
Felix suddenly realized why the bartender thought he was interested in more than just the man's colorful personality.
“I suppose that's true,” Felix said after a way longer silence than was socially acceptable, but his companion was courteous not to mention anything.
“Well, whether you meant to or not, you have my thanks!” the man grinned good-naturedly. “I would have bought you a beer, but I see David's already got you covered,” he added, gesturing to the two pints where Felix was still working through his first.
“Yes, it's…” Felix started, debating whether he should be honest about his distaste for the drink or not. Fuck it, drunk and brave had worked earlier. “A shame it doesn't make it taste any better.”
The man barked out a laugh and Felix smiled at the success of his joke.
“I know, right?” his companion snickered. “I keep telling him to mix it up, maybe get some nice wines too, but he insists on importing that awful stuff the Brits call beer.”
Felix smiled politely, not knowing what to add to the statement. Regardless of what the bartender—David?—had claimed before, the two definitely seemed to be friends.
“I'm sorry, where are my manners!” the man suddenly seemed to realize, offering his hand over the table. “I'm Ace.”
“Felix,” Felix replied, returning the handshake firmly, like his father and numerous career coaches had taught him.
“So, Felix,” Ace continued, retracting his hand but leaning over the table even further. “What brings you here? I think I'd remember seeing someone like you before.”
Was that flirting? It had been so long since anyone had showed any interest in Felix, he couldn’t even recognize what was just casual conversation, too used to business world small talk about the stock market and someone's secretary's family.
“I needed a change,” Felix said, before realizing he probably shouldn't be revealing too much. “—of scenery,” he hastily added.
Ace regarded him silently for a few heartbeats and Felix gulped down some beer to try not to fret under the scrutinizing gaze.
“Scenery, huh?" Ace hummed. "Seen anything you like so far?”
Okay, that had to be flirting. Right? Felix stared at Ace's face, but the other wasn’t giving anything away. And Felix thought he was good a keeping a straight face.
“Maybe,” he answered simply, keeping eye contact much longer than appropriate on purpose.
Ace didn't look away and Felix wondered if he was the only one who noticed the tension in the air.
He always sucked at flirting, even in his native tongue, and now he had to do it in broken English. He thought he'd been pretty obvious, but he still wasn’t sure if Ace was just being friendly. Maybe he wasn’t even into men.
Well, to be fair Felix didn't think he was either, university time experimentation aside. There was something about this particular night, like he was desperate to prove to himself that he was still capable of making decisions for himself.
He’d always thought he wouldn't cheat, but he also knew that if Ace offered, he wasn’t going to say no. If this was the only thing in his life he still had control over, he was going to make the most of it, and he no longer cared if that made him a bad person.
“You know, I've stayed in a bunch of different hotels in the area while I've been here,” Ace mentioned out of the blue, and Felix furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “There's a pretty good one just down the street.”
Felix swallowed, at last realizing what the other was getting at.
“Really?” he asked, trying to mask his suddenly surfacing nerves.
“Yup. Kinda cozy, very… discreet,” Ace chirped casually, like he was talking about the weather and not propositioning a stranger.
Felix cleared his throat and shoved a hand in his pocket, managing to fish out a crumpled twenty euro bill despite his sweaty palms. He slapped the money on the table, hoping the tip would convey his gratitude to David for setting him up for the best night of his life.
Finally, he stood up from the booth and offered Ace a nervous smile that probably made it glaringly obvious just how eager he was.
“Lead the way."
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thehoneyxbadger · 4 years
gabby gets stabby pt. 4
Who: X23_GAB/Gabby Kinney, @rictorscales and @ladywolverines Where: Streets of New York When: 26th May 2020 What:  Rictor tries to stop Gabby and is saved by Laura Kinney who knows exactly what to do to save her sister. Warnings: blood, violence, death, brainwashing
Part 4: Julio Richter/Rictor & Laura Kinney/Wolverine
GABBY: The scent lingered around her, even as she moved on through the crowd. The civilian population was quickly thinning as they were either whisked to safety, or they simply ran. But one person wasn't running from her. Gabby practically snarled as she attacked again, bloody claws raised to attack Rictor. To kill. That scent was still too strong for her to stop, clouding her brain.
JULIO:  People were running. They were terrified, feet hitting the ground hard enough to make it vibrate just a little, just enough for Ric to pick up on it. If he were smart, he’d follow them… but he saw what they were running from. It took him a moment to recognize her. Her stance was all wrong, defensive and tense instead of open and relaxed the way it normally was. It was Gabby… but something was wrong. Something was off. He remembered what Laura told him, about Gabby’s sudden ‘transfer’ to some undisclosed prison no one would name. All of that, plus the way Gabby looked now? It added up to something seriously sketchy. And Rictor wanted to know what.
He’d have to find it out while also trying not to die, it seemed, because Gabby was coming at him all at once, claws out and not holding back. “Gab --- Gabs, what the hell?” Rictor threw out a hand, shaking the ground beneath her feet, but he didn’t want to go too hard. He didn’t want to hurt her. “It’s me, Gabby, it’s Ric! Just --- Chill out for a minute!”
GABBY: He stared at her like her knew her, but so had the others. She didn't even notice. She wouldn't remember any of this, any cognitive part of her turned off in favour of this instinct they'd buried in her brain. Carved it into her where she couldn't get rid of it, like they'd done to her sister before her.
When the ground shook beneath her, she had to pause, lest she be knocked off her feet. But in response to Ric's pleas for her to chill out and recognise him, she couldn't do anything. If she could have, Gabby would stop. She didn't want any of this. But she had no choice. She lunged at him again, jumping so the shaking ground didn't stop her.
JULIO: She didn’t stop. Rictor shook the ground beneath her feet and Gabby didn’t stop. She was moving like an animal, singular focus in mind, and he could stop her. He could quake her heart, her lungs, her kidneys, and she’d heal, but Rictor was frozen. With anyone else, he wouldn’t have hesitated, but this --- this was Gabby. This was Laura’s kid sister, Rictor’s kid sister. And if he hurt her she would heal, she would be okay, but he didn’t know if he’d ever be able to forgive himself for those moments that came before the healing. So Rictor froze, and Gabby didn’t. Rictor stood still, and Gabby kept coming.
She launched herself at him, and Rictor barely managed to take a step back in time to avoid being run through with her claws. She was close enough now for him to search her eyes, and they were empty. “Gabby,” he choked out, taking another step back, ”please. I don’t want to fight you.”
GABBY:  That Rictor was like her brother meant nothing. She would've killed her own sister without hesitating like this. Rictor's hesitation only made it easier for her to attack him and she gave him no leeway in return. She kicked out, hard, to knock him down and make him easier to attack. His words washed over her with no recognition but the snarl she gave in return. He might not want to fight her, but he was going to have to if he didn't want her to kill him.
JULIO: The pain that reverberated through his chest as her kick knocked him to the ground was hardly noticeable, drowned out by confusion and desperation as he struggled to understand. Gabby was attacking him. Her eyes were empty. She was not herself. And Rictor’s options were growing more and more limited by the second. He wasn’t proud of that split second he spent considering the concept of just letting it happen, wasn’t proud of the fact that, when he did decide against it, it wasn’t for his own sake. If Gabby came back to herself with his blood on her hands, she’d never forgive herself and he knew that. So he threw out a hand, aiming a small vibration at her chest to knock her off him. He was still holding back, still unwilling to hurt her, but he wouldn’t let her kill him, either. He wouldn’t let her carry that weight.
GABBY: She raised her arm to strike, to drive her claw deep into Rictor's body and end their fight. Just as she was  about to, vibration hit her, knocking her back and off his chest. She rolled as she hit the ground, ignoring the scrapes that began to heal as soon as they appeared, getting back to her feet. The vibration, even with no pain, felt strange. Any other time, it would prompt Gabby to ask Ric to do it again, so she could experience it properly. She'd think it was fun. Instead, she lunged at him again, aiming her claws to stab him.
JULIO: The quake barely slowed her down and, once again, Rictor considered his options. How long would she remain incapacitated if he quaked her heart in her chest, if he started a vibration inside her head hard enough to knock any normal person unconscious? How long would it take him to forgive himself after the fact? He didn’t have long to consider before she was launching herself at him again, and he couldn’t bring himself to try either option. It was Gabby, it was Gabby, no matter how cold her eyes were. It was Gabby, who brought her pet wolverine to parties and laughed at his jokes. It was Gabby, who was launching herself in his direction with her claws out. Rictor dodged, taking a step back, but he wasn’t quite fast enough. Her claws sunk into his lower abdomen, just above his hip, and Rictor cried out, throwing one hand out to knock her back with another quake while the other hand went to the wound, arm wrapping around his abdomen loosely. He was going to die here, he realized. Gabby wasn’t going to stop unless he stopped her, and he couldn’t do that without going all in. He was going to die or he was going to hurt her, and he couldn’t decide which of those options was worse.
LAURA: There was only one thing that drove Laura to act the way that Gabby had been acting, one thing that made Laura that disconnected. And that was the trigger scent. It had to be that. And the first thing that came to Laura’s mind, was that small town she had massacred when they dumped the toxin on her from the air. (Where would they send Gabby? And would they let her go about her normal life and drop more of the scent on her later? How many of their loved ones would be in danger?)
But the chaos of running people and a newscast showing a video captured, no, a live stream from a phone... it was Ric and Laura. She immediately recognized the area and started running towards their location. When she saw the two of them come into view, she quickly glanced at the open wound on Ric and set her jaw. He needed medical attention. Now. Laura moved quickly and definitively, coming up behind Gabby and putting her arms just under Gabby’s armpits and then bringing her arms up in an attempt to pull Gabby away from Ric. “Water,” she said simply and as calmly as she could, eyes darting towards Ric. “Get water.”
GABBY: She almost had him. Her claws almost sinking into the target before her, and she'd turn on someone else. But before she could, strong hands grabbed her. Pulled her back. She twisted and turned harshly, not caring for her wellbeing, nor that of whoever was holding her. Whereas before, when she'd come face to face with Laura, Gabby had managed to fight the influence on her mind long enough to know what was happening, the trigger scent left no room for that now. All Laura was to her was another target.
She ripped herself from Laura's hold and turned to her, ready to strike again.
JULIO: Adrenaline coursed through his veins, but even with its assistance, Rictor’s wound throbbed. His arm wrapped loosely around his side and, already, the blood was soaking through his shirt. This didn’t seem to deter Gabby, of course. She came at him again, claws out and ready, and Rictor swallowed as he prepared for them to sink in… but the second blow never came. Instead, someone was there, dragging Gabby away from him with no regard for their own safety. His eyes darted up to meet hers, and it took a moment for his mind to catch up to the situation. Laura.
For a heartbeat, he wondered if he’d imagined her. Rictor had experienced shock before, had been a superhero long enough to have experienced injuries intense enough to bring about confusion and anxiety so intense it invented new situations in your head. But then Laura spoke, the words clipped and confusing, and Ric’s brow furrowed. The command wasn’t one he understood, but it was Laura giving it, and that was enough. Glancing around briefly, his eyes landed on a fire hydrant on the other side of the street, and he threw his hand out to hit it with a quake. The vibration was sloppier than what he might have done without the injury to his abdomen, and it carried none of his usual flair, but it got the job done. The hydrant burst open, and the street and any bystanders who hadn’t yet made a break for it --- including Gabby, Laura, and Rictor himself --- were all soaked in a matter of seconds.
Rictor, for his part, wobbled when the quake subsided, legs trembling with exertion. “Hey,” he said hoarsely, “if somebody’s gonna kill me, can we just --- Can we get it over with? ‘Cause I’m about to…” He trailed off, less sitting and more collapsing onto the sidewalk. “Yeah. That.”
LAURA: Her eyes quickly moved away from Ric, as much as she worried about how much blood he had lost and his wounds, she couldn’t allow herself to be distracted. (Distractions got you killed.) And if all went according to her first plan, then she’d be at Ric’s side to help him in a matter of moments. But that relied on things going smoothly, and would they? Laura didn’t give it much thought beyond that. Gabby was turning towards her and Laura didn’t have time to get distracted. She had to keep moving, and Laura had always done her best thinking in the moment.
Gabby managed to tear herself out of Laura’s grip and Laura took two steps back, her fists clenched at her side, but her claws still hidden. The point of this was to pull Gabby back from this, not kill her to stop her. But there was a cold though that drifted through there... Could Laura kill Gabby if she needed to? (There was no question about Logan, if he needed to be taken out, Laura wouldn’t hesitate. But Gabby... Gabby was different.)
Laura felt the vibrations in her bones but she stayed steady and made no comment. Ric was injured, it made sense that he couldn’t focus his powers the way he normally might. “You did good, Ric.” The water started coming down and Laura let out a small breath of air and then moved without hesitation, her hand reaching out to grab Gabby’s wrist and using the momentum to sweep her leg and force Gabby to the ground. But that was Plan A.
GABBY: She stalked towards Laura, not for a second wondering nor caring why the other didn't have her claws out. Only made it easier for her if her target didn't fight back. She didn't pay attention to the other one--wounded already, he would be easy to finish off--as the trigger scent made her hyperfocus on Laura.
She felt the vibrations shaking everything around her, but she didn't retreat. It's only as she's about to strike that she feels water wash over her, drenching her and washing away that scent that had permeated her clothing, her skin, and everyone around them. Gabby blinked as she came crashing back to reality.
Conflicting memories in her head paralysed her long enough that she didn't resist as Laura swept her to the ground. Even as she was pinned, Gabby could only stare, as her brain tried to tell her that this was both Laura, her sister, and X-23, an escaped weapon.
JULIO: You did good, Ric. Rictor closed his eyes with a quiet hum, nodding his head. The sounds of the fight were more distant now, water soaking his shirt. (Or was that the blood? Ric couldn’t be bothered to open his eyes to check.) Eventually, there was a thud as something hit the ground, and then there was quiet. Ric kept his eyes closed for another beat, waiting to see if he felt the vibrations of Gabby making her way towards him to finish the job, but there was nothing. Cautiously, Rictor opened his eyes.
Gabby and Laura were tangled together on the ground, Laura pinning their sister down. The cold expression on Gabby’s face was gone now, replaced with a confusion that was far closer to the person Rictor was familiar with. Ric let out a quiet sigh, wincing as the action jostled the wound in his stomach. Unsteady and trembling, he got to his feet and just barely managed to stay there, taking a stumbling step forward as he struggled to keep his balance. “Are we good?” His voice was hoarse enough to make him pull a face at the sound. If that was what he sounded like, he could only assume he looked like absolute shit. “Family reunion over? Hey, next time, guys, let’s just do a picnic. I’ll make food, we can not stab each other. How’s that sound?” He let the question hang for a moment, eyes slipping closed as he almost fell again. He caught himself at the last moment, shaking his head. “Gabby, you good? Laura?”
LAURA: There was a moment, clear as day on Gabby’s face when she realized what was happening. But Laura didn’t let up the pressure on her sister’s shoulders. She needed to be sure before she let Gabby up again that the scent was gone, and that her sister was in her right mind again. Or at the very least, in control. Laura knew it would take more than a splash of cold water to fix what had been done. With any luck, maybe her sister would forget about killing her.
“That’s yet to be determined,” Laura said carefully, watching the expression on Gabby’s face. They’d all live, it seemed, but were they good? She couldn’t say. Ric was full of jokes, as he usually was, even when he was suffering from blood loss. But Laura... she couldn’t pretend to be normal. Not right now at least. She glanced in his direction, looking at the pooling of blood, worrying that his time would be upon them soon if she didn’t start to put pressure on it. “You need to stop holding yourself up. You’re wasting your energy. Flat on the ground, keep talking.” It sounded harsher than she intended, but she meant to keep Ric talking so she knew he was conscious. Laura’s attention snapped back to Gabby. “Who am I?” She asked. The one question that had a right answer. A clear one. If Gabby was still under, she’d be X-23, and if Gabby was Gabby... they’d know immediately.
GABBY: Gabby didn't pay Ric any attention, not even looking at him when he asked if she was 'good'. Her focus stayed on X-23--Laura--pinning her down. She didn't know how she got here, or what had happened. The last thing she remembered was running away from Laura--X-23--after stabbing her. And both names conflicted in her head. Clashed with what she thought she knew.
Who am I?
She hesitated.
She wanted it to be true. She wanted those memories not to be some falsehood she'd made up. But, she feared that this might still all be a trick. Like whatever had happened the other day, when Laura had appeared in her cell. A test? A trial? Any second, this could all disappear again. Only, it felt real. It sounded real. It smelt real. She could smell so much blood--on Ric, on the street, on her. What had she done?
JULIO: This moment was not for him. Not really, not entirely. Rictor had done his part, had doused them all with water from the hydrant that was still spewing, but what happened next? It was between Laura and Gabby. Ric had seen some shit in his day. He’d been tortured to compliance, been poked and prodded and shocked until he’d have done anything, anything just to make the pain stop. But this? This was out of his wheelhouse. That look in Gabby’s eyes when she’d come at him, the way she’d been willing to kill people she loved just to feel the blood soak her shoes… That was nothing he’d ever felt before. He suspected Laura couldn’t say the same, suspected there was a reason for the intensity behind her gaze, the way she held Gabby to the ground. Laura knew what was going through Gabby’s mind now. Rictor didn’t.
If he could have, he might have walked away. They were a family, the three of them, but Gabby and Laura were the only two who shared the DNA to prove it. It was difficult not to feel self-conscious about that, hard not to wonder if they might have thought of him as less than what they thought of each other, and if he’d had the strength to run in that moment, he wasn’t sure he would have stayed. But there was blood dripping from his gut to the wet concrete at his feet and his limbs were heavy with exhaustion and the world was getting a little dark around the edges, so he stayed. He lowered himself to the ground, propped his back up against the wall because he was incapable of following instructions properly even when Laura was the one giving them, flipped her off even though she wasn’t looking anywhere near him. “I want you to know,” he said, letting his head drop back against the bricks, “I’m sitting down because I feel like it. Not because you told me to.” It was a weak joke, but he didn’t have anything stronger. He barely even had breath in his lungs while he waited for Gabby to answer, waited to hear whether this thing was over or not.
Finally, finally his younger sister’s voice broke through the silence, a single word that had his shoulders slumping with relief and his lungs exhaling a quiet sigh. Laura. The name had never sounded so sweet before. “Yay,” he said flatly, lifting his fingers in a lazy attempt at jazz hands. The ground shifted, and he figured it might be a good idea to keep his hands still when his mind was still in fight-or-flight mode. Accidental earthquakes wouldn’t help anyone here. “Anybody want a drink? Laura’s buying.”
LAURA: Ric spoke and Laura should have expected it by now — he had done it a few times in the last few minutes already, joking and talking back despite being deeply wounded. Laura shot him a look, a subtle frown curving her lips. But, he was doing what she had asked of him. He was getting back on the ground and he was talking. So, even though she didn’t have her hand on his wound yet, she knew that he was alive, he was breathing — he was aware. And all of those things pushed forwards to a future where the three of them would make it out of this chaos alive.
There was a moment that was too long for Laura’s own comfort, where she thought that Gabby wouldn’t say her name. That she’d call her by what they had called her before, and the thought of hearing that letter and number fall from Gabby’s lips was... It hurt. Even if Gabby didn’t say it, Laura imagined it and that was enough. But those feelings, that fear that lurked in the shadows of her heart, it didn’t reach her face or her eyes. She felt the hesitation, the stillness in the air while she looked into her sister’s eyes.
What would her sister say? What name would she call her? Or was her sister so far gone that she’d only know Laura as a thing now?
Her name slipped out and Larua felt a rush of air escape her lungs as she moved her hand behind Gabby’s neck and brought Gabby’s head up to her chest, holding her in a brief hug before rolling off of her and quickly moving towards Ric. Gabby, Laura knew, would need more than a splash of water to recover from this. But Gabby was at least aware of herself. (Laura was being pulled into too many directions to be focused. To be the scalpel that she had been described as before. Her heart was beating too fast and there was, just below the surface of her calm, fear for the life of her brother and of the lasting damage to Gabby once she realized what had happened.)
“I need your hands, Gabby.” Laura was forcing Ric onto his back so that she could place even pressure on his open wound. “We need to call — ” someone. Laura wasn’t sure who. Jean was likely not equipped to deal with a wound of this magnitude where she was staying... but he needed this stitched up quickly. “The hospital might be our only choice,” Laura murmured allowed before meeting Ric’s gaze. “And I’m not buying any alcohol. I don’t have any money.”
GABBY: Gabby felt the relief in Laura, and it seemed to seep into her too. Her muscles stopped being quite so tense, and she could breathe again. It felt like this wasn't so much of a trick. She didn't have time to hug Laura back before she was rolling off her, leaving Gabby free.
I need your hands, Gabby. Gabby sat up, and for the first time since regaining herself, saw what she'd done. There was blood everywhere. People lay on the ground, injured, dead and dying. The same blood coated her shoes, her clothes, her hands. Her claws were still out, and Gabby noticed with a start that they were metal.
Now wasn't the time to think about it. Later. When Ric wasn't dying from wounds she'd inflicted. She came to Laura's side, pressing her hands where needed and saying nothing, nor meeting Ric's eyes. Her gaze stayed firmly on her hands. She felt like she was waiting for someone to try to arrest her (hadn't they arrested her for just using her powers already?) or worse.
JULIO: Blood loss and the sudden draining of the adrenaline that had been keeping him going during the altercation made the world fuzzy, left Rictor in the floaty in-between space that existed just on the edges of consciousness. Laura was on top of Gabby, and then he blinked and she was hovering over him instead, looking down with concern in her eyes. He opened his mouth to comment, to ask when teleportation had been added to her stack of mutant abilities, but then the world was shifting and the only noise that escaped his lips was a faint cry of protest as he was laid onto his back. He didn’t have time to process the new position before hands were applying pressure to his wound, making the world narrow to the tiniest window of agony.
He might have lost consciousness for a moment, but the next word he heard was hospital and he shook his head too quickly for comfort, nostrils flaring at the sudden influx of pain. “Hospital’s a no-go,” he said quickly. “They’ll want to do a police report. You know, the kind where they bring in cops who might remember the fact that we’re probably all wanted for some reason or another?” And the kind where they’d ask who stabbed him, though Rictor didn’t say that part aloud. They probably weren’t quite to the ‘casual discussion’ phase of being stabbed by your brainwashed little sister quite yet. “You could borrow money,” he added sullenly. “For beers.”
He let his eyes slip over to Gabby, who’d come over at some point when the world was still dark. She hadn’t said anything, and concern gnawed at the parts of his gut not currently trying to escape through the stab wound she’d left him with. “Hey,” he said quietly, shifting painfully so he could put his hand on top of hers. “I’ve had worse, you know? We’re good, Gabs. Promise.” Glancing back to Laura, he raised a brow to indicate his concern to her, though he suspected it was unnecessary. She looked like she felt much of the same. “We can’t go to a hospital, but we can’t stay here. Let’s go to XFI. One of those assholes will know what to do. We’re always getting stabbed. Comes with being a dick.”
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howtohero · 4 years
#249 The Death of Your Nemesis
(Note: This is Part Two of a three part story. Part One. Part Three.)
Uh. Ok, so your nemesis has died. The person you’ve gone head to head with for years and years. The enemy of yours who, without fail, always strives to make things as personal as possible, is gone... Good! You’ll be better off, and the world will be better off with them. You can finally dedicate your time to dealing with more systemic ills in your neighborhood. No longer will you have to alienate everyone you love because there’s always the slim chance that on any given day your nemesis could discover who you are and take vengeance on your friends and family. When your nemesis dies, that’s a reason to party. You’re free of them! Forever! Huzzah! You may not have been able to kill them due to some complicated moral code that only allows you to kill their henchmen, but that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate their demise!
(Oooooook buddy, why don’t sit this one out. You’re going through a lot right now.)
I’m fine! Why shouldn’t I be fine! My nemesis, Dr. Brainwave, a convicted supervillain who was living, rent-free, in my basement, is dead. I’m free of him. I’m doing great!
(All right, totally. We can all see that you’re handling this with dignity and poise. Why don’t you let me deal with this one.)
Well I suppose I have been training you as my apprentice so that you could one day write blog posts on your own...
(Sure, that’s what our relationship is. So why don’t you go outside, take a breather, and let me handle today’s entry.
What the man says is true. Dr. Brainwave is dead and I guess, technically speaking, he was our nemesis. He’s threatened our lives more times than we count. {We are notoriously bad counters though.} He’s destroyed our home, our place of work, our garden filled with one-of-a-kind miracle veggies. {Immortality radishes, vampiric celery, tasty kale.} And yet, he’s always been there, and I think we kind of just assumed he always would be. You see, a nemesis is not just another supervillain that you’ve got to fight with alarming frequency. They’re a major part of your life. Oftentimes your nemesis will know you better than anybody else in your social circle. Sure, they only took the time to get to know you on this deep level so that they could inflict all manner of psychological torture upon you, but still, it’s kind of nice that they invested that time in you.
A superhero’s relationship with their nemesis is always going to be complicated. You’ll usually see them more than you see your family. You’ll see them at their highest {when they believe that they’ve killed you} and at their lowest {surprisingly enough, after they’ve succeeded in killing you and find their life to be devoid of all meaning and purpose} you’ll occasionally find yourself fighting alongside them and yeah, in some twisted way, you’re going to form a kind of meaningful relationship with them. So what are you even supposed to do when they’ve died? Granted, you’re not as fanatically dependent on them for your continued existence and purpose as they are on you. There will always be crimes to stop and evil to vanquish. But any superhero would be hard-pressed to deny that their lives would be a little bit emptier without their nemesis. Perhaps that’s the real reason why so few superheroes actually kill their nemeses.
If you feel like you need to mourn the passing of your nemesis, that’s ok. You should allow yourself to space to do that. Do something that they would’ve loved. Hold a {vacant} bridge hostage, kick a {robot, stuffed, already dead} puppy into the sun, burn yourself in effigy! If you’re worried about getting attacked by other supervillains if you attend a funeral or memorial service for your nemesis don’t worry! Supervillains usually are not friends with one another. That funeral is gonna be hella empty. You can go there with no problem. Besides, supervillain funerals have been poorly attended ever since Lady Richter used her “funeral” as an opportunity to drop many of her fellow supervillains into a bottomless chasm. Ever since then, supervillains have had a hard time believing that any of their colleagues are actually dead. If any other supervillains attend your nemesis’ funeral, they’ll be lugging around giant ladders in case a bottomless chasm opens up beneath them, and they will be too exhausted to fight you.
The whole How To Hero crew {me, Parentheses Guy, Zach, Lawyer Guy, Dr. Brainwave’s Greatest Shame, Diego A. Wayghosts, Todd The Bomb-Disposal Bot} attended Dr. Brainwave’s funeral and, lo and behold, the only other person in attendance was Dr. Brainwave’s other nemesis, Professor Brain-Scrambler. {There was also, of course, a large contingent of mutant alligators.} He actually spoke quiet beautifully about his mad scientist colleague, after which we pulled him over to the side and told him that he was a hack and that he could suck it, in line with Dr. Brainwave’s final wishes. All in all it was a very emotional 2 am-4 am. {Supervillain funerals almost exclusively take place during this time which is colloquially known as “the witching hour.”} The funeral home was a bit cold, and I would say it was definitely haunted, but overall, it was a pretty solid funeral I’d say. 
Once you’ve spent some mourning the loss of an important and ever-present figure in your life, there is some housekeeping that you need to do. Reach out to your nemesis’ loved ones and express your condolences. The last thing you want is for their loved ones to vow revenge on you and beginning the cycle anew. If you can, talk with their loved ones, estranged family members, sidekicks, or unholy creations and make them understand that you were not responsible for the death of their loved ones. The quicker you do this the better. Blaming a superhero for the death of a loved one is 17th most common supervillain origin story. {number 68 is having your coal company run out of business by windmill farms but number 33 will blow your mind.} In our case, we sat down with Dr. Brainwave’s legions of mutant alligators and several hours of teeth baring and jaw snapping, a fragile peace agreement was forged. {The alligators for their part, behaved remarkably well. Not a single bared tooth or snapped jaw among them!}
Once that is taken care of you must attend to the rest of your nemesis’ personal affects. Their goons will be directionless, and this is a great time to many of them off the board. Have your friends in law enforcement scoop them up before they can find employment under a different supervillain. Or, if you really wanna get wild, invent a new identity for yourself, pose as a new supervillain, take control of your nemesis’ cronies, and then have them perform tasks that seem like crimes, but actually good deeds. Stuff like, “this old woman is an ancient evil spirt, help her cross the street” or “this is my territory now, nobody else is allowed to commit a crime here. If you see another villain doing crimes here, stop them!” Arrange operations against your nemesis’ lairs and begin systemically dismantling their operation. Since they were your nemesis you have the unique advantage of knowing where they’re likely to have kept most of their really cool stuff. And remember, in the souvenir game, it is first come, first serve. So lead the operation against their main fortress or stronghold yourself and claim all of those spleen-discombobulators and parasite helmets for yourself! For us, that just meant going into our own basement and, honestly, reclaiming a lot of stuff we thought we’d lost! We also blew up all of Dr. Brainwave’s stuff, as per his last will and testament. [Hi, again, a hastily scrawled note scratched into a chalkboard that says “destroy all of my Earthly things in the same manner in which I died” is not a will.] Well, we did it! And it was awesome! We didn’t even need to buy any explosives, it’s astounding how much of his stuff was already made out of bombs! {You know what? It’s actually pretty alarming how many explosives there were just under our house this entire time.})
Wait, how many bombs were there?
(I thought I told you to take the day off because you were being weird!)
You’re being weird! How many bombs did you find in Dr. Brainwave’s room?
(I don’t know, probably around 660. What do you think Curly?)
{I’d say around 664, maybe 665.}
Oh you have got to be kidding me.
(See, you’re being weird again. Buhbye! Now, any real superhero can’t exactly be without a nemesis. People will start to talk. “Oh yeah, that guy? He’s not really very superheroic, he doesn’t even have one evil person whose sole purpose in life is to destroy them. Poor guy.” So you need to find a new nemesis! {We recommend reading our advice for finding your first nemesis.} Try calling up all of your old enemies and see if they’d be interested in engaging in an eternal struggle between good and evil with you. Or, just go through the supervillain phonebook and pick a name that kind of seems like an inverse of your own name. {Or, if it’s still too soon for you to even think about replacing your dear departed nemesis, just prank call about of villains until you’re all cheered up.} Without Dr. Brainwave gone, we’ve obviously needed to start looking for a new supervillain correspondent... and, well... I guess just take a look at some of the auditions we’ve received.
Al “Da Boss” Marconi: “Ayyyy, da best way to save da world is to stab a twerp right between the eyes and laugh as he bleeds out on the pavement!” {Factually incorrect.}
Dr. Python: “So this job comes with a free room right? My last roommate turned out to be Ultiman so obviously that wasn’t going to work out and I kind of very badly need a new place to live.” {Seems to believe that living with Ultiman is a bad idea because he is a superhero but living with us is fine. Which leads us to believe he either doesn’t really get who we are, or does not respect us.}
Giorgio the Evil Mime: “...” {This guy was Zach’s top choice, but he is clearly grieving and not in his right mind. He seems to have forgotten that our supervillain correspondent needs to be able to speak and make intrusive comments on our blog posts.}
As you can see, we have been having some trouble, but luckily we’ve got interviews with Jhonny McBarn-Burner, Mustard Man and the dreaded Karalaxus who is actually a very pleasant guy once you agree to give up your free will and join his horde of mindless zombies. So hopefully one of those guys pans out.)
Stop everything! We don’t need a new supervillain correspondent. (Dude, for real, you need to take a break. You’re going a bit cuckoo you know?) No, I’m serious, and your face is a bit cuckoo actually so how about you step the heck off.  (Rude.) We don’t need to replace Brainwave, because I don’t think he’s actually gone {What are you saying! Wait, did we actually all die in the explosion? Was he the only to survive? Is he mourning us? Which of us did he mourn the most? Me?} No, I believe that he’s dead. But I also believe that he died on purpose. (Well sure, we all saw him unrepentant supervillainously sacrifice himself so that we could live!) I don’t think he sacrificed himself at all actually. I think he planned on dying, and that he planned on benefitting from it in a way that none of us could have foreseen.  (Ok, you’re gonna have to walk us through that.) Ok, so remember when we went through Brainwave’s stuff, we found a grand total of 665 bombs right?  (I guess?) {We are notoriously bad at counting.} True, but I think we got it right this time. I think that there were only 665 explosive devices in Brainwave’s lair/our basement. [Only?] Yes only! What kind of fanatical supervillain builds so many explosives but stops before hitting 666! The devil’s number! I think he did have 666 bombs, until he mailed one to our office! (Wait, what? You think Brainwave sent us that bomb? That seems like a stretch.) Oh? Does it? The most evil person that we are acquainted with sent us a bomb? That seem awfully farfetched to you? (Well, when you put it like that...) And he was wearing rocket boots the whole time! We could’ve strapped the bomb to one of his rockets and launched it through the skylight without him having to carry it! {That reminds me, our landlord called and said that we definitely lost our security deposit because of that skylight.} (Ah DANG IT!!!!) I think that he waited until the timer was low to reveal that he was wearing rocket boots so he could make his sacrifice play. And hey, he knew that the time on the bomb was displaying the wrong time and yet he knew exactly when the bomb was actually going to go off. That isn’t suspicious to any of you??? (Look, if I made a big deal about everything I found suspicious our coworkers we’d never get anything done!) {Is this about my outstanding deal with the devil?} (No, actually.) And Parenthesis Guy, you even said that the funeral home seemed haunted during the funeral! What if that was Dr. Brainwave! What if he devised this whole scenario so he could die and become a ghost!  (Why would he do that? And doesn’t this all seem a little convoluted.) Yeah, dude, he’s a supervillain! Something the rest of you seemed to have lost sight of. Of course he would come up with an absurdly complicated plan to become a ghost. From a supervillain’s perspective, being a ghost would be way better than being a frail old human with the physique of a scientist.  (I don’t know man, I’m just not seeing it.) What! It makes total sense. He freaks us out with a bomb. Classic supervillain move. He puts us on an emotional rollercoaster by making us think he sacrificed himself to save us, causing us to question everything we thought we knew about the sort of person he was. All while shedding his physical form in order to commit crimes as a ghost. It’s a classic Brainwave move!  (I think maybe you should lie down buddy. You’re starting to go a bit crazy. And not in a fun way like the rest of us.) {Yeah when you make us look like the sane ones you’ve gotta throw in the towel man.} Yeah. Yeah ok, maybe you’re right. (Yeah, maybe we’re right. Let’s call it day, we’ve still gotta go feed the mutant alligators.) You guys go ahead I’ll catch up. {Ok, remember to put on your armor before you enter the alligator pen this time.} Yeah, yeah I’ll remember. All right Brainwave, the others are gone. I know you’re here.
<Uch fine. You got me.> You absolute bas- <Listen, you’re right. I’m every name you’re about to call me. But can we do this later? Right now, I need your help.>
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argylemikewheeler · 6 years
not adopted (richie & mike twins)
Eddie helps a very scared boy find his missing boyfriend– and along the way they happen to find a duplicate of his own boyfriend. (reddie and byeler background)
“Would you hurry up, Eds. Jesus, I’m not getting any fucking younger over here.”
“I’m the one driving, so you better stop calling me, Richie.”
“I will once you pick me up. Bill is insufferable when he’s bored.”
“I think you mean you are.” Eddie corrected, trying not to pull on the phone cord as he wedged his shoes on.
“But he won’t stop telling me to sit down. Eddie. Come on.” Richie begged. “While we’re young.”
“Okay okay. I’ll be right there.” Eddie placed the phone back on the wall and checked his pockets for his keys and wallet. He scribbled a note for his mother on the pad hanging by the phone: Picking up the guys. Don’t wait up. High school had been just another wedge between Eddie and his mother– besides their polarizing cultural differences; the turn of the decade was proving to be a hardship for their already tense relationship.
As he approached his car, still squarely parked in the driveway, he checked the tires, tapping them with his shoes stiffly. The one incident junior year with a flat tire made Eddie paranoid there would be another railroad spike in the road or in his tire. He couldn’t drive without checking at least once. Or twice.
Richie was already with Bill that morning, ready for their trip downtown– spring break had already come to the point where they went downtown just to have something to do and all day to do it. Eddie backed out of his driveway, his mirrors adjusted and perfect, and began driving to Bill’s house. The drive was typically boring, a fine exercise in Point A to Point B driving. Nothing hard to remember, not even a traffic light to stop him. Eddie never really passed anyone on the road– especially not anyone on foot.
There was a boy, probably Eddie’s age, wandering along the edge of the street. The street was along the back of the neighborhood, the boy calling out into driveway alleys and empty patches of grass. He definitely didn’t go to school with Eddie or any of his friends– he couldn’t have been from Derry. Against his greater judgment and childhood instincts, Eddie pulled the car over.
“Hey, everything alright?” Eddie asked, cranking his window down. “You lost?”
“I–I’m looking for someone. We were walking around, trying to get that stuffy hotel air out of our heads, and then– then I turn around and I can’t find him! I swear he was right– MIKE! MIKE!” The boy didn’t even want to stop searching long enough to finish a full sentence. His eyes were naturally round but when with the whites of his eyes framing them as he stared out around him, they seemed to get bigger.
“Hey, I’m going downtown. Why don’t I drive you in and you can see if you see him?” Eddie offered, leaning over to open his passenger door. “I have to grab some friends, but then we’ll take you in. How’s that?”
“I have to find him.” The boy said quickly. “I have to find him.”
“You will. Come on.” Eddie hit the seat beside him and motioned for the boy to get inside. “I’m Eddie.”
“Will. Hi.” Will stuck out a shaking hand to Eddie, the two of them seemingly more scared of each other than the situation.
“So, what are you doing here?” Eddie asked, starting to drive again. “Derry, I mean. You said hotel, so I assumed you aren’t from here.”
“We’re not.” Will shook his head. “It was his idea for spring break– Maine, I don’t know. Him and Jonathan thought of it I guess– I don’t know. I don’t know!” Will muttered, looking out the window. He called Mike’s name out into the streets, scaring the people Eddie was passing on Bill’s street. As if Eddie wasn’t strange enough…
“Derry isn’t that big. You’ll find him.” Eddie offered comfort in the only way he knew how at the moment; vague uncertainty.
“No. I was doing some research before we came here and–”
“Don’t do that.” Eddie muttered. “Just… don’t. You’ll have a better time if you don’t.” Eddie had done his fair share of hiding newspapers and articles from any visiting relatives; if his name showed up anywhere, his entire family would turn into the Derry Police Department, asking one hundred and one questions all over again.
Will muttered a quiet agreement before rolling up his window. He crossed his arms as Eddie pulled up outside of Bill’s house. Eddie opened his car door, motioning for Will to stay put before marching up to Bill’s door.
“Bill! Open up!” Eddie called, not even close enough to knock. “I gotta talk to you.”
“Cuh-cuh-coming!” Bill’s voice answered from inside the house. Eddie tried not to look behind him at the boy sitting in his car. He tried not to make him any more nervous by being a suspicious set of eyes. “Let me grab my coat.” Bill said, opening his door to let Eddie in.
“It’s not that cold out.” Eddie said quickly. “You’ll be fine.”
“And risk a cold?” Richie teased, raising an eyebrow at Eddie. “What has gotten into you Eds?”
“Listen, I picked someone up from town.” Eddie continued, ignoring Richie and looking on at Bill.
“Jesus, Eddie. You don’t have to pay for it. Just ask, man.” Richie continued to nag Eddie anyway, pulling on his arm and tugging him through the doorway.
“Shut up, Re–Re–Richie.” Bill scolded, hitting him upside the head. Richie’s glasses fell off his nose and clattered to the ground by their feet. “What’s wrong with them?”
“He lost someone. I’m driving him into town to see if we spot him.” Eddie explained. “But he’s jumpy so just… don’t be a dick.” Eddie turned his head to Richie, still rubbing the back of his head, eyes squinting to find Bill in the blur.
They all jumped at the loud cry at the foot of the porch stairs. Eddie stepped aside, trying to find the fourth person in the house. Richie continued squinting at Bill, who was still just trying to put on a damn coat.
“Mike, where the hell have you been? I turn around for one minute and you just take off? That’s not funny!” He apparently thought someone in the room was Mike, continuing the conversation as he marched up the steps. He locked eyes with Richie, who was making an expression misconstrued with disgust as he stared at Will walking towards him. “Don’t ever do that again.” He reached for Richie, hands grabbing his face and bringing the stranger’s face into Richie’s focus. Being nearsighted meant that Will was in perfect focus as he leaned in to kiss him.
“Whoa, whoa, what the fuck.” Richie cried, pushing Will’s hands away from his face. “Dude. Not that kind of fucking search party.”
“Mike, what are you talking about?”
“My name is Richie.” He said slowly, tapping his chest. He reached down to grab his glasses, sliding them onto his nose to relieve his taunt expression. “Who the fuck is Mike?”
“Hanlon?” Bill asked. “Is that who you’re looking for?”
“Do I look like Mike?” Richie asked, waving his hands out to Bill. “Fucking idiot.”
Will looked at Richie with those same wide, scared eyes that had been glued to Eddie earlier. “You aren’t Mike. You aren’t Mike.”
“No fucking shit, buddy.”
“Why aren’t you Mike?” He asked, shaking his head. “Why aren’t you Mike? Why? What happened?” His breathing began to quicken, his eyes looking between the three of them rapidly. “It doesn’t have clones. No, we haven’t found any clones yet. That’s not… That’s not a thing. She didn’t mention clones.”
“Clones?” Eddie echoed. Oh, good, he picked up an actual maniac and brought it into Bill’s house. “He’s not a clone, Will. I promise. Richie’s real.”
“I–I have to go. I have to go home.” Will backed out of the house slowly, still keeping his eyes fixed on Richie. “There aren’t supposed to be clones. No.”
“What is he talking about?” Bill asked, adjusting his coat lapels before following Will out of the house. “Where are you going?”
“MIKE! MIKE, WHERE ARE YOU?” He stood at the end of Bill’s driveway and began screaming, allowing pathetic silence after each call to wait for a response. “This isn’t funny, Mike. MIKE!”
“Should w–we help him?” Bill asked.
“On second thought, maybe we let him walk downtown.” Eddie muttered, watching the boy staggering down the street, screaming Mike’s name into every car window and every dark corner he passed. “If he’s right in any capacity… That means there are two of Richie. And I don’t think I want to find that.”
“Excuse me I am a fucking catch, Eddie. You know that.” Richie retorted, stepping closer to the door and stepping onto the porch. “Now this I’ve gotta see.”
Before either Eddie or Bill could stop Richie, he took off after Will. They tried to chase him but didn’t want to seem like an ambush to the boy already shouting at Richie to get away from him. Richie didn’t seem to get the hint for another three blocks, the two of them nearly stumbling into hedges that surrounding the town’s park central.
“Would you stop fucking running? I’m trying to talk to you!”
“Get back!” Will screamed, holding both his arms back. “MIKE!” The entire park was beginning to stare at them; family’s having picnic’s, children on the swing sets, couples nestled on benches. “Don’t get any closer!” Will yelled, backing himself against a tree. A few men nearby began to advance towards them as the fear began to spread over the park. “MIKE!”
“I don’t know who you are looking for. Why don’t we take you to the police station?” Eddie offered, grabbing the collar of Richie’s shirt to stop him from inching further.
“Yeah, maybe they’ll put him back in the asylum he escaped from.” Richie scoffed, eyeing Will’s shaking hands as they gripped the tree bark pressing against his back. “He’s about a Richter Scale eight, man. Jesus fuck.”
“Will, let’s get more people looking for your friend. How about that? How about–”
“MIKE!” Will cried again, pointing over Richie’s shoulder.
“No, dude. I’m Richie.”
“Will!” A distant voice answered. “Oh my god, there you are.” Eddie turned to look past Richie, but somehow seemed to still be staring right at him. Someone looking exactly like Richie was running up to Will, oblivious to anyone else around him. “I’m sorry. I wandered for a second and thought I would circle back but then– I don’t know what happened!”
“I was so worried!” The two collided and held onto each other in a way that Richie was sure to make quiet gagging noises about. Eddie couldn’t help but know what that kind of high-intense relief felt like. He was happy there was someone out there to calm Will down.
While Eddie and Richie were noticing their own observations about the endearing couple, Bill seemed to be the only one with a brain in the matter, tapping the boys harshly and pointing.
“Uh, is everyone else suh-suh-seeing double?” He asked quietly. “That kid looks exactly like Richie.”
“He does not.” Richie scoffed.
“Get a better prescription.” Eddie responded, siding with Bill. “You can’t read the goddamn E.”
“Guys, God doesn’t make more than one man in perfect image.” Richie sighed. “It’s like, in the bible.”
Bill and Eddie sighed before looking back at the two boys. Will was whispering to Mike, holding his hand tightly in his own and slowly peering back over towards them. Mike was frozen, locking his focus on the boy convinced that the ice cream stand down the street was far more interesting.
“That’s my name.” He responded, yawning. Mike approached them with timid steps, still clutching Will’s hand.
“Mom… Mom said you died.” Mike breathed, his lip quivering. Wait, what?
“Whom?” Richie asked, turning his head to put his ear closer to Mike.
“Wait… that’s the kid from the picture?” Will asked quietly, his lips parting as he gasped in surprise.
“What photo?” Eddie asked. “Of Richie?”
Mike was still struck by silence, Will cutting in for him. “There’s this polaroid in Mike’s house… I always thought it was a friend from daycare or something. They were both so young. I couldn’t tell but, I see it now.”
“See what?” Richie asked, throwing his hands up.
“We’re twins.” Mike said.
“I am not adopted.” Richie said shortly. “There’s no way.”
“Your back.” Mike said. “There’s a scar there, right? On your left shoulder?” Richie slowly moved his hand to his shoulder and answered him silently. “I have one too. We were fused together just on the shoulder. They cut us apart and then you went to your other parents.”
“I am not adopted!” Richie yelled, pointing at Mike.
“R–Richie! You have dark curly hair and buh-both of your parents are platinum blond!” Bill cried, waving his arms out to Mike. “He’s your brother!”
“Oh my god.” Mike whispered, a lifetime of curiosity and denial washing away from Mike’s tense expression. He stepped forward, taking in Richie with new, hopeful eyes. Will stood beside him, squeezing his hand and grinning between the two of them.
“Oh my god.” Richie sighed, groaning. “I am adopted!”
part 2 |  part 3
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