#this is literally the name we made fun of in our group lmao!!!! in fact our groups name rn is our names translated to english lol
Introduction? Introduction.
I figured that now I am getting more connected to some of you here, it's time to be a little less anonymous. I am ready to overshare.
My name is Sanne (she/her), I'm 28 and I am from/live in the Netherlands. I live with my boyfriend, who is from Lithuania, like Arnas, and the same age as him too, which simply amuses me endlessly at this point. We also have pet rats named Salem and Thor (yes, we had a Loki too).
I love movies, series, books and music. Music wise I am a metalhead at heart. I am an occultist and a pagan, and in general I love all things spooky. Our house is 24/7 in Halloween mode basically, and so am I. (If anyone from twitter is here right now who happens to follow me, you will know exactly who I am by this description lmao).
I only found TLK very, very recently. I am usually not a fan of period pieces, but one evening I was bored and this popped up on Netflix and I decided to give it a go. Many factors made me fall in love with the show and I binged it within two weeks, only a few weeks before the movie got released. It became a part of my life real quick.
A little fun fact: I was diagnosed with adhd only last year (fuck my life, right?) so it is easy for me to completely get lost into one thing. However, I know when something is going to stick with me and when something is just a quick hyperfixation.
And TLK? My dudes, it's a keeper.
Because of my adhd it is very hard for me to stay focused on something for a long time without getting distracted. The fact that I was able to binge this show with no interruption is insane to me. I started reading the books shortly after (I am currently reading the 4th book) and as much as I love reading: it is not easy for me either. The amount of half read books I have is something I will never tell. But I swear (on Thor's hammer) this whole series is made for people with adhd, because I have never read books so fast, so easily.
And I know it's impossible to tell, but my fave character is Sihtric. Why? I am not sure, it just happened.
I have never been into fanfics, but I was so eager to read more of him (and other characters) that I found myself searching for fics. But I was a little surprised by how "limited" results popped up, so here I am, doing god's work (just kidding). I am on sick leave for several reasons, and these lil fics give me some purpose during the day and keep me from bad habits, I've noticed, so I am just having fun here. I have no experience writing fics, I only write poetry, so to see nice and loving comments about my fics has been quite overwhelming and heartwarming!
Look at me, oversharing. Is anyone still reading this? Probably not.
I was lucky my bank account less lucky to see that Arnas, Mark, Alexander and Timothy will attend a comic con in Germany next week. I told myself not to go due to the finances, but with some luck (fate, perhaps?) I found out last week that I could make it. Alas, I got my tickets. For now I only have tickets secured for Arnas, but I will get a duo op with Mark and Arnas asap (because: faves).
I would love to meet Alexander and Timothy too, but the entire group op is just too expensive for me, unfortunately. I will travel alone and attend the con on my own and I am literally terrified. I have never been to cons alone (social anxiety has entered the chat) and the chances of getting a sensory overload and a meltdown are huge.
However, the fact that I made the decision to go there is really saying something about what this show, these characters and these people became to mean to me, in such a short period. Destiny really is all, I guess! Anyway, I have rambled for way too long. Sorry.
Feel free to introduce yourself to me!!
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threepoint14art · 3 months
Well, since you so kindly offered: I want to know about your OCs! Their names, their animals, anything you feel like sharing.
WOHOO THANKS FOR ASKING! IM HONORED IM HONORED! first of all sorry for just posting about my ocs lately I am clearly going through it </3 im gonna put all the long explanations under the cut so I don't clog anyone's feed!
But in a general not that long way: those girls were The salvaged they have a group name because we designed them around the idea of them being rivals to the nightmares! Fun fact, their names apply to the other group better than to themselves! The nightmares just like in source material all got saved or salvaged by Deuz. While the salvaged over here are a nightmare! just generally! In our AU the nightmares 1) are older and 2) Are a bit more dangerous than just school bullies (thought onnie still does that and has beef with literal children lmao), so we decided to give them mortal enemies!
This will include a bit of infodump on the nightmares too since I realized we haven't really explained the changes we made to them, and also trigger warnings for mentions of abuse, though I'll try to not get too into it it's always worth warning
Actual explanation time let's go I'm sorry for word vomiting on you multi I'm so hyped you ask it's unreal thank you so much for asking yet again:
She is the redhaired one! she is based on scrap baby! not to be confused with the normal baby animatronic! We made her as a foil to our Deuz. Just like Deuz she is the leader of her group, but unlike Deuz she isn't the "strong, takes all the burdens, looks menacing, defends the others" type of leader, but rather just the one who sort of controls the others, more of a "you wouldn't expect this one to be in charge" sort of leader. Hence the little animation I did with her saying "I know what you want" Gives the others what they want to keep them near her since they are her " strength" her "ammunition" to put it some way. Giant dangerous insanely built bear vs a silly crow who wins She is baby faced (haha word pun) and just generally looks a bit harmless, we made her a crow because we made her main strength being creepy and offputting, inducing paranoia and all that since we already made Deuz generally paranoid, crows can make some WEIRD sounds and copy voices so it felt fitting for her bother people like that. We don't have that much of her backstory figured out just yet, mostly because she feels like a pipebomb to try and make sense of, opposite to Deuz who opened up to the nightmares about most stuff, she is a complete mistery to the salvaged. She is simply creepy, always smiling, keeps people close to her by being an enabler since she doesn't think they'll stick to her and defend her otherwise, she makes Deuz feel incredibly paranoid!
I would have made her name white if that was readable! I'm going by order of how they appear in my little animation, so shes the one with white hair!
She is based on molten freddy, she has a lot of issues. The main thing she wants and needs is just constant appreciation and people near her, the reason why is really horrible we are so mean to her.
Unlike bebe, we have her backstory pretty developed. She was really sick as a child, and her hospital expenses took her parents into debt, her dad was still incredebly understanding and of course mourning his daughter was in so much pain, her mom wasn't like that. She got kinda frenzied by their financial instability and blamed Scarlet for all of it, saying that she wasn't even her real daughter anymore, that the sickness already killed her daugther so that she could just kill the sickness, and tried to literally murder her! Both her parents went to jail because even though her dad literally tried to stop her from dying, the justice system is always horrible and it counted it as assault against his wife. So sickly child in extreme chronic pain feels like no one loves her! She needs that constant reassurance a lot because she's very understandably very traumatized from that.
She parallels Maggie in the most like, mean way I could have conjured up. Scarlet is and always has been ill and in pain and it her family abandoned her because of it, while Maggie in our Au is the biological brother (we trans man beamed him) of Meg, and he abandoned them and ran away because he was tired of the abuse in the system and shitty forster families, but also tired being treated as a full time caretaker who always had to protect Meg. So they kinda parallel eachother in the abandoned and the one who abandons.
She drinks a lot because it numbs the pain she's constantly under, and it also lessens the fact that she's always constantly itchy (why she scratches herself in my animation). And she is a sheep because she was "a lamb to the slaughter" as a little kid! her mom tried to kill her! A sacrificial lamb to rid you of your burdens. Raquel The fact that there was no nightmare chica irked us two a lot so we just made one haha epic. She is a cockatiel! She used to date Onyx (How we call Oxy) but little kids in relationships do stupid shit and she cheated on him which gave him a life-long grudge since he's insane about infidelity (divorced parents, thinks that if they were still together he would still have a home since when he came out as trans he already lived only with his dad and he got kicked out, thinks his mom could have defended him if she didn't cheat and ruin everything, normal stuff)
She is incredebly annoyed by the fact that he hasn't moved on, and honestly I'm annoyed too boy you were both like prepubecent fleas. She also is really quickwitted and subtle given that she pickpockets a lot of people, while Onyx is more hardheaded (haha why hes named onyx, rock) and really blunt since he has 0 need for being subtle.
She got kicked out of her home for just being a hoarder! A kleptomaniac and a hoarder to be exact. Since birds do have that thing where they nest and get a bunch of stuff and put it on a nest we upped it to a thousand here, she just steals stuff and hoards it to the point where it was genuinly unbearable for her parents so off she goes. This also ties with the fact that she's also incredebly money hungry for the sole reason of just having money, seeing a lot of money together scratches her brain. Bebé just straight up enables this girl to keep her unhealthy habits.
Back to parallels, her parents kicked her out for her own good, trying to stop a self destructive habit. While Onyx's dad kicked him out for just being who he is. Similar yet different yada yada
Ourhghghg I've already posted art of Mar on here before, she is the snake girl (specifically now a hoop snake, she had a nother snake before but we changed it) who is incredebly normal about her mom. If you trusted me on that post I'm sorry but I lied to you shes not normal ever.
Her full name is Marisol, she shortens it to Mar to be cutesy and because her name meaning Sea matches pretty well with Avani's (next to be discussed) name meaning Earth. She is a contrast to Onnie since in here we gave them both really really bad homes. They got physically abused and they both did not come out sane out of that, but while Onnie wishes he killed his dad and takes it out on everything and everyone. Mar actually killed her mom.
Cool fact about Mar, she is related to shadows! But it's not exactly like Freddy and Fred. Summarizing incredebly hard, in our AU shadows are born from empty people, If someone who is just fundamentally empty as a person walks too close to a place where people have felt a lot, were their feelings overflew out of them, they get a shadow. Freddy has fred because the little guy was just fundamentally empty as a kid (every "freddy is bland" joke ever now has real consequences/j), But Mar is a bit different, since she is the shadow.
Think of Freddy having no personality (/j) and up it to a thousand, thats what the "original" marisol was like, literal empty kid who would not cry or scream or yell and it pissed her mom off to no end, till boom, Mar appears. Since they aren't omniscent and they too don't really understand what shadows are, Mar thinks she is the orignal, and the remainder of the other girl got renamed as lake (haha matching, bodies of water), who unlike fred or freddy, who while not in the body are people shaped, is presented as just a snake.
(if you want to ask about the shadows give us 5 business days since we are still establishing how it works/lh)
So basically, Mar was a really lonely kid thanks to alcoholic mother who was inhumane towards her, she had 2 friends for most of her life. The snake she imagined who she thought was literally just the ghost of a snake who died by the road or something, and Avani, childhood friend who was her neighbour, she is insanely attached to her.
She just like Onnie suffered a LOT because of her home situation, but unlike Onnie she at least did have moments of peace at school and with Avani (Onnie was also brutally bullied at school, woups, guy got no break ever). She kept growing up time kept passing things at home were exactly the same. She met Bébe she met the salvaged and she just started doing crazy stuff simply because "it made her happy" she had an outlet and it helped her. Sadly, things at home out of nowhere aren't the same miserable mess but just somehow turn worse and worse and worse, probably because it was obvious that she was much happier with being more and more away from home and hanging out with people. Eventually she just had enough, and with the help of insane people over here (mostly Bébe) they make a plot to literally murder the woman.
Basically, since she was an alocholic and never tended to the house ever, they just turn the stove on and close all the house down and so she dies of monoxide poisoning and they pass it off as her being negligent and leaving it on on her own.
Literally as that's happening, Mar goes to her school councelor and does some fake tears of feeling like a danger to herself to get send to a psych ward, which doesn't surprise the councelor since it was pretty obvious her home life was awful and that she's a little gone since she talks to the air sometimes, she eventually gets back from it, gets the news that she passed away, does some more fake tears, and boom, surprisingly easy. Onnie wishes he could do that.
Due to her mom dying and being sent away for a little and all of that she missed wayy too many clases and got held back a year, then they tested her to see her academic level and see that she was doing even worse than they thought so she's held back another year, and boom this derranged 18 year old is in a clasroom with the 16 year olds, she scares me. She is based on nightmare marionette which is why we wanted to give her something shadow related, and also why she has scales on her face that sort of form a tear pattern!
I'll admit. I was incredebly self indulgent with her. She's based on nightmare balloon boy, but I used Loon as reference (quien lo invitó? pinche chamaco), since our version of loon is a holed up guy who just sort of rots away in his room and doesn't intend on being a functional part of society. Avani is a prodigy who graduated way too early and is already both studying and working, literally never spends time home and is always busy.
We also made her an asian ladybeetle since they are often regarded as the "evil" counterpart of a ladybug!
That's her basis, and now for parallels, I also have to explain how I was incredebly self indulgent here: She's meant to be a parallel for Spring "but spring isn't a nightmare" I know, and she also isn't a salvaged. We made spring and the nightmares friends (insane decision I know), and so both Spring and Avani interact with their respective group out of just being friends with them instead of actually being part of the group who does insane things. Spring works at a gas station and never finished his education and doesn't feel ready to be an adult at alli(we made him 24 woups), while avani has an office job and reads like a fully functional adult (she isn't) while being incredebly young.
Like was said before she is Mar's childhood friend, And she is a prodigy in all sense of the word, she too was an incredebly lonely child and only ever got along with Mar, She was always said to be too boring and somewhat creepy for remembering seemingly inconsequent stuff. She has an insane memory and an insane brain in general, her parents realized that and just fully commited to pressuring her to do better and better and better, "Pressure makes diamonds" after all. So while at first they were in the same class, Avani kept skipping grades because she was incredebly gifted academically. She still kept contact with Mar of course since both of them are horribly attached to eachother (in the animation they have matchin jewerly! Mar with the necklace and Avani with the earrings), but she literally graduated at 14, that's crazy, girl should have been watching mlp or something.
As she grew she kinda thought about herself as only that, only a prodigy only the smart one that needs to keep getting smarter and needs to be a functional adult already since if she's not its just "a waste". Her parents also didn't help with that, treating her as if she was 100% self sufficient when she was a literal kid. And as soon as she turned 18 she got kicked out to be a full fledged adult.
She got an office job and also is studying MEDICINE and also keeps active contact with a friend. "how does she have time for that" she literally doesn't, This woman is sort of a walking zombie, her being labeled a "genius" made her think she should just shoulder ten billion things at once.
Anyways the day that Mar was getting out of being in the psych ward and already was angsty and nervous she went to visit Avani at her job to calm down a little. Woupsies! Boss is a creep! Woupsies Mar just launches herself at him and beats him up and now this girl is jobless. Awesome.
She has a bit of a crisis because without a job she can't pay for her apartment and she has nowhere to stay and Mar just tells her to go stay with them, which the others don't necesarely agree with but also can't outright refuse since they are very well aware of how important this girl is to Mar.
Basically, "functional" adult stays with insane people, and none of the others understand her. A girl who should 100% have some sense of moral superiority against them just seems way to out of mark with what they expected, she's sort of way too chill with they stuff they do, seems way too nonchallant about Mar literally killing her mom, seems way too bored of everything and only ever thinks of work and studying and work and studying and Mar, it doesn't seem like she literally has any other desire than work like an animal till the end of her days. They can't figure her out! Hence the question marks in the animation! That's,,, that's all I have. Multi if you read all of this you literally deserve like an award, tysm for asking again <3 ^^ I promise I'll do more stuff with actual canon characters soon, I just had a moment ToT, if you (or anyone else who read this) Have any other doubts about them or anyone at all always feel so free to ask!!
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toubledrouble · 10 months
Since you guys seem to like my chem teacher, I might just introduce the other teachers too
Strict but also not
Tells us innapropriate jokes
Hangs candy on a tree that's hanging over her fence so kids passing by can take it
Has been present at the centre of Velvet revolution while pregnant. This woman was growing a new human inside of her body and still wanted to be present at the square when Gott and Kryl sang the national anthem
Was interested in a book I brought to class one day so much that she wanted to borrow it
Loves Dead poets society
Literally a manager of an orchestra
Lets us eat during class
Has a resignation letter thing ready at all times in case she just decides to quit, she's prepared for anything
She can be absolutely terrifying but she's also an absolute sweetheart and she teaches so well
When Adam tagged her (as in "tag you're it") she laughed and then ran up to me and tagged me
Disappointed by the lack of knowledge about culture we have
Honestly she's an icon idk what to tell you
Cool teaching methods
Probably will yell at you when you say something stupid but she's actually calm and that yelling somehow works to fix your stupidity? It's magic or something
Told us how many marks we need for her to be able to give us the final mark and let us just chill when we had them, no more tests
She just knows so much stuff
Her son is a doctor, ex army doctor I think? She must have passed the cool smart genes to her kids
Apparently one time I gave her some work of mine to read and then forgot it but she remembers? I'm so afraid what kind of cringe that must have been
Doesn't call me just by my name but by a sort of nickname (literally not even my own mom uses the affectionate version of my name)
Promised to give me a chocolate after partaking in the czech olympics regionals
Literally more proud of me than my family haha
Also teaches German. But speaks even Russian and I think French? And a bit of Latin. And obvi English.
Travelled a lot in her youth, it seems?
Keeps calling herself a grandma xd
Has absolutely stellar hearing and idk how she does that
She's an lgbt ally, yay!
Also wants equal marriage if she can be in a registered partnership (because she doesn't want to get married, she considers it long, boring and unnecessary at her age. And she doesn't need the benefits that marriage has)
Once described types of men using trees... It was a very interesting conversation
Accepted the fact that instead of a summary of one book I wrote about how it represents a metaphor for something because I misunderstood the wording of the assignment. She didn't let it slide with one other guy because he literally wrote the thing that showed up when you searched it up on Google but she let me and my explanation of three different ways the metaphor can work live and honestly I love her for that
Sometimes makes German grammar references in class and makes the russian-taking group confused
Tells us fun facts about the works we talk about in literature
Always says everything how it is
Will call you an idiot (affectionate)
Plays the guitar - both electric and acoustic
Was at a Pink Floyd concert recently
Has a motorcycle
And a cool aviator-like leather jacket (refuses to tell us where he got it, it's top secret)
For some reason is dating our bio teacher and we kind of pity him because at least to us she's mostly a bitch lmao
Tells bad jokes and worse stories (but we love it)
Tells us random innapropriate historical facts (apparently Napoleon didn't last long in bed and idk why he knows that)
Or says something about his past career or family history (randomly drops in how his ancestor had to ski back from Italy after ww1 or something about a client whose family tree he made)
Loves romanticism era literature
Goes fishing
One time he told me I look like I'm going to die (I'm very pale and it was summer)
Used to be my English teacher and it was amazing, we we wrote a postcard from a vacation to our principal and he made a rude comment about him and then quickly told us not to write that
Laughs whenever I have to go to the student council meeting because we both know something about toilets is going to be said
Had me read in the school announcement thing because he remembered that I was in poetry reciting competitions
Also made me start the teacher's day with greeting them as colleagues and then saying "this is prof. *his name* but 20 years younger with a soft, velvety voice"
Actually made me read a second thing there recently because he thinks I have a nice voice
My father figure lmao
We had a totally peaceful discussion about ancient and modern history and which one is better (it's ancient history and I will die on this hill)
Took selfies with us on a trip
Complains about how "see? If they paid attention in their history class, they would see where it was going and this whole thing could be prevented"
When he decided to make me suffer and ask me questions in front of the board (verbal exam) he asked stupidly formulated questions so I gave him just as dumb answers ("and what are these men in the photo doing?" "standing in front of a vagon" *shocked laughter* "I mean, yes, but I meant what are their jobs or... You know" "well you didn't say that" "that's valid")
Makes fun reanactments of situations he's explaining (that could be colonising, class enemies, literally whatever) and it's so fun
But also likes to make me suffer. Literally touched a pen during class? Amazing tell me everything you know about the current situation of native Americans in America (we were talking about the American revolution and this was kind of off topic but I can't really complain because I knew anyways).
Knew I love Joan of Arc, had an assignment about her ready and it was a free topic that he didn't assign to anybody, still decided to make me write my assignment on the structure of society in the middle ages (which you have literally not even one slide of info about because it just isn't that complicated unless you want to go into unnecessary detail which he hates so I was forced into writing a slide about my opinion comparing the society in the middle ages with the current one)
Just enjoys giving me harder assignment with a smirk that makes me want to punch him so bad (still adore him tho)
After I tagged him at lunch (literally ran past him, punched him arm as I was in full speed sprint and yelled "you're it!" in the full dining hall), he called me and my friend (they were filming it) into his office and then turned to one of my friends, tapped her shoulder with one finger and said "you're it." and we honestly lost it
One time accidentally said the Romans had rectangular squares (instead of shields) and I had a fit of laugher and he attempted to send me to the hall to calm down but when I got up to go I literally collapsed on the floor in a stronger fit of laughter and he started laughing at me
Loves to recommend historical movies. Or criticise them, for that matter.
Shittalked one Marie Terezie series with me
Has extremely cool hair
We actually made a meme about him being the hottest teacher and I really hope he has seen it. I might print it and give it to him at the end of the year, who knows
One time during a gingerbread thing I will describe somewhere a bit lower, I needed to make a good symmetrical cross (+) but screwed up so I just turned it into The sword in the stone and joked about giving it to him. Our main teacher actually did give it to him and he thanked me in the hall and I was so confused because I had no idea
One time I accidentally sent him a meme instead of an assignment. A Henry VIII meme. A really bad one.
One time I sent him a meme on purpose, tho. One about Romulus and Remus. He asked me about it and then told me he will be looking forward to receiving more memes in the future
GEO/BIO (aka our main teacher)
Makes tremendous exams even worse by forcing you to recognise pictures of the stuff. Cultural heritage places, trees that look literally the same, freaking moss that you can't tell apart let alone based on a projected photo...
Made us do damn maps of every continent. But at least three for each - river systems, terrain, and then possibly just classic geography. Also made us remember the capitals of every single European state which made me want to stab her because despite being slavic i keep switching some of the balkan countries
Lab work. Just. Lab work is pain.
You know about these weirs streams where it's just someone peeling an egg? Yeah she made us go that during our lab work
Also forced me to go to the bio olympics and j hate her for that because I don't even like biology
Literally makes me and my friend aka the responsible ones do so much stuff that we have basically no free time so she can kiss my ass
I hate her sm
Complains about being overworked, proceeds to dump half her work on teenagers
She sucks most of the time
Only nice to our medic group
Like. She buys us food after competitions
That doesn't change the fact that she's evil and overworks me constantly. One time I screwed my shoulder up after a full day of running around and running errands and carrying stuff and running upstairs with it and-- yeah I was in pain so I don't like her
Actually made us spend part of our Christmas break in the school kitchens baking and decorating gingerbread and doing other arts and crafts for some charity thing. I love charity events but once again I was sick and tired and had no free time
Makes our medic club do a thing where we explain first aid to kids. This includes minimum time to eat, drink, or go to the bathroom. One time I got a fever and still had to stay there. When I finally got home, I passed out haha. Spent the next two weeks in agonising muscle pain with a cold and a fever. Once again I refuse to forgive her for making me stay there.
Kind of a pedo if I'm being honest
Somehow always manages to mess up whatever he's explaining and teach us wrong information
Tests basically each class
Sometimes can be convinced to play physics themed Kahoot
Old man
Just... So weird and random
Muted the whole class on zoom during quarantine and then complained that noone responded (we were texting in the chat but he ignored that)
So many weird zoom stories
Has that shirt + beige pants fit
Does so much weird stuff that he refuses to explain because "that's between heaven and earth"
Please just elaborate for once
Exams fron things he never even talked about because why not
Sometimes tells us what nails she is planning to get
Always get the worst bowl/helmet cut and then when it finally grows out a bit she does it again. My heart weeps.
Once made someone cry during geometry??
Threw someone's pen from the window
Threatens to throw more stuff
Honestly so done with us sometimes
Rocks red and black fits most of the time
Wear a light scarf sometimes because it's cold
Keeps saying it's trivial (it either isn't or we're just stupid, jury's still out)
Wears heels all basically all the time
Probably so done with me because I just can't count haha
Loves us but sometimes we piss her off
Sometimes we just have gossip session about our main teacher because she dislikes her as well
Complains about the specific blue chairs we have and use sometimes and she's so real for that
Somehow made us watch psychological horror movie based on a fairytale (probably of German origin like the most of them) instead of... Idk. Something related to the class.
Going out consists of walking to a nearby pub/restaurant and sitting in the garden area
Or the basketball court thing
Thinks he is a local celebrity (he's not exactly correct)
The sweetest
Made us a traditional Ukrainian Christmas dish
Me and my friend made her a list of classic Czech movies we reccomend
Always says "girls, why are you so late?" when you come in not even a minute after the bell rings
Thought I'm from a bilingual family lol
Sometimes we discuss and compare Czech and Ukrainian traditions in English
Confusing pronunciation
One time she said the name Shakespeare in such a funny way but she's sweet so we don't want to tell her
Watched the new Puss in Boots movie with us in class, told us we can bring snacks
A lesbian
Has asthma
Loves art and art history
Seriously she's like me from another universe
Plays audiobooks during art class
Grades mostly based of effort
Made big canvas paintings with us and then decorated the school with them and that was something new and revolutionary
She's cool, I like her
Used to be an equestrian, apparently?
Makes art history quizzes on her insta stories
So many boob flower pots and sketches of women... I love it xd
Oh yeah she also does ceramics and makes cups and flower pots and stuff
Sweetheart as well
Used to be my English teacher before we switched groups
So done with pur group sometimes
Very excited to teach us the longest or funniest words like достопримечательности
One time she watched Masha and the bear with us during class
And Jen Počkej Zajíci (Ну погоди) even tho it's basically the same in all languages since there's minimum speaking
Also made us recite a poem about lunch during the week and I still remember it after rlike three years and I hate that
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lee-minhoe · 1 year
✨ content creator year in review ✨
tagged by @alrightyaphroditie @ambivartence @chanrizard love you all <3333 🥺🥺
1. first creation / most recent creation
my very first gifset ever was this one where jaemin freaks out after he realizes he talked about strawberries haha. my most recent set is this one of lee know's eyes :)
2. one of your favorite creations
hmmm honestly, even though they often don't get the most notes (or many at all), my fav creations are actually the ones i make for my moots bc i love seeing them love something made for them 🥺(and seeing them lose it in the tags hahaha) for example, this hyunminsung set; this soft lino set (and the infamous siyuan bias list set i made though i think there have been some new additions in the past month LOL); this changbin set; this tyong set
3. a creation you're really proud of
any of my comp sets!! apple hair lino, glasses lino, bw cap lino, shit lino says, the lino mood sets. i love making them, but they take a while and it's really nice to see the resulting set
4. a creation that took you forever
this lino maniac one took quite a while because i wanted to make all the clips move in sync, sometimes it works on my computer and not my phone so idk if it actually worked lol but had a lot of fun pain making that one
5. the creation that received the most notes
my first linotonin set, i am blown away by it but also maybe not surprised hahaha while we're here i will also plug my linotonin pt 2 and my linotonin in video form lol in case anyone needs a little linotonin in their life rn
6. a creation you think deserves more notes
like kass and sa and siyuan have all already said better, i don't think i necessarily deserve any notes because we're all here screaming about kpop in our little corners of the internet so it's not that deep lol, i'm glad if people like my sets and it brings them joy like it did for me to make them but i make sets because i want to <3 though i certainly appreciate the nice tags that people leave of course
that being said, i am still so shocked that this set received so many notes, like I GET WHY but i truly was just putting some random clips of lino that i liked from that skz talker hahaha. so i guess that just goes to show you, even if you do care about the notes it is hard to predict how many a set is going to get. so i try to remind myself to just enjoy the process :)
7. a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it
oh man there were a looot of new groups but the big ones would be skz and txt (it truly does not feel like i joined those fandoms only last year in 2022). also nine.i !! some other groups too like n.flying, xdh, oneus, though i haven't made any sets for those. i also started to learn tbz and mx, and learned ateez and p1h names by osmosis thanks to siyuan lmao so you can thank her for the fact that i have now listed 9 new groups even though the question only asked for one
also!! k-actors!! :D
8. a creation you made that breaks your heart
lino eyes set because they make me melt
9. a "simple" creation that you really love
haha.....this was my pinned post for a while (sorry jaemin)
10. a creation that was inspired by another one
the lino mood sets inspired by this one, this mark set inspired by @tyongsies taeyong set hehe
11. a favorite creation created by someone else
there are literally so many i wouldn't even know where to start!! though i will give a special shoutout to nini's secret santa set for me because it is so amazing
12. favorite content creators for the year
okay here we go: @agibbangs @alrightyaphroditie @ambivartence @changbeens @chanrizard @chanstopher @chenleyah @dearlyminhyung @ggthydrangea @hyunebear @hyunpic @jinniebit @jisungsjaistandjeekies @leemarkies @minchanz @minzbins @ohoshi @potatzu @shorelinnes @snug-gyu @strayklds @tyongsies @yyukhei (this also serves as a tag if you haven't done it and want to, no pressure. otherwise this is just a hi and hug from me, love yall <3
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zootzcoinzthingz · 4 months
ᜊ.. Hi there! feel free to call me zootz! you might recognize that name, that's because this is a sideblog of @zootzbootz
Onto proper introductions now, I go by many names! like zootz as said previously. however, you can also call me drew, louis, ruyu, or lordy. I am a highly feminine transgender rosneoman with a shitton on xenos tacked on! my pronouns are rot/cae/rat/bro/he/cloud/slush/narc/star and nor/mal. orientation wise, I'm an orchidbisexual mainbi cupioromantic omniaesthetic queerplatonic vincian! I reclaim "fag" btw :3 ... oh, both myself and the body are of adult age!
I'm part of a system, though general I'm going to be the main one running this blog!
ᜊ; I made this blog because I find coining terms to be incredibly fun, and wanted a special place for my terms! so, what can you expect from me? primarily, gender and orientation coinings or things that align with such. I can also make name, pronoun, and title packs either for fun or per request. I might also coin other terms. such as things relating to plurality or alterhumanity!
quick side note: I enjoy some media lot of people consider to be "problematic" I consume my interests critically.
ʚ ideals! ɞ
instead of having a traditional dni, I've decided instead to opt for an "ideals" list. letting you all know what we believe in so you can choose to opt in or out based upon that.
we support the following
1. xenogenders and neopronouns
2. "contradictory" labels (mspec lesbians/gays, lesboys, turigirls, etc)
3. genderfucky, pnc, and gnc folk
4. all forms of systems and plurality
5. alterhumanity, otherheartedness, copinglinks, otherkin, constells, endels, transspecies in a non transid way, and new-age kinnies
6. movements like acab, blm, defund the police, stand with ukraine, free palistine, etc.
7. all those with mental health disorders. even/especially the demonized ones
8. objectum and posic identities
9. pro-kink (our blog will be sfw but we DO support y'all!)
10. religious/spiritual folk (who are pro-queer)
we don't support the following
1. pro-contact (harmful) paraphilias
2. alt-right stuff
3. radfems
4. radqueers
5. xenoids (due to the fact they are inherently anti xenogender)
6. capitalism
7. shielding bigotry with religion. (not exclusive to chritianity)
8. transid (transage, transabled, transrace/rcta)
9. narc abuse truthers
10. anything else that would oppose our ideals
ʚ want to send a request? make sure to follow my rules! ɞ
1. you cannot be against any of our ideals listed above!
2. do not request me to coin anything hateful or harmful.
3. send your request no more than one time.
4. be okay with the fact that there's a chance your request may not get made.
ʚ things I will and won't coin/post ɞ
- genders inspired by just about anything (minus a few fandoms)
- name/pronoun/title packs
- terms exclusive to conditions that we HAVE
- reclaim/remake/recoin terms made by exclusionists. (they will be given new names to avoid confusion and association)
- poc exclusive genders/terms (our body is either white or whitepassing so I'm not comfy with that ! it's not my place!)
- terms exclusive to conditions we DON'T have
- hateful/harmful terms
- terms based off of dsmp, killing stalking, or any other fanbases I end up declining (they're just not my thing and I need to feel some connection to what I'm coining. it has nothing to do with the "problematic nature" of the media. I'm literally a south park fan LMAO)
ᜊ! who can use my terms?
everyone! even if you don't fit my ideals. if one of my terms registers with you, feel free to use it. you simply can't request new ones, and I'd prefer it if you didn't interact with the blog itself, or me at all.
the only exception to the "everyone can use my terms! " thing is if it's exclusive to a certain group.
❥ about reposting our terms.
if you repost our terms on Pinterest, it MUST have a link back to the original coining post, and you must align with our ideals.
if you post our terms on any lgbt/queer/mogai, etc wikis you must assign proper credit to me ofc.
moreover I'd appreciate asking before reposting my terms anywhere, but it's not required as long as you follow my other conditions.
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brylichen · 1 year
Hello, there. Welcome to Brylichen!
“Oh, hi. I’m Mylo, nice to meet you!”
Welcome to Brylichen! Lead by the monarch, Mylo, it’s a beautiful underground kingdom located in a long chain of lush caves. Mylo really likes to meet new people, so they love new visitors!
What’ll you do here in Brylichen? Are you just passing through, or are you looking for something more permanent like citizenship? Whatever the case, you’re always welcome here. Happy adventuring!
This is a roleplay blog for @mean-gills’s Empires season 3 rp! Run by @the-bad-boys, but this is it’s own account because sideblogs are rather confusing for me to use lmao..
Just a disclaimer: I’m fairly busy IRL as of recently, so I may randomly disappear. Apologies!
Anyone’s welcome to roleplay with this blog, but the only people that may engage in serious lore are the 10 other blogs we have specifically for this roleplay. Full blown roleplayers to shy anons - everyone’s good! HOWEVER, won’t be interacting with anyone until our group sort of picks up. It’ll be soon, don’t worry!
The only things I won’t allow are NSFW, random/extreme stuff, and overpowered things. [For example, don’t just say something like, “I run at them so fast they can’t run away”.] Otherwise, come on over!
If you send me an ask, I might not reply to it because a) I’m not online or b) I feel like I’m too busy roleplay-wise. However, it’s been a really long time - say a week or so - feel free to send another ask in reminding me as I may have forgotten.
#all around the bush we go - in character posts
#not me not you; who is who? - out of character posts
#all together now! - roleplaying [specifically with others]
#open the letter - asks
[just random stupid fun facts]
About Mylo
they/it pronouns
Glare hybrid!
likes literally everything cute
it’s favorite things ever are mushrooms and other types of related nature items..so funky
About Brylichen
previously known as Lichendrip, but Mylo's great great grandmother decided that name wasn't..fancy enough
protected with a sort of force field, which is made of a combination of cave materials, to keep hostile mobs out
About Me
Ren! he/they/it pronouns :D
I've been roleplaying for almost 1.5 years er..
^ you may have seen some of my other blogs; I always use this specific format [or something super similar] so you know it's probably me!! it's like a trademark lmfao
^^ apparently, a few of the other blogs in our group have been borrowing the format for their own blogs! meh..they're the only exception, otherwise it's me 👍
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rebootz · 1 year
———  BASICS! ♡
(PEN)NAME:    thrash (like metal)
PRONOUNS:  no thanks! dont want a gender thank u for the offer tho :)
ZODIAC SIGN: caprisun, aries rising, gemini moon
TAKEN OR SINGLE:  waiting 4 spock to become real so i can captivate him with my swagless looks and my cringefail personality
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1 -   i still sleep with the teddy bear i got when i was a wee lad [i think around 11 yrs old maybe 10] (her name is carly and i literally cant sleep without her i bring her everywhere with me)
2 -   i have tried to make music but its all half baked guitaring and singing in my voice notes app
3 -   i have no money despite the fact i basically live at my job
PLATFORMS USED: 💀💀💀 chatzy, deviantart, some rp forum group made via wix, sheezyart, and ol' unreliable (tumblr)
PLOTTING / WINGING IT / MEMES: all of the above. im bad at writing starters or plotting when we're like brand new mutuals and just starting to find our footing writing together so memes are usually theeeeee best way to go with me to establish something that we can build from. winging it is super good and great and fun and i encourage it. plotting is very good i just like i said kind of suck at it sometimes
GENDER: daddy issues
MULTI OR SINGLE: depends. i like having a multi bc less blogs to maintain but then also my fave muses and ocs get overlooked a lot so solo blogs are a lot better for them. so both?
LEAST FAVOURITE FACECLAIM(S):   there are some celebs that give me the ick and it pisses me off to look at them lmao. for example, n*ah c*ntineoeoeoieo? i cant spell his last name, uh that y*ngblud guy idk what his name is outside of music but i know i cant stand looking at him, and j*remy all*n wh*te to name a few. but like im not an asshole abt it i just wont follow you if you use them
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF:  i dabble in it. fluff is fun and cute i do like it. but,
ANGST:   i write angst like its my fucking job
SMUT :  no <3
tagged by: @euphoriabled my beloved <3
tagging: @nosmortem @havvkinsqueen @vitaegratis @nursc and anyone else who feels like doing it idk
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werewolfashton · 2 years
random collection of things that i need to remember about this concert and the people there. this will be random but there's no better place to put it tbh soz (there're no spoilers for the setlist tho in case anyone decides to take a look at the following insanity)
gotta be sappy first. so i had A Day right. by the time i got to the venue i was ready to fucking bawl my eyes out and not in a fun way. so i was pretty preoccupied before the show. however, 5 minutes before showtime i had the realisation that 5sos have in fact been essentially my life for two years and led me to have an amazing group of friends. like. god idk where i'd be. so that was fun. i cried. these fuckers weren't even on stage yet. but yeah i just spoke to aria about it too, seeing these guys was so much different to seeing other bands bc they just mean so much more not only bc they are themselves an incredible band but also bc of all the people that are attached to them now for me personally.
fun stuff from the day:
alex (a restaurant next to the venue) playing only 5sos the entire day (i got to listen to never be when i went to use their restroom lol)
they also had this standing around:
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best. fucking. time. i've ever had in a line. it was so fun. when we got to go move into a separate waiting area,, aka shortly before getting into the venue,, the entire first part of the line sang history by 1d. i've. yeah no that was a lot. some people also had a box with them so we listened to not only 5sos but also bmth. i had the time of my fucking life. my apologies to 5sos if they had the misfortune to hear us all butcher teeth and also yell along to don't stop.
oh my god on that note the music they played in the actual venue? impeccable. wonderful waiting time listening to starting line and also some superbloom stuff.
hinds was cute. they had their 8th anniversary <3
now onto some thoughts i can remember having from the actual show:
i can't describe the feeling of seeing 5sos for the first time. i literally just stared in shock tbh.
curls. bounce.
michael pretty
💫 best dressed band 💫
"you're wearing my favourite shirt of yours"
"lean green ... bass machine ... ?" [looks like he regrets his entire life] the man who wrote the entirety of wfttwtaf and take my hand everybody
more bounce
head empty only bounce
there was this moment, and don't get me wrong now i'm aware he wasn't actually looking at me, but luke was looking at sth close by me? or sth? anyway from my perspective it was like having eye contact with him and frankly i will never recover
berlin: YELL
like no literally during michael's talking break he made fun of it (there are vids on twitter i believe lmao) which led to:
michael: starts to talk about certain songs they played berlin: WOOOOOOOOOOO michael: why do you cheer like the songs are people that are here michael: can i just do this michael: lists random songs they played also completely forgot what they played after naming like 2 songs berlin: WOOOOOOOOOOO
also,, cheering for a hamster <3 best time of my life i can't lie
michael was actively questioning our sanity i think
oh also breaking news i'm actually in love with michael clifford thank you for your time
(basically luke's goal seemed to be to make calum laugh and i just. it happened MULTIPLE TIMES and i am not okay)
.. guitar ..
apparently these dudes are real? shocked and upset
OH idk which song it was. but one song calum sung alone for a bit and i by chance looked at luke and this fucker had the audacity to have the cutest fucking smile on his face i just
arm [yeah just fucking guess who this is about]
oh and on that note: ashton fucking irwin
LMAO actually:
[pause] [longer pause] fucking
"have a good cry <3" thank you king i will
so much bounce
luke: jump jump jump everybody: jumps me: please for the love of everything do not jump on the toe i broke literally last night
.. i did feel very bad for not being able to jump. but also? standing there while everyone who's surrounding you jumps? kinda cool experience i can't lie
adorable guy who i met literally that day holding my hand and bawling his eyes out during the second to last song i'm still not okay
my voice is gone <3 i have no tears left to give <3 one of my top 5 concerts
some pics that are very low quality i didn't really care to take any others tbh
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secondcupforyou · 3 months
seventeen as texting habits (?) my friends and i have
disclaimer, this is purely for entertainment purposes and does not reflect who seventeen are as people.
warning! swearing
author’s note! this is literally just me being silly and means nothing, but i had fun. also!! another thing we do is use different hearts to react to messages, so i assigned them different hearts next to their name as i didn’t really know how else to incorporate that
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seungcheol ❤️
spams at midnight when everyone else is asleep
note! this is either because of one person living in a completely separate time zone or because i dont sleep
gets “bullied” for texting too much
jeonghan 💘
turns embarrassing photos into stickers that are sent repeatedly
note! i swear like half of them are me and i dont know what that says about me
uses the goose emoji (typically when annoyed at something)
note! i dont know how it started but its never ending
joshua 🩵
completely forgets the group chat even exists, leaving them with well over 1k messages
note! please come home, we miss you
responds to a text that were sent at least an hour earlier even though the conversation topic changed completely
junhui 🤍
only comes in to rant about an obscure as fuck thing before dipping
low-key has a harem of people asking to kiss them
note! i know this isn’t really a habit, but this is like a good half of what we talk about??? somehow???
soonyoung 🧡
sends really short voice notes of just random noises
has had multiple (made up) affairs with the other people in the chat
note! it is both a spectacle and part of the harem thing
wonwoo 💜
rants about the books they’re reading
note! when these happen, we all sit around and give our opinions even though we have never read the book
always there, lurking
jihoon 🖤
info dumps about music that no one else listens to
note! sometimes its more thought out than normal
anime rants
note! only two of us actively watch anime and we have very wildly different tastes
seokmin 💛
texts in all caps half the time
note! we are all constantly screaming
changes the name of the group chat so much to the point where it has lore
note! in short summary: a bagel had an enemies to lovers arc with a baguette. there is much more to it tho
edit! i was just made aware that it was actually a pancake instead of a baguette but i swear there was a baguette that was a villain
mingyu ❤️‍🔥
constant talking about their celebrity crushes
gives up extensive updates on their working out goals/experiences
note! its gotten to the point where they are texting us while on a stationary bike?? i dont know what is happening on their end
minghao ❣️
calls everyone out on their bullshit
note! thank you <333 i think we would have lost our sanity completely without you
communicates via selfies
note! we have had full on conversations like this
seungkwan 💝
deletes their messages after getting embarrassed
note! it’s literally nothing bad lmao
sends voice notes of them doing karaoke
vernon 💚
does not know what is happening
note! neither do i tbh, save me
sends in a “song of the day”
note! no, we do not listen to each other’s “song of the day”
or at least i dont… oops
chan 💖
loses coherency after 7pm
communicates in polls where everyone else decides their life decisions
note! decisions have been made
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mirajane’s rambles! did i post this to avoid my actual fic writing? yes. did i have fun with this? also yes. i will be trying to get my dino fic out soon though. hopefully. either way, i hope this makes sense?? some of these aren’t really habits but i dont really know what else to describe them as. it was also really hard to think of 26 total 😭😭
ooo and actually!! the heart thing i mentioned earlier is why i almost exclusively use the white heart emoji, so uhhh fun fact???
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floresyerrores · 5 months
Saw a post of how there’s this new trend of like pretty girls who were clearly obviously popular (and probably mean) in school are trying to say they are now the “weird girls” - basically like the new pick mes and it triggered me so bad.
Gave my flashbacks of my childhood and early days of middle school where I was picked on and bullied so bad. Almost forgot how bad it was cus I always looked back on it as part of my “lore” and “growth” lmao it was just a normal part of life right everyone got picked on a little right 😀
It made me into the little bad ass I am today right lol.
It was actually so fucked. I guess I always dealt with it by laughing it off but I actually was bullied so bad I had to switch schools. I didn’t *have* to but my mom became a teacher in my school district that same year while I was getting bullied and when she found out about how bad it was, she asked if I wanted to try a different middle school. My bff had to move schools and my other friends got sent to alternative school so I figured why suffer alone lol and thought a new start could be fun.
Circa 2007/2008 I went thru my early emo/scene in 7th grade (never really grew out of it tbh) and I lost all my friends from 6th grade basically since they thought I was so weird and different but I made new friends who were like me, my little weirdos ❣️
I had my little friend group, like 7 of us, we were the only emo/scene kids in our school so we were really close and would always walk together, eat lunch together etc. Some of us would get picked on worse than the others - me for example, so we always tried to travel in a pack so we wouldn’t get ganged up on.
I remember my math teacher being one of my worst bullies solely for the fact that she was my literal TEACHER and would clown me in front of the whole class and everyone would laugh at me and I would just sit there and take it because I had never experienced that before from my fellow students let alone my own teacher…
One time she asked me if me and my friend group where all dating each other and slept together 💀 we were literally 13 dude and she was asking me essentially about polyamory and orgies. Something I knew nothing about at the time. She would make fun of my friends to my face and think it was funny.
Everyone in her class shunned me and avoided me, no one wanted to sit at the desks next to me - we used to be grouped in 4 desks all facing each other and she would have to pick people to sit at the tables with me and would purposely pick the kids who hated me the most. The all thought I was the devil lmao or some satanist
I used to write in a journal and make silly little lists of random stuff like “people I love” or whatever. I was talking about my friends obviously and I wrote their names down on my “ppl i love” list and one of my close friends shared the same name as one of the girls at the table who would make fun of me. My friends name was Kristen, and the bully was named KIRSTEN. The math teacher called me up to the board to answer something (she always liked to pick on me knowing I was shy and was hated in the class) and when I got back to my desk my journal had been moved and the girl with the same name as my friend was like “omg y’all she LOVES me what do I do 😱 she’s in LOVE with me ewwww” and I just knew that they had read my journal. I felt so embarrassed and like my privacy had been invaded I wanted to cryyyy it was awful. Like bitch why would I love YOU when you obviously hate me, bully me, etc etc.
Obviously that was my fault for leaving my journal out in the open and thinking they would not read it. Tbh I think they went through my bag and found it themselves cus I knew better than to leave it out, but I’m sure they saw me writing in it all the time.
Then, when I got the big chop (cut my long, down to my back hair into a short choppy emo style cut) and went to school feeling so cute about myself, I walked into her class and sat at my assigned desk (in the front because she was cruel and hated me obv). She stood behind me during the lesson and touched my hair/back of my neck then said “oh wow they really hacked your hair huh” and kept inspecting my haircut. Everyone laughed while I silently cried at my desk. The trauma 💀
Another time she said it smelled like weed/smoke in her class and came up right behind me and sniffed me then was like, sorry you just look like the type to do that stuff. You and your…. friends. I was like no. I don’t do any of that (I was still innocent then lol)
It got to so bad to the point where my bff made me report it to our AP because she was his aide at the time and knew it was wrong of her. I used to cry and tell her all the horrible things that happened to me in her class that day. So finally after almost a whole year of her tormenting I listened to her advice and told our AP about what she would do.
She pulled me out of class the next day and tried to give me some half assed apology - said something like if anything she said to me hurt my feelings, that wasn’t her intention, she was just playing with me blah blah blah but I didn’t really care I just said its ok it’s fine cus I was always so shy and non confrontational at that point. I was honestly scared of what she was going to tell me. I had been hoping they would switch me out of her class but it never happened. They did find a sub for her class for awhile so that was a nice break from her even though I still had to deal with the bullies in her class (which she helped to create). I vaguely remember something like they sent her to some empathy training class or something but I could be wrong lol idk.
I can’t remember exactly what happened after but she was gone for awhile towards the end of the year or semester (can’t remember exactly) but she was in a car accident, her car was totaled lol (karma bitch) and she was gone for awhile. She came back with a leg cast, showed us pictures of her totaled car trying to get some sympathy lol and basically just played movies all day or let us do whatever. She told one of the students she liked that she really didn’t care what we did because she would be leaving at the end of the semester and wouldn’t be coming back to teach. Idk if it had anything to do with me reporting her but 🤷🏻‍♀️ karmaaaa
We had some students switch to our math class and this one stoner foo got seated next to me/was put in my group. This chubby Mexican guy (Chris). I called him a fat ass at lunch once cus he had skipped me in the lunch line so I was worried he was gonna be mean and would remember me but I knew he was pretty funny cus he was like “HEY I’m not fat I’m just fluffy” lol. I was also friends with his on/off gf at the time so I would talk to him about his girl problems and try to help him win her back lol. He was the onlyyyyy one who was nice to me and actually talked to me in that class when I literally felt like such a loner. He became like my bff in that class, I would share all my Japanese snacks with him and let him copy my answers lol. I will never forget him or his kindness, he also ended up being my 🍃 plug after I graduated HS up until I moved out of Texas 2 years ago lmao. Thanks Chris 🥲 he really saved me in that class because after that, the teacher never came after me or tried to clown me again. No one messed with me after that because he would always have my back if they tried to say something.
Other bullies in school would just corner me or friends or all of us whenever they got the chance and would just say mean things or ask stupid shit like “do you worship the devil” or “are you a witch” and are you all gay, etc etc. Or they would laugh at us in the hallways and make fun of our clothes. We all had to wear uniforms but ofc my friends and I went out of our way to show off our individuality and would wear skinny jeans and band tees or all black whenever we had the chance and ofc we altered our uniforms to fit our style lol. We were basically walking Hot Topic ads lmaooo. Those bullies were nothing compared to the math teacher.
Another time, on my birthday, my friends had gotten me some gifts and one friend (Justin) gifted me a Hello Kitty plush and also a Dear Daniel plushie bc he knew I loved HK 🥺 I was a little weirdo so I walked around the whole day with my plushies proudly and had a relatively nice day because of all the kind gifts. My friend (Kristen) and I were walking towards our bus at the end of the day and the buses were all lined up as usual, some kids already in their seats waiting to go. We passed by one kid in the window seat (it was open) who was taking a big sip of his bright neon orange Gatorade (I remember it so clearly) and he looked right at me and spit it out the window right at me and Kristen - it landed on me, my hair, my friend and worst of all - my brand new hello kitty and Dear Daniel plushie 😔 staining it orange and completely ruining my whole day. My friend smiled at them and kept us moving to our bus but as soon as we got to our seats on the bus I broke down crying the whole way home. Sad stuff man. The orange never washed off my plushies 💔
I wrote about it in my journal that night and I guess my mom was reading my journal during those days since she thought I was a devil child (lol jk she was just worried about me bc of how I was acting) and that’s how she found out about the bullying and decided to switch me out of that school for good after the school year ended.
Lots of other stuff I went through during that dark period of time but those are the events that I remember so vividly even 10 years later.
Good times!
All part of my lore hahaha
0 notes
rrxnjun · 8 months
me not going anon will be intentional from now on😎 the notifications are just too good
i still reread that part sometimes it actually is just a great reminder D:
ICE CREAMS WILL BE THE END OF OUR FRIENDSHIP I FEAR but like i'm okay with chocolate ice cream but i would never willingly eat it ngl
just so u know i will hold to ur promise about it being okay and fun /j but started the gaslight already that all is going to be okay and i have nothing to fear from i'm already in some messenger groups and talked to people so that makes things a bit better!! SUMMER IS SO WEIRD like tell me why it's 34-35 degrees again after it being all rainy and somewhat colder bummm back to this hell of a weather smh
YES THREE AM LMAO it was amazing forgot how much i love staying up reading something good I SHOULD STAY UP ITS WORTH IT it was amazing no way i would have stopped at the middle or sumn!!
every time i read a tbz name in the fic i giggled a bit loved it and how they occupied ur brain a bit🫶 the best prize of my life frfr
my reply took so long that we definitely didn't manifest enough like how am i writing this after its already basically faded:( I THINK ERIC IS ROTTING UR BRAIN NOT JUST THE PET NAME /lh i stand by his side through the highs and lows i have to protect sunwoos name💔
the notification is too good especially when i reply after MONTHS i am so sorry my friend i forgot i own this blog AHAHAHA
wdym you'd never willingly each chocolate ice cream.......i am really gonna unfriend you dont test me
glad to hear that glad to hear that!!! the fact that your uni starts like a week before mine is actually crazy and i will be praying for your first year to go well!! sometimes gaslighting yourself is the best solution i mean thats literally how therapy works so. BACK TO FALL WEATHER NOW YIPEE!!!!
i always stay up late for fics and stuff its so euphoric but i always regret it the morning after but the fact that somebody does it w my fics makes me so 🥺
tbz rotting my brain. i need to finish that eric fic before i start uni LOL like i NEED to. the blog is made the url sucks but it had to be done. also the fact that i managed to sneak a tbz member into my yuta fic as well......im crazy. 😭
I have platinum blonde highlights now!! still a slay but i will dye it back to pink before 5sos i think :p we dont have to mention my eric brainrot anymore i think everyone knows abt it already,,, also w todays sunwoo pics i do get why u defend him sm. i kinda do.
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rudesheep · 4 years
tiktok translates your name to english as a nickname suggestion when you sign up????? wtf ajsjdjddbdddd
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21u004 · 3 years
jjk boys as crushes i've had and things they did / march 22nd, 2021
includes: itadori yuuji , nanami kento , kamo noritoshi + choso , inumaki toge , fushiguro megumi , geto suguru , gojo satoru
notes: "wow thats a lot of crushes" NO MORE THAN HALF OF THESE ARE THE SAME PERSON OKAY I HATE MEN
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itadori yuji is the boy in nursery and kindergarten who had bright eyes that seemed to never run out of light. he gave me hello kitty pins and treated me well. his mom and older sister got along well with me. never saw him again and i sadly lost the pins.
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nanami kento is the boy in first grade who i was seatmates with that helped me calm down and comforted me whenever i cried (which was literally everyday) because i didn’t know anyone in the room and i was too scared whenever my parents left me alone in the classroom with everyone else. he was kind, and blew my eye when something got in it and it had me feeling butterflies and he’d lend me a pencil whenever i forgot one (i still think about these ngl). really nice and kind of a gentleman. i’m surprised he didn’t get sick of me and treated me nicely.
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kamo noritoshi is the boy who i confessed to in second grade midway the school year. he bugged me so much about telling him who i liked, even telling me i didn’t have to say the name and to just look at whoever i had a crush on. so i ended up looking away, then back at him until the end of class and finally said it when i figured it won’t end and he’s too dumb and oblivious to catch on it. he suddenly cut me off his life without notice after that and we never talked much until after more than a year. (jerk move but we eventually talked again and got closer again.)
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kamo choso is the boy who every once in a blue moon would text me saying hi and then ask another question then that’d be the end of it, but we talked a lot in person. while we were talking, he once told me that i could just refer to him as “kuya” which meant “big brother” in english and actually cared a lot for me, being lowkey about it and showing it in ways
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inumaki toge is the boy who switched between crushing on me and another person in our group. confused me a lot because one day he’d be crushing on them and then the next week would say he likes me. he teased me a lot onto other people like his friend in a friendly, non-insecure way (hopefully i think. it never seemed that way. he just really liked joking around a lot.)
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fushiguro megumi is the boy who genuinely cared for me and worried for me. he’s the boy my parents wanted me to be with. we don’t text a lot since he’s rarely on social media but he once texted me, genuinely concerned about how i was doing after attending a long ass training session that lasted from noon seven to nine p.m. which was extremely physically and mentally draining since i didn’t have time to rest until i got home. i think it was actually really nice of him. not sure about being the only one he trusted with a baby photo of his, but he sent me one that i think only i had.
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geto suguru is separated in two people. one, he’s the boy who i had a crush on last. we were seatmates and we’d tease each other a lot and even hide each other’s things in a playful and friendly way. his parents liked me, but he liked someone else until i confessed to him and he told me not to talk to him or he’ll end up crushing again lmao. two, he’s also the boy who i could trust showing stories i wrote and didn’t make fun for it and even read them and encouraged me to write more. said he would even help me and we could alternate writing the chapters for the story but we never actually finished it. once used “director” as a nickname for each other plus a little description of e/o. (is it cringey as fuck? yes. definitely. i hate it but the kid in me is telling me that it was at least a bit cute and the fact that i think i was the only one he did that shit with made me feel special.)
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gojo satoru is the boy who teased me a lot for years consecutively. he was so stupidly obvious about his feelings and people teased us about crushing on each other. two years in, he confessed (i could have gone first but no). he gave me chocolates and other gifts. spoiled me a lot despite telling him not to. (when insecure) he would tease me and tell me to crush on his friend instead or try to say i look better with someone else even though i clearly liked him and said it again and again.
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Roommate (Suguru Daishou x fem!Reader) College AU
Warnings: some teasing, my bad writing but other than that none
Word count: 2371
Authors note: and this too was written back in October LKADNHDJF Im so sorry but this just had to be posted here at some point, so why not now? *proceeds to lip bite* Anyways lmao skdnnf I think suguru is so damn underrated and he isnt even as bad as people might think he is so yeah, here is my oh so badly written suguru fanfic. Enjoy!!
(2 months ago)
It was Friday evening, a day you and your roommate usually binge-watched movies and series, but not today. The sudden change in plans was a change you didn't want. After all, the change of plans meant helping your roommate to pack his stuff and help him bring it into his new Unit. A Unit that was far away from his previous one and it made you feel dejected. You wouldn't be able to see him that often anymore and for once you grew close to someone outside of Japan.
, Ow c'mon Y/N. Don't be sad. I bet your new roommate will be nice as well.'' You let out a grown as you let yourself fall down on your bed. , Yeah but he's not you and you're like my only friend here in the Unit.'' Christian let out a chuckle and then suddenly got up from his kneeling position, getting his backpack and suitcase. , Well, you'll be alright, '' he threw some of his last stuff in his backpack. ,,After all my new Unit isn't even that far away.'' - ,,Christian, what is 'not far away' about 30 fucking minutes?'' you huffed in annoyance, sitting up again death glaring your 'ex' roommate. His laugh filled up the room as he threw his backpack over his shoulder, it was time for him to go, and then again you felt miserable. You wanted him to stay, but it was his decision after all. After two full years with Christian you knew you weren't the reason why he left, he left for other plausible reasons.
,, Alright let me help you then.'' You announced, grabbing one of his bags opening the door for him. A smile was plastered across his face as he walked past you with all his belongings. Letting out a last sigh you followed him, hoping your future roommate would be as subtle as Christian...
After helping Christian carrying and unpacking his stuff in his new Unit, you just made it back to your Unit. You were tired and felt like a piece of shit. Christian was one of the only people you interacted with on campus and the only one in your unit. The rest of your friends attended Universities in Japan, mostly in Tokyo or Osaka, just the minimum was somewhere outside of Japan, including you. Moreover, it was hard for you to find friends since you lacked in social skills. And having a new roommate would totally throw you off, you didn't even know how you wanted to welcome him, you were just too socially awkward for this.
So when you finally opened the door to your little 'apartment' and discovered a new pair of shoes next to all of your shoes, you freaked out. He was already here and you literally had nothing to offer him. Not even goddamn chewing gum. This would most definitely turn into some second hand embarrasment, you were sure about it. You closed the door when you suddenly heard footsteps slowly coming your way. ,,I'm really sorry that I just barged in but you weren't here so I let myself in.'' There he was, standing in front of you. You recognised him right away. Suguru Daisho, the high school rival of a friend of yours. ,,Well well, if that isn't our Miss Nekoma Manager, Y/N it is, right?'' he leaned onto to wall, giving you one of his smug smirks.
,,Of all people, it really just had to be you, huh?'' you spat out ironically, slipping out of your shoes as you walked up to him. ,,Ouch Y/N, you hurt my heart.'' Letting out a fake sob, he touched his chest and tried to look as hurt as possible which made you sigh out in annoyance, so you walk past him showing no reaction. ,,Jesus, you're no fun.'' - ,, Never intended to be fun, especially when it comes to you.'' As you replied to his complaint, you just plopped down on the little couch, already missing Christian. You really were so close to just change units as well. It hadn't even been 5 minutes yet, but here you are already considering to move out. What an awful day you had. And your next years in Uni would get even worse with him as your roommate.
But things turned out quite differently.
You imagined living with Suguru must be the most annoying thing ever, but you were so wrong. First, you really thought he was just trying to get on your sweet side and then act like an asshole again, but you started to reconsider when he brought home some chocolates for you. It wasn't just that, no he did so much more for you, and all of that in just two months.
He cooked for you, whenever he had time. When you woke up every morning, there was breakfast on the table. He helped you with studying and kept his distance whenever he knew you needed some time for yourself. And most importantly, he never invited friends over, since it didn't take him long to find out you just couldn't interact with people. Of course his teasing side would come out sometimes, leaving some comments here and there, but he changed and not only by a bit no, he changed a lot and even for the better.
Living with him was easier than you thought.
And yet, yet the old things would obviously come back because today you wanted to tell Kuroo, who was and still is one of your best friends from high school, that Suguru was your roommate. God, you were nervous. You knew Kuroo has always hated him and he will most definitely not stop hating him, even despite the fact that you grew quite close to him.
So when you pressed the 'call' button on your laptop, you really just didn't want to tell him, but you had to. Even if you wouldn't tell him now, he would find out somehow. You really wanted to tell him in person, rather than him finding out and then getting mad at you as well.
Once his faced showed up on your screen you smiled and waved, shoving away the nervousness you just had. ,,Hey Hey Tets!'' - ,,Hey! How're you doing over there?'' he smiled, taking a sip from the cup wich was located right next to him. ,,Well Im doing pretty good! How're you and the boys doing?'' Kuroo's face turned dark, making you worry, but once you've heard his answers you couldn't have expected less from such an idiot as him. ,,Well we're all doing pretty good.... and yet I feel broken, Kenma's ignoring me once again.'' He sobbed ironically, making you smile in an instant. You had to admit it, you missed the old times. The time you guys were still in Highschool, enjoying life and just having fun. But over all you just missed your friends, you always see them hanging out with each other, going on trips together while you were stuck with boredom and nothing but schoolwork. Of course your friends were part of the University life as well, however it seemed like they had much more time than you. Less worries than you.
,,You know Tets... I miss you guys a lot.'' You whispered as you nervously played with a stuffed animal, that was standing right next to your laptop. Showing affection wasn't really your thing, yet you missed your group of friends way too much to just ignore it like that. ,,Awe Y/N, we miss you too! Once you're back we're definitely going out somewhere! Oh and you should bring Christian as well!! Come to think of it.... where is Christian?''
You chocked on your saliva. ,,Oh god are you okay?'' Kuroo worriedly stated as you coughed. Why now, you had nearly forgotten about it, and yet all of the good had to come to an end. So when you finally stopped coughing you assured your friend that you were okay, but you most definitely weren't okay, you didn't even know where to start. You couldn't possibly just go ,,Ah yeah forgot to tell you, but Christian changed units. Suguru and I are now roommates.'.There was no way you could tell him. Literally no way.
But while you were overthinking this whole situation, suddenly Suguru made his entry.
,,Eyo Y/N can you-'' - ,, What is he doing here?'' Kuroo frantically yelled as he regocnised Suguru, pointing at him through your screen. Great, you thought. This could've gone better if you had the guts to bring it up earlier, but of course your friend had to find out like this. Luck was definetily not on your side today. ,,Oi roosterhead, still lying about your height huh?'' Suguru smirked as he placed himself right behind you, moving closer to the laptop. ,,Get lost.''Kuroo scoffed and now looked at you while still pointing at Suguru. ,,Why's he here?'' he repeated himself, not leaving you out of his sight once. Yet you looked away, trying to avoid his gaze as much as possible, you would even prefer hiding behind Suguru than sitting here. ,,He's my new roommate... Christian changed units.'' You whispered slowly looking back to see if he was still watching you.
Suguru took his chance and moved closer to you as he purred. ,,Wait, you didn't tell him babe?'' Oh god you forgot the petnames he had for you and you hated him for using them on you now. After he moved in and you finally got along pretty well, he started with all these ridiculous pet names, just like honey. And oh god...this was definitely not going to end well.
,,Can you tell him to fucking leave?'' Kuroo asked, seemingly annoyed of your roommates presence. ,,Alright alright I'll leave, just don't forget our business later.'' and with that he left your room.
The sudden awkward silence that was between you and your best friend was more than just uncomfortable for you. In fact, you hated it, you just wanted to disappear. ,,How long?'' He was the first one to finally break the silence and you knew he was upset, after all Suguru just walked in and you didn't tell him at all. ,,Two months..'' you whispered, full of regret. Kuroo then sighed, hand on his forehead as he leaned back to process what he has just heard. ,,Two months? God.... why didn't you tell me?'' - ,, Listen I was scared.... I know you don't like him but we got along so well..'' you stuttered, trying to avoid his gaze again. Honestly you were scared. All this time you were scared that you might lose your friend, although this might be a stupid reason to end a friendship, you were still terrified.
,,Hey that's fine Y/N, liking each other and having a relationship is fine! Im not even mad I promise!'' You looked at him as he smiled, to let you know that it was fine. All you could do was smile back and be thankful that he wasn't mad at you. ,,Oh and we're not really in a relationship..'' You stated and let out a nervous giggle. Kuroo on the other hand leaned in closer and then whispered. ,,Yeah right hon.'' - ,,Kuroo.'' You warned, holding up your finger just as you were about to scold him. ,,Anyways, seems like you have some unfinished business with the snake, so go for it.'' You huffed, ready to protest that there was no business to finish, but before you could tell him otherwise he disappeared from you screen.
Sighing out in annoyance, you got up from your chair to go scold your roommate for his bold words he has spoken during your videocall. So when you saw him doing some schoolwork you seated yourself in front of him, death glaring him. ,,Just what exactly were you thinking?''you hissed in such a sharp tone, that even suguru backed off for a second. But he quickly collected himself and leaned in closer just to smirk at you. ,,What do you mean babe?" he asked, his voice soft and unbothered. You groaned again, leaning in closer as well. ,,He thinks we have a thing." - ,,So?" his reply was bold, just like as if he didn't care about your current situation at all, which was weird to you since he usually never acted or talked to you this way.
You answered him, voice quiet. ,,So you're just going to leave it there?''
The confusion was plastered all over his face. You didn't really know what left him so confused, but you needed answers and as for that you waited for an answer. ,,Wait wait wait.'' he said, holding up both his hands. ,,Is that disappointment I hear?'' - ,,Never.'' You leaned back, looking away and thinking how to continue this conversation, which obviously seemed pointless to your roommate. But it wasn't pointless to you, your friend literally just hung up on you just because of this stupid statement the guy in front of you had made. ,,Why did you say these things? What did you even mean by unfinished business? That's not appropri-'' you got cut off midsentence. ,,We still haven't decided what we wanted to cook this weekend. That's what I meant babe.'' he stated, as he held up a paper with an amused expression.
,Oh' you mouthed, sitting there in embarrassment as you tried to avoid his gaze. The embarrassment just grew bigger as you realised what you were actually thinking about.
,,Well well, it's okay to have these thoughts about me. But next time you might as well share them with me.'' His grin grew bigger, putting down the paper he just lifted up a second ago. That's it, you thought, he has crossed the line. You then suddenly stood up, cheeks flushing red as you huffed out in annoyance once again. ,,You're the worst.'' you muttered, stomping away to your room in an instant, shutting your door. But something was odd. No, you... you felt something odd happening to you.
You then realised your fastened heartbeat, your hot cheeks, still flushed in a light pink shade,you...you were confused.
Just.... what... what was this feeling?
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script-nef · 4 years
I come for the interaction and the food | Miya Osamu
Category: crack, fluff
2k words; pseudo-reddit thread of Onigiri Miya
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The owner of Onigiri Miya
Yo dudes. So my friend was raving about the onigiri shop for ages, and she was so damn relentless that I gave in. And I like onigiri in the first place, especially negitoro, so I went (is this TMI?). Anyway I was like???? So damn shook when I went in because the owner is like???? Damn??? He's so hot and I am simping for him, and the female population in the shop was as well like hearts were flying out of their eyes. I'm going to go there every day and ugh I know it’s cheesy and cliché but I hope he notices me or something like that DON’T JUDGE I’M LONELY OKAY??
[Anon]: Y’all are simping for a real person and I just have to say: LMAO ME TOO UGH HE’S JUST REALLY HOT AND PATIENT AND HIS VOICE IS SO NICE  
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[Anon]: Um, OP? I don't know how to tell you this but… He has a girlfriend… like a really cute girlfriend who he’s been dating for years now.
[Anon]: Say what?
[Anon]: Hey what. What. I didn’t know this. I’ve been visiting his shop for like 3 months and I didn’t know this. What. 
[OP]: Oh. Great. My romance has died even before it started. ;^;
[Anon]: Well you can join us obsessing over their relationship! She visits a lot and they’re cute all the damn time so frequent customers made a small online group to share episodes. 
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I just saw Hime and wow, damn
So I went to OM today—because wow it’s so delicious please open a second shop MyaSamu—and my eyes were blessed because WHO DID I SEE?? YEP, IT WAS HIME. 
Like y’all know how he calls her Hime as a nickname, which is so [censored] cute, and SHE LIVES UP TO THE NAME. There’s like, a graceful aura around her and it’s sort of blinding? As soon as you see her, it’s like “Ah, yep. That’s her. No one else can be called Hime other than her.” 
AND SHE GOT SO FLUSTERED WHEN I CALLED HER HIME BY ACCIDENT!! It just literally slipped out because I’m a [censored] idiot like that and she turned so red! And started hitting MyaSamu out of embarrassment! But her hits didn’t even look that painful and he was smiling so happily. My eyes were blessed that day.
Comments [Anon]: Oh my god you’re so lucky, I want to see him smile… I mean, he does, but apparently he smiles differently when he’s with Hime and I know that if I see that, my day will instantly become better.
[Anon]: Oh dude, you are not wrong. He somehow becomes more radiant. Just. How?
[Anon]: Imagine being that cute and beautiful together. What a power couple.
[Anon]: You know what happened once? I was really down while I was eating there because I got a bad grade, and she came over to talk to me!! Because apparently I looked way too sad and she was worried about me! UGH I’M FALLING FOR YOU HOW ARE YOU THIS KIND?! ARE YOU AN ACTUAL ANGEL?
[Anon]: This just confirmed, Hime was never human. She is the epitome of angelic grace here to save us and MyaSamu is so blessed for being with her.
Y’all are weird as [censored], why do you do this [censored]
Why are you guys obsessing over real people like that? I would be creeped out if I knew anyone does this, you guys are invading their privacy. Get a life and stop being so damn disturbing.
Comments [Anon]: ??? He knows about this. He literally checks up on this site a couple of times per week. He explicitly said to many customers “Thanks for liking me and my girlfriend so much. You guys are funny.” The [censored] are you on?
[Anon]: I asked Hime once before and she said it’s fine as well unless we’re stalking them or some [censored] like that. And we don’t. We’re just exchanging stories on our interactions with them inside the shop and how cute they are. He said it actually helps with his revenues and sales. 
[Anon]: Literally. They’re just really cute. Like you look at them and boom, you have diabetes, no exceptions.
[Anon]: I think he said like half of his new customers came after seeing this thread, so back off
Ignore that person, GUESS WHO I SAW
Y’all might be thinking Hime, and yes, I did see her as well. BUT I ALSO SAW ATSUMU! He was hanging with Hime and teasing her so much. Then MyaSamu got annoyed and they nearly brawled there lmao perfect representation of siblings.
Hime tried to stop them and when they kept on fighting, she slapped them both on the back and shouted for them to cool it. MyaSamu I guessed since they’re going out, but she tamed Atsumu. Atsumu. My heart thumped because she was so awesome. Like, you’re cool, kind, sweet, amazingly pretty and on top of that, badass as well? Lady, you should be designated as a national treasure.
Comments [Anon]: Bruh. I live super close to OM. I go there practically every week. I’ve filled out the coupon like, 5 times. I’ve never met Hime once. AND YOU’RE TELLING ME THAT YOU SAW HIME AS WELL AS ATSUMU???? WHY HAVE THE GODS FORSAKEN ME??
[Anon]: How cool was she? I can’t imagine Atsumu folding to anyone that’s not his parents.
[Anon]: I feel like he would be rude to his own parents tho lol
[Anon]: True true
[OP]: She was like, the epitome of cool. Based on the sound of the slap I would have been rolling on the floor while crying in pain but they kind of seem used to it or something? She just glowered at them and they immediately shut up. I wonder if she was like that when they started dating as well.
[Anon]: I find it funny that everyone is focusing on Hime while Miya Atsumu, division 1 volleyball player and one of the members of Japan’s national team, is right there.
[Anon]: Atsumu pales in comparison to Hime. This is a fact.
[Samu]: True
[Anon]: ??? The [censored]? Are my eyes working? Is that… actually Osamu? As in like, the Osamu that we’re talking about? Like the owner of OM?
[Samu]: Yes
[Anon]: Okay then bye I’m never coming here ever again. Goodbye y’all and watch me die haha [censored]
Friend of Samu and “Hime”
I can’t really believe this actually exists but it’s really funny and kinda cringey to see everyone fawn over Osamu and “Hime” like this. I've been their friend since high school and let me give you a fact: “Hime”’s nickname during her time in school was Janus like the two faced God. Because she’s really nice all the time but once she gets angry, it’s over for everyone. Everyone. 
So what do y’all do here, just share stories?
[Anon]: I’m sorry, but if you think white “chocolate” is good then please keep that [censored] to yourself because that [censored] embarrassing.
[Anon]: White chocolate is good!
[Anon]: You’re an embarrassment to humankind.
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[Anon]: As the person on the above thread has said, could you share little stories of how they were like in school? If they’re fine with it?
[OP]: Hmm… well I’ll ask first. 
I got the permission
Hm, I don’t really know what to say about their relationship though. I was friends with them for a long while but it wasn’t really surprising when they started dating. Osamu’s liked her for years. I heard they were childhood friends and were stuck at the hip with Atsumu as well, but she was closer to Osamu. Though that’s kind of a given, what with Atsumu’s [censored] personality.
She was one of the school council members and really popular as well. Always eager to help people, has a smile on her face and a complete disaster. She’s so damn clumsy and uncoordinated that I once saw her trip on air. On air. How. She’s terrible at cooking as well, like apocalyptic level. She somehow managed to burn rice in home economics class even with three other people keeping an eye on her. It was actually pretty impressive.
Anyway, Osamu was absolutely smitten with her and everyone with eyes or common sense could see it. Except for… you guessed it, her. He would literally be tripping over himself to help her and we were all like “boy, please be more subtle you are killing us”. Especially Atsumu since he had to deal with that even at home because they’re neighbours. I once took a photo of him making the most disgusted and annoyed face, but it got deleted when I changed my phone. An international loss.
Where was I going with this? Oh right, how they went out. I gotta go to sleep so I’ll post that later.
[Anon]: Dudes I have a good idea. Let’s spam them with comments.
[Anon]: Oh ho, smart, smart. 
[Anon]: Dude
[Anon]: Dude
[Anon]: Dude
[Anon]: Dude
[Anon]: Dude
[Anon]: Dude
[Anon]: Dude
[Anon]: Dude
Damn you guys are persistent
Chill, I need my sleep as well. 
Alright, this was a while ago so some facts might be inaccurate. Also she forbade anyone from commenting on it during school. It’s fine now though, and thankfully I was sitting next to them when it happened.
So Osamu always brings bentos and makes hers as well. He used to make them for Atsumu as well (unwillingly but had to since he complained about it so much) but stopped after like, the second time because they got into a fight. I think the reason was that Atsumu was whining too much about how he doesn’t like some of the side-dishes and Osamu snapped. That was a fun day.
We were eating in the classroom and enjoying our lunch when she blurted out something like “Osamu, you’re so good at cooking! You’d be a great chef. Your wife would want to let you cook for the entire time you’re together!” Which was fine because everyone knows he’s good at cooking. I think that’s what you guys call a gap moe or something, I dunno.
And Osamu just stared at her. You know what moment when you just feel something bad is going to happen? Like that chill in your back? Yeah, it was that. I sensed that from Osamu. Atsumu probably got it as well because our eyes locked and the red alarm of “STOP HIM” flashed in front of both our eyes.
But before we could interrupt, Osamu just smiled and said “I can cook for you like that if you want.” And I [censored] you not, everyone went quiet. We were staring at him like “??? Did you just propose before even asking her out on a date?” And her face, oh god I didn’t know her face could be that red or that her eyes could be so big. She was literally frozen while trying to eat like the rest of us watching them.
When she stayed frozen, it was like there was an error message saying “[Name].exe has stopped working. What the [censored] did you do.” above her head. Osamu eventually moved and dragged her out of the classroom. And they didn’t come back until the bell rang for the next class.
I don’t know what happened during the talk, but I guess he finally confessed because they were holding hands when they came back. 
Anyway, yeah. That’s the story of how they went out. I have to sleep again so bye.
Comments [Anon]: WHAT THE [censored]
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kkgbutsane · 3 years
The First Day of School
It was a dewy morning. Not too hot, not too cold, far too humid. It was the usual for Hyakkou High School, where students came to learn and excel in their studies while maintaining good social relationships. The school was usually filled with many different students. Any stereotype you could think of, Hyakkou had it. 
The students usually had fun. The Principal was quite lax when it came to certain things. All he asked of the students was to respect each other and respect the building. And to keep their grades up of course. They would be failing as a school if the students weren’t receiving the proper education!
And this is where their story begins.
“Ack. Hey! Mary!” Ryota called out from behind the blonde, who was currently looking down on her phone. The boy ran up to his best friend, hooking his arm around the back of her neck to bring her into a headlock. “Hey! Don’t mess up my hair you dork!” Mary growled, trying to wrestle her way out of Ryota’s lock.
The two continued their conundrum until they reached the gates of the school, where Mary finally got a good grip and threw her friend over her shoulder, thus leading to him falling on his backpack. “Ow…,” he muttered, smiling like an idiot.
Mary Saotome and Ryota Suzui had been friends since childhood. They were even neighbors, and she often came over to his house to play on his Wii with him. Their friendship had blossomed into a relationship.
Until they realized they were better off as best friends. In fact, after they had broken up and continued to be platonic, it seemed as though their friendship grew stronger.
“Hi guys!” The two heard a familiar voice, registering it as their other best friend, Yumeko Jabami. Yumeko had met them all in middle school, when she had moved here with her sister. The ravenette was one to take risks, and found pleasure in dangerous things. Of course, only in moderation. In reality, the only things she had taken much risk for was a move in a fighting game. Or a board game.
Her bubbly exterior was often in place of her mellow interior. She tended to keep to herself truly, unless with her friends.
“Yumeko!” Ryota yelled happily, jogging over and scooping the girl in a tight hug. Much to his delight, Yumeko returned the hug tenfold.
“ShiT, I can’t breaTHE-,” he barely managed, his face turning purple. He should have known, the girl was a strong hugger. “Oi, calm down you two, before I separate you guys for 10 minutes straight, and I know that will be a pain since you usually do homework together in the mornings,” Mary stated, crossing her arms. Yumeko finally relented, giving Ryota’s respiratory system some reprieve. Yumeko looked quite meek, but she could give hugs like no other.
“Mary!” Yumeko giggled, giving the blonde another one of her bone crushing hugs. “Sup, dumbass,” Mary replied, smiling softly at her friend’s gestures of affection. “Are you all ready for your first days of school!?” 
It was the start of junior year for the three, and boy were their classes packed. Ryota was taking a few classes on science and health, as well as a gym class to exercise and get fit. He wanted to be a firefighter, and such education was necessary to ensure he was a good candidate for the job.
“I have… Anatomy first period. Woohoo,” Mary sighed. She was actually quite excited, but decided not to show it in order to keep her cool exterior. The path she had chosen was Emergency Medical Services, and taking anatomy was the first step in her opinion.
“Oh? That’s so wonderful! I have Calculus for my first period. I wonder if Sayaka is going to be in that class!” Yumeko said eagerly. Sayaka was one of the other kids attending this school. The girl mainly kept to herself, but she had recently started acquainting herself with the ravenette.
“Gah! Sorry I’m late guys! I kinda missed my bus…” A ginger voice panted, revealed to be none other than Itsuki Sumeragi. The strawberry blonde had met the three last year when she was a sophomore. After transferring from a private school to Hyakkou, the tight-knit group had taken her in, welcoming her as one of their own. “Hey! I heard there’s gonna be a pair of new students! I hear they’re seniors,” Itsuki gossiped, taking out her Nintendo Switch and turning it on.
“Ooh, Smash? Let’s do this!” Ryota declared, taking his controller and setting it to his button map.
“So what about these new students? Do they seem weird or anything?” Mary inquired, picking her character, King K. Rool, and setting her button map. “Oh come on, why do you ALWAYS play heavies!?” Ryota complained, picking Marth as his character. “Because heavies are fucking goated, why else?” the blonde snarked back, a sly smirk on her face.
“I don’t know. But I heard they’re twins!” Itsuki giggled, sitting down to watch them play.
“Heya guys,” a shrill voice came out of nowhere. “You playin’ Smash? I’ll join!” it giggled. Runa had seemingly appeared out of nowhere in her oversized jacket. “Oh no…,” The entire group groaned.
“Runa, you’re cool and all, but whenever we play with you, you find a way to resize our assholes every match in different ways. I really don’t want to get 0-to-deathed consecutively while you stay on three stocks. Seriously, how the fuck do you even do it!?” Mary spoke, seemingly for the entire group. “I dunno, just practice TBH,” was all Runa said, picking up a controller. “And fuck you, I’m playing anyway.” 
The sound of groans could be heard around the courtyard after that statement.
Sayaka Igarashi, resident Valedictorian-to-be, had come over to the table with Midari Ikishima, who was dragging along a seemingly sleepy senior. “C’mon Yuriko. I know you have senioritis but our friends are here!” Midari grumbled, literally dragging Yuriko. Yuriko Nishinotounin had gotten a severe case of Senioritis, especially since most of her classes were a breeze this year. 
“Would you both calm down please!? They’re playing a game, and I’m trying to read!” Sayaka chided, mentally swearing at the rebel. “Chill out, Sayaka, Yuriko is already falling asleep on me and it’s not even 7:30!” Midari grumbled.
“I can’t wait for senior year to be over,” Yuriko yawned, sitting on the table everyone was at basically falling asleep.
“What the fu- NO!” Mary yelled, distracted by Yuriko long enough for Runa to get a move on her, resulting in her virtual demise. “Fuuuuck!” she sighed, hitting her head against the wooden table. “FUCK!” she repeated, after feeling the pain that came along with it. Ryota had already fallen out of the competition.
Please nerf Lucas.
Yumeko hummed happily to herself, reading some random tabloid article on her phone. As the bell rang, they all dispersed into their classes.
“See you guys later!” Ryota called, jogging over to the weight room for his first period.
The three girls had made their way over to the Portables, then separating into their classrooms. 
Sayaka practically dragged her two friends to their classes and then her own, all while keeping to the schedule. Anatomy was her first period, and she sat next to Mary. 
It wouldn’t be too bad of a year. Mary was a good student and wasn’t too hard to talk to. She just mostly liked to keep to herself.
“Good morning class! Welcome to Anatomy! You guys are obviously gonna be learning about the body, it’s functions, what is where and what goes where and woop dee dah, all the good stuff! Hopefully I can make learning about how food passes through the body actually entertaining for y’all, but first we have two new students with us today! They’ve recently transferred over, so let’s give ‘em a warm welcome to Hyakkou!” The teacher, Mrs. Murray, announced. She looked a bit older, with a tall figure and ginger hair in her face. Her glasses looked odd, but it added to her look.
People like Mrs. Murray because she was actually a good teacher. She cared about her students and actually helped them if they needed it.
“Ladies, if you would please introduce yourselves!” 
The entire class looked at the two, and for a moment they thought they saw double.
“Hello. My name is Kirari Momobami. I’m a senior here, and it’s a pleasure to meet you all. I hope we can get along,” The girl, now known as Kirari, had stated.
It seemed her sister’s turn was up next.
“Er.. I’m Ririka Momobami. We’re twins. I hope we can… have a good time!” Ririka muttered, almost too quietly for the class to hear.
Mrs. Murray smiled and beckoned them to take their seats.
Their seats were in front of both Sayaka and Mary, who seemed to be in a state of both ‘gay’ and ‘panic’.
The two twins looked vastly different, with Kirari’s hair done in twin loop braids and dressed in a rather classy manner, while Ririka’s hair was free to fall.
Did Ririka have a sweatshirt that had the Poggers Man on it?
Mary internally laughed at that. It was adorable.
When class had dispersed to work in groups, Mary and Sayaka had picked each other on instinct, then looking for two more partners to start their work on.
“Sayaka!” Mary whisper-yelled, a small blush on her face. She then gestured to her phone to text the girl.
Sayaka I: I am too. Which one are you gay for?
Mary S: Ririka.
Sayaka I: Oh. I like her too.
Mary glared at Sayaka for a moment.
Mary S: The one with the adorable hair and clothing?
The blonde mentally facepalmed, of course Sayaka would think that. No matter the twin.
Sayaka I: Yes. I love how her hair is done. Plus her shirt looks nice.
Mary S: Oh. So the one with the weird braids?
Sayaka I: Don’t call them weird.
Mary S: ok but dont worry cause im crushing on the other twin. I swear her sweatshirt is adorable.
Sayaka I: .
Sayaka I: poggers
Sayaka I: Be my guest.
The two had reluctantly come up to the twins.
“Hello! I am Sayaka Igarashi, and this is Mary Saotome. It seems you both don’t have another pair, so if you’d like, we can work with you,” Sayaka stated, trying to sound as polite as possible. Nothing could hide the blush on her face though.
“Sure, I would love to work with you both,” Kirari replied, a small smirk forming on her face.
Ririka just nodded with a small smile.
It was going to be a long year.
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