#this is so impossible and bizarre i'm like. i think it makess ense. like ronan being bryde
rotzaprachim · 3 years
ok this is SO left field i think there’s like a 3% chance of it happening. the dates don’t work but i feel it would be fitting in the general theme of niall being the world’s worst person ever. what if carmen and nathan farooq-lane were niall’s kids from another relationship (another reason why he was gone most of the time even if his job seems to make fairly easy money)? If the woman who shows up in the Opal story is Carmen, not Mór, it would give her ample reason to hate Niall, as the woman in the story does. the narrative has been SO cagey when it comes to the specific details of Carmen’s family that i AM feeling pretty confident there’s going to be a Reveal although a slightly different one (cmon they literally told us more about Parsifal’s family than hers and it’s one of her major motivators,) but it’s like. so absolutely wild and yet in a way sensical i had to throw it down. see also: 
-genetics aren’t personality etc but Carmen and Declan’s personalities are wildly similar
-  Nathan Farooq-Lane’s being a dreamer as well 
- Nathan Farooq-Lane’s choosing to hide out in Ireland, and his seeming familiarity with  Caomhán Browne, another dreamer there (also possibly a friend of the family or relative?) 
- even more specifically than that, the crossover between Nathan choosing to lie low in County Kerry and Niall making the painting of  Mór that’s magically linked to County Kerry 
- the lady in the opal story with the dark hair who hates Niall 
- Niall’s possible pathological need to give every child a name that ends in -an or -en
- the fact that Carmen finds the horrifying scene with her parent(s) killed right around the same time a few years back that Ronan would have found Niall, etc. so the murders she ascribes to Nathan and kills him for might have been done by Greenmantle in pursuit of the Greywarren instead
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