#this is the most surprising anthem but I'll go with it
chiroptophobiawrites · 3 months
Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)
Context: reader is a hero sorta and on the same team as Damian and a couple other heroes, and they all go to school together. This is kinda in the middle of a larger story so it might be a bit confusing but hopefully not. (there is also a line in there about hair products written with a curly haired reader in mind but anyone can read it! <3)
a/n: Mentions of hooking up, some cursing, and allusions to something physical that happened between Damian and reader. also the reader (and damian) are implied to be an upperclassman in either high school or college, your choice.
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Your crossed feet thunked against the wooden cabinets underneath the smooth granite counter you sat on as you swung them back and forth. Your soiled shirt draped over the side of one of those sinks that look like a glass bowl resting on the counter. Your head leaned back against the long mirror that stretched the length of the entire wall. It was cool against the back of your head and you hoped the products you'd put in your hair this morning before leaving for school wouldn't leave a mark on your friend's parent's rich person mirror.
You were already regretting coming here and it had been less that an hour since you had gotten here. A party on a Friday night was an okay idea you guessed, but not tonight. Some people used this kind of thing to decompress, and you could sometimes; but most times, like right now, it was more overwhelming than anything. Which is why you were hiding in this oversized and oddly decorated guest bathroom on the third floor.
If it hadn't been Cynthia and Connor's house you probably would have gotten lost, but you had been here before a couple of times. The third floor was off limits to most people at the party as it lead to the bedrooms, and despite Connor loving to show off his house, he didn't want people hooking up in his bedroom. You had passed his room on the way to the bathroom, his door was ajar so you could see the ninja turtles sheets on his bed. His behavior was always a little saddening to you, putting himself and others into situations meant to make them look cool and grown, like this party, but still just being a kid. oh well, freshman are weird like that. You closed the door and kept your thoughts to yourself.
The reason you were here in the bathroom in the first place lie almost forgotten soaking in the sink, as you got lost in your thoughts a bit. The booming music coming from the massive speakers downstairs reminded you of the gaggle of people embarrassingly gyrating in pretty much every area of the first two levels of the house. When you had first arrived you'd tried dancing a bit with the friends you came with. This was quickly ruined by the obnoxious tall guy in your English class slamming into your back and slinging his arm over your shoulder to start a conversation with you and another one of your friends in that class. However with all his slinging around he'd spilled like half of his mystery drink on your shirt.
In response to your surprise at having liquid spilled down the entire right half of your shirt, he'd made a horrible joke about you just needing to ask if you wanted some and went to hold his cup to your lips. You'd pushed away from him and scoffed before hustling away towards the nearest bathroom. You could hear the calls of some of your friends fading under the loud music, but Cynthia caught up to you.
"Not these." She gestured towards the bathroom door by the two of you. "You can go upstairs babe, and stay as long as you need to. I had hoped that this would make you feel a little better but," She trailed off, looking at you a bit guiltily.
You sighed, "It's fine." You patted her shoulder and started to head in the opposite direction towards the stairs, "If I find any stragglers up there I'll send them down."
"Thanks!" She called out after you, dragging out the word in a singsong way.
So now you are here in the bathroom without your shirt with party rock anthem blaring through the door. You stare up at the lights above the mirror until a knock on the door breaks you out of your trance. No one else should be up here but it could be Cynthia, or Connor, or someone who just really needs to pee and can't wait downstairs for people to stop making out in the bathrooms. You figured if it was someone who needed to go you would let them and then send them back downstairs. You found yourself wishing that you had grabbed a replacement shirt from Cynthia or Connor's rooms when a voice called through the door.
"I know you are in there (y/n)." Aside from being really creepy it also came from the person you wanted to see the least tonight, Damian. He called out your name again, and you felt the doorknob jiggle under your hand. "Could you open the door? We need to talk."
Honestly nothing sounded worse right now. There was a reason you had been avoiding him since Wednesday, but this morning he had caught you off guard. You weren't ready for a repeat of that.
"Third floor is off limits, didn't you see the caution tape?" You voice came off far less solid than you intended and you cursed it for making you seem so unsure.
It was a silent for a minute before his voice cut through the muffled music again, "Just open the door, I'm not running in circles with you anymore." He sounded really agitated and the thought quickly turned your stress into anger.
How dare he be annoyed when he was the one in the wrong, you were the only one with the right to be angry in this situation. After he'd laughed in your face in response to even the slightest insinuation of there being something between the two of you. It had happened on Wednesday night, you had gotten off of work and since your guardian was using the car it meant you needed a ride. You'd known this early in the day and asked Damian during lunch if he could could come get you, promising to pay him in goodies from your work place. He had side eyed you and did that little teeth sound he always did before making a jab about you always needing a ride to something. But he hadn't disagreed so you knew it meant he was coming; besides you knew that he loved driving, especially at night, and wouldn't pass up the opportunity to drag you along with him.
You had known him long enough to settle into a routine with him at this point, so it didn't feel like you were burdening him by asking. Regardless of how much he complained about basically anything you ever asked him to do, he would always do it.
So on Wednesday night he showed up 15 minutes early and waited inside until your shift was over. You said goodbyes to your coworkers after deflecting questions for the past 15 minutes about Damian being your boyfriend, and joined him to walk to his car. You sat down in the passengers seat and his hand quickly found its way to rest on your leg. It wasn't at all new for him to do this but it always made you feel a bit odd. It wasn't like you weren't okay with it, but maybe that was what bothered you so much. This kind of thing felt like something friends don't really do, you tried to excuse it by saying that Damian didn't like to have a lot of friends, but was super close with the ones he did have. But you had never once seen him do this to Jon or Maya or Maps or Colin, and you would always get that weird feeling in your stomach again.
Once you got going on the way home you chattered about what had happened during that shift and he listened, nodding and interjecting where he had thoughts. His hand still burned on your thigh and you fought the urge to shift around. You were almost to your house, and almost at the point in your story when he had shown up and your co-workers had both teased and applauded you for having such a 'dedicated and attentive boyfriend'. He pulled in front of his house and you went to unbuckle your seatbelt but he kept his hand on your leg, anchoring you to the seat.
"uh, we're here" you tried to laugh but it came out awkwardly.
"You didn't finish your story." he didn't break eye contact and just waited patiently for you to start talking again.
You hesitated but started talking again so that you could get rid of the warmth from his hand on your thigh and stop thinking about all the things it could mean, as soon as possible. "yeah uh, well then you came in and Tracy kept calling you my boyfriend so then the other two came over and they all started teasing me. I guess the only time Tracy and Lori get along is when they are going after someone else." You laughed softly.
He hummed in agreement but didn't move his hand off of your leg. He just kept staring at you. You started to feel a little self conscious under his gaze and once again fought the urge to squirm in your seat. You were at least comforted by his lack of reaction to people mistaking him as your boyfriend, though you weren't all that surprised. People commonly mistook you for a couple in public. It had gotten so common that Damian had just started going with it, and you decided to follow suit.
All of this had gotten you thinking and you stopped averting your gaze and looked Damian right in the eyes. "Hey I-" You started with confidence and then he squeezed your leg, making you falter.
"Yeah?" He tried to urge.
"- What. Um. What are we Damian? Like are we dating or," You blurted out and tried to read the emotion in his eyes. "Or I am I reading way too much into this? Cause I mean I just, well we do stuff like this and going out to like date spots, just the two of us, and also that one time after, well you know what I'm talking about and-"
"Are you serious?" He cut you off abruptly, and did this odd sort of scoff/huff/laugh thing he always did when annoyed. He studied your face for a second and then looked like he was realizing something. He all but yanked his hand away from you and his expression dropped with the feeling in your stomach. You'd done something wrong, really wrong.
You felt sick, and even sicker as he started to laugh, hunching himself over the steering wheel. "You really-" He looked back over at you and started laughing even more. He stopped suddenly while looking at you and you wanted so badly to cry. "Get out of my car." He said quietly, but you were frozen in your seat. "Now." He demanded, much louder than before.
You scrambled for the door handle and rushed out into the cold night air outside side of the car. You shut the door behind you without turning around and hustled to your door without turning back once. But you could hear his car start and rush off the moment the door shut. Once you got inside your house you let yourself cry, kicking off your shoes and going to collapse in your bed.
After a couple of minutes of wallowing in your own misery face down on your bed, your phone dinged with a message. You thought maybe it was from your guardian reminding you to turn off the hallway light so that it didn’t drive the electric bill up, so you picked your phone up to respond. It was from Damian and you quickly regretted giving everyone the same text tone instead of the personal ones they had on your last phone.
The text read simply: We will talk about this in the morning when I pick you up.
It felt like how things were when you first met Damian and every little thing about what he said or did set you off in annoyance. In particular his phrasing made you angry even though you knew he meant nothing by it, he just says things directly. But it felt like he was your dad and you were about to wake up to a huge lecture, so you left it for a couple of minutes. Eventually, after a bit more wallowing, you decided that you didn’t wanna see him at all. If he was gonna laugh at you like that, then what was the point at all.
You texted him back: No that’s okay, Cyn said she wanted to give me a ride since she hasn’t in a while. Then quickly switched over to facetime Cynthia and beg her to give you a ride to school by explaining the situation.
Fine. First class then. He texted back, but you didn’t respond.
So the next morning you loaded into Cynthia’s Jeep and sat sandwiched between way too many of Cynthia’s friends that you barely liked, starting to remember why you started asking Damian for rides in the first place. When your first class arrived you luckily didn’t have to talk to Damian as the activity in class kept you pretty busy. And so for the rest of the day you successfully avoided him, opting to eat lunch with Cynthia’s friends instead of your usual table, and ignoring his gaze on you at all times.
Once you got home, you had gotten a couple of texts from Jon about you ditching them at lunch today, full of emojis. You laughed about them and texted him back assuring that you weren’t ditching them and that you’d be back tomorrow. You felt a little bad so you decided that you’d get over yourself and not go to such extreme lengths to avoid Damian. You still weren’t gonna talk to him though, except for one little bit.
You had a text from him that said: You are avoiding me. So you let your pettiness get the better of you and sent back: duh.
You had figured that from that he would get the hint and not come to pick you up the next morning. Besides it was Friday so your guardian had off of work, which meant that you could use the car. But when you came down the stairs earlier this morning, there was Damian, standing in your kitchen and listening politely to your guardian. You had assumed the smell of food coming upstairs had meant that your guardian was cooking something since it was their off day, but from the looks of it Damian had come early today to make you breakfast. It made you feel uneasy, and a little bit guilty, but then angry at your guilt. You shouldn’t feel bad for ignoring him the way you had been, he had laughed at you and kicked you out of his car, you kept reminding yourself.
Your guardian seemed pleased as they were won over easily by food, the traitor, but you were not so easily bought. You sat at the table and glared at Damian when he slid a plate of food toward you.
Your guardian hummed and made a face at you, “Be nice.” they said softly, and then raised their voice to address both of you, “Well now that Damian is here, he can drive you to school and I can run those errands I needed to. Isn’t that great!” You stiffened and Damian nodded in agreement.
Your guardian got up and grabbed their stuff to start walking to the door and you got up to follow after. “ Wait but I-“ you panted rushing after them. The swirled around to face you and set their face seriously, “Work out whatever is going on with the two of you, it’s for the best.” They leaned over to kiss your forehead and then called out loud enough for Damian to hear “Don’t be late now, bye.” and then closed the door.
You stood there frustrated but grabbed your things and decided to just ignore Damian. This proved to be especially hard once you were in the car together and there was a distinct lack of warmth from his hand on your thigh. The two of you spent most of the ride in silence, with Damian constantly glancing between you and the road and looking increasingly frustrated each time, and you glaring out the window. When you finally arrived at school you basically jumped out of the car once he had parked and rushed into the building but could hear him calling after you. This time for the rest of the day he stopped trying to talk to you, and was absent at lunch so you had figured that he had given up. But now with him calling to you from the other side of the door you guessed he hadn’t.
The song downstairs transitioned into something a bit calmer and you felt like it might be best to just resolve this now so you didn’t ruin your weekend by stressing the whole time. A small part of you held onto the hope that it was all a misunderstanding and a consequence of Damian’s somewhat harsh communication style.
“fine” you huffed and moved to open the door just a crack so that you could stick your head out to talk to him but use the door to cover up your state of undress. But of course cause nothing is easy with him, the moment you unlocked the door he pushed it all the way open. He stood in the doorway for a second with slightly wide eyes, and you were sure if you could see yourself you would have mirrored his expression.
You both snapped back into yourselves at about the same moment with him quickly stepping into the bathroom fully and closing the door behind him. You however panicked at the same time and hissed out “Turn around! Damian oh my god! Did you just lock it!?” and turned yourself around to face the wall as if that would stop him from seeing you.
He followed your instruction and turned around to face the opposite way from you. You thought you were safe for a while as the room was filled only with the sounds of breathing from both of you and beat from the music downstairs.
After a couple moments of this Damian murmured out so quietly you could barely hear it, “This mirror is fucking huge.” You felt your skin immediately heat and prickle and swirled around to make direct eye contact with Damian through the mirror.
“Swap!” you immediately cried out and the two of you rushed to switch places so that he was facing the wall and you were facing the mirror. You stared at the reflection of his back as all sorts of thoughts swam around in your mind, threatening to spill out through your mouth. You needed him to go first so that you didn’t say something you would regret, again. Luckily he started to speak again quickly.
“What happened on Wednesday. I,” He paused for a second to consider how to phrase the next statement, and it made your heart squeeze a little bit because he was trying to say it right and not offend you. Usually he said things as they came to him, not worrying a too much about how it affects others, but with you he always chose carefully. Not because he thought you were sensitive, but because he cares about what you think of him. “ Reacted badly. I was surprised and,” he paused again made his little tt noise in frustration and embarrassment, “ a bit hurt. I guess.”
You watched his posture tighten as he said it and your eyes widened in response. His vulnerability was not entirely uncommon to you but it still wasn’t something you encountered frequently. It was typically reserved for late nights sitting on a roof somewhere when everything had just been all too much. You moved past your surprise as his vulnerability and found yourself more confused than anything at his statement. He was hurt? Why was he hurt? He had laughed at you, not the other way around. The song from outside transitioned again, this time into that one Katy Perry song, last Friday night or something.
Before you could help it, the thought came barreling out of your mouth, “You? How were you offended?” you scoffed. A part of your brain screamed at you to stop. Usually you had far more tact, especially when Damian was open with you like this. You didn’t know what had gotten into you, he was rubbing off on you, you guessed.
You watched through the mirror as he bristled even further and whipped around to face you. You did so as well, disregarding your lack of shirt in favor of not backing down. He stepped closer to you and stood in place, digging your hands down onto the edge of the counter. Now face to face he studied your face and it felt the moment in the car again, you hoped your expression was telling him the right thing this time. His stern expression broke into one of genuine worry and stress.
“Do you really not- How do you- what,” He took a step back and began to run one hand through his hair. You had never seen him act like this and it was only serving to confuse you even more. He look back at you again and stopped his movement. “ Really?” he asked.
“You asked me if we were dating.”
“why is that such a bad thing, huh. Is the idea of dating me just that upsetting to you?”
“Wha- No it’s not. (y/n) that’s just the thing, you asked me if we are dating. We are. And we have been since your birthday. Or at least i’ve been dating you for that long. It seems like for you-“
“Wait what.” You interrupted him. The mention of your birthday made your skin heat up again. You had noticed that things between you had been different since then but figured that was just because of what happened. But you suppose in a way this still is. The thought of what happened between you that night threatened to overwhelm you so you pushed it down for the time being. “So you weren’t laughing cause you thought the idea of us dating was ridiculous, you were laughing cause you thought I was asking the obvious?” You realized out loud.
“Yes, obviously.” He stepped closer to you again.
“So we are dating.” You said and couldn’t help the smile that you felt spreading over your face.
“Yes. We are dating.” A smile started to form on his face. One of the rare stupid looking ones where his cheeks dimple and his eyes crinkle, that he always reserved just for you.
You sort of lunged forward at him to wrap your arms around his body and tug him closer to you. He wrapped his arms around to tighten the embrace and you were quickly reminded of your lack of shirt and pushed back away from him. He seemed confused until you turned around to fiddle with you shirt in the sink to see if it was wearable. When he saw that he laughed a bit which only increased how flustered you felt.
You could hear his hoodie being unzipped and panicked a bit, being reminded of what happened on your birthday. But when you turned around he simply held it out to you and you took it from him with a soft thank you. The tension and stress in the room were making you think weird thoughts and honestly now that things with Damian had been cleared up you really didn’t feel any reason to stay at the party. You pulled on the hoodie and zipped it up all the way before turning around again to ring out your shirt again and collect in a way that wouldn’t drip everywhere.
You turned back to Damian and he stared at you in his hoodie, seemingly in awe. You giggled at his face and held your hand out toward him, “Wanna get out of here?”
He smirked back at you and laced his fingers with yours. “Gladly.”
The two of you left the bathroom and walked towards the stairs so that you could go down and leave. You sent Cynthia a text so that she would know you left safely with Damian. You heard Damian scoff and looked away from your phone to turn your eyes towards what he was looking at. The door to Connor’s room was slightly open again and through the crack you see a couple making out on his turtle sheets.
“Should we?” You asked.
“Nah. Serves him right for forcing all of us to come to his lame ass parties.” He said as he tugged you away.
“Oh my god, why are you like this.”
“Come on, you love it.” He looked back up at you from his spot down the stairs in front of you.
You ran your thumb over his knuckles and thought to yourself. He wasn’t perfect, but neither were you. Were you perfect for each other? you didn’t know. You hoped so. But in the back of your mind you knew, the best things are never perfect from the start. So you just laughed back at him.
“Maybe I do.”
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randomvarious · 1 month
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Today's compilation:
Monsters of Rock 1998 Hair Metal / Hard Rock / Arena Rock /Heavy Metal / Pop-Metal
Good lord, this had to have been one of the most heavily advertised albums of all time, man. I don't know how much ad money the Razor & Tie label shelled out for all of their 'As Seen on TV' comps back in the day, but the commercials for Monsters of Rock and Monster Ballads were fucking inescapable throughout the late 90s and early 2000s, especially. Like, you'd be watching something on cable, and the commercial for this album would come on, so then you'd change the channel, and the same commercial would be playing on there too! And then you'd just force yourself to sit through it, and eventually, through repetition, the entire sequence of little song snippets that gets played throughout the ad would become a permanently etched medley inside of your goddamn mind, destined to haunt your soul for the rest of eternity:
🎶Cum on feel the noize, girls rock ya boys…my, my, my, I'm once bitten, twice shy, babe…poison!…*synths from Europe's "The Final Countdown"*…round and round, what comes around goes around, I'll tell you why…she's my cherry pie, cool drink of water, such a sweet surprise…we're not gonna take it, no! we ain't gonna take it…she's only seventeen, seventeen…here I go again on my own…I'm no fool, nobody's fool, nobody's fool…so hold on loosely…🎶
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Now, the hair metal era may have been the dumbest and most ridiculous period of mainstream rock that we've ever borne witness to—and it's very difficult for me to think of another commercially successful subgenre in which rank stupidity has been such an inherently defining trait—but thanks to a combination of my own nostalgia for these damn Razor & Tie ads and my sometimes weird and ironic affinity for bad shit, after listening to this album, there is really nothing more that I want to do than hitch a ride back to 1990 so I can live out a super corny fantasy as a badass suburban high school senior who cruises through town in a boxy, red sedan with the windows down as these silly songs blare out of my speakers 😎.
But like I said, I am also under no illusion here; I'm fully cognizant of just how patently absurd so much of this music was. And when it comes to the pinnacle of pure trash, I really don't think anything ever quite managed to top Warrant's signature 1990 anthem, "Cherry Pie," which is obviously on this album. Like, have you heard or thought about this tune recently? It really might be the single-dumbest song that's ever been recorded in human history. And as the single-dumbest song that's ever been recorded in human history, it has thankfully and, I guess quite fittingly, been memorialized in some way, since…*checks notes*…you can currently go see the pizza box that its lyrics were originally transcribed on at the Hard Rock Cafe in Destin, Florida… 😭.
🎶I scream, you scream, we all scream for her Don't even try, 'cuz you can't ignore her!🎶
Also, Winger's "Seventeen." Yikes; you can probably guess what that one's about! Talk about songs that haven't aged well at all 😩:
🎶She's only seventeen (seventeen) Daddy says she's too young, but she's old enough for me🎶
Yeah… This one's catchy and all, but, um…no. 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎 Really glad we've finally realized as a society that, at the very least, fully-grown adults singing lustily about minors is a very unacceptable thing to do. I mean, it took way too long for us to get here, but at least we've finally made it to this point, right? And I think "Cherry Pie" is probably about a minor too, by the way, but that's also up for debate 😑.
To be clear, though, not every song on this album is embarrassingly dumb and/or skeevy hair metal. I happen to think Living Colour's alt metal classic, "Cult of Personality," is a genuinely great banger. And I also dig the southern rock smoothness of a song like .38 Special's "Hold On Loosely" too; but most of the rest of these are just pure dunderheaded hair metal classics, and a key, overarching feature of this stuff was just how fucking maximally mindless it all was. It's hard to put a finger on what exactly allowed this madness to spread so widely and flourish for nearly a whole-ass decade in the first place, but thank goodness grunge came along when it did and dethroned this stuff from its perch as rock music's top subgenre in the early 90s, because, seriously, this shit was so excessive and outrageous.
All that being said though, and as good and necessary as grunge was back then, I can't help but imagine what a kick-ass time it would probably be to have almost any one of these Monsters of Rock songs come on at the bar while you and everyone else around you are in a highly intoxicated stupor; like, "Black Hole Sun," "Man in the Box," "Interstate Love Song," "Even Flow," etc., might be total jams in and of themselves, but songs like those are probably not gonna do the same trick as something like Alice Cooper's "Poison" can in that type of situation. I mean, when you're fully committed to annihilating some brain cells, it's good to have music that's way ahead of you in order to accompany your experience, right? 😅
Quiet Riot - "Cum On Feel the Noize" Great White - "Once Bitten Twice Shy" Alice Cooper - "Poison" Europe - "The Final Countdown" Ratt - "Round and Round" Warrant - "Cherry Pie" Whitesnake - "Here I Go Again" Winger - "Seventeen" Living Colour - "Cult of Personality" Twisted Sister - "We're Not Gonna Take It" Judas Priest - "You've Got Another Thing Coming" Cinderella - "Nobody's Fool" .38 Special - "Hold On Loosely" Autograph - "Turn Up the Radio"
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I imagine that, when the time came for Misraaks to propose to Anthem, Misraaks went to Saint-14 to ask for advice.
Upon arriving, Saint lit up like he always does, and walked in stride to meet the Kell. "Hello, my friend! It's good to see you again!"
Misraaks smiled, and bowed. "Saintkel, I'm glad to see you as well." He stood up. "I hope you're doing well now that Osiris is back on his feet."
"Both of us are better than ever," Saint told him. "But you look... concerned? Is something the matter?"
Nodding, the Kell looked away somewhat shyly. "I... need some advice. On Human customs."
Now, Saint nodded. "Whatever you need, Misraakskel, I will do my best to provide. Is something confusing you?"
"...Yes," Misraaks replied. "Osiris and yourself are very close. You've bonded together eternally, and officially, and I must know... How does one propose to a Human?"
Saint paused for a moment, eyes wide.
"I feel this same connection with Anthem-99, I love him more than anything, and I... I can't imagine being separated from him for very long. I plan to transmit a message asking for his return, as I understand that proposals are supposed to be a surprise. And I would like to make his long journey a pleasant interruption."
With that, Saint walked forward, smiling brightly. "Well, my friend! You have the most important part planned already! At least partly! Next step would be to buy a ring for Anthem, something special with a message you'll never forget, either of you!"
"A ring?" Misraaks asked.
"Yes, that is the custom here," Saint said. "If you don't know his ring size, we can go ask Banshee for the records of his Exo make, and get the size from there."
Misraaks took out a holopad and began writing down notes. "Thank you, my friend. What else must I do?"
Shrugging, Saint chuckled. "Well, there is plenty more to be done! You have to pick a place to propose at. Decorate it with pretty things and lights, pick a time you will do this, and who you want to be involved!"
The Kell wrote a few more things down, and then nodded. "I think I would like to propose at nighttime, when Anthem and I first met," he said. "Under the seemingly eternal night caused by Quria, we held hands and admitted our truths to one another. But this time, the Traveler will be there to bear witness to our love. It will see us, and know our bond is through more than just ourselves, but through Light."
Saint smiled at this again, nodding. "That is perfect, Misraakskel! Now you just need a location to do it. Perhaps the Tower balcony where you have the best view of the Traveler?"
Misraaks lit up at this, and nodded rapidly. "Yes, my friend! Nothing would be better!"
"Then we must go immediately. Find Zavala, and ask to use his space, and Banshee to get the ring size. Then, we will head to the City jeweler and find something perfect!"
And together, both headed off.
As Saint-14 approached Zavala asking for the permission, Misraaks went to Banshee shyly, clicking his mandibles nervously and chittering softly to calm himself. As he approached, the old Exo perked up and looked at the Kell, eyes wide.
"Did I call ya fer somethin'?" Banshee asked.
Misraaks shook his head. "Not this time," he replied. "I was told to ask you for something to help in... a mission of sorts."
Banshee nodded. "Whatcha got goin' on? Whaterver ya need, I can provide."
"Saintkel tells me I can have you search for Anthem-99's Exo make records, and find his... ring size," Misraaks said.
There, the Exo grinned. "Ah, I getcha." He pulled out a holopad and began scrolling through, typing various things into it. "Make sure ya get'm a nice one. Gold is traditional, but he likes blue I know. Maybe sapphire?" He paused, and pulled up a file all the way at the bottom, just after his own. Zooming in on the hand measurements, he gave a nod. "He's a size seven on the ring finger! Need anything else? Like his di-"
"I know that one very well already," Misraaks interrupted.
Banshee laughed. "Good luck, friend! I'll be watchin' from here." He turned back to the shelves behind his counter, and began fiddling with various things.
There, Misraaks walked off toward Saint, who turned toward him and approached as well.
"What did Banshee say?" Saint asked.
"Size seven ring finger," Misraaks told him. "And he suggested I get a sapphire ring since Anthem likes blue."
The Exo nodded. "Then we will be off to the jeweler!" He grabbed one of the Kell's arms, and rushed him down from the Tower, into the heart of the City itself. Together, both approached a small shop with a giant diamond projected onto the display window, and they entered.
A woman behind the counter, Awoken, looked up, and smiled. "Ah, Misraakskel and Saint-14! How may I help you today?" she asked.
Saint pushed Misraaks forward, listening to the Kell nervously chirping and chittering. "Go ahead," he encouraged.
There, the Kell pushed his hands together, and looked shyly up at the woman. "I umm... I am in need of a ring made from sapphire, with an engraving on its surface, in a size seven."
Nodding, the woman smiled even more now. "Alright! What engraving should be put on it?" she asked.
Misraaks froze.
Saint looked at him plainly. "You didn't think about what to put on it?"
"No, I... I did not..."
Saint laughed now, patting Misraaks's arm. "Ah, my friend. The nerves are taking hold of you. Breathe, and think. What is something that means the world to you AND Anthem?"
Misraaks shrugged. "Well, Crow," he replied. "The boy connected us to one another, and led us to our future. And our House. We are both Kells of each other's hearts, and our House. It would not exist without his efforts."
"Then perhaps a half symbol of the House, and a half symbol of the Hunters?" Saint proposed.
"That's brilliant!!" Misraaks lifted up immediately, and turned to the jeweler. "Please, can you place an engraving of the House on the left, and Hunters on the right? Our children, one of the House, one of the Hunters, and ourselves, one of each as well. It would mean the world for him to see this, since family is everything to us both."
The jeweler nodded, and wrote down some notes. "Alright! I'll get that squared away for you! When do you need it by?"
Saint spoke up now. "Zavala gave us the balcony for a week from now at ten in the night. So I would say by morning that day."
"Ok, not a problem! I'll definitely have it done by then!!" the jeweler said. "That's going to be 50,000 glimmer."
Suddenly the door to the shop busted open, and a voice shouted, "ARE YOU FINALLY DOING IT MISRAAKS?!"
Everyone jumped, and turned around to see none other than Cayde-6 with an excited look on his face, bouncing up and down eagerly with a grin.
"Uhh..." Misraaks hesitated.
Saint walked toward the eager Exo, and chuckled. "He is indeed," he replied. "He's about to purchase the ring, and have it made."
Cayde jumped and then jumped again, and smacked the ceiling with one hand, then landed down giddily, still bouncing. "Ohhhh, my Traveler!! What's it like? Tell me!! How much for it?! I got a stash hidden away I can transmat to put the glimmer down for you!"
Misraaks's eyes widened. "Cayde, friend, that... isn't necessary. I can pay for it with-"
"Nope! You're not paying a damn thing!" Cayde walked to the jeweler, and leaned against the counter slyly. "How much for it?" he asked.
"50,000," she replied, chuckling. "Soon I'll have the entire Vanguard in here!"
Cayde looked at Sundance, and nodded. "Transmat the stash please, my friend!"
"On it!" said Sundance, and she twirled about. Glowing for a moment, she spun briefly, then returned to her normal position, and nodded. "Ok, it's in your vault!"
Standing upright, Cayde thanked his Ghost, then reached into his pack for a card, and slid it over to the jeweler. "There ya go!"
Misraaks nearly choked. "Caydekel, I... I cannot repay you for this!" he said. "You really don't need to-"
"No payment needed! Keep the funds for your House!" Cayde told him. "Whenever you propose, lemme know! I'll drag Magnus along!"
The jeweler swiped the card, and handed it back to Cayde with a nod. "Thank you! And have a great day!"
Cayde nodded back, slipping his card into the pack once more as he turned around smiling wide, and walked out the door without another word.
Shaking his head, Misraaks blinked awkwardly. "I uhh... what just happened?" he asked.
Saint laughed. "Looks like you have your biggest supporter, my friend!" He hugged Misraaks softly. "Everyone knows love in some way, however it may be. When you find the right people, that love becomes greater, and spreads to many more. Yours has done just that."
There, Misraaks smiled, and nodded. "Thank you, my friend." He lifted all arms and hugged Saint back. After a moment, both separated. Misraaks turned to the jeweler once more, and bowed. "Thank you, and I will return in a week for the ring."
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lacrimosathedark · 4 months
Song recommendation for Jason Todd lovers
I'm one of those dumb bitches who likes to watch animatics on Youtube. I used to love watching amvs. Kinda cringe, but it was like seeing someone else externalize the music video made in your head, right? Which my brain likes to do all the time but I have neither the skill nor the equipment to make that myself.
Which is to say there's a song that is the most Jason Todd song I have ever heard and I've seen no videos for it and it's astonishing.
It's REVIVED by Derivakat.
This is a Dream SMP fan song, but don't let that deter you because idk shit about Dream SMP (I actually have tags for it blocked because it kept coming up on my tumblr page and I Was Not Interested) and I found this song randomly and it took me a hot minute to realized this song WASN'T about Jason Todd.
The first line of the song is literally "White streak in my hair, but no stress now" like excuse me????
Here's a choice sample of some of the most Jason lyrics.
I've seen hell, but this is a bit more my style
I'm alive, I'm revived, I survived, you surprised? Gonna cry about it? You should see the other guy
Am I the bad guy? I'll be the bad guy again, just like last time And we all know how that ends No one came to help, so I'll help myself instead
There's nothing wrong with me, I'm better now that I'm free 'Cause I've seen the other side and now I'm back where I wanna be
On that platform in hell, but I've come back hell-bent
And now I see the causation of all this pain and frustration It's everything that I've taken, oh, yes, I blew up the nation!
White streak, white streak in my hair And I'm not going, not going back there And if there's one thing, one thing that I'll swear I'll be back for a while, kid, so go ahead and smile
Does this NOT sound like a Jason Todd anthem???
And THIS is the cover art for the song on Spotify and Youtube. I dare you to tell me that doesn't look like Jason at a first glance.
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Anyway yeah go check out this song cuz it sounds great and always makes me think of Jason when it pops up.
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onmy1989shit · 10 months
My top 13 Taylor songs and why
If you do look through all of this id love to know what you think!
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13. Welcome To New York
it's no surprise that I absolutely ADORE 1989 and WTNY is an amazing opening track for the album! I have always had an attachment to this song and it's a go to hype song you just can't not be happy listening to this song! also being bi I love the "you can love who you love boys and boys and girls and girls" line!!
12. illicit affairs
now don't attack me but folklore is not an album I love but for some reason illicit affairs has always had a soft spot in my heart since the album came out! I think this is one of the BEST showcases of her songwriting abilities it is like an elevated version of August and I love it! ive personally never been the other person in a relationship but Taylor does such a good job at detailing and walking you through a story of being another woman to someone you love! AND THE BRIDGE??? ICONIC!!!
11. Midnight Rain
I am a sucker for vocoder so i have been and still am obsessed with how the chorus is done on this album! there aren't many songs out there about being the one to do the breaking up with but Taylor has 2 and I love both this and back to december but this one just barely beat it out! I love her looking back on a love she may have regretted but in the end they both got what they wanted she got a big name and he got a family!
10. New Romantics
hey look another 1989 song! (and not the last) the production, the lyrics, the vocal effects, the adlibs, the vocals everything about this song is pure pop perfection! this song reminds me of Halsey's new Americana of how it's a song about just embracing everything about yourself and the people around you! and come on tell me "heartbreak is the national anthem and we sing it proudly" doesn't describe most swifties
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9. Christmases When You Were Mine
an underrated MASTERPIECE by Ms Taylor Alison Swift! i fully believe if this song was on an album and not just the Christmas ep it would get so much more love cause she deserves it!! im the kind of person that loves a good sad Christmas song (my fav being Christmas makes me cry by Kacey Musgraves) and this one never fails to make me cry! the song perfectly describes the feelings of the first Christmas away from your ex and how off the happiest time of year can be
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8. False God
now on the complete opposite spectrum of that we have one of the few times Taylor was feeling spicy! I love all of her songs like this dress, I think he knows, cruel summer are all bangers but this one is just another level! the way this song perfectly blends jazz, r&b, and pop into a soft sultry song about a love so good you worship it like a false god! I also think this song does such a good job of showing a rollercoaster relationship but in the end you're still there for each other! the line "I know heaven's a thing I go there when you touch me, honey hell is when I fight with you" is just perfect
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7. Our Song
our song is just THE country Taylor song! I don't really have anything deep to say about this one lol it's just a fun catchy song that if you don't like it there is something seriously wrong with you!
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6. Coney Island ft. The National
now I'll be honest I still don't completely understand what this song is about but ill say kinda what I believe it is! I've always thought of this song as being about the guy dies leaving coney island so this place holds a spot in the girls heart and the national plays the guy in his final moments and all he can think about is her in coney island before he left.
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5. All You Had To Do Was Stay
THE BEST TRACK 5 FIGHT ME!! also this isn't the last 1989 song on this list 💀 this song to me is a perfect showcase of her songwriting abilities and ability to make a catchy af pop song! this to me is one of those sad lyrics and happy production songs being about her taking to an ex that wants her back and saying you know all you had to do was stay and that she's the kind of person that once you leave you leave!
4. Love Story (Taylor's Version)
if this song is not in your top you're lying to yourself! i don't even know what to say about this song that hasn't been said a billion times! it's lyrics, the production, THE MUSIC VIDEO! everything is top tier when it comes to this song and it's popular for a reason! the Taylor's version is literally my most streamed song by any artist 💀
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3. New Years Day
this is a beautiful love song and a perfect closer for the reputation album! and her performance of this song on Jimmy Fallon is like ingrained in my head permanently! it is such a beautiful metaphor of I'll be here for the party and all the glam in your life but I'll still be there for the ugly and the clean up after aka new years day!
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2. How You Get The Girl
this song kinda reminds of her country style of writing cause it very much still follows the repeating chorus but the verses build on each other to keep telling this story of Taylor telling this guy exactly how to get her back! I think this song is an interesting contrast to ayhtdws where there she said once you leave you're gone so maybe whoever this song about is someone she'd be willing to take 2nd chance on if he did it right!
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1. Tied Together With A Smile
not to be emotional but this song got me through so much in middle school and high school cause I had to be the "therapy friend" the one who always had a smile on my face and this song helped remind me that yk it's ok to come undone let others know your problems! listening to it also makes me feel like someone understands what I'm going through and is like patting me on the back saying it's gonna be ok!
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I hope you enjoyed this thread I had fun going through and thinking about all my favorite Taylor songs!!
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7grandmel · 22 days
Todays rip: 28/03/2024
Logan Paul's Shop
Season 6 Featured on: 7 GRAND MAVERICK
Ripped by Retro Gaming
There's a pretty big day coming up ahead that I'm sure a lot of SiIvaheads are looking forward to - April Fools, or in other words the day where SiIvaGunner channel annually goes fucking bonkers for a bit. I've had a few ideas on what I myself should do on the blog to commemorate the day, and in that rumination for ideas I found myself going through the eight different April Fools events that the channel has done throughout the years. There are some that I've already covered on here - notably, the excellent but subdued bit played in Season 1 with Grand Dad Metropolis - and some you'll likely be seeing more of later, but one particular event stuck out to me as one I haven't really given too much thought since when it first aired. April Fools of Season 6, the Logan Paul takeover.
I don't think I've made it a secret on here that I think Jake Paul rips are some of the funniest on the entire SiIvaGunner channel. It's Everyday Bro just has such a miraculous blend of being at once inherently funny due to its associations and vocals, incredibly distinct in sound largely due to its beat, and incredibly effective due to just how PROMINENT Jake Paul is as a figure online. I mean really, It's Everyday Lake and Crompton Racing speak for themselves! But in the midst of all that fun, it sort of became my only perception of both Paul brothers in a way? The fact that they were actual people, and not just figureheads to be poked fun at through rips and other shitposts - such as Logan's infamous vacation to Japan - sort of gradually slipped my mind - and I'd completely forgotten that Logan Paul was like...still doing stuff? That made his sudden appearance on the channel on April Fools during Season 6 feel like one hell of a trip at first, but it was one that I quickly caught up on and was immediately on board with.
Because like yeah - at first when I think of this event, I think of all the rips featuring The Fall of Jake Paul, a song made by Logan specifically to mock It's Everyday Bro and Jake Paul in general. It's more of a diss track than it is an actual song, and it felt like the perfect anthem for the event as a whole. A "years later" response to the original Jake Paul takeover of Season 3; with Season 6 already being all about change and moving on, it was the perfect storm, the perfect call-and-response payoff. Those rips are what I remember most from the event, and also feel like they fit my perception of Logan Paul in general pretty perfectly, if that makes sense. The overly aggressive, energy-filled, hype beast-like behavior he has in The Fall of Jake Paul is just perfectly in line with everything I've seen of Logan Paul (and, honestly, is likely quite accurate to the kind of person he's been for most of his stardom). Those rips alone made the event special - but the reason I picked Logan Paul's Shop in particular is because it surprised me in the absolute opposite way. I'll admit it - I never knew that Logan Paul had bangers.
Be honest - if you'd just listened to the above linked rip whilst somehow not registering the title let alone gotten to this point in the text, would you be able to tell me that this is the same guy who made The Fall of Jake Paul? Sure, there are traces of Logan's trademark juvenility in it, 2020 is pretty explicitly a song about current-day topics with a focus on the COVID-19 pandemic and all that happened during it, there's clearly comedic intent throughout - but the overall vibe of Logan's performance feels far more lighthearted and chill on the whole, a far cry from the performative pretend-coolness or self-aggrandizing attitude of the songs that the Paul brothers are most well known for. That's not to say that 2020 is a masterpiece, but it genuinely caught me off guard when a rip first used it - and, if handled well, I feel like it could slot in perfectly with other hip-hop focused rips like Top of the Looping Steps or, perhaps more comparatively, Sidelined Symphony.
And indeed, as if it wasn't already heavily inferred: I think Retro Gaming went absolutely above and beyond in making Logan Paul's Shop. I'm actively trying to not feature more Undertale/Deltarune music on here than I have to, but its hard to avoid when so many rippers on the team are so proficient in getting the game to sound so damn good. This is at once a mashup between Undertale's Shop music with the aforementioned Logan Paul song, and a melodyswap - with the Shop music edited at several points to have its melody follow Logan's vocals. It's as if the rip ebbs in and out of being a melodyswap at the perfect times - for instance, the beginning of 2020's chorus is entirely vocals with no beat, and this effect is replicated by having Shop's lead instruments play perfect parity to the melody.
There's several little touches and quirks added to the rip throughout on top of it all - a nod to Omori song 100 Sunny (a whole year before it would become a prominent meme on TimmyTurnersGrandDad?), the instruments of the Wii Shop Channel playing when the lyrics mention "Credit Card Dept", an entire segment suddenly using the instruments to The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time's shop theme - none of these things detract from the core vibe of the rip, carried by 2020's vocals, melody and beat, yet they keep the experience incredibly varied and at points funny in a "mild chuckle" sort of way. Finding new ways to keep the joke of the rip novel is one of my favorite things to see in rips, I recall You Are Book Smart standing out to me earlier this year for specifically that reason - and this is already on top of Logan Paul's Shop being inherently novel in concept alone!
Because really: I don't think anyone was going into the Logan Paul takeover expecting to find bangers not born out of irony. That is not to say that the rips using The Fall of Jake Paul *aren't* bangers (again; these were the rips I was considering on featuring today to begin with!), but that they're bangers in a very different sort of way. I love rips like GREAT DABS - Jake Paul's Bizarre Adventure: Christmas is Lit because they're able to take obnoxious music and remix it in a way that makes them work - the rippers' is, through their sheer skill, take otherwise rather cringeworthy music and make it work beautifully in their arrangement. Logan Paul's Shop surprised me because it goes completely against that formula, the formula I'd thought was set-in-stone for personalities as obnoxious as the Paul brothers, and is a genuinely great rip whilst using genuinely pretty-good music as the primary source. Retro Gaming went above and beyond in a way that he really didn't need to in order for the larger Logan Paul event to work, and I'm really thankful he did - getting to uncover gems like this is a huge part of why I love running this blog to begin with.
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septembersghost · 8 months
Jessssss what are you manifesting for surprise songs tonight with New Romantics? I've never believed something was happening this hard, if there's not an announcement tonight I'll never walk clownelia street again
all of us today like: it's happening, it makes so much sense! she gave so many signs!!! also RIGHT when i opened my inbox, style started playing on shuffle. even my playlists are clowning tonight.
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i'd love for her to sing the very first night because i think it would be so cute to end this leg of tour with it (don't forget about the night out in L.A....), but I also think paris would be an amazing pairing with new romantics because they're like equal opposites and would be really fun together (the rumors are terrible and cruel, but honey most of them are true/no, i didn't hear the news; heartbreak is the national anthem/romance is not dead if you keep it just yours). 💙
the energy feels electric, even if nothing happens i enjoy sharing nights like this with you all so much!!! and i'll be like: now i know, i'm never gonna clown again, except...when we go crashing down, we come back every time.
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13 of 1001
Today's album: The Beatles - Abbey Road (1969)
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Likely one of, if not THE, most famous album covers of all time.
I know a few songs on here, I never had Abbey Road growing up, so the back half is almost all new to me.
Come Together-
A fuckin classic and a killer opener. I still have no real clue what the hell he means, but why should lyrics get in the way of a damn good song?
A sweet love song, kinda slow, but it just works so well when the bridge comes in quicker. I always forget how much i like this one.
Maxwell's Silver Hammer-
I knew a guy in college who claimed that this was the only Beatles song he liked.
Kinda wonder what he's up to.
Anyway, it's alright. The synth parts are pretty wild. My favorite Beatles song about a murderer.
Oh! Darling-
Well, i wasn't expecting a doo-wop song to be perfectly honest.
Also wasn't expecting that kind of a growl from John. Gotta say, he put some fuckin blood in this performance, even when he's kinda aping James Brown.
Octopus's Garden-
There's a section of The House on the Rock in Wisconsin with a massive whale in it and all kinds of weird nautical stuff, and there's a little automated orchestra that plays Octopus's Garden. This song always reminds me of that place.
Otherwise, it's kinda goofy and fun. Did Ringo write this one? Feels like a Ringo one.
I Want You (She's So Heavy)-
Oh, that intro is short but it fucks. Oh, yeah, this whole song fucks. Kinda slinky, kinda smoky. Lyrics are... to the point, the guitar work is fuckin solid, that bass line is just *filthy*, and that keyboard player is on fire.
Barely even noticed how long it is, because it just keeps. on. moving. I don't think I've ever heard it before today, but it's going on my Beatles shortlist.
Hahaha fuck it, this song ends NOW.
Here Comes The Sun-
One of my all-time favorite songs. One of the ones that can and will put a smile on my face pretty much no matter what. It's just so unrelentingly positive.
Acid is one hell of a drug. I like this one, but it's definitely pretty trippy. The synth trumpets, tho.
Also, the lyrics on Spotify add in all the ahh-ahh-ahh's and it just looks hilarious.
You Never Give Me Your Money-
Kinda dig the upbeat but beatdown part after the slower intro. Really cool guitar work in this one.
No idea what the end's about though.
Sun King-
I almost know enough Spanish to understand what he's saying at the end, though he's kinda pronouncing things like it's Italian?
Mean Mr Mustard-
Weird. I'll be honest, i don't really get this one.
Polythene Pam-
This one's saying something, but I'm not quite sure what exactly it is. "Androgyny can be pretty hot", possibly?
She Came In Through The Bathroom Window-
Wait, what the hell is going on here? The last four songs have been like two minutes long, blended into one another almost seamlessly, and they seem to mean very little? Or I'm just not catching it.
Golden Slumbers-
Cute and kinda sweet.
Carry That Weight-
The anthem of childhood trauma, imo. Life is gonna fuck you up and you're just gonna have to deal with it. (You won't always be able to deal with it.)
The End-
Let Ringo cook! It's not gonna be fancy, but it's gonna be solid and consistent. Goddamn human metronome.
Chaos throughout the middle, but a solid truth right at the end.
Her Majesty-
Well, I have no memory of the queen not being vaguely grandmotherly, so this one is just odd to me.
So, i wasn't expecting the back half of this one to be "one long song needlessly broken up into like 12 little constituent songs". King Crimson would have had that be one 20 minute-long song, just saying.
A fairly cute album, all in all (Maxwell aside). I really liked it, but that didn't surprise me too much since i tend to prefer later, more experimental Beatles albums to their earlier, poppier stuff.
Favorite Track: Here Comes The Sun. Forever.
Least Favorite Track: Mean Mr Mustard and She Came In Through The Bathroom Window both kinda feel like they could have been cut and not much would have been lost, unless there's some sort of story linking the second half that i just didn't register.
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residentraccoon · 11 months
Back in July last year I did some blind predictions of this year's eurovision so I'll just list all of them here lmao, enjoy
• Host city will be Glasgow or Manchester.
• Albania: Ethno ballad a la Theje (FiK 2022)
It was Liverpool lawl
It was indeed an ethnic ballad, but it wasn't exactly like Theje. Just typical Albanian in Eurovision song
• Armenia: A pop song with a bit of ethnic influences, probably won't qualify.
Sike, Brunette qualified, and the song does have a bit of ethnic elements in it. Pretty spot on.
• Australia: Something pop like We got love.
Nah, electro rock instead.
• Austria: Tired of NQ-ing so they send a great ballad with power vocals trying to imitate rise like a phoneix but in the end they qualify and score on the right half of the scoreboard.
They qualified, and they did have a right-scoreboard result. Another good prediction.
• Azerbaijan: Sends a girl with a weak pop song (a la Falling Stars, Moldova 2016) with half-swedish half-azerbaijani songriting that either borderline qualifies or nq's for the first time since 2019.
It did NQ, but it wasn't a girlie pop by swedes, this time it was completely made by the artists themselves.
• Belgium: Will probably send a dark ballad that changes tempo at the bridge. Really no idea for them.
Nope, no dark ballad this time, but a funky disco gay anthem lmao.
• Bulgaria: After years of doing so well BG will probably get their downfall. Will probably send a balkan ballad in english that won't qualify
Bulgaria withdrew.
• Croatia: Steps up their game and chooses Mia Negovetic (internally or wins the nf with changes rules and revamped) and scores in the top 15. Not sure on the genre, probably will be similar to her 2020 entry.
Croatia this year was extremely different 💀 but they indeed got top 15 in the end.
• Cyprus: sends a hot guy with an uptempo song written by one or two swedes trying to imitate Sweden's success. Doesn't qualify.
Partly true, it did qualify.
• Czech Republic: Will originally state they won't participate in esc 2023 but their decision will be changed in the last minute and will compete. They'll go with an uptempo song again and most likely place top 15. Before the contest the odds will say they won't q but will be a surprise Q.
It's pretty uptempo, placed top 10 even but the whole time the odds said they're a definite Q sooo this was again pretty spot on.
• Denmark: NF will remain the same, nothing will change despite the weak recent results. Their song will be fully in english and it will be a mid tempo song. They'll place around 20th.
Breaking my heart was pretty uptempo actually, and no, they didn't qualify.
• Estonia: They will send a female singer with a calming slow song, in the style of Med haekanddi sol or Calm after the storm.
It's a slow song sung by a girl, but it wasn't the same genre as the 2 stated above, just a power ballad.
• Finland: Gets again a top 10 result with a rock, meme-y song.
UMMM this one is VERY close. It was a metal meme-y song that got in the top 3. I was close with this one.
• France: Selects Pauline Chagne or LMK internally, or another female singer. Will place in the top 15.
Female singer, yes. But it was just outside of the top 15.
• Georgia: Will have a pop feel good song with a few georgian lines. Will qualify
Nope, not at all oof
• Germany: Sends a pop rock song and will place around 16ish.
They got last again 💀 but yeah, pretty close with the genre
• Greece: Sends a girl for the 7th time in a row and doesn't qualify. Song will be in english.
Song was in english but was sung by a boy. And it didn't qualify.
• Iceland: Remains strong, sends something in the style of Turn this around and places Top 5.
Iceland NQ'ed.
• Ireland: Sends something strong and emotional, with empowering lyrics. Will qualify.
Empowering lyrics yes, but it didn't qualify lol.
• Israel: Fuego style song lol. Top 15.
WOAH VERY CLOSE. It was similar to Fuego with it being a girl bop with lots of choreography, and got a top 3 result.
• Italy: Sends a weak entry but won't be in bottom 5. Will place 18ish.
Sike again, Top 5 with a ballad.
• Latvia: Either sends Justs or someone with an indie pop. Qualifies.
OMGGG another close one!! Justs was in the national final, and Sudden lights were an indie (rock) pop band. And they were pretty close to qualify but in the end...yeah.
• Lithuania: No idea for them. But I see them qualifying.
Yup, they were in.
• Malta: Continues the streak of cheap pop songs. NQs.
It was a pop song (not cheap though) that didn't qualify.
• Moldova: Same as Malta, will choose something extremely basic (such as Stay, Moldova 2019) and NQs.
Completely different lol. But I did guess the title of the Lithuanian entry so yay!
• Montenegro: Borderline Qs with an ethno bop.
Montenegro withdrew.
• Netherlands: First NQ since 2015. Will send something in the style of Montenegro 2016.
I guessed the NQ, but not the genre, it was a polar opposite one (aka ballad)
• North Macedonia: Qualifies and gets top 10. No idea for the song but will probably be something opera pop or just simply opera.
North Macedonia withdrew.
• Norway: Sends a girl with an emotional ballad sung in cursive. Qualifies.
It was a girl, and she qualified but no cursive sung ballad. They had one in the national final though (Elsie Bay with Love you in a dream)
• Poland: Sends something in the style of Paranoia from their NF.
Nope, they are both pop but come on, Paranoia is light years ahead of Solo 💀
• Portugal: Sends fado but people won't like it and will place bottom 5 in the odds. At the actual contest it either does very well or doesn't qualify.
They did send something ethnic Portuguese a bit, and it got bottom 5 in the final.
• Romania: Will choose Olivia Addams via internal selection with a song in the style of Sugar by Natalia Gordienko.
Nah, not even close.
• San Marino: No idea. They're so unpredictable.
I laughed 😂😂 they got a dated dad rock with cheesy lyrics in a broken english.
• Serbia: Balkan ballad probably.
We got epic boss battle with an electro beat instead lmfao
• Slovenia: Sends something with a lgbtq message since they just legalised this year the same sex marriages.
WELL- the music video had included a bit of that and it does have a bit of vibes, this was eerily close lol??
• Spain: Contines Benidorm Fest and gets another good result. Will send something catchy like Rayden
17th is more of a decent result but no Rayden style song.
• Sweden: Goes back to basic hot guy pop song. Top 10
Nope, we got Loreen lol
• Switzerland: Sends something very memey with yodelling and people will compare it to Yodel It. NQ
Completely different entry, emotional ballad about war
• Ukraine: Either places bottom 5 aka "host country" curse or wins the 2nd year in a row. Might be wrong and biased af but I can see them having a win streak like Ireland had in the 90s
Yeah, not the case. They did beat the host country curse.
• UK: Places high once again thanks to TaP music. Or at least I hope so.
Bottom 5 💀
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theghostpinesmusic · 3 months
Goose put on a hell of a show for the two-night stand at Hampton Coliseum that was this year's Goosemas. I'll admit, though, that I struggled a bit to appreciate the second, third, and fourth sets as much as they probably deserved because the first set was, in my opinion, basically perfect. I had a similar "problem" with this year's US fall tour: I saw six (!) shows in a row in person, but my first show was Montana, which is a serious contender for the best show of the year. I thought four of the next five shows were also great (Spokane didn't click with me, but I loved the venue and having a show in my adopted PNW "hometown"), but nothing entirely stacked up to the first night, and it took awhile to adjust my expectations.
So, yes, while Goosemas was great overall, it was a weird run to watch from the couch because it felt like it peaked at the start. That said, what a peak! This mirror-themed set is five songs: a theme-appropriate, well-played "Earthling Or Alien?"; a "mirror" mashup of both arrangements of "All I Need?" with an amazing bliss jam, the "mirrored" "Tumble" I covered in my last post, a great cover of Michael Jackson's "Man In The Mirror"...and a twenty-plus-minute-long jam of Justin Timberlake's "Mirrors."
Yeah, you read that right.
Unlike most of my Goose jam posts, I'm not going to start by introducing the song here: it's a JT song, it's a billion times popular than any Goose song you probably know it already, and I don't know much about JT's music that a cursory Google search couldn't also tell you anyway. So let's just jump into it.
Before we get to the jam proper, the first thing I love about this cover is that the band (in my opinion) absolutely nails the song itself. I mean, I'm sure anyone who is totally in love with JT's music and has never heard of Goose is going to find it lacking, but within their own particular sound, I think the band does a great job with it.
Watching live, it took me until the second chorus to realize where I'd heard the song before, then I started laughing like a maniac. I love that busting out a bunch of (mostly) surprising covers like this one is what the band chose to do for their biggest two shows of the year/their careers so far.
Then, after Rick's anthemic outro solo that starts at 4:45, the band moves into a synth-y jam space at 5:55. Watching live, I started laughing even harder: like, they're not only going to cover JT, they're going to jam out the song?!
Yes. Yes, they are.
The initial space here is slow, deliberate, and a little murky due to the background synth. Peter moves pretty quickly over to the Vibe, which makes things a bit more melodic, and Rick adds some growl to his tone in response. The interplay here between them and Trevor is fantastic, if sparse. Rick is playing more notes here, but the super-heavy reverb'd tone from Peter really dominates the feel of the jamming.
Pete lays back a bit starting at 10:15 and Rick takes a bit more of an assertive role. The Sinister Factor gets dialed up a bit more. One neat detail of this section is the riff that Rick starts playing repeatedly at 11:20, which you can hear Trevor pick up at 11:45 when Rick moves on to the next idea.
As usual, maybe my dumb ears deceive me, but I hear a key change (or at least a scale change from Rick) at 12:16. This moves us out of sinister territory (mostly), and causes Peter to throw out a few siren sounds. I feel like you know we're officially way out there when Peter starts breaking out the siren.
At 13:45, Rick mixes things up again, and Ben follows along with him. This is a neat move that speeds things up and really brings the percussion forward in the jam for the first time. Peter also switches over to what I think of as his xylophone patch, which always makes my day. Synth loops and xylophone patches? Yes, please. There's something particularly fun and unique about the juxtaposition of Pete's "xylophone" and Rick's grungy, bluesy tone here.
It sounds like Rick teases something briefly at 16:37, but I can't tell what. It might just sound a little like "What's the Use?" to me. Shortly after this maybe-tease, the band goes full speed ahead and Rick goes nuts for a bit as Peter switches to organ washes. We crash into a really peaky section starting at 18:28.
Normally, this would be the culmination of a big jam like this one, but instead the band takes off into another space after the peaks, slowing things down again at 19:50. Pete lays down some bluesy piano that Rick chops away under. Though the spotlight is visually on Peter here, I feel like this is actually the most locked-in the whole band is during the jam. I love what Trevor is playing, and the (relatively) minimal drums add to the jam rather than subtracting to it.
My only complaint about this entire performance is that the last minute of the jam (with Peter's bass piano riff and the tempo slowdown) is so badass that I'm sad they only stuck with it for a minute. The quick ending is neat, though.
And that's the story of how Goose jammed a Justin Timberlake song!
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My Top Songs of 2023
Another year down, another post of my top 10 songs of the year! These songs are not necessarily the 10 best songs of the year musically or even my 10 favorite songs of the year. They're simply the songs that defined my year of 2023 the most.
First, the honorable mentions. "MR. TAKE YA B*TCH" by Lil Mabu featuring chirseanrock easily had the catchiest hook of 2023. That song is addicting. "SAD B!TCH" by Anne-Marie was also a standout this year with the perfect blend of dance-y, catchy, and empowering to get over being sad. And I feel it must be mentioned, even though Rihanna had an unforgettable Super Bowl performance this year, that Rihanna drought is still here with no new album from her, and no new songs this year. Now, let's get into this list!
10. "Alive" by The Scarlet Opera
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"Alive" lives up to its name, as a huge lively rock anthem released in February reminiscent of Queen. I hadn't heard of the Scarlet Opera before this song, and it really took me by surprise. It starts off with a beautiful vocal and piano melody, but the band keeps taking the song up a notch, especially vocalist Luka Bazulka with his vocals absolutely soaring by the end of the song. The lyrics perfectly match this musical adventure, being about finding your place and living true to yourself. The single was eventually accompanied by an EP, Comedy, but personally, "Alive" was still easily the standout track.
9. "What Was" by Benson Boone
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Last year, I had a goal to go to at least 10 concerts. Thankfully, I was able to make that goal, going to 22 concerts and 1 music festival! Of all of the singers I saw last year, Benson Boone's vocals were one of the best, which is especially impressive given his limited training. Granted, he puts it on a lil thick for the ladies a lot of the time, but somehow it works. His fun personality makes a good balance for his often sorrowful songs. "What Was" in particular has the narrator regretting losing his relationship and wanting to start over. Boone is able to tenderly hit the verses and emote the torment in the chorus, all while cheekily doing a backflip in live performances. His corresponding EP Pulse is generally more upbeat than his previous release Walk Me Home.... I appreciate the variety in his discography, but his other tearjerkers like "Little Runaway" and "To Love Someone" also hit the spot, especially since I went through a bad breakup last year and really resonated with the sad white boi anthems.
8. "leave me in the dark" by Alexander Stewart
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Speaking of my breakup and sad white boi songs, "leave me in the dark" is probably the breakup song that lyrically matched my situation the most. The music video beautifully captures the metaphor of a former lover left alone, blindfolded, lost and confused with nowhere to go. Stewart's vocals capture the rollercoaster of emotions, from a soft feeling of loneliness to a loud angry cry of resentment, with the simple piano escalating to a powerful piano, drum, and belt before cutting back to the quiet piano and vocals again. Follow-up singles "I'm trying" and "i wish you cheated" along with EP if you only knew also capture the turmoil of recovering from a breakup, and they were such comforts for me to know that, even though I was left in the dark, I was not alone.
7. "Waffle House" by Jonas Brothers
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Let's put a pause on the sad songs for a second. "Waffle House" is simply a fun, addicting song about how family and friendship can overcome the speedbumps of life. Its music video captures this with fun choreography and ending with a concert, which of course I always love a concert experience. I'll admit, this song is mostly on this list due to my trip to the Midwest (we don't have Waffle House where I live). That trip was a blast; it was awesome to reconnect with friends whom I hadn't seen in years who now live all over the country. I missed a late night dinner at Waffle House with a couple of them, and all of us joked how Waffle House was the highlight of the trip, but I think that really made me resonate with the song in how such an ordinary place and experience and that sense of ordinary connection is beautiful in its own way, pushing life forward. Their album The Album has other fun hits like "Wings," expected of a Jonas Brothers album and a breath of fresh air for my playlists.
6. "Flowers" by Miley Cyrus
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I didn't realize I had put the two Disney Channel alumni next to each other until after I compiled the list, but it feels right. As someone who grew up with Disney Channel and am similar in age to Cyrus and the Jonas', I have always been proud to see people my age killing it in life and overcoming various obstacles, "blooming" if you will. If this list was a list of songs that were all over America this year, this song would definitely be number one. There was no escaping this song, and you know what, I'm not mad about that. Cyrus very famously had a nasty divorce, but with this song, Cyrus takes control of her life and embraces self-love and independence. At the time of release, I didn't think much of this song, but as the year went on, as I experienced my breakup, as I recovered, I related to this song more and more, and each time I hear it, I recognize something new and find a way to love myself even more and embrace being free from the toxic relationship I was previously in. I think most people would have expected me to be stuck in a state of regret, like Bruno Mars's "When I Was Your Man." But just as Cyrus references that song (which her ex-husband reportedly dedicated to her), I'm proud to be past all that and out of that rut. The "Flowers" music video is simple, comprised mostly of clips of Cyrus enjoying her life, which is how it should be. Endless Summer Vacation has a variety of pop bops, some of which are arguably more musically and lyrically powerful (see "Used To Be Young"), but "Flowers" took the year by storm and rightfully so.
5. "missin u" by Tori Kelly
To my memory, I don't think I've ever added music from anyone I personally know onto these lists, but "missin u" is too good to pass up. Both the song and the music video itself perfectly draw from its 90s and 00s inspirations from the pop and R&B scenes that people of my generation grew up with. The best part in my opinion is Tori absolutely going in with the adlibs, just as the pop and R&B divas would do back in the day. The corresponding EP tori is full of great music, most notably "cut" which includes writing credits by Timbaland, which I remember us talking about back in the day. I'm so proud that she accomplished that dream and many other dreams, and I know there are many more accomplishments to come!
4. "Other's Melodies" by Gatton
This song is so beautiful and healing. It's very simple and somber, with mostly just Gatton's voice and piano. It's a song of realization and not necessarily dwelling in this, but a melancholy reflection resolving in hope. The music video captures fun moments between friends, so much so that I wasn't even sure if Gatton was in the video at first. But I think that's part of the message of the video, that Gatton is now in a safe space with safe people, moving on from those who were draining him. I am grateful to have this piece of beauty, piece of healing that I carried with me as I found my voice again.
3. "What Was I Made For?" by Billie Eilish
The theme for me this year was sad piano songs, and arguably the biggest sad piano of the year was rightfully Billie Eilish's "What Was I Made For?" It's primary meaning is the realization of the current state of womanhood and corresponding struggles as girls grow up, as this song is essentially Margot Robbie's character's theme in the Barbie film. As a man, I may not fully understand women's' struggles (relating more to Ken's theme from the film "I'm Just Ken" which is a fun and dramatic song in its own right), but I agree it's important for art pieces like the film and this song to help women related and men understand. Beyond that, the song is a beautiful piece about finding your place in the world. Eilish is a master of the soft vocals and harmonies floating over the piano to convey these complex feelings.
2. "One That Got Away" by MUNA
"One That Got Away" is an upbeat song about realizing your self-worth and having the confidence to walk away from situations that aren't for you. Katie Gavin's voice delivers the catchy melody over the 80s inspired synths and drums for a memorable tune that leaves listeners dancing and singing along, empowering us to remind ourselves we are the ones that got away. The music video takes the title more literally, reminiscent of heist movies like Oceans Eleven. They didn't release an album this year, still somewhat fresh from their 2022 release MUNA, but I look forward to hearing more from them!
1. "Maybe Next Time" by Jamie Miller
Let's get back to those sad white boi songs! While Alexander Stewart's "leave me in the dark" is the song that best reflects my breakup in retrospect, while going through it, "Maybe Next Time" was what I was feeling most. Welsh singer Jamie Miller starts soft with a heartbreaking opening line, "Mom says trust your gut but I think mine's broken / 'Cause I could swear that we were meant to be." This self doubt and brokenness show in his voice as it and the piano eventually escalate to regret for not being enough and hope for being good enough next time. "Maybe next time I'll be enough / You'll give me everythin' instead of givin' up / Maybe next time won't be a waste / You'll be the one and not the onе that got away." And in true Jamie Miller fashion, the song lightens up a bit with a raw delivery of the beginning of the chorus in a lower octave before emotions come crushing down with his powerful belt, and the final quiet delivery of "maybe next time." I think what's so beautiful about Miller's releases this year is that you can see his journey of healing through his music. Looking back now, I think "Maybe Next Time" is the wrong message, at least for me. While it is beautiful in its honesty, the narrator puts himself down so much and focuses on whether or not he is enough. I think Miller recognized this as well, and subsequent release "No Matter What" has lyrics such as "Even on the dark days, even through the heartache / Even when you're too afraid to say you need someone / ... / I'm not givin' up on you, I'm here no matter what." While this could be an uplifting love song to a significant other, its corresponding music video has him singing this song to a younger version of himself, which I take to be overcoming that self-blame in "Maybe Next Time" and to be showing up for yourself when you need it most. With EP The Things I Left Unsaid, we see even more of his journey. "Rooting For You" is a song of acceptance. There is still some lingering hurt, "My biggest fear is that you move on faster / It's sad but it's true," but any lingering feelings his have are now joy (albeit a complicated, painful joy) for his ex as he roots for them, "Heard you found somebody else / I felt my heart drop out of my chest / If only one of us is doing better / I'm glad that it's you." The final song of The Things I Left Unsaid shows him even further into his healing journey. "Only Place" has the narrator now fully realizing how wrong his ex was for him, "There was a time / When every part of me was part of you / Every lie you said felt like the truth / Hearts were getting twisted / Toxic narcissistic / But pretty damn convincing." This leads to the titular line in the chorus, "The only place I'm moving is on." No more looking back, no more "maybe next time," it's over and done. I honestly did not like this song as much at first, that is until I reached that realization myself, that moving on is something to be celebrated. It seems like a small moment, but actually living the line "You call I / Ignore it / For the first time" was one of many moments that I realized I'm happy, happier even, that I have moved on and the only place I'm moving is on. To round it out, I do want to quickly mention that the only song I haven't mentioned on The Things I Left Unsaid, "Empty Room," is also a breathtaking song dealing with the loss of a loved one, in Miller's case his grandmother. I'm glad to have finally seen Miller perform in person, and it was an amazing experience meeting him and getting to tell him how his music helped me on my healing journey. It was so encouraging to hear him say, "Well, we're on to bigger and better things" to me. 2023 was hard, heartbreak is destructive, but I'm blessed to say I'm honestly happier. It turned out to be one of if not the best year of my life, and I'm so grateful that life just keeps getting better.
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lovefromskyee · 4 months
Yesterday went about as well as I expect it to, honestly. In the sense that it was just another regular day.
I had a two hour math class yesterday, which was such a wonderful way to start the new year honestly, but the day went well other than that. I solved a french paper when I came back home, and half of a physics one too, which is definitely not me at my most productive but it's okay.
I've spent the last few months coming to terms with the fact that I won't always be able to do my best, and that it's okay to take breaks and have off days sometimes but yesterday was the first day where I really understood just how hard I'd worked to kind of... understand that, I guess? I've been working a lot for the past few weeks (and very rightfully so, considering that my GCSEs are coming up) and it was good to have a break.
Apart from that, I asked my online friend if a random song I'd heard on TV was the american national anthem and she got so surprised that she made me a playlist with every american patriotic song, and I'm not going to lie. They are actually... so good? I'm listening to them non-stop since yesterday, and they are genuinely such bops. My favourite would definitely have to be You're a grand old flag, though, I love that song so much for some reason.
Apart from that, I made vision boards!
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I know it's nothing special, really. But it was my first time making a vision board like this, and I'm so so proud of how it turned out <33 The affirmations in the corner were added as an afterthought, but it was a really good thing to add, in my opinion. Plus I think it will really help me get my priorities started as we enter this new year. Fingers crossed?
Today was a little bit more eventful. I had a three hours physics and biology class 😄
One hour and a half for physics, one hour and a half was biology. Didn't get around to doing much biology, however, because the class got distracted at around the 2.5 hour mark. I guess that was to be expected, really, the teachers really shouldn't have high hopes for us.
I got home and solved another math paper, but I kinda did give up near the end. I think three hours is enough studying for the next few weeks, actually. My brain might actually stop working someday, at this rate.
I bought this really cool leather journal today as well, and it makes my inner author want to jump up and down with joy. I have this quill and ink set from a few months ago that I never got around to using, and this feels like the perfect opportunity to. I think I may be kinda ruining the aesthetic by writing the lyrics to hollaback girl on the first page, but it's alright.
I'll wrap this up now, because it's almost nine and I have to eat dinner. 2024 is definitely of to a good start, but that one meme about leap years being horrible keeps coming back to me, and I'm just praying for the best.
Love from Skye <3
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7grandmel · 2 months
Todays rip: 14/02/2024
Goodbye To Love
Season 4 Episode 2 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume for Nintendo 3DS
Ripped by Sarvéproductions
Requested by crickqt! (Discord)
Believe it or not, being eternally single kind of means that you end up forgetting about Valentine's Day whenever it rolls around each year. I got a sudden shock in the SiIvaGunner Discord when someone pointed out I was about to miss one of the channel's longest-running jokes, done each February 14th since the start of the channel. Events come and go, Seasons pass, the channel grows, yet each Valentines Day, the SiIvaGunner character remains lonely. Each year, SiIvaGunner says Goodbye To Love.
Bobby Vinton's Mr. Lonely is the kind of song that's damn near perfect for use in shitposting. Its a well-remembered, classic song, yet also one that's very inherently memetic, still able to convey the crux of its point almost perfectly no matter how much you trim it, no matter what context its put in. It is, in no uncertain terms, a sad song about feeling lonely. Many funny memers of the ages, and the SiIvaGunner team itself, have thus been able to leverage this simple message to tell narratives of sorts: Each annual Valentine's Day, in making rips featuring Mr. Lonely, we're made aware in a pretty funny way that SiIvaGunner himself is single, lonely, and feels left out. This long-running joke that occurred without fail in Season 1, Season 2, Season 3 and Season 4 Episode 1, finally reached a sort of climax in its fifth go about it - during Season 4 Episode 2, Valentine's Day went from a subtle ongoing joke to a full-on event.
The channel's profile picture was changed to perhaps the funniest variant it would ever have, an edit of an infamous panel of Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul, expressing a sense of despair and resignation, inner sorrow expressed in a decidedly "anime-cool" type of way. The theme of the rips uploaded on the day was put into focus more than ever - Mr. Lonely was *everywhere*, and rips such as the aptly-named please god let me meet her feature full-on narration leaning into the joke. Being alone in the world is of course not a joke in of itself - the event, beyond playing on the building running gag from prior seasons, is parodying and making fun of a very specific kind of "incel", "doomer", "simp" culture found on websites like 4chan and Reddit - you've no doubt seen them if you're deep enough in the trenches to be reading a SiIvaGunner blog. Its the perfect culmination to this running joke, something that felt equally expected yet surprising in their commitment to the bit - all topped off with the finale to the event, Goodbye To Love.
The SiIvaGunner team must surely know at this point the emotional response that we as fans get from the use of Goodbye to a World - one of the channel's most famous rips from Season 1 used it to such incredible effect, at such a volatile and influential part of the channel's life, that rips using Porter Robinson and Undertale music in conjunction have become a running series of rips in the years since. Even looking past the Season 6 finale's incredible Fusion Collab in tribute to the song and artist, Aphex, Hopes and Divinity+ and Battle Against a True Porter are just some of the many examples of these that I've covered here already. Each one has resonated with us viewers in one way or the other, all calling back to that one Season 1 rip. Goodbye To Love uses that emotional attachment, that anthem of unabashed love for this silly meme channel, and attaches it to the aforementioned long-running joke - mashing up Goodbye to a World with Mr. Lonely for the most befitting finale possible.
I've meant to talk about the purpose and intent of the Circus rips on SiIvaGunner for quite some time, and I'll be getting to that in just a few posts from now - but to keep it simple for this post, rips of Circus from Five Nights at Freddy's allow rippers to completely obfuscate what the joke of the rip is going to be even more than the traditional rips already do. We already came to expect the event was going to have a finale of some sort, but to sneak it into a seemingly unassuming Circus rip, one of literally dozens upon dozens more on the channel, just adds so much more inherently comedy to it all. The mashup's extra lengths to reiterate on its own joke - including the aforementioned monologue from please god let me meet her, adding occasional melody swaps to Sean Kingston's Beautiful Girls, changing the "Five Nights at Freddy's" title to say "Zero Nights at Freddy's" halfway through the rip, and so many more details just make it such a deceptively fun listen, when the mashup itself was already genuinely very funny.
And like, it may be because I'm forever on a Sean Kingston high - this is now the fifth rip I'm covering with the meme after Crazy Noisy Beautiful Girls, Beautiful! ~ Curveball of Sean Kingston, Take You To The Desert and Electromeme Adventures, but...it alone just adds so, so much charm to the mashup. If you've recently heard anything of Beautiful Girls outside of the context of SiIvaGunner, it's likely from someone making fun of the absurdity of its lyrics - it is, in literal terms, Sean Kingston singing about how seeing a beautiful woman makes him feel suicidal. That absurdity just makes it such a natural addition to this long-running joke - one that started two whole years before Mr. Lonely and Goodbye to a World first became mainstays on the channel.
I've talked quite a bit about the larger events on SiIvaGunner - in the past few days alone I talked about the King for Another Day Tournament of Season 4 Episode 1 twice over in Unhealed and NIGHTMARESCAPE 〜Unrestrained HyperCam 2〜 (Final Boss Phase 2). Yet these smaller, one-day event are so much fun entirely in their own right - they're able to be focused, perfectly paced, and generally not overstay their welcome, whilst delivering the punchline perfectly with explosively well-done finales. And to all the lonely souls out there this Valentine's Day, rest easy knowing that SiIvaGunner himself is staying just as lonely himself - and it's quite likely that Mr. Lonely is, once again, set to appear in just a few hours on the channel's rips, for yet another year of this dumb running joke.
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charlieconwayy · 7 months
Re: the last ask I sent I’m so sorry you had to go through that 😭 I really hope you’re doing better now & in a better place where you feel accepted and loved. & I’m glad that at least that album was able to help you through it. Music really is a life saver and Reputation similarly enough actually became my second favorite Taylor album over the last year or so and I define very hard with this is why we can’t have nice things too, I don’t think the song deserves to be clowned at all it’s very relatable! The lyric “There I was, giving you a second chance but you stabbed me in the back while shaking my hand” literally describes this situation I had with a guy and also look what you made me do I literally had that song on repeat for most of this year because of said situation with guy who screwed me over, I only saw him as a friend but it actually was worse than any heartbreak I’ve had from someone I was in love with. Both of those songs but especially lwymmd got me through. “Not for me not for me all I think about is karma” literally was me for several months lmao
Those are all great songs! I relate to anti hero a lot too but instead of all the people I’ve ghosted it’s all the people that have ghosted me 😂😭 but like “I wake up screaming from dreaming one day, I'll watch as you're leaving and life will lose all its meaning” is possibly the lyric of hers I relate to most it’s so real. Clean is another one I love dearly too! The one I originally was referring to in my original ask was blank space and I’m so excited to hear the re recorded version.
The songs about your friend It sounds like your friend is great and sees how wonderful you are and hope you continue to have him in your life ❤️ it sounds like there’s also some feelings there so I hope that things work out if that’s what you’re looking for!
If I had to describe the guy I’ve loved for years who I also considered my dearest friend in Taylor songs it would be I almost do and everything has changed. I still have hope though. I just saw him a few weeks ago and what’s funny is before I saw him (i wasn’t even planning to I was caught by surprise, great day though) everything has changed was the song I was listening to right before I unexpectedly saw him. Maybe I’m silly but I took it as kind of a sign idk lol.
I love how many songs Taylor has that can be applied to so many different situations. Lyrical genius I love her so much!
I loved reading your answers :) sorry this was a long response haha
thank you :') i appreciate that!
yeah you get it, reputation just hits differently when you've been betrayed, i don't think she has another album anywhere near that
oh yeah blank space is like an anthem for us bpd bitches haha so i love that one!! anti-hero is the first taylor song in forever that i felt genuinely connected to, the lyric that always comes to mind for me is "i'll stare directly at the sun but never at the mirror"
yeah he's......special. i'll leave it at that <3
sounds like we may be in a similar boat with our best friends. it's so funny the way that sometimes a specific song will play and illicit those emotions from you all over again. i don't think you're being silly. i think if it's been years and you still love him, there is something there, otherwise you would've given up.
i love taylor, but olivia will always be my number one haha just had to say that!
thank you so much for writing in!! i loved discussing this w you :)
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prettbesce · 2 years
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10/19/2021 // it's a party in the USA
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