#this took me forever thanks to the fact that 1) new puppy sure does have teeth and requires love and attention and 2)
lethalhoopla · 2 years
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Shepard has long since learned to quickly take off his shirt when merc gangs pop up out of nowhere. He’s only got so many, people, c’mon.
(a very belated xmas gift for my bro @cryptid-jack feat. MShenko being two men in a stupid amount of love.)
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firstbeachgoblin · 3 years
Hey! I hope you’re well, can i request an imagine where reader is Embry’s imprint and they haven’t seen eachother in months because reader has a life she can’t just drop for him but she comes back when the pack is blowing up her phone ? Thank youu and don’t worry if you don’t write it, it’s fine!
Thank you for the request! It took a Long time But It's now complete with a total whopping 5k words!! Any way I hope you enjoy the fic.
I put it under the cut because it's so long but it's my brain baby at the moment lo.
Returning to you.
Embry Call x Reader
5058 words
Most of my life has been spent in the Forks area so getting to travel to Europe for six months to see the art and culture was a dream come true. The past four months I’ve been travelling through Europe, starting in Greece and ending my trip in the Irish countryside.
The old art and architecture filled me with a joy that I could not get anywhere else in the world. The smells, sounds and sights all played their own part into the experience. I got to see the moon rise over Mount Olympus, the David by Michelangelo in the Vatican, tour through the Louvre, drink wine on the beaches of France and so much more. I’ve been living my best life.
It's been a dream to see the world, I've met so many new people and tried so much food. I’ve enjoyed every minute of my trip, but there was a part of me that longed for the beaches of La Push.
That part is Embry. Embry Call. My boyfriend, my pal, my love and my light. To me Embry is my everything and to him I’m his everything. That is one thing that has been made perfectly clear the past four months I’ve been away. Every day he’s told me he misses me and I know he means it, I’ve been told not just by him but also the rest of the pack.
Everyday I’ve woken up to ‘Good morning I miss you.” Sometimes he phones to tell me that he feels like he might die if I’m away for any longer. I always chuckle and tell him he will survive, it’s not like I’m going away forever; but that's what he feels like it is. This usually earns me a long winded whine from the other end of the line.
My phone buzzed against the smooth surface of the bedside table while Embry’s face flashed across my screen signalling that he’s calling. A smile graces my lips as I pick up the phone to be greeted with his loving voice.
“Hi (y/n)!! I miss you so much.” sadness was laced in his usual cheery greeting, it hurt my heart to be away from him but I would never trade this experience for anything. I’ve been planning this for years and I wasn’t going to pass up cheap plane tickets.
He filled me in on the pack's shenanigans, complaining about how they keep teasing him for being glued to his phone awaiting any updates I would send him. The later it got the heavier my eyelids seemed to feel, my speech started to slur with exhaustion of time zones while Embry continued to become more energetic with each passing minute.
“Em. . .” A yawn interrupted me mid sentence, a low whine emanated from the phone as he knew I would want to get to bed to have the energy for the long trip I’ll embark on tomorrow for Ireland, which is my last stop. I’d be spending the remaining two months of my trip in the lush countryside.
“I think I should get to sleep, I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.” I mumbled into the phone.
“But (y/n)!” he dragged out. I knew he wanted to talk longer but I physically cannot do it. Even though Embry and I don’t live together officially yet, we’d talk into the early morning till one of us fell asleep.
“But (y/n) what?” I dragged out the ‘a’ matching his whine.
“I miss you and want you to come home.” I could hear him pause over line before he continued.
“Besides, sleeping isn’t the same without you.”
I ran my hand through my hair gently tugging on the roots easing the tension that’s built up over my trip. As much fun as I’ve had, he does have a point. Sleeping just isn’t the same without Em. My nights have been spent restless in beds that aren’t mine without the comforting touch of my boyfriend; but that doesn’t mean I can just drop everything and go back home.
“Em you know I can’t just pack everything and go home. . .” I looked at the painting that hung over the tv that sat opposite of my bed. A puppy-like whimper fell from his lips when he spoke again, his voice cracked like he was going to cry. It broke my heart hearing him upset.
“I-I know I just really miss you.”
“I know Embry I miss you too, but it’s only two more months then I’ll be home.”
We chatted for ten more minutes before I fell asleep on the phone. As much as I missed falling asleep in his warm embrace I can’t just fly back home, not yet at least.
The blaring of my alarm woke me from my slumber. The clock face read 6:02 a.m. taking everything within myself to peel back the blankets that encased me in their warm grip. I patted through the bed sheets to find my phone only to knock it onto the floor in the process.
My lock screen adorned a photo of Embry with icing smudged across his face from his birthday party but a swamp of text messages from the pack covered my favourite photo of him. Five texts from Leah, seven from Jake, nine texts from Paul, 12 texts and two missed calls from Sam and a whole group chat titled ‘(y/n) come home.’
The group chat kept pinging with the members of the pack who were still awake discussing the logistics of flying out to Ireland to take me back home. Was Embry really causing that much strife in the pack for them to create a group chat? Knowing him, it couldn’t be too far from the truth.
Leah and I call once a week to check in and make sure the other is doing okay since I left. It’s one of my favourite parts of the week being able to have a one on one with someone sensible. Every week she fills me in on Embry begrudgingly, she does it because she knows it makes me happy which I appreciate.
Reading through her texts she didn’t say much in regards to Em’s behaviour the only message relating to him was “come get your man child please, he’s getting snot on the floor.”
I listened through Sam’s voice mails which were begging me to come home, he informed me that once Em knew I was asleep he started moping around Emily’s house again for the fourth consecutive night in a row. This was news to me.
The texts entailed that Embry was becoming a pain on patrol and that Paul ‘couldn’t take another minute of the incessant whining.’ I told them the same thing I told Embry; I’m not dropping everything and rushing back home to sooth the wails of a love sick boy. There isn’t much I can do from across the ocean anyway.
I stretched my body and headed towards the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower before I had to leave for the airport.
I packed the few remaining things I left out to prepare for the flight and headed my way to the lobby to check out. I enjoyed travelling but I wasn’t going to miss sleeping in hotels and hostels.
Two weeks have passed since I touched down in Ireland and to say I’ve been having the time of my life is an understatement; I’ve been having a ball living my best life.
The land was capped in a luscious emerald green sea of grass that waved in the wind, the roads were lined with hand built stone walls that marked the division of farmers fields.
Sheep and cattle grazed in pastures, and old castles dotted the countryside. It was gorgeous. It was a view that I wanted to see again, a view I want to see with Embry.
It felt like time was flying by between sight seeing, trail hiking, museum tours and calls with Embry and Leah. It has already been a month. I had one more month before I was to jet set back to the U.S. and see my Embry.
One more month before I was back in La Push surrounded by the scent of sea water and trees with the looming threat of rain constantly overhead except in the summer. For two months of the year La Push was bright and sunny with the expected summer storms that happened.
I had fallen asleep on the phone with Embry again when I realized my phone was lost in the sea of sheets as it buzzed with an incoming phone call.
I couldn’t find it until the call had gone to voicemail and my phone landed on the ground when I gave up and ripped the blankets off of the bed but whoever called must have felt it was really important. Picking up my phone the most unflattering photo of Jacob was plastered on the screen, his name in white.
“Hello?” I asked groggily into the phone, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I looked over at the clock which said in bold red numbers 1 am.
“Hey (y/n)! You sound like you just woke up.” I heard him chortle from the other end.
“That’s because I just woke up Jake, it’s one in the morning.” a yawn escaped my lips, I know I’ll have a rough time getting over jet lag when I go home.
He occupied twenty minutes with idle chatter and borderline interrogation about all the sights I’ve seen before I asked him why he was calling me so early in the morning
“Embry has spent the week at my house, you need to come home there’s nothing we can do anymore to occupy him till you return.” He sighed, Jake knows I want to finish my trip but we made a deal that I would come home early if there were absolutely no options left to keep Embry from sending the pack into hysterics.
I knew he was buttering me up for something.
“Are you sure you can’t figure something out? It’s just another month!”
“Another month of him eating my cereal and getting dirt on me from my dad!”
I snorted with laughter at the fact that Billy was telling Embry every embarrassing detail from his childhood.
“Jake please just let me think about it okay?” I sighed, flopping back into my hollowed cave of blankets and sheets.
“Okay, I’ll let you think about it but don’t think I won’t be telling Sam.” he warned.
We laughed together and he wished me a good night before hanging up the phone, before I slipped back into slumber I sent Jake one more text.
‘You wake me up at one in the morning again and it’s over for you.’ in which he responded with ‘Oh no I’m so scared lol.’
I reached over to the bedside table and plugged my phone in before the sweet embrace of warmth and slumber took over my senses.
The next three days I was bombarded with texts from Paul whining about the wolf mind link and how every patrol shift he had with Embry was spent tuning out his constant thoughts of me.
Standing in the shower with hot water running over my skin soothing my tense muscles I heard my phone buzz against the granite countertop. I rolled my eyes and continued to bask in the endless hotel hot water.
As bad as staying in hotels could be, the hot water made up for the early breakfast and sheets that were tucked in a little too tightly.
I had shampoo in my hair when my phone started buzzing again, this time with a call. I grumbled under the stream of water washing away the soap before it could get in my eyes; whoever's calling can wait.
I moved on to conditioning my hair, letting it sit while I wash the rest of my body with a lightly scented lavender soap.
I refused to use the complimentary soap because it dried out my skin and the lotion just left me feeling sticky instead of moisturized.
Watching the soap run down the drain my phone rang again, I clenched my fists, who could possibly be calling me now? I still refused to get out of my steamy heaven to answer my phone.
My gut told me that whoever was calling wouldn’t let up until I answered. I washed out the conditioner from my hair and wrapped it in a towel.
The mirror was coated in a layer of steam, the tiles were cool against my feet. I wrapped the plush towel around my body, mopping up the droplets of water that remained.
My phone started vibrating with rapid fire text messages from the pack’s group chat they made a month ago. I sighed, picking it up to sift through the messages. I read a message from Jared telling me he’d pay me to return.
The pack always made me laugh, together they’re a walking sitcom. There is never a dull moment with them, someone always had something witty or sarcastic to say.
I checked to see who had called me and it turned out it was Sam, I listened to his voice mails and immediately phoned him back.
As soon as I hit the call button it only rang for half a second before he picked up.
“Thank you for calling back, I thought I’d have to call two more times.” he chuckled.
“Well I was in the middle of a shower, can’t really take a call there.” I moved through the room with my phone pressed between my shoulder and cheek. Stopping at my suitcase to pick out what I was going to wear for the day.
“I’m going to be frank with you, I need you to come home. . .” I let out a huff before he continued.
“Embry needs you badly, he’s just a pile of mush on the floor now. It’s a chore to get him up to go on patrol. Please?”
“Fine, I’ll see what I can do Sam, I’ll try to book a flight for the earliest date I can find.” I knew I was giving in but from what they were telling me and the constant texts were getting to be difficult to manage.
“Thank you, when you get back I’ll buy you take out for a month okay?”
“I hate that you know what my weakness is.” I laughed through the phone, a month of free take out? Hell yeah. It made the prospect of going back a little brighter since I wasn’t going to complete the rest of my trip.
I wasn’t losing out on too much though, I had seen and done everything that I wanted. It wouldn’t be too bad to go home early.
We talked for a couple more minutes before parting ways, I threw my phone on the bed and watched it bounce a couple times before turning my attention back to getting dressed. Since I had a flight to book it was okay to spend the rest of the day lounging in pj’s.
The soft fabric of my pj’s brushed against my skin as I jumped into bed with my computer in hand, and now it was time to book a flight back home. Maybe text Paul and tell him he can quit complaining as well.
I woke up the next morning with my flight booked for take off in the afternoon and my daily good morning text from Embry. I felt a little sad to be leaving such a beautiful country but the trees, ocean and Embry all called my name.
Pacing through the room I grabbed the comfiest set of clothes I packed for my return flight back to Seattle, I had enough time to sleep on the plane to be conscious enough for the three and a half hour drive back to La Push.
I was set for a long day ahead of me but it was going to be worth it in the end, seeing the bright and happy face of my boyfriend, getting to hug him and kiss him again.
I made one last check of the room before I gathered my clothes and toiletry kit and made my way into the bathroom to shower before my long flight. As I was stepping into the shower my phone pinged from the counter with a text from Sam.
“Have you booked that flight yet?” it read.
“Yeah I’m due for take off at 1. I should be back in La Push some time tomorrow!”
My fingers brushed the cool surface of the counter top as I put my phone back and got into the shower, hot water immediately running down my back; this time my phone wasn’t being blown up by a desperate wolf pack trying to get my attention.
I can’t sit in the shower for hours on end this time, I have a flight to catch and a boy to surprise. Embry was currently still under the impression that I would be coming home in two weeks. Boy would he be in for a surprise.
The residual steam wafted out of the bathroom while I brushed my teeth revealing my towel wrapped body and hair in the mirror behind the skin. I checked the time and noted that I had two hours to check out, make my way to the airport, and check into my flight back home. Two more hours before I could smell the trees and ocean, two more hours before I could see my friends and hug Embry.
The time managed to move by in a blur by the time I was shutting the trunk of the yellow cab that was going to drop me off at the airport. I got into the back seat and the driver peeled away from the hotel front onto the winding roads.
“Aye where are you headin’?” The driver inquired in a thick Irish accent.
One thing I noticed in my stay here was that the accent changed in every town or village I passed through. It added to the charm
“Well, I’m on my way home after spending six months in Europe.” My eyes scanned over the green hills that rushed past in a blur.
“My favourite places I’ve been have definitely been Ireland and Greece.” I smiled towards him.
The lines around his eyes crinkled with the smile that graced his face at the mention of Ireland.
“Well that’s good to hear innit? Glad you’ve enjoyed your stay. We welcome ya with open arms if you return.”
We held a light conversation until we arrived in front of the drop off area for passengers, thanked him and grabbed my bags before heading into the crowded lobby.
The front of the terminal was metal and glass that reached towards the heavens with automatic doors gaping open like a mouth. Inside was a dull white with light grey floor which my shoes clicked against with each step.
It was packed with people like a can of sardines, I weaved my way through the masses towards the check in desk which thankfully only had a short line to get through.
Under the mix of fluorescents and natural light the desk lady’s bags that donned under her eyes glared with visible exhaustion from the mass amounts of people that swarmed the terminal.
Despite her clear drowsiness she still greeted me with a warm smile and a soft hello.
I grabbed my ticket and thanked her then turned and pushed myself through to the security check, dropped my luggage off and took a seat to wait for the boarding call for my flight.
As I waited grey clouds started to fill the sky blocking out the little sun that was once shining in its place.
My eyes grew heavier by each minute that passed, waiting could be hard, but waiting in an airport where there’s no sense of time is worse. So I distracted myself by people watching.
A lady was bouncing her baby, the old man across from me was snoring. A businessman paced back and forth speaking urgently into his phone, a family chatted excitedly for their family trip to the Canary Islands.
I pulled my eyes away from them as the call for my flight rang out over the crowded terminal, grabbing my suitcase and making my way towards the gate.
Excitement filled my every step as the anticipation grew and bubbled inside me. I gave the greeting flight attendant a small smile and made my way to my seat, for being last minute I managed to get a window seat.
We sat on the tarmac for twenty minutes before taking off and before I knew it the seat belt light pinged off and I was fast asleep jet setting my way back to America, back to my home.
I couldn’t tell what time it was when I woke up but the clock on the tv screen said 2 a.m. and that we’re due to arrive in an hour. I sat up in my seat and gazed out the window into the starry night sky.
Energy started to course through me as I watched the arrival time tick closer and closer. A light rain misted down over Seattle as I left the Seatac terminal and made my way through the maze of cars in the night that was made darker by the rain.
I spotted my blue Subaru and popped the trunk so my interior and seats wouldn’t get wet. It had been a long six months since I last sat in my driver's seat, the wheel almost felt foreign in my hands as I turned the key and listened to the engine roar to life.
I drove through the winding roads of the city to the Seattle-Bainbridge Ferry to take the 45 minute ride into Bainbridge and headed North to get on the 101 then turn onto 110 which would take me back into the heart of La Push.
The closer I got to Forks the brighter the sky became; well as bright as it could be on a gloomy day. The clouds became painted in the glow of purple and pink as the sun rose over the horizon, the rain had let up and left me with an overcast sky for the remainder of the drive back.
Since I slept virtually the entire flight back I didn’t feel the weight of exhaustion at all, but surely when I arrived back in the arms of Embry I knew I’d hit the wall with sleep deprivation.
As I barreled through the corridor of trees I passed the signature ‘welcome to Forks’ sign and turned right onto the 110, twenty minutes to home. I was so close but my soul felt like it was light years away.
The clock on my radio told me that it was currently 6:45, the pinks and purples that coated the sky faded away to the typical grey that fills my senses with delight. Sea salt and washed up kelp started to seep into the air that circulated into my car making the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.
Closer to Beach Drive I got the stronger the smell of the ocean became. The turn signal clicked as I turned onto the road that gave way to Sam and Emily’s house so they could take me over to Embry’s in the off chance that he happened to be awake at this hour.
It’s highly unlikely that he would be up at this hour but it’s not something I could be one hundred percent positive about. I stepped out of my car and turned around to see Emily running as fast as she possibly could towards me with open arms and a huge smile plastered across her face.
Dropping my bags I dashed across their lawn into her embrace.
“Oh (y/n)! I missed you so much, you must be so tired.” She released me from her hug and settled her hands on my shoulders giving them a gentle squeeze.
“I missed you too Emily, I knew I’d be tired but not this tired.” I chuckled while wiping at my under eyes in a feeble attempt to wipe away the exhaustion.
She put her hand on my lower back and led me inside for the awaiting cup of tea while Sam moved my bags into his truck.
The warmth of their home embraced me, the comfort of their kitchen was familiar. The only thing missing was the rowdy group of boys that made up the pack who usually occupied every available seat in the home.
I took a seat at the kitchen table where three cups of tea sat waiting, I should have expected a q and a when I returned. Wrapping my hands around the mug the warmth that radiated from it filled my hands.
Emily took a seat beside me and Sam entered through the door and sat adjacent to both of us.
“So how was the trip?” We sat around their table chatting until our cups were empty and filed out of the house into the early morning air.
“Emily and I will drive your car back to your place after I drop you off at Embry’s, the kid’s been sleeping in my living room more often than I’d appreciate.” Sam’s eyes crinkled with a smile, I knew he was joking but at the same time there was truth to his words; and honestly I couldn’t blame him.
“Thank you for putting up with him while I was gone, I owe you guys one and you owe me take out for a month.” He rolled his eyes and ruffled my hair turning into the Call's driveway. Embry’s mom had already left for work leaving him to his own devices; which meant he would sleep in as late as his heart desired.
We got out of Sam’s truck and he dropped my bags on the doorstep. I turned and gave him a quick hug and a thank you before sticking my key into the lock.
The door creaked open and I dragged my suitcases to a stop in their front entry way and shut it behind me.
My shoes landed on the floor with a soft thud and I gingerly walked up the stairs to ensure I wasn’t too noisy while making sure to avoid the one squeaky stair.
I got to the top of the stairs and hung a left down their light beige hallway that gave way to the oak door that guarded Embry’s room. His soft snores filtered through the door, it’s door knob was cool in my hand. Making an audible click with the turn of my wrist.
Dark mahogany brown hair peaked up from beneath the sheet that tucked Embry’s body out of view. One pillow was on the floor while the other was tucked firmly between his cheek and arm, I smiled at the sight of my sleeping boyfriend which filled my every inch with the utmost joy.
My sock covered feet pressed into the carpeted flooring with each step I took towards his bed making sure to step over the piles of dirty clothes that were scattered around the room.
The sun filtered through the gaps in the window blinds casting pools of golden light on the floor and along his walls causing the crystal prism that hung above his closet to sweep dashes of colour across his walls.
I pulled back the grey top sheet to reveal his peaceful face and I swear my heart was going to burst with the amount of love that I feel for him. His hair was tousled in every direction and a cow lick stuck straight up on the left side of his head.
My hands ran over his hair, smoothing it out while I whispered his name. Embry groaned a bit and rolled over, I whispered his name a little bit louder and moved my hands from his hair to his shoulders running them along his arms finally waking him from his slumber.
“Hi Em!” I gushed out as his brown eyes opened and focused on me. His face split with his toothy smile and his arms shot around me, pulling me down into his chest.
“Do you know how much I missed you?” Embry mumbled into my hair.
“I figured a lot with the amount of texts I got from the pack.” I reached up brushing the hair from his face.
“You can never leave me for that long again. . .I didn’t know what to do without you here.” He ran his hands through my hair placing a gentle kiss upon the top of my head.
“I was so worried about you. I couldn’t protect you and make sure you were safe.”
“Well next time I’ll make sure you can come, then you don’t have to worry.” Craning my neck up I placed a kiss upon his lips which were still a bit swollen from slumber.
“The important thing is that I returned safe and in one piece. The other important thing is I get to spoil you with the gifts I brought back!”
His laugh filled the room sending vibrations through my body.
“Hey! That’s my job to spoil you, not the other way around.” He ruffled my hair causing us both to laugh. I peeled off my socks and wiggled my way under his blanket.
“I think it’s time we catch up on six months worth of cuddling.” I poked a finger into his side.
“Yeah I think that’s a good idea, you owe me for being gone so long.”
“What? I came back early!” His hands made their way under my shirt to rest on the bare skin of my back sending waves of heat through my body from being pressed into him. Oh how I missed my heater.
“Yeah, by like what? Two weeks?” his silky voice chuckled out.
“I missed you Embry.” I told him, placing a kiss on his exposed shoulder.
“I missed you too. Now let's go back to sleep, you look tired.” He said to me as he rested his chin atop my head and pulling me closer.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
𝑂𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑈𝑝𝑜𝑛 𝐴𝑛 𝑈𝑠 (𝐽𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑌𝑢𝑛ℎ𝑜) 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑
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𝑃𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: 𝐶𝐸𝑂! 𝐽𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑌𝑢𝑛ℎ𝑜 (𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧)/𝐸𝑥𝑜𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝐷𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑟! 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 (𝐹𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑒)
𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: 𝐹𝑙𝑢𝑓𝑓, 𝐴𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡, 𝑆𝑚𝑢𝑡, 𝑁𝑜𝑛! 𝐼𝑑𝑜𝑙 𝐴𝑈
𝑆𝑦𝑛𝑜𝑝𝑠𝑖𝑠: 𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑟𝑖𝑐ℎ 𝐽𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑌𝑢𝑛ℎ𝑜 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑠𝑢𝑐𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑓𝑢𝑙 𝐶𝐸𝑂 𝑤ℎ𝑜 𝑖𝑠 𝑠𝑜𝑜𝑛 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑑. 𝐻𝑒'𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑡𝑜 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑛𝑒𝑥𝑡 𝑝ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒........𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙 ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑒𝑒𝑠 𝑤ℎ𝑜'𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑡 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑏𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑟 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑦.
𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝐶𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡:6K
𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: 𝑀𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑝 𝑐𝑙𝑢𝑏𝑠/𝑒𝑥𝑜𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑟𝑠, 𝑙𝑎𝑝 𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑔, 𝑑𝑟𝑦 ℎ𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔, 𝑖𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 (𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑐ℎ 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑛𝑒, 𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑜𝑟 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑓𝑦), 𝑎𝑠𝑝ℎ𝑦𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑘, 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑘, 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑖𝑒, 𝑢𝑛𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑒𝑥 (𝑎𝑙𝑤𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛).
"In behalf of all of us present here, I'd like to congratulate our dear friend Yunho on finally settling down, on finding someone who truly makes him happy and promising to spend the rest of his life with her."
Lifting the glass cup up, Seonghwa finished with a loud:
"To Yunho and his lovely bride."
The rest of the groomsmen let out a bunch of hollers and whistling, signaling their approval of the speech given by the oldest male.
Yunho couldn't keep the happy grin off his face.
"Thanks so much guys. It really means a lot to me that you guys would do this for me."
"What kind of friends would we be if we weren't happy for you?" Hongjoong nudged him gently.
"And what kind of groomsmen would we be if we didn't throw you a super cool and totally expensive bachelor party." Wooyoung clinked glasses with San, both giving each other a not so subtle look that they were up to something.
The rest decided to ignore them, figuring they were just messing around like they usually did. They began to talk about their own married lives, funny stories that happened to them while they were on the honeymoon, their first fights as couples, and how they tended to deal with their in laws. Seonghwa was also more than happy to talk about how his wife and him were already trying for a baby, which came to no surprise to the others, considering how much he adored kids. The two single men though, were quickly becoming bored with the subject, either rolling their eyes at them or just downing more shots just to kill time.
"Ok! If you pansies are done, I think it's time to bring out the real entertainment." San got up and went over to the door.
Yunho tensed up noticeably.
"San.....remember I said no strippers or anything like that."
"Oh lighten up Yunho! It'll only be one night! One night before you're forever tied down to 1 woman! 1!" Wooyoung argued.
"Unsurprised you'd be in on this sort of shenanigans as well." Yeosang rolled his eyes at him.
"Ok so can I open the door and let the fine ladies on?" San tapped his foot impatiently.
Yunho lowered himself on his seat.
"I p-promised Jieun...."
"Have a little respect you assholes." Hongjoong piped up, sensing how uncomfortable his friend was getting.
"Ok fine! I'll tell you what."
Going over to him, San made Yunho get up and pointed him towards another door at the end of the hallway.
"See that room there? Why don't you be a good little obedient puppy to your new master and watch tv or something while we enjoy ourselves here. Does that sound like a plan?" San asked him with a totally innocent smile.
"Ok!" Yunho didn't even hesitate to get out of the situation, already walking away as rapidly as he could.
"I wanna go too-"
"No you don't!" Wooyoung grabbed Yeosang, nearly choke holding him, the poor man struggling to breathe.
The rest of the boys watched as Yunho left, oblivious to what was happening behind him. It was Seonghwa who knew something was up.
"What did you do?" He questioned them, eyeing them suspiciously.
San and Wooyoung released a series of laughs that only made the rest of them worry.
"Let's just say Yunho might just have the best time of his life if he'd let loose a little." San hinted.
The other boys looked at them in disbelief.
"You didn't." Mingi's mouth dropped.
"Ok, that's low even for you two. I'm going over there and getting him out if it."
Hongjoong was stopped in his tracks by San.
"Listen, Yunho is old enough to decide for himself. If he's really uncomfortable, he'll leave as soon as the girl gets there. If not....well....he's one lucky guy." He snorted.
Wooyoung shook his head.
"I'm still mad at you for letting him have her. I wanted her!"
"It was only fair he got the best one don't you think? This is his party." San explained.
"Who? Who exactly did you get for him?"
Yunho shifted awkwardly in the dimly lit room. He could hardly make out any of the furniture surrounding him, which resulted in him tripping or hitting his thigh or hip on the corner of somethings.
"Light light. Where's the light?" He tried feeling around, hoping to find something somewhere.
Instead, the room itself lit up a light lavender color, slow and sensual music playing in the background. Yunho froze as he realized what he just walked into.
"Fuck you San." He ran his hand down his face, already getting nervous at whatever was going to happen now.
Soon enough, he heard the door behind him open. The clatter of heels resonated in the room. Still not turning around, Yunho nervously said:
"Listen, th-this was all a misunderstanding....so if-if you could please just go back, I'd really appreciate it."
The footsteps halted themselves, and all was silent for a moment, until the figure started walking once again, this time emanating a subtle giggle.
"A little shy aren't we? Don't worry honey. I'll make sure to ease your mind."
Yunho could hear them approaching him even more.
"N-no! That's ok! I don't- I mean! I have a fiancee." He blurted out.
The person now stood right behind him and Yunho felt a shudder down his body, as well as an overly familiar thrill when they rested their hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah I know. A lot of soon to be married men always say that........ don't worry."
Leaning in, they whispered in his ear:
"It'll be our little secret."
Delicate hands wrapped themselves around his waist. Yunho pried their hands off and began turning.
"No! Seriously I don't-"
Yunho cut himself off when he stared at the person standing right in front of him, who was equally shocked to see him.
They both stared in disbelief at each other, both wondering if it was their imagination or if this was reality. Yunho was extremely stunned. Here right in front of him, was none other than his very first love, looking at him with the same angelic eyes that he had fallen madly in love with years ago. His eyes couldn't help but start trailing down, scanning down every inch of her body. He blushed as he took in her attire: an ivory white lingerie set with glittery silver adornments meticulously stitched into it. It consisted of a push up bra that made her cleavage look more rounded, a corset that highlighted her waist and made her hips look wider, lace cheeky panties made specifically to show off just enough of her ass, and long thigh high stockings that had an intricate lace trimming with 2 bows at the center.
Yunho gulped slowly as he took all of her in. Her glamorous body dressed so provocatively as well as memories of the past, memories that were not so pure, memories of their bodies intertwined together, all were becoming too much for him and he felt himself start to grow a little problem in his pants. Y/N on the other hand noticed how he was staring at her and she started to become a little self-conscious. She wrapped her arms across her chest in a protective manner.
"Well isn't this suddenly awkward." She was the first to speak up.
"Huh? Oh right!" Yunho snapped out of his trance, now looking at anywhere but her, hoping not to think about her in that way anymore.
The silence from before returned once again, only the music playing to keep it from being totally mute. Yunho scratched the back of his head, trying to think of what to say.
"It's nice to see you.....it's been so long." He started.
"Y-yeah it has been. A couple of years." She continued.
"6 actually." Yunho surprised himself that he remembered that fact.
Y/N let out a small 'oh' at that, nodding at nothing in particular.
"So uh.......is this what you do now?" He questioned her, curious to know why she'd even be in such a position in the first place.
"Ummm....yeah..." She answered rather embarrassed.
Yunho decided not to further that topic anymore, it was obvious she didn't want to talk about it.
"Still at your dad's company?"
Yunho was surprised and touched she even remembered that.
"Oh yeah....I actually took over 2 years ago." He smiled proudly.
"Oh really? That's great. I'm sure your family must be proud." She congratulated him.
She swayed back and forth awkwardly, wanting to ask another questions but afraid of his response.
"So......you're getting married?" She finally asked.
Yunho looked confused for a second, then he realized what she meant.
"Ummm.....yeah....I am."
"Well then congratulations. She really is a lucky girl." She forced a smile on her features.
"Oh I wouldn't say that......you know she's just really nice....and she's like that... and yeah..." at this point Yunho was just rambling on, he himself not even sure of what he was talking about.
Y/N sighed softly.
"Ok I have to know. If you're getting married, what are you doing in a place like this? You were always more on the....conservative side of things." She had to know.
Yunho now covered his face with his large hands.
"I don't know. I swear there were supposed to be no wild or crazy antics at this bachelor party, but I got these 2 friends, and they're single and you can figure out the rest." He tried to explain.
"Oh yeah. There's always that couple of friends that just never take things seriously." She chuckled, having seeing that situation too many times.
Yunho groaned slightly.
"Well....I guess this was the easiest gig I've had to do." She decided to lighten up the situation.
"What do you mean?"
She let out a laugh at Yunho's question.
"I mean, I'm practically getting paid to just sit here since obviously you won't want me to do my job." She rolled her eyes.
"No! I mean yes! I mean.....ugh!" Yunho mentally slapped himself.
"Won't you get in trouble?"
She shrugged.
"Considering the fact your friends specifically paid for 'no rules', I really won't."
"Oh...." Yunho breathed out, not realizing he sounded a little too disappointed.
Y/N turned and smirked at him.
"What? Were you expecting me to give you something?" She teased him.
"What?! I- No!" Yunho's red ears was a huge indication of his lie.
Y/N let out a small laugh as she came closer to him, making him back away from her.
"Oh? I think you're lying Yunho. I think you actually want me to give you a little show. Is that what you want?" She wiggled her eyebrows at him.
Yunho stumbled back on the couch, falling into a sitting position as Y/N placed her arms on opposite sides of his body, effectively trapping him. Yunho couldn't help it as he looked back down at her chest and then down her legs. He bit his lip as he imagined them wrapped around his waist, as they had been many times in the past. He looked back up at her face. He knew she was only messing with him, she wouldn't actually do anything to him, especially if he asked her not to. And he really shouldn't allow anything to happen.... but he decided to ignore his gut for the first time in years and not think about the consequences.
Yunho let out a small scoff as he leaned in and challenged her:
"Can you even do anything doll?"
He watched as Y/N momentarily felt dazed at his use of the old pet name he had for her, knowing the impact it had on her.
"I bet you're not even that good." He continued his taunting, wanting to rile her up as much as he could.
It definitely worked as Y/N grabbed his collar and pushed his face against hers.
"I'm actually the best around here baby. Trust me when I say before I'm done, you'll already be cumming inside your pants." She whispered, her lips dangerously close to his, their noses practically touching.
Yunho released a small grunt when she pushed him back in the chair. He watched her as she went over to a keypad on the wall, changing the music to a completely different song. His eyes lingered on her butt cheeks that were poking out of the lace material. His hand twitched, feeling the urge to bend her over his lap and spank them like he used to do when she misbehaved. He watched in fascination as she turned her attention back to him, her face suddenly turning more confident and seductive.
Y/N's body began swaying to the music, every wave of her arms, every roll of her hips and every flirty wink were so mesmerizing and hypnotic to Yunho. He always had a hidden passion for dancing, so this was quite a spectacle for him, especially coming from his dearly beloved ex. An ex that he had cried and yearned for long after he let her go, someone that it took a long time for him to forget and erase completely from his heart.
But now she was here again and she was stirring emotions inside him he had thought he'd gotten over, had buried away. And reactions from his body that he had thought he had under control. But as he watched her crawl over to him, placing herself in between his thighs, he couldn't help but hard as he recalled the last time he had her in that position. He shuddered when she ran her hands across his thighs, her perfectly manicured nails raking over his dress pants. From this angle, he could see an even better view of her breasts that were covered by her bra.
Noticing where his eyes were placed, Y/N's hands swooped up and caressed her torso.
"Oh? Is this what got your attention?"
Yunho's stare went back to her face, now getting shy at the realization that he got caught staring. But Y/N didn't mind. Instead she merely turned around as she began unbuttoning the front part of her corset.
"Want to have a better look?" She turned her head slightly to see his reaction.
Yunho was already whispering out a 'yes' before she even finished her sentence. Satisfied by the answer, she took off the corset and threw it across the room, letting it land on the floor. As she said back up, she made sure to push her ass out when she got back out. Yunho tilted his head back when it came to close to his face that it would have pressed against it had he not moved. Y/N turned around and one by one, her legs sat themselves by Yunho's side, straddling him in the process. Her hands began fiddling with his tie, loosening it up.
"This what you wanted to see?" She cooed as she rose her chest up, almost brushing them against his chin.
"Fuck yes.."
Without thinking, Yunho's large hands cupped her ass, kneading the soft skin as he grinded his hips against hers. Y/N let out a small whimper at his touch, the familiarity sending a spark down her body. Yunho couldn't help the smug smile when he began to feel the wet spot that was soaking through her underwear.
"Look at that, the little slut is enjoying this as much as I am."
Slapping her ass, he gripped her hips harshly as he forced her to grind down harder on him. Y/N moaned as she felt his huge bulge pressing up against her drenched core, and threw her head back when Yunho's lips began attacking her neck, nearly startling her.
"Let's see who cums first."
Yunho's mouth sucked and bit down expertly at all her sensitive spots, remembering perfectly well how to push her closer to the edge. He felt a sense of pride and satisfaction when he heard her moans and whimpers grow louder. Even after years, he could still get her riled up. And that fact kind of bothered Y/N which prompted her to push Yunho down on the couch and hold his arms in place as she decided to take control of the movements of their hips.
Yunho hissed softly as he looked at her with fire in his eyes.
"Don't try to take control doll. You know how that will end for you."
Knowing how to break him, she simply laughed mockingly at him and rolled her eyes. Yanking his hands off her grip rather easily, Yunho flipped their positions so he was hovering above her, his mouth clashing with hers in a heated and sloppy kiss. He wasted no time in slipping his hand inside her now ruined underwear, his thumb circling around her clit in harsh motions.
"Why must you be such a brat?" He asked in between their heated makeout session.
Chuckling softly, her hand undid his belt and zipper, pulling it down enough to let her palm him through his briefs before pulling those down as well, letting his cock spring free so she could stroke him, eliciting the most sinful moans from him.
Both of them pulled away to look into each other's eyes, determined to make the other break first, but it was so hard when they were both lost in their lust, reminiscing about the familiarity of their movements and fantasizing about taking it further. The grinding of their hips and their mutual pleasuring of each other had them both coming in seconds at the same time. They let out a sputter of curses and chants of each other's names as they covered their hands with the other's cum, a telltale sign of what had just taken place in that room.
They both layed still for a few minutes, trying to catch their breath and calm down from the high they just had. It was Yunho who composed himself first as he realized what he had just done and how serious it was.
"Oh my god!" He cursed himself as he quickly got up and began fixing himself.
"Yunho? Are you-"
"Please don't! Let's just pretend this didn't happen! I can't believe I-....... I'm so sorry."
Without another glance or word, he ran out the door, ignoring the worried looks of his other companions who were still in the other room and leaving Y/N alone, feeling just as confused, guilty and ashamed just like him.
Mingi nudged him once again, waking him up from his thoughts.
"Uh..sorry what?" He shifted his focus back on his friend.
"I was telling you that the hotel sent your confirmation number." He repeated himself.
"Hotel? Hotel for what?"
Mingi widened his eyes. Sure his friend had been really zoned out all day, but to not even remember what he was there for.
"Your wedding? Yunho, you're getting married?" He reminded him.
"Oh...yeah..." Yunho looked down, staring at the floor anxiously.
Mingi closed the laptop and turned his body so he could look at Yunho directly.
"Listen, even if something happened on the bachelor party a few days ago, I doubt it was that serious that you're like this." Mingi pointed out.
Yunho looked back up, unsure if he should tell Mingi about it. But then again, no one else but his long time best friend would understand why it had such an impact on him.
"It wasn't so much what happened....it was...with whom it happened...."
Mingi furrowed his eyebrows.
"Who? Who are you talking about?"
Yunho took a deep breath before answering:
Mingi nearly fell off his chair when he heard her name again. He actually had to steady himself on the sides of it.
"Y/N? As in........?"
Yunho nodded, knowing full well what Mingi was asking.
"Well fuck man! Holy shit! This is- oh my God! Your ex!" Mingi shook his head, trying to process all the information.
"You know she isn't just an ex Mingi." Yunho admitted rather solemnly.
"I know Yunho. I remember how head over heels you were for her. You two were so much in love, it was actually kind of sickening." Mingi made a face which caused Yunho to chuckle slightly.
Mingi looked at Yunho, noticing how he had a faint smile painted across his face. By the way his eyes were staring off, he knew he was thinking about her.
"Did you....did you feel anything? I mean, while you were with her?" He had to ask.
The slight red tint on Yunho's cheeks was a dead giveaway and Mingi could immediately notice how Yunho's eyes lit up when he mentioned her.
"I felt everything all over again. It was like the first day I bumped into her at the university. Oh you should have seen her Mingi, she looked just as beautiful." Yunho sighed blissfully.
"I mean.....if she was dressed like the other exotic dancers we got, I get why you'd say it." Mingi snickered.
Yunho reached over and slapped his arm.
"That wasn't what I meant you idiot!"
Mingi pouted as he rubbed his now aching arm.
"But still.......being with her in that moment...it was as if nothing changed between us. Like our passion, our relationship...our love never faded. And now.... I can't stop thinking about her..." Yunho confessed.
"Have you kept in contact since that day?" Mingi asked.
Yunho groaned as he banged his head on the table.
"I just ran out without even saying a goodbye."
Mingi rolled his eyes and ran a hand down his face.
"No offense....but once again, history repeats itself."
Yunho suddenly banged the table with his fist, eyes darting to Mingi.
"Do you think I don't know that?! Do you think it doesn't bother me knowing that I left her there, not just at the party? But 6 years ago?! Do you think I haven't been tormented these past days, regretting that I chose to please my parents and abandon her?!"
Yunho got up. His hands flew up to his hair, tugging at them slightly before letting them fall to his sides. He started taking deep breaths to calm down, trying not to get anymore agitated than he already was. Mingi looked at his friend with sorrow and pity. He knew how much Yunho suffered and tortured himself months after he broke up with Y/N, and he also know that deep down, he had never really gotten over her.
Getting up, he went to his friend's side, resting a comforting hand on his back.
"Yunho.....you can't change the past. None of us can.....but you can decide your future, for yourself. Answer yourself: these past years, everything that you've done, was it really for you? Was it because you wanted to?.....or was it because you wanted to please others? Live up to an image you felt burdened to show?......and really ask yourself:
What is it you want now?"
Yunho knew what the answer was for a fleeting moment, but then the answer vanished when he heard the door open and close.
"Baby! I'm home! And I could really use your help!"
The high pitched voice of his fiancee echoed through the room, her tiny legs rushing over with a folder in hand.
"My cue to leave." Mingi patted Yunho on the back, but before he could leave, he whispered in his ear:
"Think about what I said."
Mingi made sure to smile and politely say goodbye to Jieun before he made his way out the door, hoping his friend would come to his senses soon enough.
"So Jieun what's this about?" Yunho asked.
The girl giggled happily as she opened the folder and began displaying an array of different photos.
"Well I was thinking, that we could pick out the new apartment we would want to move in to once we come back from our honeymoon. I mean, this place is great, but I think some change would be benefit us both."
The girl began pointing to all the different options, talking her heart out enthusiastically about the wonders of each place and what she particular loved about it, but it fell upon deaf ears. Yunho was not paying any attention at all, instead he just looked right through all the pictures, his mind going over the words Mingi had made him ponder about.
"Yunho?" Jieun's annoyed voice brought him back.
"Hmm?" He nodded his head to her.
"You're not paying attention to me....again." She huffed rather annoyed.
"I'm sorry....I'm just really tired and stressed out." He excused himself.
"Yeah I know. You've been saying that these past days." She accused him.
"I'm sorry. But I just really am."
She let out an indignant scoff.
"And you think I'm not stressed? For months we've been preparing for this moment, and now that we're literally 2 days away from tying the knot, you're suddenly being cold? What's wrong with you Yunho?"
He couldn't answer her, he didn't have the strength to. He was being a coward at that very moment, he knew that very well.
"Jieun....do you think maybe we should postpone it or-"
"Absolutely not!" She stated firmly, refusing to let him finish the sentence. Lifting a finger, she warned him:
"Listen to me very carefully Jeong Yunho. You asked me to be marry you and I'm not letting you go back on your word. Tomorrow at the rehearsal dinner, you better be on your best behavior and on the day after.....you better be ready to walk down the aisle because I'm not going to let you humiliate me in front of our friends and family."
Putting on a sweet smile as if nothing happened, she tiptoed and pecked his lips.
"Ok love you honey. See you tomorrow!" She waved at him as if nothing was the matter, like she wasn't just angry at him 2 seconds ago.
Yunho paced around the living room, hands in his pocket, his foot occasionally kicking at the air. He let out long sighs every minute or so, head hung low as he thought about what to do now.
"What is it you want now?"
He repeated what Mingi asked him.
Yunho knew what he wanted.....he also knew all the risks he was taking in order to obtain it, for all he knew, he might not even get it at the end....
But he had to try. Or at least get some closure from it.
Pulling out his phone, his finger began dialing a number he had never erased from his memory, hoping it still belonged to the person he had once cherished so much and would often fall asleep while talking to them on the phone.
He could feel his heartbeat quicken with every ring that passed. His hand began clenching and unclenching as he prayed that it would be picked up soon.
He stilled at the voice that sent chills down his body. He was grateful they had kept the same number all these years.
"We need to talk."
Y/N cautiously opened the door. Although she knew he was coming, she still wasn't quite prepared to see him, not after everything that happened a few days ago. She gestured for him to come in. Closing the door behind them, she led him to her living room, where she already had coffee waiting for him. It was actually warming to him that she remembered how he liked his coffee, and although he was very tempted to drink it, he wanted to get this over with as soon as possible.
"I'm getting married in two days..." He started off.
Y/N nodded, although his words pained her, she refused to show any emotion.
"And I wanted to know how you felt."
She raised an eyebrow at him.
"Why should my opinion matter at this point? You made your decision and as far as I'm concerned, right now we're just two strangers." She coldly replied.
"That's not true Y/N and you know it. You know....that there's a lot more to us." He insisted.
She held her hand up in an effort to get him to stop going down the path he was going.
"Correction. There was a lot to us. If I remember correctly, you were the one who decided to run out, both literally and figuratively."
Yunho didn't deny it, he was fully prepared to take responsibility.
"Yes I did. Ok? I admit it and I accept it. I walked away from our relationship when I shouldn't have. I shouldn't have abandoned you..."
He inhaled before he confessed:
"I shouldn't have left the one person I've ever loved and will always love."
Y/N immediately got up and crossed her arms.
"Don't say that Yunho. You're engaged, you're about to get married. It's bad enough with what happened at your bachelor party, but I'm not letting you cross the line again. You have a perfect life ahead of you, you were always destined to have one. A life surrounded by your parents and friends, with a beautiful wife and kids and that Welsh Corgi you always wanted..."
Y/N couldn't help but tear up as she said those words.
"I get why you had to leave me at that time, I do. Your parents didn't like me and they never will. They'll never accept us...... so please just make it easier on yourself and go have the perfect life you deserve."
Yunho slowly got up and began walking to her.
"You don't get it Y/N. I don't want a perfect life. I want you, I love you. I'll always love you. I want a happy, normal life with you. I want to raise that Welsh Corgi with you, even though you were always more of a cat person."
Y/N let out an involuntary laugh at that. He still knew her so well. Taking her hands in his, he added:
"Please tell me you still love me......just say it and I'll stay by your side."
Y/N covered her mouth with her hand, her tears now flowing non-stop. She was about to say no, but Yunho stopped her.
"Don't lie to me. You know I'll be able to tell. Just be completely honest with me."
His large hands cupped her cheeks, thumbs gently wiping away the tears that were trickling down.
"I'm not rich and I don't exactly have anything to offer someone like you." She admitted.
Yunho smiled. "All I want is your heart. Can't I at least have that?"
Y/N thought about it. But then she realized there was nothing to really think about when her answer 6 years ago would still be the same now.
"I love you Jeong Yunho, my heart is all yours."
As soon as the words were out, there was no more holding back. Their feelings had been locked away for far too long and needed to be released. Yunho wasted no time in finally kissing her after so long, his hands easily hoisting her up, wrapping them around his waist as he carried her to her bedroom, kicking the door open and laying her down on the bed. Their touches were eager and desperate, almost as much as the first time they were intimate together. Clothes were soon discarded all over the floor, hands began roaming and caressing their most intimate parts of their bodies and soon enough, the sound of skin slapping, heavy breathing and panting were the only things that could be heard in those 4 walls.
Yunho pulled Y/N up against him, her back now pressed against his sweaty chest as he continued to slam his hips against hers. One of his hands that was busy groping her breast trailed down her abdomen and stopped when they felt the prominent bulge that was on her lower stomach. Taking one of her hands, he made her press down against it.
"Feel that doll? Feel my huge cock deep inside you?"
Y/N whimpered loudly as he spoke and as he sped his movements up. Yunho couldn't help the teasing giggle that escaped his lips.
"You always were my tiny little doll...so small and fragile, yet always taking my cock like a champ."
His praise made her clench her walls around his thick length, making Yunho temporarily lose the pace he was going at.
"F-fuck doll. Clench around me like that and I might not last any longer."
Always up for testing him, she purposefully clenched harder around him, her eyes looking back at him teasingly. Yunho knew she always loved defying him just to see how far he'll go and he truthfully loved it. That unruly, free spirit in her that manifested itself even in the littlest of things, just made him fall even more for her.
His hand snaked up and wrapped itself around her neck, squeezing lightly for the time being but it was still enough to have her gasping. His other hand, went down to work on her clit, fingers rubbing expertly on it so that it'd have her cumming in a few moments.
"Y-Yunho-" tried saying but he gripped her neck tighter, effectively cutting off what she was going to say.
"Go ahead, cum all over my cock. I want to feel you all over me again. Fuck! I can't wait to fill this pussy up with my cum again. Can you do that for me doll? Hmm? Can you be a good little, tiny doll and cum all over this huge cock of mine?"
Not being able to hold back anymore, Y/N's body shuddered against Yunho's, quivering and spasming as an overwhelming orgasm ripped through her, shouting Yunho's name as if it was a mantra. Yunho let go of her neck, his hands gripping her hips as he fucked himself into his own orgasm, his face buried in the back of her neck as her tight walls milked him out of his cum, some of it already pouring down her inner thighs.
"Shit..." Yunho stammered once he calmed down.
Pulling out of Y/N, he made sure she didn't collapse on the bed, instead he turned her around and helped her to lay down. Her hands rubbed at her lower stomach.
"I'm definitely feeling that tomorrow." She joked, making both of them laugh.
After making sure they were both cleaned up, they ended up just laying down on the bed, holding onto each other, casually talking about everything and nothing.
"Do you remember our first night together?"
Yunho couldn't help but smile fondly at the memory.
"How can I forget? You were so nervous and so adorable." He remembered.
"How was I not supposed to be nervous? You and your size intimidated me."
Yunho laughed at that.
"I know. I remember when you looked down in between my legs and asked 'how is that gonna fit inside me'?"
"Shut up! I was an innocent baby back then." She huffed, her lips forming a small pout.
"You may not be so innocent anymore...but you're still my cute little baby."
Leaning in, he kissed her forehead as he adjusted them into a spooning position, his legs tangling around hers as well. He drew circles around her arm, his head full of thoughts and worries, but he didn't hesitate to say:
"Y/N? Can I ask you something?"
The whole party was in turmoil. It was already 15 minutes past the time to start the rehearsal and the groom was nowhere to be seen. The bride and her party looked agitated and pissed off, while the groomsmen just looked at each other, trying to decipher what was going on.
"Do you think he got in an accident?" Yeosang immediately thought the worse.
"Don't say those things you idiot. That's how you catch bad luck." Seonghwa told him.
"Superstitious nonsense." Wooyoung shook his head.
Just then, Mingi walked in the room, all eyes immediately upon him since he was the groom's best man. He bowed to everyone before stating:
"Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you all for coming here and attending this rehearsal, I'm sure it took dedication and arrangements on your part to be able to be here...
But I regret to inform you all that there will be no wedding."
A collective gasp was heard from more than half of the attendants. The bride and her parents paled in horror at Mingi's words. Jieun stormed up to him, her pretty features contorted into rage as she confronted Mingi.
"What do you mean Song Mingi? Where is Yunho?"
Mingi merely smirked and turned around, not bothering to stay another minute and ignoring the chaos that was about to ensue in that hall.
"Besides.... I have a friend I promised to join soon."
The couple stared at the glittering lights of the city as they finished their ice cream bars on the hood of the car. It was almost midnight, but they were far from being tired even though they had only arrived there by plane a few hours ago.
"Is this anything like what you had planned?"
Yunho quickly shook his head.
"Nope. But trust me, I love this way more."
Taking her hand in his, he ran his thumb across the silver band that now adorned the third finger on her left hand.
"And I love you my darling wife."
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horansqueen · 3 years
Stuck With You - Chapter 18
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Chapter 18: I Want You
🡪chapter 1  🡪chapter 2  🡪chapter 3  🡪chapter 4  🡪chapter 5  🡪chapter 6   🡪chapter 7  🡪chapter 8  🡪chapter 9  🡪chapter 10  🡪chapter 11 🡪chapter 12 🡪chapter 13 🡪chapter 14 🡪chapter 15 🡪chapter 16 🡪chapter 17
College Enemies To Lovers AU
characters // masterlist // instagrams // mood board
Any time I need to see your face I just close my eyes and I am taken to a place Where your crystal mind and magenta feelings taken shelter In the base of my spine, sweet like a chica cherry cola
I don't need to try and explain, I just hold on tight And if it happens again, I might move so slightly To the arms and the lips and the face and the human cannonball I need to, I want to
Come stand a little bit closer Breathe in and get a bit higher
Ooh, I want you I don't know if I need you But, ooh, I'd die to find out Ooh, I want you I don't know if I need you But, ooh, I'd die to find out
But a look, then a smell of perfume It's like I'm down on the floor And I don't know what I'm in for
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                                                      My phone had been ringing and beeping constantly in the past hour. Every time I checked, though, it was a new call or message from Mandy and I was desperately trying to avoid talking to her. I knew I wouldn't be able to run away from her for too long but I was determined to at least try. I marked all her text messages as 'read' and got out of my car again, getting inside Lewis' apartment building for the second time on that day.
I felt nervous and I was not sure why, but I kept twisted the insides of my jeans pockets as the elevator moved up. My heart skipped a beat when I glanced at the spot where Devon and I kissed but I swallowed my feelings and quickly walked out of the elevator. It didn't take long for Lewis to open the door and when I walked in, I noticed he had cleaned up everything. I was impressed, especially when I remembered the mess we had made, but I didn't mention it.
"You know you don't have to come visit many times a day, mate." Lewis pointed out before his lips curled. "No need for me to get used to your ass in this apartment, your girlfriend messaged me and said it was too expensive for her."
I wanted to point out that she was not my girlfriend and never would be but the words got stuck in my throat and I decided it was better to ignore it and not fuel the fire. I took my hands off my pockets and passed one in my hair with a sigh.
"Look, Devon really needs a place to stay."
"I thought you'd be happy to keep her with you in your room." Lewis wondered with a frown.
I took a seat on the other couch, close to him and shook my head. "She wants out, okay." I explained, shaking my head slightly before sighing again and leaning my back on the couch. "I mean, she really wants to leave."
Lewis stared at me, frowning slightly more, and finally moved his upper body closer. "That's how much you love her?" he asked in a soft tone, making me shrug. "Enough to let her go?"
"Don't say stupid things."
"No, you say stupid things, Horan." he added a bit louder. "Instead to love her enough to let her go, why don't you love her enough to be honest with her? I've seen the way she's been looking at you. She's literally waiting for you to make a move."
"I've hurt her enough already okay?" I replied a bit rudely. "She wants out and if that's what she wants then that's what she'll get."
This time, Lewis didn't answer but he rolled his eyes at me, letting his back fall on the couch. "You're a fookin' idiot."
"Thanks, I know."
"You let one girl fuck you up, and then you fuck the others. Nice move." he replied again with sarcasm.
"Fine, sue me!" I let out, now getting angry. "I'm just here to ask you to send her a message again, and tell her you'll charge her half of the rent you proposed first."
Lewis raised his eyebrows at me, blinking a few times. I knew he was getting annoyed but I didn't care. "Why would I do that?"
"I'll pay you the other half." I explained, closing my eyes. "But you can't tell her! Ever."
My friend stared at me and I knew he wanted to add something about the girl that broke my heart and fucked me up to the point where I rejected any form of romantic love, but he didn't and I felt grateful for that. It's not like I was not aware that it was not a normal thing. I knew people fell in love, fucked up other people, hurt them, got their heart broken... and started all over again. Most people had this urge and this need to love and be loved, knowing they could get hurt but hoping they won't. I didn't have that need, because I felt like the happy times were not worth the pain. I couldn't lie and say Devon didn't make all my principles falter, but I was trying hard not to do to anything about it, despite how bad I was craving it... how bad I was craving her.
"Propose her a ride to school every morning." Lewis finally said, taking me out of my thoughts. I blinked a few times and frowned before shaking my head. "Seriously, do it." he continued. "If you do that, I'm good with you paying half the rent and not telling her."
I stared at him for a few seconds before looking down. I liked the idea but I was not sure she'd agree to it. I also was pretty convinced it was a bad idea. How could I stop feeling all these things for her if I spent time with her every single day? Anyway, the reason she wanted to move out of our room was because she didn't want to be around me anymore, and picking her up for school every week days sounded counterproductive.
"Why does it matter so much to you?" I finally asked, looking up at him as he got up but totally resigned to do what he asked me to do.
"Because even if you pretend the opposite, it really matters to you." Lewis confessed, making something stir in my stomach. "So, we have a deal?"
I got up too, glancing at the hand he was holding out before looking up in his eyes. I would never tell him, but if Devon agreed to let me give her a ride to school every morning, it would make my heart lighter. As much as I hated to admit it, I took so many decisions with my heart recently that there was no doubt I'd end up in deep shit very soon. Did the fact that Devon was about to move out make me change my mind? Would it turn me into the pathetic human being I was whenever she was near? The same one I used to be around my ex girlfriend right before and even after she broke my heart?
"Deal." I just let out firmly, grabbing his hand and shaking it hard once before letting it go.
"I want my money every saturday and you're the one driving here to give it to me, making it your problem."
"Ever heard of bank transfers?" I asked with a scoff.
"I want it cash."
I knew he just wanted me to come over and I understood why but I was too mentally exhausted to argue and maybe it would also give me the chance to see Devon. I should run away from here and break all the deals I had made with Lewis but I couldn't. I was tired to fight, I was tired to repress everything I was feeling in hope it would disappear.
"Okay, but you don't ask for the money in front of Devon."
"Who do you think I am? An idiot?"
I chuckled but rolled my eyes before nodding, grateful for what he was doing. It was tough to push away someone who made me feel so many things. It felt like every fiber of my body, everyone around me, and even fate and destiny made it impossible for me to stay far from Devon. I knew deep down that I couldn't stay physically away from her forever. It felt like my own body was going to rot or die if she'd stay far, and I knew it was a stupid example but those were the only words I could come up with. Perhaps it was not really that. Perhaps it was just that my heart would stop beating, but either way, I was not ready to let go. Not completely.
I wanted to thank Lewis for everything but just as I was about to, someone knocked at the door, making me jump slightly. I moved away to let Lewis pass but when I heard the voice on the other side, I felt my heart jump in my chest.
"Lewis, are you there?" Mandy's voice let out in a soft tone. "I forgot something last night!"
I placed my hand on Lewis' chest as he walked past me and looked up in his eyes, shaking my head. "I'm not here." I mouthed, making him frown and throw his hands up.
"You're gonna have to face her at some point, right now is perfect." he replied in a whisper, walking up to the door and opening it before I could think of something else to do or a good place to hide.
As soon as her eyes met mine, I pushed my hands in my pockets and her face lighted up.
"Niall, hey, tried to reach you all day!"
"Yea, sorry my.. phone was on silent." I lied, sending her a small smile. "I was about to call you back as soon as I left."
"I just feel very lonely today." she pointed out, sending me puppy eyes as she took a step closer, putting her hand on my chest. "Do you want to sleep in my room tonight?"
My eyes roamed on her face for a few seconds as she gripped my shirt. I knew looking at her should make me feel something, but nothing happened. It was not because I was used to her, or because I had had too much sex encounters with her, no. It was simply because I felt nothing for her and probably never felt anything except lust. The fact that i didn't feel any desire for her anymore was a shock and my lips parted as I blinked a few times.
"I'm busy... tonight." I cleared my throat and took a step back, turning to Lewis to hug him lightly and tell him goodbye. I could feel Mandy's eyes on my back and it suddenly made me feel uncomfortable. When I turned back to her, she raised her eyebrows and I smiled. "Do you need a ride?"
"Yea, thank you! Let me just grab my bra really quick."
I frowned, turning to Lewis who just shrugged as Mandy disappeared in the hall only to reappear a minute of two later as she pushed her bra in her purse. I didn't ask because I didn't want to know and as we left, I glanced at Lewis' phone and moved my chin in its direction. He just nodded and I followed Mandy to the elevator.
I watched as she leaned against the wall in the exact same spot Devon and I had kissed but closed my eyes as images invaded my brain, appearing behind my eyelids like a movie I could never get tired of.
"Are you okay, Niall?"
I got out of my thoughts, trying to push away the thoughts in my head where Devon was straddling me and I was kissing her lips gently after a claustrophobia crisis, to turn to Mandy. "Yea, I'm good."
We walked together until my car and I drove in silence. She put her feet up on the dashboard and I felt my lips curl into a small grimace at how annoyed it made me but when I parked, I turned to her with a serious face.
"Look, Mandy, I think we need a break."
"A break?" she let out before chucking. "Niall, we're not dating."
"I know I just.. I can't do this anymore."
She tilted her head to lean it on the bench before turning her body slightly my way. She sighed low and a sad smile appeared on her lips before she licked them. For some stupid reason, it made me think of Devon. Again.
"It's because of that girl, right?"
"No." I lied, shrugging both shoulders and looking away, making Mandy laugh.
"I didn't even name her and you knew who I was talking about." she pointed out, making me grimace again. "It's okay, Niall, I see how you two look at each other. I didn't think she was your type but hey," she shrugged. "I get it."
I stared at her for a few more seconds, just trying to process what she was saying and when I frowned, she started laughing, rolling her eyes.
"Don't make this face! What did you expect?" she asked, an amused smile spread on her lips. "It's not like I was in love with you or anything!"
Without waiting, she got out of my car and I finally did the same. We walked together near the building and when we were about to part, I turned to her and sent her an uncomfortable smile.
"So... bye?"
She laughed again, shaking her head, and took a step closer. "I'm really gonna miss your ass." she let out, pinching it and making me tense immediately. She got on her tiptoe and pressed her mouth on mine, taking me my surprise, before taking a step back and raising her eyebrows. "Bye!"
I stood there, motionless, a sensation of relief washing over me as some of the stress I wasn't even aware I had disappeared suddenly. I pushed my hands in my pockets and when I turned back to get inside, I noticed Devon not so far from me, staring at me. My lips parted and my heart dropped when I realized she had seen what had just happened with Mandy and I was tempted to tell her it was not what she was thinking but instead, I swallowed my words as she walked closer.
"Your friend Lewis messaged me." she explained, glancing in Mandy's direction before looking back in my eyes.
I looked down at her, my eyes roaming on her face and lingering a bit too long on her lips. Why couldn't I get her off my mind? Why was it so tough for me not to grab her and kiss her right here and right now?
I started thinking about my ex girlfriend and the feelings I had whenever she was near, and it made me realize how different the two emotions were. The way I loved my ex girlfriend was needy, pathetic and ugly. The way I would do anything she wanted just because I was scared she would leave, the way she made me jealous on purpose, or simply did anything she wanted without caring if it would hurt me. I fell in love with someone who used me and it was for that same person that I had given up on love. Even now, after months of her breaking my heart, she still had an impact on me. She was still controlling me without even knowing. I was letting what she did to me ruin my life and I had no idea how to get out of it.
"Oh yea?"
"Mmhm, he said he cut the rent in half, and I think I can afford it."
"Alright." I just said, sending her a small smile.
"You don't seem surprised." she asked with a frown, tilting her head.
"No I mean, I know Lewis, he's cool." I shrugged, sending her a sincerely smile that she slowly sent back.
The way Devon made me feel was different. She made me feel good in a way I was not sure I understood yet. I could relate to her, and even if she didn't talk much about herself, she still let me in, somehow, by allowing me to look at her art and tell her how it made me feel. She allowed me to kiss her whenever I wanted and push her away after, as if she was always ready to give me a chance... a chance that I never had the guts to take. I was just realizing that maybe I was wrong and she was leaving.
"Oh, by the way, one of my friends has a mattress he doesn't need, so if you're interested, I can bring it to Lewis' apartment this week?"
Her eyebrows raised and her lips curled on the right. "Really?"
"Mmhm, oh, and since you don't have a car, I propose a ride to school every morning, how's that?"
This time though, she shook her head. "No, I can't accept that."
"Come on, I drive near there every morning anyway for breakfast, so it's all good."
It was not a complete lie but it was not the whole truth either, but I didn't care.
"No really, I can't."
"So you can accept Lewis cutting half the price of the rent, and a mattress from a guy you don't know, but when it comes to accepting my rides to school, it's too much?" I asked jokingly, a bigger smile on my face.
It made her chuckle and roll her eyes. "Fine!" she gave in, making my heart jump in my chest. "But let me pay you, okay?"
"Okay, but I decide the price." I explained, taking an other step closer. Her body was so close to mine now that if I moved, It could brush against hers. "I want that painting."
"My.. my painting? The one I wanted to throw away?"
"Mmhm," I admitted, nodding gently. "I want you to sign it, and give it to me. In exchange, you get rides and breakfast every mornings of the week."
She shook her head slightly, still smiling, and brought her shoulders up, near her cheeks. It was so endearing I almost kissed her right there.
"Niall, this painting is horrible. It'll never be worth anything."
"Deal?" I asked, ignoring her short rant.
Her traits softened and I brought my hand up, running my thumb on her cheek gently. I didn't know why I was doing that, I didn't know why I felt the need to touch her. All I knew was that feeling her skin against mine brought in me a feeling I was trying so hard to suppress, and I immediately felt the need to write a song. I let my arm fall back on my side, realizing she was not smiling anymore. Her lips were parted and she just nodded very slowly.
I suddenly got scared of everything this could imply. Would I just close off again and hurt her? I knew it was a possibility. I knew I could wake up in the morning realizing my mistake and turning into the cold hearted man I was with her only a few days ago. What would happen, then?
"Okay." she whispered. "Deal."
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houndsofcerberus · 3 years
Apotheosis Chapter 1
Summary: techno left ages ago but now he has to come back for what he left behind, whether he’s prepared to do so or not
CW: minor character death, talk of murder, brief mention of animal death
Technoblade was known for many things, mainly being a strategist. He’d done a lot in his life, and many of the more memorable things happened in his teens, his early twenties. He had shown a proficiency with weapons and with strategy, proving himself capable of changing plans and coming up with things on the fly, his reaction time was unparalleled. He started as a ranch hand, mostly just tasked with keeping predators off the livestock and robbers off the property, but quickly was enlisted to track outlaws, and then several less legal and more unsavoury jobs that may or may not have included an assassination. Then came more legal jobs, a desperate plea from several farmers, a bar or two, and a king for training of guards and reinforcing protective measures. But what he hadn’t ever been known for is family. He wasn’t a family man by any stretch of the imagination. His work had him travelling constantly, changing appearance, living out of a tiny cart on the back of his two horses. His only constant companions were his horses and an old ranch dog given as a gift of thanks as a puppy. Them and his books. He collected the novels whenever he was in a new location, making the rounds of book stores and copywriters for obscure novels nobody else seemed to want. He was a man with no attachments except for the books in the cart, the dog at his heel, the horses he cared for, and of course the weapons on his back. One was a longsword he’d gotten custom made with his first large pay-out as a replacement for his old sword, and one was a whip he’d owned since his first day on the ranch. He had no other commitments than the ones he chose. Or at least he used to, until he’d received the letter. In a panic he’d hurried back to the small town surrounded by fertile farming fields where he’d first started to earn his reputation as a ruthless and brilliant warrior.
The town where he’d left behind a kind woman and a blond child. It would forever be his greatest shame, he’d ruined her reputation and her life in the pursuit of his own, and he had been sending coin back to them regularly, hoping that contribution was enough, and refusing to show his face in town again. However he needed to come back now and face those he’d abandoned. The kind woman was sick, in the letter she had told him she wasn’t going to make it and he needed to come and see her before she passed. He hoped it was in time. He’d left his cart hidden away in the forest nearby, one of his horses grazing and his dog guarding the goods on the cart. He rode atop the other horse, a brisk trot through the town, weaving between people and horses alike, looking between the letter and the houses until he found it. He quickly hopped off the horse, dropping the reins to ‘tie’ the horse. He’d taught them both well, he knew his animals wouldn’t wander far.
He ran into the house and was immediately greeted by the stench of sickness, of death. He struggled not to cover his nose at the familiar smell. It was much worse than the smell of blood in his opinion. This was harder to describe, it smelled like rot, like decay. He saw her shortly after he caught the scent, laying in a bed in the main room. Beside her was a young woman wringing out a cloth in a bucket of water and gently patting the sweat from her forehead and blood from her mouth, and beside the young woman was a boy, hair a bright gold colour. They all turned to look at him and he immediately felt every ounce of guilt he’d ever held for leaving, come rushing forth at once, averting his eyes.
“Can you take Toms outside and give us a moment?” the woman on the bed asked, voice raspy and weak. The young lady nodded and stood, placing the cloth back into the water bucket beside the bed and leading the small boy by his hand through the doorway nearby, closing it behind them. “You look well,” the woman rasped, smiling weakly at Techno as he approached, kneeling at her side.
“Thank you…” he was about to say she did as well but he wasn’t one to lie. She was pale, sweaty, and the smell of death clung to her like a cloak. “Your letter, it said you needed to speak with me,” Techno said after an uncomfortable moment of silence.
“Yes. I’m dying, we all know I am.” She began, before coughing harshly. “I need you to do me a favour, and promise me something.”
“Anything. Gods know I owe you,” Techno replied, smiling as she laughed weakly.
“You do. You owe Theseus too. That’s the young boy, he’s your son,”
“I assumed so.”
“I need you-” she paused, coughing harshly once more, blood spilling over her lips grotesquely. Techno quickly pulled out his handkerchief, wiping the blood away carefully. She quietly thanked him, wheezing in a large breath before continuing. “I need you to take Theseus with you. I need you to be a father.” She finished weakly.
She didn’t last the night. The next morning the coroner came and took her body, giving his condolences, and Theseus cried as though the world was ending, though to him it was. All he’d ever known was his mother. Technoblade had to pull him from the house reluctantly, promising he would be okay and bribing him with promises of sweets and flowers. The child agreed, allowing Techno to pull him up and place him at the front of the saddle. Techno rode the horse out of town, silent the whole way. It felt awkward. He didn’t know this child nor was he known for being good with them, in fact children notoriously hated him vehemently. His arrival was often followed by crying and hiding behind their parents. Techno watched the small golden haired child look around inquisitively, patting the horse beneath him and gently braiding his mane with his tiny dexterous fingers.
They arrived at the wagon, Technoblade’s dog greeting them happily, and the other horse barely looking up from his grazing. Techno hopped down off the horse, waiting for the child to hop down.
“Come along now,” he said impatiently after a moment. The child looked shocked, looking between Technoblade, and the ground.
“It’s too high,” he said, clinging to the horse. The horse shifted and a screech fell from the child, confusing Techno. He had been fine just moments before. Why was this different? Why was he suddenly terrified? Techno shook his head and sighed, already irritated by the kid’s presence.
“You’ll be fine, swing your right leg over the horse’s back.” Techno said, trying to keep calm. The child hesitated before following his directions, swinging his leg over the horse’s back so he was sitting facing Techno. “Alright, now slide forward,” He instructed.
“What if I fall?”
“Then you’ve succeeded.”
“I don’t wanna get hurt.”
“You won’t, it’s not high enough to get hurt. You’ll land on your feet, now slide.” Techno said, concealing his exasperated sigh poorly. The child once again looked at him incredulously before deciding to listen. He slid forwards, and although it wasn’t graceful he was off the horse. He fell back onto his butt in the dirt and for a dreaded moment Techno thought he was gonna cry again. However Theseus looked at his hands, covered in dirt and small pebbles and laughed, standing up on his own and wiping his hands on his pants without care before patting the horse’s leg.
“That was fun!” he exclaimed, grinning ear to ear, eyes wide and bright.
“Lovely. Go sit with the dog in the wagon whilst I prepare. Don’t touch anything.” Techno replied gruffly. Theseus looked over at the dog, large and grey, looking more wolf than puppy, and grimaced, but listened. He clambered up to the seat in the front of the small wagon. Techno turned back to the horse and made quick work of getting the saddle and riding bridle and reins off him, quickly brushing him down. He checked their feet, making sure they hadn’t collected any rocks in their hooves, before grabbing the other and leading it into position in front of the wagon, alongside the tongue. Techno hitched the horse to the wagon, taking care with the tack and making sure everything was properly adjusted and settled before moving on to the next horse, and doing the same. He also pulled the new sleeping bag for Theseus out of the saddlebags and the rest of his few things, lifting the cloth covering of the wagon and placing them in haphazardly. He would organize later.
He hopped onto the wagon bench, his dog taking the cue to hop down and wait as Techno gathered the reins and yelled a firm “Get up!”. The horses started at a walk as Techno directed them to the dirt road, before starting off at a brisk trot, Techno relaxing and settled back with a sigh. He glanced over as he felt eyes on him.
“What?” he asked sharply, exasperated.
“What does ‘get up’ mean?” Theseus asked, eyes wide with curiosity.
“Why isn’t the doggie on the wagon?” He asked after another moment, looking at the dog trotting alongside the wagon.
“He has a job to do.” Techno replied flatly.
“What kind?”
“He keeps the horses safe from stuff on the ground.” Techno answered, shrugging.
“That's really cool! Do they have names?”
“The horses! And the dog!”
“No.” Techno replied. He hadn’t bothered to name them, didn’t care to. He adored them all the same but he just hadn’t devoted any time or energy to naming them. He knew it was likely they wouldn’t be with him for all that long, the four of them lived a dangerous life, he wasn’t about to get overly attached.
“Why not?” Theseus asked, frowning and looking at the horses.
“They just don’t.” Techno glanced at Theseus once more, and the child closed his mouth, looking as though he were trying to think of something. Techno shrugged and watched the road ahead. He had decided to travel to his mailbox, a town or so away. He could check for any new jobs there, and then if there was nothing there he could just go travelling, try to find some work. Part of him was tempted to drop Theseus off at an orphanage or just with some kind couple or something. He didn’t know anything about raising children. He couldn’t imagine changing his whole life for this tiny fragile looking human. He knew damn well how easily an attachment to this child could be exploited against him. Hell, he wasn’t proud but he had done it himself before. But in the back of his mind the kind woman’s voice rang. He owed her, owed the young boy beside him. He promised. He was a man of his word. He was corrupt in many ways, more ways than he was proud of. He’d taken jobs he wasn’t thrilled to admit to, but he always, always kept a promise. No matter what. It was his singular redeeming quality and he wasn’t about to forfeit his last piece of humanity so easily.
The ride wasn’t easy nor was it short, though not for the usual reasons. Theseus was a bright and loud child, and though he had just lost his mother he seemed keen to keep talking and humming, Techno couldn’t fathom why. He didn’t understand how this child could be so chipper after his world had been shattered and forced him to rebuild at such a young age. He had seen many children learn they had become orphans, inconsolable, blubbering away as though their tiny hearts wouldn’t beat without their parents. And yet here was this small golden haired child, talking away as though he hadn’t a care in the world, pointing at various flora and fauna and asking all kinds of questions. They rolled into town, Theseus still talking on and on as the wagon rolled through the streets. Techno halted the wagon outside a building, it was large and centre of the town, people coming and going, a large aviary tacked onto the side. Techno hopped down and gestured for Theseus to follow suit, the young child managing to land on his feet this time instead of falling over once more.
“Don’t speak with anyone here,” Techno warned.
“Bad people look to take advantage of others here,” Techno replied curtly. “They will rob or kidnap you. Stick by my side, okay?”
“Alright,” Theseus agreed, nodding and trailing behind as Techno went in. They were only there for a moment, Techno getting the man behind the counter to retrieve his mail, procuring a few rolls of paper. Techno turned around and looked down for the child and he wasn’t there. Techno felt his heart stop. The unfamiliar sensation of all consuming panic washed over him, choking him almost. He whipped around, looking for him, vision tunnelling and heart rate rising. He looked to the clerk behind the counter and asked if he saw the child he’d come in with, and the man oh so helpfully shrugged in response.Techno swore and asked the man to keep an eye out for a blond child wandering around, and ran outside. He checked the wagon, only to find the dog sat on the bench. No Theseus to be seen. He shoved the scrolls into his pocket, running down the street, looking for the child, and finding nothing that would lead him to Theseus. A woman walked over, looking concerned.
“What are you looking for sir?” She asked, frowning, basket on her arm.
“A kid, he’s short, blond, blue eyes. I was in the post office, he was with me and now he’s gone,” Techno said quickly, breathing heavily.
“Your son is missing?” she asked, alarmed, looking around. “I’ll help you look,” she said quickly, sympathy shining in her eyes.
“He’s not my son, I just need to find him, I promised his mother” He said reflexively. The woman gave him a strange look but nodded, and left to help him search. Techno ran around the building, looking for something, anything. The longer it took the more panic consumed Techno, the harder it got to breathe, the faster his heart pounded against his ribs. He felt an unfamiliar weak shakiness in his hands. He saw a man and the woman from before approach, and almost decked the man out of habit but paused.
“You’re missing your child right? I think I know where he went, check the aviary, I saw a child run in there a while ago,” the man said quickly. Techno nodded and ran over to the aviary, the pungent smell hitting his nose. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Theseus there, looking at the pigeons.
“There you are.” Techno said, breathing a sigh of relief. “Why did you leave, I told you to stick close.” He said, tone sharp and harsh. He felt like he could breathe again though finally, the block in his lungs disappearing and his heart steadying now that Theseus was safe.
“I wanted to see the birds, I’ve never seen a pigeon up close,” He said hastily. Techno almost bit his head off, but when he opened his mouth no words came out, fury rising in his chest, overtaking the heart-stopping panic. He pointed and inhaled, but once more no noise came out. He shook his head, huffing and gesturing for the child to follow, which he did, albeit looking terrified of Techno. Theseus climbed up into the wagon, Techno following, scrolls pulled from his pockets, crumpled and edges torn. Techno handed them to Theseus.
“Hold these.” he said firmly. He whistled sharply and the dog hopped off the wagon and walked beside them as the wagon turned around and they headed out of town. Once off the main roads in town Techno grabbed one of the scrolls at random and read it quietly, before grabbing another. He read them all, and half of them were small jobs. A bounty here or there, one was much more dangerous so he ruled it out. Some of the others were a job that would last a bit longer, a training job, but the last one caught his eye. Techno had travelled for many years, and met many people. One had been of renown and he had stuck with him for about a year, helping them out. He considered them a close friend, an ally. She had reached out and was offering a position as a strategist, earning a great amount of pay, residence in the castle, and food provided. Techno smiled fondly at the elaborate signature, as flashy as ever and shook his head. It was decided, they would go there. He couldn’t refuse his old friend, and especially not for something this steady and well paying. He would be set for a while, and wouldn’t have to worry about shuttling Theseus around with him either.
“Alright kid, we’re heading to Nimius, I have a job there.” Techno said, sighing and settling back, folding the letter and tucking it into his shirt. “Settle in, it’ll be a long trip.” He added. Theseus nodded, and looked at Techno, before copying his exact posture. Techno looked over, confused for a moment, but shrugged and watched forward, making sure the horses were on the right track.
The journey was indeed long, they needed to set up camp that night. Techno put up the wagon’s cover, revealing that there was a bedroll settled in the wagon bed already, room on one side for a box full of books and other odd trinkets. Techno helped Tommy up into the wagon bed, showing him how to set up the bedroll beside his own.
“Alright, stay in my view, I gotta feed and water the horses,” Techno said, hopping off the wagon. They had settled by a river, and Techno unhitched the horses, leading both with their driving reins to the riverside before taking the bridles and reins off of them, allowing them to rest and do as they pleased. The dog had wandered off to hunt for a meal. Techno did often feed the dog, but the dog also occasionally preferred to go after the game it had spotted. Techno grabbed some of the spare hay out of the feed chest on the back of the wagon, spreading some on the ground for the horses to eat along with the lush leaves and grass around them. He walked back to the wagon to see Theseus sitting, looking through the box. The child saw him and jumped back, pretending he hadn’t been rifling through the various things in there. Techno smiled slightly and hopped into the wagon bed, looking on the other side of his bedroll and grabbing out some cured meat and bread, handing half to Theseus.
“It’s not a hot meal but its food. This work for now kid?” Techno asked. Theseus had already started shoving the food in his mouth, nodding.
“Yah,” Theseus replied, mouth full of bread. He was grinning happily as he tore into the bread. Techno looked at the box of his books, quickly seeing if anything was missing that he could see easily. Everything was fine and there was nothing missing from the box that he could see right away, but he’d check again. They ate in relative silence, the dog coming back and tearing into a rabbit a few feet away before going to drink water from the river and lay near the horses, watching them intently. All that was left soon was the sound of crickets chirping loudly beside the river, and the quiet noise of chewing. The sun set faster than expected and soon they were sitting in the dark under the light of a single candle Techno had lit for them. Theseus was yawning quietly, eyes half closed.
“Bed time I think, what do you think?” Techno asked, stretching. The question was rhetorical, Theseus would be going to bed. Theseus nodded, crawling into his bedroll, stretching and grabbing onto his pillow. Techno grabbed a book from his pile, leaning back against the wooden boards of the wagon, lounging comfortably while he read, absorbed in his book. He basked in this small luxury he afforded himself. He read in the flickering candle light for a few moments before he heard a sniffling noise. He paused and frowned, looking to his dog, seeing if he had perked up or sensed anything wrong, but the dog laid in the dirt happily, already asleep. Techno’s frown deepened and he turned. His dog had never failed him yet. There was no reason for him to be wrong now. It dawned on him that it was the child beside him sniffling, no doubt crying. It made sense, his mother had just died and the poor thing hadn’t had a moment to process it much at all. Technoblade reached his hand out to the sniffling bundle of covers to comfort the child. He wasn’t good with kids by any stretch, but he didn’t want the poor thing to suffer alone. He just lost his mother, and was pawned off onto an incapable father. He wanted to try to be better at least.
“Choke the little whelp,” hissed a loud voice, hoarse as though it were sick or choking on smoke.
“Snuff it’s breath out.” Another cheered. Techno swore silently, laying down and covering his ears in a futile attempt to block it out.
“Spill it’s blood.”
“Pathetic little thing.”
“It’ll only attract trouble.”
“Just like those puppies.”
“Loud.” They were triggering one another out, a faint chorus calling for blood in the background.
“You haven’t fed us in ages. They’re right, snuff this poor whelp’s breath out. It’ll never survive. Don’t get attached now when it’ll just die soon anyways. Better to cut the dead weight Technoblade, right? You’ve never had issue doing so before.” A more distinct voice rose, louder than all the others. Techno sighed in frustration and sat up, hopping out of the cart, muttering to Theseus to stay put and walking to the river, past the horses and his dog. The dog rose and trotted beside him as he knelt and splashed his face with water. The light the moon cast on the river was rippling and he jumped as he saw something on the other bank.
“Fuck,” he muttered, looking up to see an army of familiar faces staring at him, some with empty eye sockets, eyes having long since rotted from their heads.
“Do it. His life is no more sacred than ours Blade. Go on, kill another, add to our numbers.” Said the one in the front, his corpse seemingly perfectly preserved. “You owe me what I want, remember? I’m the only reason you’re who you are.”
“Shut up!” Techno yelled, frustrated and overwhelmed by the stench of rotting corpses in front of him. “I’m not going to. Stop begging for scraps, you’ll have your fill soon.” Techno snapped, standing. “You may have helped me get this far but remember who I am, don’t get so cocky yet. You’re still dead and I’m here, alive.” Techno said, turning.
“Oh we’ll have him eventually Technoblade. One way or another.” The corpse said. When Techno whirled around the army had disappeared and he was alone, his dog staring at him.
“Don’t look at me like that, I’m not crazy I swear,” he muttered, shaking his head. “Y’wanna go on a walk?” He asked after a moment, sighing and smiling fondly as the dog wagged it's tail and ran ahead before looking back at him expectantly. Another sleepless night it was.
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the-faceless-bride · 3 years
Older Y/n story
[  ] Chapter 1
The little promises with you~
I walked into the manner closing my parasol and gently placing it down. When I heard little foot patters down the stairs. Then I felt a little hand grab mine. "Y/n look!" He held up a little cassette tape, "I made a new song list for us to listen to today!" He held the tape to my face waving it around. "How fun, lets you go upstairs, lay down, and listen." He nodded his head and tugged me up the stairs. I rush up with him pulling my skirt up a little so I dont trip.
We get to his room and he sat me on his bed crawling into my lap. He put the tape in the player and clicked play. I lay back lightly stroking his hair. Right as the music was at its climax he mumbled to me in his sleepy state, "Will you always be here for me?" He looked at me with lazy eyes "Of course, I always will where is this coming from?" He didn't answer me, "I just wanna lay here and listen to our music forever Y/n... I love you..." I smiled softly and kissed his forehead "I love you more"
Just like the last time I walked to the manner. But when I walked in and closed my parasol Reiji stood at the door he took my parasol and placed it down for me. "Let's go to the library." He put his arm out for you to take. You took it and be walked with you.
Once we sat at a desk he took out the book we have been reading together but then he took out a little notebook. "What is that Reiji?" He looked up small dust of pink "well, I have started to write myself." He lightly tapped the cover of the book "I dont think you would like it..I... Tried to create a fairytale, it's out of my element but I wanted ti to try." He said as he pushed up his glasses "im sure with your experience and knowledge in reading im sure it's exceptional" he froze for a moment before sliding the book to you. As I read I quickly picked up on how this was short stories about things I and Reiji have done together with imagination I found it adorable. "This is the best book of short stories I have ever read."  He smiled softly at that it's nice to see him smile even if it's only a little one. But then he looked down and his smile completely fell. "Do you love me?" He asked out of the blue, I looked at him my eyes slightly wide. "Of course I love you. Why wouldn't I?" He looked over his shoulder before looking down "well... My mother has never said that to me. So you saying that makes me... Happy." He slides his hand across the table lightly playing with your fingers. "One day let's write an amazing story together... Ok," I pushed put his glasses for him booping his nose. "I will gladly write a story with you"
Today I wanted to spend time with Ayato but he wasn't around his manner so I went looking for him. I finally found him after almost an hour of looking for him at the lake by his home. He was just staring at the water. "Ayato?" He yelped and spun around to look at me. "Oh hi n/n," he says in a sad tone of voice. "Why so blue Ayato? Penny for your thoughts?" I pulled a little penny out of my dress pocket.
He looks at me and takes the coin "well my mother is mad at me again." He said looking back to the water,  "why? What did you do?" I ask walking closer "i- I can't swim," he says his voice no more than a whisper. I sit there quietly thinking, he seems to notice that. And he turns to me "penny for your thoughts?" He says questioningly as he holds out the penny I gave him "would you like me to teach you how to swim?" He looks somewhat shocked at first. He looks back to the water "ok.." He said.
He turns around as I start to take some of my dress of until I was in my corset stalkings and white undershirt. I set into the water letting him know he can look now. He just takes his white shirt off and waddles in kinda scared. I held my arms out and he found his way into them.
He gripped tightly onto me like a koala. After some time and effort of I placed my hands under him as he made the movements of his limbs. I secretly let him go slowly arms hovering under him but not touching him. "You're doing it." I smile at him, at first he didn't get it but then he realized he couldn't feel my arms under him anymore. "I- IM DOING IT!" he shouted happily as he puppy paddled in circles around me. when he was tired of this he clung to my body again. "Thank you n/n, now I won't be stuck at the bottom of the lake forever! Please stay with me forever okay n/n!" He puffed his cheeks out "All okay Ayato I'll stay" that he smiled with his chubby cheeks and kissed my cheek.
We sat under the little gazebo together with our tea tray. Kanato happily ate the pudding I had made beforehand. I, Kanato, and Teddy were having a tea party. I was wearing the pink and purple dress Kanato loved so much.
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This but the red is pink and the black is purple
He was sitting next to me and Teddy was next to him.  "Kanato, slow down you'll choke if you dont." I giggle as I use a napkin to wipe some pudding off his cheeks. "I want to eat as much of it as I can, you always make the best pudding and sweets." I ruffled his hair and gave him a caring smile I got up to get us more tea but was stopped by a little hand tugging on my skirt.
I turn around questioningly "do you think im odd?" He asked with doll eyes. "What? No, what brought this on?" He lets out a little sigh before answering "well, mother says that the way I speak and act is strange and my relationship with Teddy is odd." This made my blood boil the nerve of this woman! "You're not odd Kanato, I think the way you talk and act makes you special and I love you for it," I say as I cup and pat his cheeks giving his face a little squeeze.
His hands grip my skirt harder and he shoves his face into it his words somewhat muffed "thank you y/n, this is why you will be the only one I will EVER love." I stroked his hair smiling "say Kanato, would you like to keep this tea set?" He perked up looking at me "k-keep it? Really?" He asked eyes holding a little shine in them. "Of course, and we can have tea parties more whenever you wish." He only grew more excited by his hopping up and down "Yay!"
I walked looking for Laito when I spotted him oh on... He was with his mother she had her hand on his shoulder close to his neck playing with the hair at the base of his neck. Without thinking I power walked over to them, whether I was angry, discussed or both was beyond me. How dare she put her hands on him the way she does! I know about the little affairs with her son and how she turned their relationship incestuous. She is a disgusting sex-based woman.  I was close when she spotted me letting Laito go and waving him away as she held her hand out to me. "Y/n! My dearest" I played into her game taking her hand and taking it close to my lips and kissing her pale knuckle.
"What brings you here love~," she says leaning back more opening her legs ever so slightly in hopes of tempting me. "Im here for Laito" her complexion faded, she sat up and crossed her legs "he's over in the roses over there," she said bored. Without another word, I walk to him.
"Hello y/n," he said as he brought me a single red rose. "Hello, Laito would you like to go inside with me and some water to put this in for now?" He smiles nodding his head yes.
After putting the rose in a small vase and sitting down he crawled into my lap his head in the crook of my neck snuggling into me. "She keeps doing that..." He said into my neck "who keeps Doing what?" I inquired "mother. She keeps talking with this other man but says she only shows her love to me" I felt small wet drops on my neck he was crying "oh Laito, that isn't love, what she does to you isnt love it's lust. There are other ways to show the love you know." He sniffled looking up at me "there is?" He questioned, "yes, like spending time with each other, listening to music reading a book, or just sitting enjoying each other presents it doesn't have to be physical, especially like that." His eyes shifted down in thought before looking up at me again. "So like us? We spend time together and enjoy being together so is that love? Love is what we are?" He inquired "then I love you y/n," he said arms around my neck I giggled and smiled softly "yes, I love you most laito. You deserve the world." I kissed the side of his head and patted his back. "Good to know," he said his voice below a whisper.
I sat with Subaru in my lap making a flower crown as he drew in his little book with his doodles. We sat in silence I knew it was almost my time to go. I couldn't die due to my immortality but I knew I would have to let go of these boys soon. They... Didn't need me anymore. 
Shu never talked and pestered his brother.
Reiji was more like an adult than ever, too wrapped up in his work to bother writing short stories with me anymore.
Ayato went out with his friends from school.
Kanato had shut everyone out and stayed in his room most of the time.
And Laito talked with girls he didn't even give me a single rose anymore.
Subaru was the only one that needed me and once he doesn't it will be my time to leave.
By the time I finished with my thoughts I was finished with the flower crown. I gently placed it on his head and he closed his sketchbook. "Am I scary?" He asked as he looked to the floor. "huh? No, you're not. Who said that?" He let out a harsh breath "some kids at school said that no one likes me cuz' im scary and mad all the time."
"Well, for what it's worth I like you." He looked at me skeptical "you- you do?" His eyebrow raised "yes, in fact, I would even say I love you" his eyes went wide before he let out a little laugh "I love you too."
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stachmousworld · 4 years
Steve is dumb (part 1)
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Pairing: First Bucky x Y/N but endgame Steve x Y/N
Tags: Somnophilia kink, Daddy kink, vaginal fingering, a lot of teasing too, unprotected sex, breeding kink.
CONTEXT (It’s a lot so bear with me):
Family situation: Y/N’s mom died when she was younger. Y/N was raised by her dad, who later married another woman, Sylvie. Then divorced her. Sylvie is now Steve’s wife. Y/N lives at their, Sylvie and Steve, house because it is closer to college.
Y/N is well into her twenties. The age gap between Steve/Bucky and her is around 10 years. Sylvie is older than Steve. And Y/N’s dad is older than Sylvie.
So, Steve and Bucky are in their thirties, Sylvie her forties and Y/N’s dad his fifties. Phew…
I hope it was easy to understand. To make this story less porn-y, with the famous “plot what plot” that we find in most pornos, I had to go through so many loops to try and make it “believable”.
Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
 Bucky didn’t really why he came. When Steve had talked to him about a brunch, he had been genuinely excited. But now he was there, he regretted. 
Why did he keep falling into Steve’s trap...it wasn’t the first time Steve had persuaded him to come to these kinds of gatherings, and despite knowing him for decades, Bucky fell head first into this trap.
The food so far was bland and Steve’s wife, Sylvie, was grating his nerves. Bucky raised his glass toward Sylvie. She glared at him and spun around. Bucky smirked behind his glass happy.
“Your mom is really a treasure,” he joked to Steve’s stepdaughter next to him.
The young woman sighed and nodded. Bucky sipped his drink watching the young lady next to him. Her mahogany skin shone under the sunlight. Her hair was braided and raised in a high pony. She had traded her sunglasses for her prescription ones, making her whiskey eyes look bigger and more innocent. 
 Bucky unconsciously leaned toward her and took in her sweet scent. A mix between her perfume, shea butter, and hair products. He clenched his fingers trying to get a hold on himself. 
 “So –” 
“Baby girl, I hope Buck’ is not annoying you,” Steve joked as he stopped in front of them. Bucky rolled his eyes at Steve’s misplaced protectiveness. It was his own fault for missing his opportunity. She blushed and played with the hem of her dress. Well, that was quite unexpected.
“It’s okay, Steve,” she mumbled, eyes dropping to the grass. Steve was about to reply when someone called him. He patted her back and made his way to the table. 
“So, Steve, huh?”
Her head snapped up. “What about him?”
Bucky raised an eyebrow. “I’m not blind. I have seen how you looked at him.”
She struggled to speak for a couple of seconds. He watched her face closely and recognized the signs of someone who was ready to flee.
“I’m not judging. It’s normal.”
“Really?” she asked, hopeful. Her body relaxed. Slightly. 
Bucky internally rejoiced. If he played his cards right, he’d be able to help Steve. The poor lad only got one braincell and it only worked once in the blue moon. That explained why he was married to a gold digger, who had been sleeping with her ex behind Steve’s back. Steve knew it but didn’t want to divorce for some obscure reasons.
“Yep, it’s the most researched practice on any porn site,” he said, as a matter of fact. Her blush intensified and she looked away. 
“Yeah,” she agreed, a little too unsure. 
Why would she...? Realization dawned upon him. “You’ve never been on a porn site?”
She choked on her saliva. Bucky’s grin grew wider. Well, that was unexpected.
 “Are you a virgin?” He blurted. 
Her eyes bulged. She spluttered and looked around quickly. As she made her move to escape, Bucky grabbed her arm. His grip was loose enough for her to break free. 
 “It’s okay, I’m not going to judge you. It was merely a personal question. And I’m sorry for being intrusive. I forget that people generally don’t like to be questioned.”
She stared at his hand around her arm. He let her go. She shook her arm and crossed them under her breasts, pushing them higher.
Bucky appreciated the sight. He licked his lips and rearranged himself. If Steve didn’t want her, he’d gladly accept any caress from her.
“It’s okay,” she said, clearly meaning the opposite. Bucky put on his best sad puppy face. If being friend with Steve has taught him something, it was this ability. Steve has always been better than him. But Bucky had been a quick learner.
“I really meant no harm. Steve has talked a lot about you.” Her entire demeanor changed. She uncrossed her arms and smiled softly. “No…” He said, looking torn. He looked away and pretended to be guilty of revealing too much. “I’m sorry I can’t talk about it. It’s wrong.”
“No, wait!” She exclaimed, placing her hand on his bicep. “You said it was normal. So, there is nothing wrong if Steve feels like that, right?” Bucky grinned inwardly. Gotcha! He thought.
“Yes, but…it’d be like taking advantage of you and I don’t want that,” he explained, still faking his contrite.
“I’m of age and Steve didn’t raise me. And I’ve known him before my stepmom.”
 “To whom she is married,” he added. She seemed to think about it for a second.
 “But if Sylvie doesn’t know about it…”
“Would you be able to have sex with Steve knowing he has sex with your stepmom.”
Her mahogany skin turned pale. She grimaced, pressing a hand on her stomach. 
“That’s disgusting!” She screamed, indignant.
Bucky cursed himself. What the hell! He was supposed to help Steve and now he fucked it up. All trace of arousal left his body. She quickly made her way to the table, not looking once behind.
This time, Bucky didn’t try to make her stay. Added to that, Steve, who witnessed the entire ordeal, was glaring at him. Bucky flipped him off and walked to the table, where everyone was gathered.
The only seat available was next to Steve’s stepdaughter. She has avoided looking at him for the first part of the brunch, but now she was more relaxed and even laughed at his jokes. Until the conversation turned to something more sexual. Bucky thanked the Lord for this new chance to help Steve.
“I’m never going to let you do that to me, Brad!” A blond woman exclaimed, making all of them jump.“That’s disgusting.”
“I don’t judge your kinks don’t judge mine,” Brad grumbled. He unclenched and clenched his fingers around his fork and knife.
“That’s not kink that’s rape,” she retorted, with a disgusted grimace.
“I already told you, Sash’, when it is consensual, it is not rape,” Brad said through gritted teeth.
“How can someone consent if they are not awake.”
Brad took a deep breath. “People, on the receiver side, give their consent while awake. They plan it. So no, it’s not rape.” His wife’s face went redder by the minute. Brad rolled his eyes, visibly bracing himself for the blow up.
“Did you do that to me? Did you rape me, Bradley!” She shrieked, standing up.
“You know what Sasha, go fuck yourself! I have never raped anyone, and you know it,” he answered, barely raising his voice. The only proof that he was furious was the way he gripped his fork and knife.
Sasha snickered. “How would I know if I’m asleep.”
Brad laughed, bitter. “Awake, you complain like a little bitch because I’m too big. So, I’m pretty sure you’d feel it. With all the bragging you surely do, I’d think you knew how to take a dick.” He placed his cutlery down. “At least you know I’m not with you for your sexual abilities.”
Sasha looked around and suddenly started crying. She mumbled a few accusations and ran in the house. Brad looked down, took a few breaths, and kept eating. The others, who have stopped talking, looked at each other wearily.
“You should eat, she won’t come back,” Brad spoke after wiping the corners of his mouth. Steve glanced at Bucky who shrugged.
“What did they talk about?” The young woman whispered to him. It took some time to understand what she asked about.
“Forget about it,” she replied quickly, misinterpreting his silence. “Somnophilia,” he said, nonchalant, as if the topic wasn’t a part of his favorite kinks. He felt a stir in his groin just talking about it. She raised her eyebrows and repeated the word silently.
“Why did she think it was rape?”
“One person, the receiver, gives their consent to their partner to have sex with them while they are asleep,” he explained visibly calm. Inside his blood was rushing to his neither region.
“Oh,” was her only answer. She played with her food, eyes darting toward Steve, who was laughing at a stupid joke. It had to be a stupid joke, only them could make Steve laugh like that, anyway.
“It’s one of Steve’s favorite kink,” Bucky added. He was particularly enjoying playing matchmaker.
“Hm. We talked about it a few times and he was always…” Bucky pretended to be embarrassed. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t talk to you about that.” He started eating his food, which still had no flavor. He suppress a grimace.
“No, you can. Like I told you I’m off age.”
She placed her hand on his thigh. Bucky tensed under the warm touch. He unconsciously licked his lips. Was she teasing him? He tilted his head and examined her face.
Nah, she looked innocent.
“Okay, but it’s between us,” he warned up. She nodded eagerly. “What do you want to know?”
“Why does he like it so much?” Her bambi eyes rendered him speechless. He didn’t know he had a thing for innocent girls. Most of his relationships had been with experimented people. Bucky struggled with girls like her. He was scared of taking one bite and being stuck forever. Because this sweet girl would be as addictive as a drug. He was sure of it. Just sitting next to her put him on edge. 
Damn Steve…
Bucky leaned closer. “First, your consent would be extremely sexy. Knowing that your partner gives you that much power is thrilling. Can you imagine, Steve comes back at night and wants to give you good night kiss” Her breath hitched. She didn’t seem averse to this idea. “He knocks on your door, but you are already asleep. So, he opens the door and get in. He looks at you with longing and love, but the real reason he came to you was else. He undressed completely and walks toward you. As he does, he caressed himself, thinking of your sweet pussy around him.” She chocked on the water she was drinking. Bucky patted her back and reassured the others. She was beetroot red, despite her complexion. Her eyes were now dark brown and burned with desire.
Steve cleared his throat attracting the others’ attention, not before sending a suspicious look to Bucky, who raised his hands in mock defense. Steve shook his head, muttering something.
“Are you okay?” Bucky asked her. She nodded vehemently. Her face still looked red but less than before.
“Can you continue, please?” She asked, timidly.
Bucky didn’t have to be told twice.
Part 2
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chanyoungies · 3 years
bye bye 2020, hello 2021 !!
happy new year everyone!! there’s a lot of people i want to thank for making last year so much more bearable so i tried writing some messages for some of my dearest mutuals this year as well!! (keyword tried because i absolutely cannot put my feelings and thoughts into words. i love you all though and thank you so so so much!!!)
@angelhyunjin : angi!! i know you’re not on here anymore (actually i just found out . i ran to twt to find u as quick as i could!!) but it felt weird not?? putting you on here because you WERE a big part of my year!! i was always excited to chat with you and i rlly rlly loved (still do) seeing your art and your dance covers i can’t believe how talented at both you are!! you are really really lovely and even if it’s been a while i hope you know i still think of you and hope you’re doing well!! this year might have been hard but i hope 2021 will be much nicer to you because you definitely deserve it!! i love you!! 
@cinanamon : stephie!! i think we haven’t talked in a while until we started suddenly bonding over minho but all is well that ends well because now we are the founders of a minho cult and that’s all i could hope for in life i think! we don’t talk that much but seeing your tags in all the minho posts is always a TIME i absolutely love reading them! thank you for being there to lose it over minho, always, but also for being there in general! you are really sweet and i do love to talk to u!! i also know you are a really good writer so i hope 2021 brings you lots of inspiration to write more!! (and i’ll finally catch up on your fics too! hehe) happy new year!! 
@cocogoat : puppy !! i think we haven’t been friends for long actually and that sounds fake because that would mean there was a time i didn’t instinctively check your blog when i woke up in the morning (or the evening let’s be real)?? you are so! adorable and for what!!!!!! i really do love seeing you pop up in my phone notifs and reading your posts even if i dont have any idea what they’re saying half of the time unless it’s dgrp (i cannot believe i have a dgrp friend now. amazing i think i won) u are so funny and so cute and i’m really glad i got to know you because!! you’re such a nice friend that i! love! times can be hard but i hope 2021 is gentle with you because that is! what! you deserve! gentle pats and tight hugs! (maybe that’s why i associate ab6ix’s heaven with you it’s the gentle vibes) <3
@glossiers : miss bri i am in love w u that’s it. no i’m kidding that’s not it i have much more to say . i am in lov w u though #brillie2k21 i think. i think it’s been a surprisingly short time since we’ve actually started talking?? which is kinda crazy if u ask me because?? how the hell did i live my life without screaming BRIIIII whenever i see u on the dash like for real how . that sounds like a life so empty like. that would rlly be missing . something?? anyways u are a dear dear friend that i really really love and i’m sure you know that but i will keep saying it anyway! i’m sure i’m pretty annoying so thanks for putting up with me! and for talking to me! i feel like i’ve said it before but! you are a delight to see on the dash and i lovlovlov talking to u (and sending u pics of my cats, thank u for appreciating them). i still cannot believe u managed to convince yourself i was a hyeongjun stan though. hope i can be convincing enough to clear that up and leave no doubts in your brain this year. anyways i love you and i hope we can continue to be friends and talk even MORE this year!!!!!! happy new year ilu <3
@hwacinth : miss dia my sweet sweet floral nymph real life shirayuki and queen of urls! i am? so so so so so glad that we are friends you literally have my heart it is YOURS i can’t even try to claim it back!! you literally are shirayuki i don’t even know how to elaborate i think it’s just self-explanatory but you are just. such a sweet little sunshine!! it’s like you bring spring everywhere you go!! we could be in a middle of a metaphorical storm but when you appear the skies clear up and flowers bloom wherever you step and i cannot help but smile when i see you online!! thank you so so much for being my little ray of sunshine in these tough times! i hope to see even more of your posts this year!! don’t hesitate to live blog anything you watch in my dms if you feel like you’re posting too much (but i hope you never feel that way because you’re not . love seeing u live post it is absolutely amazing i won’t ever get tired of it)!! happy new year and i love you!! ps only 1 more hour until your birthday HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIA ILUUU <3 I HOPE YOU CAN HAVE A WONDERFUL ONE!! IM SENDING YOU CAKE TELEPATHICALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@hwisgf : sorinaaaa! happy new year!! we don’t talk that much but it is always nice seeing you around! you are vv sweet and i really appreciate that, thank you for taking the time to talk to me sometimes!! you are also probably my only fantasy mutual?? which is terrible on one side because i think everyone should stan sf9 but that’s besides the point . i really do love the fact that i at least have u to talk to abt sf9 if need and i LOVE seeing u in love with hwi it is absolutely amazing. i am forever grateful for all the free hwi pics days too!! <3 i hope 2021 can be a year full of happiness for you!! (also that is also besides the point but @ fnc i want an sf9 cb announcement) ILY!! (and so does hwi)
@inkigayeo : miss vivi galaxy brain happy new year!! we only started talking recently but u do have my heart already!! i hope this year treats you well and that we can get to know each other more and be friends hehe!!!! <3 (my other wish is for u to stop breaking my heart with those fake titles. please . why should san NOT come back explain yourself .)
@jeongcheols : mimi . mimi mimi mimi im literally typing this as u are listening to that ten n dj stage ok now it’s kai ok anyways . ANYWAYS i am loving your sm concert live commentary . criminal is sounding amazing taemin is insane indeed (yes i took a break before coming back to writing this) i truly don’t know what to say?? n i have to keep watching the time so that i can scream HAPPY NEW YEAR into the mic in 14 minutes. but like?? i love you?? like. like for real i don’t know what i would’ve done without you?? also it’s weird writing this for tumblr instead of just in your messages (also i can’t focus with idea playing. idea soty). and i mean. you technically know all of this but like?? i can’t believe we’ve known each other for so long but also such a short time at the same time like. what. thank you for being my bestestest friend and my soulmat i don’t think i would’ve been able to remain sane this year (and last year too honestly) if it wasn’t for you?? thank you for always listening to my incoherent rants and i’m always so sorry for spamming you while you’re asleep i know you must wake up to like 150+ messages with absolutely no connection between them and they’re all just so random i truly don’t know how you manage to not get annoyed and to just stay with me all this time i’m- getting emotional. you had a terrible year, i know it! i really do!! and while it might not be looking too bright right now, i hope the universe hears me and treats you much better in 2021 because!! you deserve so much more!! you deserve the world, really!!! i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i would write more really but like what is there to say literally i’m just (your emoji)) i love you for real;;
@nakyngs : ele <3 happy new year!!!!!! we haven’t talked much this year but i do think of u a lot daily i hope you know that!! and i love u a lot! even if i still need to catch up on all your aus </3 i hope 2021 can be a fun and stress-free year for you!! and we should catch up sometime too!! ps i hope your fish are ok
@ncityzen : dear spring fairy!! i already sent you a new year’s message earlier today like what. 6 hours ago but! once again!! i really do hope you can leave the hard times behind in 2020 and only get the best things possible this new year!! i’m always very happy to see you appear on my dash and curious to see your life updates and your random literature-related mini-rants in the tags they are always very interesting to see!! so! hoping to see even more of that this year <3 i hope you know that i love you and i really care about you!!
@woojjongs : MISS IRI! i am screaming this very loud so hopefully u can hear me all the way in canada! okay i had to leave this one for last because i?? don’t really know how to start i’m just a pink glittery puddle with lil hearts flowing in it that is how i feel towards u right now . how does one think and how does one write down their thoughts coherently give me a second. this is going to be a mess maybe u shouldn’t read it (‘accidentally’ forgets to tag u). just know that i decided to play txt’s wishlist to write this and u might be confused by that but all u need to know is that it means i love you very much. OKAY so miss iri you are . such a wonderful pal i truly don’t know what i would’ve done without you like . it would feel so weird not seeing you around tumblr would be so so so so empty i don’t even think you can begin to imagine how empty i’d feel without you around here ksdjbskbds i absolutely adore you but we already knew that. i’m always super excited to see your gifsets and your nonsense!! be it your love for woojong or u missing lim jimin (play m.. 🔪) or your snoo brainrot or hating literally anyone on smtm or whatever else it might be i love it all!! you are so cute and adorable and talented and sweet and funny i cannot believe you also happen to be the prettiest person on earth too. how does that feel! anyways i love you so so so so so much? i keep telling you to hold back from committing crimes but i absolutely WOULD commit a crime for u i really do adore you!! i mean . how many groups did u make me stan . (ok actually i don’t think there’s that many. but STILL) i know i can be super annoying but thank u for taking the time to chat with me nonetheless!! i’m all over the place but . there’s times i come online literally just to check your blog nothing else! i hope we can continue to be friends this year too n perhaps talk more (or the same amount idk please tell me off when i’m too annoying)!! happy new year, i hope it holds wonderful things in store for u!!!!!! and we really are starting off great since victon comeback is approaching <3 (this got way too long i’m so sorry i’ll cut it off now before i write 10 pages)
@xiaocity : miss siya hello hello hello first of all i’m just so very glad that you’re back i l o v e you!!! i love seeing you around be it your gifs or your text posts which yes. i cannot properly understand half of the time but google is my best friend after all! you’re such a wonderful person and i’m just?? really glad to have you around like?? you feel kind of like a cousin i don’t always get to see but am always excited to talk to when i can? this might not make sense but. you are vvv cool and talented and funny and feel very like. reliable? i feel like i am not making any sense so like ignore me. what i’m saying is i really really like you a whole lot and i really hope we can talk even more in 2021!! happy new year, i hope it’s a wonderful one for you!!
@yunwoo : miss anna we haven’t been moots for that long and we haven’t talked much but u are vvv cute and i hope we can become (better) pals this year!! i’m looking forward to seeing u on the dash more often, hopefully!! happy new year <3
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sparkles-and-trash · 4 years
My fav 3 versions/interpretations of South Park characters thing!
I’m so sorry this took much longer than anticipated, I was gonna do it Friday but then I had a panic attack for the first time in forever because my CFS have been real bad lately and I was in such bad shape my BFF had to come and smack me back to life, and Sunday was suddenly full on breakdown day, a bad BPD episode and yeah, it was rough, but today I’m doing better and I realize nobody really cares about my personal issues lol but I just have a need to excuse myself here and I realize that’s kinda dumb but here we are ANYWAYS I hope these are okay, and that these are in no way the RIGHT interpretations, just my personal favorites! 
suggested by the wonderful  @otherluces <3
I’m not gonna lie, I love nerdy, preppy Kyle. Sweater-vests, collard shirts, doesn’t realize how attractive he is Kyle, oblivious to people having crushes on him Kyle, set on Harvard to become a lawyer and fight for justice and argue for a living, yanno? 
I also really like the more dorky and nerdy Kyle, where he has really niché interests that he gets totally invested in and talks about 24/7, loves reading and studying, but not just to get good results, but because he genuinly enjoys it.
The last version I can think of with him, is the tall, lanky and kinda hard to read Kyle. He keeps a lot of his feelings to himself, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have them. He plays basketball, he’s good at it too, and while he does well in school and everyone expects him to go into law, he has some totally different dream he keeps to himself for now. He kinda perks up a bit when in smaller crowds, esp with his cloest friends, but he still carries a lot of secrets that some time needs to come out.
suggested by my new fren  @soft-craig-and-tweek ^^
I like Tweek in so many ways these were hard to pick, but I’mma try to narrow it down a bit and not go totally off haha
I actually quite enjoy the jagged, tired Tweek, the one who with help from friends and family manage to get off the meth his parents feed him secretly, but who still struggle with withdrawal, dark bags under his eyes, kinda pale and with sharp features, but he’s still a sweet and kind boy, a boy who wants to make the right choices and change the world to a better place, but who still has a darkness he carries, and the fact that he never gives up that fight is what makes him so special 
and okay I have to be honest, I do love myself some sunshine boy Tweek. This Tweek still has issues, he is maybe even more anxious than the last one, but he’s also just as vibrant and energetic as he is anxious! He is an artist, he paints with bright colors, he composes beautiful, hopeful melodies, he feels everything so much,  and he is a contagious and exciting person to be around. Cannot dress for the life of him. So much mis-match and odd outfits, but it kinda works? 
The last one I’m gonna mention for this wonderful boy, is the more alternative Tweek. He writes obscure poetry, he watches too many conspiracy theory videos on youtube, he draws the monsters in his mind, and he writes the scariest, most hauntingly beautiful stories on the internet, and people online love him. He has no idea how to deal with being popular in that sense, because irl he is the type to not belong to a certain friend group, but he does go along well with most people on a surface level. Dark circles, shaky hands, crooked and cute smiles, baggy t-shirts and ripped jeans. When he first opens up to someone, he really, really does, and he will always support and be there for you. If you deserve it, that is. 
also suggested by  @soft-craig-and-tweek <3 
I love nerdy Nichole who isn’t afraid to show it! Maybe she’s a streamer or youtube gamer even, I can def see her writing fanfiction, and being hella good at it too! Makes quite a name for herself online, and hangs out with the boys a lot irl, has game nights with the boys from Board Girls (even Cartman sometimes), is funny in a sarcastic way, but never mean. 
Popular girl Nichole is also a favorite for me, but not in the “classical” sense. I imagine her to be a sporty, maybe on both the basket and volleyball team, captain for the basket one, she’s a born leader, she’s kind and fair, but can also be strict, and people always trust her to be honest and true.  
Artsy Nichole!! I imagine her in bright yellow dresses and with her hair flowing and free, with flowers in her hair, freckles on her face, a big, genuine smile, a loud laughter that is so contagious, she loves spending time with Jimmy because they have a very similar humor, and she’s a theater kid, she sings like an angel and can act, oh boy can she act, she can make anyone laugh or cry in just a blink of an eye, she’s just a human sun-ray and I love her a lot 
suggested by @kinguidamundo, thank you so much!! 
I love edgy Butters soooo much??? Like, he’s still a kind and bright boy, but he can also stand up for himself a lot more, he likes fashion a lot, he gets tattoos and piercings, he explores tons of ways to express himself, he’s a yes-dude, he goes out on dates a lot, but isn’t ready for a “real” relationship yet, but he enjoys meeting people and testing out himself around different types of people! Also he is a bi icon change my mind jk u can’t 
I have a weak spot for the kind of soft and timid looking Butters too, who wears pastel colors and have big, innocent eyes, he is genuine and kind, but he carries something darker inside, something he isn’t sure how to deal with, something that scares him, but in reality it’s just normal feelings, anger, resentment and fear, but he’s lived his life ignoring them so much they catch him off guard at times. He learns to live with them slowly, and he does so with lots of help and patience from friends and loved ones. 
Okay, last one, totally self-indulging here, but yeah, happy sunflower boy is also a big favorite. He is more confident than the previous version, but in a gullible way if that makes any sense? He believes the best in people, and if he is proven wrong, he’s willing to try to help them become better people, if they want to or not! This is honestly the version I love most with Stan, Butters being the ray of sunshine in Stan’s life and Stan being the realism to keep Butters grounded and them both supporting each other so much? Fuck yeah that’s the good stuff. 
suggested by @horrorpumpkin, ty sm friend! <3 
Himbo Clyde!!! Jock dude who genuinely loves sports, he’s a team player, and while he might not be super intellectual, he is very socially smart, he is kind and empathic, he is funny and likable, he always tries his best to make everyone feel included, and while he loves chicks a lot, and is a sexual dude, he does it with nothing but respect and admiration for the ladies! 
Bisexual disaster Clydeeee <3 obv being bi isn’t a personality trait, but he is very open about it, he wants to be confident and good at flirting, but goddamn is he a MESS! He’s also a huge supporter of every single relationship his friends is in, he loves love, in all shapes and forms, he is emotional and kind and awkward in an endearing way. 
Can’t leave out crybaby Clyde, can we now? He’s a bit of an awkward bean as well, but he owns it a bit more. He is kinda like a puppy, a cute, excitable and emotional puppy who loves his friends, video games and lazy movie nights, kinda chubby, he loves baking and does it a lot with Tweek, he is also a huge nerd for Harry Potter and totally geek out over it with Kyle and Nichole sdhlksgdhl
suggested by anon! 
First up I guess I should put my high school AU Kenny. I know it’s controversial, but I imagine this Kenny to be more on the quiet side, but not really in a shy way. He’s just a bit of an observer who doesn’t speak unless he really sees fit, and while he still has his crude humor and is kinda rumored to be sleeping around a lot, he actually struggle with intimacy issues. He never imagined them to include sexual stuff, but turns out they do, and balancing being sexually open and curious and having these issues ain’t easy on the boy, let me tell you that. 
This one is kinda heavily inspired by Luces, but I love him as kind and loyal, but also a bit more chatty and charming, but not for his own gain. He wants others to feel good about themselves, in social settings, his friends, during sexy times, he is selfless and good, but he is also living for the moment, he is a likable and wonderful guy, but he does still only REALLY open up emotionally to people he really trusts. Not traditionally attractive, but interesting looking in a way. Lots of freckles, bit of buck teeth with a big gap between his front teeth, messy kinda curly hair, long straight nose. Always wears baggy hoodies and worn out jeans, shrugs and gives that lopsided smile when people ask him about anything personal.
Mysterious Kennyyyy. You think you know him, everyone does, but in reality, very few have seen the real him. He likes people, and he likes to help them, he’s always down to listen to people’s problems and help them, he wants to inspire kids like himself to never give up and think there’s only one path for them, because he knows there is not. Volunteers at the animal shelter with Stan, works part time at Tweek Bro’s and is good buddies with Tweek. Had a early sexual debut, slept around a bit and got his heart broken unexpectedly when he was a Freshman, so there are some walls there now, but he ain’t usually one to turn down someone who’s up for it and whom with he has good chemistry either. 
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yayeetsonny · 4 years
New Beginnings~Chapter 1
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(Okay so if you haven’t read the imagine “Theatre Kid Problems” or the prologue I suggest you read those first so you aren’t confused)
1 month later...
Ryley PRO//
So here I am in the hospital because I fell off a ladder. Of course the whole story is more than that but I don’t want to have to relive the incident. The good thing about getting hurt now is that it’s after the Shebelives cup. Which we won by the way, the games against Spain and England were the most grueling. I really thought we would end the Spain game in a tie but JJ came through in the last minutes to give us the win. Anyways, I get to go home tomorrow, and by “home” I just mean back to Christen and Alex’s house in Utah. speaking of those two, they have been insanely protective since they got here. They hover more than usual and if they see even the slightest indication I’m in pain they bombard me with questions such as
“Is it your head?”
“Does your leg hurt?”
“Can you breath okay?”
“Do you want us to get a nurse or the doctor?”
I answer their questions as best I can and then they do everything in their power to make it hurt less. It’s very sweet, but sometimes a little much.
“Hey R.J., how you feeling kiddo?” Alex asks, entering the room with lunch for everyone.
“I feel a little tired, but I don’t have any pain.”
“Maybe you should take a little nap before you eat.” Chris says concerned.
“I don’t need to nap, I’m hungry” I say grumpily
“Well it sounds like you do, miss grumpy-pants” Alex says
“Nooo guys, I’m hungryyy.” I whine
“Okay, okay. Calm down, you can eat first and then you’re gonna nap okay love bug?” Christen says, running her finger across my eyebrow
“Do I have to?”
“Yes Ryley. You need to rest.”
“I’m really not that tired. I don’t need it.” I say hoping to get out of yet another nap
“Yes you do. Please just take a little nap.”
“I don’t need to take a nap!” I snap
“Woah there, inside voice please.” Alex says, both her and Chris startled by my outburst.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled. I’ll take a nap when I finish eating.”
“Thank you baby.”
After I’ve eaten and napped we decided to play uno, Alex becoming quite competitive. She was determined to win every round, even if it meant cheating a little.
“Alex stop looking at my cards!” Chris says exasperated
“I’m doing no such thing.” Alex says indignantly
“Okay, okay. I took a little peek. I’m sorry babe.” She then gives Chris her best pout and puppy dog eyes, Chris of course giving in and forgiving her immediately. I roll my eyes playfully, she’s whipped. They share a gentle kiss that soon turns into a make out session.
“Okay, gross! Get a room.” I say, shielding my eyes. They’re cute but I didn’t need to see all that.
“Oh right, forgot about you for a second, sorry.” They pull apart, having the decency to at least pretend to be apologetic.
After we finish playing uno we have dinner and then before I know it, it’s time for bed.
“Goodnight love bug. Sleep well. We’ll be right here when you wake up.” Christen says kissing me on the forehead and rubbing my eyebrow.
“Goodnight kiddo. We love you.” Alex says doing the same thing.
“Goodnight guys.”
The next day
I woke up this morning feeling really hot and then cold and it went on like that for much of the morning. I also had a cough but I did my best to hide it from Chris and Alex because I didn’t want them to freak out. But I could tell they knew something was off.
“Are you sure you’re okay Ry? You seem... off.” Alex says eying me suspiciously
“Yep! All good.” I say.
Right after I said that I shivered and went into a coughing fit. Chris looked up from her book, her and Alex share a worried glance and then they both looked at me giving me “the mom eyes”.
“I’m getting the doctor.” Chris says leaving no room for argument.
She leaves and not even 2 minutes later she returns, the doctor and a nurse in tow.
“Hi Ryley. I hear you may be experiencing a fever and that you have a cough. Do you mind if I check you out real quick?” Doctor Baker asks kindly
He does a quick exam, taking my temperature, listening to my heart, taking my blood pressure and all that good stuff and then he comes to the conclusion that I do in fact have a fever and that it looks like I’m getting sick.
“Okay, so it looks like Ryley has a moderate fever and cough so I’d like to keep her an extra day just to monitor her vitals and make sure it’s not more serious than a cold.” He says reassuring Christen and Alex that there isn’t anything to be worried about. I know them, as soon as he leaves they’re going to start fussing over me. Oh man I just want to go home.
“I would suggest using a cool wet rag and placing it on her forehead to try to cool her down a little. I can get her one if you’d like?” The nurse says.
“Yes please that would be great.” Christen says, brushing my hair out of my eyes.
The doctor leaves, saying he’ll be back later to check in and just as I thought they begin asking me all their questions and fussing over me more than they were before.
“Here love, let’s lower your bed so you can lay down.” Alex says
The nurse returns with the cool rag and Christen puts it on my forehead and then takes a seat beside my bed, Alex doing the same on the other side. They each take one of my hands. We sit in comfortable silence until I break it.
“I want to go home.” I say, my voice shaking as I feel my eyes welling up with tears. What the hell why am I crying?
“We know R.J. and we will soon okay? You just have to stay an extra day and the we’ll be able to go home.”
For whatever reason, what Alex says causes me to become more upset. I start to cry loudly.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. Shh baby, you’re okay. Just relax. I promise you- we promise you it’s okay.” Christen says, continually running her thumb across my eyebrow.
They both whisper sweet nothings in my ear attempting to calm me down and eventually it works, although I’m still confused as to where all that emotion came from. It’s just an extra day. Chris and Alex then resume babying me.
“Let’s get you some water so you don’t become dehydrated.”
“I’m okay, I don’t- ” I’m cut off when a cup of water is set in front of me.
“Drink a little bit please”
“Okay, okay.”
Do you want an extra blanket?” Chris asks, moving to stand.
“No thank you.” I say
“Okay well let us know if that changes.”
“I will. Promise.”
The next day comes and goes and after getting checked over by the doctor the following morning I’m cleared to go home. Finally
“You ready kiddo?” Alex asks, finishing gathering our stuff while Christen retrieves the discharge papers while also getting final instructions from the nurse and doctor.
“Yeah I am.” I say excitedly
I wheel my wheelchair over to the door more than ready to leave.
“Woah, hold on. Make sure you put on your sweater It’s cold out.”
“It’s not that cold Alex I’m fine.” She gives me an unimpressed look and with a huff I give in and put on my sweater.
“Mhm. Let’s go” she says
She wheels me out while somehow also carrying all of our belonging, which is really just a backpack full of clothes, and water bottles, and her and Christen’s purses but still.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to hold anything? I’m like your own personal moving basket.” I say, laughing
“I’m good, thank you.” She chuckles
We meet Christen out in the hallway and before I know it we’re at the car and they’re helping me in, making sure I’m settled and then we’re off the the airport. The flight from Colorado to Utah was short but it was easier than driving because of all my injuries. Even so there were several times on the flight I found myself in pain or bumping a part of my body that hurt. But finally after what felt like forever (it wasn’t) we landed and we were able to get off the plane and go home. Once we got to their house they made sure I was as comfortable as possible before leaving to the kitchen to make dinner.
Alex PRO//
“Do you think she’s okay out there by herself?” Christen asks, worrying about Ryley being alone for too long.
“Yes babe. She’s okay.” I say while wrapping my arms around her to comfort her.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes my love.”
“Okay. I believe you.”
I kissed her gently before letting go of her to start dinner. We decided on a simple cheesy pasta. Certainly not the healthiest meal we’ve ever made but I thought we all deserved a bit of a break. Christen did her best to help me, although I’d never say this to her, she wasn’t a very good cook. But you didn’t hear it from me. After we finished making dinner I went to get Ryley from the living room. I walked in to find her fast alseep in her chair. Poor kid must be exhausted. I thought. I went over to try to wake her as gently as I could.
“Ryley?” I shook her gently but she didn’t wake.
“Baby love it’s time to wake up, dinner’s ready.” I said again trying to be gentle.This time she began to stir, she opened her eyes slowly and looked up, smiling at me sleepily.
“Hey there, you ready to eat?”
I wheeled her to the kitchen table and Christen served up the food as we sat down to eat. After we ate we decided to just have a chill movie night. It took a while for us to decide on a movie but we eventually settled on the disney movie Up. After the movie, and many tears, that movie is so sad we decided it was time to go to sleep and that’s where things got a little tricky.
“R.J. do you... do you want us to carry you upstairs? Or do you want to stay down here? There’s a guest room just down the hall.” I say, slightly worried about leaving her by herself down here.
“Can you- I mean would you mind- Will you guys stay with me?” She asks timidly.
“Of course love bug. We’ll always stay.”
“Wow. That was deep Chris.”
“You know what I mean, goofball.”
Christen wheeled her to the guest room, I followed. We helped her change, giving her one of Christen’s Stanford hoodies, much to my dismay and a pair of my soccer shorts. We helped her into bed and after a lot of fussing, readjusting of pillows and lots of questions she finally convinced us to go change. We came back in record time and after triple checking that she was okay we climbed into bed cuddling her and smushing her in a chrislex sandwich.
“We love you Ry. You know that right?”
“We love you so much.”
“Of course I know that. Thank you for everything the last few days, and for always being there for me.” She said becoming emotional.
“Of course. We’ll always be there for you, always” I said lovingly. 
We did what we always do, alternating between running our fingers across her eyebrows, running our hands through her hair and rubbing her back, trying to lull her to sleep. We also started something new, singing her a lullaby each night. I thought for sure she’d be too embarrassed to let us, saying something like
“I’m too old for that.”
But she seems to love it, she even likes to pick a different one each night but her favorite is the ittsy bittsy spider. You may wonder “why are you singing her lullabies? she’s not 5.” And to be honest I’m not really sure, we started to sing to her to help her fall asleep and then one night when she was extra sleepy she requested a lullaby, it’s stuck ever since. We love seeing this softer side of her, most of the time she tries to put up walls and only on rare occasions does she slip up and let us truly see her being vulnerable. Earlier at the hospital is an example of that, or when she called Chris mommy when she was first hurt. She hasn’t called either of us anything other than our names since. We can tell she catches herself sometimes but we don’t bring it up, she’ll call us mommy and mama when she’s ready. If she’s ever ready. We worry about her staying in that group home. We have our suspicions about her being mistreated but she shows no signs of being physically abused so we try not to dwell on our worries. We haven’t told her yet but when we first learned of the extent of her injuries and her recovery time we got a temporary foster license so that we are able to have her stay with us while she recovers. We plan to talk to her about it tomorrow and make sure she knows we aren’t trying to pressure her into letting us adopt her.
“Chris?” I whisper so I don’t accidentally wake Ryley.
“Yeah babe?” She says back just as quiet.
“Do you think tomorrow will go well? I ask referring to the conversation we need to have with her.
“I’m sure it will. She’ll be glad to not have to go back to the group home for a while and she’ll love getting to spend more time with us.”
“I just don’t want to scare her. I want her to ask us to adopt her if and when she’s ready, not because she thinks we’re trying to force it on her.”
“She won’t see it that way, I’m sure of it.”
What neither of us realized was that while we were talking Ryley woke up and heard everything that we said.
Hey guys! I’m not sure if this is longer than the prologue but it seems like it lmao. I’m starting a tag list so if you want to be tagged when I post new chapters let me know. Thank you for all the kind words about my writing! 💕 The rest of the team will appear soon, I promise! (This is mostly unedited. sorry for mistakes)
S/O to @takingthehighwayhome for the idea for this chapter!
Tag list: @slow-dance-in-the-dark @messyheath
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sweeethinny · 4 years
Reputation - ... Ready for it?  (Chapter 1)
As I said I would, here is a 15 chapter fanfic, where each one is a scenario and a song from TS, from the reputation album. It does not necessarily follow an order, or, follow the book, there may be non-canonical things. Anyway, I hope you like it, it was fun to make this story
Knew he was a killer first time that I saw him.  Wondered how many girls he had loved and left haunted
''Urgh, since when is he so handsome?’’ The girl beside her whimpered, looking lost in her study plan as soon as Harry entered the library, discussing something with Ron and Hermione, oblivious to all the looks he was receiving. As always.
Of course Ginny had noticed that Harry had grown stronger, and taller, and more handsome, as if that could be possible for Merlin's sake! The two spent a summer together at The Burrow, it was common for her to notice changes, but there was something about other girls noticing the change too, that feeling her stomach turn and her cheeks flush.
''It's just because he has all this mysterious way of saying little'' Dean - her boyfriend !!! - He shrugged, moving unpretentiously in the book and smiling cute, looking at Ginny with that puppy face "You look beautiful today" She tried to smile, really, even though she felt even more blush and laughed nervously, moving her hand like away from praise, and go back to your study.
She had long since - or hoped so - overcome her crush by the Boy-Who-Lived, had followed Hermione's advice and started seeing new people, Michael had not been the best boyfriend of all, if she was being kind, but Dean was good. Of course, her efforts to always be kind and gentleman were overwhelming at times, but nothing that she couldn't stand. It was worth it too, he was a very handsome boy.
Harry laughed at something Ron had said, messing up the black hair she had long dreamed of running her hand over, then denying it and making another comment.
''But it's not fair that you expect me to focus on Herbology when he's clearly trying to cause the female population to die!’’ As if that were her cue, Ginny stood up, almost running, not trying to pay much attention to the fact that his laughter was too good to hear, or that every time he touched his hair, his sweater gave a little lift, showing a small piece of skin.
The girl ran to the middle of the shelves with the excuse of looking for a book, trying to calm down and remember that she was dating (!!!) and that obviously, wishing Harry Potter was not the most sensible thing to do.
"Everything is okay? Do you want help?" Dean scared her, appearing from behind like a ghost, reaching for a Potions book that she could easily pick up. "Is that the one you wanted?"
''Ah .. no, actually, leave it, I find myself here'' It took for her boyfriend to convince hirself that she could have more than one neuron to find the book she was looking for, leaving her alone again.
Ginny hid in the deepest part of the library, happy to calm thoughts about Harry's skin, and how fast her heart was beating when Hestia spoke of him as if she could melt in a puddle before the boy even looked at her, since when she did pay attention to boys? The colleague spent five years without even mentioning it, but apparently, Potter's stretching and changing voice was enough to wake her up.
"Hey, Gin" She opened her eyes almost jumping three feet back, hitting her head on a shelf and the elbow in the corner of another
''Merlin, Harry'' His heart was beating fast, almost out of chest, while the boy was in a lovely shade of pink
''Sorry, I-I didn't mean to scare you ... Is everything okay? '' His worried gaze swept over her, looking for any bruises, and Ginny almost thought there might be some touch of ulterior motives in those green eyes.
But if he's a ghost, then I can be a phantom Holding him for ransom Some boys are trying too hard, he don't try at all, though
''Yes, yes ... I was just, er ... looking for a book '' She wanted to beat herself up
''Eyes closed?'' No, Harry, don't look at me that way, with that stupid little smile, she thought, feeling the organs swirl
'’Just resting before going back to work'' Shrugged, acting very well to hide her nervousness. Since when did he smell so strong? Not that it was bad, by far, but it looked a lot more ... Harry looked a lot less like that scared boy on the platform at the age of 11, and more like a man. And Ginny hated to notice that, too.
Younger than my exes but he act like such a man, so I see nothing better, I keep him forever Like a vendetta-ta 
The boy laughed nasally, ruffling his dark hair before getting too close to her, really, almost pinning her against the bookcase and his body, the green eyes looking much darker up close, and his perfume became almost suffocating - and she thought she could die suffocated and happy. Ginny was suddenly hot in the middle of October, her chest rising and falling at an almost deadly pace. The way Harry kept his gaze on her, making her feel small and like prey, was mesmerizing, and her eleven-year-old girl was jumping with joy from side to side, almost tearing hair out. Ginny thought he would kiss her, so close.
Okay, she had a boyfriend, but at that moment, Dean was the last thing on his mind.
I-I-I see how this is gon' go Touch me and you'll never be alone I-Island breeze and lights down low No one has to know
Harry stretched, picking up a book on top of her head, smiling awkwardly when he returned, all shy, in the way that only Harry Potter could look cute and attractive, and not like a goofball.
Argh, how she hated him right now.
''Do you think I did a good job as a captain?'' Was she wondering, or did Harry look very disconcerted?
''What? Ah .. yes, you were great, all bossy and everything '' Laughed weakly, trying to dispel the mixed feelings that haunted her, ignoring the tremor that ran through her legs. ''See you later, Harry'' And she left, thinking that if stayed another minute, would do something stupid like praising his ass or any other shit. She had a boyfriend, a great one, how can you think of kissing another ?!
Maybe, just maybe, she hadn't gotten over that noble idiot one hundred percent.
Months later...
''Really, Gin, you're going to be the cause of my death'' The two were lying on the grass, holding hands, while she was propped up on his chest looking at him laughing, passing her nails unpretentiously around, feeling every bit his.
Harry sighed
''Mm .. tell me more '' She wanted to jump for joy, scream to the seven winds that he had kissed her (even though everyone had seen it), and run across the castle in a pure adrenaline shot. But, she was content to hang around with Harry in the gardens.
With Harry!!! Heavens, your eleven-year-old self was in a hospital bed at the time.
''There's nothing to talk about '' He played with her hair still stuck in a tail, smoothing the strands and letting his fingers run down her back, causing delicious chills ''Nothing much ''
''So the fact that you just told me, that I've been on your mind since the holidays, is nothing?'' Ginny wouldn't even comment on that revelation and how much her pride soared. Just knowing that Harry thought about her too, it was a happiness that made her want to dance like crazy
In the middle of the night, in my dreams You should see the things we do, baby In the middle of the night, in my dreams I know I'm gonna be with you So I take my time Are you ready for it?
''It's a lot, if we think I sleep in the same room as your brother AND your ex boyfriend .. It was almost masochism'' Harry smiled ''But it was worth it'' He shrugged, kissing her again, still with hands on her back / waist, legs intertwined in the grass, and keeping her constantly close, as if to make sure she was there, alive.
Ginny didn't resist, insisting on staying close and that her whole body touched his, sinking the kiss and thinking that she could explode with happiness.
''Taking risks for me'' She commented as soon as they parted, smiling slyly ''How cute, Potter'' Squeezed his pink cheeks, adjusting the crooked glasses
''Dean whimpered all night almost a few days ago ... You are mean, Weasley ''
Knew I was a robber first time that he saw me Stealing hearts and running off and never saying sorry But if I'm a thief, then he can join the heist
''Romilda won't be left behind, don't worry. She and Hestia have been filling my patience since the beginning of the year, apparently irritated by your lack of attention'' Harry laughed, green eyes swimming in a happiness that Ginny hadn't seen for a while ... well, maybe she never saw him laugh so much since Sirius' death. For a moment, she wanted to hug him, but that meant losing eye contact, and it didn't seem possible and right.
''Jealous?'' She denied
''You dream, right Potter, but no, just nauseated that with so many subjects to debate, they prefer to talk about what your perfume is, or, if your kiss is good .. ''
''..And is? Harry is shy then, looking intently at her, looking for some trace of a lie, while tightening her waist, blushing like a tomato
''I can lose half an hour with you'' She smiled, kissing him again only to feel all that explosion of hormones again, trying to hide, and failing, her enthusiasm. She was never feeling so happy.
And we'll move to an island, and And he can be my jailer, Burton to this Taylor (hey!) Every love I've known in comparison is a failure (hey) I forget their names now, I'm so very tame now Never be the same now, now
''I think we stayed here longer than that, Gin'' He looked at her as if she were the most precious thing in the world, delicately running a finger over her freckled cheek, and smiling in the corner when he saw her blush ''You are beautiful''
''Thank you'' She laughed awkwardly, touching his hair, which was soft and fragrant, perfect for hand-rubbing ''You're not bad at all ''
''I'm glad to know that I am within your standard of beauty'' She dropped to the grass beside him, turning her body so that she was facing him, holding her head with one hand, still leaving the other on his chest, who beat rhythmically
''Do you think they're talking about us?''
''Do you mind? Why, er ... people get into my life a lot'' Ginny would usually say that she hated having all the attention for herself, but something about how Harry said that, as if thinking much further, not just talking about gossip students, made her silly heart melt, while smiling and moving shoulders, before leaning down to kiss him again
''Worth it''.
Baby, let the games begin Let the games begin Let the games begin Are you ready for it?
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slimysnaildaddy · 4 years
Snaddy I love ur fics, makes me feel less dysphoric more chaotic. Can u write dysphoric MC switching bodies with the bros? Their reaction is basically “I’ll keep your body forever now fuck you”. Bonus if they’re going through the monthly blood ritual and the guys have to deal with the pain and shit that comes with it
Thank you, that is literally the whole reason I started writing them. I’ll avoid the blood ritual thing because 1: mine is nonstandard due to medical conditions so i don’t have the usual experience, which means I don’t feel comfortable describing it, 2: i wish periods on no man, and 3: even just talking about the blood ritual too much makes me viscerally dysphoric lol.
Sorry this took so long! I wasn’t sure what sort of dysphoric/euphoric things I was supposed to add.
Would probably be highkey freaking out and trying to keep calm. While MC is marveling at how tall they suddenly are and how deep and smooth their voice is now he’s like “what the fuck i’m so tiny look at these baby hands”.
MC, feeling up on their new chest: whoa i didn’t know you were so jacked wtf
Lucifer: stop that
If MC wears a binder or trans tape he’s like “why my chest feel like it’s being crushed, damn you live like this” lol buddy..... that just how it be.
MC starts being like “ooh dang you have a nice singing voice and everything, look at these nice shoulders” and Lucifer’s like haha yes prAISE ME bc pride man peacock boy but then MC’s like “i declare that this body is mine forever” and he’s like WAIT NO-
“Hey lulu” “What” “how do i horn up?” “????” “yknow. Poof, feather time. Get wingy.” “what are you even saying”
MC tries to get him to teach them how to go into demon form. He doesn’t. They figure it out anyway and have a great deal of fun petting their new horns and wings. And also knocking paintings off the wall and one candelabra off of a table bc they’re not used to having 4 big ass wings sticking out of their back.
There’s a 30 minute puppy dog eyes session of MC trying to convince Lucifer to let them keep his body.
They’re 90% sure the only reason it didnt work is cause Mammon walked in and saw what he thought was Lucifer begging MC with big puppy dog eyes and flipped tf out
Has a newfound desire to get stools. It has nothing to do with the fact that the coffee tin is on the very top shelf. Absolutely nothing.
Doesn’t realize what’s happened for a few seconds bc he’s so disoriented. Accidentally insults mc as a result.
“Ugh why does my voice sound like that” “that’s MY voice you asshole”
Immediately whines about wanting to get his body back. not cause mc’s is bad or anything he just would really like to be back in his own body please and thank you *sweating emoji*
Ngl he is VERY flustered bc he suddenly has rather intimate knowledge of what mc’s body is like and he’s 100% into it but he’s gotta be cool about it
he’s not cool about it. Not even a little bit.
especially when it comes time to pee or shower. MC has to stand in the room with him otherwise he feels like he’s doing something he shouldn’t lol
meanwhile MC is just running their hands down their new body like “mm flat chest”
Honestly he tries to make a scheme out of it and y’all know it. Probably tries to donate their blood or something. And trick his brothers before they find out what happened. None of them can say no to MC and he knows it. “Hey Satan can i borrow some grimm”
 Very seriously considers it when MC is like “hey can we stay switch forever”. OBVIOUSLY for all the scheming potential and TOTALLY NOT BECAUSE MC LOOKS SO HAPPY DEFINITELY NOT NOPE
He’s seen anime like this, but he’s not sure he expected it to happen to him. Much like Mammon, he tries to be cool about it and fails.
“Oh my god this is just like in [insert long ass anime title here] where the guy got bodyswapped with his really insecure love interest and they confessed because of it! 🥺” “... Alright then.”
Any time he looks down at himself or accidentally touches his own (previously MC’s) hips or anything of that nature he lowkey loses his mind. Actually apologizes to MC once cause he has to pee.
Meanwhile MC is like holy FUCK levi how are you so RIPPED look at these ABS while running their hands up and down their torso. Levi is blushing incarnate.
MC: wait wait wait. can i change forms?
They can.
Honestly the main reason Levi says no is because he’s pretty sure he’s gonna burst a blood vessel if he looks down and sees mc’s thighs again.
“Not this again.”
Much like Lucifer (don’t tell him i said that) he’s a little bit shook when he realizes the discomfort an MC who binds is in. May or may not ask them if they want him to look up spells for that.
Is honestly fine with being in MC’s body for a while. At least it’s not Lucifer’s, right?
He really would like to be back in his own at some point though.
If MC starts feeling up his body while they’re in it he’ll halfheartedly try to get them to stop. He doesn’t mind the appreciation, though, so he’ll let them have their fun. As long as they don’t mind him learning a bit more about human anatomy. From a purely academy perspective, of course. ;)
MC figures out how to change forms and just lounges around on their stomach playing with his tail. He thinks it’s adorable. Then he goes to lay on his stomach by them and is like “oh, I now understand everything”.
Honestly? He probably caused this whole situation in the first place.
“Well, this isn’t too much of a downgrade. I think I can have a lot of fun like this~ ;3″
Is immediately ready to strip naked and get very acquainted with MC’s body. Even if they stop him, he’ll still be feeling himself up. He encourages MC to do the same. Especially if his uncontrollable horny doesn’t transfer over and they get stuck with it
Before you ask, yes he will try and get MC in bed with him with their switched bodies. Does it work? A mystery for the ages.
Instructs MC on how to shift forms. And also about all of his routines to keep his skin and hair etc looking as pristine and gorgeous as possible. He will be very upset if they don’t follow them. He’s going to want that body back eventually, so they better take care of it.
Takes advantage of the situation to dress up in cute outfits and take all sorts of pictures.
Sits down with MC and gushes about their body (haha no it’s totally not to give them a confidence boost what makes you think that >_>), expects them to do the same.
This man has the least amount of tiddy of all of them, and I can imagine a very dysphoric MC being pretty happy about that. When they say they wanna stay switched forever he considers it for a moment but he really would like his own body back. MC’s body is excellent, but nothing compares to the real deal.
Initially very shocked at how comparatively tiny he is. Suddenly has a great appreciation and understanding of MC climbing up on counters to get stuff.
“Everything looks so much bigger :0″
Meanwhile MC is Suffering bc Honmngery. Too Homngr to pay too much attention to their new body, since they aren’t used to it like Beel is. He manages to get them fed though, and that’s when they start to realize they’re now tall, buff, and hot.
Has even more tiddy than MC does. I don’t care how big their tiddies are. Mine are huge and he still has more tiddy. But it’s nice muscle tiddy and that’s Lit and MC appreciates.
MC and Beel have to keep reminding each other of their strengths. Beel keeps forgetting he can’t just pick up 200 lb barbell weights and MC keeps having to restrain themself cause Stronk.
Is 100% okay with it if/when MC starts getting friendly with their new muscles. It’s nice to be appreciated.
MC eats even more than Beel usually does bc they aren’t used to managing his hunger. The HOL is cleaned out within a day. No food remains, not even Levi’s shut-in stash.
Very nearly bows to the puppy dog eyes to let MC keep his body, but the spell wears off anyway :(. That’s okay, if MC wants to be tall or strong he can carry them around on his shoulders or try to figure out a workout plan for them.
Honestly? This guy’s a bit of a brat. Perfect Lucifer pranking opportunity.
“Hmm, now I get why you have so much energy.”
Tries to nap as much as usual cause he’s still lazy, but quickly learns about the agony of trying to lay on his stomach with the tid/binder.
This changes nothing, MC is still his nap buddy and he expects to snuggle with them. Or else.
MC literally sleeps for a solid 24 hours after switching bodies with him. He relates hardcore.
If they start appreciating his body, he’ll definitely get flustered. Not that he’s gonna let them know that. (they totally know it lol) He’ll still let them know how to change forms. Mostly so they can experience the struggle of trying to find a comfy position for his horns. Turnabout is fair play.
“Can I keep your body forever?” “No.” “aww why not?” “You’re short.”  THE DISRESPECT
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mrcleanheichou · 4 years
Forever and ever chapter 2
When two young people fall in love others often call it puppy love. A love so intense that ultimately fizzles out very quickly. No one believes someone so young could fall for someone so fast and have it be genuine until they see it with their own eyes.
Pairing Cowboy!Jungkook x reader
Genre fluff, angst, eventual smut
Word count 2K
Warnings Mention of a boner
Author’s note soooo long time no see lol I am such a bad fic writer, I literally start a WIP and don’t touch it for months. I have 4 WIPs that I bounce between when i get writer’s block. Slowly but surely I want to start writing consistently so I can get better. So I offer to you my Bangtan cowboy yeehaw fic. I really want to read cowboy fics but there’s barely anything so I decided to be the change I wanted to see in the world and wrote my own.
Here’s chapter 1
1 week later Jungkook had just finished working on sections of the barbed wire fence with Jimin when he saw his hyung Jin getting the wagon ready. As soon as he put the roll of extra wire and his gloves back in the shed he jogged over to Jin. “Hyung! Are you going to town?”, He asked a little too loud making the horse Jin was hooking up to panic a little. “Hey, hey, hey, you’re ok.”, Jin says trying to get the horse back under control. Once he gets the nervous animal to calm down he looks toward the sweaty young man. “Yeah, I have to go to the market. Do you want to go?”Jungkook said yes a little to excitedly. “Ok, but go wash up. You stink.”
Jungkook hurried to the room he shares with Taehyung in the large ranch house where all seven of the men who work on Bangtan cattle ranch live. 
**~~~~~~~~~** The whole operation is split four ways between the four older men. Namjoon and Yoongi run the majority of everything between Yoongi finding buyers for their livestock and Namjoon negotiating deals. They are both very knowledgeable cattlemen despite being in their mid twenties. They do not let other cattlemen try to dupe them because they think they’re young and gullible. Multiple times meetings have almost come to blows since the older men don’t like being shown up by the quick witted duo. The other partners are Jin and Hoseok. Jin takes care of feeding six very hungry mouths. He is a very good cook and he is also very skilled at fixing leather. He makes money on the side by fixing bridles and saddles for other people. Then there’s Hoseok who used to be a bronco rider on the rodeo circuit and now he uses his skills to break in young horses. Jimin and Taehyung were a couple of trouble makers that would do little odd jobs and play cards to get money to drink and entertain the women at multiple saloons almost every night. They ended up at the same poker table as Yoongi one night 6 years ago. They got to talking and he told them about needing workers on his ranch. Jimin automatically said no. He was very against that idea since he didn’t want to do actual hard labor in the sun. Taehyung was more open to the idea of a consistent pay check. Yoongi made them a bet. They’d play three rounds of ‘7-card-stud’ and if Yoongi beat them at least two times then he’d stop asking. But if he did beat them then they both had to come work for him. They took the bet and obviously Yoongi won. Although Jimin still to this day swears Yoongi cheated. Jungkook’s story is a little different. He made the 50 mile journey to Coyote Creek from his family’s farm after one of many fights he had with his father. When his mother died his father turned to alcohol to drown the pain. He became a monster of a man and resented the fact that Jungkook looked like his mother. The only time an argument turned physical was right before Jungkook ran away. He accidentally burnt the dinner he was making. His father immediately got up and grabbed Jungkook by the shirt and yelled in his face about how useless he was. He told him he regreted ever having him and that he has never loved him. When Jungkook started crying his father slapped him across the face. That was the final straw for Jungkook. As soon as his father was too drunk to even know where he was, he started packing some of his things and stole some money his father’s stash in his closet. He raided the storehouse for as much essential foods that he could reasonably transport and packed it all up onto one of their horses. Taking one final look back at his childhood home, Jungkook finally stopped fighting his tears. He sobbed, allowing himself to mourn the loss of both his mother and father. Once he calmed down he got on his horse and left his old life behind. At the age of 14 Jungkook set off for a better life. It took him  two days to reach the town where he promptly started asking around for a job. Unfortunately no one was interested in hiring him, even for simple jobs. After six days he was out of cash, hungry and desperate. He went to the horse auctions and was going to sell his horse to survive when a man who was wearing an expensive looking black cowboy hat asked him why he looked so sad. Jungkook told him he couldn’t get money any other way and he had no home to return to. The man gave him a sympathetic look and told him to stay where he was. That he’d be right back. A few minutes later he came back with a shorter man in tow. “My name is Namjoon and this is Yoongi.”, the other man tips his hat at Jungkook “I’d like to make you an offer.” Jungkook was about to say thank you when Namjoon cut him off, “But, I don’t want the horse. We’re looking for a new ranch hand and you look like a hard worker. Would you like to come work for us?” Jungkook immediately says yes. “What’s your name kid?” “Jungkook.” “Where are your parents?” Yoongi asked looking concerned. When Jungkook looked down at the ground trying to come up with an answer Yoongi put his hand on his shoulder. “It’s ok, you don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to.” The two men take Jungkook with them to purchase the two horses they came to the auction for. They then head out for the ten mile ride it takes to get back to their ranch. Namjoon notices that Jungkook’s face looks sunburnt so he asks him if he needs a hat. “No, no it’s ok you don’t have to give me anything, I’m fine.” Namjoon pays him no mind as he takes the obviously expensive hat off his head and places it on Jungkook’s. “Every man needs a good hat.” Six years later Jungkook still wears it. **~~~~~~~** Jungkook took his time looking through his clothes. He finally chose a white button up, the pair of jeans he never wears when he does work and his nice town boots. After he washed up and changed he walked back to where Jin was waiting for him. ”You know we’re just going to town for supplies right?” Jin commented looking him up and down while Jungkook climbed onto the wagon next to him. Jin himself was wearing his work overalls that had leather oil on them. “Yeah, I just felt like dressing up that’s all.” Jin just shrugged and snapped the reigns to get the horse to start moving. When they got into town Jungkook immediately looked toward the school and was disappointed when it seemed like no one was there. Dejectedly, Jungkook got off the wagon and followed Jin to the first shop. “Ok, I made a you a list so we can split up and get it done faster”, Jin said handing Jungkook a piece of paper leaving him in front of the farmer’s market. Jungkook sighed and went into the shop that housed fruits and vegetables and opened the door. He grabbed a woven hand basket from the counter and went for the first item on his list. Apples. Not just any apples either, Jin wrote ‘***GOOD APPLES***’ Which caused Jungkook to stand confused in front of all the different types of apples for a few minutes. “What the hell does ‘good apples’ even mean? I thought all apples were good.” “Would you like some help?”, A sweet sounding voice asked. Jungkook looks to the side and almost gasped when he saw who was talking to him. It was the school teacher, she was stunning up close and her eyes were exceptionally beautiful. She smiles at him and he swears he felt his heart skip a beat. “You seem a little out of your element here.” “Y-yeah.”, Jungkook manages to say while trying to not stare at the woman. He doesn’t know why he’s so infatuated with her. He doesn’t even know her. “Do you know what kind of apples you want?” Jungkook feels his face getting hot because, no. Jin just wrote apples and there’s a bunch of different kinds in front of him. “No, my hyung didn’t write down what kind he wanted.” Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck nervously, “I’m completely lost.” “That’s ok, can I see your list? Maybe I can try to guess what he’s making and get you the right apples for it.” Jungkook handed her the shopping list and their hands briefly touched causing Jungkook to completely stop breathing. The woman started reading the list and mumbling to herself with a look of concentration. Jungkook thought it was was the cutest thing ever. “Ok! I think he’s gonna be making apple pie because he wrote down; flour, sugar, cinnamon, salt, and butter. But you can’t get that here today. Mr. Lee only comes to town with his milk and butter 3 times a week so you’ll have to come back for that tomorrow. But we can definitely get your ‘Good Apples’ today.”, she giggled and he looked at her in awe. How could someone so lovely actually talk to him. He almost felt unworthy of being in her presence. “Ok so I’m going to be biased and get you the apples I personally think are the best for pie. If your Hyung doesn’t like them then tell me and I’ll give you money for different ones.” she said looking over her shoulder at a nodding Jungkook. “I love these ones. They’re ‘Pink Lady’ apples.”, she says grabbing a small light red apple “They’re Sweet but not too sweet. They make the pie come out much better than green apples and their name sounds classy.” She handed it to Jungkook and started picking out the best apples from the pile. After finding 6 perfect apples she put them in the basket he was carrying. Once again accidentally touching him In the process. Jungkook completely froze, he felt as if he was shocked by electricity. “I can help you with rest of your things” the woman said looking up at the poor awestruck man. “I mean only if you want me to...” she added when Jungkook just stared at her without answering worrying that she might have been intruding. Jungkook just nodded, he couldn’t trust himself to speak without fumbling over his words. The woman smiled and spent the next 30 minutes helping him with the rest of Jin’s list. After Jungkook payed the two made their way to the wagon. “Thank you for helping me. I would have been lost for a long time.” “You’re welcome” the teacher smiled at him brightly. “It was my pleasure. By the way what’s your name Mr apple pie?” “Jungkook” the woman pondered that for a second before extending her hand. “I’m y/n” Jungkook silently hoped she wouldn’t notice how sweaty his hand was. If y/n did she didn’t say anything about it while grasping his calloused hand with her smaller and much softer hand. Jungkook felt ashamed when his thoughts immediately when to a dirty place when he imagined her soft hands touching him somewhere else. Mentally slapping himself he snapped out of it before he, as Jimin liked to call it, popped a boner. “Well, Mr. Jungkook, I’ll see you at the school house bright and early tomorrow” she said while turning to walk away. When y/n was gone Jungkook raised his hand to his face to make sure this was all real. With his luck this would end up being a dream. At least it would has been a really good dream. He must have zoned out for a while because he was startled back to reality by Jin clapping him on the shoulder, “Stop staring into la la land and help me tie everything down.” Jungkook took one last look at his hand, “You were right hyung” ...’love at first sight does exist.’ “I’m always right. I don’t know why you’re barely realizing that now”
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peachykaka · 3 years
i made a sci-fi story so hope you like it,
Save the teens:
Chapter 1:
April 3rd, 2021,
“Oh look at these cookies, can we get them~?” I said with puppy eyes to my sister, Jennie.
“Sure sure” Jennie said laughing and patting my head.
Then my vision blurs and I black out,
“The city is now in complete flames, today August 23rd, this mess has just been getting worse, the streets are now full of protests, cults, many people are getting separated from their families, the hunger is now...” I heard the news lady say,
I felt so confused I couldn’t think of anything, I was breathing heavily, my vision wasn’t focused, I felt completely lost,
“Jennie? JENNIE! Jennie, where are you? Please” I shouted desperately, crying,
I saw someone run to me,
“Y/n? Is that u? Y/n!” I heard that tall boy say to me, I nodded, “Sam? oh my-” I said happily, and hugged him,
“Sam what is this? What has happened?” I asked desperate,
“oh... it hasn’t happened on your time? Uh i- I shouldn’t tell you this but, we didn’t make it, sorry..” he said holding his tears and I separated from him, with a confused look, “what do you mean? my time?” I asked, I blacked out again.
Now that I notice, I don’t remember knowing any Sam. I didn’t know him, but at the time he seemed to be the person closest to me. And what was that?
“Y/n? Are you ok?” said Jennie, I was still shocked by what happened, I saw her and couldn’t say anything, nothing came from my mouth, I couldn’t breathe, I had a knot in my throat.
“Y/n! Y/n!” I hear my sister say but it sounded muffled
I woke up in the hospital bed.
I remember this place, it was when I used to get nightmares and my mom started to take me to therapy, now they changed the room for one of my age, 16.
“Jennie?” I saw as my sister sat next to my hospital bed, her eyes widen
“Y/n! You’re awake, how are you feeling?”
“Where am I? I’m ok?” I said, disoriented.
“C’mon you know this place, you basically grew up in it” Jennie said teasingly trying to lift my mood, though her voice still seemed cracking from crying.
“Yes I know, I hate it”
“You’ve always had, someday you’ll understand why you’ve been here” she said patting my head, and I looked at her with a confused look, she continued “maybe too soon-“
The door opened,
“well, how are you Y/n?” The doctor said,
“Ms. Li, I’m ok, but what I saw was actually way different from before” I said getting confused on my words,
“it’s ok, just please explain to me, Jennie, please excuse us” the doctor said,
“okay, it’s gonna be ok, as always be honest” Jennie said patting my head and walking out the room,
I sat up and explained to Ms. Li the story, as much as I could, with much detail as I could, though what seemed strange from me was that even though my stories were always pretty stupid, or way out of reality, she always seemed to understand and give me advice, this time though she seemed a bit more worried, not confused, worried, she kept writing notes on her little book and paying close attention to me, as I finished talking she just said “okay, thank you” nervously, then left the room.
I just started painting in the sketchbook she gave me a couple years ago, it was filled with my most beautiful to the most terrifying dreams, my easy way to get out of the terror or excitement was drawing, I drew something I saw, something I wish I saw, or something that just came up my head. This time I didn’t have much imagination and I just started drawing, as I finished I put my signature and saw as tears came from my face as I saw the drawing, I get pretty distracted when I draw I don’t notice what I do, when I saw I had no words to explain, it was my uncle... my dead uncle... along with a map.
Why a map? I thought, why my uncle? He was my favorite uncle and he died out of nowhere, literally, he was a really modest, smart, nerdy man, there’s nothing he didn’t know, he was healthy, he was active, no chance of disease. Though he was very into religious stuff, my family just says he got into a cult and got sacrificed, which again, traumatizing. I didn’t like to think about it much, he was a really honest man, funny, just a really good person to be around to tell you stories and really fun smarty facts about life, he died about 3 months ago, and it still hit me sometimes.
So why? Why is this coming to me now? I checked to see where the map went. It was about 10 miles away, in a strange town in San Francisco somewhere near Wentworth Ave, I somewhat felt like it was a sign, I really felt pushed to go there. I called my sister and she came back to the room, but she had a really worried look on her face after talking to Ms. Li.
“Y/n.. hello” she said awkwardly,
“Jennie? Are you ok?” I asked,
Then Ms. Li came in,
“We gotta talk” said Jennie,
“No,” Ms. Li stopped, “we can’t”
“But-” Jennie tried to talk,
“What are you talking about? My dream?”
“She’s not prepared yet” the doctor whispered to her.
“Y/n, you just blacked out, nothing else, whatever you dreamed it was just a dream ok? Don’t worry about it, tomorrow you have school so you better go now” Ms. Li said quickly,
“Ok? Well bye then” I was confused at her anxious tone. Jennie had a mad look but changed it when I glanced at her. We left and she dropped me off at home.
Next day: *Narrative perspective*
You got ready for school, and when you arrived at the bus stop you realized you forgot to eat breakfast, maybe Sky will have something for you, he’s a friend you’ve had since forever,
“Hey, do you have food?” you asked him,
“You forgot again? Girl you need to set a reminder or something” he replies, opening his backpack, he gives me a sandwich he had,
“Luckily my best friend always brings extras.” you grin.
You got to the bus and listened to music,
“Sky..” you started, he stops the music and looks at you, “so, yesterday something really weird happened, I sorta blacked out and had a hella weird dream..” his eyes widen and he interrupts me,
“Y/n, you shouldn’t have told me this, you better keep your mouth shut about it, okay?”
“What? Why? You had it too?”
“No” you notice by his tone it was a lie,
“What does it mean?”
“We can’t talk about this here.” he whispered, then laughed it off as if nothing happened and played the music again, you turned around and saw people staring at us weirdly, you decided to go with it.
When you arrive school you go to a quiet corner and ask him again,
“What was that all about?” you ask him,
“Y/n, it’s better if you don’t know, we can’t do anything about it, until we get a clue of where to go we can't-”
“Wait, I drew a map of a place like 10 miles from here, my uncle was there too, maybe that could help?”
“Oh god Y/n, we are on thin ice with that information” he says and tried to leave, you stop him,
“What if we go? We need answers, and you need to tell me what you know too”
“We can’t-”
“If we leave this here it’s not going to help at all, what could go wrong?” he stared at me worried,
“Fine” he sighs, you jump happily, “stop that”
“Sorry” you stop and smile.
You enter the class and the teacher gives you a mysterious glance, maybe you were late. Anyway, classes passed like always and it’s time to go home,
“Wanna go to the study room?” you suggested,
“If we’re gonna talk about you-know-what, then no, let’s go to my house”
“Does your mom know about it?”
“Yeah.. she was also careful about it at first, she doesn’t let me hang out with new people”
“Oh alright”
You went to his house and studied for a little, then came the topic of the dream,
“Can you tell me about it now?” you said, you told him the whole story about your dream and he stopped to think,
“Okay,this is bad, for me it was August 20th, we need to stop this asap..” he started thinking out loud,
“That’s going to happen?”
“That’s what we have to prevent, mine is a different outcome though, in my dream I met a girl named Akira and I saw her die before my eyes, I don’t even know her but I literally felt my heart break in half”
“Did you see who it was? For me it was..”
“A woman” he interrupted, you stare at him scared, it was,
“She was tall, dark hair, grey eyes, she was really scary, her eyes just showed resentment, eager, confidence, and she just came to me yelling and killed me”
“She killed you? Oh this is bad”
“You think?” you said sarcastically.
“What about the map?” you took it out of your backpack and showed it to him,
“Isn’t his Aion?”
“Aion? Like the god of time?” he nodded, “that’s not possible, that was my uncle, didn’t Aion have a beard?”
“No?” he said confused, you looked up in google and no pictures of him, old nor young had beard, this can’t be mandela effect, that is your uncle, not some greek god.
“We gotta figure this out, we need to go there”
“Yeah you’re scaring me, we will maybe find answers there”
“Alright, but this has to be a secret, no one can know we were there”
“Got it”
It was scheduled so that tomorrow at 7pm we would sneak out and meet at our little hideout from a couple years ago, then go to the place.
The next day happened as normal, though something weird happened when you talked to Sky about it,
“So today..” you teased, he blinked and stared at you blankly,
“What about today?” you frown.
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thejosh1980 · 3 years
So, how is she handling it?
My wife and I have been together for about a year.
In that time we've talked a lot, fallen in love, moved in together, gotten married, survived the first German lockdown, packed up our life, said goodbye to our careers, friends and family, after months of flight delays we moved half way around the world, quarantined for 2 weeks and now we are almost 6 weeks into our “new” life.
Phew, that was a lot!
As I've recently blogged, I'm “surviving”. Although I am back in the place where I grew up, I don't quite feel at home...
But what about Alex?
After all, this is her first time down under, and it isn't going to be a short visit either. With the pandemic and visa options currently available, we doubt coming or going would be an option for either us, for a couple of years.
How is she handling it? How does she feel? What's going through her mind?
Obviously, I can't answer for her, she would be the best person to tell you how she feels...
However, I can tell you what I see and feel. Especially the part where I am watching someone learn about living in this part of the world for the first time.
Alex is often overwhelmed. Excited. Shy. Confident. Unsure. Worried. Concerned. Lost. Enthusiastic. Happy. Frustrated. Empowered. Embarrassed. Indifferent. Delighted. Grateful. And.... inspiring.
Sometimes all in one day!
Well, that's how I see things anyhow. I have to remind myself often that when we are doing any number of things, the sights, the smell and the situation are all relatively normal to me, but for her, it's all new.
Seeing her excitement about something she found in a store, which reminds her of, or even better, it's exactly like, something from the USA that she hasn't seen in years. Or something that is German, that reminds her of Christmas or a night out she had... Or, something completely new that isn't from any world she's previously experienced.
Basically, that's the 3 options...
We often discuss the differences between country and culture. Sometimes short, sometimes long discussions... We've both lived in at least 3 different countries, and overlap a bit, but both our experiences have been quite different, until now.
Now we are doing this together...
Alex often takes forever to find something in a supermarket, not so much because she can't find the right aisle, but because once she's in it, it overwhelms her. There's a lot to take in, even at Coles (which, for all the Germans, is Kaufland). How many different types of sauce is there? How many different cheeses are there? (You get the picture).
Alex has already started applying for jobs. She can't start until her next visa kicks in, but she's getting prepared. Seeing her excited about work is a lot of fun and inspiring.
A new career. New country. New challenges.
I was a bit surprised she found a path so easily (completely the opposite to me, where I have too many paths to wander along). I'm excited for her!! Fortunately, I can even help her too, some of my contacts from 20+ years ago, are coming in handy to help her along the way!
We've managed to see quite a few native animals during walks and drives. Echidnas, wallabies, plenty of birds, lizards, geckos, skinks, goannas and the other week I took Alex up the coast to hand feed lorikeets....
Sometimes she's smiling, sometimes she's concerned, sometimes she lets out a scream... Oh, and yeah, she's run away a few times too! All in good fun, all fun to watch!!! Nothing has come close to killing her yet!
She's obviously not sure about spiders. By not sure, I mean scared to death. That's OK, even I have been privileged to live in a country or two without a 10thof the deadlies that lurk here. I'll get used to it, as she will too.
We'll be expanding on the animal kingdom experiences as time goes on....
We went to the local video store!!
Yes, there is one in this small coastal town. Maybe the last one for a 100 miles, but there is a video rental store. It's been there since I was a teenager, family owned. In fact, I went to school with the daughter of the family who runs it, and we are still friends and she still works there from time to time.
We walked in and Alex flipped her lid.
She was like a kid in a candy store. I had to limit the amount of DVDs we could rent that day, otherwise she'd have taken out a 100 or more DVDs... Again, so many options... so overwhelmed.
Even with the ease of streaming services, the old school way of going to the store, choosing a video, getting some chocolate or popcorn, is just, freakin' awesome. And by the look on her face, she felt it through and through. It was a nostalgic moment, which I'm sure will be repeated, often.
I've taken Alex to a few waterfalls, short hikes, farming countryside, forests, windy mountain roads, sunrises, moonrises and beaches... That sounds like a lot, but in fact here, you could also most do all of that in just 1 day. There's a lot on offer in the natural landscape.
We do enjoy walks along the dog beach. We both miss our dogs, so it's nice to see happy puppies running around an almost deserted beach. One day we'll walk our own dogs there...
We have been shopping... A lot! Like, almost every other day... It's not that Alex spends a lot of money, but she loves to see all the new things on offer here. I don't know how many times I've heard her gasp and then, with wide eyes, show me a shirt or outfit she likes, or a store she's super excited about... Or a story about how she's always wanted that kind of overalls, but hadn't found them until now.
Alex has started driving. It's really her first time on the “wrong side”, and after we got her a lesson with my driving instructor from the 90's, I've taken over the duties of helping her navigate the wrong side of the road with confidence. Things have been going well. Although I think the way some folks drive over here, she'll never get used to someone tailgating or not indicating... But neither will I...
Germans taught me how to drive... I hope I don't unlearn those skills! When it comes to driving, I hope she doesn't become like the locals...
During Halloween, Alex had an afternoon nap and slept through one of the strongest storms we've had since we've been here. Hail, strong winds and lots of rain. I guess she found the winds and noises peaceful...
She then got to treat a bunch of neighborhood kids and watch a scary movie, so the day wasn't ruined.
It's a bit like a young child learning about the ways of the world. It's fascinating to watch. Sometimes her questions are so random... Sometimes they're really deep and worth an answer (not a laugh) and sometimes she's too stunned to respond!
Her reactions to local slang and dialect, well that look of confusion will be a regular occurrence until she settles in a little more.
Even I forgot how dry the sense of humor is here.
It's been a real gas watching Alex integrate... Soon she'll be off driving herself to work, making her own friends and finding a few adventures of her own... But for now, I am a very happy and proud husband holding her hand, taking her wherever her heart desires...
Thanks for reading
Josh, @dogsaremypatronus @dauntlesscoffee
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asifetch7 · 4 years
Nameless - Chapter 1: Welcome to club ‘Downtown’.
Genre: Mafia AU, gang AU, BTS
Pairings: Yoongi x Reader, BTS x Reader, BTS x BTS
Warnings: Cursing. Gang violence. Gun violence. Kidnapping. Angst. Future fluff. Future smut. Referenced suicide attempt.
—— Summery
Marco Polo is an Italian Korean gang that traveled through Asia and eventually settled in South-Korea. It is known for its multiple locations around the world with the three main ones in Sicily, Tokyo and now Seoul. Their name is of course inspired by Marco Polo, but also the radioactive chemical Polonium.
Their members are poisonous, according to Yoongi at least. Poisonous little fuckers who always appear when you least expect it. Marco Polo and Bangtan have been at each other's throat ever since the Italian gang decided to stay in Seoul. After the last gang war ended in a truce he thought he’d seen the last of them but as Yoongi steps into club Downtown he will come to find out that that can’t be further from the truth.
“I just don’t understand why I need to be present for this meeting Namjoon.” Yoongi sighed as he looked from the window to his adviser on his left. He really wasn’t looking forward to discussing a new contract with one of his dealers. “It’s necessary for them to see that you’re not just working behind the scènes Yoongi. You haven’t shown your face in quite awhile. If you keep doing that some people will start to doubt your leadership,” Namjoon calmly explained.
Jimin huffed. “Which idiots are stupid enough to doubt him?” He asked while fixing the knife in his thigh holster. “The Carters, Youngs, Lees and Polos.” Taehyung summed up from the driver's seat. Jimin turned sideways to hit him on the shoulder. “We don’t talk about the Polos. Plus, we have a truce so why would they even bother?” “Don’t play dumb, Jiminie, a truce doesn’t mean shit if the other party looks weak,” Taeyhung stated.
Yoongi closed his eyes. “Can we not talk about the Polos for one night, please?” He asked as they pulled up to club ‘Downtown’. The guys grew silent. He took that as a yes and opened his door.
Jimin groaned as he stepped out of the car. “Eugh, these heels are going to give me ingrown toenails.” He put his right hand on Yoongi’s shoulder to keep himself from falling over while he tried to adjust his shoes. “Should’ve chosen a different pair then doll face,” Yoongi teased. The look Jimin gave him was anything but pleased. “These were the only ones that go with this outfit that YOU gave me, mister. So if I want to complain about the fact that the only pair that matched is too small, than you better prepare yourself for an earful.”
Grinning fondly at the assassin’s behavior Namjoon grabbed a bag from the trunk of the car and started walking away.
The group made their way to the cashier who stood right outside the doors of the club. “Name”, he asked without looking up.
“Agust D.”
That made the head of the boy shoot up immediately. Yoongi reveled in the way only a few letters could make people surrender to him. “King D, sir, my apologies.” The boy bowed a full 90 degrees and quickly signaled for the guards to open the doors.
They walked into the establishment and were immediately welcomed by a hostess dressed in a formal uniform. “Welcome to ‘Downtown’ King D, how can I help you and your party tonight?” She asked after bowing her head.
When she looked up her eyes dragged over Jimin’s form. He could almost hear the judgemental thoughts moving around inside her head and it really made him want to roll his eyes. Sadly, he had a reputation to maintain and they were here for business, not for petty fights.
“I have someone waiting for me at my usual booth.” Yoongi’s gruff voice snapped her attention back to him. She bowed again and started to lead the way. “Follow me then, please.”
“King D, welcome!” The dealer said loudly as he stood from the couch to move to one of the stools. Yoongi looked at him and already wanted to turn back around to go home. He really wasn’t looking forward to this.
“Thank you, Jung right?” He asked as he sat himself down with Jimin glued to his site. Jaehyun stuttered as his eyes landed on Jimin. “Yea-yes, Jung Jaehyun sir, from NCT.”
Namjoon joined Yoongi’s other side and laid the bag under the table. “I heard you wanted to discuss some adjustments for your contract with us?” “Yes, I have a ton of ideas and Taeyong said if I wanted them to happen I needed to talk to you.” Yoongi hummed and nodded towards Taehyung to close the curtains.
Always best to watch out for eavesdroppers.
“This here is your locker and you can find your clothing on the rack over there.” The manager of ‘Downtown’ pointed towards a neatly organized set of shelves at the left side of the room. “Your shift starts in thirty minutes so you should have enough time to choose a costume and get changed.”
You thanked him for the quick tour of the place and made your way to the clothes. “Oh, Yugyeom-nim-” “You can just call me Yugyeom, Ruby.” “Yugyeom ssi, is there a theme I should follow?”
The manager glanced around the room in thought and then looked you in the eyes. “I want them to cum in their pants the second they lay their eyes on you,” he deadpanned. You laughed, shaking your head and waved him away.
He moved to open the door, “Make me proud tonight Ruby.” With that he left the room.
You sighed as you grabbed a few items and went into one of the changing rooms. The small room had mirrors on all three walls which made it easy to get a full view of your body. After struggling with the thigh high socks and screwing up your make-up three times, you finally looked at yourself. Damn, if this doesn’t do the job then I might as well go home.
You had chosen to go with an innocent, white angel look and it wasn’t even half bad. The lingerie fitted you perfectly and the heels, even though highly uncomfortable, really pushed the picture of purity you were looking for.
Looking at the clock you saw that you only had five minutes left. You grabbed a pill from your make-up bag and put it in the small pocket of your robe. With one final glance in the mirror you let your mind fall into your character and walked out of the room.
The red ruby on your neck seemed to shine as it reflected the lights from the stage. Your red lips moved into a charming smile when you spotted your target sitting in a private booth.
Let’s get this mission accomplished.
Resisting the urge to yawn Jimin forced himself to look around. He couldn’t see much because of the curtains but he could still make out the bar. Yes, that’s exactly what he needed to get through this dull meeting.
He tapped Yoongi on the shoulder and leaned towards his ear. “Hey, I’m going to get a drink, do you want anything?” Yoongi kissed him on the cheek. “You know what I want dollface.”
Nodding, Jimin got out of the booth and walked to the bar where you were standing with Jackson.
“Ruby, I’m serious. Just one date, please?” Jackson pouted at you. Laughing softly you shook your head at him. “The answer always has been and will forever be no Jackson.”
“Pretty, pretty, pretty please?” He whined. “Why would you even want to go on a date with me? You’ve got like half of the female population after your ass,” you said as you pointed towards some girls ogling at him from the end of the bar. He looked at you with puppy eyes.
“But you’re the only one I want to actually capture it. I mean look at you,” his demeanor changed as his eyes roamed over your body from head to toe. “Who wouldn’t want you chasing their behind?”
You grabbed your tray from the counter to hit him with, only to be interrupted by a giggle from your right.
“I mean he’s kind of right. You look gorgeous.” A voice said as you turned around.
The guy in front of you could only be described as an ethereal being. He looked like one of those Greek gods from the paintings that your teacher always wanted you to analyze. A Korean Greek god? Maybe even a goddess considering the way he was dressed.
“Thank you but I look rather bland in comparison to you.” You nodded towards his dress and he smiled brightly. “It looks really pretty on you and does amazing things for your thighs.” You emphasized. He looked down and flexed his muscle making you both giggle.
“Yes, yes, you’re both extremely hot but Rubyyyy,” Jackson continued to whine, “you still haven’t answered my question.” Rolling your eyes you turned back around. “No Jackson. There ya have it. A simple, direct no.” He began pouting again.
“How many more times are you going to ask me out?” You asked as you put the tray back on the counter. “As many times as it takes for you to say yes.” He smiled sweetly. “Eugh, I’m done with you. Serve some drinks so I can do my job.” “I thought your job was to shake what your momma gave ya and make it rain.” You glared at him but before you could do any serious damage to his body a hand got placed on the counter.
“I’d actually like to order a few drinks for table P3.” You looked at Jimin from the corner of your eye and thanked him silently with a smile. “Sure thing hotstuff, which beverages do you desire?” Scoffing at the nickname Jimin ordered a few drinks. He winked at you before he walked away, swaying to the beat of the music.
“Now THAT is an ass worth chasing Jackson.” You smirked teasingly. He watched your eyes follow Jimin to his booth. “I wouldn’t try that if I were you, no one can touch the gem of Bangtan.” Your head snapped to him and he laughed at your expression. “Come again? Bangtan is sitting there?” He nodded his head. “I think even King D is present, something about making appearances.”
This mission just got a whole lot more complicated.
“Take this to them will ya?” Jackson asked as he placed the ordered drinks on your tray. You took a few deep breaths to steady yourself before grabbing the tray and walking towards what could be your final job.
“... and that’s why I think either the dosage needs to become higher or the price needs to go lower.” Yoongi just catched the end of Jaehyun’s speech. Maybe he should’ve payed more attention to it but it didn’t matter anyway, the things he was asking for were just ridiculous.
“Listen, Jung, I respect you coming here and actually asking for those kind of changes in person.” The dealer’s face lit up and he saw that his chest puffed out a little in pride. “However,” Yoongi looked him in the eyes and saw Jaehyun’s posture crumble from his cold stare, “upping the dosages of my drugs? Lowering the prices? You’ve got to have some serious balls to even think of such absurd ideas.”
He was really regretting coming here and wasting a perfectly good evening on this bullshit.
So when he saw Taehyung opening the curtains he kind of hoped someone had called him in for an emergency. Sadly, that wasn’t the truth. “Boss, your drinks are here.” He signaled to let them in. A squeal was heard from beside him and he looked at Jimin with confusion written all over his face. He knew he loved alcohol but was it truly worth all that noise?
“Ruby!” He half-shouted in his excitement. You looked up at the call of your name and smiled at Jimin when you saw him making grabby hands for the Raspberry Cosmopolitan in your hand. He thanked you when you handed the sweet drink to him. “Your an actual angel, darling.” He said gratefully after taking a generous sip.
“I’ve got a Gin Negroni,” Namjoon put his hand up and you placed the drink in front of him, “and a Black Russian.” You glanced at Yoongi and saw him roam his eyes over your body. After placing the drink on the table you stood back up. You could still feel his eyes on you as you turned to walk away.
“What? No drink for me sweet cheeks?” Jaehyun asked as he pulled at the strings of your robe, making it fall open. You heard a barely contained scuff from Jimin. “I’m sorry baby but this was all that was ordered,” you said with a sugary sweet voice. He pouted at you.
“Could you at least keep me some company then? Cause I’m still quite thirsty and you look like a fine, tall glass of water.”
Oh honey, no.
You tried not to feel disgusted with yourself as you forced a giggle out of your mouth. “Well, if you insist.”
Yoongi watched as you put down your tray and sat sideways on the dealer’s lap who looked like a kid on Christmas morning. You laid your left arm around his shoulders and started tracing figures on his chest with your right hand.
“What’s your name pretty?” Jaehyun asked breathlessly as you moved around trying to find a comfortable spot in his lap, putting pressure on his groin. “They call me Ruby,” you purred in his ear, “what do you go by, hmm, daddy?” He tightened his hold on your thigh and smirked. “It’s Jung Jaehyun, baby, but you can call me anything you want in that outfit of yours.”
What about an extremely repulsive asshole?
Instead of voicing your thoughts you just giggled again and fluttered your eyelashes at him. “I think I’ll keep calling you daddy then.” You moved to straddle his lap but were interrupted by a cough.
“Jung, do you want to keep talking or are you gonna keep wasting my time?” Yoongi said, grabbing his drink and sipping it slowly. Jimin was already done with his Cosmopolitan and just started eyeing the flower design on your lingerie. Namjoon was on his phone, probably looking for other meetings or events where he needed to be present. Taehyung still stood outside the curtains, hands behind his back.
Yoongi had other ideas for where he could place them but he was still sitting on this stupid couch, talking to someone who clearly wasn’t interested in selling his ideas anymore.
God, what a fucking merry dance.
His annoyed tone seemed to grab Jaehyun’s attention though and the dealer quickly pulled your arm from his neck, shooting you an apologetic look. “I’m sorry baby but I’ve gotta do some business.” Yoongi rolled his eyes. This guy really thought he was a big deal, didn’t he?
“Really?” You asked with pouting lips. Jaehyun nodded and padded your ass to get you off his lap. You stood up and slipped your hands in your robe. “Let me give you one of my goodbye kisses then, daddy.” He grinned and pulled you back by your wrist. “I would gladly receive one of those angel.” You giggled and grabbed his face in your hands.
You started with little kisses on his throat, slipping the pill out of your left hand and right into your mouth. Then you kissed him passionately and invaded his mouth with your tongue when he groaned.
The pill on your tongue was easily delivered in the back of the target’s throat. You prolonged the kiss to keep him distracted before finally pulling away. It all happened in a matter of seconds. Jaehyun swallowed when your lips moved from his. You smiled sweetly at him and stood up from his lap, gathering the empty glasses on your tray.
Yoongi catched your eye and you saw the lust floating around behind them. You turned your back to him and walked towards the curtains, giving your target one last sultry glance. He was still watching you with rapt attention. Taehyung opened the curtains for you and you laughed softly as you stept out of their booth.
Enjoy the ride, boys.
“So, where were we gentleman?” Jaehyun asked as he not-so-subtly tried to rearrange his pants. “I was about to send you home with a broken finger, rib or toe. Your choice.” Yoongi said as he sipped the last of his Black Russian, not looking bothered by his statement at all.
The dealer on the other hand choked on air and dropped to his knees immediately. “I’m so sorry if I offended you sir. Please accept my deepest apologies. I was a fool to ask for such idiotic changes.” He rushed to say while bowing with his head on the ground. A laugh escaped Yoongi as he stood up, only to crouch down in front of the guy. “You see Jung, the changes aren’t really the issue here. Sure, it was still stupid to even ask but I won’t let Jimin  dismantle your bones for that.”
He looked back at the mentioned assassin and was met with a wicked smile.
“The problem is the fact that you let a woman interrupt your business deal like that. I don’t think Taeyong will be very happy with that when he finds out. You also disregarded my warning when I asked you to stop wasting my time.” He stood back up with a groan. “Instead of sending her away, like I expected you to do, you gave her a ‘goodbye kiss’. Quite a show if I may add, but that doesn’t change the fact that you did it in front of me. In front of my crew. A crew that has better things to do than watch you french an escort.”
“Hey, don’t call Ruby an escort,” Jimin complained softly from behind him. “She’s really sweet.” Yoongi turned around and gave him an unimpressed look. “You really want to argue about that right now dollface?” Jimin huffed and crossed his arms but said nothing. “Thought so.”
“Euhm, boss?” Namjoon asked, concern clear in his voice. “What?” Yoongi said as he turned back around to the dealer still on the floor. “Oh, that’s not good.”
Jaehyun lay sprawled out in a small puddle of blood and… Is that foam? Yoongi took a step closer to see where the substance was coming from. He didn’t find any marks on the body but when the dealer started choking his attention went to his mouth and that’s when he saw it.
A mixture of blood, spit and foam was slowly making its way onto the ground. “Any idea why this is happening Namjoon?” He asked while stepping back to join Jimin who was now standing near the curtains. “No, he just started bleeding from his mouth I guess.” “You guess? Are you serious?” Namjoon glared at him. “He had his head on the ground the entire time, what do you expect from me? Being able to look through his skull to see what’s happening?”
“Taehyung, get in here,” Yoongi called. The captain quickly made his way inside. His eyes looked around the room before landing on the dying man in front of him. “Planned, accident or not involved?” Was the only thing he asked as he looked at Yoongi. “Not involved so the only option is that escort Ruby. Shutdown the whole club. I don’t want anyone going in or out until we have her in our possession.”
Taehyung nodded and went back outside while conversing with someone through his earpiece.
Yoongi let out a heavy sigh. “This night just keeps on being really fucking annoying.” Jimin looked at him with sympathetic eyes. “It will be alright baby. We’ll be in bed before you know it.” “I hope you’re ready to say goodbye to your sweet Ruby.” He said. “Honestly if she did it I don’t even hold it against her,” Jimin shrugged. “That guy was just disrespectful and nasty.” He stuck his tongue out making Yoongi laugh.
“True, but I don’t like the fact that she did it so close to us. What if she plans to do something to one of us in the future? I’d rather not die while foaming from the mouth.” He grabbed Jimin’s hand and made his way out of the booth. Namjoon took the bag out from under the table and followed after them.
They all halted their steps when Taehyung’s voice made itself present in their ears.
“Got her.”
This night was far from over.
Exiting the booth you focused on maintaining a normal walking pace. You placed the tray with empty glasses on the counter and waved your hand at Jackson. “Hey, I’m going to reapply my makeup for a second.” He nodded at you. “Sure thing.”
After slamming the door of the dressing room behind you and leaning against it, you finally felt like you could breathe.
Okay, y/n, calm down.
You took a deep breath and started to change into your black outfit. It was still classy enough to not stand out in the club crowd but since it was completely black you could easily disappear in the dead of night.
Looking around the room you spotted an empty trashcan. You grabbed your angel outfit and threw it in there with the content of one of the many perfume bottles on the dresser. Lighting up a few matches you tossed them in one by one, watching as the fire consumed the white lace.
Bye-bye, sweet angel.
When you opened the door you were met with chaos. Turns out that little drug Lisa sold you worked faster than you thought. You quickly made your way towards the emergency exit, vanishing from sight between panicked clubgoers. With one foot outside of the door your mind already started celebrating pulling off another mission unnoticed.
Since your mind was elsewhere occupied, it didn’t give out alarm signals for the figure watching you from the shadows.
You were just a few meters away from the club when you were harshly pulled into an alley. Out of reflex your legs instantly kicked out at whoever was trying to get you off of the street. You heard a groan coming from your attacker and tried to turn around but the hold they had on you was too tight.
Suddenly you felt an enormous pain in your stomach which made you double over. “Motherfucker.” You coughed as you tried to regain balance. Your attacker didn’t give you a chance though as they punched your jaw hard, making your vision go black. The last thing you heard was a low, honeyed voice.
“Got her.”
When you woke up all you could see was…
You couldn’t see shit. Everything was dark. Black. Unlit. You tried moving your hands but were met with resistance. The same happened when you struggled to separate your feet. Wiggling your body was all you could do so you tried to move around a bit.
Out of nowhere you were swerved to the right. The sudden movement made your body hurl itself against the side of something hard.
Great, they threw me in the trunk.
So wiggling like a fish was of no use and trying to figure out where you were, was also useless since you didn’t know how long you were out for. What you did know, was that you were attacked in an alley back at Downtown, got knocked out and thrown in the trunk of a car driven by some lunatic.
Seriously, who swerves this fucking much?
As you closed your eyes again, you could only hope that your kidnappers would soon arrive at their location.
“Tell me why we let Joonie drive again?” Jimin asked as he fell on Yoongi for the tenth time. “Because while Tae was busy putting Ruby in the trunk and you and I were talking to Jackson, he decided to get in the driver’s seat,” Yoongi said. “Like the genius he is,” he added, sarcasm filling every word.
“Oh shut up,” Namjoon hissed, “it’s not that bad.” Taehyung laughed loudly. “You almost make me pity the poor woman. I hope for her that she’s still knocked out.”
Jimin squeezed Yoongi’s hand, making him look his way. “Do you really think she did it?” He asked seriously. “Afraid so, love. You saw the footage. I don’t know how she did it, but I think we’ll find out tonight.” Jimin nodded and started drawing patterns on his hand.
“I’m sorry, dollface. I thought this would be a calm night.” Yoongi said as he kissed Jimin’s cheek. “It’s okay, we can go back to the club another time. Let’s just say you owe me a peaceful night.” He shrugged. Yoongi smirked at him. “I don’t think any night with you would be described as peaceful.”
Jimin giggled and pulled his face towards him to place a sweet peck on his lips. It turned into a passionate kiss quickly, making both of them smile.
“I’d hate to interrupt you two, but we’ve got a woman to interrogate.” Namjoon said as he drove into the garage of the gang’s mansion.
“Let’s get this night over with boys.”
The second time you opened your eyes the light situation hadn’t changed. Your limbs were still tied together but this time you weren’t rolling around in the back of a car. This time you were sitting up on an uncomfortable, solid chair.
Your ears picked up a few voices speaking in Korean, voices that you recognized.
“If she doesn’t wake up in the next minute I’m emptying this bottle over her head.”
“Agust, no, what did that champagne ever do to you?”
“We’ve got enough of these in our stock, dollface, I will just grab another one for you.”
Bangtan. Your kidnappers were Bangtan.
You can work with that y/n.
You coughed and the voices immediately stopped talking.
Yoongi turned around with the champagne bottle still in his hand. The girl, Ruby, was tied to a chair in front of him. He couldn’t see her eyes because of the blindfold, but her head was aimed straight towards him.
“Did y’all disappear or something? Thought I was about to be showered with expensive champagne.”
“Do you know who you’re talking to Ruby?” He asked, trying to keep his tone cold and low.
She tilted her head. “Not really. Don’t know if you’ve noticed but my eyesight is kind of blocked at the moment.”
Jimin giggled softly and quickly covered his mouth when Yoongi glared at him. “Sorry, sorry,” he whispered with a smile.
Yoongi signaled to Taehyung to remove the blindfold. He yanked it off her head and threw it to the side before standing next to her chair. Her eyes went to him first and then focused on the couple in front of her.
He saw her eyes widen as they found Jimin’s. “Oh, hi, I remember you cutie.” She smiled at him and Jimin…
Jimin blushed. He fucking blushed from a nickname of one of their captives.
“That must make you, euhmm, King D?” She asked him.
He looked at her again. “Yes.”
She laughed, making Yoongi even more confused than he already was.
“King D. What does that stand for, King Dickface? King Dipshit? King Deficiente?” She completely cracked up at this point.
Yoongi grabbed her jaw and squeezed it tightly until she stopped laughing. “What’s about to happen to you is not very funny, Ruby, so I’d try to keep my mouth shut if I were you,” he said. Ruby yanked her head out of his grip and looked at him. “Fine, I won’t laugh but let me just say that you should really change your name.”
“I don’t think I will, seeing as it’s feared all around the world,” he stated. There was a tiny bit of pride noticeable in his voice. He worked hard to get to the point where just his name made people crumble. Yoongi often wondered if the sacrifices he made were all worth it but those thoughts would only lead him on a path of doubts he’d rather not walk. Usually he got sidetracked by alcohol or sex before he could get stuck in the vicious circle of what if’s.
“Feared by the entire world? Was that really what you wanted to be when you were a child?” She asked him with a sudden note of seriousness in her tone. He looked away as he thought about it. “If I wanted to talk about my childhood I would’ve snatched a therapist and not an escort.”
Ruby scoffed at that. “Escort? If you wanted to have sex you could’ve just asked.”
“Yeah? Like how that dead guy asked for a goodbye kiss? I don’t think he knew how literal you would take it,” Yoongi said.
He watched her patiently, waiting for a reaction that would show she was guilty and indeed killed Jung Jaehyun.
For awhile she just looked at him. Studying him as he studied her.
“He asked for a goodbye kiss and I gave him one,” she eventually said. “I don’t understand what that has to do with you kidnapping me and since it’s getting quite late I would like to know what you want from me.”
“Let’s start with your name,” Yoongi said. This could become interesting, he thought as he sat down besides Jimin on the couch opposite of the girl.
“No, I don’t believe that’s your name. Well, it’s your stage name or whatever it is called that you escorts use. I want to know your real name.”
“Ruby,” she answered again.
“It’s gonna be like that, huh?” Yoongi asked. The girl stayed still and blinked at him with uninterested eyes, clearly not anticipating his next move. He nodded his head towards Taehyung, who slowly took out his gun and pointed it at her head.  She turned her head towards Taehyung and winked at him.
“Colt Python, lovely choice.”
Taehyung stayed silent and just stared at her.
“No? Nothing? You don’t really talk much. A bit rude to ignore the person you punched in the gut but you do you, I guess.” She shrugged and turned her head back to Yoongi.
Jimin was still watching her from the couch, listening to the conversation. He saved all the information she gave away in his head. So far he didn’t have much but she had to be part of some type of gang. She knew who they were, had obvious knowledge of weapons and was definitely trained in some type of martial arts if the way Taehyung had been limping was anything to go by.
“So, King Douche, I don’t think I’m here to have a cup of tea with you and discuss this weeks latest gossip. Could you get on with it and tell me how I offended the man who is feared around the world?” She asked with her words full of sarcasm.
Yoongi decided to take another route. Just being in their presence didn’t seem to be effective but threatening one's life always did the trick.
"I could kill you right now, you know? So I'd watch that pretty mouth of yours sweetheart."
"Kay? The ability to kill me is nothing impressive and it's also not the best threat, you wanna know why, handsome?"
She fluttered her eyelashes at him and tilted her head slightly to the right, becoming the perfect picture of innocence. God, the things Yoongi could do to destroy that he thought as he scoffed loudly.
"Yes, I would love to know how this does not look like a threat to you," he said, smiling to himself as Taehyung placed the barrel of his gun against her temple.
"It's cause my neighbors could kill me if they wanted to, the cute bartender from Downtown could too, hell even I could kill myself. Believe it or not I tried to, but as you can see my attempts have been rather futile."
She stared him right in the eyes and Yoongi felt himself get lost in those green pools of every emotion but the one he expected. He saw no fear, distress, surprise or even anger. Not even disgust. No, it was hard to get an idea of what was going on behind the windows to her soul. Did she even have one? Because having a soul meant having a mind, a mind that's supposed to be able to think rationally. A mind that's supposed to be giving signals to her body that she is in danger right now.
Still, all he saw was mischief, courage, calmness, even boredom. Boredom of all things. The girl had a fucking gun to her head, was tied down to a chair with nowhere to go and she had the audacity to look bored.
She took him out of his thoughts when he started seeing her mouth move again, tongue rolling around to create syllables to words no one had ever dared to speak to him.
"Killing doesn't make you powerful because anyone can do it. Even a little kid could take a knife in their hands and push it somewhere in to your body. It's the ones that survive that knife you need to watch out for. As the brilliant Kelly Clarkson once said: 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'."
"I don't think you got the point though, sweetheart. All the power in this room right now belongs to me. I-"
"No, it doesn't and no, I most certainly did get the point. I know that you call the shots here but that's exactly it. After you let blondie over here shoot me, I go on my merry way to meet dear old Luci. So my mind won't be here anymore but I still hold the power over your next decision."
Taehyung scoffed when he heard the nickname and flicked his hair, this only provoked a giggle out of the girl. He was getting annoyed, no scratch that, he was annoyed and was starting to get angry. He brought his finger closer to the trigger. God, did he want her to stop talking and smiling like she wasn't about to be bleeding out on this floor.
Yoongi on the other hand only got more intrigued. The way the girl spoke freely to him was new and unfamiliar. Only his inner circle could talk to him like that and even then he usually got irritated by it. This girl right here, who still hadn't told him her fucking name, was a mystery to him and Yoongi didn't like mysteries. He wasn't here to play clues but still he sat there, on his velvet seat, trying to figure out the impeccable woman in front of him.
"Why do you think you have any power over any decision I make, huh?" He wasn't any closer to getting information from her and it started to get at him. The night had been tiring enough and his patience was running extremely thin at this point.
"Cause when I'm here, bleeding out on this floor, you're going to have to decide what to do with my body. Within the first hour you will need to think about it. Even if you don't acknowledge it with words and just a head nod to Jung Hoseok over there. It's still gonna be me you're thinking about."
As her little speech came to an end everyone gaped at her. Then she suddenly felt a gust of wind in front of her. She started breathing through her nose as soon as she felt fingers tightening around her throat.
"Tell me how you know that name," Yoongi demanded in a cold and deadly voice that usually had everyone scrambling to their knees to do everything he pleases. But not the girl in front of him, no, she looked him straight in the eye and smirked.
"Marco Polo, bitch."
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