#this was way longer than I expected it would be but i hope ya'll enjoy it
auteurdelabre · 5 months
Bravo, Take A Bow (series) Dieter Bravo x f!reader
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Rating: 18+ (for future smutty chapters) mdi.
Summary: As a struggling actress you’re amazed when you land a role in an indie film you’re dying to be a part of. What you’re not expecting is to develop feelings for your mega famous and often exasperating co-star Dieter Bravo.
Chapter Warnings: Cigarettes.
length: 5.2k
a/n: I realized I didn't have any more sweet romances coming down the pipes and this one hit me during my rewatch of The Bubble. Hope ya'll enjoy it because I've outlined this entire story and wowee it's gonna be fun.
Bravo, Take a Bow Chapter 1
"And I know that if I leave I won't be able to come back here, ever," you say, voice wobbling with emotion. “I won’t be able to.”
The three other people in the room are behind a long table, laptops and phones scattered amongst the litany of coffee cups. One bored looking young man operates the camera recording your audition.
Look up look up.
You're desperate for their eyes on you. To see the conviction in your face. To see how much this means to you. That you were meant for this role. 
But they tap away on their phones, faces lightly illuminated in the darkened room and they studiously ignore you. They tell you without words that you mean less. 
"I just want more than this," you say to the woman reading the other lines, a sullen looking blonde with big glasses. 
"I can't give you that anymore," she says flatly, trying to hold in a yawn. "I can't give you what you need."
She's been reading these same lines all day with variations of women like you. No wonder she's bored out of her mind. And yet in your mind she's Levi, the man you love who just won't commit. 
"You don't know that," you insist, your voice bordering on a plea. "You don't know what you can give because you don't try, Levi." 
"I'm trying the only way I know how." 
"It's not enough," you say, tears slipping down your cheeks. "Or . . . Maybe I'm not enough."
The tears come easily at that line. They have ever since you practiced them with Carlee, the emotion present every time. You've lived this role. You are this woman. It's like this was written for you.
And yet as you stand in the echoing silence you feel tears dot your waterline. Real ones. They form in the face of obvious disinterest from the panel of people across the room from you. 
You want this part so fucking bad and they just don't see you. They don't see how much you want this. How much you are this character. You think if only they watched you, if only they felt your heart yearning that they would understand why you need to be cast. 
The scene ends and the woman reading lines turns expectantly over to the woman in the blue sweater, presumably the lead casting director. 
She's nodding at something the bald man to her left is murmuring behind his hand. Only now does he give you a once-over, eyes cold. 
"Okay thanks, uh Caroline," the woman in a blue sweater says without looking at you. She's tapping her phone, her short acrylic nails making a clacking noise right at home with those ASMR videos you fall asleep to. "That'll do."
Your stomach sinks. "Uh my name's not Caroli-"
You're ushered out into the hall by the bored looking young man wearing an earpiece. Wearing a t-shirt with a band you've never heard of. You face a group of women that all look like you but younger, bouncier, prettier, shinier. 
You paint a smile on your face, wishing the next woman a genuine sounding good luck before you're striding down the hall with its puke brown carpet. 
You think of the three auditions you've had just this week. Two commercials (one about cat food, the other about tampons) and now this, the costar in an indie film. And you feel you've bombed every single one. 
What am I doing here? Am I fucking delusional?
You're too old to be breaking into this business. There are kids that have been working at this longer than you. Just because you acted in some local plays to local acclaim? Just because your acting coach told you that you were a natural? You thought that translated into moving here to Los Angeles and trying to start a new life?
Breaking away from the monotony, from the feeling that you were destined for more had buoyed you enough to leave your dead end job and sell your apartment back in Chicago. It propelled you to rent a shitty place in downtown LA, to find a decent agent and afford headshots. 
And now you walk back to that shitty apartment to get ready to wait tables because of course you've become the cliché
waitress/unemployed actress. It’s embarrassing at this age to be so lost, humiliating in the extreme.
Your cell rings in your pocket, you pull it to see Jack's name flash across the black screen and you sniff back the tears. 
"Hey LaLa," comes your brother's singsong voice through the phone when you answer. He's taken to calling you that since you moved out here. You roll your eyes, smiling all the same. 
"Hey Jacky," you reply with a smile.
Jack's got a good ten years on you, a huge house back home in Chicago with his gorgeous doctor wife and their three perfect kids. Despite being an annoyingly perfect child for your parents you've never resented him. He's always treated you well, not annoying and unkind like so many brother and sister relationships you've heard of.
"How's life in Hollyweird?"
"Fine," you say, trying to sound upbeat. "Just had an audition. Think I nailed it!"
You're shocked at how sincere you can make yourself sound even as you blink back tears. 
"Good for you!" Jack enthuses and you can hear the warmth in your brother's voice. You chat a bit more about the audition, talking about how you feel like the role was meant for you. Jack is as he always is, completely supportive. Then the conversation turns towards home.
"Wanted to know if you're coming back for Christmas this year?"
"Uh," you pause, thinking of how your bank account holds less than three hundred dollars. You think of groceries and new headshots and as you deliberate you feel ashamed at how little you have to call your own. 
"Thought your flight could be my Christmas gift to you," Jack adds as if he didn't just come up with this idea in response to your indecision. You feel warmth and gratitude flood you.
"Thanks Jacky, that would be amazing." 
"Tell me it went well."
"It went well," you promise, forcing a smile to your face as you enter into the shabby chic apartment you share with Carlee (yes with two E's). A cheerful looking girl younger than you but far more knowledgeable in the ways of the entertainment world. 
The apartment is very girly courtesy of your roommate. Large vintage movie posters are hung on every wall. Pink feather boas hang off of lampshades, silken kimonos hang off the backs of chairs. Decorative fans are pinned to the free space on the walls. Shiny and metallic cushions dot along the mustard yellow sofa. To you it’s like being inside a drag queen's carry-on luggage. 
Carlee accepted you as her roommate because as she said you "have the warmest aura" she's ever seen. You hadn't known what the fuck that meant but you'd taken the compliment and moved in that afternoon. 
Eight months later you now count her as a true friend. She runs lines with you for every audition, she cooked you soup when your blind date last month went really poorly and on the months when money is tight she's always fine with getting your half of the rent the following week. 
Carlee's dressed in her usual; white tank top, pink short shorts and white tube socks pulled up over her knees. She's beautiful in the plastic Beverly Hills sort of way; Fake lips, fake blonde hair, fake tits, real big heart.  
Carlee is like most that arrive in this city though. A girl who came with a dream and got derailed. She wanted to make costumes for films but turns out being the best back in Atlanta doesn't mean shit when you're out here with the nepo babies and internal hires. 
Unlike you however, Carlee took her bad fortune and turned it on its head. She runs a fairly successful onlyfans page out of her bedroom. You've never watched it, but from what you gather it's a lot of moaning theatrically and using larger and louder toys men send to her PO box. 
She makes more than enough to cover her part of the rent, cosmetic procedures and has enough left over for clubbing and mini vacations in Mexico. Despite this she still makes her own clothes to party in. That creative part of her never died out, that ember still glowing. 
She's standing by the counter when you arrive, toeing off your shoes and dropping your purse by the front door. 
"You have a good day?"
"I did!" She says with a wide smile. "A fan sent me a five hundred dollar tip."
"Jesus!" You whistle. Five hundred dollars? That's insane to you. You watch her pull something colorful from off the seat of the chair and thrust it into your hands. 
"I made you this," she tells you jumping excitedly from foot to foot. "Try it on."
It's an oversized hair bow of garish lime green and fuchsia. It's got little pearls hand sewn into it and you know for a fact that Carlee spent hours making it, probably smiling the entire time.
"I love it," you tell her, trying not to cringe. It's definitely not the sort of thing that you would normally wear. Ever. "Thank you so much!"
"You can wear it to work tonight," Carlee tells you with a bring smile. "Maybe it'll bring in more tips?"
You don't know how to tell her that wearing this will get you nothing but eye rolls from the fashionistas that flock to the restaurant you waitress at. And you can't tell her that, so you clip your hair back from your face and strike a model pose.
"Whadda ya think?"
"Gorgeous," she says clapping happily. "It looks so nice. Oooh you could wear it to your auditons too!"
"Yeah maybe," you say, trying not to sound horrified at the thought.  That’s one way to stand out.
"And don't worry. If the audition doesn't pan out there's always OnlyFans," she tells you seriously. "The guys on my channel love girl on girl stuff."
You force a smile and nod.
"Flattering as that is I think I'll stick with the restaurant." 
The restaurant is bustling as you arrive that evening. You wrinkle your nose as you head back into the staff room because everything smells like garlic tonight. You're convinced it will take at least two washes to get the scent completely removed from your hair. 
The restaurant you work at is a high end restaurant called "That Place" (and yes, it's just as pretentious as it sounds). All black furniture and spiky looking light fixtures. And while you don't love working a service job, the tips here are what save you most months. 
Your acting skills really helped you land the job, pretending that serving steak to entitled influencers and drug-addled celebrities was the ultimate dream. And you're a good employee, dependable, smiley. You don't do drugs, you don't steal. 
The only thing they don't love is that you're an "actress" (something they say out the corner of their downturned mouths the same way they would say "homeless" or "ex-con"). But as long as you show up and switch your shifts without giving the managers a headache that's all they care about.
You smooth down your skirt, then your hair, fingering the large bow and about to remove it as Charlotte comes from the back, her light eyes shining as she dodges a busboy carrying a tray of dirty dishes. 
"How did it go?"
Charlotte loves hearing about your auditons and you love her, because Charlotte isn't like anyone else in Los Angeles. Charlotte isn't after fame and fortune. She just wants enough so that she can pay off her mortgage and have enough left over for her grandkids. She’s usually the dishwasher on the nights you work.
Without your family here she's become like a surrogate mother to you and you hate disappointing her time and time again. Like now she’s standing there wiping her hands on her apron looking so excited for you. How can you tell her how poorly it went?
"Pretty good," you lie with a bright smile. "I really hope I get this one."
"Well I can't wait to see you on my TV again," she enthuses, patting your arm affectionately as you cringe. "I told all my friends about you!"
She's referring to the one gig you've managed to land since you got here. A commercial for dish soap that started with you pretending to fall into a dishwasher and ended with you in a giant bubble costume espousing the virtues of "Sudsy, for when life gets too messy" in a jingle that works its way under your skin every time you hear it. 
It's humiliating but it had been a national commercial and that meant it paid well. It had been enough to cover your rent for two whole months, a mattress for your bed and a new set of headshots. 
"Well I might have some good news," Charlotte says taking you by the hand and leading you to the swinging kitchen doors. There are two large porthole windows on the steel doors and she urges you to look through.
"See who that is?"
"Big booth. Far right."
Your eyes pan to the large booth in the corner of the restaurant. It's usually reserved for parties of twelve or more, but right now it boasts a man sandwiched between two beautiful young women. He says something and the group laughs. He tilts his head back to laugh and that's when you recognize the man. 
"Is that-?'
"Yep," Charlotte nods. "From those Beast movies."
Dieter Bravo. 
Famous actor, famous playboy known for his hard partying lifestyle and the trail of broken hearted men and women he's left in his wake. You often see him in the headlines of gossip magazines making a splash doing something outrageous.
He won an Oscar a few years back for some dark comedy that you saw and didn't really enjoy. You miss his early stuff, the indie films he made when he was fresh faced and eager. But that was ages ago, likely long forgotten by anyone but hard core fans of film. 
"I told the girls to put him in your section," Charlotte says with her eyes bright. "Maybe he can help you with that latest audition? Put in a good word with the casting director? Give you an edge?"
You want to hug Charlotte for being so sweet. You also want to laugh out loud because that's not how this business works at all. 
But Charlotte doesn't know that. She's a fifty year old dishwasher who reads tarot for extra cash on the side. She doesn't know Hollywood aside from the snippets you've shared with her. She just thinks you need to know the right people and it will all fall into place. 
"Thanks Lotte."
"Okay get out there quick. I told them I'd bring out waters in a sec but you know how those celebrities can be. Everything is now now now."
She punctuates the last three words with sharp snaps of her fingers.
You give her a wink, taking the tinkling tray of water glasses she offers you. You fill them and then take a deep breath before pushing through those same double doors.
You approach the booth the same as you do whenever there is a celebrity that comes to eat. Eyes down until you reach the table with the water glasses. 
All servers at That Place are specially trained in this when hired: treat celebrities the same as any other customer, don't ask for an autograph or a selfie, and don’t talk about yourself or try to get them to look at your screenplay. Just do your job and be professional. 
You're not surprised when you glance up from placing the water glasses on the table to see him between two giggling models, arms on the back of the booth around both of them. 
He's tilted back, wearing what looks like an oversized sweater with an insane pattern. His hairstyle consists of tousled brown curls that curve just below his ear that currently boasts an impressive gold stud. He wears sunglasses despite the fact that light is so low in here many can’t read the menus.
"Hi there," you say smiling at the trio. "Are we expecting anyone else?"
"Nope this is it," Dieter says with a wide grin. His teeth are bright white under a poorly trimmed beard. "Just me and these delicious morsels."
The women next to him giggle, looking up at you superciliously when you simply nod. Delicious morsels? Jesus. 
"Can I start you all with some drinks?"
When Dieter takes the water glass from the table you can see his long fingers are adorned with rings over each knuckle. A hemp bracelet peeks out from beneath the wrist of his ornate sweater. He removes his sunglasses now and you note his dark eyes reflect the decorative candle in the center of the table (something you hate having to clean around after every table leaves).
"Whiskey for me, Karuizawa Vintage," the name trips off his tongue. You're surprised at how husky his voice is in real life, how deep. You've only seen his comedy films lately, ones where he sports a higher pitched voice and a comically bad Latin accent. 
"Domaine d’Auvenay Chardonnay if you have it," the curvaceous redhead with long eyelashes tells you. You nod, trying not to look at the creamy bust that nearly pops out of her low neckline.
"Same for me," the Asian girl says flashing a wide veneered smile. Her hair is blue -black and hangs like a curtain over shoulders. One arm is decorated entirely with colorful traditional-looking Dragon tattoos. She wears an equally low neckline but her bust is nearly non-existent.
"I'll be right back with those."
You turn, heading for the kitchen, trying to remember the names of the alcohol when you catch a snicker from behind you.  
"Did you see that bow?" One of the girls says behind you with an ugly titter. "Hideous."
"She's way too old for it. Looks like a clown."
You hear Dieter chuckle along with them and you feel your face grow hot. 
Ignore them.
And yet even telling yourself that you move to the back room, tugging the bow from your hair and hastily shoving it into your purse inside the staff lockers. 
Then you get the ludicrously expensive drinks from the bar, rolling your eyes when Nick the bartender asks you if the redhead Dieter is sitting with is from Playboy.
"How would I know that?" You sneer before taking the tray of drinks back to the table. 
The girls are both on their phones, swiping and taking photos of the menu when you approach. It gives you audition flashbacks and you try not to frown.
You place their drinks on the glossy table, sliding them in front of the girls who don't even offer you a thank you. You lean over the large table, wishing they had picked anywhere else to sit. Wishing Charlotte hadn't tried to help you by seating them in your section. 
You move to the whiskey tumbler feeling Dieters eyes on you. You glance up to see him looking at you as you slide his drink towards him, his large doe-eyes amused. You're shocked at how dark they are, almost black. 
You look away, remembering what your boss said about staring at celebrity clients. 
"Sudsy, right?"
You feel your spine straighten as he says this just low enough for you to hear. Your eyes slowly go to his, wide and unblinking. 
Please no.
"For when life gets too messy," he sings lightly, eyes crinkling in amusement as he grins at you. The girl with the tattoo catches the end of the tune and her face lights up as she turns off her phone. 
"I knew I recognized you," she says jeering as you straighten, taking the tray with you. "The laundry commercial!"
"Dish detergent," you correct miserably. Before she can say anything else you force a smile to your face. "Have you decided on your mains?"
"So you're an actress?" The redhead asks softly. She and the other girl exchange amused smirks that don't go unnoticed by you. 
"Isn't everyone in this town?" You say trying to keep it light. "Tonight's specials are -"
"Have you done anything else?" The beautiful asian girl asks. "Or is it strictly dish soap themed ads for the foreseeable future?"
Dieter laughs behind his hand at that and you feel your mouth twisting into a grimace. You watch them sip their expensive wine, trying not to be jealous of their beauty and youth and connection to celebrity. Life must be so easy for them.
"You never know," you say breezily. "Might be my springboard into superstardom."
The girls snicker openly, not bothering to try and hide their amusement. But there's a twist to their mouths, displeasure that you seem so unperturbed by their casual cruelty. 
"Steve Carell started in a chicken commercial," Dieter supplies, perhaps feeling poorly for laughing at you earlier. "Speaking of which I'll take the Coq au vin. And the ladies will both order a shrimp salad but then not eat any of it because they have a shoot tomorrow, correct girls?"
You hide a small smirk of amusement at the girls' faux outrage, neither of them acknowledging the irony when they both order the salmon salad with dressing on the side. 
You nod, heading away from their table, feeling their eyes on you. The bow is gone so there's nothing else to tease you about. Still their mockery doesn't leave your brain, even when you submit their order to the kitchen. 
Your stomach twists uncomfortably. It's like you've swallowed poison, the way your guts churn.  Your teeth clench as you make your way to the kitchen. You want to spit into every piece of food they've ordered. Too bad security cameras exist. 
You wait on other tables through the night, always pleasant, always smiling. Several times you think you catch Dieter's eyes on you, but that may just be because he commands attention with his loud braying laugh. 
They take up the table for twelve all night, severely cutting into your tips and your patience. It seems you're forever being called over, your attention demanded through your entire four hour shift. 
I think my salmon is overcooked.
Could I get another whiskey?
This wine tastes watered down.
When you go to remove Dieter's empty plate your eyes swim over the untouched salmon salads in front of the girls who are back on their phones posing. 
"Told ya," Dieter grins up at you. 
You can't help but smirk a little. But you're also disgusted at the waste. These salads go for $85 apiece. 
"Would you like these packed up?"
"No thanks," the girls reply simultaneously. You hold in a judgmental grimace before nodding, taking their full plates into your hands.
"I'll be back with your bills."
"All on one," Dieter says with a yawn. He's pulling on his jacket, an oversized furry thing that seems like it would be more at home on an experimental fashion runway. 
The bill comes to over $1200 mostly because of all the alcohol consumed. That's more than your half of the monthly rent. Dieter doesn't even flinch when you bring the bill and the machine over, just hands over his gold card and signs the receipt. 
"Did you want a copy?"
"I'm good."
"Thank you for dining with us," you say without glancing at the receipt. You place it face-down on table, getting ready to clear the remaining glasses.
You want to look at what he tipped you when he leaves, excited. Most of the time celebrities leave very healthy tips and right now you could use it. Judging by how he wasn't fazed by the total, you hope it's a good one. 
"’Night," he says smiling over at you.
Then he's got a clinging girl in each arm and he's making his way through the restaurant. Standing up you see that he's wearing furry boots to match his jacket.
His fashion is something else.
You watch as an excited couple at a table flag him down for a photo in the nearly empty restaurant. He pauses long enough to flash a peace sign behind them in the photo before heading out into the night with the models.  
You allow the doors to close behind him before you've pulled the receipt from the table your eyes darting to the subtotal line. 
Nothing. He's left nothing.
Just the total for the bill and his scrawling signature. No tip for putting up with those girls mockery. No tip for being humiliated with Sudsy memories. No tip for running back and forth like a fucking dog for them and their endless requests. 
"That bastard."
Before you know it your legs are scissoring across the restaurant, pushing open the door with a violent slap. 
You see the models and their long legs getting into a black town car and are about to stalk over to them when you catch a whiff of cigarette smoke. 
You turn to see Dieter glancing over at you, brows raised in surprise. He doesn't even have the decency to look embarrassed. The end of his cigarette glows a bright red as he inhales.
"You're unbelievable."
"Thanks," Dieter says confusedly as he exhales. The cigarette hangs loosely between his lips. "In what?"
You know that if your boss hears about this you'll be in such deep shit but you don't care. You’ve  had a shitty night and most of it has been because of him and his horrible dates. You move towards him, eyes narrowed. 
"I had to put up with you and those horrible girls all night and you couldn't even give me a decent tip?” you hiss. “You must make millions every year! Are you seriously so out of touch that you think that’s okay?"
Dieter smirks at you, taking a long drag from his cigarette, looking you over. Despite how wild he is, how frenetic his energy according to interviewers and gossip columns, right now he seems almost solemn as he continues to stares at you. 
You've said what you needed to and you feel your irritation deflating at his unbothered response. 
The redhead rolls down the window and sticks her head out calling over to Dieter.
"Are you coming? They're waiting for you!"
"Yep," Dieter replies smoothly tossing the cigarette to the ground, crushing it with a wide fur boot. He looks back to you, giving a slow wink.  
"See ya 'round, Sudsy."
You don't reply, only watching as he pulls himself into the black town car. You turn on your heels marching back into the restaurant. You stride over to the table, grumbling as you go, cleaning the top for tomorrow's customers. 
The candle burns brightly and you notice it's tilted. You roll your eyes, going to nudge it back into place but it's bumping against something. You crawl into the booth, still warmed by their bodies to get a better look.
You feel your face blanch when you realize several bills have been thrust under the candle holder. 
Your tip.
You pull out the wads of bills (all hundreds) and shakily count them out on the table, inhaling sharply when you reach the end of the stack.
A thousand dollars. He left you a thousand dollar tip on a $1200 bill. 
You feel so embarrassed you want to crawl into the fetal position and die. You just screamed at a man that left you a thousand dollar tip. 
And he just stared at you amused outside the doors. Didn't get mad, didn't get ruffled, just looked you over and tried not to laugh. He must have thought you were so pathetic.
You want to rush back outside to flag down the car but you know there's no point. He's long gone and all he'll remember of this restaurant is how shitty you treated him. 
You find Charlotte in the back, getting ready to head home. She looks over at you excitedly.
"So? How'd it go?"
"Pretty boring as far as celebs go," you shrug. "With his reputation I figured there'd be a lot more cocaine and screaming."
You give Charlotte four hundred from your tip, citing it a "finder’s fee" for putting him in your section. She tries to refuse it until you pull open her purse at her hip and stuff the bills inside. She hugs you so tightly you groan before laughing. 
Its two weeks after that embarrassment that your cell rings early one morning. It's your day off and you're still in bed. You'd been kept up late last night by an extra special filming session of Carlee's "content" in the room next to yours. 
When the phone rings for a third time you're startled into wakefulness, scrambling for your phone next to you in bed. 
It's Gwen, your agent. A woman that's kind as quickly as she is cutting. She made it clear she doesn't take on clients who don't perform. 
You're terrified that's what she's calling about now. One shitty dish soap commercial is all you've been able to book in eight months. 
You hate how scared you sound. 
"Clear your schedule on Friday."
This is Gwen, straight to business. No hello, how are you? She doesn't care about you liking her. She cares about booking you and she cares about you making her money.
She was perfectly up front about this when you knocked on her door, begging to be represented. She'd almost refused until you'd shown her your audition reel. You remember the way her eyes had softened during your monologue from "Our Town". 
"You know that indie picture you auditioned for a few weeks ago?"
"Uh, yep." 
You clear your throat, hoping you don't sound as if you've just woken up. You want to give her the illusion that you're a smoothie drinking morning person, fresh faced and ready to go out and audition. 
"Well you got a callback," Gwen tells you with a laugh when she hears your shocked gasp on the other end. 
"Oh my g- are you--" You sputter, tired eyes blown wide. "I can't-"
"Better work on those speaking skills," Gwen tells you, amused. 
You could cry right now, you could scream. You're so overjoyed, so grateful. And yea it's not a sure thing, but it feels good to get a callback. It means they see potential. And potential in this town is worth something. It means you might get seen by people who make more films, your audition could mean a part in a future project.
Gwen tells you the details of the follow up audition. It'll be held at one of the nicer hotels in Burbank. You feel a zap of excitement flow through you at the thought of pulling up there, of walking through with your head held high.
"This is an indie production but there's some high end actors already attached," Gwen explains, all business again. "The script alone has Oscar buzz. So you really gotta wow 'em on Friday."
"I will."
"Whatever you did last time worked because they want you to do a chemistry read with the lead."
"Are you serious?"
Chemistry reads are a good sign. That means you're seriously being considered. You also feel a bit nervous as you recall the script. It's intense, some very raw-sounding sensual scenes. You're going to need to be able to trust your scene partner. You hope it's someone who takes this whole thing seriously, a true professional. 
"Do they know the lead?"
You hear Gwen shuffling some papers on her desk as she finds out the information for you. 
"Yep. It's Dieter Bravo." 
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beautifulfuckup99 · 7 months
Hope your having a wonderful day! I just got done reading "Those Damn Eyes" and "Those Damn Lips" that I was wondering if I could request a Yoongi x f!reader? Maybe they become roommates then to friends then to lovers? Or maybe Yoongi is working on his Solo stuff that the reader feels neglected in a way and needs comfort. I have so many Yoongie ideas that they could go on. 😅 but I love your work and can't wait to read more! Have a good day!
And I will happily take on any Yoongi ideas. Trust that, lol. This will be a part 3 of "Those Damn Eyes". It's like ya'll want this as a series... **Wink, Wink**
Title: Those Damn Hands
Warning(s): SMUT! (Obviously...), Strong Language, Talks of Neglect, and Talks of Abandonment Issues... Some Hurt/Comfort for ya!
Author's Note: Enjoy!
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Your eyes were unblinking.
You were focused, completely tuned in to the way those slender fingers wrapped around the other hand of some random gentlemen.
Those damn hands…
How handsome was your boyfriend tonight? You couldn’t focus on the hundreds of other people walking around this event. It wasn’t fair. Even when pissed off, your eyes stayed on him.
On those damn eyes. Those damn lips. And those fucking hands. The hands that had been used to create this amazing song playing at the moment over the loudspeakers stationed beside the DJ stand.
“Lyrical genius.” Your best friend Hobi says from next to you at the bar and you jump slightly. How long has he been there?
“What?” You ask after taking a deep enough breath, causing Hobi to laugh.
“That’s the talk around this party. Your boyfriend is a lyrical genius…” He explains and you hum. You were proud of your boyfriend at this moment. He’s earned that title. He lived for music. Yeah, he said his major was communications cause it was ‘realistic’, but you saw it in his eyes anytime inspiration struck, and that was always. He was made to make music.
“Well, glad he’s a genius in something…” You mutter as you down the rest of your drink, causing your friend to side eye you. “Don’t.” You sigh, knowing his look.
“If you’re pissed, you should confront him.” He says and you snort at the thought. And be one of those asshole girlfriends that turns a night sour cause they’re upset?
“Months. Five months straight of him being… A ghost in our apartment. How do I finally bring up my issues with that? Look around. He worked hard for tonight.” You shrug, but it was a bitter statement. You felt like you were living with a stranger, which only added to the stress of what would happen after next week.
“Face it, Hobi. Come next week, we’re graduating. Leaving this place. You’ve got that internship at that dance company for Broadway, Yoongi made his first record as a co-producer. We’re officially all… grown-ups.” You scrunch your nose as you watch your boyfriend continue to associate with others, a huge smile on the face that you haven’t gotten to look at for longer than five minutes here and there.
“Y/N, are you… What are you saying?” Hobi whispers and you straighten up.
“I’m tired. I… I’m gonna go. Don’t tell Yoongi. Let him… enjoy this night.” You say. You didn’t fit in here. You felt like you stuck out. Like it was clear to everyone who was better than who. You set your empty glass down and walk through the crowd, ignoring Hobi’s calls for you to come back. You just needed out…
“Y/N?!” You hear as soon as the front door swings open. You sit up from the bath you’re soaking in and wait, knowing the frantic footsteps would lead to your bedroom and therefore your bathroom.
Just as expected, the bathroom door swings open and Yoongi is standing there, wet from the rain and gripping a bouquet of roses. You sigh softly. Flowers? Really?
“What are you-“ You’re cut off by his upset tone.
“Why didn’t you tell me they rejected you?” He asks and you wrap your arms around yourself slowly.
“I’m in the bath, Yoongi…” You try softly, but your bottom lip quivers. You didn’t want him finding out yet. But come next week, it’d all be obvious. You were denied an internship at your dream publishing company. And to add insult to injury, that was the same day Yoongi declared he needed to ‘focus’, and basically locked himself away from you for about five months.
“Nothing I haven’t seen before. What the hell, Y/N. You tell Hobi about you being rejected but not ME? Your BOYFRIEND?! I-“ You finally interrupt him, feeling angered by his anger.
“Because you weren’t here! You weren’t fucking here!” You scream and Yoongi pauses. “You left! Every night! Gone, in the studio, working on your stuff, and I… I understood. I… I didn’t wanna distract you, but… fuck, Yoongi!” You feel tears burn your eyes as the frustration pours out of you. Yoongi watches you with shame clear on his face. You sniffle a bit. “I didn’t wanna… stress you out.” You admit quietly and Yoongi frowns, walking over to the tub and kneeling down to get to your level.
“You should’ve come to me. Told me. I… I’m never too busy for you…” Yoongi says quietly, and you feel yourself start to let go of your grip on your feelings. You begin to cry, letting it out as he holds you tight to him. You grip his shirt, head going to the cork on his neck. He smelled so good. It felt so good. Being able to be held by him again. After months of barely interacting.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Y/N.” He whispers as he holds you. “Hey. That publishing company is gonna regret never hiring you. You’re the best damn thing out there, and you’re gonna find your own way...” He says as he holds you tighter.
“I feel like… Like I fell flat on my face…” You cry softly. Yoongi pulls back to wipe away your tears.
“I’ll help you up, Y/N. Always.” He nods and you look at him finally.
“You… You’re not gonna… leave me?” You ask quietly.
“Leave you? Why would I…-“ You cut him off.
“You’ve made it. You’re… making connections now. And… Here I am. With nothing figured out, nothing-“ He stops you.
“And you think I have shit figured out?!” He asks in shock.
“Yes! Yes, I think you do.” You say quickly like it was obvious.
“Then you don’t know me at all. Do you? Y/N I’m going with the flow every day. I don’t know about tomorrow or next week or next month. But… I do know the one thing I will always make sure is consistent… is you and I. Always.” He says quietly and you watch his eyes as they trail all along your face. You feel your cheeks heat up. You haven’t felt his heavy gaze on you in so long…
“Yoongi..” you whisper as he starts to lean in.
“No more talking…” he says quietly before his lips press against yours. Both of you letting out the pent-up sexual tension that had built up these past few months…
Without hesitation, Yoongi grabs your naked frame, lifting you from the bathtub. You gasp at the sense of cool air hitting your wet body. He carries you right over to the sink as you make quick work of his jacket.
“Off. Now.” You practically growl and Yoongi smirks.
“Someone’s a little-“ You cut him off.
“Fuck me. Now.” You order, practically begging. Yoongi moans softly at the order.
“Yes, ma’am…” He says quietly. “But… first...” He moves down on his knees in front of you and spreads your legs. “I’m starving…” He whispers before pushing his hair back from covering his eyes. You moan at the sight. “Spread them for me, baby. Show me where my tongue belongs...” He whispers.
You shiver at the statement and lean back against the mirror. You reach a hand down and spread your folds slowly as you pant with need. “Please. R-Right here…” You whisper as you tap your clit. Yoongi moans softly.
“Oh fuck…” He breathes out before leaning over to lap at your clit. You grip his head full of hair and waste no time in grinding against his tongue.
“Oh my… fuck. I-I’ve missed you. I’ve missed you...” You whine quietly as your head rolls back.
“Baby?” You ask quietly as you walk into Yoongi’s old bedroom that he had turned into his work room when you two became official. He shared your room with you now. Like a normal couple should.
“Hey. You’re up? I thought I left you passed out…” He teases and you hum, walking over to his desk that he was using to work on an instrumental with his laptop.
“Failed your job, big man. I’m up.” You tease back quietly as you softly push his chair back from his desk. He raises an eyebrow and smirks, pulling your bare body on to his lap. He was only in a pair of boxers.
“I can be up too. If you give me something to work with…” he jokes, and you hum as you rub his bare chest.
“I wanna feel it…” You whisper before reaching down to his boxers. Yoongi leans back in his chair as he watches you with dark eyes. You get his cock out and softly stroke the length, moaning softly as the tip twitches from the cool air.
You kiss him sweetly as you lift yourself a bit to slowly sit on his semi hard cock. “Oh… fuck. Good girl…” Yoongi groans softly as you sit fully on it, feeling how it begins to grow harder inside of you.
“Oh… oh… oh…” You moan as your breath hitches higher with every sound. You grind against him, making Yoongi’s eyes roll shut.
“You’re so fucking warm…” He growls lowly before he puts you right on his desk, bumping you against his laptop as he grabs your face to kiss you hotly. Your hands wrap around his neck fast as he wastes no time in fucking you yet again. The entire night had already been full of sexual euphoric pleasure, but now, after a two-hour Power Nap, you were ready to continue. Lots of loss time to make up for, ya know...
“Feels so good…” You whine as you lay back on his desk, making a mess of the papers and neither of you cared at this moment.
“You’re addicted…” Yoongi taunts quietly as he looks down at you, licking his bottom lip as he stares at you with hunger clear on his face.
“Like you aren’t...” You pant as you wrap your legs around his waist while he fucks you faster.
“I love you…” Yoongi shivers quietly as he hovers his face close to yours. You push his hair out of his face and stroke his cheek with your free hand as you try your best to look him in the eyes, but he’s hitting that spot just right.
“I’m gonna cum!” You cry out as you pump your hips against his faster, chasing you own orgasm.
“Awe… you’re pushing yourself on to me. How cute. You want it? Hm? You’re desperate for it, huh..” Yoongi taunts quietly as your eyes roll back. “So pretty…” he praises quietly as he reaches down to rub your already sensitive and swollen clit while he watches you in awe as you start to cum on his cock, pulling yourself off of it as your juices squirt out of you.
“Oh fuck. That’s so fucking good…” He moans at the sight before picking you up and carrying you off towards the bedroom. “You’re gonna do that again.” He states certainly as you moan quietly for more…
The next morning, you wake up to Yoongi not in bed yet again. You sigh and head off to find him, throwing on a random shirt of his for the journey. You see him in the kitchen making breakfast and smile softly as you hop up on the counter.
“Morning…” he yawns at you, and you raise an eyebrow.
“Did I really tire you out?” You joke slightly, but there’s some worry in your voice that makes Yoongi smile.
“Yes. In the best way possible. But… I’ve been working on something.” He says. You pause in confusion until he motions for you to follow him, handing you your mug of coffee. You follow him to his studio room and see his laptop is open still.
“A new song?” You ask.
“A new beat.” He nods and hands over the headphones. You slowly put them on, and he presses play. A slow, R&B beat plays sensually from the laptop. You bob your head along to the beat until you hear it. The beat drops into a slightly faster tempo and faded in the background, you hear it. Your moans.
“Baby!” You squeal as Yoongi smiles, pleased with himself.
“I didn’t know till early this morning that the mic was still on when we… were going at it. But… sounds pretty good, right? I’ve got it labeled already...” he nods, and you see the label is: ‘Mrs. Min’. You pause and look at him in surprise. “Not yet. No ring on me. But… there will be. Soon.” He assures with a nod, and you hum.
“So. Until there is a ring on you… change that label…” You say simply, and he chuckles.
“Always challenging.” He teases softly before sighing. “Fine. No Mrs. Min until there’s a ring…” he nods as he wraps his arms around you.
“I can’t believe you’re using my… noises…” you mutter as you shake your head in disbelief. He chuckles.
“Y/N. No matter what,” he grabs your hands with his warm ones. You stare down at those damn hands with soft eyes. “I’ve got you. You’ll never fall on your face. As long as I’m around…” he says. You blush gently and he tilts your chin up to look at him.
“I love you.” You whisper sheepishly before kissing him tenderly, grabbing a hold of those damn hands.
The ones that would always keep you safe…
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kit-williams · 3 months
Barn Anon. Made it not-sad. Disappears to grumble but is actually happy.
You didn't think you would ever see the Alpha Legionary again. Yet he's continuously shown up at the street where you first approached him. Every evening he now walks you home, making sure no one else tries anything. You don't expect this, Alpha Legion typically only accompanies people of importance, that is if any of them even show themselves.
You find that you enjoy his company though, even if he's a little unsure at times. You had to fight back a giggle when he enters your apartment and sits awkwardly on the sofa you had gotten specially for him. He's awkward in a cute way. Like a kid not sure how they ought to act in front of a stranger. He surprises you with his fluency in English. Something he merely passes off as a must know given his legion.
The Alpha Legion on his part feels like he's dreaming. He has a human? That's what you are right? His human? He never dares ask you though. What if you reject him and cut him out of your life? No, this is enough for him. It will be enough for him. His heart flutters when you pull a scrapbook out to show him something you've been working on. If this is a dream then he hopes he never wakes up.
He knows that something had deemed his legion unworthy of bonds. He knows nothing he does will capture the true beauty and devotion a bond brings. Still, he knows better than to argue and bargain when he's given a chance he shouldn't have had in the first place. How the stars must have aligned for the two of you to meet, for him to be able to call himself your Space Marine, even if it's only in the secret depths of his heart and mind.
Okay thank you for allowing the boy to be somewhat happy. I dont know why ya'll want someone in this setting to suffer. Human killers already suffer the most as well as the space marines whose bonds die in horrible ways.
You feel safer having him around. He tells you his name is Alpharius but looking at the internet boards about Alpha legionary marines... they use this name often though eventually when they warm up they'll say their real name. They are slow to trust it seems.
You smile at your on again off again visitor. "Hey I'm making supper you want something?" You just ask as he has been staying longer and longer and it's almost dinner time and this is the longest he has stayed. You can feel him hesitate before he nods.
You just casually mention how you have a spare room set up, not for a space marine mind you, but you can't help but offer before quickly changing the subject not wanting to scare him off. You're not sure if you're fostering him or not... but sometimes it takes an Astartes awhile to warm up or not... they're odd in that way always in control of their situation.
Alpharius muses... he probably won't stay tonight but maybe another night when he is willing to give it more of a chance but he'll gladly stay for a meal and some affection.
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aetheternity · 8 months
I got to finish playing through Fontaine today! Here are my thoughts cause a while ago ya'll loved hearing me speak on things. (Spoilers under the cut obviously)
~ Lyney and Lynette 🥺 I didn't expect to love them as much as I do 😭😭 (Freminet too though I liked him as soon as I saw him) though I do find it annoying how much slack the fandom has allowed those two to get seeing as they both lied to the Traveler and put them on the spot during an important trial. Traveler thought of them as good friends and decided to support the two of them out of the kindness of their hearts because Lyney helped them out previously only to find out they'd hidden a possible trail breaking secret if Furina hadn't mentioned it they probably still wouldn't have said anything the only reason they did was because they got cornered. If we're being real Traveler could've just walked away right after that confession but they not only stayed but made sure that Lyney and Lynette would not get charged for something they had nothing to do with. Traveler doesn't have to be friends with literally any of the people they encounter and that includes Lyney and Lynette. Just cause ya'll love them doesn't mean Traveler has to as well a sad backstory doesn't make up for betrayal and in regards to people who keep bringing up Traveler being buddy buddy with Childe. Childe has A, been in the story way longer, B, Traveler knows who Childe is and despite how close ya'll think they are Traveler is wary of him too. A couple updates ago he was making sure to warn Yomiya not to put all her trust in Childe let's stop acting like Traveler loves Childe and thinks he can do no wrong in comparison to Lyney and Lynette. Traveler just knows what Childe is capable of in comparison to Lyney and Lynette who they've known for what like two days.
~ Never has an NPC's death shaken me that hard before. In any game! I literally went 😦 when that cutscene played.
~ It was so amazing getting to find evidence and pick apart details of this case then have Neuvillette explain the whole situation out in full to the audience again. I especially enjoyed the drawings of each scene from different characters perspectives.
~ Furina is my girlfailure wife and she has been placed under Venti for second favorite archon. 💕💕 She's so bratty, cute and dramatic I wanna breed her 😩
~ I was not expecting to like Neuvillette and Navia as much as I do now! Especially Navia who I adore whole heartedly now that's a girlboss.
~ Every time she started crying I wanted to hold her.
Honestly this region was perfect for me. I love mysteries and I rarely ever found myself uninterested or bored with the story like I have with every other nation. I love Navia's character, her relationship with Traveler treating them like her partner and relying on them the way she did while also keeping them safe was so so cute and sweet and if I could draw I'd draw the Traveler I picked (Aether) with Navia as partners in detective work (Sorry Heizou you've been replaced..) I can't get enough of Furina and I can't wait for her first story quest, the leaks of her playstyle and more from her. I wanna see what kinds of things she says to her people outside of the courtroom/opera house. I wanna see her more vulnerable side shine out a bit more often. I wanna hear every voiceline she has more than once. I'm normal about her.. (I spent all night thinking about how gorgeous she is..) I want her. I hope Lynette gets a hangout soon she's so cute but I do think she needs more personality outside of her brothers.
Fontaine is also so so beautiful 😍 the underwater mechanic is surprisingly not as annoying as I thought it would be to navigate though I do find it a little annoying that we can't fight using our characters skills. I get why I just don't like it. I wish we'd spent more time in the underground because it's amazing and the way it all looks is so impressive also wish we could buy food and things from the vendors down there.
I beg of Hoyo to give the Fontaine characters even half as much screen time as the Sumeru gang cause I have to say I am far more interested in all the Fontaine characters with only one patch of them then I ever have been with the Sumeru mfers.
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sansxfuckyou · 6 months
Summary: Sometimes Kenny needs to force himself to slow down and just look at everything that's brought him to this brand new state of waking up beside Kyle every morning
Warnings: Heavily described character death (its the one that keeps him dead for a season), hospitals, descriptions of limbo, crying, check Ao3 port for full tags
Authors Note: I got a bit silly with the dialogue placement so there's close to none instead of the usual amount, don't worry though we have a happy ending cause I'm weak. hope ya'll enjoy!
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Kenny doesn't ever consider himself a 'lucky guy.' Not even when he's winning big in blackjack, or not dying despite everything. He just doesn't think about his life, each and every terrible death he's endured only for no one but him (and sometimes Cartman) too remember, and go 'thats good luck.'
Who can blame him either?
The world keeps throwing these absolutely terrible situations at him where he had no choice but to die, for everyone too watch, and for no one too remember it the next day. Sure, he'd get lucky sometimes and have a day without death even though he's almost being drowned in an intricate cave system. And sometimes he'd wake up and have Cartman call and ask if he's feeling alright, but that rarely happens. He's just coasted through the motions since grade three, every single day bringing a death worse than the last until he hit his absolute lowest point.
He isn't even sure of what it actually was, but he'd say it was like cancer, or how people describe cancer when they know nothing about it. He was hospitalized. He couldn't walk, he couldn't sleep, he couldn't even eat or drink. He was stuck in an uncomfortable bed for so long, hooked up too a machine that beeped with his heart and carefully monitored him. He knew he was truly fucked when that happened, that this would be it, for real.
His muscles were atrophying, slowly deteriorating in a way that only spelled out death. And he fully expected to slug through the remainder of his pitiful days alone in a room sterilized to the point it made his eyes water. Walls painted a dull gray that made him feel as dead as he was going to be once more. But Kyle was there the entire time, at his side, translating for the doctors and holding his hand even though he was sure it would infect the redhead. Kyle was sitting there throughout every moment of his remaining days, holding his hand, filling the silence, and despite the doctors orders, opening the curtains for some light.
Kenny remembers his last day vividly, in full color but some details tearing at the edge. He remembers his heartbeat starting too fade out. He remembers how hot Kyle's tears were when he wiped them aside. He remembers the smile he forced to console Kyle because death isn't that scary. But for Kyle it was scary. They were still kids when that happened, no older than thirteen, it made sense Kyle was scared. Maybe if he remembered Kenny's deaths he wouldn't be as worried, he'd know the blonde would come back.
Although, what Kenny remembers the most are the few words Kyle said too him.
"Please don't die, I need you,"
And he remembers how much reverence was on them, he remembers the depth. He knew exactly what they meant but he couldn't croak out a response. He lost his voice permanently two days beforehand, vocal chords rotted away leaving him speechless. All he could do was try his very hardest to squeeze Kyle's hand and hope that sufficed to say 'I need you too.' He remembers the sheer terror on Kyle's form when he finally faded out, being allowed to stay in the same plane for just a bit longer.
He remembers the absolutely gut-wrenching sobs that tore through Kyle as he clutched Kenny's frail and deteriorated corpse close. He knows it was still warm as Kyle sobbed into his shoulder, and tangled his hand into faded hair. He remembers watching the doctors have too tear away his body from Kyle before the redhead would let go only in a physical sense. He remembers what came after as well, he was allowed to stay till sundown and watch over his friends as they cried and denied.
He still gets a kick out of the STEM cell restaurant, and he wonders if Cartman knew that'd get a laugh out of him even in death. He knows that those cells probably couldn't have saved him, it was already too late by the time the cells had arrived. He remembers laughing to the point it should've hurt as he watched Kyle and Cartman fight about the misuse of the STEM cells.
And then he was in the darkness for who knows how long. His curse refused to kick in and he remembered exactly how much he hated his time in the void. He hated it more than his time in hell, because at least in hell he had someone too talk to. Albeit that someone turned him into a platypus, but it was someone. He remembers sitting there in the terrible pitch black space. The air was humid but all too dry at the same time. He'd be stuck in a horrible temperature of almost cold or switch too almost hot. The silence absolute aside from his own cracking and quiet voice. And no matter how far he tried to run or swim or fly through the abyss, he was always back where he started because it was always the same.
He remembers falling asleep in darkness and waking up in a room that smelt like alcohol and mildew. He remembers the ecstasy and euphoria that shot through him when he could feel his own heartbeat. Of course, he also had too stay in control and not look too giddy as he rushed out the door only halting to catch Karen in a hug so tight she complained it hurt a bit. He remembers how loud the snow under his boots sounded in his ears.
He remembers seeing Kyle and dragging him into a hug, hoisting him up just a little bit. He wanted so badly to kiss him right then and there to say the three magic words until his throat was raw. But he didn't, instead Kyle asked where he went for so long and Kenny just pointed south easy and said 'over there.' He remembers the sense of worry on Kyle's voice and how he held himself after that, be remembers it all so clearly up until he took Kyle's hand and squeezed tight before asking one simple question.
"Do you remember?"
And despite his hesitance, Kyle nodded, he squeezed tighter in response. Then he yanked Kenny all too close and the memory of the desperation in his motions left Kenny woozy. He remembers how softly the redhead shook and cried because he wasn't insane, Kenny did die. And Kenny remembers the way that he didn't know what he was supposed to say because Kyle remembered.
"I still need you man,"
And now, six years later, Kenny finds himself still facing the same hardships, but with a very different backdrop. His head is resting on Kyle's chest as he stares up at the ceiling and listens too his lovers heartbeat. It's the most calming white noise Kenny has access too, the most therapeutic chain of sounds he knows of. It pairs nicely with the rise and fall of Kyle's chest.
He props himself upright with a gentle sigh, unlatching fingers from where they rest, firmly grasping his midsection and holding him close. Kyle still needs him, and Kenny still needs Kyle. He traces over Kyle's form with his eyes, from where the blanket has been kicked off down to every contour of his face. He looks nice, he looks peaceful. He blinks himself awake with a yawn and Kenny smiles a little bit before Kyle focuses his eyes on the blonde.
"Whatcha thinking about?" Kyle asked, voice dredged in sleepiness and dripping with that perfect flavor of just woke up disorientation.
Kenny gives a hum as he runs a hand through Kyle's hair, "Just how lucky I am to have you."
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skylxft · 3 years
Precious. « a SessKik fic »
Her hands were masterpieces to behold.
They were delicate, gentle in touch and providing comfort in the simplest of caresses. With a brush of her fingers, tears were wiped away, lives were mended, and pulses would quicken. He had witnessed it time and again — when Rin or village children would cry, when she would heal the sick, and when the (lowly) human men would gaze at her in longing.
Her hands were powerful.
There was no one alive — human and demon alike — that didn’t know of her strength and skill. Years of work, years of fighting had hardened her hands and strengthened them. It spoke of her fearlessness and her dedication — to protect, to do what was right. A bow, no matter its quality, turned into the deadliest of weapons in her hands. An enemy wouldn’t stand a chance against her.
Even he, the great Lord of the Western Lands, found it hard to stand against her.
For different reasons entirely.
(Not that he would ever admit them aloud.)
“Lord Sesshoumaru, look! Lady Kikyo taught me how to make this!”
At the call of his name, he turned to look at Rin. A warm fondness filled him at seeing her bright smile, at the way she bounced in excitement and her eyes sparkled. Not a moment later, she presented him what she held in her hands: a crown of yellow flowers.
“Isn’t it beautiful? Lady Kikyo said she used to make them for her sister all the time when they were smaller,” Rin hummed, staring at him expectedly.
“It is.”
Although his answer had been short, it seemed to be enough for the young girl as her smile somehow managed to grow. Truly, the sun couldn’t compare to the shine and warmth of her smile in that moment.
"Oh, oh! I can give it to A-Un to wear! I'll make another one with Lady Kikyo! So they each have one!" Rin studied the little crown, practically bouncing again before stopping, looking up at him again. "Is that alright, Lord Sesshoumaru?"
His answer was a simple nod, a whisper of a smile tugging at his mouth. All at once, Rin threw herself at him, giving him a tight one-armed hug (as to not crush or ruin the crown he supposes), before running off, a bounce in her stride and laughter in the air. It stunned him momentarily, still so unused to the (now frequent) displays of affection the young child would give him.
She had gotten bolder, more sure of herself. There were still traces of the frightened child that would hide behind his leg every once in a while, but it was different now. Now, with the added help of Kikyo and her daily lessons, she was blooming into a surer Rin. And if the demon lord was honest, it was endearing.
Kikyo was a good influence on her.
It was… amusing when he looked back on things.
They started as strangers (or enemies, really) that simply tried to do what was best for Rin. Kikyo was certain that it would be better to not have her constantly at risk by staying at his side; that she would thrive better living in a human village. He, however, trusted no one to protect Rin as he would. Unsurprisingly, given both of their stubbornness, they came to an impasse.
('How could you possibly think it is safe for a human child to stay by your side when demons are constantly attacking you? How foolishly stubborn you are.')
Begrudgingly, they began traveling together for the most part. Sometimes Kikyo would drift off on her own, only to come back a few days later with new supplies and things for Rin. Other times, Sesshoumaru would be the one to wander off, leaving Rin behind with the priestess as well as Jaken and A-Un. Upon his return, he would often find them near a human village where Kikyo would be tending to the sick with Rin in tow.
Eventually, it grew to be their normal, their routine.
Rin genuinely seemed to enjoy having the priestess around — happy to have someone to talk to and teach her things. Kikyo would tell her stories and teach Rin all that she knew in return. And on nights where Rin would wake from nightmares or when her fear of being alone crept in, Kikyo would take the child in her arms and soothed her. At any point in which Rin needed her, Kikyo was there. It was almost as if the affection that they had for one another was familial — almost like a mother and her child.
(He was a bit jealous.)
As for how they treated another now, it was… a bit strange.
The demon lord wasn't quite sure when it happened, but there was an emptiness inside that would rear its (wholly unwanted) head during the moments in which he wandered alone. It wasn't surprising that he sometimes felt something similar when he left Rin alone with Jaken and A-Un, but this was different. This emptiness he felt was something else entirely. Almost as if something was gnawing at his heart, gnawing at his very being when he thought of the priestess during these times.
As if there was something that was missing — something that his heart was longing for...
How ridiculous.
The Great Lord Sesshoumaru, Lord of the Western Lands, would not long for a human priestess of all things. And he most certainly wouldn't long for someone like Kikyo. Certainly not.
(Or at least, that's what he would often say to try to convince himself.
...It wasn't working.)
The scent of bellflowers and rain filled his senses then, her familiar aura a gentle (and welcoming) embrace as the priestess drew closer. A shiver ran along his spine, settling into his heart as she walked through the trees. A hint of a soft smile still lingered on her face — one that he often associated with times she spent with Rin.
(Oh, to have that smile directed at him one day…)
"I see Rin has gotten her way again. Poor Jaken has been strong-armed into helping her find the perfect flowers for A-Un." There was a crinkling of laughter in her deep brown eyes, of fondness. The demon lord rather liked that look on her.
"Mn. Jaken is hardly a match for A-Un, much less for Rin."
The chimes of her laughter were quiet, stifled behind a hand as she tried to keep her composure. Her eyes were like jewels in the sun, glittering and brilliant. She was smiling. Truly smiling.
She was beautiful.
(For a human.
...okay, she was beautiful.)
A comfortable silence fell on them then, soft and warm and familiar. They weren't always very verbal when it was just the two of them — even if they were on much better terms now. When they first started traveling together, they would exchange biting quips and frosty words of provocation whenever they did speak, caring little for one another and yet trying to rile the other up. But now was different. Now, they would spend most of their time together like this, in the comfortable quiet as they went about their business. They would exchange words now and again as well as quips, but there was no real bite to them. They were… friendly. Kind even.
Her company was certainly better appreciated than the mindless squawkings of Jaken. Heavens know how he lasted as long as he did listening to the rambles of the little imp.
No, this was much better.
Another shiver coursed through the demon lord at her voice, relishing the way she said his name. She was one of the few (aside from his annoying brother and his brother's human) that dared to directly call him by his name alone, but she was the only one who called his name like this. Like it was something important — like something to behold and treasure. She called his name so rarely, so each instance that she did managed to sear itself into his very being.
"I believe Rin would appreciate it if you were to join us in making the crowns." A smirk pulled at the corners of her mouth, clearly teasing. "I don't expect you to make any yourself given that it's not something that a great demon lord such as yourself would likely be interested in."
He wanted to wipe the smirk off her face.
(And if he was honest, preferably with his mouth.)
Instead of answering Kikyo, he simply began to walk in the direction whence she came, following Rin's scent of sunshine and blossoms. Behind him, he could hear her stifled laughter carried on the wind.
He felt impossibly warm.
━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━
He was beautiful. Anyone with eyes could see that. For all his venom and ice, he was virtually otherworldly in terms of beauty.
Sometimes — mostly during the times she would see him in the moonlight — he managed to take her breath away because of it. The priestess was nearly sure he was aware he did so.
He had to know; the way he would look at her at times spoke of something. What the something was, she wasn't sure. But it always burned deep within her when he would look at her that way.
It made her want things. Things that she perhaps would’ve wanted as a normal human woman.
(Not that she would exactly admit that. Not even to herself.)
For now, those thoughts would remain under lock and key, and Kikyo's focus would be on the scene before her. 
There was something so endearing seeing a proud demon lord like Sesshoumaru sitting down in a field of flowers with a human child, attentive and present as Rin prattled on about something. It was perhaps one of the loveliest sights Kikyo had ever witnessed. Heartwarming, really.
There was a bounce to the way Rin moved when she was around him, a pleased sort of excitement that just oozed from her. As if all she wanted to do was to be in his presence and have him be pleased with her.
It reminded Kikyo of how a child would be with her father.
(And if it made her curious about how Sesshoumaru would be with his own child, she wouldn't say.)
"Rin, there is no need to bother Lord Sesshoumaru with your useless squabbling!" Jaken stomped his foot, steam practically radiating off of him. Meanwhile, the demon lord himself rolled his eyes ever-so elegantly.
"It's not useless!" Rin's lip jutted out indignantly, her little arms crossing. "Lady Kikyo told me that you could use some flowers in salves to help cure wounds! Right, Lady Kikyo?"
The priestess was almost sure her heart melted a little more each time Rin looked at her with those eyes, warm and expectant. She gave warmth like the summer sun. It was impossible to not love the child.
She'd defend Rin with her very life if necessary.
"It seems you've taken our lessons seriously. I'm proud, Rin." At her response, Rin smiled while Jaken bristled and set off, dragging along A-Un and muttering as he went (and surely cursing her no doubt). Despite this, Kikyo quietly chuckled to herself, knowing well that Jaken would be back soon after and bickering with Rin yet again over something small.
Just another typical day traveling together.
"Rin, are you going to show Se—Lord Sesshoumaru how you make the crown?" Calling him by his title always felt strange — distant even. Like they were complete strangers and hadn't been traveling together for some time now.
He didn't seem to like it either given the momentary crease in his brow. And if she hadn't known better, he glanced at her when she had. Had she blinked, she would've missed it.
Or maybe she was imagining it? Maybe it didn't matter to him at all. Perhaps to the demon lord, nothing between them had changed much and he was merely tolerating this? Whatever this was.
Maybe this tentative friendship — this companionship — didn't mean anything.
(She prayed it meant something.)
Rin, none the wiser, proceeded to explain the process of making the crown to Sesshoumaru, buzzing with enthusiasm as she did so. With every step, she would show and explain it to him much in the same way Kikyo had done with her. In return, he would nod and add a 'mn' here and there. It was the same cycle until Rin finished another crown.
It was cute.
It warmed her heart all over again.
"Look, Lady Kikyo! I did it!" Rin quickly ran to her to show her work, a bounce in her step and eyes sparkling as she went.
"It's beautiful, Rin. You're learning so quickly. Job well done," she smiled at Rin, gently caressing the side of her face. It didn't seem to be enough for Rin, however, as she threw her small arms around Kikyo and hugged her.
"Thank you, Lady Kikyo! I love you!" Her voice rang with happiness, nuzzling into the priestess' neck before stepping back from the embrace. "I'm going to show A-Un the crowns! I bet they'll be excited!"
And with that, Rin skipped off after Jaken and A-Un, leaving excitement and giggles in her wake.
And leaving both Kikyo and Sesshoumaru stunned all over again.
It wasn't the first time that the young girl had said that to either of them. No, in fact, it was more common to have her confess it to Kikyo than the others (with the exception of A-Un). Regardless, every time Rin said it, it sunk deep and filled in cracks that none of them knew they had.
Like being filled with molten sunshine.
(If Sesshoumaru wasn't in front of her, she'd perhaps tear up just a bit.)
"I'm glad that Rin enjoyed the crowns that much," Kikyo thought aloud, staring after Rin's direction, not really expecting conversation. But he was looking at her; she could just feel him watching her intently. Her skin was buzzing with it. "Perhaps she enjoyed it more because we were here with her."
It was quiet for a moment, the humming of insects and the occasional rustling of animals the only sound between them. But there was something in the air between them. It was almost tangible.
Like feathers whispering against skin.
"Thank you."
Everything in her froze at his words.
Did he really just… thank her?
"What ever for?" She hoped her voice was even; still and calm like an undisturbed pool of water. Within her, however, she was anything but still. Her heart was practically thrumming in her throat, in her ears.
A quick scan of his face held no answer, but he was looking at her and there was something in his gaze that she couldn't quite place. Something in his molten eyes that made her feel like he was going to consume her.
There were shivers crawling along her spine because of it.
(In a good way.)
"Rin is pleased to have you here." Sesshoumaru's gaze drifted off towards the direction of the others, looking but unseeing. There was something unspoken, something on the tip of his tongue and the priestess knew it. But what was it?
"Only Rin?" She scoffed then, a small laugh on her lips. "Surely A-Un and Jaken have warmed up to me after all this time. A-Un sometimes seeks me out to pet it, and Jaken… well, he no longer calls me 'troublesome wench' anymore."
He took a quick exhale of breath then, and Kikyo knew that he found it amusing to some degree. But still, he wasn't looking at her.
Why wasn't he looking at her?
If only she could coax him into speaking of his thoughts about her. Of how he saw their comfortable companionship. But words were never quite easy for her when it came to emotions, so how could she expect it from him?
They were both so quiet, so used to being alone in that way. To open up in that sense — to be honest and willing to share those parts of themselves — would be far beyond what either of them were comfortable with.
(Oh, to be as free as Rin and to talk of her affections as flippantly as other human women…)
"I enjoy being here. And I love Rin as well." There was more she wanted to add to the confession, but this was safe. It wasn't a lie, but the whole truth was so much deeper than it.
Just a singular drop in the ocean.
But bearing her heart on her sleeves hadn't always been the smartest nor safest choice for her. It had never been in her to give her heart so easily to begin with; it was more of a guarded treasure really. No, she was careful, mindful of who she let hold onto it.
If the demon lord asked for it, however, there would be a chance she would give it over easily. It sickened her as much as it frustrated her.
(Not as if Sesshoumaru could possibly feel the same.
She was a human…)
The sound of Rin and Jaken bickering (again) caught Kikyo's attention then, A-Un trailing behind the two with crowns of flowers sitting atop its heads. For all the chaos that would follow, it was a welcome distraction from her thoughts and this… interaction with Sesshoumaru.
She stood up then, brushing off her clothes as the darkness of her thoughts slipped away, slithering back into its box.
"Lord Sesshoumaru! Master Jaken said A-Un looks ridiculous with flowers!"
"Stupid girl! Don't bother Lord Sesshoumaru with such a troublesome complaint!"
"I'm not stupid! Lady Kikyo says I'm a quick learner!"
A smile settled on Kikyo's face as the two kept up their petty squabble, a laugh bubbling at the back of her throat at how suddenly exasperated Sesshoumaru looked. The demon lord was quick to end the fight, declaring it time to set camp for the night before wandering off to patrol the perimeter. Just like all the nights before, she would be in charge of setting up camp and everything that came after.
They would eat, Kikyo would tell Rin a story before bed, and right before the young girl would fall asleep, the demon lord would return and bid her good night. 
How strange it is that this could fill her with so much warmth. That this little family (because she was willing to admit that's what they were) could put her at ease. That this routine would make her feel a part of something.
They were her home now.
Sesshoumaru was another case entirely, but it wasn't time for that. Those thoughts were for another day, another moment in time.
Perhaps one day, they could speak on it. And if words failed them, well… there were other ways.
Maybe one day.
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•End Point•
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(Au idea! Inspired by Self Aware/Cult Au/God Au/Yandere Au!)
"In the olden days of Tevyat, they said there was a God that took away Archos or God's powers. The rumors say that the creature would watch from underneath the land you walk on. Or in the smoke or shadows in the sky. Always watching, waiting, hunting. The creatures had made sure that the gods that once lived were no more."
"They say they killed them, others say that they ate the remains of the gods like a dog. No one knows, yet people had realized that the creature had killed humans as well. Infants, childern, adults and even the elderly."
"Not many say what it looks like. For no one truly knows. It changes: is what others say."
The old man told the blonde headed traveler. Seeing the once passive expression turn real quick. His floating companion holding the collar of the male travlers clothing. Quivering in utter fear at the old man's words. "W-w-w-what!?" Paimon screams in horror.
The old man merely nods. Uncaring of the two's anxiousness. "Yes, sad as it may sound. We all meet are maker in the end." The man had said, his saggy skin hanging off his frail bones.
"The way I look at it, I would suggest you start finishing up your quests and start doing what you really want. Hahaa.." The old man said with a laugh, his saddening words impacting Aether deeply. "R-right." The young male replied, watching the old fellow head into the crowd of consumers in the town market.
A woman adorn in a black cloak follows after the man. Aether sees this and rushes after them, a uneasy feeling tightened in his stomach. Accidently pushing people aside so he wouldn't lose track of them. Ignoring their curses or shrieks at his actions. Paimon floats after her friend, wondering what was happening in that head of his.
Aether readies his sword, his heart pounding as he tries to reach the endpoint.
Finally meeting a standstill, the young traveler stares at the beautiful being in anguish. Collapsing to the ground in exhaustion, his labored breaths falling quiet. Watching as the woman lifting up her sythe; ready to land the final blow of his life. He expected her to kneel down and rip his soul out through his chest. Just liked she had done to the old man. Or decapitate him with the sliver of her blade.
Instead, she said a few words a mile a minute like a rush of whispers. The tone filled with kindness and sympathy, yet sounded hollow with a echo.
"Get up. Your journey isn't over. I'm sorry."
Aether could barely breathe, the air had stilled as the smell of flowers had turned sour. Suffocating-!
Coughing and choking through it all, he blinks his eyes and everything around was back to normal. The only thing different was the man he followed was on the ground. No longer alive as bits of bugs had started to devour bits of his skin.
Aether doesn't get up as he pukes out a bit of his lunch, along with black hints of ashes and black tar. Heaving a breath, happy tears fall from his rosy cheeks. Uncaring if Paimon was there or not. For Aether had more than one reason to keep going...
To find the God or Archon of DEATH.
(Here you guys go! A new Au! Yay! This idea sprung from a bunch of fanfics and so this little fic was born. If this gets a enough positive feed back it could become another series like [The Songs That Traveled Across The World]. Anyway hope ya'll enjoy! Please send in asks and have a good day! More characters will be added)
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✨More Requested Headcanons✨
Sorry this is a smidge late, been busy with work and regular adult stuff. You know;
💖 Boring Crap That Costs me Money 💖
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
This request was submitted before my rules post so I still included Baki even though he is in canon a minor, I aged him up to his mid twenties. Let me know if this is problematic for some people, I only want to spread the good vibes and good times with ya'll sweeties!
Let me know your opinions on aging up characters, yay or nay? If anyone has a problem with it, please let me know!
I hope everyone is having a good day/night!
Their reaction to their Fem!S/o becoming drunk; confesses their love for, and then trying to seduce them. Then changing their mind and only wanting to give kisses and snuggle while continuing to confess their love.
Kaoru Hanayama:
He would find it a mix of endearing as well as amusing. More so depending on if his s/o is more shy or outgoing.
The shyer they are, he will tease them while holding them.
More outgoing, he will admire their honesty and boldness to openly talk about their feelings.
He finds it cute that they are teary eyed and confessing their love for him.
When they try to seduce him, kissing his face, caressing his neck, chest, grinding into his lap, he gets serious and a bit hot under the collar.
Hands going up and down their body, lifting their shirt off, and playing with the clasp of their pants…
Until his s/o becomes teary eyed again and goes back to confessing their love and saying they want to cuddle in bed for the rest of the night.
He’d chuckle at the turn of events, carrying his s/o to their shared bed and letting them have their cuddly way with him.
Hemming and haa-ing at his partners musings, stating his own feelings for them by holding them a little tighter, and just enjoying their presence.
“ There are no words elegant enough to describe my feelings for you “
Jack Hanma:
He’d 100% be laughing and enjoying their drunken shenanigans.
Since he's so freaking BeEfY, it takes a lot to get him drunk, so watching his s/o get smashed is always a verified good time.
Be ready to be teased relentlessly the morning after regardless of how bad the hangover is.
He knows they love him through their actions, so them taking the time to confess with their words only feeds his ego.
Though hearing them say it in public strokes his ego in the best way. Expect to be pinned to the nearest wall.
So when their confessions turn to incorrigible flirting, kisses, and steamy touches, he’s 1000% down for it.
He’d pick them up ASAP and move them somewhere more comfortable.
This isn’t the first time his s/o got this shit faced and he knows he has a time limit before they return to their lovesick coo-ing.
He’ll be trying to keep the mood going for as long as he can.
Unless his partner tells/shows him otherwise
We do not stand by boundary stompers in this house, no ma’am
When the mood eventually fizzles out, he’s fine to deal with his pent up vibes on his own time.
Being content with having his inebriated s/o ‘s coo-ing and the cuddles they offer.
Opting to Open a few beers for himself, resolved that he’s missed his window anyways.
if there is no sex tonight why not get shitfaced together?
“ No one drives me crazy like you do, never change. ”
Baki Hanma: (aged up to mid twenties)
Baki would be drunk with them.
Serenading each other with sappy love songs
hugging each other while repeatedly trying to one up each other in affection
“ I love you the most”
“No I love YOU the mostest”
“Well fuck you, I love you the morest”
He’s spent his life fighting and becoming stronger, so he hasn’t spent all that much time, if at all, around alcohol and building a tolerance to it.
Like give this man-child some bread please
So when his s/o tries to bring the sexy, it goes over his head.
He’s oblivious to their advances. All he knows is he needs to tell them he loves them more than they love him.
He’d touch their forehead with his, and just stare at them in a drunken haze,
“ Hey y/n, listen I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise. Just stay with me so I can protect you”
Beware of projectile vomit inbound.
Yujiro Hanma:
The absolute EGO BOOST this man gets
If they were somewhere public he is grinning and laughing like the mad man he is.
He’d be running his hands up and down his s/o back, sides, legs. Just enjoying the feeling of his rough, calloused hands rubbing against their much softer skin.
He’s half listening to them after a while, mostly just enjoying his own buzz and feeling them up.
When he feels them grind against him, his full attention is back on them.
He’ll give them a choice to stop here, if they don’t then they should expect to not walk tomorrow.
“ If you know what's good for you dollface, you'll have some water and call it a night. Unless you want to be my chew toy that is. ”
Kaioh Retsu:
Retsu would be loving the cuddles, and general fawning from his s/o.
Although he is concerned about the amount of alcohol they’ve consumed, he can’t help but find the blush on their cheeks to be adorable and in general just admiring them
Welcome to cuddle town
He’s making sure they are hydrated, giving them snacks, and just doing his best to help minimize the hangover that will be coming in the morning.
When they eventually try to seduce him, he becomes rigid.
He feels like he would be taking advantage of them in this state, so he's going to be doing everything in his power to settle them down.
Though he can't hide the deep blush on his face, no matter how much he wants to.
He’d keep them close to his side, still wanting to take care of them
tracing patterns on their back, and telling them stories from his time at the temple, and his travels.
Eventually he’d lull his drunken s/o to sleep, staring at their relaxed expression and be so content and proud to have them as his own.
“ Let’s stay like this, just a little while longer ”
Katsumi Orochi:
He’d be pretty bashful, as he was out drinking with his s/o, Atsushi Suedo, Kiyosumi Katou, and his Shinshinkai comrades.
Having his s/o clinging to him as they confess their feelings makes him feel a sense of pride.
They choose him, out of all the fighters, the men and women around them, they choose to be with him.
Katou and Suedo would be teasing the hell out of the pair.
Now imagine the awkward silence when y/n becomes a little spicy
Katsumi is red in the face, fumbling his words, unable to form a syllable, let alone a full sentence.
Katou is dying from laughter, cracking jokes, and in general just being Katou.
And Suedo is hiding his face, that's his brother’s partner and he (Suedo) is a respectful gentleman after all!
Ignore the gap in his fingies.
Katsumi would eventually regain enough composure to scoop up his s/o in his arms and go for the door.
He’s determined that now is a good time to call it a night for the two of them.
Whether they were able to sober up a bit during the escape or not, Katsumi would insist on carrying them all the way to their shared home.
They just look so cute in his arms, he might explode at the cuteness.
“ Like hell I’ll ever let you go. Now or ever, you're stuck with me ”
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talesoftxt · 5 years
TXT Hogwarts AU
So this is my first time publicly sharing my writings and I'm really nervous and also kind of excited. Please bear with me, English isn't my first language however I do try to do my best in my works. Anywhos here's my first post I hope you guy enjoy!
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•was shunned his whole life due to his parents being deatheaters in the second wizarding war
•raised by his grandmother who he loves to pieces
•don't tell anyone but grandma choi actually raised him muggle style so he's very knowledgable when it comes to them
•his one and only friend is soobin, that is of course before he met the three other boys
•the sorting hat barely even touched his head before it announced "slytherin"
•worked his way up until he became what he is today
•his goal is to erase the stigma of slytherins being evil
•intimidates everyone with his sharp eyes and blank face but don't be fooled, he's as extra and wild as the others
•once dared himself to wrestle with the black lake's giant squid
•always aims to be the best at everything, probably to the point of overworking himself
•as a first year flying had come naturally to him and easily became his favourite subject but was soon replaced by defence against the dark arts
•the boy is a quick thinker and could disarm his opponent in a matter of seconds, though he is good at casting other spells he opts for a defensive style of duelling
•ever since he was young he dreamt of being an auror
•the team captain of slytherin's quidditch team, his swiftness and agility earned him the title "best chaser"
•dubbed as "slytherin's prince" his housemates respect and look up to him
•don't cross him.just don't.
•very cautious when it comes to picking his friends and is very protective of soobin because he's just too damn precious
•gets along with kai really well because theyre both crackheads and kai is too cute not to like
•isn't one to share his feelings but because of his friends he's getting more and more open
•his greatest fear is becoming evil and hurting his friends
•he's really just a tiny bean who loves his friends and would do anything for them
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•coming from a very traditional pureblood family, he doesn't really understand muggle lifestyle
•a straight A student prefect and athlete, he's the epitome of model student
•doesn't like to break the rules but somehow always finds himself staying up with taehyun or getting dragged to the dark forest by kai
•takes away points by decimals just because he thinks its funny
•can get pretty scary when someone questions his authority
•"out of bed past curfew? 4.23 points from gryffindor" "is that even allowed??"
•he's a responsible prefect and shuts everyone up with one stern look
•number one on the school's boyfriend material list (because c'mon he's like perfect)
•a perfect gentleman who's ready to help with a dimpled smile on his face
•takes muggle studies because he likes muggles and wants to know about them more
•still doesn't know what the function of a rubber duck is
•can cook up a potion even without the help of a guide and can recognize a herb by it's texture alone
•his favourite subjects are potions and herbology
•probably because the two are kind of connected in a way
•literally has a journal where he writes down everything he's learned about muggles
•nearly cried when he received a toaster from taehyun as a gift because he's always wanted one for his bread
•wants to be a healer in the future
•his future career also helps because all his friends can't go a day without injuring themselves
•keeper soobin (you gets?because the boy is such a keeper?hehehehe)
•his tall stature and quick reflexes helps him block quaffles from the opposite team
•recognizes hueningkai as his number one cheerer and never fails to wink at him before the start of every game
•always makes sure taehyun gets enough sleep, beomgyu and kai stay out of trouble and keeps yeonjun from overworking himself
•they always make sure to bring him back little muggle trinkets after they come back from the holidays
•the boys are just really thankful for soobin existance and love him so much
•choi soobin is a lovable and amazing bunny (that's the tea sis)
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•gets himself into pretty stupid situations just bc he's too damn heroic
•always stirs up trouble but somehow charms himself out of it
•he's like,really charming
•made mcgonagall blush that one time
•he's absolutely cunning,his ability to hide his true intentions behind an angelic smile scares the crap out of the boys
•just don't mess with his friends
•bc of this the sorting hat actually took longer to sort him than usual wondering whether it should put him in slytherin or gryffindor, he had almost been a hatstall but after a silent debate between the two beomgyu had chosen gryffindor bc they had and i quote 'pretty colours'
•had to be physically restrained by soobin and yeonjun after he tried to fight a student who had called taehyun a "mudblood"
•Charms and transfiguration are his areas of expertise
•favourite spell is "accio" and practically uses it for everything
•"accio yeonjun hyung's clothes "beomgyu!"
•"accio taehyun's love of his life" "bold of you to assume i have any I-" "accio taehyun's books" "you little shi-"
•takes muggle studies just for the hell of it and because it's easy
•gryffindor's seeker,this boy could spot a snitch from miles away
•has his own fanclub with members from all four houses
•yes that's how charming he is
•no one really knows how but beomgyu always manages to enter all three other houses' common rooms
•his favourite hang out place would probably be ravenclaw's common room
•annoying taehyun is this guy's favourite past time, he just finds it cute when the younger glares at him
•if he's not annoying taehyun he's probably off pulling pranks and causing trouble all around the castle
•is currently grooming kai to become a prankster like him, he just has to figure out a way to stop the boy from being so goddamn loud everytime they prank someone
•in general he's a chaotic mess but everyone still loves him
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•once something catches his eye he makes it a goal to learn everything about it
•no one really knows what to expect with taehyun probably bc he was so quiet and introverted
•as he gets used to life in the magical world he starts to become more confident and bold
•"why do we still use quills when ballpens literally exists?''
•''are you serious?a letter?kai you have a phone use it''
•his wisdom and good advices remind people why he's in ravenclaw
•his two favourite subjects are transfiguration and history of magic
•transfigured soobin into a bunny once at kai's request (well probably just to shut him up)
•history nerd and draco malfoy enthusiast
•''he was only a child!''
•doesn't even bother to answer the riddles' properly
•"where do vanished objects go?" "somewhere other than where they were vanished from,duh."
•usually found in the common room late at night cramming homeworks he's been putting on hold bc he found something much more interesting to do
•legend says prefect soobin always stays up with him (no one knows if its true or not no one has ever tried to find out in fear of facing choi soobin's wrath if he finds them out of bed)
•an excellent beater, taehyun's one of the best in their team even at such a young age
•rumours are he's one of the candidates for next team captain
•is soobin's source of muggle knowledge, probably bc kai only teaches them memes and popular vines and beomgyu just cant be bothered with
•claims he loses braincells every time kai opens his mouth but deep down he loves the boy like his brother
•looks up to his yeonjun and soobin hyungs
•unbothered king 24/7
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• the boy literally dragged taehyun with him and introduced himself to nearly everyone during the train ride
•never fails to say "me dad's a muggle; mam's a witch,bitofanastyshockforhim
whenhefoundout" every time he introduces himself
•excels in care of magical creatures (probably bc every single creature falls in love with the boy on sight) and almost always accompanies hagrid to the dark forest
•let's be real ya'll the dark forest probably isn't so dark anymore with the amount of sunshine kai emits
•nearly gave soobin a heart attack when he had dragged the elder into the dark forest
•at the age of 13 the dark forest was just a forest to kai, "wild centaurs?bitch please i braid baby centaurs hair on saturdays"
•idolizes newt scamander and wants to be a magizoologist because he wants to change people's minds about magical creatures and show them how beautiful and precious they actually are
•'pet a dragon's belly' is listed number 1 in his bucket list
• 'ohmygod hueningkai don't you even dare try to rock that mandrake' 'but hyun its so cute!it looks like an ugly baby!'
•takes a liking for divination and unlike others actually appreciates and pays attention in class
•probably because of his close relationship with the forest's centaurs who also use divination in their day to day lives
•is a skilled flyer and was invited to try out for his house's quidditch team but turned it down
•he prefers to cheer for people rather than getting cheered on
•people don't really know who he cheers for most of the time bc he's like present in every game
•mysteriously gets louder and more energetic when ravenclaw plays most people think it's bc his bestfriend taehyun is playing but taehyun knows the truth
•"you did great hyun!" "i literally saw you stare at soobin hyung's ass the entire game"
•no one can hate this guy,it’s physically impossible
•even the meanest kids don’t pick on him,he’s THAT lovable
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Anyways that all for today! That's my opinion on the txt's hogwarts houses,don't be shy and tell me what you think! See you later guys!
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CSUAVS prt 4. Can ya'll see I'm aiming for shorter chapters?
Having messaged Lance through the files on their missing operative, Keith followed up with an inviting for drinks on Daibazaal, or on Erathus if Lance felt more comfortable there. The Blades could live without him for a quintants, and honestly with how concerned he was for Lance, he'd be completely useless until they'd reconciled. Not receiving an immediate reply was disheartening, but given he'd already stated he was leaving, he had no other choice to do just that. If he returns to Daibazaal, he'd only be nagged to death by his mother until he'd finally admit what had transpired on Erathus and ultimately cause things to be blown way out of proportion. There were a few rebel planets he could take refuge on, yet his mother's words lingered in his ears. He really should visit Shiro. Hunk had practically begged him to visit... And Shiro had always been there for him. Shiro was also the one who'd understood Lance's pain the most. The pain of losing the one you'd planned forever with. Keith could only understand what he himself had experienced. Lance was still alive. He was still alive, and though he'd seen him twice face to face, it felt as if his friend had died and left some new stranger in his body. Those thoughts hitting far too close to home for comfort, especially when he considered the fact that Lance's marks truly seemed to be gone. Calling through to Hunk, Hunk was confused yet ecstatic when he mentioned he planned to visit, agreeing to help hide things from Shiro until they rendezvoused in the region of space that the Atlas was currently patrolling. Requesting permission for a wormhole from Erathus, he was left waiting half a varga before receiving permission. Not wanting to give the Atlas away, he jumped through to a few quandrants away from the ship, where his navigation system informed him that he'd be upon the ship within the varga, possibly sooner if the Atlas was moving in his direction. Keith had hoped the distance would be closer as now he was left to let his mind roam back to the medication sitting on his bed with his Blades uniform. Even if it felt like he was lying to himself, he still wanted to believe that there was no way Lance was taking illicit substances, that he'd abuse that beautiful body of his in such a way. Once he reached the Atlas, he intended to have the samples screened, which may have also been his reason for visiting even if he couldn't state as much to Hunk. It'd break Hunk to know Lance wasn't ok, that he wasn't enjoying his job, and that he'd let himself fall into whatever situation he was now stuck in. Whining softly at him, Kosmo dropped his head down in the half-Galra's lap. His dopey wolf still hurt from being shunned by Lance when they'd grown so close during the flight back to Earth. Ruffling Kosmo's thick fur, Keith silently promised he was going to save Lance from himself, if not for his sake then for Kosmo's. * Dressing in his Blade uniform made asking for help from Shiro all that much easier. Explaining that there was missing Blade member, and that he samples that needed to be tested, there was a small twinge of guilt as Shiro leapt the conclusion he'd hoped he would, that both cases were related. Turning over the samples, Shiro was quick to pass command over to Veronica before spiriting him away to the dining hall to surprise Hunk. Glowing with genuine happiness, he didn't have the heart to admit that Hunk had helped planned everything. Veronica seemed to know he was coming, which made sense given she and Hunk had known each other before the whole "Voltron" thing had gone down. "Keith! Man, it's so good to see you!" Swept off his feet, Keith snorted as he was treated to one of Hunk's trademark hugs. His former teammate quick to release him "Sorry, man. It's just... is it really you?" Laughing at Hunk, Keith nodded slowly "It's been too long. Sorry, even with the fall of the empire work never seems to end. Most of the previous generals were dealt with by Haggar, which is nice and all, but she failed to deal with the ones who had their eyes on that role and have now struck out on there own" "I feel you man. It's like, why can't we all eat and be friends!?" Trust it all to be food related. Crossing his arms, Shiro frowned his infamous dad frown at both of them "Hunk knew you were coming, didn't he?" "Maybe?" "I can't believe you two conspired against me" Spluttering Hunk held his hands up as if telling Shiro to stop "I didn't conspire against you. Keith was the one who called me, and I thought with how busy you've been, it'd be a nice surprise. Man, if only Pidge and Lance were here, it'd be like old times" Uncrossing his arms, Shiro pulled up a screen on his communicator as he spoke "Pidge has had great success with Rover, you know she barely steps out her lab these days" "And Lance has to work. We should call them though" "Yes! I mean. Yeah, it's been ages" Fuck. He couldn't have sounded any more eager if he'd tried "Ooooh. Is someone missing Lance?" Jabbing Shiro in the ribs with his elbow, Shiro yelped "Don't give me that. You and Lance were always close, whether because of your rivalry or not" Moving to pat his back with enough force that he was nearly knocked off his feet, Hunk kept his hand there as he started leading the pair of them towards the kitchen "Yep! Shiro's right. It's not weird if you miss him. I miss him. Shay got tired of me turning around and expecting Lance to be there to taste test whatever was on the stove" "Have either of you talked to him lately?" Hunk shook his head and looked to Shiro who also gave a shake of his head, Hunk then sighing deeply before replying "I haven't talked to him since he arrived on Erathus. Veronica's always telling me he says "Hi", but he hasn't messaged in phoebs. And the few times when we have talked, it's been on Veronica's coms, so it's never for long" "What about you? Has he been talking to you?" Keith could hear the starts of the cogs turning over in Shiro's brain as he started to worry for Lance. He wanted to yell at both of them for neglecting Lance, but he'd done the exact same thing "Actually I talked to him, the missing Blade member vanished near Erathus, so I reached out to him on the off chance he'd happen to have heard something. He promised to take a look at the file and keep an eye out" "Let me guess "As long as it doesn't get in the way of his job"? Veronica said he's happy working as a bodyguard" "Hunk, he's in security. The first job was as a bodyguard, then he was hired to do some kind of planet security..." Shiro's sentence stalled "See, you know about as much as we do. Did he... say how he is? If he's ok?" Other than yelling at him because their friends had no time for him, Lance was totally fine... He hated lying. The atmosphere between the three of them was good. Like... being reconnected with missing limbs he didn't know were missing "He seemed ok. You know Lance though. Surrounded by all the beautiful aliens he could ask for" "I don't know about that. Rachel said he was still upset about Allura when he left. I know he loved her, but he needed to move on" Rachel... He knew the name... "His sister. Don't worry, man. He has enough family that even I get confused and I've known them for years" Thank god for Hunk "I doubt he even remembered her name" "Hey! I do too. He's got a crazy amount of family though. Hunk just said so" Ruffling his hair in the same manner Keith was always ruffling Kosmo's, Shiro was all smiles "I know. I have to get all my teasing in before you leave again. They grow up so fast" Pretending to wipe fake tears away, Hunk bit his lip. Pushing Shiro away, Keith laughed as he dodged his brother's mechanical arm "I remember why I don't come back now. It's this!" "Aw, Keith. Don't be like that. We've all missed you" "Shiro hasn't. He's been too busy pining over Curtis. Isn't that what you said?" Shiro gaped at Hunk, Hunk blushing red "I told you that in confidence!" "If you're both going to tease me, I'm going to tease right back. You're lucky I'm mad at Shiro, or I'd be teasing you over Shay" "You wouldn't!" Pretending to be angered for a moment longer, Keith couldn't hold down his smile "No, man. She's great for you. I'm happy you're happy" Catching him in a headlock, Shiro held him playfully "You're right, Hunk. I think this might be an imposter. Who are you? And where's the real Keith?" Rolling his eyes, Keith huffed "Ha ha. You're hilarious. I don't know what Curtis sees in you. It's definitely not your sense of humour" "You're not about to let his go, are you?" "Not at all" "Quiznak. Right. I guess there's no avoiding it, we're dating" Hunk let out a joyous whoop. Shiro released him half a tick before they were both swept into his arms "See Keith! This is why you need to visit more often! I'm going to make you a celebratory lunch. Keith, make sure he doesn't leave!" "I will" Choosing a table towards the back of the dining hall, Keith steadied himself for the coming lecture. It was all over Shiro's face as he sat across from him. Eyeing each other for a long moment, Shiro checked to double make sure no one was within earshot "Spit it out already" Laughing lightly, Shiro leaned in, placing both elbows on the table as he did "Am I that transparent?" "Just a little. What's wrong?" "I could ask the same of you. Don't think I'm not happy to see you, but this surprise visit feels rather sudden" "Can't I simply want to see my brother?" "Not when you look like your mind's back on Daibazaal. What's wrong? Is it Lance?" "You know I hate it when you do that. Not everything going on in my life is Lance related" "So you've talked to him about how you feel?" What was he supposed to say to that? He couldn't even tease him over Curtis given he'd bitten the bullet and they were now dating "Keith..." "It's not that easy. He was busy with work and stuff... besides, he's made it clear enough" "Did he? Or did you just assume?" "Shiro, he didn't even tell me he was back in space. Everyone else knew. It was Hunk who told me he was on Erathus" There was a degree of saltiness in his tone that couldn't go ignored. Shiro pinching the bridge of his nose "Are you he didn't tell you?" "Do you think me that much of an idiot? He... I..." He'd nearly slipped and admitted he was sure Lance wasn't as alright as he seemed "He seemed so distant. He was right there, but it didn't feel like it all" "That doesn't sound like him. He seemed to be doing better at Allura's memorial" "But that's the thing, isn't it?! He's always been good at hiding how hurt he is..." "You think he's in trouble?" "No. Maybe. I don't know..." "We can take a trip..." "No! No... he wouldn't like that... This job of his is obviously important to him..." "You've grown Keith, yet when it comes to Lance, you revert back to that moody little teenager" Scowling at his brother, Keith glared "Like you don't when you're with Curtis" "I was never a "moody little teenager". Seriously, if you think Lance needs a hand, it's nothing to redirect the Atlas" "I'm pretty sure Earth would think it a big something if you stole the Atlas because I'm worried about Lance" "Ha! So you admit you're worried!" Shiro sounded so much like Coran that a shiver ran down Keith's spine. Had Coran been there, he would demanding they head out to check on Lance, even if Lance protested it. Out of everyone in the team, it'd always been clear that Lance was Coran's favourite after Allura "So what if I am! He wasn't acting like himself and the place he's living in..." Keith cut himself off. He'd said too much "Is like what? Where's he living?" Shaking his head, Keith sighed "I don't even know where to begin. Krolia's been forced to have Kolivan reassess the mission because I can't get my shit together" "Keith, literally no one in the whole universe can make Krolia do anything. She's a force to be reckoned with" "She's covering up the fact that I can't think of anything but him" Groaning, Keith's hands went to his hair "Why does he do this to me? I was fine. Maybe not perfect, but I could go on a simple mission perfectly fine. Now I'm lying to my mother, throwing off a mission when we have a missing Blade member, who should be my priority, because Lance is in my head" Whisper yelling at Shiro was now the highlight of this saga, and why the quiznak was he getting teary "Was... he that bad?" "I felt like I didn't even know him. We neglected him. I know life happens. I know we're all going our separate ways, but... Don't you miss it? Fighting as team, bringing down the Galra and helping people? Feeling like you're part of something incredible. When Lance said he wanted to remain on Earth forever, I thought maybe one day... he'd be ready and we'd all be there for him. But he's been living off Earth, on Erathus, doing god knows what on his own" "I thought you liked doing humanitarian aid work through the Blade?" "I do. It's just..." It really wasn't the same. Axca, Zethrid, and Ezor weren't Hunk, Lance, and Pidge "You miss Lance" "Yeah. I know we fought, but he always had my back. He was the first to jump into battle, and the first to call me out on my shit. He..." "He is your best friend. It's ok to miss him" "He didn't even realise I had a crush on him. Then Allura broke his heart like that... So many times I've wished I'd told him how I felt. That he wasn't a second choice. That despite his irritating flirting and horrendous jokes, he was his best self when he wasn't pretending" Keith's cheeks were dusted pink with embarrassment. He'd known Shiro would pull his "Space Dad" magic tricks and draw all of this out of him "What's stopping you now?" "Haven't you been listening? We all abandoned him. He would never had done that to us" "He's been busy with his job" Keith was sick of it. Lance didn't spend every moment of every single quintant working, and he'd seen those damn messages "When is the last time you messaged him? Just to catch up?" "We have our team calls..." "And we're all on that chat. It's not use taking the time to actually ask him personally how he is, or what he's up to. I'm as guilty as everyone else. No wonder no body bothered to tell me he was off world" Slumping back in his seat, Kosmo licked at his hand. Closing his eyes, Keith felt like yelling at the universe for all of this "I'll message him tonight" "You can't" "Why not?" "Because the moment he hears I'm here, he's going to think I'm forcing you to make an effort" "Ah..." "Pretty much. I wonder if mum's found out anything about Guile" "Your missing Blade member, right? Why don't we go through everything again? Those test results will probably take a few more vargas, so we have time to figure things out" "There's nothing to figure out. It's like he dropped off the face of the... quadrant" "And space is infinite. If he really wanted to hide, it isn't hard to disappear entirely" "Kolivan doesn't seem to think that's the case. There's been ships attacked and other people have gone missing in the same area" "It might distract you from Lance long enough for you to work out what to do next..." Keith definitely wasn't past saying no to a distraction "... besides, patience yields focus" Groaning at his brother's trademark saying, Keith found himself nodding. There was no good panicking further until the results came back and knew there was nothing wrong with Lance. * Hearing he was onboard Curtis welcomed him happily, his arm sliding around Shiro's waist as Shiro blushed much like Keith had before. Opening his mouth to comment, he was silenced by a glare. How was he supposed to welcome his new brother-in-law if he wasn't allowed to speak to him. Thankfully, Curtis suggested showing him to the quarters he'd be using while on ship, which meant they could discuss the Atlas and not the fact Lance was still on his mind. Separating from the pair at his room due to some kind of no-urgent emergency, if there was such a thing, Keith showered before throwing himself down on the bed, enjoying the fact they'd fitted the Atlas with descent mattresses. Maybe he should steal one? Or two if he could convince to join him working for the Blades rather than for the "police" on Erathus. Despite feeling like he'd betrayed Lance's trust, he felt as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders by confining in Shiro. Shiro knew what to do far better than him, and he said wait, then he'd wait. And wait he did. Passing out atop his bed, he was woken by his name being called over the Atlas's speaker system, ruining a particularly nice dream of him between Lance's long caramel legs. Forced into a cold shower to collect his thoughts and redirect his blood flow, he entered the dining hall 20 doboshes later to find he was the last of the group to arrive. Sitting on the end of the joined table was a holopad, Pidge waving happily as she noticed him, before starting to gush over the progress she'd made with Rover, bouncing ideas off Hunk as she did. Keith had honestly thought the pair of them would end up together given their closeness, yet Hunk seemed genuinely happy with Shay and that was the main thing. Sliding in to the empty seat beside Shiro, a folder was placed in front of him "Hey! No work at my dining table!" Making to take the file, Keith snatched it up before Hunk could, skimming through the contents with his brow scrunched. The yellow vials were a highly advanced painkiller comparable to morphine. The red pills were filled with an unknown agent which at best guess seemed to be a kind of party drug designed to work all the way down to a person's quintessence. The blue pills were a mood stabiliser designed on some remote planet who's name he couldn't pronounce to help victims of war deaden their senses. There were traces of other drugs on the pills capsules, birth control and testosterone, which made absolutely no sense to Keith given the didn't see any other pills in the bathroom cabinet, nor did he see any reason for Lance to be self medicating like he was. His heart was hammering in his chest over the fact Lance was doing drugs and shooting up alien morphine "I said no files at the table" Brushing Hunk off, he halfheartedly apologised with his full attention on Shiro "Sorry, Hunk. Shiro, have you guys come across any of these before?" "The first one, the pain killer. I've seen it used when we've transferred alien refugees" "And?" "And what?" "What's it like?" "It's hardly legal, but that was under Galra rule. It's supposedly being redistributed, but still costs a pretty GAC" That wasn't what he was asking "I mean, how does it work?" "It deadens pain receptors in the brain. It's only used on the most severe of cases, generally when other pain killers in the field have failed, or a limb is lost, burns victims, etc. It's also highly addictive with prolonged use, which was another reason it was banned. The Galra knew they could make more money selling it privately to select people. Once addicted, they'd seek them out for more. That's how Coran described it. I had no idea either until we first ran across it shortly before Allura's memorial" Keith felt sick to his stomach. The banquet Hunk had prepared no longer looked appealing, it was all he could do to keep his lunch down. Did Lance know what he was taking was addictive? Did he care? Keith had been in more than his fair share of bad foster homes. Older kids popping pills to forget the pain of no one wanting to adopt them, it'd scared the shit out of him and ever since he'd avoided drugs like the plague "What's wrong? You've gone pale" What was wrong was that every molecule of his being wanted Kosmo to teleport him across the universe back to Lance's side and he was being forced to sit there, play calm, and act like the man he loved wasn't some kind of drug addicted hit man "Sorry. Just thinking" Letting the file be tugged from his grip, Hunk sighed at him "That's enough about work. You're on vacation, so start acting like it" "You're right, Hunk. All of this looks amazing. Way better then purple food goo" Hunk pulled a face at him, looking as if he'd been highly insulted "You guys are still using goo?" Shrugging, Keith had no excuse. He simply followed orders from Kolivan, plus the Galra had been living on purple goo for thousands of years, it took time for change to set in "It lasts" "But what about real food? With spices and textures, and you know, the most important part known as flavour" "Hunk, if you can change Kolivan's mind, we'd all love you for it. But man, they've been living on it for thousands of years and he doesn't have a problem with it" Hunk scrunched his nose up "Can't you just ask Krolia to talk to him" "Yeah. No. No such luck. She's already tried" "Tough luck man. I'll pack you extra when you leave" "Thanks, Hunk" When he left he was going back to drag Lance's arse off Erathus, even if he had to do so by his hair. Lance was probably dying for some proper food too... provided he wasn't high out of his quiznakking mind. Sitting there eating dinner with everyone laughing and smiling wasn't right. Picking at his meal, Keith listened on as everyone else grew progressively louder Shiro the only one to notice him drawing further and further from conversation as the others grew more and more excited over the fact that Shiro had finally ballsed up and asked Curtis out "Lance is fine. He's a smart kid, and he's been on Erathus this long without incident" "How do you know I'm even thinking about him?" "Because we talked about this before. He's a good kid, who's grown into a good man. Whatever Guile got caught up in, I'm sure it has nothing to do with Lance" "And if it did?" Shiro frowned at him, Keith unable to meet his eyes "Then he knows he can ask us for help" No. Lance really didn't. Whatever Lance was up to, Keith was certain that his friend thought the only option he had was to handle it alone "I think I'm going to call him later. Just to... to make sure" "Keith, the offer still stands. I don't mind calling Lance" That was the problem too. Shiro didn't "mind calling Lance". It hardly sounded like he wanted to actually call him, or at least to Keith's low mood that's how it came across. Pushing his chair back, he knew he was making a bit of a scene, but his anger couldn't take it. He needed to walk it off, or risk yelling at everyone for being such shit friends towards his future boyfriend... his best friend. Quiznak. Fuck this "Keith?" "Sorry, Hunk. I have to go make a call. I'll see you later" The moment he was out of the dining room, Keith's fingers were tapping away on his communicator, praying that Lance wasn't going to make things even harder by brushing him off with his seemingly standard "work" response.
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