#those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it
hussyknee · 1 year
The fact is that an unscrupulous tyrant mobilizes the suppressed fears and anxieties of those who were beaten as children but have never been able to accuse their own fathers of doing so. Their loyalty to these fathers is unswerving, despite the torments suffered at their hands. Every tyrant symbolizes such a father, the figure whom the abused children remain attached to with every fiber of their being, hoping that one day they will be able to transform him into a loving parent by remaining blind.
This hope may have been what prompted the representatives of the Roman Catholic Church to demonstrate their compassion for Hussein. In 2002, I turned to a number of cardinals for support when I presented the Vatican with material on the delayed effects of spanking and asked the authorities there to do what they could to enlighten young parents on this subject. As I have said, not one of the cardinals I approached with this request showed the slightest interest in the universally ignored but crucially important issue of physically abused children. Nor did I come across the slightest indication of Christian charity or compassion in connection with this issue. Today, however, those same representatives are eager to show that they are indeed capable of compassion. Significantly, however, this compassion is lavished not on maltreated children or on Saddam’s victims but on Saddam himself, on the unscrupulous father figure that the feared despot symbolizes.
As a rule, beaten, tormented, and humiliated children who have never received support from a helping witness later develop a high degree of tolerance for the cruelties perpetrated by parent figures and a remarkable indifference to the sufferings borne by children exposed to inhumane treatment. The last thing they wish to be told is that they themselves once belonged to the same group. Indifference is a way of preserving them from opening their eyes to reality. In this way they become advocates of evil, however convinced they may be of their humane intentions. From an early age they were forced to suppress and ignore their true feelings. They were forced to put their trust not in those feelings but solely in the regulations imposed on them by their parents, their teachers, and the church authorities. Now the tasks facing them in their adult lives leave them no time to perceive their own feelings, unless those feelings happen to fit in precisely with the patriarchal value system in which they live and which prescribes compassion for the father, however destructive and dangerous he may be. The more comprehensive a tyrant’s catalogue of crimes is, the more he can count on tolerance, provided his admirers are hermetically closed off from access to the sufferings of their own childhood.
(Source: The Body Never Lies by Alice Miller)
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auriel187 · 4 months
The More Things Change. (S1 E9)
Word Count: 3479
Series Masterlist
A/N: If anyone doesn't like the fact that the oc is black, go away.
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"We provide the colonists with all their finished manufactured goods. We deserve remuneration." Minkus says clearly.
"General Washington." Mr. Feeny turned over to Cory who was wearing a powdered wig.
"Fine. Keep your goods. Like we need your stinking British goods. We're American. We're independent. We'll get our goods from Japan." Cory raised his fist. I worry for him sometimes.
The class all laughed. I was drawing. I had drawn my friends in so many different ways. Shawn as an artist, Cory as a filmmaker. Shawn as a superhero, Cory as a mad scientist. Shawn as a photographer, Cory as a teacher. It was starting to garner some attention though, Cory kept trying to look over at my drawings. I had just started my sketch of Cory as a General. Shawn's gonna be a Sargent, I felt right in my bones.
"General, I'm dying for you to elaborate." Mr. Feeny deadpanned.
"What's the point, Mr. Feeny? We all know we kicked British butt." Cory threw his fist in the air.
"Winners and losers aside, General. If we do not understand history we are doomed to repeat its mistakes." Mr. Feeny explained. I often wonder how often things repeat themselves. Over the years, history seems like it was taking a step forward just to backtrack in a horrendous way.
"Oh, who cares about George Washington? Who cares about King George? Was every boring guy in history named George?" Cory exclaimed exasperatedly, before realizing what he said. "I meant every dead boring guy." He amended.
"Apparently, the past holds no fascination for you." Mr. Feeny stated, looking up at the boy.
"No. It's happened. It's done." I shifted in my seat. I understood both of their points of view but I didn't think anyone was thinking of the elephant in the room.
"It's history." Mr. Feeny said and I slowly lowered my head. Shawn kept looking over at me, either out of concern or curiosity.
"I'm saying. Perhaps we should study your history, Mr. Matthews." Our teacher said, looking at Cory expectantly.
"I have no history, Mr. Feeny. I'm eleven. I'm more interested in my future." Cory reasoned and I lowered my head even lower and continued sketching.
"Oh, well, then it might be more interesting for us to look into our futures to see if we can avoid our mistakes before they happen." Mr. Feeny explained as he stood up, then the classroom fell silent. I peered up slightly to see something that rarely ever happened. Shawn had his hand up. "Yes, Mr. Hunter?"
"Isn't that what we're doing anyways? Sunshine says that the things we learn in History are written by the people who want to control the world's precipitation." The blue eyed boy said calmly, causing everyone to look at him in shock. I didn't look at him like that though. I was just proud that he listened and understood what I had said while talking to Brianna.
"See! History is bogus! We're already working off of a faulty recipe, why not let us figure it out on our own?" Cory looked at our teacher. Mr. Feeny just smiled at Cory. Oh dear.
"Oh no, I smell an assignment." Shawn shrank in his seat.
"I swear, I didn't see it coming." Cory whined as he took his seat.
"The assignment for all of you is to create personal histories for yourselves as if you were returning for your 20th high school reunion." Mr. Feeny explained to the class and I looked at my drawings. I had no clue what I wanted to be.
"More like a preunion." Minkus said.
"Well said, Mr. Minkus." Mr. Feeny agreed. "You are the graduating class of the year 2000. What is your profession? Do you have children? Are those children tormenting their sixth-grade teacher?"
"Mr. Feeny, would it be oK if I brought my wife?" Minkus asked.
"Oh, come on, Minkus, what's going to marry you?" Shawn huffed out.
"Raven-Anniya!" Minkus sat up straighter. The class 'oohed'.
"No." I looked up from my drawing for a second.
"Oh please, you're smart enough to know I'm your only compatibility." Minkus tried to reason. Coercive of him but okay.
"Part of marriage has to be communication, consent and connectivity." I looked over at him with my 'logical face.' I've come to find that Minkus responds best to my logical face. "I've communicated my disinterest. I gave no consent and to be honest the only thing we got to connect is our above average intellect." I looked back at my sketchbook.
"You tell him, babe." Shawn ruffled my hair proudly.
"Then I'll bring my second wife." Minkus stated like it was simple.
"Cause the first wife worked out so well. What's marrying you this time?" Shawn asked, tossing a ball in the air.
"Topanga." Minkus bragged.
The class oohed again. She turned to him "Why, Stuart, I'm flattered that you would consider me as a potential life mate, but I'm not sure I even recognize the institution of marriage."
"Trust me, babe, I've seen the future... and it's me." Oh dear god!
"You're going to have HR on speed dial and a really good defence lawyer for each and every one of your misconduct allegations." I quipped, not looking up from my drawing.
I was still trying to think of what I wanted to be for the pre union. I kept drawing blanks, Shawn kept tossing things up but nothing really felt right. "Why not? You're already the smartest person I know."
"Puppy, I can't be a teacher! I can barely talk in school enough as it is." I shot it down.
"You can talk when you're passionate about something." He started playing with my hair.
"No I don't. I'm passionate about a lot of things, I just don't think most things out loud. When I do talk to the class, I just pretend I'm only talking to you and Cory.
"You pretend you're talking to me when you rip on Minkus and Topanga?" He spoke in disbelief. He was right.
"No...but I only say what no one else would say to them." Shawn moved to sit behind me as he tied up my hair. He had been working on doing twists in my hair. I'm not really sure why but he seemed really interested in styling my hair.
"I can't believe you." Cory took his seat, staring at Shawn and shaking his head. Larry took the seat next to him as he started eating his food.
"First you tell me you're going to show up as a tire salesman, and now you're braiding Raven-Anniya's hair?"
"That's what my dad does. And Sunshine's got great hair."
"So?" Cory looked at him like Shawn lost his mind.
"I know what to wear. I know how to use a pressure gauge. I can spot a retread from a mile away." Shawn turned my head to the side so he could do a crown hairstyle with the twists.
"Shawn, you're so boring." Cory shook his head in disappointment.
"And lazy." Shawn said proudly, starting to colour in the sketches I made earlier.
"How about you, Larry?" Cory asked the smaller boy seated across from me.
"I got an angle." He said ominously.
"Let's hear it." Cory encouraged, waving his hand.
"I'm going to be a sixth-grade teacher. Better yet, I'm going to be Feeny." Larry boasted. I rolled my eyes. He's not going to do well.
"Why?" Shawn asked.
"Imitation is the sincerest form of butt-kissing." Larry reasoned, and I must admit, he's not wrong.
"Wait a minute. Weren't we supposed to be what we wanted to be? I mean, you're going to grow up to be your dad... and you're going to grow up to be a Feeny clone. Am I the only one left here with some vision? Raven's probably just going to grow up to..." I knew where Cory was going with it. I was just glad he caught himself before he actually said it. Shawn quickly punched Cory in the arm.
"What are you going to go as?"
"Cory Matthews... center fielder for the Philadelphia Phillies." I had to admit, that was probably the most hysterical thing I've ever heard in my life. Both Larry and Shawn seemed to agree, erupting in a fit of uncontrollable laughter. "What are you laughing at?"
"You had 31 errors in Little League last season." Shawn explained, gasping for air.
"OK, so I didn't play up to my enormous potential. Come on, guys, let's be what we really want to be. Are we going to be men... or are we going to be men with boring jobs?"
"We're going to be men!" Larry exclaimed, and the boys started barking. Why were they barking? Suddenly Shawn went wide eyed and looked over at me.
"Sunshine, you can be Nina Simone!" The amount of things that shocked me with that statement was unbelievable.
"You know who Nina Simone is?" Shawn nodded quickly.
"She sings Black Bird! You could be her!" How did I forget Shawn's love for finding songs about black birds?
"I'm not following."
"You could be a famous person who calls attention to serious issues!" He looked at me with the biggest goofy grin on his face. He reached into his bag pulling out my superhero picture. "You could be a real life superhero, Sunshine."
Shawn and I played sandman in the park before he walked me home. I enjoyed the moments where we were just together and we didn't have to say anything, but the times we laugh and joke are my favourite. "So what are you doing for the Pre-Union?" I asked as Shawn carried me on his back. I kept tapping his shoulder so he'd avoid large cracks.
"I really don't know." He swung the door open, toeing off his shoes. I hopped off his back and put down our bags on the floor as I removed my shoes. "I was thinking of coming as a tire salesman."
We walked to the table and I gave him a plate of cookies. "I thought you said you were going to do something else." I started looking through old pictures until I saw one of my parents.
"Sunshine, are you..." He pulled my hand to see the picture. His eyes softened as he pulled me in for a hug. I'm pretty sure I was experiencing a breakdown because suddenly we were on the floor and Shawn's shirt was soaked from my tears. "I'm sorry, Raven." I don't know how long we stayed like this but he started to pull me back in my seat. "Here." He passed me a picture from a few years ago. I was smiling and dressed in my dance costume and my hair was in a low ponytail. This was before I put on the makeup.
"Thanks Shawnie." I smiled. He smiled back at me. "So...a tire salesman?"
"I think so, yeah." He shrugged. "I can see that in my future. Easy job, nice house...gorgeous wife." He lowered his head a bit when he said the last one. I started chuckling, planning on teasing him a bit.
"Who's gonna marry you?" I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms.
"I don't know...I was thinking someone short, smart, witty, talented, know-it-all, bookish..."
"You know you just described Minkus right?" I started rocking on my chair.
"As I was saying, someone who makes me smile, who makes me feel like I'm more than just trailer trash..." the last one kinda made me sad. "Someone who tries to get me to do my homework with cake and who has the most amazing hair even though she doesn't let me see it in its natural state advocist artist." He finished and I laughed.
"The word is 'activist', Puppy, and I'd rather marry a garden gnome." I poked him in the forehead.
"You'd choose to marry Minkus over me?" He poked my forehead.
"No!" I cringed and began pushing my chair away. A devious smirk spread across his face.
"You said that the only way you could talk to people is if you imagine that you're talking to me and Cory..." I nodded slowly before he pulled my chair back. "Who're you going to imagine when you have to say I do?"
"I'm not going to marry you Puppy!"
"Please? I want to have a wife in the future."
"You do realize that this assignment has no real effects on our future, right?" I asked and he shrugged. Why do I even bother? Shawn got down on the floor and held up an old ring. "Where'd you get that?" I asked in awe and fear. It looked like a real stone encrusted in silver.
"My mom. She said she bought it with money from a dancing competition. I figured you'd like it." I smiled down at him.
"YOU STOLE A RING FROM YOUR MOM?!" I exclaimed. Shawn just laughed.
"Of course not. She was chucking a bunch of stuff and I asked if I could have this one. She said she didn't care." He explained. "I figured it'd be a great way to propose to my project wife."
"That's sweet, Pup." He smiled. "But I'm not marrying you for the project." He pouted but he smiled softly and slid the ring on my index finger. It was a bit loose but not enough to slide off my finger.
"I still think you should keep this." He stood back up and we continued working on our projects together.
I walked into class wearing a black turtleneck over my favourite blue bedazzled jacket. I held a magazine Shawn had made entitled "Modern Heroes" close to my chest and the glasses I wore on days I had tests.
"Ms. Archer, pleasure to see you after all these years." Mr. Feeny spoke jovially. I offered my hand for him to shake, something I rarely ever did because people's hands are disgusting
"Hello sir. It's been a while." I replied. I had rehearsed this last night so much that Tamara and Adam decided to play along.
"Yes, it has. How have things been? What have you been up to?" He asked.
I took a deep breath and said what I practiced with Cory. "I have spent the last ten years working with Black, Indigenous and other marginalized communities to ensure that their voices are heard and not ignored by the public. As you know, the world has a tendency to put the voices of white males above everyone else's. I have worked tirelessly to fund searches for missing and murdered indigenous women. I have advocated my beliefs that those in non heterosexual relationships should be able to experience all of the same treatment of their heterosexual counterparts without discrimination and that more non straight, white, Christian narratives get told as regularly and freely through the media."
Mr. Feeny looked down with his brows raised. I'm not sure if he's impressed or not. "That's quite the portfolio, Ms. Archer."
"Thank you sir. Before I leave, would you be interested in signing my petitions?"
He smiled. "Of course. And what are we fighting for today?"
"I'm interested in composing a bill that prohibits the ability to inflate prices without ensuring that every citizen has equal or equitable access to basic human necessities such as food, housing, medicine and education." He signed that one with an agreeing nod.
"And the next one?" He asked, taking the second clipboard.
"That any and all prison inmates who have been wrongfully convicted, any family who's grieving the loss of a loved one due to police brutality, and any victim of violence (within proof and reason) will receive money from the untouched portion of American tax dollars." I stated.
"That's quite the mission. How do you think people are going to respond to that?" Mr. Feeny asked.
"Well, those who have something to gain from the victimization of these groups won't respond well. But they have to understand it's the system that made them victims, so it should be the system that should be charged." Mr. Feeny signed the next clipboard, not before adding a very large A to the top of my sheet.
"Bravo Ms. Archer. I'm excited to see what your future looks like." He smiled and turned away.
I was beaming, taking a seat by the door awaiting my boys. I was fiddling with the ring on my finger when Cory, dressed like a member of the Phillies, jogged into class. "Oh, Cornelius, you didn't." I cringed at him. "Why couldn't you choose to be a basketball player? You're good at basketball!" I whined.
"You think I'd end up over twelve feet tall?" He quipped back sarcastically and I had to concede because he was right. Allan was only about 5'10. Cory and I just sat and waited for Shawn as we read a Captain America comic. I really liked Bucky.
"Raven-Anniya? What's your obsession with Bucky Barnes?" Cory asked, seeing me completely skip over the scene where he dies.
"I just like him. He's one of my favourites." I answered and was about to continue reading when Shawn walked in.
"A tire salesman. I can't believe you came as a tire salesman."
"And muffler specialist."
"What's with the big gut?"
"My dad's fat, my uncle's fat, my grandpa's fat. Let's face it, Cor, I'm going to be fat."
Cory left Shawn and I to have a turn with Feeny. "So...look what I found." Shawn reached into his pocket and pulled out a picture of us from many years ago. I remembered that day. When I was five, my mom and dad left for New York. I didn't really remember why but I did remember being sad because I was leaving my first friends from kindergarten. What I didn't remember until later, was that I not only used to live in Philadelphia but that I had met Shawn and Cory back when I pretended to be asleep at nap time.
"Come on, Sweetie. You have to go inside." My dad was practically pushing me into the building. I was refusing to go back inside because of the day before. A girl had stuck a wad of gum in my hair and I was not interested in going back there.
"Hi Mr. Archer, Raven getting clingy?" My teacher asked and I glared at her. She made the executive decision to rip out my hair in order to get the gum. She then asked a kid to get her some scissors.
"She tried to cut me!" I pointed to her and her face went white. I wasn't the most articulate 4 year old. I also didn't understand the weight of an accusation like that but to be fair...you should never try to cut a child's hair to remove gum.
My teacher started laughing nervously. "What an active imagination your daughter has." She looked so uncomfortable.
I just looked at my dad and pointed to the small section of my hair that still had some remnants of the gum despite my best efforts to get it out. My mom said she'd cut it properly on the weekend. I guess she didn't tell my dad.
"Did you...try to cut her hair?" My dad asked, lifting me up.
"I was only trying to help. I suggested that I cut it out but she didn't want me to so I let it go." She said, almost pleading with my dad to believe her.
"But miss, you asked Cory to get you the scissors." A little boy stood at the door next to another curly haired boy.
When my dad put me down, the first boy walked up to me and looked in my hair. His friend looked up at my dad. "Use coke. It worked for me when my brother put gum in my hair." I remember my dad looking at these 2 boys then bursting out laughing.
"Okay, Ray. Daddy's gonna go now, but be good and make new friends." He pushed me into the boys before he pulled out his camera. I never understood why he walked around with it. "Now say CHEESE!"
Present day.
I looked at the Polaroid picture before turning it over. In my dad's handwriting. 'My baby's KG wedding.' I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Why do you have this?" Shawn peeked over my shoulder for a second.
"So I can show Feeny that we're married." He said before running to our teacher.
"SHAWN, NO!!!"
(A/N: Adding more backstory also Shawn being the chaotic child I believe him to be. Thanks for reading)
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sabakos · 11 months
One of the reasons that's given for why it's important that some people study history as a profession is that other people would like to make use of those historians' findings to draw lessons from them.
The problem is that historians are always reviewing and revising historical findings based on new evidence and developing new methodologies for understanding the past. As well they should, but if later historians invalidate or discredit a previously known historical finding, what does that say about the people who drew lessons from it? If it invalidates those lessons, then there seems to be little value in putting too much stock in any lessons drawn from history, and if it doesn't invalidate those lessons, then it's not clear they really depended on any study of history in the first place.
Therefore, those who do not study history are not doomed to repeat it, unless that is required for graduation.
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zeph1981 · 1 year
The End of the Petit Picpus is Now
“In the meantime, let us study things which are no more. It is necessary to know them, if only for the purpose of avoiding them. The counterfeits of the past assume false names, and gladly call themselves the future. This spectre, this past, is given to falsifying its own passport. Let us inform ourselves of the trap. Let us be on our guard. The past has a visage, superstition, and a mask, hypocrisy. Let us denounce the visage and let us tear off the mask.“
Boom!  Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.  This hits so hard right now.  This is about people using religion as an excuse to exploit and marginalize other people and as a tool to amass money and power.  
But I think he’s saying here that religion itself is not the real problem.  If we denounce religion as superstition, that’s not going to solve the problem alone.  “There is no vacuum in the human heart.”  If we’re not ready to construct a better social system, getting rid of religion will not get rid of the hypocrisy or the cruelty.
My thoughts on the rest of this are really messy, but I need to try to put them down.
In this digression, Hugo is showing these women who are not collecting endless power and wealth (though we look askance at orders that require high entrance fees, those are nothing compared with the lavish wealth of most Bishops).  These women are living miserable lives in backbreaking labor and he says we don’t have to understand it, but if that’s what they want to do stopping them isn’t going to do any good.
“As for convents, they present a complex problem,—a question of civilization, which condemns them; a question of liberty, which protects them.”
The church is a big horrible system but if we were to get rid of the church altogether, we would not automatically be getting rid of hypocrisy and cruelty and in the attempt we would damage the parts of the system that are actually addressing real needs.  Many of the nuns in this convent are not from this order.  They are the last survivors from orders that had been massacred during the revolution.  This is an absolutely horrible image, and horribly true to life.  Too many social revolutions have forced secularism on huge populations and done so using violent and traumatizing means.  None of them have successfully eliminated superstition or hypocrisy or exploitation or cruelty.
I feel like the convent digression sits in a direct relationship with the Bishop.  In the book about Monseigneur Bienvenue Hugo attacks the habit the church has of amassing great wealth and power.  The church is deeply complicit in the horrors of exploitation of marginalized peoples.  In the Petit Picpus, he’s giving us a different facet of the church.  We see these women creating sanctuary for each other in a world where otherwise women would have to get married and bear children, whether they want to or not.  The convent is dark and scary, but for some women and girls it’s safer than the alternative.
The Bishop tells us we can do better.  We can be better.  We can choose better.  
“There is no vacuum in the human heart. Certain demolitions take place, and it is well that they do, but on condition that they are followed by reconstructions.“
Monseigneur Bienvenue is the model to which Hugo wants us to reconstruct.  He wants us to take that amassed wealth and use it to make sure no one is hungry or unsheltered or unvalued.
I like this.
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annbourbon · 5 months
The Useful Post (Part Two)
Part One || Part Two || Part Three
>-< Because apparently only 100 links are allowed per post.
I'm gonna finish the other one and edit both to make it look a bit more... clean.
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Be That Girl 101
Although it's not the only blog with this kind of content, it is one of the best I've seen. So follow @prettyinpink for more content. The list I'm creating of course doesn't only includes her blog but others too. If I find it's interesting, useful or something along the lines, it'll be here.
♡ Learn something new
♡ Making your phone to be intentional
♡ Making Friends
♡ Self care 101
♡ How to stop procrastinating by managing your emotions
♡ Becoming a better student
♡ How to romanticize exercise
♡ How to be the Main Character
♡ Cariona: Pads that actually help
♡ Success Formula 101
♡ The It Girl Mindset
♡ How to Stay Motivated while Studying
♡ 5 Habits to Fix your Problems
♡ Sexual Education
♡ Ultimate Friendship Guide
♡ Things to Manifest
♡ Watch your posture
♡ How to Build an unshakeable confidence
♡ How not to Die if you have an ED
♡ Don't let others to paywall human connection
♡ Read only women
♡ How to stop overthinking
♡ Youtube Channels 4 Girlies
♡ Stop self~sabotage and doubts
♡ Becoming an adult
♡ You can do this
♡ Set your own pace
♡ Friends
♡ Content creators
♡ Don't date for love
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Ballet 101
♡ Diet
♡ Routine
♡ Victoria Secret Workout
♡ My own Diet & Workout Routine
♡ What is healthy for one person might not be for another
♡ How to lose weight fast naturally
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Food 101
♡ Pancakes to cure depression
♡ Vegetarian recipes
♡ Vegan recipes
♡ Gluten Free Ideas #1
♡ Prosciutto & Blue Cheese (I don't support EDs but these recipes are so tasty!!)
♡ Food List & Some advice
♡ Common myths about migraines
♡ Fluffy Bread
♡ Eating Tray Hack
♡ Pasta
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Makeup 101
♡ Makeup #1 - Artistic
♡ Skincare #1
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Nature 101
♡ Orchids
♡ Identifying Plants?
♡ Learn How to Like Bugs
♡ Birds
♡ Plants can talk
♡ Bees are dying
♡ Frogs
♡ How to grow....
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History 101
★Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.~ George Santayana. ★
♡ Disability History
♡ Who are you? *Master List*
♡ Irish Mythology
♡ Autism through the years
♡ White People Culture: Long post
♡ History is closer than you think
♡ Asexuals and Aros through history
♡ Myth of Orpheus and Eurydice
♡ Belgians
♡ European History is not white
♡ Ronald Reagan
♡ Pompeii Fact
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Art 101
★ This category includes Drawing and Painting, among other forms of art. It also includes some authors I really liked and works to use as inspiration, or to at least have some knowledge of their existence.★
♡ Art: Vintage
♡ Drawing cozy interiors
♡ Beautiful...
♡ John Singer Sargeant (watercolor)
♡ František Dvořák
♡ Primary colors in a fight
♡ 3D Website
♡ Outfit References
♡ Fake Colors
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Etiquette 101
♡ Be polite!
♡ Stop your Lizard 🐊 Brain 🧠
♡ Emotionally Competent
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♡ Useful for anyone with an appendix
♡ Ad Blockers on YT
♡ Things you can control
♡ Books should be free according to Human Rights
♡ Libguides
♡ What makes Theatre great
♡ Librarians & Teenagers
♡ American Archive
♡ Sundown Towns
♡ Use this instead of
♡ How to keep following people when a social platform implodes
♡ How to Network
♡ How to use Google & Pinterest
♡ Youtube - No Ads
♡ How to find a post really fast
♡ Nothing to do online??
♡ Mythbusters: Sleep
♡ WWC’s A Beginner’s Guide to Academic Research
♡ Wayback Machine
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If you want to be here, write me. I'll check on your post and see if I can make it work 😉
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fatphobia-is-stupid · 11 months
I hope one day you actually educate yourself and are able to go into a deeper breath of the problems at hand. Really sick of the blogs or people on the internet where it's clear that they did not do any research and are just pirating familiar viewpoints that they picked up from the same people who are self-masbutory pseudo intellectuals who feel intelligent for repeating bare bones statements and their audience feels intelligent for repeating bare bones statements. I mean the fact your blog is themed around spreading misinformation and harmful stuff about fat people and to fat people was enough and then I got to your posts complaining about people tearing down monuments and that was like the nail on the coffin. LMFAOO. Please grow and change as a person 🙏 fuck off until then! Blogs like this and people like you is why eating disorders are a thing. You people claim to care about mental health but are doing things that make people mentally ill in a thousand ways and mental illness kills people on the daily. Maybe, just maybe, fat people aren't mentally ill because they are fat, they aren't insecure because they are fat, but because people like you exist. And maybe try to go to verifiable sources for your information, not random right Wingers on the internet or articles with clear bad bias towards fat people. You're on the wrong side being fatphobic. Ever heard of a fascist who was pro fat people? No? I wonder why 🤔
Wow alot to unpack here.
All the information I have you can find online in the .gov or either public research medical studies that you can read. Such as
Any people who have done the research and testing can be found there.
This has nothing to do with the "right wingers". Just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean that there wasn't researched done on it Hun. They are also credible.
As for mental health well that's still new in regards to research. Last I checked only 5 dos volumes have been made. You see it takes time to figure out what the heck is going on with the human body let alone the brain. As we keep on living there is an adaptation process as well. Not to mention environmental/social changes that cause different outcomes to how humans react. Heck depression wasn't even a thought until recent. There are just too many factors to what could be causing mental disorders, and it's not just because someone's feelings were hurt. At the end of the day they are just words on here, so why get triggered? Unless it was something that happened in the past, and from there you just do deduction. I literally have had to do that myself. I figured out that I have suppressed certain things that have happened in the past, and reasons as to why it caused panic attacks or binge eating. There isn't a pill to make that disappear unless you actually have a chemical malfunction in the brain, and those cases aren't as common as once thought. 🤷🏻‍♀️ You have to do the work on yourself and use exercises to help with the process, and it's not a short period of doing this but years possibly.
As for the tearing down monuments blog I did. The full article shortened, was me stating that since we are getting rid of certain parts of history we are doomed to repeat. That's a saying for a reason, and hurt feelings isn't going to change what happened in the past.
Fascism has nothing to do with the health problems that people are facing due to unhealthy eating and living. It's hard work to not take shortcuts for health. I'm not saying that I haven't fallen into it, because I have and am still trying to get healthy before it becomes irreversible. Once your health goes down it goes down fast. There have already been a couple pro fat activists that have either changed their livelihood or just straight up die. Being fat is not sustainable, and comes with more cons than pros.
Facts have been served to your wishy washy anon comment/question.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
I know I'm old, but Bush v. Gore was only like 20 years ago!! US citizens seriously don't know about that? Whoa.
Look, I know that I sound like a broken record, but people! Just! Don't! Study! History!!!
Apart from that, high schools are steadily downsizing or cutting civics and government and social studies classes, there is now a mobilized frothing mob of right-wing parents ready to storm the school board gates at any hint that their child is learning something Political, a lot of young people on social media are plugged into their leftist misinformation echo chambers which tend to contain very little in the way of actual, nuanced, or complicated facts, and of course, the GOP doesn't want anyone actually remembering how long they have been cheating and lying. So... yeah.
Like I said in the tags, so much of American history is taught as "there were a bunch of wars in which America was totally the good guy and then there was the civil rights movement which fixed all the racism, the end." Going up past Reagan and into relatively recent history, i.e. 9/11 and the War on Terror, doesn't count, especially with aforesaid right-wing nutjobs ready to complain at the slightest hint of anything Political (by which they mean anything that challenges middle class white kids to think that there's maybe more to this whole America thing than just constant jingoistic triumphalism). People seem to think that "history" is anything that happened far enough in the past to not be relevant to the choices or actions of living people right now, which of course is total nonsense, but still. And when people's interpretations of political developments and current events are likewise filtered through biased news sources and misleading social media posts... yeah.
Anyway. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it, etc etc. Now if you need me, I will be sitting on the porch with a quilt over my legs, shouting at kids to get off my lawn.
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the-daily-tizzy · 7 months
Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it, but … this opposite could be true as well—those who study history can can successfully repeat it, if they choose to do so.
~ Eric H. Cline || 1177 BC
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eraserdude6226 · 1 year
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You know, one of my catch phrases is "those that do not study history are doomed to repeat it" and this is a great example.
Just prior to the start of WW 2, Nazi Germany embarked on what was called the "T4" program. According to the Holocaust Museum:
Many Germans did not want to be reminded of individuals who did not measure up to their concept of a "master race" and were considered "unfit" or "handicapped." People with physical and mental disabilities were viewed as "useless" to society, a threat to Aryan genetic purity, and, ultimately, "unworthy of life." At the beginning of World War II, individuals with mental or physical disabilities were targeted for murder in what the Nazis called the "T-4," or "euthanasia," program.
So maybe we'd better learn AGAIN the horrors of a dictatorship, even one covered as a so-called democracy!!!
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msenvs3000w24 · 2 months
Who cares about history anyways?
"There is no peculiar merit in ancient things, but there is merit in integrity, and integrity entails the keeping together of the parts of any whole, and if these parts are scattered throughout time, then the maintenance of integrity entails a knowledge, a memory, of ancient things. …. To think, feel or act as though the past is done with, is equivalent to believing that a railway station through which our train has just passed, only existed for as long as our train was in it" (Edward Hyams, Chapter 7, The Gifts of Interpretation)
I had to mull over this quote for a little while. It took a few rereads before I really understood what the author was trying to convey. I’m not sure if that is my own lack of understanding or the way it is written but either way it did take me a while to gain meaning from it. 
This quote brings to mind the saying ‘those who forget history are doomed to repeat it’. The idea that history is in the past and therefore we don’t need to think about it or consider it is ridiculous. Sure, we can’t do anything to change what has passed, but we also can’t afford to just forget about it altogether. The world as we know it is a function of everything that has ever happened. If we don’t learn from the mistakes we have made in history, we won’t be able to prevent those mistakes from happening again.
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The popularity of Stonehenge is proof of the human interest in our history. Where did it really come from? How did people so long ago build it? So many question...
In regards to nature, there is one very consequential place where we need to be using history to inform our current and future actions, climate change. By studying tree rings and ice cores we can learn a lot about the history of our world’s climate. We have learned that while there are normal fluctuations in the climate, these take place over very large periods of time and the changes that we are currently experiencing are comparatively very fast. Without looking at the history of our world, we wouldn’t be able to say with nearly as much certainty how truly dangerous our current, and recent past, actions are for our future. The history of our environment is crucial if we hope to have any chance of saving it. 
Another point worth discussing from this quote is the emphasis on the word integrity. One of the meanings of the word integrity is used in this quote, specifically the use of the word in terms of something staying together or being structurally sound. Integrity can also be doing the right thing when no one is watching/ you won’t get any reward for it. I think this relates to the quote as well because we have to do the right thing for our future and our past, even if neither of them are watching us, history because it can’t and the future because just like us they may chose to ignore their past. 
Do you think the author meant for their use of the word integrity to have a double meaning?
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drcuriouslxix · 7 months
those who do not study Tiny Boobs Giant Tits History are doomed to repeat it
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thanakite · 1 year
Often feels like people hear “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it” and think it is just something historians say or something cool to say, but so many don’t treat it as the very serious WARNING and THREAT it so clearly is!
Literally, we just keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again and making the same terrible decisions that led to past terrible events and some are doing this PURPOSELY
Do you really think these ALL politicians who want books taken out of classrooms, want to stop children (and even adults!) from learning about queer history, black history, Jewish history, and more, who say “White lives matter,” want to restrict abortions and birth control, and want to allow even looser gun control DON’T know/understand the consequences of all this?
No, the reality is that at least some of them (if not more) realize EXACTLY what they are doing but they are racist, sexist, homophobic, antisemitic, and WANT US TO REPEAT THESE HISTORICAL EVENTS THAT WE KNOW WERE INCREDIBLY TERRIBLE AND HARMFUL because that fits what their views are
If you don’t think we are heading down a bad and dangerous path, then study history, you will see we are largely doing exactly what we were doing before and all it will do is have the same terrible outcome
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faithdevotion · 1 year
“Do you believe monsters are born, or made?” ( Betty! )
Monsters. A definition, a word that lingered on for centuries, used strongly to embody the fears, concerns and anxieties humans struggled with. There was a dark psychology beneath a percentage of the world population that fought with beyond such struggles, such leading to unpleasant, frightful and shocking events. Humans were capable of committing even the most unimaginable actions, and proof of those acts were seen through the printed memories of history, repeating themselves constantly through lectures, conversations and studies. Those who do not learn it, are doomed to repeat it. Or something like that. But was that lesson learned?
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Arthur's question had a lot of depth into it & truly, so much thought to be put into. It was a complex inquiry, one that a psychologist could answer from their own point of view, mixed with what they had studied and experienced, or simply using the scientific methods to explain it — basing themselves off the books without giving it rational thoughts or perhaps their own perception of it. Betty had so much sensibility on how she treated her patients, often succumbing to frustrations and heartache over how her colleagues or health professionals treated and defined those that had delved deep into obscure webs of the human mind.
"I don't think monsters is the right word to describe someone with some specific psychological tendencies." Glasses are slipped off to reveal her indigo hues manifesting emotion. Coral lips pressed into a thin line, her mind analyzing the inquiry while her heart interfered on it. "Genetics can play a part with some illnesses, but no one is born with fear, Arthur. And we act upon it or what we experienced in our childhood." A heavy sigh left her lips, realizing words could cut deep or trigger traumas despite the softness of her voice. "I believe everyone can be saved from their own traumas, fears or concerns, no matter how grimly they may have acted in the past."
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liberty1776 · 2 years
There is no such thing as a limited Nuclear War
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bahbs · 2 years
Vox Populi
It seems these days that people never studied their histories. As it is told time and time again those who do not remember the past are doomed to keep repeating it. It seems my readers, as many as you may be. We are again at that point. I am not just speaking about the untold justice in Ukraine, but just the fucking unnatural lack of understanding of how we got here. I hear people talking about…
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paradisegreys · 2 years
Lds scriptures online
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Lds scriptures online how to#
“And they spit upon him, and cast him out from among them and also all those who believed in the words which had been spoken…” (Alma 14:7).“Therefore, they did stir up the people to riotings, and all manner of disturbances and wickedness, that they might get more employ, that they might get money…” (Alma 20:11).“For behold, they do study at this time that they may destroy the liberty of thy people…” (Alma 8:18).As a people, we have not given this history book the place in our life and hearts that it deserves, and unfortunately… history is repeating itself. But, just recently, with all of the commotion in the world, my eyes have been opened to its crucial importance as a guidebook to survive these turbulent time. It has warned me, inspired me, and deepened my knowledge. My entire life I have studied a specific history book, but never took it as seriously as I should have, until now. It has been said that if you don’t learn history, you’re doomed to repeat it. So, with all of that in mind… Why Study the Mormon Bible (The Book of Mormon) We are determined to make sure His name is included, and not left out, as He makes all the difference. Jesus Christ is at the head of our church, and the focus of our beliefs. However, in recent years, we have decided that it’s important to be referred to as our given name, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We decided to not view it as a negative thing. For quite a while, members of the Church embraced the term, because we do, in fact, read and study The Book of Mormon. The term “Mormons” originated as a negative, mocking name by the same mobs that ended up murdering Joseph Smith, the prophet who translated these ancient scriptures. Second, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are the SAME THING as “Mormons,” but we typically do not refer to ourselves as “Mormons” any more. That is the only way members refer to these scriptures, but we know what you mean, when you say “Mormon Bible.” I just wanted to make it clear that when you say “Mormon Bible,” it is the SAME THING as The Book of Mormon, and the latter is the term we use. First, this book of scriptures, sometimes referred to as the “Mormon Bible,” or “Mormon scriptures,” is actually called The Book of Mormon.
Lds scriptures online how to#
In today’s post, I thought it would be a great idea to share why we study the Mormon Bible, as well as how to get one for free.īut first… I wanted to clarify a couple things, before we continue any further. I’m so glad you’re here! As a lifelong member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I’m happy to be of any assistance that I can.
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