#three sentence fic
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Welcome to the Three Sentence Ficathon Tumblr!
What is the 3 Sentence Ficathon?
This is an open exchange where you answer a prompt with a fic consisting of only three sentences. It’s open to all fandoms and you can post and fill as many prompts as you want, as many times as you want.
How does it work?
The event is run over at the threesentenceficathon comm on Dreamwidth. You don’t need a DW account to play, though! You can use an OpenID login, or post as a guest or anon.
When can I participate?
The 2024 3SF will be open for new prompting between January 12 - February 11. Don’t want the fun to end? You can still fill prompts all year long.
So what’s with the Tumblr?
We figured it might be useful what with so many fandom folks being over here. Follow us for announcements or submit questions to the ask box!
Where can I post my 3SF fills? 
Anywhere you want. Fill the prompts first over at the dreamwidth comm (you don’t even have to sign in–anon prompting and filling is just fine). If you post your fills to AO3, feel free to add them to the 2024 3SF Collection. If you share on Tumblr, tag your posts as #3SF24 and the mod team will do our best to reblog them here! 
Who’s on the mod team?
The event is currently maintained by @rthstewart, @bywayofmemory, @wingedflight and @oakashandwillow.
Any more questions?
Check out the 3SF explainer over on Dreamwidth. If you still have questions, drop the question in our ask box.
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skyward-floored · 5 months
if you're doing three sentence fic again what about test?
“CHAMPION WHERE IS MY BAG AND WHY AM I IN MY UNDERWEAR?!” Legend yelled, stomping through the grass over to him.
“It’s just a test Legend, calm down, we just have to fight through the rooms,” Wild said as he looked at the familiar first room of the trial of the sword, also missing all of his outer clothes, “...of course I already passed it, so I don’t know why this triggered...”
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effervescentdragon · 4 months
Galex + possessiveness ? Or is that too specific or vague
Nothing in this world is Alex's, in as much everything can be taken away with a smile and a shrug and a "You're just not a good fit", with or without a performative I'm sorry, or with a knock at 11 PM which precedes people in suits coming into his house and ransacking his parents' office and his mother being taken away with not even an I'm sorry, only an "Alex, take care of them" which infuriates as much as it hurts.
So nothing in this world is Alex's permanently, and he knows it, feels it like that tingle in the back of your throat when you're about to get sick, knows it with every fibre of his being even when he pretends he doesn't, even when he pushes it away, and so every thing that is Alex's right now, in this moment, Alex keeps a tight hold on.
Alex presses his fingers into George's jaw when they kiss and presses his palms into the curve of George's hips and presses his lips into the meat of George's thighs and presses himself inside George and whispers "Mine" and "Good" and "Yes", and he leaves traces of himself on George's skin - fleeting, temporary, about to heal - and never ever says I'm sorry.
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
Little Red Riding Hood, cyberpunk?
"The password is..." Red stopped and scrutinized the woman on her screen. "Your eyes are too big, Grandmother."
"That's because it's so hard to see you over this connection."
"Your ears are too big."
The woman on the screen fluffed her gray curls. "I've rearranged my hair."
Red looked again. "You have too many teeth." That settled it. "You're an AI image. Who's really behind this account?"
The screen went blank.
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toweroftickles · 9 months
If you're still looking for three-sentence fic requests, maybe lee Spider Gwen and ler Miles and/or Penny? With focus on her abs? Much obliged! Always happy to see you updating.
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Yay for multiple identical requests! XD
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"MMM-Hmmm, Hmhm-Hmhm-Hmhm; Hng-Hng Hng!!" Gwen Stacy whimpered and giggled desperately through her tightly-sealed lips, blushy, flat on her back in Spider HQ, and trembling like a leaf in a downpour.
"Remember you're not allowed to move or laugh; this is part of the test!" Miles teased her, holding her shoulder down with one hand and joined by a chorus of bubbly snickers from Peni.
Both of Gwen's friends were mercilessly touching her belly, tickling and scratching in between the muscles of her toned abs...awkward, clumsy squeezes from the former and skittering, spidery fingernails from the latter...and Gwen didn't know how much longer she could stand it before she died or burst like a balloon.
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^ Peni w/those precise, surgical finger movements
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spider-mancan · 4 months
Starker + Home
Tony has drones wheeling in all sorts of furniture -- bookshelves, bed frames, a piano neither of them will ever touch -- but it's Peter who is moving things into place.
"It gets me very hot and bothered when you do that," Tony notes, watching Peter pick up the entire couch and delicately placing it against the wall.
"You only come in hot and bothered or manic and bedraggled," Peter replies, tugging Tony in by the lapels and giving him the first kiss in their new home.
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wingedflight · 3 months
3SF: Narnia, Lucy/Caspian, you’re so gorgeous/i can’t say anything to your face/cause look at your face
The first time Lucy sees him, this Telmarine prince, this soon-to-be Narnian king, her heart skips a beat; it's embarrassing, considering how many years she's lived in her heart if not in her body, that she could still find someone that young so... interesting. But she's too young for him, the way she looks now, and he doesn't look at her the same way she looks at him, and so Lucy packs up that longing and puts it away until a dark and lonely night in England when she can reflect back on this young and dashing prince and imagine what could have been.
And then: a painting, a flood, an ocean rescue, and suddenly Lucy is dripping on a deck in the middle of the Eastern Sea and Caspian is there again--and this time, he looks at her, and blushes, and looks away.
2024 Three Sentence Ficathon
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ladylynse · 7 months
I was recently reminded that this character existed and my immediate thought was "crossover", so... I mean I'm not sure if you know the series intimately? But prompt: Jinx from Teen Titans (the really old really good cartoon), Johnny 13 from DP, "family"
I really need to watch Teen Titans again. (It's a good show!) I tried with this. I don't remember enough of Jinx's personality to do her justice, so writing this from her POV was not my smartest choice, but....
Jinx had had the world crumble around her so many times that when she found the streetlights going out on her walk down the street that night, she figured it was just the next turn of bad luck coming for her, but at least she wouldn’t feel bad about turning it back on whoever it was if they intended to jump her.
The motorcycle was a bad call, though; it was hardly stealthy, and if someone thought she’d go soft just because the engine happened to sound like that of her older cousin’s bike, back before the accident that—
“Hey-o, Hijinks,” came a voice behind her that absolutely should not belong to Johnny but—when she turned to look—did come from someone with an eerie resemblance to him (emphasis on eerie, with that glow; was it a shapeshifter who somehow knew his pet name for her?), “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we’ve got trouble coming, so if you’re enjoying living and not just existing, you’ve gotta listen to me.”
see more fics | crossovers 
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coffeeghoulie · 3 months
Bear with me on this one...
SwissDropTher, but instead of ice hockey it's A Knight's Tale. You can decide who's in which role but I know what my casting choice would be.
"Guinevere comes to Lancelot." Swiss watches the object of Aether's affections slinking through the knights' tents dressed in white like a man on a mission, he grins, hiding in the shadows as Dewdrop makes his way to his own liege's tent, glancing over his shoulder before stepping inside. "Bed him well."
"You're hurt," Dew whispers, clever eyes raking over Aether's bare chest, bruised and battered, yet victorious, winning both tournament and heart.
"I am, yes," Aether groans as he sits up, grinning rakishly as Dew crawls up his bed to face him and takes his hand, leaning in to kiss him. "But I've been taught to take the bad with the good."
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Three Sentence Fic: Inflection
"You know, Tamaki-senpai, you really should be using your wealth and power to better the world," Haruhi said.
Tamaki clutched his bosom with a gasp like a scandalized Victorian woman, saying, "Haruhi it is quite the assumption to presume I already don't do that, but as a commoner I would love to hear your suggestions!"
Haruhi woke up the next day to find the housing market fixed, but pink.
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isasan347 · 5 months
hmm for the 3 sentence fic prompts, how about "unfamiliar"?
The Hero of Legends house was full to the brim with magical items and artifacts, stuffed with tools and weapons, it was almost an eyesore to the champion, he was used to having things neatly organized in his slate.
But of all the things Legend had in his humble home, which were often multiple versions of the same thing, such as rods and shovels, (seriously when would he ever need that many shovels?) there was one thing that caught wilds eye.
A beautiful dark blue mirror, decorated with white shiny pearls but as he picked it up to get a better look at it, the reflection seemed to change into an unfamiliar figure that wasn’t the champion himself.
“That’s no ordinary mirror…”
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Holy Guacamole, we've reached 1500 comments already!
Incredible work, you crazy kids.
But if the sheer number of comments is beginning to intimidate, here are some 3SF tips and tricks:
You do not have to read every prompt and fill on every page. Add new prompts immediately, if you wish. When filling, jump in wherever you want, whether that's the beginning, the (current) end, or somewhere in the middle.
You do not have to be participating the whole time. There's always a rush at the beginning, so if a slower pace is your thing, you can hop into the fest later in the month once the flood of comments has slowed somewhat.
You absolutely can fill prompts that have been filled by someone else. It's also just fine to leave a prompt that's been prompted before. (People do it all the time).
You can fill "any" prompts with any fandom--even your own original stuff! And there are a ton of "any fandom" prompts in the mix this year, so feel free to use those if you can't find something for the specific fandom you want to fill.
You can change the comments view to make things easier to browse! Dreamwidth automatically shows the Threaded view, but you can switch to Top-Level Comments Only for a cleaner experience.
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In conclusion, don't stress! Just hop on in, leave a couple of prompts, write a couple of fills, and soon enough you'll find yourself in the swing of things ✍🏻
And if you have any other tips, share them in the reblogs!
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skyward-floored · 5 months
Pining, for the ask game?
“Why does Sky keep looking out the window and sighing?” Wind asked, raising an eyebrow, and Wild hummed.
“He’s sad we had to leave Skyloft, and now he’s pining for Sun,” Wild said with a smirk.
“So why is that the same face Legend was making after we left his time?” Wind asked, and Legend’s head snapped over as Wild began to cackle.
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effervescentdragon · 4 months
Three sentence fic prompt:
Charlos and eye contact across a crowded room.
Sometimes Charles pretends to know exactly what they're talking about in a meeting when in actuality he has no idea, mind gone away a long time ago into fantasies where he has a car that actually drives well instead of the series of barely driveable red machines that bleed gasoline just like he does every single weekend on track and off. Sometimes he pretends he doesn't know what they're talking about in a meeting, smiles as if he's confused and plays stupid, as stuoid as some of them think he is while inside his head the cogs are turning like the cogs turn in his car, fast and then yet again faster, piecing everything together in a way that he's going to turn into a win, even if it's a lesser one, not really the one he ultimately wants.
Sometimes, though; sometimes he raises his head and Carlos is right across from him, sometimes staring straight at Charles and sometimes looking through him, his eyes either warm or cold, depending on many thing, only some of which are in Charles' control, and those times - some of those times - Charles forgets what he was supposed to do and smiles; and Carlos always smiles back.
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ddagent · 4 days
Prompt game:
Aziraphale/Crowley, Human Crowley grew up in a cult and when asked to summon a demon, he ends up summoning Angel Aziraphale instead
Not sure what can be done in three sentences with that though, good luck
Thank you for the prompt! "Three sentence" fic, ahoy:
Crowley had been thinking about leaving for a while. Not something he'd thought about, growing up in the Order, but after his first visit to the city - and listening to Queen in a pair of oversized headphones in HMV - he'd known it was inevitable. Packed a bag for the occasion; looked for every out he could. But Crowley didn't expect this to be his departure.
"So. Where to?" Crowley asked the occupant of the passenger seat. Barney bleated - Crowley really hadn't expected too much of the goat. He was just happy not to be the next ritual sacrifice. The Angel on the back seat, marveling at the way the electronic windows went up and down, seemed equally content. "Angel?"
"Hmm?" Aziraphale, Angel of the Eastern Gate, smiled brightly at him from the back. "Oh, anywhere. I'll go anywhere."
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
Writing prompt:
Bridegroom in disguise. But also bride in disguise, and the celebrant too.
In Chains
Crowds filled the village square for market day—at least two dozen black-cloaked Oprien soldiers among them—but Vallen placed his bag on the ground and settled easily onto his stool beneath the tree, confident in his disguise. He wore none of the marks of his priestly office—no robes, no chains, no visible tattoos. To unknowing eyes, he was simply an old man in shepherd’s garb whiling away his day with whittling and idle chatter. Only those who had been directed to seek his help would notice that he was carving a wedding chain.
No one spared Vallen a glance all morning, which was both relief and sorrow. The Oprien emperor had banned Rioven weddings since the invasion; all who defied the decree were publicly executed. Early on, the people had been eager to defy the emperor, but now most Riovens thought the rites too dangerous to risk. Ground down by the occupation, they were forgetting the habits of freedom. All rumors of the royal family’s return had faded into childish legend. The emperor’s oppression grew ever more cruel. Why try to fight when there was no hope of success? As long as Vallen lived, he would try to preserve the Rioven ways, but what if he died? Would others continue his crusade, or would Rioven rites—Rioven life—die with him?
As the sun rose higher, Vallen lost the tree’s shade. He was beginning to contemplate a rest in a tavern when he became aware of eyes upon him. A young man with dark hair and a square face, wearing garb much like his own. A Rioven peasant down to his bones and, by the look of it, a pious one.
But appearances could be deceiving.
Vallen kept his eyes on his chain, smoothing the wooden links with careful strokes of the knife.
The man stepped forward. “You sit idle on such a day?”
Vallen responded casually, “I’ve had many years of labor.”
“We have need of you now. The laborers are few.”
Accurate down to the last syllable. The man had learned the signs from a trusted source. Vallen dared a closer look.
The young man was solemn, assured. A bit too assured; a bridegroom seeking an illegal wedding usually showed some sign of nerves. His garb was ill-fitting—a sign of poverty or disguise? He seemed not even to notice the soldiers passing by—a sign he was in league with them?
Vallen gathered his bag and rose to follow. He put the chain in his pocket, but kept the knife in his hand.
The man led him through the market crowds, passing up a dozen opportunities to hand him over to the Opriens, but passing up just as many places that could hide a marriage ceremony. Bridegrooms usually wanted the ceremony done quietly nearby, limiting the chances of detection and keeping the priest near his post so other couples could find him. Was there a wedding at all, or had Vallen walked into a trap? There were other groups that would rejoice in the elimination of a priest.
They passed beyond the edges of the village and went far into the countryside with no explanation from the groom.
On an isolated stretch of road, Vallen dared a comment. “It seems you keep your bride well-hidden.”
The man graced him with a smile that did much to calm Vallen’s doubts. “These days, all treasures must be.”
At last, they came upon a small cottage surrounded by garden plots at the edge of the forest. A silent young woman emerged, wearing the robes of a hermitess.
For a moment, Vallen was puzzled—a hermitess could allow no others into her tiny abode—but then the woman placed her hand upon the man’s arm and gave him a look of devotion so pure that it was clear the only vows she planned to make were to him.
Hiding the wedding was expected, but what reason could they have to hide the bride?
The young woman was tall and slender, with pale skin and black hair, and moved with fluid grace. The very picture of beauty and innocence. Vallen couldn’t picture her as an outlaw.
She spoke quietly to the young man, but Vallen could just make out her words. “He is truly a priest?”
The woman’s accent—flowing, musical—made the reason for secrecy clear. The costume of a silent hermitess kept others from speaking to her and revealing that incriminating voice. The robes hid the tattoos of her heritage.
Beneath her collar, Vallen caught a glimpse of a black-ink tattoo of delicate flowers and swirling vines—the mark of a highborn Taina. That tiny little duchy had thrown up such fierce resistance that the emperor had decreed they were to be wiped from existence. It said much about the girl’s courage that she was alive today. It said much about the man’s devotion that he was willing to wed her.
What dangers the young were driven to these days. Hidden heroism, never known to the world. No doubt there were a million such stories all across Rioven—and not one had thrown off the Opriens.
Had Oprien ground Vallen down, too? He had been doing this work for years now, always watching, always hiding. And for what? In the lair of the Oprien monster, would one more wedding really make a difference?
A voice that seemed to come from somewhere outside himself reminded him—it will make all the difference in the world to the bride and groom.
“Are you sure we can trust him?” the woman asked her bridegroom.
Vallen stepped forward and raised his hand in holy greeting. In Tainu—the woman’s native tongue, he said, “I am your devoted servant, my lady.”
She brightened at the sound of her native tongue, and a tremulous anxiety faded from her.
Vallen looked toward the groom and patted his bag. “I have the herbs and water for the marriage rite.” He started toward the cottage. “We can begin the ceremony inside.”
The man stopped Vallen with a hand on his arm. “We are not far from the Innocent River.”
Vallen pulled away. “The cottage is ideal. Much safer.”
“The ceremony must be completed in the waters.”
This was why Vallen’s work was important. So many were losing the nuances of the rites. “It’s a common tradition, but not a requirement of the ceremony.”
“I’m afraid it’s necessary in this case.”
Necessary? To a man hiding a Taina bride? There was devotion to tradition and then there was recklessness. Yet the man spoke with authority that would not be disobeyed.
Vallen met the young man’s eyes and explained as calmly as possible, “I admire your devotion, but the river is only strictly required in the marriage rite—”
Of kings.
The words caught in Vallen’s throat, lit up his mind. Before his eyes, the man in the shepherd’s robes gained a king’s bearing. Vallen had seen it in the king who resembled this young man, had recalled it often in the days since the invasion. The king stood tall, not to look down upon his kingdom as the Oprien did, but to hold it up with his own strength.
The lines of kings had survived.
Vallen nearly fell to his knees, but the man grasped his hand and lifted him up. With a smile, he said, “I am glad you understand the rites.”
He handed Vallen a tarnished golden chain set with small sapphires—a wedding chain older than the Oprien empire, last seen in a burning cathedral in the king’s city.
Vallen grasped the chain, then seized upon his priestly training. He had served kings in palaces; he could serve one in the forest.
The ceremony took place in the headwaters, a short walk away from the cottage. Hidden witnesses—the king’s supporters—watched silently from perches among the trees. Shallow, crystal waters flowed over the bare feet of the king and his bride as Vallen took between them binding their hands with the marriage chain.
The rite had never felt so alive. The bride and groom took up their own chains, not of oppression, but of love. Not enslaving, but serving.
Even in the shadows, life would go on.
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