cebozcom · 2 days
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Thrombose erkennen: Sechs Warnzeichen, die vom Bein ausgehen | www.ceboz.com
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Thrombose rechtzeitig erkennen und welche Warnzeichen auf eine mögliche Thrombose im Bein hinweisen.
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deinheilpraktiker · 1 year
Ein optimaler Ansatz zur Behandlung femoropoplitealer Läsionen Neue im Journal of the American College of Cardiology veröffentlichte Forschungsergebnisse zeigen, dass die Verwendung von medikamentenbeschichteten Ballons im Vergleich zu unbeschichteten Metallstents ein optimaler Ansatz bei der Behandlung von femoropoplitealen Läsionen ist. In der Veröffentlichung mit dem Titel „Drug-coated Balloons versus Bare Metal Stents in Femoropopliteal Lesions: Three-Year Results of Prospective, Multicenter Studies“ berichteten Forscher über die E... #Amputation #Forschung #Gefäß #Herz #Kardiologie #Kinder #Krankenhaus #Krebs #Medizin #Mortalität #Restenose #Stent #Thrombose #Wirksamkeit
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elternhandbuch · 2 years
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Schwangerschaftsbeschwerden – 8 typische Leiden
In der Schwangerschaft freuen sich Frauen sehr auf ihr Kind. Die Freude wird allerdings oft von allerlei Schwangerschaftsbeschwerden getrübt…
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adozentothedawn · 1 year
So I'm starting to feel the whole chronic illness thing and I don't like it but it is 1am so I should probably sleep
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sages-of-hell · 8 months
oh no i loooooove thinking i can finally Chill Out and Relax after a stressful semester only to get diagnosed to hell and back when i went to the doctor to confirm or deny my suspicions of an appendicitis 🥰🥰🥰
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w3nnfm5wuf · 1 year
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Rhizopus & Mucor
Both belong under the umbrella term, mucorales. These are bread moulds naturally on fruit and bread that we breathe in and out without much issue particularly if immunocompetent, but in some immunocompromised it causes rapidly fatal and progressive disease: mucormycosis. Due to the weakened immune system.
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Spores released either land on skin or into blood via open wounds, then deposit tehre, invading local vessels, thrombosing them and cutting off supply. this rapidly leads to ischaemia and necrosis. Dead tissue.
Now for a Case Report. This one in Frontiers of Medicine. A 35 yo man with diabetes presents with a facial rash, that rapidly progresses to an eschar and ulcer. To note, there are graphic images in the link of his face.
This was initially associated with nasal discharge and epistaxis. Diagnosis was initially a peridontal infection which did not resolve with standard antibiotics for this, similarly he was next diagnosed with uncomplicated, stock standard cellulitis (usually staph or strep pyogenes caused). Both treatments failed.
eventually he was diagnosed with mucormycosis, but by then he had extensive damage to his face, the subcut tissues, muscles and facial bones. He also had significant weight loss, fevers, splenomegaly and thrombosis.
To muddy the waters, he was concurrently diagnosed with a T cell lymphoma but the authors also picked up Rhizopus.
What is Rhizopus? (also related to mucor, another mucorales) It's a fungi, more specifically an opportunistic pathogen commonly associated with diabetics (esp poorly controlled) and the immunocompromised (in particular solid organ transplants, see further case report in resources below, HIV, malnutrition, haematological malignancies - eg leukaemias).
Also associated with steroid use, form of immunosuppression so has been seen in severe COVID patients requiring dexamethasone (Rare though).
As a mould it likes the acidotic states in DKA and iron, so any iron overload states as well.
Why poorly controlled diabetics - it becomes an immunocormposed state in and of itself. The sugars suppress local inflammatory responses like neutrophil chemotaxis or phagocytosis etc. You can however, get chronic forms too. So don't rule it out if it's not wildly acute. These occur over weeks, slowly. Considering it's a mould, it's particularly "prolific" in hot weather and warm/hot climates.
Classically it is an infection that affects the face, parasinuses, nose and even the brain. You'll often hear the term rhinocerebral with it.
Consider it if you see discolouration around the face and definitely if you see a necrotic eschar. Actually, any black spots, fevers, rash, call ID urgently. Unsurprisingly, it is also called the black fungus.
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Is also possible to have it affect the skin (particularly in IVDU and in burns), lungs and GI (more rare). IN lung involvement symptoms are typical for the organ - SOB, fevers, chest pain, haemoptysis. in GI: nausea/vomiting/GIB.
Thrombosis can occur as a complication as it invades the blood vessels.
In brain involvement from disseminated disease, expect confusion and altered state if not reduced GCS.
It's also been recently featured in the fungi podcast by the Curbsiders. Which is worth a listen.
It's filamentous and has hyphae.
You'll also hear the term mucormycosis = which just refers to the disease process that is rapidly fatal. Mortality is 30-70% of rhinocerebral cases, 90% in disseminated and 100% in AIDs --numbers from StatPearls. Survival improves with antifungals and surgery to 70%.
Early diagnosis and intervention is essential, as illustrated in the case report above. but is rare, so not infrequently missed.
It's also missed, as early symptoms are very non specific depending on how it affects the host. You can simply get lethargy, headache and eye pain. Blurry vision too, or simply epistaxis and rhinorrhoea.
Image from Wiki
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Now that you know the clinical presentation and the increased risk groups to think of this diagnosis in,
How do you confirm your suspicions?
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It's associated with neutropaenic states and one hypothesis is acidosis in diabetics with poorly managed sugars (so really unwell). No serology (as compared to other bugs), would come up in fungal cultures and on tissue biopsy. key words on biopsy: Ribbon like hyphae branching at 90 degree angles.
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Also from wiki, that suggests it looks like Moose antlers.
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Pathologists will also note or look for necrosis and haemorrhage.
Blood cultures rarely pick up it, so consider it if they're unwell and culture negative.
On imaging - gold standard in rhino cerebral is MRI but CT is most accessible and fast. Looking for signs of blood vessel invasion and reverse halo or less specific halo sign.
Reverse halo per radiopaedia: ground glass within a consolidated crescent shape.
From radiopaedia:
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Okay, this sounds both difficult to pick up and investigate. No magical PCR or serology.
Pro tip from stat pearls: just maintain a high index of suspicion in anyone with increased risk or risk factors. Biopsy tissue quickly particularly if necrosis is apparent. Early detection method is unsurprisngly CT --> we all seem to have a low threshold for this, but looking for hyperdensity (mucosal thickening) and erosion of the facial bones.
Also essential is the age old adage that most clinicians follow --> empirical therapy for the most common organisms, close monitoring/observations. then failing that, broaden the differentials and keep investigating or altering treatment quickly.
The strong stuff. Liposomal Amphotericin B for 4-6 weeks (the long duration) as it is highly invasive/progressive. Alternatives; itraconazole.
You may also hear of hyperbaric O2 therapy, which aids the neutrophils to kill the fungi. Also in stat pearls
Surgical debridement after antifungal therapy with washout depending on extent of damage.
Sources used for post:
Case reports, wiki and radiopaedia as above And largely Statpearls --> there is much more further detail and more to read on differentials and complications.
I'll try to use free resources as much as possible.
Another Case Reports of interest include: NEJM - lengthy one reminding all to consider this diagnosis in an unexplained rash in an immunocompromised host.
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human-antithesis · 6 months
Rancid Bowel Sarcoma
rotting defleshed incarnosia minch liynph excraving hobo stench reek pustulose exploring on peeled pubic pukes I ramming my dick in your hole
splitting grabing oesophagist sogs gariliac paenemic chunky cannals consumed on broken faeces your organs melting in my stomach virgin systems of digestion munched
clinning waste in my slithering sodomy suprapubical necrotic scrotal suffering
remained on pedophiling bizarre pulverize
all flesh freezing toracical endo genitallia facial nerves diluyng on pulp deformia
gribled wasted unborn grotesque deranged torturing dark putrid tissues menstruoparasites on lepral burst excruciating eruption of severed glibs rectocellia laping splatting sherds dehiscenced broweds rancid buffets
the pubic structures pro lapses in rupture smells of desintegrated skulls on purulent lard prunctured retro plasming innards breakage boling on genetical aftermathing wrist
carbuncular neo cervyx immerse of urine slurping rectum thrombose in repugnance
in disgust y rancid regurgitate violent engorgement blasted on anatomy
stiff endo sarcoma grinning bursted lurk of perverse swarming vile recto macerated nausea undinicism breaking on suppure stench vitreobactereology infesting the crabia strangled myo cavernosa purulence uretra completly full of reeking shreds critycal pro indigested gut in rancid fluyds horrid pircing in phallus chewed pus
formed bowel of ulcerous fluyds anoplasmical deform saturated of oxidisied ferocious disgorge depraving in your body swollen larynxpurulence cyst
raping all porously flesh on dislocated grim peeling your insides on crepitating scrubs i'm your cure in your perverse disease filling you in mastication
i'm meeting my real antropophagist desire
my climax is totally fulfied and the smell of my creation grubs in perverse
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viensdansmatete · 7 months
Nous avons le projet d'avoir un bébé, il commence aujourd'hui, je suis sous vitamine pour favoriser la conception de bébé, je vais devoir arrêté mon traitement pour la thrombose (embolie pulmonaire, phlébite...) début janvier. En contre partie je vais avoir des piqures de phlébite (plus que la moyenne) des l'arrêt de la pilule et ceux jusqu'à temps que j'accouche... Cela me fait un peu peur mais je souhaite qu'un bout de toi, un bout de moi, forme un petit être.
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alain-keler · 7 months
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Samedi 9 septembre 2023. 
  Sur une avenue qui longe la rivière La Têt à Perpignan, cinq ou six personnes exhibent des panneaux avec des photos de personnes prétendument décédées après avoir été vaccinées contre le covid. Leurs prénoms et noms accompagnent les photos. Je me contenterais des prénoms.
Extraits des légendes :
Laurenne, 38 ans. Deuxième injection Pfizer. Après une semaine, forte toux qui s’aggrave, puis paralysie faciale. Abel, 18 ans. Deuxième injection le 13-10-21, Pfizer. Décédé deux mois plus tard d’un double arrêt cardiaque. Laurence, 55 ans. Troisième injection décembre 2021 Moderna. Décédée en juillet 2022 d’une leucémie foudroyante. Sofia, 17 ans. Première injection 11-09-21. Décédée dix jours après d’une thrombose. Anthony, 24 ans. Première injection 08-03-21, AstraZenec. Décédé dix jours plus tard de thromboses multiples.
Julia, 35 ans. Deuxième injection juillet 2021, Pfizer. Douleurs poitrine, nuque, migraines, embolie pulmonaire, péricardique aigüe.
  Sur un autre panneau on peut voir des portraits de trente-six personnes, avec un texte au-dessus de leurs photos : « ces jeunes ont tous un point commun. Ils se sont fait injecter un (vaccin) anti-covid », et tout en bas « avant de mourir ».
Une autre affiche montre deux jeunes pré-adolescents souriants. « Sans votre autorité parentale, ils sont en danger : à l’apprentissage de la masturbation à 4 ans, du changement de sexe à 6 ans, de la fellation et de la sodomie à 9 ans, de l’excitation sexuelle à 12ans etc…
En dessous : Non à l’incitation au consentement sexuel précoce et au transgenrisme, non à la transgression !
Si vous envisagez d’en savoir plus et de participer au débat, il y a une adresse, je vous la donne : parentsencolere.fr.
Mais ce n’est pas tout. Sur une autre affiche on peut lire :
« Les médias mainstream sont le virus, alors attention aux variants:
Variant Omerta, 
variant fakeNews, 
variant désinformation, 
variant propagande ».
   Ou l’art et la manière de retourner l’argumentaire de la raison, pour s’en servir à des fins malhonnêtes!   
 Le complotisme a de beaux jours devant lui !
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perfect-jerry-blossom · 10 months
i always find it a little funny when people say “i’m gonna have an aneurysm” or “he had an aneurysm” as a stand-in for like, freaking out or getting really mad. because an aneurysm in and of itself is not necessarily symptomatic! you could have a 5cm aortic aneurysm right now and not even know. on top of that, an aneurysm is not always deadly, especially if it’s caught early and monitored. when i was working outpatient imaging we regularly had older folks come in to have their aneurysms monitored. so when people are like “omg i’m gonna have an aneurysm” i’m like well you probably wouldn’t know even if you had one for years :) it just doesn’t have the same urgency as like “you gave me a heart attack” yknow lolol
it might make more sense to say “i’m gonna hemorrhage” or “he was thrombosed” but those both sound stupid and lame so aneurysm wins
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adozentothedawn · 1 year
A Beginner's Guide to Receiving Cortisone Infusions
So, I am looking for a way to deal with my first flare up treatment and since I don't even really have something to vent about or some deep thoughts or even just depression to voice, I might as well make it educational. Do keep in mind these are my personal experiences from my very first treatment cycle, which I am 3 days (of 5) in.
Most people seem to have trouble sleeping on Cortisone therapy and your treatment professionals (be that nurses or doctors) will likely also assume that. I myself got a prescription for rather strong sleeping pills under the order to only take them if really necessary because they can be addictive. That said, my personal experience was that Cortisone made me honestly more tired rather than restless. When I brought this up with the nurse she seemed surprised but not alarmed, so that is probably not a symptom of anything more drastic than me just being a sleepy bitch.
It is very normal to get a weird taste in your mouth during the infusion, which may also linger for a few more hours. In my experience it's thankfully pretty easy to cover with better tastes though, so I suggest taking along some gum or other easy to eat snacks. If you don't have anything along you can usually at least ask for some water to wash it out for a bit.
You will get stabbed. Multiple times. The professionals might also seriously ask you if you want to do one (Anti-Thrombose) yourself. They will not be mad if you don't and they only ask that cause some people are just used to doing those injections themselves, either cause they already had these treatments multiple times or deal with something similar like diabetes. They will also likely ask you the opposite multiple times to make sure you won't faint at the sight of a needle.
You will bruise where you were stabbed. You will also have very annoying and sticky glue lines on your arm when you take the plaster off. Either ask them the next the day to help you with that or get some rubbing alcohol on your own.
When they stick a thick bandaid on the stabbing spot press on it for a few minutes. You will regret not doing it cause it will bleed like hell and look really scary if you notice only a while later. It probably won't be actually scary but it will be very bloody.
Take some entertainment with you that you can use one handed. One of your hands will be mostly unusable. If necessary you can move it, but it needs to lie low so no holding your phone in front of your face with it for example.
You likely can't predict where they will stab you and if it's for multiple days they will stab you into different spots. Especially if you're like me and have really shitty veins. Common spots are elbows and upper wrists. They might have to try multiple times or even call a local specialist over. This is not cause you're in danger or cause they're mean, your veins are just very subtle and they want to avoid hurting you more than they have to.
The cortisone will likely have influence on your eating habits but it might have different directions. I've actually had positive reactions to that cause my appetite was absolute shit recently (which might be related to a lover side effect from my permanent meds, that will be tested in a week) but after the cortison treatments I've had much less issues with nausea and lacking appetite. I've heard the opposite as well though, so keep an eye on it.
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digestivewonders · 2 years
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anus or lower part of the rectum. Sometimes, the walls of these blood vessels stretch so thin that the veins bulge and get irritated, especially when you poop. Hemorrhoids are also called piles.
Symptoms & Causes
Hemorrhoids are very common. They result from increased pressure on the anus. This can occur during pregnancy or childbirth, and due to constipation. The pressure causes the normal anal veins and tissue to swell. This tissue can bleed, often during bowel movements. It may be caused by:
Straining during bowel movements
Sitting for long periods of time, especially on the toilet
Certain diseases, such as cirrhosis Hemorrhoids may be inside or outside the body.
Internal hemorrhoids occur just inside the anus, at the beginning of the rectum. When they are large, they may fall outside (prolapse). The most common problem with internal hemorrhoids is bleeding during bowel movements. External hemorrhoids occur outside the anus. They can result in difficulty cleaning the area after a bowel movement. If a blood clot forms in an external hemorrhoid, it can be very painful (thrombosed external hemorrhoid).
Eat high-fiber foods.
Eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
Drink plenty of fluids.
Drink six to eight glasses of water and other liquids (not alcohol) each day to help keep stools soft.
Consider fiber supplements.
Don't strain. Go as soon as you feel the urge.
Avoid long periods of sitting.
Apply an over-the-counter hemorrhoid cream or suppository containing hydrocortisone, or use pads containing witch hazel or a numbing agent.
Soak regularly in a warm bath or sitz bath.
Take oral pain relievers.
Bass LM, Wershil BK. Anatomy, histology, embryology, and developmental anomalies of the small and large intestine. In: Feldman M, Friedman LS, Brandt LJ, eds. Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease: Pathophysiology/Diagnosis/Management. 11th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2021:chap 98.
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tinontour · 2 years
Der Erste Flug nach Singapore hat einwandfrei geklappt, wir waren knapp 12h in der Luft für ca 12000km. 😱 Dort angekommen verbrachten wir noch 6h am Flughafen: Etwas laufen gehen gegen die Thrombose 😅, Essen und natürlich Leute und ☝Schmetterlinge beobachten gehörten zu unserem Zeitverteib, eh es dann wieder hieß: Abflug nach Auckland. 🤪🤩 Die Aufregung steigt!
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lemondeabicyclette · 2 years
« La pénurie médicamenteuse est soigneusement organisée. Le 3ème pays France vendeur d'armes au monde (10 milliards en 2019) n'est pas capable de vous fournir un des médicaments les plus utilisés pour déboucher vos artères: les thrombolytiques !
Je sais de quoi je parle vu que j'ai fait 15 ans d'urgence !
« La seule chose que l'ANSM est capable de faire est de rappeler les indications thérapeutiques de ces médicaments forts connus aux urgentistes qui n'ont guère le loisir de les utiliser hors indications vu les risques de saignements aussi... »
"Actuellement, les deux thrombolytiques les plus utilisés à l’hôpital, Actilyse (altéplase) et Therasolv (urokinase), sont en tension d’approvisionnement au niveau mondial.
Les fabricants expliquent ces tensions par une augmentation constante du nombre de patients éligibles aux thrombolytiques ...
Pour les mêmes raisons, les alternatives que sont Actosolv (urokinase) et Metalyse (tenecteplase) ne sont pas disponibles."
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