#thug of arabia
mariacallous · 2 years
Every picture tells a story, or so it’s said, and the photo of a smirking Vladimir Putin shaking hands with the Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, at the opening game of the men’s football World Cup in Moscow in June 2018 carried a clear warning for the west.
The message, for those who cared to heed it: Saudi Arabia, nurtured by the British in the days of empire, defended by the US against Saddam Hussein and Iran, and forgiven its close connections to the 9/11 terror attacks, was no longer the dependent, biddable ally it once was. Prince Mohammed was making new friends.
Fabulously wealthy on the back of seemingly limitless oil, pursuing a feisty regional foreign policy in Yemen and Lebanon, building ties with Russia and China, and arrogantly dismissive of western human rights concerns, the Saudis were going their own way.
No one symbolises these shifting allegiances more powerfully than the heavily bearded, stockily built heir to the throne, already the country’s de facto ruler and a man who, aged 37, may be expected to rule for the next 50 years.
And there he was, in Moscow of all places, bonding chummily with Russia’s killer president. Even then, Putin was leader of a regime under western sanctions for its illegal 2014 annexation of Crimea – an authoritarian thug widely believed responsible for the Salisbury poisonings earlier that same year and other lethal attacks on political rivals, critics and journalists inside Russia and abroad. Yet Mohammed seemed very much at home as the crowd roared and Russia scored.
Then, a mere four months later, in October 2018, came the murder in Istanbul of the dissenting Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. For sheer brutality and brazenness, it looked like a state assassination straight out of Putin’s playbook.
Joe Biden was not elected US president until two years later. During his campaign he dubbed Saudi Arabia, and by implication its crown prince, a “pariah” after Khashoggi’s murder. As president he froze weapons sales and released intelligence implicating the prince.
All of which made his embarrassing U-turn visit to Riyadh in July this year, and his notorious fist-bump with a grinning Mohammed so much more difficult to swallow. Why did Biden do it? It was a question with several possible, equally unsatisfactory answers, and one that has now come back to haunt him. Biden wanted the Saudis and other members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) to boost, or at least maintain, oil production in order to counter Russia’s use of gas and oil as weapons in the wider east-west struggle over Putin’s Ukraine invasion.
He wanted to remind the prince that the US was still a big Middle East player, to encourage closer ties with Israel, to bolster a united front against Iran. He wanted, most of all perhaps, to strike a blow for democracy in what he has cast as a global contest with authoritarianism.
More mundanely, Biden wanted to bring down the petrol price for American drivers and consumers, and thereby advance the Democrats’ chances in next month’s midterm congressional elections. He wanted to demonstrate that wily old Joe could fix it.
Most, if not all, of Biden’s aims were blown away last week when Opec+, a group that includes Russia, decided to cut oil production by 2m barrels a day, not increase it. The move appears to have genuinely shocked the White House. It was taken as a personal slap in the face for the president. It was humiliating.
Almost as bad, it was a stunning win for Putin. Even though the oil cut may not make a vast difference to the global price, it set the Saudis and fellow cartel members against the US and energy-hungry Europe, and on the side of the Russians – a claim the Saudis now energetically deny.
Fury has been building up ever since, with Democrats threatening to sanction Opec, suspend defence and security cooperation with Riyadh, freeze arms transfers, withdraw US troops, and launch the thoroughgoing reappraisal of the US-Saudi relationship that Biden promised but never delivered.
They’re right to be angry. Although some of these measures are unlikely ever to be implemented, the Saudi-US relationship has long been toxic. A house-cleaning is required.
The EU, too, has just found another powerful reason to agree and implement gas and oil price caps, finally end Russian imports and recalibrate relations. Likewise, the UK should undertake a long overdue, full-spectrum re-assessment of ties that frequently raise fundamental ethical questions – as the chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, is the latest British public figure to discover.
Saudi Arabia’s on-off war in Yemen, and the US and British arms sales that have facilitated it, would be a good starting point for any reassessment. Redoubled attempts to salvage the Iran nuclear deal, which the Saudis distrust, might help bring imperious Riyadh down to earth.
The Saudi regime’s mistreatment of women, for example Salma al-Shehab, the Leeds university student jailed for 34 years for her tweets; its use of terrorism courts against its critics; its mass executions; its chronic denial of democratic rights; and its censorship of free speech and personal liberties – these must no longer be tacitly tolerated. Pressure can be brought to bear.
Unacceptable, too, is the way the regime is trying to launder its reputation by buying its way into international sport, for example using its petrodollars to take over Newcastle United in the UK football Premier League, and fund prestige golf and boxing tournaments.
If Mohammed really prefers the company of the war criminal Putin, and like-minded oppressors and autocrats such as China’s Xi Jinping, he and his regime must pay a high price in terms of their privileged access and support from western leaders and countries. He should think hard what this would mean, for example, for the future defence of his kingdom against Iran’s missiles and drones. Biden had it right the first time. But pariah status needs to mean something.
Most important, the US and the western democracies must demonstrate by their actions that the great 21st-century global battle for freedom, democracy, human dignity and international law, exemplified and symbolised by the fight for Ukraine, is too vitally important, too crucial, too epic, to be bartered away for a cheap barrel of oil.
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redsamuraiii · 2 years
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Taira No Kiyomori (Ep 3)
Taira no Kiyomori (Kenichi Matsuyama) refuses to become a Samurai dog for the Imperial Family like his father, Taira no Tadamori (Kiichi Nakai). He spent his youth being a vigilante, fighting bandits and pirates, believing he was alive because of his own accord until he learns the harsh truth.
Kiyomori being young and inexperienced, wants to solve problems directly. While Tadamori is looking at the bigger picture to solve the root problem. For example, Kiyomori prefers to fight the thugs head on while Tadamori believes the Imperial Family is what caused the existence of thugs.
Tadamori believes they cannot keep on fighting thugs forever as they will keep appearing for as long as the power hungry Imperial Family rules. So Tadamori has been gritting his teeth to be the Samurai dog just so he could elevate himself into the Imperial Court and one day, take control.
It reminds me of the quote from Lawrence of Arabia,
Young men make wars, and the virtues of war are the virtues of young men. Courage and hope for the future. Then old men make the peace. And the vices of peace are the vices of old men.
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anotheraldin · 2 years
Saw your answer. Just wanna say that you're very naive. Most leftists don't support assad or his party. It's about supporting the sovereignty of a country and their communities against existential threats. Majority of the rebels are armed opposition that is made up of sectarian thugs and angry hicks who would govern Damascus the way ISIS governed Raqqa. Why did so many fsa fighters defects to isis? Case in point.
The “existential threat” here is wild when Saudi Arabia, the UAE and even Egypt all had it in their interest to uphold Assad. You even had the YAE assassinate Ahrar’s leadership. Iraq, Iran and Lebanon actively sending military members to fight in Syria. Iran would even go as far as paying Afghani mercenaries just so they can be bodies.
The majority of rebels were just regular Syrians who happened to be Sunni. And the ISIS comment is pretty dumb as often times the reason people would change sides came down to being a part of a tribe that had people switch due to leaders being bought out, family members being a part of a group or just your locality being taken over so you swap sides to keep making some type of living. The only time there was true ideological confusion was when ISIS declared that stuff and most Islamic groups weren’t necessarily sure if they should fight them immediately or if they should treat it as something they should try to amend first.
Honestly, this isn’t a simple issue and there are many topics that deserve a lengthy discussion.
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rebeleden · 1 month
'Morning Joe' Roasts Jared Kushner Over Trump's $454M Appeal Bond Struggle
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Halo sudah lama sekali ya saya tidak nulis. Brb cek archive: Oh gak lama-lama amat kok baru 10 hari lalu. Update apa yah… Hmm ku sudah mulai puasa dari hari Senin karena ngikutin Inggris yang ngikutin Saudi Arabia sepertinya. Kemudian di hari Rabu kemarin ku nggak kebangun sahur Lololol. Jadinya yaudah di rumah aja seharian nggak kerja (bukan jadi excuse sih tapi beneran semager itu untuk jalan keluar rumah, keluar sih tapi cuma buat buang sampah ke bin).
Ku tadi pagi sahur ngegoreng bakso dan kumakan dengan brioche di-toast, kukasih telor ceplok, ada romaine lettuce kemarin ku-beli buat makan sama bebek (romaine lettuce tuh bahasa Indonesianya apa yah? Brb googling. SELADA COS kalau kata Wikipedia, whatever that means). Kukasih saos sambal ABC, saos tomat, dan mayonaise. Asli enak banget rasanya kayak Sandwich Croissant yang di Dunkin Donut. Dulu kaya mahal banget gitu gaksih liat roti ini tuh. Sekarang (tadi lihat di review orang tahun 2021) harganya Rp 42.900 paketan sandwich dan hot beverage. Yah not bad lah ya.
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Kayanya emang segituan gaksih sekarang makan/jajan di luar di Jakarta? Kemarin weekend Mama cerita beliau ke GBK Minggu pagi terus jajan Zuppa Soup harganya Rp 25k. Yah kalau sama minum Rp 10k jadi Rp 35k lah ya sekali makan. Which is not bad.
Duh gara-gara googling gambar Croissant Sandwich itu sekarang jadi laper banget HUHU masih 3 jam lagi buka, semangat Non!
Seharian di lab masukkin sampel ke furnace yang baru aja diperbaikin oleh lab technician (ku udah cerita belum sih si orang ini bar uterus dia kayanya Crazy Rich Asian gitu dari negara C soalnya sweaternya Fear of God Essentials dan sepatunya Puma made in Japan – barusan googling Fear of God Essentials hoodie ternyata gak semahal itu, mungkin saya saja yang lebay). Sama si lab technician, furnace yang broken ini diganti fuse-nya dan ternyata it works! Besok bakal ngebuka yang 24hour. OH IYA mau ngeplan buka tube di hari-hari apa aja yah, belom kesampean kan lupa. Besok deh di laptop. Ini sekarang soalnya lagi ngetik di PC VHL.
Habis masukkin sampel, ku meng-ekstrak organic dari sampel yang reabsorption kemarin. Ku buka hari Selasa bareng sama post-doc-ku. Kita buka di interval waktu 0’, 1’, 4’, dan 16’. Alhamdulillahnya sampel-sampel ini tidak ada yang bermasalah pas tadi di-microwave. Udah deh, lanjut nyuci, terus tiba-tiba liat jam udah jam 14 aja. Solat Zuhur dan cabs ke VHL.
Ku udah bawa Americanah dan buku TOPIK juga kayanya mau lanjut belajar itu aja sekarang, males banget kerja.
Berhubungan dengan Americanah dan judul post ini di atas, ku semalam baca bagian yang menarik banget di novel ini. Disebut gimana orang yang ber-privilege itu biasanya nggak merasa mereka ber-privilege karena “PRIVILEGE ITU RELATIVE”! Mind-blowing banget gak. Apa aku aja ya yang kurang mikir sebelumnya, jadi pas dibilang ini berasa wow banget HAHAH.
Jadi, yang di-highlight Ngozie adalah gimana ada white people yang merasa gaada yang namanya “white privilege”. Mereka bakal bilang: “Ada aja kok white people yang miskin, yang nge-drug. Dan ada juga black people yang kaya dan terdidik dan/atau lebih mudah keterima kerja white-collar karena diversity quota.” Padahal bukan disitu pointnya. Privilege akibat ras ini bisa dibandingkan kalau kita punya dua orang sama-sama miskin, secara kelas ekonomi dan pendidikan mereka di kelas yang sama, tapi yang satu white, yang satu black. Siapa yang kalau ketangkep polisi karena ketahuan nge-drug bakal langsung dimasukkin penjara? Siapa yang dimasukkin rehabilitasi aja? Siapa yang kalau lagi nyetir bakal lebih besar kemungkinan di-stop? Itu udah berhubungan sama keadilan hukum, tapi adalah salah satu yang paling mudah dilihat sebagai contoh.
Jujur tapi pas baca Americanah ini, atau dulu apatuh ada novel juga yang bahas ras juga, THUG: The Hate U Give, ku merasa agak sulit untuk relate. Bisa sih paham dan berusaha berempati. Tapi ya beda, nggak semarah itu ataupun se-emosional itu. Ya karena di Indonesia kita gak multi-ras juga sih. Mungkin kalau ku orang Singapura atau orang Malaysia bakal beda cerita.
Kalau mau dicari-cari ya tentu aja ada ekuivalensinya. Gimana kita colonising Papua sekarang. Dulu invading Timor Leste. Untungnya (atau malah sedihnya?), interaksi antara orang suku Jawa dengan orang Papua di ibukota nggak se-intens White-Black di Amerika Serikat. Ya kita nggak ada history slavery juga sih.
Kadang kalau lagi baca novel kaya gini tuh, aku secara gak sadar ambil perspective white-nya. Karena kupikir akupun punya “white privilege” di Indonesia sebagai Muslimah Jawa. Udah gitu lahir dan tumbuh besar di Jakarta pulak. Secara kelas ekonomi (di luar suku), juga udah ada privilege lagi.
Tapi di sisi lain, ya kalau aku melihat diriku sekarang di Oxford misalnya, atau dulu di Perancis, ya aku mah minoritas banget. Udah dateng dari negara yang orang gaktau itu di peta di mana, berkerudung pulak. Tapi aku pun salah satu yang nggak terlalu merasa pusing dengan ras-ku di sini(¿) yang artinya aku sangat ber-privilese juga. Ternyata karena ku adalah student, ku di sini belajar. Kali ini status pendidikan yang membuat privilese-ku naik dibandingkan migran lain: orang Timur Tengah yang mengungsi ke Eropa karena negaranya perang misalnya.
Pas kupikir-pikir lagi, kayanya yang bikin white people itu super insensitive dengan privilege-nya juga adalah karena mereka nggak pernah menjadi minoritas (unless mereka ke China, tapi di China/Asia Timur pun, orang bule putih mah ya masih dielu-elukan juga). Jadi betulan di rangking satu aja terus gitu sebagai orang paling ber-privilege. Jadi agak susah buat touching grass (versus aku yang kalau keluar dari Indonesia langsung jadi kaum minoritas misalnya).
Duh, jadi intinya apa sih, Non. Nggak ada sih. Ku cuma jadi refleksi aja betapa banyaknya privilege yang kupunya sekarang. Selain yang sudah disebut di atas, bahkan kalau mau membandingkan dengan mahasiswa S3 dari Indonesia lain aja aku punya privilege yang cukup banyak: aku sendirian, sampai rumah nggak ada orang yang harus aku take-care lagi. Di Indonesia, nggak ada orang yang nungguin transferan-ku. Duit bisa kupake sendiri terserah. Mama Papa sehat, nggak ada anggota keluarga yang sakit. Ku punya adik yang tinggal di Indonesia, jadi kalau ada apa-apa sama keluarga juga, ada yang bisa langsung standby.
Dah itu dulu deh.
Sekarang ku lagi memikirkan mau buka pakai apa, lalu belanja, lalu pulang, lalu masak, lalu buka!
Oh mau rekap weekend kemarin, tapi nggak ada yang spesial juga. Sabtu diajak brunch di collegeku perpisahan salah satu anak Indo selesai PhD. Lanjut ngopi terus ku baru menemukan toko buku baru harga bukunya mostly £3! Ketemu sama Deva nonton Dune 2 kita. Filmnya seru walaupun problematik mayan. Malam minggu-nya lanjut nge-pub ku lagi craving chicken waffle...
Minggu ada temannya Deva dan Listi yang datang ke Oxford, jadi kami nyobain restoran korea baru di Oxford si Yori, terus lanjut tur ke lab Listi dan lab-ku.
In the week lumayan hectic sih ternyata. Selasa ada talk di All Souls dan formal di Oriel. Rabu ke London bikin visa Schengen. Kamis dan Jumat nyobain eksperimen. OH! Dan sudah resubmit manuscript ke g-cubed juga! WOW. Banyak ye ternyata yang sudah ente kerjakan Non.
Kemarin juga sudah menyelesaikan The Gentleman. Sayang banget gaksih sama Theo James… Sekarang lagi bingung nyari series apa lagi. Kayanya mau mulai drama baru yang belum pernah kutonton, seri Reply kali ya…
Dah ini beneran closing. Semoga berkah Ramadhannya semua!
VHL 16:07 14/03/2024
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f0xd13-blog · 2 months
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Young Thug in Saudi Arabia | Dakar Rally Closing Performance 2020
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mr880fan · 1 year
Biden’s Blunders, From A to Z
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Get Your Patriot911 E-newsletter In Your E-mail Inbox After studying my record of former President Donald Trump’s triumphs, from A to Z, nationally syndicated radio host Invoice Martinez instructed throughout one among our weekly interviews that I give President Joe Biden’s blunders the identical alphabetical remedy. Right here goes. Afghanistan’s humiliating abandonment to the Taliban, amid America’s chaotic and lethal navy withdrawal, could also be Biden’s greatest failure. Border safety has collapsed. An estimated 6.3 million unlawful aliens from not less than 172 nations have invaded America beneath Biden. A whole bunch of hundreds have obtained free bus or aircraft tickets into the homeland. Others have scored free well being care, schooling, and even Occasions Sq. resort rooms. Crime is plaguing America’s cities, mainly these run by thug-hugging Democratoc mayors and left-wing, take-a-hoodlum-to-lunch “prosecutors.” Democrat-in-Chief Biden appears to approve. Paperwork marked “categorized” surfaced within the storage of Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware, mansion (alongside his 1967 Corvette) and at Washington, D.C.’s Penn-Biden Heart, an alleged assume tank. As senator and veep, Biden lacked presidential declassification authority. Thus, Biden illegally possessed some 20 classified papers. Power dominance beneath Trump has vanished. Biden now begs Saudi Arabia and Venezuela to spice up petroleum manufacturing to compensate for his warfare on U.S. oil. Fentanyl cascades throughout the US-Mexico “border.” It's killing some 70,000 People yearly, primarily via unwitting ingestion of counterfeit prescribed drugs polluted with this lethal drug. Fentanyl poisoning has change into the No. 1 explanation for demise amongst People between ages 18 and 45. Fuel stoves are in Biden’s crosshairs, with neo-totalitarian federal scolds on the Power Division and Shopper Product Security Fee scheming to deprive People of the efficiency, consolation, and life-saving advantages of natural-gas home equipment. In contrast to electrical gear, gas-fueled gear features throughout blackouts. Hunter Biden, the president’s ne’er-do-well son and a confirmed deadbeat dad, is sinking into an ever-deepening quicksand of misdeeds, influence-peddling, and dodgy offers with international scalawags. Inflation was 1.4% yearly when Biden took workplace and triggered a tsunami of federal spending. The ensuing consumer-price spike hit 9.1% earlier than falling again to 4.9% at this time, nonetheless greater than double the Federal Reserve’s 2% goal. Justice follows two tracks: Violent leftists (Antifa, BLM) skate, whereas rightists (Jan. 6, Proud Boys) obtain jail sentences or, even worse, rot in D.C.’s jail with out prices. Keystone XL Pipeline: Killed, together with 11,000 jobs. Lynching is one thing “some folks still want to do,” Biden declared on Feb. 17. Actually? The place precisely are these white nationalists itching to hold blacks from bushes? Mandated COVID-19 vaccines compelled 8,339 young, healthy GIs out of the armed forces for refusing this experimental inoculation, the Army Occasions reviews. Information conferences are rare for Biden. Nov. 11 noticed his final solo presser, 180 days ago on Saturday. One-on-one interviews are also seldom seen beneath Biden. He granted 58 in his first two years, in comparison with Trump’s 205, Obama’s 275, and George W. Bush’s 89, per The New York Publish. Pentagon priorities beneath Biden have devolved from nationwide protection to pronouns to a frantic seek for “white nationalists,” whoever they're—and the imposition of the Inexperienced New Deal in uniform. Quotas are key to Biden’s “fairness” agenda, together with a $3.8 billion debt-relief program, completely for nonwhite farmers. Russian cyberattackers seemingly sabotaged America’s Colonial Oil Pipeline. Biden swiftly exonerated the Kremlin.  He then greenlighted completion of the since-detonated Nord Stream II pipeline, which would have pumped Russian pure gasoline into Germany. Biden additionally permitted a summit with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. These rewards for doable Russian subterfuge towards U.S. property transmitted weak spot and sure inspired Putin to invade Ukraine. Saudi Arabia and Iran now share a Beijing-brokered alliance. Trump’s technique—to isolate the ayatollahs — is kaput. Academics union boss Randi Weingarten colluded with Biden’s Facilities for Illness Management and Prevention to lock down faculties and entice children in Zoom lessons. Check scores tumbled. Ukraine has obtained $76.8 billion in support from Biden, with neither efficiency objectives nor a timetable for victory or armistice. Vice President Kamala Harris, Biden’s option to be one aorta rush from the presidency, epitomizes overpromise and underdelivery. White Home “lids” have been known as as early as 9:00 a.m. (on April 17). When Biden plans no additional public appearances, journalists go house with out worry of lacking out. Xi Jinping has but to listen to Biden even ask about COVID-19’s origins, in line with official readouts. Such weak spot absolutely fueled the Chinese language communist dictator’s anti-dollar diplomacy, supremacy, spy balloons above U.S. navy services, unprecedented harassment of Taiwan, and different efforts to torpedo America as the planet’s main superpower. Younger People with school loans needn't repay them, due to Biden’s student-debt bailout. Biden needs to squander $400 billion to nationalize as much as $20,000 in obligations per borrower incomes as a lot as $125,000 annually. Private duty? Protecting guarantees? How quaint. Zinc is a part a part of electrical automobiles, though graphite and lithium are extra frequent parts. Whilst Biden mandates that 67% of latest vehicles be electrical by 2032, he padlocks mines whose copper and nickel are also important EV elements. Biden’s EV coverage is brain-dead. Biden’s botches defy tabulation (e.g., abortionitis, race obsession, transgender-mania hovering federal spending, swelling national debt, sagging psychological acuity, and so on.) Too dangerous English has solely 26 letters. The Day by day Sign publishes quite a lot of views. Nothing written right here is to be construed as representing the views of The Heritage Basis. Have an opinion about this text? To pontificate, please e mail [email protected] and we’ll contemplate publishing your edited remarks in our common “We Hear You” function. Keep in mind to incorporate the url or headline of the article plus your identify and city and/or state. The put up Biden’s Blunders, From A to Z appeared first on The Daily Signal. Source link Read the full article
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hardynwa · 1 year
NNPP commends Kano Police for arrest, prosecution of Alhassan Doguwa
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The New Nigeria People’s Party, NNPP in Kano has commended the Nigeria Police, Kano State Command for the arrest and prosecution of the Majority Leader of the House of Representatives, Alhassan Ado Doguwa over alleged mastermind of the fatal attacks in Tudun Wada Kano, killing at least 16 staunch members and burning of the party’s Secretariat on Sunday as affirmed by the police. Recall that Doguwa was arrested on Monday 28 February, at Malam Aminu Kano International Airport while trying to escape to Saudi Arabia by the joint operatives of the State Investigation Bureau (SIB) of the Nigeria Police and the Directorate of State Security (DSS). The lawmaker was arraigned on Wednesday 1st March, 2023 before Magistrate Ibrahim Mansur Yola in Nomansland Court Complex, Kano. A statement signed by the Chief Spokesperson of the NNPP Campaign Council, Sanusi Bature said, “The NNPP wish to commend the effort of the police for taking a swift action in arresting and prosecuting Mr Doguwa who has traumatised families of his victims and indeed the general public by setting ablaze the Party’s office in Tudun Wada and allegedly shot score dead. “While the collation of the election results were on in Tudun Wada Local Government INEC office, which showed that the NNPP candidate for Tudun Wada/Duguwa Federal Constituency, Air Commodore Salisu Yushau, was recording success, some thugs set our campaign office on fire, burning 13 members of the Party to death as evidenced in the video doing round the social media.” He said this was part of the sinister plans that paved way for vote rigging which saw him emerging winner by force. According to Sanusi, ”It is disheartening that Alhassan Ado Doguwa was brutally barbarous and ingrate to the people he has been consistently represented for nearly two decades at the Green Chamber, where he currently served as the Majority Leader of the House. It is therefore unfortunate that Doguwa, Nigeria’s number 8th citizen, is found wanting in a callous offense of this magnitude. “Doguwa has been tolerated for so long as a reckless politician in Kano but no citizen’s life worth trade-off for the realisation of an individual’s political ambition. Therefore, we demand justice for our slain members and those who sustain injuries of various degrees. “A freedom for wild Ado Doguwa, after orchestrated the atrocity against humanity and his political benefactors, poses threat to the public peace and functioning of democracy in Kano especially with the critical gubernatorial election ahead of us in less than two weeks’ time. ”We are set to challenge in court the election outcomes in Gwarzo/Kabo, Makoda/Dambatta and Tudun Wada/Doguwa where votes were violently rigged by the ruling APC. Also, to be challenged in court are the results from Bagwai/Shanono where the Election Returning Officer was forced to declare a winner in the election that was legally inconclusive.” Read the full article
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opedguy · 2 years
Biden on Bin Salman’s Bad Side
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), Oct. 8, 2022.--When 79-year-old President Joe Biden prostrated himself before Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman July 15, he begged the de facto Saudi leader to increase oil production.  Once the Ukraine War started Feb. 24, Biden made the foolish decision to boycott Russian oil, causing shortages and skyrocketing prices in Europe and around the globe.  Biden didn’t consider the consequences to boycotting Russian oil, about 25% of the oil and natural gas supply to Europe.  Biden’s visit to Saudi Arabia came after he chose to shut down the U.S. fracking industry, making it more costly, more difficult and less profitable to bring tar-sands oil from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico.  Biden’s first order of business after taking office was to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline which would have helped continue the country’s energy independence.  No, Biden followed environmental extremists, going after U.S.-produced fossil fuels.
Bin Salman had his ears tuned in to Biden’s attacks against the 36-year-old Saudi Crown Prince whom Biden blamed for the Oct. 2, 2018 death of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi.  Biden said he would never recognize Bin Salaman for the role he played in Khashoggi’s death.  Then, after the Ukraine War, Biden realized the boycotting Russian oil was not a good idea for the U.S. and EU, creating shortages and skyrocketing prices.  Once the soaring gasoline prices hit American consumers, Biden’s approval ratings took a bigger hit, with ordinary citizens strapped for cash to pay for wildly inflated pump prices.  Then came hyperinflation out of left-field, causing price hikes in all commodities and services, further hammering American consumers.  Biden’s approval ratings continue to plummet.  Then Biden go the desperate idea to going to Bin Salman to increase Saudi oil production.
Biden looks like a reckless fool, letting energy prices torpedo the U.S. and global economy, creating more hardship for ordinary consumers.  Can you imagine Biden pleads with Bin Salman for more fossil fuel when he wrecked U.S. energy indpendence?  U.S. was a net oil exporting economy under former President Donald Trump.  Trump wanted to drill environmentally safely on the Alaskan National Wildlife Reserve [ANWR], yet it was all cancelled by Biden.  So, once Biden decided to sabotage the U.S. fracking industry, he decides, at the same time, to boycott Russian oil.  Biden has morphed the Ukraine War into a U.S. proxy war against the Russian Federation, a close ally of Saudi Arabia.  So Biden, denigrated any U.S. ally that continued doing business with the Kremlin, all because he decided to adopt Ukraine, supply the country unlimited cash-and-weapons over Kremlin objections.
Biden’s poor foreign relations now stretch to a much bigger list than just Russia and China.  Bin Salman has zero incentive to sell the U.S. more oil, when Biden holds such hostile feelings toward the Saudi leader.  Biden once said he would never deal with a murderous thug like Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. How’s Bin Salman supposed to forget all of Biden’s hostile rhetoric toward him, now begging to increase U.S.-Saudi oil imports?  “We are concerned first and foremost with the interests of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and then the interests of the countries that trusted us and are members of OPEC and the OPEC+Alliance,” Energy Minister Prince Abdulazis told Saudi TV Wednesday. Biden pressured Bin Salman to make a decision on Ukraine between the U.S. and Russia.  Bin Salman wasn’t playing Biden’s games against Russia, deciding to maintain his relations with Moscow.
Biden overplayed his hand expecting all nations loyal to the U.S. to condemn Moscow for its war against Ukraine.  Instead of gaining more allies, Biden actually lost his coalition to maintain crippling economic sanctions against the Russian Federation.  Biden couldn’t get the BRICS economic block, including Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa to join his coalition against the Kremlin.  Whatever anyone feels about Ukraine, they’re not going to be bullied by Biden or anyone else.  OPEC does what’s best with “those of the world because we have an interest in supporting the growth of the global economy and providing energy supplies in the best way,” said Abdulazis, letting Biden know that the U.S. is not Saudi Arabia’s top priority.  Abdulaziz knows that the U.S. competes with Saudi Arabia to supply oil to global markets, even though Biden wants to pick-and-choose its customers.
Biden turned its back on Saudi Arabia when it comes to battling Iran-backed Yemen’s Houthi rebels, still battle the Kingdom.  Biden refused to join Saudi military coalition against Iran-backed Houthi rebels, knowing that Biden hoped to revive the moribund 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action [JCPOA] AKA Iranian Nuke Deal.  So when it comes to the U.S., Bin Salman no longer sees the U.S. as much of an ally, especially after the death of Khashoggi. Biden made he feelings about Bin Salman known too many times, saying he would only deal with King Salman, Bin Salman’s father.  Biden prides himself on his foreign policy savvy, watching him alienate Riussia and China from Day 1, but realizing that tradition allies like Saudi Arabia no longer trust the U.S..  When Biden visited Bin Salman July 15, he did nothing to reassure the Crown Prince that the White House accepted his leadership of the Kingdom.
About the Author
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.
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villadseniversen · 2 years
Poll: How A lot Do You Earn From Technology?
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The Information Technology Sector-Specific Plan details how the National Infrastructure Protection Plan risk management framework is implemented within the context of the unique characteristics and risk landscape of the sector. In this position, Abouammo was responsible for protecting Twitter user information and owed Twitter his honest services. https://yhn777.com at trial demonstrated that Abouammo took bribes in exchange for accessing, monitoring, and conveying the private information of Twitter users to officials of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Saudi Royal family. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 10(1), 95-100. Norfolk, VA: Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education. She printed them off from the Technology Rocks. Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners (RSTP) - a subsidiary of the Hunter Biden and Christopher Heinz-founded Rosemont Capital - counted both Biden and Heinz as managing directors. New York Post reported that Zuckerberg gave $419.5 million to two non-profit organizations, the Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) and the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR), that ostensibly donated money to local election offices for their operations.
Simply put, every January 6 case is handled as a federal crime while the conduct of Team Colbert is considered a local offense, even though it occurred in the exact same venue. Trump supporters who protested Joe Biden’s election are branded terrorists by Joe Biden’s Justice Department and treated accordingly; Trump foes who harass Republican lawmakers and mock the families of January 6 detainees in public are considered “comedians” by the same set of prosecutors, then let off the hook for engaging in more threatening behavior than most who participated in the Capitol protest. On the same day Fox News disclosed that Colbert’s producers would get preferential Beltway treatment for pals of the regime, the FBI arrested Daniel “Hatchet” Speed, a Navy reservist and January 6 protester, on four misdemeanors: entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly conduct in a Capitol building, and parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building.
Sussmann, although it was noted that the jury was irrevocably biased due to including three donors to the Clinton campaign, as well as a donor to Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and a woman whose daughter is on the same sports team as Sussmann’s daughter. The National Shooting Sports Foundation’s report said, “Retailers noted that they are seeing a 95% increase in firearm sales and a 139% increase in ammunition sales” over the same period last year. In his new letter, President Trump cited the recent trial of former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, who was charged by John Durham’s Special Counsel investigation with one count of lying to the FBI over his involvement in the spreading of the “collusion” hoax. One week after a team of thugs working for Democratic Party activist Stephen Colbert were arrested for illegally entering a Capitol building in order to record themselves stalking Republican congressional leaders, news coverage of the incident has all but disappeared. Following a brief detainment, Colbert’s thugs went home, spared pre-dawn raids by armed FBI agents and days, if not months, of incarceration while a federal judge determines whether they should stay behind bars awaiting trial.
Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.); it further appears that no one is demanding a congressional ethics investigation into Schiff’s participation in leading a “tour” of Colbert’s insurrectionists through the buildings, including after hours. Makeup can be stored in one spot which makes it simple to access makeup whenever you wish. 에볼루션카지노 directed by President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden was a leading financial backer of a pandemic tracking and response firm that collaborated on identifying and isolating deadly pathogens in Ukrainian laboratories, receiving funds from the Obama administration’s Department of Defense in the process, The National Pulse can exclusively reveal. Former managing director and co-founder of RSTP Neil Callahan - a name that also appears many times on Hunter Biden’s hard drive - sits on Metabiota’s Board of Advisors alongside former Clinton official Rob Walker who discussed, in another unearthed Hunter Biden hard drive e-mail, reaching out to the Obama Department of Defense with regard to Metabiota.
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ongawdclub · 2 years
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beidak · 6 years
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6i · 7 years
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Saudi Arabia, Dammam
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The infosec apocalypse is nigh
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When the Pegasus Project dropped last week, it was both an ordinary and exceptional moment. The report — from Amnesty, Citizenlab, Forbidden Stories, and 80 journalists in 10 countries — documented 50,000 uses of the NSO Group’s Pegasus malware.
The 50,000 targets of NSO’s cyberweapon include politicians, activists and journalists. The Israeli arms-dealer — controlled by Novalpina Capital and Francisco Partners — has gone into full spin mode.
NSO insists that the report is wrong, but also that it’s fine to spy on people, and also that terrorists will murder us all if they aren’t allowed to reap vast fortunes by helping the world’s most brutal dictators figure out whom to kidnap, imprison and murder.
As I say, all of this is rather ordinary. The NSO Group’s bloody hands, immoral practices and vicious retaliation against critics are well established.
It’s been four years since NSO’s assurances that it only sold spying tools to democratic states to hunt terrorists were revealed as lies, when Citizenlab revealed that its weapons targeted Mexican anti-sugar activists (and their children).
Then Citizenlab found 45 more countries where NSO’s Pegasus weapon had been used, and demonstrated that notorious human-rights abusers got help from NSO to target everyday citizens to neutralize justice struggles.
Outside of human rights and cybersecurity circles, the story drew little attention, but it did prick NSO’s notoriously thin skin — the company dispatched (inept) private spooks, late of the Mossad, to entrap Citizenlab’s researchers.
As far as we know, the company never managed to infiltrate any of Citizenlab’s systems — but their weapons were found on the devices of an Israeli lawyer suing them for their role in human rights abuses.
That had some consequences. The attack exploited a vulnerability in Whatsapp, owned by Facebook. FB retaliated by suing — and terminating NSO Group employees’ Facebook accounts. Judging from NSO’s outraged squeals, getting kicked of FB hurt far worse.
Through it all, the NSO Group insisted that its tools were vital anti-terror weapons — not the playthings of rich sociopaths with long enemies lists.
They continued these claims even after Pegasus was linked to the blackmail attempt against Jeff Bezos, in a bid by Saudi royals to end the Washington Post’s investigative reporting on the murder and dismemberment of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
Despite all this — attacks on the powerful and the powerless, grisly deaths and farce-comedy entrapment attempts — NSO Group plowed on, raking in millions while undermining the security of the devices that billions of us rely on for our own safety.
Until now.
Something about the Pegasus Project shifted the narrative. Maybe it’s the ransomware epidemic, shutting down hospitals, energy infrastructure, and governments — or maybe it’s the changing tide that has turned on elite profiteers. Whatever it is, people are pissed.
I mean, when Edward Snowden calls for the owners of a cybercrime company to be arrested, people sit up and pay attention. But Snowden’s condemnation of NSO and its industry are just for openers.
Snowden describes NSO as part of an “Insecurity Industry” that owes its existence to critical vulnerabilities in digital devices in widespread use. They spend huge sums discovering these vulns — and then, rather than reporting them so they can be fixed, they weaponize them.
As Snowden points out, this is not merely a private sector pathology. Governments — notably the US government, through the NSA’s Tailor Access Operations Group — engage in the same conduct.
Indeed, as with all digital surveillance, there’s no meaningful difference between private and public spying. Governments rely on tech and telecoms giants for data (which they buy, commandeer, or steal, depending on circumstances).
This, in turn, creates powerful security/public safety advocates for unlimited commercial surveillance, to ensure low-cost, high-reliability access to our private data. Those agencies stand ready to quietly scuttle comprehensive commercial privacy legislation.
This private-public partnership from hell extends into the malware industry: the NSA and CIA can’t, on their own, create enough cyber-weapons to satisfy all government agencies’ demand, so they rely on (and thus protect) the Insecurity Industry.
But as Snowden points out, none of this would be possible were it not for the vast, looming, grotesque tech-security debt that the IT industry has created for us. Everything we use is insecure, and it’s built atop more insecure foundations.
We live in an information society with catastrophic information security. If our society was a house, the walls would all be made of flaking asbestos and the attic would be stuffed with oily rags.
It’s hard to overstate just how much risk we face right now, and while the Insecurity Industry didn’t create that risk, they’re actively trying to increase it — finding every weak spot and widening it as far as possible, rather than shoring it up.
It’s a cliche: “Security is a team sport.” But I like how Snowden puts it: security is a public health matter. “To protect anyone, we must protect everyone.”
Step one is “to ban the commercial trade in intrusion software” for the same reason we “do not permit a market in biological infections-as-a-service.”
We should punish the cyber-arms dealers — but also use international courts to target the state actors who pay them.
But this fight will be a tough one. The huge sums that governments funnel to cyber arms-dealers allows them to silence their critics — I’ve been forced to remove some of my own coverage thanks to baseless threats I couldn’t afford to fight.
Writing in today’s Guardian (who also removed unfavorable coverage of NSO Group following legal threats), Arundhati Roy demolishes the company’s claims of clean hands.
After all, NSO charges a 17% “system maintenance fee” that gives them oversight and insight into how their tools are being used by the demagogues and dictators who shower them with money.
“There has to be something treasonous about a foreign corporation servicing and maintaining a spy network that is monitoring a country’s private citizens on behalf of that country’s government.” -Roy
The NSO Group claims that the human rights abuses it abets are exceptions that slip through the cracks, but the reality is, it has no business model without state terror — without powerful thugs who demand weapons to help jail, torture and kill their critics.
NSO, more than anyone, should know this. But as Upton Sinclair wrote, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”
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Since we now live in a new era of Great Powers confrontation between the United States and Russia I want to reflect on the original COD Modern Warfare trilogy, which includes such wonderful batshittery as:
- Russia being overtaken by ultranationalists who for some reason still use the hammer and sickle cause communism = nationalism
- “the Middle East” being an enemy country. Like, the whole thing. They never give it a name but from what I remember of the loading screen maps it comprises IRL Saudi Arabia and Iraq at least and you literally jump from like ~Mecca to Riyadh to Baghdad in the course of three levels. And it’s wildly inconsistent like they’ll tell you you’re assaulting the “capital city” when you’re on the coast of the Red Sea and in the next level you’re still in the “capital city” except now it’s somewhere in Iraq. Brilliant shit.
- the beginning of MW2 explicitly takes places in Afghanistan where you’re fighting the same Arabic-speaking baddies from MW1 so like?? What was the point of inventing a fake Middle Eastern country if you’re just going to use Afghanistan anyway?? And why are they speaking Arabic in Afghanistan??
- the big baddie plot of MW2 goeth thusly: a guy named Makarov (who is stated to alternatively be a gun for hire for the highest bidder with no ideology but also a self-motivated nationalist terrorist and the disciple of the baddie from the first game) stages a terrorist attack on the Moscow airport and “”frames”” the undercover CIA agent who took part in the massacre (not really framing if an American agent actively took part in a terrorist attack but ok) so Russia will go to war with the United States BUT it turns out the real bad guy is the American general named Shepherd who kills the team that retrieves the intel on Makarov because I guess it’s implied he hired Makarov to stage the attack cause he really wanted a war cause he likes that shit and is bitter about his troops getting nuked or something idk I’ve played this game so many times and still have no idea what the fuck the plot of this damn game is
- for that matter Russia and the US go to war (+ all of Europe in MW3) and nukes don’t immediately go off despite Russians staging a full scale ground invasion of the US and sacking Washington DC and everything
- the president of Russia is apparently a huge cuck who just let his country go to war and invade America even though he didn’t really want to and Makarov has to kidnap him to get the launch codes cause he wants to glass Europe now for whatever reason and also the Russian military apparently just starts taking Makarov’s orders and don’t care the president is MIA lol
- once again idk what the fuck Makarov’s deal was beyond being evil
- You Go To Brazil™️ (and kill a bunch of random militiamen in a favela for literally no reason other than giving you something to shoot)
- Captain Price is still fucking awesome though 10/10 imperialist thug
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