#thule livy
sandersgrey · 2 years
Here are my previsions for twp, hcs aside:
- Kit is gonna crash and burn at some point, because he has not allowed himself to properly process shit and it SHOWS
- The gf thing is gonna be a red herring and shes either not gonna show up in twp (already an ex) or its gonna be very brief
- Livy is either gonna fully pass on or be fully brought back, and either way I think Kits gonna be involved
- Tys not gonna be allowed by CC to be (rightfully) mad at Kit the way Kit is mad at him, or at least not as clearly
- There is either gonna be no Ty POV or very little Ty POV
- If there is Ty POV CC is gonna fuck it up
- At some point Kit is gonna do something truly reckless and idiotic to save someone he cares about
- We're gonna learn more about his powers and theres gonna be drama about it bc ofc
- Kit and Ty are gonna be Fucked Up at the beginning but they are eventually gonna kiss on the mouth
- There might be a cave sex scene and Magnus might walk in on them. I am not sure how to feel about it but it needs to be acknowledged.
- The reckless thing Kit is gonna do might be what fully opens up the holes in the universe that Ty started w the ritual, so theyre both gonna be responsible for it and its gonna fulfill the First Heir prophecy
- Kit is still gonna be smitten as hell and also Herondale-angsty as hell
- We're gonna get very devoted Ty, even if not in typical ways. Think tda Ty but more protective and now knowing his own feelings about Kit.
- Livy is gonna be the true MVP as always
- Thule is gonna have a role in it, especially Thule Kit, whos gonna have a whole thing about Ty because of course.
- At the very end theyre either gonna be fully sealing the world against demons, like that one alternate dimension, or revealing the shadow world to mundanes. Either way their world is gonna be changed forever.
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vickchan2 · 3 years
Is Kit washing that jacket or he simply owns several identical jackets
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Kit: what I am going to wear today? Hmmm *picks exactly identical jacket from the day before*
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arangiajoan · 3 years
Okay, I'll go with the most likely to the least likely to happen. Same warning for negativity as before - I really don't want to upset anyone💜
1- Extremely likely:
A few of the conflicts will be dropped and resolved in a very underwhelming manner.
Like, for an example: Kieran suddenly is able to convince his people to accept Cristina and Mark out of nowhere, so the Kieraktina drama is dropped.
Maybe Janus dies in the first book (probably killed by Jace in some sort of 'glorious fight' or something), and so does the Seelie Queen. Ash accepts being the Seelie King with a bit of drama, but that can be dropped and forgotten quickly enough.
Thule! Livvy might as well just not be mentioned, like any other Thule characters.
Kit learns how to use his powers and gets rid of anyone who tries to kill him. Ty 'realizes his mistakes' or something like that and gets rid of Ghost! Livvy with the help of Kit, Dru, a warlock and some random secret book. (I say 'realizes his mistakes' between quotation marks because I don't think necromancy is that big of a deal. Ty did nothing wrong 2k21). All that by book two.
Then book three can be just them fighting the Big Villain™, getting Idris back from the Cohort in a battle, and fixing all the other loose ends.
2- Not likely at all, but it could be cool:
Let's just ignore all the conflicts✨
Like, the reason why Ghost! Livy is such an issue is because everyone tells us that necromancy is wrong. (which is NOT. Ty did nothing wrong 2k21.) But if Ty just says 'Yah no I don't wanna get rid of her. She's my twin sister. Fight me.' then… well, then that's on that. No conflict lol. Maybe Livvy will still turn evil, but Ty would be just sitting on a beach chair, cracking an iced tea and going 'wow it's kinda cloudy today huh.'
We might as well just forget about the Cohort. Yeah sure maybe they're planning something lol who cares. They locked themselves in Idris, just leave them there. Shadowhunters are all assholes, let's just ignore all our problems💖
Janus and Ash wanna kill Jace? Yeah kajsksjks that's fun. Oh, and now you wanna say that Dru can't date Ash because he's a murderer? What are you? Catholic? (And frankly it would be so funny if Janus actually succeeded. Like. He kills Jace. And pretends to be him. And Clary eventually does notice that she's not dating the Jace she has always known, but… well, he's there, and he looks like Jace, and who is she to judge him? People can change. Let's just keep going with our lives.)
Mark and Cristina can't be with Kieran? Why? Because the unseelie kingdom says it's wrong? Just kill everyone that dares to say anything against them💕
And then suddenly all of the main characters are villains and nothing matters anymore and TWP ends in utter apathy.
It could be fun, right? Just think about it.
3- This is NOT happening at all. Not in a million years.
Maybe all the main characters just die in the beginning. Like, maybe CC could pull a Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas (that's a brazilian classic. I'm not sure if you know it?? I also don't know the title in English ajsjsjj) on us and the book already starts with all of them dead. The actual plot would be them explaining how they died. That would ease a lot of the conflicts, because none of the characters need to outsmart the enemy. They just die.
The Cohort's plans work, Janus kills all the TMI gang, Ghost! Livvy goes berserk and kills everyone, Thule characters arrive in this dimension and say 'nah lol ours was better' and they leave again. Simple as that.
I think that's all?? Ah, and also: do you remember that post that Adrishya made talking about a Sherlock AU for TWP? That's certainly something to think about. Just dropping the entire Shadowhunters universe and doing an AU. That could work.
I might have some other stuff written in other lists kajsksjs If I find them I'll send it to you
omg you wrote this all out youre a hero thank you I love this
I agree with you that probably not all of the problems are gonna be solved or as you said in a very underwhelming way, I mean if CCs really gonna try to squeeze it all in three books then I don‘t think theres a really good solution for every problem and some things just probably... don‘t really get resolved and just have a loose end
Though with the whole thule thing I think CC did say somewhere that we will get to know thule!kit in twp (could be wrong though hehe) so I think its pretty safe to say thule will play a big role in twp
„Ty did nothing wrong 2k21“ YES whejdk I love that
ohh and with the they all die at the end thing yess I think that would be so interesting and intriguing tbh(no I don‘t know the book gshdh but it sounds really interesting!!)
also Ik that will never happen but. dru x thaís. please its perfect
YES I remember it (this one) and ahsjs I‘d honestly love that lol
I‘m very interested in this other stuff👀 though no pressure hehe
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vickchan2 · 3 years
I may be wrong, but I think Ash might die fighting against Janus to protect Dru or something and then the goth queen will follow her family tradition (necromancy) to raise him back from the dead
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sandersgrey · 2 years
Hi! I love your blogs and have read all of yours in ao3 and thank god, you created those because whenever I get sad, I reread them and it's been like 14 times already. (Probably because I have a special bond with Kit as a character because my crush didn't care about me and now I even changed the curriculum and switched schools so I won't see her. Ty loved Kit though. Bonus is that both Kit and I are bisexuals. You probably didn't need to hear this.)  Let's say you made me a fan of your works. My favourite is the Youtube Kit au. Ok, finally asking question after the info dump.
Do you think of Kit as a cat person or a dog person? Do you think Livvy would be resurrected for real in the wicked powers? Any theories you have about the wicked powers , tell me please. 🥺
Have a nice day! Sorry if I annoyed you.
Hi!! You didnt annoy me, that was a really nice ask. Im glad you enjoy my fics!!
I think Kit likes both but CC has decided to give him a (ghost) dog for the Contrast, with Ty being very much a cat person. A dog is probably better for him though.
I cant seem to find @foxglove's blog, might have changed urls, but I like to think their theory that Thule!Livy will die and our Livy will get her body is what will happen. Unfortunately I am full of fear.
We do have two other instances of successful necromancy with Jace and Jesse being brought back, though, so here's to hoping third time is the charm!
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