#tim drake needs a hug
tired-cryptids · 2 months
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mini Tim Drake Angst based off a tik tok audio.
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red-jaebyrd · 14 days
A New Bird in the Nest
Summary: What if Jason survived Ethiopia and Bruce adopted Tim early? Jason has many insecurities about the new addition to Wayne Manor and it doesn’t help that Bruce has been avoiding Jason since he came back from the hospital. The fear of being replaced and pushed out looms over Jason and it all starts when a kid named Tim Drake moves in. This fic was inspired by this beautiful piece of art by @ky-landfill
It had been almost three months since Ethiopia and Jason was still walking on eggshells around Bruce. Lately Bruce was all clipped tones and clenched jawed whenever Jason attempted to start a conversation with him.  After a while Jason gave up trying to talk to Bruce altogether. With a heavy heart Jason came to the harsh realization that Bruce was obviously still mad at him about Ethiopia.
Bruce was always busy now that Jason was home from the hospital. And while Jason was no longer confined to a bed and could now get around with the help of crutches, Bruce was hardly home. When he was home, Bruce was either holed up in the Cave or his study at all hours. At mealtimes he was constantly hiding behind a newspaper or hyper-focused on a tablet to avoid talking to Jason. Whenever his eyes would wander and meet Jason’s, it was always met with worry lines and a furrowed brow. It got on Jason’s nerves. He didn’t want Bruce’s pity. He just wanted Bruce to talk to him without snapping.
The only time they had talked was in the car on the way to Jason’s PT or to various doctor’s appointments. The conversations always mainly focused on the progress and recovery of Jason’s leg and nothing else. Jason figured it was probably easier for Bruce to talk to him if he didn’t have to actually look at him.
Since Jason had come home from the hospital Bruce had restricted Jason’s access to the Cave. He had told Jason that he didn’t want him to be in the Cave using numerous excuses like the flooring was unstable and would interfere with his crutches. There were also no handrails or any feasible way to install them.
Bruce’s cutoff of Robin spoke volumes to Jason without Bruce ever having to say much to him.
Continue on A03
Dick was visiting at the Manor today. Jason always looked forward to Dick’s visits, but he would never admit that to his older brother. When Jason had arrived home from the hospital, Dick had temporarily moved back into the Manor to help with Jason’s care.
At first Jason resented the gesture, mostly because he thought Dick was doing it out of guilt, but after a while it didn’t matter why Dick decided to stay at the Manor, Jason liked having him around. Not to mention Dick was a great buffer between him and Bruce.
Last week Dick had moved back to his apartment in Bludhaven. It was time for Dick to go back to his city and as much as Jason didn’t want him to go, he knew Dick had responsibilities he needed to get back to. Jason missed hanging out with his older brother every day, but Dick had promised to stop by and visit at least every other weekend.
This weekend Dick came, and they were hanging out the kitchen munching on Alfred’s delicious chicken salad sandwiches when Dick surprised Jason with a question.
“Have you and Bruce talked at all about what happened in Ethiopia?” Dick broached, taking a bite out of his sandwich.
“No,” Jason swallowed, putting his sandwich down and grabbing some chips. “We haven’t talked about that day. He doesn’t really talk to me anymore. Not that he ever talked a lot before, you know, but this is different. He snaps at me sometimes and stops mid-sentence. It’s like he wants to say something to me, but then he doesn’t.” Jason’s shoulders were inching toward his ears. “I think – I think he’s still mad at me.”
“He’s not mad at you,” Dick sighed, rubbing his forehead in frustration and muttering a ‘Dammit Bruce’ under his breath. “Believe me. He’s – he’s just overwhelmed with what could have happened and he’s bad at communicating that fear to you.” Dick rubbed his hands together over his plate to discard the crumbs. He put his hand on Jason’s shoulder and squeezed. “You almost died, Jay and for him it wasn’t the first time he’d almost lost his kid to a rogue. He’s not upset with you. Give him time.”
Jason scowled at Dick. How much more time did Jason need to give Bruce? It had been at almost three months. Jason pushed his plate away from him and rubbed the crumbs from his hands onto his jeans. The sandwich now felt like stone in his stomach.
“He won’t let me back in the Cave. Do you think – do you think he’ll take Robin away?” Jason inquired, picking at his sandwich just to give his hands something to do.
“The truth?” Dick asked, leveling a look at Jason.
Jason nodded.
“He should. At least for –,“
“But I didn’t mean to –,“ Jason interrupted, his eyes wide at Dick’s answer.
Dick held up his hands in a placating manner “Let me finish. He should take it away at least for now. Maybe allowing a kid at 13 to fight dangerous criminals wasn’t the brightest idea on his part.”
“You did it at 9 years old,” Jason argued, clenching his fists at the table.
He couldn’t believe the hypocrite Dick was being when it came to Robin. He thought Dick would understand.
“Our situations were different,” Dick countered, raising his voice a little. “I didn’t give Bruce a choice in the matter. I was going to find my parents’ killer with or without his help. Robin was a way for me to be out there making a difference and seeking justice for my parents.”
“I don’t know why I even asked you,” Jason snapped, crossing his arms. “You never liked me being Robin in the first place.”
“No, I didn’t,” Dick retorted, his jaw clenching. Jason recoiled at the quick response. “Robin was mine. It was my mantle to hand over to a successor, not Bruce. I was replaced before I even got a say in the matter.”
Jason lips parted to say something but all he could do was glare at Dick. Dick had never let him forget that he had been replaced.
Dick got up from the table and placed his plate and glass in the sink.
Jason chanced a look at Dick who had his back turned to him with his arms braced at the sink edge. His shoulders tense. After a while Dick turned on the faucet and began to wash his dishes.
Now Dick was going to give him the silent treatment just like Bruce. Jason sighed and rubbed his forehead. He really did have a knack for messing things up and pissing people off. He couldn’t afford right now to have yet another person in his life not speaking to him; especially Dick. They just started getting to know each other again.
He never should’ve said anything to Dick about Robin.
“I never liked that he made you Robin, but…” Dick admitted, breaking the silence and turning off the water.
Here we go, Jason thought, bracing himself for Dick to lay into him.
“I quickly saw in you what Bruce did, that you were the right choice for the mantle,” Dick continued, his voice gentle and even. Jason blinked and looked up at Dick. The older man was now facing Jason drying his hands on a dishtowel. All signs of anger gone as the brightness returned to Dick’s eyes.
Jason gave him a small smile. Dick didn’t have to say that last part to him. Jason picked up his plate and limped to a drawer next to the sink for a Ziploc bag. He placed the reminder of his sandwich in it and hobbled to put it in the fridge. Dick took his plate, turned on the water, and began to wash it. Jason headed back to his chair at the table.
“Do –,” Jason hesitated, steeling himself for his next question. He padded his finger against a scratch on the wood. “-do you think he’ll replace me too?”
It was a question he hated asking out loud, especially to Dick, he didn’t even know why he asked it. Maybe he was hoping for some support, a counter argument in his favor, a lie, or a platitude. However, Jason knew deep down Dick wouldn’t sugar coat his words.
“Not unless he decides to adopt another kid,” Dick snorted, turning off the water and drying his hands. “And I don’t see that happening anytime soon.”
“Thanks for the reassurance, Dick,” Jason retorted, rolling his eyes.  
“Jay, I’m kidding,” Dick teased, throwing a dish towel at Jason. “He’s not adopting another kid, okay?”
Jason nodded. He wanted to believe Dick, but Dick had now planted a seed of doubt. Considering Bruce’s track record there was always the possibility of Robin being replaced looming over Jason.
Two weeks later Jason was blindsided by the introduction to Tim Drake. A boy he had met briefly at a gala that Jason had attended with Bruce last year. He remembered trying to make conversation with the kid, but the interaction was awkward. The kid hadn’t been very talkative. While he had an overly friendly smile and gave Jason his full attention, the kid only nodded and gave Jason one word answers. Jason wasn’t sure if the kid was just shy or stuck up. Jason had concluded that the kid likely didn’t want to be seen talking to a street rat from Park Row and was just humoring him.
Bruce informed Alfred and Jason that Tim’s stay was a temporary emergency foster placement until a relative could be contacted.
Jason could deal with having a stranger in his house for a week or two, it didn’t mean he had to like him or spend time with him.  
For the next several days, Jason avoided the new kid at all costs except at meal times, which were unavoidable. Alfred and Bruce wouldn’t allow him to take meals up to his room. Bruce even stopped hiding behind newspapers and tablets at the table futilely trying to engage the kid in conversation. The kid hardly talked but answered questions when asked. Bruce still sometimes stayed in his study, but he now started opening the door again. It was something he hadn’t done since Jason had come home from the hospital.
The changes in the house were obvious, and it stung that the kid was getting Bruce’s undivided attention.
The kid had exceptional table manners, which was expected considering where he came from, but it still rubbed Jason the wrong way. What was this kid trying to prove anyway, that he was better than Jason? No shit, Sherlock, that much was obvious.  But it didn’t matter, the kid was soon moving out of Jason’s house and in with relatives. Jason would soon be rid of him.
It didn’t help matters that Dick and the new kid got along perfectly. Dick came over to the Manor right away to meet the new kid. The kid was completely enamored with Dick soaking up the frequent hair tousles and side hugs that Dick had always reserved for Jason.
First, the kid had stolen Bruce’s attention away from Jason, now he was stealing all of the time Jason would normally have with Dick.
About a week and half into the new kid’s stay, Bruce dropped the bomb that plans had changed, and the kid would now be staying with them at the Manor permanently. The kid was soon moved from a bedroom in the guest wing to a bedroom in the family wing next to Jason.
Jason’s stomach dropped. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard. Bruce had actually done the very thing Dick had teased him about almost two weeks ago, ‘not unless he adopts another kid’. It was actually happening.
Jason was being replaced! It was only a matter of time before Jason was completely out of the picture and the new kid became the new Robin.
He phoned Dick right away yelling at him that Bruce was replacing him with this new kid.
“This is all your fault,” Jason barked on the phone, slowly pacing his room.
“What’s my fault?” Dick asked.
“’Not unless he adopts another kid’ bullshit. Well it’s happening, because you’re the one who said it out loud,” Jason argued, clenching his jaw in frustration. It was a weak argument, but it was all Jason had at the moment. He had to blame someone.
“Jay, you can’t speak something into existence,” Dick snorted.
“I – I know that, dumbass,” Jason growled, irritated that Dick wasn’t taking him seriously. “I just didn’t think he’d –.”
The lump in his throat cut off his words and made his breath hitch. This was all happening too fast for Jason. Bruce wasn’t supposed to get another kid this fast or at all. The kid was supposed to move in with relatives. Jason knew he wouldn’t be Robin forever, but he thought he’d have enough time to get used to not being Robin before Bruce went and replaced him.
“Jay, are you still there? Talk to me, bud,” Dick said, breaking the silence, all teasing gone from his voice. “Bruce isn’t replacing you, Little Wing. He’s simply giving a kid something he needs right now, a home and a family. Nothing more. Besides, Tim is harmless and a great kid. I hope you’re being nice to him.”
“Why does he need my home and my family?” Jason whined, sagging onto his bed. His leg throbbing in time with his heartbeat.
Jason knew he was being unreasonable. This kid had done nothing wrong except existing, yet Jason couldn’t bring himself to be nice because this kid was getting the one thing Jason had been wanting for the last two months – Bruce’s undivided attention; and now stealing the only thing he had left - his brother’s devotion.
“Because his family failed him, Jay,” Dick replied, his tone matter of fact yet gentle. “You know what that’s like. Just talk to him and try to get to know him. He’s a great kid.”
Jason couldn’t bring himself to start a conversation with the kid, not yet anyway, but he no longer glared at the kid at meals or slammed his door in the kid’s face. He’d nod whenever the kid said, ‘Good morning’ and no longer avoided the library when he saw the kid sitting in his favorite chair. He even kept his mouth shut when he saw the kid sitting in Bruce’s study just feet away from the Grandfather clock entrance to the Cave.
The more Jason paid quiet attention to the kid, the more he saw things that reminded him of his own upbringing with Willis and he didn’t like it. The kid knew how to stay out of the way. When he was not occupied elsewhere with Bruce or Alfred, the kid spent most of his time in his room. The kid never really ventured within the Manor by himself beyond the library or kitchen, even though he was given permission and encouraged to explore his surroundings.
At first, Jason actually liked it. It meant he didn’t have to run into the kid or spend any time with him. But soon Jason realized that the kid’s avoidance of everyone was a definite problem.
The kid was quiet and never brought any kind of attention to himself. He never complained about the food given to him, ever; and ate everything on his plate, even the gross under-seasoned brussel sprouts and cauliflower. Bruce didn’t even eat the brussel sprouts on his plate. Jason knew the kid hated them because he noticed the kid struggling to swallow every single one, but he never said anything to Alfred or Bruce. Bruce eventually told the kid that he didn’t have to eat anything he didn’t like, but it was like the kid didn’t hear him. The kid also never asked for seconds but would say yes when they were offered to him.
The weirdest thing of all, the kid never initiated any conversation with Bruce or Alfred unless they spoke to him first. The kid was literally the poster child for that saying, ‘children should be seen and not heard’.
He didn’t even speak up one particular evening when he started breaking out in hives at dinner.
Jason was the first one to notice something was wrong with the kid. It was only for a split second and the kid must have realized something wasn’t right either because he instantly put his head down. But it was too late, Jason had seen the red raised splotches on the kid’s neck and face. The kid was white-knuckling his cutlery, a piece of Alfred’s Pesto Penne was still dangling off his fork.
If Jason had the height and the strength, he would have kicked the kid under the table.
Say something, kid!
Jason wasn’t sure why he was getting so mad, but it was pissing him off that this kid was going through what looked like some sort of anaphylaxis episode and staying quiet. Jason still might not know how to talk to the kid, and maybe he was still a little angry at him for stealing Bruce and Dick, but he didn’t want him to die.
Could it be that the kid was genuinely afraid to disrespect adults that he’d put his health in danger and eat whatever was put in front of him?
Didn’t the kid know by now that Bruce wasn’t going to be mad at him for speaking up about an allergy? Hadn’t the kid spent enough time with Bruce to know that he’d never be shamed for something he couldn’t control.
“Bruce!” Jason yelled, finally getting the man’s attention. Bruce gave him a puzzled look. “Your new kid needs you.”
Just then the kid cleared his throat and made a weird and alarming wheezing sound. Bruce’s fork clattered on his plate the moment he laid eyes on the kid.
“Tim, are you okay?”
The kid’s eyes went wide. His eyes scanned frantically at Jason, Bruce and then Alfred, but he didn’t say a word.
“Tim, I need you to answer me, okay,” Bruce asked, keeping his voice low and calm. “Are you allergic to pine nuts?”
“No, I…I don’t know,” The kid swallowed, tears pooling in his eyes. “I’m…I’m allergic to almonds, but I’m…I’m okay.”
It was obvious to Jason and everyone else in the room that the kid was anything but okay.
“Alfred, get two epi-pens and call Leslie,” Bruce ordered, making his way to a chair closer to Tim to examine his face and neck.
“Right away, sir.”
“I’m okay,” The kid wheezed, moving his face away from Bruce. “Really, it’s f-fine.”
Jason couldn’t take it anymore. The kid was obviously not okay. Nothing about this was fine. The sooner he realized that the better.
“You’re not okay, you dummy! You don’t fuck around with food allergies!” Jason bellowed, banging his fists on the table to emphasize his point. “If you’re not feeling good because the food is making you sick, you fucking say something.”
“Jason,” Bruce warned, keeping his voice even while also leveling Jason with a glare.
He could see Bruce clenching his jaw as he went back to examining the kid. Jason ignored him. He didn’t care that he was making Bruce mad. Jason needed to finish telling the kid what he needed to hear.
“If you’re still hungry, ask for more food,” Jason continued, his voice getting louder. “If you don’t like the food, don’t eat it. Either way Bruce and Alfred won’t get mad!”
“Jason, you’re yelling,” Bruce stated, his voice low and gravely. “Lower your voice or you’ll need to leave the table.
Jason didn’t even know why he was yelling at the kid, but it felt good to get it out. A part of him was frustrated that the kid still didn’t see what he had here with Bruce – safety. Another part of him was irritated at himself for acting like a complete asshole hating this kid for no reason other than existing and taking up space. Realizing too late that this kid was just like him when he first came to live here, scared and mistrustful of adults.
Jason wasn’t done yet. There was one last thing Jason needed the kid to hear and understand about the way things worked with Bruce and Alfred. Something Dick actually told him when Jason first came to the Manor.
“No one here is going to make you do what you don’t want to do,” Jason emphasized, grabbing his crutch, and getting up from his chair. “But they won’t know what you want if you don’t fucking say something.”
He added that last bit.
“Jason, that is enough,” Bruce scolded, his voice loud enough to make the crying kid next to him jump and Jason flinch.
Before Bruce could tell him to go to his room, Jason was already making his way to out of the dining room.
“I’m sorry, Bruce,” the kid sobbed, his breaths hitching, while Bruce continued to examine the hives on his face and neck. “I’m so sorry for making a scene. Please…please don’t be mad. I’ll…I’ll do better. I promise.”
The last sentence was said in a whisper, but Jason heard it loud and clear. It felt like a punch to the gut. He couldn’t get out of the dining room fast enough. If only his stupid leg would let him run. He made his way out of the dining room and into the hallway. He leaned against the wall taking deep breaths.
What kind of parents did this kid have that he was scared of adults and knew nothing about his own food allergies?
Jason saw the signs once he had started to pay more attention. The obvious signs of abuse. They were right there at every meal, every encounter, plain as day, but Jason was too preoccupied with his own paranoia of being replaced, and blinded by Tim’s rich kid status and upbringing to think that someone of his background was being mistreated by his own parents.
Jason was an asshole.
He was snapped out of his thoughts as Alfred walked briskly passed him into the dining room with the two epi-pens for Tim. Jason proceeded to head for the stairs.
Jason made it as far as the bottom of the stairs. He sat down on the steps and closed his eyes, leaning his head against the banister. The familiar throbbing of a migraine radiated from his left temple to the back of his head. After a while he heard familiar footsteps approaching him. It was Bruce.
“How’s the kid?” Jason asked, squinting at the harsh light of the chandelier above him.
“The epi-pens helped. Alfred is monitoring him in one of the downstairs bedrooms,” Bruce answered, sitting down on the step next to Jason. “Leslie is on her way to check on him.”
“Good,” Jason replied, nodding his head. “That’s…that’s good.”
They sat there on the steps in companionable silence. Jason could feel a lecture coming from Bruce. The migraine made it hard for Jason to care. Right now, all the fight in him had left.
“You can’t yell at him like that again, Jay,” Bruce warned, breaking the silence. “He didn’t deserve that from you at all.”
“I know,” Jason groaned, leaning his head against the banister again. “And I didn’t mean to yell, but the k-,“ Jason stopped himself, the kid had a name and he should probably start using it. “Tim needed to hear it. I’m not sorry for what I said.”
“You need to be nicer to your brother, Jay,” Bruce sighed, his shoulders sagging in exhaustion. “We need to make him feel welcome here.
Jason let the word wash over him. He hadn’t really allowed himself to think of Tim in that way even though it was obvious that he’d be staying at the Manor permanently. It was all too much for Jason to think about at the moment.  
“Bruce,” Jason breathed, closing his eyes and rubbing his forehead. “I don’t want to talk about him right now. My head is killing me.”
He knew he needed to talk to Bruce about Tim, but he couldn’t do it tonight. Right now his throbbing head wouldn’t let him think straight.
“Okay get some rest,” Bruce suggested, brushing Jason’s bangs from his forehead. “We definitely need to have a conversation. We’ll do that in the morning when you’re up for it.”
The next morning Jason took his time making it to Bruce’s study.
He had most of the morning to think about what he was going to say to Tim and Bruce. Jason wasn’t sure if he’d actually have the guts to admit out loud certain thoughts that had been rummaging around in his brain the last few weeks. Especially the big one concerning Robin.
Would Bruce take Robin from him and give it to Tim?
Before Jason realized it, he was in front of Bruce’s study. The door was opened. Bruce had always told Jason to feel free to come inside if the door wasn’t closed. His door hadn’t been opened in the months before Tim came to the Manor. Jason peeked inside from the doorway.
Bruce looked deep in thought as he perused over various papers from different file folders stacked on his desk. Jason was starting to have second thoughts. 
“Hey Jason, what can I do for you?” Bruce asked, not looking up from what he was reading.
It always weirded Jason out when Bruce knew it was him without even looking at him. It was likely the squeaking sound from his crutch that gave him away.           
“You look busy,” Jason observed, giving Bruce an out and hoping that he’d take it. He turned to leave. “I’ll come back.”
“I’m not busy, have a seat,” Bruce acknowledged, motioning to the sofa. He took his glasses off and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He closed the file folder he was reading, stood up from his desk chair, and stretched. He soon followed Jason to the sofa. “How’s your head, kiddo?”
“Better. I think I just needed to sleep it off,” Jason answered, sitting down and leaning his crutch against the arm of the sofa. Once he got a closer look at Bruce he could see dark circles under the man’s eyes. “Have you been here all night?” Jason gestured to Bruce’s desk.
“Pretty much. Though I did spend some of the night looking in on Tim,” Bruce sighed, sitting down on the sofa with Jason and rubbing his tired eyes.
“How’s he doing?”
“He’s much better, just tired. He’s back in his room if you wanted to go see him later and talk.”
Jason nodded. It was Bruce’s way of telling Jason that he needed to apologize to Tim. He had planned on visiting Tim after this, though he’d understand if Tim wasn’t up for it considering the way Jason yelled at him last night.
“Anyway, I’m just trying to see if I had missed something in any of Tim’s records,” Bruce continued, leaning back on the sofa. “They’re all pretty vague and don’t go back that far. There aren’t any details about any known allergies or yearly well checks, no documentation about any allergy testing except the most recent one that revealed an allergy to almonds. His immunization record stops at 5 years old.”
“But his parents have money, right? If they live in this neighborhood,” Jason snapped, folding his arms. “How could they just not take him to the doctor?”
“You’d be surprised by the priorities some people have in this town,” Bruce criticized. “Sadly, their children are not on the top of that list.”
Jason shook his head. It didn’t make any sense to him. Tim’s parents had money. Maybe not as much money as Bruce, but they could afford to take Tim to the best doctors for yearly check-ups and specialists to help him with his allergies. Instead, they chose to prioritize their jobs and lifestyle instead of their kid.
“Is that the reason he’s living here with us now? Because his parents didn’t take good care of him?”
“Among other things, yes,” Bruce answered. “Tim’s home life wasn’t great. From what little he told me his parents left him home alone for extended amounts of time at a fairly young age. For his safety and wellbeing, it was necessary for him to be removed from his parents. He needed a home with stability and most of all a family. I felt that we could be all of that for him.”
Jason’s shoulders dropped hearing all of this from Bruce. Tim was a lonely and abused kid, just like Jason had been. Bruce opened his heart and his home again to a boy in need. It now all made sense why Bruce had been spending so much time with Tim. He wasn’t trying to replace Jason. He was trying to make Tim feel at home; just as Jason should have been doing instead of slamming doors in the poor kid’s face.
“I realize now that the timing of his arrival was awful, and I’m sorry,” Bruce continued, interrupting Jason’s thoughts. He placed a hand on Jason’s shoulder and squeezed it. “I know this type of major change was the last thing you needed while you are still recovering.”
Jason nodded. He leaned his head back on the pillows to process everything Bruce had just said. Bruce wasn’t wrong, the timing of Tim’s arrival did suck as it played on Jason’s already frayed emotions. But after last night it made it easier to understand Tim’s sudden placement with Bruce.
Bruce saw a kid in trouble and did what came naturally to him. He did the same for Jason four years ago, of course he would do the same thing for Tim. Jason rubbed his face harshly. He felt like an idiot for not making this connection much sooner. Bruce had reached out to be Tim’s family, just like he had done for Jason, because Tim needed a family. Bruce didn’t need another kid.  It was all about helping a kid in need.
So, he’s not here to replace me.
“What? No, Jason, I would never do that– what made you think I would –,” Bruce stammered, his wide eyes searching Jason.
Oh shit.
Jason didn’t mean to say that out loud.
But before he could think of something else to say, all the thoughts that had been festering in his brain since Tim had arrived came pouring out of his mouth.
“– because you weren’t talking to me. I thought you were still pissed at me for running away. And when Tim came you were spending all your time with him that you used to spend with me,” Jason blurted out in quick succession. His vision started to blur with tears. He really didn’t want to cry, but the tears were already flowing down his cheeks. “and – and maybe I thought that you liked him better because – because he’s a good kid with perfect manners who never talked back or complained, and he’s not – not a mouthy screw up like me who messed everything up.”
Jason’s eyes widened as his brain caught up to the words that had just come out of his mouth. Every thought and fear that he had been dwelling on these past several weeks came out faster than he could contain them. There was no taking it back now.
“Jason, you’re not a screw up and you didn’t mess up anything.” Bruce affirmed, gently pulling Jason into a hug. Jason held on to Bruce like a lifeline, his tears continuing to fall. “Son, you didn’t mess up anything.”
Jason shook his head, but who was he kidding. He made a pretty big fucking mistake that almost got him and Bruce killed. How is Bruce not furious with him?
“It’s true that choices were made by both of us, good and bad and things took a serious turn, and – and for a second I thought I’d lost you,” Bruce sniffed, breaking the embrace to look at Jason. “But I didn’t. You survived and I’m so grateful every single day that you are here with me.
Bruce moved his hands to cup Jason’s face. He gently wiped away the tears from Jason’s cheeks with his thumbs. Jason kept trying to calm his breaths but they were still hitching with every sob. Why couldn’t Bruce have said all this to him sooner?
“I’m so thankful I get to watch you grow and see the person you will become,” Bruce continued, embracing Jason again and rubbing soothing circles on Jason’s back. “I’m so proud that you’re my son, and I love you just the way you are so please, don’t think for one second that I would ever want to replace you with someone else.”
There was still something that Jason needed to know from Bruce. A question he needed answered because he was tired of the subject being avoided and ignored. He was ready to take responsibly for his actions. He just needed Bruce to be straight-forward with him.
“Are you still mad at me?” Jason stammered, his bottom lip trembling. “About Ethiopia? It’s my fault –,”
“Oh, Jay, lad, no,” Bruce interrupted, his shoulders sinking. He hugged Jason tighter resting his cheek on the top of Jason’s curls. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I made you think that I was ever mad at you.”
Jason straightened in surprise at the words ‘I’m sorry’ coming from Bruce. Not that Bruce wasn’t capable of apologizing, but did Jason deserve it? It felt misplaced. He was the one that ran away and got himself in trouble. He was the one that nearly got himself killed and needed rescuing.
“I don’t blame you for what happened,” Bruce continued, interrupting Jason’s thoughts. “I blame the people who hurt and betrayed you. I’m mad at myself for not giving you the answers you needed at the time that you were seeking them. I feel responsible for making you think that you had to go halfway across the world in search of those answers. I’m angry that the one person who should have cherished you for the gift that you are betrayed you to a madman.
“I allowed my anger toward them to fester and instead of talking about what had happened in Ethiopia with you, I internalized it. I’m sorry, Jason,” Bruce apologized. “I am so sorry for pushing you away at a crucial time when you needed me; that will never happen again. Understood.”
Jason blew out a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding. He wasn’t expecting Bruce to say all of that to him, but it was a relief to hear that Bruce’s anger wasn’t because of him. It felt like an invisible weight had been lifted from Jason’s shoulders. Bruce wasn’t mad at him, and he didn’t blame Jason for what had happened in Ethiopia.
“I’m so grateful that you’re alive and here with me,” Bruce repeated, pulling Jason in for another hug.  
They still hadn’t discussed Robin, but right now Jason felt that Robin could wait.
“I love you so much, Jason.”
“I love you too, Dad.”
Later that afternoon Jason headed to Tim’s room. Jason still wasn’t sure what he was going to say to Tim. The kid was likely scared of him now from all the yelling that had happened last night. He couldn’t blame the kid if he now hated him. Jason kind of deserved whatever attitude the kid gave him.
Jason took a deep breath before knocking on Tim’s door.
“Who is it,” a faint voice answered from inside the room.
“It’s Jason. Can I come in?”
“Yes,” Tim answered almost immediately.
Jason wondered if Tim had ever said no to anyone. He felt it was best to give this kid a way out just in case he’d rather be alone.
“It’s okay if you don’t feel up for visitors,” Jason added, still not opening the door. “I can come back whenever you’re up for it.”
“I’m okay, you can come in.”
Jason opened the door and hoped the smile on his face looked genuine and didn’t scare Tim. It appeared that just him being in the room was enough to have the kid sitting up, hiding behind his knees and blankets.
“You’re not going to yell at me again, are you?” Tim asked, hugging his knees.
“No, Tim,” Jason laughed, making his way closer to Tim’s bed. “Not unless you give me a reason too.”
Tim’s eyes went wide.
“That was a joke,” Jason interjected quickly, before Tim burst into tears. He rubbed the back of his neck. “Let’s try this again, how are you feeling?”
“Better, just tired. I’m not itching anymore, so that’s a relief. This one hit me harder than the almond reaction.”
Bruce had told Jason that it was only a few weeks ago that Tim had experienced anaphylaxis while home alone. This incident had prompted Tim’s removal from his parents and placed with Bruce.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better,” Jason said, shifting his weight off his bad leg. It started throbbing in its standing prone position. “Allergic reactions suck.”
Just then the pain in his leg radiated from his hip to his knee. Jason couldn’t hide the hiss of pain that escaped between his clenched teeth. He looked up to see Tim looking at the long scar on his face and then his leg. Jason hated it when people stared.
“I think you need to sit down. You look like you’re in pain,” Tim suggested, gesturing to the armchair next to his bed. “This chair is really comfortable. I like sitting in it while I’m reading.”
“Thanks,” Jason breathed, trying to ignore the throbbing in his leg while making his way over to the chair. He noticed a familiar copy of ‘The Lightning Thief’ on Tim’s nightstand and picked it up.
“Bruce bought me the entire series. I just started it when I came here,” Tim explained. “I really like the story. I wasn’t allowed to read it before – before I came here.”
“Let me guess, your parents think gods and goddesses are evil?” Jason smirked.
“No, mother said ‘fantasy books are frivolous nonsense and not becoming of a future businessman.’”
Jason scowled. He was deeply insulted that the adults in Tim’s life had disparaged Jason’s first favorite genre of books. How dare they. It appeared that Jason had some work to do.
“I can recommend other fantasy books if you like the genre,” Jason offered, setting the book back on the nightstand. “When you’re feeling better we can go to the library. I’ll show you the fantasy section. It’s huge.”
“Thanks, but you don’t have to do that,” Tim shrugged. “I know you don’t like me.”
Hearing Tim say it like that, so matter of fact and accepting, wiped the smile off Jason’s face.  It sucked to know that he had left such a horrible impression on Tim and that Tim was giving him a way out. It was a pre-emptive strike to avoid the disappointment of rejection.
Jason was all too familiar with this tactic – he used to do it all the time to Bruce and Dick when he first came to live at the Manor.
He wondered how many times Tim had been hurt by the people closest to him to easily brush off simple offers and attention from others. It didn’t help that Jason’s actions over the past few weeks solidified Tim’s assumption that Jason really didn’t want to spend time with him.
Jason needed to fix this fast.
“I know I don’t have to show you the library, but I want to,” Jason cleared his throat, stretching his sore leg. “We can make up for lost time, okay?”
Tim nodded.
“Is there anything you want to ask me?” Jason offered, sitting back in the chair. Tim wasn’t lying, this chair was comfortable.
Jason’s brain was screaming at him for daring to open himself up like this to Tim, a kid he hardly even knew. But deep down in his heart, Jason knew this was the right thing to do. It was a fair exchange. He couldn’t expect Tim to open up to him, if he didn’t budge himself.
“Um,” Tim hesitated, wringing his hands and looking anywhere but at Jason. He took a deep breath and returned his gaze to Jason. “What happened to your leg and –,“ Tim gestured to the left side of his own face which was the same place as Jason’s noticeably long scar.
Jason took a deep breath to steel himself. He knew this was going to be a question Tim would ask. He was hoping he wouldn’t ask this question right out of the gate, but he did open himself up to be asked any question. Jason wasn’t stupid enough to give Tim details but since this kid was his new ‘little brother’ Jason should probably be somewhat honest with him.
“It’s a long story, but the short version is I went and did something I shouldn’t have, and this happened,” Jason explained, gesturing to his face and his leg. “Can I ask you a question?”
Jason wasn’t sure the kid was going to answer his question once he heard it, but he had to give it a shot.
“Sure, what do you want to know?”
“I want to know why you didn’t say anything to anyone at dinner when you were having a serious allergic reaction?” Jason asked, maintaining eye contact and using his best Robin voice.
Tim stayed quiet and Jason realized that maybe he had pushed too far with his first question. Part of him definitely wanted to give Tim an out, but the other part of him felt it was important for Tim to answer the question. Jason strongly believed that Tim needed to know from him that Tim would never be shamed or scolded by Bruce for speaking up when something was wrong.
“Mother says,” Tim swallowed, fisting his blankets and then hugging his knees again. “That making a scene at the dinner table in front of guests is rude; under no circumstances should I bring any kind of attention to myself.”
Jason had to take a few deep breaths to calm his rage and quiet a few choice words he wanted to voice out loud about these absurd rules and Tim’s parents.
“Tim, you were going into anaphylactic shock,” Jason explained, keeping his voice level like he does when talking to victims as Robin. “Saying something is always okay. Especially if you are in danger, or you just don’t feel good. You wouldn’t have been making a scene. Bruce doesn’t care about decorum all that much just as long as you don’t say ‘fuck’.”
The last sentence made Tim giggle. It was nice to know he could make the kid laugh.
“You’re safe here, Tim. I know firsthand that concept will take some getting used to but believe me. This place is safe. Bruce and Alfred like having you here and so do I,” Jason confessed. “It’s true. I know I didn’t show it in the beginning, and I’m very sorry about that. So, if you want, we can start over.”
Jason held his breath, pleading internally that Tim would forgive him for how Jason had treated him. He truly wanted to start over with Tim. Jason was looking forward to having a little brother.
 “I’d like that”, Tim smiled. It was a smile that reached his eyes and brought out the dimples in his cheeks. “I just have one more question.” Tim hesitated, biting his lip. “It’s sort of a favor. It’s no big deal. You can say no if –,“
“Tim, I’m not going to say no unless you want me to move furniture,” Jason joked, trying to make Tim laugh. “What do you need?”
Tim looked longingly at the book sitting on his nightstand and then back at Jason.
“Can you read a bit of the book to me?” Tim begged. “I’m still dizzy from last night and every time I try to read, I get a headache.”
Jason blew out a breath and smiled. This request he had no problem saying yes to. He was just glad Tim didn’t ask him to leave.
“Of course,” Jason accepted, taking the book and thumbing to the page that had the bookmark. “How are you liking this book so far?
“I like it. I already liked Greek mythology, but this makes me like it even more. I don’t trust Luke,” Tim voiced off handedly. He looked at Jason nervously like he was waiting to be shut down for his opinion. “I know I probably should, but I don’t. I don’t care how much he’s helping Percy. There’s something not right about him.”
“I’m liking you more and more, Timmy,” Jason praised, giving him an easy smile. Tim definitely had a future in this family with those deduction skills. “Maintain that energy and sit tight. We’re gonna be here a while.”
Jason and Tim hung out more and more dividing their time together in the library, playing video games in the den, or hanging out in the kitchen baking cookies with Alfred. Jason helped Tim slowly come out of his shell around Bruce and Alfred. A red-faced Tim eventually confessed to Alfred that he hated fish, couldn’t tolerate the texture of carrots or brussel sprouts but loved broccoli, chicken, steak and pasta.
Having Tim around became the very thing Jason had needed all along. Hanging out with Tim kept him more active, which in turn helped the mobility in Jason’s leg. Even his physical therapist was impressed with the progress Jason had made over the past couple of weeks.
Jason liked being a little brother, but he liked being a big brother even more.
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laxeros · 1 year
Batinson and Timmy (Robin)
from Earning a Second Chance by @huntressundone
Tumblr media
"Arms wrapped around his middle like steel bands, pulling him away from the case. Tim struggled weakly against the hold, as Bruce took them to the center of the room— presumably away from any punchable objects. As soon as his arms loosened enough, he turned his fists on Bruce instead. Tim doubted that he was actually hurting the man— he had lost too much muscle mass for that. He expected the man to push him back, get space between himself and Tim’s fury, but instead he found himself crushed to Bruce’s chest, arms trapped between them."
I love her fics! I can only recommend to give them a try if you haven't already :)
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Tim Drake Fic Suggestion
I'm planning on writing a multichapter fic about what happened after Bruce came back from the time stream and how Tim dealt with it. It's going to be angsty, have a lot of family feels and sibling shenanigans. BUT, I'm stuck. I'm not sure whether to add a original female character as Tim's love interest. I need you opinion.
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ktkat99 · 1 year
Tim Drake seems like the type who tends to use either ALL of his braincells at once, none at all.
Tim: I hacked their servers, located and downloaded all the information relevant to this case, disarmed their entire security system and discovered that the one stealing lunches from the office fridge is the ground floor janitor.
Also Tim, trying to make himself breakfast for the first time in a solid week. Goes to shake pepper onto his egg, but the top isn't screwed on, leading to all the pepper falling out on his egg. Decides he's too tired to try again and grabs the vacuum to suck the pepper off his egg. Vacuum sucks up egg. Tim gives up and just has another cup of coffee for breakfast.
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aprocessionofthoughts · 6 months
It's cold inside
ai-less whumptober2023 day 17- you look a little pale fandom- batman TW- none Summary- Tim suffers from cuddle pollen
ao3 ailesswhumptober masterlist
Tim was so cold. He was currently lying in bed at his apartment huddled under a pile of blankets. His phone had fallen out of his blanket pile a while ago, and he hadn’t been willing to leave the small comfort of the blankets to retrieve it.
He knew, logically, that the blankets wouldn’t really make a difference.
He hated Ivy.
Everything sucked. He hadn’t even been able to catch her. She’d just made sure some of her plants sprayed him with pollen before vanishing, and leaving poor Tim to deal with the aftermath. 
Seriously, why did she have to take her frustration out on him? It wasn’t his fault she had fought with Harley.
He groaned, curling into a tighter ball. He wrapped his arms around himself, hoping the self-hug would work. It didn’t. 
He wanted Dick’s warm hugs, and Bruce’s head pats. He wanted Jason’s brusque worrying and Steph’s teasing.
He closed his eyes. There was no point thinking of any of them.
They were all busy.
Jason was crime bossing in Crime Alley, Dick was in Bludhaven. Bruce was at an important WE meeting. Cass was still in Hong Kong and Steph had mentioned she’d be studying for her exams today. And Time would never ask Damian. He shuddered at the mere thought of asking the little gremlin.
His shaking got worse.
He shuddered. Everything ached. 
His phone range. He ignored it.
It rang again.
He was not getting out of his blanket pile to grab it.
It rang again.
Ugghh. He covered his ears and ignored it.
Three more times it rang.
What did they want!? 
Tim was unavailable.
They could figure something else out.
But what if they really needed help?
Okay, if it rang one more time, Tim would answer.
He waited, praying to all the deities he’d heard about. Surely, one of them must be real. It stayed silent. Yes! Thank you unknown deity!
Then someone knocked.
On his window.
He was not going to get up! If it was a murderer they’d have to stab him through all his blanket layers.
He heard the window open. If only he had his phone so he could bet Steph on which brother it would be.
“Are you dead?”
Jason. Tim sighed, but didn’t respond. Jason would find him soon enough.
“Timberly? Is that you or did you just leave all your blankets on the bed?”
Tim grunted.
The blankets shifted, and Tim let out an involuntary whine as they were shoved off him. Above him, Jason froze. Tim curled into himself. With an actual person so close, the trembling had increased.
“Shit, Timbit, what’s wrong with you? You look a little pale.”
“Ivy.” Tim managed through chattering teeth. 
“Then what the hell are you doing here? You know blankets don’t work with cuddle pollen.” 
Tim ignored him. 
Jason sighed. “Do you want me to call, Dick?”
“He’s busy.”
“And he’d totally drop everything to come cuddle with you.”
Tim wished Jason would hug him. He wished Jason would leave.
“Fine.” Jason said. “Mover over.” “What–” 
Then Jason was shoving him to the side of the bed, and Tim didn’t have time to be annoyed because then he was laying down next to him and slinging an arm over Tim’s chest.
Time melted against him.
Tim could hear Jason on his phone, but he didn’t bother trying to figure out what he was doing. He finally felt warm. 
He was just starting to fully relax when he heard his window slide open again.
“Tim!,” Dick said, coming into the room. “Jason said you got hit with cuddle pollen. Why didn’t you say anything?”
“He thought you were too busy to come.” Jason grunted.
Dick’s expression crumbled, “I’ll always come if you need me, babybird. You too, Little Wing.”
Tim closed his eyes, and Jason shifted behind him.
Then there was someone gently shoving him back into Jason, and laying down in front of him.
He opened his eyes to see Dick settling in front of him wrapping his arm around him and Jason.
The last of the cold left him, and Tim finally was able to fall asleep snuggled between two of his brothers.
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awhitehead17 · 6 months
First Meetings
TimKon, FirstPrince, Established Relationship, Friendship, Teasing, Soft Boyfriends, Crossover.
Summary: “Tim, how do you know the President’s son? I mean I know you have friends in high places but this is another level.”
Tim frowns, why wouldn’t he know Alex? They grew up in the same social circle, attending fancy dinners with high profile socialites is what they did and Alex happened to be with his mother before she ran for presidency. At a young age, Alex is what made the dinners and galas bearable for Tim.
Also on AO3
Enjoy! :D
Tim sighs heavily into the champagne glass as he lifts it to his lips. “God I hate these things. They’re the worst,” following his comment he downs the rest of the alcohol in the glass in one gulp.
Next to him Kon snorts, choosing to sip at his glass instead. “Is that why you’ve brought me? To share your hatred of these things?”
“Sharing is caring Kon.” Tim mutters unhappily. He honestly be rather anywhere else but here.
Right now he could be in bed, buried underneath blankets watching crappy films and eating junk food or he could be with the team yelling at the screen as both Bart and Kon very obviously cheat at Mario Kart because they’re losing against he and Cassie. Even if it’s neither of those things, he could be curled up with Kon somewhere ignoring the world as the two of them exist in their own little bubble.
But no.
He’s here – thankfully with Kon – at a charity gala representing the Wayne name because Bruce couldn’t make it, Tim happened to pull the short straw against his siblings so he had to come in his stead. He brought Kon so he could suffer along with him, but also to keep him company. Mostly to suffer though. These things are never fun.
“You know what I hate…” Kon speaks up, when Tim glances at him he spots his boyfriend frowning in displeasure and tugging at his suit, “are these damn things. They’re monkey suits, they serve no practical use. I feel like a penguin, I waddle anytime I walk because I’m so restricted.”
Tim couldn’t help but snort at everything that is Kon. His facial expressions, his discomfort and his words. Breathing deeply Tim deposits his empty champagne glass on a nearby table before turning to Kon. Reaching up he slaps Kon's hands away from the suit and begins straightening out his lapels, correcting the damage Kon had caused to the fabric.
“Well, I think you look good. This colour suits you, and this particular name really helps defines your shoulders and physique. You’re just not used to wearing them Kon.”
With his words Tim couldn’t help but drag his hands up from Kon’s chest, where they stayed after he straightened out his lapels, and drag them across his shoulders, letting his fingers run along the seam and just press in enough so Kon could feel it. Tim looks up and meets Kon’s eyes, his boyfriend’s gaze having darkened as he stares back at Tim. Knowing exactly what he's doing, Tim blinks slowly, heatedly, and smirks and lets his hands trail down Kon’s side under the guise of straightening out his jacket.
A hot and heavy atmosphere fills the small space between them and being this close to his boyfriend Tim could see how affected by his actions Kon is becoming. His shortened breath, his fingers clenching tightly into the glass almost smashing it, his dilated pupils, and the extreme tension now seeping through his body as he works to restrain himself.
Tim loves it. He loves riling Kon up where his boyfriend can’t act on his desires.
There’s been plenty of times where it’s been the other way around, where Kon is the one riling Tim up to the point of no return. His boyfriend’s gotten rather good at using his TTK for things in a less professional manner, and he isn’t afraid to bring it out at the worst of times. Tim doesn't have to worry about that tonight, because tonight he’s calling the shots and they both know it.
Leaning in towards Kon, whispering into the space between them as he keeps their gazes locked together he says, “You may hate the suit but I certainly don’t. I can’t wait to get you out of it later on, piece by piece…”
At the end of his sentence a loud crack could be heard and Tim merely raises an eyebrow. They both glance down at the glass still in Kon’s hand only to find it now featuring a new spiderwebbed pattern on it which hadn’t been there when Kon first picked it up. Somehow it’s still in one piece but it definitely isn’t safe to use anymore. Tim lets out a low laugh and decides to pull away and backs up a step. He doesn't want to blow Kon’s fuse so soon after all.
“I might see if I can get another drink, I assume you would like another one?” Tim asks sounding as composed as he has been all night. He’s glad for his acting skills, admittedly they were originally for undercover work but they do come in handy during other times as well.
“Yeah. That would be great. Thanks.” Kon speaks through gritted teeth, his voice sounding strained.
He’s glaring at Tim now, both in the way which tells Tim his boyfriend currently hates his guts but also in a lustful way which Tim knows is going to result in them feeling satiated and satisfied by the end of the night. Unfazed Tim smiles sunnily at him.
Before he could make a move to find a waiter a new voice calls out to Tim which makes him freeze on the spot.
With his back to the room Tim doesn't know who is calling him and he glances at Kon who flicks his gaze over Tim’s shoulder and back again only to shrug in response, telling Tim he has no idea who it is.
Feeling all the lust and playfulness leave his body, Tim turns around to find out who is approaching and immediately groans upon seeing and recognizing them.
“Who is it?” Kon asks curiously, any previous signs of heat and want have also left Kon, the interruption doing a good job of killing the mood.
Tim signs resignedly watching the man approach them. He looks up at his boyfriend. “That is Alex Claremont-Diaz, the First Son of the United States. And an absolute pain in the ass. God, I haven’t seen him in years. Think of Dick’s charm and Jason’s cockiness, put them together and that’s him.”
Kon makes a humming sound and suddenly seems to remember he currently has an almost shattered glass in his hand. He quickly deposits it on the table behind them. “Does he know?”
Kon doesn't have to elaborate what he means and Tim instantly shakes his head. “No he doesn’t.”
That’s all they have time for because Alex is suddenly there, grinning widely at them. “Tim, how you doin’ man?”
Despite his words to Kon, Tim does in fact like Alex, the guy is pretty laidback and has a wicked sense of humour. He smiles back and holds out a hand to him. “Hey Alex, it’s been years.”
Alex clasps his hand but before Tim could react the other man is tugging him in for quick hug before letting him go again.
“What are you doing here?” Alex asks with curiosity. His dark hair is curling artfully across his forehead and his suit is all pressed looking clean and proper; no one expects nothing less from the First Son.
Tim waves a hand flippantly. “I’m here in Bruce’s name, the old man couldn’t make it and I pulled the short straw to attend in his absence. Literally, pulled the short straw.”
“Ah, well it’s good to see you, we’ll have to catch up sometime properly, I know Nora would be thrilled to see you again.”
Tim is about to reply but gets distracted when a tall, blonde man comes up behind Alex and immediately grabs all of their attentions, especially Alex’s. He looks familiar but Tim can’t place who it is although he and Alex seem intimately familiar with one another if the lingering touches are anything to go by once the blonde hands Alex a champagne glass.
“I thought I would grab us another drink on my way back,” the blonde man says in lieu of greetings and Tim picks up on a distinctive British accent.
Alex positively beams and Tim works hard on containing his facial expression, he’s never seen Alex so smitten with someone before. “Thank you, I was beginning to get desperate. Oh!” He turns back to Tim and grabs the man’s hand to drag him closer. “Henry, this is Tim. Tim, this is His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales, also my boyfriend.”
To say Tim is shocked is putting it lightly. It would also explain the accent and why he looks somewhat familiar.
Before Tim gets a chance to reply - not that he knows what the correct response of greeting royalty is - Kon, who Tim had admittedly forgotten about until now, pipes up sounding unsure.
“Should we bow?”
A beat goes by and the silence is broken by Alex as he bursts out laughing, Tim facepalms, and Prince Henry’s expression becomes a mixture between amusement and embarrassment. He holds up his free hand with a smile. “There’s no need for that, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Please, Henry is fine.”
Getting over himself Tim shakes his hand and Kon follows suit afterwards. “Nice to meet you.”
So, Alex and a Prince of Wales huh… Tim would have never guessed that. It seems like they’ve both had rather life changing revelations during their time apart.
An elbow in his ribs breaks his thoughts and he rubs the sore spot and glares at his boyfriend. At Kon’s pointed look Tim realises his mistake. Not once, but twice, he’s forgotten about introducing Kon. Whoops.
Clearing his throat and taking a hold of Kon’s hand he finally introduces Kon to the other men. “This Conner Kent, my boyfriend. Kon this Alex and apparently his Prince of Wales boyfriend as you just heard.” Tim immediately rounds on Alex. “How on earth did that happen? You of all people!”
Alex looks affronted and places a hand on his chest in mock hurt. “You wound me Timmy-tam. I am an upstanding American Citizen, I have no idea what you are on about…”
Tim merely raises an eyebrow, a similar look Prince Henry is throwing him too, and after a couple seconds Alex deflates and drops the act. He leans in close to Tim and pretends to whisper behind his hand. “I have no idea either but I am not complaining!” Alex winks at his boyfriend and straightens back up. Prince Henry tries to hide his smile behind a sip of champagne but he isn’t fooling anyone.
Kon steps into the conversation looking as baffled as ever. It’s a cute look on him and Tim can’t help be reminded of the time Kon got confused when he accidently mixed up the chickens as he had been sorting them out in their pens on Kent Farm.
“Tim, how do you know the President’s son? That’s what I’m trying to currently wrap my head around… I mean I know you have friends in high places but this is another level.”
Tim frowns at his question, why wouldn’t he know Alex? They grew up in the same social circle, or Tim did until his mother passed away. Attending fancy dinners with high profile socialites is what they did and Alex happened to be with his mother before she ran for presidency. At a young age, Alex is what made the dinners and any galas bearable for Tim.
Tim turns to Kon gesturing between himself and Alex. “We used to attend these kind of events when we were younger. I used to get dragged along with my parents and Alex and his sister would occasionally be at them too. Despite our age difference, it helped having another young person around at the dinners.”
Alex seems to be looking at him thoughtfully. He takes a sip of his drink before pointing at him teasingly. “You were such a well behaved kid I couldn’t understand it.”
As if a lightbulb had gone off inside Alex’s mind he lights up excited and grins menacingly. From that look alone Tim knew he was in trouble. The situations worsens when Kon takes a keen interest in whatever Alex is about to spill out of his mouth.
“So the first time we met – god about twelve years ago now – we were at an evening gala, my mother was there networking and working on her campaign long before her presidency. As kids, June and I of course had to entertain ourselves. I decided to run and hide from June and slid underneath a random table, it was covered in a white table cloth and was perfect for cover, only I wasn't the only one under there!”
Alex turns to Tim pointedly and sends him a grin, all Tim could do is roll his eyes in response. There’s no point in trying to stop the man from sharing the story, especially not when both Kon and Prince Henry seem invested in hearing it, so he keeps quiet and lets Alex tell it. Kon shoots him a curious gaze but it’s immediately turned back to Alex as he continues speaking.
“Under the table was baby Tim, no more than what, eight years old-“
“Seven.” Tim corrects him. Not that it makes much difference.
“- and he was crying. He was super upset about something. I completely forgot about June and it took me around twenty minutes to calm him down and to work out what was wrong.”
Simultaneously both Kon and Prince Henry send him a concerned yet sympathetic look and despite himself Tim felt himself blush. It’s stupid, this happened years ago.
At this point Alex seems to hesitate, he sends Tim a questioning look, and Tim shrugs in response, waving a hand to say, ‘you can tell them.’ As he said, it happened years ago Tim’s long gotten over what happened by now.
Alex turns to his boyfriend, grabbing his free hand Alex suddenly looks the most unkempt he has done all night so far.
“His parents had left him behind at the gala. They’d been gone for nearly an hour before I found Tim underneath the table.” He whispers, his tone laced with shock and disbelief.
The Prince’s eyes widen and his mouth drops open, his gaze darts between Tim and Alex clearly shocked at reveal. Kon on the other hand grabs Tim’s hand and squeezes it comfortingly, when Tim meets his gaze Kon is wearing an expression of understanding and sadness. After all his boyfriend knows how shitty his parents were when he was young, this honestly isn’t a surprise.
“What – what did you do? Did you call the police, child protective services, there must have been something you done. That - that is absolutely appalling.” Prince Henry stutters out. It says a lot about his character on how he sounds so protective for someone he only just met by hearing story from when were a child that occurred years ago.
Alex shakes his head, continuing on with the story. “No. Not long after I calmed Tim down June actually found us. I ended up coaxing Tim out from underneath the table with some tim-tams while June went and got mom. Mom came and took over, she got Tim talking about what happened and he ended up staying with us for the night.”
Prince Henry looked like he was about to speak up, the hard look on his face telling Tim exactly what he was about to talk about. Tim holds up his hand to stop any questions being asked.
“It was difficult situation and because of who my parents were there wasn't a lot that could actually be done. I wouldn’t have been taken away from them despite what happened that night.” Despite how bad the situation actually was, Tim still feels that instinctive urge to defend his parents. He clears his throat, feeling the need to change topics. “Anyway, it was a shit night and what happened happened.”
Alex raises an eyebrow. “It wasn't all that bad, you met me!”
Tim sends him a look. “I stand by what I said.” He tries his best to stop the playful smirk threatening to break free but in the end loses and lets himself grin.
Alex makes a disgruntled noise and crosses the short space between them in order to throw an arm around Tim’s shoulder and squeezes him tightly. “You love me. Don’t deny it! We had a great little alliance from that night onwards.”
With his face half smushed in Alex’s jacket Tim huffs. He’s used to this sort of treatment by now, not just from Alex but from his brothers too, and even on the occasion from Kon. After several beats Alex lets him go and crosses back over to be by Henry’s side. Tim blinks and immediately sees how well they fit together.
They start on a new topic when Alex brings up Henry’s LGBT+ shelter projects he’s currently working on with his best friend. Tim is immediately invested in learning all about it and even offers up his own information on his Neon Knights programme. Despite the differences in the projects they both agree to try and come up with a way to support one another, they even make a mental note to arrange a meeting so they can talk about it further.
Eventually the First Son and the Prince of Wales’ attention is being called elsewhere. The couple say their farewell’s, along with another hug from Alex, and promise to catch up in a less formal situation another day before wandering off, not hand in hand but certainly close to it.
Tim feels Kon step up to him, a hand sneaking across his back before settling on his waist.
“Well that was interesting.” His boyfriend states seeming amused. Tim instantly feels guilty, he pretty much ignored Kon the entire time as he got caught up in Alex and then in Prince Henry and his projects.
He turns to look at Kon to apologize but the Kryptonian waves it off. “Relax Tim don’t worry about it. If anything I’m sorry about what happened to you. At least Alex had been there and his mom. Crazy to think that the president took you in and looked after you as a kid.”
He guesses it seems rather crazy if he really thinks about it, but then again their whole lives are crazy. The president looking after him when he was a kid actually seems rather mundane compared to everything they deal with on a day to day basis.
Tim hums, unable to come up with a response to Kon’s statement. Alex had helped him that night and many more after that. It’s a shame they ended up losing contact, but then Tim decided to stalk batman across rooftops at night with a camera and became his hero years later and everything else that followed.
Maybe going forward Tim should try and put in the effort to keep in contact with Alex, and now Prince Henry too. Tim needs to start learning to separate his hero life from his civilian life and having some ‘normal’ friends wouldn’t hurt. It’s a work in progress but he’s getting there and this seems like a good stepping stone.
Behind him, Kon presses his chest to his back, and Tim could feel him slipping a hand along his side and into his front pocket of his trousers. Kon ducks his head until he’s pressing his lips against the skin of Tim’s neck towards his ear.
“I don’t know about you, but I think we’re good to go from this dreadful event right?” He trails his lips across Tim’s neck, the action makes him shiver as Kon’s breath ghosts over his skin. “Because I know there’s something I’d rather be doing right now…”
A wanton groan escapes past Tim’s lips without him meaning it too and right there Tim knows he’s done for. Before Kon could get anymore of the upper hand over him, Tim turns around, dislodging Kon's hands, and settles his own hands on Kon’s chest gripping his suit.
“I did make a promise after all did I?”
Kon’s stare is full of lust and desire. It’s an echo to the mood between them earlier. “Better hurry up and get us out of here Tim…”
Tim wastes no time in grabbing Kon's hand and starts leading him towards the exit of the room. As they go he somehow catches Alex’s gaze from across the room and the older man sends him a shit eating grin and a wink. Tim flips him off before continuing to drag Kon out of the event, Alex’s laugh could be heard in the wake of their departure.
He doesn’t care what Bruce has to say about them leaving earlier than scheduled, he has much more important – better – things to do with his night.
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morgansunflower · 19 days
I'm Not Afraid
Jason Todd X Wife! Reader
Warnings:suggestive content, explicit language, blood, injuries, guns.
Requested taglist @too-strong-to-losee @asrainterstellar
Arthur's notes! Tim Drake is 11 and is Jason and Reader's son! Tyler is 7 and is their son. Loosely based off of comic where Alfred is killed by Bane.
Cadmus takes Jason hostage giving him injections with Bane's venom. Do to his new abilities Alfred's death ends drastically different.
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While captured Cadmus had given Jason injections of Venom.. Bane's Venom. The results were well received by the scientists. Who saw Jason as nothing more than a weapon. However his humanity still remained... Even with the torture...
Jason was a foot taller. His could run twice as fast and could see many miles away. The Lazarus mixed with the Venom permanently changed his eye color to a bright green. He could see well within the dark and had a higher pain tolerance.
After he escaped his family was being watched by Cadmus as they were waiting for Jason to arrive or to his worst fear... Kill them if he didn't come forth and do as they ordered. So he wrote a coded message to his son. Tim instantly cracked the code. Once Y/N and her children found Jason hiding deep within the mountains in a safe house.. They stayed there. Where it was safe.
Of course Bane has escaped from Arkham thanks to Thomas Wayne aka, Batman from another universe. Both intending to take over Gotham.. Of course Bruce was at the watchtower.. Of course he can't let Alfred die or let them hurt or kill his baby brother.
Jason growled under his breath seeing the culprits inside Wayne Manor. With his uniform nearly entirely different from before and face completely concealed.. He was nearly unrecognizable.
Damian watches helplessly his eyes shaking in complete dreaded horror. He nearly cried out as Bane was preparing to break Alfred's neck.
Suddenly a great force breaks the window startling everyone. Jay thrust his hands onto Bane's neck forcing him to be shoved back to the wall.
Thomas took out his guns shooting at him. Jason dodged but wasn't able to avoid the bullet that went straight through his arm. Jason yelled out loudly. While in pain Bane took the opportunity to deal damage to Jason.
Damian quickly released his restraints and leaps kicking the guns from both of Thomas's hands.
Alfred heavily breaths keeping himself steady so as to not have a heart attack. He calms down trying to loosen his restraints.
Jason flips backwards avoiding Bane's thrust from his leg. He lands perfect snarling to him to back off or he was really going to hurt him.
Alfred hurried to grab his shotgun loading the weapon and cocks it.
Jason uses his hands to break apart the tubes draining Bane's ability to fight. Bane blinks as a, fist punches him to fall to the ground unconscious.
"get the hell away from him!!" Alfred threatened Thomas, pointing to his chest. "don't think I won't kill you to protect my grandson!"
Thomas took Alfred's weapon as the old man was weakened from the prior altercations. Jason leaps tackling Thomas as his foot was about to press against Damian's chest. He throws the gun from his weak grip. At least compared to Jason's own strength. Jason lifts him up above his own feet. Thomas yelped trying to fight him off.
"get off of me you fucking monster!!"
Jason drags him past the shattered window throwing him far enough to knock him unconscious but not kill him. He scoffed wishing Bruce could see how under control he was now.
Jason did not face those who stood behind him. He was different now... Would they think he's a monster? Is it irrational? Yes. Though he can't. Not now..
"who are you boy?" Alfred asked him "you're bleeding. Please allow me to me repay you and bandage the bullet wound"
He lowly sighed shaking his head heavily breathing. He was exhausted, drained. He felt he would pass out just from the intensity of pace from his heart beat... It wasn't only his adrenaline...
"why did you help us?" Damian asked him.
Jason quickly runs off as he hears, the bat-chopper.
Y/N's eyes shoot open as she wakes up hearing a loud crashing sound in the bathroom. She leaves the bed quickly. She then heard a lowly grunts. She hurried finding Jason cursing while trying to open the medical kit, he had dropped...
She sees the blood dripping down his arm and onto the floor, from the bullet wound. She comes closer to him taking the kit away from his weak hands. She, wasn't going to be able to take care of his wound easily while he was standing. So she motions him to sit down
"I.." he takes a ragged breath "I didn't mean to wake you"
"it's OK, I'm glad you did so I can help you. Just sit down and let me take care of you, ok?" she pleads to him
He gently nodded. He kneels on the floor and rest his arm on the seat of the toilet. She stands near him opening the med kit.
"may I ask what happened?" she asked trying to distract him, soaking a cloth with isopropyl alcohol
"Bane escaped Arkham thanks to fucking Batman from the other universe or whatever. Of course Bruce was the first target" Jason scoffed bitter "but he was gonna kill Alfred to get to him" Jason sighed shaking his head "they had my baby brother to.. They're OK by the way.. Bane and Bastard-Bat's not so much"
"oh babe" she cried sympathizing the fear that must've been consuming him. She also knew if he's here then they definitely don't know "you shouldn't think that they'll think less of you because.. You're different or that the Lazarus becoming more apart of you makes you dangerous.. Maybe they can help get rid of Cadmus?"
"please don't" he begged bitter, he can't think about that.. Not right now at least.
"it's, only because I love you.. This is going to sting"
She gently applied the cloth with isopropyl alcohol, to his wound. The pain caused Jason to cry out. Y/N cringes to herself.
"fuuuuuck!!.." she wipes the blood away and bandages with wound as he heavily breathed "I'm sorry for scaring you. I really don't like being like this. I don't like being so much like a fucking monster"
She tied the bandage securely and then cups his face "you are not scaring me Jason. I'm not afraid of you and you are not a monster. If there is anything you hear or see weighing on me, it's that you are worrying me"
Y/N helps him stand onto his feet. He hunches his back so he can kiss her. He helps her clean his blood on the floor. She takes his hand and guides him to their bedroom. She turns on the lamp on her nightstand.
She helps Jason change into his most comfortable clothes while eternally cringing at his bruises. Afterwards she turns off the lamp.
She moved the covers, he lays in the bed taking the covers and lays it down on himself. Do to his much taller frame, his feet now draped over the end of the bed.
She lifts the covers cuddling right up against him. Jason wraps his arm around her. He was more than enough warmth and comfort for her.
The door knocks and then gently opens by the little boy. Who was accompanied by a even smaller little boy. The Todd brothers had heard their dad's painful shouts and the loud crashes. Both parents look at their concerned children.
"is daddy OK?" Tyler asked
"we just wanted to make sure he's alright" Tim informed hoping that they weren't disturbing them
"your dad is OK sweethearts. He just had a rough night on patrol. He'll be OK" their mother assured.
"I just was being stupid and reckless on patrol.. I'll be alright kiddo's" he glances to Y/N with a silent question, she smiled nodding "you can stay in here tonight. If you want to" he offered
Both boys nodded dramatically. Y/N moves to offer them room into the bed. Tyler and Tim didn't hesitate. Both brother's crawl onto the bed.
Tyler crawled close to his dad hugging him. Jason carefully touches the side of his son's face. He looks to Tim and smiled softly. Tim studied where his Dad's injuries were angered and hugged him carefully.
There was plenty of room for them to lay on him as Jason was quite taller and larger, than he used to be. Jason nestled Tyler between his good arm and chest. Tim laid on the opposite side of his brother, as he laid his head on Jason's lower chest.
Y/N reaches at the end of the bed grabbing the folded additional blanket and lays it on both her sons. She leans over kissing the foreheads of each of her boy's and her husband.
As Y/N turned off the lamp she laid closely to them. Jason smiled softly from the sweet comfort from them. It was exactly what he needs. It was the reassurance he needs... That he isn't a monster. That they're not afraid of him.
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gennydreams · 2 years
Tim: If I had a nickel for every time I got a brother who wanted to kill me, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.
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taralaurel · 1 year
Every "Tim-is-neglected-and-Jason-is-going-to-take-care-of-this-damn-duckling-because-apparently-no-one-else-will" fic:
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"You're home alone."
"Yeah," Tim shrugs.
"What? No babysitter or - nanny - or something?"
Jason checks the doors again because there has to be an adult behind one of them, right?
"I'm nine," Tim rolls his eyes.
"So, they, what, just left the country without you?" Jason rubs at his temple.
Tim is still smiling, but there's something in his eyes that Jason doesn't like.
Jason just sort of stands there. This is not a normal thing to take in, okay? Just give him a second and oh my god -
"You're alone." He repeats.
"Uh, yeah?" Tim furrows his brow.
"You're alone," Jason palms his forehead, "and you just invited a total stranger home?"
This kid has the survival instincts of a walnut.
(Excerpt from the newly posted chapter to my story: Finders Keepers)
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myheadisemptyffonly · 11 months
"Regulus Black is a variant of Tim Drake", my whole life made sense.
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spinning-angel · 1 year
A Batman fanfiction called ‘Must Have Been the Wind’ about Tim Drake leaving Gotham to pursue self-betterment after realizing how badly the batfamily treats him. Dick was nice at first before Dick wanted to send him to Arkham for his ‘mental instability’ and Tim Drake is desperate for love from being so starved of it from his own family. He’s used to being treated badly, explains it away, and even expects it because he’s never known better in his life ever.
Bruce is always too late, for being a detective he is rather blind to actual problems until they have already occurred. He can solve a murder, but he can’t save anyone. He deals in facts, not sensitivities.
Alfred is either silent or an appeaser to both sides.
Dick tries to send him away to Arkham.
Jason tries to murder him.
Cass tried to murder him in the beginning, and even with their now good relationship she abandons him to go to Hong Kong when he needs her most.
Damian tries to murder him multiple times, actively antagonizes him, and still hates him.
I’d like to think he’s scared of anything else at first because he’s used to silently suffering, and something new is much scarier than something familiar. Tim thought it was normal, that his life with his parents and the Wayne’s was love, but ever the detective he starts to question things when he goes to Ives’ house. He has so many questions; like why do his parents ask about his day? Lean in close, rub his shoulder, look at him so affectionately? Playful arguments, laughing at the dinner table, helping each other with dishes, taking care of the other when they’re sick? Why do they want him when to Tim, children should only be around when they are needed without exception? To Tim, children are a necessity because they are expected, not wanted, because Tim is and feels unwanted so much and seeing a family acting like this..he gets a little emotional and confused.
He might act out, yell rage and scream, ‘why do your parents love you, but mine never did!??!!’ And cry while being hugged and soothed. Or he might watch on with scientific integrity, with no spoken opinion, only to politely ask Ives carefully formed questions later in the comfort of only his presence so no one else will be able to hear his voice tremble, see him break whilst his theories are confirmed. He has been abused. By both his parents and Bruce, and not in entirely dissimilar ways either which is probably why he didn’t notice. If Bruce hit him he would have said something, if Bruce touched him he would have went to Dick who would keep him safe, but Bruce hurts him with his inaction. He hold back on touch, love, affection, everything Tim has already been deprived of. Dick gives plenty of hugs, but it’s different from someone who’s supposed to be your father, it is something Tim has never experienced before and fears he never will.
So he leaves, keeps in touch with Ives who showed him what a loving family should act like and anyone else who he thinks would care (Kon, Bart, Cassie, even Duke!!), then disappears into the winds one day. No one notices for months, could even be years, it’s not like Tim is keeping track. At first though, he does. He dreads the fact he left immediately, starts counting the days from the first, hoping and wistfully wondering if one of them is frantically searching for him…but after a while those feelings fade away and he is left feeling utterly content in the knowledge that he got away before he became another dead robin. It was all he would have been in the end, no name, no Tim Drake, Tim Wayne, or just Tim.
He’d have been another faceless robin who died at a time when he should have been going to friends houses, going through puberty, going to parties, teenage angst, petty arguments, hate, love love love —having a life that didn’t revolve around covering up broken bones and bruises in time for school with 30 missing assignments cause he was too busy fighting crime— normal kid things. Instead, he was given two parents who were never around enough to care about him, and gained a brother and a father who only saw his dead successor in everything he did. It made him feel fake, a complete fraud, inhuman. He had to earn their love when he should have already had it.
Now he’s willingly lost everything to start over again, and he’s okay with that. Tim has accepted that sometimes you need to let things go to let other things in. Two steps back to take five steps forward.
Present day, Tim lives in a nice suburban neighborhood where everyone knows each other and the community is small but strong. The type of community where you’ll walk your dog and everyone who passes by will wave and ask about your day, even invite you to their house for dinner. It’s not what his parents would have wanted, but it’s what Tim wants and Tim doesn’t think he has ever had the chance to freely want something before coming here.
He’s not hiding either, he still goes by Tim Drake, Ives comes to visit him when he feels well enough to, Kon, Bart, and Cassie call weekly to talk about life sans superheroing. Even Duke visits in the evenings on weekends and sleeps over on saturdays before leaving late on Sunday because he’s got school tomorrow.
Anyone could find him anytime, but no one has—Dick, Jason, Cass, Damian, Bruce— because they don’t realize they lost him. One day they might finally understand, or attempt to make amends when they try to become better.
Bruce might hug him and say he loves him
Alfred might call him ‘dear boy’ and ask if he’s been eating
Dick might congratulate him for finding peace
Jason might apologize and make it up to him by cooking one of alfreds recipes
Cass might come home permanently and just lie down next to him, no words needed
Damian might pet his dog and call him Timothy
Though, for now Tim doesn’t worry about waiting because the only thing he’s waiting for everyday is walking his dog in the morning and talking to friends who love him. That’s all he needs.
SUMMARY: fanfiction idea about tim healing from toxic family relations and learning how to love and appreciate himself the way he shouldve since the beginning, but he went from shitty parents to even shittier parent so he never had the time to take a breather and think that he doesnt deserve this treatment
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fic-ive-read · 1 year
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Link To The Fic
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I love all my Batboys equally, but I will never forgive Dick for what he did to Tim. I love Tim as Red Robin, but the way Dick just snatched the only familiar thing the boy had after all the tragedies he had just gone through , WAS INSANE. Did he expect Tim to accept it just like that and move on?!?
Like Tim has been stalking the Bats since he was like nine yeas old and forced himself into becoming robin in an effort to save batman and his loved ones.
His WHOLE childhood revolved around the bats.
So Dick made Damian the next robin and expected Tim to stop coming to the batcave altogether and start living a civilian life?!? After all the things he sacrificed for that role.
And he did not even care to give Timmy a heads up about any of this.
I know the reason Dick fired Tim as robin is because he considered him as an equal, but MAN, he messed it up.
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lily-drake · 1 year
In a Different League
This is a link straight to the series’s table of contents. I hope you enjoy!
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