impulseimpact · 7 months
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nearly missed spream but then i did a last second catchup so here are the creatures
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dinodanicus · 2 years
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A lone titanophoneus is caught in a storm while combing the beach for food.
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fishsfailureson · 3 days
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A little headshot of a Titanophoneus
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fangtalksdragons · 7 months
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Results from the Flocking #paleostream Geosterbergia (yes its just a Pteranodon species)with Rodan. Archocyrtus with Mothra. Titanophoneus rapidly aproaching your location(based on the outdated Moscow mounts & Wayne Barlowe piece) with Anguirus. Besanosaurus from bellow. Also 2 more 20 minute Besanosaurus pieces, along with a 10 minute Cotylorhynchus and a Promexyele peyeri deficating.
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blaiddydsaurus · 2 months
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a good permian fella
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i-draws-dinosaurs · 2 years
Have you drawn any permian therapsids?
I don't draw them very often, but I did do a Titanophoneus piece last year that I'm pretty proud of!
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vickysaurus · 2 years
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A long, long time ago, back in the Carboniferous, one species of little amniotes was split in two. As their paths diverged, one group’s descendants became the sauropsids - such as reptiles, birds, and other dinosaurs - and the other group’s descendants became the synapsids - such as therapsids, cynodonts, and mammals. As the millions of years stretched on, our two clades have shared the same planet and lived alongside each other as each evolved into ever new and fascinating forms.
(in every panel, there’s a sauropsid on the left and a synapsid on the right)
-In the Permian, a Titanophoneus looks up in wonder as a Weigeltisaurus glides overhead.
-In the Triassic, a Coelophysis and a Kataigidodon cautiously share a bite of a large piece of carrion they both found.
-In the Jurassic, a Maiopatagium glides around a feeding Mamenchisaurus, hunting the insects attracted by the huge sauropod.
-In the Cretaceous, a Didelphodon captures a young Bambiraptor.
-In the Paleogene, a Picavus rests for a moment on the head of a Paraceratherium.
-In the Neogene, a Titanis hunts a Cormohipparion.
-In the Quaternary, a human gives her pet cockatiel scritches.
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knuppitalism-with-ue · 7 months
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Results from the Flocking #paleostream
Geosterbergia, Archocyrtus, Titanophoneus and Besanosaurus
In addition I fulfilled two more wishes for people who donated the Paleocene Kickstarter, Cotylorhynchus and Cervifurca.
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aberrantologist · 7 months
Flocking Paleostream 9/22/2023
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Another Friday, another batch of silly little fellas I must very quickly draw in about 20 minutes each for the week's #paleostream and they are, as always, deeply and sincerely unserious. Featuring Geosternbergia, Archocyrtus, Titanophoneus, and Besanosaurus. Very blue today.
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ppaleoartistgallery · 7 months
Paleostream 23/09/2023
results of the Paleostream!!!
today we sketched Geosternbergia, Archocyrtus, Titanophoneus, and Besanosaurus
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synapsid-taxonomy · 11 months
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jhave · 1 year
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Titanophoneus chart2 DB15 - Titanophoneus - Wikipedia
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gaetaniu · 1 year
Esperti di geologia trovano prove di una doppia estinzione di massa avvenuta 260 milioni di anni fa
Un team internazionale di ricercatori ha scoperto la prova che l’estinzione di massa di 260 milioni di anni fa furono in realtà due eventi separati da 3 milioni di anni. Secondo gli scienziati, entrambi furono probabilmente causati da eruzioni vulcaniche. Molto prima dei dinosauri, la Terra era dominata da animali per molti versi ancora più incredibili. Carnivori come il Titanophoneus, o…
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fishsfailureson · 6 days
Unless you are me please don't press other without suggesting anything. If the "other" option doesn't win I will put any suggestions in future polls.
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greenfue · 1 year
خبراء يكشفون أدلة جديدة عن أسباب انقراضات جماعية مزدوجة قبل 260 مليون سنة.. فتش عن الاحتباس الحراري
قبل فترة طويلة من ظهور الديناصورات، كانت الأرض تهيمن عليها الحيوانات التي كانت أكثر روعة من نواحٍ كثيرة،كانت الحيوانات آكلة اللحوم مثل Titanophoneus ، أو “القاتل العملاق”، تطارد زواحف مدرعة هائلة بحجم الجاموس. مات العديد من هذه الحيوانات في انقراض جماعي خلال العصر الكابتاني قبل حوالي 260 مليون سنة. يقول فريق دولي من الباحثين، إن الأدلة تشير إلى أن هذا الانقراض الجماعي لم يكن حدثًا واحدًا بل…
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Titanophoneus, top of the food chain in the Guadalupian (265 million years ago, before the dinosaurs) https://t.me/InterestingasfuckBackup/55442 #interestingasfuck #rinterestingasfuck #interestingasfuckreddit #interestingasfucksubreddit #r_interestingasfuck
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