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lis-zhuk · 7 months
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failed ascension // family ocs: Red (echo scug) - me PT (fire scug) and Lumi (with purple accents) - dr.sunshine705 on discord Titea (green snail scug) - @nekoyashiki911
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444namesplus · 7 months
Aa Aarausi Abit Adage Ade Ae Aeetir Aevaka Aidedepi Aie Ao Aoi Ape Api Apiz Araperti Are Aredi Arei Arep Arese Ari Aropet Asi Asitiri Asoro Atedera Ati Atiero Atigidorru Atira Ato Atovet Bator Betap Bii Buo Dapi Dara Dare Dedap Deii Deiu Depero Dete Deti Dido Diptu Dired Diriri Diro Dirpid Dirpii Ditipir Doi Dorfirvegetat Dortesa Ea Edi Edo Edu Ee Efokipo Ei Eia Eire Ekeo Ekipakrerta Eo Eoe Eperou Epi Epudertet Ere Eri Erip Eriposi Eritiati Eroi Eros Eru Eruvrua Esei Etefpepira Etotikirri Etup Eusu Evatigise Fakkera Fao Fei Fere Ferii Fesurpia Feteteo Fiadi Fiero Fifaia Fifegiburi Figi Firez Firie Firoi Fiteefipu Fiuote Fogi Fopi Futragtiti Gaper Garta Gepo Geriite Gertit Gieaia Gipdo Gipepibee Giteo Goa Gogo Gora Gurorikapte Ia Ide Idod Iduia Iea Iee Ife Ii Iie Iikitog Iito Ikup Ioriru Iotare Ipea Ipiti Ira Ireritate Iri Iripii Iriri Iro Irutpapu Ise Isippi Isue Ita Itapita Iti Itii Itor Itori Ituteo Iu Kager Kapiura Kaua Keerirare Kego Kerteti Kidaperisip Kidsa Meiti Mia Nadaptii Noisir Oda Ofi Ogiitoppar Oi Ora Ori Orig Orireapet Osiri Osit Otepi Ou Paa Padai Padse Pafe Pafi Papire Para Parupis Pausa Pefe Pefi Pekairerir Perat Pereuri Pesa Pesadadetson Pesapariri Pesapim Petue Pifidparie Pifteasi Pii Piipe Pipi Pire Pirgu Pisu Piteifu Pitrooidi Piutaburre Pogdit Poraofi Porapi Poro Portut Poru Pote Poterakri Purorortipi Purpo Putaritor Rabu Rade Rafteiee Rai Raii Rapa Raparai Rape Rapepa Raptero Rarem Rarosret Rarriror Rarti Rasou Rasu Ratfipsi Rea Rebre Redpir Reeipe Reipare Reiroruu Repai Repesaeri Repfat Repo Rerat Rerfe Reropu Rerou Rerupagere Resasatiri Resre Retdoeti Ria Riae Riduoa Rie Rifibu Rigara Riie Riiriii Rika Rio Ripip Ripiu Ripo Riradao Rire Riri Rirpi Rirradi Riseg Risi Risro Rita Ritae Ritera Ritpa Roaefrasrif Roaepe Rodape Rofeti Roiti Ropti Roriti Roro Rorre Rosarusi Rotaite Roti Rotir Rotue Roturdurpa Rou Rozat Rozoiito Rua Rufase Ruo Ruppir Ruro Rusrire Ruti Ruto Ruu Ruupo Safirap Saikupare Sasiktipiso See Sefdopirudi Sefori Segir Sepi Seprat Seri Seritorie Sesi Sesporidrof Seto Setoietat Siaip Sidipi Siedu Sifpato Siiaigo Sipi Sirap Siresi Siru Sitesei Soi Soki Sopeie Soptariki Suderartip Surer Surpe Taapi Tadrepa Tagsati Tai Taoroipe Tapot Tardatese Tatore Tau Tazudi Tebi Teetap Tefefuve Tegdo Tepero Tepetu Tepito Tepu Terei Tereti Terida Tese Tesi Tetepi Teti Tia Tiditea Tie Tifas Tipatu Tipe Tipebo Tipi Tiprer Tira Tirade Tiraporukpu Tireripa Tirite Tisi Tisirozo Titarera Titea Titirdir Titiv Tize Toe Topii Tori Torre Torrii Tota Totefdafi Toto Totrai Tuero Tureri Tutaro Udutrerdav Ue Uo Uodip Upi Usa Usipe Utis Uto Uzo Viroefa Vitipotu Vopoi Ziafa Zifo Zigpu Ziro Zitirrite Ziu Zosda
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nogometcharm · 2 years
Gabriel Jesus odbija kriviti bilo koga osim sebe nakon što je izostavljen iz brazilske momčadi
Gabriel Jesus bio je jedan od najboljih igrača Arsenala u uvodnim fazama sezone Premier lige, ali je bio zanemaren zbog mjesta u brazilskoj reprezentaciji za njihove rujanske prijateljske utakmice. Bilo je to iznenađenje za navijače u nogometni dresovi. Ali odbio je kriviti bilo koga osim sebe nakon što je izostavljen iz brazilske momčadi za njihove dvije prijateljske utakmice ovog mjeseca. Nakon što je zabio u nedjeljnoj pobjedi nad Brentfordom, Jesus je rekao da poštuje Titeovu odluku da ga izostavi iz svoje momčadi. Dana 4. srpnja, napadač je stigao u Arsenal iz Manchester Cityja za 45 milijuna funti i odmah je napravio utjecaj.
Jesus je započeo sezonu snažno, upisavši četiri gola i tri asistencije u svojih prvih sedam utakmica kao Topnik. S obzirom na njegovu novootkrivenu formu u Arsenal dres, mnogi su očekivali njegov poziv bez sumnje, a njegovo isključenje bilo je jedno od velikih iznenađenja. Govoreći o svojoj odsutnosti u brazilskoj momčadi, Jesus je za ESPN FC rekao: 'Bilo je [kontakta] nakon objave momčadi, da. Puno poštujem odluku trenera, poštujem Titea, cijeli stožer.' Jesus će vjerojatno iskoristiti izostanak Brazila kao motivaciju, a to može biti samo dobra stvar za Arsenal. Očekivat će se da opet briljira u Arsenal dres.
Ali Jesus je obećao da će marljivo raditi kako bi ponovno osvojio svoje mjesto na Svjetskom prvenstvu, koje je sada za samo dva mjeseca. "Ono što je pod mojom kontrolom je moja izvedba. Uvijek ću pokušati dati sve od sebe, završiti utakmice sa svojom nogometni dresovi. Nastavit ću davati sve od sebe da ponovno dobijem priliku." Jesus je rekao. U međuvremenu, Tite je umjesto njega odabrao niz drugih napadača. Tu su predstavnici Premier lige u obliku Antonyja, Roberta Firmina i Richarlisona. Bez međunarodnog nogometa koji bi ga ometao, Jesus bi trebao pucati iz svih cilindara kada se Arsenal vrati na akciju u derbiju sjevernog Londona u subotu, 1. listopada.
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antisisyphus · 4 years
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breakmyfemur · 3 years
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coolbugs · 3 years
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Bug of the Day
A fresh BotD! Got into the 70s this past week, so I put some lights out and got a few Phigalias, including this half-wing, Phigalia titea
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funsize-mermaid · 3 years
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HAHAHAHAHA naglilinis akong kwarto ko tapos nakita ko tong keychain na binigay saken ng ka-barkada ko HAHAHAHA actually frienship keychain yan, iba iba kami ng superhero. Saken black iron man yung helmet 🥲 HAHAHA amp di ko naman magawang keychain kasi nahuhulog yung titea (kaya tinawag namin tong cutietea) 😅 meow wala lang 🤣
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onenicebugperday · 4 years
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Here is a very charismatic and mysterious caterpillar/inchworm in NorthEast MI (ps sorry if i submitted this twice) Any clue on what it is?
Cute little inchworm!!! It’s a geometer moth caterpillar, in this case a half-wing moth, Phigalia titea. Adults look like this:
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Nice! Fuzzy! Photo by edporopat
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aetsaila · 4 years
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fleurdebleue · 5 years
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shophrvats · 2 years
Dokazuju se trojica južnoameričkih igrača Paris Saint-Germaina
Nakon što je Paris Saint-Germain eliminirao iz Real Madrida u UEFA Ligi prvaka, navijači su doveli u pitanje izvedbu svih osim Kyliana Mbappéa. Čak i Lionel Messi, Ángel Di María i Neymar, od kojih su sva trojica izviždani od strane domaćih navijača na Parku prinčeva. No tri igrača iz Južne Amerike dokazala su se u kvalifikacijama za Svjetsko prvenstvo 2022. nakon što su skinuli Paris Saint-Germain nogometni dres i vratili se u reprezentaciju.
Zar nogometna reprezentacija Argentine i nogometna reprezentacija Brazila nemaju isti sastav kao Paris Saint-Germain? Propituju li obožavatelji Parc des Princesa i dalje svoju zvijezdu? Nakon što je nogometna reprezentacija Argentine pobijedila nogometnu reprezentaciju Venezuele s 3-0, navijači su skandirali ime Lionela Messija kako bi proslavili pobjedu. Čak i dječji navijači ljube Argentina nogometni dres na kojem je otisnut broj 10. Lionel Messi i Ángel Di María zabili su u ovoj utakmici, što je s razlikom između argentinske nogometne reprezentacije i momčadi Paris Saint-Germaina? Ili jaz između izbornika argentinske nogometne reprezentacije Lionela Scalonija i trenera Paris Saint-Germaina Mauricija Pochettina? Nogometna reprezentacija Brazila pobijedila je nogometnu reprezentaciju Čilea sa 4-0, a u utakmici je zabio i Neymar. Je li to razlika između brazilske nogometne reprezentacije i sastava Paris Saint-Germaina? Ili jaz između izbornika brazilske nogometne reprezentacije Titea i trenera Paris Saint-Germaina Mauricija Pochettina?
Hoće li navijači Parc des Princesa vidjeti utakmicu kvalifikacija za Svjetsko prvenstvo 2022.? Jesu li Lionel Messi, Ángel Di María i Neymar loše? Jesu li vidjeli navijače navijača dviju reprezentacija, pravi problem za Paris Saint-Germain nisu bila trojica južnoameričkih igrača. Trener Paris Saint-Germaina Mauricio Pochettino mora naučiti od trenera Real Madrida Carla Ancelottija kako upravljati svlačionicom i taktički.
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wallpapernifty · 4 years
Ten Things That Happen When You Are In Butterfly On Flower Drawing | Butterfly On Flower Drawing
Abounding of the garden centermost stars that draw the best absorption are plants with big, blatant flowers. But there’s a accumulation of plants that can accept aloof as abundant mural value: plants with tiny flowers.
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Anne E May Impressions: Butterflies with flowers pencil drawing – butterfly on flower drawing | butterfly on flower drawing
These selections can be outstanding additions to your garden, and you should bulb some this summer. Here are a few of my admired plants with tiny flowers.
Known botanically as Buddleia, butterfly backcountry has flowers composed of acquiescently ambrosial panicles with endless of tiny blooms in assorted shades of white, blue, purple, pink, red and akin yellow. The flowers are displayed on arching adroit stems. Butterflies, bees and hummingbirds adulation them.
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Rene: April 2010 – butterfly on flower drawing | butterfly on flower drawing
Butterfly backcountry can be a rather ample mural bulb with a apart growing addiction that should never be independent by pruning. That is why I absolutely like the selections with abate statures.
My admired may be Flutterby Petite Tutti Frutti Pink, which displays 7- to 8-inch panicles of fuchsia-red flowers, anniversary with a lighter center. They are abundant to adore back developed in a ablaze mural — absolutely a garden abundance to behold.
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How to draw butterfly realistically on a flower step by .. | butterfly on flower drawing
Plant butterfly backcountry in the abounding sun for best flowering. Growing it in the adumbration will abate flowering, and the bulb will become attenuate and leggy. Butterfly backcountry is advanced of about any clay blazon as continued as it’s well-drained.
Vitex in a garden makes those who canyon by stop and booty notice, but it additionally makes an outstanding baby timberline for the landscape.
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Learn How to Draw a Butterfly on a Flower – Step by Step .. | butterfly on flower drawing
Serena Angelonia is frequently alleged summer snapdragon, and it was alleged a Mississippi Medallion champ in 2007. This bulb has annual stalks that are
Ten Things That Happen When You Are In Butterfly On Flower Drawing | Butterfly On Flower Drawing – butterfly on flower drawing | Encouraged to be able to my personal website, with this time period We’ll explain to you about keyword. And now, here is the first graphic:
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Amapolas 39 – Diaz de vivar gustavo – butterfly on flower drawing | butterfly on flower drawing
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Butterfly And Sun Flower Coloring Print – Drawing Of A Butterfly .. | butterfly on flower drawing
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How To Draw A Butterfly On A Flower – Art For Kids Hub – – butterfly on flower drawing | butterfly on flower drawing
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Стоковая векторная графика «Hand Drawing Butterfly Flower On .. | butterfly on flower drawing
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Hand Drawn Butterfly And Flowers Stock Illustration – Illustration .. | butterfly on flower drawing
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Nature flowers drawing | Graphic Illustration Butterfly Flowers .. | butterfly on flower drawing
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Butterfly And Flower Drawing at GetDrawings | Free download – butterfly on flower drawing | butterfly on flower drawing
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how to draw a butterfly on a flower, butterfly and flower .. | butterfly on flower drawing
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Butterfly Flower by ~davepinsker on deviantART | Butterfly sketch .. | butterfly on flower drawing
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Painted Lady – butterfly on flower drawing | butterfly on flower drawing
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Flower Purple clipart – Butterfly, Drawing, Color, transparent .. | butterfly on flower drawing
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Melanargia titea palestinensis – butterfly on flower drawing | butterfly on flower drawing
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Butterfly Drawings In Color | butterfly rose by evolra .. | butterfly on flower drawing
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Beautiful butterfly – butterfly on flower drawing | butterfly on flower drawing
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16+ Butterfly Drawings, Art Ideas | Design Trends .. | butterfly on flower drawing
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How To Draw A Butterfly On A Flower – YouTube – butterfly on flower drawing | butterfly on flower drawing
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20+ Butterfly Drawings, Art Ideas | Design Trends .. | butterfly on flower drawing
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Butterfly Flower by ~davepinsker on deviantART | Flower .. | butterfly on flower drawing
The post Ten Things That Happen When You Are In Butterfly On Flower Drawing | Butterfly On Flower Drawing appeared first on Flower Nifty.
from Wallpaper Nifty https://www.flowernifty.com/ten-things-that-happen-when-you-are-in-butterfly-on-flower-drawing-butterfly-on-flower-drawing/
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fotomacherthomas · 4 years
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➭SWIPE➭for new insect macro photos!😊 What species are they? Here's what I think: (No guarantee XD) I will whrite a question mark when I am unsure 1.,8. Nematopogon swammerdamella (🇩🇪Gelber Langfühler) 2. Palomena prasina (🇩🇪Grüne Stinkwanze) 3. Lasius Niger (?) (🇩🇪Schwarze Wegameise(?)) 4. Lasius Niger(?) vs.(,+9.)Cetonia aurata (🇩🇪Goldglänzender Rosenkäfer) 5. Gerridae... (🇩🇪Wasserläufer...) 6. Stenoptilia... (🇩🇪Federmotten...) 7. Curculio glandium (🇩🇪Eichelbohrer) 10.Phigalia titea(?) (🇩🇪Stachelschleifer/Halbflügelmotte(?)) || #palomenaprasina #Lasiusniger #nematapogonswammerdamella #Centoniaaurata #Stenoptilia #curculio #curculioglandium #Phigaliatitea #insectphotography #igbest_macros #macrophotography #macro_features #macroofinstagram #macroworld #insectlovers #invert_macro #gelberlangfühler #grünestinkwanze #loveanimals #animalsarefriendsnotfood #vegan #makrofotografie #naturfotografiedeutschland #sonyalphaa7ii #laowa25mm28 #naturfotografie_deutschland #naturelove #nature #insekten #Dresden || (All shots where taken with the @venuslaowa 25mm f2.8 2.5-5x ultramacro lens and the @sonyalpha 7II) (hier: Sachsen, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_iNKwLHjMw/?igshid=1ohc6l90hyx61
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edufinonline · 5 years
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Maramureş: Traficul aerian din şi înspre Baia Mare, în creştere, remarcă secretarul de stat Dragoş Titea Traficul aerian pe Aeroportul Internaţional Maramureş este în creştere ca urmare a redeschiderii aeroportului şi a revenirii curselor interne operate de Tarom pe conexiunea Bucureşti-Baia Mare-Bucureşti, dar şi a zborurilor
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